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Wednesday. April 11, 2012
News 1, 2 Arts & Life 3 Sports 6 Views 4 Classifieds 5 Games 5
Volume 99 | Issue 46
The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
DCTA adds new buses for campus routes
Hybrid Moments
Senior Staff Writer
Over the next few months 18 new Champion buses will be added to the campus routes, replacing older buses. “We began replacing the Champions in 2006,” DCTA Marketing Manager Kristina Brevard said. “Goshens [buses] are being replaced now and were a part of the original f leet when we started serving UNT.” The buses, which collectively cost $3.6 million, have a life expectancy of 10 years and are able to carry three bikes in comparison to current buses which can fit only two. “There has been a n increasing number of students who use a bike as transportation, and a lot of them use the bus as well,” DCTA Senior Transit Planner Cheri Soileau said. Though DCTA will begin re c eiv i ng t he bu ses t h i s month, mechanical testing and bus driver training will have to take place before buses are ready to join the campus routes. “It’s like you’ve driven a Toyota for yea rs, a nd now you’re get t i ng a Honda,”
UNT students board the DCTA Connect across the Union taking the Centre Place route Monday evening. The DCTA has ordered 18 new buses for its campus routes.
“There has been an increasing number of students who use a bike as transportation, and a lot of them use the bus as well.”
—Cheri Soileau DCTA senior transit planner
Soi leau sa id. “T here w i l l be no big difference for the customer, though, except the extra bike rack.” Students can expect to see
new buses as early as May, with the rest trickling in throughout the summer. By the beginning of the fall semester all 18 buses are expected to be in place.
“Original Sin,” a mixed media piece created with plastic hangers by studio art senior Jeff Heaton, hangs in the “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes” gallery in the Eagle Exhibit Hall in the Environmental Education, Science and Technology Building. The exhibit is open through April 13.
See EXHIBIT on page 3
Language department halts student tutoring services A LEX A RRICK
Contributing Writer Foreign language tutoring services from the Department of World Languages, Literatures a nd Cu lt u re s h a s be en suspended for the remainder of the spring semester due to a decline in student enrollment. Students enrolled in world languages classes pay a small fee every semester for the tutoring lab. The fee, set at least a year in
advance, is based on a projected increase in enrollment. This year, however, enrollment dropped in all UNT colleges and departments. “This decline had not been anticipated, and as a consequence we did not collect sufficient funds to cover the stipend of the tutors for the whole semester,” said MarieChristine Koop, professor and chair of the Department of
World Languages, Literatures and Cultures. “We are therefore obligated to temporarily interrupt this service.” Tutoring services stopped after spring break. A notice was placed on the door of the tutoring lab explaining the situation, to reassure students that free tutoring will resume during the summer.
See LANGUAGE on Page 2
UNT police see increase in number of DWI arrests H AYLEE HOWARD
Contributing Writer The UNT Police Department has seen a significant increase in t he number of driv ing while intoxicated arrests this semester compared to last year’s totals. The results went up 58 percent compared with last year based on records provided by Corporal John Delong. In 2011, officers made 114 DWI arrests, averaging 9.5 arrests per month. In the first three
months of 2012, UNT PD has averaged 16.5 per month. “As of the spring break week, UNT PD [averaged] four DWI cases, which is about the average per week this year,” Delong said in an email. “Over the next nine months these numbers could average out, though.” UN T a lu m nus Rya n McAdams nearly received a DWI in his driveway in September 2010 from UNT police and is still facing the repercussions.
“The cop was parked right in front of my house and pulled me over because I made too wide of a turn into my driveway,” McAdams said. “I didn’t blow into the Breathalyzer, but I was still arrested for supposedly failing the sobriety test. I only ended up paying about $6,000, and I am still on probation until t his September.”
See DWI on Page 2
Games are on display Tuesday at Hastings Entertainment, located at 2311 Colorado Blvd. A member of the Game Developers of UNT club, which meets every other week and hosts an online discussion forum, has entered the sixth annual Microsoft-sponsored “Dream.Build.Play Challenge.” for a prize of $112,500.
UNT student develops game for competition BEN PEYTON Staff Writer
UNT computer science junior Wilson Cordero has partnered with Pennsylvania native and Lehigh University graduate Stephen Grabowski to develop a video game to enter in the sixth annual Microsoft-sponsored “Dream.Build.Play Challenge.” T he “Drea m.Bu i ld.Play Challenge” allows individuals to create a game for an Xbox 360 game console or Windows Phones. The 2011 competition attracted 250 entries from independent game developers in 27 countries. The winners of the competition will split $112,500 in prize money. Game developers have until June 12 to submit their projects in the competition.
