NSO_20120928The Striking Rebel-Prokofiev_programm note

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Sergei PROKOFIEV (1891-1953):

D小調觸技曲,作品11 為小提琴與鋼琴的五首無言歌,作品35, 第一、二、五首 進行曲,選自《三橘之戀》 〈離別前的羅密歐與茱麗葉〉,選自《羅密歐 與茱麗葉》,作品75,改編自芭蕾舞劇的十首 鋼琴曲

演出時間│ 2012年9月28日(星期五)7:30 PM

大提琴│ 蘇酩惠 SU Ming-huei, cello

演出地點│ 國家音樂廳演奏廳 Recital Hall, Taipei

長ề笛│ 安德石 Anders NORELL, flute


鋼ề琴│ 葉孟儒 Andrei YEH



林慧英 LIN Hui-ying, piano

piano, I, II, V, op.35 ‘March’ from The Love of Three Oranges (for violin and piano) ‘Romeo and Juliet before Parting’ from Romeo & Juliet, op.75

― Intermission ―

長笛奏鳴曲,作品94,第三、四樂章 大提琴奏鳴曲,作品119,第二、三樂章

Sonata for Flute III, IV, op.94


Performers Profile

不務正業但也不誤正業的國際 關係碩士及倫敦國王學院音樂學博 士。著有《遊藝黑白—世界鋼琴家 訪問錄》、《樂來樂想》、《聽見 蕭邦》等八本專書。你可在《典藏 投資》和中國《南方周末報》見到他的專欄,每週 也能在聯合晚報「樂聞樂思」讀到他的文章,以及 在台中古典音樂台FM97.7和Taipei Bravo FM91.3都 會生活台「倫敦Online」、「遊藝黑白」、「NSO Live雲端音樂廳」三個節目聽到他的聲音(網路收 聽亦可)。

小提琴│ 鄧皓敦 TENG Hao-tun, violin

Five Melodies without words for violin and

― 中場休息 ―

主 講|焦元溥

主 講 人│ 焦元溥 CHIAO Yuan-Pu, lecturer

Toccata in D minor, op.11

Cello Sonata II, III, op.119

CHIAO YuanPu, lecturer PhD in musicology (King's College, London), writer, columnist and broadcaster. He has written eight books, including "Listening to Chopin" and "The Colors between Black and White - Interviews with International Concert Pianists" You can hear his radio programs on Taipei Bravo (FM 91.3) and Taichung Classical Music Station (FM 97.7).


TENG Hao-tun, violin

現任國家交響樂團副首席。17 歲獲第七屆台北市交協奏曲比賽小 提琴組優勝,入選參加國際太平洋 音樂節,赴日研習及演出。大學期 間即出任台北名絃管絃樂團首席。

Prior to being admitted to the National Institute of the Arts, TENG Hao-tun was awarded with prize of the violin at the 7th Concerto Competition, 1992, sponsored by the Taipei Symphony Orchestra. The summer followed, he was heard in the Pacific Music Festival, Sapporo, Japan. He was the leader of the Taipei Orchestra during his college days. Teng was appointed as the concertmaster and assistant conductor to the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra in 2002. Since 2004, he is the artist-in-residence of Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. In the last two years, he was invited as faculty in the Shuan-Yin International Music Festival, Taipei. Teng is now Associate Concertmaster to National Symphony Orchestra.

曾任長榮交響樂團首席小提琴及助理指揮。 2004年起擔任新成立的台北愛樂青年管絃樂團之駐 團音樂家。2005-2006年夏,擔任玄音國際音樂節 小提琴教授。


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大提琴|蘇酩惠 畢業於國立台灣師範大學音樂 系以及德國國立威瑪李斯特音樂 院,蘇酩惠曾先後師事林秀三與德 國國立紐倫堡歌劇院管弦樂團大提 琴首席Christoph Spehr,並以優等 的成績獲得大提琴藝術家演奏文憑,後經徵選進入 德國國立布朗斯威克歌劇院管絃樂團(Braunschweig Staatsorchester)擔任大提琴實習團員。曾接受指揮 兼大提琴家Michael Sanderling、柏林藝術大學Markus Nykus教授及日本大提琴家堤剛之大師班指導。自 2010年進入國家交響樂團擔任大提琴演奏員。 長笛|安德石

