Taranaki Farming Lifestyles, April 2024

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Building on passion for dairying Pages 4–5 Courage and conviction P2 Lest we forget — the farming women of NZ P9 Seeds of transformation P6 Wide range of culvert pipes Steel culvert available from 121 mm to 2160mm od Plastic culvert available from 250mm to 1200mm od Can cut or fabricate to length Able to arrange freight Taranaki wide STEEL & PLASTIC CULVERT PIPES enquiries@eisl.co.nz 1249 Egmont Road Egmont Village https://egmontindustrial.co.nz 06 752 2011 Duane 027 474 2931 operations@animalpestnz.com www.animalpestnz.com We provide all pest animal controls, deer, pigs, goats, rabbits, wallaby etc. We are MPI approved to recover meat to aid in reducing costs. April 2024 Edition

Someone shared a view of politics with me when I was a young MP.

This person, a wise old politician, told me that politics is simple. You tell the public what you want to do, and then you do it.

Whilst there is a lot of truth in that, it is not as simple as it sounds. To fulfil your promises, you need courage and conviction. It takes courage to stick your neck out and make promises, and then you need conviction to follow through on them. The previous government lacked both of these qualities, which eventually cost them.

Yet, the current government has done it twice in the few short months since coming to power. The first was the 100day Plan — a legislative programme destined to deliver 49 key policy points that we as a country desperately needed and voted for. That’s been done, dusted, and delivered within deadline.

The second is the 36-point Action Plan recently announced by our prime minister. It’s a clear, concise, and, importantly, measurable plan the National Party has for New Zealand — a firm commitment we are prepared to commit to paper.

The farming community has particularly taken notice that the plan includes at

least four measures intended to benefit farmers directly:

1. Introduce legislation to amend the RMA to clarify the application of the National Policy Statement on Freshwater

2. Management in relation to individual consents for freshwater and to extend marine farm consent

3. Introduce legislation to suspend the requirement on councils to identify and adopt new Significant Natural Areas

4. Finalise policy to keep agriculture out of the ETS

With such legislative intentions, the government is restoring recognition of the rural sector and its importance to the economy and community. Moreover, we have the courage to commit those promises in writing, giving farmers a virtual list of tick boxes to track our progress and our promises.

We have already ticked off one box by having the courage to tell you what we want to do. I have absolutely no doubt we have the conviction (and capability) to do it.

2 April 2024 TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES The Taranaki Farming Lifestyles is published with pride by Integrity Community Media, a privately owned NZ company. Phone: 0800 466 793 Email: info@integrity.nz Postal Address: PO Box 474, Dargaville Physical Address: 107 River Road, Dargaville Editor: Deb Wright 021 639 696 deb.wright@integrity.nz Journalists: Denise Gunn | Andy Bryenton | Amy Fifita Advertising: Debra Seymour 027 525 8217 Barbara Kuriger MP for Taranaki-King Countr y Inglewood Office 80 Rata St, PO Box 124, Inglewood 4330 • 06 756 6032 Kuriger.Inglewood@parliament govt nz Te Awamutu Office 196 Alexandra Street Te Awamutu, 3800 • 07 870 1005 Kuriger.Teawamutu@parliament.govt.nz King Country Virtual Office 021 815 017 • Kuriger.Kingcountr y@parliament.govt.nz Funded by the Parliamentary Service Authorised by Barbara Kuriger Parliament Buildings, Wgtn Backing Rural and Provincial New Zealand Open up your view with Aluminium Windows and Doors Insert Aluminium windows and doors into existing Timber surrounds. Fisher Windows Taranaki 50 Rimu Street, STrandon, New Plymouth 06 758 5068 office@fishertaranaki.co.nz
Courage and
Barbara Kuriger, MP Taranaki-King Country

Can my joints improve?

I have been working with someone who has had problems with his knees; he had damaged one knee some time ago.

In more recent times, his ‘good’ knee had started to deteriorate from osteoarthritis. Eventually, his ‘good’ knee became worse than the knee damaged in an accident.

During a monthly review, he told me the results were amazing. He has much less pain and is more mobile. He has come from a position where working was becoming increasingly dif cult to now being more con dent about the future.

There are several lessons we can learn from this. The rst is that our bodies have an extraordinary ability to heal. However, this healing is dependent on the smooth operation of our healing systems.

In many cases, healing is restricted because the body system that is designed to heal the damage is somehow faulty or has just stopped functioning. The outcome of this is always disease.

In this case, we made several changes. The rst is to try and identify foods that either cause in ammation or, in some way, restrict healing.

Two of the most important groups of nutrients are fats because they govern the in ammatory pathways and antioxidants protecting our cells from damage.

We can also cheat a bit, but in a good way. I see effective joint health supplements as the ultimate cheat. We can target speci c compounds that have a direct therapeutic function in sore joints. Doing so can often reverse the discomfort and reduction in mobility by adding therapeutic levels of chondroitin sulphate to greatly impact the health and stability of cartilage. Adding water-soluble curcumin (from turmeric) can reduce in ammation and swelling in the joint capsule. Next edition, we continue this discussion and look at the second lesson we can learn.

John Arts (B.Soc.Sci, Dip Tch, Adv. Dip.Nut.Med) is a nutritional medicine practitioner and founder of Abundant Health Ltd. For questions or advice contact John on 0800 423 559 or emailjohn@abundant.co.nz. Join his all-new newsletter at abundant.co.nz.

Clarification on water management

The article ‘Water policy wait could span two years’ in our February issue stated the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM) had been ‘scrapped’. This terminology was inaccurate and too colloquial in attempting to express the vehemence of the ministers involved in reframing these water rules.

While the NPS-FM is being replaced, with work on that replacement beginning immediately, as confirmed by Associate Environment Minister Andrew Hoggard, at present, the NPS-FM has not been repealed and remains in force. As reported, that process is likely to take 18 to 24 months.

“To avoid unnecessary costs and compliance duplication for councils, the cabinet has decided to remove the requirement for councils to implement freshwater plans by the end of 2024,” said Agriculture Minister Todd McClay.

In the meantime, the NPS-FM rules and requirements continue to apply. We apologise for any confusion caused.

What is Bettaflex?

• Bettaflex is a joint support formula to promote healthy joint cartilage function

• Bettaflex has 400mg (per capsule) of high-grade avian chondroitin, 400mg of glucosamine and 100mg of BioSolve® bioavailable Curcumin (from turmeric).

• Try Bettaflex for 3 months and see for yourself.

How can Bettaflex help?

• Chondroitin and glucosamine are building blocks of cartilage.

• Supplementation with correct levels can support healthy cartilage function and cartilage repair processes.