“At first we were just putting it [the game] out for an Xbox indie platform just for a hobby, and then he [Grabowski] was like, ‘Let’s go ahead and enter it in the “Dream. Build.Play competition,” and I said, ‘OK,’” Cordero said. Cordero is a member of the Game Developers of UNT club, which meets every other week and hosts an online discussion forum similar to the one that introduced him to Grabowski. The forum can be found at gdunt. Cordero said he is the only member of the club that is entering the Dream.Build.Play competition thus far. “I found it [GDUNT] through a friend,” Cordero said. “She told me the Game Developers club was happening last semester so
I decided to go to it, and so far I like the atmosphere.” Cordero and Grabowski crossed paths through an online forum frequented by independent game developers. While Cordero focused his attention to the game’s artwork and Grabowski developed the programming, the two maintained a balance of creative control. “He was really good with any ideas on how to improve things,” Grabowski said. “He was really good at just saying it.” Cordero and Grabowski exchange their work through weekly emails to complete the project in time for the competition.
See GAMERS on Page 2
Inside Music therapy week hits Denton Arts and Life | Page 3
Texas State visits Denton for softball doubleheader Sports | Page 6
This week’s nods and shakes Views | Page 4
Page 2 Paul Bottoni and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors
Language Continued from Page 1 The notice said that many tutors had expressed interest in helping students for free. A student offering free Spanish tutoring already posted information in the lab. The most recent tutoring fee was $4.50, which is included in a student’s tuition. “We will readjust the fee for next year, and the problem should be resolved,” Koop said. Sophie Morton, the coordinator for beginner and intermediate French, sa id t hat intermediate French students tend to use t he ser v ices frequently and will be affected by the temporary change. St u d e nt s w e r e d i s a p -
Wednesday, April 11. 2012
pointed about the halt in services. “It is unfortunate that tutoring for subjects that a lot of people find trouble w it h is bei ng sla shed,” said history and political s c ienc e ju n ior Fa rh ad Mirzadeh, who is taking Arabic. “As long as the free tutoring will come back, I’m fine with it, even if it is reflected in higher student fees.” T he depa r t ment is making it clear that the tutoring lab has not been permanently eliminated, but on ly i nter r upted temporarily. “We fully understand the benefits of the tutoring lab for our students, and the department is committed to t h i s ser v ic e,” Koop said.
Computer science junior Wilson Cordero and Lehigh University graduate Stephen Grabowski will submit their game to the “Dream.Build.Play.” Challenge.
Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Sean Gorman Managing Editor .............................................Paul Bottoni Assigning Editor ............................................Valerie Gonzalez Arts and Life Editor ........................................Alex Macon Scene Editor.......................................Christina Mlynski Sports Editor ...................................................Bobby Lewis Views Editor .................................................Ian Jacoby Visuals Editor ....................................................Tyler Cleveland Visuals Assigning Editor ..............................Chelsea Stratso Multimedia Editor....................................................Daisy Silos Copy Chief ....................................................Jessica Davis Design Editor ............................................... Stacy Powers Senior Staff Writers Nicole Balderas, Holly Harvey, Brittni Barnett, Ashley Grant, Brett Medeiros, Alison Eldridge
Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Taylon Chandler, Elisa Dibble GAB Room 117 Phone: (940) 565-2353
Fax: (940) 565-3573
Gamers Continued from Page 1
Grabowski said he and Cordero’s game features an evil witch who becomes jealous of a girl then kidnaps her and turns her into a cartoon. The witch has five minions
Continued from Page 1
Michelle Larson, Lucky Lou’s bartender and University of Texas at Arlington graduate student, said she deals with a lot of drunk and disorderly customers on a weekly basis and
(MCT) GETTYSBURG, Pa. – Bowing to the math of the moment , R ic k S a ntor u m suspended his ailing presidential campaign Tuesday, ensuring Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee in November. “We made a decision over t he we ekend, t hat w h i le this presidential race for us is over, for me, and we will suspend our campaign today, we are not done f ighting,” the former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania announced in a speech here. A f ter much “prayer a nd thought” at home, Santorum said, he and his wife, Karen, and children decided it was
Publications Committee seeks Summer and Fall NT Daily Editor. Applications available online at and in GAB117.
