June 5, 2024 - Seniors

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Celebrate Seniors Week by honouring their many contributions to our community

The BC Seniors Advocate’s website announces that Seniors Week this year is celebrated from June 2 to June 8.

During this week, we need to “take the time to honour and celebrate the contributions older people made and still make to our community,” a statement on the website says. Let us celebrate them this week and every day of the coming year.

According to the 2024 Simon Fraser Factbook on Aging, seniors make up approximately 19.5 per cent of the population of adults in British Columbia The World Health Organization is predicting that between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population over 60 years will nearly double from 12 per cent to 22 per cent. Older people are a growing segment of the population in our society, and they play a major role in the economy and the community.

Continued on page 25

Older And Wiser Margaret Coates

Celebrating Seniors

Our shoes . . .

...are proudly made in the USA from global products. While our styles have changed with the times, our commitment to a higher standard of shoe making has not.

Our shoes and lasts are handcrafted in the spirit of our early days, compromising on nothing, focusing on quality, and committing ourselves to making the most comfortable shoe we can make We invite you to come see for yourself what 40 years of shoe making feels like We understand that feet come in all shapes and sizes, and that orthotics and ankle braces are commonplace. Instead of settling for close enough, settle for perfection

Our men’s and women’s shoes are available in a variety of sizes and widths, as well as a variety of toe box and heel depths. We specialize in comfort and good old fashioned customer service for all foot needs. Come see us for sandals, casual, work and dress shoes.

Celebrating Seniors

Your Moving &InHomeConcierge

Your Moving &In-Home Concierge is aleader in helpingpeople in transition. Whethermovingoraging in place, we assist with theenormity of these changes. Since2018, thecompany has embodied resilienceand adaptability, masteringthe challenges of newlifecircumstances. We work to understandour clients’ needs anddesires,guiding them through planning,recommendingtrusted partners (realtors,trades),right-sizing, selling goods, design/decorating, adapting spaces, packing/unpacking, andfully settling them into theirnew or updatedspaces. We arefully insured, highlytrained and

vettedprofessionals whoare actively involved in ourSeniorCommunities

We help all people in transition. Howcan we help you?

Founder JudieDahl andthe team look forwardtomeeting you!

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Leaving a gift in your will can help benefit local charities



Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A North Vancouver cancer survivor is encouraging people to think about the legacy they can leave behind once they’re gone.

After decades of support from BC Cancer in both her personal and professional life, Sheila King felt compelled to ensure the organization would be included in her will – and she’s hoping others will show their appreciation in a similar vein.

“I know firsthand the good work that BC Cancer does and I think it’s such a wonderful organization,” she said. “It’s truly a worthwhile cause, I really believe in the

work they do.”

King’s relationship with BC Cancer spans back to the 1990s, when she embarked on her career with the organization. For 13 years she led the team that built the organization’s mammogram program, expanding it from just two sites to 34 sites across the province.

The program was among the first in Canada and now completes 270,000 screens each year

It was when King was reaching retirement that she became more connected to the company in a way she had never imagined. A routine mammogram, carried out to support a friend who didn’t want to endure the experience alone, resulted in a breast cancer

Continued on page 28

Don’t LetAging Stop YouFromLiving Your Best Life

Advanced Medical is aonestop shop for home healthcare equipment for living safelyand independently at home. We are committed to ensuringthat our customers changing needs are met to makecertain that theycontinue to livea quality life at anyage.

We strivetomaximize our customers experience through our excellent service and high standards,noexceptions Committedtoproviding aservice that both empowers and enhances an individual’slife choices and activities. We off er manycombined years of education and experience. With our knowledge, expertise, and commitment, we enthusiasticallystrivetomakeadifference in both others’ lives and our community

1863 Marine Drive,WestVancouver




Navigating B.C.'sseniorsliving, wellness, and care optionsiseasy with Route65.ca. Created by the BC Care Providers Association &EngAge BC, thisfree, B.C.-based resourcefor the public offers acomprehensive directoryand essential tools to findthe servicesyou need

Visit Route65.ca andstart your journey today.


Breast cancer survivor Sheila King, pictured here with her husband, dedicated more than a decade of work to BC Cancer before finding out that she would need support from the organization herself BC CANCER


Continued from page 23

Regrettably, not everyone recognizes the contributions of seniors to our society Many people believe negative myths about seniors – they believe that they are a homogenous group of people who are a drain on society and that they do not add value to our communities. They assume that older people are frail or dependent on society, causing economic and social strain

But, just like the general population, seniors are a diverse group of people

Celebrating Seniors

Providinglegal services since1986

who have, according to the Canadian Government website, “multiple identities and experience different life circumstances.” Furthermore, older people contribute to our community in so many ways and we rely on their support and participation.

