



















As our province prepares for the upcoming election, now more than ever, it is essential to take the time to get to know the candidates vying for your vote. Elections shape the future of our communities, and the leaders we choose will make decisions on critical issues that affect our daily lives—from healthcare and education to housing and infrastructure. Understanding where each candidate stands on
these matters is the key to making informed decisions at the ballot box.
In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to overlook the importance of local elections, but these decisions impact us directly Provincial representatives influence policies that affect everything from taxes to local services, and by voting, we ensure that our voices are heard on issues that matter most to us. However, simply
casting a vote isn’t enough—it’s important to know the people behind the platforms.
By getting to know the candidates, their values, and their vision for the community, voters can make choices that align with their own priorities. Take the time to research the issues, read about the candidates, and understand their positions. Our “Connect with Candidates” feature provides a straightforward way to do just that.
Voting is not just a right—it’s a responsibility. It ensures that democracy remains strong and that decisions reflect the will of the people. Whether it’s your first time voting or you’ve participated in many elections before, make your vote count. The future of the North Shore depends on it. Get informed, get involved, and get out and vote!
Matt Blair Publisher, North
Shore News
Iama professional engineer,cabinet minister, and workingmom
Ihave served North Vancouver-Lonsdale as MLAfor 7years (two terms)and am running to bere-elected.
Iliveinthe City of North Vancouverwith my husband anddaughter.
Ihave lived on theNorth Shorefor 10+ years.
reach me at email Bowinn.Ma@bcndp.ca web bowinnma.ca
Q Whathave your pastcontributions to the community been?
A Working with thecommunity as theirMLA, I’ve helpeddeliver sixmajor school projects, safe playgrounds at elementary schools, anew state-of-the-art 108-bedacute care toweratLions GateHospital, anew urgentand primary care centre, anew addictions recovery community centre, and more Over 1700 provincially-fundedhomes are completeorunderway on theNorth Shore alone,including units that rentfor as lowas $500/month. Over $220 millioninchildcare investments have landedonthe NorthShore, whichhas addedthousands of spaces to our community andreduced fees forparents by over $100 millionsofar
Record investments in transithave expanded service, andwe’vemadepublic transitfree for kids 12 andunder. We’vegained newactive transportationpathways, anew SeaBus vessel enabling10-minute sailingfrequencyand extendedhours, anew RapidBus R2 service,and upgradestoWaterfront SeaBus Station, Lonsdale QuayTransit Exchange, andPhibbs Transit Exchange.
These are just some of thelocal highlights, and thereismuchmoretodo.
Q Whatmajor issues do youthink have to be addressedinthe next four years?
A Agovernmentled by DavidEby andthe BC NDP will tackle thetoughissueshead-on,including accesstohealthcare, costs-of-living, housing affordability,and climate change.We’ll be tough on housingspeculators, deliver more middle-class housing, hire more doctors andnurses, invest in the infrastructure ourcommunitiesneed,and deliver rapidtransit to theNorth Shore.
As aW.V. School Trustee and resident for over 50 years, Ihave deep roots in this community. As an immigrantwho settled on the North Shore, I grew up and raised my children here, and now my grandchildren are here, too. My family has always been committed to serving this community. With a long career in education (Master in Ed. Admin., Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence), I’m dedicated to ensuring our schools and community are thriving.
reach me at email lynne.block@conservativebc.ca web conservativebc.ca/block
Q What madeyou decide to stand in this election?
A The NDP'sfiscal mismanagement has hurtthe quality of life for many BritishColumbians.My upbringing instilled adeeprespect fordemocracy, freedoms, and arobusteconomy, which arevital for everyone’s well-being
Seeing our province’s rising debt, increased taxes, and declining services in healthcare, housing, and education has motivated me to take action. It’s timefor positive change.
Q If there is one change you could help bring about -what woulditbe?
A Fiscal responsibility and abalanced budget are essential for improving the costofliving and enhancing services like healthcare, housing, education, and transportation.
Q How do you find out whatpeople's concerns are?
A Iprioritize listening to our community. While door knocking and meeting people, Iengage with friends and family, read various sources, consult advisors, and stay updated with polls. Iactively listen to different groups to understand their concerns and ensure their voices are heard.
Q How and where do you network?
A Ilisten to experts, local elected officials, business leaders, healthcare professionals, and long-time residents. Istudy best practices, attend workshops, and stay informed by reading relevant research to ensure I’m well-equipped to address our community’s needs.
Q What wouldyou like your legacy as an elected official to be?
A Iamanadvocate for my community, dedicated to ensuring that everyone is born equal to enjoy life in a peaceful and secure society.
