able to help teach
works alongside her son Sam and is proud to be other

staff and eco-warriors the importance of caring for our native habitat to care for the environment.
knowledge and experience of collecting seeds from native trees to help restore the Kaipara Harbour catchment to a healthy environment. Based at Te Ārai Nursery, Natalie

107 Mangawhai Heads Road : 09 431 5445 : Making your place a green space • Plants • Seedlings • • Fruit trees • Fertilisers • • Plant care • Pots & More • We have what you need to make your Garden look great P Celebrating3languageMāori P7 Literacychildrenencourages P Proud5 of our community

continued on page 12 … September 23 2022

Natalie Gardner is using her

“Thisquality.project has brought an incredible contextual learning experience to the tamariki of Taitokerau, giving them understanding and tools to protect their local ecosystems. It has enabled all of us involved to learn from experts sharing their knowledge in exciting and practical ways, and we are so grateful for this.
Dune educationlake
p One Tree Point School students were treated to an educational experience at Roto Pārera Ruakākā Dune Lake last week
“The project is co-funded by the Ministry for the Environment and Northland Regional Council, with the goal of improving water quality in a number of Northland’s dune lakes by targeting threats to lakes, including controlling

Last week, 80 students from Bream Bay College and One Tree Point School were treated to an educational experience at Roto Pārera — Ruakākā Dune Lake as the five-year Freshwater Improvement Fund Dune Lakes project comes to a close.

water weeds and pest fish, and reducing nutrient and sediment inputs.
“Run in partnership with mana whenua — those with authority over the land, iwi and hapū, residents local to the lakes and landowners have provided fantastic education opportunities for Taitokerau — Northland school children. Sixteen education events took place over the five-year period, involving up to 1,000“Dunetamariki.lakes are rare ecosystem types on a global scale, but Northland is home to over 400 of them, and the top 12 ecologically outstanding lakes in Northland are all dune lakes.
are generally closed systems that are sensitive to external influences. Factors such as excess nutrients causing algal blooms, pest fish, aquatic weeds, land use, and water-take all contribute to declining water quality in our dune
“Amonglakes.the steps taken to improve the health of our dune lakes are eradicating water-weeds, controlling pest fish, removing grass carp, stock exclusion through fencing and reticulation and remedying nutrient and sediment
2 September 23 2022 THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER IS PUBLISHED WITH PRIDE BY INTEGRITY COMMUNITY MEDIA, A PRIVATELY OWNED NORTHLAND COMPANY. 7,780 copies, distributed on Friday to every residential and rural home throughout the district including Whangārei, One Tree Point, Ruakākā, Waipū, Mangawhai, Kaiwaka and Wellsford. Phone: 09 439 6933 or 0800 466 793 Email: Postal Address: PO Box 474, Dargaville Physical Address: 107 River Road, Dargaville Editor: Deb Wright 021 639 696 Journalists: Ann van Engelen | Liz Clark Advertising: Olivia Green 027 264 2391 | Monique McKenzie 027 559 3773 Betty Willetts 027 525 8197 Production: Gavin Bainbridge | Anna Fredericksen | Kelsey Hansen | Liz Clark Accounts: Distribution: Laurie Willetts Printed by: NZME Opinions expressed in this publication and in advertising inserts, by contributors or advertisers, are not necessarily those of Integrity Community Media. All inserts delivered with the publication are not produced by Integrity Community Media. Contemporary and natural solutions, offering choice, facilitating creative, personalised family led funerals that truly reflect the uniqueness of every life. Phone 09 988 9503 or 021 450 525 | A fresh approach to after death care and funeral arranging. Proud to be independent and locally owned TWINKLE TOW N TYRE | 09 431 2823 1837 State Highway 1 Kaiwaka BATTERY SPECIALS TRADE N GO GAS Never pay rental again™ We also stock MIG wire, cutting discs and welding rods. Steel cut to length.

“This project has brought an incredible contextual learning experience to the tamariki of Taitokerau” Tane Aperahama M: 022-412 4608 | E: We specialise in Driveways, Floors, Subdivisions and all forms of Concrete Construction IT’S IMPORTANT TO VOTE. HAVE YOUR SAY!
Patuharakeke, a composite hapũ descended from most major iwi groups in the north, contributed with kōrero (discussions) about the significance of Roto Pārera to local iwi.
days, giving the children an opportunity to learn more about these unique and fragile ecosystems. The days provided hands-on opportunities for the students to look at lake plants, fish and water
“The students learned about threats to dune lakes, lake health, pest and native fish, torewai — freshwater mussels and plants during this interactive day out,” says Northland Regional Council education manager Susan Karels.
u by Ann van Engelen
“The results of the project will be vital to improving the health of Northland’s dune lakes in years to come. Dune lakes
Furtherinputs.”information about the dune lakes project can be found at lakes-project. nz/environment/water/lakes/dune-nrc.govt.
“The education events have been called ‘get to know your dune lake’

“The students treated their peers, whānau and guests to an outstanding performance as we celebrated Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori,” says teacher Meriana“CovidHare.had a big impact on our group, so we began again 10 weeks ago by focussing on the new format with a bracket of all new songs and“Weperformances.hadone Friday morning to practise, and I think having a fresh start had a big impact on the tamariki — they were all very excited and motivated. They managed their behaviours as best they could and showed discipline and determination to have a great first performance.
and have every single student looking sharp. They were full of pride and excited to be doing something extra special.
p Wellsford School whānau and guests were inspired by the kapa haka performance the students presented to celebrate Māori Language Week last Friday
Celebrating M¯aori language

Meriana says a good performance is when the team think, bond and link for the same result.
“That is another element to kapa haka. Our students are only at level one, and we are very proud of their ability, particularly the boys who learned a whole new haka and performed it so well in front of the audience.” ¢
waiata (song) to the bracket, and we hope it helps the children add the same dedication and motivation to their school work and outside in the playground.

