art fusion Each month, music lovers flock to Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios to watch artists create impromptu works between live performances by local bands. PAGE 4
INSIDE: Preview of Denton Oktoberfest ... PAGE 2 Review of Raveonettes album ... PAGE 3 Interview with Drew Barrymore ... PAGE 8 Cover by Patti Mayo
Art Fusion Rubber Gloves hosts interactive art show Insert Page 4 Friday, October 2, 2009
News 1,2 Sports 3 Classifieds 4 Games 4 SCENE Insert
Volume 94 | Issue 22
Sunny 82° / 56°
The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
Congress passes ban on sweet, flavored cigarettes BY A MBER A RNOLD Senior Staff Writer
Michelle Guidry, a Texas Woman’s University student, smokes her last clove cigarette outside of the campus’ Guinn Hall. Congress passed a bill banning candy and flavored cigarettes that went into effect Sept. 22.
As Halloween approaches, t hose who smoke f lavored cigarettes may have to trade in their habit and trick-ort reat for fa ke bubble g um cigarettes instead. Congress signed the Family Smok i ng P re vent ion a nd Tobacco Control Act on June 22, wh ich ba n ned ca ndyf lavored and fruit-f lavored cigarettes. The init iat ive went into effect Sept. 22 and was aimed at preventing children and adolescents from picking up the habit. A c c or d i n g t o t he a c t , reducing the use of tobacco by m i nors by 50 percent would prevent more than 10 million of today’s children from becoming daily smokers, saving more than 3 million of t hem f rom premat u re death from tobacco-induced disease. The act sets liberty against a public hea lt h issue, said A l len Jack son, cha i r m a n of t he k i nesiolog y, hea lt h promot ion a nd recreat ion department. “Ever y t i me you ma ke init iat ives li ke t his where something is taken away from people, there will be an argument, however a legitimate one,” he said. Si nc e 19 6 4, a Su r ge on Genera l’s wa rning printed
“Kids don’t start smoking because they’re addicted. They start for other reasons.”
—Jessica Blackwell Early childhood education sophomore
on every pack has proven to be a successful tactic against smoking, Jackson said. “History would indicate that it has a positive effect, since half of the adult population was smoking in 1964, and now it is less than 25 percent,” he said. Along with the ban, the act also gives the Food and Drug Administration more power to regulate the tobacco industry’s product and advertising. “I do think it would help,” said Jessica Blackwell, an early childhood education sophomore, speaking of banning f lavored cigarettes. “People that already smoke, smoke because they’re addicted. Kids don’t start smoking because they’re addicted. They start for other reasons.” W it h t he ne w ac t i n place, the Food and Drug Administration will also set standards controlling what is in cigarettes and how ingredients are disclosed. Ac c ord i ng to t he ac t, Congress and the Food and
Drug Administration consider “light cigarettes” misleading because consumers underestimate the harmful effects. Because of this, it is possible that “light” and “low tar” cigarettes can actually increase tobacco use. As part of the initiative, the Food and Drug Administration will begin to list the ingredients on the box containing the cigarettes. “I think it’s a good idea, because a lot of kids start smok i ng l ig ht s t h i n k i ng that they’re OK,” said Sinan Ulkemen, a public administration graduate student. “They end up transitioning to other cigarettes because they end up becoming addicted anyway.” Tobacco dependence is considered a chronic disease, according to the act. It is also the number-one drug-related cause of death, above prescription drugs and alcohol, Jackson said. To read in more detail about the act and its stipulations, go to
U.S. census may bring jobs to college students BY CHRIS SPEIGHT Senior Staff Writer
Job opp or t u n it ie s for students may open up through March of next year when the federal government needs help counting Texas residents for the 2010 census. Dallas is the center of operations for census work in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi, requiring 111,000 jobs to complete the enormous task. The jobs are temporary and loca l, ma k ing it easy for college students to participate, according to census official Kimberly Murphy. “We bring hundreds of jobs to the community,” said Murphy, a media specialist from the Dallas Regional Census Center. “We hire people within the community. Whenever we start recruiting, these are part time jobs. You can make your own schedules. They’re ideal for college students.” Murphy said the majority of those jobs require going doorto-door and handing out questionnaires. “As soon as we open up our job vine, which is probably going to be at the beginning of the year, we encourage everyone to apply,” Murphy said.
Students hard to count Once the census is completed, the federal government distributes $400 billion for schools, hospitals, roads and other public works. The money is distributed according to population density, so the more people counted in a state, the more money given to the state government.
Murphy said college students are a ha rd-tocount demog r a ph ic “because they are so transient.” Murphy “Their parents will get the questionnaire at their house and they will fill it out and say that they live there, when they actually live at the college,” she said. Murphy said the Census Bureau wants students who live in the dorms to count themselves as living there. “And for the college students who live in Denton, but not necessarily in the dorms, of course they’re going to count themselves as living in Denton because of the ‘Usual Residents Rule’ we have,” she said. The ‘Usual Residents Rule’ simply states that people are counted where they eat and sleep the majority of their time, Murphy said.
