Le porcellane rivestimenti pasta bianca White-body wall tiles - Wandfliesen weiß-scherbig Revêtement en pâte blanche - Revestimientos en pasta blanca
I pavimenti grès fine porcellanato smaltato Floor tiles glazed porcelain stoneware Bodenfliesen glasiertes feinsteinzeug Carrelages sols grès cérame émaillé Pavimentos en gres fino porcelánico esmaltado
34x56 34x bord bordo retti rettificato
20x40 20x
bord bordo natu naturale
grande gioia grande gioia Letteralmente il termine Bliss significa grande gioia, beatitudine. Massima espressione del rivestimento italiano, del gusto e del design Made in Italy, Bliss è una collezione contemporanea che si ispira al colore: ben otto basi diverse con una trama definita da un tenue millerighe, grazie alla continuità garantita dal grande formato rettificato 34x56, sono capaci di far letteralmente vibrare le pareti. Attualissimi nella moda e nell’arredo, righe e fiori, trame optical, farfalle con un guizzo grafico e profili volumetrici creano ambienti di grande stile e per tutti i gusti. La moda e il design infatti non hanno dubbi: effetti ottici e contorni sottolineati sono l’ultimo grido! La collezione Bliss è realizzata in monoporosa a pasta bianca nel grande formato rettificato che crea pareti continue dove la trama multiriga si sviluppa senza interruzioni, creando ambienti avvolgenti, raffinati, di grande attualità, coordinata con un pavimento dedicato in gres porcellanato smaltato effetto pixel.
La varietà dei fondi e dei componenti decorativi (dalle piccolissime bacchette, alle fasce volumetriche, ai pannelli e composizioni macro) è pensata per chi ha gusto e voglia di mostrare agli amici una casa curata anche nei dettagli, per chi ama unire gli stili, combinando pezzi classici e oggetti d’avanguardia, per chi vive il bagno come spazio di benessere e di piacevole cura di sé.
Bliss, in its widest interpretation, means greatest joy and beatitude. It is the fullest expression of Italian ceramic wall tiles, taste and Italian design. Bliss is a contemporary collection which takes its cue from colour. There are eight different colour bases with thousands of soft fine streaks which, in the large edge-ground x56 size, appear continuous, giving walls a vibration all of their own. The very latest thing in both fashion and interior design: flowers and stripes, optical illusions, graphic flights of butterflies and geometric profiles make it all happen in grand style whatever your taste. Fashion and design have no qualms about it: optical effects and an accent on surrounds are where it’s at!
The variety of the field tiles and the decorative elements (from the tiny liner bars to the wide border tiles and the big composition panels) were created for people with style they want to share with friends, a home where even the details count, people who like to mix and match styles by putting the old and the avantgarde side by side and whose bathrooms are real living spaces where well-being is part of the pleasure.
The Bliss collection is made of white body single-fired porous tiles in edge-ground large sizes which appear to connect together around the walls, with thousands of interwoven streaks that just go on and on, giving rooms a hugging, feel good, look good atmosphere, very contemporary with matching glazed porcelain stoneware pixel pattern floor tiles.
