12-1-09 Edition

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Last Gasp

art students sculpt their own army NEWS: UNT Page 2 Female motocross champ races in mostly male sport ARTS & LIFE: Page 4 Homebuyer tax breaks prove perfect for grads VIEWS: Page 6

Football team’s comeback attempt falls short Page 8

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

News 1,2 Arts & Life 3,4 Sports 5,8 Views 6 Classifieds 7 Games 7

Volume 94 | Issue 53

Rainy 49° / 39°


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Glass research Broncos stomp Mean Green men clears up process BY SEAN GORMAN Senior Staff Writer

UNT physics prof studies method

experiments and the physics of the glass formation. Despite the difficulties, Hu said the highlight of the research was working with the outstanding scientists on BY K ELSEY K RUZICH the team. Contributing Writer Weitz said glass research has been going on in his labs Zhibing Hu of the physics department helped a research for about 10 years. “It changed the way that team better understand the we c a n look at behavior of glass. t h e s e t y p e s of Da v e Weit z , a materia ls,” Weit z professor at Harvard said. “It’s a class of University, led the material that, until team. With the research researching, we had that Hu contributed, no idea existed.” the team was able to Weitz also said better understand the that as Hu develops formation of glass. ZHIBING HU new materials and “People have been making glass for centuries, but findings, he sends them to the the making of glass formation rest of the team. “Hu is a leading researcher is not very clear,” Hu said. T h e i r f i nd i n g s w e r e on the materials,” he said. published in the November “We’re very lucky he works issue of Nature magazine, a top with us.” Hu said that the research science journal in the U.S. Hu said they are studying the does not directly affect the formation because it is hard for students of UNT. A psychology senior Alesha people to understand. He said the team specifically studied Love said she has not heard the particles inside the suspen- of the research that Hu has been doing. sion of the glass. She said it would be good to Hu said he used the number system in order to study the know things like glass research glass formation. When he were going on at the universtudied the glass, Hu said he sity, but she was not interested could see a long crystal state in the subject. “If I was a chemistry major, in the formation. “We sometimes call glass maybe I would be interested, but since its way beyond my frozen liquid,” Hu said. The system that Hu used own major, I’m not that interwas a simulation of the new ested in it,” Love said. Weitz said now that the glass. Hu said it was much bigger research has been done, than the original process of the team is a lot closer to making glass. The team found mimicking the behavior that out that the process of glass you see in different types of formation is actually related glass. He also said that the team to the elasticity of the matewould continue to work and rial. Hu said that his research follow up on the research of findings would help people glass formation. Weitz said he hopes that Hu will continue understand things better. “Eventually, manufacturers to contribute his examples to will have high-performance the team. “We’re really happy that we glass,” Hu said. Hu said the hardest part can work with Hu on this and of his research was trying to we are able to get such nice understand the data of the results,” Weitz said.

The UNT men’s basketball team continues to struggle on the road. With one overtime win in three away games, UNT (3-2) was unable to finish off the Boise State University Broncos (4-2) in a 79 to 73 loss in Boise, Idaho, on Saturday. “It’s always going to be difficult playing away from home,” said guard Shannon Shorter, a communications junior. “I think we’re more than capable of winning a few on the road during the rest of this season.” Despite a strong effort from guard Josh White, a sociology junior, and an early lead, the Mean Green (3-2) fell short to the Broncos (4-2) in a backand-forth game that was UNT’s second-straight loss. White went to work from the start, scoring 10 of his 23 points in the first seven minutes of the game. “Josh is the guy that runs this offense. He’s got a lot on his shoulders,” said guard Richard Thomas, an applied arts and sciences junior. “He doesn’t have that shoot-first mentality, but when we give him an open look he’s going to make the shot.” Foul trouble plagued the Mean Green early on, as forward George Odufuwa, a finance junior, committed three fouls in the first three minutes. “Any time that happens to one of your big men, it’s going to slow down the efforts down low,” head coach Johnny Jones said. “Our guys filled in great, but it never helps to lose one of your guys at the beginning to foul trouble.” After White made a layup to give the Mean Green a twopoint lead with 30 seconds left in the first half, the Broncos pulled ahead when guard Paul Noonan hit a 3-pointer at the buzzer. “Basketball is a game of runs and each team is going to catch some breaks,” White said. “It was frustrating to have that happen, but that’s just the nature of the game.”


Guard Collin Mangrum, a sociology junior, goes up for a slam-dunk against Jackson State University at last week’s game. The Mean Green men’s team lost a game against Boise State University on Saturday 73-79. UNT continued to fight and led by five with less than 11 minutes left, but an 11-2 Boise run put the Broncos in front. Despite holding the Broncos to one bucket over the final 2:40 and cutting the deficit to three, the Mean Green couldn’t complete the comeback. “There’s a lot of things we didn’t do right in the second

half,” Jones said. “But I liked what we were able to do on the defensive side of the basketball to keep things close at the end there.” Much of the Mean Green offense came from outside, as UNT made 9-22 from threepoint range. The team made four in the first nine minutes of the second half to keep up

with the Broncos. “I t hink we have some strengths on the block and the perimeter,” Jones said. “Tonight we showed that we have some guys that are capable of making plays from outside.” The Mean Green returns home at noon on Wednesday to host the University of the Southwest.

