60th year, No. 2
Serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta Military Community in Italy
Chief’s Exam
Friday, January 16, 2015
DoD Officials Announce European Infrastructure Consolidation By Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jake Richmond DoD News, Defense Media Activity
More than 200 Sailors from Naples-area commands took the E-7 Navywide advancement exam in the Child and Youth Programs Gym on the Support Site of Naval Support Activity Naples Jan. 15. The Navy Advancement Center will rank order candidates in each rating by their Final Multiple Score (FMS). The new FMS formula for E-7 states the exam score counts toward 40 percent of the score, while the candidate's performance mark average counts toward 60 percent. Only 1st class petty officers with an FMS that falls in the top 60 percent, among all rank-ordered candidates in a rating, will be considered E-7 Selection Board Eligible. (Photo by MCC Travis Simmons)
Hagel Expresses Condolences to French Defense Minister DoD News, Defense Media Activity
In a Jan. 9 phone call to French Defense Minister JeanYves Le Drian, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel conveyed his condolences for the loss of life in last week’s terrorist attack and promised him any help the Defense Department can provide, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said. In a statement summarizing the call, which Kirby noted had been scheduled for some time, the admiral said Hagel also thanked Le Drian for France’s strong and enduring partnership over the years, specifically for its counterterrorism leadership in Africa’s Sahel region. Significant Contributions to Campaign Against ISIL In addition, the admiral said, Hagel commended France’s significant contributions to the campaign to counter the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. “Minister Le Drian wished Secretary Hagel well as he prepares to depart the Pentagon, and the two reflected on the friendship they have enjoyed,” Kirby said.
Brian Hill, Banking Center Manager for Community Bank and Terri Rooney, European Theater Manager for Community Bank, cut the cake at the grand opening of the new office for Community Bank at NSA Naples, Capodichino, Dec. 13. Located in Bldg. 450 across from the Capo FitZone, Community Bank, is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Operated by Bank of America, Community Bank has 68 branches in 10 countries overseas and has had a presence at NSA Naples for more than seven years providing service members with a wide range of financial services. (Photo by MC2 Eva-Marie Ramsaran)
CAPTAIN’S CORNER. . . . . . . . . 2 BASE NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ITALIAN NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 NAVY HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 FFSC CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SOUND OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 MOVIES / USO TOURS . . . . . . . 9 WORD SEARCH / COLOR ME 12
oBama Unveils CyBer Plan . . . . . . page 7
Craig Karges Performs magiC page 11
SPOTLIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 JOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Defense Department officials today announced plans to consolidate some military infrastructure in Europe to save the U.S. government more than $500 million annually while maintaining capability and commitments. The plans represent the culmination of the European Infrastructure Consolidation process, a two-year effort that was designed to ensure long-term efficiency and effectiveness of the U.S. presence in Europe, officials said. The consolidation incorporates the return of 15 sites to their host nations, part of U.S. European Command’s continued effort to remove nonenduring sites from its real-property inventory and allow more resources to be focused on other Eucom mission requirements. Not Affecting Capability “In the end, this transformation of our infrastructure will help maximize our military capabilities in Europe and help strengthen our important European partnerships so that we can best support our NATO allies and partners in the region,” Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said. Hagel discussed the decisions yesterday with his counterparts in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Portugal – the four countries affected most by the actions. Derek Chollet, assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs told reporters at the Pentagon today that European and trans-Atlantic security is more important than ever. “We are not affecting our operational capability,” Chollet said. “The EIC adjustments do not diminish our ability to meet our commitments to allies and partners.
Infrastructure Consolidation Page 11
PANORAMA January 16, 2015
By Capt. Doug Carpenter NSA Naples Commanding Officer
Now- Feb. 6: Naval IG Area Visit Internet-Based Survey
terested community members can also visit www.ascnapoli.com for team information.
We’re halfway through January and if you’re like me, you’re already thinking about getting those taxes filed. Active duty Air Force, Army and Navy, should have access to their W-2s on Saturday, January 24th. That doesn’t mean you should wait until then to get your records and information together. Start early so you can get your return as soon as possible. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program will be up and running this tax season at both the Support Site and Capodichino. The foundation of the VITA program is volunteers, so if you’re interested and able to support, please contact Lt. Tibaneli at 081568-6702 to register for the Jan. 26- 30 IRS training. You’ll receive free training and get a certificate upon completion; not to mention you’ll be able to help our community get through another tax season. As we start another long weekend with the chance to travel and explore, I ask that you keep in mind and reflect on the amazing efforts put forth by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His life’s journey and rise as a public figure still inspires the Nation and continues to encourage all U.S. citizens to live in harmony and realize their full potential. He applied the principals of nonviolent protest to force our country to reflect on equality and change laws related to voting rights, equal pay, quality education for all and racial segregation. Dr. King was a towering leader and became a national figure in the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott after Rosa Parks’ arrest. It was the 1963 March on Washington with more than 250,000 participants where Dr. King delivered the famous “I Have a Dream” speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial to promote equal rights and communicate his vision for America. The event had a significant and lasting impact on our country’s history and led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He received the Nobel Peace Prize shortly after. The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial was opened on the National Mall in 2011 with inscriptions on the walls from many of King’s sermons and speeches. On Monday, take the time to remember Dr. King, his contribution to our culture, and the sacrifices so many have made to improve our country. On Tuesday, Jan. 27 I invite everyone to attend the Combined Multi-Cultural Heritage Committee’s celebration of Dr. King. It will take place in the Capodichino theater from 11 a.m. to noon and is open to everyone. There have been a lot of school events, competitions and meetings lately, as well as the announcement of some new scholarship opportunities. Thank you for taking part in these activities and supporting our NHS Wildcats sports teams, who are having an amazing year. The UNDEFEATED wrestling team will be hosting their last home meet of the season next Saturday at 10 a.m. They’ll be using the meet to also raise cancer awareness, which is an impressive goal for our wrestlers. They’re asking that attendees wear pink as they fill the high school’s stands and there will be speeches given by high school members who have been touched by cancer before the match starts. It should be a great event and hopefully our Wildcats wrestlers finish their season undefeated. Come out and support your teams, support the boosters, and support your community! Enjoy your weekend, be safe and look out for one another.
The Naval Inspector General conducts Readiness and Quality-of-Life Area Visits to Navy regions and activities worldwide. As part of the upcoming Naples IG Area Visit, all active-duty and Reserve Sailors and civilian employees are requested to participate in an internet-based survey to capture concerns and identify areas to improve readiness. The survey is scheduled to be active until Feb. 6. Participation is voluntary and responses are anonymous and kept strictly confidential. Feedback provided will help identify focus areas regarding quality of home and work life, and region support services. The survey can be completed by visiting www.secnav.navy.mil/ig/Pages/Naples-AreaVisit.aspx.
Jan. 19- 24: Martin Luther King Jr. Week at the Libraries
JFC International Store Access for U.S. ID Holders U.S. Department of Defense service members, civilian employees and their sponsored family members who are not assigned to NATO have access to shop at the International Store located at Allied Joint Force Command Naples in Lago Patria. The International Store sells clothing and accessories, perfume, spirits and wine, food and beverages as well as audio and video appliances, computers, mobile phones, accessories and chargers. In order to access the store and have shopping privileges, personnel must first obtain a bar code for their U.S. Military Common Access Card (CAC). The duty-free barcode may be received from the In & Out Processing Center located at JFC Naples in building A-6, room 301. A valid DoD government ID card must be provided. The barcode privileges will allow non-assigned members to purchase items from the International Store at JFC Naples. Ration card items (tobacco and hard-alcohol) cannot be purchased at the international store even with a national ration card. Hard-alcohol is defined as spirits containing 33 percent or more alcohol per volume. For more information please contact Petty Officer First Class David Rattler at 081-721-2396.
Scholarships for Military Children Available at Commissary Applications for the 2015 Scholarships for Military Children Program are available at commissaries worldwide or online at www.militaryscholar.org. The program awards at least one $2,000 scholarship at each commissary with qualified applicants. An applicant must be a dependent, unmarried child, younger than 21 (or 23, if enrolled as a fulltime student at a college or university) of a service member on active duty, Reserve or Guard member, retiree; a survivor of a military member who died while on active duty; or a survivor of a retiree. Applications must be turned in to a commissary by close of business Feb. 13. Applicants should ensure they and their sponsor are enrolled in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) database and have a military ID card. For more information, call Silvana Carola at 081-811-4871 or email NaplesNSA.Commissary@deca.mil.