“It was awesome to see our whānau enjoying a cuppa, kai (food) and kōrero (conversations) beforehand too. We really appreciate the support we receive from the community. It is with thanks to our tutors who work alongside me, my dad matua Graeme, our teacher aide Arapeta and whaea Rachyl and Bridget Petch for all their organising.
p The boys in the group presented a brand new haka
“The experience really enhanced their mana (passion), for something they love to do, and that encouraged their confidence and build character. The group enjoyed coming together as peers, learning how to build each other up and work together.
3 Gardens of Beauty FOX GLOVES, HOLLYHOCKS, TAMARILLO PLANTS & LEMON TREE SHRUBS FOR SALE Seedlings - $3.00 Punnet - $2.00 A pot For planting inspiration, come and visit us! “As experts in plants, we are able to grow and sell at very affordable prices” Annual flower seedlings and vegetable plants now available 09 431 4073 Ian Kenneth McKenzie 147 Tara Road RD2 Kaiwaka Northland Kindergarten Association Te Kura Kōhungahunga Tōpū o Te Taitokerau Dargaville Kindergarten, Kaipara PART TIME POSITION ADMIN SUPPORT STAFF - 20 HRS PER WEEK Applicant must have administrative experience, high level ICT, data entry, finance and accounts experience. A job description can be downloaded from our website This position will commence in October 2022 (date to be negotiated). Please send a letter of application and full CV to; Email: Appointments Or post: Northland Kindergarten Association, PO Box 4005, Whangarei, 0141. Application close: 2.00pm Thursday 29th September 2022. *Pay rate up to $23 to $25 per hour depending on experience. For more information and entry forms THE BEST OF KAIPARA CATEGORIES 2D PAINTING 2D OTHER MEDIA 3D SCULPTURE & ALL 3D MEDIA EMERGING ARTIST JUDGE JEAN ALLAN ENTRIES CLOSE 30 SEPTEMBER 2022 LIMITED TO 60 ENTRIES Featured: Janél Colle, Philippa Murray-Aynsley, Sarah C, Deb Hunter-Whitlock. Chase Green Owner/Operator0212620338|09929 9508 7b Kitepai Street, Marsden Vehicle Servicing and Repairs, and now doing Brakes,WOFS! Suspension, Diagnostics, Servicing, Cambelts, Transmission servicing, Clutch replacements

“Anyone can join the kapa haka group. It helps with coordination and motor skills because every action has a meaning and the group works constantly on harmonising and thinking together.”
u by Ann van Engelen

“They had had no performances for three years, and that was an opportunity lost for a long time, so celebrating Māori Language Week was uplifting. The audience included parents, grandparents and friends, who thoroughly enjoyed seeing a performance they have never seen before. I think it was a great accomplishment to be able to put a whole bracket together in a short amount of time with 70 students
“Being in a kapa haka group at a young age prepares tamariki for possible high school kapa haka groups. We are now practising for the next three events that we have planned for the rest of the year. In that time, we will be adding another

Wellsford School celebrated Māori Language Week last Friday, with the Senior Kapa Haka Roopu performing a newly learned set of action songs and haka.

The team has been working on the project for a number of months researching, delivering a symposium, and then setting up their work and working in the physical space.

Photo: Charm Hauraki
“We are celebrating and engaging with plants from a creative perspective”
“Some of the most innovative things happen when you move outside the
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“It is a working installation and creative innovation lab giving participants the opportunity to experience something new, through various projects and
Please get in touch if you want us to help you create a beautiful outdoor room at your place.
We create beautiful and functional outdoor living spaces to enhance your home and lifestyle.
“It is very organic and not a scheduled presentation, so you may see different things at different times and on different

“In particular, the Cultural Installations and Events Fund, which supports skill building and creative employment. We have one person from the project now in a permanent paid role and others researching new projects, as a result of their research and connection with PlantLab. We will continue to work with those participating to help them realise their creative goals.”

PlantLab 22 runs from September 22 to October 7, Tuesday to Friday from 10am–3pm, and by appointment for groups, older students and artists. It is located at Shop 30 Strand Arcade, between Vivo Hairdressing and Bernina. To view interviews online or book a time for group visits, go to — search for PlantLab 22. ¢
p Dr Maggie Buxton and the team have been working on the PlantLab project for a number of months
We are based in Bream Bay and offer services around Northland.

4 September 23 2022 THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER P: Mark 021 409 189 E:
days. It is not like an art gallery that is finished. There are working displays and insights of the research that is still being“Theredone.are works in progress involving 3D printing and projection, through to more traditional printmaking using natural plant inks. There will be small talks and contributors working in the space that people can visit.
25 warrantyyear on roof panels that create shadelosingwithoutlight Locksmart Locksmiths
include scientists and artists working with digital, craft and hybrid“Thereelements.arelots of different types of projects and research, and people can physically pop in, or they can go online and watch workshops and interviews with PlantLab researchers. We are celebrating and engaging with plants from a creative perspective, as well as supporting the regeneration of the CBD after the Covid lockdowns.”
boxes you are used to working in, and we have leading-edge things happening right here in Northland. We are particularly encouraging artists or creatives to visit, along with anybody working in the space between plants, technology, science and“Plantscreativity.are a super important part of our lives and we need to support people who do work with and love plants whether they be farmers, creatives, small business owners, environmentalists or “Itscientists.issuch a lovely space, it’s going to be hard to leave when the project is complete.”Theproject is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Heritage’s Arts and Culture Covid Recovery Programme.
“PlantLab 22 Te Tai Tokerau celebrates plants,” says creator and producer Dr Maggie Buxton.
Whether you’re extending a family living area or creating a space for entertaining, our proudly New Zealand designed and manufactured roofing system is specifically made for the New Zealand coastal environment.

