Edition 1-21-11

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ILY, January 21

2011, VOLUM

E 97-ISSUE 1

Timeless Classics Antique shops play home to original objects See Insert Friday, January 21, 2011

News 1, 2 Sports 3 Classifieds 4 Games 4 SCENE see insert

Volume 97 | Issue 4

Sunny 45° / 30°


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

DART approves eco-friendly buses Current fleet nearing end of service life

NEWS: UNT, city centers offer free tax services Page 2

SPORTS: Basketball winning streak snapped Page 3

ONLINE: Bahama Bucks offers special solution for snowballs

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BY ISAAC WRIGHT Senior Staff Writer

Dallas public transportation may have a greener future ahead once the Dallas Area Rapid Transit system replaces its existing bus fleet with units powered by natural gas. DART’s board of directors voted Jan. 11 to authorize the $217 million purchase of a new fleet of 452 natural- gas-powered city buses. If plans stay on track, DART spokesman Mark Ball said the new coaches could hit Dallas area streets by 2013. “We took our time in reviewing all the facts about what would benefit this area and clean natural gas seemed to be the answer,” Ball said. Many of the buses in DART’s current fleet are nearing the end of the federally -mandated service limit governing the replacement of new buses, Ball said. Federal regulations require heavy-duty buses to be retired from service after 12 years or after they have accumulated 500,000 miles. DART officials considered a variety of different fuel options for the next fleet for more than a year, Ball said. Ultimately, he said the decision came down to a matter of cost and proximity to source. “We had already decided to use a current fuel,” Ball said. “There was a strong emphasis on using diesel or natural gas to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. The price of natural gas is lower, too.” T he D enton C ou nt y Transportation Authorit y currently has no plans to add any natural-gas-powered buses to its fleet, according to DCTA

Interim C.E.O. Jim Witt. Because of the smaller scale operation of DCTA, Witt said natural gas is not a practical choice at this time. Unlike a larger company such as DART, Witt said the DCTA buys four or five buses at a time. Also, Witt said there are no natural gas refueling stations in the area. “It’s a great concept,” Witt said. “Our problem comes down to the infrastructure cost of converting to natural gas.” The Fort Worth Public

“We were the first to commit to use all natural gas.”

—Joan Hunter Comm. Manager for the T Transportation Authority, or the T, has used compressed natural gas to fuel its fleet since the late 1980s, said Joan Hunter, communications manager for the T. Hunter said the T was one of the pioneers in using natural gas and even worked with the manufacturers to help create the buses since the technology was so new at the time. “We weren’t the only — not even the first,” Hunter said. “But we were the first to commit to use all natural gas. We had a commitment to use them to maintain clean air for the city.” The T currently has 180 buses that run on compressed natural gas. Hunter said the T strove to be an environmental steward. The choice has been a popular one with customers because of the lack of smell or bus exhaust, she said. “It’s a very patriotic thing to do in addition to helping clean the environment,” Hunter said.


Seven students from UNT’s Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science were chosen as semifinalists in the national Intel Science Talent Search competition. The students are all from Texas high schools and are living and studying at UNT as part of the TAMS program. Pictured from left to right; John Rogers, Andrew Ding, Jennifer Ding, Prachi Thapar, Dante Zakhidov, Justin Zhao, Carolyn Bu.

TAMS students receive national accolades for science research


Senior Staff Writer and Intern Seven of the youngest students at UNT proved last week that they may also be seven of the brightest when they were named semi-finalists in the 2011 Intel Science Talent Search, an honor which puts them in contention for the $100,000 top prize. The students, who a re either 17 to 18 years old, are all enrolled at the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, a two-year program that houses Texas high school students at UNT while they learn and conduct research on the university level. For the Intel Science competition, students submitted findings from in-depth scientific research projects on topics of their choosing. The “TAMSters” — as their administrators affectionately refer to them — presented their work on everything from nanoparticles to glacier melt to computational

