留白部分提供觀眾 打洞收藏之用
演出時間 | 2017 年 12 月 31 日 ( 星期日 ) 10:30 PM 演出地點 | 國家音樂廳 National Concert Hall, Taipei
策劃 & 小號 | 魏廣晧 Stacey Wei, curator & trumpet 歌 手 | 王若琳 Joanna Wang, singer 兩廳院夏日爵士節慶樂團 NTCH Summer Jazz Project NSO 獨奏家群 NSO Musicians
主辦單位 |
舞 者 | 搖擺舞團 Naughty Swing
演出長度 | 上半場約 50 分鐘,下半場約 50 分鐘,歡迎於中場休息時間至 1 樓大廳水晶燈下一同學習搖擺 !
1 | 今夜瘋爵士
演出者介紹 策劃 & 小號 | 魏廣晧
Curator & Trumpet | Stacey Wei
國立東華大學藝術中心主任、音樂學系助理教 授、Yamaha 爵士小號台灣代言人。紐約市立大學爵 士小號演奏碩士 MA, Aaron Copland School of Music, Queens College, City University of New York,師事於 小號手與作曲家 Prof. Michael Philip Mossman 及中 音薩克斯風手 Prof. Antonio Hart,在美期間積極參 與樂團演出及錄音等活動,並多次與紐約當地爵士 樂手合作及接受爵士大師班指導;現活躍於台灣爵 士樂壇,並曾任教於嘉義大學音樂系、東海大學音 樂系等多所學校推廣爵士音樂教育,2010 年台中爵 士音樂節音樂總監,目前為兩廳院第一至九屆爵士 音樂營教學總監、兩廳院夏日爵士派對節慶樂團策 展人,曾合作過的國際音樂家包含:Alex Sipiagin, Brian Lynch, Paqito D'Rivera, Albert Tootie Heath, John Riley, Jimmy Cobb, Harold Danko, Jeff Rupert 等。
M. A. in Jazz Trumpet Performance from the City University of New York, Stacey studied with Prof. Michael Mossman, the lead jazz trumpeter at Jazz at Lincoln Center Afro Cuban Jazz Orchestra, Prof. Antonio Hart, the lead alto-saxophonist of Dizzy Gillepie All Star Big Band, and Dr. John Van Deurson, Assistant Conductor and trombonist of Taipei Philharmonic. Active in band performance and recording in New York. Stacey is currently an avid jazz musician in Taiwan, the director of arts center and assistant professor of National Dong Hwa University, the first Jazz Studies of Taiwan, the director of National Concert Hall and Theatre Summer Jazz Camp since 2008, the endorsor of Yamaha trumpet. Stacey has played with Michael Mossman, Alex Sipiagin, Brian Lynch, Harold Danko, Eric Miyashiro, Paquito D’Rivera, Jimmy Cobb, Tootie Heath, John Riley, Tomonao Hara.
歌 手 | 王若琳
Singer | Joanna Wang
Joanna Wang 王若琳, 創作歌手。 音樂作品包含《博尼的大冒險》、《銀河的危機: 最奇異的午夜轉播》、《BOB MUSIC 鮑伯音樂》、 《霸凌之家》等概念專輯 。
Hailing from Taiwan, Joanna Wang weaves bits of old fairy tales and Americana with pop and video game soundtrack influences into whimsical and irreverent tunes. She has written and produced four projects, “The Adventures of Bernie the Schoolboy”, “Galaxy Crisis: The Strangest Midnight Broadcast”, “BOB MUSIC”, and the most recent “House of Bullies”.
