NTCG National Youth Convention 2015

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N T CG E N G L A N D & WA L E S 52nd National Youth and Christian Education Convention

venue: bethel convention centre KELVIN WAY, WEST BROMWICH WEST MIDLANDS, B70 7JW, UK

INSI D E : Worship & Word // Youth Empowerment // Youth Voices // #Selfie // Reaffirming The Standard // Duke of Edinburgh Award // Public Leadership Programme // Absent from the Present // What’s Hot. What’s Not // We Are Kids For Christ // Mission


Jahaziel, Annastasia, Rix, Anthony & i4one, NTCG National Mass and Children’s Choir




elcome to our National Youth and CE Convention. I extend warm greetings to Bishop Donald and Mrs Joycelyne Bolt, our guest speaker Nerissa Dubidad and her family and our other honourable guests. This is the 11th and final National Youth & CE Convention that will be delivered under my leadership. What an exciting journey it has been! Often out of my comfort zone, repeatedly facing challenges, however frequently in a place of fulfilment, enrichment and wonder at what God is accomplishing through us all. All glory belongs to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, forever. Amen. I would like to say special thanks to Bishop Donald Bolt, Bishop Eric Brown, Bishop Derek Webley, Revd Hermilyn James, Elder Fitzroy Turner, the National Executive Council, members of the National Youth Board who served alongside me (John Anckle, Donna Brown, the late Revd Timothy Bryan, Caroline ComrieSinclair , Joel Edwards Jnr, Bishop Hubert Gardner, Laraine Giles, Dionne Gravesande, Phillip Gray, Shekinah Griffith, Linda Harris, Henry Ngawoofah, Julian Octave, Desmond Reid, Revd Otis Wilkes & Bishop Winston Taylor), Marie Aransevia, the Youth Convention Teams (2005 to 2015), the Youth Academy Planning Teams (2005 to 2014), the Sports Day Planning Teams (2004 to 2008), the National Office Staff, Lydia Lewinson, all the churches used for rehearsals, Pastors, Ministers, District and Local Youth Leaders and Workers, COG European Leaders, Cynthia and Vernon Spence, Christian Aid, Bristol Street Motors, our sponsors, exhibitors and all who have contributed to the success of the National Youth Programme since the 4th National Sports Day held in August 2004 to this present Convention. Truly an exhibition of ‘Team New T’ working together with God. Moreover, huge thanks and appreciation to all the parents & carers, children, young people and young adults for your enthusiasm, energy, creativity and support over the years. Thank You! Gracias! Nah Goodee! Merci! Thenk Yuh!


I must also express sincere gratitude to my wife Sonia, our parents, our children Timon and Crystal, our extended family and all the saints who have prayed for and encouraged us during my tenure. We love you! Our deep desire is to see Youth Ministry excel and extend beyond all we have witnessed to date and we look forward to sharing this special weekend with you. Our theme this year explores the life of Samuel, whose main principle was that God alone should receive glory and honour. Here are five important lessons to heed from Samuel’s life: 1. PUT GOD FIRST

From a young age, Samuel’s absolute allegiance was to God first. Imagine how daunting it must have been for the young Samuel to give an honest account of his vision to Eli (1 Samuel 3:11-21). There may be times when we feel intimidated by those in authority, but as Samuel proved more than once, it is God who must always remain our priority (Matthew 6:24). 2. ACCEPT GOD’S COUNSEL

Though Samuel had deep reservations about letting the children of Israel have a king, he was quick to consult God about the matter and abided by the Lord’s decision (1 Samuel 8:6-7). When we consult God about important decisions in our lives, we must be ready to accept God’s counsel and abide by it, even when it appears to go against our own desires (Luke 22:42). 3. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING

Samuel was a great man of prayer and his people respected him for it (1 Samuel 12:19, 23). Even though Samuel was aware of the evil in Saul’s life, he never stopped praying and mourning for him. Sometimes we write off people too quickly when we see them fall into sin. Certainly, God’s plans for each individual will come to pass, but it should never stop us from continuing to pray and care for those who are weaker in their faith (Romans 15:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:14, 17). 4. BALANCE HOME LIFE AND MINISTRY

There isn’t much to criticise in the life of Samuel, save perhaps one issue. Perhaps due to the time and effort Samuel spent in his service to the Lord and God’s people, he afforded little time with his sons. This may

NTCG England & Wales 52nd National Youth and Christian Education Convention

well have been a factor in their going astray. No matter how high a calling we receive from God, we must never neglect our family’s needs (1 Timothy 3:4-8). 5. WALK IN TRUTH, LOVE AND OBEDIENCE