Applicants must submit a resume and two letters of recommendation (one recommendation letter shall be from a faculty member and one recommendation letter from a faculty, staff member, or professional journalist outside of the NT Daily) along with the completed application. Completed applications should be emailed no later than Monday, April 16th at 5pm to Dr. Jay Allison,
Want to be the Editor? *Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
and just see how we really do in comparison to other people,” Grabowski said. A panel of industry professionals from Microsoft will critique the games based on innovation, fun-factor and production quality. Twenty finalists will be announced in August, and the winners will be announced in
September. Aside from the prize money, finalists have a chance to be a part of Xbox 360’s registered developer program, receive publishing contracts for Xbox 360 or Windows Phone entries, and have a chance for developers to showcase their games at the PAX Prime 2012 gaming festival in Seattle, Wash.
tries to stop them from getting in their cars and driving. “If I see that someone is identifiably drunk, we encourage them to drink water, then try to find them a way home,” Larson said. “Things slip under the radar all of the time, and it gets difficult to keep track of who has had too much to drink.” Larson said that she and her
co-workers have occasionally had to take people home who have had too much to drink to prevent accidents and possible DWIs. “A lot of the staff that works here has had a DWI or DUI in the past, so it’s important to all of us that we don’t overserve someone,” Larson said. La rson sa id she hasn’t
noticed much difference this year in the amount of people Lucky Lou’s serves and has not witnessed a case of a DWI offender who was overserved there. Delong said they have not been actively pursuing drunk drivers, rather UNT PD only wishes to maintain the safety of the students.
Santorum suspends presidential campaign
Want to be the editor?
Applicants must be able to meet with the committee at 12:30pm, Wednesday, April 18th in GAB114.
who pursue the girl with food, which makes her grow larger and larger until she explodes. The player’s objective as the girl is to defeat the witch and her minions, thus returning the character to her normal self. The game, which is made for the Xbox 360 gaming console, remains untitled. “It would be cool to enter
time to end the campaign. Say i ng he had enabled “con ser v at ives to have a voice” in the GOP nominating process, Santorum marveled at t he long-shot nature of his campaign, in which he rose to become t he strongest rema ining cha l lenger to Romney. “Miracle after miracle, this race was as improbable as any you will ever see for president,” he said. “We are not done fighting.” Santorum did not mention Romney, the former governor of Ma ssachu set t s, i n t he speech a nd spoke instead of h i s g r at it ude for h i s supporters. John Brabender, Santorum’s chief strategist, confirmed Santorum talked to Romney before suspend i ng h is campaign and will be meeting with the likely nominee “in the near future.” But Brabender stopped shor t of s ay i ng w het her S a ntor u m w i l l of f ic i a l l y endorse Romney. In a statement, Romney said: “Senator Santorum is an able and worthy competitor, and I congratulate him on the campaign he ran. He has proven h i msel f to be an important voice in our party and in the nation. We
Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum spoke April 2 at The Gathering Restaurant in Shawano, Wisconsin. both recognize that what is most importa nt is putting the failures of the last three years behind us and setting America back on the path to prosperity.” In announcing his decision, Sa ntor u m spoke of being “fueled” by the stories a nd st r ugg les of ord ina r y Americans he had met on the campaign trail, particularly the parents of “special needs” children who were inspired by Bella and Santorum’s role in fighting abortion. “ W e w e r e w i n n i n g ,”
Correction In Tuesday’s edition of the North Texas Daily, in the story “UNT closes home schedule with dominant victories,” the tennis team was said to be on a three-game winning streak. The team is actually on a two-game winning streak. The Daily regrets this error.
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Santorum said, despite the pu nd it s who decla red he would never have been the nominee. “We were winning i n a ver y d i f ferent w ay, because we were touching hearts and we were raising issues t hat fra nk ly people didn’t want to have raised.” His wife Karen appeared to be holding back tears as he announced his decision. “Pe ople a s k ho w t h i s happened,” Santorum said. It happened, he said, because of the ordinary conservatives for whom he spoke. “I realized if I felt and understood at a very deep level what you all were going through across A mer ica, t hat you r voice could be heard and miracles could happen. And miracles did happen. This race was improbable as any race you will ever see for president. I want to thank God for that and also thank all of you.”