NTCH Summer Jazz Project
2012 年起,兩廳院為讓國人享受更趨極致的 爵士音樂饗宴,遂邀請爵士小號音樂家—魏廣晧擔 任召集人,邀集國內外優異的爵士音樂家成立兩廳 院夏日爵士節慶樂團,年年與國際級的傳奇爵士 大 師 合 作, 如 Albert “TOOTIE” Heath、Antonio Hart、Jimmy Cobb、John Riley、Michael Mossman、 Paquito D’Rivera 等,發展至此,爵士樂深入人心, 貼近民眾的生活,已不限於「夏日」,而是一年四 季都可以經鬆享受的音樂佳餚了。
NTCH Summer Jazz Project was established in 2012. With the enthusiastic expectation from jazz fans and jazz musicians in Taiwan, the NTCH gathered the most active jazz musicians in Taiwan in this project, to perform in the NTCH Summer Jazz Festival every year. Since 2012, the project has invited the legendary jazz musicians like Albert "Tootie" Heath, Jimmy Cobb, Paquito D'Rivera, John Railey, Antonio Hart, Jeff Rupert to perform with the band, and the internationally renowned arranger/trumpet player, Michael Mossman, has been engaged as the music director. Every summer since the establishment of the project, we always challenge ourselves with more and more difficult repertoire and excellent guest musicians without any screw loose, and we would jokingly call the project as the annual on-the-job training program for jazz musicians in Taiwan.
2 | 今夜瘋爵士
中音薩克斯風 | 楊曉恩
Alto Saxophone | Shawna Yang
台 灣 爵 士 演 奏 家。 第 二 張 個 人 專 輯「Simple Life」入圍金音獎及金曲獎七項大獎,並勇奪「金曲 獎最佳演奏類專輯獎」。2016 年起擔任 Antiqua 安 迪華薩克斯風代言人,並在日本、港澳、中國等地 巡演。
Shawna’s second solo album “Simple Life” has received seven nominations for the Golden Melody Awards, and won the best instrumental album in 2016. She has performed in Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, China, and endorses for Antigua jazz saxophones.
次中音薩克斯風 | 林映辰
Tenor Saxophone | Ying-Chen Lin
紐奧良大學爵士演奏碩士,國內首位自紐奧良 留學歸國的爵士演奏家。甫獲選為 2016 新北市樂壇 新星。現任教於嘉義大學音樂系和清水高中音樂班, 並指導東海大學爵士樂團。
The first Taiwanese jazz musician received M.A. in jazz performance from the University of New Orleans, Ying-Chen was recently awarded “2016 Music Star” of New Taipei City. She is currently coaching Tunghai University jazz band and teaching at National Chiayi University and Cingshuei High School.
上低音薩克斯風 | 李承育
Baritone Saxophone | Cheng-Yu Lee
台灣台北人,北德州大學(University of North Texas)薩克斯風演奏碩士。於台北教育大學、輔仁 大學、國立臺灣師範大學等任教,並擔任臺北爵士 大樂隊(Taipei Jazz Orchestra)指揮、Antigua 安迪 華薩克斯風與 D'Addario Woodwind 代言人。
M.M. in saxophone performance from the University of North Texas, Cheng-Yu directs Taipei Jazz Orchestra and teaches at National Taipei University of Education, Fu Jen Catholic University, and National Taiwan Normal University. He is an Antigua Saxophone and D’Addario Woodwind Artist.
小 號 | 高翊鈞
Trumpet | Yi-Jiun Kao
美 國 羅 格 斯 大 學(Rutgers The State University Of New Jersey) 爵 士 演 奏 碩 士。2009 起 跟 隨 魏 廣 晧老師修習爵士樂。赴美期間小號師事於紐約知名 演奏家 Joe Magnarelli 並受 Mingus Big Band 長號手 Conrad Herwig 及 Village Vanguard Jazz Orchestra 上 低音薩克斯風手 Gary Smulyan 指導。
Yi-Jiun received M.M. in jazz performance from Rutgers, The State University Of New Jersey. In United States, he studied with New York trumpeter Joe Magnarelli, Mingus Big Band trombonist Conrad Herwig, and Village Vanguard Jazz Orchestra baritone Saxophonist Gary Smulyan.
長 號 | 何尼克
Trombone | Nick Javier
美國密西根州立大學爵士樂演奏碩士。其音 樂 受 到 Miles Davis、J.J. Johnson、 Charlie Parker、 James Brown、Stevie Wonder、Michael Jackson、 Curtis Fuller、Thelonious Monk 的影響。目前於私立 東海大學、國立嘉義大學任教,並擔任 CarolBrass 長號代言人。
M.M. in jazz studies from Michigan State University, Nick’s music is influenced by Miles Davis, J.J. Johnson, Charlie Parker, James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, and Thelonious Monk. He is currently teaching at Tunghai University and National Chiayi University and endorses for CarolBrass trombone.