• New BioSolve® bioavailable curcumin helps joint function while gentle on the stomach.

• Research indicates that chondroitin is highly effective at 800mg daily.

John Arts comments:

“My latest Bettaflex formula includes BioSolve® bioavailable curcumin for faster results. The normal dose is 2 capsules daily but I recommend an initial higher dose for 1-3 bottles to saturate join tissue.”

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COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS NEWS YOU CAN TRUST Abundant Health Bettaflex New enhanced formula TO ORDER PHONE: 0800 423 559 Or order online at www.abundant.co.nz Abundant Health Ltd, PO Box 8348, Cherrywood 3145 BEST BUY!
for 3 bottles freight-free or 1 bottle for $36.95 plus $5.99 postage 60 Capsules per Bottle Abundant Health Super Joint Formula
Do not take with anti-coagulant/platelet medication. If in doubt please consult your healthcare professional. Not suitable during pregnancy or lactation.
Arts, Founder, Abundant Health)
Associate Environment Minister Andrew Hoggard


Dairy farming and showing dairy cattle have been part of Riley Taylor’s life from a young age.

The Opunake High School student lives at Rahotu, where his parents, Wayne and Michelle Taylor, are relief milking. A herd of 350 crossbreed cows are milked on the farm.

From around age nine, Riley was keen to start helping out on the farm, assisting with milking and checking cows and calves.

“I started slowly helping more after school, weekends and holidays. Calving season is my favourite. I like rearing calves. I quite enjoy that.”

Showing dairy cattle is another of Riley’s interests. Since stepping into the show ring at grassroots level with Calf Club each year, Riley has progressed to

other shows and events with a willingness to help other competitors.

“I show dairy cattle at the Taranaki A&P Show, the New Zealand Dairy Event, and the Manawatū A&P Show. I’ve also helped other people to show their cattle at the Canterbury A&P Show and Waikato.”

During the week leading up to a show, Riley said he washes the selected dairy cattle and then fully clips the stock to give them a topline.

“The topline makes their back look straight,” he said.

In January 2023, Riley travelled to the International Dairy Week in Victoria, Australia. Held annually in Tatura, in the heart of Goulburn Valley’s dairy country,

Showing dairy cattle is one of Riley’s main interests, attending several shows each year

the International Dairy Week hosts a range of events, shows, workshops and seminars. Seven national breed shows and a national youth show are held during the event.

While there, Riley was part of the 10-person team competing in the TransTasman Youth Challenge. Competitors were required to clip a yearling within a 10-minute time limit, parade an animal and judge dairy cattle in the show ring.

“I also got to see how they show over there,” said Riley.

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Riley’s experience, leadership skills and willingness to help others were recognised earlier this year when he was awarded the Paramount Cup. This cup, donated by the Cairns family, is presented to the top-performing Holstein Friesian New Zealand youth member during the annual World Wide Sires National All Dairy Breeds Youth Camp.

“Winning the Paramount Cup was so cool, and made all the hard work put in that week worth it. I helped the younger kids at the camp and it was also judged on how I performed in the challenges myself.”

It was just the second time 16-year-old Riley Taylor had attended the youth camp. He said the win has also motivated and

encouraged him to continue working hard to achieve more. The annual camp, hosted by Holstein Friesian NZ, aims to upskill young people ages 10–21 with an interest in handling and showing dairy stock. Participants from around New Zealand attended the four-day event in Feilding.

Each participant was given their own heifer calves for the duration of the camp to feed, groom, teach to lead on a halter, and get ready for the show ring. There were also opportunities to learn about animal behaviour, take part in a mini show and team-building activities, and make friends.

Educational modules included clipping, care and maintenance. An artificial

insemination module was also held by Livestock Improvement Corporation. Several awards were presented to participants on the final day of the camp.

“The dairy industry is quite a close industry, and everybody gets along and catches up,” said Riley.

His younger sister, 12-year-old Kaylee, is also keen on showing dairy cattle. Riley’s other interests include playing rugby for his school team, hunting and fishing.

“When I leave school, I want to go dairy farming, but I might do an apprenticeship first, probably in building. My long-term goal is to own my own herd of cows.”

TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES April 2024 5 P 0 6 2 7 8 5 0 8 8 E i n f o @ f k a n d c o c o. n z . Fa r m B u s i n e s s & Pe rs o n a l Ac c o u n t i n g . B u s i n e s s M e n to r i n g . Fi n a n c i a l P l a n n i n g & Ad v i c e . B u d g e t & C a s h fl ow s . Fa m i l y Tr u st s . Fa r m S u c c e s s i o n . Ta x a t i o n & G S T S e r v i c e s . Pa y ro l l S p e c i a l i st s T h e S m a r t Ac c o u n t i n g S o l u t i o n : V I C TO R I A S T R E E T H A W E R A • Organic granular slow release fertiliser • Weed free - 67% organic matter • Will not burn plant roots or foliage • Can be incorporated when planting or used as a top feed • Fantastic for ALL lawns, flowers, vegetables, roses, trees, shrubs, & container plants • Bioboost is available from: Selected Garden Centres, Commercial Horticultural, Agricultural & Turf Service Centres BIOBOOST® 6-2-0 THE FERTILISER FOR ALL SITUATIONS Contact Bioboost Ltd for further information by E mail office@bioboostdistribution.co.nz or Phone 06 7548454/ 0274431809 www.bioboost.co.nz Value FarmSheds Building Supplies Clearspanoptionswithsteelrafters,polesandtimber. Visitourwebsite forfurtherdetails. Giveusacalltogetanestimateandplans! 1 KATERERD,NEWPLYMOUTH PHONE:067597435 JAMESST,INGLEWOOD PHONE:0800245535 www.valuebuilding.co.nz SERVICES New Dairy Sheds | Farm Buildings | Roofing Concreting Repairs & Maintenance | Joinery | Painting House Renovations & Extensions | Landscaping Office/Fax: 06 272 6564 Email: johnny@johnnyneilbuilding.co.nz 027 777 5625 449 Normanby Rd, RD11, Hawera 4671
Earlier this year, Riley won the Paramount Cup during the annual World Wide Sires National All Dairy Breeds Youth Camp Riley’s long-term goal is to own a herd of cows Preparing dairy stock for the show ring


Gardening has always featured in Tiffany’s life, and as her interest grew over the years, she completed several organic horticultural courses.

Tiffany said she embraced a new chapter when her husband’s Parkinson’s diagnosis led to his retirement.

“Seeking income and flexibility in the place we worked so hard to be, I knew the time was right to turn my passion for growing into a thriving homebased business.

“So, after gaining some experience, researching the industry and learning everything I could about speciality cut flowers, I knew I had to take the plunge.

