3-24-10 Edition

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Biking Safely

bring stability to busy students ARTS & LIFE: Pets Page 3 Read our views on recent news VIEWS: Page 6 Walk-on athlete shines on track team SPORTS: Page 8

Denton holds bicycle friendly meeting Page 2

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

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Volume 95 | Issue 34

Stormy 66° / 53°


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

UNT Sigma Nu chapter receives 3-year suspension BY SHEA YARBOROUGH Senior Staff Writer


The Texas State Board of Education is currently in debate about whether to approve changes to school history books.

Texas to change history textbooks BY LISA GARZA

Senior Staff Writer The Texas State Board of Education’s latest proposed rev isions to histor y tex tbooks will be finalized by a vote in May, but not without numerous critics who said the edits promote a conservative agenda. T he Boa rd deter m i nes whether the textbooks meet the criteria of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Standards to be included in the elementary, middle and high school education curriculum. “This is absolutely normal. Each generation writes it’s history and pick what they think is important,” said Richard McCaslin, chairman of the history department. “However, trying to shape or pick quotes that support modern agendas is always very dangerous.” McCaslin said it is important to carefully consider the content of textbooks because children are impressionable. “So many kids grow up, accepting what their textbooks tell them because a teacher, who is an authority figure, gave them this book,” he said. C ont r ov er s y h a s b e en brewing over the prospect of eliminating Thomas Jefferson from a list of thinkers who inspired revolutions around the world. Opponents of the change told national media outlets that the conservative board members object to Jefferson’s support for a clear separation of church and state. In a statement released Friday, Gail Lowe, chairwoman

of the 15-member Texas School Board of Education said, “some media out lets erroneously reported” that the Board was dropping Jefferson entirely from the curriculum framework. Lowe said Jefferson will be excluded from the list but is mentioned numerous times elsewhere. “Jefferson not only penned the words of the Declaration of Independence, served as the third president of the United States and was father of the University of Virginia, but his promotion of the ideals of a limited federal government and states’ rights also permeated our nation for generations,” Lowe said. “No study of American history would be complete without his inclusion.” A nother change causing uproa r a mong l ibera ls is including information in the textbooks that heavily implies the U.S. is a nation that was founded upon and continues to be governed by Christian beliefs. “I’m always concerned when politics drives a decision, and of course, this board is very Republican, very conservative,” McCaslin said. T he Boa rd h a s s e v en Republ ic a n c on s er v at i v e members, three moderate to conservative members and five Democrats. Out of the 15 board members, teachers are not well represented. Only four have actually taught a class, McCaslin said.

See STUDENTS on Page 2

DALLAS — A series of hazing, theft and assault charges led to the suspension of UNT’s Sigma Nu fraternity on March 2. The university issued a 3-year suspension for violations of the Student Code of Conduct, said Buddy Price, news promotion manager. “That includes engaging in physical and/or verbal abuse, failure to comply with previously issued university sanctions and failure to comply with a reasonable directive of a university official,” Price said. Chris Gannon, a Sigma Nu fraternity member, said he thinks the suspension has been a long time coming. “All of the offenses have built up since 2001, probably even further, as far as breaking the rules,” Gannon said. “Now I guess they’re taking action.” Collin McCleary, a Sigma Nu member, was suspected of assaulting another student at the fraternity’s house at 3:12 a.m. on Oct. 17 according to the report. The university responded by placing the entire fraternity on immediate suspension until further investigation, stated in a summary sheet for the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities. While under suspension, no activities of any kind were to be held by the fraternity.

October 2009 On Oct. 31, the fraternity held a Halloween party which more than 20 active Sigma Nu members attended. The group said it was not a fraternity event. “We figured it was our house, so we could do what we want,” Gannon said. Accord i ng to severa l university public records reports, the members organized a dance, wrote a song to perform at the party and collectively dressed like Jewish people, all of which were activities the university considered to be organized fraternity actions and against the organization’s suspension rules stated in the report. “You can’t have any more than 3 or 5 people together or it’s considered an event,” Gannon said. “But we’re not just fraternity brothers, we’re friends, so we’re going to hang out with each other.”

November 2009 The members took what they said was an impromptu


The Sigmu Nu chapter of UNT is under investigation by its national fraternity for hazing and alcohol abuse offenses. After June 1, 1003 Maple St. will no longer be the home of the Sigma Nu fraternity and the house will be sublet. trip on Nov. 15 to Turner Falls, Okla. This, too, was considered a violation of the fraternity’s suspension. Most of them said they did not know the fraternity was on suspension. One member was quoted in an e-mail to Greek Life coordinator Alex Seltzer saying they “had fun this weekend at our brotherhood retreat in Turner Falls.” The universit y’s public records stated the fraternity repeatedly disregarded its suspension and sanctions during investigation. “If I wanted to grill at our frat house, and there are five of us there, it’s considered an event,” Gannon said. “It’s absurd.”

Not the only ones In an e-mail released to the UNT community in January, eight other organizations were listed as having hazed their members.

Delta Sigma Theta, Kappa A lpha Psi, Kappa Sig ma Fraternity, Krimson Kourt, Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, UNT Cheerleaders and Zeta Tau Alpha made the list. “I think you’ve got it all wrong,” said Zeta Alpha Tau member Rachel Harp. “It was a big shock to see our names on the list.” Some of the organizations are serving out their sentences, but Sigma Nu is not one of them. The fraternity is taking the heat for the actions of a few, Gannon said. However, the National Sigma Nu Fraternity does not share that opinion, said Brad Beacham, executive director of the national fraternity. Beacham said individual members have acted without the knowledge of the chapter. “At the end of the day we do

not agree that this was the action of a few individuals,” Beacham said. “It was the whole.” There were significant efforts made by the Sigma Nu alumni leaders, the university and the national fraternity’s office to help this chapter improve and address its problems in the years leading up to this decision, Beacham said. “Unfortunately, the members of the chapter weren’t able to change,” he said. Hazing and alcohol abuse were t wo of the offenses Beacham said were under investigation with the national fraternity. Though lack of education about the fraternity’s hazing policies for new and active members were also on the list of grievances, Beacham said he didn’t know if the education program existed.