鋼 琴 | 許郁瑛
Piano | Yu Ying Hsu
台灣爵士鋼琴家、作曲家、編曲家、音樂製作 人。美國紐約州立大學帕切斯學院爵士鋼琴演奏碩 士 (Purchase College, SUNY, Master of Music)。創 作專輯於金曲獎與金音獎獲得多項獎項。
A jazz pianist, composer, arranger and producer, Yu Ying has received several Golden Indie Music Awards and Golden Melody Awards. M.M. of jazz piano performance from SUNY Purchase College.
3 | 今夜瘋爵士
低音提琴 | 山田洋平
Double Bass | Yohei Yamada
美國柏克利音樂學院畢業,主修爵士貝斯演奏。 經常受邀海內外音樂演出,及爵士講座教學職務。 遍及香港、馬來西亞、中國、美國紐約等地。並與 豎琴家解瑄於國家音樂廳演出《豎琴音樂劇場》。
Yohei Yamada graduated from Berklee College of Music, majoring in Bass Performance. He has performed and taught in many countries such as Hong Kong, Malaysia, China and United States. Besides jazz music, he also performed in multimedia music theatre with harpist Shannon Chieh.
鼓 組 | 林偉中
Drum | Weichung Lin
2006 赴美於 Berklee College of Music 進修。2008 年結束學業返台後即活躍於台灣爵士音樂圈並參與 許 多 藝 人 的 音 樂 會, 如 曹 格、 胡 恩 瑞、 王 若 琳、 林 宥 嘉、 史 茵 茵 等。2013 起 擔 任 Canopus 鼓 組 及 Regal Tip 鼓刷官方代言人。
Since graduated from Berklee College of Music in 2008 and came back to Taiwan, Weichung has been active in jazz circle and performed in many famous pop artists’ concerts such as Gary Chaw, N-RAY, Joanna Wang, Yoga Lin, and Ying-ying Shih. He endorses for Canopus drum and Regal Tip brush.
打擊樂 | 吳政君
Percussion | Alex Wu
國立台灣戲曲學院兼任講師,擅長二胡、拉丁 打擊樂器、中國打擊樂器、世界手鼓、爵士鼓等多 項樂器,是國內少見精通歐、亞、美、非等地手鼓 藝術的擊樂演奏家。
Alex has the rare music ability of being proficient in Chinese erhu, Latin percussion, Chinese percussion, world tambourine, drum set and many other instruments. He has performed throughout Asia, North America, Europe and Africa. Alex is teaching at National Taiwan College of Performing Arts.
Auxiliary of NTCH Summer Jazz Project
小號 | 呂冠承
Trumpet | Guan-Cheng Lu
長號 | 郭書愷、蔡宛霓
Trombone | Shu-kai Kuo, Wan-Ni Tsai
薩克斯風 | 黃培彥、林昱廷
Saxophone | Pei-Yen Huang, Yu-Tin Lin
國家交響樂團 | NSO 獨奏家群 Musicians
National Symphony Orchestra | NSO Musicians
於 1986 年為建立一個指標級交響樂團而投下的 希望,2005 年起成為駐國家音樂廳團隊,2014 年 4 月起改隸國家表演藝術中心,目前已成為頂尖的亞 洲樂團。樂團歷任音樂總監 / 藝術顧問包括許常惠、 張大勝、林望傑、簡文彬以及赫比希,自 2010 年 8 月起,由呂紹嘉接任音樂總監。近 30 年來與 NSO 合作過的知名指揮家有馬捷爾、巴夏、潘德瑞茨基、 史瓦茲、羅斯楚波維奇、柯米希奧納、史拉特金、 馬利納爵士等。除了精緻音樂會,NSO 也製作大型 歌劇,更以各種推廣講座音樂會、節慶或戶外音樂 會,使 NSO 的節目成為愛樂大眾樂於參與的活動, 形成華人地區古典音樂的新風貌。
Founded in 1986, the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO), also known as Taiwan Philharmonic, became the resident orchestra of the National Concert Hall, and an artistic affiliate of the National Performing Arts Center in April 2014. The orchestra has benefited from the leadership of many music directors and principal conductors, including Gerard Akoka, Urs Schneider, Tsang-Houei Hsu, Da-Shen Chang, Jahja Ling, Wen-Pin Chien and Güther Herbig. Since August 2010, Maestro Shao-Chia Lü has been Music Director of NSO and will lead the NSO continually to further enrich its performances and carry out its mission as the flagship of classical ensemble in Taiwan. The NSO works regularly with internationally acclaimed musicians, including Lorin Maazel, K. Penderecki, Rudolf Barshai, Kek-Tjiang Lim, G. Schwarz, Uri Mayer, Joseph Silverstein, Leonard Slatkin, Christopher Hogwood, Christopher Poppen and many others. Tour performances were also regularly offered throughout Taiwan and in overseas, in places such as Vienna, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Sapporo, Tokyo, Yokohama, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Costa Mesa, and Vancouver
