Speakers.com, Inc. 1125 West Street,Suite 200 Annapolis, MD 21401 p 410-897-1970 f 410-897-1971 www.speakers.com
Contract 6461 3/31/2016
Event Number Contract Date
Th< C....Wt Speakm On &rth
.f h_§rl~ Gasparino
Sponsor Sponsor's Address
The University of North Texas (U ~T) 1155 Union Circle Drive #311250 J Denton, Texas 76203-501 7
Contact Name Contact Phone Date of Event Ev ent Description
Mary Howard i also on-site contact) (940) 565-3480 5/9/2017 Kuehne Speaker Series
Schedule for Required Activities
Schedule for Optional Activities Media and Recording Event Location!Address
Attire Audience ·Size
Contact Email
Tuesday, May 9, 2017 9:00 am - 10:30 am: VIP Breakfast 11:00 am - 12:00 pm: Reception and Photo Op 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm: Key note Presentation 12:45 pm - 1:15 pm: Q & A 1:30 pm: Event Concludes Monday~ayB , 201 7 ?pm - 9i:im: Dinner j This appearance may not be recorded by any means or for any purpose; however, still images are approved for use O'!_ all affiliat~ u~v~rs_!!y webs_!!~~.!_media pages. Hil!2n Anatole (also hotel) Event Phone (214) 748-1 ~ 2201 N Stemmons Fwy Dallas, TX 75207 Business
400: Senior business executives and CEO's from DFW area, UNT Students & Staff.
Please do not schedule or change any events other than th ose detailed on the contract without prior approval from Speakers.com, Inc. All communications relating to future negotiating, planning, and execution of events involving this speaker and this sponsor will be conducted through Spea kers.com, Inc.
Please make a reservation for the Speaker for the evening preceding the presentation and advise Speakers.com of the confirmation number. AN requirements will be forthcoming.
Honorar ium:
Deposit: Balance:
Financial Terms $29,500 US Dollars (Includes "flat travel" fee to cover all airfare, and ground transportation in city of origin) $15,750 US Dollars (Includes "flat travel") $13,750 US Dollars
Due Before:
4/07/2016 4/1812017
_ A.!!_ £.h ecks Payabl~ to Speak! f2.C0!!1, Inc. The Sponsor's additional financial obligations will include professional ground transportation in speech city on-site lodging for one night, meals & any other expenses necessitated by the Spea ker's journey to, presence in, or from the' city in which the program is presented. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS This Contract is subject to the terms Accepted By Sponsor Printed Name!Title Accepted By Speakers.com, Inc.
. flaj~Chancellor for tch are part of this contract.
By: Donna Asher, Associate Vice Business 'Services
Date SSN or FEIN
Date ~rinted Name/Title
Speakers.com, Inc. FEIN
l<t,,t3...:-,;t)JI. . .
Barbara L. Bartos, Partner 52-2279468 Signature at the end of the following Terms & Conditions is also required!!