11-16-10 Edition

Page 1

Road Warriors

Chi members wear pink for breast cancer ARTS & LIFE: Sigma Page 5 Profs try to help trauma victims NEWS: Page 2 Student says ‘give back my Mac!’ VIEWS: Page 7

Mean Green silences Middle Tennessee 23-17. Page 3

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

News 1, 2 Arts & Life 5, 6 Sports 3, 4 Views 7 Classifieds 8 Games 8

Volume 96 | Issue 47

Cloudy 64° / 46° The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas


Student leaders create agenda BY ISAAC WRIGHT Senior Staff Writer


Gino searches for metal rods hidden by members of the crowd at the Super Grow event on Nov. 6. Officer Russell Weier, his handler, uses Dutch commands to instruct the dog.

Vet: Denton K-9 is healthy Dog put on higher calorie diet BY SARA JONES Intern

According to police K-9 Gino’s medical records, the dog is “very healthy and well cared-for.” Lori Hill, a veterinarian at Dove Creek Animal Hospital, saw him Thursday morning after the Daily published its story about Gino. According to the medical note, Hill referred to Gino, who was “presented for losing weight,” as “well-muscled and … in good physical shape.” Other notes stated that Gino’s

bone structure is “slight ly visible” and his blood tests revealed mild dehydration. This, she noted, could be a result of the dog not drinking water that morning. “ We’v e a c t u a l l y b e e n feeding him too much,” said Capt. L en n Ca r ter of t he Investigations Bureau. “The vet felt like he would benefit from a high-protein, highcarb diet that might pick his weight back up.” He continued to say that Gino’s previous diet was “six to seven cups of Purina One Pro Plan per day.” Hill wrote in her notes that Gino has a “higher demand for caloric and carb intake than more commercial pet foods ca n of fer, recom mend i ng

SD (Science Diet) Sensitive Stomach to [increase] carbs while maintaining hea lthy level of protei n to avoid renal issues.” According to her notes, Hill recommends Gino eats six to seven cups per day. Hill’s notes state that “if any sy mptoms worsen, we can pursue further [diagnostics].” She uses examples like X-rays, more blood work and a stool culture. Dove Creek Animal Hospital declined to comment Monday in response to questions about Gino’s records despite permission from the Denton Police Department. Carter said Gino was diagnosed with tapeworms in July and was cleared of them at

a visit in August. In July, he said the canine weighed 79 pounds. “He current ly weighs 74 lbs,” he said. In regards to the medical records, veterinarian Chris Norwood of Ponder Veterinary Hospital said dogs like Gino are generally evaluated on a body condition scale of one to nine, with five being ideal. Dogs should have a healthy amount of f lesh over their ribs, he said, and if a dog’s bones were stick ing out it would most likely be a “two or a three” on the scale. He a lso said one should be able to feel but not see a canine’s ribs.

See DOG on Page 2

The Texas Student Association convened Saturday at the University of Texas to ratify its charter and develop its agenda. Representatives from 13 Texas student government associations discussed the issues they will lobby for on behalf of students before the state Legislature. The organization selected decreasing budget cuts to universities, making textbooks more affordable and keeping tuition rates the same. “We’ve got to have something to fight for, and we felt like those three things affect every university,” said Kevin Sanders, vicechairman of the TSA and president of the UNT student government association. John Lawler, chairman of the TSA, said all Texas students can relate to the issues the group decided on.

“It’s good for someone to have the backs of students.”

—Megan Adams Merchandising senior

Megan Adams, a merchandising senior, said tuition and textbooks concern her. She also said it’s reassuring that there is such an organization tackling student issues. “It’s good for someone to have the backs of students,” Adams said. “It all comes down to money and how you’re going to get through school.” Although the organization has been inactive for the last five years, Lawler said, the adoption of the agenda and charter has helped unite member schools. “W henever you have a common enemy, it’s valuable to come together and form a

consensus,” Lawler said. UNT has been at the forefront of creating the agenda, Sanders said. VALERIE S a n d e r s , GONZALEZ who w rote the group’s charter, said t he document is like the constitution of the association and is some- KEVIN thing nearly SANDERS a m i l l ion students in the state will have to follow. “It’s a plus that UNT students can say our president actually wrote the charter the organization abides by,” Sanders said. “I think that gives UNT a huge stake in TSA and puts them on the level to be a major player in the state of Texas.” Initially, Sanders said tuition was not on the TSA’s agenda but UNT was vocal in getting the organization to pay closer attention to it. Valerie Gonzalez, a member of the UNT voting delegation and senator for the College of Arts and Sciences, said tuition is a major concern because of the country’s economic condition. “When you have the median household income decreasing every year but you have tuition rates rapidly increasing every year, you’re going to have a big gap,” Gonzalez said. The organization will meet at UNT in the spring to determine how it will present the issues to the state Legislature. Lawler and Sanders will meet with officials from the Texas Board of Higher Education in the coming weeks to prepare for the spring meeting. “We want to be a familiar face in those offices ,” Lawler said.

5K runners raise money for goats BY AUTUMN R EYNOLDS Contributing Writer


Viewers gathered in the Lightwell Gallery to see the new media art “Fifteen” exhibit. This piece was created by new media art senior Peter Kusek and is titled “UPC Shrine.”

Students’ new media art exhibit ‘speaks’ BY M ARLENE GONZALEZ Intern

Sculptures, painting and ca nvases ca n be expected when entering an art exhibit, but in the New Media expo “Fi f te en,” a r t i st s took a different tw ist to the idea. Computers, televisions and f lat screens are just a few of the art pieces that distinguish this exhibit from others, using technolog y to portray their artistic visions. The exhibit opened Monday and runs until Friday in the Lightwell Gallery in the Art

Building. Shane Meck lenburger of the art studio faculty said he allowed students to choose any subject they felt expressed t hemselves for t heir f ina l project in this showcase. “I told the students this is their work, to make a project t hat represents t heir work as an artist,” Mecklenburger said. Students have worked on the exhibition since the semester’s start.

See EXHIBIT on Page 2

Some people run for fun, but one group had other intentions this weekend: to raise money for goats. Twenty-three people participated in a 5K on Saturday afternoon to raise money to buy the animals. Br itta ny Beh rens, a n accounting senior, said it was her first 5K and she felt it was for a good cause. “It’s a different way to give back to hungry families,” she said. Goats can provide cheese, yogurt and as much as 16 cups of milk daily for families in need in Third World countries, according to nonprofit World Vision’s website. The idea for the race and fundraising for goats came from two study groups associated with The Village Church in Denton, said Tricia Dealy, one of the group’s leaders. One assignment in their eight-week study required the people involved to have an event to get to know one another better. Dealy said they wanted to do a 5K since several people involved liked to run.


Nate Daniels, a linguistics graduate student, runs in the 5K on Saturday in Denton to raise money for goats. To make it about more than running, they decided to raise money to buy goats so families in need could sustain themselves. “They wouldn’t have any other way to get it if they weren’t given this gift,” she said. The group went through World Vision, which helps people in nearly 100 countries, according to its website. Other livestock that can be purchased through World Vision

are chickens, ducks, rabbits or sheep. Along with dairy products, goats can also meet the family’s monetary needs if the family is able to sell offspring or extra dairy products, according to the website. Nate Daniels, a linguistics graduate student, said he felt the goat run was a success. “We had a prett y good turnout,” he said. “It seemed

like everyone enjoyed themselves.” The race took place through the streets of the Villages of Carmel, a residential area in Denton. Those who participated in the 5K raised $235 — enough money to buy three goats, which cost $75 each, Dealy said. To learn more about World Vision, visit www.worldvision. org.


