ILY, March 2 6V
Retro remix
makes last vote on health care reform NEWS: Senate Page 2
Museum’s collection makes throwback to 70s 8-tracks Scene Insert
Dinuta intimidates rivals on tennis courts Page 4
Friday, March 26, 2010
News 1,2 Sports 4 Classifieds 3 Games 3 SCENE see insert
Volume 95 | Issue 36
Sunny 69° / 51° The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
Fraternity raises money for cancer research Alpha Epsilon Pi sells lemonade for children BY SHEA YARBOROUGH Senior Staff Writer
At the center of campus, where the crosswalks intersect, coins rattled in a tin can as a voice yelled, “Help raise money for childhood cancer research!” T he members of A lpha Epsi lon P i, U N T’s Jew ish fraternity, manned the campus green this week, shouting and begging to raise money for children who suffer from cancer, said Evan Kassem, a radio, television and film junior and
Alpha Epsilon Pi member. “The sad part is for every 30 cents that is given to childhood cancer, a dollar is given to breast cancer,” Kassem said. “Not a lot of people give to childhood cancer – it’s always breast cancer or AIDS.” T he eig ht f rater n it y members of A lpha Epsilon Pi motivate t hemselves to do emba r r a s si ng , s ome t imes awk wa rd t hings for money, with the memory of a little girl named Alex, said Michael Margolis, a hospitality management senior and fraternity member. A lex a nd ra “A lex ” Scot t opened a lemonade stand to raise money to help herself and other kids like her with
cancer, Margolis said. “We like the story about this little girl,” he said. “It’s inspirational.” Before her first birthday, Scott was diag nosed w it h bra in ca ncer, sa id Gi l lia n K o c he r, a s p ok e s p e r s on for A lex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. At t he age of 4, Alex announced that she wanted to help her doctors help kids who had cancer like she did. The money raised by the fraternity is donated to the foundation. “Her words were, ‘All kids want their tumors to go away,’” Kocher said.
See FUNDRAISING on page 2
The charity funds cancer research across the country. (From Left to Right) Risk management freshman Evan Richman, PHOTO BY DREW GAINES/PHOTOGRAPHER general studies senior and fraternity president James Long, general studies senior and AEP philanthropy chair Evan KasMembers of UNT’s Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi, take donations for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation outside of sem. On Thursday, eight fraternity members of Alpha Epsilon Pi motivate themselves to do embarrassing, sometimes the University Union. The charity raises money for cancer research across the country. awkward things to motivate passersby to donate money to the cause.
Golden Key hosts Students celebrate spring with music Drum circle reading program marks vernal K RYSTLE CANTU Staff Writer
T he UN T G olden Key International Honour Society will organize Read-A-Book Day this Saturday at the North Branch Library. The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 3020 N. Locust St. Ever yone is welcome. The goal of this event is to promote literacy among elementary schoolaged children. “Basically, what we have planned is to have an all-out, rain-or-shine, fun day for these kids where they get to be in reading circles, and we read to them and they read to us,” Emily Hudson, vice president of Golden Key, said. “We’re also making gift bags for the children that have pencils, erasers, posters, books, spirals and folders.” Students from the society will conduct several activities throughout the day such as story circles and recreational activity time. Volunteers from Success for Life Through Reading, another UNT student organization, will also participate. All children who attend will be provided with lunch. The UNT Bookstore donated 250 bags to help make the gift bags, Hudson said. “Hopefully, we’ll get a good experience out of this event,” she said. “I’m hoping the children will get a thrill for education and reading.” Hudson said that though the event is for all school-aged children, they are targeting
third and fourth graders. “ T h ou g h t h e y a r e n’t thinking about college yet, we want to show them that they have an amazing college and campus right here in their town,” she said. “We’re also hoping that maybe they have siblings that they might bring as well.” Members of the Denton Independent School District are excited about this event. “I think it’s great and I applaud the efforts of the UNT Golden Key Honour Society for trying to promote reading,” Glenna Harris, the district school board secretary, said. Ray Braswell, superintendent for the district, favors the efforts of UNT as well. “Anytime we can promote reading for young children in any way, it’s a wonderful process,” he said. “We all firmly believe that children that learn to read as early as possible become stronger students, and we think it’s critical to their future success.” Braswell also said he likes universit y students being involved in the event. “T hey w i l l ser ve as wonderful role models to the children,” he said. Kathleen Mohr, program coordinator for Language Literacy and Bilingual/ESL Education at UNT, said she hopes the event will promote educational and informational reading among schoolage children.