Texas schools move professor evaluations online BY CAROLYN BROWN Senior Staff Writer Beginning today, students will have a new way to rate their professors online. From Dec. 1 to Dec. 11, students can complete the Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness through their MyUNT accounts. The evaluation contains 12 questions about instructor per for m a nc e a s w el l a s genera l opinion questions and feedback space, and it will be available for all lecture classes, Deputy Provost Celia Williamson said. “It’s a wonderfully designed tool with lots of input from s t u d e n t s a n d f a c u l t y,” Williamson said. It also satisfies a requirement of the recently passed Hou s e Bi l l 2 5 0 4, w h ic h mandates that public universities conduct student evaluations and post the scores online. Several committees developed the survey during a 16-month period of research, focus groups, and field tests involving students, faculty, and industry experts. The final product addresses

ment. t hree ma in He noted a rea s : orgat hat it is nization and unclear how e x p l a n a t i on some of the of materia ls, variables learning enviw i l l a f fect ronment, and p r o f e s s o r s’ self-regulated scores. learning. “We really Three scale don’t k now scores f rom to what t he s e a r e a s extent class and an overall size is taken composite into considscore will be e r a t i on ,” counted and he said. posted on Pe r e z s a id t he facu lt y he t houg ht profile system t he Facu lt y starting next S e n a t e fall. should have The evaluabeen allowed tion will take PHOTO BY KAITLIN HOAG / PHOTOGRAPHER to vote on i nto considthe finished eration vari- Students can visit my.unt.edu to anonymously evaluate their professors starting today until Dec. 11. product, and ables such as However, some fac u lt y that the administrators did class meeting times, class are posted. The evaluation is size and anticipated grade, one tool for assessing faculty, mem b er s a r e c onc er ne d not com mu n icate clea rly about some of the faculty’s but Williamson said ot her about the survey. Williamson said. Jose Perez of the physics concerns and questions. Student pa r t icipat ion is methods are being planned. “I don’t think they did a “What’s clear about this is department said he felt some optional, and names will be it’s one snapshot,” she said. of its items were not put very good job of advertising kept confidential. Professors will be able to “For a f u l l eva luat ion, we together well, and that the this,” he said. Williamson said she and the see the response rate but not need to get perspectives of Faculty Senate did not have enough input in its develop- committees worked to engage the scores until after grades faculty and their peers.”

the senators and hear their concerns, but that the Faculty Senate did not need to vote on the assessment because it is a student-answered evaluation rather than a facultyanswered one. She s a id some of t he concerns about the use of variables could not be fully a nswered u nt i l a f ter t he survey’s first run, and that a detailed manual about the survey will be published next spring. Williamson said she hopes that a lot of students w ill answer the questionnaire. “The more responses we have, the more help we have in moving teaching forward,” she said. Emily Fannin, an English literature junior, sa id she plans to use the evaluation in addition to the usual faculty rating Web sites to register for classes next year. “I think it would be really useful, because I go to ratemyprofessor.com all the time, and some of it isn’t very accurate,” she said. “I think that t his would be much more accurate, reliable source.”

Page 2 Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Shaina Zucker & Courtney Roberts

News Editors ntdailynews@gmail.com

Art students create tape sculpture army BY TIM MONZINGO Intern

UNT students have been busy this semester building an army to take the art world by storm. An army, that is, of body casts made of tape. More than 100 art students in Art Design II classes have been working on a project making sculptures of their bodies using tape and using those sculptures to make short, stop action movies. PHOTO BY TIM MONZINGO / CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER James Thurman, a new Students in one of UNT’s College of Visual Arts and Design’s art courses wrapped faculty member and the coordinator for the project, said that their bodies in tape to make a cast that they will use to create a short, stopthe art army has been a vision motion film. since his interview at UNT. “It gives you a really good also that this project in partic“I had this image of figurative sculptures all assembling, and I understanding of your body,” ular has “been a challenge, it’s thought that would be a really Grimes said. “It lets you look at been fun.” Many students joked that the fantastic way of using a big group the body in a whole other way.” Most of the students agreed most fun part of the project so of art students,” Thurman said. Thurman said the project that the project helped them far has been the community’s is large in scale but should be appreciate the human form, and reaction to their work. “This is a cool class and a cool beneficial in helping the students some even learned something project,” Randall Day, a sopholearn about the artistic process about their psyche in the class. “I realized I might be a little more in drawing and painting and themselves. “The main idea on the claustrophobic,” said Doree said. “The funnest part was the students’ side is for them to start Deleon, a metalsmithing and stares we got walking down the street carrying our guys.” learning how they can have an jewelry junior. Other students in the class Lauren Smith, a ceramics idea and that it can be communicated through visual language,” graduate student and teaching laughed about getting their Thurman said. “They start real- assistant for one of the classes figures caught in doors and izing the value of their work and , said that this is the first time a lugging them up and down the project like this has been done three flights of stairs to class. that they have an audience.” Some students said that they The students said the project in the five years she has taught probably wouldn’t use the project had taught them something in the art department. Smith said that projects in the in their portfolio, but that it has about themselves and about the past have been similar, but that been a good experience for human form. Jordan Grimes, a sophomore Thurman has brought some new them. The final projects of the in painting and drawing, said the things to UNT. “In the past, we’ve done a lot of students will be on www.Flickr. project gave him prospective on different things,” Smith said, but com and www.YouTube.com. the human body.


