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Junior running back’s 122 yard performance earns him Athlete of the Week

page 8 Thursday, September 30, 2010

News 1, 2 Arts & Life 3, 4 Sports 5, 8 Views 6 Classifieds 7 Games 7

Volume 96 | Issue 21

Sunny 85° / 58° The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

UNT chosen to win Sun Belt Basketball earns preseason honors

Grant provides money for training BY TAYLOR JACKSON Staff Writer

BY SEAN GORMAN Senior Staff Writer

After winning the Sun Belt Conference and returning to the NC A A Tournament last year, the UNT men’s basketball team turned many heads and received attention from all over the nation. The Blue Ribbon College Basketball Yearbook certainly took not ice, select i ng t he Mean Green to repeat as Sun Belt West Division champions while recognizing some of its players. “It’s a good feeling that we were selected to win the division for the second straight yea r, but it doesn’t mea n any t hing unless we go out there and compete all season,” senior guard Josh White said. “I’m more focused on t he season ahead of us than the preseason awards we win.” W hite was chosen as the conference’s preseason MVP while senior forward George Odufuwa joined White on the All-Conference Team. “It really is a honor for me because there are so many great players in this league but the key this year is to get back to the NCAA Tournament and advance,” Odufuwa said. “Last year felt good, but there was a sour taste in our mouths when we lost t hat game to Kansas State.” Leading UNT in scor ing w it h 14.5 points per ga me and making the All-Sun Belt Third Team last season, White i s t he prog ra m’s a l l-t i me leader in free throws made percentage. “My mission as a player is to help the team w in so as long as we build off of last season’s success I’ll be happy,” White said. “It’s a good feeling to be selected as t he M V P, but preseason awards mean nothing in the long run.” Odufuwa led the league in



The Blue Ribbon College Basketball Yearbook chose the Mean Green basketball team to repeat as Sun Belt West Division champions and recognized senior guard Josh White and senior forward George Odufuwa on the All-Conference Team. rebounding at 10.7 rebounds a ga me a nd averaged 11.5 points per game, finishing as one of 20 NCA A players to average a double double. “The team is really excited t o ge t b a c k out t her e,” Odufuwa said. “We believe we have the players to make great things happen this season.”

Last season the Mean Green strung together 11 straight wins en route to a NCAA tournament birth, defeating Troy 66-63 to win its second conference title in four years. A nnua l favorite Western Kentucky was selected to win t he Sun Belt East Div ision while Troy was selected to

finish in last place a year after making the conference finals. The Trojans lost all five of their senior starters after last season. The Mean Green will kick off the season in an exhibition home contest aga inst Henderson State on Nov. 12 at the Super Pit.

T he Nat iona l Science Foundation gave UNT $750,000 to continue training teachers for the next five years. The grant provides money for the UNT Science and Mathematics Robert Noyce Schola rships, which a re intended to increase the number of teachers in the areas of secondary and middle school math and science by supplying senior undergraduate students, career changers and graduate students with money for school-related expenses. “[ T he NSF suppor t s ] research but also want[s] to fund teachers to maintain future research,” said Joan Prival, the foundation’s program director of the Math and Science Partnership Program. “We want to increase the scientific workforce.” UNT was awarded $500,000 for the same purpose in 2005. For UNT to get the first grant in 2005, it had to submit propos a l s, w h ich were reviewed by peers. Then the proposals were rated based on their merits and other schools applying. The foundation has the final say over all funding and chooses the schools based on proposal ratings and the schools, Prival said. The idea of the grant is to help prepare students to teach since math and science require more preparation and experience than other subjects, Prival said. “NSF wants to elevate the prestige of teaching as a profession by making the program very selective,” Prival said. The new grant is considered a Phase Two award. UNT had to reapply for the second grant instead of it being a continued grant, said Colleen Eddy, assistant professor of mathematics education. Phase Two grants are difficult to get, with only four to

six Phase Two grants awarded to universities per year from the 36 to 40 awards given out, she said. UNT’s Phase One, which began in 2005, helped 49 students graduate to become teachers in troubled areas. The grant requires two years of service for every year of scholarship, causing some students to worry about getting stuck in teaching for two years. “I think it’s good,” said Lindsay Weaver, a math junior, about the program. “It’s just, it seems like you get yourself kind of … in … a sticky situation if you don’t end up teaching.” Because UNT only gives the grant to seniors, they are required to teach for two years following graduation, Eddy said. The Phase Two award is aimed to assist 55 students graduating from UNT to teach in the next five years, she added. The applications are due by Nov. 1, and the requirements are specific. “The student has to be a math or science major and must be a senior by January when the award is given,” Eddy said about the admissions process. Beginning Nov. 1, an advisory board of professors and district personnel will review applications. After they go through the applications, the board will interview potential scholarship candidates. The universit y awards $11,000 to students, $10,000 in tuition and school expenses and $1,000 in a math or science teacher resource kit. The grant is different from most teaching programs, though, with regular followups by the board to determine teacher retention and with no strict requirements to teach for longer than two years, Eddy said. For more information about the grant, visit nsf.gov.

