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Advocacy for Closer Integration with Euro‐ pean and Euro‐Atlantic Structures


Implementation of Administrative and Local Government Reform


Energy Efficiency/ Energy Security


Involving Business in Local Community Development


Youth Empowerment


Financial Report


Our Partners


Our Donors


PAUCI Membership






2 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Foreword from PAUCI Director

It was a busy year for PAUCI. Foundation managed to secure three substantial grants from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the continuation of the last year activities in the field of internal auditing and energy efficiency in Ukraine and Moldova. Funding received from National Endowment for Democracy allowed us to do grant making follow-up of our RussianUkrainian cross-border pilot project and launch the second project on promoting Eastern Partnership initiative. PAUCI also entered the think-tank community through joining PASOS network - this gave us a tool for upgrading our profile and making a wider use of analytic instruments in preparing the grant proposals to the donors. With the launch of Eastern Partnership initiative our Foundation concentrated on the efforts of stimulating Ukrainian civil society to establish working relations with the partners of other EaP’s countries. We are consequently building the partnership links with the organizations in Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan and on the other hand we focus on strengthening cooperation with our German, EU and US partners. Svyatoslav Pavlyuk, PAUCI Deputy Director got elected to the Steering Committee of EaP Civil Society Forum (CSF) as the Ukrainian coordinator. Jan Pieklo was invited to join and help to coordinate Security Forum of Southern Caucasus - the important international initiative aiming to stabilize the situation in South Caucasus.

Foundation continues also its cooperation with corporate donors, in the very first place with United Parcel Service Inc., promoting civil society responsibility and public-private partnership concept through the region. This year thanks to the joined efforts of US corporate donors we managed to purchase a school bus for the Holovecko school in the rural area of Western Ukraine. PAUCI employed two new, but experienced persons, who from the beginning contributed to strengthening the impact of the projects we were recently running. Our staff improved its team and net working skills gaining more experience and learning practical knowledge in the field. The group of volunteers supervised by the projects’ coordinators helped us enormously in our day to day work. Foundation’s strategic meeting which took place in summer in Carpathians offered us a platform for discussing the problems and re-drafting the PAUCI mission and goals. Although, after the presidential election and formation of the new government in Ukraine, the local work environment became more challenging, thanks to the dedication of PAUCI personnel and support of the partners and Council Members we managed to successfully complete 2010 projects and prepared submission of the new grant applications to different donors for 2011.

Jan Piekło

3 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

About PAUCI PAUCI Mission: 2010 in Numbers:

The mission of the PAUCI Foundation is to build the capacity of Ukraine to integrate more closely with the European Union and NATO through the application of Polish

16 implemented projects

and European experience and to facilitate extensive cross-border dissemination of

29 training events for up to 600 people

knowledge and experience in key areas that impact human capital and civil society.

19 individual internships in 4 countries

13 study visits for 165 participants

14 conferences and round table discussions

14 supported grant projects for the total amount of 170 thousand USD

2100 copies of distributed training literature including 250 on CD

52 cities and villages involved in PAUCI activities

19 involved schools

7 covered countries

PAUCI Key Focus Areas: •

Advocacy for closer integration with Euro-Atlantic structures

Civil Service/ Administrative and local government reform

Involving business to local communities development

Youth empowerment

Energy security/ efficiency

4 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Advocacy for Closer Integration with Euro-Atlantic Structures Conference “Ukraine 2010 +: Relations with Poland and Germany Continuation or Change?”

“As a neighbor of Ukraine and EU policy forming country – future Poland’s presidency in EU being a sample of it – we try to assist in Ukraine’s involvement in European processes”. Bronislaw Komorowski President of the Republic of Poland

The Polish-German-Ukrainian conference “Ukraine 2010 - a change or continuation in relations with the Poles and Germans?” has been held in Warsaw on 16-17 December 2010. The aim of the conference was to present and exchange views of opinion-forming circles from Poland, Germany and US on the policy towards Ukraine, promote dialogue and discuss Ukrainian issues in broader European/global context. The special attention was paid to the recent changes of political situation in Ukraine after presidential elections in February 2010 and Party of Regions' rise to power. Primary topics, recurring in both political and economic discussion, were the lack of coherence in Ukrainian foreign policy and the need of developing pro-European policy in Ukraine. Prominent politicians, experts and journalists from Poland, Germany and Ukraine took part in the conference. President of Poland in 1995 - 2005 Aleksander Kwasniewski and President of Ukraine in 1991 - 1994 Leonid Kravchuk also brought their key-note speeches.