Students participate in the 2008 Texas BEST competition. The public is invited to listen to the keynote speaker B. Gentry Lee, chief engineer for the Solar System Exploration Directorate at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

Robots ‘engage’ kids High school students compete at UNT BY A MBER A RNOLD Senior Staff Writer

Cla n k i ng mach i nes a nd rolling robots will take over the Coliseum this weekend to c ompete i n t he Tex a s Boosting Engineering Science a nd Tech nolog y Robot ic s competition. High school students from across Texas and New Mexico will compete from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday. “It ’s not just about t he robots, it’s about the process of engaging the kids,” said M ig uel Ga rc ia , a s s oc iate dea n of t he Col lege of Engineering. Pract ice a nd set-up a re s c he du le d f r om 10 a . m . to 4 p.m. on Friday in t he Coliseum. This is UNT’s second time to host the regional robotics competition. Students will compete in teams in an attempt to collect a ll t he ingredients needed to make renewable sources of energ y. Ha ng ing g lobes w i l l sy mbol i ze ca rbon d iox ide molecules, racquetba lls as hydrogen atoms, and a LazySusan in t he center of t he f loor with tomato paste cans

will denote energ y. In the Coliseum, there will be two game fields with four tea ms compet i ng on each ga me f loor. T here w i l l be severa l rou nds w it h each rou nd la st i ng f ive or si x minutes, Garcia said. Students will race to collect ingredients to make ethylene, benzene or isooctane. Students can accumulate points by collecting ingredients, but they earn the most points through collecting the r ig ht ing red ients for t heir fuel. “There a re ma ny st rategies, but they need to know their chemistry and chemical formulas in order to w in,” Garcia said. The College of Engineering ha s i nv ited ot her schools within UNT to participate in the competition in an effort to get campus-wide involvement. Competitors will not only make a robot, they also must create a Web site, desig n T-shirts and have a booth set up. UNT’s College of Visual Arts and Design will evaluate the design of these elements, Garcia said. Students must also write an engineering notebook to be evaluated by the College of Business Administration. Students from the Teach Nor t h Tex a s prog ra m a re volunteering at the compe-

t it ion a nd w or k i ng w it h competitors. “T he BEST compet it ion is something that a teacher could choose to involve their students in,” said Mary Harris of the College of Education facu lt y. “Ou r st udents a re getting a chance to interact with the youngsters and get a feel for somet h i ng t hey might do in the future as a teacher.” This involvement will give them career preparation, said Harris, a co-director of Teach North Texas. Ga rc ia sa id he ex pec t s mor e t h a n 2 ,0 0 0 p e ople will be at the competition, 1,200 of them being student c ompet itor s f rom t he 4 8 teams competing. Each team is allowed six week s to complete ever yt h i ng for t he compet it ion and each is given the same kit of materials to complete its robot. Cor por ate spon sor s for t he compet it ion a re Texas Instruments, Raytheon, and Lock heed Martin, in addition to UNT and the Denton C onvent ion a nd V i sitor ’s Bureau. U N T donates money to t he compet it ion a nd does f u nd ra isi ng, somet h i ng t hat Ga rcia sa id he hopes ca n t u r n i nto schola rsh ip money for w i n ners i n t he coming years.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

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Arts & Life

Kip Mooney

Arts & Life Editor ntd.artslife@gmail.com

UNT group promotes HIV-AIDS awareness Performances, videos mark World AIDS Day BY MORGAN WALKER Staff Writer

The Universit y Program Council is spreading awareness of HI V a nd A IDS in multiple ways. In honor of World AIDS Day, the council is teaming up with the UNT Center for Leadership and Service to hand out information about HIV and AIDS from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the University Union. The council will also host Code Red, an event including a ser ies of per for ma nces about AIDS, at 7 tonight in the Lyceum. “ T he y ’r e g oi n g t o b e performing skits based on relationships in college and how you don’t know what people

with HIV or AIDS look like,” said Montreal Williams, an elementary education senior and CAST president. The sk its w ill be performed by CAST, a UNT performing arts group dedicated to promoting diversity throughout the Denton community. A person i n fected w it h HIV may look healthy and feel fine but he or she can still pass the v irus to someone else, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services. HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS, can affect anyone and is growing quickly among people under 25, over 55 and women, accord i ng to t he Hea lt h Services of North Texas. T he or g a n i z at ion a l s o reports that more than half of the HIV infections in 2008 in America were in people

Where students can get tested Mean Green Screen/HIV Test Site at the UNT Health and Wellness Center Where: 1800 Chestnut St. Cost: free Hours: by appointment only Results: available in 30 minutes Health Services of North Texas Where: 4210 Mesa Dr. Cost: free Hours: Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Results: available in 30 minutes under the age of 25. “It’s really important for college students to participate in AIDS awareness because of the rising number of college students infected with HIV/ AIDS,” said Najua Azzami, a

criminal justice sophomore and officer of the council. A z za m i added t hat t he group wants to make Code Red something that people can actually enjoy. “AIDS is not a fun subject —

it’s touchy and no one wants to talk about it,” she said. “So we took a different approach by making it more of a monologue with an acting approach rather than just giving the facts.” During the event, announcers will also reveal the winner of the “Rap It Up” video contest. Students who entered the contest made a video about AIDS, which could be up to 90 seconds long, Azzami said. The winning video will air during the program and the winner will receive $300. Members of t he Center for Leadership and Service will also hand out information about HIV and AIDS at Code Red to help educate students. “It’s a n epidemic t hat’s happening all over the world and we need to solve this issue,” said Tracy Ukegbu,

accou nt i ng sen ior a nd member of the center. HIV can be spread by having sex or sharing needles with someone who is infected, a c c or d i n g t o t he Te x a s Department of State Health Services. T h i s i nc lude s s h a r i ng needles to shoot drugs or vitamins, to pierce body parts, or for tattoos. A woman with HIV can also pass the virus to her baby during pregnancy or birth. The department also urges i nd iv idua ls to get tested because there are ways for those who are infected to stay healthy longer. Early treatment can help delay the onset of AIDS and individuals can also take steps to avoid infecting others with HIV. For more information visit Health Services of North Texas at www.healthntx.org.

