Panorama April 3, 2015

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60th year, No. 13

Serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta Military Community in Italy

Friday, April 3, 2015

President Obama

Naples-area chief petty officers conduct morning colors at Naval Support Activity Naples to celebrate the 122nd birthday of the Navy’s chief petty officer rank. Photo by MCC Travis Simmons

Know your part, Do your part

By Philip Lee and Robert P. Kozloski, Office of Strategy and Innovation, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy (Management)

By Chris Meza NSA Naples Sexual Assault Response Coordinator

In April, the Navy will observe the 11th annual Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM). The theme is “Eliminate Sexual Assault: Know your part. Do your part.” Eliminating sexual assault requires every service member to help create a culture upholding the Navy core values of Honor, SEXUAL ASSAULT Page 5

Virtual Wargamers Needed to Solve DON’s Data Dilemma: Join the Discussion April 6-17

The Easter Eggstravaganza drew a very large crowd of adults and children. There were vendors, a kiddie train, arts and crafts and more to keep everyone entertained. The Easter bunny was busy posing for pictures with many children. From NSA MWR Facebook

CAPTAIN’S CORNER. . . . . . . . . 2 BASE NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ITALIAN NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 NAVY HISTORY / SPOTLIGHT. . 4 FFSC CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SOUND OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 MOVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 USO TOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 WORD SEARCH / COLOR ME 12

cHIefs BIrtHDaY . . . page 7

fun easter facts .page 12

JOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

“The very technologies that can empower us to do great good can also be used to undermine us and do great harm,” President Barrack Obama said recently. This statement captures the essence of the informationage dilemma facing all federal organizations – how to effectively share data for maximum benefit, while at the same time protecting data from nefarious cyber activity. The Department of the Navy (DON) collects more data each day than the total amount stored in the Library of Congress, yet it does not have an effective strategy to share this information internally nor with the public, thus preventing it from maximizing on recent open-data and innovation trends. The DON possesses vast amounts of non-mission related data such as demographic, medical, energy, education, public safety, and financial data which other organizations VIRTUAL WARGAMERS Page 11


PANOrAMA April 3, 2015

CAPTAIN’S CORNER By Capt. Doug Carpenter NSA Naples Commanding Officer

With the onset of April on Wednesday began Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, you might see it referred to as SAAPM in advertising around the base and online. I signed a proclamation for this important month with a few key points for our community and I hope to see a very high level of participation in the awareness events sponsored by various groups and tenant commands in the area. Among these, on April 17 the hospital is hosting a Silent Walk, and the Fleet and Family Support Center is sponsoring a new event called “Walk In Their Shoes.” These events promote awareness, action, and understanding, so please get involved and make a difference. We must pull together, speak out, and prevent these assaults, which are so harmful to the morale of our community. You’ll see and hear more from me and my team in the coming weeks as we cover topics such as victim support and by-stander intervention. We had a few birthdays this week that rate special mention. On Tuesday, I was very honored to attend a celebration for the 92nd birthday of the Italian Air Force. Italy was a founding member of our NATO alliance and has been a strong partner to the U.S. over the decades. We rely heavily on our Italian counterparts to support our continued presence in Naples, and it is one of the highlights of my job to continue to build a solid and trusting relationship with our local Italian community. Whether the Italian Army, Navy, Air Force, Carabinieri, local mayors, city officials or our many other supporters, we make things happen together. I’d like to give a special shout out to Col. Angelantonio Palmiero, my counterpart in the Italian Air Force, who has done so much to promote progress and cooperation between our two countries. The other big birthday was that of our chief petty officers on April 1. They celebrated 122 years by gathering for morning colors and later serving a free lunch to junior service members. They also worked with MWR and held a Run with the Chiefs 5K on Saturday. I had a good time seeing the great turnout of runners and volunteers to help make the run a huge success. Navy Chiefs are unique in the U.S. military; they are servantleaders that ensure a command functions as it should, being the key component between the officers and junior enlisted. Besides ensuring daily operations stay on track, the career development and mentorship role of a Navy chief can’t be understated. What is a Chief’s job? EVERYTHING, they do it all and make it seem easy. Happy birthday and Bravo Zulu to the Chief’s Mess. We’re rolling into Spring Break and many of you may already be getting on the road for a fantastic vacation. All of you with families, who are taking some much-deserved vacation time together, be safe on your travels. It’s hard to imagine after next week the kids will be coming in with less than two months left in the school year! We’re also set to have a great spring youth sports season with the huge registration levels through MWR. Again, this is the military community here coming together to make things happen, especially with the more than 40 volunteer coaches and umpires making time to ensure the kids have a great season. Mark your calendars for a day at Carney Park on April 18th, that’s opening day for youth baseball/softball, the only home game for the NHS baseball/softball teams, and also a NHS soccer game – a little something for everyone at our beautiful recreation area. Thank you for the great participation in so many events, clubs, and sports that make our community vibrant, fun, and a great place to live!

PANOrAMA Associato all’uSPI unione Stampa Periodica Italiana

Naval Support Activity Naples Italy Capt. Doug Carpenter Cmdr. Jay Driskell MCC Travis Simmons Teresa Merola

Commanding Officer Executive Officer Public Affairs Officer Public Affairs/COMREL Specialist

BASE NOTES Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month

date. Renewal can only be done 30 days before it expires. If community members wait too long past the expiration day, the Immigration Office may The U.S. Navy designates April as Sexual Asnot accept the renewal application, forcing a resault Awareness & Prevention Month (SAAPM) turn to the United States for a new Mission Visa, and the Naval Support Activity Naples Sexual As- before re-applying for a Sojourner's Permit. The sault Prevention & Response (SAPR) program permit legitimizes the lengthy stay in Italy and will have various activities through the month to must be kept current. For further information rehelp raise awareness. There will be awareness ta- garding the renewal application, please contact bles set up at various locations with program inTiziana Petrarca, paralegal specialist at Region formation and services. There is also a “Walk In Legal Service Office, at DSN 626-4639 or 081Their Shoes” walking/ running mileage contest 568-4639. that is open to all commands. Each command can have 4 participants per team (larger commands 2015 Naples Area Navy Ball can have more than one team) who will log their The 2015 Naples Area Navy Ball is scheduled to distances daily and submit them to the Chris be held on Saturday, Oct. 17 at a 4 ½ star hotel Meza, NSA Naples Sexual Assault Response Cooutside of Naples to celebrate the Navy's 240th ordinator, at The combirthday. The Navy Ball committee and volunmand that has the most miles at the end of the teers meet in the Capodichino Fellowship Hall on month will receive a trophy and keep it until next the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from April. A Silent March will be held with the U.S. noon to 1 p.m. Volunteers are still welcome and Naval Hospital Naples on Friday, April 17 and is needed. The team has also begun selling breakopen to everyone. The march will begin at the fast burritos on the Capo spine twice a month. To Support Site hospital at 6:30 a.m. There will also volunteer or for additional information on the be a 5K race on Sunday, April 19 beginning at the Naples Area Navy Ball, email MA1 Ellis at ShanSupport Site gym at 8:30 a.m. with registration and YN1 Legorreta at Nelstarting at 7:45 a.m. Talk to your command repre- sentative or a Victim Advocate for other information on ways to get involved.

Holy Week Schedule of Services

“Walk In Their Shoes” Walking Contest through April The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program is coordinating a “Walk In Their Shoes” walking contest through the month of April for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. The walking/ running mileage contest is open to all commands in the Naples area. Each command can have four participants per team who will log their distances daily and submit them weekly to the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator through email to Larger commands can have more than one team and all teams can send emails to the coordinator to receive the distance tracking form or for more information. The command with the most miles at the end of the month will receive a trophy and keep it until next April. Call DSN 629-6534 or 081-8116534 for more information.

Is Your Sojourner’s Permit Still Valid? Civilian employees and military spouses should check the expiration date on their Sojourner's Permit to ensure it will remain valid during their entire tour. Renewal is not automatic and is the permit holder’s responsibility to ensure it does not expire. Permits are normally issued for the duration of orders to Italy, but tour modifications and other factors may alter the actual departure

The Holy Week schedule for the base chapels can be found on the NSA Naples website in the Religious Ministries department: Community members will find the date, time and location for all additional services being held March 29 through April 5, as well as their regular weekly schedule.

Changes at the Motor Vehicle Registration Offices The Capodichino and Support Site MVRO are making some scheduling changes in efforts to provide better customer service. Beginning April 7, both offices will be open Monday through Friday from 7:45 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. without closing for lunch. Beginning April 13, both offices will conduct business on an appointment-only basis Monday through Thursday. It’s advised to make appointments no earlier than one week prior to your transaction. Fridays will be reserved for walk-in appointments. To schedule an appointment, call the Support Site MVRO at DSN 629-6876 or the Capodichino MVRO at DSN 626-2831/2832. Both offices will close for training on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 2 p.m.