Concert hall reopens with new look, sound, name UNT completes $6.4 million renovation in Music Building BY BERENICE QUIRINO Staff Photographer

T he newly renovated concert ha ll in t he Music Building will once again be filled with music, but with better acoustics. The hall, renamed the Paul Voertman Concert Hall, will have preview performances starting Friday. T he demol it ion a nd construction process began in Febr ua r y a nd cost $ 6.4 million. Jim Scott, the dean of the College of Music, said ever y t h i ng, i nclud i ng t he roof, is new. The original lighting, set up in t he 1960s when t he concert hall first opened, was still there, he said, and all the chairs squeaked, “especially in the quiet parts,” of the music. “It w a s rea l ly old a nd needed to be repaired,” said Meredit h Hea la n, a music senior. Nathan Hodgson, a music

one of the first to make sophomore, is enthuprivate donations to the sia st ic about t he university. changes. “ [ Vo e r t m a n ] h a s “ I t ’s a w e s o m e ,” a lways been ver y Hodgson said. generous,” Scott said. “Everyone’s going to Starting in October, have a good space to there will be prev iew practice and play in.” performances and a free Bot h Scot t a nd t h ree-pa r t inaug u ra l G eorge Papich, t he concert series Nov. 3, director for chamber Nov. 5 and Nov. 7. music studies, agreed The first night w ill the acoustics were a be a mi x of students major improvement. a nd fac u lt y play i ng Papich said they were A mer ica n cha mber “almost perfect,” and music spa n n i ng t he they will give the hall last 300 years, Papich “a different f lavor.” s a id . T he Na t ion a l “ We’v e t r i e d t o Endowment for the Arts push our limits and will fund the concert have had d i f ferent w ith a $20,000 grant, t y pes of groups like according to the nea. the One O’ Clock Lab org website. Band and even an a T he second n ig ht, cappella group sing Papich said, will feature to test out the sound,” music from Jake Heggie, Scott said. t he composer of t he T h e Vo e r t m a n opera “Moby-Dick” and Concert Hall now has PHOTO BY BERENICE QUIRINO/STAFF PHOTORAPHER artist-in-residence. The adjustable pa nels final night of the series for t he acoust ics to The Paul Voertman Concert Hall will seat as many as 380 people for smaller performances, like student and faculty recitals. will be a faculty recital accom modate t he d i f ferent t y pes of per for- Performing Arts Center is so the ha ll a better space for Voertman, the original owner and will kick off with a large ma nces t hat w i l l be held large, it makes sense to have student and faculty recitals of Voertma n’s Book Store, fanfare. Scott said the Voertman a smaller performance hall, and more efficient in accom- because he has been one of there. Denton’s distinguished resi- Concert Hall will host more modating smaller crowds. The revamped hall will host Scott said. T he col lege decided to dents for years, Scott said. performances than any other The seating in the hall went smaller performances. S i n c e t h e Mu r c h i s o n from 625 chairs to 380, making na me t he ha l l a f ter Pau l He said Voertman was also space on campus.


Page 2 Abigail Allen & Josh Pherigo News Editors

Thursday, September 30, 2010 ntdailynews@gmail.com

Society honors chemistry professor SGA begins work Prof uses passion for research in teaching BY T.S. MCBRIDE Staff Writer

A UNT chemistry professor w i l l b e honor e d b y t he American Chemical Society for t he second t ime in as many years next March. Last year, professor Wes Borden was named a fellow of the society. This year he has won the James Flack Norris Awa rd in physica l orga nic chemistry. The award is given to scientists who have made a significant contribution to chemistry research. “I’m del ig hte d for me, needless to say,” Borden said. “Even if I was independently wealthy, this is exactly what I would do with my life. This is frosting on the cake.” The award honors research, not teaching achievements. Recipients get a $5,000 prize and a certificate. Borden w i l l at tend a sy mposiu m a nd awa rds dinner from March 27 to 31 in Anaheim, Calif., where he’ll give a speech. He compared the society’s awards to the Oscars. He likened the award to “best supporting actor in a foreign film.” “We are all ver y pleased and delighted with Wes’ new recog n it ion,” sa id A ngela Wilson, a chemistry professor and society fellow. “It is well deserved.” Borden received not ice from the society that he won last month, but he also knew beforehand t hat he’d been nom i nated. In a pract ice he said is commonplace, he

asked a colleague to nominate him — in t his case a for mer Cor nel l professor a nd James Flack Norris Aw a rd w i n ner named Barry Carpenter. “We knew each ot he r f r om t he literature,” Borden s a id . “ T he w a y scientists usually get to know each other is by meeting each other at meetings or by reading. T hen I gave a seminar at Cornell, a nd t hat’s where we met in person the first time.” Dave Hrovat, t he m a n a ger of computationa l faci l it ies for t he chemistry department, has worked w it h Borden for 26 years. The two ca me to UNT together in 2004. PHOTO BY JON HOWELL/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER “He’s just one of the smartest guys Wes Borden, a chemistry professor who the American Chemical Society is honoring, came up I’ve ever known,” with the idea of “tunneling,” a theoretical concept about how molecules can form. he sa id. “He has Research is Borden’s first cable under all conditions. a special way of looking at things that I never acquired. pa ssion, but he sa id t hat Borden taug ht at t he I like solving problems. He fer vor spi l ls over i nto h is University of Washington for teaching because passionate 31 years before being drawn likes thinking them up.” A l t h o u g h h e d o e s n ’ t researchers are eager to share to UNT w it h t he of fer of a know the selection commit- their findings with others. Welch chair position. Welch “I rea l ly love to teach,” cha i rs receive f u nd i ng for tee’s reasons, Borden sa id h is work on a t heoret ica l he said. “Almost as exciting t heir resea rch f rom a joint concept called “tunneling” a s d o i n g r e s e a r c h i s investment by the university probably played a role in his leading someone to under- and the Welch Foundation. win. Tunneling is a theoret- standing.” T he A mer ica n Chem ica l Borden also worked with Society is a nonprofit organiical process whereby molecu les ca n for m at a lower a colleague to show that a zation dedicated to advancing energ y cost by leverag i ng long-held r u le gover n i ng scientific research in the field t he u nusua l proper t ies of the behavior of electrons — of chemistr y. The organizaHund’s Rule — was not appli- tion was founded in 1876 and quantum mechanics. placed under federal charter by P re sident Fr a n k l i n D. Roosevelt in 1937.

