July 27, 2012 Panorama

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57th year, No. 29

Gas strike Aug. 4-5 Gas station workers in Italy plan to strike Saturday, Aug. 4 and Sunday, Aug. 5. Plan ahead and fill up your gas tank before the weekend of the strike.

Serving the Nato, Naples and Gaeta military communities in italy

A drive through Ischia

W hAT ’ S I nSIde

A group of cruise enthusiasts discuss destinations in the Aegean Sea. Pages 4-5

The story behind Aldo, a thirdgeneration tour guide Page 6

Stepping back into prehistory in Matera

This highlight of the Basilicata region dates back more than 20,000 years. Page 7

See pages 12-13: In Ischia, one can admire spectacular views of the Bay of Citara from hotels positioned high above the beach between Forio and Sant'Angelo. (Photo by Laura Byrd)

Weekly crime statistics Review what happened between July 16 and July 22. Page 10


SATURDAY High 91 / Low 70 Partly cloudy

SUNDAY High 91 / Low 70 Partly cloudy

Officials at Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples are urging U.S. and NATO personnel to comply with the Italian law banning cash payments of €1,000 or more — an issue that may arise when paying rent to Italian landlords. Since Feb. 1, 2012, a new Italian law has prohibited cash transactions of €1,000 or more on the local economy. Rent payments to Italian landlords are considered transactions on the local economy and are subject to the new law. Earlier this year, the NSA Naples housing office contacted landlords who rent to American personnel to inform them that rent payments must be made either through an electronic fund transfer or a cashier’s check. Landlords can choose which payment method they prefer. Splitting payments, or paying rent via installments of under €1,000, is not allowed. Anyone whose landlord refuses to accept a check or cashier’s check for rent payments of €1,000 or more should contact the NSA Naples housing office for guidance at 081-811-4466. Similarly, if your landlord has requested that you split your rent payment into separate installments, you should contact the NSA Naples housing office. Renters should also contact the housing office if their landlord has tried to renegotiate their leases or lower the cost of their rent below €1,000 per month. Electronic fund transfers and cashier’s checks may be obtained at local banking institutions, including those at Capodichino and Allied Joint Force Command Naples. The Navy Exchange at the Support Site can also process electronic fund transfers and issue cashier’s checks from the Euro exchange counter of the Customer Service desk. see RENTERS Page 6

Navy teens ‘Chalk the Walk’

Page 10

High 91 / Low 70 Partly cloudy

Renters are reminded to follow Italy’s €1,000 law By Melissa Kabukuru Panorama editor

So many Greek islands, so little time

School’s out, but Naples Tiger Sharks are still hard at work

Friday, July 27, 2012

Story and photos by MC3 Josh Bennett, Navy Public Affairs Support ElementEast Detachment Europe

Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s Child and Youth Programs division hosted “Chalk the Walk,” an event featuring a madonnari art competition, to celebrate Navy teens July 20 at the Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples Support Site. Madonnari is the art of street painting, and Child and Youth Programs has been training Naples teens in the techniques of madonnari during its Teen Art Camp. “We were able to give teens from around the world a great opportunity to experience art with an art history tour throughout Italy and training

from an expert,” said Chris Kasparek, director of Child and Youth Programs at NSA Naples. The 17 teens that were able to participate in the two-week camp were able to do so for free through funding from Commander, Naval Installations Command (CNIC). The first week of the camp consisted of an art history tour through Naples, Rome, Venice and Florence. The second week of the camp featured training in different art skills from Casey Kasparek, a madonnari art expert. “By the end of the camp, the teens showed they had the ability to put together some great pieces for the event,” said Casey Kasparek. “Chalk the Walk” was the grand finale of the Child and

Victoria Anders works on her creation during Child and Youth Program's 'Chalk the Walk” event at the Naval Support Activity Naples Support Site July 20. (Photo by MC3 Josh Bennett)

Youth Programs Teen Art Camp. The event gave the teens an opportunity to show what they had learned during

the two-week camp, and was open to everybody in the community. see CHALK THE WALK Page 6



July 27, 2012

Captain’s Corner By Capt. Scott Gray NSA Commanding Officer

Happy Friday, everybody! We got a bit of a reprieve from the heat this week and it was a welcome break. The weather is likely to get hot and dry again for a while, so there will still be plenty of time to hit the beach and pools this summer. As many of you may have noticed, when it rains after weeks without a drop, the roads get very slippery. Bottom line, be careful driving in the rain during the summer time. Allow a little extra space between you and the car in front of you and ease off the gas pedal a little bit. If you’re planning a road trip next weekend, you may want to think again. Gas station workers will be on strike all weekend from Aug. 4 to 5, so be sure to fill up beforehand or else don’t plan on driving very far. On the subject of road trips, we’re entering the month of the year when pretty much all of Italy (and most of the rest of Europe) goes on vacation. Keep that in mind when heading out, as beaches and roadways will be extremely crowded and your favorite stores or services may be closed. Again, anticipate crowds and don’t assume everything will be open without checking first. August will mean some slowdown here on the base as many of our local nationals take vacation. We are mindful that it is also is the high season for permanent change of station moves. That means there will be lots of people coming and going, household goods that need to be picked up or packed, and many little things that need to happen for people to transition to a new duty station. We have planned accordingly, and we’ll have services available throughout the month of August. There may be some reductions in manning at times, so we recommend that you call ahead to make appointments if you’ll be departing during the month of August. For those of you just settling in, or if you’re looking for an opportunity to get involved in a community-wide event, the Navy Ball committee is looking for volunteers. The October event takes a great deal of planning. If you’re interested in helping make this year’s ball successful, contact Lt.Yee at david.yee@eu.navy.mil. I’ll be on the radio again next week to answer your questions, provide information on what is going on around the base and address items of interest to the community. There are many things going on, including the closing of Parco Eva, the gas strike Aug. 4 and 5, and construction of the new Capodichino food court. So post a question on Facebook and I’ll try to get an answer out to you on the air. Be sure to tune into the program on Fridays from 7 to 8 a.m. on 106.0 FM. We are kicking off the Great Southern Italy Shakeout via a new website developed with an eye toward improving disaster preparedness throughout the community. Please take the opportunity to visit the website at http://www.shakeout.org/italia/howtoparticipate and sign up to be a participant in the earthquake drill Oct. 18. The site has lots of great information on disaster preparedness and information on what to do in an emergency. Additionally, you will get routine updates and tips on how to better prepare yourself and your family for an emergency. Please take the opportunity to get smart on how to prepare for an emergency and do your part to be part of the solution. We have a few things coming up to keep you and your kids busy during the weeks between now and the start of school. The Missoula Children’s Theater is coming Monday to conduct workshops and put on a production of Robin Hood. Then, National Night Out is Aug. 7, which is always a great event for the community and an opportunity to showcase our security and emergency services, as well as the the partnerships we have with our local Italian counterparts. Later in the month, the chapel is hosting the Vacation Bible School from August 13 to 17, which is open to children of all faiths. Additionally, Information, Tours and Travel and the USO have plenty of excursions planned as well, so be sure you take advantage and see Italy and the rest of Europe! Have a great weekend!

Panorama associato all’uSPi unione Stampa Periodica italiana

Editorial Staff Melissa Kabukuru, editor: Free Mercato ads: Paid advertising:

naplespanorama@eu.navy.mil tel. 081/568-5335 tel. 081/568-5335 tel. 081/568-7884 Fax 081/568-7887 e-mail: stampagenerale@tin.it

Naval Support Activity Naples Italy Capt. Scott Gray Cmdr. robert Barbee lt. Matt Gill MC1(Nao) John Parker teresa Merola

Commanding officer executive officer Public affairs officer assistant Public affairs officer Public affairs/CoMrel Specialist

Base Notes

From Panorama staff reports

Gas strike Aug. 4-5

Vacation Bible School Aug. 10-17

A gas strike has been confirmed for two days from Saturday, Aug. 4 to Sunday, Aug. 5. The strike will affect gas stations on city roads and highways. Union leaders have organized this strike because of hikes in industry prices and the government’s alleged failure to protect this sector. Please plan accordingly and fill up your gas tank prior to the dates of the strike.

This August, dive into the fun at Operation Overboard Vacation Bible School. Participants will enjoy crafts, games, music, dinner and more. Dates are Aug. 13 through Aug. 17, with meetings to take place from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Support Site Chapel. Children entering Kindergarten through sixth grade are invited to attend. Additionally, seventh graders and adults are invited to volunteer. Participants can register through Aug. 17, while volunteers can register through Aug. 10. Sign up online at http://overboard.cokesburyvbs.com/SSNaples or pick up a registration form from one of the base chapels. For more information, contact Jennifer Martin at 081-8114617 or e-mail naplesvbs@hotmail.com.

Wanted: volunteers for the Navy Ball Committee Need some volunteer hours to put you over the top for your next evaluation? Bored at home and want to meet some new people while supporting a great cause? The Navy Ball Committee is looking for new volunteers to help with fundraising events to support the 2012 Navy Birthday Ball. These events include cookouts, car washes, golf tournaments, assisting with bagging at the Navy Exchange, and volunteering at the Forgotten Treasures Thrift Store. Everybody is welcome to participate, and there are plenty of events to fit anybody’s schedule. If interested, please contact Lt. Dave Yee at 081-568-5450 or david.yee@eu.navy.mil.

A few holiday closures Aug. 15-17 During the upcoming Italian holidays from Aug. 15 to 17, the Tax-Free Office and the Central Motor Vehicle Registration Offices at Allied Joint Force Command Naples and Capodichino will be closed. The Vehicle Processing Center will be closed Aug. 15 only. The Personal Property Office and the Support Site Central Motor Vehicle Registration Office will be open with limited services due to reduced manning. Individuals should make appointments in advance with the Personal Property Office and Central Motor Vehicle Registration Office during these holidays.