Areyou looking forlawyers on the NorthShore?Lakes,Whyte LLP is yourlocal lawfirm.Weare oneofthe fewfull-servicelaw firms in North Vancouver. We providea wide range of professionalassistancewithwills and estates, real estate,business law, employment law, and litigationand disputeresolution matters. Sincewefirstopened ourdoorsin 1986 on Lonsdale, ourcoreidentity hasremainedthe same –weprovide straightforward andsound advice on all legalmatters. Lakes,Whyte LLP 604-984-3646 |info@lakeswhyte.com lakeswhyte.com

Older people today make a difference through volunteering countless unpaid hours, sharing their wisdom, caretaking their family and friends thus saving the government billions of dollars, paying taxes, working at part- or even full-time jobs, and continuing to buy goods and services.

Also, let’s not forget older people’s contributions to our history. In years gone by, as younger adults, they contributed to the economic and political growth of our country through their paid work and taxes, taking on public office and building the foundations of our democratic society They contributed to building Canadian culture and values. They fought for our country, educated and parented our young, built our libraries and schools, and volunteered even during their busy working

Continued on page 27

Volunteer Judy Crooks serves up a meal at the West Vancouver Seniors Activity Centre on earlier this year. PAUL MCGRATH / NSN


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Though older people 65 to 85 years old do contribute to our society, for the 85 years old and older group, many may have slowed down, and they are less able to contribute. It has been noted on the Canadian Government website, “as more seniors are living to 85 and beyond, an increasing number of individuals will face limitations and long-term health challenges”.

I believe though that in a caring and appreciative society we prioritize older people’s needs by ensuring governments provide the supports necessary to make sure older people can age well. These older

people contributed untold hours to our country throughout their lives and deserve the care they need.

During Seniors Week, try remembering older people’s contributions, be age friendly in all your activities, call an older person that you know and acknowledge their contributions, and lastly challenge yourselves and others to reject negative myths about older people.

Margaret Coates is the co-ordinator of Lionsview Seniors’ Planning Society She has lived on the North Shore for 52 years and has worked for and with seniors for twenty-seven of those years. Ideas for future columns are welcome. Email lions_view@telus.net.

Silver Harbour Seniors’ ActivityCentre

It’s SeniorsWeek and formorethan50 yearsSilver HarbourSeniors’Activity Centre hasbeen offeringagatheringplace forlocal seniors. We currently offer more than 75 programs and services, including physical fitness, visual andperforming arts,games,informativeseminarsand much more.Wealsoprovide anumberof importantservicessuchasdelicious lowcostmeals, alegalclinic,and information aboutothersseniors services

We hopeyou’llcheckout ourwebsite at www.silverharbourcentre.comand call us at 604-980-2474 formoreinformation. SeniorsWeek is an opportunityto acknowledgeand celebratethe integral part seniorsplayincommunitiesacross British Columbia.Weare celebrating seniorsthisweekand hopeyou aretoo! SilverHarbourSeniors’ ActivityCentre 144 East 22ndStreet, North Vancouver 604.980.2474 |silverharbourcentre.com

Celebrating Seniors

Retireinstyle at Hollyburn House

Foralmost40years,Hollyburn House has offered theperfect settingfor vibrant independent retirementliving. Feel at home, with more services andfewer responsibilities,soyou canfocus on what brings youhappiness. Stroll theSeawalk or head over to Amblesidetoplayfetch with your dog, relishina good book in the library or enjoya cocktail at ourLighthouse Lounge.The options areendless OurdiningroomCaulfield’s, features table-side serviceand seasonal menus. For amoreintimate settingtry theCypress Room,orvisit SummitCafe to start your morning. With afullrange of well-

Ican help. Ihave been navigatingthe N. Shorereal estate market forover 35 years. Happy to discuss your plans.

appointedaccommodations from studios to one or two-bedroom suites youcan retireinstyle.Featuresinclude kitchens withinduction cooktops, full-sizedfridges, privatebalconies and more

We also offer assisted livingand private residential care wherewedeliver unparalleledcare and support through acurated selection of programs and personalized services.

We invite youtoexplore VenviHollyburn House. Book apersonaltourtoday. Call Nicole at 604-922-7616 or visit venviliving.com/hollyburn-house.

Foralmost40years, Hollyburn Houseis proudtocelebrate andhonourlocal seniorswitha vibrant retirement lifestyle on theNorth Shore.


Celebrating Seniors

Your Life,Your Legacy

Fromour family to yours, we invite you to visitHollyburn FuneralHome& First Memorial FuneralServicesBoalChapel. As theonlyfuneral providerswithfull facilities onthe NorthShore andyears of experience, we encourage youtomeet our friendly team whopaysattention to every detail, as we provideservice that is second to none.

We believe that everylifeisunique. This beliefiswhatdrivesustoprovide personalized funerals and memorial services with afocus on honouring the lives of your lovedonesinuniqueand meaningful ways.Whether youprefer atraditional funeralservice or asmall gatheringoffriends, we arecommittedto meeting your needs and wishes.


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Continuedfrom page 25


Over the course of afew months King received surgeryfromthe organization she had worked for for morethan adecade, “world classtreatment” that would prove to be life-changing, she said.

“I received wonderful care, and I’vedone verywell as aresult for 21 years. From both workingwith the agency,and then as a patient, Ireally know it’sagreat place,” she said. “Irespect it and always will, it does excellent work.”