Mean Green men upend ULM BY BEN BABY

Senior Staff Writer The 14 players on the UNT men’s basketball roster have one thing in common: not a single member has ever lost to LouisianaMonroe. The last time the Mean Green lost to the Warhawks was a four-point loss in 2007. UNT continued its success over the Warhawks Thursday night in a 79-62 win at the Fant-Ewing Coliseum in Monroe, La. In its last outing, the Mean Green allowed the Troy Trojans to rack up 89 points on its defense, which allows 72.6 points per game. UNT locked down ULM, limiting the Warhawks to 42 percent shooting. Senior guard Tristan Thompson made a dramatic return to the starting lineup, scoring a careerhigh 31 points. The total topped a 29-point effort he had against UT-Arlington on Nov. 30. Thompson came off the bench the last two games. UNT head coach Johnny Jones opted to keep Thompson on the pine because of the lack of effort the senior guard had shown in practice. “I knew I had let my team down,” Thompson said. “I knew I just wasn’t doing the things that I needed to do. I was punished for it, and I learned from it, and coming out tonight I just wanted to prove to the guys that I was all in.” Thompson has been steady all season, as he scored in double-

“Since TAMS is the premier program of its kind, it brings international attention to UNT.”

—Richard Sinclair Dean of Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science

epidemiology in the national competition and are now seven of the 300 semi-finalists announced on Jan. 12. Those students will move on to the next round of evaluations before the field is narrowed to fortyfinalists Jan. 26, according to the organization’s website. “It’s a huge honor,” said Jennifer Ding, an 18-year-old senior from McKinney and Intel semi-finalist. “It definitely is an incentive to keep on doing research.” Last year, two TAMS students were named finalists. This year, the students said they are hoping to match that success. The TAMS program and the



digits for the eight consecutive game and the 17th time in 19 contests. Accompanying Thompson in the starting lineup was junior forward Kendrick Hogans, who started in his 11th game of the

season. Hogans scored 13 points to go along with two blocks, which moves him past Shawnson Johnson for fifth place on the school’s all time block list.

See UNT on Page 3

See STUDENTS on Page 2

Dodge hired as QB coach at Pittsburgh Brief

Senior guard Dominique Johnson scored 10 points on 4-of-4 shooting off the bench to go along with three assists. UNT plays Arkansas State on Saturday.

success of the students has brought UNT recognition in the research fields and is a big part of UNT’s plan to become a top-notch research institution, said Richard Sinclair, the dean of TAMS. “Since TAMS is the premier program of its kind anywhere, it brings national and international attention to UNT,” Sinclair said. “The undergrad research part is very important. There is a lot of research by TAMS students that gets published.” Ding said the competition helped cultivate new academic interests.

Senior Staff Writer For mer U N T foot ba l l head coach Todd Dodge was hired as the quarterbacks coach for t he Un iversit y of Pittsburgh on Tuesday. Dodge, who was hired in 2007 as the head coach of the Mean Green, was fired on Oct. 20 after racking up a 6-37 record in three- anda-half-years in Denton. Dodge was hired by new Pittsburgh head coach Todd Graham, who took over as head coach of the Panthers on Jan. 10. Graham, a native of Mesquite, has filled eight of n ine coach ing vaca ncies. At Southlake Carroll High School, Dodge built a statewide powerhouse, building a 98-11 record after taking over in 2000. Dodge has a history with the quarterback position. Dodge threw for 2,791 yards and 18 touchdowns as the starting quarterback at the University of Texas.

Todd’s Timeline


-Hired in 2007 as the head coach of the Mean Green after agreeing to a six-year, $1.8 million deal. -Compiled a 6-37 record during a three-and-a-halfyear tenure as the head coach of the Mean Green. -Fired on Oct. 20, 2010 after a 34-10 home loss to Florida International.

Page 2 Josh Pherigo & Laura Zamora, News Editors


Friday, January 21, 2011 ntdailynews@gmail.com

Students compete for $100K award Continued from Page 1

Photo by Kalani Gordon/Staff PhotoGraPher

Denton public libraries are offering instructional booklets as well as tax forms until the end of April. The Emily Fowler Central Library is located at 502 Oakland St. in Denton.

