Sept. 28, 2012 Panorama

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57th year, No. 36

Naples honors U.S. prisoners of war, MIAs

Serving the Nato, Naples and Gaeta military communities in italy

Friday, September 28, 2012

More than a good neighbor

By MC1 (EXW/DV) Jack Georges, Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia Public Affairs

ervice members remembered American prisoners of war (POW) and those still missing in action (MIA) during a ceremony at Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples Sept. 21. The Naples Area Chief Petty Officer Association sponsored the ceremony in observance of POW/MIA RecNational ognition Day, which is held annually in the United States. “It’s important we recognize the sacrifice made by those who have gone before us. They cleared the way for the freedoms we enjoy today,” said Chief Crytologic Technician Technical (IDW/SW) Jonathan Blackwell, a ceremony organizer. The ceremony included a moment of silence, the raising of the POW/MIA flag and a description of the traditional POW/MIA table. The POW/MIA table is a single dinner setting found in dining facilities throughout the Department of Defense. It symbolizes the solitude and sacrifice of America’s captured and missing warriors, and includes a single rose and salt. The rose symbolizes family members’ hope for the return of their loved one and salt represents the tears they cried during their loved ones’ absence. “While we honor America’s POWs and MIAs, it’s not just about them. We also need to remember the sacrifice of their families and loved ones too,” said Blackwell. More than 83,000 service members are still missing, according to the Defense Prisoner of War Missing Personnel Office. “I came out to show my support to all those service members who sacrificed their freedom to preserve ours,” said Chief Interior Communications Electrician (SW) Brian Teneyck, a ceremony participant. “I hope one day they can be reunited with their families.”


Master-at-arms 2nd Class Brian smith recently received the Joint service achievement Medal for helping save his neighbor, a fellow U.s. navy petty officer, after she fell on a fence behind her house aug. 5. (Photo by Melissa Kabukuru)

Petty Officer Brian Smith helps fellow sailor live to see another birthday By Melissa Kabukuru Panorama editor

Petty Officer Brian Smith hadn’t met his neighbor, Petty Officer Zulema Sotelo, until the day he saved her life. Smith, a master-at-arms 2nd class in the U.S. Navy, was standing on his balcony Aug. 5 chatting with an Italian neighbor when he heard someone cry out in pain. “We just heard this scream-yelp noise,” recalled Smith, who lives in Monteruscello. “It sounded like someone was really hurt. I thought maybe a dog had gotten hit by a car.” Rushing to the sound of the noise, Smith discovered Sotelo, a mass communications specialist 2nd class, standing on a wrought-iron fence with her clothes covered in blood. She had fallen while trying to scale the fence and speared her neck on one of the posts. In that moment, Smith flew into action, binding Sotelo’s wounds with gauze and using his knowledge of the local language to arrange her transportation to an Italian hospital. His actions that day earned him a Joint

Mass Communication specialist 2nd Class Zulema sotelo fell on this fence behind her house aug. 5. (Photo by MC2 Zulema Sotelo)

Service Achievement Medal and Sotelo’s eternal gratitude. “I knew something was wrong, and I just thought, ‘I’ve got to get over there,’” Smith

recalled. “That’s when I saw her holding her throat and blood just spewing out.” see GOOD NEIGHBOR Page 5


W hat ’ s I nsIde

High 88 / Low 72 Partly cloudy

SATURDAY High 90 / Low 72 Mostly cloudy

Weekly crime report Review what happened between Sept. 17 and Sept. 23. Page 6

Naples bikers form military H.O.G. chapter Page 7

Naples Wildcats score victories over ISB, AOSR Page 10

Enjoy a beachy getaway in Gaeta, Italy Pages 12-13

SUNDAY High 82 / Low 68 Fog

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panorama September 28, 2012

XO’s Corner

Howdy, everyone! Fall is just starting and that brings lots of new things. Pretty soon the foliage will start to change, it will be time to start breaking out the winter clothes (especially if you’re traveling north), and the days will be getting shorter. The new fiscal year is upon us and that will bring new things as well. I thought that this article would be a good place to discuss what we can expect to see around the community with the coming of fall and the new fiscal year. The election is about five weeks away. It’s not too late to request a ballot for this year’s election. While some states’ ballot request deadlines have passed, you can still vote with a write-in ballot. We have a very enthusiastic staff at the voting assistance office who can assist you in getting registered and completing the process in time to make your voice heard. Please take advantage of this opportunity and vote. Monday marks the beginning of the new fiscal year. Fiscal year 2013 is going to look largely like fiscal year 2012 did, as the government will be operating under a continuing resolution for the first half of the year. What this means, among many things, is that we can’t spend any more money per quarter than we did last year, and we can’t spend money on new things that we didn’t budget for last year. We will not be able to repurpose monies for new programs — only programs that were in existence last year. We have prepared for this situation, and are comfortable that we will be able to provide all the services required, but I want to make sure you all know where we stand on funding in this new fiscal year. With the new fiscal year comes new gas coupons, so make sure you get to the Navy Exchange and get the new ones for this year. The old coupons will expire Sunday, but you can turn them back in and get your money back until the end of December. The AGIP and ENI stations will not be taking the old coupons after Sunday. I’d like to also remind you that even if a gas station has a sign up that says “we take NATO coupons,” or something to that effect, unless it is an AGIP or an ENI station, it isn’t legally authorized to accept the coupons. If you fill up your tank at an unauthorized station, and pay with coupons, you could create a lot of problems for everyone. Remember, these tax-free fuel coupons are a privilege afforded to us by the Italian government — not a right. Please make sure you’re helping to protect this privilege for the entire community by doing the right thing. October is a HUGE month for the Naples community, with the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Alex Trebec and the Jeopardy crew, homecoming, the Navy Ball, International Bazaar, Spooktacular, several emergency management drills and a host of other events. I know the schools are busy as activities and clubs really start to take off, and so are many of the private organizations around the base. Sometimes I look at the number of clubs and organizations people are involved with, and I’m constantly amazed at the willingness from members of this community to dive in and volunteer their time and expertise to keep these organizations running. We couldn’t do half the things we do without the selfless dedication of our community volunteers. I want to take this time to thank you all very much from the bottom of my heart. I hope to see all of you around the base at many of these exciting events, and also out in town at the many beautiful tourist destinations within easy access of our front door. Don’t miss out on Oktoberfest happening tonight at JFC, and be sure to take advantage of the Italian autumn and get outside and see the sights. Remember – stay safe out there. It’s the best way to enjoy Europe. Have a great weekend!

panorama associato all’uSpi unione Stampa periodica italiana

Editorial Staff

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Naval Support Activity Naples Italy Capt. Scott Gray Commanding officer Cmdr. robert barbee executive officer Lt. matt Gill public affairs officer mC2 (SW/aW) John Stratton assistant public affairs officer teresa merola public affairs/ComreL Specialist

From Panorama staff reports

Striker's Bowling Center grand re-opening Oct. 5

By Cmdr. Robert Barbee NSA Naples Executive Officer

melissa Kabukuru, editor:

Striker’s Bowling Center lanes have been upgraded with the latest in state-of-the-art equipment as part of an initiative by Commander, Navy Installations Command to establish a Flagship/Premier Bowling Center. The project took two months, beginning with the deinstallation July 17 and ending with a “soft opening” Sept. 21. The official grand opening of the renovated lanes will be held Friday, Oct. 5 from 6 p.m. to midnight. Prizes and giveways will take place throughout the evening. A complete schedule for the night's events is as follows: 6:25 p.m.: . . . . . . . . . . .Ribbon cutting ceremony 6 to 9 p.m.: . . . . . . . . . . $5 all-you-can-eat finger food buffet and family karaoke 6:30 to 9 p.m.:. . . . . . . . Cosmic bowling (5 people per lane; $3 per person) 8 p.m. to midnight: . . . House music by DJ Dre' 9:30 midnight: . . Special Cosmic bowling (5 people per lane; $5 per person)

‘Jeopardy!’ contestant search Oct. 6 Do you have what it takes to be on Jeopardy? Several producers of the hit game show, along with host Alex Trebek, will host a contestant search test for interested service members and spouses Saturday, Oct. 6. The test will be held from 9 to 11 a.m. at Naples Elementary School. Simultaneously at the elementary school, the Jeopardy! team will host a “Brain Bus” (just-for-fun

game of Jeopardy!) open those age 4 and up. Please note: The “Brain Bus” is the only event open to everyone. U.S. ID card verification is required for the contestant search test, and potential contestants must be 18 or older. For more information, call 081-568-4894.

Naples Race for the Cure Oct. 7 Italy is looking for American runners and walkers to participate in the Race for the Cure Italia event that will take place Oct. 7 in downtown Naples. Proceeds from the event will go toward the Susan G. Komen Foundation to fund breast cancer research. The race will start at 10 a.m. in Naples’ Piazza del Plebiscito. Registration costs €10 and can be done online at

No absentee ballot? You can still vote Nov. 6 Be sure to exercise your right to vote in the upcoming general election Nov. 6. Although it may be too late to request an official absentee ballot, it’s not too late to send in a write-in ballot from the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website, available at For more information, call the Naval Support Activity Naples voting assistance office at 081-568-3888.