Wednesday, April 11. 2012 Alex Macon, Arts & Life Editor
Arts & Life
Page 3
Students praise mental benefits of music therapy alison Matlock Staff Writer
Students at Texas Woman’s University are reaching out to the Denton community this week to spread the word about the benefits of therapy through music. The Student Association for Music Therapy (SAMT) at TWU is hosting its annual “Music Therapy Awareness Week,� with a variety of events scheduled to promote music therapy, the clinical use of music in a therapeutic relationship. To raise awareness, SAMT will sponsor guest lectures, musical jam sessions and drum circles, said Jessica Leza, a music therapy graduate student at TWU. Tuesday night students and Denton residents performed and belted out songs at an open-mic night at the Love Shack. The week will conclude with a drum circle on the lawn of the Courthouseon-the-Square on Friday at 6 p.m. “Music therapy is also used to help strengthen and heal communities, often through the practice of community drum circles,� Leza said. “In the aftermath of the Virginia Tech shootings, therapeutic drum circles were used to bring the community together to voice their pain, mourn their loss and begin the process of healing.� Music therapists will be at all this week’s events to answer questions, including inquiries from current UNT students who may be interested in studying music therapy at TWU or other universities, Leza said. There is a drum circle planned for today at 11:30 a.m. outside of the Baptist Student Ministry on Oakland Avenue and a fundraiser
Photo by chelSeA StrAtSo/ ViSuAlS ASSigning editor
Photo by PAtrick howArd/ StAff PhotogrAPher
Andra Birdsong, a music therapy senior at TWU, plays the drums and guitar, and sings Tuesday during open mic night at The Love Shack in Denton. at Yogurt Fusion on Hickory Street on Thursday at 8 p.m. Leza said research demonstrates that music therapy is effective in a variety of settings. “Music therapy is the art and science of using music and a therapeutic relationship to create positive changes in the lives of diverse populations,� she said. Leza said music therapy works because music uses many different regions of the brain, and therapeutic applications of music can rewire the brain. “Music is also a powerful way to directly access emotion,� Leza said. During sessions, music therapists will put on different music and try to figure out which music affects the person in the most positive way, said jazz studies freshman Michael Tuck, who has independently studied music therapy while at UNT. Leza said sessions could play out differently depending on the patient. “Music therapists often employ techniques such as music
improvisation and performance, receptive music listening, songwriting, lyric discussion, music and imagery, and learning through music,� Leza said. Leza said that many college students face problems that can be addressed in a music therapy setting, including issues like depression, substance abuse and sexual assault. Music therapy can also help manage stress, alleviate pain and serve as a vehicle for the expression of feelings, she said. During their interventions, music therapists address individual needs by customizing each musical experience to suit the patient’s preference, whether that be Mozart, Taylor Swift or Led Zeppelin. Tuck said music had a special connection with the human mind. “There’s something in music that makes people feel a certain way,� he said.
To watch multimedia visit
“Printing Paper� by studio art senior Taylor Dange Sheppard hangs in the “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes� gallery next to studio art senior Jeff Heaton’s plastic hanger piece “Original Sin.� Sheppard’s mixed media piece was created with a laserjet printer and laserjet prints.
Exhibit displays hybrid art H annaH WeeHunt Contributing Writer
UNT students’ hybrid art creations have taken the spotlight with a new exhibit on display in the Environmental Education, Science and Technology Building. Students have two more days to catch “Ch-Ch-ChChanges,� which opened last week and draws to a close this Friday. It is an open, come-and-go event that displays work from Hybrid Forms Studio, a class that focuses on combining different styles of art. “The great thing about this exhibit is that it opens up people’s eyes to a new way of thinking and seeing,� studio art professor Susan Cheal said. “It is not just paintings, drawings or sculptures, but it’s a hybrid of all types of art.�
The exhibit, which includes pieces of work such as garbage flowing out of a trashcan and a video of a painting, addresses subjects such as the environment, identity issues, family strife, culture, shopping and gender, Cheal said. The goal of “Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes� is to give students in the class the experience of displaying their work, while allowing everyone else to get a taste of art they won’t get to see anywhere else. Painting and drawing senior Cristen Luce, who contributed to the show, said her piece, “Button Up, or Button Down� was motivated by and focuses on nostalgia. The piece, which seems to jump out from the wall, represents keepsakes and common collectables such as buttons. It is just one of many pieces that visitors have to navigate around while viewing the exhibit.
