PAO Notes July 30, 2015

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July 30, 2015

Tickets on Sale for the 2015 Naples-Area Navy Ball The Naples-Area Navy Ball will be held in Sant'Antonio Abate, Naples on Saturday, Oct. 17 to celebrate the 240th birthday of the U.S. Navy. Service members, GS employees, Local Nationals, DoD contractors and their guests are invited to attend. The uniform for Navy personnel is either Dinner Dress Blue or formal attire. Other branches should wear service equivalent uniform and civilians should wear appropriate formal attire. Tickets will be sold in front of the Bella Napoli food court on Capodichino from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Thursday through the end of August. Tickets can also be purchased by contacting MA1 Kunkel at DSN 626-4871 during normal working hours or MA1 Ellis at DSN 6262207 after 3 p.m. Childcare is available through a ‘Parents Night Out’ to be held at the Child Development Center (CDC) from 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Register your children at either CDC from Sept. 1 until Oct. 9 if you wish to have childcare during the celebration. Visit the “Naples Area Navy Ball” Facebook page for more information on the Navy Ball and lodging opportunities at the venue. Decrease in Utility/ Recurring Maintenance Allowance and MIHA in Italy Effective July 16, 2015, the Utility/Recurring Maintenance allowance for Italy with dependents decreased from 1,010 to 894 euro. The allowance without dependents decreased from 757.50 to 670.50 euro. The Defense Travel Management Office dropped the allowances after reviewing the results of the 2015 Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Utility/ Recurring Maintenance & Move-In Housing Allowance (MIHA) surveys for Italy. The MIHA for both with and without dependent members also decreased from 902 to 723 euro. All of Italy is authorized MIHA Security as of May, 16 2015. MIHA Security is a dollarfor-dollar reimbursement through a DD Form 2556 for security-related expenses for physical modifications to a dwelling. Due to this new allowance, costs for security bars, security doors, burglar alarms, keys, and locks were not included in the calculation of the MIHA Miscellaneous survey, which contributed to the decrease along with lower electricity, bottled gas, heating oil, sewer, trash and maintenance expenses reported. The next OHA Utility survey in Italy is scheduled for March 2016 and the next MIHA survey is slated for 2018. USNH Naples’ Health Promotion & Wellness Presents Ship Shape This August on both Support Site and Capodichino, U.S. Naval Hospital Naples will be offering the innovative fitness program Ship Shape. On Support Site, the program will start with an orientation session on Monday, Aug. 3 at 3 p.m. in the Health Promotion classroom. It will continue every Monday at the same place and time for the following eight weeks. At Capodichino, orientation will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 19 at 3 p.m. at the Fit Zone Conference Room in the gym and will meet every Wednesday thereafter

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