Be sure to vote Tuesday, Nov. 8
2 // 2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016
Voting: A right, and an obligation
Welcome to the 2016 Election Voters Guide EARLY VOTING INFORMATION
News and Tribune editor
n a head-to-head election, the person with the most votes wins. If five people are vying for three spots on a given board, the top three vote-getters prevail. That’s pretty straightforward. But U.S. presidential elections are different, since our president is chosen by indirect vote, through the electoral college. Winning the popular vote doesn’t necessarily equate to winning the election. Four times in our history, the candidate with the most popular votes lost the election. The latest example occurred in the 2000 election, when Al Gore won the popular vote, but lost to George W. Bush, who became the 43rd president of the United States. History also tells us that more people vote in presidential election years than in others, and more people vote in the general election than in the primary. Let’s hope so. Floyd County saw 37.49 percent of registered voters take part in the spring 2016 primary, or 22,360 voters out of a possible 59,643 registered. While more Clark County voters cast a ballot in May — 27,585 — that equates to only 29.92 percent out of the 92,182 people who are registered to vote. Most of us have never met presidential candidates Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. We know them only through what we read in newspapers and magazines, on Facebook and Twitter, and what we see on broadcast news and hear on the radio. But we do know many of our local candidates, those who seek to fill school board positions and serve on county boards. We may patronize their businesses or they ours. We encounter one another while attending worship services, shopping for groceries and walking along the riverfront. Their kids attend school with ours, or we went to school with their parents.
• Residents can vote during regular business hours at the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, on the second floor, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Early voting will end at noon Nov. 7. There will be nine sites available for early voting Saturday, Oct. 29, and Saturday, Nov. 5, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Those sites are: Floyd County Clerk’s office; New Albany-Floyd County Public Library, 180 W. Spring St.; Sojourn Church, 2023 Ekin Ave.; Silver Street Park, 2043 Silver Street, 4-H Fairgrounds, 2810 Green Valley Road; Trinity United Methodist Church, 2796 Charlestown Road; American Legion Post 42, 4530 Paoli Pike; John Jones Automotive, 9249 U.S. 150; and CrossRoad Church, 6614 Ind. 64, Georgetown. Six sites will be available the week of Oct. 31 through Nov. 4, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Those sites are: New Albany-Floyd County Public Library, 4-H Fairgrounds, Sojourn Church, American Legion Post 42, John Jones Automotive and CrossRoad Church.
• Voters have until noon Nov. 7 to vote in person at the Voter Registration office, room 131 in the Clark County Government Building, 501 E. Court Ave., Jeffersonville. It is the first door on the right on the first floor after entering the main doors. Voters should bring a state-issued ID to vote early in person. The in-person voting schedule is Monday through Friday, Oct. 17 through Nov. 4, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Monday, Nov. 7, from 9 a.m. until noon only. There are two Saturdays available for voting — Oct. 29 and Nov. 5, both from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Basically, they are our neighbors. We make up the community. Oh, we don’t always get along. Like most families, we have our disagreements, including if the New Albany-Floyd County Schools referendum is needed, or not. A late uncle of mine used to say, “If you don’t vote, you ought not to complain when you disagree.” Well, for some, complaining is akin to breathing, but I understand his point. Voting is not only a right, but also an obligation. We owe it to those who have fought for it, and those yet to come. Take part. Be a difference-maker. “By the people...” only works when the people participate. Vote on Nov. 8. You’ll gain the satisfaction that you voiced your opinion, that you exercised your right. And, apparently, it gives you carte blanche to complain.
INDEX CLARK COUNTY Commissioner District 1.............................................................................................3 Council District At-Large......................................................................................4-5 Greater Clark County School Board District 2, 5, 7......................................6 Coroner................................................................................................................................7 FLOYD COUNTY Commissioner District 2............................................................................................8 Commissioner District 3............................................................................................9 Council District At-Large.........................................................................................10 Judge of Floyd Circuit Court...................................................................................11 Recorder.............................................................................................................................11 Treasurer.............................................................................................................................11 NA-FC School Board District At-large...............................................................12 NA-FC School Board District 3, 4.......................................................................13 STATE Representative District 70......................................................................................14 Representative District 71.......................................................................................14 Representative District 72.......................................................................................15 Governor...........................................................................................................................16 Superintendent..............................................................................................................17 UNITED STATES United States Senator................................................................................................18 Indiana Rep. District 9...............................................................................................19
2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016 // 3
OFFICE SEEKING: Clark County Commissioner District 1 AGE: 28 POLITICAL PARTY: Libertarian POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Independent Political Blog, Clark County Tea Party Patriots, Local Public Speaker FAMILY: My lovely wife Erica and my beautiful baby boy Maxton OCCUPATION: Small Business owner RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Business Management, Public Relations, Disaster Relief Volunteer, Familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Ryan Jefferson for Clark County Facebook Page WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? The reason I am running for office is very simple. The rights of the people and our community are constantly put aside for invested interest and greed. I am very happy to see growth in our County and to see jobs being created, but at what cost? I want to be sure that the people of Clark County have a voice in their public offices, and not someone who will throw them out of their homes to build unnecessary roadways and infrastructure. I believe there is enough space in our County for growth without relocating family farms, businesses, and communities. I will be that voice, and I will listen with an open mind. Raising taxes on our residence is out of the question. Yes our County is in financial crisis, but that is exactly why you should vote for me this November, because the two party system isn’t working. The Republicans and Democrats have held this office for far too long, and we can clearly see where that has taken us. I am here to bring liberty back to Clark County and will uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Let the people be heard and know that I will stand my ground against any issues that come across my desk that do not have their considerations first and foremost at hand.
OFFICE SEEKING: Clark County Commissioner District 1 AGE: 57 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Jeffersonville City Council three terms 2004-2015; President of City Council 2009 and 2013; Budget Committee for six years; Board of Public Works and Safety 2 years; Planning and Zoning Commission 6 years; Currently serving on the Board of Zoning Appeals; Served as Liaison between numerous boards and the City Council: Drainage board, sewer board, and animal shelter. FAMILY: Husband Steve married 32 years. Children: Erica, Michael, Braden, Autumn OCCUPATION: doTERRA Consultant RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Related information: Clark County Republican Vice-Chair (2004-2009); County Coordinator for Mitch Daniels for Governor; Founding member of Clark County Republican Women; President of Republican Women (20122013; Served on the Board of Saint Elizabeth; Member of Tri Kappa, Alpha Kappa chapter; Member of Eastside Christian Church 27 years WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Connie Sellers for Clark county Commissioner WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? The county needs someone with my extensive experience to help with the tremendous growth that will be taking place in the county in the next four years. Our comprehensive plans need to be updated to protect our county’s current property owners from encroachment that new development could likely cause. There will be an economic strain placed on the county to maintain and build new roads to help with the CONTINUED ON PAGE 30 Democratic candidate Miguel S. Hampton for Clark County Commissioner District 1 did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
ertarian POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: First time running for office FAMILY: Wife Amber, sons Dakota and Aaron. OCCUPATION: Sales manager RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Leadership through fire department, ems,and corrections. W E B S I T E / FAC E B O O K / T W I T T E R : Shawn Bostock for Clark County Commissioner on Facebook WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? To put an end to backdoor good old boy politicking and to put the power back
in the citizens hands. We have had Commissioners and Council that for at least the last two terms have done what they wanted to do and what have they gotten done absolutely nothing it is time that we have a candid it that will stand up to the state and say no more unfunded mandates, that will straighten out the overpopulation in the jail, and like I have already said the most important thing is to put the power back into the citizens of Clark County. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I have no hidden agenda I am not looking to make money off of this position. I listen to what the voters needs and wants are. I have ideas to bring this County back on track and I hope that the voters will allow me to implement them. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU
PROPOSE HANDLING IT? One of the most pressing issues is that when this East End Bridge opens there is going to be a population boom in this County that has never been seen before. Our infrastructure cannot handle that. All that the current members of the Commissioners and Council have done is dilly dally the issue. It is the commissioner’s job to be on the redistricting not to hire an outside agency. Another issue is the fact that the Commissioners continually give away their powers to bureaucracies that do not answer to the voters and that has to stop. The heroin epidemic is another issue that is pressing what can be done. My plan is to give a County ordinance option to the state statute for possession of marijuana that contains no jail time but only a $35 fine the funds from those fines shall be split 50-50 with the jail and an outside 401K style charity with local
businesses to Institute various rehab programs for heroin and other drug use. WHAT IS YOUR PLAN TO IMPROVE THE COUNTY’S ROADS AND BRIDGES? First we have to streamline these departments. The state has went to chip and seal versus asphalt to extend the lives of current roadways this is something that the county really needs to look at as a way to cost save and rehabilitate the roads. We need to also make sure that the money that is coming off of the wheel tax is going straight into the roadway department and not being reallocated to other departments. CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Republican candidate Jack A. Coffman Sr. for Clark County Commissioner District 2 did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
4 // 2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016
OFFICE SEEKING: Clark County Council At-large AGE: 42 POLITICAL PARTY: Libertarian POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Past candidate for elected office; mayoral appointee to Jeffersonville Urban Enterprise Association; chair of Libertarian Party of Clark County FAMILY: Married with children and grandchildren OCCUPATION: Realtor RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Leadership roles including but not limited to: current vice president - St. Luke’s UCC church council; current member - Jeffersonville UEZ; past member - Center for Lay Ministries Board of Directors; current member, past vice president and past secretary - Franklin Commons Neighborhood Association; past secretary - Eastern Boulevard Business Association; past secretary - League of Women Voters of South Central Indiana; past board member and grant writer - African American Heritage Foundation of Southern Indiana; past mayoral appointee - Jeffersonville Homelessness Task Force; past vice president - Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana Board of Directors; past public relations officer - Indiana University Southeast Civil Liberties Union; past president - IUS College Libertarians; current member - Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana White Flag committee; past moderator - Clark County Chatter. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: https://www.facebook.com/kelleyforclarkcocouncil WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? To serve as a protector of Clark County residents’ rights and tax dollars. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? Fearlessness in speaking truth to power. CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
OFFICE SEEKING: Clark County Council At-large AGE: 52 POLITICAL PARTY: Libertarian POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Previous candidate for Clark County Council and Clarksville Town Council FAMILY: Single OCCUPATION: Shipping Assistant RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Ninth District Representative on the Libertarian Party of Indiana Central Committee WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: www.facebook.com/ElectGreg/ WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I want to serve the citizens of Clark County as a responsible and honest councilman. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? When I ran for County Council before, I was the only candidate to stand against the implementation of the County Income Tax. I would be the most frugal councilman, spending your tax dollars with restraint and regret. It is your money afterall. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The county’s budget woes is the biggest issue. The implementation of the County Income Tax was supposed to solve our budget problem we were told. How did that work out? Now I understand that there are unfunded mandates codified into state law, and perhaps the council was backed into a corner at the time. Solving the budget won’t be easy. There is no magic bullet. But it must be done with no tax increases. Once the Ohio River Bridges project is complete, more residents and businesses will come to Clark County. This alone will result in an increase in county revenue. Spending must be controlled. The council should not spend tax money on anything that is not mandated by state law. CONTINUED ON PAGE 31
JOE HUBBARD OFFICE SEEKING: Clark County Council At-large AGE: 45 POLITICAL PARTY: Democrat POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Currently on the Clark County Council FAMILY: Amanda Hubbard, Joseph Hubbard Jr., & James Hubbard OCCUPATION: Police Officer RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: United State Marine Corps/Jeffersonville Police Officer (20 Yrs.)/ Served 7 years as President of the Jeffersonville Fraternal Order of Police/Served on the Insurance Committed for the City of Jeffersonville/I currently serve as a Clark County Councilman/and currently serves on the 911 Central Alarm Fiscal Board and the Emergency Management Board for Clark County. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Facebook: Joe Hubbard and Twitter: JoeHubbard@K92645 WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I am running for reelection for several reasons. First and foremost, it is imperative the people of Clark County have a voice in how local government handles their hard earned money. As someone who has spent their career serving their community and their country, I consider it an honor to represent my family, friends and neighbors to make sure their interests are represented and their concerns are heard. I want to continue to work with fellow elected officials of all parties so that we can all ensure Clark County’s future is bright, so that our children are left with sound financial principles and policies. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I served in the United States Marine Corps until an Honorable Discharge in 1994. After that time, I attended Indiana University Southeast studying business management, and worked to pay for my education, and was eventually hired as a full time officer of the Jeffersonville Police Department in 1996. Since beginning my career as a law CONTINUED ON PAGE 20
CURT NICHOLSON OFFICE SEEKING: Clark County Council At-large AGE: 50 POLITICAL PARTY: Libertarian POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: I have been an active voter since becoming eligible in 1984. I have taught history and social studies at the high school level, and have campaigned on behalf of several candidates
over the years. FAMILY: My wife, Rose, and I have been married for 32 years. We have one son, Blake, who serves in the United States Air Force and is married to Sara. OCCUPATION: Bank manager with BB&T Bank RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: I have worked with people all of my life. For almost twenty-five years I worked in Christian education and church ministry. Over the last six years I have worked in the financial services industry as both a small business owner and an employee of a large corporation. Over the course of my career, I have been responsible for managing employees, establishing and following budgets, and meeting payrolls. My experience as an owner, operator, and employee has shown me that the best way to get things done is by working cooperatively and building consensus. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Website: curtnicholson.com, Facebook: curtnicholsonforcouncil, Twitter: @Nicholsoncurt WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I believe we need to solve our budget crisis. Clark County cannot continue borrowing to cover our budget shortfall. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? CONTINUED ON PAGE 24
2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016 // 5
DOUG REITER OFFICE SEEKING: Clark County Council At-large AGE: 55 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: 10+ years Sellersburg Planning and Zoning; 4 Years Sellersburg Town Council; Current Sellersburg RDA board; Silver Creek Township Advisory Board FAMILY: Married with 6 Children and 2 Grand Children OCCUPATION: Purofirst Disaster Services Production Manager RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: 30+ Years management experience; USN 6 Years Honorable Discharge; Worked with Army Corp after Hurricane Katrina; Have had over 250 employees under my supervision; Have experience working with multi million dollar budgets on several occasions WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: N/A WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I want to make sure Clark County capitalizes on the new infrastructure and make sure we keep everything else moving in the right direction WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? With my experience I can look into the budget and the new infrastructure coming in with the new bridges. There are several areas to look at and the planning needs to be 20 to 30 years out. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Infrastructure and budget CONTINUED ON PAGE 21
OFFICE SEEKING: Clark County Council-At-Large AGE: 67 POLITICAL PARTY: Democrat POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Past service on County Council-At-Large, River Hills Agency and Precinct committeeman FAMILY: Daughter, Tiffany Smith (Ron)Pierce; son, Charles Brandon Smith; grandsons, Braydan Ballard and Brady Pierce; brother, Jerry R. Smith and companion, Barbara “Bobbi” Blakely. OCCUPATION: Employed by E.M. Coots’ Sons Funeral Home, Jeffersonville, for the past 49 years RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: County Council budget planning, fixing annual budget for county and its department, including sheriff, courts WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Email: perrysmith00120@yahoo.com WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? Its time to restore sound financial practices and budgets. I propose to cut all spending by one-third. Everyone will need to live within the budget, without mandate from the courts. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I am prepared to take bold steps to stop budget over ran and to organize county departments, budget claims. We cannot paid for wishes all the time. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Budgets over ran and courts mandate. It we start the next year by cutting all budgets by one-third we can start building a plan to paid for only necessities, not wish lists. We should not depend on court mandates to fund our department.
KEVIN VISSING OFFICE SEEKING: Clark County Council Atlarge AGE: 60 POLITICAL PARTY: Democrat POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: 8 years on the County Council. Served on numerous boards in all capacities, President, VP, Etc. FAMILY: Fiancee, Deborah Cooper/ sons, Brandon, Kyle (deceased), Stepsons Ryan and Nathan Todaro, OCCUPATION: Service Tech with Vectren Energy RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE:
Served on 4H Extension, CC Solid Waste and Recycling, CC Planning and Zoning, CC Redevelopment. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: NA WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? To do my part in running Clark County while maintaining a tight budget. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? Common Sense, and Experience WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The State issued Levy is too small for a
County that is large and growing. I will be asking the state to rectify this issue over and over until they help us. ARE THE CURRENT BUDGET MANDATES A SUSTAINABLE WAY TO RUN CLARK COUNTY? ARE THERE OTHER SPECIFIC WAYS TO INCREASE REVENUE IN THE COUNTY? Our non partisan council has exhausted every known way to solve our budget crisis. We will not be adding any more new taxes for our taxpayers such as the wheel tax. Our taxpayers pay enough! WHAT SPECIFIC STEPS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO IMPROVE THE COUNTY’S FI-
NANCIAL SITUATION? Our council is planning on meeting with state leaders in a combined force to rectify the shortfall. WOULD YOU SUPPORT A WHEEL TAX? WHY OR WHY NOT? The wheel tax would not solve our shortfall. Our taxpayers are taxed enough! Republican candidates Terry E. Conway and Douglas D. Popplewell for Clark County Council At-large did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
6 // 2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016
PHOTO NOT Greater Clark School AVAILABLE Board Member District 2
AGE: 59 POLITICAL PARTY: Non partisan POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Served last 4 years on the Board FAMILY: Wife: Pamela J Hall; daughter Haylee Hall; and grown children Brian Hall, Corey Hall, and Lauren Stutsman OCCUPATION: Coordinator of Communications / Public Relations for West Clark
Schools RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Educator 33 years, Athletic Director 17 years, Girl’s Basketball Coach 13 years, member of GCEA 33 years, GCEA bargaining team 4 years, Technology Training team. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: facebook.com/tony.hall.520125; mobile.twitter. com/home?login=1475084071212 WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? To bring experience and back ground knowledge to the decision making process.
WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? Experience, passion and vision WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The foreseeable growth in Clark County’s future. Overseeing the Superintendent in making sure the vision of GCCS is consistent with the demands and needs of every stakeholder involved. WHAT KIND OF IMPORTANCE DO YOU
PLACE ON PROGRAMS LIKE FORD NGL AND SIMILAR INITIATIVES? It could be a vital component to the next wave of education. We owe it to all involved CONTINUED ON PAGE 25 Kathleen M. Hutchinson and Pasquel L. Ross-Gathright for Greater Clark School Board District 2 did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
CLARK COUNTY // GREATER CLARK SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT 5 CHRISTINA R. GILKEY OFFICE SEEKING: Greater Clark School Board Member District 5 AGE: 48 POLITICAL PARTY: Non partisan POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: 8.5 years as Current GCCS District 5 Representative FAMILY: Spouse - Aaron Gilkey, Sr. (Captain - Clark Co, Sheriff’s Office), 3 Children Elijah Johnson, Aaron Johnson & Dennisha Johnson, 2 Granddaughters - Desirae Ladd
and Skylar Hackemack. OCCUPATION: Retired AFLAC Representative (22 years), Currently a Full-time Graduate Student @ UofL Kent School of Social Work (pursuing M.S.S.W. w/CFT Specialization) RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: My 8.5 years on the GCCS Board has given me great knowledge of the job duties and responsibilities of a school board trustee. I am an ISBA (Indiana School Board’s Association) Master level board member meaning
I continue my education through professional development at the highest level. I am also the Region 10 representative on the ISBA board of directors. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Facebook - Christina Gilkey WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I know how important the development of our children is to our community; ethically and socioeconomically. I wish to continue working with our GCCS team to continue
growing and developing that process. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? Experience, passion and work ethic. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Strategizing w/our stakeholders as to how to improve our facilities given the economic climate some of our State legislators have put us in. CONTINUED ON PAGE 31
CLARK COUNTY // GREATER CLARK SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT 7 TERESA BOTTORFF-PERKINS OFFICE SEEKING: Greater Clark School Board Member District 7 AGE: 68 POLITICAL PARTY: Non partisan POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: I was elected to the school board in 2012. FAMILY: I have one younger sister, Denise Hardesty and one older brother, Richard Bottorff. My parents, Mary and Richard Bottorff, Sr. are deceased. I am blessed to
be the proud aunt and great aunt of some outstanding young folks. OCCUPATION: I am a retired educator from another district. I taught math, was a school counselor, was an assistant principal and principal. I retired as assistant superintendent. I have enjoyed my 40 year career in education. RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Besides my 40 years in various educational careers, I have served on several community boards in leadership positions. I am cur-
rently representing district 7 on the board of school trustees for Greater Clark. I am a trained strategic planner and have done national training in curriculum mapping. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Facebook-Teresa for School Board WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I am a career educator that believes that our students deserve an unsurpassed education. I understand the needs of our district as well as the community. I have never
missed a special or regular board meeting while on the board. My work ethic is strong. I read, research and prepare for every meeting. I will continue to support our students, teachers, parents and administration. CONTINUED ON PAGE 20 Kelli L. Dattilo for Greater Clark School Board District 7 did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
Clark County school board candidates who did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire: Milton L. Clayton for Greater Clark School Board District 6; Joseph W. Basham, Richard L. Graf, Crystal A. Gunther and James G. Martin for West Clark School Board At-large; Deborah L. Hoover, Charles E. Martin II and Linda L. Wilson for Clarksville School Board District 1; William P. Wilson for Clarksville School Board District 2; and James W. Payne for Clarksville School Board District 5.
2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016 // 7
CLARK COUNTY // CORONER EDWIN M. “HUCK” COOTS OFFICE SEEKING: Clark County Coroner AGE: 55 POLITICAL PARTY: Democratic POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: I have served as the Clark County Coroner for 16 years and have served in the Coroner’s Office for 28 years. I was elected as a Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President and President of the Indiana State Coroners’ Association. I served 8 years on the government appointed Coroners Training Board. FAMILY: I have two daughters, Sophia R. Coots, age 29 and Lydia M. Coots , age 24. I have one son, Edwin M. “Tucker” Coots. age 26. My mother, Freda A. Coots and four sisters, Ann M. Woods, Leslie A. Taylor, Sarah A. Short and Jennifer A. Draggo. OCCUPATION: I am a funeral director and President of E. M. Coots’ Sons Funeral Home. RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: I
have 28 years of experience with the Clark County Coroner’s Office serving as a deputy and as coroner. I was certified as a Medico-Legal Death Investigator for 15 years. I served 8 years on the Governor appointed Coroners Training Board. I am a former President of the Indiana Coroners’ Association and was voted Coroner of the year in 2007. As a Funeral Director, I understand the sensitive nature that is required when dealing with a grieving family. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: N/A WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? With my 28 years of death investigation, I feel, I have the experience and expertise to serve this county in a professional and caring way. I will re-establish a working relationship with all agencies involved with the death investigation process. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? For 82 years, the Coots’ Family carried out the duties of the Clark County Coro-
ners’ Office. The administrative and investigative duties that were put into place effectively served Clark County. The decision to vote for a County Coroner has a massive impact on the community. The system that I will implement from day one is tried and tested. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The biggest issue facing the Clark County Coroner’s Office, the community and many other agencies is the drug abuse epidemic. As a former coroner, I have experience working with local, state, and federal agencies with a similar epidemic pertaining to prescription drugs. My plan is to reestablish this cooperative effort to curtail the epidemic that has affected so many in this community. WHAT WORK EXPERIENCE MAKE YOU QUALIFIED TO MAINTAIN DEATH AND MEDICAL RECORDS? I have maintained and organized death
and medical records while I was with the Coroner’s Office before. Being a Certified Medico-Legal Death Investigator I have training in who has access to what records and who does not. Due to the sensitivity of these records it is very important to safeguard this information and only provide it to authorized personnel. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE COUNTY CORONER’S MOST IMPORTANT FUNCTION AND HOW WOULD YOU CARRY OUT THAT DUTY? The most important function of the coroner’s office is a professional death investigation in a timely and caring manner. CONTINUED ON PAGE 29 Republican candidate William W. (Billy) Scott and Libertarian candidate Kelly L. Khuri for Clark County coroner did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
8 // 2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016
OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Commissioner District 2 AGE: 56 POLITICAL PARTY: Democrat POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: I served 12 years on the county council with 7 of those years as president. I have served 16 years as county commissioner with a couple of those years as president. FAMILY: My wife, Patti, and I have been married for 31 years. She is a retired teacher from Greenville Elementary School. We have two daughters. Katey is 26 and is teaching at Highland Hills Middle School. Kelly is 23 and graduated from Butler University majoring in Education, and she is now finishing her last year at IUPUI completing her masters degree in Student Affairs. OCCUPATION: I am a retired teacher from Highland Hills Middle School. I taught English and Reading for 33 years. RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: I am a member of the Floyd County Plan Commission, Open Door Youth Services, Employee Health Committee, River Hills Economic Development Board, VFW Auxiliary, Sons of American Legion, K of C, Floyd Knobs Conservation Club, Democrat Men’s Club, 40 & 8 Club, National Education Association, Indiana State Teachers Association, New Albany/Floyd County Education Association, and active member of St. Mary’s of the Knobs Church. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Facebook - Chuck Freiberger WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I am running for this office because our county needs a voice to represent all sides of issues and to make sure the results of issues improve the life and well-being for
OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Commissioner District 2 AGE: 65 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: County Council District #4 Representative since 2007 FAMILY: Married-Anita 39 Years; Daughters: Jill-Registered Nurse; Julie-Engineering Design Drafter OCCUPATION: Design/Power/Switch Engineer & Project Manager ATT-Mobility 29 Yrs; Successful Small Business Owner-Embroidery Solutions USA 20 yrs; Local Beekeeper RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Current County Council Representative District #4- Representing the precincts of Franklin 1, Georgetown- all precincts and Greenville-all precincts; Floyd County Council vice president 2010, 2011 & 2012; president 2013. I serve on the Redevelopment Commission and Planning Commission and represent the Council by attending the Board of Commissioners, Emergency Management Agency, New Albany/Floyd County Animal Shelter, Floyd County Soil & Water Conservation District, Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug and Health Department. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: John Schellenberger for Commissioner-Facebook floydco4th@twc.com email WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I believe the residents of Floyd County are ready to turn the page. Turn the page for a new future, one that includes JOBS and Economic Development and elect a commissioner that will communicate and collaborate to solve problems with the county and the city.
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OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Commissioner District 3 AGE: 66 POLITICAL PARTY: Independent POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Current Georgetown Township Trustee 2 elected terms; 1 elected term Georgetown Township Board FAMILY: Wife Margaret Married 41 years, daughter Denise, 3 granddaughters OCCUPATION: Division Auditor Jay-C Division of the Kroger Company. Auditing 69 Supermarkets. Current Georgetown Township Trustee RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Accountant, Auditor of Supermarket budgets, pricing, accounting, inventories. I set and maintain the budget for Georgetown Township, I do all of the accounting for Georgetown Township, assist all of the Georgetown Township residents in various ways, and am available to assist 24/7. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Website: roudenbushforcommissioner.com; Facebook page: roudenbushforcommissioner WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? To serve all citizens of Floyd County in the same manner as I have served Georgetown Township and I want to make a good county a great county and I have the experience, knowledge, and energy to get the job done. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I have lived in Floyd County my entire life except when I served in the U.S. Army as a Platoon Sergeant in Vietnam. I know the needs of Floyd County, I know how to get things done the right way, I am able to work with Democrats, Republicans, Independents to make the right choices for the citizens of Floyd County. I am well known in Floyd County for managing Supermarkets and making sure the customer is always treated as the boss. I have proven that I will stand up for whatever is right for the citizen and not what is right for a special interest group or political party. I am a proven problem solver with an unblemished record. I am the only candidate for this office who has published my platform for all to see. I do not make promises I cannot keep. The taxpayer is my boss and will be treated as such. I am the only candidate who has been educated by Floyd County-New Albany schools and the only candidate to graduate
OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Commissioner District 3 AGE: 55 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Georgetown Town Council President, 2008-2012; Georgetown Planning Commission, 2008-2012; Georgetown Board of Zoning Appeals, 2016-present FAMILY: Married to Dianne for over 22 years, we have two sons Nicholas and Patrick OCCUPATION: Manufacturer Representative and small business owner RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: My 16 years experience as a successful business owner prepares me to lead. In running my own business, I’ve learned to live within our means by spending money wisely, efficiently and prudently. Setting budgets and meeting realistic goals is essential. As Commissioner, I will bring these attributes to the job. Eight years ago, I served on Georgetown’s Town Council and served as its President for four years. I learned a lot by insuring our citizen’s needs were met, working with other local government officials, setting budgets and helping in the overall management of the town. For our contributions, I earned a “Distinguished Hoosier” award from the governor’s office. More importantly, we were able to make a difference in the lives of our citizens. As Commissioner I will use what I learned and build upon it. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: website: www.ElectBillyStewart.com; Facebook: Billy Stewart for Floyd County Commissioner WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? People run for office for several reasons. Some run for their ego, some run to use the office as a stepping stone, and some run to make a difference in their community. I’m running to make a difference in our community. I have an open mind, willingness to try new ideas and explore all options in selecting the best ones to serve our community. New ideas are necessary to move the county forward. A fresh prospective is a good thing, and I assure you I will actively work with the community seeking out advice and actually listening to all those who
JOSH WILLIAMS OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Commissioner District 3 AGE: 34 POLITICAL PARTY: Democrat POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Vice President Georgetown Town Council, Georgetown Storm Water Board Chairman, Georgetown Planning Commission FAMILY: Fiancé and 5 year old son OCCUPATION: Regional Manager for Kentucky Telco Credit Union, President of Louisville Chapter of Credit Unions RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: My experience with the Georgetown Town council and also my 9 years of banking experience will be an asset to Floyd County. I have worked for not for profit credit unions my entire banking career and have been in charge of budgeting and working off of a
budget. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: facebook.com/williamsforcommissioner WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I am running for office because I am tired of the under the table politics that has become the norm. I am not a politician but a concerned citizen that wants to stand up and bring a voice back to the citizens of Floyd County. I also believe in giving back which is why we are a foster family for Floyd County and that gives us another perspective on what is going on in our community. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I have a strong financial background that is needed at the county level as we have been plagued recently with poor money handling and decision making. I am also
a new voice and fresh face to local politics giving me an outside point of view and am not a part of the “good ole boy” way of politics. I believe transparency in county politics is a must as we are the voice of the people and the people deserve to know what is going on. I am not afraid to stand apart from the norm and ask questions as to why things are being done the way they are. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Currently two issues are plaguing the county and they go hand in hand. The first being transparency of decisions being made. Too many decisions and deals are being made under the table that are not in the best interest of the county. This is coupled with money management issues. If we had full transparency and disclosure of where money was going and why it was
going places I feel our money issues would not be the way they are and citizens would be informed and able to speak up about the mismanagement that has been happening. HOW WOULD YOU AS A COMMISSIONER SPEND THE YEARLY INTEREST INCOME FROM THE SALE OF FLOYD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SERVICES? I would like to see it spend on infrastructure as a whole; roads, buildings, schools, etc... I would also like to see the county develop a Teacher Retention and Recruitment Program that would not only help support CONTINUED ON PAGE 27 Independent candidate Tom Lenfert for Floyd County Commissioner District 3 did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
10 // 2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016
OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Council At-large AGE: 64 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Ran for county council dist 1 , city council dist 3 FAMILY: Married 34yrs , 4 adult children ,8 grandchildren, 5 great
grandchildren OCCUPATION: Self employed contractor RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Served on several boards including friends of Division St. School ,Prosser adviserory board, N.A. Township board , deacon at my church. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Facebook, Dale Bagshaw, Dale Bagshaw for county council. WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I have attending public meetings for 4-5 yrs and I decided to run for public office and become part of the process. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I am passionate about and dedicated to our community. I am dependable ,loyal ,hardworking,and conservative. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? It’s always the budget,the council has to maintain a balanced budget while striving to provide services to the community. I’ve been saying since I announced that I was running for public office that I perceive that there is a serious communications problem between local government bodies. I am not saying that I can fix it but I would hopefully be a part of opening a dialogue between the local government bodies. CONTINUED ON PAGE 20
OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Council At-large AGE: 53 years POLITICAL PARTY: Democrat POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Floyd County Coroner 2009 -present FAMILY: Husband- Jeffrey Mathewson DVM, 2 sons- Cain and Isaac Mathewson, daughter Georgia Mathewson, sister Jana Knable MD OCCUPATION: Veterinarian, Funeral Director, Floyd County Coroner RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Business owner and manager, 8 years experience in local county government, college instructor and academic advisor, member Indiana Veterinary Medical Association, member Indiana Funeral Director Association WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Facebook Leslie Knable, email knableleslie1@ gmail.com WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I am a native of Floyd County and this is where I am raising my family. I plan to retire here one day and hopefully my children will raise choose to raise my grandchildren here. I am seeking office because I am concerned about both the short term and long term quality of life in our community especially our schools, infrastructure and our local economy. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? In my opinion the current County Council is not working together well enough to produce successful results. I believe that I would be an asset to the Council because I am an effective listener and communicator and am accessible to the public. My background as a business owner and my education from Purdue University have provided with the skills necessary to be a progressive, creative problem solver with the willingness to consider solutions from both parties. In addition, during my 8 years as County Coroner I have had the opportunity to develop effective working relationships with many county offices and have an understanding of the challenges they are facing and am committed to providing them with the support they need. CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
ADAM ROBERTS OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Council At-large AGE: 42 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: I have assisted with many campaigns, but this is my first attempt at seeking public office. FAMILY: Married 18 years to Laurie Roberts. We have 3 children: Grace 15, Christian 12, and Jake 5. OCCUPATION: Sr. Account Executive for a Global Energy Management Company RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Throughout my career I have held various positions from customer service, product development, marketing, project management, sales and sales management. This has given me an excellent understanding of how business functions from top to bottom. These experiences have taught me how to look at each obstacle and opportunity from many different angles. I have learned how to deal with individuals on all levels, problem solve, and communicate effectively. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Facebook: Roberts For County Council & Twitter: @acroberts98 WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I was born and raised in Floyd County. I have spent my entire 42 years here. It’s a great place to live and raise a family. It’s my passion to see Floyd County thrive, not just survive. I want this to be a happy, safe, fun, and desirable place to live and raise a family for generations to come. I feel our current Council has been fiscally irresponsible and purely reactive to the needs of the citizens of Floyd County. I want to get us back on the right track. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I am fully invested into this community and I’m committed to see it succeed. My various career experiences have given me the complete skill set needed to achieve sucCONTINUED ON PAGE 26
BRAD STRIEGEL OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Council At-large AGE: 38 POLITICAL PARTY: Democrat POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Currently the President of the Floyd County Council and have been apart of the County Council for 8 years FAMILY: Married for 12yrs and have two children OCCUPATION: Small Business Owner of a Security Company for over 10 years RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Served as Reserve Police Officer at Floyd County Sheriff’s Office for nearly 12 years. Past President of the Floyd County Solid Waste District, and current board member. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Brad Striegel for Floyd County Council WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I’m running for this office because I want to continue the good work of bringing accountability to spending and management of tax dollar money. With the county receiving $75 million this year and $57 million over the next 10 years due to the sale of the hospital, now more than ever experience and leadership are crucial in order to protect and manage the future of this money for our community. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I believe that I am the best candidate because I’ve had the privilege of being involved CONTINUED ON PAGE 27 Republican candidate Adam Roberts and Democratic candidate Mike Mills for Floyd County Council At-large did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016 // 11
FLOYD COUNTY // JUDGE OF FLOYD CIRCUIT COURT J. TERRENCE CODY OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Judge of Circuit Court AGE: 66 POLITICAL PARTY: Democrat POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: I am completing my third six (6) year term as Judge of the Circuit Court FAMILY: Spouse: Peggy Two grown children OCCUPATION: Judge of the Circuit Court. I am a licensed Indiana Attorney in
good standing RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: I was in the private practice of law for 24 years prior to my election as Judge of the Circuit Court in 1998 WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: keepjudgecody.org Re-elect Judge Cody on November 8, 2016 WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? To continue my service to the citizens of Floyd County as Judge of the Circuit Court WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDI-
DATE FOR THIS OFFICE? Experience and Integrity WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The heroin epidemic has caused a tremendous increase in the number of cases of children being removed from their homes because of abuse, neglect and/or parental substance abuse. This epidemic has also spawned and increase in thefts and other crimes. This has caused the population of our jail to swell beyond its optimum capac-
ity. As a community we do not have nearly enough program and treatment resources (inpatient and outpatient, short term and long term) to help all those who are addicted recover and become productive citizens CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 Republican candidate Keith Henderson for Judge of Floyd County Circuit Court did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
FLOYD COUNTY // RECORDER MELISSA “MISSY” HATFIELD-ROSENBERGER OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Recorder AGE: 54 POLITICAL PARTY: Democrat POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Floyd County Assessor’s office nearly 10 years and worked in the Recorders office for two terms under my father Glenn “Huck” Hatfield. FAMILY: Oldest Daughter of the late Glenn “Huck” Hatfield and Mildred “Boots” Grangi-
er Hatfield two sisters Andrea “Jo” Fritz and Christa Lambert I have two Daughters Nickie Jones and Brittani Elliott three Grandchildern Brayden,Brooklynn and Caden. OCCUPATION: Floyd County Assessor’s Office 2nd Deputy RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: I’ve served the tax payer’s for many years in the Recorder’s office and the Assessor’s office my experience has been hands on. W E B S I T E / FAC E B O O K / T W I T T E R : WWW.MISSYFORRECORDER2016.ORG/
MELISSA ‘MISSY’ HATFIELD ROSENBERGER WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I believe that we need experienced people in these elected offices. It has always been very important to me that everyone is treated equal and fair. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? My years of service most of my job in the Assessor’s is related to the Recorder’s office. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE
FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Helping people get their exemptions for their taxes making sure everyone is informed how important those are. Republican candidate Todd N. Scannell for Floyd County Recorder did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
FLOYD COUNTY // TREASURER LOIS NAVILLE ENDRIS OFFICE SEEKING: Floyd County Treasurer AGE: Fifty five POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: 2009-current; Floyd County Recorder 2001-2005 FAMILY: Married to Mike Endris 34 yrs, 4 children, Michael, Amy, Ashley and Andrew and 11 grandkids
OCCUPATION: Floyd County Recorder RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Background in banking, real estate and property management WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: n/a WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? To utilize personal skills and knowledge for public service WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE?