It is the kindness and generosity of donors and fundraisers that ensures BC Cancer can continue to aid patients like herself,said King.

“Wherewould we be if cancer research

wasn’t funded? Givingmoney helps the research, improve treatments and maybe even findthe cure,” she said.

“It’s such aworthwhile thing to do and it helps everyfamily,asalmost everyfamily has been touched in some way by cancer.”

For those who wish to leaveacharitable donation in their will, the BC Cancer Foundationoffers options to leaveabequest on their website. According to its website, all funds will be put towards leading-edge research by scientists at BC Cancer who are searching for new and better waystodiagnose, treat and prevent the disease.

Mina Kerr-Lazenby is theNorth Shore News’ Indigenous and civic affairsreporter.This reportingbeatismade possible by theLocal Journalism Initiative.

Celebrating Seniors

Find Local Seniors Living & Wellness Options

Navigating B.C.’s seniorsliving, wellness, and care services canbetime-consuming and confusing,but it doesn’thavetobe. Imagine finding theright optionquickly and easily. With Route65.ca,yoursearch just gotsimpler

Createdbythe BC Care Providers Association&EngAgeBC, Route65. ca is afree, B.C.-based wayfinder resource that guides youthrough the province’sseniorsliving,wellness, and care continuum. Whether you’re looking forhomehealth, independentliving,

assisted living, or long-term care options, Route65.cahas youcovered

With just afew clicks,you canfind a detailed directory and connect with providersdirectly. Foradditionalsupport, explorethe website’sResourcessection. From FAQs andaGlossary to Community Resources, Route65.ca provides essential toolsand information to help you navigate thesystemand access the services youneed.

Readytostart your search?Visit Route65.ca andbegin your journeytoday.

Celebrating Seniors

QuantCareInc.- TrustedPartner in Care

At QuantCareInc., we arecommitted to providingcompassionate and reliable care services to seniorsand anyone in need. Ourdedicated team of care and support professionalsisheretoenhance thequality of lifefor thosewho require assistance, ensuring they maintain independence, dignity,and comfort. Ourcomprehensiverange of services includes personalized home care, convenienttransportation services, and tailoredsupport to meet individual needs Whetherit’shelpwithdaily activities, medicalappointments, or simply providing companionship, we areheretomakelife

easier andmoreenjoyable.

We understand theimportance of trustand compassionincare, andour missionistopromote awarm, supportive environmentwhere ourclients feel valued andrespected.AtQuant Care Inc.,every individualistreated with theutmostcare andkindness.

Join us in celebrating Senior’sWeek,and discoverhow ourservices canmakea positivedifference in your life or thelifeof alovedone.Quant Care Inc. –dedicated to enhancing qualityoflifethrough compassionate care 604-767-4030 |Quantcare.ca

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How’sthisfor an afternoon?Anoutdoor BBQ among friends (withvegetablespulledfromyourown rooftop garden),somedowntime in your favouritereading nook (the one with thevintage floralwallpaper), anda live sing-along concert(yes, youstillknowall thewords to “FoolsRushIn” and“Blueberry Hill”).


Taking care of each other is what community is allabout

Established in 1937,Hollyburn Funeral Home hasserved theresidents of NorthVancouver andWestVancouver for more than 87 years. Much haschanged sincethattime, but ourcommitment to providingcompassionatecareto familiesina difficult time neverwill.

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If this doesn’tsound like your averageseniorcare centre,that’sbecause it’s not. Since1963, Lynn Valley Care Centre hasdelivered qualityseniorcare, with a focusonindependence, comfortand connection, to residentsofthe Vancouver’sNorth Shoreand beyond. With more than 200 beds,rooms,and suites –and both privateand public payoptions –the newly-renovated facility incorporates geothermaland solarenergy,amid lush gardenretreatsand stunning NorthShore views. Butit’smoreaboutwhathappens inside thebuilding that matters

“Our onsiteLynn ValleyCareteam– includingroundthe-clocknurses, care aides,physicaland recreational therapists,dieticians,and more –are committedto providingexcellent,personalizedcarefor ourshorttermand long-term residents andtheirloved ones,” says longtimeLVCC AdministratorNoori Shahkar. “We’re flexible, attentive, andaccommodating, working with families to ensure ourresidents experience the bestqualityoflifepossible.”

Lynn ValleyCareCentre’s“Restorative Care”approach maximizesresidents’independence, with daily recreationaland therapeutic activities –ranging from fitness, artand musictherapy, to games nights and movieclubs –toengagethe body andmind, andhelp maintain social interactions.

Making thedecisiontomoveyourselfora lovedone into long term care canbeoverwhelming. Fortunately, one of BC’s premierseniorcarefacilities is rightherein NorthVancouver.

“AtLynn ValleyCareCentre, you’re family rightfromthe start,”saysNoori

TheLynnValleyCareCentrewaitlistisfilling up fast. Book atourtoday andplanyournextstep. www.lynnvalleycare.com info@lynnvalleycare.com| 604-988-4181

Lynn ValleyCareCentre’srooftopgardens are a hitamong residentsand staff.

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