See GANNON on Page 2

SGA presidential candidates discuss platforms, plans BY LISA GARZA

Senior Staff Writer Students will have a chance to vote for the next Student Government Association leaders of during election week, beginning March 29. The positions of president, vice president and student senators will be elected for the Fall 2010 to Spring 2011 school year. Kevin Sanders and Mercedes Fulbright are running against Drew Robertson and Cameron Jean for the president and vice Ppresident positions, respectively.

Both sets of candidates said their main priority is to represent the student’s needs,but they have individual ways of doing that. Robertson and Jean said they have plans to increase communication among the UNT community that include setting up SGA suggestion and comment boxes around ca mpus a nd developing a sma r t-phone app for “My UNT.” “When we decided to run, we made a commitment that we were not going to promise



anything in our campaign that we can’t deliver,” Robertson said. Jean said they wanted to make sure that each part of their proposed plan is “financially responsible” because the



SGA is funded by students and he wanted to make sure money wasn’t going to waste. S a nd e r s s a id h e a nd Fulbright believe all students are on the same plane. “They should work with us

and not for us,” he said. Sa nders sa id t hey wa nt to make sure that students contribute when the search begins for t he permanent university president. “We are willing to take on the responsibility of going to Lee Jackson and the Board of Regents and telling them that our students deserve a voice in this decision,” Sanders said. Fulbright said if she and Sa nders a re elected, t hey would bridge the gap between the administration and the students.

Both pairs of candidates said they would continue to play an active part in the UNT community, no matter what the outcome of the election. “We’re still going to be on t he forefront, work ing for students, because we honestly believe that this university is loaded w it h potentia l,” Sanders said. Students can vote for the candidates from Monday to April 2 by logging on to www. untsga.com. The SGA is the st udent-led gover n menta l body of UNT.


Page 2

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

T.S. McBride, Rebecca Hoeffner & Melissa Boughton, News Editors


Denton Civic Center hosts bike friendly forum BY DREW GAINES

Contributing Writer The city of Denton yielded to cyclists Monday night during an hour-and-a-half cyclist input hearing at the Denton Civic Center. Thirty bicycles were chained outside the meeting and nearly 60 residents gathered indoors to offer city engineers their ideas for a bike friendly Denton. Clay Riggs of Denton’s Utility and CIP Engineering staff called the meeting to give residents an opportunity to voice concerns about bicycle transportation. “We want an increased use of bicycles, and we want people to be safe doing it,” he said. “The city staff wants your input. We want to know what you want in bicycle facilities.” The meeting was part of the city’s newest efforts to include bicycle and pedestrian services in its plans to overhaul Denton streets. Officials are in the process of developing citywide plans for alternative transportation, Riggs said.

Residents’ Suggestions • Safe routes to and from schools • Bicycle lanes on Oak and Hickory • More signs • Completion of area trails • Segregated bike lanes The drafts may include considerations made by UNT students, local business owners, residents and cycling enthusiasts at the hearing. After Riggs presented city codes and possible alternative transportation projects, the group was asked to mark desired routes on large-scale city maps. The majority desired bicycle facilities in and around Denton’s downtown, with offshoots crisscrossing to popular shopping centers and schools. Joe Gregory, a long-time cyclist and Denton resident, offered to take Riggs and the City Council on a ride around town to “see how it really is,” he said. Riggs said he might take Gregory up

on the offer. City engineers will revise the recommendations and present them to the City Council on April 15. “What we need to do right now is get a good thorough inventory of our facilities,” Riggs said. “We are in the beginning stages and we want your input.” Denton has 312 miles of sidewalks, 8.2 miles of roads with combination pedestrian and bicycle facilities, 11.3 miles of roads with shared-lane capability, and 18.5 miles of trails. Once all current bicycle and pedestrian facilities are inventoried, the city will catalog them and begin the search for a bicycle consultant to advise the city on


Local cyclists, UNT students and residents gathered at the Denton Civic Center Monday night during a public cyclist input hearing put on by the city. The group was asked to mark where bicycle and pedestrian facilities are needed in town. alternative transportation planning, Riggs said. Funding for such projects will likely come from Capital Improvement Plans made by the city, said Emerson Vorel, Denton’s Parks and Recreation director.

The short-range plans allow the city to create timetables, identify costs and prioritize projects, he said. Of f icia ls will also research federal grants for funding opportunities, Vorel

said. Vorel is calling on residents to participate in the effort to change the city’s streets. He asks for residents to get involved, vote and talk with public officials.

UNT reallocates money for current budget, avoids cuts BY K RYSTLE CANTU Staff Writer

State officials asked UNT to submit a 5 percent budget cut plan for this school year and the next, but cuts are not yet set in stone. If t he plan ta kes ef fect, this will bring a few changes to departments as well as provide employment for graduate students. Bud get pl a n s w er e i n process Tuesday. However, nothing is official. “The state has not sa id that budget cuts are being made,” said Kelley Reese, a UNT spokeswoman. “But the state has asked us to plan for it.”