American Soccer Club of Napoli (ASC) Mid-Year Tryouts The American Soccer Club of Napoli (ASC) is holding mid-year tryouts for those interested in joining the club. Due to the club size, tryouts will only be for children born in 2000 or 2001. All U.S. military ID card holders, Department of Defense civilians and NATO families are welcome to become members. Tryouts will be held Mondays and Wednesdays until the team roster is filled. If you have additional questions, please email the ASC membership director at membership@ascnapoli.com. In-
PANORAMA Associato all’uSPI unione Stampa Periodica Italiana
Naval Support Activity Naples Italy Capt. Doug Carpenter Cmdr. Jay Driskell MCC Travis Simmons Teresa Merola
Commanding Officer Executive Officer Public Affairs Officer Public Affairs/COMREL Specialist
Editorial Staff Gary Nichols, Editor: Free Mercato Ads: Paid Advertising:
naplespanorama@eu.navy.mil Tel. 081/568-5912 Tel. 081/568-5912 Tel. 081/568-7884 Fax 081/568-7887 E-mail: stampagenerale@tin.it
This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of Panorama are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U. S. Navy. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, or Stampa Generale S.r.l. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The Panorama editorial office is located at Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy, PSC 817, Box 1, FPO AE 09622-0001. Telephone: commercial 081-568-5335/5912; DSN 626-5335/5912. Email: naplespanorama@eu.navy.mil.
Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr. at the Support Site Library and Capo Connections through bibliographies, displays, special books and a quiz! For more information, call DSN 629-4361 or 081-811-4361.
Jan. 19, 24 (Family Trip), 31: NOR One Day Ski/ Snowboard Trips Enjoy a day on the snow in the nearby resorts of Campitello, Roccaraso or Pescasseroli (location of trip depends on ski conditions). Bus transportation fee is $15 per adult (minimum of 30 people required), $10 per child (12 years of age and under), and free for kids 3 years of age and below (based on space availability). The Family Trip special includes one free child bus transportation for each paid adult reservation (must be used on the same date). Family trips are also open to singles and/or patrons without families. Youth 17 years of age and younger must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian. For more information, call DSN 629-4947 or 081811-4947.
Jan. 20, 30: Food Handler Course Taught by U.S. Naval Hospital Naples U.S. Naval Hospital Naples will be offering a food handler class on Tuesday, Jan. 20 from 10 a.m. to noon in the Support Site hospital’s classroom 1B, and then on Jan. 30 from 10 a.m. to noon at JFC Naples in the Navy Element conference room. The class teaches food handling safety for individuals who will participate in temporary food events such as command fundraisers, social events, bake sales, or any other short term event that involves preparing and serving food. Please register by calling DSN 629-4170 or 081-811-4170. Additional dates will be held throughout the year.
Jan. 21: Child Find Screening at Naples Elementary School The next child find screening will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 21 at the Naples Elementary School. Any child aged 3-5 is eligible for this free developmental screening. Pre-registration is required. Contact Theresa Burley at DSN 629-4133 or 081-811-4133 for more information or visit the school to register. Subsequent screenings will be held the third Wednesday of each month.
Jan. 21: ShipShape Weight Management Program at Capo Branch Health Clinic Are you ready for your next PRT? Are you tired of scrambling last minute? The Capodichino Branch Health Clinic will be hosting the next cycle of the ShipShape Weight Management Class starting on Wednesday, Jan. 21 at 3 p.m. Classes will continue for eight weeks with meetings at the same time and location. To sign up for ShipShape, or to obtain more information on the program, please call the Health Promotions department at DSN 629-6445 or 081-811-6445, or send an email to napleshealthpromotion@med.navy.mil.
Jan. 22: Capo Main Gate Night Closure The Capodichino main gate is scheduled to be closed for maintenance on Thursday, Jan. 22 from 8 p.m. to midnight. The Capodichino back gate will be open for all inbound and outbound traffic during this time. For additional information, please contact Physical Security at DSN 626-2259 or 081-568-2259.
See BASE NOTES Page 13
Panorama is published weekly on Friday by Stampa Generale S.r.l. Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy Tel. 081-568-7884, Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: stampagenerale@tin.it - Autorizzazione Tribunale di Napoli No. 3404 del 3.4.1985. Direttore Responsabile: Bruno Brandi. Stampa: Arti Grafiche Boccia SpA, Salerno; Fotocomposizione: Stampa Generale S.r.l. - Tel. 081-568-7884. Stampa Generale is a private firm in no way connected with the U. S. Navy under exclusive written contract with the U. S. Navy. The editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office of the Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy. All news and feature articles and announcements submitted to Panorama are subject to editing to conform with contemporary standards of journalistic objectivity, clarity and relevance. We welcome any contributions, suggestions or comments dealing with community issues. Submissions for publication in Panorama will be accepted on the basis of newsworthiness, timeliness and space available. All copy must be submitted in Microsoft Word format in an e-mail to the editor at: naplespanorama@eu.navy.mil. Each submission must include the name and telephone number of the author. DEADLINE FOR ALL COPy AND PhOTOS IS AT CLOSE OF BuSINESS FRIDAy PRIOR TO PuBLICATION DATE.
PANORAMA January 16, 2015
NAPOLITANO RESIGNS Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Republic of Italy resigned Wednesday after almost nine years in office. Napolitano, 89, was elected in 2006 and in 2013 he reluctantly agreed to a second term to avoid a political crisis, after parliament failed to vote in a successor. He always said he would not serve all of his second seven-year term, but vowed to guarantee stability in the country’s top institutional positions throughout Italy’s duty presidency of the EU, which ended Jan. 13. Napolitano announced two weeks ago that his advanced age had made it difficult for him to perform the duties of his office. Senate Speaker Pietro Grasso will take over the head of state’s responsibilities on an interim basis. By the end of this month, a special session of lawmakers from both houses of parliament and representatives from regional governments will start voting on his successor.
SMOKING BAN EXPANDING Italy’s Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin is working to ban smoking in parks, beaches and in cars where children are present. In 2005, Italy became the third country in Europe to ban smoking in indoor public places including bars, cafes, nightclubs and cinemas. According to Istat, the national statistical agency, the number of smokers has fallen from 23.8 to 10.5 percent since then. Recently, Italy banned smoking in school buildings and in hospitals following European directives. Measures were taken to fight smoking, especially by young people, and the minimum age to buy cigarettes was raised to 18.
FIAT-CHRYSLER TO ADD 1,500 NEW JOBS Fiat-Chrysler will create 1,500 new jobs at its plant in Melfi, Basilicata region over the next three months. The plant received more than one billion euros for the production of the Jeep Renegade and Fiat500X models ranked among the top 10 selling vehicles in Italy. Chief Executive Officer Sergio Marchionne said that Fiat will sell five million cars this year and this is a positive signal for Italy. Experts
say the European auto industry, hit hard by the economic crisis, is benefiting from the downward spiral of oil prices.
NATIONAL MUSEUMS LOOKING FOR NEW DIRECTORS The Italian Ministry of Culture Dario Franceschini launched last week an international selection process for the appointment of directors for 20 of Italy’s top museums. Franceschini started to re-organize the Italian museum system to better preserve and valorize the national cultural heritage. The international selection process regards the appointments of directors for the 20 autonomous museum including the Borghese Gallery, the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art and the National Gallery of Ancient Art in Rome, the Uffizi Gallery, the Academy Gallery and the Bargello National Museum in Florence, the Academy Gallery in Venice, the Capodimonte Museum and the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, the Brera Gallery in Milan, the Royal Palace in Caserta, the Estense Gallery in Modena, the Marche National Gallery in Urbino, the Umbria National Gallery in Perugia, the National Archaeological Museum in Reggio Calabria, the National Archaeological Museum in Taranto, the Archaeological Park at Paestum, the Ducale Palace in Mantova, the Royal Palace in Genoa and the Royal Palaces in Turin. The job application was published on the culture ministry website and appeared in the British weekly magazine The Economist last Friday. The deadline for applications is Feb. 15 and the candidates will be screened by a panel of five experts. The selected candidates will remain in post for four years with a gross annual salary of between 78,000 and 145,000 euros, plus a possible productivity bonus of up to 40,000 euros. There have been also consultations to choose directors for 17 new museum centers. Reforms started last July with the late opening hours and entry fees at State-run museums, monuments and archaeological sites. The top sites for visitor numbers are still the Colosseum in Rome, the archaeological area of Pompeii outside Naples and the Uffizi gallery in Florence.