The key verse in the story of Samuel contains his words to King Saul: “But Samuel replied: ‘Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than sacrificing the fat of rams’” (1 Samuel 15:22). No matter how great our ministry, obedience to God’s Word must always be our top priority (2 John 1:6). It is my prayer that as the above life lessons and other fundamental truths unfold over the convention weekend, our hearts will respond to the reality that we are Called, Chosen and must be Committed to love, honour, serve and obey our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Bishop Ruben S. King National Youth & CE Director England & Wales




n behalf of the National Youth Board, it is my pleasure to welcome and to pronounce God’s blessing upon all delegates to this year’s 52nd National Youth and Christian Education Convention. Our theme for this year is ‘Called, Chosen, Committed’ and is an exploration of the life of Samuel. When Samuel said to God in 1 Samuel 3:10, “Speak, for Your servant hears”, the word ‘hears’ in Hebrew implies not simply the physical act, but also to process and respond to what is said. Samuel expressed his willingness to respond to everything God had to say. In today’s world as always, there is nothing more significant for anyone who wishes to be used by God than to adopt Samuel’s attitude of “Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears”, and I trust that over this convention weekend, we are able to adopt the same desire as our brother Samuel did. We are very privileged to have with us another excellent guest speaker, and we extend a warm welcome to Nerissa Dubidad and pray that God will anoint her as she addresses and unpacks the theme ‘Called, Chosen, Committed.’ There has been much prayer invested in planning for the success of this convention and I believe that Christ the Lord will meet our needs throughout the convention. It is my prayer that this year will open the door to a fresh challenge for each and every delegate, and for us all to understand and embrace the voice of God in order for us to know that He has Called us, we are individually Chosen by Him and that we be forever Committed to the task He has assigned us to. God bless you all. Desmond Reid National Youth Board Member

New Testament Church of God National Headquarters and Administrative Offices, 3 Cheyne Walk, Northampton, NN1 5PT, England Direct line: (01604) 824220 Telephone: (01604) 824222 Fax: (01604) 824242 E-mail: Youth@ntcg.org.uk Website: www.ntcg.org NTCG Registration No. 917145 Registered Charity No. 250306



got a prayer request, birthday announcement, testimony, or an encouraging thought? 0777 3177 538 The text line is open during the intermissions Standard network charges apply 3



t is a delight and an honour to greet the delegates at the 2015 National Youth Convention. I would like to acknowledge the excellent leadership given to the Youth Department over almost eleven years by Bishop Ruben King and the National Youth Board. Unfortunately this will be the final convention that will be presided over by Bishop Ruben King. So, on behalf of the national leadership, all the ministers, youth workers, young people and children, I would like to express my appreciation to him and his family for their hard work over their tenure. As he moves on to his new ministry assignment as Pastor/District Overseer for Wolverhampton Church & District, I would like to wish him and his family every blessing. The theme for this year’s convention is a very fitting one “Called, Chosen, Committed.” It is very important for our young people and children to know that God is no respecter of persons; in that He calls and chooses individuals of all age groups to be committed to His cause. As we study the character Samuel let us remember that his name means ‘Asked of God.’

to take their requests to the Lord and remember that prayer changes things. Although we don’t always understand the call; like Samuel it is very important that we hear the voice of God when He calls us, even though we might not recognise who is calling or what He is calling us to do. However if we hear His voice, someone who is more experienced and mature than us will be able to counsel us to say “Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.” 1 Samuel 3: 9, “Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go lie down: and it shall be, if He call thee, that thou shalt say, ‘Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth.’ ” I pray that over this weekend each one of us will hear the voice of God calling us. I also pray that in obedience to hearing His call we will be able to say, “Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.” He will choose us for a task and seek our commitment. My wife joins me in wishing everyone a blessed Youth Convention and don’t forget to listen for the voice of God. Bishop Donald Bolt Administrative Bishop England & Wales

1 Samuel 1:27 “... for this child I prayed and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of Him.” Young people and children, like Hannah must learn

But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do His work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference He made for you—from nothing to something, from 1 PETER 2:9-10 (MSG) rejected to accepted. The truth, even though I cannot feel it right now, is that I am the chosen child of God, precious in God’s eyes, called the Beloved from all eternity and held safe in an everlasting embrace... We must dare to opt consciously for our chosenness and not allow our emotions, feelings, or passions to seduce us into self-rejection. HENRI J. M. NOUWEN 4

NTCG England & Wales 52nd National Youth and Christian Education Convention


Please ensure you eat, drink and rest adequately throughout the event. PEDDLING

No peddling of any kind will be permitted throughout the convention. THEFT

The National Department of Youth & Christian Education will not accept responsibility for the loss/theft of any property. LOST PROPERTY