Page 2 Abigail Allen & Josh Pherigo News Editors

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 ntdailynews@gmail.com

Exhibit showcases students’ new media creations Continued from Page 1 They came up w ith the name “Fifteen� because there are 15 students and art pieces. Coincidentally, the opening date also happened to fall on the 15th. “In media, you deal with numbers a lot, like zeroes and ones,� Mecklenburger said. “Fifteen is also a number.� The students’ themes dealt with the effects the media has on individuals and society as a cu lture, pa r t icu la rly video games and television. Overcoming difficult times, consumerism and consumption were also issues showing the artists’ thoughts. Blake Bruns, a new media art senior, used three computers, taking out the screens and placing goggles in the back to express the theme of the media brainwashing society in his piece “Me, Myself, and Eye.� “It shows how the media portrays us and speaks for us even though we’re not saying, ‘This is how I want to look,’� he said. In the last television set the


The new media art exhibit “Fifteen� in the Lightwell Gallery will be open until Nov. 19. Several new media art students have pieces in the exhibit. viewers find themselves looking at their reflection. “Shred,� by Andrew Bowling, a new med ia a r t sen ior, consisted of three parts: a video demonstration, a shredder where people participate and the video, which illustrates how onlookers can shred away their problems. “I was trying to match the realistic nature of the piece itself and the ritual sacrificing

of your unfulfilled hopes and dreams so you don’t have to carry them around,� Bowling said. Kate Rapport, a new media sen ior, sa id she t houg ht Bowling’s display was neat. “I liked that it was personal, and the shutter sounds cool,� she said. Chris Dunklin, a criminal justice junior, said he was drawn to Ray Allen’s “Wandering,� an

interactive installation piece that included technology as well as old-school painting. Dunklin said he liked Allen’s visual graphics. “He painted the piece and transferred it into different layers,â€? he said. “When you place the mouse on it, it becomes the focus. ‌ He’s a painter as well a new media artist, he mixes the old and new. I like that.â€?


This piece titled “UPC Shrine� was created by Peter Kusek, a studio art senior. The new media art’s “Fifteen� exhibit will be in the Lightwell Gallery until Friday.

Dog acts as ‘tool,’ PD says Study to help abuse victims Continued from Page 1 In comparison to Carter’s statement, Norwood said it is “not likelyâ€? that a dog overfed would end up skinny. “A dog eating a lot but losing weight may have an underlying medical problem,â€? he said. In this case, the veterinarian would first perform a physical exam possibly followed by tests to check for illnesses like diabetes and pancreatic disorders. Norwood also said that when dogs have a tapeworm it is “not ideal,â€? but there are very few symptoms. A tapeworm “robs them of nutrition and health,â€? but he said it is rare to have a sick dog that is made sick by the worms. The owners usually notice tapeworms by finding what looks like “grains of riceâ€? in the animal’s stool, he said. Norwood said generally there are no outward symptoms, including weight loss. Carter said he had never worked with a canine without a medical problem in a condition similar to the picture taken on Nov. 6 of Gino. “Gino’s kind of gangly-looking,â€? Carter said. â€œâ€Ś He just looked

taller than when I’d seen him the first time. His energy level was still good, and he was eager.� Police Chief Roy Minter explained that Gino and other canines the department has

An example the officers used was K-9 Blitz and his handler, Junior Torres. Blitz retired and continued to live with Torres until he died about two years ago after getting out of his fenced yard

“He just looked taller than when I’d seen him the first time. His energy level was still good, and he was eager.�

—Lenn Carter Denton Police Department captain

employed are subjected to high activity and inconsistent schedules, saying Gino “is just like any other officer in the department.� “The dog for the most part is a tool,� he said. “It’s an extra tool that the officers use to assist with their daily duties and responsibilities.� Minter said Gino is the only police dog being used by the police department. The dogs used in the past worked for about five to six years until they retired and went home with their handlers, he explained.

and being struck by a vehicle one night, according to policelink. monster.com. Chief Minter said Gino’s condition has nothing to do with whether he was fed. He said his handler, Officer Russell Weier, thinks of Gino as “his family member.â€? “Russ even went so far as to say — there are some times when he’s on patrol, he’s going from call to call to call,â€? Minter said. “Russ may not get a chance to stop and get a hamburger or something ‌, but he always makes sure Gino gets something to eat.â€?

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hope to d e m o n st rate t hat t herapy to lower event cent ra l it y will also lessen t he d i s o r d e r ’s ADRIEL symptoms. BOALS To conduct t hei r s t ud y, B o a l s a nd Murrell recruited 80 participants from an abuse clinic in Denton called Friends of the Family. “It’s a lways an exciting thing to try a new intervention,� said Nicole Holmes, director of outreach services

undergo t herapy in addiAbout 8 percent of t he tion to t he popu lat ion m i l lions of cou nsel i ng people worldwide suffers supplied from the debilitating effects by the of a mental condition called clinic. The post t rau mat ic st ress st ud y w i l l AMY disorder, said Adriel Boals c o n c l u d e MURRELL of the psychology faculty. with a postBoals and his colleague test to determine progress and A my Mu r rel l received a gather results. $15,000 grant from the Hogg Holmes is confident there Foundation for Mental Health is a group of people who will to pursue research that could benefit from the therapy. change the way patients with “We’re nit-picky with our the disorder are treated. research,� Holmes said. “We “P T SD de velops a f ter have to decide that we think it a hor r if ic event happens will not cause harm and that i n one’s l i fe,� sa id K it t y there’s a benefit to our clients Roberts, a psychologist at to participate.� the Counseling and Testing Rober t s de s c r ibe d t w o Center. “The effects of the commonly used types of treatevent cont i nue to cause ment for the disorder. The first, disturbances in daily living, prolonged exposure therapy, concentration and sleeping is designed to desensitize the patterns.� event for the patient, and the B o a l s a n d M u r r e l l ’s second, cognitive processing research will study the way —Kitty Roberts therapy, helps to restructure a phenomenon called event Psychologist the patient’s belief system. centrality affects patients. Roberts said those t y pes “[Event centrality] is like an unhealthy way a person at the clinic. “We believe in of therapy have an 80 to 85 can respond to a traumatic the value of research in this percent success rate. “[The patients] all describe event,� Boa ls sa id. “For field.� Boals and Murrell identi- some efficacy, some effect,� example, a woman [who has been raped] might say, %/+

