Department of Neurosurgery Seoul National University College of Medicine
Table of Contents
Contents Historical Overview ___________________________________________________________ 1 The First Craniotomy for Brain Tumor __________________________________________ 1 Milestone Highlights ________________________________________________________ 2 Case Numbers ______________________________________________________________ 3 Annual Statistics of Brain Tumor Surgery _______________________________________ 3 Operative Approaches ______________________________________________________ 5 Diagnostic Classifications ___________________________________________________ 7 Major Diagnosis During the Last 20 years (1997-2016) ____________________________ 9 Trends ____________________________________________________________________ 16 Patient Age ______________________________________________________________ 16 Diagnosis _______________________________________________________________ 18 •
Junior (age<20) __________________________________________________ 18
Adult (20≤age<60) ________________________________________________ 19
Senior (age≥60) __________________________________________________ 20
Research Figures ___________________________________________________________ 21 Published Articles related to Brain Tumors _____________________________________ 21 The First Articles _________________________________________________________ 23 Articles on Topics _________________________________________________________ 24 •
Brain tumor general _______________________________________________ 24
Glioblastoma and Astrocytic tumors __________________________________ 26
Oligodendroglial tumors ___________________________________________ 30
Ependymoma and Subependymoma _________________________________ 31
Choroid plexus tumors ____________________________________________ 31
Ganglioglioma ___________________________________________________ 32
Central neurocytoma ______________________________________________ 32
Medulloblastoma _________________________________________________ 33
Embryonal and Pineal tumors _______________________________________ 34
Table of Contents
Neuroepithelial tumor, NOS ________________________________________ 35
Meningioma _____________________________________________________ 39
Pituitary adenoma ________________________________________________ 41
Craniopharyngioma _______________________________________________ 42
Sellar tumor, NOS ________________________________________________ 43
Schwannoma ____________________________________________________ 44
Germ cell tumor __________________________________________________ 45
Mesenchymal tumor ______________________________________________ 46
Lymphoma and Hematologic malignancy ______________________________ 48
Metastatic tumor _________________________________________________ 48
Others _________________________________________________________ 50
Basic and Translational research ____________________________________ 51
Radiosurgery ____________________________________________________ 56
Surgical Approaches and Techniques ________________________________ 59
Genetic disease __________________________________________________ 60
Clinical Trials and Multicenter (≥3) study ______________________________ 60
Epidemiology ____________________________________________________ 62
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Historical Overview The First Craniotomy for Brain Tumor “The first craniotomy for brain tumor was done in September 7, 1957 by Professor Bo Sung Sim.”
In January 1957, the Department of Neurosurgery separated from the Department of Surgery at Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH). The first craniotomy at SNUH for an intracranial tumor was performed on September 7, 1957, by Professor Bo Sung Sim, immediately after he had been placed in charge of neurosurgery on September 1, following his return from the University of Minnesota. The patient was 17-year-old boy presented with epilepsy. Successful removal of the tumor measuring 10×5×5 cm located in the right temporal convexity could be done through craniotomy. The pathology report described an osteoblastic meningioma, with probable malignant changes. The patient was hospitalized from August 14 to September 19, 1957. Figure 1. The first page (facing sheet) of medical record including operation procedures of right temporal meningioma patient mentioned.
“The histological diagnosis of the first brain tumor craniotomy patient was osteoblastic meningioma with possible malignant changes.”
In the initial year of 1957, a total of 4 craniotomies for brain tumors of different diagnosis were done. Those 4 cases were meningioma, astrocytoma, pituitary adenoma, and craniopharyngioma. It was the mark of the beginning of a modern neurosurgical treatment of brain tumors in SNUH.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Milestone Highlights Since the first craniotomy for brain tumor in 1957, 156 brain tumor surgeries had been done before the beginning of microneurosurgery era of SNUH in 1973. The first transsphenoidal approach (TSA) for pituitary adenoma using microscopy was performed in 1977. Stereotactic brain biopsy for a thalamic glioma was performed in 1982 for the first time. Complex skull base approaches for brain tumor were attempted and hold place since 1985. Introduction of cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator (CUSA) in 1986 made brain tumor surgery much easier than before. Skull base surgery had taken a new turn by endoscopic neurosurgery which was promoted since opening of Minimally Invasive Skull Base Center in 2010. The introduction of computed tomography (CT) in 1977 and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 1988 provided great opportunities for the diagnosis of and successful surgical outcomes in brain tumors. Development and incorporation of intraoperative monitoring systems into surgery such as facial nerve monitoring device (1990), electrocorticography (1991), intraoperative navigation system (1997), and multichannel electrophysiology monitoring system (2008) enabled the surgeons to do confident as well as safe surgery which could fulfil the maximal safe resection possible. In a similar vein, fluorescence-guided surgery using 5-ALA in 2010 improved the surgical outcome of malignant glioma considerably. Other noticeable events related to brain tumor surgery in Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine are summarized in Figure 2. Figure 2. Milestones of brain tumor surgery in Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Case Numbers Annual Statistics of Brain Tumor Surgery During the 60 years from 1957 to 2016, a total of 18,100 surgeries for brain tumors were done in Department of
SNUCM: Seoul National University College of Medicine
Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine without counting patients with scalp mass, space
SNUH: Seoul National
occupying intracranial lesions with infectious cause such as parasites, tuberculosis, and abscess. All radiosurgery
University Hospital
cases were not included. CSF diversion surgeries for brain tumor patients such as shunt, endoscopic third
SNUCH: Seoul National
ventriculostomy, and Omaya reservoir insertion were also excluded. It took 26 years to achieve annual number of 100
University Children’s Hospital BRMH: Seoul Metropolitan Government - Seoul National University Boramae Medical
brain tumor surgeries (109 cases in 1982). Finally, annual number of 1000 brain tumor surgeries were achieved in another 32 years (1,050 cases in 2013). There were a couple of major leaping chances in terms of annual number of cases. An expansion of surgical unit at SNUBH in 2004 and at SNUH in 2010 was the main reason. During the first 10 years (until 1968) of SNUH, the number of brain tumor surgeries was only less than 10 cases per
Center SNUBH: Seoul National
year. Brain tumor surgeries in SNUH have gradually increased constantly since 1968. In 2016, a total of 713 brain
University Bundang Hospital
tumor surgeries were done which is the highest number in history. The cumulative number of brain tumor surgery in SNUH exceeded 100 in 1969 (104 cases), 500 in 1981 (593 cases), 1,000 in 1985 (1,098 cases), 5,000 in 2002 (5,219 cases), and 10,000 in 2013 (10,331 cases). A total of 12,353 brain tumor surgeries have been done in SNUH between
“Department of Neurosurgery at Seoul National University College of Medicine encompasses all 3 departments in Main Hospital (SNUH, SNUCH), BRMH, and SNUBH.”
1957 and 2016. Since the opening of SNUCH in 1985, pediatric brain tumor surgeries done exclusively in SNUCH. Eleven cases of pediatric brain tumor surgery were performed in 1985. Since then, there have been gradual increase of brain tumor surgery in SNUCH. It was year of 2009 that annual number of brain tumor cases reached the 100 mark for the first time. The cumulative number of brain tumor surgery in SNUCH exceeded 100 in 1988 (128 cases), 500 in 1996 (559 cases), 1,000 in 2003 (1,005 cases), and 2000 in 2015 (2,091 cases). If we combine the numbers of SNUH (12,353 cases) and SNUCH (2,216 cases), a total of 14,569 cases were done during the span of 60 years. And it was year of 2010 that cumulative number of brain tumor surgery in SNUH and SNUCH exceed 10,000 (10,063 cases). Available brain tumor surgery record in BRMH exist since 1992. Relatively steady number of brain tumor surgeries were done in BRMH (average 40 to 50 cases per year) that the highest annual number was 93 in 2008. However, cumulative number of brain tumor surgery exceed 1,000 in 2014 (1021 cases), and 1,109 cases were done in total to the end of 2016.
“A total of 18,100 brain tumor surgeries were done in Department of Neurosurgery at Seoul National University College of Medicine between 1957 and 2016.”
In spite of relatively short history of 14 years, SNUBH performed 2,422 brain tumor surgeries since 2003. In 2016, SNUBH had the highest annual number of brain tumor surgery of 299 cases. The cumulative number exceed 1,000 in 2010 (1,001 cases) and 2,000 in 2015 (2,123 cases). If we take whole department into account, it was year of 2008 that a total number of brain tumor surgery exceeded 10,000 (10,234 cases). A sum of 1,185 brain tumor surgeries was done in 2016, which is also the highest annual number done in SNUH, SNUCH, BRMH, and SNUBH. Due to unavailability of detailed information of brain tumor cases from BRMH, 16,991 cases from SNUH, SNUCH, and SNUBH were used for the further analysis. ,
“A total of 14,569 brain tumor surgeries were done in SNUH and SNUCH between 1957 and 2016.”
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Figure 3. Annual cases of brain tumor surgery in the Department of Neurosurgery at Seoul National University College of Medicine (1957â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2016).
Figure 4. Cumulative number of brain tumor surgery cases in each hospital.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Operative Approaches Among the total of 16,991 brain tumor surgeries done in SNUH, SNUCH, and SNUBH between 1957 and 2016, 11,796 cases (69.4%) were craniotomy followed by 3,330 cases of TSA (19.6%), and 1,865 cases of biopsy (11.0%). Biopsy cases include 1,202 cases of stereotactic biopsy, 396 cases of open biopsy (including navigation-guided biopsy), and 267 cases of endoscopic biopsy. Figure 5. Annual cases of brain tumor surgery classified by operation method in SNUH, SNUCH, and SNUBH (1957â&#x20AC;&#x201C;2016).
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Since the opening of SNUCH in 1985, SNUCH have shared an average of 17% of the total annual cases until 2004. The ratios of craniotomy, TSA, and biopsy are generally constant through the years both in SNUH and SNUCH, regardless of the increase of a total annual numbers of surgery. After the opening of SNUBH I 2003, the average shares of each hospital were 65% (SNUH), 12% (SNUCH), and 23% (SNUBH).
Figure 6. Shares of surgical approaches in SNUH, SNUCH, and SNUBH.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Diagnostic Classifications Among the total of 16,991 brain tumor surgeries done in SNUH, SNUCH, and SNUBH between 1957 and 2016, top of the list of histological diagnostic class was neuroepithelial tumors (4,752 cases, 28%). The second largest number of tumor was sellar tumors, which harbors pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma, and rathke cleft cyst (3,765 cases, 22%). The third was meningiomas, which harbors all benign, atypical, and malignant (3,243 cases, 19%). The number of surgically removed meningioma is somewhat small in consideration to its prevalence, because of the Department’s longstanding policy of wait and see strategy for incidentally found asymptomatic cases which number is comparable to surgical cases. The fourth frequent diagnosis was schwannomas of cranial nerves (1,094 cases, 6%), of which “The most common diagnosis category was neuroepithelial tumors followed by sellar tumors, and meningiomas.”
vestibular schwannoma being the majority. A total of 791 cases (5%) of metastatic tumors to brain from various kind of origin had undergone surgery. Embryonal tumors, such as medulloblastoma, AT/RT, or pineal tumors covered 692 cases
hemangiopericytoma, chordoma, and various sarcomas, comprised 566 cases (3%). There are quite an impressive surgical series germ cell tumors (443 cases, 37%), and primary central nervous system lymphomas and other miscellaneous hematologic malignancies (427 cases, 3%). Figure 7. Histological diagnostic classes of 16,991 cases of brain tumor surgery in SNUH, SNUCH and SNUBH (19572016).
“Annual number of surgery for neuroepithelial tumor is 329 cases in 2016.”
“Annual number of surgery for sellar and meningeal tumors were 235 cases each in 2016.”
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
It is neuroepithelial tumors that have led sharp increase of number of brain tumor surgery during the period of growth. In 1997, the annual number of neuroepithelial tumor surgery exceeded 100 for the first time (106 cases), and it climbed up to over 200 in 2010 (283 cases), and 300 in 2016 (329 cases). Meningiomas and pituitary adenomas also showed continuous increase neck and neck with each other. Surgical resection of metastatic tumors increased dramatically since 2008.
It has increased more than 5 times in last 10 years. Mesenchymal tumors, embryonal tumors and
lymphomas are in tendency of gradual increase since late 1990s. However, surgeries for schwannomas and germ cell tumors appears to have reached a plateau for a long period of time.
Figure 8. Trends of annual number of brain tumor surgery in SNUH, SNUCH, and SNUBH according to the histological diagnosis category.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Major Diagnosis During the Last 20 years (1997-2016) The histological diagnosis of brain tumor has been made according to the WHO classification, which has been revised three times during the last 20 years. Since diagnosis could have been changed with different standard, it is safe to apply loose classification to overview of incidence of disease. The case number during the last 20 years (19972016) covers 76% (12,955 out of 16,991 cases) of that of whole era (60 years) in SNUH, SNUCH, and SNUBH. A total of 3,700 cases of neuroepithelial tumors were diagnosed after surgery during the last 20 years in SNUH (2,365 cases), SNUCH (721 cases), and SNUBH (614 cases). Among them, 81% (3,014 cases) were astrocytic/oligodendroglial tumors. Figure 9. Annual distribution of 3,014 astrocytic/oligodendroglial tumors diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (2,039 cases), SNUCH (434 cases), and SNUBH (541 cases).
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Among the 3,700 cases of neuroepithelial tumors between 1997 and 2016, - 3,014 cases (81%) were astrocytic/oligodendroglial tumors, - 380 cases (10%) were neuronal or mixed neuronal/glial tumors, - 224 cases (6%) were ependymal tumors, - 59 cases (1.6%) were choroid plexus tumors, - and, 23 cases (0.6%) were glial tumors not otherwise specified.â&#x20AC;?
Figure 10. Annual distribution of 380 neuronal or mixed neuronal/glial tumors diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (209 cases), SNUCH (136 cases), and SNUBH (35 cases).
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Figure 11 Annual distribution of 224 ependymal tumors diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (86 cases), SNUCH (110 cases), and SNUBH (28 cases)
Figure 12. Annual distribution of 59 choroid plexus tumors diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (19 cases), SNUCH (38 cases), and SNUBH (2 cases)
A total of 2,503 cases of meningeal tumors were diagnosed after surgery during the last 20 years in SNUH (1,963 cases), SNUCH (23 cases), and SNUBH (517 cases). Among them, 80% (2,009 cases) were grade I meningiomas. Grade II meningiomas (atypical, chordoid, or clear cell meningioma) were 385 cases (15%). Grade III meningiomas (anaplastic, papillary, or rhabdoid meningioma) were 109 cases (5%). Craniotomy was applied to remove meningiomas in 2,335 cases (93%). Transsphenoidal approach was applied to 145 cases (6%). The other 23 cases (1%) were diagnosed as meningioma after biopsy. Among those 2,503 cases, 167 cases were repeated operation.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Figure 13. Annual distribution of 2,009 grade I meningiomas diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (1,561 cases), SNUCH (14 cases), and SNUBH (434 cases).
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Among the 2,503 cases of meningeal tumors between 1997 and 2016,
Figure 14. Annual distribution of 385 grade II meningiomas diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (312 cases), SNUCH (6 cases), and SNUBH (67 cases).
- 2,009 cases (80%) were grade I tumors, - 385 cases (15%) were grade II tumors, - 109 cases (5%) were grade III tumors.â&#x20AC;?
Figure 15. Annual distribution of 109 grade III meningiomas diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (90 cases), SNUCH (3 cases), and SNUBH (16 cases).
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
A total of 2,767 cases of sellar/parasellar tumors (excluding meningiomas) were diagnosed after surgery during the last 20 years in SNUH (2,009 cases), SNUCH (186 cases), and SNUBH (572 cases). Among them, 75% (2,065 cases) were pituitary adenoma. Craniopharyngiomas were 447 cases (16%). The rest 255 cases (9%) were other miscellaneous pathologies such as rathke cleft cyst, or histology of uncertain diagnosis. Transsphenoidal approach was applied to 2,394 cases (87%) to manage the sellar/parasellar tumors. Craniotomy was applied to sellar/parasellar tumors in 352 cases (13%), but the number has remarkably decreased since 2010. The rest 21 cases were endoscopic or stereotactic biopsy cases. Figure 16. Annual distribution of 2,065 pituitary adenomas diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (1,575 cases), SNUCH (26 cases), and SNUBH (464 cases).
Figure 17. Annual distribution of 447 craniopharyngiomas diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (242 cases), SNUCH (135 cases), and SNUBH (70 cases).
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Figure 18. Annual distribution of 2,394 transsphenoidal approach surgeries performed between 1997 and 2016 for the sellar/parasellar tumors (excluding meningiomas) in SNUH (1,795 cases), SNUCH (92 cases), and SNUBH (507 cases).
â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is the year of 2010, that the management strategy for sellar/parasellar tumors shifted fully to transsphenoidal surgery.â&#x20AC;?
Figure 19 . Annual distribution of 352 craniotomies performed between 1997 and 2016 for the sellar/parasellar tumors (excluding meningiomas) in SNUH (197 cases), SNUCH (93cases), and SNUBH (62 cases). There is dramatic contrast in numbers of craniotomy performed before and after 2010. Reciprocal increase of transsphenoidal surgeries after 2010 is noted in Figure 18.
A total of 779 cases of intracranial neurogenic tumors were diagnosed after surgery during the last 20 years in SNUH (617 cases), SNUCH (21 cases), and SNUBH (141 cases). Among them, 87% (681 cases) were vestibular schwannomas (8th nerve origin), followed by trigeminal schwannoma (5th nerve origin, 39 cases, 5%), lower cranial nerve schwannoma (9th-12th nerve origin, 29 cases, 4%), and a couple of 6th nerve and 7th nerve origin schwannomas each. There were 8 cases of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors, and 9 cases of not otherwise specified tumors.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Figure 20. Annual distribution of 681 vestibular schwannoma cases diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (557 cases), SNUCH (8 cases), and SNUBH (116 cases).
A total of 486 cases of embryonal tumors were diagnosed after surgery during the last 20 years in SNUH (116 cases), SNUCH (325 cases), and SNUBH (45 cases). Among them, 46% (223 cases) were medulloblastoma, followed by primitive neuroectodermal tumor (107 cases, 22%), pineal parenchymal tumor (58 cases, 12%), neuroblastoma (49 cases, 10%), and atypical rhabdoid/teratoid tumor (47 cases, 10%). Figure 21. Annual distribution of 486 embryonal tumors according to histological diagnosis (MBL; medulloblastoma, PNET; primitive neuroectodermal tumor, PPT; pineal parenchymal tumor, NBL; neuroblastoma, ATRT; atypical rhabdoid/teratoid tumor). â&#x20AC;&#x153;The majority of embryonal tumors were diagnosed at SNUCH (67%).â&#x20AC;?
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
A total of 518 cases of mesenchymal tumors were diagnosed after surgery during the last 20 years in SNUH (365 cases), SNUCH (46 cases), and SNUBH (107 cases). Mesenchymal tumors consist of heterogeneous group. Major group is hemangioblastoma which covers 44% (229 cases) of mesenchymal tumors. And chordoma or chondrosarcoma were diagnosed in 102 cases (20%). A total of 83 cases (16%) of hemangiopericytoma (solitary fibrous tumor) were diagnosed. The rest of 104 cases were consist of various kind of histology such as sarcoma. Figure 22. Annual distribution of 229 hemangioblastoma cases diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (171 cases), SNUCH (7 cases), and SNUBH (51 cases).
Figure 23. Annual distribution of 102 chordoma or chondrosarcoma cases diagnosed between 1997 and 2016 in SNUH (72 cases), SNUCH (13 cases), and SNUBH (17 cases).
The analysis in this section is based on 16,344 cases during the period of 40 years (from 1977 to 2016) that are available of individual patient information from SNUH, SNUCH, and SNUBH database.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Trends Patient Age There was gradual increase of average age of patients who had undergone brain tumor surgery with time during the last 40 years. The average age of patients in 1977 was 24.6 years, but it has increased to 46.8 years in 2016. Before 2004, the average age of patients with brain tumor surgery remained their thirties. However, it has kept their forties since 2004. Figure 24. Age of patients who had undergone brain tumor surgery during the last 40 years. The blue and red line depicts average age and oldest age of patients each who had undergone brain tumor surgery during the corresponding year. The dot lines indicate trend line.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The age of patients at the time of brain tumor surgery is in gradual increase trend.â&#x20AC;?
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Age trends in diagnostic category revealed that there have been increasing trend of age at the time of surgery in all categories except for germ cell tumor. Among the categories, lymphoma and sellar tumor showed steepest increase in age with time, followed by metastatic tumor, meningioma, mesenchymal tumor, and neuroepithelial tumor. Figure 25. Annual average age of patients who had undergone brain tumor surgery according to the diagnostic category.
Figure 26. Linear regression trend line of age at surgery according to the diagnostic category.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Diagnosis There were chronological changes in proportion of surgical diagnosis of brain tumors among age groups. â&#x20AC;˘ Junior (age<20) Neuroepithelial tumors dominated the proportion of brain tumor surgery in this age group consistently through the years. Glioma and medulloblastoma were the principal diagnosis in this subgroup. Germ cell tumors and sellar tumors as exemplified by craniopharyngioma ranked alternate in the second proportion depending on the time. Table 1. Chronological changes of proportion of surgical diagnosis of brain tumor patients in junior group (age<20, 3,235 cases). 1977-1981
Neurogenic (Schwannoma)
Germ cell tumor
Lymphoma and Hematopoietic
Total number of cases
Figure 27. Graphic expression of Table 1.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
• Adult (20≤age<60) Until 2000s, sellar tumor as exemplified by pituitary adenoma had been the first ranked category in terms of proportion of brain tumor surgery. However, neuroepithelial tumor has widen share to become the biggest category since the beginning of this century. Sellar tumor and tumor of cranial nerve have been in gradual decreasing trend of proportions among the total brain tumor surgery. Table 2. Chronological changes of proportion of surgical diagnosis of brain tumor patients in adult group (20≤age<60, 10,336 cases). 1977-1981
Neurogenic (Schwannoma)
Germ cell tumor
Lymphoma and Hematopoietic
Others Total number of cases
Figure 28. Graphic expression of Table 2.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
• Senior (age≥60) The most striking changes in this age group is that significant increase of absolute surgery numbers during the last decade. Meningeal tumor had consistently been the most dominant category in this age group followed by neuroepithelial tumor and sellar tumor. However, the proportion of meningeal tumor has been decreased. Table 3. Chronological changes of proportion of surgical diagnosis of brain tumor patients in adult group (age≥60, 3,235 cases). 1977-1981
Neurogenic (Schwannoma)
Germ cell tumor
Lymphoma and Hematopoietic
Total number of cases
Figure 29. Graphic expression of Table 3.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Research Figures Published Articles related to Brain Tumors “Among the articles published in Department of Neurosurgery at Seoul National University College of Medicine during the 60 years, one-third of whole 2,141 articles are related to brain tumors.”
During the period of 59 years between 1957 and 2016, a total of 2,141 articles have been published in academic journals from the Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine. Among them 1,033 and 1,108 articles are published in domestic journals and international journals respectively. Articles related with brain tumors account for 33.2% (710 articles) of the whole list, and 345 articles are in domestic journals and 365 articles are in international journals. Figure 30. Proportion of brain tumor-related articles published in Seoul National University at College of Medicine (1957-2016).
“Among the 670 articles in relation with brain tumors, 50.6% are published in international journals.”
“Since 2010, the annual number of published articles from the Department exceeds 100 including those more than 70% in international journals.”
There was a big jump of publication by the Department as a whole since 2008. The number of annual publication of “52 Articles related with brain tumors were published in 2015, with 44 articles among them in international journals.”
articles reached over 100 in 2010 (121 articles). The sharp growth trend is continuing to come to 165 articles in 2015. This increase is mostly debt to increment of international journal articles. It is a year of 2000 that the number of articles published in international journal outran those in domestic journals (67.6% of articles are published in international journals). Since then, the proportion of articles published in international journals have never been below 50%, the highest among them being 80.9% in 2014. Articles related with brain tumors have followed similar trend, which continues to thrive year by year depending on the increment of international journal articles. The proportions of articles on brain tumor to extraneous articles are slightly decreasing in trend. This is largely due to rapid decrement of articles in domestic journals. Proportions of article on brain tumor in international journal is relatively stable occupying 30-40% of all international journal articles.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Figure 33. Annual numbers of published articles from Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine (total numbers and numbers of articles on brain tumor in bars). Articles in domestic and international journals are separately indicated in lines.
Figure 31. Annual trend of shares of published articles on brain tumor.
Figure 32. Annual trend of shares of published articles on brain tumor according to journals.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
The First Articles The first article published from Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine was a review article entitled “Brain tumor” written by Bo Sung Sim in 1958. : Sim BS: Brain Tumor. Jonghap Euihak 3: 461-467, 1958. The first international journal article on brain tumor published from Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine was a case report entitled “Deep sylvian meningioma in a child” which was published in Childs Nervous System in 1990. : Cho BK, Wang KC, Chang KH, Chi JG: Deep sylvian meningioma in a child. Childs Nerv Syst 6: 228-230, 1990.
Figure 34. The first article published from Department of Neurosurgery, Figure 35. The first international journal article on brain tumor published Seoul National University College of Medicine.
from Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine.
60 years of Brain Tumor
SNUCM Neurosurgery
Articles on Topics Figure 36. Number of brain tumor articles classified by topics, published from Department of Neurosurgery, Seoul National University College of Brain tumor, General Medicine (1957-2016). Articles may overlap on multiple topics.
Brain tumor general 1. Sim BS: Brain Tumor. Jonghap Euihak 3: 461-467, 1958. 2. Sim BS: Brain tumor update. Jonghap Euihak 16: 635-638, 1964. 3. Sim BS: Treatment of brain tumor in patient with tetralogy of Fallot. Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 8: 459-462, 1966. 4. Sim BS, Shin HC, Choi KS, Youn KJ: Clinical observations of the posterior fossa tumors. The Journal of Korean Modern Medicine 5: 713-718, 1966.