“Walking into the show is not just like walking into a normal art gallery, it’s an experience that you become immersed in,� Luce said. Luce’s piece is one of many in the show that places human identities on inanimate objects. One of the best examples is seen in painting and drawing senior Taylor Sheppard’s piece, “Printing Paper.� Sheppard said he was motivated to show that “everything has an identity, we just have to choose to recognize it� and hopes to do so with his work. Public relat ions junior Carolina Medina stopped by the exhibit between classes and said it had been well worth her time. “I really enjoyed getting to see the art,� Medina said. “It’s not art you normally see, and it was fun to see what other students are creating.�
Breaking the language wall Brittni Barnett Senior Staff Writer
Whether it’s through interactive learning in the classroom or field trips to Six Flags and the state capitol, UNT’s Intensive English Language Institute teaches students from all over the world the English skills they will need to succeed in the American academic world and beyond. The IELI, a part of UNT International, is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. One of the 10 largest accredited language programs for learning academic English in the United States, the institute teaches more than 450 students from more than 30 countries, IELI Assistant Director Carol Ogden said. “IELI plays a very important role at UNT,â€? said Sabine ThĂŠpaut, interim associate director for academics for the institute. “IELI serves as a door to UNT for many international students.â€? Forty-five instructors, all with at least a master’s degree, teach students the English they will need to excel at writing essays, conducting research and reading academic texts in a university setting, ThĂŠpaut said. “When they arrive here they don’t have the English proficiency to start their university studies,â€? she said. “So we offer English instruction, and it’s academic, it’s not spoken English.â€? The institute offers seven levels of English proficiency courses. Each level consists of eight weeks of classes, and students are expected to attend 23 hours of classes a week. “It’s very intensive,â€? ThĂŠpaut said. “When they are in class it is total immersion because they only speak English. They are also immersed in the English environment so it’s much easier for them to progress.â€? From 2010 to 2011, the IELI saw a 20 percent increase in enrollment in its courses, Ogden
april 2012 DATE
Photo by Amber Plumley/StAff PhotogrAPher
Intensive English Language Institute students Yun Tian Xu and Ibrahim Aljumhour participate in an activity to improve their language speaking skills during their Tuesday morning class. said. Students enroll in the institute for several reasons, ThÊpaut said. Some want to improve their English, and others want to become proficient to study at an American university. The institute also works with other universities in countries such as Turkey, Thailand, Japan and Korea, allowing international students to attend the institute and receive course credit to fulfill their university’s requirements. Seventy percent of students who graduate from the IELI go on to attend UNT, and once students graduate from IELI they officially meet the university’s English proficiency require-
ment. This exempts them from taking required standardized tests such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language, ThĂŠpaut said. “Not only is this a great opportunity for our students to be immersed in the U.S. culture, it’s also a great opportunity for UNT students to get to know people from around the world and learn about where they come from and their values and beliefs,â€? said Kristen Brooks, IELI assistant director for student success. “It’s an opportunity for us to bring diversity to UNT, and I hope people will take the opportunity to get to know these students because it is a mutually beneficial relationship.â€?
Street Foods from the Hot Zone: MOROCCAN
Kerr Cafeteria
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
International/Sustainability Art Show Reception
Union Gallery
3 p.m.
International Food Fair
Baptist Student Ministry
Street Food from the Hot Zone: CUBAN
Kerr Cafeteria
Coffee and Culture
Discovery Park
Street Foods from the Hot Zone: BRAZIL
Kerr Cafeteria
German Film: “Four Minutes� (2006)
Language Building 107A
Dinner Diversity
Golden Eagle Suite, Union
Afro-Cuban/Brazilian/Latin Jazz Ensemble
Voertman Hall
Street Food from the Hot Zone: ASIAN
Kerr Cafeteria
Spanish Film: “Romero� (1989)
Language Building 107A
Street Food from the Hot Zone: INDIA
Kerr Hall
WorldFest by TAMS
McConnell Hall Lawn
Easter Celebrations Around the World
McKenna Park
Language Building 107A
Coffee and Culture
Discovery Park
Japanese Film: “The Professor’s Beloved Equation�
Language Building 107A
11 a.m. - 1 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 3 - 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 8 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 11 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 - 4 p.m. 3 p.m.
Traditional Indian Cuisine
Bruce Cafeteria
French Film: “OSS 117: Lost in Rio�
Language Building 107A
11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 4 p.m.
CAMCSI Film “The Keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayyam� (2005)
Chilton Hall
4 p.m.
Japanese Drummers
7 p.m.