Prybutok said it ultimately comes down to being a responsible citizen. “Why wouldn’t I want to do something that is part of my civic responsibility?” he asked. “I don’t think of it much different than voting.”
Students voice problems Marilyn Jalal, a biolog y freshman, said unless students know how the census will affect them, they won’t participate in the census survey. “I would just think it’s just another survey that doesn’t matter or doesn’t pertain to me,” she said. Amanda Gonzales, a general studies freshman, said she would participate in the census because of the potential money that can be gained for the Dallas Fort Worth region. “I think it’s important that we be able to get those funds for everyone,” she said. “I didn’t know about it and I think it should be publicized more so everyone will be able to put their thoughts in.”
A question of accuracy There is a debate about the census’ accuracy. It’s important people participate in the census because the results can drastically affect them, said Victor Prybutok of t he i n for mat ion technology and decision sciences faculty. “It’s very difficult to count certain people and those are people who are typically in either very rural areas where you can’t reach them, and people who are in inner cities,” he said.
Changes Murphy said the 2010 census is different than prior censuses, which have been conducted every 10 years since 1790. “This 2010 census is actually quite historic because the questionnaire is only going to be 10 questions, whereas in the 2000 census we had a long form that consisted of 53 questions,” she said. Murphy said she hoped people would be more responsive to the survey now that it is shorter.
Topicsmaster John Ed Allen watches from the podium as another Toastmasters member gives a response to his question on how students can show appreciation to their teachers.
Toastmasters combat fears BY CALI A. THOMPSON Contributing Writer
The idea of speaking in front of others may provoke a panic in some people, but a local public speaking club is willing to help counteract that fear. The UNT chapter of the Toastmasters Club was chartered in 2002 with a goal of giving students, faculty, staff and Denton residents an opportunity to improve communication skills and overcome public speaking anxiety. The club guides members w ith their speechma k ing through a manual and peer evaluations. Each member has a quota of 10 speech projects from the manual to be reached at the member’s own pace, said Vicky Walker-Brooks, vice president of education for the club. Wa l ker-Brook s of t he
Computing and Information Technology Center faculty said members learn how to incorporate gestures and body language into a speech. The manual provides tips on how to construct a speech. Peer evaluators give suggestions and constructive criticism to the speaker. Some join to overcome fear of public speaking, while others wish to enhance their skills. “I was looking for a speech and debate club,” said Jesse Lou, a Texas Academy of Math and Science second year student, who participated in such clubs in high school. “That’s how I heard about Toastmasters.” Members can speak about anything, as long as they follow the guidelines in the manual.
O n S ept . 2 8 , Tr ac e e Robertson, a Denton resident, spoke about the benefits of owning a dog and included a PowerPoint with photos of her dog, Coop. To demon st r ate body language use in a speech, Attila Konczol, a Denton resident from Hungary, walked from one side of the audience to the other and waved his hands when describing European countries. Robertson and Konczol took their time selecting words to properly communicate their messages. Each spoke articulating every syllable. Because of his Hungarian accent, Konczol occasionally had to repeat words and phrases.
See ‘AH’ on Page 2
Friday 10.2.2009
Brooke Cowlishaw Scene Editor
Oktoberfest offers German food, entertainment By K atie Grivna Senior Staff Writer
Men sporting leather trousers and women donning traditional German dresses will flock to the Civic Center Sunday for the Denton Bach Society’s Oktoberfest. The Oktoberfest celebration at 321 E. McKinney St. will begin at 4:30 p.m. The event is the main fundraiser for the Denton Bach Society, a classical orchestra, choir, and ensemble group specializing in music from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. “We try to raise funds to keep our organization going so we can provide arts to the community,” Oktoberfest committee leader Darren Welch said. “We are able to provide music to this area without people having to leave our community.” The event will feature German
food and entertainment, including Ron and the Finkensteiners, a band headed by former UNT professor Ron Fink that plays traditional German oompha music. Brave Combo, a Denton polka group, will perform at 7 p.m. “We’re bringing a little bit of Germany to Denton,” Welch said. “We’ve got something for everybody.” Hildegard Froehlich Rainbow, committee co-leader and master of ceremonies for the event, said she will host sing-alongs. Lyric books will be provided on every table. German food will be available for purchase, including bratwurst on a bun, chicken legs, pork chops with mushroom gravy, spitzel dumpling pasta, sauerkraut, hot pretzels and kolaches sold by Kolache Haven. The Oktoberfest event also creates an awareness of the Denton Bach Society, which was founded
in 1976, Rainbow said. “We would like for people to know we exist and that we do more than just old music,” she said. “We do fun stuff as well.” The society started holding Oktoberfest celebrations in the late 1980s but stopped in the 1990s. The tradition was revamped in 2005. Children’s activities will offer a bounce house and cotton candy, with the help of members of Denton High School’s German club. “A lot of people cla im to have German heritage,” said Fritz Schwalm, an Oktoberfest committee member. “We’re going to try to remind the community that there is a lot of German heritage in this area.” Admission for adults is $20. A sampling of three different beers is included in the admission price. Tickets for children under 10 are $8.