“The idea of sharing local organically grown, seasonal blooms with others, contributing to the local community, and meeting my own family’s needs — it felt right.”

In 2021, Tiffany carefully planned her flower farm layout and researched suitable flower varieties for the property’s conditions. Soil was tested and then prepared by moving large quantities of compost and mulch.

Since then, Tiffany has expanded the size of the flower farm to now cover one acre, and increased the variety of flowers. The flowers are mostly grown outdoors.

“We have one small tunnel house and several cloches to extend the growing season.”

The cloches also protect the flowers’ delicate blooms from adverse weather conditions and pests. Since establishing the flower farm, Tiffany has faced several challenges.

“Extreme weather, including two cyclones that flattened the farm, pest management and market competition have presented challenges. Implementing sustainable practices, investing in protective infrastructure, building strong relationships and staying adaptable have been key in overcoming these hurdles.”

6 April 2024 TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES Renovations | Alterations | New Builds | Maintenance Hot Water Cylinder Installation & upgrades WC Installation & upgrades (06) 753 9797 M: 021 457 046 deanbrownplumbing@gmail.com Designing, Manufacturing & Installing quality, custom kitchens & wooden joinery. 78 Portia Street, Stratford, Taranaki Tel: 06 765 4058 | Mob: 021 167 7037 | Em: in2kitchen@xtra.co.nz All kitchen hardware • Stairs • Wooden window repairs • Wardrobe Systems Shop Counters • Laundry cabinetry • Shop fit outs and more..
Surrey Hill Flower Farm is located at the base of the Kaitake Range near Ōakura A love of gardening and a change of circumstances led Tiffany McDonald to establish her boutique flower farm at the base of the Kaitake Range in Ōakura.
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are sold on the farm stand, in several locations in New Plymouth, and to florists and trade-only websites

Tiffany said she has learnt about each specific flower’s needs and what’s required to grow and harvest them to ensure they have their best vase life. All flowers on the property are grown from seed. She finds this process allows a hands-on approach from the beginning and more control, ensuring the highest quality and unique varieties for customers. Positive feedback from the community has been one of the most rewarding aspects of operating Surrey Hill Flower Farm.

“This amount of people who take time out of their day to make contact and tell me how much they enjoyed their flowers or are surprised by how long they lasted, that gives me a real buzz.”

Tiffany also enjoys being able to contribute to special moments in people’s lives.

“Weddings, celebrations and even funerals are truly humbling and gratifying. A large proportion of my business is

repeat customers, which not only feels great but reinforces to me I’m doing something right.”

A diverse range of blooms are grown on the property, including tulips, ranunculus, dahlias, gypsophila, cosmos and sunflowers. Tiffany said the variety not only adds visual appeal to her bouquets but also caters to different customer preferences and occasions. A flag flying on the farm stand located on the corner of Surrey Hill and Kaitake Road on Friday and Saturday each week indicates when the stand is full of fresh cut blooms.

“During the week, you can find them at Down To Earth Organics and Ottimo Food Store, both in New Plymouth. We sell to florists all over the North Island and on trade-only websites.”

The daily routine at Surrey Hill Flower Farm involves watering, harvesting, weeding and bucket washing. On a weekly and monthly basis, planting, pest control, fertilisation, property

maintenance and bed preparation takes place.

“While seasonal routines focus more on crop rotation, pruning and preparing for different flower varieties, compost-building and improving infrastructure,” said Tiffany.

Sustainable practices have been implemented to enhance the farm’s productivity and eco-friendliness. Running the flower farm has grown into a full-time commitment for Tiffany.

“This year, I have been fortunate to have some great part-time crew, too. The dedication ensures that we can consistently deliver the best quality blooms to our customers and maintain the overall success of the business.

“Our long-term vision includes more community engagement projects, increased flower production and a large pick-your-own area,” said Tiffany.

A wide range of blooms are grown on the farm

TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES April 2024 7 SAVE TIME & MONEY with the ORIGINAL automatic chicken & poultry feeder! Join the flock of satisfied customers and get your hands on our clucktastic feeders and drinker cups today! Your chickens will thank you with their egg-cellent productivity!
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feathered friends, there’s no substitute for Grandpas Feeders. And hey,
completely egg-static
Tiffany grows all the flowers from seed
Fresh-cut blooms
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8 April 2024 TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES LOOKING FOR BULK OR BAGGED LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES? If you’re looking for bulk or bagged landscaping supplies, then drive on in. We now have a great range including Bark, Builders Mix, Sand, Stone, and more. If you can’t get to us we can deliver to you! STRATFORD CornerofBroadwaySouthand WarwickRoad• (06)7657800 www.itmstratford.co.nz $1500VALUE FREE SPEND OVER $10,000 ON YOUR NEW SHED FROM STRATFORD ITM AND GET A MAKITA 40V CORDLESS CIRCULAR SAW AND DRILL! To get your Pole shed underway contact us on 06 7657800 or enquireies@itmstratford.co.nz T&C’s: Offer valid for quotes accepted between February 1st and April 30th 2024. Minimum spend of 10,000 excluding GST required to qualify Includes: 40Vmax XGT Brushless 165mm Circular Saw (HS012GZ) 40Vmas XGT Brushless Drill Driver (DS001GZ) 1x40Vmas XGT Rapid Charger (DC40RA) 1x40Vmax XGT 2.5Ah Battery (BL4025-L)


The farming women of the Kiwi home front

When the second world war broke out, 140,000 New Zealand men enlisted to fight, and many of them were the farmers who were needed to fuel the war effort for both the Anzacs and their allies.

It was a conundrum for the government of the time and one that afflicted manufacturing and processing as well. While society in the late 1930s was very divided along gender-role lines, a willing, capable and determined workforce was ready to step into the gaps left by departing servicemen. They were the women who, by 1944, 80 years ago, would number 147,000 strong in the workforce.

“This is your opportunity to back up New Zealand’s gallant fighting men!’ exclaimed a missive by Ford, calling for ‘200 more women and girls for munitions work’.

It was not just bullets and bombs the women of New Zealand produced. An army marches on its stomach, and Kiwi farms needed assistance to feed the entire war effort.

The concept of a Women’s Land Corps (WLC) was discussed in the late 1930s, but opposition to the idea was surprisingly vehement. It would not be until 1942, the darkest days for the Allies, that such a corps came to its final fruition. Prior to this date, there had been volunteer-based local schemes, such as one which formed in Matamata in 1940. There was, perhaps, more of a resistance to the idea of women doing the ‘man’s work’ of farming than there was to employing women in factories. A total of 2,711 women would sign up to serve on farms during the war years.