My experience in county government gives me the familiarity to jump right in and begin work. I am knowledgeable about the Treasurers office and the responsibilities that go with it. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Improvements to the Treasurer’s office I would like to explore: 1) optional e-billing 2) design a user friendly website for resi-
dents to acquire information 3) Evaluate the flow of the office and implement the most efficient methods
Democratic candidate Ken Brooks for Floyd County treasurer did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
Republican candidate David A. Moore and Democratic candidate William H. Garner III for Floyd County coroner; and Republican candidate William B. Gibson for Floyd County surveyor did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
12 // 2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016
OFFICE SEEKING: New Albany-Floyd County School Board Member At-large AGE: 62 POLITICAL PARTY: Non partisan POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: 0 FAMILY: Married - 4 Adult Children - 8 grandchildren OCCUPATION: Retired New Albany Police Officer. Currently working as a contract employee for Akal as Court Security for the U.S. Marshall Service. RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: 13 years inside NAFCS as a school resource officer working closely with Students, Teachers, Staff and Administration. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: cindycindydan@aol.com WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? Safety for all, I hope improving security needs for all our schools. 2. Teacher retention 3. Keeping our jobs in Floyd County quit out-sourcing. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I would like New Albany Floyd County know that I will be fair and impartial and make sound decision on all issues that are brought before the board. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Over the entire nation we our having a teacher shortage making it harder to hire young students for this profession. Indiana just passed the Blue ribbon scholarship giving Education students 7500 a year if they dedicate at least Five years in Indiana school. I would like NAFCS to apply for more grants to further educate and retain our excellent teachers. As I said before safety within and outside the schools remain a Hugh concern. I hope with my knowledge working as a school resource will help address some of those concerns that I have personally received from teachers and staff. CONTINUED ON PAGE 25
OFFICE SEEKING: New Albany-Floyd County School Board Member At-large AGE: 44 POLITICAL PARTY: Non partisan POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: While I have held numerous leadership roles, this is the first political position I have sought. FAMILY: Husband, Ryan and four children, Nathaniel, 12, Marin, 10, Ella, 9 and Will, 5 OCCUPATION: Stay at home mom and former teacher RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Prior to starting a family, I was a teacher and am currently a stay at home mom to four children who attend New Albany Floyd County Schools. Nathaniel and Marin attend Scribner Middle and Ella and Will go to Grant Line Elementary. I am present and visible in our schools and community and know what it is to parent a child presently in New Albany Floyd County Schools. As an educator, I’ve taught 2nd, 4th and 5th grades as well as adults. My classes were often inclusion groupings meaning that a portion of my students, typically about one third, had special needs. I’ve also taught drop out prevention and English as a Second Language. This background gives me unique insight into what our teachers face day in and day out, particularly during state mandated testing. My experience also includes 8 years of volunteer leadership positions within NAFC schools. I’ve been PTO President, Clubs Coordinator (we currently offer 17 free clubs to 3rd and 4th grade students at Grant Line including Lego, Robotics, Art, Yearbook, Weather, International, Soccer, Chess and Drama), Field Day Organizer, Holiday Craft Fair Chair, Room Parent Coordinator and 4th Grade Celebration Chair to name a few. In these positions, I’ve worked within a fixed PTO budget to provide as many opportunities and resources as possible for students. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: “Jenny Higbie for School Board” Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Jenny-Higbie-for-School-Board-302964966719482/ CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
DANNY LIBS OFFICE SEEKING: New Albany-Floyd County School Board Member At-large AGE: 67 POLITICAL PARTY: Non partisan POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: First run for office FAMILY: My wife Brenda and I have been married for 47 years and have 2 children and 3 grandchildren OCCUPATION: Retired RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: I worked in the School Transportation dept. for 25 years 11 as Asst. Director and 14 as Director. I worked with teachers and staff in all Departments and Schools in the district. I believe this experience will serve me well in making good decisions while on the School Board. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: facebook.com/DannyLibsNAFCSchoolboard WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? To give back to one of the best School Corporations in the State of Indiana. Also to be a good steward of the taxpayers money. I also want to make sure we keep our schools safe for our students and staff. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I am well versed in school policies and practices. I am a graduate of Indiana School Safety Academy and served over 3 years as chairman of the Indiana State School Bus Committee. I also think my business degree and business experience will be valuable. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Make sure we stay within our budget and be good stewards of our taxpayers money. CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
RANDY SMITH OFFICE SEEKING: New Albany-Floyd County School Board Member At-large AGE: 60 POLITICAL PARTY: Non partisan POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: No elected office FAMILY: Married to Ann Baumgartle OCCUPATION: Store owner RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Education and life experiences WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: facebook.com/newalbanist WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? We need a school board that understands the superintendent works for them and not the other way around. I will represent the interests of the public. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? If voters reject the current schools referendum for the second time in 2 years, which I think they will, the school board will need at least one member who is prepared to work through other means to make NA-FC schools more competitive. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The landscape of so-called “public” education has changed and I don’t think most CONTINUED ON PAGE 27 Gerald McCullum for New Albany-Floyd County School Board At-large did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016 // 13
District 3 AGE: 53 POLITICAL PARTY: Non
partisan POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: None FAMILY: Married 19 years to my husband, Mark, a retired banking analyst and corporate trainer. Two sons attending Floyd Central High School. Our sons also attended elementary school at Galena, Greenville, and Floyds Knobs and middle school at Highland Hills. OCCUPATION: Retired from a career in mortgage banking, finance, and software design. RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Economics degree from Northwestern University; majored in finance at Columbia University Graduate School of Business. I enjoyed a long career in mortgage banking, software design, and finance before leaving the workforce to raise my children. I have developed and met budgets as a business
owner. As a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteer, I advocate for children in the court system. Current member of the Finance Council at St. Mary’s of Navilleton. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: N/A WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I view it as an opportunity to serve as an advocate for all of our children and to be a conscientious steward of taxpayer money. As a graduate of our schools and a parent of two students currently in the schools, I am committed to focusing on policies that ensure success for all students while staying within the budget. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I grew up in New Albany and graduated from NAHS. I attended St. Mary’s, Silver St., and Hazelwood. My two sons attend Floyd Central High School. I am well aware of how exceptional NAFC schools are. In fact, we moved back to the area from Florida 12 years ago so that our children could attend school here. I am committed build-
ing on our progress as a district and facing areas of concern head on. I will be an approachable board member. The board should keep the public informed about issues facing the district. I will be sensitive to the concerns of the community and willing to explain and discuss decisions with them. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Money and budgets are big issues all public schools face. Every area of the school is impacted by money. We have a big referendum on our ballot. If it passes, a finance background will be invaluable in making sure every dollar works hard for the tax payers. If it doesn’t pass, we will have to explore other avenues to bring an equal learning environment to our students. Indiana faces a significant teacher shortage and it is predicted to worsen. We must fight hard to attract quality, new teachers and retain the exceptional teachers we already have in our district. Our budgets must allow for adequate compensation for teachers so that we can be the desired des-
tination for the best in the area. WHAT SORT OF DYNAMIC DO YOU EXPECT BETWEEN THE BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION? The ideal relationship should be one of mutual respect and understanding while working together toward a shared vision for the schools. The board should focus on policy development which will be implemented by the superintendent and staff. Even though the superintendent is accountable to the board, this does not mean that the relationship cannot or should not be collegial. When the board and the superintendent work together, leadership will have the space to flourish. Both share in the responsibility to foster positive ties to the community through open and transparent communication. George Gauntt for New Albany-Floyd County School Board District 3 did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
partisan POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Elected three times to the NA-FC school board. FAMILY: Widow of Leonard Gardenour; daughter, Abby (NAHS graduate); son-inlaw, Matt OCCUPATION: Retired social work supervisor RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Juvenile and Adult Probation Officer; child protective services; adult protective ser-
vices(domestic violence); Self-Sufficiency Team; CASA Volunteer Coordinator; member of Purdue Extension Board; member of Altrusa International; Master School Board member of ISBA WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Facebook: Rebecca Baker Gardenour WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I have been an advocate for children and families for the past 42 years and will continue to do so as well as continue to listen to the concerns of taxpayers. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I have been elected to three terms to the school board so I have 12 years of ex-
perience with the school system which is invaluable. I also actively participate in professional development seminars for school board members through the Indiana School Board Association. Communication and transparency is of utmost importance. I advocated and the board agreed that audio and board packets would be available to the public. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Budget is always a pressing matter. Board members need to be willing to question the administration as to how money is spent. Hiring and retaining qualified teachers is a priority. Keeping our school buildings in
good condition is imperative. WHAT SORT OF DYNAMIC DO YOU EXPECT BETWEEN THE BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION? The administration and board should have excellent communication and be in agreement as to the strategic plan for the school corporation and the goals established to achieve the plan.
Mark A. Boone for New Albany-Floyd County School Board District 4 did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
14 // 2016 VOTERS GUIDE // OCTOBER 20, 2016
STATE // REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 70 HEIDI CADE SELLERS OFFICE SEEKING: State Representative District 70 AGE: 58 POLITICAL PARTY: Democrat POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Precinct Vice Chair, Member of Floyd, Clark, and Harrison County Democratic Women, Candidate for State Representative District 70 2014 FAMILY: Husband, Jeff Sellers; Adult Children: Andrew & Alex Jones; Jessica & Paul Sellers OCCUPATION: Retired teacher from West Clark Community Schools; Substitute teacher in West Clark, New Albany-Floyd, North & South Harrison County Schools; Developmental Therapist for First Steps of Indiana RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: I was a member of Indiana State Teachers Association and West Clark Teachers Association while teaching; Now an active member of Indiana Retired Teachers Association
serving as Legislative Chair; Member of Indiana State Teachers Association Retired WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Website: HeidiCadeSellers.com; Facebook: Heidi Cade Sellers for Indiana State Representative District 70; Twitter: Sellersfor70 WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I am running for this office for 3 BIG reasons: Bringing Broadband access to all of District 70 Improving education and infrastructure Gaining a FAIR Indiana with living wage jobs for all Hoosiers WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? As a retired teacher, I am the best candidate for this office because I am passionate about being a public servant, never held a public office, and not a career politician. I can reach across party lines for issues that concern my district. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE
FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The most pressing issue facing this office is bringing broadband access to ALL Hoosiers. Job searches and applications, school homework, and applications for government services all require internet. I have been researching the rural areas where our broadband is lacking and the successful rural broadband plans elsewhere so we can get a plan to get all Hoosiers connected. DO YOU SUPPORT INDIANA’S POLICE BODY CAMERA LAW REGARDING HOW LONG A DEPARTMENT MUST RETAIN FOOTAGE AND TO WHOM THEY MUST RELEASE THE FOOTAGE? WHY OR WHY NOT? I support the openness and transparency of Indiana’s police body cameras. However, the new legislation designates how long a department must retain footage and to whom they must release the footage. This is putting a financial burden on police departments and many have suspended
their use of body cameras due to the cost. Therefore, I feel this legislation will need to be reviewed with emphasis on funding the retention and release of footage for local and state departments. WHAT ACTIONS WOULD YOU TAKE TO HELP RESOLVE THE STATE’S OPIOID EPIDEMIC? First and foremost, the abuse must be treated as a disease and not just a “bad choice”. Then law enforcement, local authorities, and courts can work together to provide treatment as well as consequences to reduce repeat offenses and help drug abusers overcome their addictions and get the dealers off the streets. CONTINUED ON PAGE 25 Republican candidate Karen Engleman for Indiana State Representative District 70 did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
OFFICE SEEKING: State Representative District 71 AGE: 40 POLITICAL PARTY: Libertarian Party POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: No prior elected office FAMILY: Wife-Becky, Daughters-Brittney, Samantha, Veronica, Leah OCCUPATION: Notary Public/Tax Preparer RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Small business owner, occasional political commentator WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Web-http://www.thomaskeister.com/indianahouse-district-71.html facebook.com/KeisterForDistrict71/ WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I believe the voters of Indiana are entitled to choices at the ballot box. I do not like the idea of candidates running unopposed, and I believe the voters need a choice that is interested in actually moving the state forward. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? As a small businessman, and a member of the rapidly dwindling middle class, it’s not hard to see how mountains of red tape and silly time wasting by our elected representatives have done nothing but exacerbate problem areas in our state. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? For me, it’s a tie between improving the economic condition of the district and the state, and addressing the increasing crisis of heroin and opioid abuse. To address these issues, there must be legislation proposed to first improve the economics of the state, in order to free up revenue to increase education, intervention, and treatment for those
OFFICE SEEKING: State Representative District 71 AGE: 56 POLITICAL PARTY: Democrat POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Indiana State Representative District 71, Jeffersonville City Council At-Large FAMILY: Married to Vikki Stemler 35 yrs. Two grown children, Mahalie Todd and Lincoln Stemler OCCUPATION: Mechanical Plumbing Contractor - Indiana & Kentucky RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Served both public and private entities with fiscal responsibilities, Jeffersonville, City Council, Ports of Indiana Board, Community Bank Board, Ogle Foundation Board, Ways and Means Budget Committee and private small business owner. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: www.electstemler.com WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I am asking for the privilege to serve as your State Representative to continue and represent Clark County in Indianapolis during the unprecedented growth in Southeast Indiana. I have a proven record of being able to work with both Republicans and Democrats to get important legislation accomplished for our District and our State. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? An elected officials record is a good judge on how effective they are. I feel my record speaks for itself along with my hard work, honesty, fairness and being someone who can bring both sides together are all reasons I am the best candidate for the office of State Representative representing Clark County. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU
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OFFICE SEEKING: State Representative District 72 AGE: 66 POLITICAL PARTY: Democratic POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: This is my first attempt at elected office. Through my years as a government teacher and being politically aware of what is going on, I feel I have a good understanding of how government is supposed to work. More importantly I understand the difference between government and politics. Most often, politics is what drives the decision making of government. There are the excuses given for a particular vote or policy and there is the reason. I am honest enough to give you the reason rather than the excuse. FAMILY: My wife Linda and I have been married 43 years and have three adult children, Zachary, Thad and Sarah. We have a granddaughter, Evelyn. We are lifelong residents of Floyd County and have lived in both New Albany and Floyds Knobs. Our children were educated in Floyd County schools, as we were and our parents. OCCUPATION: I am employed by the New Albany Floyd County Schools as a social studies teacher at New Albany High School. I have taught government and AP government classes for more than 20 years. I also coach the girls swimming team and previously was the head coach of Riverside Aquatic Club for 12 years. RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: I currently serve on the New Albany-Floyd
OFFICE SEEKING: State Representative District 72 AGE: 42 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: State representative, 2008-present FAMILY: Wife, Amy, five children and one grandchild OCCUPATION: Real estate broker RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: State representative, 2008-present WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: www.facebook.com/repclere WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? In the time I have been in office, we have made progress on countless issues – both large and small – and there is still much I want to do, starting with next year’s budget session. First, I want to help pass another balanced budget that exercises spending restraint while providing adequate and equitable funding for public schools and money for the other things that matter most to Hoosiers, including roads and other infrastructure. Alongside that top priority, I want to continue to work to work to ensure that Indiana provides the best possible environment for existing and new companies to grow jobs; that every Hoosier who wants to work can find a job; that every child and young adult in Indiana has access to high-quality educational opportunities – from pre-K through college; that every child is safe and free from abuse and neglect; that every Hoosier
Republican candidate Joe Van Wye and Democratic candidate Terry Goodin for Indiana State Representative District 66; and Republican candidate Steven Davisson and Democratic candidate Douglas Leatherbury for Indiana State Representatives District 73 did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
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INDIANA // GOVERNOR ERIC HOLCOMB OFFICE SEEKING: Indiana Governor AGE: 48 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: State Chairman of the Indiana Republican Party FAMILY: Eric and his wife, Janet, live with their dog, Henry, on the Northwest side of Indianapolis. OCCUPATION: Lieutenant Governor of the State of Indiana RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Lieutenant Governor of the State of Indiana, trusted advisor to both Governor Mitch Daniels and Senator Dan Coats, veteran of the United States Navy WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: Website – www.holcombforindiana.com; Facebook – HolcombForIndiana; Twitter – HolcombForIN WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE?