Reese said the state asked for a submission of the university’s plans for the cuts. However, t he universit y previously set aside excess money for that type of situation and because of that, facult y is only required to make 1 percent cuts in most departments. Jon Christopher Nelson, associate dean for operations of the College of Music, said a 1 percent cut should not have a major impact on the college. “We’re going to have to be a little more diligent and a little careful on how we spend funds,” he said. “However, there are no major budget

cuts that are on the table at this point in time. The only thing we know for certain is that there might be some slight cuts in our operations budget.” Mitch Land, interim dean for the Mayborn School of Jour na lism, sa id t he goa l of the budget changes is to rea l loc ate mone y w it h i n the university in an internal attempt to close all gaps and gain Tier One status. “It’s not really a budget cut. It’s budget management,” Land said. “It’s responsible and it’s good stewardship and it’s not wasting our resources.” La nd sa id t he school is putting together a strateg y

to correspond with the university’s plan. “We have the roadmap with which to ma ke decisions,” he said. “I see that as being absolutely brilliant and excellent.” Land said he’d like to take money out of t he school’s part-time budget to fund a new staff position for student advising to help recruit and ensure retention of incoming freshmen. He also said he sent out an e-mail to several faculty members a sk i ng t hem i f they could go without their underused office phones in an attempt to slightly reduce costs. This cut is voluntary for

faculty and staff. Land said he found that the majorit y of his facult y members use their cell phones and computers rather than their office phones. “We are paying quite a bit in monthly phone charges just to have a phone,” he said. “If that phone is not being used, we don’t need it.” He also said is he is planning to re-route money to help support graduate students and is thereby offering the faculty members more assista nce through graduate student and research assistant help. “You’re giving them extra help,” Land said. “You’re giving them a student that will go

out and look up information, make phone calls and help with a research project.” Robert Milnes, dean of the College of Visual Arts and Design, said he also plans to propose giving up the use of office phones within his department. He is also asking for new money to cover expenses for adjunct faculty and teaching fellows.“We want to tr y to meet those demands if we can,” he said. He also said his department is planning on cutting of some temporary positions in the faculty to make more room for new positions and expansion of programs.

Gannon: ‘All that makes news is how bad we screwed up’ Continued from Page 1 “It’s safe to assume there was underage drinking, but that was not the only offense,” Beacham said. A public records list of the

fraternity’s hazing violations includes forced workouts, like push-ups and sit-ups, blowing up a Homecoming f loat until 4 a.m. and skipping class to perform Homecoming activities.

The focus for the Sigma Nu fraternity has all been negative, Gannon said. “A ll that ever makes the news is how bad we screwed up,” he said. Gannon said he didn’t know

Attention Are you a UNT student who… …has been told you have dyslexia? …has a chronic illness? …has seen a counselor for depression? …has taken medication for ADD/ADHD?

why the fraternity’s rap sheet was so long. A lt hough he said they want and need the charter, its absence doesn’t mea n t hat t hey a re going anywhere. “Just because we don’t have

our charter, just because it’s not of f icia l, doesn’t mean we’re not brothers,” he said.

The future After June 1, 1003 Maple St. will no longer be the home

of the Sigma Nu fraternity and the house will be sublet. According to repor ts, t he fraternity will not be eligible to apply for reinstatement as an official university organization until July 31, 2012.

Students express views on Board’s textbook revisions Continued from Page 1 “There are decisions being made on the content of children’s textbooks for reasons other than just trying to make t hem c u lt u ra l ly l iterate,” McCaslin said. “It is a tough job to find a textbook that will make everyone in Texas happy.” Katherine Bynum, a history ju n ior, sa id she d isag rees

w ith the board’s rev isions, especia lly t he a mendment that will exclude a mention of Betty Friedan, author of “The Feminine Myst ique,” from the list of significant leaders who supported the civil rights movement. “They marked her out and said they didn’t want her in there,” Bynum said. “That is a big deal, people should know about her.”

Bynum said she has encouraged her fellow history majors to learn the facts about this important issue. “I a m rea l ly concer ned about what is going into the textbooks, and it just baff les me t hat t hey a re tr y ing to fudge it to make it sound patriotic,” Bynum said. “Histor y is all about learning of the past so we don’t make those mistakes again.”

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Amber Arnold, Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Page 3 ntdailylife@gmail.com

Pets make students feel ‘at home’ during college Study shows animals create calming effects BY GRACIELA R AZO Senior Staff Writer


Teresa Rodriguez, a public relations junior (left), stands next to Renée J. Herbert, the director for the Professional Leadership Program, along with Fanny Zha, a finance junior. The “backpack to briefcase” program prepares students for leadership by giving them the skills they need to prepare them for the world of employment.

Professional program accepts applications

BY K ATIE GRIVNA Senior Staff Writer

Students of any major who want to join the Professional Leadership Program for the 2010-2011 school year can now apply. The Professional Leadership Program helps junior, senior and graduate students transition from college to the workforce by teaching them skills they will need as a professional that aren’t taught in the classroom, said Renée Hebert, director of the program. “We want to make them young, successful leaders in the workforce,” she said. T h e P r of e s s ion a l Leadership Program is a free program that consists of two parts: a mentoring relationship and weekly workshops. Each week, members meet for two hours to learn about a certain topic, including negotiation techniques, proper dining etiquette and presentation skills, all presented by professionals in the workforce. “It’s important that our students are prepared for what lies ahead of them,” Hebert said. Program members are paired with a professional in their desired profession to be their mentor and are required to meet with them a minimum of three times a semester.

and program member, said it is a good way to group students who are excelling at UNT to represent the university in a positive and professional light. “I obviously know that UNT produces a lot of talent, but for us to have these skills, these networking skills, the confidence and the connections that we do have when we graduate, I think it really looks good on UNT’s part to be producing such high quality students,” Campbell said. Matthew Cooper, a business graduate student and program member, said he applied for the program last year because he wanted to have a mentor to help him achieve h i s professional goals. Students should apply because the skills they learn —Renée Hebert complement Professional Leadership Program director what they’re learning in the class, he said. “PLP gives you what you don’t get in the it,” Rodriguez said. Members also network with classroom and what you need industry professionals at a to succeed in the professional Business After Hours social, world,” he said. Applicants must be a junior, she said. Students can never begin senior or graduate student developing their professional in the fall of 2010 and have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA skills too early, Rodriguez said. “You never know who you’re to qualify for admission into going to meet. You never know the Professional Leadership who your peers are going to Program. Applications are due by 4 p.m. become. Constantly keeping that professional mentality is April 1 in Business Building 214A and a maximum of 75 crucial,” she said. Levi Campbell, an organi- students will be accepted. For more information, visit zational behavior and human resource management junior www.cob.unt.edu/plp. Teresa Rodriguez, a journalism junior and program member, said the mentor relationship was one of the things about the program that interested her the most. “The networking and the connections you make through this program are priceless,” she said. Because of her experience in the program, she said she has more confidence about the corporate world because she knows what to expect. “A lot of people have to learn by experience, but we’re lucky enough to have the resources and the programs to learn beforehand, before being thrown into

“It’s important that our students are prepared for what lies ahead of them.”