PlantLab 22, the latest AwhiWorld production, has opened with a pop-up installation and innovation lab in a formerly empty shop in the Strand Arcade in Whangārei.
u by Ann van Engelen
We have numerous satisfied customers happy to showcase their structures to interested people.
Inspiring creativity with plants

“At this stage, I have hoodies and crew jumpers”
u by Ann van Engelen
“They have pretty accents that we call their jewellery, they will never go out of fashion, and they still stand the test of time.“Ihave lots of big ideas, and my clothing project has given me an interest
Ruakākā resident Kat Jones decided to create her Ruakākā Surf Co clothing brand to give local residents the opportunity to show off their town.

“I launched the project this month. As my brand grows, I would like to funnel my profits into helping children with extracurricular activities such as sports if people need help financially.
p Kat Jones began her new clothing venture Ruakākā Surf Co as a way to put her small town on the map and help youth in the future
“It speaks for itself. I think when you look at Bream Head — you think Ruakākā. The waves represent the surf beach, but it is not a brand just for surfers — it is for everyone. Over time, we will change out the colours to keep it fresh.“Atthis stage, I have hoodies and crew jumpers, and I am looking to expand into T-shirts and hats, and if I see a demand for something, I am happy to expand my collection. People can check out my designs on the Ruakākā Surf Co Instagram or Facebook pages, and I have my website too.
p Kat and Hayden Jones are particularly active in the local community through their children’s sporting codes

“We have four children ourselves who attend Ruakākā School and Bream Bay College. They play hockey and are involved in Jiu Jitsu, and we are excited to help other children participate in their passions in the future with their subs and things for the various codes of sport.

“My husband Hayden and I are very community minded. I noticed that other communities proudly wear their towns on their jumpers and cars, but we don’t have anything here. So I created my brand so we can proudly show off our area,” says Kat.
Proud of our community
THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER September 23 2022 5

“I am not an artist, so I couldn’t design it myself. I knew I wanted to include the beach and came up with the name, but I had Rhys Owen from Surfline Custom Surfboards help me design the“Iartwork.metRhys when I had a surfboard made by Roger Hall, and Rhys sprays the surfboards. I mentioned my idea to him, and he was fantastic at helping get my vision on to paper. The artwork is the view you get from the stairs at the tunnel to the power station to Bream Head.
outside of work, and this is a gateway for those ideas to come to life.

“Hayden and I work at Heritage Homes, which is a company that builds brand new villas and bungalows. We love heritage homes as they are beautiful and full of character.
“I also have free car stickers that I am happy to drop into people’s letterboxes if they would like to contact me. It would be lovely to get our little community out in public more and show off the beautiful place we live in.” ¢
Yesterday,stuff. while enjoying the garden and pottering about, I noticed dahlia shoots, so a race to the slug bait was required. They seem very
u by Deb Wright
Gardening — pleasure or pain?

Over winter, looking at my garden, I decided I was going to rip them all out and turn it back into lawn, but with the first sign of sun, that thought vanished, and pain began. A sore back and aching knees, but the feeling of achievement outweigh it all. We are a strange bunch, us Rosesgardeners.areso beautiful but so vicious. I have one, and no matter what I do to keep it away from the ‘other half’; it
early but exciting. I may have blooms forMyChristmas.veggiebeds are ready to receive plants; I just have to decide what I fancy this summer. There is definitely pleasure in eating homegrown produce. Sitting on the deck looking at the gardens and freshly mowed lawn and smelling the port wine magnolia on the breeze is much more pleasure than pain. ¢
I bet many have asked themselves this question. I certainly have and often.
seems to find him when he is mowing the lawns. That leads to a lot of foul language, and a very descriptive list of things he wishes to do to the offending plant and I will admit giggles from me. Then he has absolute glee when he hears me having a robust discussion with said offender when it spikes me. Oh, but I do love them so; well, I must do. On the last count, I have 27 of the spikey gems.
Then there are the weeds that cause no end of frustration. I have convolvulus, and to say I hate it is an understatement. It seems to just pop up anywhere and wind its way around whatever is available to hold it up. Truly horrid
The seventh Pukapuka Party saw more than 450 children enjoying a variety of literacy activities at Bream Bay College last weekend.

p Children of all ages were able to participate in literacy activities at last weekend’s Pukapuka Party
Organised by Bream Bay: The Learning Community and supported by many local organisations, including the local Lions Club, Ray White Bream Bay and Ruakākā Library.

“We are grateful to all the people who helped make the party a success. As we had to postpone this year’s event because of Covid, we are having a break in 2023 and will be back in March“We2024.arenow looking forward to our upcoming Swap a Book event in the school holidays using the spare books we have. Children can bring in their old books and trade them for new ones. If they write a book review on the books they are trading with us, they will get a prize. We will announce the date, time and venue on the Bream Bay The Learning Community Facebook page.
30 volunteers at present helping once or twice a week, but we are always looking for more. People can contact us to help through our Facebook page as well.” ¢

u by Ann van Engelen
p Families were able to get their photo taken with the Pukapuka Party frame to remember the event
“Another initiative we are continuing to promote is our Reading Angels with volunteers helping students at local primary schools learn to read. We have
Literacy encourages children
THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER September 23 2022 7 SHOWHOME NOW OPEN 24 Tironui Drive, Maunu, Whangarei (just off TeHape Road) Discover Whangarei’s new favourite home. Experience the superior features and architectural designs that have made our homes a favourite of New Zealand families. Built for Whangarei Built with unmatched value and quality Julie Scott 021 930 310 Julia Russell 027 630 8849 THURSDAY’S - SUNDAY’S FROM 11AM TO 3PM

“The event was free, and as part of their passport, they got a sausage sizzle from the Lions and a free bottle of water. There was a great crowd of people, and we had quizzes. The different schools had teams entered, and this year, we did a Tech for Teams quiz for Year 7 and 8 students, which was well received.
“The Ruakākā Community Library was on hand with one of the early childhood centres offering the opportunity to experience making things out of clay.