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on Karts for Cancer BY ISAAC WRIGHT Staff Writer

The Student Government Association has begun working on Karts for Cancer, one of the first standalone SGA philanthropy projects, with proceeds benefiting Cook Children’s Hospital. The SGA doesn’t sponsor a lot of programs on its own, members said. Typically, the organization co-sponsors and volunteers at events held by other organizations, Student Senate speaker Joel Arredondo said. Now, the SGA hopes to make its mark with Karts for Cancer, a program where student senators and officers drive people around campus in golf carts for a dollar a ride. The money earned through the program will go to Cook Children’s Hospital. “It will be a great way to get students involved,” said Angel Mitchell, a senator for the College of Arts and Sciences. “Everyone likes to ride around on campus. No one likes to walk.” Arredondo and Whitley Poyser, a senator for the College of Business Administration, envisioned the program over the summer. The SGA has started putting it together and is working with the University Union and Student Development to use the golf carts they use to start the program. The goal is to offer the service to students at certain times doing the year, such as Homecoming, Arredondo said.

For special events, families who come to campus will also be able to use the service. Eventually, the SGA wants to see this program grow into an event that is done every year, Arredondo said. “SGA doesn’t do a lot of philanthropy work, which is something we need to get better at,” Poyser said. “It’s a good way not only to get SGA out to students but also to raise money.”

“SGA doesn’t do a lot of philanthropy work, which is something we need to get better at.”

—Whitley Poyser College of Business Administration senator

The SGA is the student-led governmental body of UNT. Arredondo said he hopes the program will runat least a handful of carts by Homecoming to get the program started. In years to come, he would like to see it running on a much larger level. “We’re hoping to start with four or five carts and then, by the end, campus-full,” Arredondo said.

Thursday, September 30, 2010 Katie Grivna Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Page 3 kgrivna@ntdaily.com

Students give time, blood Students learn how

to protect themselves


Forty-one students donated blood at the blood drive in the One O’Clock Lounge on Tuesday, sponsored by the Student Government Association through Carter BloodCare. Carter BloodCare consultant Linda Scardis said that of the approximate 36,000 students at UNT, the average turnout is only 18-20 blood donors, but she is happy with this week’s results. “UNT is a vital part of the blood supply to Denton,” Scardis said. Scardis said statistically, one of every three people will need a blood transfusion in their lifetime and one pint of blood can save three adult lives or the lives of six babies. Sarah Waites, a psychology senior, said she decided to donate so she could help people. “I try to donate every time,” Waites said. “With that many students, imagine how many people they could help.” Carter BloodCare has been coming to UNT for years, Scardis said. Each time, students and faculty are encouraged to stop by and make a donation. Healthy blood is in short supply around North Texas and Carter needs blood in abundance, she said. “We need 11,000 units a day to supply approximately 300 hospitals in 54 different counties,” Scardis said. With the 41 units of blood received this week, 123 lives will be touched by UNT’s generosity, Scardis said. But some students feel that is not enough. Michael Alonzo, a theatre sophomore, said he donated two pints of blood Tuesday. When he donated blood at his high school, he said he believed that of his school’s student body of nearly 3,000, about half volunteered. With 12 times that popu-

Dynamic Defense shares safety tips BY NANA A DWOA A NTWI-BOASIAKO Intern


Accounting sophomore Sara Maxfield donates blood during the blood drive on Tuesday in the One O’Clock Lounge. lation at UNT, he said he was surprised. “I’m really shocked,” Alonzo said. “More people should help.” Some students were turned away from the drive, Scardis said, because of low iron levels or exposure to foreign countries. Others simply did not know the drive was going on. Alonzo said he had forgotten the blood drive was scheduled until he walked past the One O’Clock lounge Tuesday morning on his way to get breakfast at the Syndicate. The SGA and members of various UNT organizations were sporting T-shirts with the logo “Be Part of Something Great,” and flagging down students on their way to class.

Carter BloodCare will return to UNT on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. To donate, students can stop by the Carter bus outside the University Union between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Carter calls this the “Early Bird Special.” “We’re working to accommodate the hours of all students,” Scardis said. The American Red Cross will also be on campus from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 20 outside the University Union. Waites said it’s a good opportunity to volunteer. “It’s easy, it doesn’t take too much time and you can feel good about yourself,” she said. “It’s like you went to class, ate lunch and helped save lives.”

Many female students often fear walking around at night by themselves. T he Mu lt ic u lt u ra l C e nt e r, i n c ol l a b or ation with the UNT Police Department, Greek Life, Interfraternit y Council, Delta Gamma Sorority and t he Universit y Progra m Council, hosted the fourth annual Dynamic Defense Session at t he G olden Eag le Suite on Tuesday. “ [ I t ’s an] opportunity to meet ot her st udent s a nd be awa re of r e s o u r c e s ,” s a i d U y e n Tr a n , t h e assistant director of the Multicultural Center. T h e s e s s i on i m p l e mented self-defense in a nontraditional setting. T he session i nvolved teaching attendees about how st udents ca n ta ke protect ive measu res to ensure safety on-and-off ca mpus a nd pract icing d i f f e r e nt s e l f- d e f e n s e techniques. Members of the Kappa Sigma f raternit y volunteered their time to be the

