NT Daily 9-26-12

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

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Volume 100 | Issue 13


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Universities mark long collaboration A NDREW FREEMAN Staff Writer


Fry Street’s newest additions, Chipotle, Macdaddy’s and Potbelly, have siphoned some business from older restaurants.

Fry Street business fluctuates ELEANOR SADLER Staff Writer

Grand openings, new buildings and new businesses mean change. They mean new options for dining and fresh competition for established businesses. Fry Street’s newest additions

have disrupted the status quo at Denton eateries that have been around for years, business managers and employees said. New franchise businesses that opened earlier this month are starting to affect the older restaurants on Fry Street by

impacting sales and increasing property value, Jimmy John’s general manager Hiro Miyata said. “Customers have more choices, and business is more evenly distributed,” Miyata said. “They aren’t going to just one

place anymore.” The openings of Chipotle, Potbelly and MacDaddy’s near UNT campus has given students more options during lunch breaks.

See FRY on page 2

Oct. 12 will mark the 10-year anniversary of UNT’s collaborative partnership and friendship with the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México in Toluca, Mexico. To celebrate, 12 of the university’s administrators and professors, including its president, will visit Denton. “For UNT, this is a very i mp or t a nt pa r t n e r sh ip based on similarities within the school and friendship,” UAEM-UNT Academic Liaison Office Director Manuel Goël said. “We’re both willing to work at the same level.” A luncheon will be held at the Diamond Eagle Suite in the Union, and later that night, artwork brought over from UAEM will be set up for an exhibit at UNT on the Square. “We’ve had hundreds of trips, and many people know each other,” Goël said. “There is true friendship between us.” The two campuses share research in a huge number of fields. Although the focus is mainly on environmental science and biology, collaborative research in education, political science and even music has been growing. “I’ve been to Toluca, Mexico, five different times now,” said Bruce Hunter, acting director

“We’ve had hundreds of trips, and many people know each other.”

-Mauel Goel Academic Liaison Director

of the UNT Institute of Applied Sciences. “We’ve worked on waste water treatment, and I’ve taught several [Geographic Information Systems] courses.” Hunter is currently working on a project with a graduate student from UAEM. “Mexico is a fascinating place, and I have forged several personal friendships,” Hunter said. “They have many hardworking faculty and students over there.” Over the last 10 years, the two universities’ partnership has grown considerably because of similarities between the schools, including respective size. Goël said the partnership will continue to thrive. “We are looking at another 20 years,” he said. “We’re planning on larger projects, a greater number of exchanges and more faculty mobility.”

See MEXICO on page 2

Professors research, study whistle-blowing reactions NADIA HILL

Senior Staff Writer

Fou r U N T accou nt i ng professors recently conducted and presented the first ever resea rch st udy about how people perceive wrongdoers and the whistle-blowers who report misconduct. P r e v i o u s s t u d i e s h ave focused on the reporter or lawbrea ker, not t he t h i rdparty observer. “Whistle-blowing is a big dea l because a ver y sma l l amount of people do it,” said accounting professor Mar y Cu r t i s, a me m b e r o f t h e research team. “One of the reasons they don’t is a fear of retaliation from peers. We wanted to know why peers h ave a n opi n ion a nd why people ostracize.” Mary Curtis, Jesse Robertson, Cameron Cockrell and Dutch Fayard conducted the research from 2009 to 2010, using 139 anonymous students who read specific scenarios such as cheating on an exam or selling term papers, and then responded to them. Curtis and her colleagues measured the students’ reactions toward the wrongdoer and whistle-blower based on likeabilit y and non-con formance, or the level that the reporter adheres to societal norms. “We understand third-party perceptions come about but wanted to know how people influence these,” Curtis said. “Originally we thought likeability and non-conformance wou ld b e e qu a l ly i mp or-

“[Whistle-blowers] are rarely treated the same in society, even though they chose to do something right...”

-Philosophy Department Chair Trish Glazebrook

tant and only apply to the reporter.” Their research found pa r t ic ipa nt s were more willing to ost racize the repor ter t h a n t he w rongdo er, a nd l i keabi l it y a nd non-conformance were equal factors in judging both the reporter and wrongdoer. According to the report, fear of peer retaliation had nothing to do with whether or not reporting the act was the right thing to do. I n s t e ad, p e e r s fo c u s e d more on how much they liked the wrongdoer and the way t he reporter con for med to society. “People who whistle-blow are rarely treated the same in society, even though they chose to do something right and, in many cases, required by law,” sa id Accou nt i ng Department Chair Don Finn, a whistle-blower researcher. “In almost every case, whistleblowers are branded as being disloyal by coworkers.” Finn said that was notable, because in most cases, those who choose to turn a blind eye to wrongdoing should be deserving of criticism. The research sheds light on how people view ethical dilemmas. From WikiLeaks to movies