“The children were given a passport each, and they received a stamp when they participated in the various activities. They also received a pack containing stationery items like pens, notebooks, colour pencils and activity books.
“We saw lots of happy faces while the children participated in the event. They got to choose the activities they did. It was good to see Ray White Real Estate come along with their Word Find competition as they have supported us every year since the Pukapuka PartyChildrenbegan.”also had fun learning knot tying, and the Coast Guard were on-site helping children make paper boats.
“Bream Bay: The Learning Community is a group that was started seven years ago after Linda Biggs brought the idea from an event she did in South Auckland,” says organiser Wendy“LindaRowsell.thought the idea would work well here, and we have run an annual party ever since. The Pukapuka party is a free literacy day where the local schools and early childhood centres organise literacy activities for children from birth to 16 years old.
“I decided to call my service Timber Taxi, and then I began doing tip runs as well to clear the building sites. It is a huge help to the contractors as their work time is really valuable. People then started asking me to collect furniture and other things from them, and I now go from Whangārei to Warkworth and beyond to help people. If it fits on my ute, I will generally collect it.
“Moving here for a change of life was a great decision. People can find me on my Timber Taxi Facebook page, or they can call me on 021 122 2691. The whole thing around having a taxi is if I am available, I will be there within half an hour. I live 15 minutes to Mangawhai and 15 minutes to Waipū, so when I can do something without delay, I will.
“You never know who you are going to meet, and that is what I find exciting. I met Burt Munroe, the motorcycle racer’s granddaughter, on a delivery job, which was really “Outsideinteresting.ofwork,my partner Irene and I enjoy fishing, floundering, oyster picking and white baiting. My dad was a fishmonger and owned a fish shop in Castor Bay, Auckland. I began filleting fish at nine years old because you got them whole back then.
“I love that I can interact with people and help builders look after their clients too. It is amazing the whole six degrees of separation theory. I often meet people who know someone I know or even

“In 2011, I began working at Carters Glenfield as a hiab driver delivering timber,” says Johno.
u by Ann van Engelen

Johno began picking up timber and other goods for builders and delivering it on-site to save them the time of leaving their projects.
“People also have done things like give me fruit, a bottle of wine or a box of beer as an extra thank you. It makes you realise just how appreciated you are for your efforts to make someone else’s life easier.” ¢
p Johno at the Langs Beach locals tractor parade, held on New Year’s Eve each year

8 All enquires contact: Phone: 09 425 8439 Email: Email: Book your service or WOF online 18 Mansel WarkworthDrive

Helping with deliveries
Based at Langs Beach, Johno Richardson initially began his Timber Taxi service as a way to help builders collect their timber, and the service grew to helping community members with household items as well.

“An opportunity came up to transfer to the Mangawhai branch in 2016, and I decided it was great timing to get out of Auckland.“WhenIleft Carters 18 months ago, I brought their old ute from them and thought while I was doing nothing, maybe I could put it to good use.”

people I mixed with when I was much younger, and they say, ‘hey — we did this together back in the day’.
p Johno Richardson says he has the best of both worlds helping people with their pick up and deliveries, particularly those in the building industry

THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER September 23 2022 9 Leslie DrainageCertifying Drainlayers Rural, Urban, Commercial or Residential. Covering ALL aspects of Drainage Northland Wide. We also provide general Earthworks and Landscaping services. We have a perfect track record of satisfied customers. Office 021 0809 0752 09 435 5007 | samuel@mangawhaidesign.nzwww.mangawhaidesign.nzSamuelLewis 021 249 2382 Proudly Caring for Northland families for Generations Your Local Funeral Directors Whangarei & Dargaville Talk to the experts, we understand funerals 24 hours a day ~ 7 days a week Phone: 0800 66 77 199 Kamo WhangareiRoad0112 15 0340StreetGladstoneDargaville BREAM BAY REALTY Independent, with a relationship and knowledge base which is unsurpassed. Call me any time for a confidential chat about “what we can / will do for you” JANINE GOLDSMITH AREINZ Branch Manager & Sales Mob: 021 432 793 Bus: 09 433 0300 Ruakaka Town Centre, Ruakaka Licensed Real Estate Company (REAA 2008) Carpet Inspection & Repair Call Ross on 021 746 374 40 years of personal experience Services: • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning • Carpet Repairs/Relays • Carpet Assessor • Curtain Cleaning • Leather Cleaning, Repairs & Re-Colouring Lt d CONSTRUCTION SPECIALISTS FARM & LIFESTYLE LIGHT COMMERCIAL BARN STYLE HOMES P: 021 705 837 E: W: TRICIA & PETER COX | P: 09 423 8219 E: 1 Worker Road, ENDEAVOURSCLEVERWellsfordHABBY AND QUILTING SUPPLIES ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS SEWING MACHINE SERVICING EMBROIDERY SPECIALISTS HUSQVARNA VIKING SEWING MACHINES Baby Lock Overlockers and Cover Stitcher Brother Machines Justice of the Peace Services • Interior and exterior timbers • All your DIY products to get the job done • A range of hire equipment • Bulk — garden mix, mulch and builders mix OPEN 7 DAYS Monday to Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 4:00pm Sunday: 9:00am - 3:00pm 29 Station Road, Wellsford | 09 423 7811 Your local ... we’rejustuptheroad. It’s Hammer Hardware Wellsfords 3rd Birthday this month, to celebrate we are fundraising for prostate cancer for Blue September Gavin Jelavich PH: 09 435 2927 MOB: 021 202 9038 E: 15hi-techauto@windowslive.comClarkRoad,Kamo,Whangarei HMS HANDYMAN SERVICES Kiwi Owned and Operated We’ve Got You Covered Your home is your pride and joy let us help maintain it ! Household & Property Maintenance TO DO LIST PH: 09 423 9119 MOB: 027 685 9980 Email: Building Propertymaintenancepre-salespruce up Household cleaning Gutter cleaning Small engineering Replace broken switches Repair door locks & handles Install new shower heads Install new shelving Clean Sectionwindowsmaintenance 8 Bounty Place| • Domestic, Residential & Commercial lawn mowing, one off or regular • Edging, pruning and Rubbish removal • Yard care and tidy • Senior and Super Gold discountsavailableAFFORDABLESURROUNDSDARGAVILLELAWNSAND0272183334 blind pro BLINDS • AWNINGS • SHUTTERS SECURITY & INSECT SCREENING P 09 423 9661 E,noobligationconsultationandquote LARGEST RANGE OF FABRICS BACKED WITH 5-10 YEAR WARRANTY Servicing from Silverdale to Ruakaka AT A GLANCE