“Polish vision of cooperation with Ukraine is set by the consensus of all political forces. It states that our country is interested in supporting the democratic and market reforms in Ukraine and cooperation with the Government in Kyiv regardless of the political colors”. Radoslaw Sikorski Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland

5 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Advocacy for Closer Integration with Euro-Atlantic Structures PAUCI Club Meetings our discussions through paying more attention to global topics/ trends and their significance for Ukraine and its relations with the neighbors. All PAUCI Club Meetings in 2010 have been organized in cooperation with “EU & Poland” Foundation. PAUCI Club Meetings 2010: Since 2005 PAUCI organizes expert seminars in Warsaw under “PAUCI Club Meetings” branding. Our partner for this project is “Poland & EU Foundation” led by Krzystof Bobinski, former “Financial Times” correspondent to Warsaw, now Member of the PAUCI Board. This flexible formula offers an opportunity to discuss both long-term trends and tendencies as well as to react ad-hoc to current political problems and developments. Club Meetings participants are carefully selected depending on the topic of the meeting in order to secure high quality of debate. The meeting groups consist of 2030 experts, politicians and journalists. PAUCI Club Meetings provide also a useful platform for discussing among experts the most recent problems of the region impacting Polish and Ukrainian policies. In 2010 we decided to deepen

1. “Coalition of the Rejected? Iran, Russia, Turkey”, (January 12). Keynote speaker – Andrzej Ananicz, University of Warsaw graduate, specializes himself in problems of Turkey and Iran, academic teacher, diplomat, dean of Diplomatic Academy in Warsaw. 2. “Ukraine. The Changing of the Guard”, (April 22). A report by Jan Piekło has been discussed by prominent experts – Grzegorz Gromadzki and Jacek Kucharczyk. The meeting has been co-organized by the Institute of Public Affairs. 3. “Authoritarian Tendencies and Rapprochement with Russia: How to Deal with Ukraine Today?”, (June 7). Keynote speaker – Nico Lange, head of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation office in Kyiv since December 2006. 4. “Turkey Today”, (November 4). The conference brought together experts on Turkish

politics – Hakan Altinay (Brookings Institution), Adam Balcer (demosEUROPA), Adam Szymański (Polish Institute of Foreign Affairs) and Andrzej Ananicz, Murat Sungar (former General Secretary, EU Directorate), Diba Nigar Goksel (Turkish Policy Quarterly). Both internal politics and international position of Turkey have been discussed. The event has been organized under financial support of the Open Society Foundation in Istanbul. 5. “Nabucco – Pipe Dream or Reality?”, (November 7). Keynote speakers - Neal McMillan, former senior British civil servant currently in Brussels working for Germany’s RWE energy company; Andrzej Szczęśniak – energy analyst who publishes a blog devoted to gas and oil issues. Additionally, a conference “After the Presidential Elections in Ukraine” took place in February. The event has been co-organized by the Institute of Public Affairs, “New Eastern Europe” magazine, Institute of International Affairs of the Warsaw University and Polish Information and Foreign Investments Agency. The discussion focused on the impact of the result of the last presidential election in Ukraine on Polish-Ukrainian relations and on the Euro-Atlantic future of Ukraine.

6 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Advocacy for Closer Integration with Euro-Atlantic Structures “Strengthening the Capacity of NGOs in the EU’s Eastern Partnership” The Eastern Partnership is an initiative aiming to improve the political and economic trade-relations of the six post-soviet states with the EU by providing an institutionalized forum for discussing visa agreements, free trade deals and strategic partnership agreements with the EU's eastern neighbors, while avoiding the controversial topic of the enlargement. By implementing the project “Strengthening the Capacity of NGOs in the EU’s Eastern Partnership” PAUCI Foundation aimed to strengthen the capacity of NGOs from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Georgia. The projects provided 19 NGO representatives with an opportunity to participate in a two-week study visit to one of the three other countries. The study visits strengthened already existing cross-

border cooperation and allowed participants to gain knowledge and skills from their counterparts. During the study visits, participants had the opportunity to gain deeper insight into the Ukrainian third sector activities. In addition, they coordinated with their Ukrainian counterparts development of joint initiatives and projects promoting democracy and human rights - goals of the Partnership's platforms for the Civil Society Forum. PAUCI developed a website to encourage networking and cooperation between NGOs from the six EU Eastern Partnership countries.

In the interns’ opinion, the Eastern Partnership initiative significantly expands opportunities for NGO representatives from the former CIS countries to learn about good practices in neighboring states. The program also contributes to improving EU relations with post‐soviet countries.