See LITERACY on page 2
BY TIM MONZINGO Contributing Writer
Despite last weekend’s cold and rainy weather, students are still excited about participating in a celebration at least as old as civilization. Last Saturday marked the vernal, or spring, equinox; a time when the Earth’s orbit aligns with the sun along the equator, creating equal parts of night and day. Denton residents still plan on gathering to celebrate the coming of spring this Saturday, even though the equinox has passed. Andrew Jordan Miller, an i nt e r d i s c ipl i n a r y s t ud ie s senior, is promoting a gathering of people at the steps of The Courthouse-on-theSquare to celebrate the warm weat her and participate in one of the world’s oldest traditions. “Back in the day when we relied on the seasons—more so, the vernal equinox, which is what occurred last week, marked the coming of spring— which also marks the growth of your crops,” Miller said. “So this was a very triumphantly joy f u l t ime for t he people and so it was very common in many cultures to celebrate this moment because it meant that we can expect to have a surplus of food again.” M i l ler is i nvolved i n a drum circle that meets every Saturday at the courthouse. He said that events like the drum circle are historically related to events like the equinox.
thing that everyone is walking around talking about: ‘Oh, it’s the equinox today.’ It’s not like Christmas.” But for Miller, t he event is more important than the common holidays. “It’s more dear to me than Christmas. It’s kind of a global change that’s occurring,” he said. The celebration will be a sort of singing, dancing picnic and is open to anyone who wants to come, said Amanda Dunnavant, a UNT alumna who regularly participates in the drum circle. “There is a place for everybody, whether you want to drum. There is a place for dancing. There is a place for children to be children and other people can just stand back or sit back, bring lawn chairs and watch,” she said. Many students were aware of t he equinox, but didn’t really think much about it. W i l l Huebner, a mu sic junior, said that the event is a good reason to celebrate. “It’s definitely great motivation and it gives an occasion,” he said. Miller said that the drum circle and the event are good PHOTO BY KAITLYN PRICE/PHOTOGRAPHER ways to foster a sense of Humanities senior Andrew Miller came up with the idea for the Equinox Cel- community. ebration, which will take place at 9 p.m. Saturday on the Square. “I g uess to add to t he purpose, not only to bring When he started researching awareness to the equinox as a “I was interested in what t he equinox meant for us, the event, he found it inter- global event, but also to bring because I’ve been involved in est i ng a nd en l ig hten i ng , together the community in a ver y healthy setting. I view the drum circle for a little over Miller said. “I thought it was really a the drum circle as perhaps the a year now and it’s common for people to get toget her beautiful thing and I thought healthiest thing you can do as during equinox and solstice it wou ld be nice to br ing a community because it’s just times, so I was curious about awareness to the community a love and that’s really it.” The event will be held from 9 what that really meant and little bit about the occurrence why drum circles did this,” of t his event,” he said. “It p.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday at The didn’t seem to be the kind of Courthouse-on-the Square. he said.
Friday 3.26.2010
[ In theaters today... ] By Kip Mooney / Arts & Life Editor / OPINION
“Hot Tub Time Machine”
“How to Train Your Dragon 3-D”
Clearly a movie that could go either way. The four leading men a ll have prett y great comedic timing, but I’m afraid it will take the easy way out and go for grossout humor, g ratuitous nudit y and cheap jokes about how odd everyone looked in the ’80s.
Get ready for 3-D overload. Right after “Avatar” and “Alice in Wonderland” comes an animated feature we’ve all seen before. A long time ago, a little boy who’s rejected by the cool kids does somet h i ng a ma z i ng a nd he finally becomes popular.
“Chloe” Think of this as “Cheaters” for the art-house set. Moore suspects her rich husband (Neeson) of cheating, so she hires a prostitute (Seyfried, a long way from “Mean Girls”) to see if he’ll take the bait. He does and what unfolds is a deadly power play for control between the two leads.
Q&A: Stiller, Murphy discuss ‘Greenberg’ Q:
How was the dynamic backstage for you? Ben Stiller: I feel working with Noah is a very special experience because he approaches movies in a very different way than I’ve experienced before. He wrote a very specific script. I think everyone who was working on the movie was really dedicated and wanted to do their best because they respected the script so much. There’s a lot of camaraderie and there’s a feeling of [being] real connected and trying to do the best we could. It was a small production so we got to rehearse for a number of weeks and hung out a little bit. So it felt — all the way down to the camera people and the crew — everybody was there because they wanted to be there. It had a much warmer, intimate feeling that Noah and Jennifer… the atmosphere they set.