Distribution of articles on "Brain tumor general" by year
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5. Ko HJ, Cho BK, Sohn HC, Chae J, Choi KS, Sim BS: Studies of the findings of fluorescein retinoangiographic pictures of papilledema in the brain tumor. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 3: 151-156, 1974. 6. Choi KS: Diagnosis of the space occupying lesions of the supratentorial and posterior fossa regions with vertebral angiography. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 5: 135-142, 1976. 7. Kim Y: A case of Gerstmann`s syndrome. Korean Central Journal of Medicine 30: 323-326, 1976. 8. Lee YJ, Han DH: Peripheral ring enhancement of intracranial lesions on CT scan. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 9: 149-162, 1980. 9. Cho BK, Koh YC, Choi KS, Chang KH: The diagnostic value of CT scan in the CPA lesions. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 10: 459-468, 1981. 10. Park KS, Chi JG: Occipital lobe tumor: report of 2 cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 10: 347-354, 1981. 11. Kwun BD, Koh YC, Lee HK, Choi KS: Intracranial lesions simulating brain tumor. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 11: 23-32, 1982. 12. Hong SC, Kim HJ, Jung HW, Cho BK, Han DH, Chi JG, et al.: So-called inflammatory granuloma on CT scan. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 15: 257-264, 1986. 13. Chang KH, Han MH, Cho BK, Han DH, Choi KS, Han MC, et al.: High field (2.0T) MRI in sellar and juxtasellar lesions. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 28: 353-367, 1987. 14. Cho BK, Wang KC, Kim HJ, Sim BS, Choi KS: Pediatric cerebellopontine angle tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 16: 1013-1024, 1987. 15. Kim BS, Wang KC, Cho BK, Jung HW, Kim HJ, Han DH, et al.: Hypothalamic tumors causing precocious puberty. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 16: 1211-1220, 1987. 16. Kwon Y, Jung HW, Chi JG, Choi KS: Nelson's syndrome: a case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 16: 1221-1226, 1987. 17. Lee SH, Jung HW, Kim HJ, Wang KC, Cho BK, Han DH, et al.: Primary third ventricular tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 717-728, 1988. 18. Lee SH, Lee SH, Jung HW: Delayed radiation necrosis in both temporal lobes: a case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 331-336, 1988. 19. Lee SH, Wang KC, Kim JS, Lee SH, Kim HJ, Cho BK, et al.: Spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage caused by brain tumor. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 1053-1064, 1988. 20. Choi IC, Oh YS, Kang H, Ham TS: Neurogenic pulmonary edema occured during the brain tumor surgery - a case report. Korean J Anesthesiol 22: 563-570, 1989. 21. Choi KS: Diagnostic pitfalls in neurosurgical disease. Journal of the Korean Medical Association 35: 1376-1380, 1992. 22. Jung HW: Surgical treatment of brain tumor. Journal of the Korean Medical Association 35: 1447-1454, 1992. 23. Kim DG, Kim BS, Lee SH, Sim KB, Wang KC, Jung HW, et al.: Differential diagnosis and surgical treatment of the lateral ventricular mass. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 22: 240-251, 1993. 24. Kim DG, Lee JI, Lee DS, Lee MC, Choi KS, Han DH: 99mTc-HMPAO labeled leukocyte SPECT in intracranial lesions. Surg Neurol 44: 338-345, 1995. 25. Kim SK, Wang KC, Cho BK: Intractable seizures associated with brain tumor in childhood: lesionectomy and seizure outcome. Childs Nerv Syst 11: 634-638, 1995. 26. Lee CH, Jung HW, Rhee CS, Park HJ, Hah JH, Min YG, et al.: Anterior and middle skull base surgery: The SNUH experience. Korean J Otolaryngol - Head Neck Surg 41: 218-225, 1998. 27. Oi S, Matsuzawa K, Choi JU, Kim DS, Kang JK, Cho BK: Identical characteristics of the patient populations with pineal region tumors in Japan and in Korea and therapeutic modalities. Childs Nerv Syst 14: 36-40, 1998. 28. Hwang JM, Kim IO, Wang KC: Visual deterioration in osteopetrosis reversed by early optic nerve decompression. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 40: 3161-3167, 1999. 29. Lee SH, Lee DY, Yang HJ, Oh CW, Jinn TH, Chung YS, et al.: Complications and outcome of craniofacial resection for anterior skull base tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 28: 82-88, 1999. 30. Yoo H, Jung HW, Yang HJ, Kim JS: Modified aranspertrosal(mini-petrosal) approach to petroclival tumors: technical note. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 28: 406-413, 1999. 31. Hwang JM, Kim IO, Wang KC: Complete visual recovery in osteopetrosis by early optic nerve decompression. Pediatric neurosurgery 33: 328-332, 2000. 32. Chung JK, Kim YK, Kim SK, Lee YJ, Paek S, Yeo JS, et al.: Usefulness of 11Cmethionine PET in the evaluation of brain lesions that are hypo- or isometabolic on 18F-FDG PET. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 29: 176-182, 2002. 33. Kim JE, Kim DG, Paek SH, Jung HW: Stereotactic biopsy for intracranial lesions: reliability and its impact on the planning of treatment. Acta neurochirurgica 145: 547-554; discussion 554-545, 2003. 34. Kim HS, Kang IJ, Kang HJ, Kim DW, Kim SK, Kim WC, et al.: Therapy for malignant brain tumors in infant and young children. Korean J Pediatr Hematol-Oncol 12: 227-243, 2005.
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35. Choi KD, Kim JS, Kim HJ, Koo JW, Kim JH, Kim CY, et al.: Hyperventilation-induced nystagmus in peripheral vestibulopathy and cerebellopontine angle tumor. Neurology 69: 1050-1059, 2007. 36. Phi JH, Chung CK: Brain tumors in the mesial temporal lobe: long-term oncological outcome. Neurosurg Focus 27: E5, 2009. 37. Phi JH CC: Treatment of epilepsy associated with brain tumors. J Korean Med Assoc 53: 10, 2010. 38. Phi JH WK, Kim SK: Surgical treatment of pediatric brain tumors. J Korean Med Assoc 55: 9, 2012. 39. Ha EJ, Gwak HS, Rhee CH, Youn SM, Choi CW, Cheon GJ: Intracavitary radiation therapy for recurrent cystic brain tumors with holmium-166-chico : a pilot study. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 54: 175-182, 2013. 40. Lee YJ, Kim T, Bae SH, Kim YH, Han JH, Yun CH, et al.: Levetiracetam compared with valproic acid for the prevention of postoperative seizures after supratentorial tumor surgery: a retrospective chart review. CNS drugs 27: 753-759, 2013. 41. Paek SL, Chung YS, Paek SH, Hwang JH, Sohn CH, Choi SH, et al.: Early experience of pre- and postcontrast 7.0T MRI in brain tumors. J Korean Med Sci 28: 1362-1372, 2013. 42. Phi JH, Wang KC, Kim IO, Cheon JE, Choi JW, Cho BK, et al.: Tumors in the cerebellopontine angle in children: warning of a high probability of malignancy. J Neurooncol 112: 383-391, 2013. 43. Li G, Sherman JH, Cho JM, Lim M, Khalessi AA, Colen CB, et al.: Neurosurgery concepts: Key perspectives on dendritic cell vaccines, metastatic tumor treatment, and radiosurgery. Surgical neurology international 6: 6, 2015. 44. Yoo DH, Song SW, Yun TJ, Kim TM, Lee SH, Kim JH, et al.: MR Imaging Evaluation of Intracerebral Hemorrhages and T2 Hyperintense White Matter Lesions Appearing after Radiation Therapy in Adult Patients with Primary Brain Tumors. PLoS One 10: e0136795, 2015. 45.. Kim CW, Joo JD, Kim YH, Han JH, Kim CY: Health-Related Quality of Life in Brain Tumor Patients Treated with Surgery: Preliminary Result of a Single Institution. Brain tumor research and treatment 4: 87-93, 2016. 46. Kim HJ, Park SH, Kim JS, Koo JW, Kim CY, Kim YH, et al.: Bilaterally Abnormal Head Impulse Tests Indicate a Large Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor. J Clin Neurol 12: 65-74, 2016. 47. Lee WH, Oh BM, Seo HG, Kim SK, Phi JH, Chong S, et al.: One-year outcome of postoperative swallowing impairment in pediatric patients with posterior fossa brain tumor. J Neurooncol 127: 73-81, 2016.
Glioblastoma and Astrocytic tumors 1. Kim JH, Sohn HC, Kim GK, Chae J, Choi KS, Sim BS: A case of glioblastoma multiforme involving high cervical, brain stem and sellar regions. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 3: 195-200, 1974. 2. Choi SK, Byun BJ, Lee IS, Chi JG: Glioblastoma multiforme of the septum pellucidum: an autopsy case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 9: 497-504, 1980. 3. Lee HK, Ok IS, Kim HJ, Chi JG: A case of astrocytoma in the 4th ventricle. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 10: 255-260, 1981. 4. Min KH, Kim SH, Goo WW, Keum DI, Kim Y, Chi JG: A case of astrocytoma in the third ventricle. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 13: 471-476, 1984. 5. Jung JM, Shin HJ, Jung HW, Choi KS: A case of multicentric glioblastoma multiforme. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 1171-1176, 1988. 6. Lee SH, Lee SH, Kim HJ, Han DH, Sim BS, Choi KS: A case of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 1135-1140, 1988. 7. Jung HW, Sim GB, Jung CK: Effect of the extent of surgical resection on survival in patients with supratentorial anaplastic astrocytomas and glioblastomas:a retrospective multivariate analysis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 21: 1535-1544, 1992. 8. Lee DY, Kim YM, Yoo SJ, Cho BK, Chi JG, Kim IO, et al.: Congenital glioblastoma diagnosed by fetal sonography. Childs Nerv Syst 15: 197-201, 1999. 9. Choi IS, Lee SH, Kim TY, Bang JS, Paek SH, Kim S, et al.: Phase II study of chemotherapy with ACNU plus cisplatin followed by cranial irradiation in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme. J Neurooncol 60: 171-176, 2002. 10. Gwak HS, Hwang SK, Kim JE, Paek SH, Park SH, Kim DG, et al.: Prognostic factors in long-term survivors with glioblastoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 31: 3-10, 2002. 11. Kim JE, Kim CY, Kim DG, Jung HW: Implantation metastasis along the stereotactic biopsy tract in anaplastic astrocytoma: a case report. J Neurooncol 61: 215-218, 2003. 12. Kim NR, Wang KC, Bang JS, Choe G, Park Y, Kim SK, et al.: Glioblastomatous transformation of ganglioglioma: case report with reference to molecular genetic and flow cytometric analysis. Pathol Int 53: 874-882, 2003. 13. Yang HJ, Kim JE, Paek SH, Chi JG, Jung HW, Kim DG: The significance of gemistocytes in astrocytoma. Acta neurochirurgica 145: 1097-1103; discussion 1103, 2003.
Distribution of articles on "Glioblastoma and Astrocytic tumors" by year
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14. Im SH, Chung CK, Kim SK, Cho BK, Kim MK, Chi JG: Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma: a developmental glioneuronal tumor with prominent glioproliferative changes. J Neurooncol 66: 17-27, 2004. 15. Lee SJ, Lee SH, Jung HW, Kim CY, Heo DS, Kim IH: Clinical study: phase II study of continuous ACNU (nimustine) and CDDP (cisplatin) infusion followed by conventional radiotherapy in patients with high grade astrocytomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35: 127-135, 2004. 16. Yang SY, Wang KC, Cho BK, Kim YY, Lim SY, Park SH, et al.: Radiation-induced cerebellar glioblastoma at the site of a treated medulloblastoma: case report. Journal of neurosurgery 102: 417422, 2005. 17. Benny O, Kim SK, Gvili K, Radzishevsky IS, Mor A, Verduzco L, et al.: In vivo fate and therapeutic efficacy of PF-4/CTF microspheres in an orthotopic human glioblastoma model. FASEB J 22: 488-499, 2008. 18. Choi JW KI, Choe GY, Kim CW: Unusual manifestations of anaplastic astrocytoma with diffuse leptomeningeal seeding: A report of two cases treated using a temozolomide-based multimodal approach. J Korean Brain Tumor Soc 7: 161-165, 2008. 19. Jeon YK, Cheon JE, Kim SK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Park SH: Clinicopathological features and global genomic copy number alterations of pilomyxoid astrocytoma in the hypothalamus/optic pathway: comparative analysis with pilocytic astrocytoma using array-based comparative genomic hybridization. Mod Pathol 21: 1345-1356, 2008. 20. Moulding HD, Friedman DP, Curtis M, Kenyon L, Flanders AE, Paek SH, et al.: Revisiting anaplastic astrocytomas I: an expansive growth pattern is associated with a better prognosis. J Magn Reson Imaging 28: 1311-1321, 2008. 21. Han JH, Park CK, Lee SH, Kim CY, Kim DW, Paek SH, et al.: Preradiation chemotherapy with ACNUCDDP in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a retrospective analysis. Chemotherapy 55: 145-154, 2009. 22. Kim B, Chung CK, Myung JK, Park SH: Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma associated with long-standing Taylor-type IIB-focal cortical dysplasia in an adult. Pathol Res Pract 205: 113-117, 2009. 23. Park CK, Jung JH, Moon MJ, Kim YY, Kim JH, Park SH, et al.: Tissue expression of manganese superoxide dismutase is a candidate prognostic marker for glioblastoma. Oncology 77: 178-181, 2009. 24. Park CK, Jung JH, Park SH, Jung HW, Cho BK: Multifarious proteomic signatures and regional heterogeneity in glioblastomas. J Neurooncol 94: 31-39, 2009. 25. Park CK, Park SH, Lee SH, Kim CY, Kim DW, Paek SH, et al.: Methylation status of the MGMT gene promoter fails to predict the clinical outcome of glioblastoma patients treated with ACNU plus cisplatin. Neuropathology 29: 443-449, 2009. 26. Kang SS, Han KS, Ku BM, Lee YK, Hong J, Shin HY, et al.: Caffeine-mediated inhibition of calcium release channel inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor subtype 3 blocks glioblastoma invasion and extends survival. Cancer research 70: 1173-1183, 2010. 27. Kim B, Myung JK, Seo JH, Park CK, Paek SH, Kim DG, et al.: The clinicopathologic values of the molecules associated with the main pathogenesis of the glioblastoma. J Neurol Sci 294: 112-118, 2010. 28. Song KS, Phi JH, Cho BK, Wang KC, Lee JY, Kim DG, et al.: Long-term outcomes in children with glioblastoma. J Neurosurg Pediatr 6: 145-149, 2010. 29. Kang SH, Park KJ, Kim CY, Yu MO, Park CK, Park SH, et al.: O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase status determined by promoter methylation and immunohistochemistry in gliosarcoma and their clinical implications. J Neurooncol 101: 477-486, 2011. 30. Kim IH, Park CK, Heo DS, Kim CY, Rhee CH, Nam DH, et al.: Radiotherapy followed by adjuvant temozolomide with or without neoadjuvant ACNU-CDDP chemotherapy in newly diagnosed glioblastomas: a prospective randomized controlled multicenter phase III trial. J Neurooncol 103: 595602, 2011. 31. Lee JY, Park CK, Park SH, Wang KC, Cho BK, Kim SK: MGMT promoter gene methylation in pediatric glioblastoma: analysis using MS-MLPA. Childs Nerv Syst 27: 1877-1883, 2011. 32. Lee ST, Chu K, Oh HJ, Im WS, Lim JY, Kim SK, et al.: Let-7 microRNA inhibits the proliferation of human glioblastoma cells. J Neurooncol 102: 19-24, 2011. 33. Park CK, Kim J, Yim SY, Lee AR, Han JH, Kim CY, et al.: Usefulness of MS-MLPA for detection of MGMT promoter methylation in the evaluation of pseudoprogression in glioblastoma patients. Neurooncology 13: 195-202, 2011. 34. Phi JH, Koh EJ, Kim SK, Park SH, Cho BK, Wang KC: Desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma: recurrence with malignant transformation into glioblastoma: a case report. Childs Nerv Syst 27: 2177-2181, 2011. 35. Byeon SJ, Myung JK, Kim SH, Kim SK, Phi JH, Park SH: Distinct genetic alterations in pediatric glioblastomas. Childs Nerv Syst 28: 1025-1032, 2012. 36. Joo JD, Chang JH, Kim JH, Hong YK, Kim YH, Kim CY: Temozolomide during and after Radiotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastomas : A Prospective Multicenter Study of Korean Patients. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 52: 92-97, 2012.
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37. Kim SK, Kim JW, Kim YH, Kim TM, Lee SH, Park CK: The role of chemotherapy in anaplastic astrocytoma patients. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 51: 199-202, 2012. 38. Park CK, Kim JE, Kim JY, Song SW, Kim JW, Choi SH, et al.: The Changes in MGMT Promoter Methylation Status in Initial and Recurrent Glioblastomas. Translational oncology 5: 393-397, 2012. 39. Chu HH, Choi SH, Ryoo I, Kim SC, Yeom JA, Shin H, et al.: Differentiation of true progression from pseudoprogression in glioblastoma treated with radiation therapy and concomitant temozolomide: comparison study of standard and high-b-value diffusion-weighted imaging. Radiology 269: 831-840, 2013. 40. Jung SC, Choi SH, Yeom JA, Kim JH, Ryoo I, Kim SC, et al.: Cerebral blood volume analysis in glioblastomas using dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI: a comparison of manual and semiautomatic segmentation methods. PLoS One 8: e69323, 2013. 41. Kim YH, Lee JK, Kim B, DeWitt JP, Lee JE, Han JH, et al.: Combination therapy of cilengitide with belotecan against experimental glioblastoma. International journal of cancer 133: 749-756, 2013. 42. Park CK, Kim JH, Nam DH, Kim CY, Chung SB, Kim YH, et al.: A practical scoring system to determine whether to proceed with surgical resection in recurrent glioblastoma. Neuro-oncology 15: 1096-1101, 2013. 43. Park CK, Lee SH, Kim TM, Choi SH, Park SH, Heo DS, et al.: The value of temozolomide in combination with radiotherapy during standard treatment for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. J Neurooncol 112: 277-283, 2013. 44. Ryoo I, Choi SH, Kim JH, Sohn CH, Kim SC, Shin HS, et al.: Cerebral blood volume calculated by dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced perfusion MR imaging: preliminary correlation study with glioblastoma genetic profiles. PLoS One 8: e71704, 2013. 45. Song YS, Choi SH, Park CK, Yi KS, Lee WJ, Yun TJ, et al.: True progression versus pseudoprogression in the treatment of glioblastomas: a comparison study of normalized cerebral blood volume and apparent diffusion coefficient by histogram analysis. Korean J Radiol 14: 662-672, 2013. 46. Suh JH, Park CK, Park SH: Alpha internexin expression related with molecular characteristics in adult glioblastoma and oligodendroglioma. J Korean Med Sci 28: 593-601, 2013. 47. Sunwoo L, Choi SH, Park CK, Kim JW, Yi KS, Lee WJ, et al.: Correlation of apparent diffusion coefficient values measured by diffusion MRI and MGMT promoter methylation semiquantitatively analyzed with MS-MLPA in patients with glioblastoma multiforme. J Magn Reson Imaging 37: 351-358, 2013. 48. Byeon SJ, Cho HJ, Baek HW, Park CK, Choi SH, Kim SH, et al.: Rhabdoid glioblastoma is distinguishable from classical glioblastoma by cytogenetics and molecular genetics. Human pathology 45: 611-620, 2014. 49. Kim JH, Choi SH, Ryoo I, Yun TJ, Kim TM, Lee SH, et al.: Prognosis prediction of measurable enhancing lesion after completion of standard concomitant chemoradiotherapy and adjuvant temozolomide in glioblastoma patients: application of dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion and diffusion-weighted imaging. PLoS One 9: e113587, 2014. 50. Kim JW, Kim JY, Kim JE, Kim SK, Chung HT, Park CK: HOXA10 is associated with temozolomide resistance through regulation of the homologous recombinant DNA repair pathway in glioblastoma cell lines. Genes & cancer 5: 165-174, 2014. 51. Kim SK CS, Kim YH, Park CK: Impact of fluorescence-guided surgery on the improvement of clinical outcomes in glioblastoma patients. Neuro-Oncol Pract 1: 5, 2014. 52. Kim W, Yoo H, Shin SH, Gwak HS, Lee SH: Extraneural Metastases of Glioblastoma without Simultaneous Central Nervous System Recurrence. Brain tumor research and treatment 2: 124-127, 2014. 53. Lee JY, Lee DH, Kim HA, Choi SA, Lee HJ, Park CK, et al.: Double suicide gene therapy using human neural stem cells against glioblastoma: double safety measures. J Neurooncol 116: 49-57, 2014. 54. Myung JK, Cho HJ, Kim H, Park CK, Lee SH, Choi SH, et al.: Prognosis of Glioblastoma With Oligodendroglioma Component is Associated With the IDH1 Mutation and MGMT Methylation Status. Translational oncology 7: 712-719, 2014. 55. Myung JK, Choi SA, Kim SK, Wang KC, Park SH: Snail plays an oncogenic role in glioblastoma by promoting epithelial mesenchymal transition. International journal of clinical and experimental pathology 7: 1977-1987, 2014. 56. Paek SH, Hwang JH, Kim DG, Choi SH, Sohn CH, Park SH, et al.: A case report of preoperative and postoperative 7.0T brain MRI in a patient with a small cell glioblastoma. J Korean Med Sci 29: 10121017, 2014. 57. Park CK, Lee SH, Kim JY, Kim JE, Kim TM, Lee ST, et al.: Expression level of hTERT is regulated by somatic mutation and common single nucleotide polymorphism at promoter region in glioblastoma. Oncotarget 5: 3399-3407, 2014. 58. Stupp R, Hegi ME, Gorlia T, Erridge SC, Perry J, Hong YK, et al.: Cilengitide combined with standard treatment for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma with methylated MGMT promoter
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(CENTRIC EORTC 26071-22072 study): a multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial. The Lancet Oncology 15: 1100-1108, 2014. Bae SY PC, Kim TM, Park SH, Kim IH, Choi SH: Application of Volumetric Analysis to Glioblastomas: a Correlation Study on the Status of the Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Mutation. Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging 19: 218-223, 2015. Jo HY, Kim Y, Park HW, Moon HE, Bae S, Kim J, et al.: The Unreliability of MTT Assay in the Cytotoxic Test of Primary Cultured Glioblastoma Cells. Experimental neurobiology 24: 235-245, 2015. Joo JD, Kim H, Kim YH, Han JH, Kim CY: Validation of the Effectiveness and Safety of Temozolomide during and after Radiotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastomas: 10-year Experience of a Single Institution. J Korean Med Sci 30: 1597-1603, 2015. Kim J, Lee IH, Cho HJ, Park CK, Jung YS, Kim Y, et al.: Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Primary Glioblastoma Genome. Cancer cell 28: 318-328, 2015. Kim YH, Kim T, Joo JD, Han JH, Kim YJ, Kim IA, et al.: Survival benefit of levetiracetam in patients treated with concomitant chemoradiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy with temozolomide for glioblastoma multiforme. Cancer 121: 2926-2932, 2015. Koh Y, Park I, Sun CH, Lee S, Yun H, Park CK, et al.: Detection of a Distinctive Genomic Signature in Rhabdoid Glioblastoma, A Rare Disease Entity Identified by Whole Exome Sequencing and Whole Transcriptome Sequencing. Translational oncology 8: 279-287, 2015. Kwon SM, Kang SH, Park CK, Jung S, Park ES, Lee JS, et al.: Recurrent Glioblastomas Reveal Molecular Subtypes Associated with Mechanistic Implications of Drug-Resistance. PLoS One 10: e0140528, 2015. Lee EK, Choi SH, Yun TJ, Kang KM, Kim TM, Lee SH, et al.: Prediction of Response to Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy with Temozolomide in Glioblastoma: Application of Immediate Post-Operative Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast and Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging. Korean J Radiol 16: 1341-1348, 2015. Lee ST PC, Kim JW, Park MJ, Lee H, Lim JA, Choi SH, Kim TM, Lee SH, Park SH, Kim IH, Lee KM: Early cognitive function tests predict early progression in glioblastoma. Neuro-Oncology Practice 2: 137-143, 2015. Lim YJ, Kim IH, Han TJ, Choi SH, Park SH, Park CK, et al.: Hypofractionated chemoradiotherapy with temozolomide as a treatment option for glioblastoma patients with poor prognostic features. International journal of clinical oncology 20: 21-28, 2015. Yoo RE, Choi SH, Kim TM, Lee SH, Park CK, Park SH, et al.: Independent Poor Prognostic Factors for True Progression after Radiation Therapy and Concomitant Temozolomide in Patients with Glioblastoma: Subependymal Enhancement and Low ADC Value. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 36: 18461852, 2015. Yun TJ, Park CK, Kim TM, Lee SH, Kim JH, Sohn CH, et al.: Glioblastoma treated with concurrent radiation therapy and temozolomide chemotherapy: differentiation of true progression from pseudoprogression with quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging. Radiology 274: 830840, 2015. Chaurasia A, Park SH, Seo JW, Park CK: Immunohistochemical Analysis of ATRX, IDH1 and p53 in Glioblastoma and Their Correlations with Patient Survival. J Korean Med Sci 31: 1208-1214, 2016. Cho HR, Hong B, Kim H, Park CK, Park SH, Park S, et al.: Assessment of bevacizumab resistance increased by expression of BCAT1 in IDH1 wild-type glioblastoma: application of DSC perfusion MR imaging. Oncotarget 7: 69606-69615, 2016. Choi SA, Yun JW, Joo KM, Lee JY, Kwak PA, Lee YE, et al.: Preclinical Biosafety Evaluation of Genetically Modified Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Clinical Applications to Brainstem Glioma. Stem cells and development 25: 897-908, 2016. Chung T, Na J, Kim YI, Chang DY, Kim YI, Kim H, et al.: Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase Is a Prognostic Marker for Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Mediated Cytosine Deaminase Gene and 5Fluorocytosine Prodrug Therapy for the Treatment of Recurrent Gliomas. Theranostics 6: 1477-1490, 2016. Han TJ, Cho BJ, Choi EJ, Kim DH, Song SH, Paek SH, et al.: Inhibition of STAT3 enhances the radiosensitizing effect of temozolomide in glioblastoma cells in vitro and in vivo. J Neurooncol 130: 89-98, 2016. Heo H, Kim S, Lee HH, Cho HR, Xu WJ, Lee SH, et al.: On the Utility of Short Echo Time (TE) Single Voxel 1H-MRS in Non-Invasive Detection of 2-Hydroxyglutarate (2HG); Challenges and Potential Improvement Illustrated with Animal Models Using MRUI and LCModel. PLoS One 11: e0147794, 2016. Hwang T, Park CK, Leung AK, Gao Y, Hyde TM, Kleinman JE, et al.: Dynamic regulation of RNA editing in human brain development and disease. Nature neuroscience 19: 1093-1099, 2016. Kang H, Kim JW, Se YB, Park SH: Adult Intracranial Gliofibroma : A Case Report and Review of the Literature. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 59: 302-305, 2016.