Ask at the Reception Desk for lost items. VIDEO RECORDING AND PHOTOGRAPHS

Hungry Earth Productions has exclusive rights to film the convention. No other filming will be allowed, this includes camcorders, mobiles, etc., without the written permission from the National Youth & and Christian Education Department. It is possible that during this year’s convention, your child/ young person below the age of 18 may be photographed or

recorded. The New Testament Church of God will take all possible steps to ensure that these images are used solely for the purposes for which they are intended, which is the promotion and celebration of the convention and the New Testament Church of God. If you become aware that these images are being used inappropriately you should inform a member of the National Youth Board as soon as possible. FIXTURES/FITTINGS

Delegates are strongly advised not to tamper with any fixtures/ fittings at the Bethel Convention Centre. ORDERLINESS

By coming to this event you undertake to abide by the instructions and decisions of the Stewards at all times, in order to make this a safe and enjoyable event for everyone involved.



To be held on Saturday morning & afternoon and Sunday morning at the Bethel Convention Centre (The Chapel, Arnold George, Gerald E, & the Crèche). DISCLAIMER

The information in this programme is correct at time of printing. All events and times are subject to change and the New Testament Church of God cannot be held responsible for any alterations to the published programme. PARENTS AND BABIES ROOM

Ask at the Reception Desk. PRAYER ROOM

Chloe Room If you feel... threatened, scared, emotionally, physically or sexually at risk, for confidential help or advice call ChildLine on 0800 1111.


Please do your best to minimise your movements in the Main Auditorium during sessions.

AC T I O N U P O N H E A R I N G T H E F I R E A L A R M !

the fire alarm makes a “whoop whoop” sound followed by a recorded voice message.

• Upon the sounding of the emergency tone, immediately stop any ongoing activities.

orderly manner to the assembly area which is located at the BCC car park, front entrance.

• Stay in your location and wait for instructions from the Fire Marshall or Stewards.

• Use the nearest and safest exit.

• After receiving the evacuation order, evacuate the building in an

• Wait for further instructions.

• Proceed to the predetermined emergency assembly area.

NTCG England & Wales 52nd National Youth and Christian Education Convention


CO L O U R M E I N !

Children’s Programme


»» Services are for children aged 4 – 11 years old. »» Consumption of food will not be allowed during the sessions. »» Parents need to remain on the premises whilst their children are in Children’s Church. »» All children aged eight years and under must be brought and collected by an adult. »» Please collect your child immediately after each session. »» Please inform a team member if your child has any special needs and complete a medical needs form.





09:20 – 9:45 am

09:30 – 10:00 am


Registration Once Children’s Church has started or the full capacity is reached no more children will be admitted during that session.

10:45 am -12:00 pm

God Calling 12 noon - 2.00 pm

10:00 am


Devotion in the Chapel

2:00 – 3:30 pm

11:00 am – 12:15 pm

Songs of Praise

Group 1 (4 & 5 years), Gerald E Room

5:30 pm

Group 2 (6 & 7 years), Crèche

Children’s Choir to assemble in The Chapel Group 3 (8 & 9 years), Arnold George Room 6:30 – 9:00 pm

Group 4 (10 & 11 years), The Chapel 2:30 – 3:30 pm

(Main Auditorium)

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY SERVICE (Main Auditorium) [Children need to be back for 2:15 pm] ‘We Are Kids For Christ’

Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel answered, “Speak, for Your servant hears.”

3:30 - 5:00 pm


1 SAMUEL 3:10 (NKJV)

NTCG England & Wales 52nd National Youth and Christian Education Convention



SATURDAY 9.00 - 9.45 am


2nd may

Worship Team: Prayer

YO UTH E M POW E R M E N T 1 0 : 0 0 A M – 12 :00 P M


Praise and Worship Scripture


erissa lives in South-East London and attends NTCG West Croydon. She is formerly a member of the Wesleyan Holiness Church. Nerissa accepted Christ as her Saviour in 1991 at Asbury Youth Camp. Her roles in the Church have included Youth Leader, Church Officer and Worship Leader. She is currently the District Youth Director for the West Croydon District. Nerissa is a Speech & Language Therapist. She is driven by her love for Christ and compassion for others especially young people. She is married to Winston. They have 3 children; Tia, Nya and Ella.