Blueberry 34x56 - Coconut 34x56 - Optical Coconut/Blueberry 17x56 - Coconut 34x34
Candy 34x56 - Coconut 34x56 - Butterfly Coconut 34x56 - Optical Coconut/Candy 17x56 - Candy 34x34
Coconut 34x56 - Blueberry 34x56 - Coconut Bloom decoro 34x56, Coconut Bloom mensola 11x34x3,5 - Coconut Bloom Listello F1 5x34
Cream 34x56 - Mint 34x56 - Butterfly Cream 34x56 - Mint Jewel List. 0,6x28 - Cream 34x34
Leaves Blueberry 34x56 - Coconut 34x56 - Blueberry 34x34
Honey 20x40 - Coffee 20x40 - Mirror Honey 20x40 - Honey 35x35
Coconut 20x40 - Pepper 20x40 - Coconut Sweety dec. 20x40 - Coconut Sweety Listello 5x20 - Listello Spell F1 1x40 - Pepper 35x35
Cream 20x40 - Coffee 20x40 - Cream Fairy Dec. 20x40 - Coffee Fairy Listello 6x40 - Listello Spell C1 1x40 - Coffee 35x35
dettagli di pavimento
details of floor tiles - FuĂ&#x;bodendetail - dĂŠtails de sol - detalles de pavimento
BL0156 bliss coconut 34x56 cm. - 131/2x22”
BL0356 bliss pepper 34x56 cm. - 131/2x22”
BL0656 bliss candy 34x56 cm. - 131/2x22”
BL0756 bliss blueberry 34x56 cm. - 131/2x22”
BL01RJ bliss coconut rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL03RJ bliss pepper rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL06RJ bliss candy rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL07RJ bliss blueberry rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL0734 bliss blueberry 34x34 cm. - 131/2x131/2”
Pavimenti coordinati - Coordinated floors - Sols coordonnés - Koordinierte Bodenbelage
BL0134 bliss coconut 34x34 cm. - 131/2x131/2”
100 PEI IV
BL0334 bliss pepper 34x34 cm. - 131/2x131/2”
100 PEI IV
BL0634 bliss candy 34x34 cm. - 131/2x131/2”
BL06LD 101 bliss candy optical list. 17x56 cm. - 65/7x22”
BL07LD 101 bliss blueberry optical list. 17x56 cm. - 65/7x22”
BL01DC bliss coconut butterfly dec. 68x112 cm. - 263/4x44”
BL01LD 101 bliss coconut optical list. 17x56 cm. - 65/7x22”
BL03LB bliss pepper jewel list. 0,6x28 cm. - 2/8x11”
BL06LB bliss candy jewel list. 0,6x28 cm. - 2/8x11”
BL07LB bliss blueberry jewel list. 0,6x28 cm. - 2/8x11”
BL01DF bliss coconut bloom dec. 34x56 cm. - 131/2x22”
BL01LF1 bliss coconut bloom list. F1 5x34 cm. - 2x131/2”
BL01AE bliss coconut bloom ang. est. 5x1,5 cm. - 2x1/2”
BL01MF bliss coconut 165 bloom mensola 1 1 11x34x3,5 cm. - 4 /4x13 /2x11/2”
BL01LF bliss coconut bloom listello F 11x34 cm. - 41/4x131/2”
BL0256 bliss cream 34x56 cm. - 131/2x22”
BL0456 bliss honey 34x56 cm. - 131/2x22”
BL0556 bliss mint 34x56 cm. - 131/2x22”
BL0856 bliss coffee 34x56 cm. - 131/2x22”
BL02RJ bliss cream rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL04RJ bliss honey rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL05RJ bliss mint rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL08RJ bliss coffee rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL0834 bliss coffee 34x34 cm. - 131/2x131/2”
Pavimenti coordinati - Coordinated floors - Sols coordonnés - Koordinierte Bodenbelage
BL0234 bliss cream 34x34 cm. - 131/2x131/2”
100 PEI IV
BL0434 bliss honey 34x34 cm. - 131/2x131/2”
100 PEI IV
BL0534 bliss mint 34x34 cm. - 131/2x131/2”
BL04LD 101 bliss honey optical list. 17x56 cm. - 65/7x22”
BL02DC bliss cream butterfly dec. 68x112 cm. - 263/4x44”
BL04LB bliss honey jewel list. 0,6x28 cm. - 2/8x11”
BL05LB bliss mint jewel list. 0,6x28 cm. - 2/8x11”
BL08LB bliss coffee jewel list. 0,6x28 cm. - 2/8x11”
BL02DF bliss cream bloom dec. 34x56 cm. - 131/2x22”
BL02LF1 bliss cream bloom list. F1 5x34 cm. - 2x131/2”
BL02AE bliss cream bloom ang. est. 5x1,5 cm. - 2x1/2”
BL02MF bliss cream 165 bloom mensola 1 1 11x34x3,5 cm. - 4 /4x13 /2x11/2”
BL02LF bliss cream bloom listello F 11x34 cm. - 41/4x131/2”
LA COMPOSIZIONE BL07LE bliss blueberry leaves list. 8,5x34 cm. - 31/4x131/2”
BL08LE bliss coffee leaves list. 8,5x34 cm. - 31/4x131/2”
BL0LAF bliss list. spell F 1x56 cm. - 1/2x22”
BL08DE bliss coffee leaves dec. 68x112 cm. - 263/4x44”
BL07DE bliss blueberry leaves dec. 68x112 cm. - 263/4x44”
BL0LAC bliss list. spell C 1x56 cm. - 1/2x22”
BL0124 bliss coconut 087 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
BL0324 bliss pepper 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
BL01RJ bliss coconut 029 rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
069 BL01DG bliss coconut fairy dec. 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
BL07LG 044 bliss blueberry fairy list.G 6x40 cm.