Personal finance guru to give lecture at UNT


Students concerned about their holiday budget or financial state can attend a lecture from Suze Orman tonight as part of UNT’s Distinguished Lecture Series. Orman, a nationally recogn i zed ex per t on persona l finance, w ill speak at 5:30 p.m. in the Gateway Center Ballroom. Hope Dewberr y, director of special programs for UNT, sa id t he lecture is a g reat oppor t u n it y to hea r f rom Orman and be encouraged on how to manage your finances and still stay af loat. “Since she is a persona l finance guru, I think it’s a really neat opportunity for students to be able to hear her, given that many of our students are in some type of situat ions like being overloaded with student loans or not getting a lot of support from their parents and having

to work to pay for their tuition or anything else,” Dewberry said. Dewberry said the purpose of Di st i ng u i shed L ec t u re Series is to bring in speakers that will enhance a student’s learning while on campus but outside the classroom. “Some of these things some students might have already learned in classes, but it’s just hea r ing it f rom somebody else,” Dewberr y sa id. “For students who don’t have that as a major, it’s still something interesting that they can hear about direct ly from somebody from a big network.” Ter ra nce Dav is, a jou rna lism f resh ma n, sa id attending the lecture would be beneficial because Orman i s k n o w l e d g e a b l e a b ou t money management. “Even if you don’t think you need help managing money, you’ll probably learn something that you need to know,” Davis said. “I’m going because

“Even if you don’t think you need help managing money, you’ll probably learn something that you need to know.”

—Terrance Davis Journalism freshman

it’ll be a great learning experience and it will be really cool to see someone from TV on campus.” Dewberr y said programs like these are important for UNT because they bring in big profile names that students will come to see. “It’s interesting to see the theory that they’re learning in the classes really can be put i nto pract ice because ot her pe ople h ave m ade successes out of them,” she said. “If they come and hear those speeches then it’s good

for them.” For more information, call 940-565-3805.

Tickets Information Center on the third floor of the University Union One free ticket per student, $5 for guests, $10 for faculty and staff, $20 for general public


Personal finance expert Suze Orman will speak as a part of the Distinguished Lecture Series at 5:30 p.m. today at the Gateway Center Ballroom.

Ski resorts fight global warming, Utah governor unsure SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Ski resorts across the country are using the Thanksgiving weekend to jump start their winter seasons, but with every passing year comes a frightening realization: If global temperatures continue to rise, fewer and fewer resorts will be able to open for the traditional beginning of ski season. Warmer temperatures at night are making it more difficult to make snow and the snow that falls naturally is melting earlier in the spring. In few places is this a bigger concern than the American West, where skiing is one of the most lucrative segments of the tourism industry and often

the only reason many people visit cash-strapped states like Utah during winter. Republica n Gov. Ga r y Herbert says he will host what he calls the first “legitimate debate” about man’s role in climate change in the spring. While the world’s leading scientific organizations agree the debate was settled long ago, the former Realtor who took office when Jon Huntsman resigned to become U.S. ambassador to China maintains that it wasn’t. “He’s said to me that the jury is out in his mind whether it’s man-caused and he thinks and believes that the public jury is still out,” said Herbert’s envi-

ronmental adviser, Democrat Ted Wilson. Herber t’s relucta nce to acknowledge that greenhouse gases contribute to global warming quietly frustrates Utah ski resorts that depend on state marketing money, but it openly infuriates industry officials elsewhere who liken it to having a debate about whether the world is flat. “That’s just kind of raging i g n or a n c e ,” s a id A u d e n Schendler, executive director of sustainability for Aspen (Colo.) Skiing Co. “We’re not environmentalists, we’re business people. We have studied the hell out of the climate science. To have a neighboring

governor not believe it ... It’s absurd.” A climate study by the Aspen Global Change Institute is forecasting that if global emissions continue to rise, Aspen will warm 14 degrees by the end of this century, giving it a similar climate to that of Amarillo, Texas. Many ski companies and the mountain towns they’ve created have been working to reduce their carbon footprints and advocating for significant policy

changes for years. In California, the ski industry was one of the first groups to support legislation requiring the state to reduce greenhouse gases to 1990 emission levels by 2020. Aspen Skiing Co. is widely recognized as a national leader, but Schendler readily acknowledges that the nation’s ski resorts can do little on their own to affect climate change. He said company resorts like Aspen and Snowmass are at their best when they educate their

highly affluent — and politically connected — guests about global warming’s effects. “You need federal legislation in the U.S.,” he said. “You need it to help drive an international agreement.” Herbert and Utah’s senior U.S. Senator, Orrin Hatch, recently teamed up to oppose federal cap and trade legislation that many in the ski industry support, saying it could cost jobs in a state that’s heavily dependent on coal for energy.

Page 4 Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Arts & Life

Kip Mooney

Arts & Life Editor ntd.artslife@gmail.com

Motocross champ rides on despite injuries BY WILL SHEETS

Contributing Writer What goes up must come down, a fact that marketing sophomore Channing Butler knows firsthand. An active motocross racer since the age of five, Butler has been injured several times during the 14 years she has been riding. This year alone she has managed to fracture her ankle and break her foot in several places, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg in a long list of past injuries. “This is where the mental aspect of racing can really take [its] toll on you,” Butler said. “It definitely takes a while to get your groove back after a big injury.” Despite the danger Butler faces every time she goes out on the track, she says she has “never felt like [she] didn’t want to ride again after an injury.” Her father, her mechanic and racing inspiration, Scott Butler said he is not surprised she still races. “MX is not something you do periodically,” he said. “You live it or leave it.” And living it is exactly what Channing plans to do. “Racing is what I love to do, so the stress and hard work that comes with training or preparing for a race all seems