‘I am fied participants through a Roberts said. “It’s in degrees. $' 3522) screening process, Holmes It doesn’t get rid of the sympa rape victim,’ meaning that’s 3URRI 'XH %DFN %\ SP s a id . Nex t, a r a ndom l y toms, but it mutes them.� a core part of who she is.� $G 3 E [ 'HDGOLQH 7R 3XE SP Boals believes developments Boals said he and Murrell selected control group will )LUVW 5XQ with event centrality have the 3XEOLFDWLRQ $OOR\ 0HGLD potential to help a wide range 6HFWLRQ 523 of people. 6SHFV [ “The rate of soldiers coming $SSURYHG DV LV back with PTSD is alarmingly $SSURYHG ZLWK UHYLVLRQV Enrolling ages 18 months and older high,� Boals said. “This will 5HYLVH DQG UHVHQG Drop InS WELCOME- $25/day help not just combat veterans, ,QLWLDO BBBBBBBBB 'DWH BBBBBBBBBB Open 6am-6pm but really anyone who’s experiPre-Enrolling for Evening CHILD CARE! enced a traumatic event even CCS Vendor *USDA Food Program Participant car accidents where a person thinks that, in that moment, 940-382-2915 their life is threatened.� DentonCountyDaySchool.com David Ashmore, a theatre freshman, used to have a girlfriend who suffered from the disorder. It was a struggle to maintain their relationship, he said. “It didn’t affect me as much as it affected her, but having to cope with it was really frustrating,� Ashmore said. “Often she would call me in the middle of the night because she was having a panic attack.� P r e v iou s r e s e a r c h h a s linked the disorder and event centrality, but nothing further, Boals said. “If we’re able to show that the therapy is effective in reducing event centrality, then I think that we have a way to enhance existing therapies for PTSD,� Boals said. “This therapy will specif ica l ly address event centrality in a way that no other therapy today does.� Intern

“PTSD develops after a horrific event happens in one’s life.�


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Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Laura Zamora Sports Editor


Page 3 laurazamora26@gmail.com

Mean Green ‘crosses the line’ over Middle Tennessee BY BEN BABY

Senior Staff Writer When junior running back Lance Dunbar fumbled the ball into the end zone on UNT’s first drive of the fourth quarter, the Mean Green was on the brink of squandering its lead, something that happened quite often in 2009. However, the Mean Green was able to solidify its defense. Junior defensive back John Shorter snatched any chances of a comeback out of the air, intercepting Middle Tennessee quarterback Dwight Dasher on the Blue Raiders’ last drive of the quarter. “Riley told me before we went back out, ‘Go make a big play,’” Shorter said. “The defense stepped up. It wasn’t just me, it was all 11 guys, from the defensive line to the linebackers to the [defensive backs].” The pick was Shorter’s second of the night. UNT forced three turnovers in the 23-17 victory. The Mean Green has won two of its past three games, a feat that has not been accomplished since the last time UNT had a winning record, in 2004. UNT (3-7, 3-4) has won as many games this season as it had in the previous two years combined. “We’re stepping up, making plays,” Shorter said. “Everybody is coming together. We’re playing as brothers now. We’re playing

as one.” Despite the fumble, Dunbar had his best game of the season, carrying the ball 36 times for 226 yards and a touchdown. The total was 12 yards off his career high, and Dunbar became the second person in school history to have back-to-back 1,000 yard rushing seasons. He was named Sun Belt Conference Offensive Player of the Week. Freshman kicker Zach Olen was also rewarded for his effort. Olen earned SBC Special Teams Player of the Week, going 3-for-3 on field goal attempts, including a monster 53-yard field goal to close out the first half. Olen, who wasn’t the starting kicker at the beginning of the season, has converted on 10-of-12 field goal attempts. “I was a little disappointed in myself at the beginning,” Olen said. “But I kept my head up, and I waited my turn.” Redshirt sophomore quarterback Riley Dodge completed 16 of 25 passes for 167 yards, a touchdown and a interception, described UNT’s third road victory of the season as a game that could change a program. “This team’s got a lot of confidence,” Dodge said. “We’re really coming together now as a team. I wish it would’ve happened earlier in the season. It’s a huge win.” The victory puts the Mean Green in fourth place. While it


Sophomore line backer Daniel Prior and sophomore wide receiver Darius Carey celebrate after scoring a touchdown to bring UNT within seven points against Troy on Nov. 6. The Mean Green defeated Middle Tennessee 23-17 over the weekend. may not be bowl-eligible, UNT has a chance to end the season with a .500 conference record, for the first time since 2004. It would need to win its final conference game of the season against LouisianaMonroe next week.

“We felt like we played a good football team last week,” interim head coach Mike Canales said. “We said if we’re going to become that kind of team where we can compete with the upper echelon of this conference, we have to

cross the line as a team and as a program. And that’s what our team did.” Since Canales has taken over, the team is 2-1, with its only loss coming at the hands of secondplace Troy. A national search for

the next head-coaching candidate is currently under way. “I want to be the next head coach at the University of North Texas,” Canales said. “I believe our kids are trying to help make that statement.”

UNT clinches share of West title Cross country BY LAURA ZAMORA

Center. Morton attributed the win to several circumstances. “We had just come back from Arkansas and played really well, and having our last game at home with a record crowd was awesome with all that energy there,” she said. The team was upset Nov. 5 at Arkansas-Little Rock, which was also a factor in the team’s motivation to beat Denver, Morton said. “We were ready to play,” she said. “We know we should’ve won the UALR game, and since then we’ve been playing with a chip on our shoulders.”

Sports Editor

Three quick sets were all it took to find the division crown. The Mean Green (19-12, 11-5) defeated Denver 3-0 (25-23, 25-18, 25-22) Friday night to close out the regular season with a share of the Sun Belt West division title. Arkansas State (17-11, 11-5) clinched its share of the title Saturday by shutting down Louisiana-Lafayette 3-0. The co-championship title was especially exciting to junior outside hitter Shelley Morton, who was a newcomer to the squad this year. “It was definitely way more meaningful than it would’ve been for Arkansas State to take it [alone],” she said. “It’s a big deal for the new teammates and the ones who were already here. We’re peaking at the right time and turning the program around.” UNT hadn’t clinched the division title since 2006. Denver at UNT The Mean Green jumped out to a quick 4-1 lead in the first set with a pair of kills and service aces from junior middle blocker Melanie Boykins and senior outside hitters Brittani Youman and Amy Huddleston. The team had as much as a 13-6 lead, but Denver caught up to lose the first frame by a two-point deficit and out-hit the Mean Green .267 to .244. Morton stopped Denver in its tracks in the second set, helping her team cruise to a 25-18 victory. UNT ousted the Pioneers’ attack .297 to .214. Denver took a 13-8 lead in the third set, but Huddleston assured UNT of a tie at 16-all. The Pioneers’ took a timeout, but Huddleston continued to threaten the Denver defense, forcing it to call a second timeout. The Mean Green held onto the lead for the remainder of the set and sealed the match with a service ace from junior outside hitter Lacy Reasons. Huddleston and sophomore middle blocker Rachelle Wilson each slammed 10 kills and junior setter Kayla Saey gave a matchhigh 39 assists to her team. Junior defensive specialist Sarah Willey’s 12 digs carried the Mean Green defense. The victory was assisted by UNT’s 52-32 kill advantage over Denver. “Our hitting was doing really


Junior setter Kayla Saey sets her teammate up for a kill against the Denver Pioneers on Friday night. UNT swept the Pioneers 3-0. well, and our defense made some great plays,” Morton said. “They couldn’t beat us in anything — not serving, hitting, passing or

defense.” A crowd of 697, the largest in school history, rooted UNT on at the Mean Green Volleyball

Secured Seedings The Mean Green will now be seeded No. 5 at the SBC Tournament, which begins Thursday in Murfreesboro, Tenn. No. 4 Arkansas State earned the seeding advantage over UNT in the tie because of a 5-4 edge in sets won between the two teams this season. The tournament bracket has the No. 4 and 5 teams facing off in the first round, forcing a showdown between the West division rivals. UNT and Arkansas State’s firstround contest begins at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Alumni Memorial Gym on Middle Tennessee’s campus.