I’m running to be Indiana’s next Governor to continue our momentum and to build on the strong foundation we have built over the last 12 years. As a part of the crew that Hoosiers brought in to clean up the mess left by my opponent, I know the value of bold common sense leadership. In a few short years, we have been able to turn a nearly $8oo million deficit into a $2 billion reserve. We’ve made record investments in education and infrastructure. We’ve implemented innovative reforms in healthcare and we have more Hoosiers working in the private sector today than at any time in our state’s history. That’s our record. I look forward to building on this record of success. There are four main areas on which I plan to focus as our next Governor. We need to continue to strengthen and diversify our thriving Hoosier jobs climate. We need to continue to pursue excellence in education and job training, striving to have the nation’s very best K-12 education system. We need a renewed focus on com-
munity development, including fighting to make our communities safer and working to kill substance abuse before it kills more of us. And, last but not least, I will diligently ensure that we deliver good state government at a great taxpayer value. Throughout my career in public service, whether it in my time in the Navy, when I served as Governor Daniels’ Deputy Chief of Staff or as Lt. Governor, I have been known as a consensus builder. I look forward to bringing people on all sides of issues together to benefit every Hoosier. What makes you the best candidate for this office? When my state and nation have called, time and again, I have answered the call. First in my service in the United States Navy. Then, as a top aide to Governor Mitch Daniels and Senator Dan Coats, and later as Indiana’s 51st Lieutenant Governor. Throughout my career in public service, I have been known as a consensus builder who gets things done. I have not only been
in the room, but have played a key role in ushering in an era of responsible government in Indiana. I am proud of the record of success we have achieved together, and I am uniquely qualified to continue to build upon Indiana’s momentum WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? We undoubtedly face a number of challenges, but I believe that we can’t face those challenges unless we maintain our fiscal discipline. Keeping Indiana as an attractive place for business growth and expansion, investing in our communities, infrastructure and education, and providing good government service, is all predicated on having the financial means to do so. Democratic candidate John R. Gregg and Libertarian candidate Rex Bell for Indiana Governor did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
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INDIANA // SUPERINTENDENT DR. JENNIFER MCCORMICK OFFICE SEEKING: Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction AGE: 46 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: None FAMILY: Trent McCormick, Husband; Cael McCormick, Son. Trent is a science teacher at Yorktown High School where he serves as Head Wrestling Coach. Cael is a first year cadet at the United States Military Academy. (West Point) OCCUPATION: Superintendent of Yorktown Community Schools RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Superintendent, Yorktown Community Schools (2010-Present); Assistant Superintendent, Yorktown Community Schools (2007-2010); Principal, Yorktown Elementary School (2004-2007); Special Education Teacher and later Middle School Language Arts Teacher (1996-2004) WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: www. jennifermccormick.org; www.facebook.
com/drjennifermccormick; www.twitter. com/DrMcCormickIN WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? Indiana deserves the best Department of Education in the nation. The DOE must be led by a proven leader who is committed to partnerships and providing our students and educators with the tools and resources we need to be successful. We deserve a leader at the DOE who puts students before politics. We deserve a leader at the DOE who is committed to creating a student-centered, balanced, fair, and transparent assessment and accountability system. I am that proven leader. Our decisions should always be made by first considering what is best for our students. I am committed to putting students first and will work with elected officials regardless of party affiliation. Next, repairing, building, and maintaining relationships is critical. I am committed to ongoing opportunities for voices to be heard and purposefully bringing stakeholders to the table. Ev-
eryone needs to be able to share concerns and work together to find solutions. We must remain professional and respectful regardless of our differences. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? My education and experience will serve me well for this office. Over the course of nearly two decades, I have served at every level of the traditional public education system as a secondary special education teacher, middle school Language Arts teacher, elementary principal, and assistant superintendent. Currently, I am in my seventh year as Superintendent of Yorktown Community Schools. I am a proven leader with twenty years of experience in public education. My work as an education innovator was recognized nationally in 2014 when I was invited to the White House to participate in “The National Connected Superintendents Summit.” I was the recipient of the Outstanding Contributor to Education Award from the Muncie Delaware County Chamber of Commerce and was named Person
of the Year by the Yorktown Chamber of Commerce in 2013. I earned my Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Educational Leadership from Indiana State University in 2011. I received my Education Specialist (Ed.S.) and Licensure as School Superintendent from Indiana State University in 2009 and my Licensure in Educational Leadership and Administration from Ball State University in 2004. I also obtained a Master of Arts in Special Education from Ball State University in 1999 and a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from Purdue University in 1993. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The keystone of my Indiana Lesson Plan CONTINUED ON PAGE 28 Democratic candidate Glenda Ritz for Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
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UNITED STATES // SENATOR TODD YOUNG OFFICE SEEKING: U.S. Senator AGE: 44 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Serving third term as Indiana’s 9th District Representative in the U.S. House FAMILY: My wife Jenny and four young children OCCUPATION: Management Consultant RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Intelligence Officer in the United States Marines; Management Consultant WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: ToddYoung.org; ToddYoungIndiana; @ToddYoungIN WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I’m running for Senate because Jenny and I want for our four children what every Hoosier wants for their children and grandchildren. That’s a quality education that leads to good paying jobs and meaningful careers right here in Indiana.
WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? As a graduate of the Naval Academy and intelligence officer in the Marine Corps, I have the experience to address the threats we face. I support a strong national defense that protects our borders, pushes back against radical terrorists and does not back down to dictators who threaten our nation. The Naval Academy and the Marine Corps taught me that for America to be strong we must stay engaged in the world, diplomatically economically and militarily. And I’m running to offer concrete solutions to the problems we face as a country. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? With the recent announcements that multiple health insurers are leaving the Obamacare marketplace in Indiana, healthcare is going to again emerge as our nation’s most dominant domestic policy issue. Premiums and deductibles are skyrocketing, choices are diminishing, and now tens
of thousands of more Hoosiers are losing their plans. Evan Bayh had a chance to stand firm and reject Obamacare. Instead, he cut a deal and voted for it. The deal he cut and the provision he said he was ‘satisfied’ with ended up being the exact provision his lobbying firm was paid to lobby against. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY RIGHT NOW? The biggest threat to our national security is an emboldened nuclear Iran. Iran is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism and their ability to develop long-range ballistic missiles capable of carrying a nuclear payload along with their further development of nuclear weapons will shape the region’s security situation for decades. There a couple ways to we can address that. First, we need to be engaged abroad, both diplomatically and, if need be militarily. The Obama-Clinton “lead from behind” foreign policy clearly is not working. The world is a safer, freer place when America leads from
the front. Secondly, we need to make sure our men and women in uniform have all the tools necessary to do their jobs and keep us safe at home and abroad. Specifically, we need to ensure our intelligence community has the proper resources to assess and counter covert threats. WHAT FUNDING MEASURES SHOULD BE TAKEN TO CURB THE NATIONWIDE ISSUE OF HEROIN AND OPIOID ABUSE? Our country is currently undergoing a serious crisis regarding heroin and opiate abuse. This drug abuse affects not only the addicted, but also the families of those addicted, especially children. Between October 2014 - March 2015, the CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
Democratic candidate Evan Bayh and Libertarian candidate Lucy Brenton for United States Senator did not respond to the News and Tribune questionnaire.
Re-Elect Joe Basham West Clark School Board R My name is Joe Basham, and my goal is to continue to serve West Clark as an at-large member of the school board. During my eight years on the school board, there has been growth at all of the West Clark schools. The growth in Southern Indiana, as well as, the great opportunities offered at our school has put West Clark in an exciting position to expand. We must offer challenging courses, which prepare our students to excel in college and to be a productive member of the local work force.
I would very much appreciate your vote on November 8th. Thank you, Joe Basham
It is time that West Clark parents have a choice as to what campus they would like their child to attend. Indiana State law allows parents’ choice of school. It is time that our policy would give our parents this right.
I believe that making our buildings safer for our students and staff must be a priority for West Clark Schools. • All buildings in West Clark should have an office area that is able to provide increased security in our buildings for all students and staff. • All buildings also must have updated HVAC systems that will combat climate issues that have seen recently in our buildings
During the last two years, we have cut our school taxes through the refinancing of bonds. I will continue to serve all communities in a responsible matter with our tax dollars.
All of the decisions made by the board should put the students’ needs first and spending tax dollars wisely. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Joe Basham for School Board, Mariann Basham Treasurer
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OFFICE SEEKING: U.S. Representative 9th Congressional District AGE: 33 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: I am a first time candidate and have never held elected office. I believe we already have too much “political experience” in Washington and we need to elect more people with real
OFFICE SEEKING: U.S. Representative 9th Congressional District AGE: 45 POLITICAL PARTY: Libertarian POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: I have been the Vice Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Clark County since 2013. My first time in the political arena was on the ballot to be a Ron Paul delegate to Indiana’s Republican state convention. After complete disillusionment with the Republican Party, I joined the Libertarian Party and finally found a home. Since joining the Libertarian Party I have ran for Indiana State House of Representatives, Clarksville Town Council, and now for U.S. House of Representatives. FAMILY: My wife, Tracey, and I have been married since 1998. That is also the year that we became members of Northside Christian Church. We have three children. All three of our children were born and raised in Indiana. Our oldest, Autumn, is a graduate of the University of Evansville. Our middle child, Aaron, is attending IU Southeast. Our youngest is a Junior at Jeffersonville High School. OCCUPATION: I am a diesel mechanic by trade. I solve problems for a living. RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: I bring to the table a wide range of pertinent skills and experience. These include: I am a veteran of the U.S. Army Reserve. I joined when I was 17, and served honorably for 6 ½ years. This experience left me with a sense of duty, a love of country and a real idea of what self sacrifice means. These are all qualities I would want in a representative. I’m a Teamster, and I’ve been the Chief Steward at my place of employment since 2006. As Chief Steward, I have fought for the rights of my co-workers, written countless company policies and negotiated contracts. I’ve also been the mediator when conflict has arisen between the workers or between a worker and management. As Congressmen, we have to be able to understand the laws we are voting on or proposing. We have to have the fortitude to stand for what is right. We have to be able to work with others to find compromise. My time as Chief Steward has taught me those skills, and I believe they will serve the people of the 9th District very well.
experience. FAMILY: I live with my wife Kelly here in Jeffersonville. OCCUPATION: Businessman and manufacturer RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Over the last 11 years, I have built nine Indiana businesses and created hundreds of Hoosier jobs. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: www.VoteForTrey.com; Facebook.com/VoteTrey; @VoteForTrey WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I am running for Congress because it is time to stop the “politics as usual” and bring business sense to Washington. Unfortunately, it is not realistic to assume that career politicians will change a system that they shaped to benefit themselves. We need to elect public servants who understand the problems facing our nation and are willing to stand up for our beliefs. If we want to change Washington, we need to change whom we send to Washington. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? As a business owner, I feel the ill effects our government has on small businesses each and every day. Job creators are having a hard time creating careers that Hoosiers want because of our onerous tax code, unpredictable regulatory environment, unsecure border, and damaging laws like Obamacare. I look forward to bringing my private sector experience to Washington to fix problems, just like we fix them in our businesses. The American people want solutions, not political grandstanding. That means having the discipline to cut spending, balance budgets, and make plans for the future. Moreover, it means making hard decisions now
SHELLI YODER OFFICE SEEKING: U.S. Representative 9th Congressional District AGE: 48 POLITICAL PARTY: Democratic Party POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Candidate for US Representative 9th district, 2012. Monroe County Councilwoman FAMILY: My husband Josh Perry and I have three children. OCCUPATION: Educator at the Kelley School of Business and Monroe County Councilwoman RELATED PERTINENT EXPERIENCE: Since January 2013 I have served on the Monroe County Council, representing District 1 (the eastern side of Monroe County bordering Brown County) where I have expanded services for our veterans, increased funding for our youth, opened a new 911 dispatch center, and kept our budgets balanced. On the Council I have served as the
liaison for the offices of the assessor, prosecutor, clerk, and coroner and as a member of the Personnel Administration Committee, Fleet Financing and Energy Commission, as well as the Bloomington Economic Development Corporation Board. I have has also served on the South Central Community Action Program Energy Assistance and Head Start boards. Prior to my work in government service, I led a number of nonprofit organizations where I worked with community leaders and health care providers to deliver care and vocational training to underserved populations and those in need. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: www. shelliyoderforindiana.com; www.facebook. com/ShelliYoderForIndiana; www.twitter. com/shelli4indiana WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? When I get to Congress I will get to work day one creating an environment for the
growth of good paying jobs throughout the 9th District. The people of the 9th district deserve a representative in Washington who will truly represent them and their needs and not those of a political party or outside special interests. I will be that representative. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I’m not a career politician. I’m someone who has spent my career helping vulnerable communities through my work in non-profit leadership and teaching our next generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs the values of hard work, honesty, and service through my teaching at IU-Kelley School of Business. I want to work to give people the sense that if you work hard and play by the rules you can get ahead in America. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT?
Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. We need to focus on bringing, as well as keeping, quality high-paying jobs to the communities of Central and Southern Indiana. Indiana has a great tradition as a manufacturing state, however we continue to lose jobs overseas and our communities are struggling to replace them. In Congress my priority will be making investments in our workforce, both for those who are just entering it and those who need new training for the 21st century economy. In addition, economic empowerment throughout the 13 counties of the 9th Congressional District will require an infrastructure development plan that makes the necessary investments in our roads, bridges, high-speed rail, and expanded broadband. We can and must make these responsible investments in our economic future so that entrepreneurs, businesses, and working families can realize the promise of America. CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? My knowledge of all aspects of a large diverse school district is a quality I bring to the table. I do not have any personal agendas other that pride in our schools. I know what a school board is expected to do and not do. I am retired and am able to devote my time, expertise and energies to our schools. I am knowledgeable of large budgets and understand that as a board member I am charged with spending your tax dollars wisely. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? I am concerned that our community does not understand how innovative and outstanding our schools are. We have made partnerships with many area businesses and have state recognitions. We search and receive grant money due to the hard work
that happens beyond our classrooms. Our teachers sharpen their saws through professional development and the expectations are high for all. Our parents and those that work with our schools know that we are great, but it is critical that our entire community understands the great things we are accomplishing. Our current board reads, questions, attends trainings in order to see the big picture. The board is not the place for personal agendas or vendettas. WHAT KIND OF IMPORTANCE DO YOU PLACE ON PROGRAMS LIKE FORD NGL AND SIMILAR INITIATIVES? Ford NGL is a national recognized process that brings communities, education and businesses to the same table with the goal of school improvement and work force development. We were chosen to become a Ford NGL community because we believe this collaboration is important for student success and we, without their guidance and acceptance, already were implementing strands of this process. A perfect fit! It is a great honor and opportunity. I serve on the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 enforcement officer, I have served in several leadership capacities within the department including patrol officer, K-9 Officer, certified general instructor through the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy, a certified firearms instructor through both the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and the National Rifle Association, SWAT Team Operator, Sniper Team Leader, Entry Team Leader, SWAT Team Commander, River Patrol Operator, and I currently serve as the Uniform Patrol Commander, where I oversee all patrol officers and special units. My leadership experience extends beyond the duties of being a police officer. I was elected President of the Fraternal Order of Police Jeffersonville Lodge #100 where I served for 7 years. I successfully negotiated two contracts between the Jeffersonville Police Officers and the Jeffersonville City Council. This has given me valuable insight into the local governmental unit budgeting process. I have also served on the Insurance Committee for the City of Jeffersonville, and have experience working with insurance brokers to find and select the most cost effective plan for employees and taxpayers. Currently, I serve the residents of Clark County as County Councilman. I have spent my career serving our country and protecting our community. I am a proven public servant, a proven leader, a proven negotiator and a proven good steward of public trust. I believe my experience and education would help the County navigate these challenging fiscal times. I understand that before the County can move forward and prepare for the future, we must first get our fiscal house in order. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Currently, Clark County elected officials must
steering committee with other educators, business leaders, work force development, higher education, employers and parents. I urge you to look into this process or contact me for more information. HOW SHOULD THE DISTRICT POISE ITSELF FOR THE GROWTH FROM THE OHIO RIVER BRIDGES PROJECT AND RIVER RIDGE? Our projected growth will bring an amazing number of jobs and families to our school community. We know that we will need to be competitive to attract these students. We also know that we must acknowledge that parents can and will ‘shop’ school corporations. Our educational opportunities must be unsurpassed and our facilities must be ready. We currently have 20 schools within 215 square miles. We have 10,500+ students who speak over 35 languages and we have 1400+ employees. It also gets back to telling our story. The number of dual credits, the opportunity to earn a work ethic certificate, AP classes and much more that attracts new families.
work diligently to bring Clark County back to fiscal independence. We cannot continue to operate on judicial mandates. We must work with officeholders, state elected officials and local elected officials to solve the current financial crisis. ARE THE CURRENT BUDGET MANDATES A SUSTAINABLE WAY TO RUN CLARK COUNTY? ARE THERE OTHER SPECIFIC WAYS TO INCREASE REVENUE IN THE COUNTY? The County’s General Fund cannot continue to rely upon mandates to operate. Most of the county’s revenue is set at the state level, and we are using every possible tool and resource within our power to run a fiscally responsible government. I would not support new taxes or fees. We need the assistance of our leaders at the State Level to help fix our financial crisis. WHAT SPECIFIC STEPS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO IMPROVE THE COUNTY’S FINANCIAL SITUATION? The current county finances cannot only be fixed by local leaders, it has to be done with the assistance of the state legislators. I will continue to work with our state legislators to change the law so that the levy can be fixed and the county can return back to fiscal independence. That way, the county would no longer need court-mandated, backdoor tax rates. WOULD YOU SUPPORT A WHEEL TAX? WHY OR WHY NOT? I would not be in favor of a wheel tax for three reasons. First, the majority of Clark County residents I have spoken with oppose the wheel tax. Secondly, the money it would generate would not go into the county’s general fund. Finally, most of the money generated by a wheel tax would go to the cites and towns, as the revenue it would generate would be distributed based on population. It would be a pointless, unwanted burden on the taxpayers.
Greater Clark was recently recognized as an economic development award winner. That is unheard of for a school corporation but makes perfect sense. New companies shop school corporations for their employee satisfaction and work force development. We are poised to #be greater! Our PRIDE program that builds soft skills needed for success in the workforce and our strong college and career readiness structure is recognized statewide. It will be a challenge for future boards to provide these programs, services and facilities while being good stewards of your tax dollars. In GCCS our vision is to become nationally recognized as a premier provider of education by serving as the bridge connecting stakeholders to ensure all students are college and career ready whether it’s a 4 year university, a 2 year program, apprenticeship program , serving in our military or the workforce. I am honored and proud to be part of these exciting times and with your support and vote will continue to serve.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 WHAT SHOULD THE COUNCIL DO TO MAKE SURE PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF FLOYD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ARE PROTECTED? I think that will have been settled by the current council. If it hasn’t been settled when the new council is seated ,I would like to it to be placed in some type of foundation to draw interest to use for future budgets. I would want the principle to be very difficult to get to. Difficult even for future councils,like unanimous consent from the council and commissioners to get to the principle so as to keep it intact ,so we can have a revenue source in the future. WHAT IS MORE PRESSING — EMPLOYEE RAISES OR SPENDING MONEY ON COUNTY INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS? I think that both are important issues. The county employees should be compensated appropriately and we should try to see that they are. I also believe that we have to spend resources on infrastructure. That is one of the duties of government,to maintain infrastructure. WHAT CAN THE COUNTY COUNCIL DO TO START WORKING WITHIN ITS BUDGET? DO YOU SUPPORT A COUNTY-RUN DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAM? I have been speaking since I announced my candidacy ,that there is a great need for communication within local government. We need to communicate to with all department heads to make sure to make sure they are as efficient as there department can be,and than hold them accountable to maintain their budgets. I think there needs to be a serious discussion about what it is that we as citizens expect from government and maybe make cuts where applicable. A drug and alcohol program is one of those things ,among others that we as a society need to have a serious discussion about .Do we want government to take care and pay for other people’s choices,and if we decide that we, as a society that’s what we want, we need to decide how to pay for those programs. Raise Taxes ???
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 our community now and in the future. I am a life resident and raised my family here. Floyd County is my home!! Making our community better and keeping the rural atmosphere is important to me. I believe in open/transparent conversations with the public about issues. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I am the most qualified because of experience, and I am the most fiscally prudent candidate. As president of the county council, I led the council in resolving a million-dollar deficit in a line item called “Care of Patients and Inmates” (youth detention). I, also, voted to dissolve the EDIT tax (Economic Developmental Income Tax) once the jail was paid off. Today, my opponent who is on the council has helped develop a million-and-a-half-dollar DEFICIT for our community. My opponent did not vote to dissolve the EDIT tax. He kept it going. I know Floyd County!! Being responsible with taxpayers’ dollars is extremely important! I asked for the prosecutor to repay the money back to the county for his personal expenses he received for his unethical book deal. My opponent did not support you. He let the prosecutor keep your money for his personal situation. I opposed letting the prosecutor receive money for a lease of a vehicle for his personal use. My opponent did not oppose it. My opponent supported remodeling the auditor’s office when the budget was in deficit. By being a million and half dollars in debt, budgets like Rauch, Life Spring, Animal Shelter, Solid Waste (Recycling), Parks Department, and others have been short funded. I have a very good record of responsible fiscal policy.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 HOW WOULD YOU HELP WITH THE TRANSITION OF THE AREA AFTER THE EAST END BRIDGE OPENS? First off we have to rejuvenate the roads in that area they cannot carry the capacity of traffic that they will be getting. As an alternative to the roundabouts many people will be taking County Roads to avoid the bottleneck areas and accident riddled areas. One of my plans is to start laying the groundwork and work with our state representatives on removing the payroll tax and property taxes and making it a use tax 2.5% on items bought. This is going to increase the revenue for the county this is also going to bring in a larger tax base because the people just passing through our areas and buying goods that are stores will
As commissioner I have helped people stay in their homes. I worked with the Paul and Jenny Lane residents to work on sewer projects to save their homes without using taxpayer dollars. It was done with grants. I worked with residents at Scenic Valley to do the same for them. I started the talk and led in the passing of ordinances for zoning, subdivision control, noise, animal control, and others because we did not have them when I was first elected county commissioner. I led to make sure residents from Save Our Knobs, builders, attorneys, teachers, and others sat on the committee to get this done. I worked with Sister Barbara to get the state support along with the county for the senior center in Georgetown. I worked with the school corporation in getting guard rails for the fields at Floyd Central and the bridge that connects property by the baseball field. I have worked with the school transportation department many times because of weather and road projects to make sure transportation for our students were safe and available. These are a few reasons why I am the best candidate for county commissioner from district 2. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The selling of our hospital has been the most pressing issue. As Councilman Wathen put it, “I am in favor of selling the hospital because we are a million and a half dollars in debt.” I totally disagree with the motive to sell our biggest asset. As I mentioned before, the budget problems we have caused the hospital to be sold. The council did not do its job the last few years and this is the result. My opponent is on the council and supported the selling of the hospital. The
now be helping to alleviate the problem directly within the county. HOW SHOULD A COMMISSIONER GOVERN TO REACH A WIDE SPECTRUM OF RESIDENTS GEOGRAPHICALLY ACROSS THE COUNTRY? There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters Daniel Webster I do not want to govern. But I wish to communicate across the county. In this day and age there is no reason that the Commissioners meetings are not available to view on social media there is no cost to put it on social media. My phone number will always be available. I would even be happy to have a rotation where 1 months the Commissioners are in Borden one month that Commissioners are
process of this deal was NOT transparent or open to the public. In fact, only one commissioner and one councilman knew about it for about a year. I did NOT know about it. No appraisal was ever performed, so we do not know how much it is worth. Eventually, after a lot of questioning, I was told the hospital is worth 300 million dollars. I think it is worth more. Don’t forget that the Diabetes Center and Cancer Center are part of the deal. We are getting 135 million dollars. That is it. The debt of the hospital is also being taken care of in the transaction. I admit that. That debt is about 60 million or so. That is the new wing that was built. Do you think this is a good deal? I didn’t. It is not enough and it was not transparent. The public should see all of the bids. We know from the Tribune that two other bids were higher. HOW WOULD YOU AS A COMMISSIONER SPEND THE YEARLY INTEREST INCOME FROM THE SALE OF FLOYD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SERVICES? The council must make the difficult decisions about the budget. If they don’t, in about ten years it will be much more difficult. The problem will multiply. My opinion is to use the interest on roads, infrastructure, and onetime events like capital projects. Salaries should come from the budget which the council has authority. There is no doubt salary increases are needed across the board. That is being studied now. Some items could possibly be moved from the budget to the onetime spending items from the interest from the hospital. The problem I see is that we sold our hospital and we are giving the money away. As it is now, the foundation will keep the principle and the county will only be able to use the interest. Will you the taxpayer be hap-
in Henryville in Charlestown New wash and so on so forth that way those local residents that may be older and cannot travel at that time of night have access closer to them to attend these meetings. WOULD YOU SUPPORT A WHEEL TAX? WHY OR WHY NOT? I do not like taxes any more than the other person. With that said I will say this it is my goal to work to lay the groundwork to remove our payroll and property taxes. I do believe in Usage Tax so they will tax is nothing more than a Usage Tax and it should be directed directly to the County highway department and nowhere else. So yes I do support it. But I also support removing the theft that occurs from our payroll and our property you should not have to pay a penalty to own property and to improve on your own property.
py with the county having 135 million dollars or more in the bank, only use interest, and then you have to pay out of your pocket for a new jail or building? I do believe in building the initial principle amount (135 million) in the bank, but we should be able to use increases in the principle for important needs like a jail. We can’t do that now the way it is being done. Yes, the elected officials will have to answer to the taxpayers if they use it. This would help the taxpayer in the long run. I want to make sure you understand. The 135 million principle should not be touched, but increases to the principle could be used. Local government can use the interest if needed. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON COMBINING SOME COUNTY AND CITY OFFICES WHO DUPLICATE SERVICES? I have always been in agreement to combine when we can. I believe plan commissions, storm water, dispatch, parks, animal shelter, and others could be combined. This would save money and stop duplication of services for the city and county. Of course, both need to pay. It makes it difficult to say this when our county budgets are one and half million dollars in debt and the county has not done its share. We need to get out of the political bickering between city and county and actually work together. I am a Democrat commissioner working with a Democrat mayor, but the Republicans control all of the county. I am one string that keeps the city and county connected. As my theme says, “Together, We Can Do Better!!” WHAT IS FLOYD COUNTY’S MOST PRESSING INFRASTRUCTURE NEED? Several roads are being paved now; but roads, bridges, and comprehensive planning are needed the most.
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 I have the experience, working knowledge & understanding of the fiscal branch of local government and the experience necessary to work with other elected officials to meet the FISCAL and EXECUTIVE challenges facing Floyd County. I will bring the perspective of a small business owner, the cost saving ideas of a large corporation, the responsibility of a taxpayer and your voice of experience when making executive decisions for you and Floyd County. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? As your current County Council representative-I am very active in my community and on the Council, having served in leadership roles as President and Vice President and attending 8 to 9 meetings each month, representing the Council, including monthly Commissioner Meetings. I promise to communicate and collaborate w/ the County Council to resolve the critical fiscal issues. I will meet monthly with Commissioners from Clark, Scott, Washington and Harrison counties to discuss issues affecting each them and work together to find solutions. This five county neighborhood with a population of over 280K people having a representation of five State Representatives and three State Senators will lobby as one community with strength in numbers. I actively serve all of Floyd County and will continue to make county government become more effective and efficient for the taxpayers. My solid fiscal background provides the foundation and experience necessary to be a productive Commissioner. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I’ve thoughtfully considered this position for some time and would truly love the chance to SERVE the students, teachers, schools and community members of New Albany Floyd County in the role of School Board Member. Having four children who currently attend schools in the corporation, I am deeply invested in NAFCS. My youngest will be a NAFCS student until 2029. What transpires in our school system is extremely important to me. I want the best for all of our students, teachers and schools. My career path was that of a teacher
PROPOSE HANDLING IT? There are several pressing issues facing this office. Investment of hospital sale proceeds, jobs and infrastructure repair/paving. Commissioners and County Council should invest the hospital proceeds by diversifying into a non-reverting fund and community foundation or county foundation. Establish a non-reverting trust with very restrictive access, e.g. 80% approval from commissions and council, voter referendum. Then deposit the hospital sale proceeds & hire an investment advisor while pursuing legislation to modify the current statute regarding the foundation spend rate. The community or county foundation option is irrevocable; those funds can not be used to bond against and subject to future legislative changes. We can use the principal in the non-reverting fund to issue bonds for infrastructure, capital improvements etc. Establish a business or technology park on Obrien property between Georgetown and Edwardsville. We will attract new businesses similar to Tech Shot and relocate existing businesses to Floyd County that will create high-paying jobs and generate new EDIT revenue. Design the infrastructure for better access to this area and compete with River Ridge and Lanesville Industrial park. We have a need for workers of all categories; high tech, trade or blue collared workers; we have the educational resources available: Ivy Tech, Purdue Technology Center, IUS and Prosser. The additional EDIT revenue and bonding against the non-reverting trust fund will help to address the third issue; infrastructure paving and repairs. Please reference the last item of this survey for a detail discussion HOW WOULD YOU AS A COMMISSION-
ER SPEND THE YEARLY INTEREST INCOME FROM THE SALE OF FLOYD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SERVICES? This is a joint decision with the Council; however, we have a preliminary 10 year$35M capital improvement plan for our bridges, roads improvements and paving, parks, sheriff, renovating the jail, etc. The interest from the sale will be used to assist in the funding these capital improvements. However the yearly interest is being identified for other uses as well. By establishing a non-reverting trust fund, we can bond against the principal to fund infrastructure and capital projects. The foundation will provide longevity, the trust will provide flexibility and both will provide certainty for the future. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON COMBINING SOME COUNTY AND CITY OFFICES WHO DUPLICATE SERVICES? There are three criteria that need to be met: Will there be a savings, will it be efficient and will the end product result in better service. Merging the county E911 dispatch and the city E911 dispatch center into one dispatch center meets those criteria. This merger would create a seamless E911 response for the Entire County in time of an emergency. Using the annual $500,000 collected from annual cell phone & landline E911 fees and the expected cost savings in excess of $250,000 annually, these dollars would provide substantial funding. Having one E911 dispatch center not only makes economic sense and would better serve all Floyd County residents during their emergency. I am open to holding public hearings regarding merging other departments, listen to the county and city resident’s ideas/ suggestions/concerns, pull cost saving data prior to making a decision if the sav-
ings, efficiency and better service would result. Our New Albany/Floyd County Animal shelter is a prime example where combined services provide a better quality of life for our residents and their pets. I am the strongest advocate on the County Council and each year fight hard to fully fund the County’s commitment to the Animal Shelter. WHAT IS FLOYD COUNTY’S MOST PRESSING INFRASTRUCTURE NEED? Our county roads are in need of paving and repair. We are reviewing all paving and repair options to bring these county roads up to standards for the volume of traffic and types of traffic. New culverts are being installed on some roads prior to paving and some roads need widening to allow for vehicles to pass each other. Our five year plan does not address all county roads but the ones in most need of repairs. All roads have been inspected, reviewed and ranked for future repairs and paving. In addition to county roads, Floyd County is responsible for all the bridges in the county including New Albany. The Silver Creek bridge on Blackiston Mill Road is need of major repair. Our Motor Vehicle Highway (MVH) and Local Road & Streets (LRS) state funding has taken a hit since 2010. However, since 2014, MVH and LRS funding is back to 2006 levels. With passage of Senate Bill 67, $2.8M is now available and by applying for matching and federal grants, we can leverage these funds to be used for road construction, bridges, maintenance and repair. Using the non-reverting trust fund to issue bonds for infrastructure, road paving etc. and with an increased EDIT revenue by creating jobs will provide additional revenue to address our infrastructure, bridges and capital improvements.
before starting a family so I have a special understanding regarding the challenges our teachers face each day. I am a strong supporter of all of our teachers and NAFCS staff members and am ready to work diligently on their behalf. Presently, I am very active in a leadership capacity at my children’s schools and am frequently present as a result. I understand that one of my responsibilities as a school board member would be visiting NAFC schools as well as doing outreach within the community. This would be my pleasure and something to which I greatly look forward. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? As a former educator and current NAFCS parent, I feel I’m the best candidate for this
office as I would bring both of these unique perspectives to board discussions and decisions. The position of school board member would not be something I do halfway or on the side. I am ready and willing to give this job my all and be a passionate advocate for our kids, teachers and schools. I am innovative, hardworking and resourceful and dearly look forward to the chance to serve our community in this role. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? One of the most pressing issues is currently the deteriorating physical state of some of our schools. This is an issue I would inherit, if elected, and one that I am committed to doing my best to resolve. If NAFC voters elect to pass the referendum,
I would take the responsibility of utilizing tax payers’ money very seriously and be a conscientious steward of these funds. If the referendum doesn’t pass, I would work collectively and intently with the board and administration to seek alternative solutions as soon as possible. The safety and well being of our students as well as the environment in which they attend school to learn each day are very important to me. WHAT SORT OF DYNAMIC DO YOU EXPECT BETWEEN THE BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION? I would expect a mutually respectful dynamic between the board and administration and look forward to working hard in this partnership to obtain the best for our schools.