Photo by Thomas Swick/South Florida Sun-Sentinel/MCT
A parade marcher quenches his thirst at the Oktoberfest parade in Munich, Germany. Denton’s re-creation of this festival will take place Sunday at the Civic Center.
Denton Oktoberfest When: 4:30 p.m. Sunday Where: Denton Civic Center, 321 E. McKinney St.
$20 adults $8 children 10 and younger
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Page 2 Friday, October 2, 2009
Shaina Zucker & Courtney Roberts
News Editors
Center promotes cooperation via lectures BY MELISSA BOUGHTON Senior Staff Writer
The Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity is coming into its second year with plans to expand and also to present a lecture series that features prominent speakers. The center was approved in November last year and it is one of the first in the nation dedicated to focusing on the issue of interdisciplinarity on its own. “In general, the idea of interdisciplinarity involves having two or more academic disciplines come together and somehow integrate the skills and research methods of the two different disciplines, and they come together usually, not always, to solve some kind of societal problem,” said J. Britt Holbrook, assistant director for the center. T he center prov ides networking for researchers,
scientists, engineers, policymakers, communities, and students interested in interdisciplinary research and education. The lecture series put on by the center began in September and will run through next year and some speakers include Jack Marburger, former science advisor to President George W. Bush, and UNT President Gretchen Bataille. “We’re bringing speakers in that we think are going to engage people here at UNT, and so far so good,” Holbrook said. The next lecture will feature Edward Ayers, president of the University of Richmond, on Oct. 28. “The word interdisciplinarity is all of a sudden kind of a fashion trend in academia,” Judith Enriquez, UNT faculty fellow and associate professor of learning technologies, said.
J. Britt Holbrook, assistant director of the Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity, helps run the center and is directly involved in research. Holbrook said the center will help improve interdisiplinarity at UNT. Holbrook said the center provides grants to faculty who are involved in interdisciplinary research projects, lends support to interdisciplinary education activities at UNT and does
research on interdisciplinarity. “One of the things that the center is here for is to help improve interdisciplinarity here at UNT,” he said.
The center consists of only four UNT faculty fellows and plans to expand. Holbrook said the center found its members through networking.
“It behooves the center to try to accumulate among it’s affiliates … a spectrum of individuals who represent a number of different disciplines,” Matthew Traum, a UNT faculty fellow and associate professor of mechanical and energy engineering, said. Students are also encouraged to get involved with the center. Those interested in doing research beyond their field can work with faculty fellows and the center to get involved. Members of the center provide not only networking services, but also grant writing assistance, and help with improving broader impact activities at UNT. Students who want to get involved or find out more information can visit the center’s Web site at The center is in the Environmental Science Building 320 Rooms C, D and E.
Group brings international, American students together BY CAROLYN BROWN Senior Staff Writer
A new student organizat ion g ives students in t he School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management the opportunity to network with other cultures. Academic adviser Sa ra h K im created SMHM International, a group that began meeting this fall. T he orga n i zat ion is intended to help international students adjust to living in the U.S. and to give American students the chance to learn about other cultures.
“SMHM students will have their own social networking a nd con nect ions a nd job opportunities,” she said. “The world is getting smaller and smaller. Everyone has studyabroad programs, so we can have our own international program in SMHM.” As a former international student at UNT, Kim experienced the culture shock and homesickness that came with leaving her family in South Korea, she said. “You have no friends, no family members. There’s the la ng uage ba r r ier, cu lt u re
s h o c k , e v e r y t h i n g ,” s h e said. She sa id she hopes t he group will help familiarize international students with A mer ica n customs a nd culture. The group is setting up a faculty-mentoring program as well, and five people have volunteered for it. Yu r ia Ha sh i moto, a mercha ndising senior a nd the organization’s president, said she is pleased with the response it has gotten so far. “I w a s ex pec t i ng more
i nter nat iona l st udents to come, but actually a lot of American students came,” she said. “They were really interested in getting involved with international students, so I was very happy.” Hashimoto said the first general meeting on Sept. 17 was successful, with about 25 people playing icebreaker games and introducing themselves. She sa id she hopes t he g roup’s members develop strong relationships so one day they can help each other with travel and job opportu-
nities. The group plans to have a dinner in November this year to give internationa l students a taste of traditional Thanksgiving food. Bryce Wark, a hospitality management sophomore and the group’s treasurer, said he joined to meet more people. “In t he hospita lit y a nd merchandising industries, it’s important to network as much as possible,” Wark said. This semester, the group will work on building the group’s membership and basic structure, he said.
Although this semester’s officers were appointed, they hope to hold elections next semester, he said. Wark added that he hopes the group can raise enough money to go on trips and do ser v ice project s nex t semester. The group’s next meeting will be at 5 p.m. on Oct. 9 in Chilton 387. Dotty Horton, director of international student and scholar services, will speak about visa programs. For more i n for mat ion, visit SMHM International’s Facebook group.