: How was it writing instead of from an emotion to a final product, to a final visual product to emphasize an emotion?
James Murphy: The way this kind of worked wasn’t quite so much like that. I mean, I met Noah before shooting and we talked a lot about music, we talked and the characters. And like Ben said, it’s a lot of human kind of camaraderie that made it very easy to just kind of talk about what the movie needed. And it wasn’t any less about my emotions or anything else. It was just there was something you were looking at or reacting to. But we also didn’t try to create a soundtrack that necessarily always accented emotions. I think, for me, after seeing the first dailies, it was clear that the actors were doing their job amazingly well. And this stuff was there and it would kind of be factoring to just juxtapose things up. Instead, to just make songs that work kind of as a backdrop to what was happening and let the emotions be done by the directing and shooting and the acting. To read the full story, visit
Page 2
Friday, March 26, 2010
T.S. McBride, Rebecca Hoeffner & Melissa Boughton, News Editors
Fundraising fizzles Continued from page 1 Alex ran a lemonade stand on her front yard until she died in 2008 when she was 8 years old. Now, the Pennsylvania-based organization is led by Liz and Jay Scott, Alex’s parents, who have helped raise $14 million for childhood cancer during the last two years, Kocher said. “We even have people in their 80s host lemonade stands,” Kocher said. “We welcome ‘children’ of all ages.” The brothers of Alpha Epsilon Pi have made this a yearly event, which started last spring after some members attended a leadership camp and watched a video about Alex, Kassem said. “Children are the future,” he said. “Without them, there won’t be any more generations.” Last spring, the fraternity members raised $1,100 by standing on the campus green, begging for change or anything people might have in their pockets. This semester, their goal was $2,500, but Kassem said it looks like they are going
to make about the same as last year. “Everything helps,” they yelled. Student donations at UNT are not as high as Kassem and Margolis hoped they would be. Kassem attributes it to laziness or a lack of money. He estimated that for every 100 students who pass by, only 10 give money. “But we keep hosting it,” he said. A long-term relationship with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is developing between the fraternity and the foundation, with plans in the works to make next year bigger and better, Kassem said. Getting other fraternities and sororities involved in a competition to build the biggest lemonade stands is one idea the fraternity members have thrown around. Kassem said he is willing to do anything, and he encouraged people to donate. “Go to alexslemonadestand. org and you can donate to help kids with cancer,” he said.
Literacy flatlines Continued from page 1 “There’s lots of emphasis on book reading and stories in the early grades, but in t h i rd a nd fou r t h g rade, students need to also gain wide exposure in interest and informational text because we live in an informational age,” she said. “Much of what they’ll do as adults is read for information in order to make decisions, so while the focus might be on fun and reading in general, I hope that there
is a focus on informational text reading.” Mohr said in recent studies literacy hasn’t declined, but hasn’t increased, either. “We’re in an age where reading critically is more important than it was in the past,” she said. “There is a widened gap between the kids who do read or have been successful in reading achievement vs. those who aren’t. There is a concern on how to narrow or bridge that gap.”