“Communication is a huge a spe c t,” A r r i ng ton s a id. Traveling in groups is essent ia l a nd st udent s shou ld always let other people know where they’re going in case of an emergency, he said. Students should also stay sober, especially when they have to drive. “Prevent you rsel f f rom being a victim,” said Jimmy Dorough, a criminal justice senior a nd police student assistant. A sh le y Hender s on, a n interior design junior, said if t he session wasn’t f ree a nd was of f-ca mpus, she wou ld n’t have attended. “[The session is] nice to have ava i lable,” she said. For ot her s, b e ing there —Uyen Tran w a s a l l about Assistant director t he a bi l it y to Multicultural Center learn some new te ch n ique s i n protection. “[It’s a] good t h i ng. It proper way of kicking and r e l e a s i n g o n e s e l f f r o m teaches how to be aware,” sa id Mon ica Dia z, a bondage. Many audience members ps yc holog y a nd biolog y said they often hold a key junior. W hile the defense class between their fingers in case helped many people physiof attack. Most cases repor ted to cally, it also helped others the police where people had emotionally in case they have tried this particular tech- to respond to an attacker. “[It] gives self-confidence nique ended up hurting their wrist in one way or another, if a f ra id to wa lk a lone at night,” said Kelsey Fryman, Arrington said. One of the main goals for a history sophomore. For more infor mat ion, holding the session was to prevent sexual harassment call Corporal Jeff Arrington at 940-369-8984. and rape, he said. punching bags for the 100 women in attendance. Corporal Jeff Arrington, a UN T cr i me prevent ion officer, demonstrated how to effectively use pepper spray, Tasers and Tac f lashlights. T i me i s a n i mpor t a nt factor when using pepper spray, he said. It is better to use the spray ver sion of pepper spr ay instead of the foam version because it takes more time for the foam to hit a target. For most people, the first thing they do when attacked is kick, Arrington said. He de m on s t r a t e d t he

“[It’s an] opportunity to meet other students and be aware of resources.”


Arts & Life

Page 4 Katie Grivna Arts & Life Editor

Thursday, September 30, 2010 kgrivna@ntdaily.com

Coachless sport club practices often for tourney Table tennis team tries to get funds for robot coach BY M ARLENE GONZALEZ

Intern The fast-paced, rhythmic sou nd of pi ng pong ba l ls ping ing of f t he table is a sound often heard on weeknights at the Pohl Recreation Center. Table tennis is one of the most popular sports across the world and was added to

the Olympics in 2008. The UNT table tennis team meets five days a week to practice the game its members love. “Play ing table tennis is like a game of chess while running a 100-meter dash,” said Jon Savage, an English junior and president of the table tennis club. If someone can play pingpong with the appropriate training and perseverance, they can learn how to play table tennis at a competitive level, he said. Competitions are intense and require quick ref lexes,


A friendly game of table tennis awaits a serve. Members of UNT’s table tennis team get together on weeknights to practice for upcoming tournaments.

but t he on ly way to t r u ly ex per ience t he sensat ion would be to be present at a game, Savage said. T he t able ten n i s tea m c o n s i s t s o f a b o u t 10 members who play at t he Poh l Recreat iona l Center on Mon d a y s , Tu e s d a y s , Thursdays and Fridays from 6 to 9 p.m. and on Wednesdays at t he Den ia Rec reat ion Center from 6 to 9 p.m. T he spor t consists of a table, a net, a small hollow ball, table tennis rackets and two or four players. Points are earned based on whether the player is able to return the ball to his or her opponent while complying with the rules. One can determine how good of a player he or she is by rev iew ing his or her points, which a re ma rked f rom z ero up to a rou nd 2600, t he latter being t he highest. Members of the group are struggling to get the support they need to keep the club going. “We don’t have uniforms, we don’t have t he money, we don’t have a coach, we don’t have anything,” said

Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxfdfsdsdxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxx PHOTO BY MIKE MEZEUL II/SENIOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Members of the UNT table tennis team practice every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6 p.m. in the Pohl Recreation Center. Moha m med A l-Sada h, a n elect rica l eng ineering student. Pingpong team members bought their own nets and use their own resources to get as far ahead as possible with hopes to attend a tourna ment, which w ill beg in Oct. 22 at Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth.

While their resources are limited, team members are work i ng on pu rcha si ng a robot that will throw the ball back to them to help them train better. Hiring a coach would take away from the group’s $300 budget, which is used to pay for tournament fees, equipment and uniforms.

“I’ve never heard of that [a coach robot and UNT having a table tennis club]. It would be cool though,” said Viviana Belma res, a f ibers sophomore. She said she was not aware of the universit y hav ing a table tennis club, but thought the activity was pretty cool and hard.

really eat German food. That’s not something you really go out to a restaurant for.” Living overseas for a month was a culture shock, Buran said, but worth the expense. “We were there long enough so that we could actually experience the culture and learn about it,” she said. “Learn the language, learn about the people. That was the whole point of the trip and it was a good experience.”

Buran said hosting cultural celebrations, like Oktoberfest, is an important part of UNT. “Everybody has their own culture and it’s important to learn about each of them,” she said. For more i n for mat ion, contact the UPC office at 940-565-3825. “I know myself, being from Texas, I’ve sometimes thought that Texas is the best, so if you learn about other cultures in

fun ways you might learn to respect them more,” he said. “It’ll be an evening of fun.”