Tax resources available for free By CAndiCe lindsey Staff Writer

Ta x season has a way of creeping up on many students each spring. Whether through electronic filing or the hardcopy mailing for ms, t he cit y of Denton a nd UNT prov ide va r ious resources for all taxpayers. A ll t hree of t he Denton publ ic l ibra r ies — Nor t h Branch Library, Emily Fowler Centra l Librar y and Sout h Branch Library — offer free ta x f iling information and hardcopies of most tax forms, said Jess Turner, adult service librarian at Emily Fowler.

Turner sa id she encourages i nd iv idua ls to k now what form they need when t hey come to t he libra r y. “We ca n go to t he IRS website and print it out if we don’t have it,” Tu r ner said. “A nyone at the refere n c e d e s k c a n h e l p .” T he St udent Money Ma nagement Center i n Chestnut Hall offers two types of ta x resou rce prog ra ms dur ing t he semester, sa id Rachel Grimes, a campus life program coordinator Rachel Grimes. “P repa r i ng for t he Ta x Man” is a workshop while “ V I TA Fr e e I nc ome Ta x

Assista nce” is a ta x-f i ling prog ra m, Gr i mes sa id. The VITA program requires registration, but is free and occurs four times throughout the semester. St udents ca n get reg istered by calling the Student Money Management Center. “Something to keep in mind too for this yearis that the tax deadline is actually April 18 this year,” Grimes said. Joshua Walker, a history ju n ior, sa id he t h i n k s of himself as “old school” when it comes to filing his taxes. “I like it in paper form. I just somehow don’t trust e-filing, so usually I just do all of my

own taxes myself,” Walker said. In addition to the Denton publ ic l ibra r ies, W i l l is Librar y, the post office on McKinney Street and local c om mu n it y c enter s a l s o offer ta x-filing documents. “Prepa r i ng for t he Ta x Man” will take place March 23 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Bu si ne s s Ad m i n i st r at ion Building 166. “V ITA Free Income Ta x Assistance” takes place Feb. 22, April 5 and April 11 in Chestnut 313 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. On March 29, V ITA is offered at Discovery Park from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

“For me, I wanted to get a well-rounded education from physics to Thoreau, but after doing this research, I have found an interest in env ironmenta l science, so that’s something I do want to keep on doi ng ,” Di ng said. Di ng sa id she ut i l i z ed data f rom g laciers in t he Himalayas to study the rate of glacia l retreat. Her resea rch l i n ked global warming to uninhabited regions of the world. “My resea rch rea l ly opened my eyes to w hat was rea lly happening w ith globa l warming,” she said. “It w a s n’t j u s t A l G or e ta lk ing about how bad it is or just mere statistics.” In December, five TAMS st udents were na med f i na l i st s i n t he Siemen s Compet it ion for Mat h, S c ienc e a nd Te ch nolog y in Washington D.C. Other students have gone on to compete for the prestigious Barr y M. Goldwater scholarship, which awards for research in the natura l sciences. The Goldwater w inners have genera lly completed at least four semesters of continuous research. “In those national compet it ion s l i ke Siemen s a nd Intel [STS], the Universit y of Nor t h Tex a s competes equally with MIT, Harvard, Sta nford, a l l of t hose big schools,” Sinclair said. He described t he

st udent s’ ac adem ic l ives as “rigorous.” They average 16.5 college credit hours a semester and are study ing topics in biolog y, physics, chemistr y and ca lculus in addition to the hours that they clock in their labs. Yet, he emphasized that t he “TA MSter s” a re st i l l high school students who a re lea r n i ng to l ive i n a college env ironment. “It’s very age appropriate. It’s k ind of li ke what our l i v e s w ere l i ke at home being a teenager. It’s a ver y st r uct u red, s a f e pr o g r a m ,” Si nc l a i r said. TAMS students live w ith a n ig ht l y c u r fe w. A du lt behav iors like drink ing or smoking are not allowed and co-ed v isitation is prohibited in dorm rooms. Despite structure, students said they find time to do what they love outside academics. Apart from being an Intel s e m i-f i n a l i s t t h i s y e a r, Justin Zhao, 17, from Plano, is a v irtuoso cellist. L a s t y e a r, h e p l a c e d second cha ir in t he cel lo s e c t ion i n t he A l l-St at e Orchestra. T h i s pa st su m mer, he spent ne a rl y 4 0 hou r s a week researching comput at iona l epidem iolog y at Discover y Park. “TA MS i s a n oppor t unity,” Zhao said. “For exploration, for learning and a good place to be involved i n bot h my resea rch a nd music.”