BL0624 bliss candy 087 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
BL0724 bliss blueberry 087 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
BL03RJ bliss pepper 029 rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL06RJ bliss candy 029 rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL07RJ bliss blueberry 029 rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
085 BL03DH bliss pepper mirror dec. 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
085 BL06DH bliss candy mirror dec. 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
098 BL01DI bliss coconut sweety dec. 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
BL03LH 057 bliss pepper mirror list. 4x40 cm.
BL07LG1 bliss blueberry fairy list. G1 6x20 cm. - 23/8x8”
BL06LH 057 bliss candy mirror list. 4x40 cm. 15/8x16”
BL0LAF1 bliss list. spell F1 1x40 cm. - 1/2x16” 031
059 BL01LI bliss coconut sweety list. 5x20 cm. - 2x8”
Pavimenti coordinati - Coordinated floors - Sols coordonnés - Koordinierte Bodenbelage
BL0135 bliss coconut 35x35 cm. - 133/4x133/4”
089 PEI IV
BL0335 bliss pepper 35x35 cm. - 133/4x133/4”
089 PEI IV
BL0635 bliss candy 35x35 cm. - 133/4x133/4”
089 PEI IV
BL0735 bliss blueberry 35x35 cm. - 133/4x133/4”
BL0224 bliss cream 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
BL0424 bliss honey 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
BL0524 bliss mint 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
BL0824 bliss coffee 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
BL02RJ bliss cream 029 rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL04RJ bliss honey 029 rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL05RJ bliss mint 029 rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
BL08RJ bliss coffee 029 rac. jolly 1x28 cm. - 1/2x11”
069 BL02DG bliss cream fairy dec. 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
085 BL04DH bliss honey mirror dec. 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
085 BL05DH bliss mint mirror dec. 20x40 cm. - 8x16”
059 BL02LI bliss cream sweety list. 5x20 cm. - 2x8”
BL08LG 044 bliss coffee fairy list. G 6x40 cm. 23/8x16”
BL04LH 057 bliss honey mirror list. 4x40 cm. 15/8x16”
BL08LG1 bliss coffee fairy list. G1 6x20 cm. - 23/8x8”
BL05LH 057 bliss mint mirror list. 4x40 cm. 15/8x16”
BL0LAC1 bliss list. spell C1 1x40 cm. - 1/2x16” 031
Pavimenti coordinati - Coordinated floors - Sols coordonnés - Koordinierte Bodenbelage
BL0235 bliss cream 35x35 cm. - 133/4x133/4”
089 PEI IV
BL0435 bliss honey 35x35 cm. - 133/4x133/4”
089 PEI IV
BL0535 bliss mint 35x35 cm. - 133/4x133/4”
089 PEI IV
BL0835 bliss coffee 35x35 cm. - 133/4x133/4”
Packing table - Tableau des emballages - Verpackuungs tabelle - Tabla de los embalajes