to disappear as soon as the gate drops,” she said. As a testament to her dedication, Butler declined a scholarship to Baylor College of Medicine to pursue a career in t he motorcycle racing industry. “Whether I am racing, own my own shop, or just coordinating large events, I always want to be around the sport.” An accomplished racer, Butler has placed highly at state and national levels. She won the Texas state championship in the women’s cross-country division in the 2004 season, and went on to place 6th overall in 2005 and 2nd overall the year after. She also placed 4th overall nationally in the Women’s Motocross Association two years in a row in 2006 and 2007. Despite her success, Butler decided to move from women’s cross-country to the male-dominated motocross division. “Being the only female on the track at practice, or lining up with 40 guys for a race brings pressure, but that is what makes it so much fun!” she said. Coming off her most recent injuries, she is preparing for the upcoming 2010 season, where she will attempt to qualify for the spring motocross nationals.


Channing Butler, a marketing sophomore, has raced motocross for 14 years. Despite numerous injuries, including several broken bones, Butler has won dozens of awards, and won the Texas state championship in the women’s cross-country division in 2004.

No. 1 military history professor comes to UNT BY CHRISTINA THURSTON Contributing Writer

W hen Rober t Cit i no received a picture book about World Wa r II, t he images enthralled him. So much so that the book inspired his love for teaching military history. “The notion of this event that had taken people, lifted them out of their lives and put them somewhere else halfway around the world, in places they didn’t even know on a map, interests me,” he said. “Virtua lly ever yone in the country played a role in that conf lict. It’s something that we have a hard time understanding today.”

Citino b e g a n teaching t h i s s eme ster in the history depa r tm e n t , giving ROBERT CITINO lectures in courses on World War II and American military history in the 20th century. He is one of America’s foremost authorities on German military history and warfare and has authored eight books on the subject. “I have to say, if you can’t walk into a room and get fired up about W W II, t hen you

should be in a different line of work. It was a pretty exciting sequence of events,” Citino said. “Some of it’s heroic and other parts of it are ghastly. Droning on about W WII in a monotone, I couldn’t see myself doing that, the events of it are too important.” His conversational teaching style was a hit with students, as he was voted the number one professor in the nation in 2007 on Ratemyprofessors. com. “Now, because R atemy profe s sor s.c om i s owned by MTV, I got a call from MTV saying we want to come to your house and film you,” he said.

MTV filmed his reactions to students’ online comments. But Citino’s appearance on the network isn’t his only celebrity claim. He also appears as a consultant on the History Channel, notably on “Hard Target,” a show hosted by another UNT professor, Geoffrey Wawro. “Rob is one of the leading historians on military history in the world today and a real catch for the University of North Texas,” Waw ro said. “I’ve hosted many shows on t he Histor y Cha n nel a nd enjoy having him on as a guest because of his decisive, illuminating comments.” Citino spent the last 20 years

teaching at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, Mich., but when he saw a job opening at UNT, he saw an opportunity beyond the immediate teaching position. “I already knew a couple of people on the faculty, and I knew and respected their work,” he said. “I really like being here because of the topnotch faculty I get to have as my colleagues.” In 2008, he was offered the annual guest teaching position in the history department at the United States Military Ac ademy at We st Poi nt, which invites one professor to teach in the department each year.

“It was a high honor and a really big moment for me,” Citino said. “The biggest thing about teaching there wasn’t just a point on my résumé, but really getting to know the cadets.” After teaching for 25 years, Citino feels at home in the cla ssroom but ad m it s to having a minor crisis during the mental preparation for West Point because of the structura l difference from civilian classrooms. “They called me Sir,” Citino sa id. “I’ve been teach i ng college for 25 years and I’ve never gotten saluted or called sir. It was like I fell down from Mars.”

Cuban Catholic Church launches faith blog HAVANA (AP) — The Roman Catholic Church is joining Cuba’s booming blogosphere with a new Web site launched Monday that aims to provide a virtual forum for the island’s faithful. “Believing in Cuba” is a meeting place for “those who live, dream, work and hope in Cuba and the Cuban community overseas,” according to an announcement on the Cuban

Catholic Bishops Conference Web site. Despite having the lowest online penetration in the Americas, Cuba has seen a flourishing generation of dissident bloggers using the Internet to make their voices heard. One such blogger, Yoani Sanchez, was named among Time magazine’s 100 most inf luential people and recently received a reply from President Barack

Obama to questions she posed in a letter. However Church leaders were quick to explain that “Believing in Cuba” is intended to be apolitical ó a place “for suggestions, more than complaints,” the announcement read. “These days, digital culture is advancing and one must take note,” Rev. Jose Felix Perez, a senior Bishops Conference offi-

cial, told The Associated Press. “It’s part of life.” Perez said it’s not clear how much reach the blog can have in Cuba, where only a small fraction of islanders are online and Internet access is slow and prohibitively expensive for most. Still, the government has liberalized Internet restrictions somewhat in recent months. Cubans can now go online at

post offices for slightly less than they would have to pay elsewhere, and some students, scientists and other professionals receive access from the government at greatly subsidized rates. Human rights and media freedom groups have called on Havana to stop alleged harassment of bloggers and allow more access to ordinary citizens.