Cards pave way for change By A lexAndrA K ing Staff Writer

After visiting two universit ies, Jessic a Ta n ker sley and Kara Blain, co-founders of Cards for Kiva, hope to become hallmarks in their fight against poverty. Tankersley and Blain want to provide UNT students the chance to be advocates of change. Cards for Kiva makes handmade, bulk invitations for special events like weddings, graduation announcements with recycled materials. “A ca rd purchased from Cards for Kiva makes a difference because 100 percent of the profits from the sale of that card are loaned to an entrepreneur in a developing count r y,” Ta n kersley sa id. “The individuals we invest in t hrough K iva are hardworking entrepreneurs who are in need of resources to create a sustainable livelihood for themselves and their families.” As an alternative twist to t he mass-produced ca rds, students can design cards based on their personal taste and individuality. “W hen we loa n money through Kiva, it is paid back over a 12 mont h term, [or less],” Tankersley said. “After a loan is paid back in full, it is re-loaned to another entrepreneur.” Cards for Kiva funds continuously recyclable microloans to i nd iv idua ls i n foreig n

countries through kiva.org. A microloan is a small loan given to impoverished business owners in foreign countries. “I think that it’s a wonderful idea,” said Lauren Bunte, an accounting sophomore. “You are helping people around the world and in return you get unique cards that stand for so much more than we come to

for blogged pictures of their creations, which led to using 100 percent of profits for Kiva. org. The website is an online, non-profit company, designed to prov ide sma l l loa ns to people in foreign countries. “We decided to take them up on their offer, but instead of pocket ing t he cash we decided to do something good with it,” Tankersley said.

“You are helping people around the world and in return you get unique cards that stand for so much more.”

—Lauren Bunte Accounting sophomore

expect from a piece of paper. I feel like it is a simple way to help out those in need.” Wit h a rate of one loa n every nine seconds, and over $2 million lent, Kiva is proving to be a crucial help for people su f fer ing econom ica l ly in other countries. “Cards for Kiva is actually well known in the Tulsa area,” said Bosa Odiase, a student in Tulsa and North Texas native. “The designs are really cool, they have kind of a hipster feel to them. I like the heart and message behind Cards for Kiva.” Tankersley and Blain came up with the idea in 2008 after hearing friends offer to pay

K iv a .or g post s a 98.94 p erc ent repay ment r ate. Through K iva, microloa ns have proven to be a successful way of diminishing poverty in foreign, developing countries. “People living in poverty have the energy, creativity and dedication to lift themselves up by their own bootstraps, but they need assistance to get started,” Tankersley said. “Wit hout credit histor y or collateral, they are not able to approach a traditional financial institution for support.” Custom graduation invites and announcements can be ordered at info@cardsforkiva. com.

Correction In “Stadium springs to life” in the Thursday edition of the Daily, the story should

have said prices for the club seats, not suites, range from $3,000 to $12,000. There are

800 club seats and 21 suites. The suites cost more than $100,000.


FOOD: The Food Snobs find I Love Sushi worth every penny

Page 3


ANTIQUE: Antique shops hold priceless items

Page 4

Spector 45 pays tribute to former bandmate

Page 6

DIY: Learn how to create an original work of art

Page 7

ENTERTAINMENT: One Daily staffer gives the scoop on the latest music and movies

Page 8

Friday, January 21, 2011 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor


Page 3 seangorman@my.unt.edu

Winning streak halted, Arkansas Baby Talk: No State next for women’s basketball profanity, please BY BOBBY LEWIS