See BASE NOTES Page 13

Announced Closures/ Limited Services

This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of Panorama are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U. S. Navy. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, or Stampa Generale S.r.l. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The Panorama editorial office is located at Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy, PSC 817, Box 1, FPO AE 09622-0001. Telephone: commercial 081-568-5335/5912; DSN 626-5335/5912. Email:

Panorama is published weekly on Friday by Stampa Generale S.r.l. Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy Tel. 081-568-7884, Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: - Autorizzazione Tribunale di Napoli No. 3404 del 3.4.1985. Direttore Responsabile: Bruno Brandi. Stampa: Arti Grafiche Boccia SpA, Salerno; Fotocomposizione: Stampa Generale S.r.l. - Tel. 081-568-7884. Stampa Generale is a private firm in no way connected with the U. S. Navy under exclusive written contract with the U. S. Navy. The editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office of the Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy. All news and feature articles and announcements submitted to Panorama are subject to editing to conform with contemporary standards of journalistic objectivity, clarity and relevance. We welcome any contributions, suggestions or comments dealing with community issues. Submissions for publication in Panorama will be accepted on the basis of newsworthiness, timeliness and space available. All copy must be submitted in Microsoft Word format in an e-mail to the editor at: Each submission must include the name and telephone number of the author. DEADLINE FOR ALL COPy AND PhOTOS IS AT CLOSE OF BuSINESS FRIDAy PRIOR TO PuBLICATION DATE.

PANOrAMA April 3, 2015


Grandmother Accidently Poisons Children with Expired Hot Chocolate

Neapolitan Pizza Nominated for UNESCO Cultural Heritage List Italy has chosen to place the Neapolitan pizza as a candidate for protection under the United Nations Cultural Heritage list. Pizza was voted by Italians as one of the dishes which best sums up their nation. The UNESCO list specifies pizza from Naples where it was born between 1715 and 1725. Tradition said that the Queen asked one of Naples’ famed pizza makers to invent a dish for the people and the result was the green basil, white mozzarella and red tomatoes which represented the colors of recently unified Italy. The Pizza was presented to Queen Margherita of Savoy in 1889 and named after her. Naples’ pizza makers or pizzaioli stated that those three ingredients are all that is required for a perfect pizza and opt for a softer, deeper crust than the thinner, crispier version favored by Romans. The base should be no more than 3 millimeters (about an eighth of an inch) thick and cooked for between 60 and 90 seconds in a stone oven with an oakwood fire. The dough should rise for up to 24 hours before baking to ensure a light and digestible pizza. Italy put in the list of UNESCO candidates the Siena’s Palio horse race, violin-making in Cremona, Viareggio’s carnival parade, and ancient festivals in Nola and Viterbo.

Rome Has Worst Traffic Jams in Italy According to a recent report, the eternal city of Rome was considered the busiest of all Italian cities in terms of traffic in 2014. The Italian capital city is not the most traffic jammed in the world, which goes to Istanbul, Mexico City and Rio de Janeiro. The report made by the makers of TomTom navigation technology system was based on data measuring traffic in about 146 cities around the world. Rome was the 13th worst world city for traffic, and it was estimated that every hour in Rome, drivers lose about 24 minutes to traffic jams. Among Italian cities, Rome is followed by Milan and Naples.


A grandmother from Vicenza, Northern Italy, treated her grandchildren, her son and one of their friends with a cup of hot chocolate. A few hours later the friend of the grandchildren was taken ill and had to go to the emergency room, and was soon followed by the two grandchildren, her son and the grandmother. All of them required up to 21 days of treatment. The cause of the poisoning was the powered chocolate that she kept in her cupboard which had expired in 1990. Although it was an accident, the woman is being charged with causing injury.

New App Launched to Help Women in Danger Pharmacists’ association launched a new app for women in danger. The app was launched first in Naples and allows users to report violence against women. It enables a rapid connection to emergency number 112 and 1522 – a 24-hour free number, which was started in 2006 by the Italian Equal Opportunities Department. The app comes in 11 languages including Arabic, Chinese, Romanian, Slovenian and Ukrainian. In Italy about 6.7 million women aged 16-70 reported being subjected to physical or sexual violence at least once in their lives.

Turin’s Egyptian Museum Reopens After Three Year Renovation The Egyptian Museum in Turin has the world’s second largest collection of Egyptian antiquities outside the Egypt Museum in Cairo. After a three-year renovation it was reopened to the public on Wednesday. The exhibition space of the renovated museum exceeds 9,000 square meters from the previous 4,500. It features 6,500 objects, including the most ancient copy known of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The renovation project was worth some 50 million euros ($53.77 million). The museum was established in Turin in 1824. From April 1 to 19, a special interactive installation will also allow people from far away to have access to the new collection at the museum through the internet.

A Pocket Guide to Useful Phrases while on the Road Emergency Issues . . 081-568-4911 Security Dispatch . . . 081-568-5638 Italian Police: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Italian Ambulance: . . . . . . . . . . 118 Italian Fire Department: . . . . . . 115

ENGLISH ITALIAN Call an ambulance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chiamate un'ambulanza Where is a hospital? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dov’è l’ospedale? We need a doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abbiamo bisogno di un medico I cannot find my family . . . . . . . . . . . . Non trovo la mia famiglia I am American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sono Americano/a Where is the reporting point? . . . . . . . Dov’è il centro raccolta? Which roads are open? . . . . . . . . . . . . Quali strade sono aperte? I need a phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ho bisogno di un telefono Help! It’s an emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . Aiuto! È un’emergenza


THE INSIDE PAGE Volunteers Needed Science Expo Volunteers Needed at Naples Elementary School to help set up, breakdown tables, and be present during the Science Expo. Set up is April 29, 2:45 to 3:30 p.m. Breakdown is May 1, noon to 1 p.m. We need volunteers to be present during the Expo to circulate and talk to visiting students about what they are learning from the projects and to monitor the area. Volunteers needed April 30, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and May 1, 8 to 10:30 a.m. For details call Jackie Whited at DSN 629-4685 or Naples Elementary School at DSN 629-4037. AFN Naples is looking for four children between the ages of five and 10 to participate in a 30 second commercial about sexual assault awareness. Participants will need to recite short scripted lines while standing in front of a camera. For details call MC3 Erica Yelland at 629-6913 or message the AFN Naples Facebook page. USO Naples is looking for outgoing and enthusiastic volunteers to join their committee to make a tangible difference in the community through special events and outreach. If interested, email or call the USO Capodichino office at DSN 626-5713. The Transatlantic Council Of The Boy Scouts Of America is looking for Eagle Scouts in the Naples community to update the National Eagle Scout Association database. All Eagle Scouts, both active and not active in scouting are asked to send an email with their last name, first name, email address, hometown/community, and council/district name where they earned their Eagle rank, to “Once an Eagle, always an Eagle.” Naples American Red Cross (ARC) needs volunteers. For detials or to register for a CPR/First Aid class, call 081-568-4788 or 626-4788 or visit American Red Cross Naples on Facebook. Fleet and Family Support Center is looking for volunteers to assist in the event of an emergency. Volunteers could be called upon if families are relocated to Support Site due to a natural disaster or similar emergency that exceeds what the FFSC staff can support. Volunteers may greet families, inquire about needs, organize supplies, complete paperwork, etc. Being on the list does not obligate anyone to a future event. For details call 081811-6372 or email mil. Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Operation Clip & Save (coupons): 081-568-3913. Club Beyond is searching for volunteers to serve as adult leaders. Leaders assist in planning, setup and conducting small group meetings with students in grades 7 through 12. Leadership training lasts a month. If interested, email for an appointment. Animals Without Limits (AWL) is searching for volunteers who want to help at our Animal Hospice in Lago Patria. We also need volunteers for different projects on the Support Site base. For details email or

More “Inside Page” on Page 9


PANOrAMA April 3, 2015

Expanded Use-or-lose Leave Law Set to Expire Soon DoD News, Defense Media Activity