They were called the ‘land girls’; the volunteers of the Women’s Land Corps helped win victory over the Axis but also achieved a change in attitudes to women’s role in agriculture

Though the years pass by, we will remember them

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While the Farmers’ Union initially agitated against the concept, the value of these volunteers was soon to become apparent. Issued a uniform consisting of coveralls, an overcoat, gumboots, leggings, and thick woollen socks, Women’s Land Corps members often surprised their farming hosts with their willingness and grit. The toughest, dirtiest rural jobs didn’t phase them, and opposition turned to respect. At harvest time, the army sent soldiers to help on farms. Astonished officers noted that while their men, trained and ready to go and fight overseas, were exhausted after an eight-hour day, the women who worked alongside them were expected to put in 12 hours for less pay.

Their Sacrifice, Our Freedom.

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At the time, it was seen as a necessity, but the WLC years changed attitudes to women’s place in farming indelibly. By winning the fight to prove themselves and to learn far outside the roles and norms of that earlier era, those women who volunteered made a major contribution to overall victory and changed future attitudes.

ANZAC Day 25th April They gave their today for your tomorrow INGRAMS Contracting Ltd LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED Ph (06) 278-4786 90 Collins Street, Hawera www.ingrams.co.nz ingrams@ingrams.co.nz Lest we forget, we shall remember them. Ph 06 769 5300 TARANAKI Remembering the fallen Ph 06 278 4992 A/H 027 555 1869 In remembrance of our fallen HEAVY MACHINERY SERVICES LIMITED 5 Monmouth Rd, Stratford 06 765 7628 027 443 2896 ross@hms-taranaki.co.nz With deepest respect to those who answered the call with bravery. Ph 027 293 5925 Steve Gray PLASTERERS Interior & Exterior Licensed Plasterers Gone but never forgotten 0800 289 787 / 06 759 5040 info@btw.nz / www.btw.nz 170 Courtney St, New Plymouth They fell for us. Eltham Farm Supplies 06 764 7003 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Sat 9am-12pm At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. 06 278 4756 309 South Road Hawera baileymotorcycles@xtra.co.nz www.baileymotorcycles.co.nz

Warming the home’s heart for 45 years

The third-generation team at Wagener Stoves look forward to delivering warmth and comfort to you and your family season after season and year after year.

For 45 years the family business has proudly designed and handcrafted its unique Wagener res right here in New Zealand.

The Wagener range began in the days of the original Kent res with

entrepreneurial Leon Kernot. Forty- ve years ago, things were built to last, and today, as the grandsons step up to take over the business from dad, Barry Kernot, and mum, Ngaire McClure, that philosophy has not changed.

The original Wagener Stove, designed by Leon, morphed into the CookTop Wagener Stove and is renowned and praised by generations of Kiwis. Wagener still produces the only Kiwi-made modernday chip heater, the Butler Multi highperformance hot water heater, and for decades has manufactured a modern-day Woodrange, with the current Fairburn Cooker still proving as popular as ever.

More recent additions include the very popular Sparky Multi, Rural and Clean Air models and bigger brother Wagener Leon named in memory of founder, grandad Leon.

Leon’s son, Barry, has been responsible for designing all the stoves

since the original Wagener. Although now retired, he is still working in the background, designing new products and guiding the latest generation.

As the needs of Kiwi families change, the Wagener family brings new niche options to the market to meet the demands of an everchanging world. The latest to hit the market, is Wagener Pipi, designed to meet the growing needs of the tiny house market, and under test now, a mini oven designed to sit on top of your fireplace.

For more information and to nd a dealer near you, please visit wagenerstoves.co.nz.

10 April 2024 TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES WINTER FOCUS www.wagenerstoves.co.nz Home of the Wagener Fairburn, Leon, Butler Multi, CookTop Wagener Stove, Sparky Multi, CA & RU and Pipi 5 Allen Bell Drive, Kaitaia • Ph 09 408 2469 Handcrafted by WAGENER STOVES “LION” LTD NE W Z E A L A N D M A DE Sparky He’s the original multi-fuel built of solid 5mm steel, with a stovetop cooking surface and optional top rails and wetback. Let Sparky chuckle away and brighten your day. Heat Output 7kw (estimated). A 1.2kw Lion wetback can be fitted to heat your hot water. Leon Leon has been designed to work hard and stand the test of time. He’s a multi-fuel standing 900m high with a fixed log base and optional top rails. Heat Output 16-18kw (estimated). A 3kw Lion wetback can be fitted to heat your hot water. Sparky CA She has streamlined panels in a choice of colours, a fixed log base, stove top cooking and optional top rails. A country girl rural model with optional wetback is also available. Heat Output 7kw (estimated). Emissions 0.55g/kg and Efficiency 68% Rural Model Available Fairburn The ultimate stove providing heating, stove top cooking, oven baking and hot water plus huge savings on your power bills as well as self-sufficiency through winter power cuts. Heat Output 16kw (estimated). A number of Lion wetbacks options are available to heat your hot water. Pipi New to the market and designed to meet the growing needs of the tiny home market. Perfect for small spaces in cabins, sleep-outs, mobile homes and tiny homes. Heat Output 4kw RU Model available now CA Model under development HEATING KIWI HOMES FOR 45 YEARS Order NOW to avoid delays this season Buy 10 troughs get 1 free Phone Robin 027 484 4784 | York Road, Midhurst SUPA CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD Supplier of septic tanks
Troy, Kyle and Adam, third generation taking over the business

Ducks mobbed up for May 4

Dry late summer and autumn conditions have encouraged mallard ducks to congregate on lakes and ponds that have retained permanent water; river bends and estuaries with exposed beaches for loafing are also favoured spots.

This is unlikely to change until we get sufficient rain to cause ponding in farm paddocks to draw in mallards to feed on tasty worms and bugs. A recent flight around the Taranaki ring plain revealed that some dairy farm oxidation ponds are holding good numbers of birds. Mobs of paradise shelduck were also seen on paddocks with maize stubble, farmers will be keen for hunters to harvest birds from these areas.

This year, in conjunction with the Wellington Region, Taranaki has set a 12-bird limit for mallard/grey duck for the entire season in recognition of the good numbers of birds. A 10-bird limit has been retained for paradise shelduck. Fish & Game Rangers will be out checking on compliance, so please carry your game licence with you. The land occupier, their spouse or partner and one son or daughter (a total of three people) can shoot on the property they occupy without a game bird licence. Still, they must comply with all other regulations, including bag limits, use of non-toxic shot, etc.

TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES April 2024 11 FISHING, HUNTING & OUTDOORS Species Grey / Mallard Duck NZ Shoveler Duck Paradise Shelduck Black Swan Pukeko California Quail Cock Pheasant Bobwhite (Virginian) Quail Red legged Patridge Season Duration (dates inclusive) 4 May to 30 June 2024 4 May to 30 June 2024 4 May to 30 June 2024 4 May to 30 June 2024 4 May to 25 August 2024 4 May to 25 August 2024 4 May to 25 August 2024 4 May to 25 August 2024 4 May to 25 August 2024 4 May to 25 August 2024 Daily Bag Limit 12 2 10 2 5 10 5 2 5 2 Hunting Area All Areas All Areas All Areas All Areas Areas A & B Area C All Areas All Areas All Areas All Areas GAME THAT MAY BE HUNTED OR KILLEDDURATION OF 2024/2025 SEASON TARANAKI FISH & GAME REGION Areas A&B comprise Waimarino and Whanganui sub regions, Area C is Taranaki extending down to the Waitotara River. Shooting Hours: 6.30am to 6.15pm New Plymouth Office: 06 757 9676 Whanganui Office: 021 270 0239 For More Information PHONE: Possum Rugs & Pillows • Fur Scarves & Hats Possum Footwear • Possum & Merino Knitwear All of our products are made at our factory outside Stratford in Taranaki, New Zealand using a unique process (no chrome or allium). So you know that you are getting the best product while making an environmental difference. ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS NZ LTD: 1103 Opunake Rd, Stratford, Taranaki Open 7 Days: Mon–Fri: 9am-5pm Sat & Sun: 10am-2pm | Ph/Fax: 06 764 6133 | pennie@envirofur.co.nz Phone Bryce 027 273 1429 – Jan 027 480 7611 GREAT FUN FOR THE FAMILY PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE OUR LATEST MODELS NOW AVAILABLE! FROM $1,450
Jacob Morison Happy hunters on opening day 2023 As always, stay safe this game season, review and obey the seven rules of firearm safety and the rules for secure storage and transport of firearms see firearmssafetyauthority.govt.nz. From the team at Taranaki Fish & Game 76% of us ignore online ads ELECTRIC OR COMBUSTION? Powerful 15kW electric motor; 12kWh & 21kWh lithium battery options; Huge 1.6m x 1.4m of deck space; Low, low, low running costs; Equipped with 2WD/4WD, diff locks; Regenerative braking for control on steep inclines; Two speed transmission; Powerful 1,000cc, 3cyl. Engine, 69HP; All steel construction; Manual 5 x speed transmission; Electophoresis anti-corrosion treatment; Equipped with 2WD/4WD, diff locks; Huge towing & carrying capacity; Equipped with a catalytic converter for low emission operation; www.tuataraatv.com info@tuataraatv.com Tel. 027 477 0070 Machinery Limited ELECTRIC $1,000.00 OFF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENCLOSED CABIN OPTION NOW AVAILABLE FOR BOTH MODELS THE MARKET LEADING EV SIDE BY SIDE OUR 12KWH ELECTRIC TUATARA FOR APRIL ONLY Ma’dore Beautiful Ladies Fashion & Accessories NEW SEASON ARRIVING DAILY WINTER Open Mon – Fri 9am – 4.30pm Sat 9am – 1pm • Ph 06 757 2424 578 Devon St East, Fitzroy, New Plymouth

Passion for the past

Hawera resident, Jill Williams’ interest in genealogy spans decades and has also led to branching into other historical research.

As convenor of the Hāwera Genealogy Society, Jill spends numerous hours researching and helping others with their genealogicalresearch.

“I research people,” said Jill. “It all started with family history 30 years ago.

I also belong to a memoirs group. I’m adding to my ancestors all the time.”

Jill’s research into early settlers from Hāwera led to several other projects. One of those is looking into the history behind streets, houses and buildings in Hāwera. “I’m researching when houses were built and the people who have lived in them,” she said. “It’s all a bit like historical detective work.”

It was through the region’s history month that members started researching the early settlers to Hāwera. This project has continued to eventually include everyone in the cemetery.

“We are planning a walk around the Hāwera cemetery. Our current project is to research a certain area and build on those names.”

Jill said they are looking at the early settlers’ graves using the plot number and date of death as a starting point. The district’s cemeteries and settler records are catalogued by the society. Newspaper reports and death notices are filed, too. As a fundraiser, the society holds an annual book fair.

“This is now permanently set up in the rooms behind our research rooms and is

open every Wednesday afternoon from 1pm. The funds from this help to get more newspapers on to PapersPast.”

A core of volunteers is also available to help the public on Wednesdays from 1pm at the Union Street rooms.

“We collect anything related to south Taranaki and have many school jubilee and club booklets. Currently, four of us are working on a master database.”

The Hāwera Genealogy Society meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm from February to November at 48 Union Street.

“Sometimes we have guest speakers. Other times, someone may bring an old photo along and have a talk about that.”

The Hāwera Genealogy Society is part of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists. In November 2023, Jill received a South Taranaki District Community Award in recognition of her commitment to the Hāwera Genealogy Society.

“Another project I am involved in is the researching of one area, its history and its people. This area is Auroa where my great-grandparents farmed on Auroa Road.”

Cadwallader Industries Ltd • Plasterboard Stopping • Cornice Installation Mark Cadwallader 027 481 8132 • 06 278 5748 plasteringplus@gmail.com
I’m a certified advisor for Xero, Figured & PaySauce. Office admin so you can focus on the farm. Based in Taranaki, work anywhere. SmarterBooks Guido Biggelaar www.smarterbooks.nz
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Jill Williams is the convenor of the Hāwera Genealogy Society

Workshop to teach stitching skills

An Upcycled Slow Stitch Hearts Workshop to be held in Hāwera next month will cater for all sewing abilities.

Workshop tutor Meryl Henry-Schou has a passion for fabric from Japanese stitching style Sashiko mending to T-shirt crocheting. She also runs Upsewing Taranaki twicemonthly free sessions in Hāwera.

As part of Timebank Taranaki, Upsewing Taranaki is a space for stitching not ditching cloth and clothes. It aims to repurpose and upcycle, reducing waste and teaching people of all skill levels in the process.

With a commitment to preventing clothes and fabric from ending up in landfills, Meryl is dedicated to upcycling it into useful and beautiful items. The Upcycled Slow Stitch Hearts Workshop will use up some smaller fabric pieces.

During the workshop, Meryl will demonstrate different stitches. A large range of fabrics, threads, and extra bits and pieces will be available for those attending. Meryl said any shape and any fabric can be used.

She has prepared some upcycled hearts with zips, which workshop attendees can use as a base to add their own personality to their creations. These hearts can be stuffed and hung as an ornament or added to cushions or clothes.