Health care gets final approval
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid speaks during a news conference after the Senate passed an updated health care “fixes” bill Thursday in Washington D.C. The Senate vote today was the last piece of legislation for a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s health care system. WASHINGTON (MCT) — The Senate Thursday passed by 56-43 t he f ina l piece of landmark health care legislat ion t hat ’s i ntende d to change dramatically how most Americans buy, use and maintain insurance coverage. Because Republicans won two points of order in their opposit ion to t he bi l l, t he House of Representatives also must pass it again, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., s a id t h at w ou ld h a pp en quickly later Thursday. This measure, combined w it h t he one sig ned i nto law on Tuesday, w ill bring the most significant change in hea lt h care policy since
Medicare was created in 1965 to provide health insurance coverage for seniors and the disabled. Together, they will extend hea lt h insura nce coverage to 32 m i l l ion people who c u r r ent l y a r e u n i n s u r e d by 2019. They w ill ex pa nd c o v e r a g e t o 9 4 p e r c e nt of el ig ible A mer ica ns. Consumers will find a host of changes in how they deal with doctors, insurers, hospitals and the rest of the health care system. Most people will have to obtain coverage by 2014 or face penalties. Most employers will have to offer policies by t hen, a nd consu mers w i l l be able to shop for coverage through new exchanges, or marketplaces. Several provisions will take effect within the next year. Medicare prescription drug beneficiaries will get a $250 rebate this year. By fall, insurers no longer will be able to put lifetime caps on coverage, and they must a l low you ng people to remain on their parents’ policies until they turn 26. Insurers also will be barred
f r om d r oppi n g c ov er a ge when people get sick a nd from refusing to cover children with pre-existing conditions. Dur ing f isca l yea r 2010, which begins Oct. 1, the legislation provides new investments in t ra ining for new primary care physicians and nurses, as well as additional money for community health centers so they can double the number of patients they serve. Starting in Januar y 2011, insurers in the individual and small group market will be required to spend 80 percent of their premium dollars on medica l ser v ices; t hose in larger group markets would have to spend 85 percent. If they don’t comply, they’d have to give consumers rebates. T he re c onc i l iat ion bi l l approved Thursday contains fixes to the massive health care bill Obama signed into law Tuesday, and was part of a political deal needed to get both measures through Congress. Hou s e D e mo c r a t s h a d objected to several provisions in the new law, notably an
“The Third Chapter: Looking Back and Giving Forward” by Dr. Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot Prize-Winning Sociologist and Emily Hargroves Fisher Professor of Education at Harvard University
Thursday, April 1, 2010 . 7:00 p.m. World-renowned sociologist and author Sara LawrenceLightfoot believes that we must develop a compelling vision of later life, one that does not assume a trajectory of decline after 50. In her lecture, she will tell the poignant and powerful tales of men and women in their 50s, 60s and 70s who are redefining our views (and their own) on aging. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students, children, seniors and academia. Museum members are $3. For tickets, go to or call 817-255-9540.
1600 Gendy Street Fort Worth, Texas 76107
excise tax on high-end insurance policies that labor unions fought, as well as a series of special deals for individual lawmakers. The reconciliation bill delayed the tax until 2018, and some of the controversial deals were eliminated. The bill will give lower- and middle-class families more government help with insura nce premiums a nd a id to states for Medicaid, the statefedera l hea lt h program for lower-income people. To help pay for the changes, wealthier people will pay more Medicare payroll tax starting in 2013. Si ng le people who ea r n more than $200,000 a year, and joint filers who make more than $250,000, will see the tax increase by 0.9 percentage points in 2013, to 2.35 percent, and will pay a new 3.8 percent tax on dividends, interest and other unearned income.
Friday 3.26.2010
Enders’ side project reveals a whole new ‘World’ BY CHRISTINA MLYNSKI
Staff Writer Fuzzy guitar riffs, piano mashups and a xylophone are the key components that emphasize the distinguished vocals of Arthur “Ace” Enders, front man for The Early November and musical creator of his side project I Can Make a Mess like Nobody’s Business. “The World We Know” is his second album. The collaboration of instrumental structure accompanied by his eccentric voice shows that this album, even though it took six years to produce and the ultimate decision to end The Early November, was the final push for the re-emergence of his musical pursuits. The album opens with the first track entitled “Sleep Means Sleeping,” in which the guitar establishes a
build-up of anticipation as the lyrics fall into place with accompanied female vocals. The song reaches its climactic moment and slowly fades into the next musical endeavor. The end of the first track flows right into “My Hands Hurt,” which loses a lot of instrumental balance as Enders makes his voice prominent so the lyrics become the main attraction. The acoustics in the back create a more intimate feeling. Throughout the album, the pattern takes on the ebb and flow of the musical structure. As one full song unfolds, a brief, emotional venture into Enders’ mind provides a glimpse into his deepest struggles. The album is constructed so each track can run simultaneously, producing an illustration of Enders’ endless questions
about life. As the album continues in
its tuneful unity, it introduces a surprising instrument that encompasses the powerful melodies of the chords in “Rosary,” which could easily be viewed as the album’s single. The series of violins alongside the deli-
cate guitar infuse an intriguingly upbeat tune. The song transfixes the listener, providing insight into Enders’ thoughts about his past relationships. The guitar fades in and out, leaving only Enders and the violins, making the theme of intimacy more apparent. The establishment of multiple instruments and the variations of guitar and piano chords create the foundation for the track “Baby Steps,” in which Enders challenges his existence in the world. The song provides a calm, mellow and serene atmosphere that produces a hypnotizing trance. The end of the track is unexpected as Enders’ voice ascends from a raspy, quiet whisper to an explosive shout of desperation. “The World We Know” closes
with the appropriate finalizing of Enders’ tale, “Telling Me Goodbye.” This song is the rawest track on the album, as the pain and discomfort expressed through the vocals become illuminated with the progression of instruments. Enders’ tear-jerking voice completes his final plea for forgiveness. I Can Make a Mess like Nobody’s Business introduces a cynical approach to life scenarios by unveiling the logics of reality for 11 solid, continuous tracks. The beautiful imbalance of doubt and assurance shows that Enders’ business in the world is to make a mess like no one has ever seen.