concludes season BY R AEGAN POOL Staff Writer

The NCAA South Central regional meet on Saturday concluded the 2010 cross cou nt r y sea son for t he Mea n Green, as f ive top performers represented UNT at the Cottonwood Creek Golf Course in Waco. A team has to run five men and five women athletes to record points. The Mean Green ran three men and two women, each setting new personal records. This was the 2010 cross country team’s first season with new head coach Sam Burroughs. The results speak for his performance. Men Senior Patrick Strong and freshmen Adrian Nevarez and Matt Russ ran for UNT. It was Strong’s last regional meet of his career. For Nevarez and Russ, it marked a beginning. Strong finished first for the Mean Green, clocking 31:15.6 for the 10K race and recording a new personal

hig h. His time placed 29th in the re g ion . T he New Zealand n a t i v e c omplete d SAM h i s c r o s s BURROUGHS country career with a perfect 20-for-20 in UNT’s top finishes since 2007. “P a t r i c k w a s h op i n g to qualif y [for the NCA A Championships], but that didn’t quite happen,” Russ said. “He [recorded a personal record], so that just shows you that the competition is getting stronger each year.” While Strong didn’t place as high as he hoped, he’s in the “best shape of his life” right now, Burroughs said. Russ f inished his f irst regional 10K in 33:02.8 to place 82nd regionally, and Nevarez came in two places after in 33:07.7.

To read the full story visit ntdaily.com


Page 4 Laura Zamora Sports Editor

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 laurazamora26@gmail.com

Big 12 matchup follows Mean Green’s season-opening victory UNT overwhelms Reddies, prepares for Tech

Keys to the game The teams have played 13 games, with Texas Tech owning an 8-5 edge overall and a 2-1 advantage in the Super Pit.

BY SEAN GORMAN Senior Staff Writer

Playing in the first non-tournament game of the college basketball season, the UNT men’s basketball team impressed a crowded Super Pit with its first win of the year over Henderson State on Friday afternoon. The Mean Green (1-0) trailed for the game’s first 12 minutes but recovered with aggressive defense and key 3-point shooting en route to a 92-66 victory over the Reddies (0-1). “It’s always exciting to win, but at the same time I’m somewhat disappointed with the way we got there,” head coach Johnny Jones said. “Someone has to emerge from this group to have the ability to reach their teammates in the locker room and take this team to the next level.” Senior guard Dominique Johnson set career highs with 21 points and five 3-point field goals made. Jones called for a full-court defense and the Mean Green thrived, forcing 10 first-half turnovers while scoring 21 points off HSU mistakes. “That definitely gave us some energy. We started off too sluggish and that can’t happen again,” senior guard Tristan Thompson said. UNT got to the line early and often, going 36-47 on free throws. Thompson led the way from the line, making 13 of his 16 attempts and leading the team with 25 points. A clear home-court advantage was present for the Mean

Big 12 clubs give UNT problems, as the Mean Green is 37-105 all-time against the current members of the conference. Averaging 14.5 turnovers in its first two contests, the Mean Green must stay mistake-free if it wants to win. and how far it has come,” Jones said. “We’re excited for the opportunity to play an excellent basketball team in Texas Tech.” Tech had no problems disposing of fellow Sun Belt team Louisiana Monroe last week, shooting 55 percent and winning 86-67. P l a y i n g a g a i n s t t op competition has brought PHOTO BY RYAN BIBB/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER out the best in senior guard Senior guard Tristan Thompson drives through Henderson State’s K.J. Williams Josh White, as he averages on Friday afternoon. The Mean Green won 92-66. 16.3 points per game against Big 12 teams, including 28 improved to 75-16 under Jones points against Texas two years ago. when reaching that point. Selected to finish seventh in the Big 12, the Red Raiders Texas Tech UNT will try to stay undefeated returned six of their top seven when it hosts Big 12 competitor scorers from last year. Two players who could Texas Tech (1-0) at 7 tonight in a game preceded by the hanging hurt UNT are guard John —Josh White of a banner celebrating UNT’s Roberson, the first Tech Senior guard conference title last season. player to reach more than The Super Pit has been a 500 assists, and forward Mike Green, as 2,000 students from dangerous place to play for Big Singletary, who averaged 15 Denton ISD elementary schools 12 teams, as UNT has defeated points and 6.8 rebounds per attended the game and cheered Oklahoma State and Baylor at game last year. “They have some talented home under Jones. on the team. “Any time you get the chance players, but we feel like we Scoring 80 points has been a key for UNT teams under to play against top competition can play with anyone,” White coach Jones, as the Mean Green it says a lot about your program said.

“We feel like we can play with anyone.”


Junior Guard Kasondra Foreman attempts a two-point shot in UNT’s 78-75 victory over Stephen F. Austin on Friday.

Mixed results mark first weekend of play Women’s basketball team even after two games BY BOBBY LEWIS Staff Writer

The disappointment of an exhibition loss to Texas Woman’s University washed away as the UNT women’s basketball team avenged last season’s embarrassing loss to Stephen F. Austin. However, the disappointment quickly returned with a humbling loss against Ora l Roberts University.

contact before I went up and I was getting frustrated because they weren’t calling it,” Godbolt said. UNT sealed the win on a steal and breakaway layup by senior guard Denetra Kellum with a minute left. “I was just like, ‘I’ve got to go to this passing lane and get this win,’” Kellum said.

Oral Roberts UNT began its eight-game road trip in Tulsa, Okla., as the team fell to ORU 120-87 on Sunday. ORU’s point total is both the most points scored in ORU history and the most points allowed in UNT history. UNT began to unravel at the end of the first half when, down Stephen F. Austin UNT (1-1) was able to with- by four, it allowed the Golden stand a furious comeback from Eagles (2-0) to go on a 14-2 run the Ladyjacks to pull out a and take a 16-point lead into the 78-75 victory Friday in its home locker room. Unlike the SFA game, UNT was opener. The Mean Green led by as not able to recover. “The last three minutes of the many as 18 points in the second half, but SFA (0-1) used an 18-7 first half really cost us,” Stephens run to pull to within 4 with seven said. “It hurt our confidence and we put our heads down. Once we minutes left in the game. did that, [ORU] took off.” Among UNT’s problems was its inability to stop sophomore guard Kevi Luper, who torched the Mean Green for 36 points including shooting 6-for-6 from 3-point land. Turnovers haunted UNT again, as it racked up 30 that led to 36 —Shanice Stephens ORU points. UNT now has 54 Women’s basketball coach turnovers through its first two games. Godbolt led the team in scoring “I think we got a little fatigued and gave a little bit more daylight again, although 16 of her 19 came than what we had been giving,” in the first half. “It seemed like they played me UNT head coach Shanice a little differently in the second Stephens said. SFA dug itself into an early hole half, but I still had some open by shooting 22 percent from the looks, and I should have made field in the first half, while UNT them.” Godbolt said. Freshman guard Laura McCoy finished the game shooting 47 provided a spark off the bench by percent from the field. Sophomore forward Jasmine hitting three from beyond the arc Godbolt led the Mean Green to finish with 11 points. with a career-high of 21 points. Godbolt got off to a slow start Next Stop The team is off until Sunday but took over the game in the second half by scoring 17 of her when it ta kes on George 21, including a 3-point play that Washington University from the Smith Center in Washington, halted SFA’s run. “In the first half, I was getting D.C.