With the expiration of a law that allowed service members to carry up to 75 days of leave from one fiscal year to the next, troops should plan to carry no more than 60 days of leave into fiscal year 2016, defense officials recently announced. Service members will automatically lose any accumulated ordinary leave in excess of 60 days on October 1, 2015, officials said. Troops covered by special leave accrual rules may still carry up to 120 days from one fiscal year to the next, officials noted. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 extended the authority to carry over an additional 15 days of leave (total of 75 days) to September 30, 2015. Leave Carry-over Limit Previous authority was set to expire September 30, 2013, but DoD recommended a 2-year extension of the 75 day leave carry-over limit in 2013 to provide ample time for affected members to plan and use accumulated leave and to coincide with the reduction in combat posture in Afghanistan. The fiscal year 2010 National Defense Authorization Act initially extended the 2008 temporary authorization for all service members to carryover an additional 15 days of leave because the high operations tempo resulted in less opportunity for members to use the leave they had earned. The 75-day leave carry-over limit does not apply to members who qualify for Special Leave Accrual; they may carry over up to 120 days of leave. Members may qualify for

Special Leave Accrual if they: -- Served on active duty for a continuous period of at least 120 days in a hostile fire or imminent danger pay area; -- Were assigned to a designated deployable ship, mobile unit, or other similar prescribed duty as determined by the service secretary concerned; or -- Performed qualifying duties designated by the Secretary concerned. Service members are encouraged to check their Leave and Earnings Statement and talk with their finance office to help understand their correct useor-lose balance and to work with their commands to manage their leave balances throughout the rest of this fiscal year. LES Projections Although previous LES’s did not account for the 75day leave carryover expiration in projecting use-or-lose leave amounts, officials from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service say those LES projections have now been corrected for active component Army, Navy, and Air Force service members. They will appear on the April LES. Members can access their April LES through the myPay system as of April 23, 2015. However, the projected use-or-lose balance will only take into account leave that was charged to members’ accounts through April 22. Any leave taken or posted to the members’ account after that date will not be reflected. Reserve component members with projected useor-lose leave, will be contacted individually by DFAS and given their use-or-lose balance.


On April 4, 1949, the Washington Treaty – or NATO treaty as it is more commonly known – was signed in Washington D.C. This treaty, which formed the basis of NATO, was signed by its 12 founding members: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States. NATO’s purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means, and the conduct of multinational crisismanagement operations. NATO provides a unique opportunity for these member countries to consult and make decisions on security issues at all levels and in a variety of fields. A “NATO decision” is the expression of the collective will of all member countries since all decisions are taken by consensus. NATO is committed to the principle that an attack against one or several members is considered as an attack against

all. This is the principle of collective defense, which is at the heart of the NATO Treaty. So far, that principle has been used once – in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States. As the power of the Soviet Union began to spread following World War II, there was concern among Western European countries that the USSR

would impose its ideology and authority across Europe. From 1945, Western governments started reducing their defense establishments and demobilizing their forces. But in January 1948, British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin spoke of the need for a “treaty of alliance and mutual assistance,” a defensive alliance and a regional grouping within the framework of the

United Nations Charter. The United States would only agree to provide military support for Europe if it were united. In response, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, signed the Brussels Treaty in March 1948, creating the Western Union. That became the model for the NATO Treaty. Meanwhile, the U.S. Senate adopted the Vandenberg Resolution – a resolution that would change the course of American foreign policy since it allowed the United States to constitutionally participate in a mutual defense system in times of peace, and the ground was set for negotiations to start on a transatlantic treaty. NATO now has 28 members. In addition to the 12 founding members of the Alliance, the other member countries are: Greece and Turkey (1952), Germany (1955), Spain (1982), the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland (1999), Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia (2004), and Albania and Croatia (2009).

SPOTLIGHT: ARMY SGT. JENNYLYS RIVIERA Army Sgt. Jennylys Riviera, has volunteered more than 40 hours of time at 10 opportunities for USO Naples during the last month, and nearly 85 hours since she started volunteering in August 2014. Hailing from Caguas, Puerto Rico, Riviera has served in the Army for six years. She devotes her limited spare time to the USO, and is a calm, committed and helpful volunteer with the weekly food program, fleet visits, special shows and taste of home dinners. “I always find somewhere to volunteer, and the USO has been a really fun place to meet people and do new things,” Riviera said. She is always there whenever needed, day or night, and the USO Naples Committee is extremely thankful for her commitment to the USO Volunteer program and the NSA Naples Community. If you are interested in volunteering with the USO, email



For more information about local Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) events, visit • April 3: The Duomo & Easter in Naples, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., meet at Capo McCafe by the Airport. • April 6-7: Entrepreneur, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., SS FFSC. • April 7: Easy Italian, 9 a.m. to noon, SS FFSC (1 of 3). • April 7: The Happiest Baby, 2 to 2:45 p.m., SS FFSC. • April 8: Temper Tantrums, 10 to 11 a.m., SS FFSC. • April 8: Sponsorship Training, 9 a.m. to noon, SS FFSC . • April 9: Hand Gestures, 10 a.m. to noon, SS FFSC. • April 9: Home Buying for Beginners, noon to 1 p.m. Capo, Professional Development Classroom. • April 10: Resume Writing, 1 to 3 p.m., SS FFSC. • April 13: Love & Logic Early Childhood Parenting, 9 to 11 a.m., SS FFSC (1 of 5). • April 13-14: Technical Track, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Capo Library. • April 13-17: Command Financial Specialist Training, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. • April 14: Easy Italian, 9 a.m. to noon, SS FFSC (2 of 3). • April 15: Terrible Two's & Three's, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., SS FFSC. • April 15: Fresh Pasta Store "Ravioli, Rucola and Speck," 10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., Carpool (meeting point: Support Site TLA, Lobby), cost is 4 euro. • April 16: Labor & Delivery Relaxation Techniques, 9 a.m. to noon, SS FFSC. • April 16: The Happiest Baby, 1 to 1:45 p.m., SS FFSC.

call 081-811-6372 for more information or to register. all classes require registration.

ENERGY CONSERVATION Sealing your home From the NSA Naples Energy Management Team

SEXUAL ASSAULT from page 1 Courage, Commitment. This month offers an opportunity to help in the elimination of this crime and ensure that all service members are in a command climate where they are treated with dignity and respect. Eliminate Sexual Assault: Every service member must know, understand, and adhere to the elimination of sexual assault in the military. We all must live the military values of integrity, trust, dignity, respect, fidelity, and courage. Know Your Part: Everyone in our community has a personal role in preventing and responding to sexual assault. We must recognize our part in stopping this with our own aware-

ness and knowing when and where to intervene. Each day we can take steps to foster respect and dignity among our ranks. Do Your Part: We must act. When we see inappropriate behavior unfolding, we need to step in to prevent it. We need to add our voice to end this crime. We must commit to an environment where behaviors like sexual harassment and sexual assault are not condoned, tolerated or ignored. NSA Naples will host events to celebrate SAAPM. We will have a month long remembrance walking competition pitting commands against each other with a trophy for the winning command. Events April 1-30: Walk in their shoes remembrance walking contest.

To receive the distance tracking form contact Chris Meza at john.meza@eu. Participants can use pedometers, gym equipment, or running / GPS watches to calculate distance walked. April 2: Awareness Table at the Navy Exchange (NEX) hosted by USNH SAPR team April 13-16: NEX Bagging to raise awareness hosted by USNH SCPOA April 17: Support Site Silent March starts at 6:30 a.m. from the USNH Naples, and is open to all community members. April 19: 5K Run starts at 8:30 a.m. at the Support Site Fit Forum, and is open to all community members. April 24: Gate Watch, SAPR teams will be handing out information at the Support Site front gate.

Air leaks can have a significant impact in energy cost. If your home has excessive air leakage it could be forcing you HVAC system to work a lot harder than it needs to. The increase consumption could be racking up your utility bill. As the weather is in its transitioning phase take the time to seal the leaks in your home. For homes that are in the planning phase or currently under construction, consider using house wrap material. The material is wrapped around the exterior form of the house. The wrap is composed of layers of insulating material. Additionally, the wrap is often composed of material that is resistant to tear. Another method to reduce air leaks is to caulk door and window seals. Caulking is an effective, low cost, do-it-yourself method. Visit your local hardware store to learn about more ways to eliminate air leaks in your home.

Crime Report for March 24 - 31 From the NSA Naples Command Investigative Division and NCIS


PANOrAMA April 3, 2015


PSSN Jason Roberts We used to go over to my grandmother’s house every Easter and she used to make baskets of candy for us. We’d go to church and afterwards we’d eat a huge lunch and then we’d eat all the candy we got.

IT1 Matthew Larios For the whole week in advance, our mother was saying how great our Easter would be. When it came time for the Easter egg hunt the kids could not find a single Easter egg. Turns out, my mother forgot to put them out in all the preparations so she sent us on a wild goose chase for a good two hours and the eggs were in the kitchen.

CMDCM Gregory Vidaurri Spending time with my family down at the river in San Antonio, Texas. Having a great time with a large extended family, over 25 family members would be there.