USO Pool Party Aug. 10 Grab the kids and treat the whole family to a splashin’ Friday night at the Support Site Pool. The USO Pool party will take place from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 10. Refreshments, water games, giveaways, and music will make for a relaxing summer evening. A maximum of 75 people can participate. Tickets cost €2. Sign up at a USO center to join the fun. For more information, call the USO Naples at 081-5685713 or 081-811-4903, or visit www.uso.it.

National Night Out Aug. 7 at the Support Site

National Night Out is an annual crime prevention event that brings together first responders and community members the first Tuesday of every August. This year, National Night out is Tuesday, Aug. 7. At Naval Support Activity Naples, participants will include the Carabinieri, Polizia Muncipale, the Guardia Di Finanza, the Italian Army, Navy Criminal Investigative Service, the Department of Defense fire department, U.S. Naval Report fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement in Hospital Naples, the Red Cross, the Navy activities to: USO, the Navy Exchange, military Office of the Inspector General, Naples, Italy working dogs, the Boy Scouts, Leave a recorded message 24/7:...........................081-568-2983 Naples Overseas Spouses Club and Speak to the CNREURAFSWA Investigator: ......081-568-2600 other organizations. Special events will include the National Night Out Speak to the CNE-CNA-C6F Investigator: .........081-568-2964 parade, prize giveaways, contests, E-mail: ighotline@eu.navy.mil demonstrations and exhibit booths, Website: www.cnic.navy.mil/europe/index.htm and a cookout. All Department of Defense and local national employees are invited, as are their families and guests. For further information on National Night Out, please conNSA Naples CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .townhallnsanaples@eu.navy.mil tact MA1 Arnoudse at 081-568Child and Youth Programs Director .christopher.kasparek@eu.navy.mil 2873 or Lt. Cmdr. Tukes at 081Director, FFSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FFSCNSANaples@eu.navy.mil CMVRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cmvro@eu.navy.mil 568-5411.


ContaCt naples

Personal Property . . . . . . . . . . . . .ppso-naples@eu.navy.mil Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m-na-nsa-postoffice-gs@eu.navy.mil Hospital Customer Service . . . . .nhnaples-pao@med.navy.mil Naples High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .naplesHS.principal@eu.dodea.edu Naples Elementary . . . . . . . . . . . . .naplesES.principal@eu.dodea.edu Housing Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . .nsanapleshousingdirector@eu.navy.mil Commissary Director . . . . . . . . . . .Sharon.washington@deca.mil NEX General Manager . . . . . . . . . .nexnaples-gen1@nexweb.org MWR/ITT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mwrmarketrequest@eu.navy.mil AFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .http://www.afneurope.net/naples NCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .nctscustsvc@eu.navy.mil

This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of Panorama are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U. S. Navy. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, or Stampa Generale S.r.l. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. the Panorama editorial office is located at Naval Support activity, Naples, italy, PSC 817, Box 40, FPo ae 09622 telephone: commercial 081-568-5335/5912; dSN 626-5335/5912. e-mail: naplespanorama@eu.navy.mil.

Bowling lanes under renovation The lanes at the Support Site bowling center will be under renovation until Sept. 2. The bowling center snack bar and O’Rhys Irish Pub will continue normal operations during the renovation process.

Panorama is published weekly on Friday by Stampa Generale S.r.l. Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy - Tel. 081-568-7884, Fax 081-568-7887. e-mail: stampagenerale@tin.it - Autorizzazione Tribunale di Napoli No. 3404 del 3.4.1985. Direttore Responsabile: Bruno Brandi. Stampa: Europrint Sud S.r.l., Ferentino (Fr); Fotocomposizione: Stampa Generale S.r.l. - Tel. 081-568-7884. Stampa Generale is a private firm in no way connected with the U. S. Navy under exclusive written contract with the U. S. Navy. The editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office of the Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy. All news and feature articles and announcements submitted to Panorama are subject to editing to conform with contemporary standards of journalistic objectivity, clarity and relevance. We welcome any contributions, suggestions or comments dealing with community issues. Submissions for publication in Panorama will be accepted on the basis of newsworthiness, timeliness and space available. All copy must be submitted in Microsoft Word format in an e-mail to the editor at: naplespanorama@eu.navy.mil. Each submission must include the name and telephone number of the author. deadliNe For all CoPy aNd PhotoS iS at CloSe oF BuSiNeSS Friday Prior to PuBliCatioN date.

Panorama July 27, 2012


Naples June 2012 births JUNE 1 JUNE 13 JUNE 15 JUNE 15




But they found out that stealing a gondola and trying to row along Venice’s Grand Canal is easier said than done. Police approached the two “gondoliers,” who were totally incapable of handing the oars, and requested to see their documents. One of the fake gondoliers was able to jump on the boat patrol vehicle to escape and disappear into the Venice streets. The other man instead was identified and admitted the stunt.

Fashion store owners reported for tax evasion

Rome taxi cooperative goes green

Police in the southern city of Reggio Calabria discovered that a wealthy business family that owns several designer fashion stores owes the Italian government €34 million in unpaid taxes. The family dodged €30 million in income taxes and €4 million more in value added tax (VAT). A businessman, his wife and two sons owned various stores and all were reported to authorities for tax evasion and false accounting.

The first photovoltaic system activated in a European taxi company was inaugurated in Rome at the Cooperativa Taxi in the presence of the mayor and other authorities. Thirty white cars personalized with the inscription “gone with the green” will operate throughout the Rome streets. The project is part of the plan for "sustainable mobility of Roma Capitale" and will provide power to the entire organizational system of the headquarters of the taxi cooperative, which is the largest in the capital. The system will give electricity to the cooperative’s media room, administrative offices and to those operating at the workshop. The solar generator consists of 414 modules with a total surface area of 825 square meters, and has a maximum power output of 120,006 kilowatts. Embedded systems are composed of six columns and recharging stations for electric cars. Thanks to an agreement with some manufacturers, in the first months of 2013 Rome will have between 20 and 50 electric taxis that can travel a range of 150 kilometers autonomously.

Venice hotels rank as Italy’s most expensive The most expensive hotels in Italy are in Venice, according to the Business Price Radar, a tourist website. Prices went up to almost 10 percent this year compared to 2011. Meanwhile, in Rome hotel prices dropped by 5 percent during the same period. For budget travelers, the city of Palermo has the best hotel prices in the country.

American tourists hijack gondola in Venice Two American men who were spending their vacation in Venice didn’t know how to go back to their hotel, so they decided to borrow a gondola.



Compiled by Teresa Merola

In the town of Cerro al Volturno in the Molise region, the mayor issued an ordinance that forbids dogs from barking. Dogs must not bark from 1 to 4 p.m. or from 9 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. Dogs are also forbidden from entering public parks, gardens and playground areas. Owners of dogs that are caught barking outside the permitted times will be fined between €25 and €500.


15-16 APPLIED SUICIDE INTERVENTION SKILLS TRAINING In this workshop you will have the opportunity to explore your experiences with and your attitudes about suicide. You will also have an opportunity to better understand the needs of a person at risk of suicide and how to use suicide first aid to meet those needs. To attend, call the CREDO office at 081-568-5255. 23 MONTHLY BABY BASICS CLASS offered by NMCRS Visiting Nurses. Next class is Aug. 23 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Office, located in room G-016 in the Admin II building at Capodichino. Topics include newborn care (i.e. bundling, diapering & bathing); feeding, crying & comforting; health & safety, etc. Contact NCMRS for registration and information at 081-568-3913.

Jake edenfield, a retired U.S. navy Boatswain’s Mate 1st Class, passed away Friday, July 20 in naples. The longtime naples resident was 75. edenfield, who retired in 1977, is survived by his wife, Rosanna, daughter Barbara and son Michael, who is currently assigned to naval Support Activity (nSA) naples. A memorial service is planned for edenfield Friday, Aug. 3 at 9:30 a.m. at the main chapel at the nSA naples Support Site.

Italian town bans dogs from barking


27 CLEP/DSST TESTING Take a CLEP test in the automated National Test Center located in the Admin II building at Capodichino. Call UMUC Maryland for an appointment at 081-568-6675. Visit the Navy College Office Naples for assistance in selecting the best test for your program. 31 DEFENSE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY TESTING Take the DLPT or the DLAB at the Navy College Office (NCO). Open to military members and government employees who have a CAC card. Make an appointment at the NCO by calling 081-568 6684/6683/6678 or send an e-mail to nco.naples@eu.navy.mil.