7 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Advocacy for Closer Integration with Euro-Atlantic Structures

“Eastern Links - Connecting for the European Future” In September, leaders of 12 pro-European Georgian NGOs visited Kyiv in order to meet with their Ukrainian counterparts working on implementation of various pro-European projects. Among the participants were representatives of the Georgian Young Lawyers Association, the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, Human Rights Centre, the International Centre for Geopolitical Studies, the Association of History Educators and others. The Georgian participants met with the representatives of 20 organizations working in various areas such as school euro-clubs, leading pro-European think tanks, universities, media and international foundations. The overall purpose of the project was strength-

ening the European Links of Ukrainian and Georgian NGOs. Project aims to share the best practices and present the most interesting projects implemented by NGOs in the area of European integration. The initiative will continue in 2011 with the publication of a best pro-European practices’ database on-line and on CD. The publication will include practical details European public information campaigns, monitoring of visa facilitation and other public awareness activities. Europe House will also host a European NGO Meeting in May 2011 which will bring together representatives of Eastern Partnership countries to exchange experiences and to learn from each other.

8 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Advocacy for Closer Integration with Euro-Atlantic Structures “Community Initiatives Partnership Program: Germany - Poland - Ukraine/ Belarus/ Kaliningrad Region This Grant program supported trilateral projects: German-Polish-Ukrainian, German-PolishBelarusian and German-Polish-Kaliningrad, which were aimed at increasing the citizens engagement in local and regional community initiatives, development of partner relations between three countries, transfer of knowledge and experience from Western partners to the Eastern European counterparts and establishment of long-term partnerships. Among the supported projects there were educational and environmental ones as well as initiatives promoting human rights protection and European integration.

The Community Initiative Partnership Program aimed to: • support citizens engagement in local and regional community initiatives in Ukraine, Belarus and Kaliningrad District; • integrate these initiatives into cross-border Polish-German cooperation networks and / or expand the cooperation of Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian networks to include also German partners; • enhance interest in mutual cooperation and develop long-term partnerships.

9 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Advocacy for Closer Integration with Euro-Atlantic Structures “Community Initiatives Partnership Program: Germany - Poland - Ukraine/ Belarus/ Kaliningrad Region Projects that were implemented with participation of Ukrainian organizations in 2010: Project title

Coordinating organization

Ukrainian partner

Well of Knowledge. Educational and Informational Water Centre

Women in Europe for a Common Future, Munich

Ecological Club "Kray", Berezhany,Ternopil Oblast

To live, receive treatment and work in the local community

The Association for the Development of Community Psychiatry and Care, Krakow

Galician Psychiatric Society, Lviv

International Academy for Social Projects and Cooperatives

Center for Education and Dialogue THEOTOKOS, Gliwice

Regional Development Agency Donbass, Donetsk

Actions for protection children in conflict with law: experience of Poland, Germany and Ukraine

Human rights centre “Postup”, Lugansk

Autism and Civil Society: Success via Cooperation

Charitable Foundation for Mutual Help and Defense of Children with Autism, Lviv

Eurobus 3.activating communities. The EU to Ukraine

Forum for Regional Initiatives, Kharkiv

New Media as a Catalyst for Civic Engagement in Central and Eastern Europe


Association of Ukrainian Towns, Lugansk Branch, Lugansk

The program had been implemented in Ukraine since 2007, and 2010 was the last year when grantees implemented their projects with the program funds. The program is implemented and funded by Robert Bosch Foundation, Stefan Batory Foundation and PAUCI Foundation.

In 2010, 7 trilateral German‐Polish‐ Ukrainian projects were implemented

3 out of 7 grantees are from Ukraine, 2 are from Poland and 2 – from Germany.

Financial support was provided for up to 100 thousand Euro

10 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Advocacy for Closer Integration with Euro-Atlantic Structures Multicultural Identity Building And Social Policy In Borderland. Exchange Of Experience Between Polish-German (Frankfurt-Słubice) And Polish-Ukrainian (Chełm-Kovel) Borderlands The project started in November 2009 with the aim of deepening cooperation between Chełm (Poland) and Kovel (Ukraine) in the sphere of civic activism and youth participation in developing identity of multicultural border region. Cooperation programs and fundraising activities of the project are based on the Polish-German experience. The second, not less important aim of the project is encouraging organizations from the Polish-German border to participate in the activities cooperating with Ukraine and Eastern Poland.

derland to the Polish-Ukrainian borderland, during which they familiarized themselves with the specificity of the region and the activities in the area of culture, social welfare and youth programs. •

Seminar and workshop in Kovel in a presence of 75 participants, during which the trinational thematic groups were formed the basing on the participants interest in developing projects related to the common problems of the border.

The project targets local self-government bodies, youth, social and cultural institutions’ employees, as well as representatives of NGOs from Kovel (Ukraine, Volyn Oblast) and Chełm (Polska, województwo Lubelskie) which deal with youth or social care.

A study visit of 9 social activists from the PolishUkrainian borderland to the Polish-German borderland, during which they familiarized themselves with the specificity of the region and the activities in the area of culture, social welfare and youth programs.

The project consisted of the following components:

Internships for two representatives of Chelm&Kovel social organizations in PolishGerman borderland, designed to review the scope and methodology of joint work of several partners, organization of work and ways of planning and financing of social organizations in this region.

