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The pretest and posttest measure the change in participants’ comprehension. However, they do not determine whether the participants can pass the training.
The pretest and posttest use two types of tests, i.e. Multiple choice test which consists of 8 questions and essay test which consists of 2 questions. Good luck!
Instructions! Mark (X) on the appropriate letter if you think the statement that follows is true.
1. Sex and gender are two different concepts. From the statements below, which one is true about the difference between sex and gender?
A. Sex is innate, but can be reassigned. Whereas gender is conceived by human from legacy. B. Sex is innate and cannot be reassigned, while gender is conceived by human from unchangeable social construct. C. Sex refers to human biological characteristics which is innate, while gender is a result of social construct that can change over time. D. Sex refers to human biological characteristics which is innate, while gender is a result of social construct that affects since birth and can change over time. E. All true
2. Which of the following statements is the most suitable for defining gender mainstreaming?
A. Placing women in the priority scale for every program/activity. B. Integrating gender while performing works in the government. C. Integrating gender into the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of development. D. Improving women’s participation and role in all development areas. E. All false
3. The followings are the forms of gender injustice, except: A. Violence B. Gender bias C. Stereotyping D. Double burden E. Subordination
4. Which of the following statements is true? A. Gender Analysis Pathway is suitable for preparing project plan. B. Longwe Framework is a suitable tool for monitoring and evaluation. C. Harvard Analytical Framework is a suitable tool for policy planning. D. Women Economic Empowerment is a gender analysis tool for monitoring and evaluation. E. All true
5. The followings are the analytical tools introduced in Moser Gender Planning Framework. Which of the following analytical tools was not introduced by Moser?
A. Triple role analysis B. Strategic and practical needs analysis C. WID or GAD approach analysis D. Gender equality level analysis E. All true
6. What are meant by internal and external gap factors in Gender Analysis Pathway (GAP) matrix?
A. Internal gap factors occur within an organization, while external gap factors happen in the society. B. Internal gap factors occur to and from women themselves, while external gap factors occur due to environmental impacts. C. Internal gap factors occur due to culture, while external gap factors occur due to political pressure and policies. D. Internal gap factors occur due to women themselves and their organization, while external gap factors happen in the society. E. All true
7. Performance indicators are the tools that measure the success of a program/ activity. One of the characteristics of a gender-responsive activity is to make gender-responsive targets or indicators. Which of the following statements is true pertaining to gender-responsive indicators?
A. Gender-responsive indicators must present sectoral gender data. B. Gender-responsive indicators present disaggregated data by sex. C. Gender-responsive indicators present gender gap data. D. A and C are true E. All true
8. Which of the following gender analysis tools is suitable for economic analysis? A. Harvard Analytical Framework B. Women’s Economic Empowerment C. Gender Integration into Market Chain Assessment D. A and B are true E. All true
Instructions! Answer the following questions correctly!
9. Mention the key steps to integrating Women’s Economic Empowerment into Market Chain Assessment!
10. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Gender Integration into Market Chain Assessment!