Italian News Briefs



Jonathan Donnell Harris Jr., 6 pounds and 10 ounces, son of IT2 Lateadra H. Harris and IT2 Jonathan D. Harris Lynthyda Luna Bounsana, 6 pounds and 10 ounces, daughter of Amanda L. Bounsana and MA2 David Bounsana Alan Francisco Sanchez, 9 pounds and 4 ounces, son of Silvia Sanchez and CPO Alan A. Sanchez Zachary Thomas Malig Cardenas, 6 pounds and 6 ounces, son of Mary Anne M. Cardenas and UT2 Tomas S. Cardenas Juan Pablo Maldonado II, 6 pounds and 6 ounces, son of Latricia T. Maldonado and SSG Juan P. Maldonado Audrey Anne Gabrielle Le Biannic, 8 pounds and 10 ounces, daughter of Anne-Yvonne Le Biannic and OF4 Franck Le Biannic Avery Jackson Arnold, 6 pounds and 13 ounces, son of Kristy J. Arnold and PO1 Matthew L. Arnold



NAPLES HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC BOOSTERS seeks 2012-2013 board members. For more information, e-mail matthew.ukleja@gmail.com. ALLIED SPOUSES CLUB is seeking strong candidates to fill the following leadership positions: events coordinator, volunteer coordinator and bazaar chairman. Annual rotation of leadership also means we are electing new board positions: president, vice president and secretary. FMI, e-mail ascpresidentjfc@gmail.com. LA MIMOSA THRIFT SHOP AT JFC is currently accepting volunteers to sort donations and staff the store. Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. La Mimosa is closed Wednesdays and weekends. FMI, e-mail ascpresidentjfc@gmail.com. ATTENTION PHOTOGRAPHERS! Are you interested in taking photos of Naples Elementary School students during the 2012-2013 school year? Contact Dr. Johnson at 081-811-4159 or donita.Johnson@ eu.dodea.edu. THE AMERICAN SOCCER CLUB (ASC) OF NAPOLI is looking for qualified coaches. Those interested in coaching should e-mail doc@ascnapoli.com. NAPLES AMERICAN RED CROSS (ARC) NEEDS VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTORS. ARC needs volunteer instructors for various courses. Those interested in becoming instructors can contact the ARC office at 081-568-4788. ANIMALS WITHOUT LIMITS (AWL) is searching for volunteers who want to help at our Animal Hospice in Lago Patria. We also need volunteers for different projects on the Support Site base. For more information, please contact us at awlrescueteam@gmail.com or director@ animalswithoutlimits.com. NAPLES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTA is searching for people who want to lead the PTA during the 2012-2013 school year. PTA board members are elected every year and committee chairs are appointed every year. If you are interested in a board or chair position, please e-mail Angel Neese at itwife2000@yahoo.com. NAVY LEAGUE OF THE U.S./NAPLES COUNCIL is seeking board members. Contact Betty Reese at 081-526-8051 or breese@cybernet.it. NAVY-MARINE CORPS RELIEF SOCIETY OPERATION CLIP & SAVE (coupons): 081-568-3913.

ONGOING/ON THE HORIZON NAPLES OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION NEEDS REFEREES Anyone interested should contact Nigel Alexander at 081-721-5413 or 346-680-3282 or by email to nalexander@afsouth.nato.int. PUBLIC SPEAKING WITH TOASTMASTERS The Naples Toastmasters Club meets the first and third Tuesdays of every month. Meetings are held at the Support Site Community Center at 6:30 p.m. FMI, contact the Toastmasters president at 342-010-6263. GAETA/NAPLES AREA GIRL SCOUTS Now accepting registration for the 2012-13 school year. We are still in need of leaders and co-leaders. Training and support provided. FMI, contact naplesgs@yahoo.com. FILIPINO-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NAPLES, ITALY meets at noon the first Sunday of every month at the Support Site Fellowship Hall. For more information, contact Ron Nacianceno at 081-568-1746 or 335-760-4446. Also check out the group’s Facebook page, Fil-Am Naples. BOY SCOUT TROOP 007 holds troop meetings every Monday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Support Site Community center. E-mail the Scoutmaster at 007troop@gmail.com or visit the website at sites.google.com/site/boyscouttroop007naples.

More “Inside Page” on Page 11


Panorama July 27, 2012

A friendly debate: Which is the best Greek island? By Lou Freed

A stunning hilltop view of the Aegean Sea from Santorini’s main town. (Photos by J. Freed)

While relaxing with some friends who had just visited Greece, each of them voiced the reasons for preferring one Greek island over another. A woman immediately declared, “I loved Santorini and would recommend starting a visit to Greece there. I think it’s the loveliest island in the Aegean.” “Why Santorini?” a guy across from me asked. “The view from the island’s main town is stunning and a sight I won’t forget,” the woman replied. An American-born Greek woman then chimed in, “We took the bus to Oia and I’m glad we did. It’s higher than Thira, so its sea views are far more

Thatched-roof windmills on the island of Mykonos’ create a memorable image of Greece.

Panorama July 27, 2012


Fleet and Family Support Center events this week From the Fleet and Family Support Center

For more information about local Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) events, visit www.facebook.com/NaplesFFSC.

UPCOMING FFSC NAPLES EVENTS Call 081-811-6372 for more information or to register Friday, July 27 – THE PHLEGRAEAN FIELDS (8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; Departs from the bus stop at JFC) Discover the lakes, some famous spas in the area, the volcano and more. THE FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT PROCESS (Noon - 3 p.m.) Want to land a federal job? This workshop focuses on the key steps to gaining federal employment. Topics covered vary from job searching guides to interview tips. The third hour, hands-on practice, is optional. LEGAL ASSISTANCE AT SUPPORT SITE FFSC (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.) Legal Assistance appointments will be performed by a NLSO attorney two times per month at the FFSC service center. The attorneys are available for the usual legal assistance services – powers of attorney, immigration, consumer law, creditor/debtor issues, divorce, etc. Please contact 081-568-4576 for more information or to make an appointment. Monday, July 30 – EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN NAPLES (Noon - 2 p.m.) Looking for a job in Naples? This educational session is great for spouses and family members who want to explore the various employment opportunities available in Naples. Tuesday, July 31 – EFFECTIVE RESUME WRITING (9:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.) Having a difficult time creating your resume? This seminar provides a basic introduction to the design and purpose of a resume. Special attention is given to the federal employment resume. In Rhodes, two deer statues on columns mark the spots where the ancient wonder, the 100-foot tall Colossus, once stood.

sweeping and spectacular than those in the main town.” Shortly, an older Mediterranean-looking man piped in and said, “There’s something about Santorini that would lure me back. It’s Santorini’s setting...the image that floats through visitors’ minds after their Grecian holiday.....the symbol of Greece’s beauty and wonders.” A middle-aged woman who’d been waiting to weigh in during the discussion remarked, “I think Mykonos is just as picturesque for different reasons.” She cited the island’s sprawling beaches, maze of narrow, winding alleyways, square-shaped homes and shops in the town center. “From a distance, the blue doors and windows made me want to explore the town to see what could be glimpsed behind them.” The Mediterranean-featured man, before sipping his coffee, once again said his piece: “The authentic, thatched-roof windmills in the town are now etched in my brain. They form the magic of Greece, like Santorini’s blue church domes.” The discussion then turned to Rhodes, which a scholarly, bespectacled older man vividly described. “I’m glad I didn’t miss the harbor where the legendary Colossus of Rhodes – one of the seven wonders in the ancient world – once stood. Today, of

course, it’s been replaced with two columns topped with deer, but you can still imagine how grand it must have been.” “I also found the Old Town quite a throwback to the medieval ages,” he continued. “It’s wonderful that many reminders of the period remain intact. I could just visualize a few thousand Knights of St. John holding out against hundreds of thousands of Turks during the famous siege in the 16th century.” History aside, shopping was another main attraction for some of the visitors to Rhodes. “It was difficult not to be tempted by the shops there,” said one woman. “What do you think of this pendant?” she then asked, referring to an eye-catching silver toned anchor she said had purchased in the Old Town. For some, the memories of Greek cuisine on the island of Rhodes were ones that would last a lifetime. “We stopped in a local restaurant for some moussaka, kalamares, pasticcio and the feta cheese on the famous Greek salad,” said one of the ladies. “And for dessert, we loved the baklava and yogurt with honey,” someone added. As we all lapsed back into our cruise memories, a waiter brought the group’s ouzo drinks for everyone to wish each other a safe journey home and quick return to Greece.

Italy and Beyond Lou Freed is a regular contributing culture and travel columnist for Panorama. She has traveled and cruised Lou Freed extensively in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe. Her recurring column offers cultural and travel insights locally and further afield.

How to get there Check out the Greek ferries for the islands from Piraeus (near Athens) or Crete at http://www.ferries.gr. Also, visit the websites of Italian cruise ships MSC and Costa as well as American companies Celebrity and Royal Caribbean for their itineraries to the islands and other Mediterranean destinations. These cruises depart from from Bari, Rome or Venice. Special cruise rates for U.S. military families are posted at http://www.interliner.com.

EASY ITALIAN (9 a.m. - noon) This is an introduction to basic Italian language and conversation. Wednesday, Aug. 1 – CHOICES: MANAGING YOUR ANGER (2 - 4 p.m.; Session 4 of 4) A four-session program focused on skills to manage anger and develop effective communication. Thursday, Aug. 2 – NAPLES CENTRAL TRAIN STATION AND LONGEST SHOPPING STREET (9 a.m. - 2 p.m.; Departs from the Support Site) Learn about the national trains and take a walk along Corso Umberto. Requires prior purchase of two Unico Campania tickets from Information, Tours and Travel.

NOTES FROM THE FFSC Family Readiness Group Leadership Training available through the FFSC

The FFSC team is available to provide Family Readiness Group (FRG) Leadership Training to any interested community organization. Family Readiness Groups (FRGs) can serve as a support service network to prepare service members for deployment and homecoming, and can also provide family support during deployments. For more information, please contact the Fleet and Family Support Center Ombudsman Coordinator at 081-811-6372.