Senior Staff Writer The UNT women’s basketball team was brought back to earth in rough fashion on Thursday night. Following its first two-game winning streak of the season, the Mean Green was defeated by Louisiana-Monroe 76-65. The Mean Green (5-15, 2-5) started the game off with hot shooting, but the team went without a field goal for the last eight minutes of the first half. The cold streak allowed ULM (9-10, 3-3) to take a double-digit lead that it did not relinquish. “We weren’t playing team ball, we were stagnant, and everybody just started playing as individuals,” head coach Shanice Stephens said. “It just caught up with us.” ULM led by as many as 18 points in the second half. Junior guard Brittney Hudson accounted for 14 of the Mean Green’s 24 first-half points, but was held to four points in the second half. “It wasn’t my best performance,” Hudson said. “I think I played a solid game, but I missed a couple of layups.” Hudson was helped off the court early in the second half after being knocked to the ground while driving to the basket. She was returned a few minutes later. “I’m just so sick of them being able to hit people in the head and we never get that call and people apologizing later,” Stephens said. “I hate that, but that’s life on the road.” Senior guard Denetra Kellum was hampered by foul trouble in the first half, but was able to add 19 points. Sophomore forward Jasmine Godbolt and junior guard Tamara Torru struggled from the field, going a combined 1-for-15 from


Senior Staff Writer


Junior guard Alyssa Hankins tries to find an open teammate at the Super Pit earlier this season. The Mean Green’s two game win streak ended when they fell 76-65 to ULM last night.

UNT will have a quick turnaround following the loss, as it hosts Arkansas State (10-10, 3-4) at 4:30 p.m. Saturday at the Super Pit. Arkansas State should provide an easier test for the Mean Green defense, as it is tied for last in the conference with a shooting percentage of 38 percent. “We have to [keep them on the outside],” Stephens said. “We have

to sit down and really defend.” Following what Stephens called a “lackluster” performance against ULM, playing in Denton will be a needed boost for the team, she says. “[Arkansas State] works so hard. They’re tough and they’re scrappy, so it will be very important for us to take care of the ball,” she said. “I’m glad that this game is at home because it’s going to be very important for us to have a good showing against a tough team.”

respond to the benching. Collective BY SEAN GORMAN sighs of relief Sports Editor i n D e nt on When UNT men’s basket- were l i kely ball head coach Johnny Jones heard by the benched senior guard Tristan players as they SEAN Thompson for not showing effort left the Fant- GORMAN in practice, the results were Ewing Coliseum in Louisiana as winners. immediate. This is make or break time Seeing the team lose two of its last three games, struggle on for Johnny’s club: whispers of a the road and look more inept on slump were beginning to spread offense than Shaquille O’Neal at a all over campus and only Sun free throw line made one wonder Belt competition remains this if this disciplinary act would year. All Thompson did when it really accomplish anything. As the Mean Green prepared mattered most was score a for its road matchup last night career-high 31 points on 5-6 at Louisia na-Monroe a nd shooting from 3-point range. Any follower of the team Thompson was told he would start, every Mean Green fan over the years shouldn’t see wondered if “Tristo” would this as any kind of surprise

––Thompson led the league in points per game against Sun Belt competition last year and dropped 28 on Kansas State in the first round of the Big Dance last season. While pieces like senior guard Josh White and senior center George Odufuwa are key, it’s becoming more and more clear that this team cannot run its offense without Thompson. Look at the offensive cohesion last night against the Warhawks as an example: 18 assists as a team is a number Jones will appreciate when he looks back on this games Two lessons stood out after the Mean Green’s win over the Warhawks: Johnny Jones should never be questioned and Tristan Thompson needs to always be covered.

the field for nine total points.