USO NAPLES is looking for outgoing and enthusiastic volunteers to join their committee to make a tangible difference in the community through special events and outreach. If interested, please email Shannon McCaulley at shannon.mccaulley@uso.it or call the USO Capodichino office at DSN 626-5713. NAPLES OVERSEAS SUPPORT CLUB (NOSC) is seeking committed members to serve as Vice President of Fundraising, Membership Chairperson, Parliamentarian, and Shopping on the Boot Editor for the 2014-15 board term. For more information, please visit www.noscitaly.com or email noscitaly@gmail.com. THE TRANSATLANTIC COUNCIL OF THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA is looking for Eagle Scouts in the Naples community to update the National Eagle Scout Association database. All Eagle Scouts, both active and not active in scouting are asked to send an email with their last name, first name, email address, hometown/community, and council/district name where they earned their Eagle rank, to Troop 007 committee chair Jeff Arter at jeffarter@hotmail.com. "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle." NAPLES AMERICAN RED CROSS (ARC) needs volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering or in taking a CPR/First Aid class, call 081-568-4788 or 626-4788 for more information. You can also "like" our Facebook page - American Red Cross Naples - to keep up with current opportunities. NAPLES HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB is looking for new board members. Consider offering your time to further the work of the Athletic Booster Club. The club is accepting nominations and applications for the 2014-15 Board. We will call for a membership-wide vote in May, with the new Board installed in June. The current board is working to have summer and fall kick off plans in place to ease the transition, as well as a healthy bank account to seed 2014-15 Wildcat Athletics. Job descriptions for president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, membership, Webmaster, publicity/marketing and spirit wear can be found at www.naplesboosterclub.com in the documents section. Please contact president@naples boosterclub.com or membership@naplesboosterclub.com for more information. FLEET AND FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER is looking for volunteers to assist in the event of an emergency. Volunteers could be called upon if families are relocated to Support Site due to a natural disaster or similar emergency that exceeds what the FFSC staff can support. Volunteers may greet families, inquire about needs, organize supplies, complete paperwork, etc. Being on the list does not obligate anyone to a future event. If you are interested in volunteering for this, please call 081-811-6372 or email FFSCNSANaplesItaly@eu.navy.mil. CLUB BEYOND is searching for volunteers to serve as Adult Leaders. Leaders assist in planning, setup and conducting small group meetings with students in grades 7 through 12. Leadership training lasts a month. If interested, please contact Arturo Paulino at apaulino@clubbeyond.org for an appointment.
More “Inside Page” on Page 9
PANORAMA January 16, 2015
Partnerships Matter Adm. Mark Ferguson, commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa, was in Morocco meeting with the U.S. Ambassador to Morocco, as well as his counterparts in the Royal Moroccan Navy. About 90 percent of all global trade moves on the world’s oceans. Trade is the driver for all nations to realize greater prosperity; greater prosperity enables increased investments in navies and other security organizations; and greater security leads to a more stable world. For this reason, safe, secure waterways are a benefit to all nations.
On Jan. 14, 1863, Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles signed U.S. Navy General Order No. 4, the Emancipation Proclamation. Three-and-a-half months earlier, on Sept. 22, 1862, shortly after the Battle of Antietam – the first major battle of the Civil War to take place on Union soil and the bloodiest single-day in American history – President Abraham Lincoln gathered his cabinet to present the latest version of his Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln had been working on the document but had been advised to step cautiously and slowly regarding its public announcement. Knowing the proclamation would have historic and far-reaching ramifications The proclamation was published that same day and it took effect Jan. 1, 1863, affirming the emancipation of slaves in all states still in rebellion.
USO Delivers Care Packages to Departing Soldiers, Families
Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles
USO Delivers Care Packages to Departing Soldiers, Families Families and friends bid farewell to several Army troops last week at the start of a long deployment. USO Naples delivered care packages to the troops and Trevor Romain kits for the military children. We are proud to support those who support us. (Photo courtesy of USO Naples)
NAPLES NOVEMBER 2014 BIRTHS Nov. 4, 2014, Lucille Alice Traynor, 8 pounds 12 ounces, daughter of Caitlin L. Traynor and YN2 Michael P. Traynor
Nov. 14, 2014, Eve Lynnae Johnson, 9 pounds 12 ounces, daughter of Angela J. Johnson and MA3 Stetson S.T. Johnson
Nov. 6, 2014, Natalia Mizuki Licon, 6 pounds 13.3 ounces, daughter of Fumika M. Licon and Senior Chief Mario Licon
Nov. 16, 2014, Jasmine Rose Gray, 5 pounds 11 ounces, daughter of IT1 Antonisha L. Fox and IT2 Royce O. Gray
Nov. 7, 2014, Joshua Matthias Rose, 8 pounds 15.4 ounces, son of Kazandee V. Rose and MM1 Stedroy C. Rose
Nov. 17, 2014, Graham Maximillian, 8 pounds 1 ounce, son of Emily R. Jones and SPC Travis V. Jones
Nov. 12, 2014, Fiona Marie Koll, 8 pounds 13 ounces, daughter of Laura K. Koll and Chief Petty Officer Matthew P. Koll
Nov. 21, 2014, Ryan Matteo Hengel Jr, 7 pounds, son of Stefania Hengel and CPT Ryan M. Hengel
Nov. 13, 2014, Alzle Gabia Dedios, 5 pounds 14.9 ounces, daughter of Wendy H.G. Dedios and CS2 Alvic Y. Dedios
Nov. 24, 2014, Lydia Scarlett Miller, 7 pounds 10 ounces, daughter of Lt. Julie M. Miller and Mr. Steven M. Miller
Nov. 13, 2014, Kaylee Aurora Ferris, 4 pounds, daughter of Kimberlee D. Ferris and MA2 Joshua S. Ferris
Nov. 30, 2014, Kara Anne Woodring, 5 pounds, daughter of Whitney A. Woodring and Chief Petty Officer Jeremy M. Woodring
HOSA’s Only International Chapter based at Naples Middle High School
For more information about local Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) events, visit www.facebook.com/NaplesFFSC • Jan 16: Prenatal Parenting, 9-10:30 a.m., Support Site FFSC (2 of 3) • Jan 16: Resume Writing, 2-4 p.m., Support Site FFSC • Jan. 19: Duomo Church & Michele Pizzeria (“Eat, Love, Pray” restaurant), 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., (Meeting Point: McDonald’s Café outside of Capo). • Jan. 20: Easy Italian, 9 a.m. to noon, Support Site FFSC (2 of 3). • Jan. 21: TAP Capstone, 9 a.m. to noon, Support Site FFSC. • • Jan. 21: Pasta Store, 10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., Carpool – Meeting Point: Support Site TLA, Lobby. Cost is 4 euro to be paid at the store. • Jan. 21: Mood Management, 1 to 4 p.m., Support Site FFSC (2 of 2). • Jan. 21: Becoming a Love & Logic Parent, 1 to 3 p.m., Support Site, FFSC (3 of 7). • Jan. 22: St. Gennaro Catacombs, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Carpool (Meeting place: Capo, First Garage by main gate). Cost is 8 euro. • Jan. 22: Smooth Move, 8:30 a.m. to noon, Support Site FFSC. Note All non-Navy personnel may arrive at 9:30 a.m. Call for details. Registration required. • Jan. 22: Relaxation Techniques for Labor and Delivery, 9 to 10:30 a.m., Support Site FFSC (1 of 2). • Jan. 22: Employment Opportunities in Naples, 2 to 4 p.m., Support Site FFSC. • Jan. 22: Teen Hires, 3 to 5 p.m., Support Site FFSC. • Jan. 22: Ombudsman Assembly Meeting, 6 to 8 p.m., Support Site FFSC. • Jan. 23: Prenatal Parenting, 9 to 10:30 a.m., Support Site FFSC (3 of 3). Jan. 23: Couples Communication 101, 1 to 4 p.m., Support Site FFSC.
Call 081-811-6372 for more information or to register. all classes require registration.
ENERGY CONSERVATION Energy Audit From the NSA Naples Energy Management Team
NSA Naples is participating in an energy audit. The audit will take place now through Jan. 23, 2015. The auditors will be visiting various spaces throughout the installations to include; Support Site, Capo, Carney Park and Lago Patria. During their survey the auditors may ask the occupants questions about the hours of operation for each building. They also may take photos of various buildings as well as the electrical and mechanical components contained inside them. This survey is used to gather information about our energy usage, identify components that may cause energy waste, and develop energy-saving projects that can reduce unnecessary consumption. You can assist the auditors by answering questions about the facilities to the best of your abilities. NSA Naples is striving to take energy conservation to a whole new level and we cannot achieve this goal without everyone’s support. Naples Middle High School has the only international Chapter of the Health Occupations Student of America (HOSA).Thirty-nine NMHS students participate in the Health Care Program. (Photo courtesy of NMHS)
From Naples Middle High School
Naples Middle High School has completed its first year as the only international chapter of the Health Occupations Student of America (HOSA). Through this career-intensive program, 39 NMHS students have had the opportunity of visiting with various Naval Hospital health care professionals. Getting to see firsthand what potential jobs are at the Naval Hospital and how
they can plan their path to success has helped the students discover what health care field they may choose to pursue after they graduate. Serving future health professionals since 1976, HOSA is a national student organization, which promotes health career opportunities in the health/medical care industry for high school students. By promoting leadership and motivation, HOSA helps aspiring health care career seekers become better
health care professionals, and ultimately enhancing the delivery of health care to all people. The Naples High School HOSA chapter was started in September 2013 by Naples High School nurse Cristina Hall, RN, BSN. Since the beginning of the school year the students have visited the Physical Therapy department and the Surgery Ward, and also have had an Occupational Therapist as a guest speaker.