#Selfie: An honest look at issues affecting Year 7 to 9 that are not often openly discussed in a church setting. »» Females – Alexander Suite Caroline Comrie-Sinclair, NTCG Coventry »» Males – Herman D Suite Eugene Jordan, NTCG Willesden Reaffirming The Standard: Young Worshippers Conference Duke of Edinburgh Award: Tristan Holmes-Anckle, NTCG Brixton Mission Placement to Rwamagana, Rwanda: Chris Hyliger, NTCG Leeds Public Leadership Programme: Daniel Webster, Evangelical Alliance Absent from the Present: Dance & Creative Ministries


1st may

5.00 pm REGISTRATION 7.00 pm Light refreshments may be purchased from the tuck shop on the ground floor

WO R S H IP & W O R D 7:3 0 - 9 : 3 0 P M Praise, Worship and Prayer Scripture Worship in Giving Speaker – Andrew Mongi, NTCG Elephant & Castle


What’s Hot. What’s Not: Luke Lonegan and Sam Donaldson, For Christian Teens TLG Central Birmingham: Revd Nathaniel Turner, NTCG The Rock

YO UT H V OI C E S 2 :00 – 3:30 P M Praise, Worship and Prayer Scripture Worship in Giving Speaker – Martelle Henry, NTCG Lee

YO UT H P R A I SE 6 :30 – 9:00 P M PRAISEfest

• Featuring: Jahaziel, Annastasia, Rix, Anthony & i4one, NTCG Mass & Children’s Choirs

SUNDAY 9.00 - 9.45 am

3rd may



Worship Team: Prayer

1 Samuel 7:12

CA LLED 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Praise, Worship and Prayer

The victory at Ebenezer was so decisive that the Philistines made no more attacks against the Israelites during Samuel’s judgeship.

Scripture Welcome Greeting: Bishop Donald Bolt, Administrative Bishop Mass Choir Worship in Giving

Use the top half of this pad to note ideas, points and other things you want to remember after this convention.


Speaker – Nerissa Dubidad

C HO S E N 2 : 3 0 - 3: 30 P M


Children’s Ministry Service ‘We Are Kids For Christ’

3:30 P M – 5 : 0 0 P M


Appreciations Bishop Hubert Gardner Bishop Ruben King

C OM M I T T E D 5 : 3 0 - 8 : 0 0 P M Praise, Worship and Prayer Scripture Mass Choir

Use the lower part of this pad to note personal action points you plan to undertake after this convention. Some may result from thinking about the items above.


Worship in Giving Speaker – Nerissa Dubidad


2. ...the LORD said to Samuel, “Don’t be impressed by his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. God does not view things the way men do. People look on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks 1 SAMUEL 16:7 (NET) at the heart.




1 Samuel chapters 1-28




16 day


By Laraine Giles NTCG National Youth Board England and Wales

e can hardly tell the story of the great prophet Samuel without first making mention of the circumstances surrounding his extraordinary birth. You may say, “Why extraordinary?” I say it is, because the God we serve, everything He does is extraordinary. The book of 1 Samuel begins with a man called Elkanah and his two wives Peninnah and Hannah. Peninnah the Bible tells us has children by Elkanah, but Hannah has no children because the Lord has closed her womb.

The Characters in the Story SAMUEL

»»Samuel means “Name of God” »»Dedicated to God by his mother Hannah. »»As a child Samuel was given his own ephod; a garment normally reserved for priests.


»»Elkanah means “God the zealous” »»Father of Samuel. »»He had two wives.


»»Hannah means “favour” or “grace” »»Wife of Elkanah and mother of Samuel.


»»Peninnah means “Pearl” or “Coral” »»Wife of Elkanah.


»»Eli means “My God” or “High” »»Priest at Shiloh.


»»Hophni and Phinehas. »»Hophni means “tadpole” and Phinehas mean “the Nubian” Why did God allow polygamy? Visit www.gotquestions.org/polygamy for some possible reasons. 10

The Life & Times of Samuel - A 16 Day Devotional


1 Samuel 1:1-7

Every year Elkanah, Hannah and Peninnah along with her children went up to the temple in Shiloh to observe one of three annual feasts. This was a very special time where the people of God rejoiced and sadness was prohibited. Elkanah we know loved Hannah, so for them to rejoice would have proved most difficult, for we know Hannah was unable to have any children, also to make matters worse Elkanah’s other wife Peninnah tormented her constantly with cruel words because of her barrenness. The Bible tells us Peninnah provoked Hannah severely to make her miserable. I can almost see Peninnah parading her children before Hannah at every opportunity. How Hannah must have felt I cannot imagine. Prayer focus: Ask God to help you speak words today that will build people up and not break them down. Say, “Lord let the words from my mouth be acceptable in Your sight.”