Pregnant women urged to get seasonal, swine flu shots (MCT) WASHINGTON —U.S. health officials on Thursday renewed their call for pregnant women to get the seasonal and swine f lu vaccines after new data showed that 100 pregnant women had been hospitalized with swine f lu through late August and 28 of them had died from complications of the illness. “These are rea lly upsett i ng nu mber s,” s a id D r. Anne Schuchat, the director of t h e Na t ion a l C e nt e r for Im mu n i zat ion a nd Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Because of their high-risk
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designation, pregnant women with respiratory illnesses and f lu-like symptoms should be treated with anti-viral medications in addition to receiving both f lu vaccinations, which now are becoming available nationwide. “We encourage caregivers to either vaccinate pregnant women” or send them to places where they can be vaccinated, Schuchat said. The directive comes as most states expect widespread or regional outbreaks of the H1N1 inf luenza and are wrestling with an earlier-than-expected outbreak of seasonal f lu. “Most states do have quite
a lot of disease right now, and that’s unusual for this time of the year,” Schuchat said. The problem is compounded in some areas because some manufacturers are behind schedu le i n sh ippi ng t he seasona l f lu vaccine. The delays have kept some doctors from providing the vaccine, but pharmacies and superma rkets a lso a re of fer ing shots. At Sa nof i Pa steu r, t he nation’s largest manufacturer of the seasonal vaccine, the delays are due in part to the company’s efforts to produce the swine f lu vaccine simultaneously.
‘Ah counter’ tracks clichés, ‘ums’ Continued from Page 1 Evaluator Russ Stukel said Konczol used “prime examples of humor” within his speech. When filler words such as “um” are used in a speech, the “Ah
Counter” Jim Nutt, who notes when the speaker uses poor grammar or clichés, tallies them. All the evaluations are to help the speakers for their next speech project.
The North Texas Toastmasters Club meets Mondays from 12:05 p.m. to 12:55 p.m. in Marquis Hall 118. Visitors are welcome at any meeting and can bring their lunch.
[ ] Food Snobs Royal East
1622-A W. University Drive By Chris Speight and Jeph Burton Senior Staff Writer and Contributing Writer
At first glimpse, Royal East Asian Cuisine’s modest exterior and surroundings might make you rethink your restaurant choice. The area at 1622-A W. University Drive is a dismal little square across the street from a Whataburger, with a Dollar General, a wholesale beauty shop and a paw nshop next door. Cleanliness Si mple, Service yet f unctional sums Affordability up the ambiAtmosphere ance here. Food Quality A few s i m p l e pictures line the walls, and there are some artistic-looking Asian floral designs around the restaurant, but when you see the menu, it’s understood you’re here for the food, not the decoration. Depending on the time of day, you’ll be greeted by a hostess or resident sushi chef, Joe. Either way, you’re sure to be seated and attended to immediately. The menu is expansive, covering a broad selection of Asian-styled dishes, but the real kicker is the wonderful specialty rolls selection. Royal East has everything from the typical California, tempura and Philadelphia rolls to the extraordinary Manhattan, Tokyo and secret rolls. While pouring the first round of sake, the server coolly rattled off the specials of the day and made sure to turn our attention to the chef’s secret
roll No. 1 — a misnomer because the ingredients are printed on the menu. Jeph decided to try the secret rolls with a side of steamed edamame and tuna sashimi for starters. Chris went with an egg roll, paradise rolls and the beef teriyaki. Appetizers were ready in a matter of minutes. The edamame was served lightly salted and was, as per typical offerings, a good, light start. The tuna, however, was a standout. Bright red and practically glowing, the tuna was incredibly fresh — much more so than other offerings in the area — and all but dissolved in the mouth. The paradise rolls were great, perfect for sushi novices, and contained avocado, tuna, salmon and rice. They are just spicy enough and taste delicious. The egg roll was also very good. A few minutes later, the entrees arrived. The chef secret rolls No. 1 are cool, pink soy papers molded into triangular shapes. A g a i n , the freshness was st a ndout , but t he combination of sweet-tartness, and a well-rounded and filling flavor was simply sensational. The beef teriyaki was equally good and served with steamed rice. After the meal, the server promptly cleared the table, offering dessert as he worked. Items to note were tempura-fried ice cream and mochi, an interesting dessert served as balls of ice cream wrapped in soy paper. The red bean mochi arrived as two small orbs of what felt like cold skin. A bite into it gave way to a pleasant soft, sweet, earthy flavor similar to chocolate but less overpowering. The texture was interesting, like biting into a thick-skinned and cold plum. Altogether, Royal East is an outstanding combination of fantastic service and phenomenal food. Treat yourself to the experience.
Friday 10.2.2009
Photo by Melissa Boughton / Photographer
Royal East Asian Cuisine serves Korean and Japanese food. The restaurant’s chicken teriyaki comes with grilled vegetables and is served with steamed rice for $11.95.
Royal East Asian Cuisine
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Friday, October 2, 2009
Page 3
Justin Umberson
Sports Editor
Tennis team short-handed for Lafayette tournament By Eric Johnson Senior Staff Writer
Photo by Ryan Bibb / Intern
Hannah Crawford, a journalism sophomore, faces off against University of Louisiana-Monroe on Sunday. The soccer team will challenge Florida Atlantic today.