LT Amy Kim Going Easter egg hunting when I was a kid in elementary school.

CDR Don Biadog On the island of Okinawa there’s a particular flower that blooms, the Easter Lily. One of my best memories is seeing Easter Lilies bloom on tombs. They’re dead the rest of the year, but around Easter they bloom around those tombs. It symbolizes that death is not the end and there is life after death.

Sailors and Staff Show Spirit of Compassion at Pozzuoli Shelter By Chaplain Don Biadog Jr.

Last Friday 70 of the underprivileged people living in shelters and abandoned buildings around Pozzuoli and nearby Naples were recipients of love in action by the Sailors and staff from Naval Support Activity Naples. The selfless work by the volunteers touched the rugged, tired looking immigrants and the elderly. In addition to preparing and serving the food, volunteers cleaned the church’s main auditorium in preparation for Palm Sunday on March 29 at the famed San Gennaro Church in Pozzuoli. Furthermore, the NSA Naples Sailors and staff donated food for the Soup Kitchen. The Volunteers from the Springtime Cleaning and Food Serving said they were happy to render a helping hand. The residents were fed and said they were grateful for the generous spirit of the modern-day Good Samaritans shared their time, treasure, and talents. The positive engagements brought smiles to the Pozzuoli residents.

Sailors and staff from NSA Naples volunteered on March 27 to help serve food at the San Gennaro Church in Pozzuoli. Photo by Chaplain Don Biadog Jr.

PANOrAMA April 3, 2015


Photo by MCC Travis Simmons

Photo by MC3 Mat Murch

Photo by MCC Travis Simmons

CPO BIRTHDAY from page 1 Chief Petty Officers conduct morning colors at Naval Support Activity Naples to celebrate the birthday of the Chief PettyOfficer rank. The celebration is to acknowledge past and present Chief Petty Officers honoring 122 years of the Chief Petty Officer rank.

Photo by MCC Travis Simmons

Photo by MC2 John Herman

PANOrAMA April 3, 2015

MORE THE INSIDE PAGE The American Soccer Club (ASC) of Napoli is looking for qualified coaches. For details email

ONGOING/ON THE HORIZON The Naples Middle High School Music Boosters Is your Naples Middle High School student in Band, Choir, Orchestra, or Flag Team? If so, then he / she benefits from NMHS Music Boosters. We are a growing organization that ensures all Naples Middle High School music programs continue performing at the highest levels. Help support Music Boosters with your yearly family membership of $25 (other membership levels also available). Volunteers are continuously needed to assist with several projects. For details email or visit NMHS Music Boosters on Facebook. The Naples Middle High School PTSA is looking for volunteers to help provide information, resources and events that strengthen the connections between students, parents, the school and the community. A yearly membership is $10 and joining is a great way to get involved, meet the teachers, other parents and your child’s friends. For details email NaplesPTSAteam@ or Naples Middle High School PTSA on Facebook. Boy Scout Troop 007 holds troop meetings every Monday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Support Site Community Center. For details email or visit: https://www.facebook. com/BSATroop007; or https://www. Troop007Naples. Girl Scouts Overseas Naples is excited to support young leaders in action. We are much more than cookies; we show girls how to contribute positively in this world. From arts and crafts to camping trips and more Naples Girl Scouts wants girls to be have fun learning. For details visit or USA Girl Scouts - Naples, Italy on Facebook. Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions (CSADD), Naples Chapter meets every second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the NSA Naples Chiefs Mess, near the quarterdeck in Admin I. CSADD’s mission is to create a culture in which our shipmates are helping shipmates maintain a course of success through good decision-making. For details call MC2 Ramsaran at DSN 626-5249. Navy League Naples has three missions: to enhance the morale of active duty personnel and their families; to inform Congress and the American public on the importance of strong sea services; and to support youth through programs such as the Junior ROTC that expose young people to the values of our sea services. For details call Betty Reese at 081-526-8051 or visit The Naples Toastmasters Club provides materials and experience to improve competent communication and leadership skills. Meetings are at 6:30 p.m. on the first & third Tuesdays of the month at the Support Site Community Center. Guests welcome. For details visit or Toastmasters Naples Italy on Facebook. Naples Area First Class Petty Officers Association is composed of members from different rates with one mission: To enhance community relations, promote awareness of our duties as Sailors, and fortify the professional and social welfare of our service members. We normally convene every other week alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays. Visit us and bring a friend. For details call YN1 Gordon at DSN: 626-7733. Club Beyond is a youth group run by Naval Support Activity Naples Religious Ministries, and is open to children in grades 7 through 12. Meeting are Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Chapel Fellowship Hall at the Support Site. For details email Arturo at Alcoholics Anonymous hosts English-speaking AA meetings on and off base in the Naples area. For details call 339267-7075 or visit countries/italy.htm.

More “Inside Page” on Page 10


MOVIE SCHEDULE Friday, April 3 4:30 p.m. Cinderella, PG 6:15 p.m. Divergent Series: Insurgent, PG-13 7:30 p.m. Get Hard, R 8:30 p.m. Furious 7, PG-13 Saturday, April 4 3 p.m. Home, PG, 3D 4 p.m. Cinderella, PG 5:30 p.m. Furious 7, PG-13 7 p.m. Kingsman: The Secret Service, R 8:30 p.m. Unfinished Business, R

4:30 p.m. Home, PG 6 p.m. Furious 7, PG-13 7 p.m. The Lazarus Effect, PG-13 Monday, April 6 Closed, No Movies Tuesday, April 7 Closed, No Movies Wednesday, April 8 4:30 p.m. Cinderella, PG 6 p.m. McFarland, USA, PG 7 p.m. Divergent Series: Insurgent PG-13

Sunday, April 5 April Month of the Military Child 2 p.m. MWR & Navy Entertainment Thursday, April 9 present: Michael Kent: 4:30 p.m. The DUFF, PG-13 Comedic Magic Show, 6 p.m. Furious 7, PG-13 FREE 3 p.m. Cinderella, PG 7 p.m. Hot Tub Time Machine 2, R No Children Under 10 Admitted to R-Rated Movies

Cinderella PG, SciFi-Fantasy, 113 min. Cast: Cate Blanchett, Lily James, Richard Madden, Bella Heathcote, Helena Bonham Carter. The story follows the fortunes of young Ella whose merchant father remarries following the tragic death of her mother. Keen to support her loving father, Ella welcomes her new stepmother Lady Tremaine and her daughters Anastasia and Drizella into the family home. But when Ella’s father suddenly and unexpectedly passes away, she finds herself at the mercy of a jealous and cruel new family. Ella could easily begin to lose hope. Yet, despite the cruelty inflicted upon her, Ella is determined to honor her mother’s dying words and to “have courage and be kind.” And then there is the dashing stranger she meets in the woods. Unaware that he is really a prince, not merely an employee at the palace, Ella finally feels she has met a kindred soul.

Divergent Series: Insurgent PG-13, Action-Adventure, 119 min. Cast: Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Kate Winslet, Octavia Spencer, Zo Kravitz. This film raises the stakes for Tris as she searches for allies and answers in the ruins of a futuristic Chicago. Tris and Four are now fugitives on the run, hunted by Jeanine (Winslet), the leader of the powerhungry Erudite elite. Racing against time, they must find out what Tris’s family sacrificed their lives to protect, and why the Erudite leaders will do anything to stop them. Haunted by her past choices but desperate to protect the ones she loves, Tris, with Four at her side, faces one impossible challenge after another as they unlock the truth about the past and ultimately the future of their world.

The DUFF PG-13, Comedy, 101 min. Cast: Mae Whitman, Robbie Amell, Bella Thorne, Bianca Santos, Skyler Samuels. Bianca is a content high school senior whose world is shattered when she learns the student body refers to her as the “DUFF” (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) to her prettier, more popular friends. With her universe turned upside down, she ignores words of wisdom from her favorite teacher and enlists Wesley, a slick but charming jock, to help set her apart from the pack and erase her label forever. In doing so, she hopes to land her crush Toby, and find the confidence to overthrow the school’s ruthless label maker Madison by reminding everyone that no matter what people look or act like, we are all someone’s DUFF, and that’s totally fine.