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79. Kim BR, Choi SH, Yun TJ, Lee ST, Park CK, Kim TM, et al.: MR Imaging Analysis of Non-Measurable Enhancing Lesions Newly Appearing after Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy in Glioblastoma Patients for Prognosis Prediction. PLoS One 11: e0166096, 2016. 80. Kim SC, Im W, Shim JY, Kim SK, Kim BJ: Static magnetic field controls cell cycle in cultured human glioblastoma cells. Cytotechnology 68: 2745-2751, 2016. 81. Kim SK, Kim TM, Lee ST, Lee SH, Heo DS, Kim IH, et al.: The survival significance of a measurable enhancing lesion after completing standard treatment for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. J Clin Neurosci 34: 145-150, 2016. 82. Mathios D, Kim JE, Mangraviti A, Phallen J, Park CK, Jackson CM, et al.: Anti-PD-1 antitumor immunity is enhanced by local and abrogated by systemic chemotherapy in GBM. Science translational medicine 8: 370ra180, 2016. 83. Mathios D, Park CK, Marcus WD, Alter S, Rhode PR, Jeng EK, et al.: Therapeutic administration of IL-15 superagonist complex ALT-803 leads to long-term survival and durable antitumor immune response in a murine glioblastoma model. International journal of cancer 138: 187-194, 2016. 84. Sunwoo L, Yun TJ, You SH, Yoo RE, Kang KM, Choi SH, et al.: Differentiation of Glioblastoma from Brain Metastasis: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Using Arterial Spin Labeling MR Imaging. PLoS One 11: e0166662, 2016.
Oligodendroglial tumors 1. Chung IH, Yoon HJ, Song SH, Kim Y, Chi JG: A case of large oligodendroglioma in child. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 10: 261-268, 1981. 2. Hong SC, Kim DH, Kim HJ, Han DH, Sim BS, Chi JG: 2 cases of oligodendrogliomas presenting as spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 13: 445-452, 1984. 3. Kim HY, Jung HW, Cho BK, Han DH, Chi JG, Choi KS, et al.: A clinical study on 37 cases of oligodendroglioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 15: 671-680, 1986. 4. Wang KC, Chi JG, Cho BK: Oligodendroglioma in childhood. J Korean Med Sci 8: 110-116, 1993. 5. Jeon SR, Lee SH, Kim DG, Wang GC, Kim HJ, Choi KS, et al.: Survival rates and prognostic factors in patients with intracranial oligodendroglioma: a retrospective multivariate analysis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 26: 109-112, 1997. 6. Jeon YK, Park K, Park CK, Paek SH, Jung HW, Park SH: Chromosome 1p and 19q status and p53 and p16 expression patterns as prognostic indicators of oligodendroglial tumors: a clinicopathological study using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Neuropathology 27: 10-20, 2007. 7. Park CK, Kim JH, Moon MJ, Jung JH, Lim SY, Park SH, et al.: Investigation of molecular factors associated with malignant transformation of oligodendroglioma by proteomic study of a single case of rapid tumor progression. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 134: 255-262, 2008. 8. Gil JE, Woo DH, Shim JH, Kim SE, You HJ, Park SH, et al.: Vitronectin promotes oligodendrocyte differentiation during neurogenesis of human embryonic stem cells. FEBS Lett 583: 561-567, 2009. 9. Phi JH, Park SH, Chung CK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Kim SK: Atypical cell clusters expressing both neuronal and oligodendrocytic markers: novel histological pattern of glioneuronal tumors? Pathol Int 59: 735743, 2009. 10. Seol HJ, Kim JE, Wang KC, Kim SK, Seo JS, Park SH, et al.: The pattern of gene expression and possible relation of steroidogenic genes in oligodendroglial tumors. Int J Oncol 34: 181-190, 2009. 11. Kim JW, Park CK, Park SH, Kim YH, Han JH, Kim CY, et al.: Relationship between radiological characteristics and combined 1p and 19q deletion in World Health Organization grade III oligodendroglial tumours. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 82: 224-227, 2011. 12. Kang HC, Yu T, Lim do H, Kim IH, Chung WK, Suh CO, et al.: A multicenter study of anaplastic oligodendroglioma: the Korean Radiation Oncology Group Study 13-12. J Neurooncol 125: 207-215, 2015. 13. Sunwoo L, Choi SH, Yoo RE, Kang KM, Yun TJ, Kim TM, et al.: Paradoxical perfusion metrics of highgrade gliomas with an oligodendroglioma component: quantitative analysis of dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion MR imaging. Neuroradiology 57: 1111-1120, 2015. 14. Yu T, Kang HC, Lim do H, Kim IH, Chung WK, Suh CO, et al.: Pattern of care of anaplastic oligodendroglioma and oligoastrocytoma in a Korean population: the Korean Radiation Oncology Group study 13-12. J Neurooncol 121: 531-539, 2015. 15. Lee S, Yun TJ, Kang KM, Rhim JH, Park CK, Kim TM, et al.: Application of diffusion-weighted imaging and dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion-weighted imaging for ganglioglioma in adults: Comparison study with oligodendroglioma. Journal of neuroradiology Journal de neuroradiologie 43: 331-338, 2016.
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Ependymoma and Subependymoma 1. Moon CB, Byun BJ, Lee IS, Kang DY, Chi JG: A case of papillary ependymoma in the left frontal lobe. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 6: 177-186, 1977. 2. Kim HK, Kim SC, Cho KK, Kim KM, Seel DJ, Chi JG: Extracranial metastasis of supratentorial ependymoma without recurrence of primary focus. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 10: 731-738, 1981. 3. Han JW, Min KS, Kim HJ, Chi JG, Choi KS: A case of myxopapillary ependymoma of the lateral ventricle. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 18: 936-940, 1989. 4. Kim DG, Han MH, Lee SH, Chi JG, Cho KJ, Kim JH, et al.: MRI of intracranial subependymoma: report of a case. Neuroradiology 35: 185-186, 1993. 5. Im SH, Kim JE, Paek SH, Choi YR, Choe GY, Chi JG, et al.: Immunohistochemical study of central neurocytoma, subependymoma and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma located around the foramen of monro. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 31: 517-523, 2002. 6. Im SH, Paek SH, Choi YL, Chi JG, Kim DG, Jung HW, et al.: Clinicopathological study of seven cases of symptomatic supratentorial subependymoma. J Neurooncol 61: 57-67, 2003. 7. Seol HJ, Hwang SK, Choi YL, Chi JG, Jung HW: A case of recurrent subependymoma with subependymal seeding: case report. J Neurooncol 62: 315-320, 2003. 8. Kim HC, Kim IO, Kim CJ, Cho BK, Kim WS, Yeon KM: Subependymoma in the third ventricle in a child. Clinical imaging 28: 381-384, 2004. 9. Kim SK, Lim SY, Wang KC, Kim YY, Chi JG, Choi YL, et al.: Overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 in childhood ependymomas: role of COX-2 inhibitor in growth and multi-drug resistance in vitro. Oncol Rep 12: 403-409, 2004. 10. Jun MS, Kang SH, Park JE, Ra YS, Kim JH, Byun JS, et al.: KSPNO ependymoma protocol. Korean J Pediatr Hematol-Oncol 12: 219-226, 2005. 11. You H, Kim YI, Im SY, Suh-Kim H, Paek SH, Park SH, et al.: Immunohistochemical study of central neurocytoma, subependymoma, and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma. J Neurooncol 74: 1-8, 2005. 12. Phi JH, Wang KC, Park SH, Kim IH, Kim IO, Park KD, et al.: Pediatric infratentorial ependymoma: prognostic significance of anaplastic histology. J Neurooncol 106: 619-626, 2012. 13. Kim YJ, Kim JY, Lim do H, Park HJ, Joo J, Sung KW, et al.: Retrospective analysis of treatment outcome of pediatric ependymomas in Korea: analysis of Korean multi-institutional data. J Neurooncol 113: 3948, 2013. 14. Phi JH, Choi SA, Kim SK, Wang KC, Lee JY, Kim DG: Overcoming Chemoresistance of Pediatric Ependymoma by Inhibition of STAT3 Signaling. Translational oncology 8: 376-386, 2015. 15. Lee CH, Chung CK, Ohn JH, Kim CH: The Similarities and Differences between Intracranial and Spinal Ependymomas : A Review from a Genetic Research Perspective. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 59: 83-90, 2016. 16. Lee Y, Kim SI, Kim SK, Kim IO, Park SH: A mixed choroid plexus papilloma and ependymoma. Brain tumor pathology 33: 147-150, 2016.
Choroid plexus tumors 1. Hong SK, Koh YC, Hwang SN, Choi KS, Chi JG: Primary choroid plexus papilloma of the cerebellopontine angle with spinal leptomeningeal seeding. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 8: 547-554, 1979. 2. Koh YC, Jung HW, Choi KS, Chi JG: A case of 4 th ventricle choroid plexus papilloma in a child. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 8: 369-374, 1979. 3. Lee YJ, Lee HK, Sim BS, Chi JG: A case of choroid plexus papilloma associated with communicating hydrocephalus. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 9: 213-218, 1980. 4. Kang HS, Wang KC, Kim YM, Kim IO, Kim SK, Chi JG, et al.: Choroid plexus carcinoma in an infant. J Korean Med Sci 12: 162-167, 1997. 5. Phi JH, Shin CH, Wang KC, Park SH, Kim SK: Catastrophic electrolyte imbalance caused by excessive production and overdrainage of cerebrospinal fluid in an infant with choroid plexus papilloma. Childs Nerv Syst 27: 1153-1156, 2011. 6. Koh EJ, Wang KC, Phi JH, Lee JY, Choi JW, Park SH, et al.: Clinical outcome of pediatric choroid plexus tumors: retrospective analysis from a single institute. Childs Nerv Syst 30: 217-225, 2014. 7. Phi JH, Goobie SM, Hong KH, Dholakia A, Smith ER: Use of tranexamic acid in infants undergoing choroid plexus papilloma surgery: a report of two cases. Paediatric anaesthesia 24: 791-793, 2014. 8. Lee Y, Kim SI, Kim SK, Kim IO, Park SH: A mixed choroid plexus papilloma and ependymoma. Brain tumor pathology 33: 147-150, 2016.
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Ganglioglioma 1. Jee YK, Kim TS, Kim KM, Kim GK, Rhee BA, Leem W, et al.: A case of ganglioglioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 12: 275-279, 1983. 2. Kim JH, Chung CK, Wang KC, Seo YL, Chi JG, Cho BK: Ganglioglioma: a case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 18: 472-476, 1989. 3. Chae JH, Kim SK, Wang KC, Kim KJ, Hwang YS, Cho BK: Hemifacial seizure of cerebellar ganglioglioma origin: seizure control by tumor resection. Epilepsia 42: 1204-1207, 2001. 4. Kwon JW, Kim IO, Cheon JE, Kim WS, Chi JG, Wang KC, et al.: Cerebellopontine angle ganglioglioma: MR findings. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 22: 1377-1379, 2001. 5. Im SH, Chung CK, Cho BK, Lee SK: Supratentorial ganglioglioma and epilepsy: postoperative seizure outcome. J Neurooncol 57: 59-66, 2002. 6. Im SH, Chung CK, Cho BK, Wang KC, Yu IK, Song IC, et al.: Intracranial ganglioglioma: preoperative characteristics and oncologic outcome after surgery. J Neurooncol 59: 173-183, 2002. 7. Kim NR, Wang KC, Bang JS, Choe G, Park Y, Kim SK, et al.: Glioblastomatous transformation of ganglioglioma: case report with reference to molecular genetic and flow cytometric analysis. Pathol Int 53: 874-882, 2003. 8. . Lee S, Yun TJ, Kang KM, Rhim JH, Park CK, Kim TM, et al.: Application of diffusion-weighted imaging and dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion-weighted imaging for ganglioglioma in adults: Comparison study with oligodendroglioma. Journal of neuroradiology Journal de neuroradiologie 43: 331-338, 2016.
Distribution of articles on "Central neurocytoma" by year
Central neurocytoma 1. Kim DG, Chi JG, Park SH, Chang KH, Lee SH, Jung HW, et al.: Intraventricular neurocytoma: clinicopathological analysis of seven cases. Journal of neurosurgery 76: 759-765, 1992. 2. Chang KH, Han MH, Kim DG, Chi JG, Suh DC, Kim SJ, et al.: MR appearance of central neurocytoma. Acta Radiol 34: 520-526, 1993. 3. Kim DG, Kim JS, Chi JG, Park SH, Jung HW, Choi KS, et al.: Central neurocytoma: proliferative potential and biological behavior. Journal of neurosurgery 84: 742-747, 1996. 4. Kim DG, Paek SH, Kim IH, Chi JG, Jung HW, Han DH, et al.: Central neurocytoma: the role of radiation therapy and long term outcome. Cancer 79: 1995-2002, 1997. 5. Kim DG, Choe WJ, Chang KH, Song IC, Han MH, Jung HW, et al.: In vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of central neurocytomas. Neurosurgery 46: 329-333; discussion 333-324, 2000. 6. Im SH, Kim JE, Paek SH, Choi YR, Choe GY, Chi JG, et al.: Immunohistochemical study of central neurocytoma, subependymoma and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma located around the foramen of monro. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 31: 517-523, 2002. 7. Kim CH, Jung HW, Hwang SG, Chi JG: Cerebral central neurocytoma with high proliferative Index: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33: 195-198, 2003. 8. Kim CY, Paek SH, Kim DG: Linear accelerator radiosurgery for central neurocytoma: a case report. J Neurooncol 61: 249-254, 2003. 9. Lee SJ, Kim JE, Paek SH, Keyoung HM, Kim DG, Jung HW: Primary cell culture of central neurocytomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34: 238-244, 2003. 10. Paek SH, Kim JE, Kim DG, Han MH, Jung HW: Angiographic characteristics of central neurocytoma suggest the origin of tumor. J Korean Med Sci 18: 573-580, 2003. 11. Kim BJ, Kim BJ, Kim SS, Kim SS, Kim YI, Kim YI, et al.: Forskolin promotes astroglial differentiation of human central neurocytoma cells. Exp Mol Med 36: 52-56, 2004. 12. You H, Kim YI, Im SY, Suh-Kim H, Paek SH, Park SH, et al.: Immunohistochemical study of central neurocytoma, subependymoma, and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma. J Neurooncol 74: 1-8, 2005. 13. Sim FJ, Keyoung HM, Goldman JE, Kim DK, Jung HW, Roy NS, et al.: Neurocytoma is a tumor of adult neuronal progenitor cells. J Neurosci 26: 12544-12555, 2006. 14. Kim CY, Paek SH, Jeong SS, Chung HT, Han JH, Park CK, et al.: Gamma knife radiosurgery for central neurocytoma: primary and secondary treatment. Cancer 110: 2276-2284, 2007. 15. Paek SH, Han JH, Kim JW, Park CK, Jung HW, Park SH, et al.: Long-term outcome of conventional radiation therapy for central neurocytoma. J Neurooncol 90: 25-30, 2008. 16. Paek SH, Shin HY, Kim JW, Park SH, Son JH, Kim DG: Primary culture of central neurocytoma: a case report. J Korean Med Sci 25: 798-803, 2010. 17. Choi H, Park SH, Kim DG, Paek SH: Atypical extraventricular neurocytoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 50: 381-384, 2011. 18. Yi KS, Sohn CH, Yun TJ, Choi SH, Kim JH, Han MH, et al.: MR imaging findings of extraventricular neurocytoma: a series of ten patients confirmed by immunohistochemistry of IDH1 gene mutation. Acta neurochirurgica 154: 1973-1979; discussion 1980, 2012.
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19. Kim JW, Kim DG, Chung HT, Choi SH, Han JH, Park CK, et al.: Radiosurgery for central neurocytoma: long-term outcome and failure pattern. J Neurooncol 115: 505-511, 2013. 20. Kim JW, Kim DG, Kim IK, Kim YH, Choi SH, Han JH, et al.: Central neurocytoma: long-term outcomes of multimodal treatments and management strategies based on 30 years' experience in a single institute. Neurosurgery 72: 407-413; discussion 413-404, 2013. 21. Myung JK, Cho HJ, Park CK, Chung CK, Choi SH, Kim SK, et al.: Clinicopathological and genetic characteristics of extraventricular neurocytomas. Neuropathology 33: 111-121, 2013. 22. Song SW, Kim YH, Park SH, Park CK: 5-aminolevulinic Acid fluorescence discriminates the histological grade of extraventricular neurocytoma. Brain tumor research and treatment 1: 45-49, 2013. 23. Kim CY, Kim DG, Joo JD, Kim YH: Clinical outcome and quality of life after treatment of patients with central neurocytoma. Neurosurgery clinics of North America 26: 83-90, 2015. 24. Kim DG, Park CK: Central neurocytoma: establishment of the disease entity. Neurosurgery clinics of North America 26: 1-4, 2015. 25. Kim DG, Yang I: Central neurocytomas. Preface. Neurosurgery clinics of North America 26: xiii, 2015. 26. Phi JH, Kim DG: Rare pediatric central neurocytomas. Neurosurgery clinics of North America 26: 105-108, 2015. 27. Shin HY, Kim JW, Paek SH, Kim DG: The characteristics of neuronal stem cells of central neurocytoma. Neurosurgery clinics of North America 26: 31-36, 2015. 28. Cho M, Joo JD, Kim BH, Choe G, Kim CY: Hypothalamic Extraventricular Neurocytoma (EVN) in a Pediatric Patient: A Case of EVN Treated with Subtotal Removal Followed by Adjuvant Radiotherapy. Brain tumor research and treatment 4: 35-39, 2016.
Distribution of articles on "Medulloblastoma" by year
Medulloblastoma 1. Rhee HJ, Choi MK, Kim Y, Choi KS, Chu JW, Sim BS: Dense calcification in medulloblastoma: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 1: 180-184, 1972. 2. Cho BK, Wang KC, Kim IH, Lee SI, Sim BS, Choi KS: Medulloblastoma:an analysis of factors influencing on its prognosis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 929-942, 1988. 3. Kim IH, Ha SW, Park CI, Cho BK: Medulloblastoma: radiotherapy result with emphasis on radiation dose and methods of craniospinal treatiment. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol 6: 183-194, 1988. 4. Jang YJ, Hwang SH, Hwang YS, Cho JG, Chi JG: A case of medulloblastoma associated with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 32: 91-95, 1991. 5. Lee JIL, Wang KC, Cho BK: Management of hydrocephalus in the medulloblastoma patients. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 22: 650-658, 1993. 6. Gwak HS, Chung YS, Wang KC, Cho BK, Han DH: Hemorrhage occurred after external ventricular drainage in medulloblastoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 23: 468-473, 1994. 7. Wang KC, Lee JI, Cho BK, Kim IH, Kim JY, Shin HY, et al.: Treatment outcome and prognostic factors of medulloblastoma. J Korean Med Sci 9: 64-73, 1994. 8. Lee JI, Wang KC, Chi JG, Cho BK: Immunohistochemical study of medullolastomas and cerebral primitive neuroectodermal tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 24: 857-863, 1995. 9. Kang HJ, Lee JA, Han HJ, Yoo ES, Choi HS, Shin HY, et al.: A result of treatment of 'Eight Drugs in a Day' in medulloblastoma: comparison between pre- vs post-irradiation chemotherapy. Korean J Pediatr Hematol-Oncol 5: 106-112, 1998. 10. Nam DH, Wang KC, Kim SK, Chi JG, Kim YM, Cho BK: Medulloblastoma: does the isochromosome 17q influence on the long term survival? J Korean Neurosurg Soc 28: 1312-1315, 1999. 11. Jang PS, Yoo KH, Lee DS, Kim CJ, Shin HY, Wang KC, et al.: Survival rates and prognostic factors in childhood medulloblastoma and supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor. Korean J Pediatr Hematol-Oncol 7: 249-255, 2000. 12. Nam DH, Wang KC, Kim YM, Chi JG, Kim SK, Cho BK: The effect of isochromosome 17q presence, proliferative and apoptotic indices, expression of c-erbB-2, bcl-2 and p53 proteins on the prognosis of medulloblastoma. J Korean Med Sci 15: 452-456, 2000. 13. Jung HL, Wang KC, Kim SK, Sung KW, Koo HH, Shin HY, et al.: Loss of heterozygosity analysis of chromosome 17p13.1-13.3 and its correlation with clinical outcome in medulloblastomas. Korean J Pediatr Hematol-Oncol 10: 72-81, 2003. 14. Jung HL, Wang KC, Kim SK, Sung KW, Koo HH, Shin HY, et al.: Loss of heterozygosity analysis of chromosome 17p13.1-13.3 and its correlation with clinical outcome in medulloblastomas. J Neurooncol 67: 41-46, 2004. 15. Yang SY, Wang KC, Cho BK, Kim YY, Lim SY, Park SH, et al.: Radiation-induced cerebellar glioblastoma at the site of a treated medulloblastoma: case report. Journal of neurosurgery 102: 417422, 2005.
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16. Kim SK, Kim SU, Park IH, Bang JH, Aboody KS, Wang KC, et al.: Human neural stem cells target experimental intracranial medulloblastoma and deliver a therapeutic gene leading to tumor regression. Clin Cancer Res 12: 5550-5556, 2006. 17. Kim KM CC, Jahng TA: Spinal seeding of medulloblastoma presenting with quadriplegia due to tumor bleeding. Korean J Spine 4: 165-167, 2007. 18. Kim YH KC: Coexistence of Radiation-induced Meningiomas and Shunt Related Pneumocephalus in a Patient with Successfully Treated Medulloblastoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 41: 403-407, 2007. 19. Phi JH, Kim JH, Eun KM, Wang KC, Park KH, Choi SA, et al.: Upregulation of SOX2, NOTCH1, and ID1 in supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors: a distinct differentiation pattern from that of medulloblastomas. J Neurosurg Pediatr 5: 608-614, 2010. 20. Lim SH, Choi SA, Lee JY, Wang KC, Phi JH, Lee DH, et al.: Therapeutic targeting of subdural medulloblastomas using human neural stem cells expressing carboxylesterase. Cancer gene therapy 18: 817-824, 2011. 21. Phi JH, Lee J, Wang KC, Cho BK, Kim IO, Park CK, et al.: Cerebrospinal fluid M staging for medulloblastoma: reappraisal of Chang's M staging based on the CSF flow. Neuro-oncology 13: 334344, 2011. 22. Kim YH, Cho SH, Lee SJ, Choi SA, Phi JH, Kim SK, et al.: Growth-inhibitory effect of neurotrophin-3secreting adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells on the D283-MED human medulloblastoma cell line. J Neurooncol 106: 89-98, 2012. 23. Northcott PA, Shih DJ, Peacock J, Garzia L, Morrissy AS, Zichner T, et al.: Subgroup-specific structural variation across 1,000 medulloblastoma genomes. Nature 488: 49-56, 2012. 24. Park AK, Lee SJ, Phi JH, Wang KC, Kim DG, Cho BK, et al.: Prognostic classification of pediatric medulloblastoma based on chromosome 17p loss, expression of MYCC and MYCN, and Wnt pathway activation. Neuro-oncology 14: 203-214, 2012. 25. Min HS, Lee JY, Kim SK, Park SH: Genetic grouping of medulloblastomas by representative markers in pathologic diagnosis. Translational oncology 6: 265-272, 2013. 26. Phi JH, Choi SA, Lim SH, Lee J, Wang KC, Park SH, et al.: ID3 contributes to cerebrospinal fluid seeding and poor prognosis in medulloblastoma. BMC Cancer 13: 291, 2013. 27. Remke M, Ramaswamy V, Peacock J, Shih DJ, Koelsche C, Northcott PA, et al.: TERT promoter mutations are highly recurrent in SHH subgroup medulloblastoma. Acta neuropathologica 126: 917-929, 2013. 28. Zhukova N, Ramaswamy V, Remke M, Pfaff E, Shih DJ, Martin DC, et al.: Subgroup-specific prognostic implications of TP53 mutation in medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol 31: 2927-2935, 2013. 29. Shih DJ, Northcott PA, Remke M, Korshunov A, Ramaswamy V, Kool M, et al.: Cytogenetic prognostication within medulloblastoma subgroups. J Clin Oncol 32: 886-896, 2014. 30. Yang SY, Choi SA, Lee JY, Park AK, Wang KC, Phi JH, et al.: miR-192 suppresses leptomeningeal dissemination of medulloblastoma by modulating cell proliferation and anchoring through the regulation of DHFR, integrins, and CD47. Oncotarget 6: 43712-43730, 2015. 31. Choi SA, Kwak PA, Kim SK, Park SH, Lee JY, Wang KC, et al.: In vivo bioluminescence imaging for leptomeningeal dissemination of medulloblastoma in mouse models. BMC Cancer 16: 723, 2016. 32. Morrissy AS, Garzia L, Shih DJ, Zuyderduyn S, Huang X, Skowron P, et al.: Divergent clonal selection dominates medulloblastoma at recurrence. Nature 529: 351-357, 2016. 33. Thompson EM, Hielscher T, Bouffet E, Remke M, Luu B, Gururangan S, et al.: Prognostic value of medulloblastoma extent of resection after accounting for molecular subgroup: a retrospective integrated clinical and molecular analysis. The Lancet Oncology 17: 484-495, 2016.
Embryonal and Pineal tumors 1. Park CS, Han DH, Choi KS, Chu JW: A partial removal of pinealoma. The New Medical Journal 13: 14011406, 1970. 2. Cha HJ, Ko HJ, Choi KS: A case of hutchinson type neuroblastoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 5: 143-150, 1976. 3. Wang KC, Chi JG, Cho BK, Choi KS: Biological behavior of the primitive neuroectodermal tumor. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 29: 293-303, 1988. 4. Lee SN, Joo JE, Suk DS, Kim HD, Kim SH, Sim JH, et al.: Pathologic study of primitive neuroectodermal tumor: report of 5 cases. Korean J Pathol 23: 331-341, 1989. 5. Lee JI, Wang KC, Chi JG, Cho BK: Immunohistochemical study of medullolastomas and cerebral primitive neuroectodermal tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 24: 857-863, 1995. 6. Cho BK, Wang KC, Nam DH, Kim DG, Jung HW, Kim HJ, et al.: Pineal tumors: experience with 48 cases over 10 years. Childs Nerv Syst 14: 53-58, 1998.