In November, a sen ior Vatican official asked Cuba’s gover nment to a l low t he Church more access to mass media, saying it’s an important way for clergy members to reach the faithful. Relat ion s bet ween t he Catholic Church and the Cuban government have improved considerably since Pope John Paul II toured the island in 1998.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Page 5


Justin Umberson

Sports Editor ntdaily.sports@gmail.com

Woods done for rest of 2009 (MCT) ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida Highway Patrol investigators have not requested a sample of Tiger Woods’ blood from Health Central, but the golf star’s medical records could become part of the agency’s investigation into Woods’ one-car accident from last week. “We have not asked for those records, but it’s an option that we have,” said FHP spokeswoman Sgt. Kim Montes. Meanwhile, Woods announced Monday afternoon that Friday’s accident will prevent him from playing in this week’s Chevron World Challenge. The world’s topranked golfer will not play in any more events this year. “I am extremely disappointed that I will not be at my tournament this week,” Woods said in a statement released on his Web site. Authorities have yet to speak to the 33-year-old golf pro about the accident, but a source familiar with the crash scene told The Orlando Sentinel that Woods was not wearing shoes when wife Elin Nordegren Woods pulled him out of his Cadillac Escalade following the accident. The source also said one of the first responders, a Windermere, Fla., police officer, gave Woods a firm “knuckle rub” to his sternum in an effort to arouse him from unconsciousness. The rub helped bring the golfer to consciousness. The source asked to remain anonymous because of the investigation into the crash is ongoing. Elin Nordegren Woods, also has not given a statement to the highway patrol. Woods’ attorney, Mark NeJame, said he has no plans

UNT wins two over break

Photo Courtesy of Gary W. Green/Orlando Sentinel/MCT)

A security officer guards the area in front of Tiger Woods house in Windermere, Fla., where he crashed into a fire hydrant and a neighbor’s tree early in the morning Friday. to comment on the crash probe or his client. Family members that made the 911 phone call alerting authorities to the early morning accident said Monday afternoon that they heard no commotion before to the accident but did hear Woods’ Escalade crash into a tree. Linda Adams said someone in her home other than her husband, Jerome Adams, called authorities. She was unwilling to discuss the incident further until her family meets with an adviser later Monday to discuss what kind of information to relay to the media and others. The couple is longtime neighbors of Woods. Adams is a former physician who is active in the South Side Church of Christ in Orlando. His wife owns a wedding consultant business with the motto “What God hath put together, let no man pull asunder.” The lack of information regarding the early morning crash

from Woods’ camp, as well as FHP, is fueling many rumors, mostly on celebrity gossip site TMZ. Montes said none of the reports posted on that Web site is accurate. In an e-mail sent to the media, Montes wrote: “Contrary to various media reports, the Florida Highway Patrol has not made any comments regarding the details of the ongoing crash investigation involving Tiger Woods as it relates to medical information, or any other aspect of this investigation.” Troopers responded to Woods’ home in the pre-dawn hours Friday. He had crashed his 2009 Cadillac Escalade into a fire hydrant and a neighbor’s tree while leaving his house. The single-car crash knocked Woods unconscious for about six minutes, an Orange County Sheriff’s Office report shows. Woods suffered facial cuts in the crash.


Guard Brittney James, a criminal justice senior, takes a shot against UT-Pan America in the team’s 83-73 win on Wednesday at the Super Pit. James became the 12th player in the team’s history to score 1,000 points. UNT played in the UAB Thanksgiving Classic this weekend, losing to Samford 67-53 on Friday, but it beat Alabama-Birmingham 76-63 on Saturday.

Former Cowboy Sanders has no regrets about giving back (MCT) FORT WORTH – Former Dallas Cowboys cornerback Deion Sanders didn’t care about the criticism when he was in the NFL. And he doesn’t care now. Sanders has been offering advice and trying to impact the lives of people who are less fortunate or don’t have his experience since his playing days. And he has no plans of stopping now. He has no regrets about the negative attention he has received the past six months because of his relationships with San Francisco 49ers receiver Michael Crabtree and former Oklahoma State receiver Dez Bryant. Crabtree held out of training camp and missed the first five games of the season in a contract dispute, which critics have blamed partly on his relationship with Sanders. Bryant was suspended by the NCAA this season for lying about having dinner at Sanders’ house. Sanders admits to no wrongdoing and said he can sleep well at night because people don’t understand the big picture. What he was doing with Crabtree and Bryant is no different than the recent connection he has made with Fort Worth Dunbar receiver Darius White, who has called him for advice in the recruiting process. White is considered by many to be the top receiver in the country and is considering Texas, Oklahoma and USC, among others, for college. And it’s no different than what he was doing during the holiday weekend at his Deion Sanders Prime Time Association Thanksgiving Football Classic at Everman High School, starting at 8 a.m. and featuring games among

teams ages 5 and up. “Working with kids is what I do,” Sanders said. “People don’t understand that. People think someone must have motives when they are in my position. This is a ministry for me. This is part of life for me. This is something I have always done. This is who I am.” Sanders puts his time in with the youth football league, not just his name. He enlisted the

help of former Cowboys teammates George Hegamin, Omar Stoutmire and Kevin Mathis to serve as coaches for his Truth football organization. They have flag football teams for ages 5 to 6 and tackle football teams for ages 7 to10. The tournament is sponsored by Under Armour, and all the kids were to get free cleats. “We are going to do what we do,” Sanders said. “My kids

range from all ethnicities. We have kids from the inner city of Dallas and (kids from) Highland Park. “It’s only reported about the high-profile kids. It’s a lot of guys without that namesake that are valuable as well.” Sanders acknowledges that he is disappointed that he has received so much negative criticism about his relationships with Crabtree and Bryant. He said he counsels far more players than

those two. He said he has no regrets about the Bryant situation because he said he didn’t do anything wrong. Sanders was honest with NCAA investigators about Bryant’s visit to his house. It wasn’t a violation, but Bryant was suspended by the NCAA for the rest of the season because he lied to investigators about it. Bryant has since decided to declare for the NFL Draft. “I didn’t do anything wrong,”

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Sanders said. “I can’t say I would do anything different. I’m OK with getting blamed for being honest. Anybody that knows me knows I don’t need to profit off a kid. I don’t need it. Most people don’t know these kids’ backgrounds and why I’m trying to help them. They don’t know me. They don’t know who I am or what I’m about. This is normal for me.” For more information, visit www.ptasports.org.