Furious 7 Premiere PG-13, Action-Adventure, 137 min. Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jason Statham, Nathalie Emmanuel. Continuing the global exploits in the unstoppable franchise built on speed, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and Dwayne Johnson lead the returning cast of Furious 7. James Wan directs this chapter of the hugely successful series that also welcomes back favorites Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Chris “Ludacris” Bridges, Elsa Pataky and Lucas Black. They are joined by international action stars new to the franchise including Jason Statham, Djimon Hounsou, Tony Jaa, Ronda Rousey, Nathalie Emmanuel and Kurt Russell. Neal H. Moritz, Vin Diesel and Michael Fottrell return to produce the film written by Chris Morgan

Get Hard R, Comedy, 100 min. Cast: Kevin Hart, Will Ferrell, Gary Owen, Jay Pharoah, James Moses Black. When millionaire hedge fund manager James is nailed for fraud and bound for a stretch in San Quentin, the judge gives him 30 days to get his affairs in order. Desperate, he turns to Darnell to prep him for a life behind bars. But despite James’ one-percenter assumptions, Darnell

is a hard-working small business owner who has never received a parking ticket, let alone been to prison. Together, the two men do whatever it takes for James to “get hard” and, in the process, discover how wrong they were about a lot of things – including each other.

Home PG, Animation, 96 min. Cast: Jim Parsons, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, Steve Martin, Matt Jones. When Oh, a loveable misfit from another planet, lands on Earth and finds himself on the run from his own people, he forms an unlikely friendship with an adventurous girl named Tip who is on a quest of her own. Through a series of comic adventures with Tip, Oh comes to understand that being different and making mistakes is all part of being human. And while he changes her planet and she changes his world, they discover the true meaning of the word home.

Hot Tub Time Machine 2 Last Showing R, Comedy, 94 min. Cast: Rob Corddry, Adam Scott, Craig Robinson, Clark Duke, Gillian Jacobs. When Lou finds himself in trouble, Nick and Jacob fire up the hot tub time machine in an attempt to get back to the past. But they inadvertently land in the future with Adam Jr. Now they have to alter the future in order to save the past, which is really the present, in the sequel from the same team that brought you the original cult hit.

Kingsman: The Secret Service R, Suspense-Thriller, 125 min. Cast: Colin Firth, Michael Caine, Taron Egerton, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Hamill. Based upon the acclaimed comic book, Kingsman: The Secret Service tells the story of a supersecret spy organization that recruits an unrefined but promising street kid into the agency’s ultra-competitive training program just as a global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius.

The Lazarus Effect PG-13, Suspense-Thriller, 83 min. Cast: Evan Peters, Olivia Wilde, Donald Glover, Sarah Bolger, Mark Duplass. A group of researchers led by Frank and Zoe have achieved the unimaginable- bringing the dead back to life. After a successful, yet unsanctioned, trial on a deceased animal, the team is ready to unveil their breakthrough. When the dean of their university learns of their experiments, their project is shut down. The team recreates the experiment, but things go wrong and Zoe is horrifically killed. Fueled by terror and grief, Frank attempts to resurrect their first human subject. The procedure appears a success, but the team soon realizes something is wrong with Zoe. As her strange new persona reveals itself, the team is no longer faced with the question of whether they can bring someone back to life – but rather, the wrath of her return.

McFarland, USA Last Showing PG, Drama, 129 min. Cast: Maria Bello, Kevin Costner, Carlos Pratts, Hector Duran, Chad Mountain. A track coach in a small California town transforms a team of athletes into championship contenders.

Unfinished Business Premiere R, Comedy, 90 min. Cast: Vince Vaughn, Tom Wilkinson, Dave Franco, Sienna Miller, Nick Frost. A hardworking small business owner and his two associates travel to Europe to close the most important deal of their lives. But what began as a routine business trip goes off the rails in every imaginable – and unimaginable – way, including unplanned stops at a massive sex fetish event and a global economic summit.

If you have been sexually assaulted or need to speak with a S.A.P.R. victim advocate, call 335-640-6621 24/7 for information and support. The DoD Safe Helpline can be reached toll-free at 001-877-995-5247.


PANOrAMA April 3, 2015

Nato Lions Rugby Club is looking for new players. All abilities wanted. Practice is held every Wednesday at Carney Park at 5:45 p.m. Show up with shoes, shorts and a mouth guard. Training and development will be provided. For details email Mark Woodall or comanager Andrew Bohnsack at or andrew.bohnsack@ Naples Officials Association Needs Referees For details call Nigel Alexander at 081-721-5413 or 346-680-3282 or e-mail nalexander@ Harry S. Truman Lodge No. 649 meets 6:30 p.m. every second and fourth Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m. For details call Chris Gerbore at 333-704-9607 or email or visit group/HST649. Women, Infants, Children (Wic) Overseas Program is offered at NSA Naples. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum or have an infant or child under the age of five may qualify for the program. WIC Overseas is a nutrition education program that provides nutritious supplemental foods. For deails call 081-811-4962. The Naples Area Second Class Petty Officers Association meets twice a month to discuss upcoming community outreach opportunities and charity events. For details call MA2 Aaron Kurschner at DSN 626-2871 or ABH2 Brent Paucke at DSN 626-5382. Napoli Nation Fan Club is a group that helps community members attend SSC Napoli soccer games, promotes intercultural relations and provides SSC Napoli information to the community. Membership benefits include SSC Napoli gear, discounted tickets and entry to Napoli Nation functions. For details visit USASSCNapoli on Facebook. Seventh Day Adventist Worship Service takes place Saturdays at Support Site Chapel from 9 a.m. to noon. The schedule is: Sabbath School lessons, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.; songs and praise, 10:45 to 11 a.m.; Divine Service, 11 a.m. to noon. For details call Paolo Fleurant at 328-

MORE THE INSIDE PAGE 194-6897 or email naplesadventistsgroup@ yahoo. com. Connect The Tots Club unites families with children from newborn to pre-school age within the Naples military community. Club events include monthly coffee mornings and birthday parties, weekly playgroups, craft activities and more. For details visit www. Catholic Women Of The Chapel meets monthly in the Support Site Fellowship Hall for prayer, fellowship, and learning. Child care provided. We also meet Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. for Rosary and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. for bible study. For details email cwocnaples@ or visit Catholic Women of the Chapel - NSA Naples, Italy on Facebook. Gaeta/Naples Area Girl Scouts is in need of leaders and co-leaders. Training and support provided. For details email Filipino-American Association Of Naples, Italy meets at noon the first Sunday of every month at the Support Site Fellowship Hall. For details call Ron Nacianceno at 081568-1746 or 335-760-4446 or visit Fil-Am Naples on Facebook. The U.S. Military Retiree Association of Southern Italy (USMRA-SI) is the only association in Southern Italy representing the interests of U.S. retired military personnel and their survivors. If you are not a member and are eligible, visit the USMRA-SI at or call Wylie Miller at 329-208-7315. The Naples Christian Homeschool Association meets every month to support families who have chosen to educate their own children. We offer weekly park/pool days, a moms’ night out and field trips to explore Bella Napoli and beyond. For details email Natalie Mack at Meditation Sitting Group meets from 6:30 to 7 p.m. each Monday at the Support Site side chapel. Newcomers should stop by at 6 p.m.

Participation is free. For details email Laura Hitchcock at laura.poodle@

Roman Catholic Mass (11:30 a.m.12 p.m.) in the hospital chapel (call 081-811-6451 to confirm that Mass is being held); and Thursday Men’s Fellowship and Bible Study (6-7 a.m.) in the hospital galley.

University of Oklahoma Graduate Degrees The University of Oklahoma offers the master of human relations on-site graduate degree program. Courses meet in a series of four evenings and one weekend. For details call the OU office at DSN: 626-6672 or visit the office at Capodichino in the Admin II building.

Sure Start is a unique program committed to providing the highest quality of education for commandsponsored children of enlisted personnel (priority to E1-E4) who are four years old by Sept. 1. For details, call Karen Rodrigues at 081811-4682 or the school at 081-811-4037.

Register For On-Site Undergraduate Classes Visit the colleges for more information about what classes and programs are offered. Call UMUC Maryland at 081-568-6673/74/75; Central Texas College at 081-568-6761.