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 from high school in Floyd County. I am the only candidate who is a combat veteran, I will get our veterans the recognition and relief they so deserve. There is no job too difficult for me to do. I am known for my hard, smart work habits and will stand up for Floyd County for what is right for our community. I know my military experience as a young leader prepared me to be leader in whatever I am involved in. None of my opponents come close to my qualifications of being a leader of Floyd County. I love Floyd County and will forever live in Floyd County which my opponents can’t say because of their history of frequent moves from different states and counties. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? My platform is public and can be seen on my website, I believe there are many issues that I could list but since I am being asked what the most pressing issue is; getting Floyd County working as a local government by not following the platforms of Washington D.C. we need to work together as a community and keep jobs in Floyd County by using local services such as Engineers, Consultants, etc. instead of paying out of town companies high fees because they are big campaign
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 have serious input. Integrity, honesty, dedication are words I describe how I live my life and what I will bring as your next Commissioner. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I’m the only candidate for this office that has both business and government executive experience and will be able to serve effectually on day one. As Commissioner, you are required to work with the other local governments in order to foster an environment beneficial to the community as a whole. As such, I have a proven record in doing so. Eight years ago, Georgetown was in financial distress and facing the possibility of numerous lawsuits, higher fees and taxes. When elected to office then, I was told not to expect assistance from the County or anyone else, as it was impossible to work with other government entities. I ignored that poor advice and sought out assistance and cooperation with the County and other local governments. In doing so, Georgetown was able to solve its issues and moved forward. Cooper-
contributors of our local officials. If you look at the Election financials of many of our candidates and office holders, you will see that the out of state and Indianapolis donors are often given the contracts for these services when we have local companies that know our area better than these outside companies at a much smaller fee. Floyd County needs office holders who are smart enough to make decisions without paying out hundreds of thousands of dollars for studies which office holders are elected to do. I am the right person who can get this done with the help of the community. I will get all political parties working together to get the job done we are hired to do. Keep it local. I have self funded my campaign and do not owe any special interest groups any favors. HOW WOULD YOU AS A COMMISSIONER SPEND THE YEARLY INTEREST INCOME FROM THE SALE OF FLOYD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SERVICES? I could give you hundreds of ways to spend the interest. It should not be treated like a big lottery win and go on a mass spending spree. We need to look into the future of Floyd County and make sure we are not in the almost bankrupt County we have been in the past. We need to be smarter planners for our grandchildren. I would propose to form a committee representing local financial, business own-
ers/managers, Seniors and other members of our community to come up with a list of suggestions on how to spend, invest, pay off our debts or lower the taxes we pay, and work with the Commissioners and County Council members on a priority list of what to do with the interest. The Commissioners and County Council could then make the right decision on how to spend or invest the interest that belongs to the taxpayers of Floyd County. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON COMBINING SOME COUNTY AND CITY OFFICES WHO DUPLICATE SERVICES? Today we cannot even get our City and County government work together as partners so it is going to take some healing and someone like myself to bring the community working together instead of the constant power battles. Once we get to that point I believe we can start thinking merger. I believe there are many offices that can be merged into one service. It seems to have worked in other communities and I believe it could work in a small county like Floyd County. I believe it has to be all or none, we either need to be a Metropolitan County and combine all services or stay as it is. Township government in the near future will be merging the smaller Townships with very little operating capital with larger neighboring Townships. We have County parks in the City and City parks in the
County. A good start is to get back to NA/ FC parks, Animal shelter, but we will only accomplish that when the City and County can work together for the citizens of all of Floyd County. I am that person that can get the City and County, Democrats and Republicans working together.
ation is possible when there is trust and respect. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? There are many issues facing Floyd County; bad roads, urban blight, rapid growth, a failing infrastructure, and lack of business opportunities, to name a few. Most of these issues could be solved by proper funding. With the sale of Floyd Memorial Hospital more than $131 million will be available to solve many of these issues and I vow to work tirelessly to insure these monies are wisely and prudently spent and properly invested for future generations. Currently $1.5 million is earmark to the County’s General Fund in order to balance the budget. While this is a prudent move we must insure the County doesn’t rely on these monies to balance future budgets. Failure to adhere to a stringent budget and relying on “Hospital” monies will only cause this once in a lifetime opportunity to be wasted. HOW WOULD YOU AS A COMMISSIONER SPEND THE YEARLY INTEREST INCOME FROM THE SALE OF FLOYD
MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SERVICES? As these monies are not guaranteed, I would use some of the money to help expand business opportunities. One idea is to create a “Community Business Incubator”. The Community Business Incubator differs from the traditional High Tech Business Incubators by catering towards non tech businesses. This would include service and trade businesses, manufacturing, and other similar businesses. Traditionally most new businesses are started as home based. They are slow to grow due to not having a traditional business environment. The business incubator would provide office space, warehousing, phones, internet and mentoring. Rent would be paid based upon the size of the business and as the business grows so does the rent. Eventually the business would “graduate” from the incubator. FOR FLOYD COUNTY TO PROSPER WE NEED ELECTED OFFICIALS WHO HAVE NEW IDEAS AND THE ABILITY TO GET THINGS ACCOMPLISHED. AS YOUR NEXT COMMISSIONER I HAVE THE PROVEN ABILITY TO DO SO.
What is your opinion on combining some county and city offices who duplicate services? We should be combining services where it makes sense in saving taxpayer’s money and being more efficient. Traditionally this would include 911 Dispatch, Parks, Animal Control, and Garbage land fields. I’m NOT in favor of combing Planning and Zoning, Police Departments and joint governmental administration. WHAT IS FLOYD COUNTY’S MOST PRESSING INFRASTRUCTURE NEED? While there are many infrastructure needs the County Jail is most pressing. The County Jail needs major repairs and improvements expecting to cost around $6 million while a new Jail would cost between $50 million to $60 million. Sheriff Loop recently recommended that he was in favor for remodeling the current jail thus saving the county millions. I’m in agreement with Sheriff Loop. The County must move forward on the remodeling of the jail before we are forced to by the Federal government. Waiting on being sued is not good planning.
WHAT IS FLOYD COUNTY’S MOST PRESSING INFRASTRUCTURE NEED? Our roads especially in the rural areas of the county are in need of repair, our bridges and roads have gotten better the past few years and but can and will continue to get better. We have a very big problem we need to work with the State of Indiana on and that is the problem of interstate 64, 265, SR 150, SR 64. It is a total mess in the morning and evening rush hours. We have way too many accidents being caused by the poor design of traffic flow on these roads. It is only going to get worse when the tolls start on the other bridges. Floyd County needs to look into establishing alternative routes to improve the flow of traffic. Our county roads are getting wear and tear on them due to the traffic trying to avoid the State of Indiana roads that are not designed for the increased traffic we are experiencing. Georgetown is in need of some type of traffic control, residents have a difficult time getting onto SR 64 from a side street.
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 County Indiana Building Authority. I have served as a vice president of the New Albany Floyd County Education Association for eight years. I have served on a number of bargaining teams and committees representing the interests of teachers and children. In all of these endeavors the most valued aspects of decision making were compromise and consensus building. Without these, very little can be accomplished at any level. WEBSITE/FACEBOOK/TWITTER: My website is www.boniferforstaterep.com; My Facebook page is Steve Bonifer for State Representative WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? Over the past several years I have become very dissatisfied with the direction of our state policies in a number of areas, so I decided it was time to run. The per capita income of the average Hoosier has dropped four places in four years. This is not the right direction. Our per capita income now ranks 38th in the nation. We have a serious infrastructure problem with our roads and bridges and no long term solution has been offered. We have an ongoing problem with a teacher shortage which was created by this legislature and of course our failed testing system. Add to this the fact that Indiana ranks near the top in almost every category of illegal drug activity and we get a picture of a state with a decreasing quality of life. The United Health Foundation ranked Indiana 41st in the overall health of our population in 2015. All of this and much more is
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 I am truly non-partisan. My goal as a council member will be to find ways in which we can work together to solve our budget issues. As a resident of Clark County, I am truly concerned that our budget woes will lead to higher taxes. I do not want to see higher taxes imposed on the residents of our county. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The budget shortfall is easily our most pressing issue. Clark County is facing a 9 million dollar shortfall for 2016; the projected shortfall for 2017 is around 12 million dollars. Those numbers are unsustainable. WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT THE BUDGET SHORTFALL? I PROPOSE THE FOLLOWING STEPS TO BEGIN THE PROCESS OF BALANCING THE COUNTY BUDGET: 1. Examine every item in our budget to determine if it is necessary or mandated.
why I am running. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? First and foremost I will be a representative. This job is to represent my constituents in District 72 and do what is in the best interest of the citizens of Indiana. As I said earlier I understand the value of compromise and consensus building. We simply have too many issues which have not been dealt with effectively and I would be one voice trying to get us moving in the right direction. What is the most pressing issue facing this office and how do you propose handling it? The most pressing issue is NOT dealing with major issues in a timely and effective manner. When you have a super majority in the House and the Senate and the keys to the Governor’s Mansion, there is no excuse for not getting things done. The current leaders have been sitting on more than TWO BILLION DOLLARS of taxpayer dollars for three years. Problems we have in Indiana can be solved WITHOUT RAISING TAXES. By using some of the surplus and redirecting some income from the gasoline sales tax toward roads and bridges we could go a long way toward offering a long term solution to our infrastructure problem. This legislature dealt with most issues by providing only limited short term fixes that fail to position Indiana for long term business development and wage growth. They were more concerned with using these short term fixes during an election year to preserve their place in power. DO YOU SUPPORT INDIANA’S POLICE BODY CAMERA LAW REGARDING HOW LONG A DEPARTMENT MUST RETAIN FOOTAGE AND TO WHOM THEY MUST
Those that are neither should be eliminated. 2. Reduce expenses through the process of attrition. 3. Re-examine TIF Districts, Economic Revitalization Areas, and Tax Abatements to determine if they are having an adverse effect on the county budget as a whole. 4. Forge cooperative relationships with our State Representative, Senator, Governor, and their colleagues in Indianapolis to work to solve our county’s looming budget crisis. WILL SOLVING CLARK COUNTY’S BUDGET WOES BE EASY? OF COURSE NOT. IF IT WERE EASY, IT WOULD ALREADY BE DONE BY NOW. Are the current budget mandates a sustainable way to run Clark County? Are there other specific ways to increase revenue in the county? Every area of the budget needs to be examined. Any area that is not necessary or mandated by law should be eliminated. Because much of our budget is mandat-
RELEASE THE FOOTAGE? WHY OR WHY NOT? First, police departments are not required to have body cameras. I have discussed the issue of retaining footage with officers and administrators and the biggest issue is the cost. The legislature passed the law but did not fund it. They only suggested that departments should apply for grants. Many departments have estimated the costs for implementing the law at over $100,000. For this reason many police departments that have cameras are not using them, which of course defeats the purpose of the cameras. It would bother me to see the footage released to the general public if there is an ongoing, active investigation. There are privacy issues of people who may be in the footage but are not connected to any alleged criminal activity. There are issues with minors in the footage. Would the release of the footage taint prospective jurors in a trial? These questions and many more about access to the footage are going to be decided in the courts over a long period of time. WHAT ACTIONS WOULD YOU TAKE TO HELP RESOLVE THE STATE’S OPIOID EPIDEMIC? The solution is to find a way to cut both supply and demand. But, of course this will be difficult. We do track the dispensing of these prescriptions through the INSPECT program. But we need a more intense effort than we have now. Health professionals who overprescribe these medications should have their licenses pulled. I know there are issues with cancer patients and other medical conditions but there should be a reasonable solution to protect the needs of these patients and weed out the irresponsible dis-
ed by state statute, we must work closely with those who represent us at the state level. As far as increasing county revenue, we have to take a fresh look at TIF districts and tax incentives aimed at economic development to determine if they are in fact benefiting a portion of the county at the expense of the county as a whole. I am opposed to any tax increases. WHAT SPECIFIC STEPS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO IMPROVE THE COUNTY’S FINANCIAL SITUATION? Limiting expenditures, eliminating tax incentives that benefit one area of the county at the expense of the county as a whole, and working with state leaders to find funding for those areas mandated by state law. WOULD YOU SUPPORT A WHEEL TAX? WHY OR WHY NOT? I am opposed to imposing any additional taxes on the residents of Clark County. The county and state leaders need to work together to balance the budget within existing sources of revenue.
pensing of opioids. We also need to make sure that law enforcement officials have to tools they need to investigate and help cut supply. On the other side we need to cut demand. Of course education of children to the potential dangers is an ongoing initiative in progress. Treatment of addicted individuals is much more cost effective than handing out jail time. It is a public health problem and should be treated as such. Having more treatment centers in Indiana would, in the long run, would save dollars in healthcare costs, law enforcement costs and costs in our criminal justice system. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS TO ADDRESS AND IMPROVE INDIANA’S INFRASTRUCTURE? This problem did not pop up overnight. Because of the lack of addressing the problem in a timely manner it has developed into a problem that hurts Hoosiers in many ways. When potential businesses see that Indiana does not care about our roads, highways and bridges, it sends the wrong message. First, we have to ensure that none of our highway funds are being diverted for other projects. We need to promote the most innovative and cost effective design solutions for the long term. We are not going to get around using part of the surplus to fix this problem. We are also going to have to do some tax shifting. Such as taking some of the sales tax from gasoline and putting it toward road and bridge repair for the long term. Initially we are going to have to dedicate a good portion of funding to see this is done but I am confident it can be done with no tax increases.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 and good parents. Locally, I would hope that Baptist Health can provide some of the treatment and resources needed to deal with this issue. From my perspective to adequately address this issue the Indiana Legislature needs to direct more funding to Community Corrections agencies, Community Mental Health providers such as Lifespring and the Department of Child Services. Our Adult Probation Department could also provide more services to probationers if our County Council would adequately fund the Department from general fund dollars. There is no easy resolution to this community issue.
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 has access to affordable healthcare; and that every senior and every person with a disability is able to live in security and with dignity. I have worked on successful legislation in each of these areas, and my work is not finished. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? In addition to experience, I have a proven record of bipartisanship. For example, I had the privilege of chairing the House Public Health Committee for three years. During that time, every bill that passed out of the committee passed with bipartisan support, and in most cases, unanimous, bipartisan support. I am proud of that record. In addition, I am proud of the fact that I have taken tough stands on many important issues. I was elected to lead, not to follow, and I will continue to work with all people of goodwill to solve problems and take advantage of opportunities to make Indiana an even better place to live, work and raise a family. I constantly seek to learn more and do more. My various roles as husband, father, small business person and active member of our local community inform and enrich my work
as a representative of my fellow Hoosiers. I believe in the value of listening and communicating, and I am always looking for new opportunities to interact with the people I am privileged to represent. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The next legislative session is a budget session, which occurs in every odd-numbered year. The state budget is the legislature’s biggest responsibility and its most significant policy statement. The most pressing issue legislators will face is crafting another responsible, balanced budget while providing sustainable funding for needs and priorities that will continue long beyond the two-year budget cycle. It is not enough to plan for the next two years; Indiana must provide for its long-term future. First, we have a major and growing infrastructure challenge. Last session, a $1 increase in the cigarette tax (currently 99.5 cents per pack) was proposed as a way of funding roads. The tax increase, which did not pass, would have raised an estimated $300 million a year in new revenue. I opposed it primarily because only a token amount of the new money would have gone to health initiatives. If the cigarette tax is going to be raised, a large share of the money should go toward investments in better health,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 WHAT SORT OF DYNAMIC DO YOU EXPECT BETWEEN THE BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION? I will work with any board member and administrator making the best decision possible for all. Everyone will bring ideals before the board. As a board member I will have to decide what is best for this community. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to voice our opinions. I hope to bring excellence to NAFCS.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS TO ADDRESS AND IMPROVE INDIANA’S INFRASTRUCTURE? Our roads and bridges are starting to see repairs with local and state money. This needs to continue to get ALL roads, state and county in good condition. Also, I want to improve infrastructure for broadband access for all rural areas to have high speed internet.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 to investigate slowly and thoroughly. HOW SHOULD THE DISTRICT POISE ITSELF FOR THE GROWTH FROM THE OHIO RIVER BRIDGES PROJECT AND RIVER RIDGE? Prepare our buildings, Teachers(staffing) and auxiliary services for the growth we expect to come.
including, but not limited to, smoking prevention and cessation. Indiana is one of the least healthy states. In addition to lost years and quality of life, poor health costs the state, private employers and individual Hoosiers billions of dollars annually. That’s money that could be invested in roads and other priorities far into the future. Beyond the immediate challenge of writing a budget for the next two years, it is this sort of debate and prioritizing that will be the most pressing issue. We also need to make sure we are having a complete discussion. For example, discussion of infrastructure should include consideration of public transportation, and when it comes to health, we cannot ignore the long-term costs of addiction and the very costly need for appropriate, residential treatment. Alongside infrastructure and health, education, including pre-K through higher ed, demands the long view. As with infrastructure and health, strategic investments in education, with a focus on workforce development, will pay dividends for generations to come. The political cycle does not reward long-term thinking; therein lies the challenge. DO YOU SUPPORT INDIANA’S POLICE BODY CAMERA LAW REGARDING HOW LONG A DEPARTMENT MUST RETAIN FOOTAGE AND TO WHOM THEY MUST RELEASE THE FOOTAGE? WHY OR WHY
NOT? Yes. The new law strikes an appropriate balance. Of course, there may be a need to revisit it as the legislature receives feedback from law enforcement and other stakeholders. WHAT ACTIONS WOULD YOU TAKE TO HELP RESOLVE THE STATE’S OPIOID EPIDEMIC? First, provide adequate funding for appropriate, residential treatment, along with other forms of treatment. Second, ensure that communities have adequate healthcare and law enforcement resources. Third, while retaining local control, streamline the approval process for syringe exchange and make it available on a proactive, rather than reactive, basis. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS TO ADDRESS AND IMPROVE INDIANA’S INFRASTRUCTURE? Evaluate all infrastructure needs and potential revenue sources and develop a sustainable, long-term plan that provides for both state and local needs while leveraging public-private partnerships and other creative approaches. As I suggested previously, we must look for strategic opportunities to free up money that could be used for infrastructure.