Arkansas State

Seansense: Thompson is difference maker Opinion

UNT wins away game Continued from Page 1 putting a few Warhawks in foul Hogans said the team was ready to give a solid performance after struggling over the past week. “We all just came together as a team, we all talked about what we needed to do and we were able to do it tonight,” Hogans said. The Mean Green jumped out to a quick 8-0 lead in the first half, with Thompson scoring 13 of the team’s first 18 points. ULM fought back to take a brief lead, a lead that UNT would reclaim before the end of the first half. The Mean Green nursed a 34-28 edge at the halftime break. UNT’s aggressiveness in the final 20 minutes led to many trips to the free-throw line while

trouble. ULM’s Tommie Sykes, who scored a team-high 15 points, fouled out midway through the second half. Senior guard Josh White entered the contest averaging 14.3 points a game, but was held to five points in 33 minutes. Jones said that White still played an integral role in the victory. “I thought he did an excellent job defensively,” Jones said. “He created opportunities for his other teammates out there on the floor .” Arkansas State: With the win, the Mean Green will try to extend its 16-game home winning streak on Saturday when it faces Arkansas

State (10-11, 4-3) at 7 p.m. at the Super Pit. UNT has the ninth-longest home win streak in the nation. The Red Wolves were thumped in Denver on Thursday night, losing 74-36. “We’re excited about it being at home and we’re excited about having the opportunity to be playing in front of our student body,” The Mean Green is successful when it stifles its opponents on the defensive end. UNT is 15-0 when holding opponents under 48 percent shooting this season. Since the 2006-2007 season, Jones has compiled the most of any coach in the Sun Belt with 48. The game can be heard on KNTU-FM 88. 1.

Keys to victory UNT strggules from three point range, going 3-13 from beyond the arc The Mean Green started cold, shooting 29 percent in first half ULM dominates down low outscoring UNT in paint 46-32 Mistakes doom Mean Green as ULM scored 22 points off 19 UNT turnovers

I think it’s time that I level with you. For the four years I attended Colleyville Heritage High School, I loathed the Dodges. No, not the cars, but Todd and Riley Dodge, who were at the center of an outstanding program at Southlake Carroll High School. You see, Heritage and Carroll despised each other and Heritage was always yearning for the same success that the father-son combination enjoyed across Highway 26. When Riley announced he was leaving UNT to transfer to McNeese State University, a Football Championship Subdivision school, a lot of people were quick to call him a quitter. If you’re one of those people, I would hold off before associating Riley with the q-word. In my two years at UNT, I have realized I had no reason to despise the Dodge clan. It’s just that when you’re younger, you have a tendency to strongly despise a school that continues to beat you down. It doesn’t help when Carroll charges you for parking -- at a high school game. The redshirt sophomore quarterback struggled in his first year at UNT, throwing nine touchdowns and 15 interceptions. After injuries decimated the Mean Green, Riley returned to the starting quarterback role and changed the way he approached the game. He didn’t try to take the weight of the team on his

not-so-broad shou lders. T hat ’s one of the main r e a s o n s Dodge threw 11 touchdowns and four inter- BEN ceptions on the BABY year, ending the season ranked second in the Sun Belt Conference in passing efficiency. Do we still have our “quitter” people on board? Let’s go back to Oct. 2, when Riley stepped onto the gridiron hours after the death of teammate and close friend Josh Rake. Nine of 10 people probably wouldn’t take snaps after something like that. To compound problems, Riley broke his wrist in the first quarter yet he didn’t take himself out of the game. He finished the game completing 22 of 31 passes for 191 yards, two touchdowns and one interception. Doesn’t sound like a quitter to me. Yeah, he signed his letter of intent to play four years of football here. But if he was moved to wide receiver at the start of next season –– or he wasn’t the starting quarterback –– then people probably wouldn’t care about what he did. That’s the reality. To call him a quitter is absurd. First-year head coach Dan McCarney said Riley would have been in the mix to be the starting quarterback and no spot had been guaranteed. Riley also said his decision to leave had nothing to do with the football team and was strictly a personal choice. Whatever Riley does from here, I wish him nothing but the best and I hope that he succeeds at McNeese State. I hope you do the same.

w o l l o F ! s U

Get quick information about UNT sports through the NTDaily’s twitter page.