10 September 23 2022 THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER Visit our showroom: 31 Woodcocks Rd, Warkworth Based in Warkworth Open Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm Sat 9am to 12noon 24hr Emergency Call out Service Specialists in all water filtration All pumps & water systems Ph 09 425 9100 email At TradeFlooring NZ Ltd we understand how hard it can be to choose the right floor covering to suit all members of the family … including pets! Pet friendly Limestone based SPC or the natural beauty of Bamboo will tick all the boxes. Centrally based in Whangarei we cover the North Shore to Cape Reinga and everywhere in between. thedirectlowestGuaranteedpricesfromimporter SEE US AT THE NORTHLAND HOME & LIFESTYLE SHOW 30 SEPT - 2 OCT 2022, STAND 15. (SHOW DISCOUNTS APPLY) NORTHLAND Pumps Filtration ServicingIrrigation Water locallyLocallyTreatmentTanksowned,operated. 09 430 0240 Open 7am - 3pm 09 433 twobirds03@gmail.com0277 • Rural • Commercial • Residential • Experiencedpestbusters.northland@gmail.comLocalCraigStevens0211114877 After a quick bite for lunch or a hearty dinner? The Porthouse has it all – a fresh, wholesome menu loaded with kiwi favourites. In-house and takeaway food 09 432 8909 163 Port Marsden Highway Ruakaka OPEN FROM 12PM 7 DAYS PER WEEK Precision DiggingLTD Earthworks, from driveways to house sites and everything in between Contact Jake on 021 237 2644 and check out our Facebook page Fast, experienced operator, reasonable rates. MechanicalRUAKAKAMOTORSrepairsandservicing • Tyres • Batteries • WOF Testing MONDAY –7.30AM–5PMFRIDAY 09 432 7233 Local Mangawhai contractor servicing the Kaipara district for over 30 years South to Pakiri and North to Waipu areas • House site & driveway specialists • Subdivisions & roading –small to large • Earthworkscivil & residential • Water tanks • Dam & maintenancefarm • Mulching – digger & tractor • Retaining walls • Metal & suppliestopsoil All enquiries to: 09 431 21 Garbolino Road Mangawhai SHANE ROADINGCONTRACTINGCULLEN094315773EARTHMOVINGHOUSESITES STAY WARM & DRY THIS WINTER Call OTP Electrical Servicing Whangarei all the way through to Warkworth. We are an electrical company first and foremost and also specialise in heat pump installations ELECTRICAL AND HEAT PUMPS TP One Tree Point Electrical & Heat Pumps New to Bream Bay! Call Jeremy Thomassen 027 258 0762 for all your electrical and heat pump needs Decks,PergolasFences, The Outdoor Experts Contact us today for a free no obligation onsite quote. ANIMAL ACCOMMODATION Klipped ................................................................................. 09 430 0755 AUTOMOTIVE Hi-Tech Automotive 09 435 2927 Marsden Motors 09 929 9508 Ruakaka Motors .................................................................. 09 432 7233 Twinkle Tow N Tyre & Mike’s Auto 021 833 960 BUILDERS AND SUPPLIERS BarnbuildersNZ Limited 021 705 837 Cool Wave Limited 027 298 0080 G J Gardner Rodney East/Mangawhai 09 427 9231 Kauri Coast Concrete Ltd 022 412 4608 Mangawhai Design 021 249 2382 New Look Outdoor Living 021 409 189 Oakland Homes ................................................................. 027 242 6655 Outdoor Renovations Limited 0800 697 868 Splash Water Specialists 2017 Ltd 09 425 9100 Stonewood Homes Whangarei Limited 021 930 310 Summit Scaffolding NZ Ltd 027 457 9388 Sunshine Homes Whangarei 0800 435 800 Trade Flooring 021 459 886 CAFES & RESTAURANTS Porthouse Bar & Eatery 09 432 8909 Two Birds Cafe ..................................................................... 09 433 0277 CONTRACTORS Bradley Earthworks Ltd 027 374 5090 Leslie Drainage Ltd 021 0809 0752 Mangawhai Bobcats Ltd 021 711 775 Markir Drainage Ltd 027 464 9964 AT A GLANCE

THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER September 23 2022 11 Contact our Northland division!0276689955 STOPDIGGING TODAY and call us for your free feasibility review and price guide. PIP BENNETT | 027 268 8628 Pip works from the clinic or visits your business providing physical checks for staff. Pre Employment, Annual or Exit Medicals involve checking muscular skeletal movement, blood pressure /pulse, vision, hearing and lung function. Drug testing, office ergonomic advice, vaccines, injections, blood tests, rapid antigen testing, qualitative fit testing, smoking cessation, suture removal, blood pressure checks, are also available. HELLO@BBOCCHEALTH.CO.NZ496MARSDENPOINTRD 1/194 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai Heads 09 431 5270 | 021 655 SMALLMANGAWHAIENGINES SuperfastataLowCost Portable Power Mini Trencher Phone 09 431 6400 Email: • “TerraTrencher” is a registered trademark Terrasaw Industries Ltd 19A Andromeda Crescent, East Tamaki, Auckland The TerraTrencherPatentedis a dedicated Portable Power Mini Trencher that provides quick, easy, and versatile trench digging when and where you need it. Damien Valeli Friendly, professional service. Call 021 133 7402 DV ELECTRICAL Industrial | Commercial | Residential Contact us for all your new Build and Renovation Lighting needs and Electrical projects. No job is too small. NORTHLAND Delivering projects to the highest standards across the whole range of scaffolding requirements. 17 - 21 Station Road Wellsford 09 525 0767 needs.designedtransportablesAffordable,toyour From a smaller dwelling to an expansive home, there’s a Sunshine solution to fit your budget, your site and your personal preferences. Our plans are simple starting points for finding the perfect Sunshine solution for your building project. 0800 435 HOMES & CABINS Northland Wide Installation, Maintenance & Repairs 027 298 0080 | 0800 266 500 Mangawhai Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps Air Conditioning Heat Pumps Home VentilationRefrigeration OAKLAND HOMES FROM CONCEPT TO COMPLETION. Visit our We take pride in producing quality work at all times, working together in Design to meet you needs and budgets. CALL ME TODAY FOR ALL YOUR EARTH & TREE WORKS • POND CLEANING • DRIVEWAYS • RACEWAYS • LAND CLEARING • TREE REMOVAL • ROADING AND MORE! PHONE ROY 027 374 5090 WAIPU - DRIVEWAYS - TRENCHING - ROCK WALLS - LANDSCAPING - HOUSE & SHED SITES - TREE & RUBBISH REMOVAL T R A V I S C U L L E N 0 2 1 7 1 1 7 7 EARTHMOVING TRUCKSDIGGERS BOBCATS Wellsford Denise Pearson • 027 303 6001 Brand and Territory Owner DedicatedtoResultsMikePeroRealEstateLicensedREAA(2008) Precision Digging Ltd 027 975 3195 Shane Cullen Contracting 09 431 5773 Stop Digging Northland Ltd 027 668 9955 Terrasaw Industries Ltd 027 498 8752 Think Water Northland 09 430 0240 ELECTRICAL DV Electrical 021 133 7402 OTP Electrical & Heatpumps 027 258 0762 FLORIST Andra’s Flowers 021 0263 8203 FUNERAL SERVICES Morris & Morris Whangarei 0800 667 747 HEALTH & BEAUTY Bream Bay Occupational Health ...................................... 027 268 8628 LANDSCAPING Affordable Lawns Dargaville And Surrounds 027 218 3334 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CIR Carpet & Leather 021 746 374 Blind Pro 021 784 278 Handyman Services 027 685 9980 Pest Busters Northland 021 111 4877 REAL ESTATE Bream Bay Realty Ltd – Janine Goldsmith 021 432 793 Mike Pero Real Estate Wellsford – Denise Pearson 027 303 6001 RETAIL STORES Chateau Manufacturing Jewellers 09 946 1720 Clever Endeavours 09 423 8219 Hammer Hardware Wellsford 09 423 7811 Mangawhai Small Engines 09 431 5270 AT A GLANCE

Moana means ocean, and the KMR is New Zealand’s largest harbour restoration programme, aiming to revitalise the health and mauri (life force) of the harbour through its globally significant environmental programme.
“I now work alongside my son Sam who is the Te Ārai Nursery production manager, after working for many years at another local nursery.
her team have already collected more than one million native seeds from 40 species in 2022.
p Natalie forages for native seeds and enjoys passing her knowledge on to other eco-warriors
“Part of my job is marking trees for my nursery colleagues to help with seed harvesting. From beneath one pūriri tree alone, I have collected thousands of nīkau seeds annually. A kererū (wood pigeon) regularly perches in the pūriri
“Part of my focus in the next two years will be growing some of the taonga species. Those that are spiritual
As a native seed collection and propagation consultant, Natalie Gardner is an integral part of reestablishing the Kaipara Harbour with native trees through the Kaipara Moana Remediation programme.

and special to Māoridom and will help bring the Kaipara Moana Remediation Programme to fruition in years to come.“Inever take for granted the gifts we are receiving, and I thank every native tree I collect seeds from. These taonga are treasures that will help bring the remediation programme to fruition in years to Nataliecome.”and
“They are a gift, and I am so lucky to have found that spot. I am passionate about the field in which I work and often refer to Mother Nature as my God, so this is a privilege. Collecting seeds can be infectious, and I often take my whānau with me. Along the way, I mark trees for my colleagues at Te Ārai Native Tree Nursery to help with seed harvesting.
“I hope to source a similar amount of seeds from another 40 native species by the end of the year.
Restoring native treasures
“Part of my focus in the next two years will be growing some of the taonga species”
u by Ann van Engelen
“I joined the KMR early this year to assist with the eco-sourcing of native seeds and plants for the nursery,” says“MyNatalie.journey
tree after collecting and feasting on nīkau seeds. It drops them to the ground in the same spot every time, leaving hundreds of seeds for me to collect.
12 September 23 2022 THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER
to get to where I am now began when I became the first woman in New Zealand to complete a four-year Horticultural Apprenticeship at Manukau City Council in the early 1990s.
“I believe the KMR scheme will result in a healthy landscape, healthy waterways and importantly, employment for local people. Being part of something that gives back to the people and the land is awesome, my hope is to one
“I am also here to oversee the implementation of the propagation of these seeds on a commercial scale.
“Efforts to revitalise the health and mauri of the Kaipara Harbour through the globally significant environmental programme are progressing well”
“Horticulture becomes even more important with climate change as there is a lot more involved than people think and a lot of detail, but making KMR a success is absolutely attainable.
The programme is one of the most intensive afforestation efforts globally and one of New Zealand’s largest catchment restoration programmes, investing $4.67 million last year in projects to reduce sediment flowing into the Kaipara Harbour.

