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Key Answers for Pretest And Posttest

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1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. D

9. The key steps to integrating Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) into Market Chain Assessment (M4P) are as follows: 1. Building strategic framework: Identifying/setting the objectives of the


Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) explicitly. 2. Understanding market system: Performing gender analysis. 3. Defining the continuity of outputs to achieve: Identifying certain objectives to be achieved by women and the opportunities for achievement in market system. 4. Facilitating systemic change: Identifying matters to perform or facilitate in order to encourage WEE. 5. Assessing change: Developing indicators to explicitly measure the change in Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE).

10. Here are the strengths and weaknesses of Gender Integration into Market Chain Assessment!

Strengths of WEE integration into Market Chain Assessment: — Capable of mapping women’s position in market chain. — Capable of presenting the outputs of analysis on the relation of men’s and women’s authorities in market system. — Capable of identifying existing gaps and serving as a reference to offer the necessary interventions to address the gaps. — Capable of identifying the extent of intervention performed through policy/ program/activity in increasing women’s income.

Weaknesses of WEE integration into Market Chain Assessment: — Requiring intricate and complex tools. — Requiring the skills to recognize and understand market chain assessment tools to be able to properly integrating gender. — Requiring multiple stages and long duration. — Requiring the availability of comprehensive data at various levels.

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