about the tobacco industry, whistle-blowing is an issue in business ethics and a societal phenomenon. “The wh istle-blower did their civic and public duty but are st ill out of a job,” Ph i losophy Depa rt ment Chair Trish Glazebrook said. “It’s often not people at the bottom of the barrel, either. It’s people who have access to more information and can see cover-ups.” Glazebrook said the way wh i st le -blower s a re of te n shunned seems to go against the ethical standards people strive to meet. “They become heroes but are outcast in their own line of work,” she said. The tea m subm it ted t he r e p o r t, p r e s e nt e d at t h e Ethics Research Symposium in August, to several journals for possible publication. Each tea m member a lso conducts separate research relating to ethics. “T he r e i s a n e nor mou s a mou nt of et h ica l responsibility embedded in every s i n g l e p r o f e s s i o n ,” Fi n n said. “We all have professional, ethical responsibilities, and from that perspective it becomes one of those i ng redients t hat makes us successful or not successful.”


For the Johnson family, their chickens have become more than just a source of fresh eggs. Their oldest son, Carlos, plays with the hens in their backyard Monday morning.

Denton takes look at urban poultry policy JASON YANG

Senior Staff Writer

Move over cats and dogs, a new flock of backyard pets might be coming to town. The Denton City Council plans to vote in the next few weeks on a new ordinance that could rework the rules of chicken ownership at homes in the city. The ordinance, if passed, would allow up to eight hens in a yard, and would reduce the current 150-foot limit between a coop and a neighbor’s yard to 50 feet. No ro o ste r s w i l l b e allowed because of the animals’ noisy habits. “The new ordinance is set up where it allows flexibility,” city councilman Dalton Gregory said. “If passed, we have coded

en forcement and a police department to enforce the rules.” De nton r e side nt Daw n Paradise first proposed the ordinance in 2010. The Paradise household has always lived in an environmentally friendly home setting. Her backyard has a large, raised garden bed and fruit trees, and the possibility of homeg row n orga n ic eggs e ncou rage d he r to pu sh for t h e n e w or d i n a n c e. As for the noise concern, Paradise said her neighbor’s dogs bark much louder than chickens, sometimes at 3 a.m. “The chickens eat bugs, weeds – and homegrown egg has a higher level of omega3s, so they’re significantly healthier than store-bought,” she said. “The lifestyle of

slaughterhouse chickens is abysmal for ethical and health reasons.” Gregory said the new ordinance would require residents interested in chicken ownership to register with the city. There won’t be any additional fees after registration, and the city will provide literature on keeping chicken odor to a minimum to be courteous to neighbors. Corinth homeowner Sandra Joh n son ow n s fou r hen s. Growing up in Philadelphia where urban birds are a rare sight, she wasn’t initially warm to the idea of keeping hens in her backyard. Seven months after taking in the chickens, her opi n ion has cha nged completely.

See HENS on page 2

Inside NAACP registers students to vote News | Page 2

Autism center selects artwork Arts & Life | Page 3

“Starving Artist” not that sad Views | Page 5


Page 2 Alex Macon and Holly Harvey, News Editors

Fry Continued from Page 1 Miyata said that sales have been down and lunches have been significantly slower at Jimmy John’s since the new restaurants have opened. “The business has been down since last year about 20 to 25 percent,” Pita Pit owner Tim Raiet said. “You are competing with national chains that are strong both inside town and next to college campuses.” Raiet said it’s hard to compete with the popularity of the new businesses because of the amount of national advertising they receive. Pita Pit is a franchise but is not as well-known as other restaurants on Fry Street, he said. Decreasing sales is not the only problem facing older restaurants near campus. The rising popularity of the area is causing increases in rent for other busi-

Mexico Continued from Page 1 Ideally, the partnership will open doors to con nections throughout the world. “We want to increase our commitments in Mexico with the help of UAEM,” Goël said. “Likewise, we want to use our university to help them increase their commitments here in America.” The two universities’ longstanding agreement to share a nd expa nd resea rch h a s allowed the schools to create

nesses. “The rent keeps going up because of the addition of new businesses, which are national chains,” Raiet said. Once the excitement of grand openings wears off, students may return to their old habits, returning some of the revenue to restaurants that have been there for years. Students are frequenting the new businesses because they’re fresh and unfamiliar, said regular Jimmy Joh n’s c u stomer Tyler Hatzenbuehler, a radio, television and film senior. He said once the shininess wears off, the students will strike a balance between new businesses and old. “As soon as Potbelly opened I know that I went there probably five to 10 times, and now, it’s not that I don’t want to go back - I just wore myself out on it,” Hatzenbuehler said. “Now I’m back into my Jimmy John’s thing.”

a close bond, Hunter said. “Mexico is faced with a lot of problems that UAEM is taking head-on,” he said. “They put their heart and soul into what they’re doing, and it’s been a pleasure helping t h e m a nd work i ng w it h them.” It’s what the two schools have accomplished together that is most important, Goël said. “We have had 10 years of a very productive friendship,” he said. “Which of course g ive s way to eve n mor e productive work.”

Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Chelsea Stratso Managing Editor .............................................Alex Macon Assigning Editor ............................................Holly Harvey Arts and Life Editor ........................................Brittni Barnett Sports Editor ...................................................Joshua Friemel Views Editor .................................................James Rambin Visuals Editor ....................................................James Coreas Multimedia Manager ....................................Daisy Silos Copy Chief ....................................................Jessica Davis Design Editor ..............................................Therese Mendez

Senior Staff Writers Ryne Gannoe, Ashley Grant, Marlene Gonzalez, Nadia Hill, Tyler Owens, Jason Yang

Senior Staff Photographers Michelle Heath, Zac Switzer

Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Taylon Chandler, Elisa Dibble


GAB Room 117 Phone: (940) 565-2353 Fax: (940) 565-3573


Continued from Page 1

Johnson said she doesn’t have to constantly feed the chickens because they eat weeds and bugs. Her kids and dog get along with the winged pets. The chickens clean themselves. The best part may be the chicken excrement, which doesn’t smell and fertilizes the lawn for free, she said. A day’s worth of her one dog’s waste is roughly equivalent to all of the chickens’ combined stools.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 ntdnewseditor@gmail.com

“Most importantly, there have been no noise complaints, and they wake up before 7:30 a.m. and sleep after 6:30 p.m.,” Johnson said. Resident Sandy Walk has been living in Denton since 1999 and does not welcome the idea of urban chickens. Walk said the chickens would create a raw smell and attract flies to a city that has enough of them. Even with restrictions, Walk said the idea still stunk. “Not to mention that there are already wild coyotes and raccoons wandering in the area,” she said. “It’ll only attract more of them.”

Did you know?

UNT center maps big and small A NDREW FREEMAN Intern

The Environmental Education, Science and Technology Building is home to more than just classrooms and offices, and many students spend time in special laboratories used for spatial mapping and remote sensing. At the Center for Spatial Analysis and Mapping, students use maps to analyze date about the world around them. “There are so many applications of remote sensing,” geography professor Pinliang Dong said. “In CSAM, students can work on many different course projects and thesis projects using computer software packages.” Much of the program’s work involves the analysis of land cover and how it affects water quality and quantity. “The Institute for Applied Science has a lot of interest in water conservation,” said Bruce Hunter, assistant director of the UNT Institute of Applied Science. “With remote sensing, we’ve done a lot of work in the upper Trinity Rivers, and have looked at soil erosion and how it is filling reservoirs.” Because of the vast amount of ways remote sensing can be used, it has become a very popular profession, Dong said. “A couple of years ago, the U.S. Department of Labor identified geospatial technology, along with nanotechnology and biotechnology, as one of the three most important high-growth technologies,” he said. “It’s a hot topic in the job market.” Many graduate students who spend time in the center go on to take jobs that involve Geographic


The UNT Center for Remote Sensing, led by Bruce Hunter, uses satellite imagery and fieldwork to do research. This satellite image is part of a study analyzing large-scale, wild-end fire risks in Denton, Tarrant, Parker and Wise counties. Information Systems [GIS]. “What interests me the most about GIS are the great job prospects,” applied geography master’s student Jesse Jones said. “But also I love being able to create maps that can facilitate so much information in so many different fields.” To help students prepare for the job market, CSAM operates two student laboratories, both with more than 20 computers, and a research laboratory with 10 computers, and offers a sixcourse GIS certification process. “We want our students to understand the physical principles of remote sensing first, such as spectral properties and satellites, and then they can move on to image analysis in visible, infrared and microwave spectra,” Dong said. “Only then can they ask, ‘How do I

extract the information using this computer?’” He said remote sensing is often misunderstood and its potential is underestimated. “We just simply take remote sensing for granted because it’s been with us for so long,” Hunter said. “However, it’s used internationally to view the changes and problems we wouldn’t be able to observe without it.” Using this technology, it’s possible to gather information on objects both large and small. “Because you are using remote sensing, you can zoom in to see small objects, or zoom out to see the weather and its patterns,” Dong said. “It can go from a kilometer scale, to a sub-meter scale, to even a centimeter scale.” Remote sensing, and the CSAM, is important because it

creates a surplus of information about the physical world that can be observed and then shared. “GIS and remote sensing is so fascinating because of what it allows you to do,” urban development senior Michael Wiley said. “You’re taking data, and you’re displaying it for everyone to see.” Whether comparing a city’s urban growth from 1980 to 2010 or observing natural disasters such as the damage assessment after the earthquake in Haiti, remote sensing is there to help scientists observe the world, and the CSAM is there to prepare those future scientists. “It’s a lot of fun. I mean, boy is it exciting,” Hunter said. “Looking at the world from above is just a remarkable experience, and it’s great to be able to share it.”