1970生於瑞典Sundsvall。父親 為教堂管風琴家,常與父親在教堂 聚會中同台演出。安德石曾獲英國 皇家音樂學院高級演奏家文憑,並 獲瑞典哥德堡音樂大學藝術碩士, 1990年安德石於瑞典皇家軍樂團獲選「年度最佳音 樂家」。1995年移居台灣,1996年擔任國家交響樂 團長笛首席迄今。2004年6月與國家交響樂團演出柯 瑞良諾(J.Corigliano)之《神奇吹笛人》(Pied Piper Fantasy),擔任長笛獨奏,其音樂表現力與超凡的技 巧,深受觀眾的好評。目前任教於台北美國學校與 實踐大學。 鋼琴|葉孟儒

7 歲開始學習鋼琴,葉孟儒於 1992-1999赴莫斯科深造,師從當今 俄國最著名的鋼琴教育家及精神導 師Lev Naumov教授,後以最高分榮 譽畢業於莫斯科國立柴科夫斯基音 樂學院研究班,並獲演奏科最高學位藝術博士。除 與國內各大交響樂團合作演出協奏曲目外,葉孟儒 亦曾受邀於世界各地辦理獨奏會,並參與重要音樂 節如Schleswig-Holstein和Salzburg summer festival。葉 孟儒現為中國文化大學音樂系專任副教授,並兼任 教於國立台灣師範大學音樂系、台北市立教育大學 音樂系。 鋼琴|林慧英 出生於台北市,自幼接受教育 部音樂資賦優異特殊教育,1990年 自美國紐約市曼哈頓音樂院畢業, 返國後演奏活動不斷。除舉行獨奏 會巡迴演奏,曾與台北市立交響樂 團、國家交響樂團合作演出,亦經常參與二重奏、 室內樂、現代樂之表演,並任教於東吳大學、國立 台北教育大學。

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SU Ming-huei, cello Cellist SU Ming-huei has gained her “Kuensteler Diplom” from“Franz Liszt” Musik Hochschule Weimar,Germany. While in Germany, she was in the studio of Mr. Chirstoph Spehr, principle cellist of Staatsorchestra Nuernberg, and participated the master class of Michael Sanderling and Markus Nykus in Weimar, and the master class of Tsutsumi Tsuyoshi in the International Kirishima Music Festival. Su has also served as an intern cellist with Staatsorchestra Braunschweig. Since 2010 she became a member of National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan.

Andres NORELL, flute Anders NORELL was born in Sweden in 1970 and completed his Master's degree at Gothenburg University with Gerard Schaub, and postgraduate diploma at Royal Academy of Music in London with William Bennett. Another teacher that has had great influence on his playing is Suzuki-master Toshio Takahashi. He has lived in Taiwan over ten years and been principal flute of National Symphony Orchestra since 1996. With NSO he has performed several concertos (Liebermann, Corigliano, Mozart, Messiaen etc.) as well as contributing to the recital scene throughout Taiwan. Currently he is teaching at Shi-Chien University, Taipei Municipal University of Education and at Taipei American School. Andrei YEH, piano Andrei YEH began his piano studies at age of 7. He graduated with highest honors of “The Doctorate of Performing Arts” degree from the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. His training under Prof. Lev Naumov in Moscow (1992-1999) was a pivotal point for him, and enriched his performances with Russian influences. Yeh has performed as a soloist with major orchestras in Taiwan. He is also an active solo and chamber musician. Currently, Yeh holds a full-time position as an Associate Professor at the Music Department of Chinese Culture University as well as a part-time position at National Taiwan Normal University and Taipei Municipal University of Education.

LIN Hui-ying, piano Born in Taipei, LIN Hui-ying had attended the music programs for the talented children supported by the Ministry of Education since she was a child. Graduated from the Manhattan School of Music in 1990, Ms. Lin returned to Taiwan. She is active both as a soloist and chamber player. She also performed with Taipei Symphony Orchestra and National Symphony Orchestra. Ms. Lin teaches at the Soochow University and National Taipei University of Education.

2012/9/26 上午3:36

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