“The last three minutes of the first half really cost us.”

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Katie Grivna Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Page 5 kgrivna@ntdaily.com

Greek life’s ‘tough enough’ to raise awareness By Christina Mlynski Senior Staff Writer

Almost daily, students see fraternities and sororities tabling on the campus green with their letters standing tall behind them. Something that is not usually seen are the brothers from Sigma Chi standing proud in bright pink shirts as they rally students around their table to collect donations for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Sigma Chi’s Tough Enough to Wear Pink fundraiser honors anyone dealing with breast cancer. The event is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Thursday outside the University Union. “It’s a cycling effect because even though they’re donating to help a cause they’re not person-

ally involved in, they’re still helping,” said Kyle Giles, a Sigma Chi member.

Fighting for Survival Giles, a marketing sophomore, said he proposed the idea to his chapter after his girlfriend’s mom died from breast cancer in October. “It was a real growing experience and an eye-opener,” he said. “You don’t realize what you have until it’s gone.” Giles got the idea to show support after he watched an NFL game during Breast Cancer Awareness Month and saw the players wearing pink cleats and gloves. Instead of athletic equipment, they chose shirts, Giles said.

Photo by berenice Quirino/Staff PhotograPher

Fraternity brothers wear pink in order to raise money for the Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer foundation.

Fact Box -About 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will develop invasive breast cancer in their life. -Currently, more than 2.5 million women are breast cancer survivors. -20 to 30 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer have a family history of the disease. Courtesy of www.breastcancer.org

Cheyanne Turner, a member of Pi Beta Phi and Giles’ girlfriend, said she is thankful for everyone’s help. “I have people in greek and non-greek life that are supporting me through this because they’ve been here too,” said Turner, an international studies sophomore. Sigma Chi decided to donate the money in honor of Turner’s mother’s name, Giles said. The fraternity hopes to raise between $500 and $1,000, Giles said. Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the highest diagnosed cancer for women in the U.S., according to breastcancer.org.

Holocaust survivor to video chat with students today By stephanie ross Contributing Writer

At 21 years of age and without a bath for three years, Holocaust survivor Gerda Weissmann came to the end of the 350-mile death march. With ghost-white hair and her 68-pound frame, Weissmann’s dream of being rescued had finally come true. UNT’s Center for Learning Enhancement, Assessment, and Redesign (CLEAR) is hosting its annual interactive videoconference with Weissmann, now a renowned motivational speaker, at noon today in Chilton Hall 245. “I think this event is going to have a lot of impact on the UNT community,” said Sapora Bradley, a radio, television and film graduate student. “The Gerda and Kurt Klein Foundation focuses a lot on responsibility, service learning and shows students and staff how to have tolerance...” Senior marketing specialist Amber Bryant said she believes the videoconference is a unique chance for students to immerse themselves in history. “I haven’t gone to her conference yet,” Bryant said. “But when I talk to people who have seen it, it makes me excited. This confer-

Photo courteSy of gerda Klein

Kurt Klein and Gerda Weissman founded the Gerda and Kurt Klein Foundation to promote tolerance for differences. Weissman will speak by videoconference at noon in Chilton Hall 245. ence is for everyone, and it’s a unique and interesting opportunity to actually touch history first-hand and talk to a primary source. The Holocaust may be foreign to you, or it may actually personally be related to you, but their generation isn’t going to be around much longer...” Mindy Rice, a kinesiology sophomore, said her fascination with the Holocaust drove her to participate in the videoconference. “I feel like I’m connected in some way with the Holocaust and its survivors,” Rice said. “It may sound abnormal, but I personally feel like in some way I’m a reincarnation of a victim and to actually meet a survivor

is a once in a lifetime experience that I would love to have.” Weissmann was rescued by U.S. Army Lieutenant Kurt Klein in January 1945, whom she married in 1946. Together, they traveled across the country sharing their stories with schools and strove to make a difference by teaching tolerance and equality. “Students are now at the age where they can start voting and having an impact in the country,” Bradley said. “Because Gerda and Kurt have such an amazing story, it gives them the tools to speak up... With that, they can teach the later generations to have that same type of understanding.”

Want to be the editor? Publications Committee seeks Spring NT Daily Editor. Applications available online at www.ntdaily.com and in GAB117. Applicants must submit a resume and two letters of recommendation (one recommendation letter shall be from a faculty member and one recommendation letter from a faculty, staff member, or professional journalist outside of the NT Daily) along with the completed application. Completed applications should be emailed by 5p.m., November 17* to Dr. Jay Allison, jay.allison@ unt.edu

Want to be the Editor? Applicants to be able to meet with Publications Committee Friday, November 19 at 2 p.m. in GAB 114. *Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.

Photo by berenice Quirino/Staff PhotograPher

The men of Sigma Chi are ‘Tough Enough to Wear Pink’ in order to raise money for the Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation. They will be asking for donations outside the University Union all week. Everyone is Connected Other members of greek life are supportive of the event because everyone has experienced breast cancer, said Andrew Crosswhite, member of PIK E f rater nit y, whose grandmother died from the disease. “Either we know people, someone in our family has been diagnosed or you can think of someone who has been a victim,” said Crosswhite, a business sophomore.

Ashley Boucher, a sister of Pi Beta Phi, said she is thankful Sigma Chi is acting to support the fight against breast cancer because her mom’s best friend is a survivor. “Although we’re all labeled with our own letters and occasionally have friend rivalries, when it comes down to it we all pull together on the things t hat a re i mpor ta nt,” sa id Boucher, a fashion merchandising sophomore. Ashley Adams, a sister of

A lpha Phi sororit y and an international studies junior, has a lso lost someone to breast cancer. Adams said she defines the event in one word: “compassionate.” “T h i s show s t hat t he y care about something bigger t ha n t hemselves, which a lot of people don’t understand about the greeks,” she said. “Even though we’re our own community, we relate to everyone.”

Page 6 Katie Grivna Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 kgrivna@ntdaily.com

UPC raises hunger awareness through events BY TIM MONZINGO Senior Staff Writer

With the holidays coming up, students’ dreams may be filled with images of turkey and cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and stuffing. Full-plate Thanksgiv ings a ren’t u n iver s a l, t houg h, and the University Program C ou nc i l w i l l s p e nd t h i s week tr ying to show that to students. “Hu nger We ek i s ba sically bringing awareness to the UNT campus about how disproportionate the wealth is not on ly i n t he Un ited States, but [also] worldwide,” sa id A lex za ndria Cor mierHill, the UPC’s vice president for hot topics. “There are a lot of people who are going hungr y ever y day.” Hunger Week, beginning today, is a series of events that runs through Monday to build awareness of hungerrelated issues. Cormier-Hill said t his is the event’s second year. She w a s i n spi re d by a speaker at last year’s event, which made t he issue persona l a nd rea l for her, she said.

“It ju st put t h i ngs i nto perspect ive,” she sa id. “It changed my mindset on how I view life in general.” She sa id she hopes t he ef fect t hat spea ker had on her w ill be felt by more of the student body after this week. Elizabeth Liser, the director of philanthropy at the North

Hunger Week Tuesday - Orange pins distributed in the Union Courtyard to show support for ending world hunger and poverty.

Wednesday - Volunteers dressed as homeless people will be around campus to tell stories about how people become homeless and hungry.

“The struggle is we need more help.”