Oktoberfest celebration to be ‘evening of fun’ BY JESSICA PAUL

Senior Staff Writer T he second a n nua l Oktoberfest will be celebrated tonight from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Library Mall. Taylor Bailey, a kinesiology senior and vice president of recreation for the University Program Council, said the event is held for students to celebrate the German culture during the busy school year. “It’ll give students the oppor-


SINCE 1957

tunity for a little stress relief because I know exams are starting up and midterms will be here sooner or later, so it’s just a night of fun to forget about everything,” Bailey said. The event will include a beer garden with tastings of various German beers, free German food, a dunking booth, a large pretzel eating contest and games, Bailey said. Two hundred to 300 people are expected to attend, Bailey

said. Students shou ld attend because it gives an opportunity to learn about other cultures and view them from a different perspective, Bailey said. Hannah Buran, a hospitality management sophomore, studied abroad in Germany for a month this summer, and said she thought the event will be entertaining. “It’s something new to try,” Buran said. “Not a lot of people

Thursday, September 30th BEST WESTERN SHOP IN Casey Damn James Band-9:30pm NORTH TEXAS @ The Boiler Room Luster/The Prospect Before Us/The Wagner STRAW & FELT HATS Logic/Radio Fallout-9:30pm @ Andy’s Bar Reckless Kelly w/ Six Market Blvd8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo (special group) The Riverboat Gamblers/Record Hop/The Wee-Beasties-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves

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CASE 39 [R] 11:45am 2:25pm 5:05pm 7:50pm 10:45pm LET ME IN [R] 11:20am 2:05pm 4:55pm 7:45pm 10:40pm THE SOCIAL NETWORK [PG13] 12:05pm 1:25pm 3:00pm 4:30pm 6:05pm 7:30pm 9:05pm 10:35pm ALPHA AND OMEGA - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:35am 2:00pm 4:25pm 7:00pm 9:20pm DEVIL [PG13] 11:25am 1:30pm 3:35pm 5:40pm 8:05pm 10:10pm EASY A [PG13} 12:45pm 3:05pm 5:30pm 8:00pm 10:20pm LEGEND OF THE GUARDIANS: THE OWLS OF GA’HOOLE [PG] 1:15pm 3:55pm 6:35pm 9:25pm LEGEND OF THE GUARDIANS: THE OWLS OF GA’HOOLE - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:55am 2:35pm 5:15pm 7:55pm 10:40pm RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE - REAL D 3D [R] 12:00pm 2:40pm 5:10pm 7:35pm 10:05pm THE TOWN [R] 12:55pm 4:00pm 7:05pm 10:15pm WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS [PG13] 11:30am 1:00pm 2:30pm 4:10pm 5:45pm 7:20pm 8:55pm 10:30pm YOU AGAIN [PG] 11:40am 2:10pm 4:50pm 7:40pm 10:25pm

Oktoberfest Where: Library Mall When: 5 p.m. Cost: Free

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Friday, October 1st JURASSIC PARK The Musical7:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf Dead Beat Poetry/The Red 100’s/Shakedown Alley/ The Gypsy Bravado-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves RTB2/Orange Peel Sunshine/Bad Design/ Delmore Pilcrow-9:00pm @ Hailey’s Saturday, October 2nd The Electromagnetics/OK Sweetheart and the Backliders-9:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf Kaboom/George Neal/Paper Robot-9:00pm @ Hailey’s The Contingency Clause-9:00pm @ The Hydrant Café The Extraordinaires/Oh Lewis/Skunk Ape-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves


Sunday, October 3rd Mike Dillon and Earl Harvin Duo9:00pm @ Dan’s Silver leaf Monday, October 4th Col. Bruce Hampton (Ret.) the Quark Alliance-9:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf Wednesday, October 6th EDDIE GOMEZ-9:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf Light Pollution/Prince Rama-9:00pm @ Hailey’s


LEGEND OF THE GUARDIANS: OWLS OF A GA’HOOLE 3D [PG] 1:00 | 3:45 | 6:30 | 9:05

THE TOWN [R] 12:00 | 3:05 | 6:10 | 9:20

THE SOCIAL NETWORK [PG13] 12:45 | 4:00 | 7:10 | 10:15 | 11:40

WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS [R] 12:15 | 3:30 | 6:50 | 10:


Thursday, September 30, 2010 Laura Zamora Sports Editor

Page 5 laurazamora26@gmail.com

Sun Belt foes visit Mean Green Volleyball Center BY L AURA ZAMORA Sports Editor


Samantha Kluttz, a UNT freshman from Charleston, S.C., comes up for a quick breath during her freestyle swim at Tuesday’s practice. Kluttz was named the Post and Courier Lowcountry Swimmer of the Year in 2008 and 2009.

Swimming, diving ready to make waves in new season BY R AEGAN POOL Intern

After a third place finish in the 2010 Sun Belt Conference tournament, the UNT swimming and diving team will s e ek a not her s uc c e s s f u l season, starting with an intersquad and alumni meet this weekend. The team will first hold its annual Green & White Meet on Friday at the Pohl Recreation Center. Although the team is not competing against outside competitors, head coach Joe Dykstra still finds the meet significant. “It’s important for us,” he said. “It goes a long way into determining our lineup for the meets the following week. We do things in practice, but I need to see them swim in a competitive situation.” The 2009-2010 season team set the bar very high for this year’s team. The team graduated nine seniors this past season, including standouts Emily Floyd, Alicia Hale and Nicole Leslie. “That was the first group that I had for four years, and we lost some great talent,” Dykstra said. The Mea n Green ga ined 10 new f reshmen a nd one t ra nsfer r i ng sophomore – nine sw immers a nd one diver - and Dykstra feels the new talent will help fill the void last season’s seniors left behind. “They are going to be major contributors, and by the end of this year you’re going to see them all over our top-10 lists and scoring big time points at conference,” Dykstra said. “It’s probably the best group of incomings we’ve ever had.” Of the new swimmers and divers, freshmen Samantha K lut t z, Ka it ly n n Jack son,