The Ministry for the Environment, Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua, Te Uri o Hau, Northland Regional Council and Auckland Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish Kaipara Moana Remediation in October 2020.
In less than two years, efforts to revitalise the mauri of the Kaipara Moana are scaling up rapidly.
day Google Earth the Kaipara Harbour and see large tracts of native trees once again surrounding it and helping protect it.”
THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER September 23 2022 13
“We are encouraging landowners in the Kaipara Harbour catchment to do their bit.”
p The Te Ārai nursery team that Natalie works alongside. From left: (standing) Frances Perkinson, Jaiya Skipper, David King, (sitting) Natasha Rogers, Danae Parker and Kathleen Armstead
“Decades of deforestation and land use intensification have degraded the catchment. Today, less than 10 per cent of original native forest cover and just five per cent of wetlands remain, leading to a seven-fold increase in soil erosion and associated sediment washing into rivers and the harbour.
p Natalie Gardner has discovered a special pūriri tree that a wood pigeon disposes ot its nīkau seeds under which she collects for regenerative planting

p Natalie believes establishing healthy plants is important to help with the conditions of climate change
country. I often encourage people to Google Earth the Kaipara. It is amazing how much we have taken but be able to experience how it is to give back and envisage what it will look like in decades to come.“Itisreally exciting, and it will take a concerted team effort to make that happen, but we have made good progress in 2022, and that will only build in 2023 and beyond. Doing this work has meant I have had to learn about a lot more native species and be very accurate with that. I would like to be part of the entire KMR journey.
“The KMR kaupapa (agenda) is to invest in local people to develop and sustain meaningful, nature-based employment and support people who whakapapa (descend) to the Kaipara returning home to work on the project.
“Not only is the Kaipara Moana important ecologically — it has deep cultural and economic significance. The harbour is home to several iwi/hapū groups, with local taonga (treasure) species providing food and medicine, underpinning cultural practices and connecting people to place. The Kaipara is also the breeding ground for New Zealand’s valuable snapper fishery.
“To me, natives are just like giants in the forest with their shape and form. I love everything about them and the job they do for the good of our environment. I have to say that trees for the native birds are my favourite varieties — pūriri, kōwhai and taraire particularly.”
“Efforts to revitalise the health and mauri of the Kaipara Harbour through the globally significant environmental programme are progressing well,” says KMR’s Pou Tātaki — general manager Justine Daw.
Justine and her team are encouraging farmers, iwi/hapū and community groups interested in fencing off riparian and wetland areas and preparing land for planting during spring and summer are invited to complete an expression of interest at nativeofeco-sourcing,partinvolvedonisourcontinueothersofIexperiencewarriors,“IampassionateaboutsharingtheIhavelearnedoverthelastseveralinthisfield,addingthemoreeco-thebetter,”saysNatalie.“IgainedplentyfromthewisdomandofthelateBillWorsfold,andlovethemantrahetaughtme.Thatpassingonknowledgeandskillstotoarmthemwiththeabilitytoworkingwiththelandtobenefitenvironment.“IbelieveitisimportantthattherestrongandopencommunicationaregularbasisbetweeneveryoneinKMR.Ialsowanttoplaymyinteachingtheskillsinvolvedinpreparingandgerminationnatives.Beingpartofthebiggestrevegetationprogrammeinthe
Art awards entries closing Engelen
“The awards will be announced and presented at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery on Friday, October 28,” says Mangawhai Artists chair Belinda Vernon. Categories for the event are 2D Painting, 2D Other Media, including drawing, collage, fabric art, printing and photography, 3D Sculpture and all 3D“InMedia.addition, there will be an Emerging Artist Award, which will be drawn from entries in the above categories, and a People’s Choice Award up for grabs. Entrants no longer need to be in the district but do need to be a member of

any art group based in Kaipara. Each year, the standard of entries increases and the challenge of the judge becomes more“Wechallenging.havewonderful support from the painting community, and we are really keen to encourage more participants in the 2D Other and the 3D category.
“It is always an exciting event, and there is a huge sense of anticipation when we open the gallery doors before the award ceremony.
p Zirvana Pauling with her 2D Other Media, which took first place last year
u by Ann van
Artists to get their entries in for the upcoming Kaipara Art Awards 2022 with the closing date being Friday, September 30.

“This year, the judge is Jean Allan from Whangārei, and we are limited to around 60 entries, and the spaces are filling quickly. The event is all about celebrating excellence and encouraging artists to put themselves out there to receive positive, constructive positive feedback. It is a great opportunity to have your work judged independently as well as alongside your peers.
“It is important to read the rules and conditions before completing the entry form. To enter, we encourage people to complete the entry form form,
p Artist John Ecuyer received second place for his 3D work at last year’s awards
are encouraged

“It is three years since the awards were hosted by Mangawhai due to Covid interruptions, and we are very excited to see this year’s entries.

“Following the awards ceremony on the Friday evening we will have a 10day exhibition at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery, which will be followed by a month-long exhibition at the Muddy Waters Gallery in Dargaville.
acknowledgement, including the details you have submitted.