When biology sophomore Sha n non M i l ler c ome s home after a long day at school, she always receives a warm, excited “welcome home” from her Wheaten Terrier, McDuff. Then right around the corner comes Australian Shepherd puppy, Laney, wagging her tail. “McDu f f w i l l r ub h is whole body on your legs as you walk because he’s just so excited to see you,” Miller said. “Then Laney will just jump up and down and lick you.” Ma ny U N T s t udent s are becoming pet owners during the school year to ma ke t heir dor m rooms and apartments feel more like home and to experience the calming effects of owning pets, said Casey Barrio Minton of the counseling department. “Most people who have a q u a l it y r e l a t ion s h ip w it h t heir pets repor t a nurturance and a sense of meaning,” Minton said. Minton has performed st ud ie s on t he i mpac t animals have on people’s wellness. She has found t h at p e t s help p e ople become more physica lly active and lower their blood pressure and heart rate. A lt houg h people have also noted having pets as being a financial burden and coming with practical stresses, Minton said study participants said it was well worth it. “Students with pets like giving care to something and getting that affection back that the pet gives,” Minton said. A lt houg h pet ow ner s in Minton’s study owned either dogs or cats, Minton said the same benefits can be seen with fish, birds and other mammals, as well. Students living in dorms are restricted to ow ning only fish because of health reasons, but those living off campus can own other ma m ma ls a nd bi rds, depending on each apartment’s policy. Miller and her two room-


McDuff, a Wheaten Terrier, enjoys playing with his owners Tuesday afternoon. Pets have been found to give calming effects to owners. mates, A na lise Minjarez, a communication design sophomore, and Caleb Richardson, a radio, television and film sophomore, a l l had dogs grow ing up and wanted to have pets when they moved into a house at the beginning of the fall semester. Miller adopted McDuff from the Humane Society after he was abused and brought him to live with her and her roommates. Richardson brought Laney home after Christmas break. “ We j u s t l o v e d o g s ,” Minjarez said. “We love having pets to come home to.” The students take their pets on walks nearly every day as a way to relax, Minjarez said. She said the dogs’ favorite things are walks, treats and toys. “We can’t even say the ‘W’ word around them or they go completely nuts,” Minjarez said. McDuff and Laney make their house feel more comfortable and familiar, she said. “The house is more like a home versus a place you

just live in during college,” Minjarez said. “If no one else is home, the dogs are here, and they’re always happy to see you.” Before students consider ow ning a pet during t heir col lege yea rs, t hey shou ld consider their lifestyle and mone y sit uat ion, M i nton said. When people own animals, they cannot always leave at a moment’s notice a nd do not a lways have t he sa me f reedoms t hey had before they took in a pet, Minton said. “T he st udent ne e d s to consider their ow n kind of life before taking on such a responsibility,” Minton said. “In my opinion, they should also look at adoption.” But despite all the responsibility that goes into owning dogs, Minjarez, Richardson and Miller said McDuff and Laney are worth it. “They def initely g ive us comfort because they’re so wonderf ul,” Minjarez said. “And now McDuff is wagging his tail for no reason.”

Nonprofit group promotes Texas artists BY LORI LEE Staff Writer

The Visual Arts Society of Texas is a nonprofit organization comprised of local artists, UNT students and artists from across the state. The organization aims to improve the arts, appreciation of the arts and opportunities for artists in the Denton area, said Becca Hines, a member of the organization. “VAST promotes a r t ists and community connecting to create and celebrate the visual arts, and there are people from all over this end of North Texas, including students a nd people f rom beyond Denton County that belong

to the organization,” Hines said. Meetings for the organization are every first Thursday of the month at the Center for Visual Arts in Denton. The group also holds demonstrations and lectures from local and national artists and university professors at meetings. “We try to provide a variety of presentation styles, demonstrations and different types of media,” Cox said. Cox said the group represents all forms of media, from metal works to ceramics, stained glass, watercolor, acrylics and fabric art, to keep the topics diverse.

The organization provides a network for local artists and activities to get them fired up about art — it has achieved a great deal just by keeping members informed of activities and efforts going on in the area, Hines said. “What’s great about being

around other artists is that you get to expose yourself to new ideas and new approaches to creating art, which then informs you about what others are doing but also helps you develop yourself as an artist,” Cox said.

See SOCIETY on Page 4

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Page 4 Amber Arnold, Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 ntdailylife@gmail.com

Organization helps domestic violence victims BY NICOLE L ANDRY Staff Writer

Domest ic v iolence, a crime that has a varied and vast history, is on the rise in Dallas. On March 9, Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert spoke at a conference that dealt with this issue a nd repor ted a 5-percent i ncrea se i n a t i me when overall crime has been on the decline. The consensus of the conference was that the economy has had an effect not only on individuals staying in abusive relationships but also on the amount of available resources for victims of domestic abuse. Veda MacGregor, founder and CEO of Sircle of Safety at Zac’s Ridge — a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people who have been affected by violence — agrees that the economy could be the reason people choose to remain in abusive situations “It’s been going on throughout history that crime goes up when the economy takes a dive,” she said. “But domestic violence stems from things deeper than the environment.” Sircle of Safety was founded in 2003. In the first five years, the organization dealt with t hose who were t he most vulnerable in abusive situations — women and children. Then, in 2008, it joined forces with Zac’s Ridge, an organization that introduced experi-