“You’re only limited by your imagination,” she said.

The workshop is an opportunity for attendees to learn and practise a wide range of different types of stitching to create their own slow-stitched piece to take home. All attendees can work at their own pace on their projects in a relaxed environment.

Timebank Taranaki coordinator for South Taranaki Michelle Busby said slow stitching is all about grabbing your needle and thread, some bits and bobs, and slowing down to enjoy the simple process of sewing by hand.

“We’re not aiming for perfection, just a relaxing, meandering session creating something mindfully. If someone has special fabric or special pieces they want to include, like beads, pieces of jewellery or buttons, they are welcome to bring those along.”

The workshop will be held on Saturday, May 11, from 10am to 2pm, and will cost $30 a person. Places in the workshop are limited to enable Meryl to support all attendees. Email contact@taranakitimebank.org for further information and to book a spot.

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Meryl Henry-Schou will share her knowledge at the Upcycled Slow Stitch Hearts Workshop in May
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Upcycled hearts with zips will be available for workshop attendees to use as a base

The fuel source right under our noses

Tractors powered by electricity, or more recently, those powered by hydrogen, have made headlines in the 2020s, but the ultimate in circular-economy vehicles may be a tractor that runs on effluent.

To be precise, machines running on bio-methane, harvested from carefully separated dairy effluent waste, have recently been deployed on an English country farm, supplying the supermarket chain Waitrose

brand’s leadership position in alternative propulsions,” said New Holland’s brand president, Carlo Lambro, when the firm forged alliances with leading bio-methane infrastructure providers there.

Irish farmers are also catching on, with two T6.180 New Hollands hitting the fields in County Kildare last October. The pair of machines replaced diesel tractors of a similar size. They will work alongside bio-methane-powered vans and trucks for the Green Generation company.


‘lagoon’ filled with

system designed by clean energy experts Bennamann,

together with tractor giant New Holland.

The Bennamann process has the potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of an average dairy farm. It’s estimated that the CO2 reduction for a 120-cow farm could be equivalent to 100 typical households.

Stopping the rainwater from getting in is another benefit.”

It’s not just the British getting in on the idea. Late in 2023, New Holland also brought its bio-methane tractor concept to Brazil, landing a T6.180 methane-fuelled tractor in the South American nation.

“We continue to reinforce our sustainability strategy on the global level, confirming with concrete actions our

“As a tractor manufacturer, we’re interested in the fact that the methane can be used to make fuel,” said Tom Kindred, platform and engineering lead for the New Holland Methane Power tractor programme. “For the farmer, covering the lagoon reduces the smell, which can be a very important factor.

New Zealand has a lot to gain from this technology. A report produced in partnership with the EECA and Fonterra discovered that four per cent of New Zealand’s energy-related emissions could be avoided with biogas upgraded into biomethane. Throughout the full biomethane value chain, it prevents up to 95 per cent of associated carbon emissions.

The best part, however, is that it’s a resource sourced from a substance that’s more than plentiful on our dairy farms, which already needs to be contained and controlled. Why not ask proponents of biomethane to turn the brown stuff into gaseous gold?

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New Holland first created the T6 bio-methane tractor in 2019; the concept it embodies is gathering momentum worldwide in 2024 in the UK. The Hampshire property is home to 500 cattle, and together, they keep a covered energy-rich fluid. Methane escaping from the effluent is captured and stored using a working

Tractor attachments sorted

Eagle Attachments is a New Zealand family-owned company with a simple belief — you deserve reliable and functional gear at great value.

“This belief drives our selection of products and suppliers, ensuring they meet the high standards of durability and ef ciency needed for the diverse New Zealand conditions,” says manager Almanzo McGaveston.

“Our understanding of the challenging terrains and demanding work environments shapes our commitment to providing top-notch tractor and skid steer loader attachments.”

Eagle Attachments specialises in providing practical and robust attachments for the agricultural and construction sectors.

“Our experience in these industries guides our selection of products to ensure they meet the real-world demands of farmers and contractors.

“By sourcing directly from global manufacturers, predominantly in Europe, we bring quality attachments straight to the end user across the nation — no dealers, no middlemen, just great value.

“Explore our ever-growing range of attachments, available for immediate purchase or pre-order, to enhance your machine’s ef ciency today. We recommend pre-ordering so you score a deal with forward planning, ensuring

you’re equipped with the right tools for future tasks.

“Choosing to pre-order with us at Eagle Attachments means you’re strategically equipping your farm for future tasks, ensuring you have the necessary attachments at the best value.

“It’s a nancially savvy and ef cient choice for farmers who want to stay ahead and save. It’s a simple process. Just get in contact with us to discuss the attachment you require, and we will take it from there.

“We’ll discuss the nal price with you and provide regular updates on the status of your order.

“Discover the simplicity and exibility of purchasing with Eagle Attachments. Whether you need a product right away or are planning for future needs, our tailored purchasing options are designed to suit your speci c requirements.

“At Eagle Attachments, we’re dedicated to equipping you with the best tools for success. Our commitment is to deliver not just products, but solutions that withstand the test of time and nature.”

Go to eagleattach.co.nz to order or for more information.

Harvesting, pruning or storage, we’ve got you covered!

TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES April 2024 15 Olive Grove and Orchard Equipment Phone: 09 945 0890 Email: info@grovesupply.co.nz Web: grovesupply.co.nz
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Eagle Attachments specialises in providing practical and robust attachments for the agricultural and construction sectors

Looking toward future

Rural Women New Zealand has created a new associate board member role to develop the next generation of rural leaders.

“As we near the centenary of Rural Women NZ, it’s important that we not only look back and acknowledge how far we have come over the past 100 years

but also that we look to the future,” says RWNZ president Gill Naylor.

“Creating this associate board member role is a way for us to foster emerging leaders and support the movement for more women on boards generally. As an organisation, it also supports our succession planning and helps us achieve a broader balance of skills and diversity.

“I like to think of the position as a ‘step up’ role aimed at candidates who do not have board-level experience but could succeed in leadership and governance roles if given the opportunity to prove themselves.”

The associate board member role is appointed, not elected by RWNZ members, and does not hold voting rights. The successful candidate will play a full role in board and committee meetings, helping to shape strategic planning and decision-making for the organisation.

“We’ve made some great inroads into nurturing the next generation of leaders through our various scholarships and bursaries, annual business awards and activator programme over the years. This

associate board member role is a way we can continue to evolve as an organisation.”

The successful candidate will be appointed for a one-year term. While the role is not remunerated, they will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses.

More information on the role responsibilities, personal attributes, time

commitments and desired knowledge and experience is available on the Rural Women NZ website.