International Dance Party
Library Mall
College Business Distinguished Speaker Series: Jeff Gisea, CEO and Co-Founder of Best Vendor
Business Leadership Building 170
8:30 - 10 p.m. 10 a.m.
African Cultural Festival
Voertman Hall
8 p.m.
International/Diversity/Sustainability Banquet w/ Ambassador Harriet Elam-Thomas
Apogee Stadium tickets required
7 p.m.
Coffee and Culture
Discovery Park
German Film: “The Edge of Heaven� (2007)
Language Building 107A
Vegan Thai Cuisine
Mean Greens
Korean Festival
Library Mall
Italian Film: “TBD�
Language Building 107A
University Day and Native Dress and Flag Parade
Library Mall
Global Rhythms: Mixed Percussion Ensembles
Voertman Hall
Coffee and Culture
Discovery Park
French Film: “Let it Rain� (2008)
Language Building 109
Traditional Moroccan Cuisine
Champs Cafeteria
Arabic Film: “Caramel� (2007)
Language Building 107A
EarthFest and International Fair and Market
Library Mall
African Fashion Show “We are the Voice�
Basant Kite Festival
North Lakes Park
NT Daily Listing.indd 1
3 - 4 p.m. 3 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 2 - 6 p.m. 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. 8 p.m. 3 - 4 p.m. 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 - 8 p.m. 6 p.m. 11 a.m.
4/2/12 11:45 AM
Page 4 Ian Jacoby, Views Editor
Campus Chat What are your thoughts on the recent tuition increases?
Jordan Martirossiaro Geography junior
“I think it’s awesome. It’s a small thing that’s going to have a longterm impact. If you want your degree to mean something, it’s going to take money.”
Marie Nader
Social science sophomore
“Ever since I’ve been here, there has been a tuition increase. They need to space it out so it isn’t so hard on students.”
Sterling Brawley
Criminal justice senior
LET US KNOW! Visit every Friday to vote in our weekly poll. We’ll post the updated results here daily.
The Editorial Board and submission policies: Sean Gorman, Paul Bottoni, Valerie Gonzalez, Alex Macon, Christina Mlynski, Bobby Lewis, Ian Jacoby, Tyler Cleveland, Daisy Silos, Jessica Davis, Stacy Powers. The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflect the beliefs of the NT Daily. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an email to
Staff Editorial
NT Daily Edboard: Nods and Shakes This week’s Nods and Shakes pertain to two different Plano parents that created mobile applications inspired by their children. In the opinion of the Edboard, one of these apps is infinitely more pragmatic and beneficial than the other.
Nod: Karen Carmeli
“Tuition is pretty cheap as it is. They need more available resources, and you can’t do that without money. They could definitely use it for improving buildings.”
Wednesday, April 11. 2012
Karen Carmeli is the mother of a 9-year-old boy suffering from autism. In a spark of creativity inspired by her son, Yair, and the tumultuous nature of his day, she created an iPad application to help keep track of Yair’s behavior, health, nutrition and activities through the use of a centralized scheduling app to help keep all of her notes in one place. Carmeli’s app, My Autism Day, could
serve as a useful tool for parents of autistic children everywhere. The app itself serves as a reminder of how smartphone technology with user-developed applications could be a large part of our technological future. “I like the iPad. I think it’s a great device,” Carmeli said. “I realized, you know, I can do it. And I started doing it.” Taking the initiative to recognize a problem in her daily life and then actively working toward a solution that not only solves the problem for her but benefits others as well, earns Karen Carmeli a nod from the Edboard.
Shake: Glenn and Wendy White In a misguided attempt to combat
the condition of nomophobia – or the fear of being out of contact with your mobile phone – parents Glenn and Wendy White created an application for Android phones that allows parents to lock their child’s phone during hours that they deem inappropriate for use. After watching their child become dependent on technology, they wanted to help other parents prevent the same kind of social-networking addiction. The idea of the app isn’t entirely flawed. It’s understandable that parents wouldn’t want their kids playing Angry Birds until 3:30 a.m. when they should be getting rest before school. However, the justification for the app earns these parents a shake from the Edboard. The idea that the app is in pursuit of some noble goal like preventing a
phobia is downright silly. In reality, it boils down to parents wanting control of their children’s social lives, which in recent years have spiraled beyond parents’ reach. Wendy White told the Star Local News in Plano, “As a parent, you need to take control of your child’s distractions. I think when you become a parent, your whole life is nothing but hard decisions to make for your child.” This quotation represents a false sense of security. Sure, you can forcibly stop your child from being on the phone while they’re living in your house. However, isn’t it much more sensible for your child to know that being on the phone in class is a bad idea, and to trust that you’ve taught them enough self-control to make that decision for themselves?