4 | 今夜瘋爵士
小提琴 | 陳怡茹
Violin | Yi-Ju Chen
國立台灣師範大學學士,私立東吳大學音樂研 究所演奏組碩士。2005 年受財團法人行天宮文教基 金會邀請演出巴赫雙小提琴協奏曲。近期積極參與 室內樂以及跨界多元音樂製作演出。
Ms. Chen received her Bachelor degree from National Taiwan Normal University and Master degree in Violin Performance from SooChow University. In 2005, she was invited by Shin-Tien Gon Culture & Education Foundation to perform Bach Double Violin Concert. She is now active in chamber music and interdisciplinary music productions.
小提琴 | 洪章文
Violin | Chang-Wen Hung
畢業於輔仁大學音樂系研究所小提琴演奏。 2005 年進入國家交響樂團,並積極參與國內外獨奏 及室內樂演出,至今演出頻繁並獲得高度讚賞,演 出國家包括大陸、日本、法國、義大利等。於 2015 年成立法國古堡音樂節。
Mr. Hung received Master Degree from Fu-Jen Catholic University. Since became a member of NSO in 2005, he has been active in solo and chamber concerts, performing in countries such as China, Japan, France, and Italy, and has received high praises. In 2015 he founded the Academies Musical Franco Chinoise Music Festival in France.
小提琴 | 曾智弘
Violin | Chih-Hong Tseng
2008 年以第一獎成績畢業於法國國立巴黎高 等音樂院小提琴演奏文憑,2010 年畢業於巴黎音樂 院室內樂主修。2014 年受邀於新店高中、漳和國中 演出及開設講座與大師班,並於今年受邀至香港擔 任 2017 香港青年音樂匯演 (Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows) 之交響樂團比賽評審。
In 2008 and 2010, Mr. Tseng graduated from Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, with outstanding achievements of violin performance and chamber music. In 2014 he has performed with orchestras and taught master classes in many high schools. This year he was invited to be the judge for “2017 Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows” orchestra contests.
小提琴 | 蔡孟峰
Violin | Meng-Fong Tsai
國立台北藝術大學研究所小提琴演奏碩士,擔 任過高雄中學音樂班管絃樂團首席,國立藝術學院 音樂系管絃樂團首席,服役期間並擔任國防部示範 樂隊管絃樂團的首席。除在國內的表演中心演出外, 也在歐洲、美洲、亞洲各地演奏。
Mr. Tsai received both Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Taipei National University of the Arts. He was the concertmaster of TNUA Orchestra and the Ministry of National Defense Symphony Orchestra Republic of China while serving army. Mr. Tsai has performed in many countries in Europe, America, and Asia.
小提琴 | 蔡竺君
Violin | Chu-Chun Tsai
2012 年 畢 業 於 德 國 科 隆 音 樂 暨 舞 蹈 學 院 (Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln) 獨 奏 暨 室 內 樂 碩 士 學 位;2011 年 成 為 艾 森 福 克 旺 室 內 樂 團 (Folkwang Kammerorchester Essen) 第 一 小 提 琴 演 奏 員;2012 年 至 2014 年 擔 任 柏 林 德 意 志 歌 劇 院 (Deutsche Oper Berlin) Akademie 團員。
In 2012 Ms. Tsai graduated from Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln with Master Degree for Violin Solo and Chamber Music. In 2011 she was the first violin tutti member of the Folkwang Chamber Orchestra in Essen, Germany and from 2012 to 2014 she was the violin tutti member in the Academy of Deutsche Oper Berlin.