1 Samuel 1:8-10

This year’s trip to the temple in Shiloh proved to be another very difficult journey for Hannah to make. Year after year she had to suffer the same distressing experience, Peninnah taunting her, tormenting her and sneering at her. Even Elkanah her husband who loved Hannah dearly did not fully understand the anguish she felt and asked her, “Why do you not eat and why are you so grieved; am I not better to you than ten sons?” Sadly unable to contain her grief any longer Hannah finds herself in the tabernacle where she pours out her soul to God weeping sorely and in great distress. Like Hannah we too can find ourselves in situations that seem almost impossible to bear. Perhaps you are being bullied in school, or struggling to keep up with your studies. Maybe someone dear to you has passed away and you cannot understand why. Sometimes peer pressure becomes unbearable or our self esteem hits rock bottom. Nobody seems to understand what you are going through.

He understands what you are going through and will help you.


1 Samuel 1:11-16

As Hannah prays she makes a vow to the Lord. A promise that if He grants her a son, she will give him back to the Lord all the days of his life and no razor shall come upon his head. These words refer to the law of the Nazarite (Numbers 6:2-6). Eli the priest sitting by the door of the tabernacle surveys Hannah’s body language and observes her lips moving with no sound coming from her mouth; he jumps to the conclusion that she is drunk. Rebuking her for what he believes is unacceptable behaviour, Hannah is quick to assure Eli that she is not drunk, but has poured out her soul before the Lord. How many times do we misunderstand people or jump to the wrong conclusion before knowing the full facts? We hurt people’s feelings and alienate them even before we have had a chance to get to know them. Maybe this has even been your experience; you have been misunderstood, someone has hurt your feelings or said things about you that were not true. How did you react? Pray: Lord, help me to forgive those who have hurt me. Help us to work out our differences in love.


1 Samuel 1:17-18

In these verses Hannah asks Eli not to consider her to be a wicked woman; all she had been doing was praying out of her great anguish and grief. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” Eli answers Hannah with these words, “Go in peace and the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him.” There are two things we can glean from these verses: 1. When we pray fervently, that is with intensity of spirit, something must change. The Bible says in James 5:16b, “The effective fervent prayer of the righteous avails much.”

*Selah: When you find yourself in difficult situations God wants you to turn to Him because

The Life & Times of Samuel - A 16 Day Devotional


2. “Go in peace.” Hannah for the first time in years was able to experience peace. Her countenance changed. The words Eli spoke had given her hope; although there was no physical manifestation of that hope, her prayer and Eli’s prayer had been entrusted to Almighty God who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ever think or ask. Selah: What is disturbing your peace today? Pray about it; let it go and leave it in the hands of Jesus that were wounded for you.


1 Samuel 1:19-27

After returning to their home in Ramah the Bible tells us the Lord remembered Hannah and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son and she named him Samuel, meaning “Name of God.” The Lord had intervened and answered her prayers. After Samuel’s birth his father and the entire household went up to Shiloh to offer the yearly sacrifice, but Hannah remained at home with Samuel saying, “I will not take him until he is weaned.” True to her word, as soon as Samuel had been weaned Hannah took him up to Shiloh and praise be to God, she was also able to share her testimony with Eli that she was the woman who prayed for a son and the Lord heard her cry and attended to her prayer. Praise God, what a testimony! Be a witness: Your testimony is important. Share your testimony today so that God can be glorified.


1 Samuel 1:28

Some may find this verse hard to comprehend. Hannah having to let go of the son she loved so dearly, leaving him in the hands of Eli who knew very little about the boy. Lending him to the Lord meant giving him up completely. I cannot imagine the number of different emotions Hannah must have experienced, but the text goes on to say they worshipped the Lord there. The Hebrew word for worship means bow down. In humble adoration and with grateful hearts


The Life & Times of Samuel - A 16 Day Devotional

both Hannah and Eli recognised the greatness of God and his Majesty. Psalm 107:8 says, “O that men would praise Him for his wonderful goodness towards the children of men.” Action: Has God ever answered your prayer and you failed to acknowledge Him or give Him thanks? Take a few moments today to worship Him and praise Him for his faithfulness and goodness toward you.


1 Samuel 2:12

Although Samuel was obedient to Eli, unfortunately his own sons were not. The bible says they were corrupt and they did not know the Lord. This meant they had no personal relationship with the Lord. They were corrupt with their dealings in the tabernacle and showed no respect for the ministry. From a very young age these boys learnt to be teachers of God’s law and would later on be expected to perform sacred duties. Imagine being brought up in a Christian environment, learning so much about the word of God and being able to access it 24/7, not only in your Bible, but through various types of technology. The Word in your very hands; carried around with you all day on your phones; so much power and life available at your fingertips, yet sadly you do not know Jesus personally. Selah: How can I use the tools God has given me to help me build a relationship with Him, so I can serve Him faithfully?