The Knights Of Columbus, San Gennaro Council 14853, meets at noon on the third Sunday of each month at the Support Site Chapel Offices. For details email robert Kenney at kofcnaples

Naples Area Nurses Association (NANA) is an organization of nurses that work together to fundraise, participate in social events, and provide support throughout the U.S. Naval Hospital Naples and NSA Naples community. For details email Lt. Shelley Beltz at shelley.beltz@ or Lt. Jenny Paul at The Welfare & Recreation Association is available to meet associates every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at its location on the first floor of Building 450 upstairs from Capo Landing. For details visit Security Note: All DoD military or civilian personnel hosting an event off base must complete a Special Event Force Protection Plan (SEFPP) 45 days in advance, regardless of organization, if the event will involve 50 or more personnel, include distinguished visitors or involve personnel wearing uniforms. For details call the AT/FP Division at 081-568-5525 or visit the division office in the Capodichino Security Precinct, Bldg. 403. Naval Hospital Religious Services Tuesday: Silent prayer (7:157:45 a.m.) in the hospital chapel. Traditional hymn and praise and worship music will be provided during this time; Wednesday

Carney Park Ladies Golf Association meets at 9 a.m. Mondays. All skill levels welcome. Discounted play with membership. For details call Carol Borkowski at 081-804-3345 or Carney Park Golf Course at 081-526-4296. Educational & Developmental Intervention Service Screenings Now Available Room W09, Support Site Village Forum. For eligible children who have not reached their third birthday. If you are concerned about your child’s development, contact EDIS at 081811-4676. Latinos Unidos Welcomes New Members Meetings are 2 p.m. on the first Sunday of every month at the Support Site park. For details email or call 334-6771-0327, or gabriel.sermeno@eu. or call 081-811-5554. Cub Scout Pack 007 Want to camp in Nettuno, hike in Cuma, go bowling or participate in swimming and archery? Then Cub Scouts is the place for you! Boys in first through fifth grade meet three times per month to learn skills that they apply on hiking, camping and service outings. For details email or visit

PANOrAMA April 3, 2015

VIRTUAL WARGAMERS from page 1 are sharing with the public to promote innovation, transparency, and crowdsourced problem solving but the DON has yet to overcome cultural and procedural hurdles. Information management in the DON is still widely based on industrial-age practices of siloing information and sharing it only on a “need-to-know” basis because many fear sharing data increases the risk of cyber exploitation or attack. Developing a balanced policy that promotes the “needto-share” data as the default position, while protecting critical personal or national security information, is at the heart of the DON’s data dilemma. “We must fundamentally rethink how we value information in the DON,” said

Dr. Maura Sullivan, Chief of Strategy and Innovation. “As the rate of change in the global environment accelerates and the landscape of potential threats increases in complexity, the

Naval Postgraduate School, is seeking new ideas and perspectives to tackle these complex challenges. We invite a broad audience of experts to participate in Data Dilemma: Share vs Silo

"As the rate of change in the global environment accelerates and the landscape of potential threats increases in complexity, the DON must adapt." DON must adapt.” The Office of Strategy & Innovation, Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy (Management), together with the

MMOWGLI (Massive Multiplayer Online Wargame Leveraging the Internet) from April 6-17, 2015. MMOWGLI events provide

an exciting new venue to leverage the competition of bold ideas and the collaboration between unlikely participants that often yields unexpected actionable outcomes. The natural tension surrounding sharing versus siloing data provides an excellent topic for this event and pits data sharing advocates against traditionalists focused on siloing data to reduce risk. The best ideas developed through the newest wargame, Data Dilemma MMOWGLI, will influence Secretary of the Navy innovation goals and eventually the DON data strategy. “We’re hoping for an extremely diverse set of players including experts from academia, industry, military, government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and global citizens to compete in this


Dr. Sullivan

MMOWGLI,” said Sullivan. Interested players can view the Data Dilemma: Share vs Silo MMOWGLI video and pre-register online at https://portal.mmowgli.nps. edu/dd. For additional information, contact Mr. Philip Lee at

Navy Releases Revised Maritime Strategy

Photo by MC1 Shannon Renfroe From the Navy Chief of Information Office

The sea services released a new maritime strategy, March 13, a plan that describes how the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard will design, organize, and employ naval forces in support of national security interests and homeland security objectives. The new strategy titled, A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower: Forward, Engaged, Ready, accounts for changes in the global security environment, new strategic guidance, and a changed fiscal environment. The essential functions of the maritime strategy released in 2007 were adjusted to include a new function called "all domain access" which

underscores the challenges forces face in accessing and operating in contested environments. The new strategy emphasizes operating forward and engaging partners across the globe, especially in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. The strategy calls for increasing the Navy's forward presence to 120 ships by 2020, up from about 97 ships today. This includes forwardbasing four ballistic-missile-defense destroyers in Spain and stationing another attack submarine in Guam by the end of 2015. The Navy is scheduled to increase presence in Middle East from 30 ships today to 40 by 2020. The strategy reinforces the continued need to strengthen partnerships and alliances by

stressing the importance of operating in NATO maritime groups and participating in international training exercises. Additionally, the strategy outlines plans to maintain readiness by implementing the Navy's Optimized Fleet Response Plan which improves readiness and leads to a predictable cycle for maintaining, training and deploying carrier strike groups and amphibious ships. The document features four sections: Global Security Environment, Forward Presence and Partnership, Seapower in Support of National Security, and Force Design: Building the Future Force. To view the full version of the new strategy document, visit


PANOrAMA April 3, 2015



Practice your vocabulary. Find the Italian words. P B H I Y O M B B R O C Z O K







CeSTo / Basket CIoCCoLATA / Chocolate CoNIGLIeTTo / Bunny DoMeNICA / Sunday FIoRI / Flowers









MARShMALLoW / Marshmallow PASQuA / Easter PRIMAVeRA / Spring PuLCINo / Chick uoVA / Eggs

SOLAR SYSTEM SOLUTION Answer to last week’s puzzle

(Over, Down, Direction)

EQUINOZIO(7,10,E) GIOVE(2,1,SE) LUNA(9,3,W) MARTE(5,11,E) MERCURIO(3,1,SE) NETTUNO(9,15,W) PLUTONE(7,8,SW) SATURNO(1,6,S) SOLE(14,1,SW) STELLA(9,6,N) TERRA(9,8,NE) URANO(10,1,S) VENERE(11,15,NW)

+ + + + + S A T u R N o + e +

G + + + + + + + + + + + N + +

M I + + + + + + + + + o + + o

+ e o + + + + + + + T + + + N

+ + R V + + + + + u M + + + u

+ + A C e + + + L e A + + + T

+ + N + u + + P + e R + + + T

+ + u + + R + + + Q T e + + e

A L L e T S I T + u e + N + N

u R A N o + e o + I + + + e +

+ + + e + R + + + N + + + + V

+ + L + R + + + + o + + + + +

+ o + A + + + + + Z + + + + +

S + + + + + + + + I + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + o + + + + +


Fun Easter Facts ● In the early 19th century, the first chocolate eggs were made in Europe. They remain among the most popular treats associated with Easter.

● The largest chocolate rabbit weighed 8,488 pounds and was made by Brazilian company Senac-RS, for the city of Gramado’s annual “Chocofest” in 2014.

● About 66 percent of Americans prefer solid chocolate bunnies over hollow ones.

● In 2007, community leaders in Delta, Ohio, organized the largest bunny hop in honor of Delta High School, whose mascot is the rabbit.

● Eighty-nine percent of Americans believe the proper way to eat a chocolate Easter bunny is ears first. Roughly six percent go for the feet, and five percent begin with the tail. ● A slight majority of survey respondents (52 percent) say the Easter bunny came before the Easter egg. ● Largest Easter egg hunt consisted of 501,000 eggs that were searched for by 9,753 children accompanied by their parents at the Cypress Gardens Adventure Park in Winter Haven, Fla., in 2007.

● Flemish giant rabbit owned by Annette Edwards, of England, was measured at four feet, three inches long in 2010. ● The largest chocolate Easter egg weighed 15,873 pounds, 4.48 ounces, and had a circumference of 64 feet, 3.65 inches at its widest point and was made in Tosca, Italy, in 2011. ● An astounding 16 billion jelly beans are made exclusively for Easter. That’s enough beans to fill a plastic egg the size of a nine story building.

upcoming uSo Tours Capodichino office 081-568-5713 Support Site office 081-811-4903 TouRS oPeN To BoTh u.S. MILITARy AND NATo I.D. CARD hoLDeRS

Apr. 10 Sorrento by Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €36 Apr. 11 Tivoli Villa D’Este . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €42 Apr. 12 Naples Underground and Pizza Lunch . . . €26 Apr. 17 Wine n’ Dine in a Neapolitan Tavern. . . . . €43 Apr. 18 Island of Capri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €62 Apr. 19 Hiking the Path of the Gods . . . . . . . . . . . . €36


Apr 24-27 Spring Weekend in Venice . . . . . . . . . . €237 May 9-10 Mother’s Day Weekend in Ischia . . . . . €149 May 23-25 Memorial Day at the Beach Resort . . . €195 Jul 26-Aug 2 Greek Islands of Zakynthos . . . . . . €779 Oct 30-Nov 3 Halloween in Transylvania . . . . . . €869

PANOrAMA April 3, 2015

Register for Session 4 Group and Private Swim Lessons Register in person at the Capo Fit Zone pool for Session 4 Group Swim Lessons, which will take place April 18, 25, May 2, 9. Lesson dates and times depend on age and skill levels. Cost is $30 per person for one session of four, 40-minute lessons. Private lessons are also available on Saturday mornings. Cost is $20 per person for a 30-minute, one-on-one instruction class or $74 for a package of four private lessons. For more information, call DSN 626-4254 or 081-568-4254.