Tipologia Product Typology Produktypologie Typologie de produit Tipo
Formato Sizes Maben Dimensions Formato
cm. 34x56
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 6
m2 1,142
kg. 22,40
Box-Karton-boîte 36
m2 41,13
kg. 831,40
inches 131/2x22"
pcs. 6
sq. ft. 12,29
Ibs. 49,28
box 36
sq. ft. 442,68
Ibs. 1829,08
cm. 20x40
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 12
m 0,960
kg. 16,75
Box-Karton-boîte 64
m 61,44
kg. 1097,00
pcs. 12
sq. ft. 10,33
Ibs. 36,85
box 64
sq. ft. 661,27
Ibs. 2413,40
Non Rettificato
cm. 35x35
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 11
m2 1,348
kg. 24,80
Box-Karton-boîte 44
m2 59,29
kg. 1116,20
Non Rettificato
inches 133/4x133/4"
pcs. 11
sq. ft. 14,50
Ibs. 54,56
box 44
sq. ft. 638,13
Ibs. 2455,64
cm. 34x34
Box-Karton-boîte 44
m2 55,95
kg. 1089,80
sq. ft. 602,18
Ibs. 2397,56
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 11
m2 1,272
kg. 24,20
inches 131/2x131/2"
pcs. 11
sq. ft. 13,69
Ibs. 53,24
cm. 112x68"
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 4
m2 0,762
kg. 15,00
inches 44x27"
pcs. 4
sq. ft. 8,20
Ibs. 33,00
cm. 34x56
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 3
m2 0,571
kg. 11,10
inches 131/2x22"
pcs. 3
sq. ft. 6,14
Ibs. 24,42
cm. 20x40
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 4
m2 0,320
kg. 5,60
inches 8x16"
pcs. 4
sq. ft. 3,44
Ibs. 12,32
cm. 17x56
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 4
m2 0,381
kg. 7,60
inches 65/7x22"
pcs. 4
sq. ft. 4,10
Ibs. 16,72
Butterfly/Leaves Decoro
Bloom Decoro
Fairy/Sweety/Mirror Decoro
Optical Listello
cm. 11x34
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 2
m 0,075
kg. 3,00
Bloom Mensola
inches 42/4x131/2" cm. 11x34x3,5 inches 42/4x131/2x11/2"
pcs. 2 Pz.-stk.-pcs. 1 pcs. 1
sq. ft. 0,80 m2 0,037 sq. ft. 0,39
Ibs. 6,60 kg. 1,50 Ibs. 3,30
Leaves Listello
cm. 8,5x34 inches 31/4x131/2"
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 4 pcs. 4
m2 0,116 sq. ft. 1,24
kg. 1,20 Ibs. 2,64
cm. 6x40
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 4
m2 0,096
kg. 1,60
inches 23/8x16"
pcs. 4
sq. ft. 1,03
Ibs. 3,52
cm. 5x34 inches 2x131/2" cm. 6x20 inches 23/8x16" cm. 5x20
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 4 pcs. 4 Pz.-stk.-pcs. 6 pcs. 6 Pz.-stk.-pcs. 6
m2 0,068 sq. ft. 0,73 m2 0,072 sq. ft. 0,77 m2 0,060
kg. 0,72 Ibs. 1,58 kg. 1,20 Ibs. 2,64 kg. 1,20
inches 2x8"
pcs. 6
sq. ft. 0,64
Ibs. 2,64
cm. 4x40
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 4
m2 0,064
kg. 1,20
Bloom Listello F
Bloom Listello F1
Fairy Listello G1
Sweety Listello
Mirror Listello
inches 15/8x16"
Listello Spell C/F
Listello Spell C1/F1
Raccordo Jolly
Jewel Listello
Bloom Ang.Est.