The final workshop and conference in Chelm,

• A study visit of 10 social activists from the Polish-German bor-

where four most advanced project teams from the Polish-Ukrainian bordelrland received information about the sources of funding for planned activities and provided presentations of their project ideas. Additional presentations covered the subjects of the role of local government and NGOs in the development of cross-border cooperation as well as the role of education as the subject of such the cooperation. Overall conference attendance reached 50 persons.

11 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Implementation of Administrtive and Local Government Reform Sixth Kyiv Dialogue “Corruption in Politics, Economics and Management Strategies of Prevention and Combating”

"We do not overcome corruption, while talking about consequences." Alexander Mazurchak, First Deputy Head of Kyiv City State Administration

“Kyiv Dialogues” were established and implemented pro bono for partner cooperation by an initiative group consisting of scientists, NGO representatives, journalists, Ukrainian and German Foundations representatives. Conferences in the format of “Kyiv Dialogue” are organized on the annual basis in Kyiv and Berlin. This year event took place on October 28-30, 2010 in Kyiv. The purpose of the conference was to foster the social and political integration of Ukraine into Europe by national level discussion on the topic “Corruption in Politics, Economics and Management - Strategies of Prevention and Combating”. The following issues were discussed by the participants: • challenges and prospects of Ukrainian anti-corruption legislation; • international experience in combating corruption; • the role played by the media and civil society in ensuring access to information; • the responsibilities and prospects for local communities, civil society, business and politics in combating corruption.

The general opinion was reached on the need for systemic reform of local government: at the legislative level and at the level of social culture and values. It was concluded during the conference that Ukraine can’t achieve the declared goal – modernization of the economy – if the authorities are ignoring to implement policy which promotes strengthening, not weakening of democracy. In such situation Ukraine has no mechanism to overcome corruption.

“You can not achieve the declared goal ‐ to modernize the economy – if ignoring the modernization of policy that provides strengthening, not weakening of democracy". Hrygory Nemyria, Ex‐prime‐minister of Ukraine, patron of the "Kyiv Dialogue"

12 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Implementation of Administrative and Local Government Reform “Introducing Internal Audit in Local Authorities of Ukraine”

Up to 200 civil servants from all Ukraine received basic knowledge about internal audit.

16 civil servants received in‐depth knowledge about internal audit in state/ local authorities

4 pilot audit missions were organized by the trained auditors in the regions

The project was aimed at supporting the administrative reform in Ukraine including improvement of management in state authorities and institutional strengthening of administrative bodies at regional and local levels. The project introduced the internal audit to the management system of Ukrainian state administrations at regional and local levels in four Oblasts – Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, Lviv and Chernivtsi. The project was implemented during 9 months from March till December 2010, with the most active phase in August – December. Polish experts from the state, municipal and private institutions came to Ukraine to share Polish experience of internal audit

introduction in state and local government authorities. During the first training phase up to 100 representatives of regional Control and Revision offices and up to 100 representatives of regional authorities from all Ukraine received basic knowledge about internal audit. The project worked more closely with 4 working groups in 4 regions - Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, Lviv and Chernivtsi. Each group consisted of representatives of Control and Revision Office of Ukraine and representatives of State Oblast Administrations.

13 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Implementation of Administrative and Local Government Reform “Introducing Internal Audit in Local Authorities of Ukraine” Project participants learnt about the concept of internal audit, its difference from internal control system and started to use their newly gained skill in their work Polish and Ukrainian experts provided in-depth training on theoretical and practical aspects of internal audit implementation and then consulted the trainees in planning and implementation of their own pilot audit missions in the regions. The topic of the audit missions was implementa-

tion of the national program on social protection of citizens who suffered after Chornobyl catastrophe. Findings from the audit missions were presented at the final conference in Kyiv attended also by the representatives from Moldova, Georgia and Poland. The project allowed Polish, Ukrainian, Moldovan and Georgian specialists in internal auditing to exchange their experience and share opinions on mechanisms of introducing internal audit in state/local authorities in different coun-

Recommendations were developed and presented to the State Regional Administration’ Social Security Offices in 4 Oblasts of Ukraine on how to improve implementation of the national program on social protection of citizens who suffered after Chornobyl catastrophe

tries of Eastern Europe. Polish and Moldovan experts in internal audit got experience of working together with their Ukrainian counterparts. Polish experience was presented to the Ukrainian participants also during the study visit to Warsaw in November. The project became the first step in the process of internal audit’s promotion in Ukraine as it was the first project of this kind implemented in the country.