Great Shakeout earthquake exercise set for Oct. 18

The Great Shakeout exercise is scheduled for 10:18 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 18. Please register yourself and your family at for survival tips and other emergency management information. The event will consist of a community-wide earthquake drill, followed by information sessions at the main piazza Report fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement in at Capodichino and at the grassy Navy activities to: knoll outside the Support Site Office of the Inspector General, Naples, Italy Navy Lodge building. For more Leave a recorded message 24/7:...........................081-568-2983 information, contact Lt. jg. Speak to the CNREURAFSWA Investigator: ......081-568-2600 Thomas Short at 081-568-6897.


Speak to the CNE-CNA-C6F Investigator: .........081-568-2964 E-mail: Website:

ContaCt naples NSA Naples CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Child and Youth Programs Director Director, FFSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CMVRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Personal Property . . . . . . . . . . . . Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hospital Customer Service . . . . Naples High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naples Elementary . . . . . . . . . . . . Housing Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commissary Director . . . . . . . . . . NEX General Manager . . . . . . . . . MWR/ITT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of Panorama are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U. S. Navy. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, or Stampa Generale S.r.l. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. the Panorama editorial office is located at Naval Support activity, Naples, italy, pSC 817, box 40, Fpo ae 09622 telephone: commercial 081-568-5335/5912; dSN 626-5335/5912. e-mail:

Capodichino transitioning to alternate power Oct. 6-8 The Naval Support Activity Naples Public Works Department will be completing a main substation upgrade at Capodichino over Columbus Day weekend. Unless you are supported by an uninterruptible power supply, expect a short, one-minute interruption in power during start up and shut down of the generator. All employees are requested to power down their equipment before departing for the weekend.

Panorama is published weekly on Friday by Stampa Generale S.r.l. Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy - Tel. 081-568-7884, Fax 081-568-7887. e-mail: - Autorizzazione Tribunale di Napoli No. 3404 del 3.4.1985. Direttore Responsabile: Bruno Brandi. Stampa: Europrint Sud S.r.l., Ferentino (Fr); Fotocomposizione: Stampa Generale S.r.l. - Tel. 081-568-7884. Stampa Generale is a private firm in no way connected with the U. S. Navy under exclusive written contract with the U. S. Navy. The editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office of the Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy. All news and feature articles and announcements submitted to Panorama are subject to editing to conform with contemporary standards of journalistic objectivity, clarity and relevance. We welcome any contributions, suggestions or comments dealing with community issues. Submissions for publication in Panorama will be accepted on the basis of newsworthiness, timeliness and space available. All copy must be submitted in Microsoft Word format in an e-mail to the editor at: Each submission must include the name and telephone number of the author. deadLiNe For aLL Copy aNd photoS iS at CLoSe oF buSiNeSS Friday prior to pubLiCatioN date.

panorama September 28, 2012

Sailor in the Spotlight: IS2 Kurt Pierce

Even though the month of September is almost over, it is never too late to get involved in National Preparedness Month with the American Red Cross. If you are interested you can check out this link for information about preparing for disasters: The Naples office of the American Red Cross encourages the Naples community to assess and prepare for local disaster risks. Community members are also encouraged to register online for the Great Southern Italy Shakeout, an earthquake drill that will take place at 10:18 a.m. Oct. 18. You can register online for the Shakeout at, and will receive updates about earthquake preparedness via e-mail in advance of the drill. Here in Naples, whether it’s an earthquake, volcanic eruption or a house fire that threatens, all families need a disaster plan. "Just like no coach would bring a team onto a field without a game plan, every family needs a game plan for emergencies. When disaster strikes, it’s too late," says Russ Paulsen, Red Cross executive director of community preparedness and resilience.





At a minimum, family disaster plans should include: 1 A meeting place right outside the home in case of a sudden emergency like a fire or earthquake. 2 A location where everyone should meet if they can't go home. 3 An out-of-area contact who can help connect separated family members. All members of the household should work together on the emergency plan and each person should know how to reach other family members. Why wait to update your family disaster plan? You can download a Family Disaster Plan Template in (English and Spanish) that you can complete and share with family members. This PDF document may be saved and updated. The Naples Red Cross is ready to help. Stop by the office in the Admin II building at Capodichino for information on what the Red Cross has to offer and to obtain information about what to do before, during, and after emergencies and disasters. You can also contact Jeff Arter, Naples Red Cross disaster action chair, at

Individual Force Protection Plans Personnel planning on traveling outside of Italy (except to the United States or U.S. territories) should contact their chain of command’s Antiterrorism/Force Protection (ATFP) Division 30 days prior to their planned departure. The ATFP office will review the request and will notify you of all requirements that must be fulfilled prior to travel. Note that some countries have additional entry requirements which require more processing time than 30 days. Contact your ATFP division as soon as possible in order to assist you in meeting all requirements. You can contact the NSA Naples ATFP office by any of the following means. Phone: E-mail:


28 OKTOBERFEST AT JFC The German national support element at Allied Joint Force Command Naples will host the 10th Oktoberfest at JFC starting at noon Saturday, Sept. 28 and continuing until 1 a.m. The event will feature German food and beer for sale, as well as children’s entertainment. Ticket sales occur at JFC Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and at Capodichino Tuesdays and Thursdays. Weekend ticket sales will take place outside the Support Site Navy Exchange. FMI, visit 28 THE COALITION OF SAILORS AGAINST DESTRUCTIVE DECISIONS will host an event that brings to life the potential consequences of a destructive decision. The event will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the BEQ classroom area. The group will have a four-stage event set up within the rooms that will allow participants to experience hands-on the moments before, during and after a destructive career decision. Free food will be provided. 29 YOUTH SOCCER CHALLENGE All boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to participate in the local level of the 2012 Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge, which will take place at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29 at the Support Site South Park soccer field. For more information, contact Allen Custodio at or 081-568-2826; Neil Higgins at or 081-568-1769; or George Piette at or 081-804-1908. 30 NAPLES TIGER SHARKS HOME MEET Come support the Naples Tiger Sharks at their first home swim meet of the season. The meet will take place at the Capo Fit Zone pool, Sunday, Sept. 30 at 9 a.m. Future home meets will be held Nov. 11 and Jan. 13, so save the dates.

Keep the spirit of National Preparedness Month alive year round From the American Red Cross


Petty Officer Pierce is the n2 yeoman for Commander, naval Forces europe-africa and U.s. 6th Fleet. he is responsible for tracking all staff administrative packages and updates, while executing the duties as the mustering petty officer for one of the largest directorates aboard the U.s. 6th Fleet flagship Uss Mount Whitney. additionally, he maintains personnel access rosters. (Photo courtesy of Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet Public Affairs)



Or visit the office in the Capodichino Security Precinct, Bldg. 403, open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

OCTOBER EVENTS 5-6 INTERNATIONAL BAZAAR The annual Allied Spouses Club International Bazaar will take place Friday, Oct. 5 and Saturday, Oct. 6 at JFC. The International Bazaar will be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. both days, with the food court and entertainment remaining open until 11:30 p.m. NATO and U.S. ID card holders only Oct. 5; ID card holders and pre-registered guests are welcome Oct. 6. For more information, contact the Bazaar Committee at 10 WINERY TOUR AND LUNCHEON The Allied Spouses Club is organizing an Oct. 10 visit to the Tenuta Torre Gaia wine resort, which will include a tour of the vineyard and a buffet lunch with wine. Bus departs JFC at 9:45 a.m. the day of the tour, and will return between 3:30 and 4 p.m. Cost is €25 for ASC members and €35 for guests. To RSVP, drop payment off by Oct. 3 in ASC box at Tony's Hardware at JFC, or at the Fleet and Family Support Center at the Support Site. Be sure to label your payment envelope with your name, country, and "Torre Gaia." 18 GREAT SOUTHERN ITALY SHAKEOUT You're invited to be part of the biggest earthquake drill in Italian history, which will take place Thursday, Oct. 18 at 10:18 a.m. Practice how to drop, cover and hold on during an earthquake, as well as what to do after one occurs. Register to participate online at and receive preparedness tips in advance via e-mail. 18 MONTHLY BABY BASICS CLASS offered by NMCRS Visiting Nurses. Next class is Thursday, Oct. 18 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Office, located in Room G-016 of the Admin II building at Capodichino. Topics include newborn care (i.e. bundling, diapering & bathing), feeding, crying & comforting, health & safety, etc. Contact NCMRS for registration and information at 081-568-3913.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED LA MIMOSA THRIFT STORE, run by the Allied Spouses Club (ASC) at Allied Joint Force Command Naples, is seeking volunteers and donations. The store is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. For questions or further information, please contact Erika at NAPLES HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC BOOSTERS seeks 2012-2013 board members. For more information, e-mail matthew.ukleja THE AMERICAN SOCCER CLUB (ASC) OF NAPOLI is looking for qualified coaches. Those interested in coaching should e-mail doc@ NAPLES AMERICAN RED CROSS (ARC) NEEDS VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTORS. ARC needs volunteer instructors for various courses. Those interested in becoming instructors can contact the ARC office at 081-568-4788. ALLIED SPOUSES CLUB is seeking strong candidates to fill the following leadership positions: events coordinator, volunteer coordinator and bazaar chairman. Annual rotation of leadership also means we are electing new board positions: president, vice president and secretary. FMI, e-mail ATTENTION PHOTOGRAPHERS! Are you interested in taking photos of Naples Elementary School students during the 2012-2013 school year? Contact Dr. Johnson at 081-811-4159 or donita.Johnson@