Crime Report for Jan. 6 - Jan. 13 From the NSA Naples Command Investigative Division and NCIS
PANORAMA January 16, 2015
Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Brandon Whitney “martin luther King Jr. Day to me means hope. it means that everyone believed in what he was doing and his legacy continues to this day”
Hospitalman Apprentice Blake Pieksme “martin luther King Jr. Day means the progression of equality for all races.”
Yeoman 2nd Class Danielle Burgess “Don’t take things for granted. Continue to knock down the barriers. everyone has limitless potential; just because someone tells you no, doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to move forward.
Personnel Specialist 2nd Class Taisha Littles “martin luther King Jr. dedication to his beliefs and our civil rights continues to provide an opening for equal opportunity not only for the african-american race, but for all races across the world.”
Master-at-Arms 3rd Class Sean Wisenall “martin luther King Jr. Day means to me recognizing the major parts of civil rights and the movement for equality.”
PANORAMA January 16, 2015
Obama Unveils Next Steps in Keep Your Family Safe: Cybersecurity Plan Practice Operational By Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jake Richmond DoD News, Defense Media Activity
Continuing an effort to help defend the nation’s computer-connected systems, President Barack Obama Jan. 13 announced today additional steps that call for more information sharing, modernized law enforcement and updated security data breach reporting. “Cyber threats pose an enormous challenge for our country,” the president said. “As long as I’m president, protecting America’s digital infrastructure is going to remain a top national security priority.” Speaking at the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center in Arlington, Virginia,
“As long as I’m president, protecting America’s digital infrastructure is going to remain a top national security priority.” Obama said since much of the nation’s critical infrastructure -- financial systems, power grids, pipelines, health care systems -- runs on networks connected to the Internet, cybersecurity
is a matter of public safety and of public health. He noted that most of that infrastructure is owned and operated by the private sector, but government and non-government entities are “still not always working as closely together” as they should. Better Information Sharing “We’re proposing new cybersecurity legislation to promote the greater information sharing we need between the government and private sector,” Obama explained. “It includes liability protections for companies that share information on cyber threats. It includes potential safeguards to ensure that government protects privacy and civil liberties, even as we’re doing our job of safeguarding America’s critical information networks.” The president also announced the “Summit on Cybersecurity and Consumer Protection,” which is scheduled for Feb. 13 at Stanford University in California. He said the event is intended to help shape public- and private-sector efforts to protect American people and companies from growing threats to consumers and commercial networks. “Neither government nor the private sector can defend the nation alone,” Obama said. “It’s going to have to be a shared mission -- government and industry working hand-in-hand as partners. And that’s why I’ve said that protecting our digital infrastructure is a national security priority and a national economic priority.”
Shared Responsibility Even before the internationally reported hack of Sony Pictures, the issue of cybersecurity had gained prominence within the Defense Department. In November of last year, Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the commander of U.S. Cyber Command, the director of the National Security Agency, and chief of the Central Security Service, told the Reagan National Defense Forum audience that network defense isn’t an eitheror proposition that can be neatly divided into publicand private-sector responsibilities. "This is the ultimate team sport," he said. "There is no single sector, there is no single element of this population, there is no single element within the government that has the total answer. It will take all of us working together to make this work." Rogers has used the term “cyber blur” to describe the convoluted way cyber attacks are both perpetrated by enemies and defended by American entities. Last October, he called for leaders in all kinds of institutions to drive the cultural changes needed to allow new cybersecurity partnerships to thrive. The president said the federal government needs to continue collaborating on this issue, too. He said he will be working with Congress to ensure partisan disagreements don’t keep the government from fulfilling its most basic responsibilities.
Security on Social Media By Bruce Moody, Fleet and Family Support Program, Commander, Navy Installations Command
Sailors and Navy families can prevent potential adversaries from discovering critical information on social media sites by practicing operational security. Examples of critical information includes where a ship is going and when it is returning home or information about Sailors who deploy as individual augmentees. Navy families, too, should remain vigilant in not volunteering any information that could unnecessarily put their Sailors in harm’s way. Deployed and even day-to-day operations are in many cases classified, and those sharing information with each loved ones or friends should recognize the importance of keeping sensitive information secure. “Family members are vital to the success of the Navy,” Shauna Turner, manager of the Deployment Support Program at the Fleet and Family Support Program, said. “But, potential adversaries also understand this.” It is not unprecedented for spouses and family members of U.S. military personnel to be targeted for intelligence collection. This is true in the United States and especially true overseas. Navy family members all know some bits of critical information. It may not be classified, and it may even seem insignificant. But, to the potential adversary, it is a piece of the puzzle. The power of emerging media tools is a two-edged sword: It makes information exceptionally accessible when posted - for anyone who is interested, including potential adversaries. When communicating on social media sites do not post the following information: - Exact deployment dates or return dates. This applies to ships, subs, squadrons and individual augmentees. - Dates or location of a ship’s upcoming ports of call. - Detailed information about a mission. - References to trends in crew’s morale or an individual’s personal problems. - Details concerning security procedures, response times or tactics. - Information about equipment readiness. - Speculations about future operations. “The main rule is to simply use common sense,” Turner said. “Think before you post. Anything you post on social media, including photos, is instantly available around the world. When in doubt, don’t post it.” Social media sites allow Sailors and Navy families to keep in contact like never before. It is a wonderful way to feel close to someone who is far away. Sailors and Navy families are encouraged to enjoy the connection that social media offers while practicing operational security and keeping mindful of the risks presented with the widespread dissemination of information.
PANORAMA January 16, 2015
MORE THE INSIDE PAGE NAVY-MARINE CORPS RELIEF SOCIETY OPERATION CLIP & SAVE (coupons): 081-568-3913. ANIMALS WITHOUT LIMITS (AWL) is searching for volunteers who want to help at our Animal Hospice in Lago Patria. We also need volunteers for different projects on the Support Site base. For more information, please contact us at awlrescueteam@ gmail.com or director@animalswithoutlimits.com. THE AMERICAN SOCCER CLUB (ASC) OF NAPOLI is looking for qualified coaches. Those interested in coaching should e-mail doc@ascnapoli.com.
ONGOING/ON THE HORIZON THE NAPLES MIDDLE HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC BOOSTERS Is your Naples Middle High School student in Band, Choir, Orchestra, or Flag Team? If so, then he/she benefits from NMHS Music Boosters! NHMS Music Boosters is a growing organization that ensures all Naples Middle High School music programs continue performing at the highest levels. Help support Music Boosters with your yearly family membership of $25.00 (other membership levels also available). Volunteers are continuously needed to assist with several projects! Email musicboostersnaples@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook "NMHS Music Boosters" for more information.