Q What made you decideto standinthiselection?
A Iwas planning on retiringfrompolitics, but afterthe collapse of the BC United Party andthe loss of acentrist option, Ireceived countlesscalls andemails encouragingme to run for re-election. People are unhappywithseven years of NDP government andunsettled bythe inexperience and extreme viewsofmanyBCConservativecandidates.
As aresult, Idecided to runas an Independentcandidate in West Vancouver-Capilano.I am anexperienced,qualified, centristchoice for voters anditwould be my honour to serve as the MLA for another term.
Q What major issues do you think have to be addressed in the next four years?
A Ibelieve that building astrong privatesectoreconomy will help us address the serious issues surroundinghealth care, public safety, mental health andaddictions, social services, traffic and transportation,cost of living, housing, and child care.
Q Whatorganizations have youserved with orvolunteered for?
A Judicial Council of BC, Greater Vancouver BoardofTrade, Vancity Community Foundation,BCDegree Quality Assessment Board, BC CouncilforInternational Education, and Family Services Canada.
Facts about me
Iamseeking re-election as an Independent Candidate in the riding of West VancouverCapilano.
Iamthe incumbent MLA and have served as your representative in Victoria for the past four years.
Ihave lived on the North Shore for over two decades, and Icurrently reside in West Vancouver.
Ifeel fortunate to liveonthe North Shore and be amember of this wonderful community.
Iama lifelong learner, an avid gardener, amusician, and avery lucky mom.
YOUR RIDING: WEST VANCOUVER-CAPILANO reach me at phone 236-971-1019 email contact@voteforkarin.ca web voteforkarin.ca
Q If there is one change youcouldhelp bring about -what would it be?
A With our aging population on the North Shore, there is an urgent need for more long-term care beds and increased home support services for our seniors.
Q How do you find out what people’s concerns are?
A Over the past four years as MLA, I’ve had the privilege to meet regularly with constituents, community members, and stakeholders to listen to their concerns.
As Shadow Minister for Housing and Child Care, I’ve met with people and organizations across BC, including non-profit housing societies, real estate developers, mayors and councillors, professional associations, and child care providers to name afew.
Q What is your current employment? Past employment?
A IamaChartered Professional Accountant. Ialso hold Masters degrees in both Lawand Business Administration. I was Assistant Dean in UBC’s Sauder School of Business and was the CEO of the Real Estate Foundation of BC, the Private Career Training Institutions Agency of BC and Family Services of Greater Vancouver.
Q What will you do differently than the current elected officials?
A As an Independent MLA, Iaminaunique position to potentially hold the balance of power in the next legislative session, which means Ican advocate for good policies and practical solutions.
Iwant to be known for:
Offering votersa centristchoicethis election, ensuring government is sociallyprogressive and fiscally disciplined.
Q What major issues do you think have tobeaddressedin the next four years?
A North Shore traffic congestionisa problem thataffects residentsdaily. Addressingthis is crucial to improving quality of life.
The affordability crisis, especially in housing, also needs urgent attention to ensure the arearemains accessible for everyone.
Healthcarewait timesand public safety are also top concerns. Enhancing mental healthcare,alongwithensuring safetyaround housing projects will bekey tostrengthening the community over the next four years.
Q What organizations have you served with or volunteered for?
A Ifounded CovidHelperin2020,which connectedseniors with volunteers duringthe pandemic,helping over1,000 people. I’ve raised more than$3millionfor various charities, including Athleticsfor Kids,KidSafeProject Society, Variety B.C.,Children’s Wish Foundation,and Covenant House. I’vementoredstudentsthroughPecha Kucha Nights,UBC, SFU, and the Centre forDigital Media, supporting aspiring entrepreneursand helping themgrow in their careers.
Q If there is one change you could help bring about -what woulditbe?
A North Shore traffic congestion would bemypriority. We’ve already begun. The BC Conservatives have committed toa Second Narrows Bridge, which will greatlyreduce traffic and help families get home.Improving local east-west
access, and expanding our bridge infrastructure would make asignificant difference in daily commuting times. This change would improve mobility, reduce stress, and enhance overall quality of life on the North Shore.
Q What is your current employment? Past employment?
A Iamaserial entrepreneur with abackground in launching and growing businesses in the technology and creative sectors. Since exiting my last venture in 2020, Ilaunched First Fund, and have focused on mentoring and investing in more than 80 entrepreneurs who are building innovative businesses in BC.
Q Are there any areas of interest that you would like to express an opinion on?
A Small-Scale, multi-unit housing: Bill 44 should exempt municipalities meeting housing targets, giving local governments controloverinfrastructure planning.