More “Inside Page” on Page 11


panorama September 28, 2012

Petty Officer 2nd Class Brian smith receives the Joint service achievement Medal from Maj. Gen. Garry dean, director of operations at allied Joint Force Command naples, at an aug. 31 ceremony. (Photo by Lt. Col. Riccardo Rauti, Italian Army)

GOOD NEIGHBOR Continued from Page 1

Smith, who is attached to Allied Joint Force Command Naples, immediately ran into his house to get some gauze. He simultaneously called base security personnel to arrange an ambulance. When he returned to the scene, he and his Italian neighbors helped lower Sotelo to the ground, and Smith dressed her wounds using training he received in a U.S. Marine Corps Combat Lifesaver Course. After a few minutes, the ambulance had still not arrived, and Sotelo began convulsing. Worried that Sotelo was on the brink of death, Smith arranged for another neighbor to drive her to a local hospital. An Italian doctor gave Sotelo stitches and determined she was stable, but Smith decided to drive Sotelo to the U.S. Naval Hospital Naples anyway so that she could get some pain medication. As Sotelo and Smith rode together, he still didn’t know her name, he said. They’d never met face-toface before, and Sotelo couldn’t speak at the time. “She was somebody hurt,” Smith said. “It was the right thing to do.” Today, Sotelo is back at work, without serious repercussions from the accident. She said she decided to climb her fence after the wind blew her front door shut, locking her out of her house. Her back patio door was unlocked at the time, she said. After she fell, she was able to lift herself up off the fence and cry out. Beyond that, she doesn’t remember anything until she woke up in the hospital, she said. “When I had the accident, I didn’t see anyone around,” Sotelo said. “I pulled myself up and then I was trying to call for help, but apparently it sounded more like a gurgle. I was just grateful that someone could be there and help me out, and take me to hospital.”

Maj. Gen. Garry Dean, director of operations at Allied Joint Force Command Naples, presented Smith with the Joint Service Achievement Medal during a ceremony Aug. 31. Dean presented the award on behalf of Adm. Bruce W. Clingan, commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples. "(Petty Officer) Smith highlights what is good and just in our community,” Dean said. “When people join the military, they become a part of something bigger: they become a family, and like all families, we take care of each other. That is what Brian did that day." Smith said that he was just following his instincts and his training. He said that the Combat Lifesaver course he took only weeks before Sotelo’s accident helped him remain coolheaded and cognizant of what actions to take, such as selecting the right type of gauze. “I just helped someone who was hurt,” Smith said. “It was just by chance that we lived next to each other.” After the incident, Sotelo threw a dinner party for Smith and all her Italian neighbors who helped her. She said that she realized that without Smith, she may not have lived to host that dinner. The doctors told her that if she had bled out for just a few more minutes, she would have died, she said. “It was really close to my birthday,” Sotelo said. “If I would have just stayed there and lost all that blood, I would have been gone. I wouldn’t have had another year to live. I was really surprised to have another chance to be alive.” Smith said that hearing Sotelo thank him personally made him feel more deserving of his medal. But he still doesn’t feel like a hero, he said. “I think that’s a weird word,” Smith said. “It’s something that you grow up seeing on the TV but don’t think you’ll ever be called.” Whether or not Smith thinks he’s a hero, Sotelo said he makes a great neighbor. “I’m clumsy sometimes, so it’s nice to know that he’s around,” Sotelo said. “Just in case.”

panorama September 28, 2012


Fleet and Family Support Center events this week From the Fleet and Family Support Center

For more information about local Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) events, visit

UPCOMING FFSC NAPLES EVENTS Call 081-811-6372 for more information or to register Tuesday, Oct. 2 – SPONSORSHIP TRAINING (9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.) To be a sponsor is a duty; to be a great one is to make a difference! COUPON CLUB (1 - 2 p.m.) Do you want to save money on your groceries? You don’t have to be an extreme coupon aficionado to save money. Join other smart shoppers to sort coupons and discuss cost saving methods to help your family. AL-ANON SUPPORT GROUP (6 - 7 p.m.; Session 1 of 5) Wednesday, Oct. 3 – BECOMING A LOVE AND LOGIC PARENT (6 - 8 p.m.) This parenting program is designed to give you practical skills that can be used immediately. Thursday, Oct. 4 – SPOUSE FIT (9 - 10 a.m.; at the Support Site Fit Forum) A fitness program jointly sponsored by the U.S. Naval Hospital Naples and Morale, Welfare and Recreation.

the Youth sports Opening day sept. 22 marked the start of the fall sports season for more than 450 youth players, 38 teams and 52 volunteer coaches. a total of 150 soccer and flag football games will be played before dec. 1 as part of the youth sports program at naval support activity naples.

Fall youth sports season kicks off Right: Young athletes, coaches and their families attend the Youth sports Opening day Ceremonies saturday, sept. 22 at Carney Park. this fall, hundreds of children will play soccer and football on teams organized by Child and Youth Programs aboard naval support activity naples. (Photos by Vanessa Kasparek)

Friday, Oct. 5 – LEGAL ASSISTANCE AT THE SUPPORT SITE FFSC (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.) Legal Assistance appointments will be performed by a NLSO attorney two times per month at the FFSC service center. The attorneys are available for the usual legal assistance services – powers of attorney, immigration, consumer law, creditor/debtor issues, divorce, etc. Please contact 081-568-4576 for more information or to make an appointment. VIA CARACCIOLO, PORT OF NAPLES AND CHOCOLATE FACTORY (8:30 a.m. 2 p.m.; Departs from JFC) Via Caracciolo, the longest street by the water in Naples, leads to the the city’s main port. There you will find the hydrofoil and ferry station.

UPCOMING FFSC GAETA EVENTS Call 081-568-8354/7 for more information or to register Friday, Sept. 28 – COFFEE ROASTING FACTORY AND VISIT TO CASTLE (9 a.m. - 2 p.m.) We will visit a coffee roasting factory that will show you the art of blending the world's finest coffee beans. You will get a free coffee or cappuccino and cornetto at the bar of the factory. We will proceed to Castelnuovo Parano and visit a hilltop town built within and around a castle from more than 1,000 years ago, where we will have lunch. Meeting place is at Panorama. Carpooling encouraged.

Naples area ombudsmen and key spouses The ombudsmen program at Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples coordinates communication of information between service members and their families. The service provided by ombudsmen becomes especially critical and helpful during deployments. Here is a list of ombudsmen for Naples-area commands. AFN NAPLES: Donna Vigil, CNE BAND: Holly Ward, CNE- 6th FLEET: Maya Stoltz, CNREURAFSWA: Sindy Copeland, CTF SIX THREE & MSCEURAF: Arlene Campbell, CTF SIX NINE & COMSUBGRU EIGHT: Emily Key, ctf69csg8.ombudsman@ FLCSI- Naples: Maria Seibel, JFC: Pending, NSA Naples: Heather Staib-Jerzy, NCTS: Michelle Cannuli, NSSA DET Naples: Gretchen Bozwell, USNH: Amy Romanowski & Latascia Hamilton, usnh_ombudsman@ U.S. ARMY ELEMENT: Jennifer Molina, jennifer. U.S. ARMY ELEMENT - ALPHA COMPANY, U. S. ARMY ELEMENT - HHC: Alisha Smith, alishasmith0218@ U.S. AIR FORCE ELEMENT: Sonya Cage, U.S. MARINE ELEMENT: Pending, USS MOUNT WHITNEY: Anna Nickell, DESRON SIX ZERO: Jennifer Morris, CURRENTLY VACANT: NAVFAC SEABEES, RLSO & NLSO Any spouses who have an interest in becoming an ombudsman should contact Amber Becker at


panorama September 28, 2012

Weekly crime report for Sept. 17 to Sept. 23, 2012 – – – –

Stolen Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Vehicle Break-In . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Traffic Accident . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Attempted Burglary . . . . . . . . . .1

(1 off base) (4 off base) (5 off base) (1 off base)

Vehicle Break-In (off base). On Sept. 17 at approximately 8:20 a.m., CIV reported a vehicle break-in that occurred Sept. 16 in Lago Patria, Italy. Victim parked and secured her vehicle, and upon returning to it she noticed the passenger side window broken and the glove box forced open. Upon conducting a full inventory of her vehicle, she reported that no items were missing.

Giovanni Castiello (left) of the naval support activity naples (nsa) Fire department helps eO2 trever schoonover (right) prepare halon fire extinguishers for shipping to Richmond, Va. the nsa naples Fire department is getting rid of the extinguishers, which contain an ozone depleting substance, and replacing them with ones that are more environmentally friendly. (Photo by Melissa Kabukuru)

NSA Naples Fire Department works to protect the environment

Attempted Burglary (off base). On Sept. 17 at approximately 4 p.m., E-7/USN reported a attempted burglary that occurred Sept. 14 in Giugliano, Italy. Victim stated that while at home he heard a strange noise and went to investigate the sound. When he arrived at his garage, he noticed two masked individuals that fled the area. Upon conducting a full investigation, he noticed that the lock on his garage door appeared to be tampered with, but the individuals were never able to gain access to the residence. Vehicle Break-In (off base). On Sept. 21 at approximately 12:30 p.m., E-5/USN reported a vehicle break-in that occurred Sept. 20 in Pozzuoli, Italy.