Disarming good guys won’t stop bad guys Roug h ly one week ago, si x students at a Christian school in California were shot by a disgruntled student. W hile I won’t make the claim that having a concealand-carry program at this particu la r school wou ld have saved t hose st udents, I w i l l say t hat hav i ng one at t he Un iver sit y of North Texas could prevent a similar shooting from happening here. Opponents of t he bi l l cla i m that more students w ill simply be caught in t he crossf ire and injured by inaccurate shooting. This is absurd, a nd t his cla im only makes sense to those who are unfamiliar w ith the Concealed Handgun License qualifications. To pass the CHL course in the state of Texas, one must pass not only a written examination but a lso a shoot ing pract ica l. T he shooting practical requires you to fire 50 rounds from a handgun of .32 caliber or greater, including 20 shots at three yards, 20 at seven yards and 10 at 15 yards. You must score at least an 80 percent on the practical to pass. The second point of debate is whet her or not t he police ca n d ist i ng u ish who is t he “good” shooter a nd who is t he “bad.” It’s rather simple, really. W hen con f ronted by police, cha nces are the “good” shooter would be more than willing to set his gun dow n, while the “bad” shooter won’t. If you point your gun at a police officer, expect to be fired on. The first lesson that a gun ow ner learns is, “only point at
what you intend to destroy.” Further criticism comes from the college environment, namely the presence of alcohol and binge dr in k ing. This is merely a red herring. If you’re a gun-owning student, odds are you’re not going to class drunk. In addition to the rise in binge drinking, gun sales have a lso r isen. By t hat log ic, college kids should be murdering each other left and right, but they a ren’t. T he state of Tex a s ha s set qualifications as to who can receive a CHL, and if you’re potentially a danger to others then you don’t get one. T h is isn’t about a r m i ng t he populace. It’s about people who have proven they are already qualified in the eyes of Rick Perr y to carry a gun and allowing them to carr y that gun almost any where they please. Those people are not your enemy.
Nicholas LaGrassa is an emergency administration and planning senior. He can be reached at
Derbyshire article is decadent and depraved The widespread debate surrounding the shooting of Trayvon Martin has recently evolved into media discussion of American racial issues. This exploration and increase of public knowledge on current racial challenges is largely commendable. However, it is a sad fact that such vast discussions give those with far more chilling views an opportunity to blend their thoughts into the background. The latest and arguably most heinous case involves John Derbyshire, a British-American known largely for writing in the respected journal of American conservatism, National Review. However, Derbyshire chose to bury his latest article in Taki’s Magazine, a far more obscure online publication targeted towards fringe right-wing and libertarian movements, and upon reading it is obvious why. An exhaustive recap of the article is unnecessary – an Internet search will reveal it too disgusting to print – and thus my intent is to examine the situation itself. The piece is indicative of a widespread misunderstanding of science. Derbyshire’s views hobble on crutches of flawed methodology and carefully cultivated contextual ignorance. Scientific racists frequently cite the fact that young black males are far more likely to be convicted of a crime than young white males. It’s a comforting statistic for a racist, a kind of warm blanket insulating against higher-level thinking. Of course, the argument fails when external factors are examined, so Derbyshire must plot his course wisely. He must ignore black youths
arrested for drug-related offenses twice as often as their white peers despite statistical rates of drug use being two points higher for young whites, black drivers receiving traffic tickets 14 percent more often than whites pulled over for the same offense, and résumés with common “white” names being chosen by employers 50 percent more often than identical resumes displaying sterotypically “black” names. He must ignore the historical framework of oppression capped off by an oft-begrudging, glacial movement of tolerance through the last century. Finally, he must ignore the blunt reality that his divisive and reductionist perversions of knowledge are a significant factor in propagating the very conditions permitting these inequalities to exist. In essence, without Derbyshire, there would be no Derbyshire, and thus his sacking begs no sympathy.