Group registers students to vote MICHAEL FELDER

Contributing Writer

UNT’s National Association for t he Adva n ce me nt of Colored People chapter set up a table outside the Union on Tuesday a fter noon for National Voter Registration Day, registering students for

the upcoming presidential election. UNT NAACP, which has reg istered more t ha n 400 new voters this semester, is one of many organizations taking part in the new national initiative to sign up American voters. UNT NAACP president Celeste Graham, a history senior, believes the national day of pol it ica l out reach arrived right on time. “I think more people are paying attention to politics because it’s a national election,” Graham said. “We want all UNT students to be more politically and socially active, not just African-Americans.” UNT NAACP has created a campus-wide initiative, “Sleep Here, Vote Here,” to get more students registered for the election. Graham said that everyone should exercise h is or her right to vote. “For a long time, people of color, especially AfricanAmericans, weren’t allowed to vote,” she said. “We had to fight for this.” Computer science junior Reese Alvarez, a first-time voter who registered Tuesday, said he was excited to participate in the political process. “We need to vote to find


History senior Celeste Graham, president of UNT NAACP, helps fashion design sophomore Rakim Sims and computer science junior Reese Alvarez register to vote outside the Union on Tuesday afternoon. someone who’s good for our country,” Alvarez said. Fashion design sophomore Rakim Sims also registered at the UNT NAACP’s table. “The best candidate should win, and for that to happen, we need to get out and vote,” he said. “If you have something you want to change in the world, and you don’t vote, then you don’t have anything to say.” Graham and other NAACP

members are currently planning a march from UNT to polling stations downtown to ensure that no one will be left out. “It’s not a game to me, and it shou ld n’t b e to a nyone else,” she said. The deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 6 election is Oct. 9. More information about voter registration can be found at www.votetexas.gov.

Arts & Life

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Brittni Barnett, Arts & Life Editor

Page 3 NTDailyArtsLife@gmail.com

New autism center selects pieces of art E RIK A L A MBRETON Staff Photographer

Discarded pages of magazines, unused strips of wallpaper and Kleenex box prints are items that would typically be found in the garbage, but one young artist repurposes these items to make original works of art. Grant Manier is a 17-yearold a r t i s t w it h aut i s m . Manier’s art, made of recycled materials, was recently purchased by the UNT Art i n Public Places prog ra m and will be placed inside the Kristin Farmer Autism Center, which officially opened its doors on Sept. 19. “We were wanting art that was welcoming and warm and inviting,” Autism Center Exe cut ive Di re ctor Kev i n Callahan said. “[Art] that made people feel hopeful about being in this building.” The Kristin Farmer Autism Center, a research and autism care facility, set aside one percent of its total budget for the purchase or commission of original art as part of the university’s Art in Public Places program. The program, which started in 2009, consists of a committee made up of art professionals in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, student representatives and

UNT faculty members. The committee meets with an advisory group from the specific site to discuss the space and the type of art they would like to see hanging on their walls, said Robert Milnes, dean of the College of Visual Arts and Design. After the budget has been discussed the committee then turns to the artist registry, a free online program where a r t i st s, i nc lud i ng profe s sion a l a r t i st s, nonprofe ssional artists and students, can create a free profile to showcase their work. Their work is then considered for purchase for various projects around campus. The prog ram is also currently working on projects at Sage Hall, Willis Library and Discovery Park, among other locations, said Victoria DeCuir, assistant director of exhibitions and collections for the UNT Art Gallery. It is a n orga n i zed a nd systematic way to continue to collect fine artworks for locations throughout UNT, DeCuir said. For the center, artists who were either on the autism spectrum or had strong ties to autism were given preference thanks to the UNT committee a nd t he VSA of Texas, a

nonprofit advocacy organization focused on helping artists with disabilities. Nearly a dozen original artworks were chosen from different artists, including Manier, for the center and will soon be on display for the public. Ma n ier, a long wit h h is mother and manager Julie Coy, created a profile on the artist registry website. T he com m it tee chose Ma n ier ’s or ig i n a l pie ce s, which focus on butterflies, UNT Art Gallery Director Tracee Robertson said. “I think they’re inspiring,” Rob e r t s on s a id. “Gra nt ’s dedication and vision and creativity are qualities that will benefit the center and its vision.” M a n i e r ’s e c o - f r i e n d l y artwork was purchased for $6,000. He said he would use the money to buy a new Xbox game system, invest some of the money into his art-making business and help purchase a house for his mother. For more information about the Kristin Farmer Autism Center visit autism.unt.edu. For more information about Grant Manier’s eco-friendly artwork visit grantsecoart. com.

