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Financial Instruments and Tools Multi-Country Cooperation and Thematic programmes are other funding channels designed as part of the EU’s effort to support change in the Neighbourhood Partnership countries.


Regional Cooperation contributes to:

Cross Border Cooperation (CBC)

Reinforce regional integration

Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF)

Promote the sharing of experiences and the transfer of expertise

Support for the Improvement in Governance and Management (SIGMA) Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX)

Set and promote best practice


Define common thematic strategies and action plans

Erasmus Mundus II and Tempus IV

Carry out together concrete projects

Cooperation in Urban Development and Dialogue (CIUDAD) Other funding Instruments available for neighbouring countries European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

Create networks of people and organisations Reinforce capacities of national and local authorities Advance the strengthening of civil society

European Neighbourood Partnership Instrument



Regional cooperation

Food Security Investing in People Instrument for Nuclear Safety and Cooperation (INSC) Instrument for Stability (IfS) Migration and Asylum Non-State Actors (NSA)

European Commission EuropeAid Cooperation Office Centralised operations for Europe, the Mediterranean and Middle East, B-1049 Brussels http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/where/neighbourhood/regional-cooperation/enpi-east/index_en.htm

December 2010


Interregional ENPI Programmes


Realised by the regional Information and Communication Programme With the support of the ENPI Info Centre: www.enpi-info.eu

Major donor The EU is the region’s major donor, with the European Commission providing the lion’s share of its regional support through its EuropeAid Co-operation Office. For the period 2007-2013, the EU Partnership with the Eastern neighbours is being financed through the ENPI, for which a total amount of €12 billion is foreseen, of which approximately 10 percent is allocated for regional projects. The ENP allows every country to articulate its own ambitions in dialogue with the EU. Some want to work towards free trade. Others have different ambitions, for example to work together on infrastructure, environmental or energy related issues, create closer cultural relations or chose to stimulate the exchange of students, journalists or other professionals. The European Union is committed to taking this cooperation further through its Regional Programmes and by providing the platform for continuous dialogue.


Regional cooperation Challenges faced by the countries of the region, such as developing transnational corridors, the management of crossborder rivers and basins, and the fight against terrorism and transnational organised crime, have an inherent cross-border character and can be better tackled through a cooperative effort at regional level. Thus, the EU funds regional cooperation. The choice of regional projects reflects the defined priority areas, which are: Transport; Energy; Sustainable management of natural resources; Border and migration management, the fight against transnational organized crime and customs; People-to-people activities; Landmines, explosive remnants of war, small arms and light weapons.


ince the EU’s enlargement in 2004 and 2007 an ever deeper relationship is being built between the Union and the countries on its Eastern borders, within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The aim of the ENP is to bring these neighbours closer to the EU and support their efforts for economic, social and political reform. The ENP has been developed with the objective of avoiding the emergence of new dividing lines between the enlarged EU and its neighbours, and instead strengthening the prosperity, stability and security of partners and the EU. It is the first single EU policy embracing its Eastern neighbours.

Regional cooperation has a strategic impact, as it deals with issues that different Eastern Partners have in common. The Regional Programmes function as a forum for dialogue, bringing people from the Partner Countries to the same table, despite sometimes obvious differences, helping them to engage in discussion, and exchange views and experiences.

All Eastern Partners, and Russia, are beneficiaries of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), the financial tool that turns decisions taken on a political level into actions on the ground.

Local Authorities in Development

The EU seeks to support regional cooperation with its Eastern neighbours and between them, and helps them to deal with common challenges through a number of major policy initiatives. The latest, the Eastern Partnership (EaP) launched in spring 2009, foresees stronger political engagement of the Partner Countries with the EU. The EaP seeks to bolster political and socio-economic reforms in the Partner Countries, facilitating their approximation and convergence towards the EU.

Find out more www.enpi-info.eu/main.php?id=309&id_type=9&lang_id=450

ENP countries Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine.

“ Regional Cooperation builds bridges between the EU and its Eastern Partners graphic design Studio Scibilia printed by Grafiche Veneziane – Venice, Italy

through the funding of multi-country programmes and projects that contribute towards creating an area of peace, security and shared prosperity.

If we look back to these years of cooperation and what we have achieved, I think we have good reasons to be proud. Despite certain obstacles and setbacks, we have built up over the years a robust partnership, I should even say a friendship that is built on mutual trust, frankness and our willingness to discuss all issues, however difficult and sensitive. Cooperation is, indeed, a win-win process for the EU and our partners. Štefan Füle, Commissioner for

Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy

Culture Regional Programmes Funded Economy Media Culture Environment Security Youth Political Dialogue Youth Education Political Dialogue Audiovisual Environment Economy Telecommunication Training Transport Civil society Security Civil society Why

Regional Cooperation

E encourage cooperation among Eastern Neighbours E empower citizens

E finance activities with no frontiers E define common priorities E solve cross border issues E transfer knowledge

E harmonise and coordinate activities E support change and modernisation

Partnership and Dialogue Regional Cooperation offers a unique opportunity for people from the Partner Countries to sit around the same table and engage in a dialogue, even in difficult times or on sensitive issues, like safeguarding human rights. Through this exchange, people learn to work together, experiences are shared, partnerships formed, relationships built and networks created. The partners carry out common activities, while civil society organisations and stakeholders are often involved, giving them a say.