Register for the “Glow in the Park” 2.5K/ 5K Fun Run MWR Youth Sports & Fitness brings you twilight fun with a costume run T-shirt at Carney Park on Saturday, April 11. Registration fees are $15 per adult and $10 per child. Register at the Youth Center, Support Site CDC or Capodichino CDC. A costume contest will begin at 5:30 p.m. and be followed by the run at 6:30 p.m. The event will end at 8:30 p.m. Bus transportation from the Support Site Youth Center departs at 4:30 p.m. and is available with registration at both ITT offices and online at The cost is $5 per seat. Upon boarding the bus, receipts presented to the bus monitor will be exchanged for a $5 MWR Voucher. Volunteers are needed as well. For more information, call DSN 6294722/4729 or 081-811-4722/4729.

April 5: Michael Kent Show at Reel Times 2 Cinema Navy Entertainment brings Michael Kent to Naples on Sunday, April 5 for the

MORE BASE NOTES Month of the Military Child. All ages are welcome at the Support Site Reel Times 2 Cinema for a show that involves comedy, audience participation and some amazing magic. The show begins at 2 p.m. and is free. For more information, call DSN 6264898 or 081-568-4898.

April 6- 10: Auditions, Rehearsals and Performance for “Beauty Lou and the Country Beast” The Missoula Children's Theater and Child and Youth Programs present “Beauty Lou and the Country Beast” to the Naples community. Auditions will be held on Monday, April 6 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Support Site elementary school cafeteria and is open to students from 1st to 12th grades. Approximately 60 roles are available for students. Rehearsals will be held April 6, 7 and 8 in the elementary school cafeteria and April 9, 10 at the high school cafeteria. All participants must be CYP registered (forms available at the audition).The performance will be held on Friday, April 10 at 6 p.m. in the Naples High School cafeteria. The program is free. For more information, call DSN 629-4722 or 081-811-4722.

April 8- 9, 15- 16: ASIST - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training The Region CREDO team will be holding two ASIST workshops for everyone who wants to feel more comfortable, confident and competent in helping to pre-

vent the immediate risk of suicide in our community. The workshops will be held at the Support Site Community Center April 8- 9 and April 15- 16. To register, or for more information, contact DSN 314626-5255 or 081-568-5255, email, or visit

April 11: Saturday Vaccine Clinic The Naples Veterinary Treatment Facility on Support Site will be holding a Vaccine Clinic on Saturday, April 11 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No appointment is necessary and as it is for walk-ins only. Normal fees apply. For more information, call DSN 629-7913 or 081-811-7913.

April 11: NOR Trekking Day Trip Join a group of enthusiastic hikers for the NOR’s trek in Sant’Agata (on the Sorrento Coast). No previous mountaineering experience is required. Must be 15 years or older to participate (ages 15-17 must be accompanied by an adult/legal guardian). $30 per person includes guide and transportation from the Support Site. Wear sturdy hiking boots and bring snacks, lunch, water and euros for incidentals. Sign up by 5 days prior to trip at the NOR Center. For more information, call DSN 629-4947 or 081-811-4947.

April 11: Paintball at Carney Park A day of paintball is being made available at Carney Park on Saturday, April 11. Open play will be from 10 a.m. to


noon for $10 per person, aged 15 and up. Private or organizational group play will be from 2 to 4 p.m., $50 for up to 6 people, aged 10 and up. All prices include equipment and field fees for the session. Paintballs are available for purchase. For more information, call the Carney Park NOR Center at 081-526-1579 or 081-526-3395.

April 18: Carney Park Flea Market It’s spring cleaning time! Sell some of your unwanted items at the Carney Park Flea Market on April 18. Cost is $15 per space, which includes one table. Extra tables cost $5 and chairs are also available at $1 each. U.S. ID card holders can sign up now through April 7, while Carney Park local national access card holders can reserve their space (if available) beginning April 8. The Flea Market in in conjunction with the Youth Sports Spring Opening Day and WRA & Fire Department Home Safety Day. For more information or to register your space, call Carney Park at 081-526-1579 or 081-526-3395.

April 18, 25: Parents’ Night and Day Out Parents can take the night off on April 18 from 4 p.m. to midnight or day off on April 25 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Support Site Child Development Center will be open so parents can enjoy the time with spouses, family or friends. Cost is $4 per hour. Children accepted are from ages 6 weeks to 6th grade. Register at the Support Site or Capodichino CDC from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. by the Friday, one week prior to date. For more details, contact DSN 629-4390 or 629-4989.

WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH Members of the Combined MultiCultural Heritage Committee Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Mandi Washington and Yeoman 1st Class Nelida Mack perform in a play about suffragette Alice Paul during the Women's History Month event, March 31. The event featured a play, women of the 20th century fashion show and guest speaker Capt. Donald Troast, chaplain. Photo by MC1 David R. Krigbaum

USO BARBECUE USO Naples Volunteer Committee grilled for over 85 single and unaccompanied service members at the BBQ Pit and MWR Liberty Center at Capo on Thursday night, March 19th, 2015. The USO team worked all day to marinate and prepare the hearty meal of spicy chicken fajitas with all the toppings served with a side of rice and beans. Community members donated delicious homemade dishes including chile con queso, “Mexican” brownie bites, desserts, and fruit kebabs to fill up the hungry junior service members. Sailors relaxed, listened to music, and reveled in the end of spring advancement exams. USO Naples thanks the volunteers, community donations, NOSC, the Chief’s mess, and all the sailors who came out for the food and fun. Photo courtesy of USO.


PANOrAMA April 3, 2015

JOBS HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE (HRO) To find out what positions are currently open, please contact our front desk at DSN 626-5409 or commercial 081-5685409. Copies of vacancy announcements will be also posted at the Human Resources Office, located at Admin I building at Capodichino, first floor. The customer service hours are Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) at Support Site will also have vacancy announcements at the HRO website: Applications are accepted at the Security Pass and ID Office at Capodichino, or at the HRO, located in Admin 1, Capodichino, or by mailing to: HRO, PSC 817 Box 29, FPO AE 09622, or at Fleet and Family Service Center (FFSC) located on the TLA first floor, at Support Site. HRO must receive mailed applications by closing date of the vacancy announcement. Customer service operation hours for the following HRO services are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9-11 a.m. and from 1-3 p.m.: • ID/CAC Cards (DD1172-2) • Requests for an Official Passport (DD1056) • Logistical Support Letters • Work Certificates

U.S. POSITIONS CONUS hires currently residing in the Naples/Gaeta commuting areas MUST apply through USAJOBS in order to receive consideration. CLOSING April 9 Electronics Technician, GS0856-12, ANN#EUR15-067345KB, Full Time Permanent Supervisory Financial Management Analyst, GS-0501-13, ANN#EUR15-066413-KB, Full Time Permanent Emergency Management Specialist, GS-0089-13, ANN# EUR15-062654-KB, Full Time Permanent General Marine Surveyor, GS0873-12, ANN#EUR15-066441KB, Full Time Permanent Information Security Specialist, GS-0080-12, ANN#EUR15068817-VT, Full Time Permanent Program Analyst (JTIMS), GS-0343-13, ANN#EUR15-0695 61-VT, Full Time PermanentGS0343-13, ANN#EUR15-069561VT, Full Time Permanent Supervisory Housing Management Specialist, GS-1173-12, ANN# EUR15-026052-AG, Full Time Permanent CLOSING April 16 Inventory Management Specialist, GS-2010-09, ANN# EUR15-074079-VT, Full Time Permanent Health System Specialist, GS0671-09, ANN#EUR15-074075VT, Full Time Permanent Program Analyst (Metrics), GS-0343-12, ANN#EUR15074387-KB, Full Time Permanent Program Analyst, GS-0343-14, ANN#EUR15-077135-KB, Full Time Permanent CANCELLED Telecommunications Equipment Operator, GS-0390-06, ANN#EUR15-029199-EG, Full Time Permanent

LOCAL NATIONAL (LN) POSITIONS If you have any questions, contact the front desk at 626-5409 or 081568-5409. You can also contact the Naples helpdesk at: HRO t/Jobs/AboutWorkingHere/index. htm. You will be contacted within 24 hours, so please be sure to provide your contact information. Thank you and we appreciate your input, whether negative or positive so that we can find ways to improve the HRO services, or continue to provide excellent service. As a reminder, an HRO Representative is available for the bi-weekly “Meet & Greet” at the NSA, Support Site Base, Navy Exchange Food Court area from 8-9 a.m. Please feel free to come by, pick up a copy of a vacancy announcement that you may be interested in applying for, or ask questions. If the HRO representative is unable to provide you a response, he/she will bring the question back to the HRO office and you will be provided an answer or a call back the same day. The next “Meet & Greet” is from 8-9 a.m. on April 6.