Applications close at 5pm on Friday, May 10, and the successful candidate is expected to be announced in mid-June, ahead of starting on the board at the beginning of July.

16 April 2024 TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES RURAL CONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS VALINTINE CONTRACTING STRATFORD Phone Blair 027 442 9916 Buying and Logging stands of Pine and Macrocarpa Trees. We also remove large old dangerous trees and do firewood. TRACTOR & MACHINERY SERVICE & REPAIRS ON FARM SERVICING AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE, REPAIRS AND HOSE MAKING SPARE PARTS & FARM OILS IMPLEMENTS & ATTACHMENTS - SALES AND SERVICE FACTORY TRAINED TECHNICIAN TARANAKI & WANGANUI INDEPENDENT FERGIE TRACTOR SPECIALISTS Ph 06 762 8023 Ian Crawford Mob 0272 207 701 MASSEY FERGUSON FORD SAME LANDINI ISEKI VALTRA MATBRO INTERNATIONAL MERLO DAVID BROWN RENAULT URSUS JOHN DEERE the winning formula since 1869 est. 1981 All Types of Drainage, Earthworks & Roading Undertaken Contract Driving/Operating (Class 5) Cartage of all Grades of Metal & Soil Contact Nigel MOBILE 027 443 1864 | PH/FAX (06) 752 3300 EMAIL crawfordnd@icloud.com Cridge Seeds Ltd – Outstanding in the field If your land is dry as a Bone! – try our mix for your next feed Perennial ryegrass 23kg Huia White clover 2kg – 1 bag to one hectare $159 gst freight included (If under 200kg extra freight charge) Cridge Seeds brands of ryegrass mix suggestions suit all requirements throughout NZ. We can source seed, provide treatment of seed and produce purity and germination tests on request. Even though we are in the south, we can deliver seed in 4–6 days of ordering where possible. Website www.cridgeseeds.co.nz Phone Manager Nick 022 083 3579 or Julie 027 324 4431 We are happy to advise, view your land or send you the seed you require – Freephone 0800 4 SEEDS SEEDS QUALITY PASTURESEED CRI DGE GRAIN & SEED DRESSING ● Spray Painting ● Wallpapering ● Spraying for Moss & Mould ● Waterblasting & Cleaning ● Cowshed Coatings ● Roof Coatings & Decramastic ● Textured Coatings ● Insurance Claims ● Residential ● Commercial ● Industrial ● Inside & Out FREE QUOTES Ph: 06 765 8058 A/H Mobile: 027 241 2881 TARANAKI WIDE PAINTER AND DECORATOR ALLAN McCULLOUGH 0 6 7 6 5 5 3 3 6 I N F O @ S A V V Y G A S C O N Z W W W S A V V W A R M U P F O R W I N T E R N O W ! L O G F I R E S W E T B A C K S G A S F I R E S C E N T R A L H E A T I N G R A D I A T O R S Call us for a free quote
Gill Naylor, Rural Women New Zealand president

Forged in the Sahara

The old adage in racing was ‘win on Sunday, sales on Monday’, but how does that translate to building brand prestige off the tarmac, in the more gruelling world of ATVs?

CFMoto would be quick to answer after its impressive performance at this year’s Dakar Rally, one of the most brutal racing events on the planet. The factory team from CFMoto managed to place fifth in this massive trek through the Sahara Desert to the coast.

Rider Antanas Kanopkinas’s stamina was tested over 15 days in the roughest terrain the desert could provide, and his CForce 1000 displayed similar fortitude. Amazingly, in a race that devours the inexperienced, Mr Kanopkinas and the CFMoto team were first-time entrants. The question that hung over the whole endeavour was whether a Chinese ATV could make it in a race that has wrecked the best of the USA and Japan in the past.

It could, and that’s good news for Kiwi farmers looking for a very capable machine to add to their fleets. Bigger, more powerful ATV quads are beloved by those who need to tackle big jobs such as fencing or weed and pest control, and while you can’t buy a Formula Onewinning McLaren tomorrow or even one

of the monster Camaros and Mustangs that race at Bathurst, you can walk into a CFMoto showroom and take home the ATV that smashed the Dakar in 113 hours flat. Admittedly, Antanas made a few modifications, but surprisingly few.

The CForce 1000 Overland packs a 75 horsepower fuel-injected v-twin engine that also develops 79 Newton-metres of torque, liquid-cooled as one would expect from a desert-conquering design. It delivers power to the ground with an ultradurable CVT transmission, selectable two and four-wheel-drive, front-locking diff and a rear limited slip system to stay stable and planted.

All this is armoured with an eightmillimetre full-length skid plate set-up and 38mm steel tube bars, defending the lights and grille from sticks, stones and other obstacles. There’s a powerful winch to get you or fellow riders out of trouble, 27-inch Stag tyres that can be deflated for more contact thanks to a sturdy beadlock, and plenty of towing and carrying capacity for any rural jobs you might load up to accomplish.

TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES April 2024 17 RURAL CONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS rosecontractingltd@hotmail.com roseconcreting.com Sam | 022 084 4626 Exceptional Quality Extraordinary Service We specialise in all aspects of concrete. Owned and operated by Taranaki Locals, Sam and Aimee Rose. • Eltham Farm Supplies Our company has always prided itself in its ability to bring the big brands to a small town to support the local people of Eltham and surrounding areas. We sell farming goods, pet supplies, stock feed, gardening needs, DIY and much more. • Eltham Timber & Supplies Your go-to source for robust timber, sturdy gates, and reliable hardware. Whether you’re constructing structures or fortifying your land, we’ve got the materials and expertise to support your projects with strength and durability. • Eltham Construction Your trusted licensed building practitioners, crafting bespoke farm buildings, sleep outs, garages, and beyond with expert precision and dedication. Eltham Construction 027 764 7006 25 North Street, Eltham farmsupplies@elthamtimber.co.nz | sales@elthamtimber.co.nz | construction@elthamtimber.co.nz Eltham Farm Supplies 06 764 7003 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Sat 9am-12pm Eltham Timber Supplies 06 764 7004 Mon-Fri 7.30am-5pm Independently locally owned by Joe and Claire Menzies
CFMoto’s CForce 1000 conquered the Dakar Rally with an impressive fifth place on its first trip to the Sahara; now, you can test it against Kiwi conditions

No flash without the fundamentals

When it comes to making an impression with automotive upgrades and restoration, the fundamentals count.

For six glorious seasons, from 2004 until 2007, hip-hop star Xzibit surprised the owners of run-down vehicles with a surprise, televised makeover. The machines that came out of his custom shop were flashy and often very specifically themed, but some people featured on the show would later complain that the transformation was only skin deep.