Mean Green hopes to stay undefeated in conference By Sean Gorman Senior Staff Writer
The UNT soccer team (6-4-0, 2-0) defended its home turf all season, but road games have caused problems for the Mean Green. The team will look for its first road victory when it travels to Florida to take on the Florida At la nt ic Un iversit y O w ls (2-7-2, 0-2) and the Florida I nt er n at ion a l Un i v er s it y Golden Panthers (3-5-2, 1-1) this weekend. “I still feel like we have enoug h ta lent a nd cha racter to compete on the road right now,” head coach John Hedlund said. UNT’s struggles away from home were apparent two weeks ago when the team was winless in a weekend trip to Ohio. In three road games, the team has failed to score against its opponents. “It’s not as if we don’t take this game seriously,” forward Michelle Young, an undeclared freshman, said. “We want to defend our home field, but we know it’s just as important to win on the road as well.”
After being shutout in three stra ight games, t he Mean Green was dominant in its first conference games last weekend, outscoring its opponents 6-0. Young led UNT scoring two goals in a 4-0 win over the University of LouisianaMonroe and now leads the team with five goals and ten points. “We’re keeping the same system in place,” Hedlund said. “It’s just a matter of our younger players adjusting, and recently they’ve been able to do that.” Conference play has been a strength for UNT since joining the Sun Belt, as the team is 81-26-8 in conference play. “Our expectations are high — we want to compete for the conference championship,” forward Kendall Juett, a sociology senior, said. “It won’t be easy but I feel like this team can compete with anyone.” Defense has been a focal point for the Mean Green all year, as the team has yet to allow more than two goals in a game.
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s my opinion that this is a championship-caliber defense,” Hedlund said. “We keep playing hard and Mandy Hall’s leadership on and off the field has been great.” Hall, a history junior, is a large part of UNT’s success, allowing only .86 goals per game this season. In the teams’ brief history, the Mean Green overwhelmed the Owls with a 3-0 record against FAU. The Owls are riding a threegame losing streak and have only scored nine goals this year. “It’s important that we take every game seriously,” Juett said. “If we’re going to go as far as we want each and every game has to be important.” FAU has been more fortunate recently, winning an overtime game at Western Kentucky University in its first victory against the Hilltoppers. The Golden Panthers will look to better their 2-9 record against the Mean Green. Play begins Friday at 6 p.m. against the Owls and continues Sunday at 12 p.m. against the Golden Panthers.
New players gain experience during weekend tournament By A aron Stewart
Although the games are a day apart, a tournament still The Mean Green softball has a different aspect to it than team heads into the University a normal game, but the Mean Classic with one thing in mind: Green says it doesn’t matter. “It doesn’t make a differWin while getting better at the ence because we look at like same time. Although both of UNT’s as a double header or a series,” University Classic Tournament first basemen Mallory Cantler, games will be played in Denton, a business junior, said. “We are one is a road game at Pioneer used to playing back-to-back Field against Texas Woman’s games and three-game series University on Saturday at 5:30 so it doesn’t have that big of an p.m. The Mean Green will then effect on us. We are just going host Seminole State College at to make sure we are ready to play, regardless,” 3 p.m. on Sunday. These women look at every “We make sure we prepare not just for one game, but for game as an opportunity to get for GP Day 2009 both,” outfielder Renae Bromley, better and to prepare for the a psychology junior, said. “We spring season. No matter the can’t die after one single game, opponent, the main focus of but we make sure we maintain the ball club still remains. n Thursday and Friday, Oct 1 and 2, 2009 However, there are a few momentum for every game we teams out there they get a play in these tournaments.” Intern
little extra enthused about playing. “A s f a r a s c on ferenc e goes, we are always looking forward to playing Troy and of course ULL because they’re always ranked so high,” said Cantler. The young players, who are getting an opportunity to display t heir collegiate talents, are also using the fall to prepare and get onboard with the nature of the team. Freshmen pitcher Brittany Simmons, who has pitched a lot during the fall, says she is focused on getting better and is excited about the spring. “Before the game, I prepare by just relaxing. That’s when I get into my zone,” Simmons said, a mechanical and energy engineering major.
Graduate & Professional School Day Tuesday, October 6th 10amͲ2pm Silver Eagle Suite, University Union Regularly attended by university representatives from over 50 graduate and professional schools across the United States. Find out about admission requirements, financial assistance, scholarships and degree programs. Several law schools and medical schools will be in attendance.