Jac� Coffma� COMMISSIONER __ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ __ REPUBLICAN Paid for by Committee to Elect Jack Coffman Clark County Commissioner
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Indiana is in good financial condition in comparison to many other states. We must remain very focused and deliberate in the next budget year to ensure Indiana remains financially sound. Specific issues facing Indiana are investing in our aging infrastructure (roads, bridges and water), restoring the proper funding for education and returning more decision making to local units of government just to mention a few issues. DO YOU SUPPORT INDIANA’S POLICE BODY CAMERA LAW REGARDING HOW LONG A DEPARTMENT MUST RETAIN FOOTAGE AND TO WHOM THEY MUST RELEASE THE FOOTAGE? WHY OR WHY NOT?
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY RIGHT NOW? There are a number of threats that we face as a nation today, from ISIS to North Korea and a more aggressive Russia to the growing threat that cyber attacks pose to our nation. We must be cognizant of all threats facing the United States and be prepared to deal with each of them. Our servicemen and women are the best-trained and bestequipped force for good in the world. We must keep it that way, and when I get to Congress I promise that I will work every day to make sure that our military receives the funding and resources necessary to do its job as safely and effectively as possible. Immigration reform is vital to our national security interest. Working to find a solution to immigration that is respectful of the dignity of human life but also works to uphold the rule of law and protect our borders from those who wish us harm should be a top priority. We must address the issue of ever increasing cyber-attacks. These attacks have consequences for both our national security and economy. We must make data security a priority for both private companies and the government. WHAT FUNDING MEASURES SHOULD BE TAKEN TO CURB THE NATIONWIDE ISSUE OF HEROIN AND OPIOID ABUSE?
I supported the enabling legislation last session as a good starting point for additional confidence and trust in our law enforcement system. We must continue to support our law enforcement men and women and protect them with the proper equipment. Currently, if an agency adopts the body camera program, under existing law a local municipal law enforcement agency must retain the video for 190 days (280 days for the Indiana State Police). This covers the time someone has to file a tort claim against either the local unit or ISP. As with most legislation the proper balance must be developed to be fair and impartial to all concerns. Prosecutors are concerned that if they allow law enforcement to release copies of videos in criminal cases that the prosecutor could be sub-
The 9th District has been hit hard by substance abuse, opioids especially. In 2015, Scott County experienced a horrific outbreak of HIV as a direct result of intravenous drug use. Only with targeted public attention was the crisis quelled. Countless resources entered the county that never would have been available before the disaster. I believe that measures need to be taken that focus specifically on prevention in rural areas. These are often the places with the least resources and the least programming. While other parts of the country are able to deal with their problems, these areas are left behind. It takes resources to deal with the issues presented by heroin and opioids abuse. Without adequate funding measures, we will continue to struggle. WHAT ARE SOME SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF BIPARTISAN ACTION YOU HAVE TAKEN IN OFFICE OR PLAN TO TAKE IF ELECTED? I believe that success of this country relies upon Democrats and Republicans working together to find common sense solutions to problems. If I am elected I am committed to working with Republicans and Democrats to find areas of common-ground and support policy initiatives that work for central and southern Indiana, regardless of which party supports it. We should be focusing on pragmatic solutions for Hoosiers, not on being an ideologue who’s only loyalty is to their party.
ject to disciplinary action from the Indiana Supreme Court for violating Professional Rules of Conduct. The rules of conduct are designed to protect a defendant’s right to a fair trial. The program is not mandated to be accepted by a law enforcement agency. I support this position due to the additional cost that may be incurred to maintain the video files and equipment. WHAT ACTIONS WOULD YOU TAKE TO HELP RESOLVE THE STATE’S OPIOID EPIDEMIC? Indiana’s opioid epidemic will require a multifaceted approach to abate. Listening and working with local units of government along with health and family professionals will be required. Funding alone of programs is not the answer. Lifestyle patterns, habits and attaining higher educational levels are
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 cess on the council. That success comes from LISTENING to the citizens of Floyd County. Being TRANSPARENT, helping taxpayers understand how their money is being spent. Treating each dollar as if it’s my own and stretching it as far as I can. I WILL NOT support any new taxes or tax increases, because the people of Floyd County know how to spend their money better than the government. I will BALANCE the budget and be fiscally responsible and accountable to taxpayers. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Two pressing issues: First, is the unbalanced budget. Second, is the funds generated from the hospital sale. I will commit to balancing the budget providing a strong financial future for Floyd county. The funds from the hospital sale must be secured and invested wisely. If so, we will never have to raise taxes in Floyd County again. We can live off the interest for decades if we are fiscally responsible. WHAT SHOULD THE COUNCIL DO TO MAKE SURE PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF FLOYD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ARE PROTECTED? We can protect the proceeds by investing the principal into a community foundation, which would generate 3-5% interest on our investment. Then we need to set a limit on what percent of the account balance can be withdrawn annually. I would suggest 4% which should keep pace with interest earnings. WHAT IS MORE PRESSING — EMPLOYEE RAISES OR SPENDING MONEY ON COUNTY IN-
essential. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS TO ADDRESS AND IMPROVE INDIANA’S INFRASTRUCTURE? First, Indianapolis needs to return in a timely manner the money already collected from the local units of government that they owed. Second, improving Indiana’s aging infrastructure (roads, bridges, water, sewer, ports) needs to be a higher priority in the budget funding process for FY17. Additionally, the money already collected for infrastructure in our State needs to be utilized for infrastructure and not siphoned off for other non-related infrastructure needs. Proper discipline and commitment to bring our aging infrastructure up-to-date is capable. However, broad bi-partisan leadership is required which I am willing to take a leadership role in.
FRASTRUCTURE NEEDS? Both are very important. Our county employees do a great job and they should be compensated fairly. We also have a lot of infrastructure needs. If we manage our revenue correctly, we can make sure both are taken care of. I would suggest we do a third party assessment to see how are county employee’s total compensation plans line up with other similar counties in the state. If it’s an issue, we can address it accordingly. WHAT CAN THE COUNTY COUNCIL DO TO START WORKING WITHIN ITS BUDGET? DO YOU SUPPORT A COUNTY-RUN DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAM? We need to approach our budget just as we would at home. We can’t spend more than we bring in, that’s simple. So we must look at each line item and determine if it needs adjusting. I don’t think we have a revenue problem in Floyd county. I believe less is best when it comes to government. If we add more programs, we are making government bigger and less efficient. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON COMBINING SOME COUNTY AND CITY OFFICES WHO DUPLICATE SERVICES? I fully support reducing the size of government and I think its common sense to share resources where its possible. This would be much more efficient and cost effective. WHAT IS FLOYD COUNTY’S MOST PRESSING INFRASTRUCTURE NEED? Many of our roads and bridges are in desperate need of repair and have been neglected. We need to also look at widening certain roads, adding new lanes and turning lanes where we see consistent congestion
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 WHAT SORT OF DYNAMIC DO YOU EXPECT BETWEEN THE BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION? I think it’s very important to work as a team and stay within our budget.
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 instead of waiting to get through an election, as politicians so often do. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? We must get government refocused on our essential priorities, including national security, caring for our veterans, and maintaining our infrastructure. To execute these priorities well, we cannot continue adding to the $20 trillion national debt and passing budgets that don’t balance. We cannot continue enacting unnecessary regulations that hold back job creators and limit the creation of careers and opportunities for Hoosiers. We cannot continue expanding the size and scope of government, as has been done with Obamacare. It is time to make hard decisions to get our budget un-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 in one of the most important decisions facing Floyd County in recent decades by serving on the Hospital Task Force. I currently serve as the President of the County Council in which I have shown leadership and direction on protecting the tax payers investment for long-term stability. We, as a community, have a great opportunity to move forward in a positive direction, but we need to protect the proceeds of the hospital sale so that we can continue the growth of our community. Good stewardship is needed now more than ever in our elected officials. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? I think the most pressing issue currently is what to do with the money of the sale of the hospital. I believe I have unique experience and insight on this issue. I was part of the hospital transaction task force and currently serve as President of the Floyd County Council. Protecting the money through perpetuity is one of the most important things we can do to change course in Floyd County and start to invest into our community. WHAT SHOULD THE COUNCIL DO TO MAKE SURE PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF FLOYD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ARE PRO-
der control, and I am no stranger to doing just that in my businesses. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY RIGHT NOW? The world needs strong, principled American leadership. We have the technology and the capable military to keep the American people and American way of life safe, but the Obama administration’s failed and fearful foreign policy has only increased our adversaries. We need to let our great military do its job to protect us, that means securing the southern border so foreign terrorists can’t come over it, taking the fight to ISIS, pushing back against dangerous cuts to our defense spending and troop levels, and refusing terrible diplomatic deals like the one with Iran. WHAT FUNDING MEASURES SHOULD
TECTED? The county should invest the principle ($75 million) in the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana for long-term protection of the money from the sale of the hospital. What is more pressing — employee raises or spending money on county infrastructure needs? Both issues are pressing. Infrastructure improvements would serve a lot more people in the community than pay raises, but the employees provide necessary services to this community and deserve a fair market wage for there work. WHAT CAN THE COUNTY COUNCIL DO TO START WORKING WITHIN ITS BUDGET? DO YOU SUPPORT A COUNTY-RUN DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAM? The county may now use the interest earned from the investment of the hospital money to balance the budget. The challenge for any government is to balance what kind of services the people expect verses what the people are willing to pay for those services. As far as a county-run drug and alcohol program, I do support the need for this program because of the rise in offenses. My continued effort is to see how the county-run drug and alcohol program can partner with local private services to enhance the effectiveness of the program and lessen the tax-dollar burden for those services.
BE TAKEN TO CURB THE NATIONWIDE ISSUE OF HEROIN AND OPIOID ABUSE? It is my belief that the best solutions for local issues come from local entities, like the states, law enforcement, businesses, and non-profits. Our federal government cannot see the specifics of local issues as acutely as those who work in our communities every day. That being said, we should look to the federal government to help cut off the supply of illegal drugs by securing our border. We should also expect our federal elected officials to stop stifling job growth by imposing burdens on our private sector. By adding opportunities and real careers, not just jobs, to a community, we can reduce the cycle of hopelessness that often leads to drug abuse. WHAT ARE SOME SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF BIPARTISAN ACTION YOU HAVE
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 people realize this. To retain teachers and students, NA-FC schools must be willing to innovate and to do so rapidly. The next 10 years will bring more changes than the last 100 and a school board must be nimble and creative or public education could disappear in Indiana. WHAT SORT OF DYNAMIC DO YOU EXPECT BETWEEN THE BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION? With only 2 seats up for election this year, the dynamic may not change at all. If there is one influence I hope to bring to the board it is a reassertion of its role in directing the administration rather than passively serving as advisors to the superintendent. WHAT KIND OF IMPORTANCE DO YOU PLACE ON PROGRAMS LIKE FORD NGL AND SIMILAR INITIATIVES?
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 our current teachers but also help recruit the best so that Floyd County can stay atop the list of best places for public education. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON COMBINING SOME COUNTY AND CITY OFFICES WHO DUPLICATE SERVICES? I fully believe that we are over regulated. We have many offices that are duplicated across the county and this only leads to more mismanagement and wasting of funds. I agree that consolidation is needed but has to be done in a way that does not affect the services being offered except for improving
TAKEN IN OFFICE OR PLAN TO TAKE IF ELECTED? I believe sharing my job-creating experiences with elected politicians can be informative to members of both parties as we craft legislation aimed at getting our government back on track. Hoosiers and Americans demand, expect, and need results from their government, and as a businessman, I know what it takes to get real results. Additionally, I am a supporter of term limits. While they are not popular with career politicians and insiders of either party, I believe term limits would better align the interests of the people with the interests of their elected officials, which is why I will support legislation to enact them for all members of Congress. I reaffirm my clear pledge not to serve more than eight years in the House; we need Representatives that don’t live by exception in D.C. forever.
I understand the goals of STEM programs - and the Ford program seeks to prepare high school students for the future workplace. However, I prefer STEAM approaches that include the arts as an integral part of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Chasing incentives can be costly and sometimes counterproductive, so I would need to give each approach more careful study. HOW SHOULD THE DISTRICT POISE ITSELF FOR THE GROWTH FROM THE OHIO RIVER BRIDGES PROJECT AND RIVER RIDGE? To the extent those will have any impact on growth, our school board needs to decide if and how they want to recruit and retain students and teachers. Since the per-pupil funding sources and amounts are far less than the cost of educating a student, the board will need to decide quickly if it wants to be a net importer of students or a net exporter.
them. WHAT IS FLOYD COUNTY’S MOST PRESSING INFRASTRUCTURE NEED? Roads and fast paced growth are our most pressing issues. The county continues to be a place being want to move to and that has led to a significant increase in new neighborhoods. This is not necessarily a bad thing but infrastructure such as roads have to be maintained or expanded to accommodate the influx of new residents. Both of these issues have to be handled hand in hand to keep the balance or else our growth will continue to outpace our ability to not only maintain our roads and infrastructure but also our ability to expand them.
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? Floyd County is facing a financial crisis. Our county offices lack the resources necessary to provide taxpayers with the services they deserve. The current County Councils’ approval of the sale of Floyd Memorial Hospital should not be hailed as an answer to our economic shortfall. The County Council needs to enact a budget that is not just balanced but realistically provides for the needs of the county. In order to accomplish this Floyd County needs more revenue. I believe the Council needs to concentrate it’s efforts on attracting new industry to our community and eliminating wasteful spending. The principle from the sale of the hospital should be invested and the interest generated should be used to pay current debts owed by the county. WHAT SHOULD THE COUNCIL DO TO MAKE SURE PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE OF FLOYD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ARE PROTECTED? I was not in favor of the current County Councils decision to sell Floyd Memorial Hospital. I believe the money was best protected in ownership of the hospital. Now that the hospital is sold I believe that the principle should be con-
servatively invested and only the interest should be spent. What is more pressing — employee raises or spending money on county infrastructure needs? It is my understanding that the County Council has hired a human resources company to study the current wage structure of our county employees. The results of that study should be available within the next few months. I believe that some salaries will need to be adjusted based on an employee’s education and experience level. Hopefully it will not result to an either or choice and resources will become available for infrastructure and some salary increases, WHAT CAN THE COUNTY COUNCIL DO TO START WORKING WITHIN ITS BUDGET? DO YOU SUPPORT A COUNTY-RUN DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAM? I think it is very difficult for the County Council to work within its current budget. This county needs to create new sources of revenue so that the council can provide funds for our county offices. It is vital to our community to support drug and alcohol treatment programs. As the County Coroner I can tell you first hand that this is a county wide problem that affects individuals of all socioeconomic backgrounds. Our jail is over crowded with individuals that would be better served in a treatment program.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 addicted to heroin and opioids. DO YOU SUPPORT INDIANA’S POLICE BODY CAMERA LAW REGARDING HOW LONG A DEPARTMENT MUST RETAIN FOOTAGE AND TO WHOM THEY MUST RELEASE THE FOOTAGE? WHY OR WHY NOT? I do support the law, and it is very disappointing to me that law enforcement agencies around the state, and notably within my district, are choosing to suspend body camera programs under the guise of cost. In my mind, body camera footage should be treated like any other form of physical evidence in a criminal proceeding, and should be treated with the same standards. WHAT ACTIONS WOULD YOU TAKE TO HELP RESOLVE THE STATE’S OPIOID EPIDEMIC? This is another area in which education is crucial. I am not overly big on needle exchange programs, although I do understand some of
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 Indiana Department of Child Services reported a 71% increase in the amount of children who had to be removed from homes due to parental drug abuse. This terrifying statistic is exactly why I authored legislation that would provide grants and guidance to help states modernize their adoption system so that we can drastically cut the time that children spend waiting to be placed into a permanent home with a loving family. WHAT ARE SOME SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF BIPARTISAN ACTION YOU HAVE TAKEN IN
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 (found on my website) is comprised of five main objectives which will be my top priorities as State Superintendent. First, we must work with all stakeholders to review school-funding related issues. Our students and educators must not ONLY have a seat at the table when legislators work to craft our state’s budget. They must have a voice AND the working relationships to ensure their voice is heard loud and clear. Secondly, we must establish and administer statewide assessment and accountability systems which are meaningful and manageable and centered on our children. The days of excessive testing are over. Next, we must work to increase Indiana’s broadband and network capacity so students in every corner of the state have access to a 21st century education. We must also address
the perceived benefits, but simply enabling the problem through free needles and handing out Narcan like trick or treat candy is not improving the situation. Through measures I would propose and/or sponsor, the state would be able to get the resources to begin taking sensible measures, such as creating or expanding measures to identify and treat incarcerated individuals, drug take-back programs, and prescription monitoring programs, for a start. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS TO ADDRESS AND IMPROVE INDIANA’S INFRASTRUCTURE? This is going to be the answer everyone was expecting from a Libertarian candidate- legalize recreational marijuana. The proof is already out there- a sensible approach to legalization will not only result in more commerce entering the state through new business, commercial real estate transactions, and through the jobs this new industry would create. The revenue the state would reap through taxes and licensing fees can be used to improve infrastructure and allow us to more comprehensively address issues such as the heroin/opioid crisis.