Friday, Jan. 16 4 p.m. Paddington, PG Premiere 6 p.m. Top Five, R 8:30 p.m. American Sniper, R, Premiere Saturday, Jan. 17 3 p.m. Paddington, PG 5:30 p.m. American Sniper, R 8:30 p.m. The Wedding Ringer, R, Premiere Sunday, Jan. 18 3 p.m. Paddington, PG 5:15 p.m. Top Five, R 7:15 p.m. Wild, R, Premiere
Monday, Jan. 19 3 p.m. Annie, PG 5:15 p.m. Paddington, PG 7:15 p.m. The Wedding Ringer, R Tuesday Jan. 20 Closed, No Movies Wednesday, Jan. 21 4:30 p.m. Paddington, PG 7 p.m. Exodus: Gods and Kings, PG-13, 3-D Thursday, Jan. 22 4 p.m. Exodus: Gods and Kings, PG-13 7 p.m. The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies, PG-13
Upcoming USO Tours Capodichino Office 081-568-5713 Support Site Office 081-811-4903 www.uso.it
Jan. 16 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 23 Jan. 24 Jan. 25
Gourmet Dinner: Ukrainian Restaurant €47 Spa Day at Contursi Terme .....................€55 The Caves of Pastena with Lunch...........€45 Sorrento and Pizza Class .........................€54 Wine Tasting at the Foot of Mt. Vesuvius €45 Underground Rome ..................................€54 EXTENDED TOURS
Jan. 17-18 MLK Weekend in Florence and Pisa . . . . €175
Feb. 13-16 President’s day in Budapest . . . . . . . . . . €486 Feb. 13-16 Carnevale in Venice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €237 Feb. 28-Mar. 1 .Perugia and Assisi Weekend . . . . . . €188
MOVIE DESCRIPTIONS No Children Under 10 Admitted to R-Rated Movies
The NAPLES MIDDLE HIGH SCHOOL PTSA is looking for volunteers to help provide information, resources and events that strengthen the connections between students, parents, the school and the community. A yearly membership is $10 and joining is a great way to get involved, meet the teachers, other parents and your child's friends. Email NaplesPTSAteam@ gmail.com or search Naples Middle High School PTSA on Facebook. BOY SCOUT TROOP 007 holds troop meetings every Monday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Support Site Community Center. Email the Scoutmaster at scoutmastertroop007@gmail.com or visit these websites at https://www.facebook. com/BSATroop007; https://www.troopwebhost.org/Troop007Naples and https://www. troopwebhost.org/FormHTML.aspx?site=Troop007Naples. COALITION OF SAILORS AGAINST DESTRUCTIVE DECISIONS (CSADD), Naples Chapter meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the NSA Naples Chiefs Mess, located by the quarterdeck in Admin I. CSADD's mission is to create a culture in which our shipmates are helping shipmates maintain a course of success through good decision making. For more information, contact MC2 Ramsaran at DSN 626-5249. NAVY LEAGUE NAPLES has three missions: to enhance the morale of active duty personnel and their families; to inform Congress and the American public on the importance of strong sea services; and to support youth through programs such as the Junior ROTC that expose young people to the values of our sea services. Personnel interested in joining or participating with the Navy League should contact Betty Reese at 081-5268051. For more information, visit www.navyleague.org. THE NAPLES TOASTMASTERS CLUB provides materials and experience to improve competent communication and leadership skills. Meetings are at 6:30 p.m. on the first & third Tuesdays of the month at the Support Site Community Center. Guests are always welcome. For more information, visit www.naplestoastmasters.wix.com/toastmastersnaples or like us on Facebook "Toastmasters Naples Italy." NAPLES AREA FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION is composed of members from different rates with one mission. As a service organization, we enhance community relations, promote awareness of our duties as Sailors, and fortify the professional and social welfare of our service members. We normally convene every other week alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays. Visit us and learn how you can participate and feel free to bring a friend! For more information, please contact YN1 Gordon at DSN: 626-7733. CLUB BEYOND is a youth group run by Naval Support Activity Naples Religious Ministries. Club Beyond is open to children in grades 7 through 12, and meets Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel Fellowship Hall at the Support Site. For more information, please contact Arturo at apaulino@clubbeyond.org. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS hosts English-speaking AA meetings on and off base in the Naples area. For more information, please call 339-267-7075 or visit www.alcoholicsanonymous.eu/countries/italy.htm.
More “Inside Page” on Page 10
R, Comedy, 101 min. Cast: Kevin Hart, Josh Gad, Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting, Ken Howard, Cloris Leachman. Doug Harris is a loveable but socially awkward groom-to-be with a problem: he has no best man. With less than two weeks to go until he marries the girl of his dreams, Doug is referred to Jimmy Callahan, owner and CEO of Best Man, Inc., a company that provides flattering best men for socially challenged guys in need. What ensues is a hilarious wedding charade as they try to pull off the big con, and an unexpected budding bromance between Doug and his fake best man Jimmy.
PG-13, Action, Adventure-Drama, 150 min. Cast: Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, Aaron Paul, John Turturro, Sigourney Weaver. Moses rises up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses, setting 600,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of deadly plagues.
R, Action-Adventure 132 min. Cast: Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Kyle Gallner, Luke Grimes, Jake McDorman. U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle is sent to Iraq with only one mission: to protect his brothers-inarms. His pinpoint accuracy and courageous exploits earn him the nickname “Legend.” However, his reputation is also growing behind enemy lines, putting a price on his head and making him a prime target of insurgents. He is also facing a different kind of battle on the home front: striving to be a good husband and father from halfway around the world. Despite the danger, as well as the toll on his family, Chris serves through four harrowing tours of duty in Iraq, personifying the spirit of the SEAL creed to “leave no one behind.” But upon returning to his family, Chris finds that it is the war he can’t leave behind.
PG-13, Action-Adventure, 150 min. Cast: Martin Freeman, Cate Blanchett, Hugo Weaving, Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen. This final battle brings to an epic conclusion the adventures of Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, and the Company of Dwarves. Having reclaimed their homeland from the Dragon Smaug, the Company has unwittingly unleashed a deadly force into the world. Enraged, Smaug rains his fiery wrath down upon the defenseless men, women and children of Lake-town. Obsessed above all else with his reclaimed treasure, Thorin sacrifices friendship and honor to hoard it as Bilbo’s frantic attempts to make him see reason drive the Hobbit towards a desperate and dangerous choice. But there are even greater dangers ahead. Unseen by any but the Wizard Gandalf, the great enemy Sauron has sent forth legions of Orcs in a stealth attack upon the Lonely Mountain. As darkness converges on their escalating conflict, the races of Dwarves, Elves and Men must decide: unite or be destroyed. Bilbo finds himself fighting for his life and the lives of his friends in the epic Battle of the Five Armies, as the future of Middle-earth hangs in the balance.
PG, Animation, 95 min. Cast: Ben Whishaw, Nicole Kidman, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters. Paddington has grown up deep in the Peruvian jungle with his Aunt Lucy who, inspired by a chance encounter with an English explorer, has raised her nephew to dream of an exciting life in London. When an earthquake destroys their home, Aunt Lucy decides to smuggle her young nephew on board a boat bound for England, in search of a better life. Arriving alone at Paddington Station, Paddington soon finds that city life is not all he had imagined – until he meets the kindly Brown family, who find him with a label tied around his neck which reads ‘Please look after this bear. Thank you.” They offer him a temporary home whilst he searches for the explorer who impressed Aunt Lucy all those years before. But when Paddington catches the eye of a sinister, seductive taxidermist, it isn’t long before his home – and very existence – is under threat.
R, Comedy, 102 min. Cast: Rosario Dawson, Chris Rock, Gabrielle Union, Kevin Hart, Hayley Marie Norman. Andre Allen is a former stand-up comedian and Hollywood movie star whose latest project – a serious film about the 1791 Haitian Revolution – has just been panned by the New York Times. His agent is eager to get Allen back on track, being the funny-man his fans know and love, while his fiancé is eager for him to help raise the profile of her reality TV show. With some trepidation, Allen agrees to spend the day with a whip-smart, beautiful journalist from the Times with whom he reflects on the life he left behind while ambling through various New York City boroughs.
WILD R, Drama, 115 min. Cast: Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern, Tom Sadoski, Gaby Hoffman, Kevin Rankin. After years of reckless behavior, a heroin addiction and the destruction of her marriage, Cheryl Strayed makes a rash decision. Haunted by memories of her mother Bobbi and with absolutely no experience, she sets out to hike more than a thousand miles on the Pacific Crest Trail all on her own. This film powerfully reveals her terrors and pleasures – as she forges ahead on a journey that maddens, strengthens and ultimately heals her.
ANNIE PG, Comedy 119 min. Cast: Jamie Foxx, Quvenzhan Wallis, Rose Byrne, Bobby Cannavale, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. Annie is a young, happy foster kid who’s also tough enough to make her way on the streets of New York in 2014. Originally left by her parents as a baby with the promise that they’d be back for her someday, it’s been a hard knock life ever since with her mean foster mom Miss Hannigan. But everything’s about to change when the hard-nosed tycoon and New York mayoral candidate Will Stacks – advised by his brilliant VP, Grace and his shrewd and scheming campaign advisor, Guy – makes a thinly-veiled campaign move and takes her in. Stacks believes he’s her guardian angel, but Annie’s self-assured nature and bright, sun-willcome-out-tomorrow outlook on life just might mean it’s the other way around.
If you have been sexually assaulted or need to speak with a S.A.P.R. victim advocate, call 335-640-6621 24/7 for information and support. The DoD Safe Helpline can be reached toll-free at 001-877-995-5247.