She and Him regresses on ‘predictable’ new album BY GRACIELA R AZO Senior Staff Writer
Zooey Deschanel has become yet another actress to try her hand at music. With singer M. Ward, she’s created a duo known as She and Him. But this time, the actress actually has a memorable, distinct and beautiful voice. Her vocals recall a 1950s songstress. But even with Deschanel’s big, sweet voice, the group’s sophomore album becomes incessantly redundant and predictable by the second song. All tracks, including the solid single “In the Sun,” are all throwbacks with similar melodies, lyrics and overall concepts. If listeners only play the first song, they will know what the rest of the album sounds like. The single is a really nice poppy ballad that encompasses what the whole album is – a whole lot of Deschanel and not enough Ward. Ward usually brings in some great guitar riffs, but he is barely heard throughout the album. At times he switches up sounds with his background vocals and
bluesy guitar, but all songs stay within the sunny, Californian sound. She and Him surprises with two covers on the album. NRBQ’s “Ridin’ in my Car” is not quite a tribute to the original, but just a slower ’50s redo. But finally, the listener remembers it is a duo effort with Ward’s vocals appearing, not just a Zooey Deschanel solo album. Another nice cover of Skeeter
Davis’ “Gonna Get Along Without You Now” is a golden moment on the album and a direction the duo should have taken further. But “Volu me Two” eventually rollercoasters back down to too many “baby’s,” “darling’s” and sun references that just make this album too sugary sweet. At times instruments are changed up with stringy steel guitar and soft pianos, but Deschanel’s voice strings together the album’s monotony with
Back pain?
exactly the same tone and melody. “Volume Two” shows everything that was decent about their premiere album, “Volume One.” But if the band is going to find continued success in the future, Ward and Deschanel need to evolve a bit. They
have the right materials for a good band, but not enough interest in moving forward.
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Page 9
Friday 3.26.2010
y a l P s s e Pr Frequently Misunderstood Songs Compiled by Kip Mooney
$9.99 ANY LARGE,
UNLIMITED TOPPING PIZZA* Feeds 4! Don’t Forget Our
$4.99 Student Buffet** *Limited time offer. Not valid with other offers. Tax not included. Crust availability, prices, participation, delivery areas and charges, minimum purchase requirements may vary. No double toppings. Additional charge for extra cheese applicable. **Limit one lunch or dinner buffet per student I.D.
1 2 3 4 5 6
”Hallelujah,” Jeff Buckley ”I Love L.A.,” Randy Newman ”Born in the U.S.A.,” Bruce Springsteen ”Leaving on a Jet Plane,” Peter, Paul and Mary
”Love Song,” Sara Bareilles ”Good Riddance (Time of Your Life),” Green Day
7 8 9 10
”There She Goes,” The La’s ”Lust for Life,” Iggy Pop ”Turning Japanese,” The Vapors
”The Future’s So Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades),” Timbuk 3
Page 4 Justin Umberson, Sports Editor
Friday, March 26, 2010
Athlete of the Week: The ‘inferno’ Paula Dinuta By Eric Johnson Senior Staff Writer
A n intimidating sta re, a fiery attitude and a scorching cross-court forehand: These are the weapons of the UNT tennis team’s fiercest competitor, Paula Dinuta. T he P it e s t i , Rom a n i a , native has ignited over the last three weeks, winning her last five matches, including a match-sea ling comeback against UT-Arlington’s Maria Ma r t i ne z-Romer o. D ow n 8-2 in the third-set tiebreak, Dinuta unleashed a barrage of winners to take the tiebreak and the match. “She is like an inferno out there on the court, and when she can harness that emotion she is a devastating player,� head coach Sujay Lama said. “She is her own worst enemy sometimes, but she showed tremendous growth against UT-A. If she can continue to play with that kind of poise, she will be untouchable.� As a young child, Dinuta fell in love w it h t he ga me of tennis, and at the age of 7 she k new t hat she had a future between the lines of the tennis court. “I started beating some of the best players, and I just became so focused,� Dinuta sa id. “T he compet itor i n me took over, and I wanted to become t he best tennis player.� Dinuta quick ly escalated to the top of junior’s tennis in Romania, ranking in the top 20 for two straight years. During her time at the top