Naples area ombudsmen and key spouses The ombudsmen program at Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples coordinates communication of information between service members and their families. The service provided by ombudsmen becomes especially critical and helpful during deployments. Here is a list of ombudsmen for Naples area commands. AFN NAPLES: Donna Vigil, ombudsafn@gmail.com CNE BAND: Holly Ward, cnebandombudsman@hotmail.com CNE- 6th FLEET: Ashley Haggerty: c6fombudsman@ gmail.com CNREURAFSWA: Sindy Copeland: cnreurafswanaples@hotmail.com CTF SIX THREE & MSCEURAF: Arlene Campbell, ombudsmanctf63.msceuraf@yahoo.com CTF SIX NINE & COMSUBGRU EIGHT: Emily Key, ctf.69. ombudsman@gmail.com FLCSI- Naples: Maria Seibel, maie13@yahoo.com JFC: Edna Wood, ombudsmanjfc@gmail.com NSA Naples: Heather Staib-Jerzy, nsa_naples_omb@yahoo.com NCTS: Michelle Cannuli, ombudsmanncts@yahoo.com NSSA DET Naples: Gretchen Bozwell,nssadetnaplesombudsman@ hotmail.com USNH: Amy Romanowski & Latascia Hamilton, usnh_ombudsman@ hotmail.com U.S. ARMY ELEMENT: Jennifer Molina, jennifer.molina1.civ@ mail.mil U.S. ARMY ELEMENT - ALPHA COMPANY, U. S. ARMY ELEMENT - HHC: Alisha Smith, alishasmith0218@ yahoo.com U.S. AIR FORCE ELEMENT: Sonya Cage, usafkeyspousenaples@ yahoo.com U.S. MARINE ELEMENT: Suzin Lucas, naplesmarineombudsman@ gmail.com USS MOUNT WHITNEY: Sheree Johnson & Anna Nickell, mtwombudsman@yahoo.com CURRENTLY VACANT: NAVFAC SEABEES, RLSO & NLSO, DESRON SIX ZERO. Any spouses who have an interest in becoming an ombudsman should contact the Ombudsman Coordinator, Cecellia Kitson, at cecellia.kitson@eu.navy.mil.


Panorama July 27, 2012

Who’s Aldo?


At the moment, these services are not available at the Navy Exchange at Capodichino. According to the text of the legislation enacted earlier this year, the Italian government is banning cash transactions of €1,000 or more to help prevent underreporting of income, which can lead to income tax evasion. The law says that both payers and payees who conduct business using cash payments of €1,000 or more could be fined up to 40 percent of the transaction total. Bloomberg News has reported that Italy loses more than €120 billion in unpaid taxes every year, and spends another €10 billion annually on security and labor for processing cash transactions.

By Lindsay Berriman Director of MWR Information, Tours and Travel

Who’s Aldo? No, not the funny little guy in the striped white and red shirt who is almost impossible to find in the popular Where’s Waldo books, but Aldo Sparice, a third-generation tour guide who works for Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s Information, Tours and Travel (MWR ITT). Aldo is a rare combination of storytelling, historical knowledge and charisma bundled together into a 55-year-old man who almost always wears a beanie. You’ll recognize him by his long mustache and outgoing and friendly personality. As a young boy, Aldo would follow his grandfather, who was a guide in the area for 65 years. He spent his time listening and learning about the history, culture, and architecture of the area. He fell in love with the stories and people that came with being a tour guide. As he grew older, Aldo’s interest in history, art, architecture, botany, ancient foods and languages propelled him to continue in his grandfather’s footsteps and become a tour guide in the Campania region, a place rich in history, culture and life. At the onset of each tour, Aldo sets the stage for learning by discussing relevant facts and information about the area to be toured. He does this in such a way that one can almost see

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Continued from Page 1

Third-generation tour guide Aldo Sparice has leads tours for Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s Information, Tours and Travel. and smell the past. By intertwining our modern reality with the evidence of the past, he is able to weave a magnificent tapestry of architecture, art, history, food, and culture that is both entertaining and exciting to learn about. The sheer amount of information that Aldo gives to each group is impressive, considering the more than 3,500 years worth of history in this area alone. Often referred to as a walking and talking encyclopedia, Aldo has worked with MWR ITT for many, many years and is known around the

world as the quintessential tour guide for this area. Not only does he guide all of our cultural tours to ancient archeological sites, museums, and churches, he also loves to teach. He shares his passion for food with those that sign up for his cooking class, taught in what was once a noble family home downtown Naples. To experience a tour with Aldo, stop by the MWR ITT offices, where the staff can help you plan out your next adventure. Alternatively, sign up for a tour directly online at www. mwritt.org.

Omega Psi Phi brothers visit Italian daycare

Teen Art Camp participant Matthew Halvorson puts the finishing touches on his artwork during Child and Youth Program's “Chalk the Walk” event July 20 at the Naval Support Activity Naples Support Site. (Photo by MC3 Josh Bennett) “I loved the whole camp, but this event is my favorite part because I get the chance to create my own piece,” said Allie Knoell, a teen camp participant. Anybody could participate in the contest. The artworks created were placed into six different categories to be judged. The judges were Capt. Scott Gray, commanding officer of NSA Naples; Cmdr. Robert C. Barbee, NSA Naples’ executive officer; and Jerry Morris, transition assistance program coordinator at the Fleet and Family Support Center. The winner in each category received an iPod Shuffle. Those who attended the event also had the opportunity to participate in helping create the community masterpiece of George Washington crossing the Delaware. Child and Youth Programs employees encouraged everyone at the event to add to the community piece. For more information on Child and Youth Programs at NSA Naples, call 081-811-4395.

Legal assistance available to NSA community members By MC2 Jeff S. Troutman, Navy Public Affairs Support Element-East Detachment Europe

The Italy-area members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. recently took time out to visit a local daycare center in Mondragone, Italy. The facility provides meals and recreation to children whose parents can't afford daycare. (Photo courtesy of Omega Psi Phi, Inc.)

Individual Force Protection Plans (IFPP) All personnel planning to travel outside of Italy (except to the United States or U.S. territories) are required to contact the Antiterrorism/Force Protection (ATFP) Division with their travel location(s) and dates at least 30 days prior to their planned departure. The ATFP office will review the requests and will respond in an e-mail with the proper course(s) of action. Note that some countries have additional entry requirements that require more processing time than 30 days. Contact the ATFP division as soon as possible to assist you in meeting all requirements. You can contact the ATFP office by any of the following means: Phone: 081-568-5525/5595 E-mail: Justin.Shaver@eu.navy.mil or Jamal.Goodson@eu.navy.mil You can also visit the office in the Capodichino Security Precinct, Bldg. 403, which is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) offers biweekly legal assistance appointments at its Support Site office. The legal assistance is conducted every other Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. by the Navy Legal Services Office (NLSO) department head. The NLSO is available to discuss and help facilitate such common legal services including powers of attorney, consumer law, immigration, creditor and debtor issues, and divorce proceedings. “The legal assistance we provide at the Support Site is definitely an outreach program for the community,” said Lt. Jessica Blazek, the legal assistance department head of NLSO. “We offer our services at the Support Site FFSC office to help facilitate those in the community who can’t make it out here to our office at Capodichino, and to make it easier for service members and their families to get the legal service they require.” Appointments can be made on a walk-in basis at the NLSO office at Capodichino, and by appointment only for the Support Site.

Blazek also added that community members with emergency legal matters, such as medical evacuation issues and court-related issues with a deadline, are not required to make an appointment if they need immediate assistance. They can simply come to the NLSO office at Capodichino for legal assistance with these matters. All other matters require an appointment if meeting at the Support Site. Additionally, all wills – except in cases of emergent circumstances – need to be done at the office at Capodichino. “The more notice you give us about an appointment, the better we’ll be able to provide our services to you,” said Blazek. “We’re grateful to have the FFSC providing us a space in their offices to conduct these meetings with community members, because like the NLSO, helping the service members and their families is their priority.” The NLSO is also planning several more community outreach programs, expected to begin soon after summer’s conclusion. Events and programs will be posted in Panorama. For more information about acquiring legal assistance with the NLSO or to schedule an appointment, call 081-568-4576.

Panorama July 27, 2012


Thrift Savings Plan: The C Fund By Lt. David M Dow, D.D.S., U.S. Navy Dental Corps

The C fund is the least aggressive of the three funds dealing in stocks (the C, S, and I funds). The C stands for common stocks. More specifically, this fund trades large and medium-large domestic corporations. These are the American stocks that we hear about on a daily basis: Apple, Google, General Electric, Microsoft, Exxon Mobil, etc. The investments are broadly diversified throughout all of the chief industry sectors, such as energy, information technology and health care. This means that if one industrial group is hit hard by economic conditions, the investor will have other stocks in different sectors to keep it up. If oil prices plummet, for example, the energy stocks in general may dip, but if that’s only a fraction of your total investment, the rest of the portfolio absorbs the damage. It is the diversity that keeps this fund somewhat stable. The easiest way to follow the C fund is to look at the Standards & Poor’s 500 index (S&P 500). This is an index of 500 of the most significant American common stocks. The C fund is specifically designed to use the S&P 500 as its benchmark for investments, so there is a risk of loss if the S&P declines due to economic conditions. Just because invested money lies with large, established corporate stocks that are well diversified does not mean the fund is without its dangers. Compared to the G and F funds, there is still a substantial amount of risk. In 2008 when the recession began, there was a decrease in all stocks across all industries. The S&P 500 declined significantly and the C fund was heavily hit. However, this also does not mean that anyone investing here is doomed to lose money. In the two years following the massive downturn in 2008, the C fund saw returns of 27 percent and 15 percent, respectively. Since its inception in 1988, the C fund has seen an average return rate 10 percent annually. That’s the highest of all the TSP funds offered. When one is making consistent monthly contributions, this is a great fund to place a portion of the assets. When the market is doing well, the profits accumulate quickly. When the market falls, the monthly contribution purchases more shares, so as the prices rise again, the returns are more potent. It’s like buying stocks on sale. This is called dollar cost averaging and it’s a technique many investors have used to make themselves rich. Since the C fund responds readily to the volatility of the market, any investments here should be considered longterm. It’s nearly impossible to predict the short-term gains and losses of the market, and many brilliant investors have driven themselves crazy trying. For the retired investor, keep a limited amount of your assets in the C fund because post-retirement is not the time to take big risks with your nest egg. Increased profits always means increased risk.


hroughout the summer, Panorama is running a six-part series on the different funds of the Thrift Savings Plan, a defined contribution retirement savings plan for federal employees. Part 1: ......................................The G Fund Part 2: .....................................The F Fund This week: .............................The C Fund Part 4: .....................................The S Fund Part 5: .....................................The I Fund Part 6: .....................................The L Fund