PHOTO BY TYLER CLEVELAND/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Detail of Grant Manier’s paper collage and painting, “Poof Butterfly,” seen Sunday at the Kristin Farmer Autism Center. Manier, 17, has Asperger’s syndrome and has experienced the repetitive behavior of tearing paper since age six. He started the business Paint By Paper after creating a collage for a school history project in 2010.

PHOTO BY TYLER CLEVELAND/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Grant Manier, 17, describes his paper collage and painting “Poof Butterfly” to Kevin Callahan, executive direct of the Kristin Farmer Autism Center, after delivering the art Sunday at the center.

Shooting spurs “Songs of the Superhero” project K ELSEY CHIPPEAUX Intern

PHOTO BY MICHELLE HEATH/SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Connor Veteto and Eric Daino of the Boombachs play at the Denton Blues Festival. The band plans to record a song for music freshman Brandon Maahs’ project “Songs of the Superhero,” which will benefit victims of the Aurora, Colo., shooting that took place in July.

In an attempt to help those affected by the shooting in Aurora, Colo., in July, music fresh man Brandon Maahs and fellow musicians have teamed up for the “Songs of the Superhero” project. The group of music lovers is working together to write and produce a series of songs that is steadily releasing onto iTunes and Spotify. All of the proceeds from the songs will be sent to help the families of the victims of the Aurora shooting. “At first [the shooting] was one of those things that just really bums you out when you hear about it,” Maahs said. “But you don’t really know what to do.” However, everything became more real for Maahs when he found out that a friend of a friend was present at the shooting. Mere chance and a couple degrees of separation were all it took to open his eyes to exactly how many people were affected by the tragedy, Maahs said. So he sat down with a few fellow musicians and decided to do something about it. “We’re just a bunch of young composers who like to write music,” Maahs said. “But we decided it would be cool if we made a kind of charity album. The idea was initially mine, but so much of the work and the thought that went into this came from the other members and musicians, and the whole thing just fell into place.”

They decided on a superhero theme, in reference to “The Dark Knight Rises,” whose movie premiere is where the shooting took place. Soon after the project started, people began coming forward with ideas for songs of various genres including pop, ballads and symphonies. This eclectic mix of songs represents the spirit of the project, showing that anyone can make a difference using their talent, Maahs said. “It went from just a few of us sitting around saying, ‘This bad thing happened, what can we do?’ to this huge project incorporating upwards of 50 musicians,” Maahs said. “And it makes you realize it doesn’t just take politicians and scientists and that very limited category of people to make an effect on society. Artists can make just as big an effect as anybody.” Two weeks after its conception, the project had released four songs and made about $200, he said. “It was such a wonderful thing to realize we could do some good to help these families that were suffering,” said Robyn White, lyricist and singer of the song “Heroes” on

the “Songs of the Superhero” soundtrack. “And not just that but to also help break people’s mindset that modern music just means teen angst and alcohol, and help them realize that it can actually have a truly positive effect on the world. I think that’s incredible.” The project has even reached the popular local band the BoomBachs. “We plan to record an original song for the project called ‘The Fighters,’” BoomBachs keyboardist Matt Westmoreland said. “We’re all about helping people, and we’re quick to get involved with anything that has to do with it.” The immediate and widespread support of the cause has meant a lot to all the musicians, Maahs said. “This project has just been one of those experiences where you get to see that sometimes people really don’t just sit back and say, ‘Oh, that sucks,’” Maahs said. “The world is full of people who are willing to say, ‘I don’t know what you need me for, but let me help.’ And that in itself has been its own reward.” To find out more about the project, visit www.songsofthesuperhero.org.