of Romanian tennis, Dinuta developed a close f r iendship and rivalr y with Irina Pa raschiv, who is now her roommate and her teammate with the Mean Green. “We practiced together all the time, and we always talked about going to A merica to play college tennis together,� Paraschiv said. “Paula is the reason that I am here, and it was so great for both of us to be able to have our best friend go with us to a new environment.� After hearing about Dinuta’s dynamic ability, Lama took t wo t r ips to Roma n ia to convince the versatile player to come to UNT. “In add it ion to bei ng a phenomena l ta lent on t he cou r t, she is just a good human being,� Lama said. “Her family really sold me. They have instilled such a great work ethic and great values in her, that she is the kind of person you want in your program.� The typical perfectionist, Dinuta is always looking for ways to improve her game, and she spends more than 40 hours per week conditioning a nd tra ining. W hen she is not working out or studying, Dinuta can be found nestled in a cozy corner sleeping. “She works herself so hard, a nd I don’t t hin k t here is a ny t hing she enjoys more than sleeping when she has a chance,� Paraschiv said with a smile. The 20-year-old sophomore spent January helping to ease
the transition for freshman Ba rbora Vyk yda lova, who had just joined t he Mea n Green from Ĺ umperk, Czech Republic. “She was the first person that I met, and she was so helpf u l w it h ever y t h i ng,â€? Vykydalova said. “If it was not for her, it would have been so much harder for me here. She has such a friendly personality that makes you feel very comfortable.â€? When she is not slicing up her opponents with a ferocious back ha nd, Dinuta is busy making her teammates laugh. “I a m so dif ferent when I a m not play ing,â€? Dinuta said. “I am always smiling and tr ying to make people laugh, but when I am playing I am so focused on winning and being perfect that I can be very intense.â€? The 5-foot-5-i nch psychology major has dreams of a professional tennis career, but a lso plans to earn her master’s in psychology. “I k now t hat I have t he talent to play with the best, and I am so good at creating winning shots,â€? Dinuta said. “I think that if I learn to be in control of my emotions and use them the right way, that I will be successful. It is funny that I am majoring in psychology but get crazy on the court.â€? Dinuta will try to continue her w inning streak April 2 against the Denver Pioneers a t t h e Wa r a n c h Te n n i s Complex.
Sophomore Paula Dinuta slices a backhand winner during her three-set victory against UT-Arlington’s Maria MartinezRomero. Dinuta led the Mean Green to a 6-0 victory Wednesday afternoon.
Ma rtinez secured t he w in for t he Mean Green (11-9) by reach i ng on a n er ror that knocked in sophomore outfielder Jessica Shields. “Being the offensive minded team that we are, we knew we would have a good chance to score late in the game and come out with a win,� head coach T.J. Hubbard said. “We did a good job figuring out their pitchers and picking out spots.� The Roadrunners (9-19) got
off to a hot start against junior pitcher Jennifer Smith, using an Ashley Kappler two-run double to seize the lead in the first inning. “I don’t think we’re the kind of team to score right away, so it’s important for us to keep t hings closer in t he ea rly innings,� Hubbard said. St rong defense kept t he Mea n Green close, as Roadrunner Rudi Cantu was caught stealing to end the second inning. “When you play these kind of close games, defense is going to make or break your chances,� sophomore infielder Lisa Johnson said. “We do a great job at all positions at playing smart and not making mistakes.� Back-to-back t r iples by Kappler and Caitlin Ivy added to the Roadrunner lead in the third inning, but after f reshma n pitcher Britta ny Simmons replaced Smith, UNT avoided any further damage. “Seeing Brittney play at that level as a freshman says a lot about her future and the impact she is going to make on this team in the years to come,� Hubbard said. “It’s always difficult to come into a game during those situations, but she did a great job at
handling the pressure.� Sophomore out f ielder Mega n Rupp’s led of f t he bottom of the third with a double, and Johnson brought in UNT’s first run with a sacrifice f ly. “Rupp played great for us tonight and it’s always great to know I did everything I could to help out,� Johnson said. U N T re c overe d i n t he bottom of the fourth inning, after a two-run double by Rupp tied the game. “We’re a ver y conf ident team right now at the plate and feel like we can play with anybody,� Johnson said. “It was a rough start but we were able to find a way to adjust and score enough.� Heav y w inds forced t wo errors on pop f lies for the Roadrunners, one of which a llowed Martinez to reach base in t he bottom of t he sevent h a nd br ing in t he winning run. “Errors are always something that can hurt you and luckily we were on the right side of mistakes made tonight,� Hubbard said. The Mean Green will look to run its winning streak to si x w it h a weekend series against Sun Belt rival Florida Atlantic.