—Elizabeth Liser This week the University Program Council will host a series of events for Hunger Week. Each day holds a new event that Director of philanthropy raises awareness of hunger-related issues. North Texas Food Bank

bank, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports Texas Texas Food Bank in Dallas, is the second-hungriest state said the event should raise with 17 percent of households awareness about a growing reportedly going hungr y. problem in the region. Arkansas is the first. “I think the awareness is Cormier-Hill said the event getting stronger ever y day,” is intended to make students she said. “The struggle is we awa re of hunger issues by need more help. North Texas localizing it. has always responded gener“It do e sn’t h av e to b e ously. It’s just t he need is someone who is destitute in growing exponentially.” a Third World countr y,” she A c c or d i n g t o i n for m a- said. “It could be your friend tion received from the food a nd you don’t even k now

about it. It’s just br ing ing the issue in a different way to light and making it more personal.” Dev in Guerrero, a music theor y and music education senior, said he feels hunger is an issue that is often not widely addressed. “I think probably it’s not made aware enough to most people, a nd it is rea l ly a problem,” he said. “I think it’s definitely something that should be refigured because

there’s no reason for that to be happening.” Guerrero said he wants to learn more about the topic. And that is exactly what Cormier-Hill wants. “Even by making yourself aware and paying respect to these type of events can be a way to help out,” she said. For m or e i n f or m a t i on about the event, visit the UPC Facebook page or contact the North Texas Food Bank at ntf b.org.

Thursday - Pizza for Poverty supporting Pizza Hut’s World Hunger Relief Campaign. Proceeds are donated to the United Nations World Food Program

Friday - Volunteer with Our Daily Bread soup kitchen.

Monday - Hunger Banquet featuring guest speakers. A chance to learn about homelessness and hunger and what can be done to help.

UNT celebrates international education, culture BY A SHLEY-CRYSTAL FIRSTLEY Intern

UNT students from around the world will indulge in a variety of cultures through foreign films, tasty cuisines and study abroad fairs this week. From today through Friday, the campus is celebrating a week of multicultural activities

for International Education Week. “So we try to bring all kinds of events to the UNT campus so that people can experience a little bit of the richness of international culture,” said Mary Beth Butler, coordinator of the events. T he week is a nat iona l observance of international

education accounting senior, came to a ll over t he Texas in 2006 from Saudi world, Butler Arabia and volunteered for sa id, a nd events his first two years on was officially campus. decla red by “I t h in k whatever t hey t hen-presknow about the other couni d e n t B i l l MARY BETH tries, it’s from the TV... so C l i n t o n i n BUTLER when they meet people from 2000. other countries, they will be Hu s s a i n A lja noobi, a n more open to other cultures,” he said. Internationalizing UNT The mission of the faculty members on the second f loor of the Information Sciences Building is to help internationalize the university, Butler said. Part of doing this is the international students who come to study and international scholars who come to Denton to do research, she said.

International Education events going on today: -10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Latin America Cuisine in Bruce Cafeteria -10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Study Abroad Fair at Discovery Park -12 to 2 p.m. World Cultures Tour in the One O’Clock Lounge -3 to 5 p.m. Global Engineering Opportunities at Discovery Park -3 p.m. Japanese Film: “Ponyo” in Language Building 107A -8 p.m. African Ensemble in the Music Building Concert Hall To check out the events for the rest of the week, visit international.unt.edu.

“I could tell you that we h ave 2 , 50 0 i nter n at ion a l students and about 36,000 UNT students, so not as high of a percentage as we like, but we’re working on that all the time,” Butler said. Olga Greico, director of the

International Welcome Center, said she describes this week as one of intercultural awareness and aims to have students get along and appreciate each others’ cultures. “We’re trying to educate the UNT campus and community about the world,” Greico said. “And it’s only through education that we will have peace in this world.”

“...It’s only through education that we will have peace...”

—Olga Greico International Welcome Center director

Promoting Diversity “...We try to promote the diversity and culture on campus,” volunteer and psychology junior Wen Wen Chong said.“... and hopefully more people will join us and know more about international students and our culture and our country.” Anyone who wants to volunteer can visit the International Welcome Center in Information Sciences Building 286 or visit international.unt.edu to sign up. “What we’re trying to accomplish is to provide a diverse array of opportunities for our students to sample a little bit of the world outside of Denton,” Butler said.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Eric Johnson, Editor-in-Chief

Page 7 ntdailyviews@gmail.com

FDA’s scare attacks Response: Socialism unfairly villified unlikely to work Editorial As America works to combat high health care costs, more attention is being turned to harmful voluntary behaviors, such as smoking. Claiming 443,000 deaths annually, tobacco use is the U.S.’ leading cause of preventable and premature death, according to the Food and Drug Administration. Tobacco use also causes $193 billion in medical costs and lost productivity each year. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently announced new anti-smoking strategies on its website as part of the 2009 Tobacco Control Act, which gives the FDA power to regulate tobacco products. The plan includes placing graphic depictions of the harms of tobacco use on cigarette packages and ads. Under the law, new graphic warnings about tobacco use’s consequences must cover at least half of the upper parts of cigarette packs and at least 20 percent of ads. The images range from mild, such as a smoker shielding her head to light up in the rain, to disturbing, such as an emaciated cancer patient. Several make emotional appeals about the effects of smoking on children and pregnancy. The FDA’s proposal allows the public to comment on 36 example images through Jan. 9, 2011. After further studies and research, the FDA will choose the final nine text and graphic pieces by June 22, 2011. After Sept. 22, 2012, companies will have to use the new warnings on all ads and packages for sale or distribution in the U.S. Some countries, including the U.K., New Zealand and Brazil, have already taken this step, according to a PBS Newshour blog entry. A study by the International Tobacco Control organization examined such efforts in four countries and found that more explicit text and graphics were more effective at changing smokers’ behaviors, according to a 2007 article from medicalnewstoday.com. The Editorial Board thinks although the measure is well-intentioned, it won’t be very effective in the long run. The Board believes the warnings may affect people who are considering starting or quitting, but they won’t strongly affect devoted smokers who have spent their lives hearing about tobacco’s harmful effects. The Board feels more effective measures would include raising taxes on tobacco products to deter people from starting and put more pressure on users to quit. The harms of smoking aren’t immediate and concrete, but price increases are. They force people to examine their choices. Money from extra taxes could also be used to fund anti-smoking initiatives and programs to help people quit. To leave online feedback on the images, visit www.regulations.gov and enter docket number FDA-2010-N-0568 in the search box.

Campus Chat

Do you think the FDA’s new graphic warnings for cigarettes will help smokers quit or prevent people from starting? Why or why not?

{ { {

“No I don’t. If you want to do it, you’re going to do it regardless of the pictures on the pack.”