Victim stated that after eating dinner he returned to his vehicle and noticed that the hazard lights were on and the back door was open. Upon conducting a full inventory of his vehicle, he reported that multiple items were missing. Stolen Vehicle (off base). On Sept. 21 at approximately 1:30 p.m., CIV reported a vehicle theft that occurred Sept. 19 in Pozzuoli, Italy. Victim stated that he locked and secured his vehicle before going shopping in a market, and upon returning to where he parked he noticed his vehicle was missing. Vehicle Break-In (off base). On Sept. 23 at approximately 5 p.m., E-6/USN reported a vehicle break-in that occurred earlier that day in Naples, Italy. He parked and secured his vehicle on the road, and upon returning to it several hours later he noticed that the vehicle’s center console was open and that its driver’s side door handle had been removed. Upon conducting a full inventory of his vehicle, he reported that several items were missing. Vehicle Break-In (off base). On Sept. 23 at approximately 6:27 p.m., E-4/USN reported a vehicle break-in that occurred Sept. 22 in Gricignano, Italy. Victim stated that she parked and secured her vehicle on the road in front of her house, and upon returning to her vehicle she noticed the passenger’s side window was broken out. Upon conducting a full inventory of her vehicle, she reported that several items were missing.

By Bill Raspet, NSA Naples Public Works Department, Environmental Division

You may think of firefighters as mainly putting out fires and saving lives, but they do much more. They also play a role in helping save our environment. The Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples Fire Department recently turned in approximately one ton of an ozone depleting substance in the form of Halon fire extinguishers. The department replaced 12 Halon fire extinguishers with an environmentally friendlier fire suppressant substitute, which will extinguish fires with no detrimental effect on the atmosphere. This “greener extinguisher,” known as Amerex model 688, extinguishes fires using a pressurized gas and Purple-K Powder (PKP), a dry chemical material. The Halon fire extinguishers will be shipped to the Department of Defense (DoD) Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Reserve in Richmond, Va., where they will be stockpiled for future use by the Department of Defense. Under the Montreal Protocol international agreement, manufacture of Ozone Depleting Substances ceased between 1993 and1996 partly due to their contribution to global warming. As a result of the NSA Naples Fire Department’s initiative, the DoD will be able to recycle this material for future DoD-mission critical needs only. Some of these needs include fire protection systems in U.S. Navy ships, submarines and aircrafts. Randale York of the NSA Naples Fire Department spearheaded the ODS turn-in initiative with assistance from Bill Raspet, air program manager for the environmental division of the NSA Naples Public Works Department. In addition to the Fire Department’s act of environmental protection above, the Fire Department is also heavily involved in cleaning up hazardous materials and addressing spills, making the department a major team player in protecting the environment at NSA Naples.

If you are the victim of a crime, report the incident to Security Dispatch at 081-568-5638.

antonio Carannate, a financial manager on the navy Region europe, africa, southwest asia comptroller team, was recently selected to participate in the department of defense defense Civilian emerging Leader Program. (Photo by MC1 Jack Georges)

Naples local national is Navy's 1st to enter DoD leader program By Lt. Tim Hawkins, Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia Public Affairs

A financial manager based in Naples, Italy recently became the Navy’s first local-national employee selected to attend a Department of Defense (DoD) leadership development program for promising civilian personnel. Antonio Carannante, a sixyear local-national member of Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia’s comptroller team, was chosen Sept. 13 for the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program (DCELP) Class of 2012. Carannante was one of only 26 individuals selected Navywide. “Only the top of the top are selected for this program, and Antonio is the first and only local national selected,” said Lauralee Dillon, Region’s comptroller. “It’s truly an amazing opportunity not only for him, but for the future of this organization, because the local nationals here don’t just supplement our workforce … they are our workforce. And to grow up with the Navy and become a true leader is spectacular.” At age 47, Carannante approaches 27 years of Navy serv-

ice that all began as security guard here at Naval Support Activity Naples. “I started as a security guard here, and it was tough but built my character,” said Carannante, a lifelong native of the waterfront village of Bacoli, 18-miles west of Naples. “I consider myself really lucky. I appreciate my work and I have this great opportunity to increase my knowledge and improve myself.” Only 136 civilian personnel across the DoD enterprise were chosen, according to the Navy’s Office of Civilian Human Resources. Launched last year, the DCELP is a year-long training program for aspiring entry- and mid-level personnel in the acquisition, financial management and human resources communities. “The program, especially for a local national, is going to give them insight into the U.S. government from a top level – something they would not see here at Region,” said Deirdre Spaulding, Carannante’s immediate supervisor. “That’s going to bring incredible value to our team here at Region because Antonio can share what he learns.” The DCELP includes 34 days of

in-resident courses at the DoD Executive Management Training Center in Southbridge, Mass., and capstone graduation week activities in Washington, D.C. Prior to attending in-resident courses, participants complete Internet-based exercises about the DoD’s mission and culture, effective writing and research methods, and leadership theories and principles. Carannante will begin program orientation in Southbridge by the end of autumn. “I’m not scared of the challenge. I’m going to put all my energy into this,” he said. “Above all, my goal is to become a real leader so that I can better provide my best and contribute to support Region’s mission.” Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia provides efficient and effective shore service support to U.S. and allied forces operating at its installations. “Antonio really rose to the top,” Dillon said. “It’s just his constant desire to do more than what’s required, to go above and beyond. He’s truly an asset to this organization.” For more news and information about Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia, visit or

panorama September 28, 2012


ASC International Bazaar: “Bye-bye, Bagnoli!” Oct. 5-6 From the Allied Spouses Club Publicity Coordinator

Members of the newly formed naples Military Chapter of the harley Owners Group, or h.O.G. regularly participate in community events. they took part in a ceremony honoring veterans last november and also helped with holiday activities at the support site in december. (Photo by Laura Byrd)

Naples Harley-Davidson owners announce military H.O.G chapter By Laura Byrd

After 15 months of waiting and patient followup by riders, Harley-Davidson, Inc. has approved the Naples military chapter of the Harley Owners Group, or H.O.G. The Naples Military H.O.G Chapter is now one of only four military chapters in Europe sanctioned by Harley-Davidson. These chapters are unique in that they are sponsored and supervised by Navy Exchange New Car Sales on the individual bases – a big change for the existing structure of H.O.G. worldwide, which normally requires chapters to be sponsored by a local Harley-Davidson dealership. The first official meeting for the Naples Military H.O.G Chapter was Aug. 23 at O’Rhys Pub on the Support Site. At this meeting, the chapter officers were elected. Future meetings will take place once a month at a location to be determined. H.O.G chapter members are renowned for their enthusiastic contribution to local charities and fundraising events. The Naples chapter will be participating in community projects and as well as organizing group rides that reflect the Harley-Davidson camaraderie. A Facebook page exists for members, and Naples Military H.O.G. Chapter patches will be arriving soon. Harley Davidson owners are encouraged to join the chapter and participate in meetings and group rides. Dues are $20 a year and require membership in the national H.O.G. organization, which has membership links on the Harley-Davidson, Inc. website. H.O.G. chapters both domestically and internationally are traditionally sponsored and supervised by a local Harley-Davidson dealership, according to the bylaws established for the

first time in 1983. H.O.G. attracted 33,000 members during its first year, and then grew to over a million members by 2006. There are currently over 1,400 chapters in 60 countries. Adding to the timeline of milestones for H.O.G. is the addition of military chapters, which are created to foster a sense of community among riders and their families serving overseas. Considering the long history Harley-Davidson has with the U.S. military, it is no surprise that existing rules would eventually change to accommodate service members living abroad. Naval Air Station Sigonella was the first to achieve military chapter status in October of 2009, followed by Ramstein Air Base in 2010. Naples and Aviano were inducted simultaneously in 2012, and both are in the process of building websites and membership. For more information about joining the Naples Military H.O.G. Chapter, contact membership director Jon Thurston at You can also visit the chapter website at

Want to know more about H.O.G.? • Naples Military H.O.G. chapter website: • Link to H.O.G. membership application:

One of the biggest charity events of Naples’ international community, the 2012 Allied Spouses Club International Bazaar, will take place Friday, Oct. 5 and Saturday, 6 at Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Naples. The event is a two-day extravaganza of shopping, food and entertainment. The bazaar opens daily at 10 a.m., with shopping open until 10 p.m. and food and entertainment continuing until 11:30 p.m. With the imminent closure of the JFC NATO base in Bagnoli, this year’s Bazaar theme is “Bye-bye, Bagnoli.” Next year the event will take place on the new base in Lago Patria, so be sure to visit this year’s International Bazaar for a true nostalgic shopping experience. The Bazaar takes place inside the NCCC building next to the chapel. Vendors from all over Europe and Italy attend this renowned event, selling everything from food and wine to ceramics, furniture, jewelry, leather goods and more. Vendors are still signing agreements to participate this year. Returning favorites include Mele leather, Vietri ceramics and Sim Italian Leather Gloves, to name a few. The Bazaar is the perfect place to stock up on holiday gifts for family and friends back home. The Hall of Nations is a must-see for holiday shopping. Here you will find specialties from NATO member nations at booths staffed by volunteers from each country. You might find maple syrup from Canada, wine and pâté from France, sweets and Union Jack designs from the United Kingdom, or flamenco dresses from Spain. The USA Country Store is a busy stop for many who don’t have onbase shopping privileges. When you need a break from shopping, be sure to visit the International Food Court. Volunteers from NATO member nations serve authentic tastes of their home countries. Tired of American fast food and Italian restaurants? Sit down with new friends over a German beer or Greek salad in the Food Court. The freshly prepared international delights here are a perennial favorite. Entertainment is provided by NATO member nations, the international schools at JFC, and local bands. This year’s lineup promises to delight attendees of all ages. There is still time to get on the schedule. Bands wishing to perform must contact the entertainment coordinator, Gabriella Romano, at by Oct. 1. All tickets are sold at the Bazaar door. NATO and US ID holders and their dependents are welcome both days. Tickets are €3 for each day. Sponsored guests who have submitted guest pass cards are welcome on Saturday. They must present photo ID and their paperwork at the gate. Guest tickets are €4. Children 12 and under are free both days and must be accompanied by adults at all times. Guest pass cards may be picked up and submitted at Tony’s Hardware at JFC; the Fleet and Family Support Center at the Support Site; and the Liberty Center at Capodichino. They must be turned in by 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28 to ensure that the Carabinieri has enough time to process the guest list. The Bazaar is run entirely by volunteers and still needs help the weekend of the event. Please contact Maria Eberlin, Bazaar co-chair, at if you can help. You can also check the Allied Spouses Club Facebook page for more information.

FFSC Tip of the Week: Home buying From the Fleet and Family Support Center It’s the American Dream… to own a home! A home is more than bricks, walls, and plumbing; a home is a place to live the life that we all work so hard to create. A home is also a tremendous financial responsibility. The Fleet and Family Support Center offers a home buying workshop to provide helpful information about the process of buying a home to help make this big step more manageable. Whether you are considering buying your first home, have purchased many homes in the past, or are simply trying to determine if home ownership is the right decision for you, this class has a great deal to offer. This three-hour workshop covers many topics, including evaluation tools to determine if renting or owning is right for you, tips on calculating what you can afford, information on lenders and loans, and tips for selecting a real estate agent. Additional information is provided regarding negotiating a deal, what to expect in the closing, and how to protect your home with proper insurance. For upcoming dates or more information, please contact the Fleet and Family Support Center at 081-811-6372.

Holiday mailing deadlines From the Fleet Logistics Center

• Benefits of H.O.G. membership: HOG/ membership-benefits.html • History of Harley Davidson and the U.S. military: Veterans/military-history.html

Below are the 2012 Christmas mailing deadlines for mail coming to and from the United States. Mail early and beat the last minute rush. Space Available Mail: ...............................................................Nov. 26 Priority Mail (APP): .................................................................Dec. 10 Letter/First Class Mail: ...........................................................Dec. 10 Express Mail (EMMS): ............................................................Dec. 17 Remember that lithium batteries and products that contain them, such as iPhones, Kindles and iPods, no longer can be mailed overseas using the U.S. Postal Service. Base post office personnel recommend that you and your loved ones purchase insurance and get tracking numbers for any packages being mailed to or from the United States. That way, if your package is delayed, lost or damaged during the busy holiday mailing season, you have a means to locate it or get reimbursement.

panorama September 28, 2012

Football: Wildcats beat ISB 51-6

Lo spazio/ Space Practice your vocabulary. Find the Italian words. J F F K U G Q A N R O X I Y R



answer to last week’s puzzle

Il meteo / The weather Italian law requires all foreign personnel working or living within Italy, other than an active-duty member under military orders, to obtain a Sojourner Permit within eight days of arrival in Italy. This is different from a visa, which is merely an approval for entry into the country. All applicants over 14 years of age must apply in person, as each person's signature is required at the time of application. NATIONALS OF ANY STATE OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY COMING TO ITALY DO NOT REQUIRE ANY VISA OR SOJOURNER PERMIT. As part of the Area Orientation process, the U.S. Region Legal Service Office (RLSO EURAFSWA) assists in the preparation and oversees the acquisition of the Sojourner Permit for all personnel attached to U.S. Navy commands in the Naples area. Army and Air Force personnel stationed at JFC must apply through the Carabiniere at the JFC Provost Marshall's Office, Building L. Contact Connie Henderson, RLSO EURAFSWA liaison advisor, at 081-5684639 for more information.

In the event of an emergency or to report a crime, please call the Emergency Dispatch Center at 081-568-4911 or 5911. (On-Base Dial 9-1-1) For non-emergency assistance, call 081-568-5638. naples senior destiny Mora leads the pack during a sept. 22 race at Carney Park. Mora finished first among the girls with a time of 20:45. (Photo by Frank Spatt)

By Panorama staff

Boys’ tennis

Girls’ volleyball

The Naples boys faced American Overseas School of Rome Saturday, with the Wildcats ultimately coming out ahead 5-1. Naples players Connor Skelton, George Shaffer and Chris Bracken each won their singles matches to put the Wildcats ahead. Then, Shaffer and Bracken teamed up to score a doubles win for Naples, while the doubles team of Skelton and Malachy Mroch also emerged victorious. AOSR’s only match point came when Mroch fell 10-8 to AOSR’s Nick Devito.

The Naples Wildcats Men’s Volleyball Team took on the AOSR Falcons in the Wildcats’ first game of the season Friday. The Falcons took the first match 25-13, 25-15 and 25-14. During Saturday’s match, the Wildcats again lost three sets in a row to give the Falcons a second win for the weekend. The boys’ volleyball team’s record now stands at 0-2.


Obtaining your Sojourner Permit

Sports roundup: Volleyball and tennis

Boys’ volleyball

BRIna / Frost FULMIne / Lightning neBBIa / Fog neVe / snow nUVOLa / Cloud PIOGGIa / Rain RUGIada / dew teMPesta / storm tUOnO / thunder VentO / Wind

The Naples Wildcats continued to demonstrate depth and speed this past Saturday against American Overseas School of Rome (AOSR) and Sigonella. Naples female runners swept both teams, taking the first eight spots. Incredibly, the first eight Naples finishers crossed the line in under 23 minutes. “In years past, we would be fortunate to have 2 or 3 girls running times under 23 minutes,” said coach Chip Noonan. “To have more than 7 girls running such times, averaging 22:23 as a team, was something I honestly never even imagined before.” This impressive feat was led by senior captain Destiny Mora, who finished in 20:45, the fastest female time recorded at Carney Park in five years. She was followed by teammates Caroline Bracken (22:22), Alexis Guinn (22:29), Jessica Poluhawich (22:38), Grace Gardner (22:44), Millie Chaston (22:52), Amber Sheline (22:55) and Isabella Lucy (22:59). According to Coach Noonan, this is by far the deepest team in recent memory and perhaps in school history. “Right now this women’s team is so impressive and only getting better,” Noonan said. “I think we could compete with most Division I squads.” The men’s team also ran strong on Saturday, beating AOSR 20-41. The men displayed impressive depth of their own, posting four sub-19 minute performances and with eight runners finishing in under 20 minutes. Freshman Jacob Gray again held off Abel Ararso of Sigonella to finish first in a personal best time of 18:07. He was followed by a crew of teammates running personal best times. Sam Chaston and Brett Baldwin finished third and fourth, with times of 18:37 and 18:41. Marshall Saunders and Luca Melendez finished fifth and seventh, with times of 18:52 and 19:16. Evan Bradley and Matt Collins closed out the Naples top seven, finishing ninth and tenth overall with times of 19:33 and 19:35. The team average was an impressive 18:57. “We are exactly where we want to be at this point in the season,” Noonan said. “At the rate we are improving, I believe the men will be ready to mpress at the end of October in Germany.” The Wildcats travel to Vicenza this weekend for their first away competition.

The Naples High School’s Girls Volleyball Team cruised to victory Friday and Saturday against American Overseas School of Rome (AOSR). Naples won three out of four sets Sept. 21, with scores of 21-25, 25-15, 25-14, 25-11. In a repeat performance Sept. 22, the Wildcats defeated AOSR 25-16, 28-26, 25-20 to bring the team’s overall record to 4-0.


PIaneta / Planet sOLe/ sun steLLa / star steLLa Cadente/ shooting star

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From the Naples High School Cross Country Team


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Naples Cross Country strides on


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naples high school quarterback Joseph Pitts gets tackled by players from the International school of Brussels (IsB) during the second naples home game of the season sept. 22 at naval support activity naples. the naples Wildcats beat the IsB Raiders 51-6 in their second department of defense dependents schools division II football game of the season. (Photo by MC2(SW) Joshua Nistas)


+ B + M + + R B + + + + + U +

asteROIde / asteroid FIRMaMentO / sky GaLassIa / Galaxy LUna/ Moon neBULOsa / nebula ORBItaRe / to orbit


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Girls tennis The Wildcat girls also overtook AOSR on the tennis court Saturday, winning overall 3-1. Naples’ Alyssa Bracken and Tori Murdoch won their singles matches, and returned to the court as a doubles team to win another match for Naples.

panorama September 28, 2012


M ORE I NSIDE P AGE … VOLUNTEERS NEEDED continued ANIMALS WITHOUT LIMITS (AWL) is searching for volunteers who want to help at our Animal Hospice in Lago Patria. We also need volunteers for different projects on the Support Site base. For more information, please contact us at or director@ NAPLES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTA is searching for people who want to lead the PTA during the 2012-2013 school year. PTA board members are elected every year and committee chairs are appointed every year. If you are interested in a board or chair position, please e-mail Angel Neese at NAVY LEAGUE OF THE U.S./NAPLES COUNCIL is seeking board members. Contact Betty Reese at 081-526-8051 or NAVY-MARINE CORPS RELIEF SOCIETY OPERATION CLIP & SAVE (coupons): 081-568-3913.