1 Samuel 2:13-17

So we see Eli’s sons were disrespectful, dishonourable and their sin was great before the Lord. Verse 17 of 1 Samuel 2 refers to Eli’s sons as young men; young men who had every opportunity to flourish in the house of God. Young men who were entrusted to perform sacred duties. Young men given great responsibility to serve in the house of God. What roles and responsibilities do you have at church? Do you sing on the choir? Do you receive the offering?

Are you part of the worship team? Do you play a musical instrument? Are you sometimes called to read a scripture? How serious do you take the tasks assigned to you? Selah: Do I undertake duties wholeheartedly, or do I handle the things of God carelessly with irreverent disrespect?


1 Samuel 2:18-19

Although Eli’s sons would not have been good role models before young Samuel, he continued to be devoted to the tasks that were given him. The Bible tells us Samuel ministered before the Lord and wore a lined ephod (see also Exodus 28:5-14). Each year his mother Hannah would make him a little robe and bring it up to him. This robe was different from the ephod, as the ephod was part of the official dress of the High Priest. Samuel wore the ephod from a youth as Eli knew he had been set apart for life-long service before the Lord. Samuel also performed his duties faithfully and was not enticed by the bad practices of those around him. Today you may not wear an ephod like Samuel, you may not be given a special robe each year, but you can wear a robe of righteousness and you can put on a garment of praise. You are surrounded by the presence of God and you can serve Him faithfully wherever you are. Selah: Am I a good role model? Do I have a positive influence on those around me?

DAY 10

1 Samuel 2:26

This verse comes at a time when Eli is talking to his sons about all the evil practices they are involved in, especially at the tabernacle. Despite the folly of Eli’s sons and all the things going on around him, Samuel was still thriving in the house of God. The word tells us that Samuel grew in favour with God and man, just as written of Jesus in Luke 2:52. You too should desire favour in the eyes of the Lord as you live faithfully for Him. This favour should not be for getting what you want, but for whatever helps God to be glorified.

Prayer focus: Remember to give God thanks today for His grace and favour on your life.

DAY 11

1 Samuel 3:1

As Samuel continued to minister before the Lord in Shiloh under the supervision of Eli the priest, the bible tells us the Word was rare in those days and there was no widespread revelation. This meant that there was not much prophetic activity probably due to the bad behaviour of the people. Joel 2:28 says, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people; your sons and your daughters will prophesy.” Young people, God is waiting to use you to bring his prophetic word to your schools, colleges, universities, workplaces and even your own homes cities and nations. Is there any bad behaviour in your life preventing God from speaking to you, if so today is the day to examine yourselves; it’s not too late to change with the help of the Lord. Pray: Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my mind and heart. Psalm 26:2

DAY 12

1 Samuel 3:2-9

It is said Samuel would have been about 12 years old when the Lord called him. As we heard there were not many visions in those days and the Word was rare. When God called Samuel he did not recognise God’s voice because he did not have an intimate relationship with Him, neither had the Word been revealed to him. So it is with us sometimes; God calls us; He wants to speak to us; He longs to have communion with us; He tries to get our attention through His Word, dreams, visions or people. Yet we cannot respond to God’s call simply because we do not recognise His voice - we don’t know Him. After the third call Eli realises it is God calling Samuel and instructs the boy how to respond. Selah: Make a decision to spend a few moments over the next week listening for God’s voice.

The Life & Times of Samuel - A 16 Day Devotional


DAY 13

1 Samuel 3:10

“The Lord came and stood,” may mean some kind of physical appearance, however it could mean the manifestation of God’s presence was in the room. As instructed by Eli, Samuel went back to bed. God called Samuel a fourth time; this time repeating his name twice, “Samuel! Samuel!” Samuel replies, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” For some reason Samuel did not use the word Lord when he answered the call; some suggest it may have been out of uncertainty, however he did answer God. Today as you read your bible say, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” As you pray today say, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” As you travel to school, college or anywhere you find yourself today say, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Selah: Wherever you find yourself today or whatever you decide to do, say, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” God is interested in every aspect of your life.