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7. Oi S, Matsuzawa K, Choi JU, Kim DS, Kang JK, Cho BK: Identical characteristics of the patient populations with pineal region tumors in Japan and in Korea and therapeutic modalities. Childs Nerv Syst 14: 36-40, 1998. 8. Yang HJ, Nam DH, Wang KC, Kim YM, Chi JG, Cho BK: Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor in children: clinical features, treatment outcome and prognostic factors. Childs Nerv Syst 15: 377-383, 1999. 9. Jang PS, Yoo KH, Lee DS, Kim CJ, Shin HY, Wang KC, et al.: Survival rates and prognostic factors in childhood medulloblastoma and supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor. Korean J Pediatr Hematol-Oncol 7: 249-255, 2000. 10. Chung YN, Wang KC, Shin SH, Kim N, Chi JG, Min KS, et al.: Primary intracranial atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor in a child: a case report. J Korean Med Sci 17: 723-726, 2002. 11. Kim DG, Lee DY, Paek SH, Chi JG, Choe G, Jung HW: Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors in adults. J Neurooncol 60: 43-52, 2002. 12. Hwang SK, Seong WJ, Jeon YK, Chi JG, Lee CH, Jung HW: Olfactory neuroblastoma: clinical features and treatment outcome. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33: 446-453, 2003. 13. Kim JH, Wang KC, Chung YN, Choe GY, Ahn HS, Cho BK: Effect of surgery in pediatric neuroblastoma with spinal involvement. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34: 340-346, 2003. 14. Cho SY, Park CK, Chung HT, Paek SH, Kim DG: Gamma knife surgery for the pineal region tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 40: 342-345, 2006. 15. Kim YH, Kim JW, Park CK, Kim DG, Sohn CH, Chang KH, et al.: Papillary tumor of pineal region presenting with leptomeningeal seeding. Neuropathology 30: 654-660, 2010. 16. Phi JH, Kim JH, Eun KM, Wang KC, Park KH, Choi SA, et al.: Upregulation of SOX2, NOTCH1, and ID1 in supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors: a distinct differentiation pattern from that of medulloblastomas. J Neurosurg Pediatr 5: 608-614, 2010. 17. Lee JY, Kim IK, Phi JH, Wang KC, Cho BK, Park SH, et al.: Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors: the need for more active therapeutic measures in younger patients. J Neurooncol 107: 413-419, 2012. 18. Picard D, Miller S, Hawkins CE, Bouffet E, Rogers HA, Chan TS, et al.: Markers of survival and metastatic potential in childhood CNS primitive neuro-ectodermal brain tumours: an integrative genomic analysis. The Lancet Oncology 13: 838-848, 2012. 19. Spence T, Sin-Chan P, Picard D, Barszczyk M, Hoss K, Lu M, et al.: CNS-PNETs with C19MC amplification and/or LIN28 expression comprise a distinct histogenetic diagnostic and therapeutic entity. Acta neuropathologica 128: 291-303, 2014. 20. Choi SA, Choi JW, Wang KC, Phi JH, Lee JY, Park KD, et al.: Disulfiram modulates stemness and metabolism of brain tumor initiating cells in atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors. Neuro-oncology 17: 810-821, 2015. 21. Dho YS, Kim SK, Cheon JE, Park SH, Wang KC, Lee JY, et al.: Investigation of the location of atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor. Childs Nerv Syst 31: 1305-1311, 2015. 22. Torchia J, Picard D, Lafay-Cousin L, Hawkins CE, Kim SK, Letourneau L, et al.: Molecular subgroups of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours in children: an integrated genomic and clinicopathological analysis. The Lancet Oncology 16: 569-582, 2015. 23. Choi SA, Kim SK, Lee JY, Wang KC, Lee C, Phi JH: LIN28B is highly expressed in atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) and suppressed through the restoration of SMARCB1. Cancer cell international 16: 32, 2016. 24. Torchia J, Golbourn B, Feng S, Ho KC, Sin-Chan P, Vasiljevic A, et al.: Integrated (epi)-Genomic Analyses Identify Subgroup-Specific Therapeutic Targets in CNS Rhabdoid Tumors. Cancer cell 30: 891-908, 2016.
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7. Chung DH, Lee SD, Yang HJ, Han DH, Chi JG: Brain stem glioma (An autopsy case). Korean J Pathol 25: 607-610, 1991. 8. Jung HW, Chung CK, Chi JG, Bang YJ, Heo DS, Ahn YO, et al.: Phase III randomized trial of ACNU in addition to surgery and radiotherapy for patients with malignant glioma of the brain: a preliminary report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 21: 1095-1101, 1992. 9. Jung HW, Ji JG: A three dimensional microorgan culture system for mocrotumor sphroids from human malignant glioma specimens. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 33: 203-211, 1992. 10. Lee SH, Kim JH, Rhee CH, Kang YS, Lee JH, Choi KS: Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 10, 13, 17 and p53 gene mutations in human brain gliomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 22: 537-550, 1993. 11. Shin HJ, Chung CK, Park IS, Chung YS, Jung HW, Han DH: Ultrastructural study on microtumor spheroids from human malignant glioma specimens maintained in organotypic culture. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 22: 382-399, 1993. 12. 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Cho KT, Gwak HS, Jung HW, Paek SH, Chung YS, Kim DG, et al.: Malignant transformation of hemispheric low-grade gliomas: clinical analysis and prognostic factors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 30: 855-860, 2001. 18. Kim SK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Jung HW, Lee YJ, Chung YS, et al.: Biological behavior and tumorigenesis of subependymal giant cell astrocytomas. J Neurooncol 52: 217-225, 2001. 19. Hwang SK, Paek SH, Kim DG, Jeon YK, Chi JG, Jung HW: Olfactory neuroblastomas: survival rate and prognostic factor. J Neurooncol 59: 217-226, 2002. 20. Im SH, Kim JE, Paek SH, Choi YR, Choe GY, Chi JG, et al.: Immunohistochemical study of central neurocytoma, subependymoma and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma located around the foramen of monro. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 31: 517-523, 2002. 21. Kim SK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Chung HT, Kim YY, Lim SY, et al.: Interaction between p53 and p16 expressed by adenoviral vectors in human malignant glioma cell lines. Journal of neurosurgery 97: 143-150, 2002. 22. Seol HJ, Jung HW, Kim DG, Hwang SK, Yang HJ, Kim MK: Gliomatosis cerebri: clinical features and prognostic factors of long-term survival. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 32: 125-130, 2002. 23. Kim SK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Lim SY, Kim YY, Oh CW, et al.: Adenoviral p16/CDKN2 gene transfer to malignant glioma: role of p16 in growth, invasion, and senescence. Oncol Rep 10: 1121-1126, 2003. 24. Kim JE, Paek SH, Chung HT, Kim DG, Jung HW: in vitro biological response of malignant glioma cell lines to gamma knife irradiation. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35: 599-604, 2004. 25. Park KH, Lee J, Yoo CG, Kim YW, Han SK, Shim YS, et al.: Application of p27 gene therapy for human malignant glioma potentiated by using mutant p27. Journal of neurosurgery 101: 505-510, 2004. 26. Cho BK, Jung HL, Ghim TT, Kim IH, Hong YK, Ra YS, et al.: KSPNO protocol for glioma. Korean J Pediatr Hematol-Oncol 12: 244-285, 2005. 27. Hong S, Kim IH, Wang KC: Outcome and prognostic factors of childhood diffuse brainstem glioma. Cancer Res Treat 37: 109-113, 2005. 28. Kim JE, Paek SH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Kim YY, Jung HW: The combined effect of gamma knife irradiation and p53 gene transfection in human malignant glioma cell lines. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 37: 48-53, 2005. 29. Kim S, Chung JK, Im SH, Jeong JM, Lee DS, Kim DG, et al.: 11C-methionine PET as a prognostic marker in patients with glioma: comparison with 18F-FDG PET. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 32: 52-59, 2005. 30. Kim SK, Cargioli TG, Machluf M, Yang W, Sun Y, Al-Hashem R, et al.: PEX-producing human neural stem cells inhibit tumor growth in a mouse glioma model. Clin Cancer Res 11: 5965-5970, 2005. 31. You H, Kim YI, Im SY, Suh-Kim H, Paek SH, Park SH, et al.: Immunohistochemical study of central neurocytoma, subependymoma, and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma. J Neurooncol 74: 1-8, 2005. 32. Ahn Y, Cho BK, Kim SK, Chung YN, Lee CS, Kim IH, et al.: Optic pathway glioma: outcome and prognostic factors in a surgical series. 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34. Kim SH, Jun DC, Park JS, Heo JH, Kim SM, Kim JH, et al.: Primary diffuse leptomeningeal gliomatosis:Report of a case presenting with chronic meningitis. Journal of Clinical Neurology 2: 202205, 2006. 35. Kwon JW, Kim IO, Cheon JE, Kim WS, Moon SG, Kim TJ, et al.: Paediatric brain-stem gliomas: MRI, FDG-PET and histological grading correlation. Pediatric radiology 36: 959-964, 2006. 36. Chung SB PS, Kim JE: Chordoid Glioma of the third ventricle with unusual MRI features. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 42: 224-227, 2007. 37. Ugur HC, Ramakrishna N, Bello L, Menon LG, Kim SK, Black PM, et al.: Continuous intracranial administration of suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) inhibits tumor growth in an orthotopic glioma model. J Neurooncol 83: 267-275, 2007. 38. Choi JW, Lee MM, Kim IA, Kim JH, Choe G, Kim CY: The outcomes of concomitant chemoradiotherapy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy with temozolomide for newly diagnosed high grade gliomas : the preliminary results of single center prospective study. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 44: 222-227, 2008. 39. Hwang JM, Cheon JE, Wang KC: Visual prognosis of optic glioma. Childs Nerv Syst 24: 693-698, 2008. 40. Phi JH, Park SH, Chae JH, Hong KH, Park SS, Kang JH, et al.: Congenital subependymal giant cell astrocytoma: clinical considerations and expression of radial glial cell markers in giant cells. Childs Nerv Syst 24: 1499-1503, 2008. 41. Benny O, Menon LG, Ariel G, Goren E, Kim SK, Stewman C, et al.: Local delivery of poly lactic-coglycolic acid microspheres containing imatinib mesylate inhibits intracranial xenograft glioma growth. Clin Cancer Res 15: 1222-1231, 2009. 42. Kang HC, Kim IH, Eom KY, Kim JH, Jung HW: The Role of Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Supratentorial Low-grade Oligodendrogliomas: Comparative Analysis with Immediate Radiotherapy versus Surgery Alone. Cancer Res Treat 41: 132-137, 2009. 43. Kim YY, Park CK, Kim SK, Phi JH, Kim JH, Kim CY, et al.: CKD-602, a camptothecin derivative, inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in glioma cell lines. Oncol Rep 21: 1413-1419, 2009. 44. Lee DH, Ahn Y, Kim SU, Wang KC, Cho BK, Phi JH, et al.: Targeting rat brainstem glioma using human neural stem cells and human mesenchymal stem cells. Clin Cancer Res 15: 4925-4934, 2009. 45. Menon LG, Kelly K, Yang HW, Kim SK, Black PM, Carroll RS: Human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells expressing S-TRAIL as a cellular delivery vehicle for human glioma therapy. Stem Cells 27: 2320-2330, 2009. 46. Park CK, Lee SH, Han JH, Kim CY, Kim DW, Paek SH, et al.: Recursive partitioning analysis of prognostic factors in WHO grade III glioma patients treated with radiotherapy or radiotherapy plus chemotherapy. BMC Cancer 9: 450, 2009. 47. Phi JH, Kim SK, Cho BK, Lee SY, Park SY, Park SJ, et al.: Long-term surgical outcomes of temporal lobe epilepsy associated with low-grade brain tumors. Cancer 115: 5771-5779, 2009. 48. Yang SH, Kim YH, Kim JW, Park CK, Park SH, Jung HW: Methylation Status of the O6-MethylguanineDeoxyribonucleic Acid Methyltransferase Gene Promoter in World Health Organization Grade III Gliomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 46: 385-388, 2009. 49. Kim CY, Kim SK, Phi JH, Lee MM, Kim IA, Kim IH, et al.: A prospective study of temozolomide plus thalidomide during and after radiation therapy for pediatric diffuse pontine gliomas: preliminary results of the Korean Society for Pediatric Neuro-Oncology study. J Neurooncol 100: 193-198, 2010. 50. Kim JW, Kim JH, Choe G, Kim CY: Chordoid glioma : a case report of unusual location and neuroradiological characteristics. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 48: 62-65, 2010. 51. Kim YH, Oh SW, Lim YJ, Park CK, Lee SH, Kang KW, et al.: Differentiating radiation necrosis from tumor recurrence in high-grade gliomas: assessing the efficacy of 18F-FDG PET, 11C-methionine PET and perfusion MRI. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 112: 758-765, 2010. 52. Phi JH, Park SH, Chae JH, Wang KC, Cho BK, Kim SK: Papillary glioneuronal tumor present in a patient with encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis: case report. Neurosurgery 67: E1165-1169, 2010. 53. Choi SA, Hwang SK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Phi JH, Lee JY, et al.: Therapeutic efficacy and safety of TRAILproducing human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells against experimental brainstem glioma. Neuro-oncology 13: 61-69, 2011. 54. Kang HC, Kim CY, Han JH, Choe GY, Kim JH, Kim JH, et al.: Pseudoprogression in patients with malignant gliomas treated with concurrent temozolomide and radiotherapy: potential role of p53. J Neurooncol 102: 157-162, 2011. 55. Kim YH, Park CK, Cho WH, Kim IA, Moon S, Choe G, et al.: Temozolomide during and after radiation therapy for WHO grade III gliomas: preliminary report of a prospective multicenter study. J Neurooncol 103: 503-512, 2011. 56. Kwak HJ, Kim YJ, Chun KR, Woo YM, Park SJ, Jeong JA, et al.: Downregulation of Spry2 by miR-21 triggers malignancy in human gliomas. Oncogene 30: 2433-2442, 2011. 57. Myung JK, Byeon SJ, Kim B, Suh J, Kim SK, Park CK, et al.: Papillary glioneuronal tumors: a review of clinicopathologic and molecular genetic studies. Am J Surg Pathol 35: 1794-1805, 2011.
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58. Tate MC, Kim CY, Chang EF, Polley MY, Berger MS: Assessment of morbidity following resection of cingulate gyrus gliomas. Clinical article. Journal of neurosurgery 114: 640-647, 2011. 59. Cho KT, Kim DG, Paek SH, Chung HT, Jung HW, Park HW: Concurrent treatment with BCNU and Gamma Knife radiosurgery in the rat malignant glioma model. Journal of neurological surgery Part A, Central European neurosurgery 73: 132-141, 2012. 60. Choi SA, Lee JY, Wang KC, Phi JH, Song SH, Song J, et al.: Human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells: characteristics and therapeutic potential as cellular vehicles for prodrug gene therapy against brainstem gliomas. Eur J Cancer 48: 129-137, 2012. 61. Jung TY, Kim CY, Kim DS, Ra YS, Kim SH, Baek HJ, et al.: Prognosis of pediatric high-grade gliomas with temozolomide treatment: a retrospective, multicenter study. Childs Nerv Syst 28: 1033-1039, 2012. 62. Kim CY, Lee SJ, Kim SK, Park CK, Wang KC, Cho BK: Antitumor activity of CKD-602, a camptothecin derivative, in a mouse glioma model. J Clin Neurosci 19: 301-305, 2012. 63. Kim CY KY: Overcoming treatment resistance in high grade gliomas. Clinical Pediatric HematologyOncology 19: 10, 2012. 64. Kim YH, Kim CY: Current surgical management of insular gliomas. Neurosurgery clinics of North America 23: 199-206, vii, 2012. 65. Lee WJ, Choi SH, Park CK, Yi KS, Kim TM, Lee SH, et al.: Diffusion-weighted MR imaging for the differentiation of true progression from pseudoprogression following concomitant radiotherapy with temozolomide in patients with newly diagnosed high-grade gliomas. Academic radiology 19: 1353-1361, 2012. 66. Myung JK, Cho HJ, Park CK, Kim SK, Phi JH, Park SH: IDH1 mutation of gliomas with long-term survival analysis. Oncol Rep 28: 1639-1644, 2012. 67. Hwang EJ, Cha Y, Lee AL, Yun TJ, Kim TM, Park CK, et al.: Early response evaluation for recurrent high grade gliomas treated with bevacizumab: a volumetric analysis using diffusion-weighted imaging. J Neurooncol 112: 427-435, 2013. 68. Kim H, Choi SH, Kim JH, Ryoo I, Kim SC, Yeom JA, et al.: Gliomas: application of cumulative histogram analysis of normalized cerebral blood volume on 3 T MRI to tumor grading. PLoS One 8: e63462, 2013. 69. Kim YH, Park CK, Kim TM, Choi SH, Kim YJ, Choi BS, et al.: Seizures during the management of highgrade gliomas: clinical relevance to disease progression. J Neurooncol 113: 101-109, 2013. 70. Phi JH, Chung HT, Wang KC, Ryu SK, Kim SK: Transcerebellar biopsy of diffuse pontine gliomas in children: a technical note. Childs Nerv Syst 29: 489-493, 2013. 71. Wen H, Yun T, Xu WJ, Choi SH, Kim H, Park CK, et al.: A highly facile and specific assay for cancercausing isocitrate dehydrogenase mutant using 13C4-labeled alpha-ketoglutarate and heteronuclear NMR. Analytical chemistry 85: 11987-11992, 2013. 72. Yoo RE, Choi SH, Cho HR, Kim TM, Lee SH, Park CK, et al.: Tumor blood flow from arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI: a key parameter in distinguishing high-grade gliomas from primary cerebral lymphomas, and in predicting genetic biomarkers in high-grade gliomas. J Magn Reson Imaging 38: 852-860, 2013. 73. Bae SH, Park MJ, Lee MM, Kim TM, Lee SH, Cho SY, et al.: Toxicity profile of temozolomide in the treatment of 300 malignant glioma patients in Korea. J Korean Med Sci 29: 980-984, 2014. 74. Chang JH, Kim CY, Choi BS, Kim YJ, Kim JS, Kim IA: Pseudoprogression and pseudoresponse in the management of high-grade glioma : optimal decision timing according to the response assessment of the neuro-oncology working group. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 55: 5-11, 2014. 75. Cho HR, Kim DH, Kim D, Doble P, Bishop D, Hare D, et al.: Malignant glioma: MR imaging by using 5aminolevulinic acid in an animal model. Radiology 272: 720-730, 2014. 76. Choi H, Paeng JC, Cheon GJ, Park CK, Choi SH, Min HS, et al.: Correlation of 11C-methionine PET and diffusion-weighted MRI: is there a complementary diagnostic role for gliomas? Nuclear medicine communications 35: 720-726, 2014. 77. Gwak HS, Park MJ, Park IC, Woo SH, Jin HO, Rhee CH, et al.: Tetraarsenic oxide-induced inhibition of malignant glioma cell invasion in vitro via a decrease in matrix metalloproteinase secretion and protein kinase B phosphorylation. Journal of neurosurgery 121: 1483-1491, 2014. 78. Jung SC, Yeom JA, Kim JH, Ryoo I, Kim SC, Shin H, et al.: Glioma: Application of histogram analysis of pharmacokinetic parameters from T1-weighted dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging to tumor grading. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 35: 1103-1110, 2014. 79. Cho HJ, Myung JK, Kim H, Park CK, Kim SK, Chung CK, et al.: Primary diffuse leptomeningeal glioneuronal tumors. Brain tumor pathology 32: 49-55, 2015. 80. Choi H, Bang JI, Cheon GJ, Kim YH, Park CK, Park SH, et al.: (1)(8)F-fluorodeoxyglucose and (1)(1)Cmethionine positron emission tomography in relation to methyl-guanine methyltransferase promoter methylation in high-grade gliomas. Nuclear medicine communications 36: 211-218, 2015. 81. Jung TY, Lee JY, Kim DS, Park HJ, Kim CY, Ra YS, et al.: Pediatric supratentorial high-grade glioma: multicenter retrospective observational study of the Korean Society for Pediatric Neuro-Oncology. J Neurooncol 121: 413-419, 2015.
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82. Kim BS, Kim SK, Choi SH, Lee SH, Seol HJ, Nam DH, et al.: Prognostic implication of progression pattern after anti-VEGF bevacizumab treatment for recurrent malignant gliomas. J Neurooncol 124: 101-110, 2015. 83. Kim JE, Cho HR, Xu WJ, Kim JY, Kim SK, Kim SK, et al.: Mechanism for enhanced 5-aminolevulinic acid fluorescence in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 mutant malignant gliomas. Oncotarget 6: 20266-20277, 2015. 84. Kim SH CS, Yoon TJ, Kim TM, Lee SH, Park CK, Kim JH, Sohn CH, Park SH, Kim IH: Measurement of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values from Diffusion-Weighted MRI: A Comparison of Manual and Semiautomatic Segmentation Methods. Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging 19: 88-98, 2015. 85. Koh J, Cho H, Kim H, Kim SI, Yun S, Park CK, et al.: IDH2 mutation in gliomas including novel mutation. Neuropathology 35: 236-244, 2015. 86. Kwak Y, Kim SI, Park CK, Paek SH, Lee ST, Park SH: C-MET overexpression and amplification in gliomas. International journal of clinical and experimental pathology 8: 14932-14938, 2015. 87. Lee S, Choi SH, Ryoo I, Yoon TJ, Kim TM, Lee SH, et al.: Evaluation of the microenvironmental heterogeneity in high-grade gliomas with IDH1/2 gene mutation using histogram analysis of diffusion-weighted imaging and dynamic-susceptibility contrast perfusion imaging. J Neurooncol 121: 141-150, 2015. 88. Park CK, Park I, Lee S, Sun CH, Koh Y, Park SH, et al.: Genomic dynamics associated with malignant transformation in IDH1 mutated gliomas. Oncotarget 6: 43653-43666, 2015. 89. Park CK, Phi JH, Park SH: Glial tumors with neuronal differentiation. Neurosurgery clinics of North America 26: 117-138, 2015. 90. Ryu J, Yoon NA, Lee YK, Jeong JY, Kang S, Seong H, et al.: Tristetraprolin inhibits the growth of human glioma cells through downregulation of urokinase plasminogen activator/urokinase plasminogen activator receptor mRNAs. Molecules and cells 38: 156-162, 2015. 91. Wen H, Cho HR, Yun T, Kim H, Park CK, Lee SH, et al.: Metabolomic comparison between cells overexpressing isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 mutants and the effects of an inhibitor on the metabolism. J Neurochem 132: 183-193, 2015. 92. Se YB, Kim DG, Kim SK, Kim JW, Kim YH, Park CK, et al.: Gamma Knife Surgery for Recurrent or Residual Supratentorial Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery 94: 273-278, 2016. 93. Won YI, Chung CK, Kim CH, Park CK, Koo BB, Lee JM, et al.: White Matter Change Revealed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Gliomas. Brain tumor research and treatment 4: 100-106, 2016.
Distribution of articles on "Meningioma" by year
Meningioma 1. Chae J, Kim JH, Cho MK, Moon MS, Choi KS, Sim BS: A case of recurrent meningioma with malignant change. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 2: 107-111, 1973. 2. Cho BK, Han DH: A case of intraventricular meningioma acompanied by intraventricular hematoma and subarachnoid hemorrhage: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 7: 187-192, 1978. 3. Hwang SN, Koh YC, Cho BK, Sim BS, Chi JG, Park TD: A case of basilar groove meningioma in a child. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 8: 339-344, 1979. 4. Cho BK, Kim HJ, Choi KS: Surgical approach to the juxtasellar meningioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 10: 269-274, 1981. 5. Koh YC, Kim HJ, Choi KS, Ghi JG: Cystic meningioma in a 7 year old boy: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 10: 295-300, 1981. 6. Ok IS, Koh YC, Kim HJ, Chi JG: Anterior third ventricle meningioma: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 10: 281-286, 1981. 7. Lee SH, Cho BK, Choi KS, Sim BS: Clinical analysis of intracranial meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 12: 39-47, 1983. 8. Wang KC, Chung YS, Han DH, Chi JG: A case of optic sheath meningioma associated with skull hemangioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 12: 301-308, 1983. 9. Han DH, Chung YS, Kim BS, Jung HW, Cho BK, Choi KS, et al.: Microsurgical treatment of suprasellar meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 15: 113-122, 1986. 10. Rhee CH, Lee SH, Wang KC, Jung HW, Chang KH, Han DH, et al.: Preoperatie embolization in meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 15: 717-724, 1986. 11. Kim JH, Shin HJ, Lee SH, Jung HW, Kim HJ, Choi KS: Intradiploic meningioma: a case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 1449-1454, 1988. 12. Park IS, Jung HW, Choi KS: A case of ectopic periorabital meningioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 337-342, 1988. 13. Han JW, Kim JH, Lee SH, Kim HJ, Han DH, Sim BS, et al.: Clinical study of meningioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 18: 687-696, 1989.