Page 6 Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Josh Pherigo

Views Editor ntdailyviews@gmail.com

Marijuana debate signals social shift Editorial

If legislation is passed later this month as expected, New Jersey will become the 14th state to allow patients to legally use medical marijuana as a treatment option for serious illness. The passage of the law would come 10 months after Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the federal government will cease drug raids in states in which medical marijuana is legal. As state legislatures continue to pass laws on the legality of medical marijuana, social acceptance of the drug has spread and seeped into an American culture that is increasingly characterized as morally apathetic toward its widespread use. The editorial board believes the actions of the Obama administration give voice to a rising tide of acknowledgment for legitimate debate. Combined with mounting public pressure, the sense of President Obama’s agenda swells with a political climate that beckons and even forecasts the decriminalization and eventual legalization of marijuana in the near future. Oaksterdam University became the first self-proclaimed Cannabis College when it opened in California in 2007. With campuses in Oakland, Los Angeles and North Bay, the institution aims to teach students how to “grow the best cannabis humanly possible.” Marijuana industry trade schools have been sprouting up across the country, and students have been lining up to receive the training. The institutions educate caregivers who will supply the medicinal marijuana to a limited number of patients, determined by state law. While California legalized medical marijuana in 1996, the number of supply shops in the state has dramatically increased over the past several years. In 2007, California had 183 “pot shops,” yet in 2009 the number had risen to more than 800. This is a dramatic increase, but it parallels the general attitude and actions of an administration that sits in stark opposition to the Bush policy of zero tolerance in enforcing federal drug laws. President Obama’s unabashed admittance that he once used drugs frequently, does not signal acceptance, but does send subtle tones of an unprecedented leniency toward a subject that has diminished in moral scrutiny in the minds of the American public over recent decades. More than 41 percent of Americans now say they support the legalization of marijuana, an increase from the 27 percent that supported the action 30 years ago. The current administration’s indications of support for the progression of marijuana out of the justice system and into the pharmacy represent real signs that legalization is well on its way.

Campus Chat

What would you say has been your favorite memory of this semester?

{ { {

“The first sculpture chair show was held in the North Gallery, and I was able to participate in it.”

Third parties gaining support If you are a seasoned voting vetera n you a re probably accustomed to the waning of political shifts. In t he 2008 elect ion, America witnessed an interesting political shift. The consta nt power struggle between Democrats and Republicans. is easy to fol low i f t he u n its of t h is power st r ug g le a re represented as pol it icia ns, a nd their numbers represented as observable data. The 2008 election, however, y ielded a d i f ferent set of numbers for political scientists to ruminate. The Gallup polling organization has kept measurements of party affiliation for decades, and when glancing upon the 2006-2009 numbers, we see a n a noma ly in t he two-party system. L i k e l y b e c a u s e of t he Republican Party’s partisan ca mpa ig n, GOP a f f iliat ion saw a sharp decline in the years leading up to the 2008 election. Republican Party affiliation fell from 44 percent in Januar y 2006 to 34 percent in April 2009. After seeing these numbers readers might be tempted, as I was, to assume that the 10 percent drop must have

greatly benefited Democratic Party affiliation in that same timeframe. Howe ver, t he nu mber s suggest something different. Democrat ic Pa r t y a f f i liat ion sat at 48 percent i n Ja nua r y 20 0 6, but had dropped to just 45 percent in May 2009. It’s no coi ncidence t hat during the same time period that saw mainstream party affiliation combine for a drop of 13 percent, independent pa r t y a f f i l iat ion saw a 12 percent increase. Political scientists explain this change in a number of ways. Some i nsist we see t h is sh if t because ma inst rea m pa r t ies a re becom i ng too polarized and extreme, and independent parties can host moderates. Others say that because the two parties are becoming too alike, ideologues are driven to independent parties who can cater to their beliefs. Chances are the shift was caused by a little of both. But regardless of its cause, I’m pleased by this shift. A two-party system is the closest our government can come to being legally tyrannical.

After all, what is a tyranny if not a democratic republic w it h on l y one choic e of party? In the past, independent parties have served only as a political barometer for the two major parties. If the Green Party gained members, each of t he t w p t rad it iona l pa r t ies wou ld become slig ht ly more liberal. If t he L iber ta r ia n Pa r t y gained membership, each of the two traditional parties would become slightly more conservative. Ef fect ively t hey were used to marginalize thems el ve s, pre empt i ng t h i rd pa r t y pol it ica l success by using increased membership as a sig n t hat cha nge was needed. Some would argue that this is politically beneficial as it keeps the two parties tied to what people want. A nd I’d buy t hat a rg ument if, more often than not, parties changed policy rather than politics as a response to independent party membership. Unfortunately, votes are generally won through rhetoric rather than legislation. W hen independents gain power, the speech writers are

alerted when it should be the policy-makers. In this peculiar case, independents have seen a steady rise for three years without being marginalized by both parties. I’m a f i r m bel iever t hat political exploration can only be good for a society. Understanding why something is right is more valuable t ha n bei ng told t hat something is right. I want to urge everyone to help continue this hea lthy trend. And if you are comfortable in your own political shoes, step out of them brief ly and take a look around. You might be surprised at what you find.

Morgan Booksh is a political science and economics freshman. He can be reached at MorganBooksh @ my.unt. edu.