5 | 今夜瘋爵士
中提琴 | 蔡秉璋
Viola | Ping-Chang Tsai
國立台灣師範大學音樂系中提琴博士。2003 年 台北市學生音樂比賽中提琴大專組第一名。現任 NSO 3+1 弦樂四重奏以及台灣中提琴室內樂團團 員,並任教於真理大學應用音樂學系。
Mr. Tsai received Ph.D. of music performance from National Taiwan Normal University, a member of NSO 3+1 String Quartet, and Taiwan Viola Chamber Music Ensemble. He now teaches at the Department of Applied Music of Aletheia University.
中提琴 | 吳彥廷
Viola | Yen-Ting Wu
辛辛那提音樂院中提琴演奏博士與小提琴、 中提琴演奏雙碩士。國立台北藝術大學音樂學士, 主修小提琴。曾為路易維爾弦樂四重奏 (Louisville String Quartet) 成員。現任台北愛樂管弦樂團中提琴 首席,藝享室內樂團首席。
Mr. Wu held BM degree in violin from Taipei National University of the Arts, Master degrees in violin and viola and DMA degree in viola performance from Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. He was a member of Louisville String Quartet. Now he is also the viola principal of Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra.
大提琴 | 陳怡婷
Cello | I-Ting Chen
畢業於美國新英格蘭音樂院演奏碩士。近年來 參與許多國內外的演出,包括:瑞士 Sion 音樂節、 加拿大 Banff 音樂節、法國 Chaon 音樂節。並且於 2006 年成立 3+1 弦樂四重奏、同年出版大提琴爵士 三重奏。2015 年成立法國古堡音樂節。
Ms. Chen held Master Degree from New England Conservatory of Music. She has performed in music festivals in Sion, Swiss; Banff, Canada; and Chaon, France. In 2006 she founded the 3+1 String Quartet, published cello and piano jazz trio album. In 2015 she founded the Academies Musical Franco Chinoise Music Festival in France.
大提琴 | 蘇品維
Cello | Pin-Wei Su
蘇品維先後畢業於國立台灣師範大學音樂系以 及德國國立威瑪李斯特音樂院,爾後又經徵選進入 德國國立布朗斯威克歌劇院管絃樂團〈Braunschweig Staatsorchester〉任大提琴實習團員,2010 年進入國 家交響樂團。
Ms. Su has received Bachelor Degree of Music at the National Taiwan Normal University and “Künstelerische Diplom” from “Franz Listz” Musik Hochschule Weimar, Germany, She has served as an intern cellist with Staatsorchestra Braunschweig. Since 2010 she became a member of National Symphony Orchestra.
Naughty Swing 搖擺舞團
Naughty Swing
2015 年成立,由 6 位平均舞齡 10 年、擁有不 同街舞背景的舞者所組成,擅長將不同元素融合至 Swing Dance 當中,呈現有別於以往的演出,為目 前台灣新生代指標性 Swing 舞團,期許讓更多人被 Swing Dance 的歡樂所感染,一起體驗搖擺於爵士樂 中的美好。
Founded in 2015, Naughty Swing is formed by six Taiwanese dancers each with over ten years of experience in different street dance background. As one of the most iconic dance crews in Taiwan, Naughty Swing integrates elements from different dance styles into Swing Dance and gives unprecedented performances. They hope to spread the joy of jazz and Swing Dance to as many people as possible.
燈光音響 | 捷越音響有限公司 音響設計成音 | 高敏福
Just Music Lighting & Sound Co., Ltd.
燈光設計執行 | 高嘉澤
Lighting Design | Kenny Kao
音響設計執行 | 徐正宇
Sound Technician | Rain Hsu
Acoustic Design & Sound Man | A-Fu Kao