Page 4 Joshua Friemel, Sports Editor

Mentor, pupil coexist as setters on Mean Green volleyball team Volleyball BRETT MEDEIROS Staff Writer

For Division I volleyball teams, having a two-setter rotation can be beneficial, depend i ng on t he tea m’s roster. UNT h a s fou nd a way to play with two setters to a l low head coach Ken Murczek to put taller players and high jumpers on the front line, taking advantage of the team’s size at the net and putting the smaller setters in the backcourt ever set. H av i ng t wo s e t t e r s i s directly correlated to UNT being a top-25 team in blocks per set. Fueled by fire As the lone senior on the UNT volleyball team, setter May Allen has earned the respect of her teammates. “When May [Allen] steps on to the court, the team just plays so hard,” assistant coach Sarah Rumely said. “She is the senior, the team respects her, and she has put in a lot of work to get the team to where they are today.” This is not the first time that Allen has had to split time with another setter. Last season she was No. 2, behind t he now-g raduated Kayla Saey, a second team all-Sun Belt player and at one point a top-25 setter in the nation. “Everyone loves to play all the time, but for our team we are way more successful with this system,” Allen said. “It helps us with the substitution of more hitters throughout, instead of having just one person always in a specific


Timeout with T.O.: Conference change a short-term fix Opinion

spot.” When Allen is on the court, her senior leadership kicks in. “There is certainly a natural leadership aspect to the setter position that the players have to have,” Murczek said. “May [Allen] is fiery on the court, you can tell she is a senior and her confidence shows.” Playing the setter position for most of her life has made into a team mentor of younger players who could possibly take her position when she leaves after this season.


Senior Staff Writer

Waiting in the wing While Allen holds the reins as the sen ior member and more prom i nent set ter on the team, sophomore Camille “Cami” Cherry is learning from Allen how to play the position at a collegiate level. Cherry, a transfer out of the University of Indianapolis, may be behind Allen on the depth chart for this season, but she sa id t he lea r n i ng experience is beneficial. “I love it here at UNT, I love everything about it,” Cherry said. “I certainly have learned a lot from May [Allen], so I can take what she has taught me and apply it on the court.” In Cherry’s first season with the Mean Green, playing at a position that thrives on leadership can be difficult at times. But the team isn’t wor ried about t hat aspect with Cherry. “It i s i nt e r e s t i n g h ow two players who have such different playing styles can have the same impact on the game when they step on the court,” sophomore outside hitter Ebony Godfrey said.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Even though they play the same position, senior setter May Allen and sophomore Camille Cherry (pictured) bring different skill sets to the court. Both are vital to the team’s success. “Cami is silent but deadly out there. There is nothing to worry about.” I n prac t ice a nd on t he cou r t, C h e r r y t a k e s a ny advantage she can in learning from Allen while Allen is still in school. Both Allen a nd Cherr y have proven this season to be valuable assets to the team, but the raw and athletic style of Cherry has the coaches excited about what the future

holds. “Moving for ward in the spring, I am looking for her [C her r y] to r u n t he tea m and be the lead setter here,” Murczek said. “It is always n ice to h ave comp e t it ion with in a team for playing time.” Cherry has proved to be more than ready to come out of Allen’s shadow. This season she has 321 assists, just 12 assists behind Allen.

Next season, the Mean Green will make the muchanticipated jump from the Sun Belt to Conference USA, but for the football program, that jump may not be as helpful as people think. If UNT wants to move up to a conference where it can immediately contend for a conference football championship, this move will benefit the Mean Green. But if UNT is looking to move to a more competitive conference and improve the program’s reputation over time, it may be headed to the wrong place. Contrary to popular belief, C-USA is not a better football conference than the Sun Belt. In fact, four weeks into this season, C-USA has been considerably worse. The SBC, C-USA and the Mountain West Conference are the worst three conferences in the Football Bowl Subdivision right now, with C-USA being the worst with a 12-30 overall record. Last season, C-USA member Houston stomped opponents week after week and garnered some national championship attention before losing to Southern Mississippi in the conference championship. Southern Miss and Houston both finished last season ranked in the top-25 in the nation, and this season they are combined for a 0-6 record. While C-USA is on the decline, the SBC is on the rise. The SBC has gained national attention this season. In week two, the University

of Louisiana at Monroe put itself on the map when it upset No. 8 Arkansas. In the two weeks since, ULM lost TYLER in overtime to OWENS Auburn and lost by five points to Baylor. Western Kentucky gained some national attention of its own when it upset Kentucky on a trick play in overtime in the third week of the season and rocked Southern Miss 42-17 on Saturday. On top of this, in head-to-head matchups this season, the SBC leads 4-1. Granted, the Mean Green is not moving to C-USA in only football next season, but, truth be told, a school will receive national attention based on what conference it is a part of. And that’s not just the football program, that’s the entire university. Think about it. Is Texas Tech a better academic university than UNT? No way. Do more people know where Texas Tech is compared to UNT? Absolutely. That is because Texas Tech is better at football and plays in the Big 12 Conference instead of the SBC or C-USA. This being said, it is still a step in the right direction for UNT to move to C-USA, because it will draw more fans when UNT plays geographically relevant teams like Rice, the University of Texas-San Antonio, Tulsa, Tulane and Louisiana Tech. At this point, if drawing fans, selling tickets and winning games are the short-term goals for the Mean Green, the conference move will prove beneficial, but C-USA will not bring long-term success to the program.