On Wednesday, a scathing critique of UNT’s International Socialist Organization, as well as modern socialists everywhere, was published in the “Views” section of The North Texas Daily. A lthough the piece could have been a sincere attempt to oppose socialist ideology, what the reader was instead subjected to was a slew of condescending remarks mixed with anecdotal, unsubstantiated claims, which ultimately had no connection to the ideology of the ISO. Using words like “loud,” “obnox ious,” a nd “of fensive,” the author attempted to vilify the ISO’s protest of the anti-abortion display (put up by Justice for All) without providing much specificity as to the events that took place and supplementing the lack of information with demonizing, arbitrary adjectives. The author then continues to assert socialism “has been tested time and time again, and every single time it’s failed catastrophically.” Next, the coup de grace is presented: The author himself

lived in a “socialist country.” What follows is a story-time presentation of individual cases of atrocity in said unnamed country, where the unemployment rate was at a supposed 70 percent. Ultimately, t he column finished by comparing socialists to people who still believe the Earth is f lat. This kind of writing hinders dialogue, debate and education. Members of the ISO, however, see crises within capitalism. Whether it’s the omnipresent aff lictions of the economic recession upon the domestic working class, the exploitation of foreign labor, the use of political and militaristic power to gain control of profitable resources, something just doesn’t make sense about the system in which homeless workers sleep on the streets just blocks away from empty houses that cannot be sold. One cannot explain all of the ideas behind Marxist-Leninist international socialism within the confines of this column. It definitely cannot attempt to persuade others to abandon

the capitalist ideology without degrading itself to the kind of anti-intellectual mud-slinging rhetoric we were subjected to in Wednesday’s paper. Rather, the ISO can offer its fundamental viewpoints: worker’s control over what they produce and how they produce it, internationalism, and full equality and liberation for all people. The best things you can do are come by the ISO table and simply ask what they believe. When I first met them, I was greeted warmly and informed plenty. This isn’t support for the misnamed state-capitalist countries of Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China or Cuba. This is support for a movement that seeks to remedy the perceived detriments of capitalism on the international level. This breed of socialism seeks worker cooperation, not competition. It seeks an end to the oppression of all peoples, regardless of gender or race. It seeks a society in which human needs never come second to corporate greed.

They have no connection to the mysterious country from which the author is from. They have no connection to so-called tested and failed systems of the past. What they have is a connection to the real-world struggles of workers today and oppressed groups everywhere. If they are wrong for working toward bettering what they see as harrowingly backward systems, then who wants to be right? In an attempt to call all socialist ideology outdated, the author w rites, “W hen people believed man could never fly, they changed when the Wright brothers built the airplane. Why? Because those notions, doubts and ideas became outdated.” Imagine how many previous attempts to fly occurred before the Wright brothers. The ISO isn’t trying to fly where others have fallen. It is trying to build the airplane. James Saunders is a political science freshman. He can be reached at jamessaunders@ yahoo.com.

Dude, seriously, where’s my laptop? Dear Thief, In addition to all of my extremely positive traits — being pleasant, persistent and usually hygienic — I’m also forgetful. For more than 21 years I’ve been able to elude most of the serious ramifications of that flaw. Sure, a few wallets have been replaced over the years. Yes, I go through debit cards like postage stamps (one every three to four months). Of course, I left a brand-new video camera on the roof of my car last year, but I remembered later — after I saw it smash into a thousand pieces in my rearview mirror. My point is, we all forget things from time to time, and except for the camera thing — that was totes my fault — we all rely on the generosity of other people to throw us a bone every now and then. It’s just part of being a decent human being. Like yesterday, when I saw a guy drop $15 from his left pocket. Did I want to take the money? Uhh, yes I did. News flash: $15 + the change in my car = three 24-packs of Yo Gabba Gabba Silly Bandz. But I didn’t take the money. I alerted him because I’m a decent human being — and I

already have three 24-packs of Yo Gabba Gabba Silly Bandz. My point is: Last Friday the forgetfulness finally caught up with me, but not in the way I thought it would, and definitely not in the way it should have. After a pleasant lunch at my girlfriend’s near-campus apartment, I hurried out the door so I wouldn’t be late for class. I completely failed to remember to cover the cage of her two parakeets — Wally and Eva — with their beach towel/blackout curtains. This was a problem because they get fussy if they don’t have an afternoon nap, and they can’t sleep if they’re not covered. Anyway, wracked with guilt, I made my way to class, then on to the Daily’s weekly staff meeting in General Academic Building 114. This is where you come in. Not literally; you didn’t actually come in the room at that time, but within the context of the story, this is the point where your participation begins to be relevant, so pay attention. I carry my books and my unorganized mass of class handouts and loose-leaf notebook paper in a dark green satchel. It’s more

sophisticated and only slightly less comfortable than a traditional shoulder-strap backpack. Plus, I find it makes me cooler than the average person — it’s from Fossil, so it’s legit. In addition to the textbooks and doodles, the bag serves as a vehicle for my most prized possession: a brand-new Macbook Air. I know what you’re thinking, and no, I didn’t necessarily buy it with money. That’s not how people acquire them. Macbook Airs find their owners, and that makes them more special. Mine found me in a free raffle. Originally released in 2008, Airs were billed as the lightest, thinnest laptops in the world, yet no one wanted them because they were overpriced and they look silly. Put on your magic it-wasfree goggles and all of a sudden it’s the most beautiful thing in the world. But of course you know the feeling, don’t you? At the conclusion of the twohour meeting I bolted to the bathroom, and after that I felt so free I skipped all the way back to my apartment. I soon realized — on Sunday evening — that I forgot my dark green satchel.

But by the time I got back to Room 114 on Monday, it was too late. There was the bag, exactly where I’d left it, minus a brand-new Macbook Air. You even took the charger. My point is: I’ll find my Macbook Air because I’m persistent — unless it finds me first. But more importantly, the next time you drop your keys or leave your phone on the bench or don’t set your parking break on a steep hill, I’ll be the decent human being who helps you out. Enjoy the computer.

Josh Pherigo Josh Pherigo is the Assigning Editor for the Daily. He is a political science and journalism senior. He can be reached at joshpherigo@gmail.com.

Drew Maxwell Finance junior

“No, I don’t think it’s going to help. The warning has been there since the ‘80s. If people haven’t paid much attention since then, they’re not going to start now.”

Brent Maddux Finance junior

“Yeah, maybe. I think what they can do is it show people that it’s not good for you.”

Cedric Mizele

Intensive English Language Institute

NT Daily Editorial Board

The Editorial Board includes: Eric Johnson, Josh Pherigo, Abigail Allen, Brianne Tolj, David Williams, Laura Zamora, Katie Grivna, Graciela Razo, Carolyn Brown, Katia Villalba, Augusta Liddic

Want to be heard? The NT Daily is proud to present a variety of ideas and opinions from readers in its Views section. As such, we would like to hear from as many NT readers as possible. We invite readers of all creeds and backgrounds to write about whichever issue excites them, whether concerning politics, local issues,

ethical questions, philosophy, sports and, of course, anything exciting or controversial. Take this opportunity to make your voice heard in a widely read publication. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an e-mail to ntdailyviews@gmail.com

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The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflects the belief of the NT Daily.