Matera’s origins date back to the Paleolithic era, and many residents throughout its history have resided in caves there. (Photo by MC1 John Parker)

Matera, the stone city of history Written by Lindsay Berriman, MWR Information, Tours and Travel director

Matera is not full of the normal tourist traps that you find elsewhere. For many centuries, Matera was the capital of the Recently a small group of community members joined region of Basilicata because of its large agricultural Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s Information, Tours importance, until Joseph Bonaparte relocated the capiand Travel (ITT) on a tour of Matera, a historical city tal to the nearby city of Potenza in 1809. Then at the built from caves. This beautiful and ancient city lies turn of the 19th century, the industrial revolution further reduced Matera’s importance in Italy. These just a short three-hour drive southeast of Naples. The origins of the city date back to the Paleolithic era, events caused this area to become very impoverished, when humans first migrated to the European continent leaving some families as large as 14 living in spaces the some 25,000 to 20,000 years ago. It has been suggested size of a large living room alongside their domestic anithat this was one of the first settlements in Europe. mals, such as pigs, chickens, donkeys or mules. Many Small tribal communities would take refuge in the lived this way until the 1950s. You can see an example numerous caves located on the Murgia Plateau, near a of the way life was lived by many peasants at the Casa small ravine that is called La Gravina, which over- Grotta located on Vico Solitario. For a nominal fee of looks a large valley. There have been many archeolog- €1.50 per person, you can tour this home, which has a ical finds in the vicinity that date back more than short audio description available in different lan20,000 years. The area is now that is now a national guages. The home is testament to how life was lived by the peasants of the area, with little having changed park, Parco Della Murgia Materana. The Sassi (“stones”) districts of Matera seem to belong throughout the centuries. The furnishings and tools in to an entirely different time. Narrow stone homes, long the home are the authentic items that were in the winding stairways and limited roads suited for cars house when the last residents left in the 1950s. There mimic the natural terrain. This made for great cardio was no running water, no electricity, one straw stuffed exercise as we carried our luggage to the Sassi Hotel, bed, one small table for the family of six to share, one located in the center of the Sasso Barisano, which is loom that was usually leased, a donkey in the stall, and one of the two Sassi districts. The other district, Sasso a family cistern that would provide the family with the Caveoso, is located on the other side of the central rock rain water that was collected by an ingenious drainage outcropping that divides the two districts. We met with system. After our tour of this typical residence, we walked up our tour guide Luigi Mazzoccoli in the late afternoon for our two-hour walking tour of the Sassi. Well edu- to two of the 150 rock churches that are located in the cated and fluent in English, Luigi gave us an in-depth area. In spite of damage from humidity and poor air cirexplanation of the area and important details of its sig- culation, there are still some amazing remains of Byzantine frescos that are remarkably well preserved, nificant history. One of the features that made this city so unique is with the oldest fresco dating back to the 11th century. the fact that most of the homes were built out of caves. After our tour, we had plenty of time to walk around As the centuries progressed and the need for more the city to discover what we could. The following day room became evident, the residents would build onto we went to the Parco Della Murgia, which is just a the outside of the cave until it developed into the city short seven kilometer drive from Matera. Parco Della Murgia is home to many of the caves that that you now see. The Sassi became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993, which saved the city from becom- housed people for centuries in the early Paleolithic and ing a complete ghost town. In 1950, the Italian govern- Neolithic eras. There are many churches (approximatement forcefully relocated most of the population in the ly 150) that can be found in the rocks of this park. The Sassi area to the more modern part of Matera, due to Madonna delle Tre Porte is a rupestral sanctuary with overcrowding and the unsanitary conditions in which three naves decorated with some little niches, engraved the residents lived. The town was abandoned for near- crosses and numerous frescos. It is one of the larger ly forty years until the government enacted a stimulus churches in the area. Some additional highlights of the area include Jazzo to get people back into the city. The government allowed people to move back into the area and gave Gattini, where the visitor center is located and which them free leases as long as they promised to restore the was at one time a fortified sheepfold; the Gravina of buildings. Today many buildings have been restored Matera, a 230 to 260 foot deep ravine that crosses the and the tourism business is growing at a rate of 10 to entire park; and a Neolithic trench village that dates 15 percent a year. However, unlike many cities in Italy, back to between 7,000 B.C and 3,700 B.C. The visitor center offers a one-hour guided tour of the area for only €10 per person. This is a great way to understand the history and see areas that you may miss when going alone. Whether you go with an MWR ITT group tour or you make Matera a day trip while in the Bari area, this city is rich with thousands years of history and is a must-see for anyone interested the development of humankind. For more information about this area or other MWR ITT tours throughout Europe, visit the MWR ITT website at www.mwritt.org, or come into one of the two ITT offices that are located The Sassi districts of Matera have been an UNESCO World Heritage Site since on Capodichino and the Support Site. 1993. (Photo by MC1 John Parker)

Panorama July 27, 2012

FFSC Tip of the Week: Home buying workshop From the Fleet and Family Support Center

V T M V T U F I I F B P Z U e

C V J e A d G V L X U A d A A

Y X L n K I C O B U U n J P e

B L n R V R C P L h d O V V F

O C h I O d O C K A G d A O S

BRUGOLA / Allen wrench

F X F A e W h P A A P J B R F




VITE / Screw

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

SENAPE / Mustard Hot sauce SALSA PICCANTE / SALE / Salt pepper PEPE NERO / Black OLIO / Oil Mayonnaise MAIONESE / KETCHUP / Ketchup

S C V L R A P U n B J I K V T

ACETO / Vinegar

Answer to last week’s puzzle

I Condimenti / Condiments

Recently a team from Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Naples visited the San Giuliano Hospital in Giugliano, close to JFC Naples’ new headquarters in Lago Patria. From left to right: Dr. Diana Sodano, JFC Naples community relations officer; Cmdr. Peter Vossieg, JFC Naples deputy chief of public affairs; Dr. Anna Punzo, San Giuliano Hospital health director; and Lt. Col. Riccardo Rauti, JFC Naples public affairs staff officer. (Photo courtesy of JFC Naples)

staff and the chiefs of various specialty care departments. Punzo commented that she was very glad to meet representatives of the allied community. “I have been waiting for a long time for the opportunity to meet with NATO representatives, and I trust that this move of NATO personnel to the new base located in Lago Patria will represent a great improvement for the whole area,” said Punzo. “I hope to increase the relationship and the friendship exchanges between my staff and the NATO community.” The San Giuliano Hospital provides emergency support 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the Giugliano area. The hospital team prides itself in delivering advanced care in cardiology, orthopedy, surgery, gynecology and intensive care. The hospital was previously a school; however, following the devastating 1980 earthquake that destroyed many villages in Italy’s Campania region, the site became a hospital. “This hospital belongs to the local people,” Punzo said. “The patients feel at home.” For most of the hospital staff, it was a unique opportunity in that it was the first time they got to meet with NATO military and civilian personnel. “I see very positively the move of the NATO base in this area for a reciprocal exchange of relations in both medical and social fields, hoping for a good collaboration and support,” said Prof. Nunzio Tricarico, chief of the surgery department. The JFC Naples team members were likewise thrilled with the opportunity to visit the various hospital departments.

O T T e h C C I R C P T Y X U

CACCIAVITE / Screwdriver

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Naples continued its outreach effort in the community surrounding its new headquarters by visiting the San Giuliano Hospital in Giugliano July 11. Dr. Diana Sodano, JFC Naples public affairs community relations officer, accompanied sev-

eral members of the JFC Naples staff to speak with hospital managers, department chiefs and medical doctors to help build mutual understanding between the NATO community and the local Italian community. The NATO team visited the hospital’s health director, Dr. Anna Punzo, who introduced the JFC Naples team to her

O Y d R C F Z R d C J F P U F

CHIAVE / Wrench

+ + + + + + + + + + + + S E +

From JFC Naples Public Affairs

M V O Z e F V U Z C h K O C B


+ + + + + + + + + + + A P + +

JFC Naples staff visit hospital near new headquarters

K K Y Y C L h V A U Y I P K h

+ + E S E N O I A M L A + + +

D.U.I (on base). On July 22 at approximately 1:30 a.m., CIV was stopped at a sobriety check point at the NSA Naples Support Site in Gricignano, Italy. Driver was asked to provide a breath sample that showed positive for the presence of alcohol. At that time the driver was detained and asked to provide a breath sample

Vehicle Break-In (off base). On July 22 at approximately 2:40 p.m., E-7/USN reported a vehicle break in that occurred earlier that day in Giugliano, Italy. Victim stated that he parked and secured his vehicle at Auchan and entered the store to shop. Approximately one hour later he returned to his vehicle and noticed the rear window broken out and the drivers’ side door lock damaged. Upon conducting a full inventory of his vehicle, he noticed that the only thing missing was his radio.

d Z I C R R L T A U U A d h I

+ + + + + + + + + S N + + + +

– D.U.I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 (1 on base)

S T P B O S A e Y T X R Z B U

+ + + A C E T O A E + + + + +

– Vehicle break-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 (1 off base)

e P Q h P Q X M W L K T R G K

O + + + + + + P S + + + + + +

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1 off base)

via the Intoxilyzer 8000, to which he consented. The results of that test were also positive, with a blood alcohol content reading of 0.15.

Practice your vocabulary. Find the Italian words.

+ R + O + + I + P + + + + + +

Weekly Crime Statistics for July 16 - 22, 2012 – Traffic accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 (5 off base)

Gli attrezzi / Tools

the Naples Tiger Sharks swim team, visit the team website at www.naplestigersharks. com. Tiger Sharks ATTACK!