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14. Cho BK, Wang KC, Chang KH, Chi JG: Deep sylvian meningioma in a child. Childs Nerv Syst 6: 228-230, 1990. 15. Kim JH, Chung YS, Kim DG, Jung HW, Kim HJ, Choi KS, et al.: Relationship between flow cytometric features and clinical behavior of meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 19: 806-813, 1990. 16. Kim DG, Jung HW, Han DH: Aggressive meningiomas : clinical experiences of 8 cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 20: 167-173, 1991. 17. You H, Kim DG, Lee HK, Han DH: A case of malignant meningioma presented with intracerebral hemorrhage. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 21: 706-710, 1992. 18. Lee JI, Jung HW, Kim BS, Chung YS, Kim IH, Han DH: Role of radiation therapy in treatment of benign meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 23: 204-214, 1994. 19. Lee SW, Son EI, Song DS, Yim MB, Kim IH, Park KK, et al.: Amyloid deposits in supratentorial meningiomas: clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 24: 794799, 1995. 20. Kim DG, Paek SH, Chi JG, Chun YK, Han DH: Mixed tumour of schwannoma and meningioma components in a patient with NF-2. Acta neurochirurgica 139: 1061-1064; discussion 1064-1065, 1997. 21. Kim TH, Cho BK, Jung CK, Kim HJ: Spontaneously regressed pediatric intraventricular meningioma: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 27: 122, 1998. 22. Jung HW, Yoo H, Paek SH, Choi KS: Long-term outcome and growth rate of subtotally resected petroclival meningiomas: experience with 38 cases. Neurosurgery 46: 567-574; discussion 574-565, 2000. 23. Kim DG, Park CK, Paek SH, Choe GY, Gwak HS, Yoo H, et al.: Meningioma manifesting intracerebral haemorrhage: a possible mechanism of haemorrhage. Acta neurochirurgica 142: 165-168, 2000. 24. Lee W, Chang KH, Choe G, Chi JG, Chung CK, Kim IH, et al.: MR imaging features of clear-cell meningioma with diffuse leptomeningeal seeding. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 21: 130-132, 2000. 25. Hwang SK, Gwak HS, Paek SH, Oh CW, Lee SH, Kim DG, et al.: Significance of cerebral venography in surgery of petroclival meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 30: 1200-1209, 2001. 26. Im SH, Wang KC, Kim SK, Oh CW, Kim DG, Hong SK, et al.: Childhood meningioma: unusual location, atypical radiological findings, and favorable treatment outcome. Childs Nerv Syst 17: 656-662, 2001. 27. Lee DK, Kim DG, Choe G, Chi JG, Jung HW: Chordoid meningioma with polyclonal gammopathy. Case report. Journal of neurosurgery 94: 122-126, 2001. 28. Park HJ, Gwak HS, Hwang SK, Kim JE, Lee SH, Jung HW, et al.: Clinical analysis of atypical and malignant meningiomas: a study of 52 cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 30: 1103-1107, 2001. 29. Hwang SK, Gwak HS, Paek SH, Kim DG, Jung HW: The experience of ligation of transverse or sigmoid sinus in surgery of large petroclival meningiomas. J Korean Med Sci 17: 544-548, 2002. 30. Kim CY, Kim YY, Paek SH, Kim DG, Jung HW: Correlation of clinical and biological parameters with peritumoral edema in meningioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 31: 461-468, 2002. 31. Kim NR, Choe G, Shin SH, Wang KC, Cho BK, Choi KS, et al.: Childhood meningiomas associated with meningioangiomatosis: report of five cases and literature review. Neuropathology and applied neurobiology 28: 48-56, 2002. 32. Paek SH, Kim CY, Kim YY, Park IA, Kim MS, Kim DG, et al.: Correlation of clinical and biological parameters with peritumoral edema in meningioma. J Neurooncol 60: 235-245, 2002. 33. Kim JE, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Jung HW: Gamma knife radiosurgery for skull base meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33: 363-369, 2003. 34. Kim SH, Kim DG, Kim CY, Choe G, Chang KH, Jung HW: Microcystic meningioma: the characteristic neuroradiologic findings. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34: 401-406, 2003. 35. Im SH, Chung CK, Cho BK, Kim MK, Chi JG: Sclerosing meningioma: clinicopathological study of four cases. J Neurooncol 68: 169-175, 2004. 36. Kim CH, Kim DG, Paek SH, Chung HT, Choi YL, Chi JG: Delayed bleeding after gamma knife surgery for meningioma. Acta neurochirurgica 146: 741-742, 2004. 37. Cho WS, Im SH, Oh CW: Primary intraosseous meningioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 37: 238-240, 2005. 38. Kim DG, Kim C H, Chung HT, Paek SH, Jeong SS, Han DH, et al.: Gamma knife surgery of superficially located meningioma. Journal of neurosurgery 102 Suppl: 255-258, 2005. 39. Paek SH, Kim SH, Chang KH, Park CK, Kim JE, Kim DG, et al.: Microcystic meningiomas: radiological characteristics of 16 cases. Acta neurochirurgica 147: 965-972, 2005. 40. Han JH, Seo HJ, Kim DG, Jung HW: The natural history and growth rate of meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 39: 198-203, 2006. 41. Han JH, Seol HJ, Kim DG, Jung HW: A case of rhabdoid meningioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 39: 144147, 2006. 42. Paek SH, Kim DG, Park CK, Phi JH, Kim YY, Im SY, et al.: The role of matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinase in microcystic meningiomas. Oncol Rep 16: 49-56, 2006. 43. Park CK, Jung HW, Kim JE, Paek SH, Kim DG: The selection of the optimal therapeutic strategy for petroclival meningiomas. Surg Neurol 66: 160-165; discussion 165-166, 2006.
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44. Park CK, Jung HW, Yang SY, Seol HJ, Paek SH, Kim DG: Surgically treated tuberculum sellae and diaphragm sellae meningiomas: the importance of short-term visual outcome. Neurosurgery 59: 238243; discussion 238-243, 2006. 45. Song SW, Park CK, Paek SH, Kim DG, Jung HW, Chung YS: Postoperative brain swelling after resection of olfactory groove meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 40: 423-427, 2006. 46. Chung SB, Kim CY, Park CK, Kim DG, Jung HW: Falx meningiomas: surgical results and lessons learned from 68 cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 42: 276-280, 2007. 47. Kim JW PC, Han JH, Jung HW: A case of basal ganglia meningioma. J Korean Skull Base Soc 2: 40-43, 2007. 48. Kim YH KC: Coexistence of Radiation-induced Meningiomas and Shunt Related Pneumocephalus in a Patient with Successfully Treated Medulloblastoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 41: 403-407, 2007. 49. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Park CK, Paek SH, Kim CY, et al.: Gamma knife radiosurgery for skull base meningiomas: long-term radiologic and clinical outcome. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 72: 1324-1332, 2008. 50. Lee SJ HJ, Park CK, Kim CY, Paek SH, Kim DG, Jung HW: Treatment of cavernous sinus meningioma: Long-term outcome and lessons learned. J Korean Skull Base Soc 1: 31-37, 2008. 51. Song KS, Park SH, Cho BK, Wang KC, Phi JH, Kim SK: Third ventricular chordoid meningioma in a child. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2: 269-272, 2008. 52. Yang SY, Park CK, Park SH, Kim DG, Chung YS, Jung HW: Atypical and anaplastic meningiomas: prognostic implications of clinicopathological features. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 79: 574-580, 2008. 53. Chung HT, Kim DG, Paek SH, Jung HW: Development of dose-volume relation model for gamma knife surgery of non-skull base intracranial meningiomas. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 74: 1027-1032, 2009. 54. Kim YH, Han DH, Park CK, Lee CH, Kim DG: An endoscopic endonsal transethmoidal approach to olfactory groove meningioma. Central European neurosurgery 72: 205-208, 2011. 55. Kotecha RS, Pascoe EM, Rushing EJ, Rorke-Adams LB, Zwerdling T, Gao X, et al.: Meningiomas in children and adolescents: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. The Lancet Oncology 12: 12291239, 2011. 56. Chae MP, Song SW, Park SH, Park CK: Experience with 5-aminolevulinic Acid in fluorescence-guided resection of a deep sylvian meningioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 52: 558-560, 2012. 57. Kim JW, Kim DG, Paek SH, Chung HT, Myung JK, Park SH, et al.: Radiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomas: histopathological predictors of local tumor control. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery 90: 316-324, 2012. 58. Kim YH, Kim DG, Han JH, Chung HT, Kim IK, Song SW, et al.: Radiosurgery for para-IAC meningiomas: the effect of radiation dose to the cochlea on hearing outcome. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 84: 675680, 2012. 59. Park HJ, Kang HC, Kim IH, Park SH, Kim DG, Park CK, et al.: The role of adjuvant radiotherapy in atypical meningioma. J Neurooncol 115: 241-247, 2013. 60. Sohn S, Chung CK: Conventional Posterior Approach without Far Lateral Approach for Ventral Foramen Magnum Meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 54: 373-378, 2013. 61. Kang H, Kim JW, Se YB, Dho YS, Choi SH, Park SH: Sclerosing Meningioma : Radiological and Clinical Characteristics of 21 Cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 59: 584-589, 2016. 62. Park SC, Lee SH: Penetration and Splitting of Optic Nerve by Tuberculum Sellae Meningioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 59: 525-528, 2016. 63. Shim Y, Lee SH: Failed First Craniotomy and Tumor Removal of Parasagittal Meningioma with Severe Peritumoral Brain Edema. Brain tumor research and treatment 4: 124-127, 2016. 64. Song SW, Son YD, Cho ZH, Paek SH: Experience with 7.0 T MRI in Patients with Supratentorial Meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 59: 405-409, 2016. 65. Yoo RE, Yun TJ, Cho YD, Rhim JH, Kang KM, Choi SH, et al.: Utility of arterial spin labeling perfusion magnetic resonance imaging in prediction of angiographic vascularity of meningiomas. Journal of neurosurgery 125: 536-543, 2016.
Distribution of articles on "Pituitary adenoma" by year
Pituitary adenoma 1. Ko HJ, Cho MK, Chae J, Choi KS, Sim BS: A case of pituitary apoplexy. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 2: 111115, 1973. 2. Kim DG, Jung HW, Han DH: A case of moya-moya disease with pituitary adenoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 8: 501-506, 1979. 3. Park K, Choi KS, Kim HJ, Kim CS: Clinical analysis of functiononing pituitary adenoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 11: 533-542, 1982.
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4. Jung HW, Choi KS: Diagnosis and treatment of pituitary apoplexy. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 16: 737-746, 1987. 5. Jung HW: Neurosurgical treatment of giant pituitary adenoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 525-534, 1988. 6. Lee SH, Lee SH, Jung HW, Kim HJ, Han DH, Sim BS, et al.: Transsphenoidal microsurgery of pituitary adenoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 221-236, 1988. 7. Kim ES, Hong SC, Paek SH, Kim DG, Jung HW, Cho BG, et al.: Cushing's disease: clinical analysis and surgical outcome in 16 cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 21: 14-22, 1992. 8. Kim JS, Jung HW, Kim HJ, Cho BK, Choi KS, Han DH: Daignosis and treatment outcome in ACTHproducing pituitary adenomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 24: 814-819, 1995. 9. Park HS, Chang KH, Han MH, Sim JS, Lee SH, Song JU, et al.: Growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma: clinical and MR imaging findings. J Korean Radiol Soc 35: 441-446, 1996. 10. Lee YY, Kim JS, Mun BS, Shin CS, Kim SY, Cho BY, et al.: The results of transsphenoidal microsurgery for pituitary microadenama in Cushing's disease. Korean J Med 53: 811-816, 1997. 11. Shin CS, Yim CH, Jung HW, Han DH, Park DJ, Kim HJ, et al.: Outcome of surgery and radiotherapy in acromegaly. J Korean Soc Endocrinol 13: 156-166, 1998. 12. Park CK, Hwang SK, Gwak HS, Yoo H, Chung YS, Paek SH, et al.: Treatment outcome and prognostic factors of Cushing's disease in adults. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 29: 1316-1321, 2000. 13. Kim CH, Kim CY, Kim DG, Han DH, Chi JG, Jung HW: Giant pituitary adenoma: long-term outcome after surgical treatment of 61 cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34: 91-95, 2003. 14. Kim SH, Kim DG: Sellar tuberculoma mimicking pituitary adenoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34: 245248, 2003. 15. Paek SH, Downes MB, Bednarz G, Keane WM, Werner-Wasik M, Curran WJ, Jr., et al.: Integration of surgery with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for treatment of nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenomas. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 61: 795-808, 2005. 16. Min HS, Lee SJ, Kim SK, Park SH: Pituitary adenoma with rich folliculo-stellate cells and mucinproducing epithelia arising in a 2-year-old girl. Pathol Int 57: 600-605, 2007. 17. Kim JH, Shin CS, Paek SH, Jung HW, Kim SW, Kim SY: Recurrence of Cushing's disease after primary transsphenoidal surgery in a university hospital in Korea. Endocrine journal 59: 881-888, 2012. 18. Hwang JM, Kim YH, Kim JW, Kim DG, Jung HW, Chung YS: Feasibility of endoscopic endonasal approach for recurrent pituitary adenomas after microscopic trans-sphenoidal approach. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 54: 317-322, 2013. 19. Lee S, Kim SJ, Yu YS, Kim YH, Paek SH, Kim DG, et al.: Prognostic factors for visual recovery after transsphenoidal pituitary adenectomy. British journal of neurosurgery 27: 425-429, 2013. 20. Cho HJ, Kim H, Kwak YJ, Seo JW, Paek SH, Sohn CH, et al.: Clinicopathologic analysis of pituitary adenoma: a single institute experience. J Korean Med Sci 29: 405-410, 2014. 21. Kim JW, Kim DG: Stereotactic radiosurgery for functioning pituitary adenomas. World neurosurgery 82: 58-59, 2014. 22. Kim YH KY, Joo JD, Han JH, Kim CY: Comparison between microscopic and endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenoma. J Korean Skull Base Society 10: 12-17, 2015. 23. Phi JH, Kim YH, Kim JH, Kim DG: Clinical and Anatomic Features of Supraglandular Pituitary Adenomas. World neurosurgery 92: 241-248, 2016.
Distribution of articles on "Craniopharyngiom a" by year
Craniopharyngioma 1. Jung HW, Kwun BD, Choi KS, Chi JG: A giant craniopharyngioma evaluated by computed tomographic scan. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 8: 317-322, 1979. 2. Lee KC, Chu JW, Kim SH, Kim IS, Chi JG: A case of craniopharyngioma with malignant elements, consistent with malignant craniopharyngioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 8: 133-144, 1979. 3. Lee SH, Jung HW, Kim HJ, Sim BS, Chi JG: A third ventricular craniopharyngioma: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 13: 319-323, 1984. 4. Lee SH, Min KS, Wang KC, Jung HW, Kim HJ, Cho BK, et al.: Clinical characteristics and surgical results of craniopharyngiomas in adults and children. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 20: 145-153, 1991. 5. Shin KH, Yun HG, Kim IH, Park CI, Cho BK: Postoperative radiation therapy of craniopharyngioma. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol 11: 59-68, 1993. 6. Kim KJ, Oh CW, Cho BK, Kim JS, Chi JG, Choi KS: Correlation of treatment outcome, histologic type, and PCNA labelling Index in craniopharyngiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25: 315-324, 1996. 7. Paek SH, Oh CW, Chung YS, Yang HJ, Han DH, Cho BK, et al.: The clinical behavior and outcome of operative treatment of craniopharyngiomas: analysis of 102 cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 26: 989994, 1997.
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8. Lee JH, Kim CY, Kim DG, Jung HW: Postoperative ectopic seeding of craniopharyngioma. case illustration. Journal of neurosurgery 90: 796, 1999. 9. Bang JS, Jung HW, Kim DG, Gwak HS, Paek SH, Chung YS, et al.: Long-term results of surgical treatment of craniopharyngioma: experience with 100 adult patients. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 30: 472478, 2001. 10. Kim SK, Wang KC, Chung YS, Sim KB, Cho BK: Risk factors of recurrence after gross total excision in pediatric craniopharyngioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 30: 20-25, 2001. 11. Kim SK, Wang KC, Shin SH, Choe G, Chi JG, Cho BK: Radical excision of pediatric craniopharyngioma: recurrence pattern and prognostic factors. Childs Nerv Syst 17: 531-536; discussion 537, 2001. 12. Lee DK, Jung HW, Kim DG, Paek SH, Gwak HS, Choe G: Postoperative spinal seeding of craniopharyngioma. Case report. Journal of neurosurgery 94: 617-620, 2001. 13. Wang KC, Kim SK, Choe G, Chi JG, Cho BK: Growth patterns of craniopharyngioma in children: role of the diaphragm sellae and its surgical implication. Surg Neurol 57: 25-33, 2002. 14. Im SH, Wang KC, Kim SK, Chung YN, Kim HS, Lee CH, et al.: Transsphenoidal microsurgery for pediatric craniopharyngioma: special considerations regarding indications and method. Pediatric neurosurgery 39: 97-103, 2003. 15. Moon SH, Kim IH, Park SW, Kim I, Hong S, Park CI, et al.: Early adjuvant radiotherapy toward long-term survival and better quality of life for craniopharyngiomas--a study in single institute. Childs Nerv Syst 21: 799-807, 2005. 16. Wang KC, Hong SH, Kim SK, Cho BK: Origin of craniopharyngiomas: implication on the growth pattern. Childs Nerv Syst 21: 628-634, 2005. 17. Cho WS, Kim SK, Wang KC, Phi JH, Cho BK: Vasculopathy after intracystic bleomycin administration for a recurrent cystic craniopharyngioma: case report. J Neurosurg Pediatr 9: 394-399, 2012. 18. Kim YH, Kim CY, Kim JW, Kim YH, Han JH, Park CK, et al.: Longitudinal analysis of visual outcomes after surgical treatment of adult craniopharyngiomas. Neurosurgery 71: 715-721, 2012. 19. Park SW, Jung HW, Lee YA, Shin CH, Yang SW, Cheon JE, et al.: Tumor origin and growth pattern at diagnosis and surgical hypothalamic damage predict obesity in pediatric craniopharyngioma. J Neurooncol 113: 417-424, 2013. 20. Kim SK, Kim YH, Park CK, Kim DG, Jung HW: Extended endoscopic endonasal approach for recurrent or residual adult craniopharyngiomas. Acta neurochirurgica 156: 1917-1922, 2014. â&#x20AC;˘
Sellar tumor, NOS 1. Sim BS, Song DW: Pituitary disease. Hangook Euiyak 2: 49-53, 1959. 2. Jung HW, Sim BS: Computed tomographic findings in juxtasellar tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 7: 325-340, 1978. 3. Hwang SN: Experimental study of pituitary prolactin cells on the effect of chlorpromazine and bromocroptine administration in rats. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 23: 310-322, 1982. 4. Chung CK, Wang KC, Lee SH, Kim DG, Jung HW, Kim JH, et al.: Diagnosed and treatment of sphenoid sinus mucoceles with intracranial extension. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 15: 699-708, 1986. 5. Chang KH, Han MH, Cho BK, Han DH, Choi KS, Han MC, et al.: High field (2.0T) MRI in sellar and juxtasellar lesions. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 28: 353-367, 1987. 6. Cho BK, Wang KC, Yang SW, Chi JG, Kim IO, Choi KS: Histiocytosis X with involvement of pituitary stalk: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 18: 1098-1102, 1989. 7. Yang SW, Moon HR, Cho BK: Pituitary function on patients with sellar and suprasellar tumor. J Korean Pediatr Soc 33: 491-498, 1990. 8. Ahn Y, Shin SH, Wang KC, Chi JG, Cho BK: Langerhans cell histiocytosis at pituitary stalk presenting as a solitary lesion. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 36: 193-197, 1995. 9. Seo IS, Kim OJ, Hwang SI: Establishment of transsphenoidal approach in skull base surgery: A historical analysis. Korean J Med Hist 11: 65-84, 2002. 10. Rhee JJ, Kim JH, Kim CJ, Lee JK, Jung HW: Radiological characteristics in Rathke's cleft cyst. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34: 140-145, 2003. 11. Kim JE, Kim JH, Kim OL, Paek SH, Kim DG, Chi JG, et al.: Surgical treatment of symptomatic Rathke cleft cysts: clinical features and results with special attention to recurrence. Journal of neurosurgery 100: 33-40, 2004. 12. Shin JM, Lee CH, Kim YH, Paek SH, Won TB: Feasibility of the nasoseptal flap for reconstruction of large anterior skull base defects in Asians. Acta oto-laryngologica 132 Suppl 1: S69-76, 2012. 13. Cho HJ, Kyung Myung J, Kim YH, Choi SH, Park SH: Benign lymphoepithelial tumor of the pituitary. Neuropathology 33: 413-417, 2013. 14. Hwang JM, Kim YH, Kim TM, Park SH: Differential diagnosis and management of a pituitary mass with renal cell carcinoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 54: 132-135, 2013.
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15. Park KH, Gwak HS, Hong EK, Lee SH: Inflamed symptomatic sellar arachnoid cyst: case report. Brain tumor research and treatment 1: 28-31, 2013. 16. Kim CW, Hwang K, Joo JD, Kim YH, Han JH, Kim CY: Spontaneous Involution of Rathke's Cleft Cysts without Visual Symptoms. Brain tumor research and treatment 4: 58-62, 2016.
Distribution of articles on "Schwannoma" by year
Schwannoma 1. Kim JH, Ko HJ, Choi US, Chae J, Choi KS, Sim BS: Familial bilateral acoustic neuroma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 4: 129-132, 1975. 2. Chung YS, Chi JG, Jung HW, Han DH: Neurinomas of the trigeminal nerve: report of 4 cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 13: 151-166, 1984. 3. Kim CJ, Jung HW, Lee SH, Cho BK, Sim BS, Chi JG: Dumbbell glossopharyngeal schwannoma at jugular foramen with intrapetrosal extension. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 13: 167-174, 1984. 4. Chung YS, Choi KS: Experience in the surgery of acoustic neurinoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 14: 131138, 1985. 5. Kim YG, Lee SH, Kim DG, Cho BK, Chi JG, Choi KS, et al.: Malignant schwannoma in the cerebellopontine angle. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 19: 704-709, 1990. 6. Lee JI, Jung HW, Chung YS, Kim DG, Kim HJ, Choi KS, et al.: Surgical treatment of the trigeminal neurinomas: observations and results of 16 consecutive cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 20: 621-631, 1991. 7. Han DH, Kim DG, Chi JG, Park SH, Jung HW, Kim YG: Malignant triton tumor of the acoustic report. Journal of neurosurgery 76: 874-877, 1992. 8. Jung HW, Lee JI, Kim JS, Oh CW, Chung YS, Jang SO, et al.: The translabyrinthine approach for removal of the acoustic neurinomas: comparison with the suboccipital approach. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 23: 1129-1136, 1994. 9. Oh CW, Kim HJ, Kim DG, Han DH: Surgical treatment of facial nerve injury following removal of acoustic neurinoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 23: 434-441, 1994. 10. Kim DG, Paek SH, Chi JG, Chun YK, Han DH: Mixed tumour of schwannoma and meningioma components in a patient with NF-2. Acta neurochirurgica 139: 1061-1064; discussion 1064-1065, 1997. 11. Park HS, Han MH, Chang KH, Yoo IK, Kim SS, Lee KW, et al.: MR findings of trigeminal neurinoma. J Korean Radiol Soc 37: 201-206, 1997. 12. Yang HJ, Jung HW, Kim TH, Yu H, Lee SH, Chung YS, et al.: Jugular foramen schwannomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 26: 1705-1713, 1997. 13. Kim CS, Chang SO, Jung HW, Oh SH, Yu WS, Jeon SJ: Peservation of facial nerve function after acoustic neuroma surgery. Korean J Otolaryngol - Head Neck Surg 42: 29-33, 1999. 14. Lee DY, Lee SH, Yoo H, Jung HW, Han DH, Cho BK: Hypoglossal neurinoma without preoperative hypoglossal nerve palsy - report of 2 cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 28: 1800-1804, 1999. 15. Yoo H, Jung HW, Yang HJ: jugular foramen schwannomas:surgical approaches and outcome of treatment. Skull base surgery 9: 243-252, 1999. 16. Chung YS, Gwak HS, Jung HW, Paek SH, Kim DG, Choi KS: A cranio-orbital-zygomatic approach to dumbbell-shaped trigeminal neurinomas using the petrous window. Skull Base 11: 157-164, 2001. 17. Hwang SK, Kim DG, Kim MK, Chi JG, Chung YS, Lee SH, et al.: Aggressive vestibular schwannomas showing rapid growth after surgical resection; clinicopathological analysis of 15 cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 31: 524-532, 2002. 18. Hwang SK, Kim DG, Paek SH, Kim CY, Kim MK, Chi JG, et al.: Aggressive vestibular schwannomas with postoperative rapid growth: clinicopathological analysis of 15 cases. Neurosurgery 51: 1381-1390; discussion 1390-1381, 2002. 19. Kang JH, Hwang SK, Gwak HS, Kim DG, Jung HW: Presigmoid transpetrosal approach for recurrent acoustic neurinomas: indications and surgical results. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 31: 419-423, 2002. 20. Gwak HS, Hwang SK, Paek SH, Kim DG, Jung HW: Long-term outcome of trigeminal neurinomas with modified classification focusing on petrous erosion. Surg Neurol 60: 39-48; discussion 48, 2003. 21. Kim CY, Chung HT, Lee SH, Kim DG, Jung HW: Quality of life in patients with vestibular schwannoma after treatment: short form-36 based study. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33: 535-539, 2003. 22. Kim CH, Seol HJ, Kim CH, Kim DG, Jung HW: Recurrence and facial nerve function in relation to the extent of resection of vestibular schwannoma surgery. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 36: 201-205, 2004. 23. Paek SH, Chung HT, Jeong SS, Park CK, Kim CY, Kim JE, et al.: Hearing preservation after gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery of vestibular schwannoma. Cancer 104: 580-590, 2005. 24. Seol HJ, Jung HW, Park SH, Hwang SK, Kim DG, Paek SH, et al.: Aggressive vestibular schwannomas showing postoperative rapid growth - their association with decreased p27 expression. J Neurooncol 75: 203-207, 2005.
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25. Cho JH, Paek SH, Chung HT, Jeong SS, Jung HW, Kim DG: Hearing Outcome after Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Vestibular Schwannoma Patients with Serviceable Hearing. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 40: 336-341, 2006. 26. Kim WH, Park CK, Kim DG, Jung HW: Management of recurrent vestibular schwannomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 39: 87-91, 2006. 27. Park CK, Jung HW, Kim JE, Son YJ, Paek SH, Kim DG: Therapeutic strategy for large vestibular schwannomas. J Neurooncol 77: 167-171, 2006. 28. Park CK, Kim DC, Park SH, Kim JE, Paek SH, Kim DG, et al.: Microhemorrhage, a possible mechanism for cyst formation in vestibular schwannomas. Journal of neurosurgery 105: 576-580, 2006. 29. Seol HJ, Kim CH, Park CK, Kim CH, Kim DG, Chung YS, et al.: Optimal extent of resection in vestibular schwannoma surgery: relationship to recurrence and facial nerve preservation. Neurologia medicochirurgica 46: 176-180; discussion 180-171, 2006. 30. Kim KM, Park CK, Chung HT, Paek SH, Jung HW, Kim DG: Long-term Outcomes of Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Vestibular Schwannomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 42: 286-292, 2007. 31. Kim KM, Park CK, Park SH, Paek SH, Kim DG, Jung HW: Malignant Triton tumour mistaken for pituitary adenoma. Acta neurochirurgica 149: 1265-1267; discussion 1267, 2007. 32. Phi JH, Paek SH, Chung HT, Jeong SS, Park CK, Jung HW, et al.: Gamma Knife surgery and trigeminal schwannoma: is it possible to preserve cranial nerve function? Journal of neurosurgery 107: 727-732, 2007. 33. Yang SY, Kim DG, Chung HT, Park SH, Paek SH, Jung HW: Evaluation of tumour response after gamma knife radiosurgery for residual vestibular schwannomas based on MRI morphological features. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 79: 431-436, 2008. 34. Andrews DW, Werner-Wasik M, Den RB, Paek SH, Downes-Phillips B, Willcox TO, et al.: Toward dose optimization for fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for acoustic neuromas: comparison of two dose cohorts. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 74: 419-426, 2009. 35. Phi JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Lee J, Paek SH, Jung HW: Radiosurgical treatment of vestibular schwannomas in patients with neurofibromatosis type 2: tumor control and hearing preservation. Cancer 115: 390-398, 2009. 36. Sakamoto GT, Borchers DJ, 3rd, Xiao F, Yang HJ, Chang SD, Adler JR, Jr.: Cyberknife radiosurgery for trigeminal schwannomas. Neurosurgery 64: A14-18, 2009. 37. Kim JW, Kim DG, Paek SH, Chung HT, Kim YH, Han JH, et al.: Efficacy of corticosteroids in hearing preservation after radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: a prospective study. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery 89: 25-33, 2011. 38. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Park CK, Kim CY, et al.: The risk factors of symptomatic communicating hydrocephalus after stereotactic radiosurgery for unilateral vestibular schwannoma: the implication of brain atrophy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 84: 937-942, 2012. 39. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Park CK, Kim CY, et al.: Hearing preservation in patients with unilateral vestibular schwannoma who undergo stereotactic radiosurgery: Reinterpretation of the auditory brainstem response. Cancer 118: 5441-5447, 2012. 40. Kim SK KY, Kim DG, Jung HW: An endoscopic endonasal approach for recurred trigeminal schwannoma. J Korean Skull Base Soc 8: 7, 2013. 41. Kim YH, Kim DG, Han JH, Chung HT, Kim IK, Song SW, et al.: Hearing outcomes after stereotactic radiosurgery for unilateral intracanalicular vestibular schwannomas: implication of transient volume expansion. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 85: 61-67, 2013. 42. Lee S, Park SH, Chung CK: Supratentorial intracerebral schwannoma : its fate and proper management. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 54: 340-343, 2013. 43. Choi JW, Lee JY, Phi JH, Wang KC, Chung HT, Paek SH, et al.: Clinical course of vestibular schwannoma in pediatric neurofibromatosis Type 2. J Neurosurg Pediatr 13: 650-657, 2014. 44. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Jung HW: Hearing Outcomes After Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannomas : Mechanism of Hearing Loss and How to Preserve Hearing. Advances and technical standards in neurosurgery: 3-36, 2016.