Na t a l i e Ja k o p i n , A l e x i s W id a c k i a nd s ophomor e transfer Joanna Wozniak from the University of New Orleans are key standouts. “[K lut t z ] is ver y versatile, so she can sw im a lot of different strokes and a lot of different events,” senior captain A ngie Dworschack said. “She’s a good person to

“So far in practice, she has been way ahead of where she was last year. She’s definitely the MV P of our team right now.” The team a lso relies on junior Seabre Pope, who is the fastest sprinter in the history of the Sun Belt and senior diver Mary Beth Geeze, who holds the second-best mark

“They are going to be major contributors, and by the end of this year you’re going to see them all over our top-10 lists.”

-Joe Dykstra Head swim coach

have for dual meets ‘cause we can stick her any where.” UNT is also returning many promising athletes in whom Dykstra is equally confident. Senior captain Rosita Bado (breaststroke/IM) holds many places among UNT’s top-10 records. Junior captain Delia Covo (diving) has earned the tea m’s Outsta nd i ng Diver Aw a rd for t wo c on se c utive years and the Sun Belt Conference Diver of the Week three times. D wor schack (f re e st y le ) holds the second-best time of 7:22.11 for the 800-meter relay at UNT amongst other top-ten records. Junior Rosa G e nt i le ( f l y/ b a c k s t r ok e / sprint free) was named one of the Most Valuable Veterans last season, earned the Most Valuable Swimmer Award her freshman year and the Sun Belt Swimmer of the Week Award twice, and has the records to defend these titles. “[Gentile] competed at U.S Nationals this summer and did very well,” Dykstra said.

for UNT in the one-meter. “[Geeze] made some huge strides for us last year. She and Delia are going to be two of the best divers in the conference and all year,” Dykstra said. The team expects improvements on bot h t he sw imming and diving side after f i n ish i ng beh i nd Wester n Kentucky and Denver in the SBC Championship Meet last season. “Wester n ha s t he most top-end speed right now, but we’re definitely the deepest tea m i n t he con ference,” Dykstra said. “We have more strong swimmers per event than any of the other t wo schools. We’ve got to find a way to match their top-end speed, and we have the best group of divers in the conference. I expect us to compete for the conference championship.” The Green & W hite Meet begins at 4 p.m. Friday and the Alumni Meet begins at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Pohl Recreation Center.

For the first time this season, the UNT volleyball team will set up on its home court and serve the ball over to an anxious visiting squad on the other side of the net. The Mean Green (9-8, 1-1) will host its first two home matches, one against Louisiana-Lafayette on Friday and the other against Louisiana-Monroe on Sunday, after playing the first 17 of the season on foreign courts. The 17-match road stretch was the longest the volleyball program had seen since 1981. “We all want to win at home,” junior middle blocker Melanie Boykins said. “We’re excited and will be ready to go with the crowd and the fans behind us for once.” ULL (10-6, 2-0) will enter UNT’s territory on Friday as the sole first-place contender of the Sun Belt Conference West Division after winning its first two conference matches over Troy and South Alabama. The Mean Green is anticipating ending the Ragin’ Cajuns’ four-game winning streak by focusing on their top threats, head coach Ken Murczek said. “Being at home will help us create some more pressure from the service line,” he said. “We’re going to zone in on one or two key players for them.” One of those ULL key players is senior defensive specialist Lindsay Brown, who just earned the CVU.com National Player of the Week accolade. “No matter what, we’re going to focus on our side and play our game,” Boykins said. UNT will then host ULM (0-11, 0-2) on Sunday, which is suffering a 67-conferencematch losing streak that dates back to the 2006 season. The Warhawks have lost 26-straight games to tie for dead last in the Sun Belt West with Denver. The Mean Green earned its 1-1 conference standing after a 3-0 victory over Florida Atlantic followed by a 3-0 loss to Florida International last weekend. The squad played its best offensive game all season against FAU (9-7, 1-1), pounding 16 kills per set on a .347 attack percentage. FIU (8-6, 2-0) then ensured a complete opposite performance from UNT the next day, containing the Mean Green’s hitting to a season-low of .082. Murczek is using the team’s experience at FIU to improve his squad’s consistency against upcoming tough opponents. “It was interesting hitting for an incredibly high efficiency on Friday night and then coming back on Saturday and obviously not hitting very well,” he said. “We’re working on that and fixing our errors from Saturday


Senior outside hitter Amy Huddleston prepares to serve the ball at practice. UNT will host its first home games this weekend at the Mean Green Volleyball Center. night.” UNT currently ranks third as a team in the conference in kills and attack percentage while senior outside hitter Amy Huddleston ranks third individually with 3.68 kills per set. Junior setter Kayla Saey leads the conference in assists with 0.5 per set. Junior defensive specialist Sarah Willey has the chance to reach the 1,000-career-dig milestone this weekend, ranking

fourth in school history with 994 digs. Her average of 4.38 digs per set also ranks fourth in conference. The Mean Green’s match against ULL will begin at 7 p.m. Friday while the match against ULM will start at 1 p.m. Sunday. Both games will take place at the Mean Green Volleyball Center in Mean Green Village. Students receive free admission with a student ID.