OFFICE OR PLAN TO TAKE IF ELECTED? Good ideas are never partisan, and that’s why I have joined with my Democratic colleagues on numerous occasions to pass legislation that would push this country forward. From introducing my Social Impact Partnerships to Pay for Results Act that would reduce poverty while saving taxpayers money, to working with Senator Joe Donnelly to restore the 40 hour workweek with the Save American Workers Act, to helping make college more affordable with Rep. Jared Polis, I understand the value of working across the aisle to get things done for Americans.
the teacher shortage in Indiana. To attract and retain the best teachers, we must give teachers not only outstanding professional development opportunities and instructional autonomy, we must acknowledge teacher pay matters! Finally, we must purposefully address and close the kindergarten readiness gap. This goal can be accomplished by crafting a fiscally sound and well-thought path to universal pre-K in our state. Yet, it will require close consultation with all stakeholders so we do not saddle districts with mandates which are too often unrealistic and unfunded. My five objectives for the Indiana Department of Education are nonpartisan. They are key to an actionable roadmap for getting Indiana’s education moving forward. We can accomplish these objectives, but it will require a renewed and steadfast commitment to put politics aside and ensure students are our priority.
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 As a former business owner, I understand the challenges facing small business. I understand how difficult it is to start and run a business. I understand how bureaucracy and regulations can keep our businesses from thriving and hiring more people. I also understand the challenge of finding and retaining good employees. I understand these things because I have experienced them for myself. Even my job as a Qualified Diesel Mechanic has honed skills that I can use as a Congressman. As a Mechanic I can’t be afraid to roll up my sleeves and get dirty. When you fix things for a living you tend to concentrate on finding the solutions to problems rather than the problems themselves. From day one I will dive in to fix what is broken in our government. W E B S I T E / FAC E B O O K / T W I T T E R : Website: www.electbrooksbank.com; Facebook: www.facebook.com/electrussellbrooksbank/ WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR THIS OFFICE? I am running for three reasons. The first reason is that I want to leave for my children and grandchildren a country of the people, by the people, and for the people as opposed to a country of the special interests, by the special interests, and for the special interests. It’s time to get our government working for us again instead of working against us. The second reason is to give a voice to the multitude of disenfranchised voters who feel their voice is not being heard. I want to be the voice of the Republican voter that believes their party has left them and their values. I want to be the voice of the Democratic voter that is tired of their party selling out principle for power. I want to be the voice of the disaffected voters who don’t even bother to vote because they fell their vote does not make a difference. The third reason that I’m running is because I believe we have a right to good government. I also believe we have a responsibility to elect good representatives. If we can’t find anyone then it is up to us to stand up and take the challenge. I don’t believe either of my opponents are good
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 I will work as a team member with all agencies involved in the death investigation. I will establish standard operation
for Indiana. My Republican opponent is a carpetbagger that moved here to throw his money around and buy our seat in Congress. He claims that he is a Hoosier because he has a business here. Well, Lakshmi Mittal owns Inland Steel, a company that operates out of Northwest Indiana, and he resides in London, England. Is he a Hoosier? Should he be able to move to Indiana just in time to try to buy our seat in the United States House of Representatives? I believe the answer is, “No!” Tennessee Trey is no more a Hoosier than Lakshmi Mittal, and together we Hoosiers need to say #DontTreyMeBro this November. My Democratic opponent is no better. We have already rejected her once. She is nothing new from the Democratic Party. Her answer to our problems is more government and more taxes. On this front we need to stand together and remind Mrs. Yoder that #NoMeansNoShelli. Because I do not have good representatives to vote for who will secure our rights, then I believe it is my duty as an American to step up and in the gap between the government and my fellow Hoosiers. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? The fact that I’m a real Hoosier whose only desire is to secure our rights is what makes me the best candidate for this office. My opponents are seeking to further grow government’s involvement in our life. I want to shrink it and possibly eliminate it. We don’t need our bedrooms governed. We don’t need our pocketbooks governed. We don’t need our lives governed. We need our government governed, and, if elected, I aim to do just that. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The most pertinent issue I would like to pursue, the place I believe our government is most broken, is our loss of liberty. We have a Federal Government that is steadily encroaching on the rights of the citizens and the rights of the states to govern themselves. Legislation like the Patriot Act, the indefinite detention clause of the NDAA, the incessant spying on our own people by the NSA, and the assault on our first, second and fourth
amendment rights are all liberty killing measures I want to fight against. As your Congressman, I will fight this with a twofold attack. First, I will vote against any piece of legislation that infringes on our liberty. That’s the easy part. The second, and more difficult part, will be to work to have all the liberty killing legislation repealed and removed from our books. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY RIGHT NOW? The biggest threat to our national security right now is our constant meddling in the affairs of other nations. I believe that the best thing we can do for the security of our people and our homeland would be to get out of the business of regime change. We need to quit meddling in the affairs of other countries. It creates massive blowback which, in turn, creates a very real security threat for our people and the homeland. The mess in the Middle East will not be solved by us constantly creating a vacuum of power. Each time we remove one government a worse one fills the void. We need to leave them to fight their own wars and attack only after we, ourselves, are attacked. Then we attack to win and destroy the enemy. Nothing more. Nothing less. The second biggest threat is our national debt. We can’t defend ourselves if we can’t buy ammunition to fire at the enemy. We need to balance our budget. We need to bring our troops home to defend our border, not Japan or Germany. Those countries can afford to defend themselves. We need to spend within our means and tighten our belts to pay down this debt. Proverbs says that the borrower is slave to the lender. I believe that, and I believe we need to stop selling our children’s future security for a little luxury today. WHAT FUNDING MEASURES SHOULD BE TAKEN TO CURB THE NATIONWIDE ISSUE OF HEROIN AND OPIOID ABUSE? In 1971 Richard Nixon started the “War on Drugs”. After 45 years, over 1 trillion dollars spent, and millions of lives destroyed, it is time to stop the madness! It’s time to end this war! Not only is the “War on Drugs” ineffectual, and a waste of money because it has done nothing to stop the flow of
drugs, it has actually destroyed lives. You will be hard pressed to find someone who’s life has not been touched by this war. Whether you know someone who has spent time in prison for self medicating because our government refuses them access to a life changing, and in some cases, life saving medication, or you live, or you know someone who lives, in Scott County where we’re dealing with the HIV epidemic because it’s illegal for people to buy clean needles, or you know someone that is struggling with addiction but is too scared to get help for fear of going to jail or being stigmatized, know this, you are not alone. The only thing prohibition did for us was make organized crime rich, increase violence, and turn everyday citizens into criminals. It’s time to stop the madness, to end the war on everyday people who use drugs the same way they use alcohol, responsibly. It’s time to appropriate our tax dollars to wage a war on the real problem, addiction. We need to treat addiction as the health issue it is instead of as a legal one. We need to take every dime spent now on this “War on Drugs” and instead use it to fund a “War on Addiction”. WHAT ARE SOME SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF BIPARTISAN ACTION YOU HAVE TAKEN IN OFFICE OR PLAN TO TAKE IF ELECTED? The best thing we can do to improve bipartisan cooperation in DC is for everyone to lose the tribal mentality. We need to remember what we’re sent there to do. We’re not there to secure a seat for our party, or to make sure the other side loses. We’re there to serve the people of our district. I will help promote compromise by remembering that and listening to ideas no matter who they are coming from. Ideas do not have a party. If it’s a good idea then I’ll listen to it. If it’s a bad one then I’ll say so. I believe that I’m the best choice between my opponents and myself to encourage bipartisan action. As a Libertarian, I hold similar views, with members of both old parties. I am financially responsible and socially accepting. I will be able to find common ground with anybody and use that as a starting point to get things done.
procedure for all death investigations that follow certified death investigation guide lines. I will require all of my staff to be Certified Medico- Legal Death Investigators. HOW IMPORTANT IS IT THAT THE CORONER’S OFFICE IS ACCESSIBLE TO THE
PUBLIC? HOW WOULD YOU MAINTAIN THAT ACCESSIBILITY? Communication between our office and the community is of utmost importance to me. I already have an established administrative staff in place, that can carry out this
communication. Many families have questions about the death of their loved ones and these questions should be answered in a timely and caring way. I will maintain a phone number that is answered by a person 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 increased population likely to arise from new development, so the county needs to be prepared with a new comprehensive plans, drainage ordinance and zoning plan. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? I am the most experienced candidate running for this office. Working with developers, new businesses, and multi-million dollar budgets isn’t something that you learn to do overnight. It takes years to master the workings of government. Clark County can’t afford to elect a commissioner that will require extensive on-the-job training. Clark County will need strong leadership to see it through the next four years. The potential our county’s future holds is exciting, but we can’t underestimate the challenges ahead. I’ve served in leadership posts both within the Clark County Republican Party and on the Jeffersonville City Council, where I twice served as council president. I’m ready to get to work for all of Clark County’s residents.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The budget crisis is the most pressing issue. The problem is of such a magnitude both spending and revenue will have to be addressed to solve it. On the revenue side, close scrutiny must be given to every attempt to create a new taxing entity or tax exempt entity that cuts into county revenues. No new TIF districts or taxing authorities which divert money from the county general fund should be authorized while there is a budget shortfall. Current leaders have been appealing to the state for help with the revenue side, requesting the county be able to tax its citizens more. However, I would reach out and ask for relief on the spending side. Much of what county government does and how it does it is mandated by the state. Given the county will only have approximately half the money it needs to operate at its current size, everything the county is funding that is not mandated by the state should be eliminated. ARE THE CURRENT BUDGET MANDATES A SUSTAINABLE WAY TO RUN CLARK COUNTY? ARE THERE OTHER SPECIFIC WAYS TO INCREASE REVE-
WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The most pressing is the county budget. The commissioners do not control or set the budget; that is the responsibility of the County Council. However, when there is not enough money coming into the county and the state cuts the budget each year, it affects the entire county. County officials are running their departments as well as they can to still provide needed services to everyone in the county. I will continue to work with the state officials, as the county council has done, to help rectify this issue. WHAT IS YOUR PLAN TO IMPROVE THE COUNTY’S ROADS AND BRIDGES? I would continue to work with County Highway Department to repair the bridges in-house, when possible, rather than outsourcing the work to save costs. How would you help with the transition of the area after the East End bridge opens? As a former Jeffersonville City Council member, I have already had a hand in helping the county get ready for the opening of the East End Bridge. The River Ridge commerce Center, The Port of Indiana,
NUE IN THE COUNTY? No, the mandates are not sustainable. They make it impossible for the county to adequately budget, and they take the “power of the purse” away from those elected to represent the citizens’ interests. The only way to increase revenue in the county is to get the state’s permission to increase the tax levy, permission that has not been forthcoming even after considerable pressure from local leaders. The county must take a closer look at ways they are losing revenue they would otherwise capture, such as money that is diverted by TIF districts. WHAT SPECIFIC STEPS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO IMPROVE THE COUNTY’S FINANCIAL SITUATION? Cut all spending not mandated by the state. Lobby the state for relief from existing mandates and to prevent new ones. Do not authorize new taxing districts or authorities that divert money from the county’s general fund. WOULD YOU SUPPORT A WHEEL TAX? WHY OR WHY NOT? Absolutely not. Wheel taxes are regressive taxes that do the most harm to those least able to afford it. Someone struggling to get a car on the road in order to work should not be subject to yet another imposed cost.
Clark County, the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana Department of Transportation, and the Kentuckiana Regional Planning and Development Agency partnered together to fund the construction of the heavy-haul corridor. This will help to relieve Ind. 62 of commercial traffic. A stoplight has already been placed on Salem-Noble Road to help traffic safely cross Ind. 62. Going forward, we need to continue to work with INDOT, KIPDA, and our local government bodies to ensure that issues are addressed as they are identified. HOW SHOULD A COMMISSIONER GOVERN TO REACH A WIDE SPECTRUM OF RESIDENTS GEOGRAPHICALLY ACROSS THE COUNTRY? It is important to know the concerns of each community in Clark County. Because Clark County is so large, each area has a different set of concerns and issues. The only way I know of to govern better is to meet with the people and learn about their concerns. While visiting with county residents during my primary campaign, I learned the top concern was urban sprawl and how it is going to affect the rural areas of Clark County. The next-largest concern
was public safety. Had I not spoken directly with the people in the county’s unincorporated areas, I would not have known of these concerns. Public officials don’t know it all. We need to have input from the public to make sure what we’re doing is in the best interest of the people we serve. We will have regular public meetings throughout the county to keep members of the community informed, as well as a place for residents to voice their concerns. WOULD YOU SUPPORT A WHEEL TAX? WHY OR WHY NOT? No. Any revenue generated by the wheel tax would have a minimal impact on the county’s ability to sustain its existing infrastructure, which it’s been able to do without the need for a wheel tax. The county’s general fund is the problem area, which is a separate budget category that a wheel tax wouldn’t alieve. The majority of the revenue from a wheel tax would be given to the municipalities because the distribution is based on population and not the number of miles of roads. The municipalities aren’t hurting for revenue. This new tax would create minimal benefit for anyone.
to hire competent companies able to get the job done without costing the taxpayers millions in overages. Contracts will be closely looked at and competitively bid upon to insure the county will not sustain a deficit at the end of the project. HOW WOULD YOU HELP WITH THE TRANSITION OF THE AREA AFTER THE EAST END BRIDGE OPENS? I believe that when the East end Bridge opens up it will help tremendously on traffic down Middle Road and the Ohio River Scenic Byway. I think the opening of the bridge, while being wonderful for the county, will take care of itself and we can focus on more pressing issues at hand. HOW SHOULD A COMMISSIONER GOVERN TO REACH A WIDE SPECTRUM OF RESIDENTS GEOGRAPHICALLY ACROSS THE COUNTRY? As a commissioner, I will help notify the communities of public meetings and give adequate notice of serious issues the residence should be aware of. I plan to meet with as many communities and municipal leaders as I can over the next four years to best understand their concerns and find solutions that we can agree upon. WOULD YOU SUPPORT A WHEEL TAX? WHY OR WHY NOT? I will absolutely not support a “wheel” tax. Not only because I am a Libertarian, but because of my constitutional principals and not wanting to create an even grater burden on the families paying those taxes.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THIS OFFICE? What makes myself the best candidate is that I have the public’s interest at heart. I have no prior agendas and I am not beholden to any special interest groups. I am here with Freedom and Liberty in mind. WHAT IS THE MOST PRESSING ISSUE FACING THIS OFFICE AND HOW DO YOU PROPOSE HANDLING IT? The largest problem facing Clark County would be our budget. Clark County has a shortfall of around $9.2 million, just short of our Constitutional limit. Our county is almost in a position to where the State of Indiana could come in and take control of the county and its offices if bankruptcy is filed. That would be something none of us want to see. I will help fix this issue by urging local municipalities to meet with us, as well as, County Council members and State Legislatures to devise a plan that best fits our community and our county. WHAT IS YOUR PLAN TO IMPROVE THE COUNTY’S ROADS AND BRIDGES? Clark County has had many improvements to it’s transportation infrastructure over the recent years that has went completely over budget and past deadline. I will continue to fix existing roadways and bridges if elected to office as long as we are not moving family homes and communities to do so. We need
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WHAT KIND OF IMPORTANCE DO YOU PLACE ON PROGRAMS LIKE FORD NGL AND SIMILAR INITIATIVES? High - it is a model of best practices and collaborative efforts working in the best interest of student success. HOW SHOULD THE DISTRICT POISE ITSELF FOR THE GROWTH FROM THE OHIO RIVER BRIDGES PROJECT AND RIVER RIDGE? We already have room in some of our North Eastern schools (Charlestown and New Washington) for growth. Once enrollment increases, we will be able to hire the staff needed. However, TIF districts and tax caps continue to strangle our ability to build new facilities. The State legislators need to collaborate with us on how to maneuver those road blocks.
ARE THE CURRENT BUDGET MANDATES A SUSTAINABLE WAY TO RUN CLARK COUNTY? ARE THERE OTHER SPECIFIC WAYS TO INCREASE REVENUE IN THE COUNTY? Unfunded mandates are always a problem. The voters need to elect state representatives who are opposed to and who will vote to repeal all unfunded mandate legislation. The only valid way to increase county rev-
enue is to attract new business and more residents who will add to the revenue pool. WHAT SPECIFIC STEPS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO IMPROVE THE COUNTY’S FINANCIAL SITUATION? Eliminate all spending on items not mandated by state law when practical and possible. Getting spending under control is the main step. WOULD YOU SUPPORT A WHEEL TAX? WHY OR WHY NOT? No I would not. I am opposed to any tax increases and new taxes.