VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Capilano Community Services Society – Seniors’ Hub 604-988-7115 ext. 2004 www.capservices.ca/seniors-hub Volunteers are needed to drive, escort and help seniors with shopping, act as telefriends, help with monthly socials, coffee groups and office work� Email: marjorie@capservices�ca
Caregiver Support Program www.nscr.ca 604-982-3320 Seeking peer-to-peer volunteers and facilitators to provide practical and emotional support to unpaid caregivers� Peer-to-peer caregivers provide valuable 1-1 support� Facilitators are empowered to develop and lead network and education groups� Email: vic�gailiunas@nscr�ca
Family Services of the North Shore www.familyservices.bc.ca 604-988-5281 Volunteers are needed to support seniors who are isolated or living with chronic illnesses and caregivers who are looking after older family members or friends at home� Training will be provided� Email: rivers@familyservices�bc�ca
Lynn Valley Services Society (LVSS) at Mollie Nye House www.lvss.ca 604-987-5820 Accepting applications for front desk positions at Mollie Nye House (Monday to Friday 10 am - 1 pm or 1 to 4 pm)� Also offer a range of other opportunities including gardening and event volunteering�
North Shore Keep Well Society www.keepwellsociety.ca 604-988-7115 ext. 3001 Programs held at various locations in North and West Vancouver� Volunteers are needed to work at registration desks; massage shoulders, hands and
feet (training provided); take blood pressure (health background required); and provide nutritional and pharmacy consultations�
North Shore Better at Home Program
Volunteers are needed to assist clients by providing transportation to medical appointments, friendly visiting over the phone, assisting with grocery shopping, doing minor home repairs or helping with yard work�
North Shore Meals on Wheels www.carebc.ca/north-shore-mow 604-922-3414 Volunteers are needed to pick up food, assemble and package meal trays, and deliver the meals�
North Shore Neighbourhood House (NSNH) & John Braithwaite Community Centre (JBCC) www.nsnh.bc.ca 604-987-8138 ext 202 Volunteers have a range of opportunities and support seniors, family, youth, recreational and community programs at both locations� Email: ahasan@nsnh�bc�ca
North Shore Seniors Peer Support, NSNH 604-315-2084 Mature volunteers receive training to support individual seniors in times of challenge, also to provide resource information, and encourage community connections� Requirements: good listener, attendance in training and support meetings, appreciates that with peer support there is a special bond of trust� Languages other than English are welcome�
North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre www.nssrc.org 778-340-5803 The Stroke Centre offers a wide range of volunteer
Non Medical Home Care Alzheimer’s & Dementia
Household Duties
Companionship Services
Respite Care
Personal Care
Meal Preparation
Incidental Transportation
Hospital & Care Centre Assistance
24 hours Care
goldenageseniors.ca • 604-512-0647 • 604-767-4030 • info@goldenageseniors.ca 56 NORTH SHORE 2022 SENIORS DIRECTORY