pcs. 4
sq. ft. 0,68
Ibs. 2,64
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 4
m2 0,022
kg. 0,40
inches 1/2x22"
pcs. 4
sq. ft. 0,23
Ibs. 0,88
cm. 1x40
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 4
m2 0,016
kg. 0,28
inches 1/2x16"
pcs. 4
sq. ft. 0,17
Ibs. 0,61
cm. 1x28 inches 1/2x11"
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 8 pcs. 8
m2 0,022 sq. ft. 0,23
kg. 0,48 Ibs. 1,05
cm. 0,6x28 inches 2/8x11"
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 6 pcs. 6
m2 0,010 sq. ft. 0,10
kg. 0,18 Ibs. 0,39
cm. 1,5x5 inches 11/4x15/8"
Pz.-stk.-pcs. 20 pcs. 20
m2 0,015 sq. ft. 0,16
kg. 0,50 Ibs. 1,1
cm. 1x56
tabella imballi
Confezione x pallet Packing x pallet Verpackung x palette Conditionnement x palette Paquete x palet
inches 8x16"
Fairy Listello G
Confezione x scatola Packing x box Verpackung x karton Conditionnement x boîte Paquete x caja
box 44
Caratteristica tecnica Physical properties Technische daten Caracteristique technique Caracteristícas técnicas
Metodica di prova Testing method Prüfverfahren Norme d’essais Metodologia de pruebas
Valore prescritto Required standards Normvorgabe Valeur prescrite Valores prescritos
Valore prodotto Product values Produkt werte Valeur produit Valor producto
Assorbimento d’acqua Water absorption - Wasseraufnahme Absorption d’eau - Absorcón del agua
EN ISO 10545-3 (ex EN 99)
BIb ≥ 0,5% < 3%
Conforme - Conforming - Erfüllt - Conforme
Dimensioni Sizes Abmessungen Dimensions Dimensiones
Caratteristiche tecniche
Technical features - Technische eigenschaften - Caracteristiques techniques - Caracteristícas técnicas
CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE GRÈS FINE PORCELLANATO SMALTATO - Conformi a Norme Europee EN 14411 App. H (Gruppo Blb) TECHNICAL FEATURES GLAZED PORCELAIN STONEWARE - Conforming to European Standards EN 14411 App. H (Gruppo Blb) TECHNISCHE EIGENSCHAFTEN GLASIERTES FEINSTEINZEUG - Gemäß den Europäischen Normen EN 14411 App. H (Gruppo Blb) CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES GRÈS CÉRAME ÉMAILLÉ - Conformes aux Normes Européennes EN 14411 App. H (Gruppo Blb) CARACTERSTÍCAS TÉCNICAS GRES FINO PORCELÁNICO ESMALTADO - Conforme con las Normas Europeas EN 14411 App. H (Gruppo Blb)
EN ISO 10545-2 (ex EN 98)
- Lunghezza e larghezza - Length and width ±0.6% Länge und Breite - Longueur et largeur Longitud y anchura - Spessore - Thickness - Stärke - Epaisseur - Espesor ±5% - Rettilineità spigoli - Linearity - Kantengeradheit ±0.5% Rectitude des aretês - Rectilineidad de los cantos max - Ortogonalità - Wedging - Rechtwinkligkeit ±0.6% Orthogonalité - Ortogonalidad - Planarità - Warpage - Ebenflächigkeit - Planéité - Planitud ±0.5% - Aspetto: percentuale di piastrelle accettabili nel lotto - Appearance: percentage of acceptable tiles, per lot - Oberflächenbeschaffenheit: Prozentsatz der Fliesen, die den gefordeten Eigenschaften entsprechen - Aspect: pourcentage de carreaux acceptables sur la fourniture totale - Aspecto:porcentaje de azullejos aceptables en el lote
Non Rettificato
Rettificato ±0,05% ±3% ±0,05%
Conforme Conforming Erfüllt Conforme
±0,05% ±0,2%
Conforme Conforming Erfüllt Conforme
Conforme Conforming Erfüllt Conforme
Resistenza alla flessione Bending strength - Biegezugfestigkeit Résistance à la flexion - Resistencia a la flexión
EN ISO 10545-4 (ex EN 100)
30 N/mm 2 Minimo
Coefficiente di dilatazione termica lineare Thermal expansion coefficient Wärmeausdehnung Coefficient de dilatation thermique linéaire Coeficiente de dilatatación termica lineal
EN ISO 10545-8 (ex EN 103)
9 MK -1
Resistenza agli sbalzi termici Thermal shock resistance Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit Résistance aux écarts de température Resistencia a los cambios bruscos de temperatura
EN ISO 10545-9 (ex EN 104)
Nessuna alterazione No alteration Keine Veränderung Aucune alteration Ninguna alteracion
Resistenti Resistant Widerstandsfahig Résistants Resistentes