14 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Implementation of Administrative and Local Government Reform “Training and Briefing on ENPI Issues in Ukraine” The project was implemented in 2009-2010. During this period PAUCI Foundation has organised 18 training sessions (9 in 2009 and 9 in 2010) for civil servants and 2 training sessions for Kyiv and regional journalists on ENPI issues to widen awareness and improve using of opportunities of this European Union’s instrument by Ukrainian governmental institutions. The project’s aim was to build understanding among central government Ukrainian institutions about the mechanisms and strategy of ENPI, improving their capacity to participate in ENPI programs. In 2010, PAUCI Foundation developed and pub-

lished a manual containing detailed description of existing programs, priorities, and formal procedures of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument, which is currently the largest program of EU’s financial assistance targeted at its’ neighbouring countries, including Ukraine. The book provides a detailed description of the key aspects of the ENPI programs in Ukraine and of the general logic of the Instrument. The manual also contains plenty of practical information, which is necessary in the process of utilization of available resources. Description of the programs currently running in Ukraine under the ENPI is included in the manual as well.

The handbook has been issued in three versions a short paper and electronic version for the website and an electronic collection of documents and presentations on a CD.

9 training sessions were organized in 2010

85 civil servants were trained in 2010

1000 copies of a handbook and 200 copies of CD were published

“Good Governance in Chisinau – Introduction of Performance Budgeting in the Capital of Moldova” •

The Chisinau Performance Budgeting Task Force has been created. It will consist of ca. 15 members representing municipal administration, NGOs, businessmen and Budgetary Commission of the City Council, who are involved in preparation of the first performance budgeting’s launch in the municipality of Chisinau.

The project has been a preparatory stage of long-term activities aimed at the introduction of performance budgeting in the city of Chisinau. The project aims to promote good governance in the city of Chisinau, especially to improve the quality of city financial management by introducing the performance budgeting model based on the experience of selected Polish cities. In 2010 activities consisted of the series of trainings for Chisinau all-sector partners engaged in the budget formation process. Trainings were conducted by a joint team of Polish and Moldovan experts and later sup-

ported by 2 study visits to Poland and the internships of 2 key Chisinau budget specialists in Krakow, the first Polish city which introduced the performance budget (1994). The project has been summed up during the seminar in Chisinau (December 2010).

15 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Energy Efficiency/ Energy Security Fifth Kyiv Dialogue “Energy Security: Ukraine - Europe”

“Thanks to this year Forum, Europe should see the Ukraine’s attempts to be energy‐efficient despite of the political and corruption issues. First, Ukraine has adopted the Law on renewable energy based on the German sample. And the second, the necessary technology is being developed in business incubators. Everything is being changed in Ukraine….” Valerii Borovyk, Head of “New Energy of Ukraine Alliance”

The purpose of the conference which took place in Berlin on 27-28 of April 2010 was to foster the economic and political integration of Ukraine into Europe by national level discussion on the topic “Energy security: Ukraine Europe”. The following issues were discussed: • importance of Ukraine for European energy security, • ways of stabilizing the Ukrainian energy market, • energy efficiency and energy saving, • use of bio-energy, • nuclear energy, • efficiency and transparency in municipal energy sector, • political influence in the energy sector. The development of relations between Ukraine and Germany is an important component of capacity building for European integration of Ukraine. Lack of understanding of the situation in Ukraine among German politicians and experts, a small number of contacts between communities leaders of both countries are the barriers that must be overcome. The idea for increasing the number of contacts at both, the narrow professional level and the general discussion level of bilateral cooperation, became the basis of series of public diplomacy forums titled: "Kyiv Dialogues".

“The mission of the Kyiv Dialogue is very important – to transfer the Europe’s estimates towards Ukraine, first of all concerning stability of energy supplying, and also that the issue of efficient energy consumption should become the top one in Ukraine” Claudia Kemfert, German Institute for Economic Studies

16 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Energy Efficiency/ Energy Security “Making Good for Budget and Climate - Planning EnergySaving Activities in Ukraine”

10 cities took part in the project activities ‐ Zhytomyr, Vinitsya, Cherkasy, Hmilnyk, Konotop, Pavlograd, Nikopol, Kryvy Rig, Khmelnytsky, Pervomaysk

75 people participated in the study visits to Poland

More then 40 published articles and other media information were produced by the end of 2010.

The project’s aim was to transfer European, in particular Polish, experience of municipalities and municipal institutions in the sphere of energy management at national and local levels, promote energy efficiency in everyday life, provide training on energy-saving, and prepare the adaptation of best practices to be later implemented in Ukraine. 10 cities - Zhytomyr, Vinitsya, Cherkasy, Hmilnyk, Konotop, Pavlograd, Nikopol, Kryvy Rig, Khmelnytsky, Pervomaysk - were selected to participate in the project. A weekly study visit exposing participants to global and local aspects of energy management to Poland was organized for a national level group consisting of Deputy City Mayors and Ministries representatives. Besides, a weekly study visit for energy managers from 10 city councils of Ukraine was organized to the Polish city of Katowice and others locations. As the results of study visits of Deputy Heads of city councils, energy managers, school teachers, journalists, city engineers the attitude of the people has been challenged and changed. The cities started to monitor usage of energy applying new instruments.