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Page 6 Ryan Munthe, Views Editor

Thursday, September 30, 2010 ntdailyviews@gmail.com

Guns should not be Don’t let college interfere with learning allowed on campus Editorial The recent tragedy at the University of Texas has reignited the battle about gun control in Texas — namely, the debate over whether college students with a concealed handgun license should be allowed to carry guns on campus. The Editorial Board strongly believes that firearms should not be allowed on college campuses. The danger is far too great. Weapons are banned at schools in 38 states, and 16 explicitly prohibited weapons on college campuses. In Texas, it is against the law to carry a concealed firearm in a public university or school. In the 12 states that don’t ban firearms in schools, each school is allowed to formulate its own policy. However, Texas lawmakers are working on a bill making it completely legal for any person over 21 to carry a concealed handgun on campus if they are licensed. That is a frightening thought. People in support of concealed weapons on campus always point out that in a crisis situation, such as the one at Virginia Tech or UT, they could have potentially stopped the tragedy. However, it’s doubtful the police would be able to tell who was the “crazed” gunman if everyone had their concealed handguns out. It would be chaos as shots fired everywhere. Accidental injuries would be abundant. People licensed to carry concealed weapons also insist that they are trained to properly use them and they should be allowed to carry them. Yet, licensed drivers get into major accidents even when they are properly trained to control their vehicles. Students are often stressed to astronomical levels in college. Without a doubt, we’d see a rise in anger-fueled homicide and gun-related injuries. Not to mention, in the dorms where alcohol and drugs are prevalent — where 62 students were kicked out because of drug use last year — having access to a weapon while under the inf luence of alcohol or drugs could only have dire consequences. College has always been an open forum free for students and professors to exchange ideas and now the Editorial Board fears that intimidation and fear would impede this policy of free communication if the law was changed. Students might hesistate expressing their opinions because they may fear their classmate is carrying a gun under his coat. Last year, William Xu, a cafeteria worker at Clark Grill had his work criticized by Jennifer Maik, his boss. The worker went to her apartment, and killed her. When more people have access to weapons on campus, there is a larger possibility of tragedies. Unfortunately, there will always be gun-related crimes in college. But by legalizing students to carry weapons on campus, legislators would open doors to endless dangerous possibilities and only create chaos in a crisis situation. The Editorial Board stands firm in its belief the antifirearm law on school campuses needs to stay as it is.

College has been one of the best experiences of my life so far and I am sad to see my time at UNT come to a close. With one more semester to go, I can proudly say that I have accomplished something big — a degree. However, while UNT has so many great things to offer it can also be a very distracting place. Have you ever t r ied to plant any type of f lower or vegetable? You can’t just put it in the dirt. If you do, the plant will not grow. You need to add some Denton Dyno Dirt from the Pecan Creek Water Reclamation Plant and you need to add water to it. This makes it f lourish and become bountiful. W hile it is an elementary and juvenile picture, it is similar to that of gaining knowledge. A s you ng-bod ie d i nd i-

viduals, too often, we enter college looking forward to fun and new friends. Occasionally, we will forget about class. We’ll start skipping, forget to open up our textbooks, and decide not to go to that study group for organic chemistry or environmental philosophy, maybe even a combination of the three. W hatever the case, it can lead us to become intellectually numb. This can have negative effects on other students, and I’ve experienced it firsthand. Whether we begin to succumb to weekly parties or become recluses, we become less and less informed. It’s a disease and it should be fixed. For the believers in science, it’s important to have some sort of community to surround yourselves with. Join the Painting and Drawing Association, read a

book, study and vote on public policies. You could even start a study group and eat pineapples beforehand! Whatever it may be, pursue knowledge with joy. For those who are not studious, I encourage you to do the same thing (in moderation). I believe that you are reading this because you picked up a paper this morning. As a result, I think it means something for you, too. As Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne said when he came to our town, “I do know to the best of our abilities we cannot wait for good things and happiness to come to us. We have to make it happen ourselves. We have to make our own happiness. That is all we can do. And I know that is easy for us to say. So if you know anybody that strug-

gles with that, try to remind them. Try to remind them just to hold on and find one little thing.” Search, study and find the truth that gives me a joy worth living for.

Eric Dyer Eric Dyer is a painting and drawing senior. He can be reached at ericsozone@gmail. com.

Concealed weapons necessary for safety The state of Texas and college students in particular are mourning the tragic shooting that took place on the UT campus Sept. 28. Despite the minimal damage, it no doubt brought the same grief that the shootings of Virginia Tech, and the much earlier Columbine brought. But isn’t that the point? Time after time we continue to hear of about school shootings, and they never seem to stop. Damage is done, the news stories run, and then we all seem to move on and forget until the next tragic shooting occurs. Some people blame TV and video games while others blame it on a lack of parenting. While the cause of these school shootings is anyone’s guess

and may vary on a case-bycase basis, what’s not anyone’s guess is how to prevent school shootings. The solution is easy if you’re willing to put political correctness aside. Teachers and school staff need to carry guns themselves. Let’s be honest, if I’m an enraged gunman on a rampage, a “gun-free campus” sign isn’t going to stop me. The idea is almost laughable. But such a sign will stop a law-abiding licensed staff member from carrying, and therein lies our problem. And it’s far from laughable. By having a no-tolerance policy for guns on campus, they’re not rea lly keeping anybody safe.

They’re preventing good people from protecting themselves against gunmen who couldn’t care less. Realistically, if a shooter storms into a classroom here at UNT, what are the students and teachers supposed to do? Throw pencils? By allowing teachers and staff to carry concealed handguns on campus, they’d actually reduce the risk of gun violence on campus. Even a cra zed g unma n would t hink t w ice before entering a college where he knows teachers and staff are armed. He’s more likely to go to a school where people are not. While campus police are appreciated and trusted, it would take them minutes to arrive on a scene in a situation

where seconds count. I respectfully ask that the state of Texas allow concealed weapons on campus.

