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School-Age Programs cont.
Summer & Spring Break Camps, After School Art
604-988-6844 | www.northvanarts.ca
North Van Arts
335 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver
North Van Arts believes in the intrinsic value of the arts in everyday life. We offer summer camps, spring break camps and after school art to school-aged children at affordable prices. Our programmes are offered in schools and at Maplewood House. Classes are taught by professional artists in a variety of mediums, including writing, drawing, comics, printmaking, music and movement, and more.
Boys & Girls Clubs of South Coast BCNorvan Club
604-986-3449 | www.bgcbc.ca | norvanclub@bgcbc.ca
800 Forsman Avenue, North Vancouver
Norvan Boys and Girls Club offers after-school drop-in programs Monday – Friday, and day camps during Pro-D days and holiday breaks. Our programs provide a safe space for children and youth, and offer a wide-range of fun activities. No child is turned away due to an inability to pay.
Artists for Kids
604-903-3798 | www.artistsforkids.ca
2121 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver
Artists for Kids offers a range of after-school art programs, as well as spring break and summer art camps for school age children. All programs are taught by BC certified visual art teachers, who work to nurture creativity and artistic skill sets, for each young artist.