Diving coach Jim Pyrch has been a part of the Mean Green swimming and diving team for five years. Pyrch’s coaching experience ranges from coaching at Yale to working with the U.S. National Diving Team.



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Pyrch brings national experiences to team Profile DAVE CARSON Intern

Even though he may not look like an average collegiate coach, head diving coach Jim Pyrch has improved the level of diving of the Mean Green divers in the Sun Belt Conference and the NCAA Diving Championships. Pyrch has an impressive resume as a diving coach who has worked with USA National Diving team in international competition and spent 12 years at Yale University. He was twice named as the National Diving Coach of the Year in 1987 and 1993. “I started swimming in the ocean, and I saw a diving board there and started bouncing around, and I really enjoyed it,” Pyrch said.

But his coaching career may have come to fruition by accident. Shortly after joining his high school swimming and diving team, his coach left the team for an unknown reason, and he began coaching himself. During his collegiate career, Pyrch was a diver for Southern Connecticut State University and worked part time as a diving coach for various country clubs in the area. After being hired five years ago by UNT, Pyrch has led several divers to break school records in the short time he has been the head coach. He also serves as a father figure to senior diver Delia Covo. “I call him my ‘dad away from home,’” Covo said. “He is very understanding, and he has a daughter our age so he knows what we are going through.”

Pyrch’s daughter, Mikaela, is a sophomore at George Washington University. Her main focus out of the pool is chemistry. Pyrch and his wife of 21 years, Krissa, have another child named Austin. He enjoys water polo and swimming while attending Billy Ryan High School. Pyrch’s pedigree and reputation as a diving coach had enough influence to convince junior diver Chelsea Jordon to transfer from rival Western Kentucky to UNT in order to be closer to home. “I came to UNT because Jim already knew me and the minor flaws that I have,” she said. “But he coaches me in a way that make me more confident.” With the amount of success the diving team has experienced recently, it’s no accident that Pyrch is in the middle of it all.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012 James Rambin, Views Editor

Page 5 ntviewseditor@gmail.com

Staff Editorial Campus Chat Starving artists aren’t hungry after college

What do you think of the NFL replacement refs this season?

“I’m not a watcher of the NFL, but I believe the Cowboys should’ve kept the old [referees.]”

Chris Green

If you’re currently plugging away at one of UNT’s many science degree plans, you’ve probably taken some pride in the fact that your major is a superior investment. Graduates of the hard sciences statistically rake in larger starting salaries than their academic brethren, and the general stereotype remains that achieving a degree in science, as well as similarly technical fields like engineering, mathematics or even finance, is a quick pathway to economic success and a fulfilling career. At the same time, students preferring to pursue a major in fine arts often face derision and skepticism about the viability and financial stability of their post-graduation futures.

Photography senior

“The last Cowboys game was a good representation on how they don’t know how to make the right calls. They need to bring the old ones back.”

Aiden Barret

Radio, television and film freshamn

“It’s unfotunate that the NFL is placing their profit over the welfare of the referees. Hopefully the controversy gaining attention gives the original referees more of a chance to gain what they’re fighting for.”

Jared Perkins

Political science graduate student

“College refs do not know proper procedures and do not have an adequate amount of experience to make calls for the NFL.”

Rachel Badiru

Nursing freshman

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The Editorial Board and submission policies: Chelsea Stratso, Alex Macon, Holly Harvey, Brittni Barnett, Joshua Friemel, James Rambin, Jessica Davis, James Coreas, Therese Mendez, Daisy Silos. The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflect the beliefs of the NT Daily. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an e-mail to ntviewseditor@gmail.com

Artists are often typecast as perpetually unemployed, brooding figures of tragedy – either willing to sacrifice their mental health for the sake of their work or just filled with regret about their unfortunate choice of major. But should we believe these gloomy prospects? Last summer, a survey conducted by the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project revealed that these broad strokes of conventional wisdom don’t necessarily tell the whole story. The first surprising conclusion of this survey, which included responses from more than 13,000 fine arts graduates, is that only four percent of arts alumni are currently unemployed. That’s about half the national average for unemployment. This data flies in the face of stereo-

types, and it’s such a drastic departure that we may be forced to retire the word “hippie” as a slur altogether. You might be tempted to scoff at these figures – after all, maybe these arts grads are all just slinging coffee at Starbucks, and they probably still hate their lives. The only thing holding them back from a tragic, early demise is selling out, right? Fortunately, the statistics just don’t add up with this assumption. In fact, more than two-thirds of those currently employed arts graduates report high satisfaction with their jobs, as well as a satisfaction with the level of creativity these jobs allow. This remains true whether their career path is in the arts or a completely

different field. The one stereotype that continues to ring true among arts graduates is that their salaries, on average, are considerably lower than many of their peers in science and business. But it’s clear that those seeking an artistic career aren’t motivated completely by money, and that’s a lesson we might want to consider before looking down on the “free spirits” around campus. That being said, the human genome wasn’t sequenced through interpretive dance, and you certainly can’t build a particle accelerator with paint – so let’s just try to give every degree path on this campus the respect it deserves and call it a day.