1500 copies of the manual for schools “My school cares about the climate” were published

Cooperation of PAUCI project with 13 schools gave a result of around 400 pupils becoming actively involved in energy saving activity and education.

All the participating schools received as an award a set of energy‐saving water taps, posters, T‐shirts, stationery, etc..

17 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Energy Efficiency/ Energy Security “Making Good for Budget and Climate - Planning EnergySaving Activities in Ukraine” A six-day basic training on energy audit and energy management was held in Lviv for energy managers of communal enterprises and city administrations of 20 Ukrainian cities.

in 10 Ukrainian cities were exposed to the Polish experience of energy-saving strategy in communal sector, methods of house warmth-keeping and energy-saving consumption.

A weekly study visit to Poland was organized for Ukrainian journalists from 10 partnership cities of the project. General approaches to energy-saving in everyday life and communal sector, methods of house warmth-keeping and energy-saving consumption were presented to them. As a result, local media started to promote energy saving aspects in their every day work. In this way people

During the project implementation 13 selected schools from 10 cities were also actively participating in the project. A study visit to Polish cities of Bialystok, Elk and others was organized for teachers of the 13 schools to make them acquainted with the experience of Polish schools in the sphere of education on energy-saving consumption. A competition was announced for the

best educational program on informing and visualization of energy-saving consumption in schools and homes, climate protection, and pupils’ research in the sphere of energy-saving . Ten-hour courses were launched in the participating schools to format energy-saving behavior of pupils. Programs were implemented in the form of “Energy-Saving Weeks” in schools. An additional one-day seminar on methodology of teaching environmental and energy saving subjects in schools was organized in Kyiv for the teachers. .

18 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Involving Business in Local Community Development “Building Public-Private Partnership to Ensure Sustainable Community Development”

The study visit increased awareness of opportunities and risks of PPP among study participants.

New links and networks of bilateral and multilateral cooperation between public and private entities have been created. It will support further development of projects between partners from Poland and Moldova.

The project is the pilot stage of wider plan developed by our partner, Business Consulting Institute, under the branding „Building Public-Private Partnership to Ensure Sustainable Community Development” which is implemented in cooperation with Czech and Polish partners. The project proposes a comprehensive approach to publicprivate partnership (PPP) as a modern and effective tool for local communities’ development. Through PPP it’s possible to transfer both, European Union’s and specifically Poland’s experience to Moldova. PAUCI has been engaged in a study visit to Poland for Moldovan experts. The project aimed at facilitating exchange of experience between policy makers and representatives of local governments from Moldova, Czech Republic and Po-

land in the field of public-private partnership (PPP) as well as developing policy recommendations and an action plan to create appropriate conditions for implementation of PPP in the Republic of Moldova. The study visit gave their participants an opportunity to observe how PPP framework operates in Poland. They learnt about the practical aspects of public private partnership being exposed to all levels of action - from NGO, business to public administration perspective. Taking into account Moldovan specifics, we have tried to focus on small/medium scale projects and symetrically participation of small and medium enterprises in such projects. Both, regional and nation-wide perspective of the PPP has been presented to the participants.

19 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Involving Business in Local Community Development “Support to Rural Schools in Western Ukraine”

The school of Golovetsko received the computer equipment, a new gym and in 2010 the brand new school bus.

Since 2006, PAUCI Foundation implements this Corporate Social Responsibility projects created and financed by UPS (United Parcel Service). Project aims to upgrade the educational potential of rural schools located in the neighboring distance across the border in Poland and in Ukraine. Through the PPP mechanism and donor-local community cooperation project enhances the participating schools material base and supports them also in their programmatic activities. As the first priority, the construction and furnishing of the school gyms was being provided, also the computer classrooms were completed. The second priority was to offer additional computer lessons, English and arts classes and purchase the educational equip-

The school of Smerichka received so far the new set of furniture.

ment. With the support of our business partners, we also provide assistance for cross-border visits of the youth from participating Ukrainian and Polish schools as well as excursions to the exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events. So far, PAUCI Foundation is developing the project in 4 rural schools in Ukraine and 2 schools in Poland. Promoting this project we cooperate with businesses, which provide donations in cash, furniture or computers. Each of the schools is on the different stage of project’s development. All schools are located in Staryj Sambir Region, Carpathian mountains area. Within this program the best students are entitled to get stipends to continue education in the junior high school in the county town.

The school of Nyzhankovychi received a new gym, computer class and additional classes of art, IT, dance and music.

The school of Torganovychi was equipped with a computer lab with connection to the Internet.