Supportive Housing:
Facilities for addiction care are important, but common sense dictates that they should be located away from families with children.
Climate Change:
BC cannot solve climate change by taxation given our global emissions are tiny (64 MTs) compared to China (13,000 Megatonnes) and India (3,000 Megatonnes). We need to invest in Carbon Capture R&D, and export that technology to other countries for true global difference.
I’m running for the first time, and I’m excited to bring positive change to North VancouverSeymour.
I’m known to be someone who gets things done, and am a recipient of the BC Business Top 30 under 30 award, and TMX Canada’s Next 150 award.
I’m atechnology entrepreneur turned investor who supports and mentors around 80 individuals as they build their businesses.
Icherish the small moments with my one-year old daughter and love to explore the North Shore mountains, often hitting the trails with my dog, Leo.
Iwant to be known for: Tackling North Vancouver’s traffic congestion headon with practical solutions for faster, more efficient commutes.
reach me at phone 672-380-2125 email sam.chandola@conservativebc.ca web samchandola.ca
Q Whatmade youdecide to standinthiselection?
This is my firsttime runningfor office.
Iliveinthe District of West Vancouver.I’velived on theNorth Shorefor over 20 years!
Iwas thefirst Canadian youthdelegateto theUnitedNation Developmentconference, Ihave been honored with theYWCAYoung Woman of DistinctionAward,the Diamond JubileeMedal andthe prestigious Rotary Peace Fellowship, where I received amaster'sdegree in Developmentonafull scholarship
reach me at email sara.eftekhar@bcndp.ca web saraeftekhar.bcndp.ca
A As anurse practitioner, I'vewitnessed firsthand how unaffordabilityand limited access to healthcare andhousingimpact my patients' health.Thismotivated me to become theelected Vancouver Councilorfor Nurse Practitioners of BC,where Icontributed to improving healthcare policy, advocatedfor free prescription contraception throughAccessBC, andplayeda key role in establishingforensicnursing services at Lions Gate Hospital.However, Iameagertodo even more,which is whyI’m running with theBC NDP. TheBCConservatives aimtocut social services andhealthcare, while theBCNDP has made significant progress but still hasmuchwork ahead. After30yearswiththe samerepresentative in this constituency, it's timefor achange
Q Whatmajorissues do youthink have to be addressedinthe next four years?
A Affordability,housingand healthcare are our top priorities.Somehighlightsfromour platform include:a middle-class taxcut providing$1,000 immediatelyto families, helpingseniors with cost of livingbyincreasing theseniors supplementfrom $50 to $149 permonth, providingfree transitfor seniorsinoff peak hours, expanding thehospital at home program, hiring more family doctors/ nurse practitioners andbuildingnew medical facilities.
Q Whatorganizations have youserved with or volunteered for?
A TheVancouver Foundation, NorthShore Community Resources,the Steering Committeeto EndViolence Against Womenonthe NorthShore, ChildCareActionBoard at City of West Vancouver plus many more.
Iwas first electedin 2020 andamseeking re-election. IhavelivedinLynn Valley since1988 and Iwas born at Lions Gate Hospital.
My husband andI raised our familyhere on the North Shore. Iserved as amember of theNaval Reserves for over 40 years. Iam aregistered nurse and continue to work casual in thecommunity in addition to my work over the last four years as your MLA.
Q What made you decidetostandinthis election?
A It hasbeen apleasure and an honour to serveour community in the legislature. Both my workhere in the constituency office and in Victoria have allowed me to understandthat thereissomuch worktobedone to supportand maintain our marvelous community andprovince.
Our leader, DavidEby, is tackling the biggest challengesthat peopleare facing,which is trueof our entire team. Thereformsand plans we’veput in placeare startingtohave asignificant impact in BC -but we’renot thereyet. Iand the BC NDP team workhard every daytobuild aprovince where you don’tjustget by,you getahead. And we won’tstopuntil thejob is done..
Q What majorissues do you think have to be addressed in the next fouryears?
A At the doorsand on thestreets of North Vancouver-Seymour,Ihear that peopleneed action on housingcosts, on healthcare, and on the cost of day-to-day life.
We’vebeen takingactiononthesechallenges and many others. We have takenonhousing speculatorsand are putting aplaninplace that experts say will create300,000 more homesfor middle-income people.Weare connectingpeople to family doctorsand also cutting thecostof childcare in half
John Rustad andhis team aren’t going to make thingsbetter.They’repromising to cut$4.1billion fromhealthcare. They want to return to high car insurance rates and bridge tolls. John Rustad is a risk we just can’t afford. reach me at
email susie.chant@bcndp.ca web susiechant.bcndp.ca
The2024ProvincialGeneralElectionisonSaturday,October19,2024. Therearemanyways(andmanydays)tovote.