Photo by Rebekah Gomezx/Photographer
Late-game heroics lead Mean Green past UT-SA Mean Green take advantage of mistakes By Sean Gorman Senior Staff Writer
Play ing its best when it mattered most, the UNT softball team overcame a slow start to win its fourth game in a row, defeating the UT-San Antonio Roadrunners 4-3. Junior outf ielder Mariza
Photo by Ryan Bibb/Staff Photographer
Junior Mallory Cantler takes a cut at a fastball during Thursday’s game against UT San Antonio. The Mean Green defeated the Roadrunners 4-3.
‘Big meet’ awaits UNT in Arlington 5*.& 50 61%"5& :063 7*4*0/
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By Ben Baby Staff Writer
After an impressive performance at the Horned Frog Invitational, the UNT track and field team will look to blow away the competition in Arlington. The Mean Green had two sprinters, freshman Justin Anderson and junior Brittani Si m mons, ea r n Su n Belt Conference Performer of the Week awards, and UNT will ta ke a n impressive g roup of athletes to the Arlington Invitational this weekend. “This is a pretty big meet,� head coach Rick Watkins said. “I think there’s 15 or 16 teams
that are going to be there. If you go to a meet like that, your goal is to win the event. That’s kind of what we expect, to go in with that attitude.� Anderson and Simmons set the pace for the Mean Green last weekend, as UNT had more than a dozen top-three finishes. “[Anderson] is getting a lot more experience and confidence,� sophomore sprinter Keyth Talley said. “He’s not really running like a freshman anymore.� After a successful indoor season, the Mean Green is still adjusting to competing outdoors, where the team’s
strength truly lies. “Indoor and outdoor are two totally different worlds,� Talley said. “We just got to adjust to all the environment and everything going. We should be ready with what to expect.� Talley, fresh off a trip to the NCAA national indoor championships, will compete in three events on Saturday. Ju n ior spr i nter Mel issa Barnes will look to impress a s she ret u r n s home to Arlington. “I think we’ve been able to show that we can handle pressu re, especia l ly how we performed at our indoor conference meet,� Barnes said.
“As a whole, I believe that we will definitely show up and put up some good times.� The Mean Green will try to maintain its position atop the Sun Belt’s West Division. The top 48 athletes in each event w ill advance to the NCA A Qualifying Round in Austin on May 27-29. This is a change in format from previous years, when qualifying marks determined which individuals advanced into the postseason. “I think we should perform very well,� Barnes said. “We trained really hard for the last two weeks, so we should come out with something.�
Friday 3.26.2010
[Cooking with Katie] Spring sweets: Fruit fusion B K G / S S W
Ingredients: -1 pound of strawberries -small bunch of bananas -two teaspoons sugar
Directions: Rinse the strawberries and cut off the stems before cutting the berries into fourths. Place in a large bowl. Peel the bananas and cut them into thin slices. Place the banana pieces into the bowl along with the strawberries. Next, take two teaspoons of suga r, or more depending on your sweet tooth, and sprinkle the sugar on top of the fruit. Using a fork, stir the sugar, strawberries and bananas in a circular motion around the bowl and add t he remaining sugar to t he rest of mi x ture. Avoid smashing t he f r uits toget her and enjoy.
GIVE Pets GOOD Lives GIVE Pets GOOD Lives
The flowers are blooming. The grass is turning from dull brown to a deep shade of green. Spring is here and there is no better way to celebrate the return of warm weather than by preparing a light, fruity dessert. This recipe for fruit fusion combines simple, inexpensive ingredients to make a sugary-sweet treat in less than 10 minutes. This concoction is great on its own or can be reinvented with a combination of walnuts, almonds or apples and topped with whipped cream. Keep it on hand in the fridge for a cool, tangy dessert to end the warm days ahead.