When planning to restore or upgrade your car, especially if it’s a classic, it pays to take note of the fundamentals rather than simply relying on extra bling and massive rims. That means talking to experts who know their craft and investing the time and effort to do it right.

Whether it’s a US cruiser, a European luxury car or a Japanese classic from the 1990s, everything begins with the metal under the paint. Removing rust and protecting the structure of your car is always step one. The most important areas to check are the points where the engine and suspension mount to the body, around the windows, and along the bottom of the doors. Talk to someone who knows how to craft, weld, chop and replace rotten steel, as filler is not the real answer.

“Everything begins with the metal under the paint.”

When a repower is on the cards, find out what will fit and what else needs to happen to make it all good and legal.

Everything is a balance between a powerful engine and the brakes needed to stop it, for example, or impressively large rims and the way they can affect handling. An engineer who knows the details of the rules and can advise on what will fit while still providing a car you can drive comfortably and safely is a big asset here.

Just as fundamental is the paint sealing in all that bare metal. Along with providing a beautiful finish and adding to the vehicle’s character, a good paint job is an investment in a long life and a barrier against rust. A good car painter can lay down a coating that will stand the test of time. A great one will be able to match the original colour of your classic for spot fixes or even preserve a hardearned patina while protecting against the ravages of time.

18 April 2024 TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES WHEELS SAND BLASTING Brokers United - Waitara • 23 Mayne St, Waitara • waitara@brokersnz.co.nz • 0800 45 88 45 We are specialists in sandblasting all types of commercial vehicles, heavy equipment & structural steel. All types of collision and rust repairs, including fibreglass and plastic welding. We have large designed spray areas, multiple spray-bake booths, and state of the art colour matching technology. PANEL REPAIRS SPRAY PAINTING Specialists in all commercial painting and repairs. PROFESSIONAL | TRUSTED | EXPERIENCED HEAVY MACHINERY SERVICES taranaki (ltd) HEAVY SERVICES EARTHMOVING & HYDRAULIC MACHINERY SPECIALISTS 5 Monmouth Rd, Stratford 06 765 7628 027 443 2896 Ross ross@hms-taranaki.co.nz Service & Parts Dealer since 1981 Classics on display at a recent hot rod show — with an eye on the Important stuff, your dream car can turn heads and drive on for years to come

Adopting a 73-year-old

It could be for reasons of nostalgia or because it’s hard not to like their style, but many people would love to own a car with vintage character.

Usually less powerful and more basic than their modern counterparts, there’s a lot to love, and a lot to learn, when you pick up a piece of motoring history, as this writer discovered personally by acquiring a 1951 Ford Prefect, made here in New Zealand. It’s made for a different pace of life, as well as a different pace on the road. Like other comparable Austin, Ford, and Morris contemporaries, the ‘51 Prefect is comfortable cruising at about 80km/h, with three gears to get you there. It’s leisurely, but then again, it was designed as a machine for leisure more than the commuter grind. The boot lid, for example, can fold down on straps to make a little picnic table. Other drivers tend to be delighted to see an older car on the road and don’t mind the pace, so long as you pull over to let them pass when it’s safe. It’s simple, too. Forget electronic gremlins because the ‘51 has headlights and very little else. A truly original model has trafficators, those pop-out flags in the side pillars instead of indicators, and one tiny stop light at the back. Air conditioning is affected by opening up the front windscreen,

with a giant wingnut in the middle of the dash. For heating, vents open up on the outside of the car to direct air across the little engine and on to your knees. The alternative is a woolly tartan blanket.

Everything is very manual. Manual gears, no power steering, and nonassisted drum brakes work well only because the car is so light. That’s despite being made of proper steel that won’t bend when you lean on it. As a result, things are easy to fix, and for emergency starts, you can turn the motor over with a crank handle.

Now, the best part. It’s not fast enough to get a speeding ticket. Well, that’s charmingly true, but the real bonus is that nothing gets more positive attention than a ‘senior’ classic car. People love to see it go by. Children wave, and older folks share their memories of such machines belonging to dads and grandpas whenever you stop. Dollar for dollar, it’s as attentiongrabbing as a bright purple Ferrari with monster truck wheels but much cheaper. Classic registration is less than $60 each year, too.

76b De Havilland Drive, Bell Block

PH. 06 755 2400

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GF Hydraulics ENZED Taranaki
The author’s own 1951 Ford — older classics are becoming more popular thanks to a style that’s distinctive and full of character
20 April 2024 TARANAKI FArMiNG liFESTYlES 0800 RURAL DIRECT FREE DELIVERY ORDERS OVER $2000 449 WAIHI ROAD, NORMANBY Retailer of Rural Piping and Farm Supplies All items in this advertisement are while stocks last. Phone Rural Direct for conditions of deliver y. ALL PRICES INCLUDE GST. TARANAKI / WHANGANUI 449 Waihi Road, Normanby Phone (06) 272 8187 Email taranaki@ruraldirect.net.nz S U P P O R T N E W Z E A L A N D M A D E SHOP HOURS: Monday - Friday 7.30am - 5.00pm 100% NZ owned and operated Other pressure ratings also available Suits compression and electrofusion fittings Connecto Channel & Grate 3 metre lengths $100.00 Thru Post Gudgeon 20mm x 275mm $11.00 Lock Thru Post Gudgeon 20mm x 275mm $15.00 Screw Gudgeon 20mm x 200mm $7.50 Spring Latch & Staple $7.50 PE80 Pr essur e Blue PN12.5 Water distribution for town, rural and irrigation projects 25mm x 25m $64 25mm x 50m $120 25mm x 100m $235 Pel Far m Gates Full Range 8ft to 16ft (2.44m - 4.88m) New Zealand made $230.00 12ft gate (3.66m) Bare With ballcocks 200L $175 $199 400L $215 $239 600L $291 $317 Plastic Tr oughs Black only Steel Y Posts 1.8m $9.50 1.65m $8.50 Drain Waste & Vent 100mm Bends $6.00 each Available 5˚, 11˚, 15˚, 22˚, 30˚, 60˚, 88 Drain Waste & Vent 100mm Junctions $10.00 each Available 45˚ and 88˚ Maxi Culver t Twinwall HOT DEAL 225mm x 6m $165.00 225mm ID x 259mm OD x 6m Made in New Zealand MDPE Pr essur e Pi Outside diameter$ per 100m $ per 200m 25mm $161 $314 32mm $201 $393 40mm $273 $532 50mm $411 $802 63mm $626 $1221 9 Bar Rural Pressure Pipe High Tensile W ir e 2.5mm x 25kg $98.00 VALID MAY 2024

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