CLOSING April 9 Human Resources Assistant (Recruitment), Ua-0203-05 KPP Ua-04/03, ANN# 3049B068369-KB, Full Time Permanent CLOSING April 16 Transportation Assistant, Ua2102-06 KPP 05, ANN# 40411056464-EG, Full Time Permanent

NON-APPROPRIATED FUND (NAF) POSITIONS Fleet & Family Readiness NAF Local Naples job announcements within CNREURAFSWA may be viewed at: mil/regions/cnreurafswa/about/ jobs.html. The necessary application forms are also available on line. For any questions you have you may call 081-568-4164/2505/ 5612. The applications may be emailed to CNREURAFSWA_

NSA NAPLES US NAF POSITIONS Food Service Worker, NA7408-04, ANN# 15-003 flexible, Bowling Center, Support Site. Job Summary: Performs a variety of tasks such as grilling or frying pancakes, hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, eggs, sausage, by watching while the items are cooking, turning as required; regulating temperature and removing when done. Closing date: Open until filled. Education Aid/Technician, CY1702-I/II, ANN# 15-004, (Multiple Positions) flexible, Child Development Centers, School Age Care, Youth Programs, Teen Center and Youth Sports Capodichino/Support Site. Job Summary: Provides appropriate developmental care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in a Child and Youth Program setting Performs routine, day-to-day care of infants and children ranging from six

weeks to five years. Assembles and gathers materials and equipment necessary to execute School Age Care for children ranging from six to nine years old, SchoolAge Care Pre-Teen for children ranging from 10 to 12 years, Teen Center Program for children ranging from 13 to 18 years. Receives and releases children to/from authorized parents, guidance. Closing date: Open until filled. Education Aid/Technician, CY1702-I/II, ANN# 15-005, (Multiple Positions) regular full time, (Eligible for Post Allowance) Child Development Centers, School Age Care, Youth Programs, Teen Center and Youth Sports Capodichino/Support Site. Job Summary: Provides appropriate developmental care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in a Child and Youth Program setting Performs routine, day-to-day care of infants and children ranging from six weeks to five years. Assembles and gathers materials and equipment necessary to execute School Age Care for children ranging from six to nine years, School-Age Care PreTeen for children ranging from 10 to 12 years, Teen Center Program for children ranging from 13 to 18 years. Receives and releases children to/from authorized parents, guidance. Closing date: Open until filled. Recreation Aid, NF-018901ANN# 15-016 flexible, Bowling Center, Support Site. Job Summary: Provides oversight of activities and necessary services to authorized patrons. Closing date: Open until filled. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#15-019, flexible, MWR Liberty Division, Naples, Italy. Job Summary: Employee helps customers in the recreation center with recreational event. Closing date: Open until filled. Education Technician (Leader), CY-1702-II, ANN# 15-050, regular full time, (Eligible for Post Allowance) Fleet and Family Readiness Program, CYP Division, Teen Center. Job Summary: The purpose of the CY Program Leader (CYP) is to provide appropriate development care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in one or more CY programs. This includes the provision of guidance, assistance, and mentoring for the CY Program Assistants. Closing date: Open until filled. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN# 15-058, flexible, MWR Golf Course, Carney Park, Naples. Job Summary: Collects green fees (monthly and daily), locker fees and fees for electric cart rentals. Employee will act as starter when needed on weekdays and assist when needed as cashier. Closing date: Open until filled. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN# 15-059, flexible, Fitness Forum, Support Site, Naples, Italy. Employee in this position plays an integral part in providing customer service and insuring patrons are offered a clean facility and pleasant conditions for their fitness/athletic workouts or

programs. Closing date: Open until filled. Education Technician (Leader), CY-1702-II, ANN# 15-070, regular full time, (Eligible for Post Allowance) Fleet and Family Readiness Program, CYP Division, School Age Care. Job Summary: The purpose of the CY Program Leader (CYP) is to provide appropriate development care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in one or more CY programs. This includes the provision of guidance, assistance, and mentoring for the CY Program Assistants. Closing date: Open until filled. Lead Lifeguard, NF-0189-02, ANN# 15-130, temporary flexible (Seasonal Employment) Aquatics Division, Carney Park/Support Site. Job Summary: Ensures subordinate lifeguards are enforcing the pool rules and regulations. First cut-off date: April 3, 2015. Closing date: Opening Until Filled. Lifeguard, NF-0189-01, ANN # 15-135, (Multiple positions) temporary flexible (Seasonal Employment) Aquatics Division, Carney Park/Support Site. Job Summary: Works as instructor, safeguards and supervises swimmers and bathers in pool area. First cut-off date: April 3, 2015. Closing date: Opening Until Filled. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN# 15-131, (Multiple positions) flexible temporary, (Seasonal Employment) Aquatics Division, Carney Park/Support Site. Job Summary: Provides oversight of activities and necessary services to authorized patrons. First cut-off date: April 3, 2015. Closing date: Opening Until Filled.

NAF LOCAL NATIONAL POSITION Lead Lifeguard, Ua-0189-06, ANN# 15-120 temporary part time Aquatics Division, (Seasonal Employment) Carney Park/ Support Site. First cut-off date: 04/03/2015. Closing date: Open until filled. Lifeguard, Ua-0189-07, ANN# 15-121 (Multiple Positions) temporary part time (Seasonal Employment) Aquatics Division, Carney Park/Support Site. First cut-off date: 04/03/2015. Closing date: Open until filled. Recreation Aid, Ua-0189-07, ANN# 15-117, (Multiple Positions) temporary part-time, (Seasonal Employment) Aquatics Division, Carney Park and Support Site. First cut-off date: 04/03/2015. Closing date: Open until filled.

NEX EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Gricignano, Bldg. 2091-B Call 081-813-5252/5253/5254 / DSN: 629-4774 Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For a current list of U.S. vacancies and the on-line application visit: To assist your job search go directly to the location field, open the drop

down menu and click on Italy, then click on SEARCH FOR JOBS button. You will see all the jobs in Italy (mostly Naples area); just make sure you are NOT applying for a position located in Sigonella (Sicily). For any questions or concerns please call the numbers above.

GRICIGNANO MAIN STORE Ann# 150001BF Supervisory Sales Clerk/SL/NF-02/RFT – Open Until Filled/Closes 6/07/15 – Pay Rate: $10-$11. Job Summary: Provides work direction and supervision for a group of associates within assigned departments/location engaged in performing various clerical, retail and services functions. EARTH AND VINE SHOP Ann# 150000ZD Sales Clerk/ PS/NF-01/FLEX – Open Until Filled/Closes June 7, 2015 – Pay Rate: $8-$9 per hour. Job Summary: Responsible for selling merchandise to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked, displayed, and available. Knowledge of wines and specialty foods is desirable. Candidates must be at least 18 years old to apply. GRICIGNANO MINIMART Ann# 1500000W Sales Clerk/ MM /NF-01/FLEX – Open Until Filled/ Closes June 7, 2015 – Pay Rate: $9-$10 per hour. Job Summary: Responsible for selling general merchandise to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked and available. Candidates must be at least 18 years old to apply. CAPODICHINO NEXMART Ann# 150000AJ Customer Sales Clerk/MM /NF-01/ FLEX – Open Until Filled/ Closes 6/07/15 – Pay Rate $9-$11. Job Summary: Responsible for selling general merchandise to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked and available. Candidates must be at least 18 years old to apply. CARNEY PARK MINIMART Ann# 150001B9 Sales Clerk/ MM /NF-01/SEASONAL/ FLEX – Open Until Filled /Closes June 7, 2015 – Pay Rate: $9 per hour. Job Summary: Responsible for selling general merchandise to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked and available. Candidates must be at least 18 years old to apply.

OTHER OPPORTUNITIES School Age Care Looking for Full-Time Leads Child and Youth Programs is looking for full-time lead positions at the Support Site’s School Age Care Program. The position helps oversee the Before- and After-School Program, in addition to the summer day camp. Apply through the Human Resources Office at Capodichino. Call 081-5684164/2505 to find out what documentation is needed. DeCA Looking for Interns Are you a student or recent graduate? The Defense Commissary Agency is looking for full- and part-time Store Associate Pathways Interns from May 16 to Sept. 30. For details visit

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