domestic violence awareness. “There’s only one thing I know of, the Clothesline Project, and there’s so much that can happen in a year,” she said. The Clothesline Project is aimed at addressing violence against women. Women who have been affected are encouraged to decorate a T-shirt to speak out, according to the Web site. T he Center for St udent Development at Discovery Park and the Women’s Center are co-sponsoring a Clothesline Project event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 13 at Discovery Park. Webster has volunteered during the Clothesline Project in the past and said that there is normally a good turnout, but she said she thinks more awareness events should take place because students don’t think about domestic violence existing. Although UNT offer help at PHOTO BY ALEX SCOTT/PHOTOGRAPHER the Counseling and Testing International studies freshman Gabrielle Powers works at the UNT Women’s center, which offers services for victims of domestic violence. Center and the Women’s Center, people who experience domestic “We should all be account- violence or who know someone to cut back on the services of resources lost funding. Some mental training to the mix. Both violators and victims they can provide, and some are being kept open on individ- able for our behaviors, but there who has are usually referred to is an absence of awareness, Denton County Friends of the of domestic violence can take have even closed their doors uals’ personal savings.” MacGregor said that univer- information and possibility, Family, an agency that provides part in the classes, which are completely. “Every county in Texas has sities should offer classes on especially in college, where services for those affected by an spread throughout two weekdomestic violence resources how to deal with domestic students are there looking to abusive relationship. ends. MacGregor suggests that SOS at Zac’s Ridge is not in an emergency shelter-type violence and the family life discover who they want to be,” such individuals create a plan she said. the only available resource setting,” she said. “But because that may have caused it. Maria Webster, a photog- to get them to a safe place and People believe they can only for people whose lives have of the decline in the economy, experienced domestic violence, those resources were some make decisions based on where raphy junior, said she would then find someone to talk to. “Get a voice and tell someMacGregor said, but many of the first to be pulled from they come from and not who like to see UNT participate more in the promotion of body,” she said. ot her resources have had federal and state budgets. A lot they are, she said.

Students promote literacy among school children BY STEPHANIE DANIELS Contributing Writer

To promote literacy among school-aged ch i ld ren, t he G olden Key Inter nat iona l Honour Societ y is inv iting children from Denton-area schools to spend an afternoon reading. General studies senior and the UNT chapter’s president A ma nda Bu rgess sa id she env isions t he literac y day as a way to give back to the community. “We just want to promote the love of reading and try to spark them to want to go to college and continue their education,” she said. “A lot of those kids aren’t thinking about college that young.”

Last year, the organization began the Invisible Children’s Mission Project, where they sent books to Uganda. Many of the children’s books that weren’t used for the project will provide the society with the reading materials needed for the literacy day. “The program didn’t accept some of our books, so we had a lot of lef tover chi ldren’s books,” she said. “So I said that maybe this year we should give back to our community.” L a s t y e a r, t h e s o c i et y ’s v ic e pre sident a nd emergenc y ad m i n ist rat ion senior Emi ly Hudson applied for a $1,000 Golden Key scholarship to fund the

organization’s semester. “We’re getting lunch from Double Dave’s and getting donations f rom Sonic a nd M c A l i s t e r ’s ,” s h e s a i d .

full of pencils, erasers and books for the children who attend the event. “We’re just going to have a good day filled with story

“We just want to promote the love of reading and try to spark them to want to go to college.”

—Amanda Burgess Golden Key International Honour Society president

“Borders Books also made us … a recipient for their spring book drive.” Hudson said the donations will help provide a gift bag

circles, where we read to them and they read to us, and some arts and crafts,” she said. Hudson said there’s also s om e r o om b e h i nd t h e

librar y where the children can enjoy recreational games together. The literacy day is targeting 3rd a nd 4t h g raders f rom e lement a r y s c ho ol s l i k e Ho d g e E l e m e n t a r y, L e e Elementa r y a nd Wood row W i l s on E le m e nt a r y, bu t everyone is invited. Hudson said she hopes the first literacy day isn’t the last one the organization sponsors. “We’re hoping t hat it is somewhat of a success, that way we can make it an annual thing,” she said. “We’re an academ ic-based honor society, so we should support academic t hings and what better t han to start at t he

ground level w it h elementary students and get them excited about school a nd education.” Hudson sa id her goa l is to give children a thrill out of going to school as well as reading a book in their spare time. “Read i ng a book is a n a d v e nt u r e a nd a lot of people miss out on that, and I just hope to pass that onto someone else,” she said. “No matter what’s going on out there, you can always curl up with a good book.” The Golden Key Literacy Day will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Denton North Branch Library, 3200 N. Locust St.

Society awards high school students for artwork Continued from Page 3 The organization also involves local county high schools through its annual Denton County High School Art Competition, which includes the work of local students in grades nine through 12 who are enrolled in fine arts

classes across Denton County, Cox said. The competition, which took place on March 4, gave students a chance to compete and be rewarded for their work. Four awards with cash prizes were given at an awards ceremony on March 15. The organization

handed out a best of show award of $100, a first place award of $75, a second place award of $50 and a third place award of $25. The Visual Arts Society of Texas’ yearly exhibit, “Merging Visions: A Collaborative Exhibition of Art and Poetry” will open Monday and Tuesday to celebrate National

Poetry Month. This project includes poetry inspired by art and art inspired by poetry written by members of the Denton Poet’s Assembly. The art and poetry will be exhibited side by side so the public can see the relationships between the pieces. There are many other educational and exhibit opportunities available through the organization, including critique groups, juried and local revolving exhibitions, workshops designed to educate artists, and group efforts to get members involved in art competitions, Hines said. “The thing that I’ve enjoyed most about VAST over time is the synergy and connection with other artists, the ability to go to events where we can collaborate and visit, and be around one another, and see what other people are working on,” Cox said.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Justin Umberson, Sports Editor

Page 5 ntdaily.sports@gmail.com

Questions for UNT heading into next season As much as I hate to say it, the dream that was the UNT men’s basketball season has finally come to a close. There were highs and lows at different points during the year, but it’s clear that this year’s basketball team was the best UNT has ever seen and the expectations for the program are at a new level. After advancing to the NCAA tournament twice in the past four seasons, the Mean Green is poised to shock the world by winning a game in the Big Dance in 2011. With this possibility in mind, it’s important to look at some of the questions facing the Mean Green entering next season. If these imminent questions are addressed, there’s no reason UNT can’t become next year’s version of Northern Iowa in the tournament.