Youcanvoteinthe2024ProvincialGeneral Electionifyouare:
•aresidentofBritishColumbiasince April18,2024
Youcanregisterorupdateyourvoter informationatelections.bc.ca/registeror bycalling1-800-661-8683
Registrationonlineandbyphoneclosesat 11:59p.m.(Pacifictime)onOctober7.
AfterOctober7,youcanstillregisterwhenyou vote,butvotingwilltakelonger.Rememberto bringIDwhenyougotovote.
Votingatdistrictelectoralofficesisavailable nowduringofficehoursuntil4p.m.(Pacific time)onFinalVotingDay.
Therearesixdaysofadvancevoting: October10-13and15-16,from8a.m.to 8p.m.(localtime)
Advancevotingplaceswillbeclosedon October14(Thanksgiving)
FinalVotingDayisSaturday,October19.Voting placeswillbeopenfrom8a.m.to8p.m.(Pacific time)onFinalVotingDay.
Tovotebymail,requestyourvoting packageassoonaspossible.Visit elections.bc.ca/votebymailorcall 1-800-661-8683.
Visitwheretovote.elections.bc.cato findvotingplacesnearyouandwhenthey areopen.
Therearenewelectoraldistrictsforthe2024 provincialelection.Toseeamapofyournew electoraldistrict,enteryouraddressat elections.bc.ca/mydistrict
NorthVancouverLawnBowlingClub 249E24thSt,NorthVancouver,BC
WallaceVenue 300-125VictoryShipWay,NorthVancouver,BC
ChiefJoeMathiasCentre 100CapilanoRd,WestVancouver,BC
NavyLeagueHall 1555ForbesAve,NorthVancouver,BC
NorgateCommElemSchool 1295SowdenSt,NorthVancouver,BC
NorthVancouverLawnBowlingClub 249E24thSt,NorthVancouver,BC
QueenMaryCommSchool 230WKeithRd,NorthVancouver,BC
RidgewayElemSchool 420E8thSt,NorthVancouver,BC
RoyalCanadianLegionBranch118 123W15thSt,NorthVancouver,BC
SutherlandSecSchool 1860SutherlandAve,NorthVancouver,BC
TheEslha7anLearningCentre 345W5thSt,NorthVancouver,BC
WallaceVenue 300-125VictoryShipWay,NorthVancouver,BC
WestviewElemSchool 641W17thSt,NorthVancouver,BC
NorthVancouver-Lonsdale 1395PembertonAve NorthVancouver,BC (778)572-4255
HoursofOperation(localtime) Monday-Friday9a.m.to5p.m. Saturday10a.m.to4p.m Advancevotingdays8a.m.to8p.m.
Candidate’sName: FinancialAgent:
DavidSplett ConservativeParty
KathyMcGrenera 103-510ChesterfieldAve,NorthVancouver,BC,V7M2L9 (604)980-7847
CharmaineDunkley 2412KasloSt,Vancouver,BC,V5M3G7 (672)200-4817
KarenMagnussenCommRecCentre 2300KirkstoneRd,NorthVancouver,BC
ParkgateCommCentre 3625BanffCrt,NorthVancouver,BC
LynnValleyCommRecCentre 3590MountainHwy,NorthVancouver,BC
NorthLonsdaleUnitedChurch 3380LonsdaleAve,NorthVancouver,BC
ParkgateCommCentre 3625BanffCrt,NorthVancouver,BC
TheBridgeChurch 1384DeepCoveRd,NorthVancouver,BC
Tsleil-WaututhNationGatheringPlace 3178AlderCrt,NorthVancouver,BC
MitchellBaker Independent
SamChandola ConservativeParty
StephaniBaker 1232HeywoodSt,NorthVancouver,BC,V7L1H4 (604)787-7610
JulianneRatchford 1200-555HastingsStW,Vancouver,BC,V6B4N4 (672)380-2125
HeatherAndrews 3644FranklinSt,Vancouver,BC,V5K1Y6 (778)926-4822
SubhadarshiTripathy 3801stStE,NorthVancouver,BC,V7L1B5 (778)772-2545
ÉcoleBoundaryElemSchool 750E26thSt,NorthVancouver,BC
ÉcoleRossRdElemSchool 2875BushnellPl,NorthVancouver,BC
NorthVancouver-Seymour 2-1225EKeithRd NorthVancouver,BC (778)572-4256
Monday-Friday9a.m.to5p.m. Saturday10a.m.to4p.m. Advancevotingdays8a.m.to8p.m