20 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Youth Empowerment “Promoting Crossborder Cooperation in the Russian-Ukrainian Neighbourhood”

27 applications were received and evaluated

5 partner projects were supported for the total amount of 34.900 USD

In spring 2010 PAUCI announced a call for proposals for NGOs from Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, and Luhansk Oblasts jf Ukraine. NGOs from these 4 regions could submit project proposals in partnership with the organizations from Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, and Voronezh Oblasts of Russia. PAUCI Foundation is experienced in implementation of this kind of projects at the RussianUkrainian borderland - in 2008 we had a very successful re-granting program in this region. The interest that NGOs from the region demonstrated to the transborder cooperation encouraged us to continue activities and announce new call for proposals. Priority areas of the program were the following: • • • •

youth empowerment in small cities of the borderland, experience exchange in overcoming social problems, cultural cooperation in the borderland and cooperation of local/regional mass media.

Project title

Ukrainian grantee

Russian partner

MOST – Nongovernmental Youth Cooperation "Team"

Centre of Active Kharkiv Youth “Youth interaction”, Kharkiv

UN Club of the Belgorod State University, Belgorod

“Across-the-border Reportage”

Eastern-Ukrainian Centre for Civic Initiatives, Lugansk

Mass Media Defense Centre, Voronezh

“It’s time to work together”

Chernigiv Agency for Regional Development “Vector”, Chernigiv

Briansk Regional public organization “Young Briansk”, Briansk

“Folklore ethnographical expedition for investigation of small ethnic groups at Ukrainian-Russian border”

Youth Pedagogical Union, Sumy

Kursk Youth Union, Kursk

“New social technologies in NGO activities at Ukrainian-Russian border”

Communities Development Association, Kharkiv

Youth Public Organisation “Bars”, Rylsk

21 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Youth Empowerment “Promoting Crossborder Cooperation in the Russian-Ukrainian Neighbourhood” The program was implemented with financial support from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). 27 applications were submitted to the competition and 5 project were selected to receive funding of around 7 thousand USD each grants. The projects were implemented during June-November 2010. Before launching the projects, grantees and their partners participated in the introductory seminar in Kyiv

where the winners presented their projects and PAUCI staff explained requirements of the program and rules of reporting. The program completed in February 2011 with the final conference in Kharkiv, where grantees together with their Russian partners presented their achievements to their colleagues and representatives of local authorities of the region.

“Polish-German-Ukrainian Forum “Tri.net”

30 volunteers from Poland, Germany, Ukraine and Belarus NGOs received the four‐day training on the effective implementation of international projects and promoting their work on‐line.

PAUCI Foundation and the Polish Robert Schumann Foundation continued the project "Forum Tri.net" that gathered a database of organizations involved in the Ukrainian-Polish-German cooperation, and a list of web addresses where you can access the relevant information. In 2010, the Forum has acquired a slightly different format, because Belarus joined the project. Co-

organizers of Tri.net Forum, as for today, are PAUCI Foundation (Ukraine), Robert Schumann Foundation (Poland), djo-German Youth in Europe (Germany) and the Third Sector (Belarus). In 2010 year the emphasis was placed on training of volunteers involved in the project. The training for volunteers from Ukraine, Poland, Germany and Belarus was held on November 2528, 2010 in Warsaw. The participants were mostly these persons who cooperate within the framework of the project more than a year.

22 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Financial Report Income and Sources



$39 935 4%

$43 204 4%

$150 000 15%

$198 458 21%

$246 569 24%

C.S.Mott Foundation Polish MFA European Union NED CEI-KEP

$234 575 25% Administrative costs

$10 925 1%

Training Public events

$32 208 3%

Study visits & Internships Sub-grants Publications

UPS Coalition "Action Ukraine" $22 512 2%

Other $387 439 37%

$95 116 9% $49 536 5%

Total income in 2010 is $1.034.311

Other $184 701 20%

$174 879 19% $108 138 11%

Total expenditures in 2010 is $943.884

23 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Our Partners Poland




Business Consulting Institute, Chisinau

German‐Polish Cooperation Foundation

Chisinau City Hall

Robert Bosch Foundation


Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Institute of World Policy

Soros Foundation, Chisinau Office

Heinrich Boell Foundation

Suspilnist Centre

Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Creative Union “Toro”, Kirovograd

Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Local authorities of Floresti, Ungheni, Comrat, Cahul, Stefan Voda, Orhei, Telenesti

International Renaissance Foundation

European Exchange

Local authorities of Krakow, Warszawa, Bielsko‐Biala, Czestochowa, Lubliniec, Bochnia, Zywiec, Krosno, Bialystok, Elk

National Academy of Public Administration

Deutsche Welle

Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine

Association of Ukrainians in Poland, Warsaw

Ministries and Governmental Agencies of Ukraine

US‐Ukraine Business Council

Grupa Zagranica, Warsaw

US‐Ukraine Foundation

Polish Agency for Industrial Development

Main Control and Revision Office of Ukraine with offices in Lviv, Chernivtsi, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv

Ukrainian American Coordinating Council

Winner Imports

Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum

Ji Magazine, Lviv

Institute of Euro‐Atlantic Cooperation

Stefan Batory Foundation

Polish Institute of Foreign Affairs

Polish Foundation for Energy Efficiency

Institute of Public Affairs

Polish Robert Schuman Foundation

Villa Decius Association, Krakow

East European College, Wroclaw

Poland‐EU Foundation, Warsaw

• •

Polish‐Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce Baltic Business Forum


“Lvivska Politekhnika” University

European‐Ukrainian Energy Agency


Local authorities of Kovel

Sweet Analysis Services Inc.

MJA Asser Management LLC

Georgia •

European House, Tbilisi

Association of Young Economists of Georgia

24 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

Our Donors

European Commission

International Renaissance Foundation

S.Batory Foundation

Polish Aid Program

Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Central European Initiative

Industrial Development Agency

Heinrich Boell Foundation

National Endowment for Democracy

United Parcel Service

Polish-German Cooperation Foundation

C.S.Mott Foundation

25 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

PAUCI Membership

The Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum’s mission is development of responsible, transparent and accountable charity in Ukraine for prosperity of the country. The Forum serves as an instrument to develop indigenous philanthropy in Ukraine which initially will expand the funding base for Ukrainian NGOs.

PAUCI Foundation participates in the public and expert councils with central Government of Ukraine, advising on development and implementation of the policies with Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Committee on Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship development, Main Department of Civil Service, National Academy of Public Administration, Ukrainian part of the Committee EU- Ukraine.

PAUCI Foundation is a member of Grupa Zagranica - association of Polish NGOs working abroad. It allows us to promote support of Polish public and private donors for programs that target transition in Ukraine and Moldova.

PAUCI Foundation is a member of PASOS, an initiative to strengthen independent think-tanks to ensure the lessons of transition are understood, shared, and applied, set out its values, short-term and medium-term objectives, and strategic approach.

PAUCI Board Taras Voznyak, Chairman Ji Magazine Editor, Head of the International Department of Lviv Oblast Council, Lviv, Ukraine Krzysztof Bobinski President of EU & Poland Foundation, Poland Katarina Wolczuk Expert, Deputy-Director, Centre for Russian and East European Studies European Research Institute University of Birmingham, UK Weronika Marchuk President of the Friends of Ukraine Association, Warsaw, Poland

Myroslav Marynovych Professor of the Catholic University in Lviv, dissident and political prisoner in the communist period, Lviv, Ukraine Walter Zarycky Professor at New York University, Executive Director at the Center for U.S.Ukrainian relations, New York, USA Morgan Williams SigmaBleyzer, President, U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), Washington DC, USA

26 Annual Report - 2010 Best European Experience for Ukraine

PAUCI Team Warsaw Office

Kyiv Office

Jan Pieklo/ Warsaw, Kyiv Executive Director jp@pauci.pl

Lidia Litwinczuk Study Visits Coordinator ll@pauci.pl

Krzysztof Filcek Deputy Executive Director kf@pauci.pl

Igor Lyubashenko Political Analyst il@pauci.pl

Adam Sauer Senior Program Officer as@pauci.pl

Maja Jenerowicz Volunteer (German projects)

Our web-site: www.pauci.org

Izabela Kaczmarek Accountant ik@pauci.pl

Warsaw office: ul.Mokotowska 65/7 00‐533 Warszawa Tel./fax: 48 22 626 16 10 E‐mail: pauci@pauci.pl

Svyatoslav Pavlyuk Deputy Executive Director sp@pauci.kiev.ua

Anastasiia Popsuy Project Coordinator pauci.popsuy@gmail.com

Olga Galytska Senior Project Coordinator pauci.olga@gmail.com

Lyudmyla Zhelezova Financial Manager lz@pauci.kiev.ua

Vyacheslav Gusyev Energy Saving Projects Coordinator pauci.gusyev@gmail.com

Maria Witwicka Volunteer pauci.witwicka @gmail.com

Kyiv office: Lviv regional Chisinau regional

representative office:

representative office:

“Ji” magazine

Business Consulting Institute

8/3‐a Grushevskogo St.,

31 August 1989 Str., # 98

Lviv, 79005, Ukraine

Chisinau, MD‐2004

Tel.: +38 032 260 22 90

tel/fax (+373 22) 237474

E‐mail: info@ji.lviv.ua

e‐mail: office@bci.md

18 Illinska St., of.1 Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine Tel.: +38 044 425 92 58/59 Fax: +38 044 425 92 95 E‐mail: pauci@pauci.kiev.ua

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