Investing in People Much of the work done by the projects revolves around training, seminars and workshops that build on people’s knowledge and capabilities – this ranges from the training of border guards (EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine - EUBAM) or journalists (European Neighbourhood Journalism Network) and support to contemporary artists (Eastern Partnership Culture Programme), to strengthening the knowledge of experts in urban development (CIUDAD). Some projects, like Aviation safety and Motorways of the Sea, may mainly involve officials on the government level, but the citizens are the ones who will benefit from their outcomes as they promote security and economic growth. The same concept applies to East-Invest, which promotes investment and supports SMEs.



Regional Cooperation invests in people who come together to share knowledge and experiences, learn through training, create networks and build on best practices. Government officials and bodies, NGOs, municipalities, professionals and hundreds of others who participate in the funded projects benefit directly. But there is a broader long-term impact on the public at large, as citizens are the final beneficiaries of any political, economic and social change brought about through this Partnership.


to get involved

To participate in funded projects, look out and apply for the calls for proposals, announced on the EuropeAid website: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/index_en.htm

About a month before a new call is launched, there is a Forecast so that participants have time to prepare. The European Commission and Delegations often organise Information Days on the various calls.

Border Management

EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) BUDGET €12 million plus in-kind contribution from Member States (seconded experts) TIMEFRAME 2009-2011 WEBSITE www.eubam.org


East-Invest Support to the SME sector BUDGET €7 million TIMEFRAME 2010-2013 WEBSITE www.enpi-info.eu/maineast.php?id=315&id_type=10

Support to Integrated Border Management Systems in the South Caucasus (SCIBM) BUDGET €6 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2012 WEBSITE www.undp.am/?page=DemocraticGovernance



Projects under INOGATE programme www.inogate.org

Strengthening of the INOGATE Technical Secretariat in support of the Baku Initiative BUDGET €2.9 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2012 Capacity Building for Energy Regulators in Eastern Europe and Central Asia BUDGET €0.83 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2011

Energy efficiency investments in Ukraine & Moldova BUDGET €9.5 million TIMEFRAME 2006-2011

In Practice

E Reform of forestry law and practice E Sustainable urban development E Judicial reform

E City to city partnerships E Culture

E Increased investment

E Solid waste management

E Maritime and aviation safety and security E Conflict resolution

E Harmonizing policies and legislation

The Financial Instrument Since 2007, the regional programmes and projects are being funded by the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), which has replaced TACIS that was operational from 1991 to 2006. The overall amount allocated to the ENPI for the period 2007-2013 is €12 billion, of which €223 million was earmarked for the East until 2010. For the period 2010-13, a total of €348.57 million has been allocated to the Regional East Programme.

Energy saving in the building sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia BUDGET €5 million TIMEFRAME 2010-2014


Air Quality Governance in the ENPI East Countries (AIR-Q-GO Project) BUDGET €7 million TIMEFRAME 2011-2015

Civil Protection (PPRD East) €6 million TIMEFRAME 2010-2013 WEBSITE www.enpi-info.eu/maineast.php?id=211&id_type=10 BUDGET

Co-investment funding in the field of water and sanitation BUDGET €10 million TIMEFRAME 2006-2010 WEBSITE www.enpi-info.eu/maineast.php?id=275&id_type=10 Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) BUDGET €6 million TIMEFRAME 2008-2011 WEBSITE www.enpi-fleg.org

Harmonisation of electricity standards BUDGET €1.5 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2011

Support to Kyoto Protocol Implementation, SKPI BUDGET €5 million TIMEFRAME 2008-2011 WEBSITE www.inogate.org

Harmonisation of gas and oil technical standards and practices in Eastern Europe and Caucasus BUDGET €2.9 million TIMEFRAME 2007-2010

Transboundary river management for the Kura River – Phase II BUDGET €5, 2 million TIMEFRAME 2008-2011 WEBSITE www.kuraarasbasin.net

Pre-investment project for the Trans-Caspian-Black Sea Gas Corridor BUDGET €5 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2012

Support to energy market integration and sustainable energy, SEMISE BUDGET €5.7 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2012 Supporting participation of Eastern Partnership and Central Asian Cities in the Covenant of Mayors BUDGET €5 million TIMEFRAME 2011-2014 WEBSITE www.eumayors.eu

Social and Human Dimension

CIUDAD – Sustainable Urban Development BUDGET €14 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2013 WEBSITE www.ciudad-programme.eu/index.php

Eastern Partnership Culture Programme – Parts I and II BUDGET €12 million TIMEFRAME 2010-2013 WEBSITE www.enpi-info.eu/maineast.php?id=286&id_type=10 Erasmus Mundus II – Action 2 Partnerships BUDGET €29 million (East and South) TIMEFRAME 2009-2010 WEBSITE http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/extcoop/call/index.htm

Tempus IV - Higher Education approx € 35-39 million per year (East and South) TIMEFRAME 2008-2013 WEBSITE http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/index_en.php BUDGET

Regional Information & Communication Programme BUDGET €19 million TIMEFRAME 2008-2011 WEBSITE http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/where/neighbourhood/index_en.htm



Projects under TRACECA programme www.traceca-programme.eu

Civil aviation safety and security €5 million TIMEFRAME 2008-2011 BUDGET

International Logistical Centres €3.5 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2011 BUDGET

Land transport safety and security € 3 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2011 BUDGET

Maritime safety – Black Sea and Caspian Sea BUDGET €3.5 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2011 Motorways of the Seas Black Sea and Caspian Sea BUDGET €2.5 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2011

Strengthening of transport training capacity BUDGET €2 million TIMEFRAME 2008-2010

Transport dialogue and networks interoperability BUDGET €6.6 million TIMEFRAME 2009-2012

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