“You can edit this information through to September 30. If you lodge the entry form by email, you will receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, please email kaiparaartawards@” ¢
14 September 23 2022 THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER,weunderstandfunerals24hoursaday~7daysaweekMeaningfulfarewellsforyourlovedoneProudlyCaringforGenerationsofNorthlandFamiliesLocalFuneralDirectorsPhone:0800667747 65 199 Kamo WhangareiRoad0112 15 DargavilleStreetGladstone • COMMERCIAL & CIVIL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL • PROPPING & SHORE LOADING • EQUIPMENT HIRE/SALES Delivering projects to the highest standards across the whole range of scaffolding requirements. NORTHLAND 17 - 21 Station Road Wellsford 09 525 0767 At the old church just up from the Mangawhai Museum To book go www.mangawhaimovies.comto Adults $12 Under 15s $5 ELVIS Saturday 01 Oct 7pm 2022 Musical/Drama 2h 39m | PG13 THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN Saturday 08 Oct 7pm 2021 | Drama/Sport 1h 46m | M HOW TO PLEASE A WOMEN Saturday 24 Sep 4pm 2021 | 1hDrama/Comedy47m| M
“The Emerging Artist Award is drawn from someone starting out on or changed their creative journey. The People’s Choice is always exciting and strongly contested, with the members of the public choosing their favourite piece.
Last week’s CodeCracker Last week’s crossword solution 5x5 Insert the missing letters to complete ten words — five across the grid and five down. More than one solution may be possible. BON AI IOS EC ERD BROWN RADIO IRONS DEUCE BNH MR ARM EE TES BENCH EMERY ABRIM SEVEN TRESS Last week MEDIUM 59 6 2 3 9 76 8 4 1 9 7 4 56 83 9 2 7 5 3 85 1 578963124 469271358 312548976 843197562 756832419 291456783 927614835 185329647 634785291 38 4 4 29 67 49 5 24651 57 82 92 78 5 29837 19 6 5 72 3918 526 74 7451 362 89 6827 491 35 8 2 3 4 6 5 7 9 1 4573 918 26 9162 784 53 2 6 4 9 8 3 5 1 7 1795 243 68 5386 179 42
THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER September 23 2022 15 PUZZLE TIME Sudoku Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Last week All puzzles © The Puzzle 69 ACROSS 1 Contagious disease (7) 4 Below (10) 9 Merchants (7) 13 Require (4) 14 Fanatic (6) 15 Country in northeastern Europe (6) 16 Birthday lights (7) 19 Mix with impurities (10) 20 Doctrine of nonviolence (8) 21 Postpone (5) 24 Crowd scene actors (6) 25 Covered walk with shops (6) 27 Working (9) 32 Dead (8) 33 Culmination (6) 34 Chastised physically (7) 38 Maritime (8) 39 Steered (6) 40 Podium (4) 41 Repaired (5) 42 Duplicates (5) 45 Be absolutely sure (4,3,7) 52 Military chaplain (5) 55 Bishop’s headdress (5) 56 Flightless bird (4) 57 Antenna (6) 58 Aircraft body (8) 61 Went back on a deal (7) 62 Plays for time (6) 63 Bone structure (8) 66 Facial hair (9) 68 Financial plan (6) 69 Hot drink holder (6) 73 Rot (5) 74 Saturate with water (8) 76 Axolotl (10) 81 Scrap (7) 82 Emotional shock (6) 83 Tallness (6) 84 Dirty fog (4) 85 Make happy (7) 86 Sparkling (10) 87 Eyeglass (7) DOWN 1 Craze (5) 2 acceptableSatisfactory,(8) 3 Alcoholic drink (6) 4 Dark (5) 5 Tax on imports (4) 6 Recovery setback (7) 7 Lure (6) 8 Robber (5) 10 Genuine (4) 11 resentmentIndignation,(7) 12 Stank (6) 17 Plans for action (10) 18 Russian emperors (5) 22 Scalp scales (8) 23 Baffle (5) 24 Nonextant (7) 26 Foolhardy (4) 28 approvalEnthusiastic(7) 29 Comment (6) 30 Enigma (6) 31 Heavenly body (6) 33 Coniferous tree (5) 35 Porcelain (5) 36 Mountain in Japan (4) 37 Pacific country (4) 43 Journalist (6) 44 Mettle (5) 46 Steel pin (4) 47 He wilts (anag) (7) 48 Sage (6) 49 Army subdivision (5) 50 Music composition (8) 51 Queasiness (6) 52 Extraordinary (10) 53 transactionBusiness(4) 54 Graceful and stylish (7) 59 Wobbly dessert (5) 60 Surrender up (4) 64 Ore test (5) 65 Widespread disease (8) 67 Longed for (7) 68 Suitcases, etc (7) 70 Uncover (6) 71 ostentatiouslyDisplay (6) 72 Solve (6) 75 Officially register (5) 77 Reducing drastically (5) 78 Scoundrel (5) 79 Long ago (4) 80 Siamese (4) Jumbo crossword
Stopwatch, 3 Eased, 5 Ahoy, 6 Auction, 7 Housekeeping, 8 Nests, 9 Visited, 10 Sash, 11 Eroded, 12 Wring, 13 Largest, 14 Praised, 16 Susceptible, 22 Alpaca, 23 Stand by, 24 Failing, 25 Ornate, 27 Martini, 28 Wealth, 30 Slip, 32 Stove, 34 Slang, 36 Seer, 38 Air, 42 Plugs, 43 Orchard, 44 Rare, 45 Slater, 46 Trips, 48 Archipelago, 49 Minimum, 50 Net, 51 Aniseed, 52 Ardour, 53 Ballpoint pen, 54 Limp, 57 Thrown, 64 Nightfall, 65 Viaduct, 66 Cherish, 68 Stirred, 70 Earthen, 71 Snacks, 72 Imply, 74 Tubes, 76 Organ, 78 Pare, 79 Swim.
ACROSS: 1 Ashes, 4 Marathon, 9 Vessel, 14 Parka, 15 Horses for courses, 17 Spoor, 18 Nag, 19 Swedish, 20 Diversity, 21 Vexing, 24 Freelance, 25 Oddity, 26 Permit, 29 Christians, 31 Pun, 32 Senses, 33 Eros, 35 Act, 37 Sari, 39 Brazil nut, 40 Ballerina, 41 Envoy, 42 Progress, 47 Charming, 51 Aorta, 55 Uncertain, 56 Realistic, 58 Note, 59 Pod, 60 Span, 61 Versus, 62 Owl, 63 Parliament, 66 Caddie, 67 Geyser, 69 Overwhelm, 72 Iodine, 73 Listeners, 75 Gavotte, 77 Rim, 80 Cocoa, 81 Rub up the wrong way, 82 Split, 83 Ascend, 84 Synonyms, 85
Contact: Steve Hart 09 433
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16 September 23 2022 THE WEEKEND LIFESTYLER

Mon-FriOpen: Saturday8.30am-4pm10am-2pm