ONGOING/ON THE HORIZON CONNECT THE TOTS CLUB unites families with children from newborn to pre-school age within the Naples military community. Club events include monthly coffee mornings and birthday parties, weekly playgroups, craft activities and more. For more information, visit Connectthe-Tots-Club. NAPLES OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION NEEDS REFEREES Anyone interested should contact Nigel Alexander at 081-721-5413 or 346-680-3282 or by e-mail to HARRY S. TRUMAN LODGE No. 649 meets 6:30 p.m. every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m. FMI, contact Kevin Baker at 338-479-7023 or, or visit group/HST649. PUBLIC SPEAKING WITH TOASTMASTERS The Naples Toastmasters Club meets the first and third Tuesdays of every month. Meetings are held at the Support Site Community Center at 6:30 p.m. FMI, contact the Toastmasters president at 342-010-6263. GAETA/NAPLES AREA GIRL SCOUTS Now accepting registration for the 2012-13 school year. We are still in need of leaders and co-leaders. Training and support provided. FMI, contact FILIPINO-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NAPLES, ITALY meets at noon the first Sunday of every month at the Support Site Fellowship Hall. For more information, contact Ron Nacianceno at 081-568-1746 or 335-7604446. Also check out the group’s Facebook page, Fil-Am Naples. BOY SCOUT TROOP 007 holds troop meetings every Monday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Support Site Community Center. E-mail the Scoutmaster at or visit the website at THE U.S. MILITARY RETIREE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN ITALY (USMRA-SI) is the only association in Southern Italy representing the interests of U.S. retired military personnel and their survivors. If you are not a member and are eligible, please join the USMRA-SI at Point of contact: Wylie Miller, 329-208-7315. THE NAPLES CHRISTIAN HOMESCHOOL ASSOCIATION meets every month to support families who have chosen to educate their own children. We offer weekly park/pool days, a moms’ nights out and field trips to explore Bella Napoli and beyond! Interested? Need more information? Considering homeschooling? Please contact Natalie Mack at MEDITATION SITTING GROUP is held from 7 to 7:30 p.m. every Monday at the side chapel at the Support Site. Newcomers should stop by at 6:30 p.m. Participation is free. FMI, e-mail Laura Hitchcock at laura.poodle@ REGISTER FOR GRADUATE DEGREE ON-SITE PROGRAMS Visit the University of Phoenix and the University of Oklahoma to learn what on-site degree programs are offered in the Naples area. UP is at 081-568-6670 and OU is at 081-568-6672. Both colleges have offices at Capodichino in the Admin II building. REGISTER FOR ON-SITE UNDERGRADUATE CLASSES Visit the colleges for more information about what classes and programs are offered. UMUC Maryland can be reached at 081-568-6673/74/75; Central Texas College is at 081-568-6761. NAPLES OVERSEAS SPOUSES CLUB is seeking individuals to assist in 2012-2013 with a variety of events and positions. Don't miss the fun! If you want to help us help our community, please contact CALLING ALL NAPLES NURSES! Please consider joining the Naples Area Nurses Association (NANA). NANA is an organization of nurses that work together to fundraise, participate in social events, and provide support throughout the U.S. Naval Hospital Naples and NSA Naples community. FMI, contact Lt. Shelley Beltz at shelley.beltz or Lt. Jenny Paul at THE WELFARE & RECREATION ASSOCIATION is available to meet associates every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at its location on the first floor of Building 450 upstairs from Capo Landing. FMI, visit http://www. SECURITY NOTE: All DoD military or civilian personnel hosting an event off base must complete a Special Event Force Protection Plan (SEFPP) 45 days in advance, regardless of organization, if the event will involve 50 or more personnel, include distinguished visitors or involve personnel wearing uniforms. FMI, contact the AT/FP Division at 081-568-5525 or visit the division office in the Capodichino Security Precinct, Bldg. 403. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS hosts English-speaking AA meetings on and off base in the Naples area. For more information, call 347-544-0254 or visit CATHOLIC WOMEN OF THE CHAPEL invites community members to join the Rosary Prayer Group that meets every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Support Site Chapel. For more information, e-mail CWOCNaples@ WOMEN, INFANTS, CHILDREN (WIC) OVERSEAS PROGRAM is offered at NSA Naples. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum or have an infant or child under the age of five may qualify for the program. WIC Overseas is a nutrition education program that provides nutritious supplemental foods. Contact WIC Overseas at 081-811-4962. RELIGIOUS SERVICES AT U.S. NAVAL HOSPITAL NAPLES Tuesday Silent prayer (7:15-7:45 a.m.) in the hospital chapel. Traditional hymn and praise and worship music will be provided during this time. Wednesday Roman Catholic Mass (11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.) in the hospital chapel. Call 081811-6451 to confirm that Mass is being held. Thursday Men’s Fellowship and Bible Study (6-7 a.m.) in the hospital galley. SURE START is a unique program committed to providing the highest quality of education for command-sponsored children of enlisted personnel (priority to E1-E4) who are 4 years old by Sept. 1. FMI, call Karen Rodrigues at 081-811-4682 or the school at 081-811-4037. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, San Gennaro council 14853, meets at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the Support Site Fleet and Family Support Center. E-mail Jaime Gonzalez at kofcnaples@ or visit site/kofcnaples/ home. SAIL WITH THE NAPLES NATO YACHT CLUB (NNYC) AMERICAN TEAM. We are looking for Americans interested in participating in dinghy races sailed at the NNYC facilities on the island of Nisida. Experience not required. FMI, contact Frank Chapman at

Friday, Sept. 28 4:30 p.m. Ice Age Continental Drift, PG 5:15 p.m. Madea's Witness Protection, PG-13 7:15 p.m. Seeking a Friend for End of the World, R Saturday, Sept. 29 Ice Age Continental Drift, PG 4:30 p.m. Batman: Dark Knight Rises, PG-13 6 p.m. Madea's Witness Protection, PG-13 7 p.m. The Campaign, R 3 p.m.

Sunday, Sept. 30 Ice Age Continental Drift, PG 4:30 p.m. Total Recall, PG-13 6 p.m. Batman: Dark Knight Rises, PG-13 7 p.m. Seeking a Friend for End of the World, R 3 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 1 Closed — No Movie

Tuesday, 2 October Closed — No Movie Wednesday, Oct. 3 4:30 p.m. Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days, PG 5:30 p.m. Step Up Revolution, PG-13 7 p.m. Seeking a Friend for End of the World, R Last Showing Thursday, Oct. 4 4:30 p.m. Moonrise Kingdom, PG-13 5:30 p.m. Madea's Witness Protection, PG-13 Last Showing 7 p.m. Trouble with the Curve, PG-13 Friday, Oct. 5 4:30 p.m. Ice Age Continental Drift, PG 5:15 p.m. Step Up Revolution, PG-13 7:15 p.m. The Campaign, R

Movie descriptions OTAL RECALL, PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action, some sexual content, brief nudity, and language. Cast: Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Bryan Cranston, Bill Nighy. Action /Adventure, 121 min. Welcome to Rekall, the company that can turn your dreams into real memories. For a factory worker named Douglas Quaid, even though he's got a beautiful wife who he loves, the mind-trip sounds like the perfect vacation from his frustrating life. But when the procedure goes horribly wrong, Quaid becomes a hunted man. Finding himself on the run from the police — controlled by Chancellor Cohaagen, the leader of the free world — Quaid teams up with a rebel fighter to find the head of the underground resistance and stop Cohaagen. The line between fantasy and reality gets blurred and the fate of his world hangs in the balance as Quaid discovers his true identity, his true love, and his true fate.


HE CAMPAIGN, R for crude sexual content, language and brief nudity. Cast: Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis, Jason Sudeikis, Katherine LaNasa, Dylan McDermott. Comedy, 85 min. When long-term congressman Cam Brady commits a major public gaffe before an upcoming election, a pair of ultra-wealthy CEOs plot to put up a rival candidate and gain influence over their North Carolina district. Their man: naïve Marty Huggins, director of the local tourism center. At first, Marty appears to be the unlikeliest possible choice but, with the help of his new benefactors' support, a cutthroat campaign manager and his family's political connections, he soon becomes a contender who gives the charismatic Cam plenty to worry about. As Election Day closes in, the two are locked in a dead heat, with insults quickly escalating to injury until all they care about is burying each other.