Distribution of articles on "Germ cell tumor" by year
Germ cell tumor 1. Choi KS: A case of teratoma in posterior fossa. Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 9: 301-303, 1967. 2. Ko HJ, Shin DW, Han DH: A case of suprasellar germinoma extended to frontal lobe. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 5: 225-230, 1976. 3. Lee SH, Lee YJ, Han DH, Chi JG: A case of pineal germinoma with drop metastasis to cauda equina. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 9: 629-640, 1980. 4. Wang KC, Koh YC, Kim HJ, Sim BS, Chi JG: A case of suprasellar germinoma with intrasellar extension and brain stem involvement. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 10: 323-328, 1981.
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5. Lee SH, Kim HJ, Sim BS, Chi JG: A case of mixed germ cell tumor at right frontal aea (embryonal carcinoma with germinoma). J Korean Neurosurg Soc 12: 673-681, 1983. 6. Yun HJ, Min KH, Kum DI, Kim Y, Chi JG: A case of pineal germinoma with drop metastasis to cauda equina. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 12: 495-500, 1983. 7. Kim HY, Kim CJ, Chi JG, Han DH: A case of mixed germ cell tumor arising from left basal ganglia. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 14: 237-246, 1985. 8. Kim YG, Jung HW, Kim HJ, Cho BK, Han DH, Choi KS, et al.: Clinical study on intracranial extrapineal germ cell tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 14: 609-616, 1985. 9. Kang HJ, Lee JA, Han HJ, Choi HS, Park HJ, Sung KW, et al.: A result of treatment of malignant germ cell tumors in childhood. J Korean Pediatr Soc 40: 1707-1718, 1997. 10. Choe WJ, Cho BK, Kim IO, Shin HY, Wang KC: Extrapontine myelinolysis caused by electrolyte imbalance during the management of suprasellar germ cell tumors. Report of two cases. Childs Nerv Syst 14: 155-158, 1998. 11. Nam DH, Cho BK, Shin HJ, Ahn HS, Kim IH, Wang KC: Treatment of intracranial nongerminomatous malignant germ cell tumor in children: the role of each treatment modality. Childs Nerv Syst 15: 185191, 1999. 12. Nam DH, Wang KC, Shin CH, Yang SW, Cho BK: A simple method of predicting hormonal outcome in children with intracranial germinoma. Childs Nerv Syst 15: 179-184, 1999. 13. Kim SK, Cho BK, Paek SH, Hong SJ, Kim HS, Hong SY, et al.: The detection of p53 gene mutation using a microdissection technique in primary intracranial germ cell tumors. Int J Oncol 18: 111-116, 2001. 14. Kim CH, Paek SH, Park IA, Chi JG, Kim DG: Cerebral germinoma with hemiatrophy of the brain: report of three cases. Acta neurochirurgica 144: 145-150; discussion 150, 2002. 15. Im SH, Wang KC, Kim SK, Lee YH, Chi JG, Cho BK: Congenital intracranial teratoma: prenatal diagnosis and postnatal successful resection. Medical and pediatric oncology 40: 57-61, 2003. 16. Phi JH, Kim SK, Park SH, Hong SH, Wang KC, Cho BK: Immature teratomas of the central nervous system: is adjuvant therapy mandatory? Journal of neurosurgery 103: 524-530, 2005. 17. Phi JH, Park SH, Paek SH, Kim SK, Lee YJ, Park CK, et al.: Expression of Sox2 in mature and immature teratomas of central nervous system. Mod Pathol 20: 742-748, 2007. 18. Eom KY, Kim IH, Park CI, Kim HJ, Kim JH, Kim K, et al.: Upfront chemotherapy and involved-field radiotherapy results in more relapses than extended radiotherapy for intracranial germinomas: modification in radiotherapy volume might be needed. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 71: 667-671, 2008. 19. Kim JW, Park SH, Park SS, Wang KC, Cho BK, Kim SY, et al.: Fetus-in-fetu in the cranium of a 4-monthold boy: histopathology and short tandem repeat polymorphism-based genotyping. Case report. J Neurosurg Pediatr 1: 410-414, 2008. 20. Koh EJ, Phi JH, Park SH, Kim IO, Cheon JE, Wang KC, et al.: Mixed germ cell tumor of the midbrain. Case Report. J Neurosurg Pediatr 4: 137-142, 2009. 21. Phi JH, Cho BK, Kim SK, Paeng JC, Kim IO, Kim IH, et al.: Germinomas in the basal ganglia: magnetic resonance imaging classification and the prognosis. J Neurooncol 99: 227-236, 2010. 22. Phi JH KS, Cho BK, Wang KC: The role of delayed surgery in intracranial germ cell tumors. Korean J of Pediatr Neurosurg 7: 5, 2010. 23. Kim CY, Choi JW, Lee JY, Kim SK, Wang KC, Park SH, et al.: Intracranial growing teratoma syndrome: clinical characteristics and treatment strategy. J Neurooncol 101: 109-115, 2011. 24. Park DeWitt J, Kim YH, Han JH, Lee SH, Kim IH, Choe G, et al.: Primary intracranial germ cell tumor originating from septum pellucidum that mimics central neurocytoma. J Clin Oncol 30: e274-277, 2012. 25. Choi HS, Han JH, Bang JS, Kim IA, Kim CY: A suprasellar cystic germ cell tumor initially diagnosed as an arachnoid cyst. Brain tumor research and treatment 1: 50-53, 2013. 26. Phi JH, Kim SK, Lee J, Park CK, Kim IH, Ahn HS, et al.: The enigma of bifocal germ cell tumors in the suprasellar and pineal regions: synchronous lesions or metastasis? J Neurosurg Pediatr 11: 107-114, 2013. 27. Phi JH, Kim SK, Lee YA, Shin CH, Cheon JE, Kim IO, et al.: Latency of intracranial germ cell tumors and diagnosis delay. Childs Nerv Syst 29: 1871-1881, 2013. 28. Jeong YB, Wang KC, Phi JH, Lee JY, Cheon JE, Kang HJ, et al.: A Case of Nongerminomatous Germ Cell Tumor with Fulminant Course Concomitant Leptomeningeal Metastasis. Brain tumor research and treatment 4: 21-25, 2016.
Mesenchymal tumor 1. Ko HJ, Kim HJ, Cho BK, Kim GK, Chae J, Choi KS, et al.: A case of parasellar myxochondrosarcoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 3: 123-128, 1974. 2. Lee YJ, Kim DG, Sim BS, Chi JG: A case of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma with intracranial extension occurred in female. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 9: 197-204, 1980.
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3. Paik JH, Song SH, Chung IH, Kim Y, Cho SO, Chi JG: A case of primary rhabdomyosarcoma of the frontotemporal bone. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 9: 251-256, 1980. 4. Cho BK, Lee SH, Sim BS, Chi JG: Clival chordoma in childhood : a case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 12: 481-487, 1983. 5. Chung BS, Lee KS, Doh JO, Lee KC: Maffucci's syndrome complicated by an intracranial chondroma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 12: 703-708, 1983. 6. Kim DH, Lee HK, Cho BK, Choi KS, Chi JG: A case of intracanial multiple reticulum cell sarcoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 12: 109-114, 1983. 7. Lee SH, Wang KC, Cho BK, Sim BS, Chi JG: Intrauterine depressed skull fracture of the newborn associated with skull capillary hemangioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 12: 115-120, 1983. 8. Kim TD, Song SH, Kim Y, Park SH, Chi JG: Occipital chondroid chordoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 18: 951-955, 1989. 9. Han JW, Han DH: Posterior fossa hemangioblastoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 20: 997-1005, 1991. 10. Cho BK, Chi JG, Wang KC, Chang KH, Choi KS: Intracranial mesenchymal chondrosarcoma: a case report and literature review. Childs Nerv Syst 9: 295-299, 1993. 11. Hwang SK, Oh CW, Kim HJ, Choi KS, Han DH: 2 cases of multifocal and recurrent hemangioblastomas with Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25: 1708-1712, 1996. 12. Kim JE, Oh CW, Choi KS, Han DH: Pontine hemangioblastoma presenting with pontine hemorrhage: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25: 2071-2075, 1996. 13. Wang KC, Kim CJ, Cho BK, Kim IO, Lee HJ, Chi JG: Cerebral leiomyoma in a child. J Korean Med Sci 12: 378-382, 1997. 14. Kim JH, Kim JS, Kim CJ, Hwang SK, Jung HW, Kwun BD: Recurrence and extraneural metastasis in 31 meningeal hemangiopericytomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 30: 349-357, 2001. 15. Lee JH, Hwang SK, Gwak HS, Kim DG, Paek SH, Kim HJ, et al.: Meningeal hemangiopericytomasďź&#x161; clinical features, treatment and long-term outcome. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 30: 876-882, 2001. 16. Im SH, Kim DG, Park IA, Chi JG: Primary intracranial myxoid chondrosarcoma: report of a case and review of the literature. J Korean Med Sci 18: 301-307, 2003. 17. Kim JH, Jung HW, Kim YS, Kim CJ, Hwang SK, Paek SH, et al.: Meningeal hemangiopericytomas: longterm outcome and biological behavior. Surg Neurol 59: 47-53; discussion 53-44, 2003. 18. Jeon YK, Chang KH, Suh YL, Jung HW, Park SH: Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the central nervous system: clinicopathologic analysis of 10 cases. Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology 64: 254-259, 2005. 19. Park CK, Kim DG, Paek SH, Chung HT, Jung HW: Recurrent juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma treated with gamma knife surgery. J Korean Med Sci 21: 773-777, 2006. 20. Cho WS, Kim SK, Park SH, Cho BK: Intracranial kaposiform hemangioendothelioma: proposal of a new malignant variant. J Neurosurg Pediatr 3: 147-150, 2009. 21. Cho SH, Rhim SC, Hyun SJ, Bae CW, Khang SK: Intradural involvement of multicentric myxoid liposarcoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 48: 276-280, 2010. 22. Kim JW, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Kim YH, Han JH, et al.: Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery for intracranial hemangiopericytomas. J Neurooncol 99: 115-122, 2010. 23. Lee JY, Kim BS, Phi JH, Kang HJ, Park SH, Wang KC, et al.: Primary meningeal rhabdomyosarcoma associated with chronic subdural effusion: case report. J Neurosurg Pediatr 5: 167-171, 2010. 24. Choi HY, Kim YH, Kim JH, Kim IA, Choe G, Kim CY: Ewing's Sarcoma/Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor in the Cerebellopontine Angle : Diagnosis and Treatment. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 49: 359-362, 2011. 25. Park CK: Hemangioblastoma. Journal of neurosurgery 114: 886; author reply 886-887, 2011. 26. Kim SK, Kim YH, Park CK, Kim MA, Park SH: Intracranial intradural chordoma presenting with intraventricular hemorrhage. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 114: 1189-1192, 2012. 27. Ahn SH, Lee JY, Wang KC, Park SH, Cheon JE, Phi JH, et al.: Primary alveolar soft part sarcoma arising from the cerebellopontine angle. Childs Nerv Syst 30: 345-350, 2014. 28. Kim H, Joo JD, Kim YH, Kim CY: Development of a small solid cerebellar haemangioblastoma into a large pseudocyst with a mural nodule in a patient without VHL; the importance of regular follow-up. BMJ case reports 2014, 2014. 29. Shankar GM, Taylor-Weiner A, Lelic N, Jones RT, Kim JC, Francis JM, et al.: Sporadic hemangioblastomas are characterized by cryptic VHL inactivation. Acta neuropathologica communications 2: 167, 2014. 30. Han N, Kim H, Min SK, Paek SH, Park CK, Choi SH, et al.: Meningeal Solitary Fibrous Tumors with Delayed Extracranial Metastasis. Journal of pathology and translational medicine 50: 113-121, 2016.
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Lymphoma and Hematologic malignancy 1. Cha MH, Hwang SN, Kim BJ, Chi JG: A case of malignant lymphoma of the cerebellum. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 10: 619-624, 1981. 2. Jung HW, Wang KC, Kim HY, Lee SH, Han DH, Chi JG, et al.: Primary malignant lymphoma of the brain. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 16: 607-620, 1987. 3. Han MH, Chang KH, Kim IO, Kim DK, Han MC: Non-Hdgkin lymphoma of the central skull base: MR manifestations. J Comput Assist Tomogr 17: 567-571, 1993. 4. Nam DH, Lee SH, Kim DG, Jung HW, Chi JG, Wang KC, et al.: Primary central nervous system lymphoma:treatment and survival rate. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 22: 371-381, 1993. 5. Kim DG, Nam DH, Jung HW, Choi KS, Han DH: Primary central nervous system lymphoma: variety of clinical manifestations and survival. Acta neurochirurgica 138: 280-289, 1996. 6. Bang SM, Lee WS, Kim IH, Heo DS, Bang YJ, Han DH, et al.: A case of solitary bone plasmacytoma of the middle cranial fossa. J Korean Cancer Assoc 29: 182-182, 1997. 7. Lee MJ, Choung HK, Khwarg SI, Yang HJ: Multiple myeloma presented with unilateral ptosis: a case report. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 46: 1073-1078, 2005. 8. Huh W, Han JH, Park CK, Park SH: Primary CNS lymphoma presenting with acute blindness and encephalocele. J Clin Oncol 26: 678-679, 2008. 9. Yoon SH, Paek SH, Park SH, Kim DG, Jung HW: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the cranial vault with retrobulbar metastasis mimicking a subacute subdural hematoma: case report. Journal of neurosurgery 108: 1018-1020, 2008. 10. Myung J, Kim B, Yoon BW, Lee SK, Sung JJ, Chung CK, et al.: B-cell dominant lymphocytic primary angiitis of the central nervous system: four biopsy-proven cases. Neuropathology 30: 123-130, 2010. 11. Kim BH, Kim IH, Park SH, Park CK, Jung HW, Kim TM, et al.: Low-dose whole brain radiotherapy with tumor bed boost after methotrexate-based chemotherapy for primary central nervous system lymphoma. Cancer Res Treat 46: 261-269, 2014. 12. Ju HY, Hong CR, Kim SJ, Lee JW, Kim H, Kang HJ, et al.: Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis diagnosed by brain biopsy. Korean journal of pediatrics 58: 358-361, 2015. 13. Kim SI, Kim SH, Cho HJ, Kim H, Chung CK, Choi SH, et al.: Mass-forming primary angiitis of central nervous system with Rosai-Dorfmann disease-like massive histiocytosis with emperipolesis. Pathol Int 65: 420-425, 2015.
Metastatic tumor 1. Kim Y, Soh HC, Choi KS, Chu JW, Sim BS: Cerebral metastasis of choriocarcinoma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 1: 190-195, 1972. 2. Han DH: Clinical study on the metastatic brain tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 6: 351-356, 1977. 3. Hwang SN, Han DH, Chi JG: A case of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 7: 115120, 1978. 4. Kim DG, Lee SY, Chung SK, Park SK, Chun YK, Chi JG: Brain metastasis from myxofibrosarcoma of the heart. Acta neurochirurgica 139: 88-89, 1997. 5. Kim DG, Kim CY, Paek SH, Lee DS, Chung JK, Jung HW, et al.: Whole-body [18F]FDG PET in the management of metastatic brain tumours. Acta neurochirurgica 140: 665-673; discussion 673-664, 1998. 6. Kim DG, Chung HT, Gwak HS, Paek SH, Jung HW, Han DH: Gamma knife radiosurgery for brain metastases: prognostic factors for survival and local control. Journal of neurosurgery 93 Suppl 3: 23-29, 2000. 7. Park CK, Kim DG, Gwak HS, Chung HT, Pack SH: Intracerebral hemorrhage after gamma knife surgery for metaststic brain tumor, case report. . Journal of Radiosurgery 3: 17-20, 2000. 8. Jeong HJ, Chung JK, Kim YK, Kim CY, Kim DG, Jeong JM, et al.: Usefulness of whole-body (18)F-FDG PET in patients with suspected metastatic brain tumors. J Nucl Med 43: 1432-1437, 2002. 9. Cho KT, Kim DG: Stereotatic radiosurgery for brain metastases: prognostic factors for survival and local control. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33: 333-338, 2003. 10. Kim HJ, Hong S, Kim S, Kim JH, Chie EK, Kim IH, et al.: Efficacy of whole brain radiotherapy combined with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in metastatic brain tumors, and prognostic factors. Radiation medicine 21: 155-160, 2003. 11. Paek SH, Audu PB, Sperling MR, Cho J, Andrews DW: Reevaluation of surgery for the treatment of brain metastases: review of 208 patients with single or multiple brain metastases treated at one institution with modern neurosurgical techniques. Neurosurgery 56: 1021-1034; discussion 1021-1034, 2005. 12. Kim WH, Park CK, Kim DG, Jung HW: Brain metastasis from dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 39: 148-151, 2006.
Distribution of articles on "Metastatic tumor" by year
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13. Kim JW HJ, Park CK, Chung HT, Paek SH, Kim DG: Gamma knife surgery for brain metastasis from renal cell carcinoma: relationship between radiological characteristics and initial tumor response. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 42: 92-96, 2007. 14. Lee SJ HW, Kim CY: Cortical vein thrombosis mimicking hemorrhagic brain metastasis in a patient using tamoxifen: Case report. J Korean Brain Tumor Soc 7: 196-199, 2008. 15. Yang SY, Kim DG, Lee SH, Chung HT, Paek SH, Hyun Kim J, et al.: Pulmonary resection in patients with nonsmall-cell lung cancer treated with gamma-knife radiosurgery for synchronous brain metastases. Cancer 112: 1780-1786, 2008. 16. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Kim CY, Park CK, Chung YS, et al.: Radiosurgery for brain metastasis from advanced gastric cancer. Acta neurochirurgica 152: 605-610, 2010. 17. Han JH, Kim DG, Park JC, Chung HT, Paek SH, Chung YS: Little response of cerebral metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma to any treatments. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 47: 325-331, 2010. 18. Choi H SS, Gwak HS, Lee SH: Postoperative recurrence and Growth Rate of Cystic Brain Metastases. J Korean Brain Tumor soc 10: 6, 2011. 19. Gwak HS, Lee CH, Yang HS, Joo J, Shin SH, Yoo H, et al.: Chemoport with a non-collapsible chamber as a replacement for an Ommaya reservoir in the treatment of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. Acta neurochirurgica 153: 1971-1978; discussion 1978, 2011. 20. Paek SH, Son YD, Chung HT, Kim DG, Cho ZH: Clinical application of 7.0 T magnetic resonance images in Gamma Knife radiosurgery for a patient with brain metastases. J Korean Med Sci 26: 839843, 2011. 21. Ahn JH, Lee SH, Kim S, Joo J, Yoo H, Lee SH, et al.: Risk for leptomeningeal seeding after resection for brain metastases: implication of tumor location with mode of resection. Journal of neurosurgery 116: 984-993, 2012. 22. Chung HT, Kim DG: Modern radiosurgery equipment for treating brain metastases. Progress in neurological surgery 25: 236-247, 2012. 23. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Park CK, Jung HW: Radiosurgery for large brain metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 83: 113-120, 2012. 24. Han JH, Kim DG, Kim CY, Chung HT, Jung HW: Stereotactic radiosurgery for large brain metastases. Progress in neurological surgery 25: 248-260, 2012. 25. Han JH, Kim DG, Oh CW, Kim CY, Kim YH, Park JH, et al.: Progression of the lung cancer primary correlates with the identification of new brain metastases after initial radiosurgery. J Neurooncol 106: 161-167, 2012. 26. Jung JM, Kim S, Joo J, Shin KH, Gwak HS, Lee SH: Incidence and risk factors for leptomeningeal carcinomatosis in breast cancer patients with parenchymal brain metastases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 52: 193-199, 2012. 27. Kim WH, Kim DG, Han JH, Paek SH, Chung HT, Park CK, et al.: Early significant tumor volume reduction after radiosurgery in brain metastases from renal cell carcinoma results in long-term survival. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 82: 1749-1755, 2012. 28. Kim YH, Kim JW, Chung HT, Paek SH, Kim DG, Jung HW: Brain metastasis from renal cell carcinoma. Progress in neurological surgery 25: 163-175, 2012. 29. Lee WS KY, Han JH, Kim CY: Stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer. J Korean Brain Tumor Soc 11: 7, 2012. 30. Lee WS KY, Han JH, Kim CY: Stereotactic radiosurgery for five or more brain metastases. J Korean Brain Tumor Soc 11: 7, 2012. 31. Park CK, Kim DG: Historical background. Progress in neurological surgery 25: 1-12, 2012. 32. Choi YK, Woo SM, Cho SG, Moon HE, Yun YJ, Kim JW, et al.: Brain-metastatic triple-negative breast cancer cells regain growth ability by altering gene expression patterns. Cancer genomics & proteomics 10: 265-275, 2013. 33. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Park CK, Kim CY, et al.: Stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma. J Neurooncol 115: 45-51, 2013. 34. Hong N, Yoo H, Gwak HS, Shin SH, Lee SH: Outcome of surgical resection of symptomatic cerebral lesions in non-small cell lung cancer patients with multiple brain metastases. Brain tumor research and treatment 1: 64-70, 2013. 35. Kim KH, Hong EK, Lee SH, Yoo H: Non small cell carcinoma metastasis to meningioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 53: 43-45, 2013. 36. Lee CH, Kim DG, Kim JW, Han JH, Kim YH, Park CK, et al.: The role of surgical resection in the management of brain metastasis: a 17-year longitudinal study. Acta neurochirurgica 155: 389-397, 2013. 37. Jeon JP, Kim JE: NMR-based metabolomics analysis of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. Neurosurgery 75: N12-13, 2014. 38. Lee DW, Shin DY, Kim JW, Keam B, Kim TM, Kim HJ, et al.: Additional prognostic role of EGFR activating mutations in lung adenocarcinoma patients with brain metastasis: integrating with lung specific GPA score. Lung Cancer 86: 363-368, 2014.
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39. An YJ, Cho HR, Kim TM, Keam B, Kim JW, Wen H, et al.: An NMR metabolomics approach for the diagnosis of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis in lung adenocarcinoma cancer patients. International journal of cancer 136: 162-171, 2015. 40. Brastianos PK, Carter SL, Santagata S, Cahill DP, Taylor-Weiner A, Jones RT, et al.: Genomic Characterization of Brain Metastases Reveals Branched Evolution and Potential Therapeutic Targets. Cancer discovery 5: 1164-1177, 2015. 41. Cho KM, Kim YJ, Kim SH, Kim JW, Lee JO, Han JH, et al.: Salvage Treatment with Intracerebrospinal Fluid Thiotepa in Patients with Leptomeningeal Metastasis After Failure of Methotrexate-based Treatment. Anticancer research 35: 5631-5638, 2015. 42. Paek SH KJ, Choi SH, Yoon TJ, Son YD, Kim DG, Cho ZH, Sohn CH: Contrast-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain Metastases at 7.0 T versus 1.5 T: A Preliminary Result. Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging 19: 31-36, 2015. 43. Kim JW, Park HR, Lee JM, Kim JW, Chung HT, Kim DG, et al.: Fractionated Stereotactic Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Large Brain Metastases: A Retrospective, Single Center Study. PLoS One 11: e0163304, 2016.