With its two best players away at another competition, the UNT tennis team will use the depth of its roster at a weekend tournament. The Mean Green traveled to the Louisiana-Lafayette Invitational looking to shake off the rust from its opening tournament of the fall. The team was disappointed with its effort in Midland and head coach Sujay Lama knows his team is capable of more. “They were angry and upset with the way Midland went,” Lama said. “We know what we are capable of, and they really came out and worked hard the last two weeks to prepare themselves.” The absence of Irina Paraschiv, a journa lism sophomore, and Madura Ranganathan, a business junior, this weekend will show how deep the roster is. Catalina Cruz, a business senior, will lead the team onto the court after having the biggest win for her team in Midland. “I want to be a good example for everyone else,” Cruz said. “I want to win every match I play in and be a warrior on the court. It is a great opportunity to measure how we handle adversity.” Narine Kazarova, a kinesiology junior, will not be attending the tournament either because personal issues, which means the top two doubles teams will not play. That will give UNT
Photo by Susan Miska / Intern
Irina Paraschiv, a journalism sophomore, serves during practice Wednesday. Paraschiv is one of three tennis players that will be missing from the University of Louisiana-Lafayette Tournament. coaches a chance to evaluate different team combinations, and see what players pair well together. “We are really looking for our third doubles team, and this will be a good chance to find one,” Lama said. “I really want to see how Paula and Amy do this weekend, and see who really stands out.” Doubles play will be a good measuring stick of the leader-
ship Lama has been looking for. Cruz is confident in her teammates and their chemistry. This weekend w ill give UNT an early look at its Sun Belt Conference competition, including Middle Tennessee State University, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and the University of New Orleans. “It gives us an opportunity for us to gain ground,” Lama said.
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Friday 10.2.2009
Friday 10.2.2009
Interactive art puts on show BY BRADFORD P URDOM
Contributing Writer
PHOTO BY AUGUSTA LIDDIC / PHOTOGRAPHER Artist Christian Millet paints a penguin as part of the Art Fusion event hosted by Rubber Gloves at 411 E Sycamore St.
It’s a way for everybody to be creative and get together to have a good time.
-James Shepard Rubber Gloves manager PHOTO BY KHAI HA / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER During Wednesday’s BS Art Fusion show at Rubber Gloves, canvases were set up for artists to paint a person dressed as a penguin on stage. Sarah Lewis painted this rendition.
Music is play i ng, a r t ist s a re painting and penguins are posing? A setting like this would be out of the ordinary in most situations, but not at BS Art Fusion. BS Art Fusion is a live and interactive art show held on t he last Wednesday of every month at Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios. Artists must create a themed piece between live music performances. “Art Fusion is kind of a conglomerate of spontaneous art and music,” sa id A nita Schuring, a n English language and secondary education alumna. “We’ll have artists start with a blank canvas, and they’ll get a certain amount of time to work on that canvas. Sometimes we’ll have a model, or just a particular focus. Other times we’ll just have different styles of canvas.” The canvases have taken all sorts of shapes. In the past year, artists have painted on glass, cow skulls, surf boards and even people. “Every so often, not very often, t hey’l l have na ked women w it h nipple tape and bikini underwear, and you get to paint upon them,” said Stephen Pinkston, a radio, television and film senior. “And one time I was asked to paint this girl, and she was gorgeous. And I thought I was going to paint my number on her, but I panicked.”
On Wednesday, Rubber Gloves was packed for t he f irst BS A r t Fusion night since t he semester started. The idea for the monthly event came from Bryan Walior, a radio, television and film senior. “We started this when I was actually bored one day in August of last year,” Walior said. “I saw it initially at a tattoo convention. A guy by the name of Paul Booth out of New York came up with the idea, and he put together four big worldwide conventions to get amazing artists on stage to collaborate, and I took that idea and I tweaked it a lot actually. It’s definitely evolved since the first show.” Walior found partners and sponsorships f rom Voer t ma n’s bookstore, Fuzzy’s Taco Shop and Rubber Gloves. “It’s just a collaboration of local business getting together to support Denton artists, which is, I think, the whole essence of Art Fusion,” Wolier said. He ha s t wo pa r t ner s, Ja mes Shepard and Schuring. Shepard is the manager at Rubber Gloves and a tattoo apprentice. Schuring, a rollerderby girl, helps sell T-shirts. “It’s a way for everybody to be creative and get together to have a good time,” Shepard said. On Wed nesday, pa r t icipat i ng artists were challenged to paint a portrait of a person dancing in a
penguin suit. They had two sets to complete their piece between performances from bands Picc Line, Kijoto and Geistheistler. “Tonight was a little ridiculous. We had a dancing penguin on stage, and three very different bands that bring a different feel,” Wolier said at the event. “It’s hard to describe what goes on because we have all sorts of people to see the bands and participate in art.” Local musicians and artists can ta ke adva ntage of t his event by getting their name out to an interested public. Attendees an also bid to purchase the pieces created at the show. “The first time I did it, I was a ner vous wreck, and I did a huge red and orange and yellow octopus w ith 3-D glasses,” painter Sarah Lewis said. “He was awesome, and everybody loved him. I had so many bids go down on him, and it was shocking because I had never done it before.” The show is for ages 18 and older, and there is a $2 cover for attendees younger than 21. The next BS Art Fusion will take place a week earlier t ha n usua l, on Wednesday, Oct. 21. “We a re pla n n i ng on hav i ng a bu rlesque show, robot s a nd Halloween contests,” Wolier said. “Last year, we did scream queen, pumpkin carving and best costume awards.”