Jones’ leadership, recruiting skills and in-game strategy, I doubt this program would have adva nced to t he NCAA Tournament i n 20 07 or t h i s year. Good perspective can be found when realizing that while Jones has won 20 or more games in fourstraight seasons, in the four years before Jones’ arrival UNT, won 20 games combined. If the two trips to the NCAA Tournament don’t convince you, consider that with Jones emphasizing success at the free throw line, UNT led the nation in free throws made per game this year. Jones has found strong talent while implementing a system that works. While the Mean Green has the talent to return to the Tournament, Jones is a coach that would be sorely missed if he were to relocate to Alabama this offseason.

Johnny Jones’ Future

Replacing Eric Tramiel

Less than two months after singing a new contract, head coach Johnny Jones will interv iew for Aubu r n’s vaca nt coaching position. Without

The Most Outstanding Player of the Sun Belt Conference Tournament, for ward Eric Tramiel, played a monumental role in the team’s late season

Opinion BY SEAN GORMAN Senior Staff Writer

resurgence during his senior year. After returning from a wrist injury in the middle of the year, Tramiel averaged 14.3 points per game on 60 percent shooting while ma k ing it onto the All-Sun Belt Conference Third Team. George Odufuwa can certainly be counted on down low, but losing half of the best frontcourt in the Sun Belt is never easy. Keeping in mind that Tramiel led the team in scoring and rebounding two years ago, it will be tough to replace him. Big men Cameron Spencer, Kedrick Hogans, Jacob Holmen and Ben Knox are all candidates to replace Tramiel, but there will likely be a drop-off in talent and experience at the position. How serious that drop-off is could define how far UNT is able to go next season.

Sean Gorman

Familiar faces returning W hen UNT lost g ua rd Dominique Johnson and forward Kedrick Hogans to injury at the start of this season, it lost two talented and legitimate players who contribute on a high level.

With the two players’ return after red shirting to recover, the Mean Green adds a shotblocking presence in Hogans and a playmaker who could shake up the starting lineup next year in Johnson. Hogans led the team in blocks while Johnson shot 83 percent from the line and led the team in assists as a starter when the tandem played two years ago. Is Hogans the answer to the loss of Tramiel? It’s not yet known, but it’s certain that the New Orleans native can help a defense that ranked eighth in the Sun Belt in scoring defense. Johnson can help distribute the basketball and perhaps let junior Josh White play at his natural spot at shooting guard. Both players make UNT that much better and will help in the Mean Green’s efforts towards winning some games next March. The Mean Green nation has the right to be excited about the team’s prospects heading into next year. If the Mean Green can keep Jones in Denton, adequately replace Tramiel and receive contributions from Hogans and Johnson, the sky is the limit for this team.


Junior guard Josh While should move back to his natural position at shooting guard with the return of Dominique Johnson.

Spring practices bring optimism for football team BY ERIC JOHNSON Senior Staff Writer

W it h t he temperat u re increasing and winter ending, a fresh start for the UNT football team bloomed Tuesday afternoon as the smell of spring football filled the air in North Texas. After a disappointing 2-10 season in 2009, the Mean Green will have an open competition at every position on the depth chart, and the coaches will look for their players to have an intense desire to play. “We are looking for our guys to have an unmatched passion for the game of football,” head coach Todd Dodge said. “Our goal is to outwork all of our competitors over the next three weeks and make sure that we are considerably better when September rolls around.” UNT returns with 19 starters, 10 on offense and nine on defense. Offensively, the Mean Green will look to sophomore running back Lance Dunbar and a deep crop of receivers to give redshirt freshman quarterback Riley Dodge the weapons he needs to be successful. Dunbar had a sensational sophomore season, finishing in the top 10 nationally with 1,378 yards rushing and 17 touchdowns. “I want to push myself and the rest of the running backs to play at an untouchable level,” he said. “I set a standard for myself last season and whatever the expectations, my goal is to exceed them.” With new offensive coordinator Mike Canales taking control of the offense, Riley Dodge will be playing in an offense other than his father’s for the first time since middle school. “I am really excited and looking forward to the challenge,” Riley Dodge said. “I have been stuck at coach Canales’ hip since he got here, and I have already learned so much from him. I aim to soak up all the knowledge he has to offer.” Canales’ offense requires an increased involvement from the tight end position, including moving former defensive tackle junior Draylen Ross to tight end, which will help to alleviate some of UNT’s short yardage struggles. The receiving corps will be expected to stretch the field, and with the addition of transfers Will Cole and Tyler Stradford to returning starters junior Jamaal Jackson, junior Mike Outlaw, freshman Darius Carey and soph-

omore B.J. Lewis, the Mean Green will have a lot of speed. “We are like [Canales’] little toys, and he just gets to create so much with what we have,” Riley Dodge said. “He has added some really complex wrinkles to our system, and I think that we will really be able to exploit defenses.” Outlaw and starting left tackle junior Victor Gill both had offseason surgeries and will miss all of spring football. Junior receiver Alex Lott will

fight for playing time, and in Outlaw’s absence he had an impressive performance in the first practice, Todd Dodge said. With linebacker Tobe Nwigwe graduating and potentially heading to the NFL, the defense will look to sophomore cornerback Royce Hill to assume the leadership role. The ball-hawking corner has started 21 games in his young career and led the Mean Green with three interceptions last season.


Junior wide receiver Jamaal Jackson scores a touchdown for the Mean Green against Western Kentucky last season.