+ + E + L C + + U + + + + + +

in an evaluation for your swimmer, please contact her at higginsx5@yahoo.com. For more information regarding

+ + + N C I + + H + + + + + +

Swimmers on the Naples Tiger Sharks team take a break during practice. (Photo by Dena Peterson)

+ + + A E + O + C + + + S + +

The Naples Tiger Sharks’ Summer Swim session is in its fourth week of practices. The Capo Fit Zone pool is home this summer to more than 75 swimmers from ages 6 to 19, who meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. During the next few weeks, the swimmers will continue to work on their competitive swim strokes to gear up for the upcoming Intra-Squad meet Friday, Aug. 10. Save the date and come out to support an exciting event. Coach Jane Higgins is still conducting evaluations for the regular season. If interested

It’s the American dream… to own a home! A home is more than bricks, walls, and plumbing — a home is a place to live the life that we all work so hard to create. A home is also a tremendous financial responsibility. The Fleet and Family Support Center offers a home buying workshop to provide helpful information about the process of buying a home in order to make this big step more manageable. Whether you are considering buying your first home, have purchased many homes in the past, or are simply trying to determine if home ownership is

+ + N + + P + + T + + + A + +

By Lourdes Krause Naples Tiger Sharks Publicicty

the right decision for you, this class has a great deal to offer. This three-hour workshop covers many topics, including evaluation tools to determine if renting or owning is right for you, tips on calculating what you can afford, information on lenders and loans, and tips for selecting a real estate agent and what they can do for you. Additional information is provided regarding negotiating a deal, what to expect in the closing process and how to protect your home with proper insurance. For upcoming workshop dates or more information, please contact the Fleet and Family Support Center at 081-8116372.

+ T + + + + E + E + + + L + +

Summer Swim in full swing

E + + + + + + P K + + + E + +


Obtaining your Sojourner Permit Italian law requires all foreign personnel working or living within Italy, other than an active-duty member under military orders, to obtain a Sojourner Permit within eight days of arrival in Italy. This is different from a visa, which is merely an approval for entry into the country. All applicants over 14 years of age must apply in person, as each person's signature is required at the time of application. NATIONALS OF ANY STATE OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY COMING TO ITALY DO NOT REQUIRE ANY VISA OR SOJOURNER PERMIT. As part of the Area Orientation process, the U.S. Region Legal Service Office (RLSO EURAFSWA) assists in the preparation and oversees the acquisition of the Sojourner Permit for all personnel attached to U.S. Navy commands in the Naples area. Army and Air Force personnel stationed at JFC must apply through the Carabiniere at the JFC Provost Marshall's Office, Building L. Contact Connie Henderson, RLSO EURAFSWA liaison advisor, at 081-568-4639 for more information.

Panorama July 27, 2012


M ORE I NSIDE P AGE … ONGOING/ON THE HORIZON THE U.S. MILITARY RETIREE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN ITALY (USMRA-SI) is the only association in Southern Italy representing the interests of U.S. retired military personnel and their survivors. If you are not a member and are eligible, please join the USMRA-SI at usmra-si.tripod.com. Point of contact: Wylie Miller, 329-208-7315. THE NAPLES CHRISTIAN HOMESCHOOL ASSOCIATION meets every month to support families who have chosen to educate their own children. We offer weekly park/pool days, a moms’ nights out and field trips to explore Bella Napoli and beyond! Interested? Need more information? Considering homeschooling? Please contact Natalie Mack at NPMack3@aol.com. HARRY S. TRUMAN LODGE No. 649 meets 6:30 p.m. every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m. FMI, contact Kevin Baker at 338-479-7023 or hst649sec@yahoo.com, or visit http://groups.yahoo.com/ group/HST649. MEDITATION SITTING GROUP is held from 7 to 7:30 p.m. every Monday at the side chapel at the Support Site. Newcomers should stop by at 6:30 p.m. Participation is free. FMI, e-mail Laura Hitchcock at laura.poodle@ gmail.com. REGISTER FOR GRADUATE DEGREE ON-SITE PROGRAMS Visit the University of Phoenix and the University of Oklahoma to learn what on-site degree programs are offered in the Naples area. UP is at 081-568-6670 and OU is at 081-568-6672. Both colleges have offices at Capodichino in the Admin II building. REGISTER FOR ON-SITE UNDERGRADUATE CLASSES Visit the colleges for more information about what classes and programs are offered. UMUC Maryland can be reached at 081-568-6673/74/75; Central Texas College is at 081-568-6761. NAPLES OVERSEAS SPOUSES CLUB is seeking individuals to assist in 2012-2013 with a variety of events and positions. Don't miss the fun! If you want to help us help our community, please contact noscitaly@gmail.com. CALLING ALL NAPLES NURSES! Please consider joining the Naples Area Nurses Association (NANA). NANA is an organization of nurses that work together to fundraise, participate in social events, and provide support throughout the U.S. Naval Hospital Naples and NSA Naples community. FMI, contact Lt. Shelley Beltz at shelley.beltz @med.navy.mil or Lt. Jenny Paul at jenny.paul@med.navy.mil. THE WELFARE & RECREATION ASSOCIATION is available to meet associates every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at its location on the first floor of Building 450 upstairs from Capo Landing. FMI, visit http://www. wraitalia.it. SECURITY NOTE: All DoD military or civilian personnel hosting an event off base must complete a Special Event Force Protection Plan (SEFPP) 45 days in advance, regardless of organization, if the event will involve 50 or more personnel, include distinguished visitors or involve personnel wearing uniforms. FMI, contact the AT/FP Division at 081-568-5525 or visit the division office in the Capodichino Security Precinct, Bldg. 403. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS hosts English-speaking AA meetings on and off base in the Naples area. For more information, call 347-544-0254 or visit http://www.aa-europe.net/countries/italy.htm. CATHOLIC WOMEN OF THE CHAPEL invites community members to join the Rosary Prayer Group that meets every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Support Site Chapel. For more information, e-mail CWOCNaples@gmail.com. PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS WELCOME AT ALL CONNECT THE TOTS CLUB ACTIVITIES! The CTT Club hosts events, crafts and outings designed for you and your child (infancy through preschool). For more information on the club, visit www.meetup.com/Connect-the-Tots-Club/. CATHOLIC WOMEN OF THE CHAPEL meets monthly in the Support Site Fellowship Hall for prayer and fellowship. Child care provided. For information, contact Eileen Mayette at cwocnaples@gmail.com. RELIGIOUS SERVICES AT U.S. NAVAL HOSPITAL NAPLES Tuesday Silent prayer (7:15-7:45 a.m.) in the hospital chapel. Traditional hymn and praise and worship music will be provided during this time. Wednesday Roman Catholic Mass (11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.) in the hospital chapel. Call 081811-6451 to confirm that Mass is being held. Thursday Men’s Fellowship and Bible Study (6-7 a.m.) in the hospital galley. SURE START is a unique program committed to providing the highest quality of education for command-sponsored children of enlisted personnel (priority to E1-E4) who are 4 years old by Sept. 1. FMI, call Karen Rodrigues at 081811-4682 or the school at 081-811-4037. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, San Gennaro council 14853, meets at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the Support Site Fleet and Family Support Center. E-mail Jaime Gonzalez at kofcnaples@ gmail.com or visit http://sites.google.com/ site/kofcnaples/ home. SAIL WITH THE NAPLES NATO YACHT CLUB (NNYC) AMERICAN TEAM. We are looking for Americans interested in participating in dinghy races sailed at the NNYC facilities on the island of Nisida. Experience not required. FMI, contact Frank Chapman at champanf@ix.netcom.com. WOMEN, INFANTS, CHILDREN (WIC) OVERSEAS PROGRAM is offered at NSA Naples. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum or have an infant or child under the age of five may qualify for the program. WIC Overseas is a nutrition education program that provides nutritious supplemental foods. Contact WIC Overseas at 081-811-4962. CARNEY PARK LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION meets at 9 a.m. Mondays. All skill levels welcome. Discounted play with membership. FMI, call Carol Borkowski at 081-804-3345, or Carney Park Golf Course at 081-526-4296. EDIS SCREENINGS NOW AVAILABLE Room W09, Support Site Village Forum. For eligible children who have not reached their third birthday. If you are concerned about your child’s development, contact EDIS at 081-811-4676. NAPLES AMERICAN RED CROSS holds orientation the first Wednesday of every month at the organization’s Capo office from 8:30-10 a.m. and the first Tuesday of every month at the hospital from 9:30-11 a.m. Call 081-568-4788 for info. LATINOS UNIDOS WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS Meetings are at 2 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at the Support Site park. For more info, contact Michael Cortez, Michael.cortez@eu.navy.mil, 334-6771-0327, or Gabriel Sermeno, Gabriel.sermeno@eu.navy.mil, 081-811-5554. CUB SCOUT PACK 007 Want to camp in Nettuno, hike in Cuma, go bowling or participate in swimming and archery? Then Cub Scouts is the place for you! Boys in first through fifth grade meet three times per month to learn skills that they apply on hiking, camping and service outings. FMI, contact naplescubmaster@gmail.com or visit www.cubscoutingnaples.org.

In the event of an emergency or to report a crime, please call the Emergency Dispatch Center at 081-568-4911 or 5911. (On-Base Dial 9-1-1) For non-emergency assistance, call 081-568-5638.

Friday, July 27 Batman: Dark Knight Rises, PG-13 Premiere Showing 5:30 p.m. The Amazing SpiderMan, PG -13 6:30 p.m. Batman: Dark Knight Rises, PG-13

Tuesday, July 31 Closed — No Movie

3 p.m.

Saturday, July 28 Batman: Dark Knight Rises, PG-13 4:30 p.m. Ice Age Continental Drift, PG 3 p.m.

