Panorama Sept. 4, 2015

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60th year, No. 33

Serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta Military Community in Italy

Friday, September 4, 2015

Exceptional Family Member Program; Supporting Military Families with Special Needs By Sarah Meyer EURAFSWA Exceptional Family Member Program

Service members and their families run through the mud during Naval Support Activity Naples Annual Mud Run, August 29 at Carney Park. The event was sponsored by NSA Naples Morale, Welfare, and Recreation. For the full story and more images, go to page 7. Photo by MC2 Justin Stumburg

Small Acts Can Save Lives: Navy Observes Suicide Prevention Month From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

While September is Suicide Prevention Month, subject matter experts from the 21st Century Sailor Office’s Suicide Prevention Office, OPNAV N171, say their goal isn’t to prevent suicide on just a single day or month, but every day of the year. “Every life is precious, and the fight is year-round,” Capt. Mike Fisher, OPNAV N171 director, said. “We want people engaged with their shipmates every day of the year. We’re talking about being there for every Sailor, every day.” This year, Suicide Prevention Month will focus on a new message with its Every

Sailor, Every Day campaign, “1 Small ACT.” The message promotes simple, everyday actions that can ultimately save lives, using Navy’s “ACT” (Ask Care Treat) bystander intervention model. Last week, the Navy Suicide Prevention office released a toolkit to help Navy commands and Sailors engage in the fight to prevent suicide. This toolkit features educational resources, high-resolution graphics, and ideas for actions to take during September and year-round. Also in the toolkit are engagement ideas to promote peer support, personal wellness and bystander intervention all year long. One way to get involved as an

individual or organization is to participate in the “1 Small ACT” Photo Gallery. Participants can print the “1 Small ACT” sign directly from the toolkit or online, personalize it with their example of a small act that they can perform in a shipmate’s life, and then send a photo with the sign to

WORD SEARCH / COLOR ME 12 JOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14



BASE NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NAVY HISTORY / SPOTLIGHT. . 4 FFSC CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SOUND OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 MOVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 USO TOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

HISTORY OF LABOR DAY . . . . . . . .page 12

What can EFMP do for me? For families to accompany their active duty service member overseas each family member fills out a comprehensive overseas medical screening. This screening was developed to assure family members with special needs would have access to the medical and educational care they need. Living overseas far from family and familiar resources can be stressful. Overseas in the EURAFSWA region Military families have access to non-medical case management to assist in goal setting, needs assessments, coordinating providers and assisting with access to care. Who needs to enroll? Military dependents (enrolled in DEERS) who have chronic medical, dental, mental health, developmental and/ or educational conditions requiring special care services (excluding geographic bachelors and family members living in a residential care facility). When a child is on an Individual Education Plan, Individual Family Service Plan or a Section 504 plan then the service member is required to complete the enrollment paperwork. If your family member has recently been diagnosed with an acute or chronic medical or mental health condition that is expected to last six months or longer then you are required to enroll in the EFMP program.

Submissions will also be accepted through the Real Warriors mobile app, which can be downloaded on the Apple App Store or Google Play. “We want to highlight people across the fleet as they share their ideas for supporting their shipmates and

CAPTAIN’S CORNER. . . . . . . . . 2

IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP . . . . . . . . . . page 6

Established in 1987, Navy Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) was formed as a quality of life program to provide coordination with overseas screenings, networking, information, referral, education and nonmedical case management. EFMP provides for a multidisciplinary assignment tool to provide comprehensive and coordinated medical, educational, community and personnel support to military families with special needs.

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