DAY 14

1 Samuel 3:11-21

In these next verses the Lord gives Samuel a prophetic word concerning the house of Eli. Samuel then gives Eli the very disturbing news that the sins of his house would never be atoned for or made right. Eli makes it clear to Samuel in these verses that when God gives you a message to give someone, no matter how difficult it is to deliver, you must be obedient and deliver it. Because of Samuel’s obedience, even though he was initially afraid to tell Eli the bad news, God honoured him by bringing to fruition the words spoken by Samuel and all he spoke came to pass. God will never leave His church without a voice; after He had rejected Eli and his sons as priests Samuel would be the next in line to guide the people of God as a judge and prophet. Selah: Jesus is building His church and has given you a message to deliver. The nice thing about the message is, it is “not bad news,” but it is “good news,” all about a man called Jesus. Are you bold enough to deliver the good news today?


The Life & Times of Samuel - A 16 Day Devotional

DAY 15

As we continue to learn more about the life of Samuel we see that God was with him, people admired him, and because he honoured God, God in turn honoured him. As a young person the key to your success is God. If God is for you, who can be against you? As for the young man Samuel, he went on to lead the forces of Israel against the Philistines at Mizpah (1 Samuel 7); he became a judge of all Israel (1 Samuel 7:15). The people rejected Samuel’s sons as the next judges of Israel and demand a king in 1 Samuel 8:7. God anoints Saul as king and tells Samuel about His decision. Later in 1 Samuel 9:17 God instructs Samuel to reject Saul as king (1 Samuel 15:26) and Samuel anoints David as king (1 Samuel 16:13). Selah: Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

DAY 16

1 Samuel 28:3

Samuel dies at Ramah and all the people of Israel mourn him. Samuel loved God and obeyed Him without question. He was a man of great integrity and never took advantage of the authority given him. When we are obedient we show God we love Him. While the people of Samuel’s time were disrespectful and showed total disregard for the work and things of God, Samuel stood out as a man of honour. Samuel’s absolute allegiance was to God first and because of this he was able to see the sovereignty of God in Israel. Today the Lord Jesus Christ is calling you. Let Jesus occupy the throne of your heart. Pray: Dear Lord, I am CALLED, CHOSEN and COMMITTED to spreading the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Help me to hear and obey Your Voice. “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening!” Amen. *Selah - Pause and think of that.

REGULAR GIVING New Testament Church of God - Department of Youth and Christian Education


Your Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss)


Your Bank Account No.


Please deduct:

£ ________________________

From the above account on ____________________________________________ (day) of each month until further notice from me in writing. Pay this sum to: New Testament Church of God, Department of Youth & Christian Education. National Westminster Bank Plc. Account No. 83810978 sort Code 60-15-55 41 Weston Favell Centre, Northampton NN3 8JT


To: ________________________________________________ Bank (name of your Bank)


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Please note this cancels any previous Standing Order in favour of the above.

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Address ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Amount pledged per month

£ ___________________________

Gift Aid Declaration [ ] As a UK tax payer, I want the New Testament Church of God to reclaim tax on all donations I make from the date on this declaration until I notify you otherwise.

Those who wait for perfect weather will never plant seeds; those who look at every cloud will never harvest crops. Ecclesiastes 11:4

We Need 1000 Partners to contribute £5 or more per month to Youth & CE Ministry

Please complete and return to: New Testament Church of God, Youth & CE Department, 3 Cheyne Walk, Northamptonshire NN1 5PT, UK. Thank you for your commitment to the work of the National Youth and CE Department and for giving in this way. God bless you.

NTCG England & Wales 52nd National Youth and Christian Education Convention


Please call 01604 824 220 or email Youth@ntcg.org.uk if you would like to support the Youth Department by displaying our large JustTextGiving banner at your District or Local event. 16

NTCG England & Wales 52nd National Youth and Christian Education Convention


Friday Evening

Word and Worship

Saturday Morning

Youth Empowerment

Saturday Afternoon

Youth Voices

Praisefest 2015

Featuring: Jahaziel, Annastasia, Rix, Anthony & i4one, NTCG Mass & Children’s Choirs

Sunday Morning

Nerissa Dubidad

Sunday Afternoon

Children’s Session and Appreciations

Sunday Evening

Nerissa Dubidad

Set of 5 DVDs £40

Fri eve, Sat morn, Sat aft, Sun morn & Sun eve

TOTAL No. OF DVD’s _____________ @ £10.00 each DETACH HERE



= £ _______________

Add £5.00 for Post & Packing if ordering less than 5 items TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSED: Convention DVDs + P&P Method of Payment:

= £ _______________ Cash

Cheque made payable to “NTCG Youth Department”

£ _______________ £________________

Debit/Credit card details __________________________________________ [ ] Visa

[ ] Mastercard


Cardholder’s Name ________________________________________

Signature of cardholder ______________________________________________________________ FULL NAME _______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________