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Friday 3.26.2010
Former Denton resident BY GRACIELA R AZO Senior Staff Writer
When Bucks Burnett saw a Beatles eight-track at a garage sale, he said he knew he had to rescue it from being thrown away eventually. This experience led to the Dallas native collecting more than 3,000 eight-tracks, including a full Beatles collection, over the course of five years. Burnett is now taking his collection around the Dallas-Fort Worth area in the form of an Eight- Track Museum. “Ironically, I saw them as literature art and considered them to be disposable,” Burnett, 51, said. “So I decided to start a complete eight-track collection by going to f lea markets and garage sales.” The museum was in Denton for the NX35 Music Conferette and will now go back to a space yet to be determined in Dallas’ Deep Ellum neighborhood in the next few weeks.
Only the best, finest The idea for the museum came when the former Denton record store owner jokingly pitched the idea to show his “art pieces” at a
Bucks Burnett brought his travelling eight-track museum to Denton for this year’s NX35 music festival. friend’s gallery. Dallas’ Barry Whistler Gallery was the first home to the museum in October 2009. The museum displays more than 2,000 pieces of Burnett’s entire collection. It includes rare and limited eighttracks from Led Zeppelin, Grand Funk Railroad and Burnett’s personal favorite part of the collection, his Velvet Underground and Nico eighttrack.
“I’m a big Velvet Underground and Andy Warhol fan, so it means the most to me,” Burnett said. Burnett chose only the “best, finest and rarest” eight-tracks to display since he had so many to filter through in his large collection, he said. He also said he just ra n out of room to show t hem all. Before the time of eBay, Burnett would filter through other people’s eight-tracks to add to his collection.
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Now, he said, the Web site makes his job of finding rare pieces easier, but not always simple. “It’s easier to find hard-to-find titles, but it’s still a lot of work,” Burnett said. Viewers are normally attracted to his Velvet Underground eight-tracks and his complete Beatles collection, valued around $3,000, Burnett said.
A controversial display One of t he most interest ing
Friday 3.26.2010
brings eight-track artifacts “
“It’s the same reason you would want to keep a puppy alive – because I think they’re cute. I really think eight-tracks are cute.
parts of his collection is Lou Reed’s “Metal Machine Music” eight-track, Burnett said. Reed’s fans considered the album to be a joke and a rip-off when it was released in 1975 for $10 instead of the usual $5 because it was a double LP. But Bu r nett decided to do a lecture and write an essay on it then show it as a part of the museum. “We decided to pay tribute to it, but a lot of h i s fa n s were upset that we were d isplay i ng it,” Burnett
said. R e e d himself got word of Burnett’s essay and
— Bucks Burnett Collection owner
efforts and wrote him an e-mail saying, “Keep it up, guy. It lives. Fou r sides because t hey were a ll different,” ta lk ing about the reasons he made a double record instead of a single. Burnett said he could not believe it when he saw one of his
heroes h a d recognized his work. “I f l i p p e d ,” Bu r net t sa id. “It was really cool getting a response from him.”
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Preserving an art form Lyndsay Milne, publicist for NX35, said Burnett and his collection made the festival stand out above the rest. It gave attendees the chance to learn about something most people had not grown up around or known much about, she said. “It was definitely educational to see how they were played,” she said. “There’s something about them that’s kind of artful.” Even though the eight-tracks themselves were fascinating to learn about, Burnett was the one thing that made the museum worth attending, Milne said. Even if he had been collecting bottle caps or old boxes, Burnett would find a way to make people care about them, she said. “He would set them up and curate them and describe them in a way that would make you wish you know more about them and how important they really are,”
Knecht said. With vinyl back in vogue now, it was up to Burnett to find something more “obscure,” she said. Aaron Leis, a creative writing doctoral student, said people like Burnett are showing the importance of keeping an obsolete music medium alive. As digital downloads becomes more popular, people want to still have something to show for the music they own, Leis said. “The ideas of the packaging itself become an artifact,” Leis said. “It is something you can touch and hold and read the back of.” But to Burnett, collecting eight-tracks is just something he does because he enjoys it. “It’s the same reason you would want to keep a puppy alive – because I think they’re cute,” Burnett said. “I really think eight-tracks are cute.”
Friday 3.26.2010
UNT students show off new street styles By Jessica Paul
Staff Writer As spring comes to Denton, the Daily staff looked to students to describe the styles they believe will welcome the season.
“Wedge heels.”
“The hipster look.”
Schuyler Bateman PhD student-Gerontology
Wesley Beckner TAMS Architectural engineering sophomore
“Short dresses, lots of floral.”
“Probably the fake boho thing.”
Najdah Khan Photographyw freshman
Danielle Farley Social science sophomore