Others 1. Park KS, Kim GK, Cho BK, Chae J, Choi KS, Sim BS: A case of aneurysmal occipital bone cyst. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 3: 105-110, 1974. 2. Suck JS, Kim JH, Kim HJ, Choi KS, Sim BS: A case of neurocutaneous melanosis. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 4: 405-408, 1975. 3. Choi KS, Park KS, Kim JS: A case of leptomeningeal cyst. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 5: 169-174, 1976. 4. Jung HW, Sim BS: A case of tuberous sclerosis diagnosed by computed tomography. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 7: 453-460, 1978. 5. Hong SK, Jung HW, Choi KS, Chi JG: A case of aneurysmal temporal bone cyst. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 8: 393-400, 1979. 6. Wang KC, Hong SK, Choi KS, Chi JG: A case of suprasellar arachnoid cyst. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 9: 491-496, 1980. 7. Park K, Jung HW, Cho BK, Sim BS, Chi JG: Glioependymal cyst : a case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 13: 301-304, 1984. 8. Lee SH, Chung CK, Choi KS: Ependymal cyst: a case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 597-602, 1988. 9. Cho BK, Wang KC, Yang SW, Chi JG, Kim IO, Choi KS: Histiocytosis X with involvement of pituitary stalk: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 18: 1098-1102, 1989. 10. Kim YG, Lee SH, Cho BG: Cavernous angiomas of the brain. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 19: 1115-1122, 1990. 11. Yang HJ, Cho BK, Hong SC, Ji JG: infantile myofibromatosis;a Case with Skull and Rib Involvement. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 33: 225-232, 1992. 12. Myong NH, Chi JG, Cho BK, Song KY: Cellular blue nevus: a case report. Korean J Pathol 27: 542-545, 1993. 13. Ahn Y, Shin SH, Wang KC, Chi JG, Cho BK: Langerhans cell histiocytosis at pituitary stalk presenting as a solitary lesion. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 36: 193-197, 1995. 14. An Y, Lee SH, Han DH: A case of ependymal cyst. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 24: 1413-1417, 1995. 15. Kim JS, Jung HW, Lee SH, Chung YS, Kim HJ, Choi KS, et al.: Surgical outcome of intracranial epidermoid cysts. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 24: 876-881, 1995. 16. Shin SH, Jung HW, Chi JG, Han DH: Cerebellopontine angle lipoma presenting with trigeminal neuralgia: a case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 25: 2336-2338, 1996. 17. Oh CW, Chung YS, Kim DG, Paek SH, Cho BK, Wang KC, et al.: The role of surgical treatment and clinical outcome in patients with intracranial cavernous angiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 26: 846852, 1997. 18. Kang HS, Kim DG, Han DH: Large glial cyst of the pineal gland: a possible growth mechanism. case report. Journal of neurosurgery 88: 138-140, 1998. 19. Choe WJ, Yoo H, Jung HW, Choe GY, Cho BK: Neurenteric cyst of the posterior cranial fossa: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 28: 843-848, 1999. 20. Bang JS, Oh CW, Kim MS, Choe GY, Cho BK, Hong SK, et al.: Two cases of intraventricular arachnoid cysts: case report. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 30: 928-933, 2001. 21. Cheon JE, Kim JE, Yang HJ: CT and pathologic findings of a case of subdural osteoma. Korean J Radiol 3: 211-213, 2002. 22. Son YJ, Wang KC, Kim SK, Cho BK, Chi JG, Kim YM: Primary intracranial malignant melanoma evolving from leptomeningeal melanosis. Medical and pediatric oncology 40: 201-204, 2003.
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23. Cho SY, Kim JW, Kim CY: Osteoma of the Frontal Sinus with Secondary Subdural Empyema Formation. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 40: 202-205, 2006. 24. Kim NJ, Wang KC, Kim SW, Son WG, Hwang JM: Ocular Findings in Patients with Fibrous Dysplasia. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 47: 787-798, 2006. 25. Kim YH, Jahng TA, Chung CK: Coexistence of subcutaneous dermoid cyst and lipomyelomeningocele. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 39: 310-313, 2006. 26. Kim YH, Wang KC, Lee YK, Chi JG, Cho BK, Kim SK: Coexistence of colloid cyst and neuroglial heterotopia. Childs Nerv Syst 22: 1360-1363, 2006. 27. You S SH, Han JH, Kim JS: Isolated Oculomotor Nerve Palsy due to Midbrain Cavernous Malfomation. J Korean Neurol Assoc: 174-175, 2009. 28. Cho WS, Kang HS, Kim JW, Kee Park C, Kim JE: Cavernous malformation of the cisternal trigeminal nerve. British journal of neurosurgery 25: 339-340, 2011. 29. Lee JY, Kim JW, Phi JH, Kim SK, Cho BK, Wang KC: Enlarging arachnoid cyst: a false alarm for infants. Childs Nerv Syst 28: 1203-1211, 2012. 30. Lee S, Jung SM, Cho BK, Kim H: Desmoplastic fibroma of the cranium in a young man. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 52: 561-563, 2012. 31. Phi JH, Kim SK, Cho A, Kim DG, Paek SH, Park SH, et al.: Intracranial capillary hemangioma: extra-axial tumorous lesions closely mimicking meningioma. J Neurooncol 109: 177-185, 2012. 32. Han JH, Kim DG: Stereotactic radiosurgery for brainstem cavernous malformations. World neurosurgery 80: e187-189, 2013. 33. Park KH, Gwak HS, Hong EK, Lee SH: Inflamed symptomatic sellar arachnoid cyst: case report. Brain tumor research and treatment 1: 28-31, 2013. 34. Cho HJ, Kim HN, Kim KJ, Lee KS, Myung JK, Kim SK, et al.: Intracranial extracerebral glioneuronal heterotopia with adipose tissue and a glioependymal cyst: a case report and review of the literature. Korean J Pathol 48: 254-257, 2014. 35. Jeon JS, Kim JE, Chung YS, Oh S, Ahn JH, Cho WS, et al.: A risk factor analysis of prospective symptomatic haemorrhage in adult patients with cerebral cavernous malformation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 85: 1366-1370, 2014. 36. Lee CH, Han IS, Lee JY, Phi JH, Kim SK, Kim YE, et al.: Analysis of a bleeding mechanism in patients with the sylvian arachnoid cyst using a finite element model. Childs Nerv Syst 30: 1029-1036, 2014. 37. Song SW, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Han JH, Kim YH, et al.: Stereotactic radiosurgery for cavernous sinus hemangiomas. J Neurooncol 118: 163-168, 2014. 38. Bae JW, Kim YH, Kim SK, Wang KC, Shin HY, Kang HJ, et al.: Langerhans cell histiocytosis causing acute optic neuropathy. Childs Nerv Syst 31: 615-619, 2015. 39. Choi JW, Lee JY, Phi JH, Kim SK, Wang KC: Stricter indications are recommended for fenestration surgery in intracranial arachnoid cysts of children. Childs Nerv Syst 31: 77-86, 2015. 40. Lee NK, Lee JY, Wang KC, Kim DG, Park SH, Cheon JE, et al.: Primary atypical melanocytoma arising from the cavernous sinus in a child. Childs Nerv Syst 31: 1577-1582, 2015. â&#x20AC;˘
Basic and Translational research 1. Moon MS: The effect of total hypophysectimy on the adrenal gland in the dog. The New Medical Journal 17: 71-84, 1974. 2. Kim GK, Kim YI, Sim BS: The effects of total hypophysectomy on the gonad in the dog. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 4: 7-22, 1975. 3. Sim BS: Effect of total hhpophysectomy on the endocrines in the dog. Korean Central Journal of Medicine 28: 497-505, 1975. 4. Hwang SN: Experimental study of pituitary prolactin cells on the effect of chlorpromazine and bromocroptine administration in rats. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 23: 310-322, 1982. 5. Jung HW, Berens ME, Krouwer HG, Rosenblum ML: A three-dimensional micro-organ culture system optimized for in vitro growth of human malignant brain tumors. Neurosurgery 29: 390-398, 1991. 6. Park JG, Jeon YM, Park KJ, Yang HK, Noj DY, Kim SW, et al.: Establishment of SNU cell lines: november 1989-august 1990. J Korean Cancer Assoc 23: 169-187, 1991. 7. Baek SH, Kim ES, Kim DG, Jung HW, Kim HJ, Cho BK, et al.: Loss of heterozygosity of chromosome 17p in brain tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 21: 23-29, 1992. 8. Jung HW, Ji JG: A three dimensional microorgan culture system for mocrotumor sphroids from human malignant glioma specimens. The Seoul Journal of Medicine 33: 203-211, 1992. 9. Lee SH, Kim JH, Rhee CH, Kang YS, Lee JH, Choi KS: Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 10, 13, 17 and p53 gene mutations in human brain gliomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 22: 537-550, 1993. 10. Shin HJ, Chung CK, Park IS, Chung YS, Jung HW, Han DH: Ultrastructural study on microtumor spheroids from human malignant glioma specimens maintained in organotypic culture. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 22: 382-399, 1993.
Distribution of articles on "Basic and Translational research" by year
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11. Jang HS, Jang HS, Cho TH, Cho TH, Jang YS, Jang YS, et al.: Administration of multiple cytokine genes with anti-tumor activity inhibits both tumor incidence and tumor growth. Yonsei Med J 40: 355-362, 1999. 12. Nam DH, Wang KC, Kim YM, Chi JG, Kim SK, Cho BK: The effect of isochromosome 17q presence, proliferative and apoptotic indices, expression of c-erbB-2, bcl-2 and p53 proteins on the prognosis of medulloblastoma. J Korean Med Sci 15: 452-456, 2000. 13. Kim SK, Cho BK, Paek SH, Hong SJ, Kim HS, Hong SY, et al.: The detection of p53 gene mutation using a microdissection technique in primary intracranial germ cell tumors. Int J Oncol 18: 111-116, 2001. 14. Shin KH, Choe G, Park YJ, Jang JH, Jung HW, Park JG: Establishment and characterization of nine human brain tumor cell lines. In vitro cellular & developmental biology 37: 625-628, 2001. 15. Kim SK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Chung HT, Kim YY, Lim SY, et al.: Interaction between p53 and p16 expressed by adenoviral vectors in human malignant glioma cell lines. Journal of neurosurgery 97: 143-150, 2002. 16. Seo YK, Jung HL, Kim DH, Yoo KH, Shim JY, Sung KW, et al.: Expression of multidrug resistance (MDR1) and multidrug resistance associated protein (MRP) genes in pediatric malignant solid tumors. Korean J Pediatr Hematol-Oncol 9: 91-100, 2002. 17. Jung HL, Wang KC, Kim SK, Sung KW, Koo HH, Shin HY, et al.: Loss of heterozygosity analysis of chromosome 17p13.1-13.3 and its correlation with clinical outcome in medulloblastomas. Korean J Pediatr Hematol-Oncol 10: 72-81, 2003. 18. Kim HJ, Kim JE, Ha M, Kang SS, Kim JT, Park IS, et al.: Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression in the normal human brain and intracranial tumors. Brain Res 978: 245-249, 2003. 19. Kim SK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Lim SY, Kim YY, Oh CW, et al.: Adenoviral p16/CDKN2 gene transfer to malignant glioma: role of p16 in growth, invasion, and senescence. Oncol Rep 10: 1121-1126, 2003. 20. Lee SJ, Kim JE, Paek SH, Keyoung HM, Kim DG, Jung HW: Primary cell culture of central neurocytomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 34: 238-244, 2003. 21. Chung HT, Kim JE, Kim DG, Jung HW: A stereotactic device for gamma knife Irradiation to cell lines. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35: 639-642, 2004. 22. Jung HL, Wang KC, Kim SK, Sung KW, Koo HH, Shin HY, et al.: Loss of heterozygosity analysis of chromosome 17p13.1-13.3 and its correlation with clinical outcome in medulloblastomas. J Neurooncol 67: 41-46, 2004. 23. Kim BJ, Kim BJ, Kim SS, Kim SS, Kim YI, Kim YI, et al.: Forskolin promotes astroglial differentiation of human central neurocytoma cells. Exp Mol Med 36: 52-56, 2004. 24. Kim JE, Paek SH, Chung HT, Kim DG, Jung HW: in vitro biological response of malignant glioma cell lines to gamma knife irradiation. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35: 599-604, 2004. 25. Kim SK, Lim SY, Wang KC, Kim YY, Chi JG, Choi YL, et al.: Overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 in childhood ependymomas: role of COX-2 inhibitor in growth and multi-drug resistance in vitro. Oncol Rep 12: 403-409, 2004. 26. Park KH, Lee J, Yoo CG, Kim YW, Han SK, Shim YS, et al.: Application of p27 gene therapy for human malignant glioma potentiated by using mutant p27. Journal of neurosurgery 101: 505-510, 2004. 27. Kim JE, Paek SH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Kim YY, Jung HW: The combined effect of gamma knife irradiation and p53 gene transfection in human malignant glioma cell lines. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 37: 48-53, 2005. 28. Kim SK, Cargioli TG, Machluf M, Yang W, Sun Y, Al-Hashem R, et al.: PEX-producing human neural stem cells inhibit tumor growth in a mouse glioma model. Clin Cancer Res 11: 5965-5970, 2005. 29. Seol HJ, Jung HW, Park SH, Hwang SK, Kim DG, Paek SH, et al.: Aggressive vestibular schwannomas showing postoperative rapid growth - their association with decreased p27 expression. J Neurooncol 75: 203-207, 2005. 30. Kim SK, Kim SU, Park IH, Bang JH, Aboody KS, Wang KC, et al.: Human neural stem cells target experimental intracranial medulloblastoma and deliver a therapeutic gene leading to tumor regression. Clin Cancer Res 12: 5550-5556, 2006. 31. Paek SH, Kim DG, Park CK, Phi JH, Kim YY, Im SY, et al.: The role of matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinase in microcystic meningiomas. Oncol Rep 16: 49-56, 2006. 32. Sim FJ, Keyoung HM, Goldman JE, Kim DK, Jung HW, Roy NS, et al.: Neurocytoma is a tumor of adult neuronal progenitor cells. J Neurosci 26: 12544-12555, 2006. 33. Jeon YK, Park K, Park CK, Paek SH, Jung HW, Park SH: Chromosome 1p and 19q status and p53 and p16 expression patterns as prognostic indicators of oligodendroglial tumors: a clinicopathological study using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Neuropathology 27: 10-20, 2007. 34. Phi JH, Park SH, Paek SH, Kim SK, Lee YJ, Park CK, et al.: Expression of Sox2 in mature and immature teratomas of central nervous system. Mod Pathol 20: 742-748, 2007. 35. Ugur HC, Ramakrishna N, Bello L, Menon LG, Kim SK, Black PM, et al.: Continuous intracranial administration of suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) inhibits tumor growth in an orthotopic glioma model. J Neurooncol 83: 267-275, 2007.
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36. Ahn SM, Byun K, Cho K, Kim JY, Yoo JS, Kim D, et al.: Human microglial cells synthesize albumin in brain. PLoS One 3: e2829, 2008. 37. Benny O, Kim SK, Gvili K, Radzishevsky IS, Mor A, Verduzco L, et al.: In vivo fate and therapeutic efficacy of PF-4/CTF microspheres in an orthotopic human glioblastoma model. FASEB J 22: 488-499, 2008. 38. Jeon YK, Cheon JE, Kim SK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Park SH: Clinicopathological features and global genomic copy number alterations of pilomyxoid astrocytoma in the hypothalamus/optic pathway: comparative analysis with pilocytic astrocytoma using array-based comparative genomic hybridization. Mod Pathol 21: 1345-1356, 2008. 39. Park CK, Kim JH, Moon MJ, Jung JH, Lim SY, Park SH, et al.: Investigation of molecular factors associated with malignant transformation of oligodendroglioma by proteomic study of a single case of rapid tumor progression. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 134: 255-262, 2008. 40. Phi JH, Park SH, Kim SK, Paek SH, Kim JH, Lee YJ, et al.: Sox2 expression in brain tumors: a reflection of the neuroglial differentiation pathway. Am J Surg Pathol 32: 103-112, 2008. 41. Benny O, Menon LG, Ariel G, Goren E, Kim SK, Stewman C, et al.: Local delivery of poly lactic-coglycolic acid microspheres containing imatinib mesylate inhibits intracranial xenograft glioma growth. Clin Cancer Res 15: 1222-1231, 2009. 42. Gil JE, Woo DH, Shim JH, Kim SE, You HJ, Park SH, et al.: Vitronectin promotes oligodendrocyte differentiation during neurogenesis of human embryonic stem cells. FEBS Lett 583: 561-567, 2009. 43. Kim YY, Park CK, Kim SK, Phi JH, Kim JH, Kim CY, et al.: CKD-602, a camptothecin derivative, inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in glioma cell lines. Oncol Rep 21: 1413-1419, 2009. 44. Lee DH, Ahn Y, Kim SU, Wang KC, Cho BK, Phi JH, et al.: Targeting rat brainstem glioma using human neural stem cells and human mesenchymal stem cells. Clin Cancer Res 15: 4925-4934, 2009. 45. Menon LG, Kelly K, Yang HW, Kim SK, Black PM, Carroll RS: Human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells expressing S-TRAIL as a cellular delivery vehicle for human glioma therapy. Stem Cells 27: 2320-2330, 2009. 46. Park CK, Jung JH, Moon MJ, Kim YY, Kim JH, Park SH, et al.: Tissue expression of manganese superoxide dismutase is a candidate prognostic marker for glioblastoma. Oncology 77: 178-181, 2009. 47. Park CK, Jung JH, Park SH, Jung HW, Cho BK: Multifarious proteomic signatures and regional heterogeneity in glioblastomas. J Neurooncol 94: 31-39, 2009. 48. Phi JH, Park SH, Chung CK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Kim SK: Atypical cell clusters expressing both neuronal and oligodendrocytic markers: novel histological pattern of glioneuronal tumors? Pathol Int 59: 735743, 2009. 49. Seol HJ, Kim JE, Wang KC, Kim SK, Seo JS, Park SH, et al.: The pattern of gene expression and possible relation of steroidogenic genes in oligodendroglial tumors. Int J Oncol 34: 181-190, 2009. 50. Chang DY, Yoo SW, Hong Y, Kim S, Kim SJ, Yoon SH, et al.: The growth of brain tumors can be suppressed by multiple transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells expressing cytosine deaminase. International journal of cancer 127: 1975-1983, 2010. 51. Kang SS, Han KS, Ku BM, Lee YK, Hong J, Shin HY, et al.: Caffeine-mediated inhibition of calcium release channel inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor subtype 3 blocks glioblastoma invasion and extends survival. Cancer research 70: 1173-1183, 2010. 52. Paek SH, Shin HY, Kim JW, Park SH, Son JH, Kim DG: Primary culture of central neurocytoma: a case report. J Korean Med Sci 25: 798-803, 2010. 53. Phi JH, Kim JH, Eun KM, Wang KC, Park KH, Choi SA, et al.: Upregulation of SOX2, NOTCH1, and ID1 in supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors: a distinct differentiation pattern from that of medulloblastomas. J Neurosurg Pediatr 5: 608-614, 2010. 54. Choi SA, Hwang SK, Wang KC, Cho BK, Phi JH, Lee JY, et al.: Therapeutic efficacy and safety of TRAILproducing human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells against experimental brainstem glioma. Neuro-oncology 13: 61-69, 2011. 55. Kwak HJ, Kim YJ, Chun KR, Woo YM, Park SJ, Jeong JA, et al.: Downregulation of Spry2 by miR-21 triggers malignancy in human gliomas. Oncogene 30: 2433-2442, 2011. 56. Lee JY, Park CK, Park SH, Wang KC, Cho BK, Kim SK: MGMT promoter gene methylation in pediatric glioblastoma: analysis using MS-MLPA. Childs Nerv Syst 27: 1877-1883, 2011. 57. Lee ST, Chu K, Oh HJ, Im WS, Lim JY, Kim SK, et al.: Let-7 microRNA inhibits the proliferation of human glioblastoma cells. J Neurooncol 102: 19-24, 2011. 58. Lim SH, Choi SA, Lee JY, Wang KC, Phi JH, Lee DH, et al.: Therapeutic targeting of subdural medulloblastomas using human neural stem cells expressing carboxylesterase. Cancer gene therapy 18: 817-824, 2011. 59. Park CK, Kim J, Yim SY, Lee AR, Han JH, Kim CY, et al.: Usefulness of MS-MLPA for detection of MGMT promoter methylation in the evaluation of pseudoprogression in glioblastoma patients. Neurooncology 13: 195-202, 2011.
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60. Byeon SJ, Myung JK, Kim SH, Kim SK, Phi JH, Park SH: Distinct genetic alterations in pediatric glioblastomas. Childs Nerv Syst 28: 1025-1032, 2012. 61. Cho KT, Kim DG, Paek SH, Chung HT, Jung HW, Park HW: Concurrent treatment with BCNU and Gamma Knife radiosurgery in the rat malignant glioma model. Journal of neurological surgery Part A, Central European neurosurgery 73: 132-141, 2012. 62. Choi SA, Lee JY, Wang KC, Phi JH, Song SH, Song J, et al.: Human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells: characteristics and therapeutic potential as cellular vehicles for prodrug gene therapy against brainstem gliomas. Eur J Cancer 48: 129-137, 2012. 63. Choi SA, Wang KC, Phi JH, Lee JY, Park CK, Park SH, et al.: A distinct subpopulation within CD133 positive brain tumor cells shares characteristics with endothelial progenitor cells. Cancer letters 324: 221-230, 2012. 64. Kim CY, Lee SJ, Kim SK, Park CK, Wang KC, Cho BK: Antitumor activity of CKD-602, a camptothecin derivative, in a mouse glioma model. J Clin Neurosci 19: 301-305, 2012. 65. Kim YH, Cho SH, Lee SJ, Choi SA, Phi JH, Kim SK, et al.: Growth-inhibitory effect of neurotrophin-3secreting adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells on the D283-MED human medulloblastoma cell line. J Neurooncol 106: 89-98, 2012. 66. Myung JK, Cho H, Park CK, Kim SK, Lee SH, Park SH: Analysis of the BRAF(V600E) Mutation in Central Nervous System Tumors. Translational oncology 5: 430-436, 2012. 67. Myung JK, Cho HJ, Park CK, Kim SK, Phi JH, Park SH: IDH1 mutation of gliomas with long-term survival analysis. Oncol Rep 28: 1639-1644, 2012. 68. Northcott PA, Shih DJ, Peacock J, Garzia L, Morrissy AS, Zichner T, et al.: Subgroup-specific structural variation across 1,000 medulloblastoma genomes. Nature 488: 49-56, 2012. 69. Park AK, Lee SJ, Phi JH, Wang KC, Kim DG, Cho BK, et al.: Prognostic classification of pediatric medulloblastoma based on chromosome 17p loss, expression of MYCC and MYCN, and Wnt pathway activation. Neuro-oncology 14: 203-214, 2012. 70. Park CK, Kim JE, Kim JY, Song SW, Kim JW, Choi SH, et al.: The Changes in MGMT Promoter Methylation Status in Initial and Recurrent Glioblastomas. Translational oncology 5: 393-397, 2012. 71. Choi YK, Woo SM, Cho SG, Moon HE, Yun YJ, Kim JW, et al.: Brain-metastatic triple-negative breast cancer cells regain growth ability by altering gene expression patterns. Cancer genomics & proteomics 10: 265-275, 2013. 72. Kim YH, Lee JK, Kim B, DeWitt JP, Lee JE, Han JH, et al.: Combination therapy of cilengitide with belotecan against experimental glioblastoma. International journal of cancer 133: 749-756, 2013. 73. Lee K, Byun K, Hong W, Chuang HY, Pack CG, Bayarsaikhan E, et al.: Proteome-wide discovery of mislocated proteins in cancer. Genome research 23: 1283-1294, 2013. 74. Min HS, Lee JY, Kim SK, Park SH: Genetic grouping of medulloblastomas by representative markers in pathologic diagnosis. Translational oncology 6: 265-272, 2013. 75. Phi JH, Choi SA, Lim SH, Lee J, Wang KC, Park SH, et al.: ID3 contributes to cerebrospinal fluid seeding and poor prognosis in medulloblastoma. BMC Cancer 13: 291, 2013. 76. Phi JH, Kim SK, Lee J, Park CK, Kim IH, Ahn HS, et al.: The enigma of bifocal germ cell tumors in the suprasellar and pineal regions: synchronous lesions or metastasis? J Neurosurg Pediatr 11: 107-114, 2013. 77. Remke M, Ramaswamy V, Peacock J, Shih DJ, Koelsche C, Northcott PA, et al.: TERT promoter mutations are highly recurrent in SHH subgroup medulloblastoma. Acta neuropathologica 126: 917-929, 2013. 78. Suh JH, Park CK, Park SH: Alpha internexin expression related with molecular characteristics in adult glioblastoma and oligodendroglioma. J Korean Med Sci 28: 593-601, 2013. 79. Wen H, Yun T, Xu WJ, Choi SH, Kim H, Park CK, et al.: A highly facile and specific assay for cancercausing isocitrate dehydrogenase mutant using 13C4-labeled alpha-ketoglutarate and heteronuclear NMR. Analytical chemistry 85: 11987-11992, 2013. 80. Zhukova N, Ramaswamy V, Remke M, Pfaff E, Shih DJ, Martin DC, et al.: Subgroup-specific prognostic implications of TP53 mutation in medulloblastoma. J Clin Oncol 31: 2927-2935, 2013. 81. Byeon SJ, Cho HJ, Baek HW, Park CK, Choi SH, Kim SH, et al.: Rhabdoid glioblastoma is distinguishable from classical glioblastoma by cytogenetics and molecular genetics. Human pathology 45: 611-620, 2014. 82. Cho HR, Kim DH, Kim D, Doble P, Bishop D, Hare D, et al.: Malignant glioma: MR imaging by using 5aminolevulinic acid in an animal model. Radiology 272: 720-730, 2014. 83. Choi SA, Lee JY, Phi JH, Wang KC, Park CK, Park SH, et al.: Identification of brain tumour initiating cells using the stem cell marker aldehyde dehydrogenase. Eur J Cancer 50: 137-149, 2014. 84. Gwak HS, Park MJ, Park IC, Woo SH, Jin HO, Rhee CH, et al.: Tetraarsenic oxide-induced inhibition of malignant glioma cell invasion in vitro via a decrease in matrix metalloproteinase secretion and protein kinase B phosphorylation. Journal of neurosurgery 121: 1483-1491, 2014.