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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 Single-season ACROSS RBI record-holder 1 Cold sinceshower 1930 11reactions This ans. is one 615Chicken or turkey Not beyond belief 1016Hair tamers __ de soie: bridal 14 Sacrogown ending fabric 15 Athletic shoe 17brand Elementary level 18 Focus of river some 16 Stratford’s H.S. prep courses 17 Seward’s Alaska 19purchase, Nagano Olympics to torch lighter some “Cinderella” 1820*Chicken soup opener? dumpling Like season 2021National flower8ofof “Dallas” Scotland Light-footed 2223Neophyte woman bag 23 Anatomical Esmeralda’s 2425Zeus’ wife 26 Fight-or-flight goat in “The response Hunchback of generator Notre Dame” V. EASY 3028Ajar, Saltysaydelicacy 3229Atop Dealt with a fatal 34 Typical studio error, perhaps apartment 31 Sched. gaproom letters 32count Skywalker player 3535*Paleontologist’s Eastern lucky find style ByJennifer Brad Wilber 11/13/10 By Nuttand Doug Peterson 11/16/10 theatrical 3836Punch-in-the-gut Gambler’s 2 Good relations V. EASY # 45 DOWN Friday’s Puzzle Monday’s PuzzleSolved Solved grunt voucher 13Birthday “Lo, Howbuys a Rose 39 “Batt. not __” “Moriae 2 Hawaii hi E’er Blooming,” 4037Bon __: witticism 3 *Basic e.g. computer 41 SitEncomium” in traffic authordegree component 42 Utmost 4 Metric meas. Ochlocracy 45Buddies 4339*Cappuccino Shade tree native 41seller Bulb output, 5 Grain-cutting to the Britishtools Isles maybe 6 Hall of __: athletic 47 Baseball’s 6 “Bus Stop” 42Diamondbacks, “... and too many standout playwrightfor mention” letters 7 Breakfast ontoscoreboards 7 I-35’s Brutus?southern Holly program of 4844Apollo terminus 1980s 8 Two-time Hollywood org. 8skating Fed. loan goldsource Stray, in a way 4945Wee Katarina 9medalist GOP segment? Reactsorto an 5046Bunny 9 Quick brown fox’s 10 Sewing circle? kangaroo affront, maybe obstacle? 5248Came out with Living room sets 11 Basilica section 5449Recede Temporary tattoo 10 12Cameroon First actress to neighbor 57 Ahmadinejad’s dye play Yente in 11 “The Loco-Motion” 50land Put forward Broadway’s singer Little __ 5954Body surfer’s ride Less flabby “Fiddlerguffaw on the 12 Texter’s 6156Confection that (c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 11/16/10 Bad liar’s Roof” 13 Tina Fey was its can start the (c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 11/13/10 giveaway Wheels in ahead cave 36 Words before the 53 Looks out for, as female thebriefly 13first 58ends Lap of dog, in crime show guest 52 “Ita partner 14writer, Like many brieflya Wasn’t All 34 talk Ultra-reliable to 59answers “By Jove!” 55 Plague enters jalopyape 19 Asian starred clues team members 3 Velvet” 60 Knocking 6 ’em 21222Singer 5(of)4 37 2 onand 8memoirist 56 Pair Beer Masked men at a 53 Horne Divested 65 Come up theale 36 It’s rolled out at dead 58 Belg.-based home? 25 Sky lights 669Crest 24 Goody two 1 5.88 trillion 4 2 shoes 9 7 3of 12- 4 résumé patisserie About peacekeeping gp. 41 Charged particle 27 *Parting smooch 6764Coup d’__ 26 Cryer in a sitcom Down 38 Leave agape mi. as a 9 288__ Gay 3 5 2 60 Big Place 43 Diciembre follower 1 68 Correct, 27 Quark’s milieu 55 name in TV 40 What eHarmony 65stitch Rambo, notably 61 Tax pro 1 44 Frozen cake 29 Send forin9which 4 1 7 3 8 4 6 30 Years talk users can avoid Highholders point in a 62 “I’ve Grown maker 6966Torah consultation Picasso’s art took 57 Caspian Sea to 43 UPS unit 2 5 9 Western? Accustomed 45 Recipe direction 70 Geologic 31 D.C. go-getter a somber turn country 46 Byron’s “__ 67 Circumscribes __1Face” 9 335Tennis’s Sampras 46 Holstered pistol, 8stretches 3 2EASY 1of the 4 V. 32 Any 61 Vane dir. Walks in Beauty” 63 Wine barrel wood e.g. 71 A barque has at 35 Shore of 2 6 4 8 5 2 62 Seminary subj. 47 Geisha’s mat “Ocean’s” DOWN 64 Brown7shade 51 Selections least three Hollywood 63 Govt. agency 51 Left on the movies, e.g. 1 Old living room 5 EASY 1 7 9 5 with3 V. # 47 sets a wing on its seal bridge 33 Upstart

5 3 1 9 7 9 3 2 4 8 61 2 5 4 6 9 1 3 24 26 7 5 9 8 3 9 4 3 2 8 4 1 7 3 9 8 5 7 1 2 5 42 25 1 48 6 8 3

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5 6 7

2 6 4 3






6 7





objective is to fill all The objective of the game 7 6The 3is tosquares 8fillofallthein game 2 3with the 2 4 9 5 blank with a game the blank squares inthe a game the # 49 2 There 5correct 9 There 79 very 43 9 6 28437 8 5 31 6 5are2three correct numbers. arenumbers. three very # 45 # 46 simple constraints to 3 follow. by 92 9 5 4 8 6In a1 9 7 simple constraints to follow. In a 9 by 9 66 8 27 51 7 31 3 1 9 4 5 3 1 9square Sudoku game: 7 9 1 5 4 6 3 8 2 7 square Sudoku game: 5 936 81 3936 821 4 16 2 47 • Every row inof49 numbers 9 row of 93numbers 2 must 87 92 84must • Every 52 include 9allindigits 1 through 9 in any order clude all digits 1 through any order 1 6 5 74 1 79 36 65 23 9 148 2 7 244 68 3 Every column • Every column of 9• numbers must of 9 numbers must 4 11 47 78 3 95 5 2 6 3 2 6 99in 8 include6 any include all2digits 17 through 9allindigits any 1 through 3 5 5 2 8 93 9 5 Sudoku requires no calculation or arithmetic Sudoku requires no calculation or arithmetic 8 3 7 9 order 3 22 58 17 4 46 6 9 1 5 order skills.aItgame is essentially a game of placing8numbers 8 1 9 9 of34the 3subsection 21 9 2of 6the 57 9 skills. It is essentially of placing numbers • Every by 39 • Every 3 by 3 subsection 8 497 76 51 8 53 9 4 3 2 in squares, using very simple rules of logic and by 9 square 1 in squares, using very simple rules of logic and by 9 square all 1 include 4 5all3digits 2 7 63997 41 588 29 5 must include 7 digits 1must 21 85 13 6416 through 9 deduction. through 9 deduction.

4 2


66 47

V. EASY # 49

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1 9 4 2 3 8 25 3 7 6






# 47

5 1



4 1 4 46 9 7 3 9 88 5 1 27 4 8 2


# 45


7 9

9 3

5 3 6 7 92 1 8 7 5 2 9 23 8 4 6 7 5 1 3 9 8 72 6 2 7 1 5 5 2 8 38 1 9 7 51 76 96


NT Daily Travel

3 #2 1 2 6 7 9


Fridays’s answers 6 6Yesterday’s 3 7an 4

1 # 2504 5 4 99 1 71 8 2 # 5 3 2 8 7 1 9 4 6 59 8 74 47 3 6 7 9 8 7 3 6 4 1 5 2 86 1 4 39 45 221 86 33 716 9 5 3 52 85 99 4 1 3 54 6 22 1 7 7 64 78 12 6 3 2 9 8 4 3 5 4 3 8 1 5 7 5 1 6 9 8 6 31 29 48 5 7 4 9 3 8 6 5 67 2 9 8 45 14 36 7 9 71 97 9 95 4 31 235 66 852 2 8 8 4 82 35 1 7 8 68 7 9 5 9 7 2 3 1 24 9 #V.50EASY

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