ROUBLE WITH THE CURVE, PG-13. Cast: Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, Justin Timberlake, John Goodman, Matthew Lillard. Drama, 111 min. Gus Lobel has been one of the best scouts in baseball for decades, but age is starting to catch up with him and the front office of the Atlanta Braves is starting to question his judgment. The one person who might be able to help is his daughter, Mickey, an associate at a high-powered Atlanta law firm whose drive and ambition has put her on the fast track to becoming partner. Mickey has never been close to her father, who was illequipped to be a single parent after the death of his wife. Against her better judgment, and over Gus's objections, Mickey joins him on his latest scouting trip to North Carolina, jeopardizing her own career to save his. Forced to spend time together for the first time in years, each makes new discoveries.


ADEA’S WITNESS PROTECTION, PG-13. Cast: Tyler Perry, Eugene Levy, Romeo Miller, Denise Richards, Tom Arnold. Comedy, 114 min. For years, George Needleman, the gentle chief financial officer of a Wall Street investment bank, has been living with his head in the clouds. His frustrated second wife, Kate, has reached her limit taking care of his senile mother, Barbara. His teenage daughter, Cindy, is spoiled beyond hope and his 7-year-old son, Howie,


Upcoming UsO tours Capodichino Office 081-568-5713 support site Office 081-811-4903

tOURs OPen tO BOth U.s. MILItaRY and natO I.d. CaRd hOLdeRs USO DAILY TOURS Sept. 28 Sept. 29 Sept. 30 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 7

Friday Sushi Night . . . . . .€ 48 Beer Factory Tour . . . . . . .€ 47 Pompeii & Vesuvius . . . . . .€ 45 Sorrento by Night . . . . . . .€ 38 Wine Tasting in the Phlegraean Fields . . . . . . .€ 44 Highlights of Rome . . . . . .€ 42

WEEKEND TOURS October 5-8 Columbus Day in Barcelona. . . . . € 615 October 20-21 Perugia Eurochocolate . . . . . . . . . € 173 November 21-25 Thanksgiving in Poland . . . . . . . . € 830 November 22-25 Thanksgiving in Budapest . . . . . . € 638 December 5-10 Christmas Markets in Germany and Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 409

No Children Under 10 Admitted to R-Rated Movies

wishes his father were around more. But George is finally forced to wake up when he learns that his firm, Lockwise Industries, has been operating a mobbacked Ponzi scheme — and that he's been set up as the fall guy. IARY OF A WIMPY KID DOG DAYS, PG. Cast: Zachary Gordon, Devon Bostick, Rachael Harris, Robert Capron, Steve Zahn. Comedy, 94 min. During his summer vacation, "Wimpy Kid" Greg Heffley — the hero of the phenomenally successful book series — hatches a plan to pretend he has a job at a ritzy country club. The ruse fails to keep him away from the season's dog days, including embarrassing mishaps at a public pool and a camping trip that goes horribly wrong.


TEP UP REVOLUTION, PG-13. Cast: Ryan Guzman, Kathryn McCormick, Misha Gabriel, Peter Gallagher, Stephen Boss. Drama, 99 min. Emily, the daughter of a wealthy businessman, arrives in Miami with aspirations of becoming a professional dancer, but soon falls in love with Sean, a young man who leads a dance crew in elaborate, cutting-edge flash mobs. The crew, called the MOB, strives to win a contest for a major sponsorship opportunity, but soon Emily's father threatens to develop the MOB's historic neighborhood and displace thousands of people. Emily must band together with Sean and the MOB to turn their performance mobs into protest mobs, and risk losing their dreams to fight for a greater cause.


CE AGE CONTINENTAL DRIFT, PG for mild rude humor and action/peril. Cast Voices: Ray Romano, Queen Latifah, Denis Leary, John Leguizamo, Chris Wedge. Animation, 94 min. Manny, Diego, and Sid embark upon their greatest adventure after cataclysm sets an entire continent adrift. Separated from the rest of the herd, they use an iceberg as a makeshift ship, which launches them on an epic seafaring quest. Manny and the gang are challenged like never before to become heroes and do the impossible as they encounter exotic sea creatures, explore a brave new world, and battle ruthless pirates. Meanwhile, Scrat's reunion with his beloved but cursed acorn catapults him to places no prehistoric squirrel has gone before.


EEKING A FRIEND FOR THE END OF THE WORLD, R. Cast: Keira Knightley, Steve Carell, Connie Britton, Melanie Lynskey, T.J. Miller. Comedy, 101 min. A 70-mile-wide asteroid is en route to Earth, and the last best attempt to counter it has failed. Also failing is the marriage of soft-spoken insurance salesman Dodge; the breaking news that the world will end in an estimated 21 days cues his wife to leave him on the spot. Dodge is a man who has always played by the rules of life, while his neighbor Penny is an extroverted woman who hasn't. When a riot breaks out around their apartment building, Dodge realizes that he must seek his wife out before it's too late while Penny makes the decision to spend her last days with family in England. On the road together, the unlikely traveling companions' respective personal journeys accelerate, and their outlooks — if not the world's — brighten.


If you have been sexually assaulted or need to speak with a S.A.P.R. victim advocate, call 335-640-6621 24/7 for information and support. The DoD Safe Helpline can be reached toll-free at 001-877-995-5247.


panorama September 28, 2012

Escape to Gaeta Story and photos Laura Byrd

Gaeta’s waterfront is home to an inviting seaside promenade and numerous restaurants. the city is also the home port of the Uss Mount Whitney, the flagship of U.s. 6th Fleet. (Photo by Laura Byrd)

The platter in front of me is piled high with steaming mussels, the pungent smell of garlic and olive oil floating over the table. The serving is enormous and I can’t help but compare it to the diminutive plate of the same shellfish I’d had the week before in Sorrento, and before that, in Rome. If you can compare destinations in Italy based on the quality and quantity of seafood that arrives on a plate, Gaeta is near the top of my list. Unlike some popular towns along southern Italy’s coast – Amalfi, Positano and Capri among them — Gaeta is better known as an escape to Italians than it is to tourists outside of Italy. The exception to that is American military personnel, some of whom are stationed in Gaeta and grateful for it. Tonight we are one of two American couples having dinner in what is a favorite place for locals. We are surrounded by Italian families and the owner knows most of them. Their children are dancing in and out of the kitchen, the wine is flowing and the atmosphere is boisterous. Our table is one of the least appealing on the large patio, and after being rebuffed twice when requesting to move, it becomes clear the prime seats are not for

Streets of Italy Join columnist Laura Byrd as she explores things to do in the Naples Laura Byrd area and easy daytrips to places throughout Italy.

tourists, but for the people who live here and visit frequently. Along with the absence of tourists, part of Gaeta’s appeal is its rich history. European countries have fought for dominance over the small port for centuries. France and Austria both battled for and gained control of Gaeta many times. Not until 1860 was the city permanently annexed to the Kingdom of Italy. During World War II, Germans occupied Gaeta and banished its citizens, who later returned and struggled to rebound. There has been no lack of drama in what appears today to be a completely tranquil and relaxing place. With an abundance of seaside restaurants and bars along the bayfront Lungomare Caboto, Gaeta is inviting to those who prefer walking to driving. Strolling along the wide promenade that frames the bay, it’s hard to imagine the fierce fighting that took place for control of this strategically located promontory. The colors of Gaeta are striking – from the fishing boats in the harbor to the magnificent churches that dominate the medieval city, the vibrant colors are framed by a quiet blue

the seaside town of Gaeta in Italy’s Lazio province is a popular beach escape for Italians in the know. (Photo by Laura Byrd)

panorama September 28, 2012

Bright colors and fishing boats enliven the waterfront of Gaeta, a port city situated on the edge of the tyrrhenian sea. (Photo by Laura Byrd)

stretch of Tyrrhenian Sea. But suddenly the steely gray image of the USS Mount Whitney looms large against the backdrop of colors, emphasizing the importance of Gaeta to the military forces that have occupied it throughout history. Established as a NATO base in 1967, several U.S. naval ships have been stationed here, and Gaeta is now the home port for the U.S. 6th Fleet flagship. Despite the visible and consistent presence of military over the decades, Gaeta feels like the perfect escape, with stunning views from both the city looking out at the Tyrrhenian Sea, and from the sea looking back at the city. The Angevin-Aragonese Castle crowns the peninsula with a fortress dating back to the seventh century, and the façade of the Church of Saint Francis sits high above the ancient alleyways of Gaeta. Walking from the one end of the bay to the other, it’s a beautiful place soak up the breeze off the ocean and watch the variety of boats, dwarfed by the Mount Whitney. Huge yachts, tiny fishing boats and sleek sail boats all dot the water off the shores of the city. The other side of the peninsula however, has its own distinct personality. Opposite from the ancient city of Gaeta, the waterfront on the south side of the promontory has an entirely different atmosphere, where bikini clad vacationers flock to the beach. Here a number of oceanfront hotels and restaurants with private beaches sit side by side for a two-mile stretch. Unlike the more protected bay of the medieval city, the oceanfront boulevard of Via Marina faces the open sea with views to the horizon. Eventually the road rises in alti-

the santuario della ss. annunziata, a Baroque church in Gaeta, is one of the city’s architectural treasures. (Photo by Laura Byrd)

tude and becomes Via Fontania, where at the top of the hill, the view below is of a beach dotted with colorful umbrellas. This part of Gaeta is where you will find crowds in the summer when residents from Roma and Napoli come

to here to avoid more visible tourist destinations on the coast. But even on a weekend when the beaches are full and our favorite restaurant is overflowing with diners, Gaeta still feels like a great escape.