“A lot of the guys on this defense look up to me, and I take that responsibility very seriously,” Hill said. “I need the other team throwing the ball my way. I want to make plays and be the difference maker for this team.” The main areas of competi-

tion will be the starting corner spot opposite Hill and both safety positions as well as at middle and outside linebacker. “When you only have two wins you have to look for everyone to make vast improvements,” Todd Dodge said. “We have a lot of

talent on this team, but these guys have to want to get better if we are going to win football games.” The Mean Green will have 15 practices this spring, and the team will measure its progress with the Green and White spring game on April 11.


Page 6 Josh Pherigo, Views Editor

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 ntdailyviews@gmail.com

Student enjoys quiet weekends

Nods and Shakes Editorial

Shake: UNT fraternity loses its charter When a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity assaulted another student at their frat house in November, the chapter was suspended while an investigation took place. UNT officials told them that a suspension meant they couldn’t hold any activities. So, they threw a Halloween Party at the house two weeks later. Sigma Nu member Chris Gannon explains. “We figured it was our house so we could do what we want,” Gannon said. Sounds reasonable. But surprisingly, officials didn’t agree. They also objected to the charges of hazing, theft, assault and repeated monthly violations of the fraternity’s temporary suspension — including a party in which members performed a choreographed dance dressed like Jewish people. Gannon said he guessed their long rap sheet was leads to the conclusion that they were the bad boys on campus. Indeed, he indicated the fraternity had been runnin’ amuck for the better part of the last decade. He said the offenses have been building up since 2001. “… Probably even further, as far as breaking the rules,” Gannon said. “Now I guess they’re taking action.” Don’t worry Sigma bros, the Editorial Board will give you a nod when you get the charter back in 2012, but for now, we shake our heads.

Nod: Tarleton students put on play about gay Jesus For a class project in his upper-level directing course, Tarleton State University theater student John Jordan Otte chose to direct “Corpus Christi”, a play that depicts a modern day Christ-like character set in Texas. The protagonist heals the sick, feeds the hungry and presides over the wedding ceremony of two of his gay disciples. He is also depicted as a gay man himself. Not surprisingly, many people have expressed shock and outrage at the public university’s allowance of the play to run. The Dallas Morning news article that was posted Tuesday afternoon already has more than 90 comments from people angered by content they deem inappropriate and play supporters who deem the shocked reaction outrageous. The event is an example of a perfect application of our Constitution’s First Amendment right that guarantees people the right to express themselves. The Editorial Board agrees with the people who are offended by the play and we support their right to vocalize that opposition. However, the Editorial Board also supports the right of the students and actors who are performing the play. The open expression of all ideas is a freedom not offered to millions of oppressed people around the world. We’re privileged to live in a country that affords us that right.

Campus Chat

I’m broke. That’s apparent from earlier columns about my mounting debt. Because I am strapped for cash, I don’t often get to do the things other college students might do on the weekends. Instead of going to a bar or a club on Friday or Saturday nights, I find myself sitting at home and doing a whole lot of nothing, but I classify a lot of things as nothing. I’ll usually play video games for a few hours because I don’t get the chance during the week, and I’m afraid I’ll go through withdrawals if I don’t save the world or kill zombies at least once on the weekends. Lately, I’ve been playing cards and parlor games with my friends and roommates. Yea h, I’m sitting at home playing board games on a weekend night. Some may call that sad, but I couldn’t enjoy it more, especially if I win. Some of our favorites include Catchphrase, Clue, Alibi, Sorry and Scattergories.

Occasionally, tensions run high because the three people I frequently play with want to win almost as much as I do, but it’s often more fun than competitive. I’ve yet to win Clue. I don’t know if it’s because of the cards I get, the combination of things I ask or just that the other three are smarter and more sober than me, but I have yet to solve the case. I was close, once, and had a 50/50 shot at the weapon but guessed wrong. I don’t play around when it comes to Scattergories. It’s a word game, and I’m out for blood every time. I excel at getting double points for using the same letter twice, and I pull out obscure but correct answers. For example, my friends don’t pay attention to college basketball, so when the letter is G and the category is college or university, I bust out Gonzaga while two others cancel each other out with Georgia Tech. I am a jerk sometimes,

though. Our friend Cole was in town for spring break and taught us a new game of dominoes called 42. It ’s si m i la r to Spade s because of teams, suits and bidding. The game ends when one team reaches seven points. Cole and I played together and were down 6-3 to my roommate, Taylor, and his girlfriend, Megan. With our backs against the wall, Cole and I managed to tie the game at six. The “championship” round came down to the wire, but we pulled off the upset. Taylor and Megan were KU, and we were Northern Iowa. Sometimes, I take things too far. I should have been humble, shook my friends’ hands and congratulated them on a good game, but I didn’t. Cole and I jumped up and down, hooted and hollered, and directed rude gestures toward the other two — mainly Taylor. The next day, Taylor put us in our place and had

his chance to celebrate. It hurt on the inside, but I know how sweet revenge is. So what if I’m not getting sloshed at the bars or grinding at the clubs? I’m having a blast and saving money with good friends and wouldn’t trade it for the world. Try it some time. I should have gone with the rope instead of the candlestick. Curse you, Mrs. Peacock!

Ryan Feuerhelm is a journalism senior. He can be reached at Ryan.Feuerhelm@ unt.edu.

Clinton was right to reprimand Israel Friends tell friends when they’re wrong, even when they don’t want to hear it. That’s what Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton did Monday when she told the American pro-Israel lobby that perpetuating the status quo with the Palestinians does not serve Israel’s long-term security or U.S. strategic interests, and that “unilateral statements and actions” such as announcing new settlement construction undermine prospects for peace. It’s not easy for a U.S. administration to stand up to powerful lobbies, so Clinton deserves credit for her frank remarks. Many backers of Israel view even the slightest U.S. reproof as a form of betrayal, and they are likely to have heard only Clinton’s condemnation of Israeli actions in this speech to the American Israel

Public Affairs Committee in Washington. But U.S. support of Israel is unbending. The country receives nearly $3 billion annually in military assistance to maintain its edge, Clinton noted, adding, “We firmly believe that when we strengthen Israel’s security, we strengthen America’s security.” This is unchanged by her criticism and only bolstered by her push for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There are many obstacles in the path to peace, not the least of which is the hostility of the militant Islamic group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip. But it was Israel’s announcement of plans to build another 1,600 housing units on East Jerusalem lands captured from