JulianneRatchford 1200-555HastingsStW,VancouverBC,V6B4N6
DelbrookCommRecCentre 851WQueensRd,NorthVancouver,BC
St.David’sUnitedChurch 1525TaylorWay,WestVancouver,BC
St.Stephen’sAnglicanChurch 88522ndSt,WestVancouver,BC
WestVancouverCommCentre 2121MarineDr,WestVancouver,BC
CanyonHeightsElemSchool 4501HighlandBlvd,NorthVancouver,BC
CapilanoElemSchool 1230W20thSt,NorthVancouver,BC
HighlandsElemSchool 3150ColwoodDr,NorthVancouver,BC
HollyburnElemSchool 1329DuchessAve,WestVancouver,BC
LionsGateCommRecCentre 1733LionsGateLane,NorthVancouver,BC
MontroyalElemSchool 5310SonoraDr,NorthVancouver,BC
MountainsideSecSchool 3365MahonAve,NorthVancouver,BC
RidgeviewElemSchool 1250MathersAve,WestVancouver,BC
SentinelSecSchool 1250ChartwellDr,WestVancouver,BC
WestBayElemSchool 3175ThompsonPl,WestVancouver,BC
WestVancouverCommCentre 2121MarineDr,WestVancouver,BC
WestcotElemSchool 760WestcotRd,WestVancouver,BC
ÉcoleClevelandElemSchool 1255EldonRd,NorthVancouver,BC ÉcolePaulineJohnsonElemSchool 115022ndSt,WestVancouver,BC
WestVancouver-Capilano 811-100ParkRoyalSouth WestVancouver,BC (778)572-4284
HoursofOperation(localtime) Monday-Friday9a.m.to5p.m. Saturday10a.m.to4p.m. Advancevotingdays8a.m.to8p.m CandidatesforWestVancouver-Capilano Candidate’sName:
LynneBlock ConservativeParty
SaraEftekhar BCNDP
ArchieKaario BCGreenParty
KarinKirkpatrick Independent
BrockStephenson 6654StrathmoreAve,Burnaby,BC,V5E3H7 (604)512-3835
BenPye 207-3082ndStW,NorthVancouver,BC,V7M1E1 (778)512-8250
RaheelRameez 1150JervisSt,Vancouver,BC,V6E2C8 (778)444-1990
KeithMcBain 958FrederickPl,NorthVancouver,BC,V7K2B5 (604)614-0748
TracyDobell 6433FoxSt,WestVancouverBC,V7W2C3
BowenIslandCommSchool 1041MtGardnerRd,BowenIsland,BC
GleneaglesClubhouse 6190MarineDr,WestVancouver,BC
PembertonSecSchool 1400OakSt,Pemberton,BC
SquamishValleyGolfClub 2458MamquamRd,Squamish,BC
TelusWhistlerConfCentre 4010WhistlerWay,Whistler,BC
TotemHall 1380StawamusRd,Squamish,BC
BowenIslandCommSchool 1041MtGardnerRd,BowenIsland,BC
DonRossMiddleSchool 42091RossRd,Squamish,BC
GaribaldiHighlandsElemSchool 2590PortreeWay,Squamish,BC
HoweSoundSecSchool 38430BuckleyAve,Squamish,BC
LionsBayCommHall 400CentreRd,LionsBay,BC
MyrtlePhilipCommSchool 6195LorimerRd,Whistler,BC
N’QuatquaCommCentre 762Nquatqua,D’Arcy,BC
PembertonSecSchool 1400OakSt,Pemberton,BC
RockridgeSecSchool 5350HeadlandDr,WestVancouver,BC
The55ActivityCentre 1201VillageGreenWay,Squamish,BC
JenFord BCNDP SusanKrieger 73-2704CheakamusWay,Whistler,BC,V8E0L9 (604)935-9028
YuriFulmer ConservativeParty DesmondChun 1105-3333BrownRd,Richmond,BC,V6X0P6 (778)238-8066
JeremyValeriote BCGreenParty JamesGriffiths 8581DrifterWay,Whistler,BC,V8E0G2 (604)816-6616
TotemHall 1380StawamusRd,Squamish,BC
TszilLearningCentre 125LillooetLakeRd,MountCurrie,BC ValleycliffeElem 38430WestwayAve,Squamish,BC
WhistlerSecSchool 8000AlpineWay,Whistler,BC
WestVancouver-SeatoSky 381442ndAve Squamish,BC (778)572-4610
HoursofOperation(localtime) Monday-Friday9a.m.to5p.m. Saturday10a.m.to4p.m Advancevotingdays8a.m.to8p.m
JatinderSidhu 2818MarineDr,WestVancouverBC,V7V1L9