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panorama September 28, 2012


HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE (HRO) NEW LINK: Europe/About/Jobs/index.htm. The Human Resources Office is located at Capo Admin I, first floor. The customer service hours are: Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Applications are accepted at the Security Pass and ID Office at Capodichino, OR at the HRO, located in Admin 1, Capodichino, OR by mailing to: HRO, PSC 817 Box 29, FPO AE 09622, OR at Fleet and Family Service Center (FFSC) located on the TLA first floor, at Support Site. HRO must receive mailed applications by closing date of the vacancy announcement. PLEASE NOTE: On Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, the following HRO services will be open only from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.: • ID/CAC CARDS (DD1172-2) • Requests for an Official Passport (DD1056) • Logistical Support Letters • Work Certificates

U.S. POSITIONS For a current list of U.S. vacancies and application process information visit our website at: About/Jobs/index.htm

OPEN CONTINUOUS ANNOUNCEMENT Educational Aid (CDC/CYP), GS-1702-02 KPP 03 KPP 04, ANN#EUR12-223833-AG, (Multiple Positions), Full Time Permanent, Next Cut Off-Date: Oct. 4, 2012 CLOSING OCT. 4 Program Analyst, GS-034313, ANN#EUR13-429179-EG, Full Time Permanent Safety and Occupational Health Spec, GS-0018-12, ANN#EUR13-449295-EG, Full Time Permanent Financial Technician, GS0503-06, ANN#EUR13-452460AG, Full Time Permanent Administrative Support Assistant (O/A), GS-0303-06, ANN# EUR13-452512-JC, Full Time Permanent Public Affairs Specialist, GS1035-07 KPP 09/11 or GS-103509 KPP 11 or GS-1035-11, ANN#EUR12-452609-SC, Full Time Permanent Secretary, GS-0318-07, ANN# EUR12-452456-SC, Full Time Permanent CLOSING OCT. 11 Communications Material Specialist, GS-0301-11, ANN# EUR12-451008-JC, Full Time Permanent Contract Acquisition and Oversight Officer, GS-110114, ANN#EUR13-386831-EG, Full Time Permanent Insurance Claims Assistant, GS-0303-05, ANN#EUR13-452581-AG, Full Time Permanent Motor Vehicle Registration Office Director, GS-0301-12, ANN#EUR13-427654-AG, Full Time Permanent Environmental Protection Specialist, GS-0028-13, ANN# EUR13-455551-EG, Full Time Permanent

COURTESY U.S. VACANCY ANNOUCEMENTS U.S. Naval Hospital Naples is seeking a full-time contract dental assistant at the Support Site. If you are interested in the position, please contact Ms. Paola Gargiulo at 081-811-6117 or e-mail The position will remain open through Sept. 7, 2012 (inclusive).

LOCAL NATIONAL (LN) POSITIONS For a current list of LN vacancies and application process information visit our NEW website at: Europe/About/Jobs/index.htm CANCELLED POSITIONS Vehicle Registration Receptionist, Ua-0303-07, ANN# 62588-355206-AG, Full Time Permanent, CLOSING OCT. 4 Supply Technician (multiple positions), Ua-2005-05, ANN# DSDFD0-465357-JC, Full Time Permanent, AOC DLA current permanent employees only Materials Handler (FLO) (multiple positions), UC69007-06, ANN#DSDFD0-465360-JC, Full Time Permanent. Area of consideration: DLA current permanent employees only CLOSING OCT. 11 Ingegnere (Meccanico), Q-0830Q2, ANN#44308-417600-AV, Full Time Permanent. Supervisory Medical Records Administrator, Ua-066901, ANN#66096-447422-AG, Full Time Permanent CLOSING OCT. 18 Supervisory Interdisciplinary Engineer, GS-08XX/ 0020-14, ANN# EUR13-463982AV, Full Time Permanent If you have any questions, contact the front desk at 081-5685409. You can also contact the HRO Naples helpdesk at: cnic. AboutWorkingHere/index.htm. You will be contacted within 24 hours, so please be sure to provide your contact information. Thank you and we appreciate your input, whether negative or positive, so that we can find ways to improve the HRO services or continue to provide excellent service. As a reminder, an HRO representative is available for the bi-weekly "Meet & Greet" at the Support Site food court area. Please feel free to come by, pick up a copy of a vacancy announcement that you may be interested in applying for, or ask questions. If the HRO representative is unable to provide you a response, he or she will bring the question back to the HRO office and you will be provided an answer or a call back the same day. The next "Meet & Greet" is from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Oct. 9, 2012.

NON-APPROPRIATED FUND (NAF) POSITIONS Fleet & Family Readiness NAF Local Naples job announcements within CNREURAFSWA may be viewed at: www.cnic. ilyReadiness/AboutFleetAndFa milyReadiness/Jobs/index.htm The necessary application forms are also available online. For any questions you have, you may reach us at 081-568-5612/4164.

NSA NAPLES POSITIONS, MWR OPEN CONTINUOUS POSITIONS Child and Youth Programs Assistant, CY-1702-I/II, ANN# 12-159, (Multiple Positions). Flexible/regular part-time, Child Development Centers, School Age Care, Youth Programs, Capodichino/Support Site. Provides appropriate developmental care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from 6 weeks to 18 years in a Child and Youth Program

setting Performs routine, day-today care of infants and children ranging from 6 weeks to 5 years old. Assembles or gathers materials and equipment necessary to execute School Age Care for children ranging from 6 years old to 9 years old, School Age Care Pre-Teen for children ranging from 10 years old to 12 years old, and Teen Center Program for children ranging from 13 years old to 18 years old. Receives and releases children to/from authorized parents, guardian. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#12-002, flexible, Auto/ Skills Center, Support Site. Provides information concerning facility, operation and regulations. Ensures adherence to regulations and safety procedures. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01 ANN#12-037, flexible part time, Bowling Center, Support Site. Provides oversight of activities and necessary services to authorized patrons. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#12-042, flexible, Golf Course, Carney Park. Collects green fees (monthly and daily), locker fees and fees for electric cart rentals. Employee will act as starter when needed on weekdays and assist when needed as cashier. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#12-044 flexible, NOR Center, Carney Park. Provides and maintain recreation and athletic equipment issue. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#12-104, flexible, Fitness Branch, Capodichino/Support Site Performs maintenance on various types of recreation and athletic equipment to ensure that all equipment is in good condition and safe for patron use. Open until filled. Recreation Assistant, NF0189-02, ANN#12-140, flexible, MWR Bowling Center, Support Site. Assists in the operation of Bowling Center and acts as Duty Manager. Establishes events schedules, applies rules and regulations in supervising patron activities. Open until filled. Food Service Worker, NA7408-04, ANN#12-035, flexible, Bowling Center, Support Site. Performs a variety of tasks such as grilling or frying pancakes, hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, eggs, sausage, by watching while the items are cooking, turning as required; regulating temperature and removing when done. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN#12-155, flexible part time, Liberty Division, Capodichino. Helps the customers in the recreation center with recreational events.

NEX EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Gricignano, Building 2091-B Call 081-813-5252/5253/5254 Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. For a current list of U.S. vacancies and the on-line application, please visit our website at: https: //

U.S. NAF POSITIONS AVAILABLE GRICIGNANO MAIN STORE Ann#120002EF Supervisory Sales Clerk/E8A/NF-02/RFT. Open until filled. Pay Rate: $9.00-$12.00. Responsible for supervising a group of associates that sell ladies apparel while exercising professional selling techniques. Ann#120002U7 Cashier Checker/CC/NF-01/Flex. Open until filled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50. Associate operates cash registers to record sales in retail check out areas. Ann#120002GS Sales Clerk/ E7/NF-01/Flex Full Time. Open until filled. Pay Rate: $8.00$9.50. Responsible for selling shoes to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked and displayed. Ann#120002DU Sales Clerk/ C9/NF-01/Flex. Closes: 09/28/12. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50. Responsible for selling garden and outdoor living supplies and accessories to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked and displayed. Ann#120002DT Sales Clerk/ B3/NF-01/Flex. Closes: 09/28/12. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50. Respon-

sible for selling toys to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked and displayed. Ann#120002UG Store Worker/CC/NA-02/Flex. Closes: 09/28/12.Pay Rate: $10.23. Performs various duties in connection with merchandise including loading, unloading, verifying of consumer electronics merchandise in an Exchange store, storeroom and/or location. Ann#120002UE Sales Clerk/ D2/NF-01/Flex. Closes: 09/28/12. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50. Responsible for selling jewelry, watches and accessories to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked and displayed CAPODICHINO NEX MART Ann#120002U4 Sales Clerk/ MM/NF-01/Flex. Open until filled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50. Responsible for selling general merchandise to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked and available. GRICIGNANO MINI MART No Vacancies JFC-NATO MINI MART No Vacancies LATINA MINI MART Ann#120002U5 Sales Clerk/ MM/NF-01/Flex. Closes: Open until filled. Pay Rate: $8.00$10.00. Responsible for selling general merchandise to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked and available.


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