Recommendations from the Ukrainian delegation to the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, 16-17 of November, 2009, Brussels
1. Recommendations to the Forum itself, regarding its structures, meetings, participation (including ideas on inclusiveness in the activities of the Forum after 1617.11 meeting); EaPCSF should be regarded as a tool in reaching of the aims set-up in the Communication from the Commission 823/2008 and not a separate task or activity. CSF should be involved in the development and implementation of Eastern Partnership; Contrary to the participating Governments, the CSOs do not have substantial funding sources to carry out regular and systematic activities. In order to create the financial support to EaP CSOs, it is recommended that Commission shifts some funding from the dominating budget support to competitive project funding, available to CSOs; It is recommended to create all possible formal procedures to enable such funding immediately with the beginning of 2010, to avoid typical delays (+2 years) existing with current ENPI programming cycle; As a quick solution, EIDHR programme seems to be the only instrument, which can be quickly adapted to the new needs; There is a need for small grants scheme, to support cooperation CSOs projects between EaP6 countries, which in practice is does not exist now;
Organizing a new thematic mechanism in the framework of the ENPI, along with Governance Facility and Neighborhood Investment Facility (“Civil Society Facility”) would make the financial support to SCOs more transparent and more effective; CSOs should pay special attention to intensifying contacts between the CSOs, operating with EU and also within EaP6 countries; As current EaP will function within current ENPI instrument, it is desired to analyze whether EaP will work within existing countries strategies, or CSOs should develop additional countries strategies to reflect EaP aims; Develop a civil society strategy for the region, based not on national interests but on regional interests, looking at what are the shared goals for the region as a whole; It is recommended to develop the participation rules for the next Forums – i.e. – some percentage rotation every next time for delegation from every country. participation should be based on practical activities of the Delegates through the year, but should be also used as a tool for involving new CSO to EaP-related activities; It is recommended to organize Next Forums in EaP6 countries; Forum should pay attention to include and plan activities with participants from conflict zones (Abhazia, South Osetia, Transdnistria, Karabah); There is a need for a well–structured web-based recourse on Eastern Partnership with the sites or links to the sites of the policy platforms. The site should monitor new policies development and serve as a possible tool for the broad consultations of EaP and Commission; It is necessary on a compulsory basis to invite working group coordinators to all intergovernmental platform meetings, ministers meetings and summits; it’s not enough just to foresee an ad hoc opportunity of such participation;