Sunday, July 29 Batman: Dark Knight Rises, PG-13 4:30 p.m. The Amazing SpiderMan, PG -13 6:30 p.m. Batman: Dark Knight Rises, PG-13 7:15 p.m. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel PG-13 Premiere Showing 3 p.m.

Monday, July 30 Closed — No Movie

Wednesday, Aug. 1 4:30 p.m. Batman: Dark Knight Rises, PG13 5:30 p.m. The Amazing Spider-Man, PG -13 7:45 p.m. Safe, R Last Showing Thursday, Aug. 2 4:30 p.m. Battleship, PG-13 Last Showing 5:30 p.m. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel PG-13 7 p.m. The Dictator, R Friday, Aug. 3 3:30 p.m. Amazing Spider Man, PG -13 5:30 p.m. Batman: Dark Knight Rises PG-13 7 p.m. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel PG-13

Movie descriptions ATMAN: DARK KNIGHT RISES, PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some sensuality and language. Cast: Christian Bale, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman. Action/Adventure, 165 min. Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy concludes with this Warner Brothers release that finds The Dark Knight pitted against Bane, an unstoppable foe possessing tremendous physical and intellectual strength. Nearly a decade after taking the fall for Harvey Dent's death and disappearing into the darkness, a fugitive Batman (Christian Bale) watches from the shadows as the Dent Act keeps the streets of Gotham City crime free. Meanwhile, an elusive cat burglar seizes the chance to strike, and a masked anarchist plots a devastating series of attacks designed to lure Bruce Wayne out of the shadows. Determined not to abandon the people who he once risked his life to protect, The Dark Knight emerges from his self-imposed exile ready to fight. But Bane (Tom Hardy) is ready, too, and once Batman is within his grasp, he will do everything in his power to break Gotham City's shadowy savior. Oscar-winner Michael Caine and Gary Oldman return in a sequel also starring Anne Hathaway, Marion Cotillard, and Joseph GordonLevitt.


HE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL, PG-13 for sexual content and language. Cast: Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Tom Wilkinson, Dev Patel. Comedy, 124 min. A group of


Upcoming USO Tours Capodichino Office 081-568-5713 Support Site Office 081-811-4903 www.uso.it

TOURS OPEN TO BOTH U.S. MILITARY AND NATO I.D. CARD HOLDERS USO DAILY TOURS July 27 Wine Tasting on Mt. Vesuvius . . . . . . . . . .€ 57 July 28 Colosseum by Night . . . . .€ 82 July 29 Mini Cruise of the Amalfi Coast . . . . . . . . . .€ 60 Aug. 1 Pic-Nic at the Royal Gardens of Caserta . . . . . .€ 17 Aug. 3 Naples by Night for Newcomers . . . . . . . . . . . . .€ 5 Aug. 3 Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel by Night . .€ 77 WEEKEND TOURS August 11-12 The Dolce Vita Roman Weekend . € 158 August 30-September 3 Labor Day in Corfu . . . . . . . . . . . . € 627 September 13-17 French Riviera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 395 October 20-21 Perugia and the Eurochocolate Festival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 173

No Children Under 10 Admitted to R-Rated Movies

British retirees decide to "outsource" their retirement to less expensive and seemingly exotic India. Enticed by advertisements for the newly restored Marigold Hotel and bolstered with visions of a life of leisure, they arrive to find the palace a shell of its former self. Though the new environment is less luxurious than imagined, they are forever transformed by their shared experiences, discovering that life and love can begin again when you let go of the past. ATTLESHIP, PG-13 for intense sequences of violence, action and destruction, and for language. Cast: Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgard, Rihanna, Liam Neeson, Brooklyn Decker. War, Action/Adventure and Sci-Fi/Fantasy,131 min. Peter Berg (Hancock) produces and directs Battleship, an epic action-adventure that unfolds across the seas, in the skies and over land as our planet fights for survival against a superior force. Based on Hasbro's classic naval combat game, Battleship stars Taylor Kitsch as Lt. Alex Hopper, a Naval officer assigned to the USS John Paul Jones; Brooklyn Decker as Sam Shane, a physical therapist and Hopper's fiancee; Alexander Skarsgard as Hopper's older brother, Stone, commanding officer of the USS Sampson; Rihanna as Petty Officer Raikes, Hopper's crewmate and a weapons specialist on the USS John Paul Jones; and international superstar Liam Neeson as Admiral Shane, Hopper and Stone's superior (and Sam's father).


If you have been sexually assaulted or need to speak with a S.A.P.R. victim advocate, call 335-640-6621 24/7 for information and support. The DoD Safe Helpline can be reached toll-free at 001-877-995-5247.

Energy conservation A “Brite” idea for NSA Naples From the Department of the Navy Energy Program “Brite,” the Navy’s energy efficiency mascot, was created by Bob Sheldon when he was an energy manager several years ago. Bob believed an icon could be displayed throughout the media, websites, posters and other promotional materials to help remind people of their responsibilities to the environment. This idea was brought to life in the image of a compact fluorescent bulb. So Bob went to the shipyard’s illustrator, Larry Parkhurst, with the idea in hand. After the final drawing was created, Bob decided to have the shipyard employees come up with a name for the new illustration. That’s how the name “Brite” was conceived. A few years later David Motroni, a contractor for the Navy’s energy awareness and conservation team, thought it would be a great idea to make Brite come alive. Brite travels the world now, making visits to the Navy’s different bases and commands. He is always attending military appreciation events in the

different areas, as well as Navy energy awareness and conservation events. Brite and Capt. Scott Gray, NSA Naples’ commanding officer, say: • Simple actions every day add up to big results. • Switch to compact fluorescent bulbs and light-emitting diode (LED) lights. • Purchase ENERGY STAR® equipment. • Turn off lights, and shut down electronics when not in use. • Combine trips, share rides and use mass transit. • Reduce, reuse, and recycle!


Panorama July 27, 2012

One of Ischia's quietest shorelines is the stretch from Forio to Sant’ Angelo, on the opposite side of the island from popular Lacco Ameno and the Port of Ischia.

Looping the island of Ischia By Laura Byrd

The blare of car horns is deafening. Packed like sardines in a cluster of cars on the ferry returning from Ischia to Pozzuoli, it’s late afternoon on a Sunday and drivers are loudly protesting our slow disembarkation from the ferry. After a relaxing weekend touring the island, the message is clear: Traveling to Ischia during the summer months, it’s best to go

as a pedestrian. A mecca for visitors seeking the island’s hot springs, volcanic mud, thermal pools and numerous spas, Ischia is the largest of three islands frequently visited from the Naples area. However, unlike Capri — recognized throughout the world as a tourist destination — Ischia attracts local residents and Europeans, many of whom have homes on the island. Although swarmed with thousands of tourists during the summer, Ischia is much quieter in the off season before June and after August. Unlike most, I wasn’t seeking a spa experience on Ischia. My goal was to drive the circumference of the island, exploring each small town along the perimeter. Our hotel was off the grid on a hillside high above the town of Forio, exactly opposite the main port of Ischia. On Saturday at noon it was a crush of people and cars scattering in all directions as we arrived in Ischia. Driving counter-clockwise from the port along the shoreline, SS270 is a wide, attractive boulevard nicely landscaped with views of the ocean at sea level. Headed toward Lacco Ameno, the GPS — programmed with our hotel address — suddenly directed us left and up onto a small, narrow road that rose in elevation and became increasingly narrow while circling the island. This was an unexpected adventure. Mirrors folded in and beeping at every tight twist in the tiny road, we marveled as high rock walls began to border both sides of our drive. Five kilometers and a firstgear drive later, we were over the top of Ischia and at our hotel on the other side, just below Mount Epomeo and above the Bay of Citara. From this perch on the opposite side of the island, the crowd and traffic seemed far away. After checking in we ventured out down the

Streets of Italy Join columnist Laura Byrd as she explores things to do in the Naples Laura Byrd area and easy daytrips to places throughout Italy.

hill below toward Forio, also surprisingly quiet. Here, a beautiful sunset and romantic seaside dinner seemed a possibility even on a Saturday night in July. Driving counterclockwise, we headed toward Sant’Angelo, described by our hotel owner as the most beautiful place on Ischia. Along the way a long stretch of rocky coastline with not a single car and one strategically placed restaurant beckoned us to stop for pizza and a cold beer. The only people there on a Saturday at 2 p.m., we were treated to excellent service and a view of the bay all our own. This felt like an island getaway. Driving on to Sant’Angelo, it was like being on a different island. A spit dotted with colorful umbrellas below a steep road, the town looked interesting — but was packed with tourists. Access by car was not allowed and visitors were being ferried back and forth by golf cart. Spoiled by our previous island retreat experience, we returned to our remote hotel. We would complete the drive on Sunday. Back at sea level and headed clockwise toward Lacco Ameno the next morning, we arrived in what seemed like the perfect place to shop, dine, walk and enjoy the beach. Despite being popular and busy, the town is spread out enough to accommodate a number of visitors without seeming overrun, and

Panorama July 27, 2012

Built in 1441 by Alfonso D’Aragona, Ischia’s Castello Aragonese has served many functions, from political prison to monastery. It currently houses a hotel along with historical and art exhibits. One of the exhibits in the castle is dedicated to various forms of medieval torture.

many of the hotels looked quaint and inviting or boasted big views. It felt busy — but user-friendly with lots of choices for things to do. We vowed to return here during our next visit to the island. Motoring back past the busy Port of Ischia, frequently overtaken by scooters and passed by speeding taxi cabs, we arrived in the quiet San Michele frazione of Ischia Ponte, where the magnificent Castello Aragonese towers above the shoreline. An imposing medieval fortress, the castle dominates the landscape. Although I was curious, I assumed this highly visible landmark might also be overrun with visitors. After parking in San Michele for €2, we walked the single main street which opened onto a waterfront promenade lazy with people lounging around the castle. Swimmers were sitting in the bay on half submerged masonry stones, with crayon colored boats anchored nearby. Maybe this was just

Islands of the Gulf In this series, Panorama explores the three islands in the Gulf of Naples.