Tax credit helps new homebuyers Imagine graduating, getting a job and starting a family a few years down the road. With the hopeful economy, debt-free financial aid and jobs waiting at every corner, ever y college graduate can do just that. Now wake up and remember t his is t he rea l world, t he economy is still in the dumps and college graduates should rea l ly ut i li ze ever y penny possible. Recently, President Barack Obama signed a bill into law e x t end i ng t he f i r s t-t i me homebuyers tax credit from the end of November until the end of April 2010. The homebuyers tax credit i s pa r t of T he A mer ic a n Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which, among ot her t h i ng s, a l s o g i v e s

money back for new vehicle purchases, unemploy ment benefits, and health coverage tax credit. With the tax credit extension, first-time homebuyers who qua lif y for t he credit a re able to receive up to $ 8,000 back on their ta xes — a promising attempt at the restoration of the ill-stricken economy. Of the 1.4 million first-time homebuyers this past year, realtors estimate that 350,000 of those buyers wouldn’t have bought their homes without the credit. The credit gives hope to newly weds, small families, and debt-stricken graduates who could use a few extra bucks to pay back that aid for books, dorm fees, and of course tuition for at least four years of schooling.

The average debt a student ca rries a f ter four yea rs of schooling ranges from $10,000 to $ 25,000. Depend ing on whether the school is public or private, — $8,000 could be a huge help in getting rid of those loans. Not only can purchasing a home g ive newly g raduated students a bulge in their wallets, but it also gives them a chance to establish credit and a permanent residence, rat her t ha n rent ing a new place ever y few months or so. The mountains of paperw o r k m a y s e e m o v e rwhelming, but in t he long run buy ing a home proves to be a positive investment. CNN Money estimates real estate return is at 8.6 percent and the prices of houses are still at an all-time low.

So here it is, one of t he best offers available to any y ou n g p e r s on . W h e t h e r you’ve already graduated or you’re about to, there’s no reason not to take advantage of a government freebie. Check out the government’s website at w w w.irs.gov for specific exemption information and deadlines.

Steph anie D aniel s i s a journalism senior. She can be reached at StephanieDaniels@ my.unt.edu.

L.T. Taylor

Sculpture senior

“I went wild boar hunting on Thanksgiving.”

Jon Triantafyllou Music senior

“Orientation, because it was fun and I made a lot of new friends.”

NT Daily Editorial Board

Viridiana Berumen

Fashion design sophomore

The Editorial Board includes: Andrew McLemore, Josh Pherigo, Shaina Zucker, Courtney Roberts, Brooke Cowlishaw, Kip Mooney, Abigail Allen, Sydnie Summers, Brianne Tolj, Christena Dowsett, Justin Umberson, and David Lucio

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Page 8 Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Justin Umberson

Sports Editor ntdaily.sports@gmail.com

Season ends as team drops fourth straight BY ERIC JOHNSON Senior Staff Writer

There was no happy ending to the Mean Green’s (2-10, 1-7) disappointing season Saturday night after a furious comeback came up short in a 30-26 loss. The four-point loss to Arkansas State University (3-8, 2-5) was the sixth time this season UNT lost by a touchdown or less. “It comes down to four or five plays, and we were not able to get it done in those situations enough times,” head coach Todd Dodge said. “That’s how close we are, about 25 points. I would never talk about coulda, woulda, shoulda, but they need to under-

stand how close we are.” UNT lost its top-two quarterbacks to injuries, and kicker Jeremy Knott’s kicking woes continued with a missed field goal and extra point that would ultimately be the difference in the game. In his final season as UNT’s placekicker, Knott, a computerengineering senior, made 10 of 15 field goal attempts, three of which were blocked. “There is a huge mental part of it with Jeremy, bless his heart,” Todd Dodge said. “We have worked on it and worked on it. When you get into a game, you have to be able to kick field goals

and extra points. We haven’t been able to execute.” Backed up on his own oneyard line, quarterback Riley Dodge, a histor y redshirt freshman, tried to make a play for the Mean Green, but his pass was intercepted and he broke his right arm trying to make the touchdown-saving tackle. Backup quarterback Nathan Tune, a business junior, stepped in and helped lead the Mean Green comeback, but he dislocated his shoulder trying to run in a two-point conversion that would have pulled the Mean Green within eight points. Those injuries left UNT

with only one option, Derek Thompson, who was three minutes from finishing his redshirt freshman season. The 6-foot-4-inch, 225 pound kinesiology major from Glen Rose, showed his ability to lead in his limited time, completing all three of his passes for 60 yards and a touchdown to pull the Mean Green within one score. “We hated to have to take the redshirt off of him, but at that point we had a chance to win and we needed to throw the ball,” Todd Dodge said. “Our defense had played so well down the stretch and we really wanted to reward them, and Derek went

in there and showed he has the ability to play at this level.” Running back Lance Dunbar, a sociology sophomore, finished off one of the most impressive seasons in school history with another 100-yard rushing game. The “Green Blur” grinded out 151 total yards in the game, including a 36-yard sprint for his 19th touchdown of the season. But it was the defense that was the star of this game for the Mean Green. After ASU built a 27-0 lead through the first

20 minutes, the defense shut down the Red Wolves offensive onslaught. UNT allowed three points in the final 40 minutes of the game and picked off ASU quarterback Ryan Aplin three times, including twice inside the UNT 20-yard line. “The defense did a great job bearing down when the pressure was on,” Todd Dodge said. “They did a great job forcing turnovers and really shut them down in the red zone.”


Receiver B.J. Lewis attempts to make a touchdown catch. UNT finished with a 2-10 record after Saturday’s 30-26 loss at Arkansas State University.

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