PANORAMA January 16, 2015
NATO LIONS RUGBY CLUB is looking for new players. All abilities wanted. Practice is held every Wednesday at Carney Park at 5:45 p.m. Show up with shoes, shorts and a mouth guard. Training and development will be provided. If you have any questions, email Mark Woodall or co-manager Andrew Bohnsack at markwoodall82@hotmail.co.uk or andrew.bohnsack@gmail.com. NAPLES OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION NEEDS REFEREES Anyone interested should contact Nigel Alexander at 081-721-5413 or 346680-3282 or by e-mail to nalexander@afsouth.nato.int. HARRY S. TRUMAN LODGE No. 649 meets 6:30 p.m. every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m. FMI, contact Kevin Baker at 338479-7023 or hst649sec@ yahoo.com, or visit http://groups.yahoo.com/ group/HST649. WOMEN, INFANTS, CHILDREN (WIC) OVERSEAS PROGRAM is offered at NSA Naples. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum or have an infant or child under the age of five may qualify for the program. WIC Overseas is a nutrition education program that provides nutritious supplemental foods. Contact WIC Overseas at 081-8114962. THE NAPLES AREA SECOND CLASS PETTY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION meets twice a month to discuss upcoming community outreach opportunities and charity events. For more information, contact MA2 Aaron Kurschner at DSN 626-2871 or ABH2 Brent Paucke at DSN 626-5382. NAPOLI NATION FAN CLUB is a group that helps community members attend SSC Napoli soccer games, promotes intercultural relations and provides SSC Napoli information to the community. Membership benefits include SSC Napoli gear, discounted tickets and entry to Napoli Nation functions. FMI, visit www.facebook.com/ groups/USASSCNapoli. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST WORSHIP SERVICE takes place Saturdays at Support Site Chapel from 9 a.m. to noon. The schedule is: Sabbath School lessons, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.; songs and praise, 10:45 to 11 a.m.; Divine Service, 11 a.m. to noon. For more information, please
MORE THE INSIDE PAGE contact Paolo Fleurant at 328-1946897 or naplesadventistsgroup@ yahoo.com. CONNECT THE TOTS CLUB unites families with children from newborn to pre-school age within the Naples military community. Club events include monthly coffee mornings and birthday parties, weekly playgroups, craft activities and more. For more information, visit www.meetup.com/ Connect-theTots-Club. CATHOLIC WOMEN OF THE CHAPEL meets monthly in the Support Site Fellowship Hall for prayer, fellowship, and learning. Child care provided. We also meet Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. for Rosary and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. for bible study. For more information, e-mail cwocnaples@gmail.com or check out our Facebook page: Catholic Women of the Chapel - NSA Naples, Italy. PUBLIC SPEAKING WITH TOASTMASTERS The Naples Toastmasters Club meets the first and third Tuesdays of every month. Meetings are held at the Support Site Community Center at 6:30 p.m. FMI, contact the Toastmasters president at 342-010-6263. GAETA/NAPLES AREA GIRL SCOUTS Now accepting registration for the 2012-13 school year. We are still in need of leaders and co-leaders. Training and support provided. FMI, contact naplesgs@yahoo.com. FILIPINO-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NAPLES, ITALY meets at noon the first Sunday of every month at the Support Site Fellowship Hall. For more information, contact Ron Nacianceno at 081-568-1746 or 335760-4446. Also check out the group’s Facebook page, Fil-Am Naples. THE U.S. MILITARY RETIREE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN ITALY (USMRA-SI) is the only association in Southern Italy representing the interests of U.S. retired military personnel and their survivors. If you are not a member and are eligible, please join the USMRASI at usmra-si.tripod.com. Point of contact: Wylie Miller, 329-208-7315. THE NAPLES CHRISTIAN HOMESCHOOL ASSOCIATION meets every month to support families who have chosen to educate their
own children. We offer weekly park/pool days, a moms’ night out and field trips to explore Bella Napoli and beyond! Interested? Need more information? Considering homeschooling? Please contact Natalie Mack at NPMack3@aol.com. MEDITATION SITTING GROUP is held from 7 to 7:30 p.m. every Monday at the side chapel at the Support Site. Newcomers should stop by at 6:30 p.m. Participation is free. FMI, e-mail Laura Hitchcock at laura.poodle@ gmail.com. REGISTER FOR GRADUATE DEGREE ON-SITE PROGRAMS The University of Oklahoma offers the Master of Human Relations on-site graduate degree program. Courses meet in a series of four evenings and one weekend. For more information, contact the OU office at DSN: 6266672 or visit the office at Capodichino in the Admin II building. REGISTER FOR ON-SITE UNDERGRADUATE CLASSES Visit the colleges for more information about what classes and programs are offered. UMUC Maryland can be reached at 081-568-6673/74/75; Central Texas College is at 081-568-6761. CALLING ALL NAPLES NURSES! Please consider joining the Naples Area Nurses Association (NANA). NANA is an organization of nurses that work together to fundraise, participate in social events, and provide support throughout the U.S. Naval Hospital Naples and NSA Naples community. FMI, contact Lt. Shelley Beltz at shelley.beltz @med.navy.mil or Lt. Jenny Paul at jenny.paul@med.navy.mil. THE WELFARE & RECREATION ASSOCIATION is available to meet associates every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at its location on the first floor of Building 450 upstairs from Capo Landing. FMI, visit http://www. wraitalia.it. SECURITY NOTE: All DoD military or civilian personnel hosting an event off base must complete a Special Event Force Protection Plan (SEFPP) 45 days in advance, regardless of organization, if the event will involve 50 or more personnel, include distinguished visitors or involve personnel wearing uniforms. FMI, contact the
AT/FP Division at 081-568-5525 or visit the division office in the Capodichino Security Precinct, Bldg. 403. RELIGIOUS SERVICES AT U.S. NAVAL HOSPITAL NAPLES Tuesday Silent prayer (7:15-7:45 a.m.) in the hospital chapel. Traditional hymn and praise and worship music will be provided during this time. Wednesday Roman Catholic Mass (11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.) in the hospital chapel. Call 081-811-6451 to confirm that Mass is being held. Thursday Men’s Fellowship and Bible Study (6-7 a.m.) in the hospital galley. SURE START is a unique program committed to providing the highest quality of education for commandsponsored children of enlisted personnel (priority to E1-E4) who are 4 years old by Sept. 1. FMI, call Karen Rodrigues at 081-811-4682 or the school at 081-811-4037. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, San Gennaro council 14853, meets at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the Support Site Fleet and Family Support Center. E-mail George Piette at kofcnaples@ gmail.com or visit http:// sites.google. com/site/kofcnaples/ home. CARNEY PARK LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION meets at 9 a.m. Mondays. All skill levels welcome. Discounted play with membership. FMI, call Carol Borkowski at 081804-3345, or Carney Park Golf Course at 081-526-4296. EDIS SCREENINGS NOW AVAILABLE Room W09, Support Site Village Forum. For eligible children who have not reached their third birthday. If you are concerned about your child’s development, contact EDIS at 081-811-4676. LATINOS UNIDOS WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS Meetings are at 2 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at the Support Site park. For more info, contact Michael Cortez, Michael.cortez@eu.navy.mil, 3346771-0327, or Gabriel Sermeno, Gabriel.sermeno@eu.navy.mil, 081811-5554. CUB SCOUT PACK 007 Want to camp in Nettuno, hike in Cuma, go bowling or participate in swimming and archery? Then Cub Scouts is the place for you! Boys in first through fifth grade meet three times per month to learn skills that they apply on hiking, camping and service outings. FMI, contact naplescubmaster@gmail.com or visit www.cubscoutingnaples.org.
PANORAMA January 16, 2015
INFRASTRUCTURE CONSOLIDATION from page 1 In fact, these decisions will produce savings that will enable us to maintain a robust force presence in Europe.” Throughout the process, Chollet said, the department maintained a close and consistent engagement with Congress, the State Department, the Joint Staff, the individual services, Eucom and European partners. Personnel Impacts Divestiture of the Royal Air Force Mildenhall facility represents the largest reduction in U.S. personnel among all the actions. That base’s closure will pave the way for the stationing of two squadrons of F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter jets at RAF Lakenheath starting in 2020, defense officials said. The basing decisions will result in a net decrease of roughly 2,000 U.S. service members and civilians in the United Kingdom over the next several years. About 3,200 U.S. personnel will relocate from RAF Mildenhall, and that will be offset by the addition of about 1,200 people who will be permanently assigned to the two F-35 squadrons slated to open at RAF Lakenheath. Pentagon officials anticipate several hundred additional U.S. military personnel being assigned to Germany in the coming years, and about 200 more in Italy. Roughly 500 will be reassigned from Lajes Field in the Azores, Portugal, as part of streamlining efforts approved and announced in 2012. John Conger, acting assistant secretary of defense for energy, installations and environment, managed the EIC effort for DoD. He said the bottom line was that the department wanted to preserve its operational capability while reducing the cost of supporting it. Reduced Need for Support Infrastructure “As a result, we will not need as many support personnel to maintain a reduced infrastructure, in terms of both U.S. military and civilian personnel and host-nation employees,” Conger said. “Approximately 1,200 U.S. military and civilian support positions will be eliminated, and about 6,000 more U.S. personnel will be relocated within Europe. “Up to 1,100 host-nation positions could also be eliminated,” he continued, “and approximately 1,500 additional Europeans working for the U.S. could end up being impacted over the next several years, as many of their positions are relocated to areas we need to maintain for the long term.”
Craig Karges Performs Magic Above: Craig Karges performs a mind reading trick during a free magic show for service members and their families Jan. 10 at the Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples' Support Site Reel Time Cinema Theater. Karges entertained with mind reading, levitation, and illusions.
Left: Craig Karges levitates a table during a free magic show for service members and their families Jan. 10 at the Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples' Support Site Reel Time Cinema Theater. Karges entertained with mind reading, levitation, and illusions.