POST CODE ________________________

MOBILE / DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER _________________________________________________ FORM & PAYMENT TO BE SENT TO: NTCG National Youth & CE Department, 3 Cheyne Walk, Northampton, NN1 5PT, England Tel: 01604 824220 or Fax: 01604 824242 Do not send cash through the post. NTCG England & Wales 52nd National Youth and Christian Education Convention



Use your vote on 7 May 2015 CONVENTION


Counselling, Altar Workers & Detached Workers

Deanne Gardner

Children’s Ministry Team Laraine Giles and Shekinah Griffith Mass Choir Director

John Anckle

Music Director

Phillip Gray

Creative & Dance Ministry Coordinator

Lydia Lewinson

Registration Team Leader Bridgette Nettleford

Hospitality Team

Cynthia Spence

Stage Co-ordinator

Desmond Reid and

Tuck Shop

Lynette Pringle

Leanne Vassell

PA System

Rowen Spence

Head Steward

Bishop Hubert Gardner

Audio Visuals

Revd Veronica Patmore

Convention Administrator Marie Aransevia First Aid Co-ordinator

Revd Sharon Smith



1st Keys - Iziah Yarde 2nd Keys - Adrian McLeod Hammond Organ - Luke Francis Drums - Andre Fisher

Bass - Dayna Fisher Electric Guitar - Matt Allen Acoustic Guitar - Amie Alexis

acknowledgements The National Youth and Christian Education Director wishes to acknowledge all who contributed to the success of this Convention including the following: »» Sonia, Timon and Crystal King, his parents and family for their support »» Bishop Donald Bolt and Mrs Joycelyne Bolt »» National Youth & Christian Education Board »» Marie Aransevia, Vivienne Welsh, Sandra Heath & National Office Administrative Team »» District & Local Youth Directors »» Bristol Street Motors, NTCG Willenhall, NTCG Clapham, NTCG Dudley, NTCG St Albans, NTCG Slough, NTCG Rugby, NTCG Aldershot, NTCG Brook’s Bar (Manchester), NTCG Stevenage and UCB for sponsoring the convention.

»» NTCG The Rock, NTCG Chrisma, NTCG Handsworth, NTCG Northampton, NTCG Leeds and NTCG Lee for making their facilities available for meetings and rehearsals. »» Bethel Convention Centre Management and Staff »» Hungry Earth Productions »» Worship Team, Creative and Dance Ministries and Convention Band »» Mass Choir, Children’s Choir & individuals who ministered during the Convention »» Hospitality Team »» Convention Personnel »» Janine Bucknor Design (Convention artwork) »» Mark Small (Children’s illustration)


NTCG England & Wales 52nd National Youth and Christian Education Convention

forthcoming YO U T H E V E N T S

Find out first at www.ntcg.org


Leading With Integrity – for Youth Workers Saturday 20th June 2015 Venue: Leadership Training Centre, Northampton, NN1 5PT IMPACT 2015

Act and be a part of reaching out and impacting youth Friday 4th or Saturday 5th September 2015 Venue: Countrywide at local venues Prayer strategy, T-shirts, free planning resource pack and templates available For information visit: www.impactyouth.org.uk 11TH YOUTH ACADEMY 2015

An exciting, life changing weekend for young people Friday 16th to Sunday 18th October 2015 Theme: All or Nothing Venue: Whitemoor Lakes, Barley Green Lane, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8QT. Age group: 13 to 23 years old Cost: £120 (full board). Balance required by 28th August 2015 For information visit: www.youthacademy.org.uk 53RD NATIONAL YOUTH AND DISCIPLESHIP CONVENTION

Friday 29th April - Sunday 1st May 2016 Venue: Bethel Convention Centre, West Bromwich, B70 7JW


Friday 17th – Sunday 19th July 2015 Theme: ONE – Lord, Faith, Mission Guest Speakers: Bishop Donald Bolt, Dr. Tim Hill, Revd Celia Apeagyei-Collins Venue: Bethel Convention Centre, B70 7JW WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT CONFERENCE

Friday 2nd - Sunday 4th October 2015 Theme: Set to Soar in the Power of the Holy Spirit Guest Speakers: Pastor Deven Wallace and Evangelist Jacqueline Smith Venue: Bethel Convention Centre, B70 7JW LIFEBUILDERS NATIONAL MEN'S CONFERENCE

Friday 6th - Sunday 8th November 2015 Theme: Full Throttle Venue: NTCG Handsworth, B19 1NP

God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies. JAMES HUDSON TAYLOR NTCG England & Wales 52nd National Youth and Christian Education Convention








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