Race Hochdorf Race Hochdorf is a pre-journalism freshman. He can be reached at racehochdorf@gmail. com.

Campus Chat

Should students be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus?

{ { {

“No, because it can be dangerous. It makes it too easy for the students to be dangerous.”

Harold Mateos

Bilingual certification graduate student

“There really shouldn’t be a need for them to carry them on campus.”

Kellye Cox

Merchandising senior

“No, because if there’s a weapon on campus, the potential for it to go off increases.”

Casey Wier

Applied arts and sciences senior

NT Daily Editorial Board

The Editorial Board includes: Eric Johnson, Josh Pherigo, Abigail Allen, Sydnie Summers, Brianne Tolj, David Williams, Laura Zamora, Katie Grivna, Graciela Razo, Carolyn Brown, Katia Villalba, Ryan Munthe, Augusta Liddic

Want to be heard? The NT Daily is proud to present a variety of ideas and opinions from readers in its Views section. As such, we would like to hear from as many NT readers as possible. We invite readers of all creeds and backgrounds to write about whichever issue excites them, whether concerning politics, local issues,

ethical questions, philosophy, sports and, of course, anything exciting or controversial. Take this opportunity to make your voice heard in a widely read publication. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an e-mail to ntdailyviews@gmail.com

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The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflects the belief of the NT Daily.



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Page 8 Laura Zamora, Sports Editor


Thursday, September 30, 2010 ntdailyviews@gmail.com

Athlete of the Week: Hamilton runs with heart, purpose BY BEN BABY

Senior Staff Writer Seated in the family section on the far right side of Fouts Field is the family of junior running back James Hamilton, perched close enough to cheer on their kin. H o w e v e r, J a m e s R o y Hamilton, the junior’s father, is noticeably absent. James Hamilton’s dad passed away in February after a long struggle w it h diabetes. His fat her’s death has had a tremendous impact on the running back, fueling him to the best season of his collegiate career. “He always told me to stay strong and be a man, and be that guy for my family,” James Hamilton said. “That’s the role I’m stepping into for my family. I want to be a man and step into that role for this team, and help us all become men and win some games and do big things.” Turning down offers from Kentucky, Tulsa and Southern Methodist, Hamilton decided to attend UNT instead, where he has proved to be a valuable pa r t of t he of fen se. Know n as “Pa-Pa” to some of his tea mmates because of his perceived “old soul,” the running back is continuously churning to help the Mean Green reach the postseason, something it hasn’t done since 2004. Hamilton has already done

big things this season, leading the Sun Belt Conference with an average of 8.9 yards a carry. The ga me-w inning touchdown last Saturday against Florida Atlantic came via the feet of Hamilton as he scampered for a 32-yard score. The 5-foot, 8-inch wrecking ball cr ushed t he FAU defense, running for 122 yards on 11 carries. “His toughness sets him apa r t,” head coach Todd Dodge said. “Looking at him from a size standpoint you would never know it, but he is the toughest guy on our team.” Coming out of Cedar Hill High School, Hamilton was a quarterback. But after he was recruited, he started his ca reer at UNT as a sa fet y before switching to cornerback. Because of a slew of injuries on the offensive side of the ball, he made the transition to running back last season. He has f lourished this year. “He’s been product ive,” Todd Dodge sa id. “He had a g reat summer t his yea r, did not last summer. He’s a ta lented g uy, a nd we’l l continue to utilize that obviously.” L a st s e a s on, Ha m i lton ca r r ied t he ba l l a meager 11 times, but still managed to pick up 47 yards and one touchdown. The Cedar Hill

sta ndout has not missed a practice or any team activity since January. He attributes his newfound work ethic to the passing of his father. “He taught me everything I k now,” Ha m i lton s a id . “Besides that, he brought a lot of things to me and showed me a lot of things I know now. I always think about him every day. There’s always something in my heart that’s telling me t hat’s what I’m play ing for every day.” Born and raised in Dallas, Hamilton, a sociology major, is the youngest of 10 siblings. Like most athletes, he loves to watch ESPN, but he allows the television to wander onto the Food Channel, picking up cooking tips from Paula Deen and Emeril Lagasse. Serving in the backup role behind junior running back Lance Dunbar, Hamilton has been feasting on opposing defenses in 2010, racking up 204 rushing yards on a miniscule 23 carries. After he earns his degree, Hamilton wants to use his education to coach football, a sport he has played since the age of 2. He would like to help support his family, which includes his older brot her, Ramon Williams. One of Williams’ favorite memories of Hamilton and their father came on a vacat ion to Denver, when t he family encountered a herd of deer on the side of the road. “We got out to feed the deer, and we didn’t have anything,” Williams said. “So J.R., he got out a nd chopped up some


Junior running back James Hamilton tormented Florida Atlantic in UNT’s 21-17 victory on Saturday, running for 122 yards on 11 carries to earn Athlete of the Week. cheese and fed it to the deer and the deer were eating it. So I got out, did the same thing, and I ended up getting kicked

in the chest.” “He’s getting his priorities together,” Williams said. “He tries to take care of things

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before he needs to take care of it. If he’s passionate about something, he’s going to do whatever he needs to do to achieve that goal.” Ha m i lton’s f a m i l y w i l l retur n to its reg u la r seats at 6 : 30 p.m. t his Saturday when UNT hosts LouisianaLafayette at Fouts Field.

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