PHOTO BY AUGUSTA LIDDIC / PHOTOGRAPHER Sarah Lewis starts her painting of a penguin during Art Fusion at Rubber Gloves. The first time she participated in Art Fusion, she created an octopus with 3-D glasses, she said.
PHOTO BY KHAI HA / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER International studies junior Clint Rowan mixes paint for the show. The event was created to showcase Denton’s creativity, said Rubber Gloves manager James Shepard.
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Friday 10.2.2009
Raveonettes mesh ’50s, ’80s sounds on album By Graciela R azo Senior Staff Writer
The Danish garage pop-rock duo The Raveonettes has had a steady following since its 2003 debut, “Chain Gang of Love,” but it has stayed a relatively underground band. Their fourth full-length album, “In and Out of Control,” won’t necessarily have them playing sold-out concerts at Madison Square Garden any time soon, but music fans with a fondness for sounds of past decades will find favor with this band’s latest collection of songs. Made up of a collaboration of voices from guitarist Sune Rose Wagner and bassist Sharin Foo, the Raveonettes have developed a throwback sound to ’60s and pop favorites such as The Monkees and The Beach Boys. The band’s attire of leather
j a c k e t s a nd Fo o w it h h e r bleach-blond bob and gobs of black eye ma keup a long w it h the bubblegum-sweet melodies found throughout the album may be deceiving. T h e d u o’s v oi c e s t r i c k listeners into t h i n k i n g it s lyrics are procla i m i ng love and f r iendship, when in reality, pr om i s c u it y, profanity and revenge tinge every song on “In and Out of Control.” T he a lbu m opener, “Bang!” starts off innocently enough with lyrics like “You’re as cool as ice cream,”
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album. Fi l led w it h vengea nce a nd vulgarity, the song is a rhythmic a nt hem w it h a n u nex pected st r u m m i ng g u it a r solo a nd dance-worthy instrumentation. The chorus is one that w ill have you singing the profanity alongside Foo. Halfway through the album, The Raveonettes give a muchneeded transitional song, “Oh, I Buried You Today,” into t he second pa r t of t he a lbu m, a cluster of ’80s-inspired songs. Dr um machines a nd a few synthesizer appearances characterize the last part of the album, but even then, each song seems to drift into the next, leav ing a not iceable absence of a ny refreshing change. Dark lyrics are still constant in the songs such as “Suicide” and “D.R.U.G.S.” However, the
then transitions into what the rest of the songs actually sound like. W it h snappy perc ussion a nd cool, a loof voca ls, T he R ave onet te s’ sound is constant from beg inning to end. But the duo keeps listeners wanting more w it h delightf u l ly k it schy lyrics dripping with rebellion a nd si n i ster messages. The da rk s ide of T he Raveonet tes continues with “Boys Who Rape (Should All Be Destroyed),” ironically the catchiest song on the
“Promiscuity, profanity and revenge tinge every song on ‘In and Out of Control.’”
-Graciela Razo Senior Staff Writer
defiant lyrics alone do not give a full-circle view of what this band can do as a whole. “In and Out of Control” is enjoyable and has its fun moments and catchy beats, but most songs become unrecognizable from each ot her toward t he end of the album.
Friday 10.2.2009
Horse trots to Fort Worth By Charlie R all Intern
“Desperate Living,” the new album from the band Horse, is not an easy listen. The five-man band hailing from Irvine, Calif., has an almost indescribable sound. Its new album is a wild mi x of screa mo, electronic and ’80s soundtrack rock. The drums pound like death metal, but the synth and keyboards are as fluid and clean as a Jan Hammer song. Horse is insane. T he ly r ics a re a lmost inaudible through the screaming, and the melody seems to turn into a thrash of noise at times. However, you have to respect Horse’s fearlessnes,s even if you can’t like the music. Its style challenges the contemporary music industr y, combining the most diverse forms of music to create a stylistic, anti-pop sound. It’s like watching “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” on acid with CKY and Pac-Man sound effects blaring in the background. “Desperate Living” isn’t exactly what you want to listen to while writing your term paper. However, if you want a kick-to-the-rear rush of energy or just want to add to your sick, trauma-inducing music collection, this is your album. Horse keyboardist Erik Engstrom, also known as blogger Lord Gold, took time to answer a few questions about the band’s new album and tour: Q: How’s it going getting your tour off? Engstrom: I don’t know. We haven’t toured in so long that I don’t really know what to expect. We’re excited, but we’re kind of prepared for the worst. We’ve been
touring in Europe so much that I think our fan base kind of switched over there. Q: What was that tour about in Europe? Engstrom: We stopped touring the U.S. because we got bored. We’d been ever y where like 10 times. The scene of touring here got pret t y corporate. Labels and booking agents and managers are just running everything. [In Europe] it ’s a lot more honest, and a lot of kids who like music are in it more for the right reasons. But I think MySpace and scenesterism here has died down a lot in the last year. The people who were in it just to be cool got tired of it, and it’s returning to just people who want to listen to music. Q: What music influences your band’s sound?