July 20: ...............Procida July 27: ...............Ischia Aug. 3: ................Capri

the Sunday lull, but it was exactly the relaxed atmosphere you’d hope for on a Sunday. People were reading newspapers, drinking caffé and watching the boats bob in the water. We strolled out on the Ponte Aragonese walkway to the castle and peeked inside, only to learn that tours are available for €10 and the castle is really the size of a city. Once home to over 1,800 families, 17 churches, a political prison, and now today, a hotel, we were intrigued by the history here and put it high on the to-do list for our eventual return — in October, on a motorcycle, or on foot.

GETTING THERE: Both Medmar and Caremar ferry lines transport vehicles from the Port of Pozzuoli to the Port of Ischia. Prices vary; the fare for a vehicle with a driver and one passenger for this story was €82 each way on a weekend in July. Ferries departing from the Port of naples are passengeronly and cost about €18 each way. For tourist information, visit www.ischiaonline.it.


14 •

Panorama July 27, 2012


HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE (HRO) NEW LINK: http://cnic.navy.mil/ Europe/About/Jobs/index.htm. The Human Resources Office is located at Capo Admin I, first floor. The customer service hours are: Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Applications are accepted at the Security Pass and ID Office at Capodichino, OR at the HRO, located in Admin 1, Capodichino, OR by mailing to: HRO, PSC 817 Box 29, FPO AE 09622, OR at Fleet and Family Service Center (FFSC) located on the TLA first floor, at Support Site. HRO must receive mailed applications by closing date of the vacancy announcement. PLEASE NOTE: On Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, the following HRO services will be open only from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.: • ID/CAC CARDS (DD1172-2) • Requests for an Official Passport (DD1056) • Logistical Support Letters • Work Certificates

U.S. POSITIONS For a current list of U.S. vacancies and application process information visit our website at: http://cnic.navy.mil/Europe/ About/Jobs/index.htm CLOSING AUG. 2 Environmental Engineer, GS-0819-12. ANN#EUR12-386819-AV, Full Time Permanent Travel Technician, GS-030306 KPP 07 or GS-0303-07, ANN#EUR12-396244-SC, Full Time Permanent SAVI Program Coordinator, GS-0101-11, ANN#EUR12-375615-AG-R1, Full Time Permanent CLOSING AUG. 9 Supervisory Medical Support Assistant, GS-0679-06 KPP 07, ANN#EUR12-339375AG-R1, Full Time Permanent Office Automation Assistant, GS-0326-05, ANN#EUR12-395025-AG, Full Time Permanent Supervisory Financial Technician, GS-0503-07, ANN# EUR12-360496-AG-R1, Full Time Permanent Management Analyst, GS0343-09, ANN#EUR12-365161AV, Full Time Permanent Interdisciplinary Engineer/ Community Planner, GS0800/0020-13, ANN#EUR12393576-AV, (Multiple Positions) Full Time Permanent

OPEN CONTINUOUS ANNOUNCEMENT Educational Aid (CDC/CYP), GS-1702-02 KPP 03 KPP 04, ANN#EUR12-223833-AG, (Multiple Positions), Full Time Permanent, Next Cut Off-Date: Aug. 2, 2012

COURTESY U.S. VACANCY ANNOUCEMENTS Veterinary technicians are wanted at the Naples Veterinary Treatment Facility. For more information, stop by Bldg.

2088 next to the Fire Station at the Support Site, or call 081811-7913. Community Bank seeks a Banking Center Service Supervisor at Naval Support Activity Naples Capodichino.To apply online, please use the “Careers” link at www.dodcommunitybank.com, or submit your resume to pia.krucker@dodcommunitybank.com.

LOCAL NATIONAL (LN) POSITIONS For a current list of LN vacancies and application process information visit our NEW website at: http://cnic.navy.mil/ Europe/About/Jobs/index.htm No Vacancies If you have any questions, contact the front desk at 081-5685409. You can also contact the HRO Naples helpdesk at: http://cnic.navy.mil/Europe/ About/Jobs/AboutWorkingHere /index.htm. You will be contacted within 24 hours, so please be sure to provide your contact information. Thank you and we appreciate your input, whether negative or positive so that we can find ways to improve the HRO services, or continue to provide excellent service. As a reminder, an HRO Representative is available for the biweekly "Meet & Greet" at the NSA, Support Site Base, Navy Exchange Food Court area from 8 to 9 a.m. Please feel free to come by, pick up a copy of a vacancy announcement that you may be interested in applying for, or ask questions. If the HRO representative is unable to provide you a response, he/she will bring the question back to the HRO office and you will be provided an answer or a call back the same day. The next "Meet & Greet" is July 30, 2012.

NON-APPROPRIATED FUND (NAF) POSITIONS Fleet & Family Readiness NAF Local Naples job announcements within CNREURAFSWA may be viewed at: https://www. cnic.navy.mil/Naples/FleetAnd FamilyReadiness/AboutFleet AndFamilyReadiness/Jobs/ index.htm. The necessary application forms are also available on line. For any questions you have you may reach us at 081-568-5612/4164.

NSA NAPLES POSITIONS, MWR OPEN CONTINUOUS POSITIONS Child Program Assistant, CY1702-I/II, ANN#12-083, (Multiple Positions) flexible, Child Development Centers, School Age Care, Capodichino/Support Site. Performs routine, day-to-day care of infants and children ranging from 6 weeks to 5 years old. Youth Program Assistant, CY-1702-I/II, ANN#12-084, (Multiple Positions) flexible/regular Youth Programs, Support Site/Carney Park. Assembles or gathers materials and equip-

ment necessary to execute School Age Care for children ranging from 6 years old to 9 years old/, School –Age Care Pre-Teen for children ranging from 10 years old to 12 years old, Teen Center Program for children ranging from 13 years old to 18 years old. Receives and releases children to/from authorized parents, guardian. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#12-044, flexible, NOR Center, Carney Park. Provides and maintain recreation and athletic equipment issue. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#12-002, flexible, Auto/ Skills Center, Support Site. Provides information concerning facility, operation and regulations. Ensures adherence to regulations and safety procedures. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01 ANN#12-037, flexible part time, Bowling Center, Support Site. Provides oversight of activities and necessary services to authorized patrons. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#12-042 flexible, Golf Course, Carney Park. Collects green fees (monthly and daily), locker fees and fees for electric cart rentals. Employee will act as starter when needed on weekdays and assist when needed as cashier. Food Service Worker, NA7408-04, ANN#12-035, flexible, Bowling Center, Support Site. Performs a variety of tasks such as grilling or frying pancakes, hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, eggs, sausage, by watching while the items are cooking, turning as required; regulating temperature and removing when done. Food Service Worker, NA7408-04, ANN#12-035, flexible, Bowling Center, Support Site. Performs a variety of tasks such as grilling or frying pancakes, hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, eggs, sausage, by watching while the items are cooking, turning as required; regulating temperature and removing when done. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#12-104, flexible, Fitness Branch, Capodichino/Support Site Performs maintenance on various types of recreation and athletic equipment to ensure that all equipment is in good condition and safe for patron use. Open until filled. Recreation Assistant, NF0189-01/02, ANN#12-105, flexible, MWR Gaeta. Serves as a primary front line customer service representative of the overall program and as such, must continually present information in a highly professional and customer friendly style. Open until filled.

Recreation Assistant, NF0189-02, ANN#12-140, flexible, MWR Bowling Center, Support Site. Assists in the operation of Bowling Center and acts as Duty Manager. Establishes events schedules, applies rules and regulations in supervising patron activities. Open until filled. Lifeguard, NF-0189-01, ANN# 12-062 (Multiple positions) flexible full time (seasonal employment), Aquatics Division, Carney Park/Support Site. Works as instructor, safeguards and supervises swimmers and bathers in pool area. Open until filled.

CNREURAFSWA NAF U.S POSITION Education Technician, NF1702-03, ANN#12-124, regular full time, Fleet and Family Readiness Program, CYP Division, Naples. Assist with the development and supervision of a developmentally appropriate SAC and CDC program that promotes the social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth of children and youth in the age categories served. First cut off date is 07/17/2012, with subsequent cut-off every 14 days. Closing date: 09/03/2012.

NEX EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Gricignano, Building 2091-B Call 081-813-5252/5253/5254 Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. For a current list of U.S. vacancies and the on-line application, please visit our website at: https: //www.NavyExchange.jobs.


cker/CC/NF-01/Flex. Open until filled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50. Associate operates cash registers to record sales in retail check out areas. Ann#120001NR Sales Clerk/ E2/NF-01/Flex. Closes: 07/27/12. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50. Responsible for selling men’s wear and accessories to customers exercising professional selling techniques. Ann#120001U9 Security Guard/ 52/NF-01/Flex Part Time. Open until filled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50. Ensures enforcement of security measures; conducts inspections; prepares reports concerning security related incidents, etc. DISTRIBUTION CENTER, GRICIGNANO No Vacancies CAPODICHINO NEX MART Ann#120000B4 Sales Clerk/ MM/NF-01/Flex. Open until filled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50. Responsible for selling general merchandise to customers exercising professional selling techniques. GRICIGNANO MINI MART No Vacancies JFC-NATO MINI MART No Vacancies NAVY LODGE, GRICIGNANO Ann#120001BV Desk Clerk/ N2/NF-01/Flex Part Time. Closes: 08/3/12 Pay Rate: $9.00$10.00. Greets, registers guests and makes/confirms reservations. Maintains records of room availability, guest accounts, computes bills and collects payments


If you are the victim of a crime, report the incident to Security Dispatch at 081-568-5638.

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