Resistenza chimica (escluso prodotti contenenti HF) Resistance to chemical products (except for products containing HF) Widerstand gegen Chemikalien (ausgenommen HF und deren Verbindungen) Résistance aux produits chimiques (sauf produits contenant HF) Resistencia a los productos químicos (a excepciòn de los productos que contienen HF)
EN ISO 10545-13 (ex EN 122)
Secondo le indicazioni del produttore Following producer’s guidelines Nach der Herstellersrichtlinien Selon les indications du fabricant Según las indicaciones del fabricante
Nessuna alterazione No alteration Keine Veränderung Aucune alteration Ninguna alteracion
Resistenza alle macchie di piastrelle smaltate Resistance to staining of glazed tiles Widerstand gegen Fleckenbildner von glasierten Fliesen Résistance aux taches des carreaux émaillés Resistencia a las manchas
EN ISO 10545-14 (ex EN 122)
Classe 3 min. Class 3 min Gruppe 3 min. Classe 3 min Clase 3 min
Conforme Conforming Erfüllt Conforme
Resistenza al gelo Frost resistance - Frostbeständigkeit Résistance au gel - Resistencia a las heladas
EN ISO 10545-12 (ex EN 202)
Nessuna alterazione No alteration - Keine Veränderung Aucune alteration - Ninguna alteracion
Resistenti Resistant - Widerstandsfahig Résistants - Resistentes
45 N/mm 2
6,5 MK -1
* Consultare il “Project Department” prima di utilizzare pavimenti in cui non è indicato il valore. * Please ask the “Project Department” before using any floor tiles where the value has not been specified. * Unserem “Project Department” bitte fragen bevor die Bodenfliesen benutzen, wofür kein bestimmter Wert genannt worden ist. * Consulter notre “Project Department” pour les produits pour les quels aucun paramètre n’est indiqué. * Consultar “Project Department” antes de utilizar productos para los quales no hemos indicado un valor.
Consigli di posa: Nella posa a pavimento del materiale rettificato si consiglia una fuga minima di 2mm. Nella posa a pavimento del materiale non rettificato si consiglia una fuga minima di 3mm. Nella posa del materiale a rivestimento rettificato si raccomada di seguire il verso della freccia posta sul retro della piastrella.
Verlegungstipps: Beim verlegen von scharfkantigem material auf dem boden sollte eine mindestfuge von 2 mm vorgesehen werden. Beim verlegen von nicht scharfkantigem material auf dem boden sollte eine mindestfuge von 3 mm vorgesehen werden. Beim verlegen von scharfkantigem material für die wandverkleidung muss die auf der fliesenrückseite ersichtliche pfeilrichtung eingehalten werden.
Installation advice: We recommend joints of at least 2mm when installing edge-ground floor tiles. We recommend joints of at least 3mm when installing non-edge ground floor tiles. When installing edge ground wall tiles we recommend using the arrows on the back of the tiles as a guide.
Conseils de pose: Pour la pose au sol de carreaux rectifiés, il est recommandé de réaliser des joints de 2 mm minimum. Pour la pose au sol de carreaux non rectifiés, il est recommandé de réaliser des joints de 3 mm minimum. Pour la pose au mur de carreaux rectifiés, il est recommandé de respecter le sens de la flèche présente au dos du carreau.
Recomendaciones de colocación: En la colocación sobre pavimentos de material rectificado se recomienda una junta mínima de 2 mm. En la colocación sobre pavimentos de material sin rectificar se recomienda una junta mínima de 3 mm. En la colocación de material en revestimientos rectificados se recomienda seguir el sentido de la flecha situada en la parte trasera del azulejo.
P rogetto graf ico: C o o rd i n a m e n t o : A D . Mark eting D ep artment - E lena Longhini F o t o: V is ualp ro - Punto I mmagine Stamp a: Litograp hicgroup
cod.JCATBL Campione gratuito - Materiale non destinato alla vendita Finito di stampare: Marzo 2007
Direzione Commerciale/Export Bureau: V.le Virgilio, 48 - I - 41100 Modena - Tel. +39.059.888.411 - Fax +39.059.848.808 Ufficio Spedizioni/Deliveries/Versand/ExpĂŠditions/Oficina de envĂos: Via Platone, 9 - I - 42048 Rubiera (RE) - Tel. +39.0522.622611 sito web: www.improntaitalgraniti.com - email: info@improntaitalgraniti.com