Engstrom: These really visceral, live bands that cared more about performing than recording and convey their emotions to the audience — we really love that. If you see us play live, [we have] the intensity and the honesty of a good live show where the members really love the music they’re playing. We don’t want to sound like our influences. We always want to keep trying something new. Q: Your style is typically antiindustry. How is it working with a big label like Vagrant Records? Engstrom: They give us total freedom. It’s cool because they’re more hands-on with areas we don’t want to deal with like press and advertising. I don’t think we would have done another album with mass release unless we got with Vagrant. This week, Horse heads off on its North American tour sporting “Desperate Living,” which releases Oct. 6. The band stops tonight at The Door in Fort Worth.
Photo by Clinton Lynch / Photographer
Guitarist Toby Martin of Youth Group opens the show for The Get Up Kids on Wednesday night at Dallas’ Granada Theater. The Get Up Kids’ reunion show, commemorating the 10-year anniversary and re-release of the band’s classic album, was more than just a concert. There was hype, excitement and passion.
To read a full review of the show, visit
Friday 10.2.2009
Barrymore discusses directing roller-derby flick BY K ATIE GRIVNA Senior Staff Writer
Drew Barrymore makes her directorial debut with the film “Whip It!” which opens today. In the film, Ellen Page (“Juno”) stars as Bliss, a teenager who lives in Bodeen, a small town outside of Austin. Bliss’ mom pushes her into beauty pageants to help her get out of the small town, but she doesn’t fit the cookie-cutter personality of a beauty queen. After a trip to Austin one day, Bliss learns of a roller derby league, and with the help of her best friend, she goes behind her parents’ backs and joins the team. Barrymore discusses the film, her love of Austin and her own feelings on beauty pageants: Q: How are you different from most directors? BARRYMORE: I have everyone stay far away from the actors and trust in our process. And I work right next
to the camera. So when I’m working on a performance, I’m able to say to the actor, “Please do what you would do naturally. I don’t want to get in the way of your instincts.” And we’ll try that take. Then, “All right, let’s try it this way and we’ll start to amalgamate both of our instincts together.” Then I’ll say, “Can we try and do this line reading I’ve heard for the last two years in my head?” But one of my favorite things, ultimately, is to say, “Surprise me.” And I love to keep the camera rolling. I think you can get three very different line readings if you do them three different times in a row rather than cutting between each take. Q: Was it difficult to balance directing the film and acting in it as well? BARRYMORE: It would have been easier in some ways to just focus on directing, but I wanted to be in the trenches, understanding the scary,
hard, unattainable goal of achieving the skills of roller derby. I wanted to be getting injured in there with them. I think that instead of being just a leader, there’s something different about a coach. I feel like a coach is in the dugout, they’re with the team, they’re sweating it out with them, inspiring them, motivating them to go farther. I didn’t want to be the guy who, like, owned the team and sat up in a glass box, up and away, you know? Q: How did you go about capturing the feel of Austin, and how did you like working there? BARRYMORE: Well, I find that when I watch a lot of films about Austin, I sort of see this sort of stock footage, drive-by of the capital: “Oh, we’re in Austin …” And as much as I love the capital building, I find that I avoid landmark-type places. … And I tried to show the sides of Austin that not only derby girls themselves, but
Drew Barrymore, director of “Whip It!”, signs autographs Sept. 16 at a promotional redcarpet event in Dallas. certainly I hang out in and go to as a real lover of Austin. All the different music parties, the venues, the house parties, Hot Tub Johnny’s, which is Jimmy Fallon’s house, where they party after the derby matches. I’ve been to a lot of those Austin house parties. So it was really fun for me to replicate them. And I just wanted to stay as authentic and true to a city that has such great authenticity.
in that I embrace my flaws. And I want to go out there and instead of being poised, I kind of want to be athletic. And go out there. And kick butt and show what I can do! And I also don’t like watching women be competitive with each other and have it be about winning or losing. I like watching women be a team and have great camaraderie and help each other up.
Q: What about the feminist aspects of this film — rebelling against beauty pageants, being tough, taking charge — appealed to you most in the book and the script? BARRYMORE: I think that the metaphor of pageant in the film, which, I have to say, I studied a lot of films that represented pageants, and they all parodied them. They all made fun of them. And I didn’t want to do that in this movie. I think pageant is not something to be talked down to about. It’s a way of life. It’s a door opener. It’s a life choice for people. … I equated pageants to Hollywood. I was never someone who could fit in a certain box or upheld the idea of perfection. I’m an incredibly flawed character. And I find that I’m a little bit more like a derby girl than a pageant girl
Q: After completing the movie, in what ways did you find directing to exceed your expectations, and in what ways did you find it not meeting your expectations? BARRYMORE: It definitely did not meet my expectations on any level. It’s a 24-hour-a-day, sevenday-a-week job. You have to love something so much that you’re willing to get out of bed for three years and focus all of your passion and all of your attention on something. So the only thing I would say to any other director is you’ve got to love the thing that you’re working on more than anything. Because it becomes your life. So I look forward to finding something else that I was lucky enough to love with this film, my first film I got to direct, as much as I’ll hopefully fall in love with something again in the future.