Below: Service members and their families watch Craig Karges perform a free magic show Jan. 10 at the Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples' Support Site Reel Time Cinema Theater. Karges entertained with mind reading, levitation, and illusions. (Photos by MC3r Robert S. Price)
PANORAMA January 16, 2015
Practice your vocabulary. Find the Italian words. O S S E R G O R P G W F I R J
+ + L + + + + + R + + + A + +
+ A A N E L A B E + + + R + +
C + + + + + + + N + + + G + +
Answer to last week’s puzzle
M A N T A + + + A + + + + + +
(Over, Down, Direction) BALENA / Whale (13,8,N) CALAMARO / Squid (14,1,SW) DELFiNO / Dolphin (7,9,NW) GRANCHiO / Crab (14,13,W) MANTA / Manta Ray (15,1,S) MEDUSA / Jelly Fish (2,11,NE) MURENA / Moray Eel (10,9,E) PESCE / Fish (6,1,SW) POLPO / Octopus (5,1,W) SQUALO / Shark(1,9,SE) STELLAMARiNA / Sea Star(9,1,S)
sEA AnIMAls Think it’s cold in here? Covered in a layer of frost, the guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG 75) transits the Black Sea. Donald Cook is conducting naval operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe. (Photo by MC2 Karolina A. Oseguera)
PROGRESSO / Progress DiALOGO / Dialogue DiSCORSO / Speech DEDiZiONE / Dedication CAMBiO / Change
+ + + A + + + + U + + + N + +
Think it’s Cold Here?
+ + + + M + + + M + + + C + +
LiBERTA / Freedom UGUAGLiANZA / Equality ViSiONE / Vision STERANZA / Hope FEDE / Faith TRANSFORMAZiONE / Transformation
S T E L L A M A R i N A H + +
+ + + + + + R + + + + + i + +
+ + + + + A + O D + + + O + +
P + + + + + S E + + + + + O +
P E + + + + L U + + + + L + +
O + S + + F + + D + + A + + +
L + + C i + + + + E U + + + +
O P + + O + + N + E + + + + + + S + + Q + M + + + + + + + +
PANORAMA January 16, 2015
MORE BASE NOTES Jan. 24: Geocaching Tournament at Carney Park Take treasure hunting to the next level on Saturday, Jan. 24. Teams will seek out caches placed throughout Carney Park using GPS units. The team that finds all of the items in the correct order and with the fastest time will win a trophy and be crowned Carney Park Caching Champion. A limited number of GPS units are available to use for participants who sign up in advance. Participants can also participate with their own GPS units, or using a GPS App on their smartphones or tablets. The hunt begins at 10 a.m. and is free. Participants must register by Jan. 21. For more information, call Carney Park at 081-526-1579.
Jan. 24: Youth Sports Winter Opening Ceremonies Participate in the Youth Sports Winter Opening Ceremonies for this season’s Basketball and Cheerleading leagues. Ceremonies are held at the Support Site’s Fit Forum Gym at 8:30 a.m. for ages 5- 8 and at the Youth Center Gym at 11 a.m. for 9 year olds and above. For more information, call DSN 629-4729 or 081-811-4729.
Jan. 25: USO Free Bingo at Naples High School USO Naples will be hosting a free Bingo event on Sunday, Jan. 25 at the Naples High School Cafeteria from 3:30 to 6 p.m. Spend your Sunday afternoon with the USO and other community members. U.S. ID card holders of all ages are welcome to participate in Bingo! The event will feature 12 bingo games with prizes- to include electronics, home appliances and more. For more information, call DSN 626-5713 or 081-568-5713.
Jan. 26- 30: VITA Volunteer IRS Training at Capodichino Volunteers are needed for the 2015 IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Volunteers will receive free IRS training and a certificate upon completion. Training will be held at the Capodichino Navy College classrooms Jan. 26- 30. The VITA center will be open during the tax season. There will be volunteer opportunities at both Capodichino and the Support Site. Anyone interested in volunteering to assist service members and their families in income tax filing should contact Lt. Givi Tibaneli at DSN: 626-6702 or 081-568-6702.
Jan. 26: Registration for Session 2 Group and Private Swim Lessons Register in person at the Capo Fit Zone pool for Session 2 Group Swim Lessons, which will take place Feb. 7, 14, 21 and 28. Lesson dates and times depend
on age and skill levels. Cost is $30 per person for one session of four, forty-minute lessons. Private lessons are also available on Saturday mornings. Cost is $20 per person for a 30-minute, one-on-one instruction class or $74 for a package of four private lessons. For more information, call DSN 626-4254 or 081-5684254.
Jan. 27: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday Celebration The Multi-Cultural Heritage Committee is celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.’s accomplishments on Tuesday, Jan. 27 in the Capodichino base theater. The event will be held from 11 a.m. to noon, followed by a cake-cutting ceremony in the lobby. The celebration is open to everyone. For more information or to participate in future committee events, please contact PSC Watkins at DSN 626-4618 or IS2 AndrewsSchiro at DSN 626-3055.
Jan. 29: AWSC Keep Your Vehicle Running Free Workshop Learn how to check a vehicle’s vital fluids, brakes, tires windshield wipers, radiator, seat belts and more, as well as how to perform other tasks with the help of the Auto Skills Center’s expert mechanics. The workshop runs every 30 minutes from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. For more information, call DSN 629-4971 or 081-811-4971.
Feb. 6- 8: CREDO Marriage Enrichment Retreat The Region CREDO team is offering a Marriage Enrichment Retreat Feb. 6- 8. Couples can experience a safe and relaxed environment where they can fall in love all over again. Re-discover the foundations of your relationship, develop new skills and learn from other couples during this weekend for you and your spouse. The retreat will be held at a hotel in Gaeta. To register and for more information, call DSN 6265255 or 081-568-5255. Interested community members can also email CREDO@eu.navy.mil or follow CREDO’s upcoming retreats and workshops on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CREDO.EU.
Feb. 11- 12: ASIST - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training The Region CREDO team will hold an ASIST workshop for everyone who wants to feel more comfortable, confident and competent in helping to prevent the immediate risk of suicide in our community. It will be held at the Support Site Community Center Feb. 11 and 12. To register and for more information, call DSN 626-5255 or 081-568-5255. Interested community members can also email CREDO@eu.navy.mil or follow CREDO’s upcoming retreats and workshops on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CREDO.EU.
In the event of an emergency or to report a crime, please call the Emergency Dispatch Center at 081-568-4911 or 5911. (On-Base Dial 9-1-1)
IN THE SPOTLIGHT RICH ORTLOFF Throughout his 42 years of military life, Rich Ortloff has served his country, his community, and worked to improve the lives of others. While in Naples, Italy, Ortloff is always the first one to step up for anything, and he has served as a model of integrity and commitment as a military spouse, always going the extra mile to support the community and USO Naples. “I’m here for you!” is his motto, which applies to the troops, families, and USO volunteers and staff. Through participation with the USO, Naples Overseas Support Club (NOSC), and the Harley Owners Group (HOG), Ortloff works collaboratively with others to make Italy a home for those around him. He is the USO Naples Volunteer of the Quarter Winter 2015. From his staple position as lead volunteer at the USO’s weekly Hot Doggin’ Tuesday, to taste of home dinners, to special projects, he is consistently reaching out to other Sailors to encourage, engage and support, a quality of accountability, which the NSA Naples USO relies upon. Most notably, he performed as co-host with his lovely wife at the annual Naples Got Talent 2014 talent show. The pair delighted participants and the audience alike with a heartwarming humor and tear-jerking tribute to the service of military spouses in the community. Ortloff shows a genuine respect for the struggles of Sailors overseas that is reciprocated by all those he meets. “Since we were in this position before, giving back to the families and service members is our priority,” he said. “We’ve been in this boat for 33 years, and I have a great sense of the need to support and give back, and the value that show of support has to the troops.” His constant presence, calming nature, and positive attitude have impacted every event he’s participated in. As a result, he has built lasting relationships with volunteers, staff and troops. “I love to support those who support us, and the sincere thanks that they give is an unforgettable display of gratitude,” Ortloff said. “I will miss the troops and the friendships.” It was both a sad and joy-filled day when he announced that his wife was retiring from the Navy and the couple would be returning to California to retire near their family. He has become a fixture in the Naples community, and he is definitely going to be missed very much.