James Rambin is a pre-English freshman. He can be contacted at
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Page 6 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor
Mean Green Trivia The No. 31 UNT men’s golf team put together its best performance of the season at The Woodlands All-American Intercollegiate Tuesday, finishing one stroke behind No. 10 Arkansas for second place. Junior Curtis Donahoe led the way, recording the lowest score for a Mean Green golfer in 14 years with a 9-under 207. Who were the last Mean Green golfers to shoot a 207? Hint: The duo earned the impressive score at the Pacific Invitational. Think you know the answer? Tweet your guesses to the North Texas Daily Sports Twitter, @NTDailySports! Those who guess correctly will be named in Thursday’s paper.
Attention Are you a UNT student who! !finds reading difficult? !has a chronic illness? !has mobility problems? !has trouble paying attention? !had classroom accommodations before?
The Office of Disability Accommodation at UNT could help. Drop by during our walk-in hours, Monday - Friday from 2-3 pm. First come, first serve.
Office of Disability Accommodation University Union, Suite 321 (940) 565-4323 University of North Texas
Wednesday, April 11. 2012
Donahoe comes up big in Houston KYLE HARTY
Contributing Writer Junior Curtis Donahoe led the No. 31 UNT men’s golf team to its most impressive finish of the year as the team earned second place at The Woodlands All-American in Houston on Tuesday. The Mean Green finished one stroke behind tournament champion No. 10 Arkansas for its seventh straight top-five finish. Donahoe finished with a three-round 9-under par 207, the best score on a par-72 by a UNT golfer since 1998. Donahoe’s score earned him second place individually behind Texas A&M senior Geoff Shaw, who shot a three-round score of 11-under 205. All five UNT golfers finished in the top 25. “The team played within themselves and struck the ball well the first day,� head coach Brad Stracke said. “Curtis had a good day on the greens and hit the ball great.� The team got off to a strong start on the first day of the tournament, finishing the second round with a season-low score
of 13-under par 275. Donahoe accounted for seven birdies and only one bogey, good for third place on the day. The Mean Green outgunned two top-20 teams, No. 15 Texas A&M and No. 17 Clemson, which finished third and sixth, respectively. Junior Ty Spinella and freshman Jason Roets continued their impressive play with top-20 finishes individually. Spinella’s third round score of 1-under par 71 earned him a seventh place tie, his second straight top-10 finish. Roets took a 20th tie with a total score of 1-under par 215. Stracke sees the team’s success as a sign of its maturity and experience. “Having a team that is maturing helps in every tournament we play in,� Stracke said. “This team is ready for the postseason and looking forward to the challenges ahead.� Next up for the Mean Green is the Sun Belt Conference Championship, which begins April 23 in Muscle Shoals, Ala. UNT will try to win its first conference title since 2003.
Junior Curtis Donahoe of the Mean Green golf team practices his chip shot March 13. Donahoe led the No. 31 UNT men’s golf team to second place at The Woodlands All-American in Houston on Tuesday.
Southland champs visit Denton BRETT MEDEIROS
consecutive games against FAU, she will likely pitch the second game of the doubleheader. “We will have our work cut out for us against Texas State,� head coach T.J. Hubbard said. “If we keep playing the way we have been for these last two weeks, it’ll be really good for us and give us even more confidence.�
go out there with a mindset Bobcat offense got the best that we can’t mess up. We of Simmons with one out in The UNT sof tba l l tea m just have to play. That is all the bottom of the ninth. The UNT offense has come (17-18-1) w ill conclude its we have to do.� In the teams’ first matchup alive recently, as the team has e i g ht-g a me home s t a nd today w hen it welcomes i n Febr ua r y, t he sta r t i ng outscored its opponents 17-1 t he defend i ng Sout h la nd pitchers held each of t he in its last two games, both Conference champion Texas lineups in check. UNT junior wins against Florida Atlantic. St ate Bobc at s (24-14) to pitcher Brittany Simmons and While the offense was impresTexas State junior pitcher Ann sive, Kirk’s pitching stole the Denton for a doubleheader. The UNTtoOffice of out Disability Accommodation announces walk-in show in the conference series. Marie Taylor pitched all nine “It’s going be a fight hours for Fall 2011. Drop by with any questions, Monday - Friday there. Like us, they’re not innings of the game, a 1-0 In two games, she picked up from 2-3 pm. No appointment necessary. First come, first serve. two wins with 13 strikeouts going to go dow n w ithout Bobcats win. Office of Disability Accommodation and one earned run. TaylorUnion, got the win in the swinging,� sophomore pitcher University Suite 321 (940) 565-4323 Because Kirk pitched two h i ng duel w hen t he Ashley Kirk said. “We can’t Senior Staff Writer
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