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85. Jeon JP, Kim JE: NMR-based metabolomics analysis of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. Neurosurgery 75: N12-13, 2014. 86. Kim JW, Kim JY, Kim JE, Kim SK, Chung HT, Park CK: HOXA10 is associated with temozolomide resistance through regulation of the homologous recombinant DNA repair pathway in glioblastoma cell lines. Genes & cancer 5: 165-174, 2014. 87. Lee DW, Shin DY, Kim JW, Keam B, Kim TM, Kim HJ, et al.: Additional prognostic role of EGFR activating mutations in lung adenocarcinoma patients with brain metastasis: integrating with lung specific GPA score. Lung Cancer 86: 363-368, 2014. 88. Lee JY, Lee DH, Kim HA, Choi SA, Lee HJ, Park CK, et al.: Double suicide gene therapy using human neural stem cells against glioblastoma: double safety measures. J Neurooncol 116: 49-57, 2014. 89. Myung JK, Choi SA, Kim SK, Wang KC, Park SH: Snail plays an oncogenic role in glioblastoma by promoting epithelial mesenchymal transition. International journal of clinical and experimental pathology 7: 1977-1987, 2014. 90. Park CK, Lee SH, Kim JY, Kim JE, Kim TM, Lee ST, et al.: Expression level of hTERT is regulated by somatic mutation and common single nucleotide polymorphism at promoter region in glioblastoma. Oncotarget 5: 3399-3407, 2014. 91. Shankar GM, Taylor-Weiner A, Lelic N, Jones RT, Kim JC, Francis JM, et al.: Sporadic hemangioblastomas are characterized by cryptic VHL inactivation. Acta neuropathologica communications 2: 167, 2014. 92. Shih DJ, Northcott PA, Remke M, Korshunov A, Ramaswamy V, Kool M, et al.: Cytogenetic prognostication within medulloblastoma subgroups. J Clin Oncol 32: 886-896, 2014. 93. Spence T, Sin-Chan P, Picard D, Barszczyk M, Hoss K, Lu M, et al.: CNS-PNETs with C19MC amplification and/or LIN28 expression comprise a distinct histogenetic diagnostic and therapeutic entity. Acta neuropathologica 128: 291-303, 2014. 94. An YJ, Cho HR, Kim TM, Keam B, Kim JW, Wen H, et al.: An NMR metabolomics approach for the diagnosis of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis in lung adenocarcinoma cancer patients. International journal of cancer 136: 162-171, 2015. 95. Brastianos PK, Carter SL, Santagata S, Cahill DP, Taylor-Weiner A, Jones RT, et al.: Genomic Characterization of Brain Metastases Reveals Branched Evolution and Potential Therapeutic Targets. Cancer discovery 5: 1164-1177, 2015. 96. Choi SA, Choi JW, Wang KC, Phi JH, Lee JY, Park KD, et al.: Disulfiram modulates stemness and metabolism of brain tumor initiating cells in atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors. Neuro-oncology 17: 810-821, 2015. 97. Choi SA, Lee JY, Kwon SE, Wang KC, Phi JH, Choi JW, et al.: Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Target Brain Tumor-Initiating Cells. PLoS One 10: e0129292, 2015. 98. Jo HY, Kim Y, Park HW, Moon HE, Bae S, Kim J, et al.: The Unreliability of MTT Assay in the Cytotoxic Test of Primary Cultured Glioblastoma Cells. Experimental neurobiology 24: 235-245, 2015. 99. Kim J, Lee IH, Cho HJ, Park CK, Jung YS, Kim Y, et al.: Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Primary Glioblastoma Genome. Cancer cell 28: 318-328, 2015. 100. Kim JE, Cho HR, Xu WJ, Kim JY, Kim SK, Kim SK, et al.: Mechanism for enhanced 5-aminolevulinic acid fluorescence in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 mutant malignant gliomas. Oncotarget 6: 2026620277, 2015. 101. Koh J, Cho H, Kim H, Kim SI, Yun S, Park CK, et al.: IDH2 mutation in gliomas including novel mutation. Neuropathology 35: 236-244, 2015. 102. Koh Y, Park I, Sun CH, Lee S, Yun H, Park CK, et al.: Detection of a Distinctive Genomic Signature in Rhabdoid Glioblastoma, A Rare Disease Entity Identified by Whole Exome Sequencing and Whole Transcriptome Sequencing. Translational oncology 8: 279-287, 2015. 103. Kwak Y, Kim SI, Park CK, Paek SH, Lee ST, Park SH: C-MET overexpression and amplification in gliomas. International journal of clinical and experimental pathology 8: 14932-14938, 2015. 104. Kwon SM, Kang SH, Park CK, Jung S, Park ES, Lee JS, et al.: Recurrent Glioblastomas Reveal Molecular Subtypes Associated with Mechanistic Implications of Drug-Resistance. PLoS One 10: e0140528, 2015. 105. Park CK, Park I, Lee S, Sun CH, Koh Y, Park SH, et al.: Genomic dynamics associated with malignant transformation in IDH1 mutated gliomas. Oncotarget 6: 43653-43666, 2015. 106. Phi JH, Choi SA, Kim SK, Wang KC, Lee JY, Kim DG: Overcoming Chemoresistance of Pediatric Ependymoma by Inhibition of STAT3 Signaling. Translational oncology 8: 376-386, 2015. 107. Ryu J, Yoon NA, Lee YK, Jeong JY, Kang S, Seong H, et al.: Tristetraprolin inhibits the growth of human glioma cells through downregulation of urokinase plasminogen activator/urokinase plasminogen activator receptor mRNAs. Molecules and cells 38: 156-162, 2015. 108. Shin HY, Kim JW, Paek SH, Kim DG: The characteristics of neuronal stem cells of central neurocytoma. Neurosurgery clinics of North America 26: 31-36, 2015.
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109. Torchia J, Picard D, Lafay-Cousin L, Hawkins CE, Kim SK, Letourneau L, et al.: Molecular subgroups of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours in children: an integrated genomic and clinicopathological analysis. The Lancet Oncology 16: 569-582, 2015. 110. Wen H, Cho HR, Yun T, Kim H, Park CK, Lee SH, et al.: Metabolomic comparison between cells overexpressing isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 mutants and the effects of an inhibitor on the metabolism. J Neurochem 132: 183-193, 2015. 111. Yang SY, Choi SA, Lee JY, Park AK, Wang KC, Phi JH, et al.: miR-192 suppresses leptomeningeal dissemination of medulloblastoma by modulating cell proliferation and anchoring through the regulation of DHFR, integrins, and CD47. Oncotarget 6: 43712-43730, 2015. 112. Chaurasia A, Park SH, Seo JW, Park CK: Immunohistochemical Analysis of ATRX, IDH1 and p53 in Glioblastoma and Their Correlations with Patient Survival. J Korean Med Sci 31: 1208-1214, 2016. 113. Cheon H, Yang HJ, Lee SH, Kim YA, Son JH: Terahertz molecular resonance of cancer DNA. Scientific reports 6: 37103, 2016. 114. Cho HR, Hong B, Kim H, Park CK, Park SH, Park S, et al.: Assessment of bevacizumab resistance increased by expression of BCAT1 in IDH1 wild-type glioblastoma: application of DSC perfusion MR imaging. Oncotarget 7: 69606-69615, 2016. 115. Choi SA, Kim SK, Lee JY, Wang KC, Lee C, Phi JH: LIN28B is highly expressed in atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) and suppressed through the restoration of SMARCB1. Cancer cell international 16: 32, 2016. 116. Choi SA, Kwak PA, Kim SK, Park SH, Lee JY, Wang KC, et al.: In vivo bioluminescence imaging for leptomeningeal dissemination of medulloblastoma in mouse models. BMC Cancer 16: 723, 2016. 117. Choi SA, Yun JW, Joo KM, Lee JY, Kwak PA, Lee YE, et al.: Preclinical Biosafety Evaluation of Genetically Modified Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Clinical Applications to Brainstem Glioma. Stem cells and development 25: 897-908, 2016. 118. Chung T, Na J, Kim YI, Chang DY, Kim YI, Kim H, et al.: Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase Is a Prognostic Marker for Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Mediated Cytosine Deaminase Gene and 5Fluorocytosine Prodrug Therapy for the Treatment of Recurrent Gliomas. Theranostics 6: 1477-1490, 2016. 119. Han TJ, Cho BJ, Choi EJ, Kim DH, Song SH, Paek SH, et al.: Inhibition of STAT3 enhances the radiosensitizing effect of temozolomide in glioblastoma cells in vitro and in vivo. J Neurooncol 130: 89-98, 2016. 120. Heo H, Kim S, Lee HH, Cho HR, Xu WJ, Lee SH, et al.: On the Utility of Short Echo Time (TE) Single Voxel 1H-MRS in Non-Invasive Detection of 2-Hydroxyglutarate (2HG); Challenges and Potential Improvement Illustrated with Animal Models Using MRUI and LCModel. PLoS One 11: e0147794, 2016. 121. Hwang T, Park CK, Leung AK, Gao Y, Hyde TM, Kleinman JE, et al.: Dynamic regulation of RNA editing in human brain development and disease. Nature neuroscience 19: 1093-1099, 2016. 122. Kim SC, Im W, Shim JY, Kim SK, Kim BJ: Static magnetic field controls cell cycle in cultured human glioblastoma cells. Cytotechnology 68: 2745-2751, 2016. 123. Mathios D, Kim JE, Mangraviti A, Phallen J, Park CK, Jackson CM, et al.: Anti-PD-1 antitumor immunity is enhanced by local and abrogated by systemic chemotherapy in GBM. Science translational medicine 8: 370ra180, 2016. 124. Mathios D, Park CK, Marcus WD, Alter S, Rhode PR, Jeng EK, et al.: Therapeutic administration of IL-15 superagonist complex ALT-803 leads to long-term survival and durable antitumor immune response in a murine glioblastoma model. International journal of cancer 138: 187-194, 2016. 125. Morrissy AS, Garzia L, Shih DJ, Zuyderduyn S, Huang X, Skowron P, et al.: Divergent clonal selection dominates medulloblastoma at recurrence. Nature 529: 351-357, 2016. 126. Torchia J, Golbourn B, Feng S, Ho KC, Sin-Chan P, Vasiljevic A, et al.: Integrated (epi)-Genomic Analyses Identify Subgroup-Specific Therapeutic Targets in CNS Rhabdoid Tumors. Cancer cell 30: 891-908, 2016.
Radiosurgery 1. Suh TS, Yoon SC, Kim MC, Jang HS, Bahk YW, Shinn KS, et al.: Dose distributions for LINAC radiosurgery with dynamically shaping fields. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol 11: 431-438, 1993. 2. Suh TS, Park CI, Ha SW, Yoon SC, Kim MC, Bahk YW, et al.: Rapid optimization of multiple isocenters using computer search for linear accelerator-based stereotactic radiosurgery. J Korean Soc Ther Radiol 12: 109-116, 1994. 3. Park SW, Han MH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Song IC, Kim HD, et al.: Assessment of spacial distortion in digital subtraction angiogra phy for stereotactic radiosurge ry: An experimental study with phantom. J Korean Radiol Soc 41: 1051-1055, 1999.
Distribution of articles on "Radiosurgery" by year
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4. Kim DG, Chung HT, Gwak HS, Paek SH, Jung HW, Han DH: Gamma knife radiosurgery for brain metastases: prognostic factors for survival and local control. Journal of neurosurgery 93 Suppl 3: 23-29, 2000. 5. Park CK, Kim DG, Gwak HS, Chung HT, Pack SH: Intracerebral hemorrhage after gamma knife surgery for metaststic brain tumor, case report. . Journal of Radiosurgery 3: 17-20, 2000. 6. Park SW, Han MH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Song IC, Kim HD, et al.: Assessment of imaging distortion in magnetic resonance imaging for stereotactic radiosurgery: Through phantom study. J Korean Soc Magn Reson Med 4: 7-13, 2000. 7. Cho KT, Kim DG: Stereotatic radiosurgery for brain metastases: prognostic factors for survival and local control. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33: 333-338, 2003. 8. Kim CY, Paek SH, Kim DG: Linear accelerator radiosurgery for central neurocytoma: a case report. J Neurooncol 61: 249-254, 2003. 9. Kim HJ, Hong S, Kim S, Kim JH, Chie EK, Kim IH, et al.: Efficacy of whole brain radiotherapy combined with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in metastatic brain tumors, and prognostic factors. Radiation medicine 21: 155-160, 2003. 10. Kim JE, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Jung HW: Gamma knife radiosurgery for skull base meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 33: 363-369, 2003. 11. Chung HT, Kim JE, Kim DG, Jung HW: A stereotactic device for gamma knife Irradiation to cell lines. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35: 639-642, 2004. 12. Kim CH, Kim DG, Paek SH, Chung HT, Choi YL, Chi JG: Delayed bleeding after gamma knife surgery for meningioma. Acta neurochirurgica 146: 741-742, 2004. 13. Kim JE, Paek SH, Chung HT, Kim DG, Jung HW: in vitro biological response of malignant glioma cell lines to gamma knife irradiation. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35: 599-604, 2004. 14. Kim DG, Kim C H, Chung HT, Paek SH, Jeong SS, Han DH, et al.: Gamma knife surgery of superficially located meningioma. Journal of neurosurgery 102 Suppl: 255-258, 2005. 15. Kim JE, Paek SH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Kim YY, Jung HW: The combined effect of gamma knife irradiation and p53 gene transfection in human malignant glioma cell lines. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 37: 48-53, 2005. 16. Paek SH, Chung HT, Jeong SS, Park CK, Kim CY, Kim JE, et al.: Hearing preservation after gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery of vestibular schwannoma. Cancer 104: 580-590, 2005. 17. Paek SH, Downes MB, Bednarz G, Keane WM, Werner-Wasik M, Curran WJ, Jr., et al.: Integration of surgery with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for treatment of nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenomas. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 61: 795-808, 2005. 18. Cho JH, Paek SH, Chung HT, Jeong SS, Jung HW, Kim DG: Hearing Outcome after Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Vestibular Schwannoma Patients with Serviceable Hearing. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 40: 336-341, 2006. 19. Cho SY, Park CK, Chung HT, Paek SH, Kim DG: Gamma knife surgery for the pineal region tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 40: 342-345, 2006. 20. Chung HT: Physcial and radiobiological aspects of radiosurgery. J of the Korean Stereotact and Func Neurosurg 2: 11-20, 2006. 21. Park CK, Kim DG, Paek SH, Chung HT, Jung HW: Recurrent juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma treated with gamma knife surgery. J Korean Med Sci 21: 773-777, 2006. 22. HT C: Application of IAEA TRS-398 protocol to Gamma Knife Model C. Korean J Med Phys 18: 194-201, 2007. 23. Kim CY, Paek SH, Jeong SS, Chung HT, Han JH, Park CK, et al.: Gamma knife radiosurgery for central neurocytoma: primary and secondary treatment. Cancer 110: 2276-2284, 2007. 24. Kim JW HJ, Park CK, Chung HT, Paek SH, Kim DG: Gamma knife surgery for brain metastasis from renal cell carcinoma: relationship between radiological characteristics and initial tumor response. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 42: 92-96, 2007. 25. Kim KM, Park CK, Chung HT, Paek SH, Jung HW, Kim DG: Long-term Outcomes of Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Vestibular Schwannomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 42: 286-292, 2007. 26. Phi JH, Paek SH, Chung HT, Jeong SS, Park CK, Jung HW, et al.: Gamma Knife surgery and trigeminal schwannoma: is it possible to preserve cranial nerve function? Journal of neurosurgery 107: 727-732, 2007. 27. Chung HT, Chung YS, Kim DG, Paek SH, Cho KT: Development of a stereotactic device for gamma knife irradiation of small animals. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 43: 26-30, 2008. 28. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Park CK, Paek SH, Kim CY, et al.: Gamma knife radiosurgery for skull base meningiomas: long-term radiologic and clinical outcome. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 72: 1324-1332, 2008. 29. Yang SY, Kim DG, Chung HT, Park SH, Paek SH, Jung HW: Evaluation of tumour response after gamma knife radiosurgery for residual vestibular schwannomas based on MRI morphological features. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 79: 431-436, 2008.
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30. Yang SY, Kim DG, Lee SH, Chung HT, Paek SH, Hyun Kim J, et al.: Pulmonary resection in patients with nonsmall-cell lung cancer treated with gamma-knife radiosurgery for synchronous brain metastases. Cancer 112: 1780-1786, 2008. 31. Andrews DW, Werner-Wasik M, Den RB, Paek SH, Downes-Phillips B, Willcox TO, et al.: Toward dose optimization for fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for acoustic neuromas: comparison of two dose cohorts. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 74: 419-426, 2009. 32. Chung HT, Kim DG, Paek SH, Jung HW: Development of dose-volume relation model for gamma knife surgery of non-skull base intracranial meningiomas. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 74: 1027-1032, 2009. 33. Phi JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Lee J, Paek SH, Jung HW: Radiosurgical treatment of vestibular schwannomas in patients with neurofibromatosis type 2: tumor control and hearing preservation. Cancer 115: 390-398, 2009. 34. Sakamoto GT, Borchers DJ, 3rd, Xiao F, Yang HJ, Chang SD, Adler JR, Jr.: Cyberknife radiosurgery for trigeminal schwannomas. Neurosurgery 64: A14-18, 2009. 35. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Kim CY, Park CK, Chung YS, et al.: Radiosurgery for brain metastasis from advanced gastric cancer. Acta neurochirurgica 152: 605-610, 2010. 36. Han JH, Kim DG, Park JC, Chung HT, Paek SH, Chung YS: Little response of cerebral metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma to any treatments. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 47: 325-331, 2010. 37. Kim JW, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Kim YH, Han JH, et al.: Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery for intracranial hemangiopericytomas. J Neurooncol 99: 115-122, 2010. 38. Kim JW, Kim DG, Paek SH, Chung HT, Kim YH, Han JH, et al.: Efficacy of corticosteroids in hearing preservation after radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: a prospective study. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery 89: 25-33, 2011. 39. Paek SH, Son YD, Chung HT, Kim DG, Cho ZH: Clinical application of 7.0 T magnetic resonance images in Gamma Knife radiosurgery for a patient with brain metastases. J Korean Med Sci 26: 839843, 2011. 40. Cho KT, Kim DG, Paek SH, Chung HT, Jung HW, Park HW: Concurrent treatment with BCNU and Gamma Knife radiosurgery in the rat malignant glioma model. Journal of neurological surgery Part A, Central European neurosurgery 73: 132-141, 2012. 41. Chung HT, Kim DG: Modern radiosurgery equipment for treating brain metastases. Progress in neurological surgery 25: 236-247, 2012. 42. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Park CK, Jung HW: Radiosurgery for large brain metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 83: 113-120, 2012. 43. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Park CK, Kim CY, et al.: The risk factors of symptomatic communicating hydrocephalus after stereotactic radiosurgery for unilateral vestibular schwannoma: the implication of brain atrophy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 84: 937-942, 2012. 44. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Park CK, Kim CY, et al.: Hearing preservation in patients with unilateral vestibular schwannoma who undergo stereotactic radiosurgery: Reinterpretation of the auditory brainstem response. Cancer 118: 5441-5447, 2012. 45. Han JH, Kim DG, Kim CY, Chung HT, Jung HW: Stereotactic radiosurgery for large brain metastases. Progress in neurological surgery 25: 248-260, 2012. 46. Han JH, Kim DG, Oh CW, Kim CY, Kim YH, Park JH, et al.: Progression of the lung cancer primary correlates with the identification of new brain metastases after initial radiosurgery. J Neurooncol 106: 161-167, 2012. 47. Kim JW, Kim DG, Paek SH, Chung HT, Myung JK, Park SH, et al.: Radiosurgery for atypical and anaplastic meningiomas: histopathological predictors of local tumor control. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery 90: 316-324, 2012. 48. Kim WH, Kim DG, Han JH, Paek SH, Chung HT, Park CK, et al.: Early significant tumor volume reduction after radiosurgery in brain metastases from renal cell carcinoma results in long-term survival. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 82: 1749-1755, 2012. 49. Kim YH, Kim DG, Han JH, Chung HT, Kim IK, Song SW, et al.: Radiosurgery for para-IAC meningiomas: the effect of radiation dose to the cochlea on hearing outcome. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 84: 675680, 2012. 50. Lee WS KY, Han JH, Kim CY: Stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer. J Korean Brain Tumor Soc 11: 7, 2012. 51. Lee WS KY, Han JH, Kim CY: Stereotactic radiosurgery for five or more brain metastases. J Korean Brain Tumor Soc 11: 7, 2012. 52. Han JH, Kim DG: Stereotactic radiosurgery for brainstem cavernous malformations. World neurosurgery 80: e187-189, 2013. 53. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Park CK, Kim CY, et al.: Stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma. J Neurooncol 115: 45-51, 2013. 54. Kim JW, Kim DG, Chung HT, Choi SH, Han JH, Park CK, et al.: Radiosurgery for central neurocytoma: long-term outcome and failure pattern. J Neurooncol 115: 505-511, 2013.
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55. Kim YH, Kim DG, Han JH, Chung HT, Kim IK, Song SW, et al.: Hearing outcomes after stereotactic radiosurgery for unilateral intracanalicular vestibular schwannomas: implication of transient volume expansion. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 85: 61-67, 2013. 56. Kim JW, Kim DG: Stereotactic radiosurgery for functioning pituitary adenomas. World neurosurgery 82: 58-59, 2014. 57. Song SW, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Han JH, Kim YH, et al.: Stereotactic radiosurgery for cavernous sinus hemangiomas. J Neurooncol 118: 163-168, 2014. 58. Li G, Sherman JH, Cho JM, Lim M, Khalessi AA, Colen CB, et al.: Neurosurgery concepts: Key perspectives on dendritic cell vaccines, metastatic tumor treatment, and radiosurgery. Surgical neurology international 6: 6, 2015. 59. Han JH, Kim DG, Chung HT, Paek SH, Jung HW: Hearing Outcomes After Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannomas : Mechanism of Hearing Loss and How to Preserve Hearing. Advances and technical standards in neurosurgery: 3-36, 2016. 60. Kim JW, Park HR, Lee JM, Kim JW, Chung HT, Kim DG, et al.: Fractionated Stereotactic Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Large Brain Metastases: A Retrospective, Single Center Study. PLoS One 11: e0163304, 2016. 61. Se YB, Kim DG, Kim SK, Kim JW, Kim YH, Park CK, et al.: Gamma Knife Surgery for Recurrent or Residual Supratentorial Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors. Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery 94: 273-278, 2016.
Distribution of articles on "Surgical Approaches and Techniques" by year
Surgical Approaches and Techniques 1. Cho BK, Kim HJ, Choi KS: Surgical approach to the juxtasellar meningioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 10: 269-274, 1981. 2. Choi KS, Lee SH, Shin HJ, Wang KC, Jung HW, Kim HJ, et al.: Microsurgical approach to cerebellopontine angle tumors. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 17: 1259-1270, 1988. 3. Chang UK, Lee SH, Chung YS, Kim DG, Jung HW, Kim HJ, et al.: Surgical approaches for tumors around foramen magnum and craniocervical junction. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 22: 1220-1227, 1993. 4. Jung HW, Lee JI, Kim JS, Oh CW, Chung YS, Jang SO, et al.: The translabyrinthine approach for removal of the acoustic neurinomas: comparison with the suboccipital approach. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 23: 1129-1136, 1994. 5. Sung MW, Chang SO, Kang MK, Chung JW, Cho YS, Kim HJ, et al.: Transoral approach to the clivus and high cervical region. The Korean Journal of Otolaryngology 37: 1265-1273, 1994. 6. Jung HW, Paek SH, Kim JS: Posterior transpetrosal transtentorial approach for tumors of the petrous and clival regions: experience with 25 consecutive cases. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 26: 1071-1083, 1997. 7. Yang HJ, Jung HW, Oh CW, Yu H, Chung CK, Kim DG, et al.: Experience with an image-guided surgery device-CANS navigator. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 27: 71-79, 1998. 8. Yoo H, Jung HW, Yang HJ: jugular foramen schwannomas:surgical approaches and outcome of treatment. Skull base surgery 9: 243-252, 1999. 9. Chung YS, Gwak HS, Jung HW, Paek SH, Kim DG, Choi KS: A cranio-orbital-zygomatic approach to dumbbell-shaped trigeminal neurinomas using the petrous window. Skull Base 11: 157-164, 2001. 10. Hwang SK, Gwak HS, Paek SH, Kim DG, Jung HW: The experience of ligation of transverse or sigmoid sinus in surgery of large petroclival meningiomas. J Korean Med Sci 17: 544-548, 2002. 11. Kang JH, Hwang SK, Gwak HS, Kim DG, Jung HW: Presigmoid transpetrosal approach for recurrent acoustic neurinomas: indications and surgical results. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 31: 419-423, 2002. 12. Seo IS, Kim OJ, Hwang SI: Establishment of transsphenoidal approach in skull base surgery: A historical analysis. Korean J Med Hist 11: 65-84, 2002. 13. Im SH, Wang KC, Kim SK, Chung YN, Kim HS, Lee CH, et al.: Transsphenoidal microsurgery for pediatric craniopharyngioma: special considerations regarding indications and method. Pediatric neurosurgery 39: 97-103, 2003. 14. Kim JE, Kim DG, Paek SH, Jung HW: Stereotactic biopsy for intracranial lesions: reliability and its impact on the planning of treatment. Acta neurochirurgica 145: 547-554; discussion 554-545, 2003. 15. Choi HY KC, Lee CH, Cho SY, Oh CW: Resection of Anterior Skull Base Tumors: Comparison of Traditional Craniofacial Resection and Endoscopic Craniofacial Resection. J Korean Brain Tumor Soc 19: 6, 2011. 16. Gwak HS, Lee CH, Yang HS, Joo J, Shin SH, Yoo H, et al.: Chemoport with a non-collapsible chamber as a replacement for an Ommaya reservoir in the treatment of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. Acta neurochirurgica 153: 1971-1978; discussion 1978, 2011. 17. Kim YH, Han DH, Park CK, Lee CH, Kim DG: An endoscopic endonsal transethmoidal approach to olfactory groove meningioma. Central European neurosurgery 72: 205-208, 2011.
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18. Chae MP, Song SW, Park SH, Park CK: Experience with 5-aminolevulinic Acid in fluorescence-guided resection of a deep sylvian meningioma. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 52: 558-560, 2012. 19. Shin JM, Lee CH, Kim YH, Paek SH, Won TB: Feasibility of the nasoseptal flap for reconstruction of large anterior skull base defects in Asians. Acta oto-laryngologica 132 Suppl 1: S69-76, 2012. 20. Hwang JM, Kim YH, Kim JW, Kim DG, Jung HW, Chung YS: Feasibility of endoscopic endonasal approach for recurrent pituitary adenomas after microscopic trans-sphenoidal approach. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 54: 317-322, 2013. 21. Kim SK KY, Kim DG, Jung HW: An endoscopic endonasal approach for recurred trigeminal schwannoma. J Korean Skull Base Soc 8: 7, 2013. 22. Phi JH, Chung HT, Wang KC, Ryu SK, Kim SK: Transcerebellar biopsy of diffuse pontine gliomas in children: a technical note. Childs Nerv Syst 29: 489-493, 2013. 23. Sohn S, Chung CK: Conventional Posterior Approach without Far Lateral Approach for Ventral Foramen Magnum Meningiomas. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 54: 373-378, 2013. 24. Song SW, Kim YH, Park SH, Park CK: 5-aminolevulinic Acid fluorescence discriminates the histological grade of extraventricular neurocytoma. Brain tumor research and treatment 1: 45-49, 2013. 25. Kim SK, Kim YH, Park CK, Kim DG, Jung HW: Extended endoscopic endonasal approach for recurrent or residual adult craniopharyngiomas. Acta neurochirurgica 156: 1917-1922, 2014. 26. Kim SK CS, Kim YH, Park CK: Impact of fluorescence-guided surgery on the improvement of clinical outcomes in glioblastoma patients. Neuro-Oncol Pract 1: 5, 2014. 27. Kim YH KY, Joo JD, Han JH, Kim CY: Comparison between microscopic and endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenoma. J Korean Skull Base Society 10: 12-17, 2015. •
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Feb 7, 2017 Edited by Chul-Kee Park
Department of Neurosurgery Seoul National University College of Medicine