PANORAMA January 16, 2015
CLOSING 29 JAN 2015 Purchasing Agent, UA-1105-02, ANN#70294-995182-AG, Full Time Permanent
To find out what positions are currently open, please contact our front desk at DSN 626-5409 or commercial 081-5685409. Copies of vacancy announcements will be posted at the Human Resources Office, located in the Admin I building at Capodichino, first floor. The customer service hours are Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) at Support Site will also have vacancy announcements and they can be easily viewed at the HRO Website: http://cnic.navy.mil/regions/cnreurafswa/about/Jobs.html Applications are accepted at the Security Pass and ID Office at Capodichino, or at the HRO, located in Admin 1, Capodichino, or by mailing to: HRO, PSC 817 Box 29, FPO AE 09622, or at Fleet and Family Service Center (FFSC) located on the TLA first floor, at Support Site. HRO must receive mailed applications by closing date of the vacancy announcement. PLEASE NOTE: Customer service operation hours for the following HRO services are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.: • ID/CAC Cards (DD1172-2) • Requests for an Official Passport (DD1056) • Logistical Support Letters • Work Certificates
U.S. POSITIONS CONUS hires currently residing in the Naples/Gaeta commuting areas MUST apply through USAJOBS in order to receive consideration. CLOSING 22 JAN 2015 Supervisory Security Specialist, GS-0080-13, ANN#EUR15007020-EG, Full Time Permanent CLOSING 29 JAN 2015 Supervisory Financial ManageAnalyst, GS-0501-13, ment ANN#EUR15-970339-KB, Full Time Permanent Interdisciplinary (multiple positions), GS-0185/0180/0101-11, ANN#EUR15-996227-AG, Full Time Permanent
LOCAL NATIONAL (LN) POSITIONS If you have any questions, contact the front desk at 626-5409 or 081568-5409. You can also contact the HRO Naples helpdesk at: http://cnic.navy.mil/Europe/Abou t/Jobs/AboutWorkingHere/index. htm. You will be contacted within 24 hours, so please be sure to provide your contact information. Thank you and we appreciate your input, whether negative or positive so that we can find ways to improve the HRO services, or continue to provide excellent service. As a reminder, an HRO Representative is available for the bi-weekly “Meet & Greet” at the NSA, Support Site Base, Navy Exchange Food Court area from 8-9 a.m. Please feel free to come by, pick up a copy of a vacancy announcement that you may be interested in applying for, or ask questions. If the HRO representative is unable to provide you a response, he/she will bring the question back to the HRO office and you will be provided an answer or a call back the same day. The next “Meet & Greet” is from 8-9 a.m. on Jan. 26, 2015.
Fleet & Family Readiness NAF Local Naples job announcements within CNREURAFSWA may be viewed at: http://www.cnic.navy. mil/regions/cnreurafswa/about/ jobs.html. The necessary application forms are also available on line. For any questions you have you may call 081-568-4164/2505/ 5612. The applications may be emailed to CNREURAFSWA_ NRBO_N9_Personnel@eu.navy.mil
NSA NAPLES US NAF POSITIONS Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01 ANN# 15-016 flexible, Bowling Center, Support Site. Job Summary: Provides oversight of activities and necessary services to authorized patrons. Closing date: Open Until Filled Food Service Worker, NA-740804, ANN#15-003 flexible, Bowling Center, Support Site. Job Summary: Performs a variety of tasks such as grilling or frying pancakes, hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, eggs, sausage, by watching while the items are cooking, turning as required; regulating temperature and removing when done. Closing date: Open Until Filled Education Aid/Technician, CY1702-I/II, ANN#15-004, (Multiple Positions) flexible, Child Development Centers, School Age Care, Youth Programs, Teen Center and Youth Sports Capodichino/Support Site. Job Summary: Provides appropriate developmental care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in a Child and Youth Program setting Performs routine, day-to-day care of infants and children ranging from six weeks to five years. Assembles and gathers materials and equipment necessary to execute school age care for children ranging from six to nine years, school-age care pre-teen for children ranging from 10 to 12 years, Teen Center Program for children ranging from 13 to 18 years. Receives and releases children to/from authorized parents, guidance. Closing date: Open Until Filled. Education Aid/Technician, CY1702-I/II, ANN#15-005, (Multiple Positions) regular full time, (Eligible for Post Allowance) Child Development Centers, School Age Care, Youth Programs, Teen Center and Youth Sports Capodichino/Support Site. Job Summary: Provides appropriate developmental care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in a Child and Youth Program setting Performs routine, day-to-day care of infants and children ranging from six weeks to five years. Assembles and gathers materials and equipment necessary to execute school age care for children ranging from six to nine years, school-age care pre-teen for children ranging from 10 to 12 years, Teen Center Program for children ranging from 13 to 18 years. Receives and releases children to/from authorized parents, guidance. Closing date: Open Until Filled. Education Technician (Leader), CY-1702-II, ANN#14-143, regular full time, (Eligible for Post Allowance) Fleet and Family Readi-
ness Program, CYP Division, School Age Care. Job Summary: The purpose of the CY Program Leader (CYP) is to provide appropriate development care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in one or more CY programs. This includes the provision of guidance, assistance, and mentoring for the CY Program Assistants. Closing date: Open Until Filled. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#15-019, flexible, MWR Liberty Division, Naples, Italy. Job Summary: Employee helps customers in the recreation center with recreational event. Closing date: Open Until Filled. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#15-022, flexible, MWR ITT Division, Naples, Italy. Job Summary. Provides customer service and disseminate travel and tour information to patrons and sells tickets. Closing date: Open Until Filled. Recreation Assistant, NF-018901/02, ANN#15-035 flexible, Fleet & Family Readiness Center, Gaeta, Italy. Job Summary: Serves as a primary front line customer service representative of the overall program as such, must continually present information in a high professional and customer friendly style. Closing date: Open Until Filled. Education Technician (Leader), CY-1702-II, ANN#15-050, regular full time, (Eligible for Post Allowance) Fleet and Family Readiness Program, CYP Division, Teen Center. Job Summary: The purpose of the CY Program Leader (CYP) is to provide appropriate development care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in one or more CY programs. This includes the provision of guidance, assistance, and mentoring for the CY Program Assistants. Closing date: Open Until Filled. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#15-058, flexible, MWR Golf Course, Carney Park, Naples. Job Summary: Collects greens fees (monthly and daily), locker fees and fees for electric cart rentals. Employee will act as starter when
needed on weekdays and assist when needed as cashier. Closing date: Open Until Filled. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#15-059, flexible, Fitness Forum, Support Site, Naples, Italy. Employee in this position plays an integral part in providing customer service and insuring patrons are offered a clean facility and pleasant conditions for their fitness/athletic workouts or programs. First Cut off date: Jan. 23, 2015. Closing date: Open until Filled.
NEX EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Gricignano, Bldg. 2091-B Call 081-813-5252/5253/5254 / DSN: 629-4774 Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For a current list of U.S. vacancies and the on-line application visit: https://www.NavyExchange.jobs To assist your job search go directly to the location field, open the drop down menu and click on Italy, then click on SEARCH FOR JOBS button. You will see all the jobs in Italy (mostly Naples area); just make sure you are NOT applying for a position located in Sigonella (Sicily). For any questions or concerns please call the numbers above.
GRICIGNANO MINIMART Ann#1500000W Sales Clerk/MM /NF-01/FLEX – Open Until Filled – Pay Rate: $8-$9.50. Job Summary: Responsible for selling general merchandise to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked and available. GAETA MINIMART Ann#1500003L Retail Annex Operator/MM/NF-02/RFT – Open Until Filled – Pay Rate: $9-$14. Job Summary: Serves as Operator in charge of retail outlet located a significant distance from an Exchange, with responsibility for selling a variety of technical items (uniforms, automotive parts, electronics, etc.)
OTHER OPPORTUNITIES School Age Care Looking for Full-Time Leads Child and Youth Programs is looking for full-time lead positions at the Support Site’s School Age Care Program. The position helps oversee the Before- and AfterSchool Program, in addition to the summer day camp. Apply through the Human Resources Office at Capodichino. Call 081-5684164/2505 to find out what documentation is needed.
DISTRIBUTION CENTER, GRICIGNANO Warehouse Ann#15000023 Worker/72/NA-05/FLEX – Open Until Filled – Pay Rate: $12.88. Job Summary: Responsible for one or more functions (receiving, storing, issuing and shipping, etc.) within a warehouse area. Candidates must be at least 18 years old to apply.
USO Operations Specialist USO Naples is looking for a fulltime Center Operations Specialist. This person delivers customer service and support to military families at the USO Center as well as provides assistance with USO Naples programs, services, event and fleet support. Apply through http:// www.uso.org/careers. Call DSN 626-2914 with questions.
EARTH AND VINE SHOP Ann#1500003K Sales Clerk/PS/ NF-01/FLEX – Open Until Filled – Pay Rate: $8-$9.50. Job Summary: Responsible for selling merchandise to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked, displayed and available. Knowledge of wines and specialty foods is desirable.
Contract Dental Assistant Naval Hospital Naples is seeking a full-time contract dental assistant for the Support Site Dental Department. If interested, please contact Ms. Paola Gargiulo at DSN: 629-6117, Comm: 081-811-6117 or email: paola.gargiulo.it@med.navy. mil. The position will remain open from Jan. 16-30, 2015.