Jordan in the 1967 Six-Day War that has turned a spotlight on a problem of Israel’s making — continued settlement expansion. Most Israel is see Ea st Jerusalem as part of their state, but the international community does not recognize the annexation of the territory, whose future is to be determined in peace negotiations. This was reiterated over the weekend when the “quartet” — the United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States — condemned Israel’s East Jerusalem plans and called for a negotiated agreement within 24 months to end the occupation of the Palestinian territories and create a viable Palestinian state “living side by side in peace and security with Israel and its other neighbors.” Israel’s d i smay at t he

reproach is understandable. Most U.S. administrations have protested settlement construction and then sat by passively as Israel continued to build. The Obama administration appears to have internalized the message Army Gen. David H. Petraeus delivered last week: that two states are in the United States’ interest, and lack of progress not only fuels Arab anger with the United States but undermines our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now it is up to President Barack Obama to drive that point home when he meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanya hu on Tuesday in Washington. That’s what honest friends do. T his editorial appeared in the Los Angeles Times on Tuesday.

What are your thoughts on movies going 3-D?

{ { {

“I think it’s a fad that is being pushed onto people. It’s gimmicky, and not every movie needs it.”

Eloy Tavera

Computer engineering senior

“I think it’s awesome. It’s a great new area of media to be exploring. It says a lot about our technology and how far we’ve come.”

Brandie Perez

Radio, television and film sophomore

“I think if a movie is good, it shouldn’t have to have a gimmick like 3-D.”

NT Daily Editorial Board

Curtis Kelsey

Criminal justice junior

The Editorial Board includes: Shaina Zucker, Josh Pherigo, Rebecca Hoeffner, T.S. McBride, Melissa Boughton, Amber Arnold, Kip Mooney, Abigail Allen, Sydnie Summers, Brianne Tolj, Clinton Lynch, Justin Umberson, and David Williams.

Want to be heard? The NT Daily is proud to present a variety of ideas and opinions from readers in its Views section. As such, we would like to hear from as many NT readers as possible. We invite readers of all creeds and backgrounds to write about whichever issue excites them, whether concerning politics, local issues,

ethical questions, philosophy, sports and, of course, anything exciting or controversial. Take this opportunity to make your voice heard in a widely read publication. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an e-mail to ntdailyviews@gmail.com

Note to Our Readers

The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflects the belief of the NT Daily.


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24 Jul 0

Page 8 Justin Umberson, Sports Editor


Wednesday, March 24, 2010 ntdaily.sports@gmail.com

Alysha Adams now a star for the Mean Green By Bobby Lewis

Contributing Writer Hurdler Alysha Adams was a walk-on for the UNT track and field team during her freshman year and has not looked back since. Now in her junior year, she is one of the standouts of the team. Adams capped off her stellar freshman campaign by being

named the 2008 Sun Belt Conference Indoor and Outdoor Freshman of the Year, an accomplishment that she is proud of. Because it was so unexpected, Adams said it is the accomplishment she is most pleased with during her UNT career. D u r i n g her f r e s h m a n campaign, Adams competed in an astounding 14 different

events in both the indoor and outdoor seasons.

Choosing track and field The communications major was born in Houston and attended Westside High School. She lettered in track and field all four years and also lettered in basketball and volleyball. “I think, more than anything, just competing in all those sports helped my competitiveness,” Adams said. “I just want to win — I just have to win, so I think it helped out with that the most.” There was, however, a bit of temptation on her part to try her hand at something other than track and field when she came to Denton. “Basketball, because I got injured so much, was out of the question,” she said. “But volleyball … was a little temptation.” Despite that, she said that cheerleading is her first love, though she hasn’t done it since she was in sixth grade. She has been running track since she was in seventh grade, but she chose hurdling because of her twin brother, Alonzo Adams, who now plays football for Texas Christian. “In high school, he was a hurdler,” she said. “I used to watch him hurdle in high school all the time. In my senior year, I was like ‘Hey, I’m going to just try it.’”

Blossoming at UNT

Photo by Rebekah Gomez/Photographer

Hurdler junior Alysha Adams practices her jumps Tuesday at Fouts Field. Adams will next compete at the UT-Arlington Invitational on Saturday.

Head track and field coach Rick Watkins said Alysha Adams has come a long way since she walked on as a freshman two years ago. “She made huge improvements her freshman year,” Watkins said. “It’s kind of a

Photo by Rebekah Gomez/Photographer

Junior hurdler Alysha Adams ranked 41st best indoor mark in the country in 2009. Adams was named the 2008 Sun Belt Conference’s Freshman of the Year for both the indoor and outdoor seasons. hard act to follow when you have such a great freshman year, but she has continued to improve. “Coach [Sammy] Dabbs knew a little bit about her from what she did in the summer, but she was really an unknown. She wants to be really good. She’s been a finalist in the regional meet both her first two years, so she just needs to continue to get better on that.” Watkins said he expects much of the same successes from Adams in the future that she has had so far. “She’s getting to the level where she expects herself to be one of the top players in the country,” he said. “She wants to make it to the national meet and I think that’s the next step. Our conference is pretty competitive, so if she can stay on top of

“I think, more than anything, just competing in all those sports helped my competitiveness. I just want to win — I just have to win.”

— Alysha Adams Junior hurdler

the conference, that’s another goal.” Adams has similar goals for herself for this year’s outdoor season. “I would like to win my respective events,” she said. “I would like to repeat and win the 200 [meter] because I won the indoor. Also, really focus on winning the 4-by-100 because we haven’t done that since I’ve

been here, and winning conference.” Adams came to UNT in the first place because of the journalism department and now plans on working in that field after she graduates. “I would love to do something in the field of PR,” she said. “I would love to work for a magazine, but if not that, a PR firm.”

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