University message Highway’s speed limit makes doesn’t speak to everyone safety a blur

The office of President Rawlins recently sent out a bulk email to the UNT community with the headline: “Mean Green Pride – We’re All In!” I have to wonder at the public relations team that chose that exact phrase. It can be read any of three ways, each problematic, and the question of intent must be asked. Firstly, it can simply mean that we as the UNT community are all in the effort to be proud of the university’s work. It uses explicit sports language to bolster this idea. The email also references community service and cooperation with the larger Denton community on projects that affect all of us. These are laudable goals, but they don’t address UNT’s core mission: to become a Tier One research institution. It also doesn’t take into consideration that some students genuinely don’t care. Secondly, the phrase can be read to refer to the school’s efforts at “going green.” Though not directly referred to in the email, it’s a longstanding campaign at UNT to be as eco-conscious as possible. Sadly, these efforts have been largely ineffective or counterproductive. The wind turbines alone are, in my opinion, a serious boondoggle that cost the school money and energy on days without enough wind to move them. Worse, the companies contracted for recycling have known histories of inefficiency, waste and causing more waste production than they cancel out. Recycling is counterproductive in the long run, and we should be moving toward things that can be reused with little or no turnaround work.

Lastly, the phrase can be read as a reference to the GLBTQ “pride” movement. Not every GLBTQ person identifies with “pride,” and relatively few heterosexuals do. Further, the idea of being “in” just extends and valorizes the idea of being “in the closet.” More generally, one can be “in the closet” in religious, ethnic, political or any other fashion that impinges upon identity. In historical terms, even identifying as “gay” is just one way of expressing homosexuality. We all know the intent of what the email had to say. It’s obvious due to its social context. But the fact that UNT and Rawlins let this message go out without a more vigorous review process is just another sign to me that the administration is acting without really thinking things through. As we all know, words have consequences, even in a free-speech society. The president can send out whatever notes he likes, but I wish he’d proof them better.

J. Holder Bennett is a history Ph.D. student. He can be reached at jasonbennett2@my.unt.edu.

Many Texas drivers drive by the courtesy rules of the highway. The right lane is for those who drive the speed limit, the middle lane is five to 10 miles an hour faster and the speed limit in the left lane can go up to infinity. We can all relate to the frustration of being in a hurry and ending up stuck behind a slow driver, and the Texas legislature has an idea on how to fix it. In November, Texas drivers will see a speed limit of 85 mph on the 41-mile long Highway 130 toll road east of I-35 between Austin and San Antonio, the fastest highway speed in Texas. Some Texas drivers are looking forward to the new limit. Being able to tear down the highway, avoid traffic on I-35 and shave time off the trip sound like benefits. But with faster speeds comes more concern. T h e Te x a s D e p a r t m e nt o f Transportation says that the road is safe based on its topography, but refuses to comment further on the issue. But a 2009 American Journal of Public Health report stated more than 12,500 deaths were the result of increasing speed limits during 1995 and 2005. “The research is clear that when speed limits go up, fatalities go up,” said Russ Rader, a spokesman for the nonprofit Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Why raise the speed limit on the toll road? Are Texas lawmakers really concerned with how fast drivers complete their trip, or does it come down to making money? The toll road operator and the state

had a deal. Texas can collect $67 million, but only if the speed limit is 80 mph. At the rate of 85 mph, the state can now rake $100 million. “We must look for innovative ways to generate revenue and be of good stewards of taxpayer dollars,” TxDOT spokeswoman Veronica Beyers said. The new toll road will bring in more money, but the tradeoff is far too high. Even the most cautious drivers can have blowouts, distractions and car trouble. And if the driver in front of you is going to lose a tire, you don’t want to be barreling towards them at 85 mph. All of Texas will be watching to see how this new toll road handles the speed and whether similar higher limits will be placed on other highways throughout Texas. If that is the case, we might as well start calling the lanes Speed Racer, NASCAR and Death Trap.

Lauren Williamson is a journalism junior. She can be reached at laurenwilliamson90@gmail.com.

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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis



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