Friday 1.21.2011


[ ] Food Snobs

I Love Sushi Cleanliness Service Affordability Atmosphere Food Quality

I Love Sushi 917 Sunset St. Denton, TX 76201 BY TAYLOR JACKSON AND ELIZABETH BOYLE Staff Writer and Intern

Reviewing sushi is a rough task because people either love it or loathe it. People are divided on whether the texture of fish or the overall rawness of the dish makes it appealing. From the exterior, some would not expect anything special from I Love Sushi, located off Sunset St. However, the inside has a nice overall Asian


The vibrant Rainbow sushi roll consists of ahi tuna, salmon and halibut. The dish also features avocado for dipping. influence, which has Japanese decor everywhere. I Love Sushi is a bit small, but for a weekday lunch, seating should not be a problem. The lunch specials are spectacular. Bento boxes and sushi rolls come with yellow tail, salmon and

red snapper. I love Sushi has affordable prices with a Bento box costing $10. For new sushi connoisseurs, these dishes may seem intimidating because it’s rice topped with a slab of raw fish. The texture and taste takes some getting used to, but for someone

e m o c e B N! A F a

who’s eaten sushi before, I Love Sushi’s fish has a nice, clean taste. The servers are happy to help if there are any questions over the menu, like what they believe the best dish is. The menu has almost any type of sushi that can be thought of. Anyone can find something to please him or her. After ordering, miso soup is served, which is very tasty and has tiny pieces of tofu in it. The soup makes a good appetizer and palate cleanser before the sushi. The California roll, a very popular roll made with crabmeat, is good. It’s a beginner roll because it lacks the raw fish consistency, but still has that

seafood taste. For others wanting to try something a little bit different, the shrimp tempura roll also comes with the yellow tail, salmon and red snapper with rice. The roll is topped with a sauce that makes the overall effect seem too sweet. The Rainbow roll is filled with crabmeat and topped with pieces of avocado, tuna, salmon and red snapper, alternating on every piece. The roll has a very distinct flavor on every piece, which not only made eating enjoyable, but also gave a different taste every time. Eating sushi is a game of chance. Sometimes the risk pays off and you’re rewarded with an excellent roll or it can be terrible. The only way to find out if sushi should be on your top five choices of cuisine is to give it a try. I love Sushi won’t disappoint.

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Friday 1.21.2011



One man’s trash is another man’s treasure Antique stores habor unlikely treasures By Shannon Moffatt and a Shley-CryStal firStley

Senior Staff Writer and Staff Writer Antique dealer John Shrader can still remember 30 years ago when he excitedly ra n across the Square from his dad’s drug store to the then new Downtown Mini Mall. Shrader may not have followed his father’s footsteps, but pharmaceutical glasses from the turn of the century are sold along side other antique items like vintage furniture. With more than four antique shops located in Denton, the area has a different style compared to other places in the Da llasFor t Wor t h a rea. T he shops a l low people to f i nd t h i ngs they couldn’t elsewhere. The shops personally buy items for customers. For 20 years, Shrader has been an av id antique collector and dealer at the Downtown Mini Mall. “You start off as a collector and it settles into your blood,” Shrader sa id.“It ’s a hea lt hy ac t iv it y because you’re decorating, but you’re also collecting.” Ma ny dea lers get t heir a nt iques f rom ga rage sa les, find items off the streets and go dumpster diving, Shrader said. “Even behind [the store], I’ve found stuff in the dumpster that somebody threw away and there’s nothing wrong with it,” Shrader said. “I ta ke it home, clean it up, bring it up here and sell it.” There are 47 dealers in the Dow ntow n Mini Ma ll renting out spots, Shrader said. Alternative antiques The Downtown Mini Mall II is made up of severa l boot hs

Photo by Nahum LoPez/INterN

Mayra Juarez, a freshman pre-med student at North Central Texas College searches through Downtown Mini Mall II.

Photo by Nahum LoPez/INterN

Gretchen Will, a local manager and Denton resident, observes clients at the Downtown Mini Mall II. each w it h t heir ow n reta i ler. “Their inventor y is grossly d i f ferent f rom a ny ot her place you wou ld ever f i nd,” sa id Gretchen Will, t he store ma nager. “I’ve seen wooden Indians carved from real trees.” Compared to other antique stores in the area, Will said she feels Downtown Mini Mall II has a more down-to-earth atmosphere. “We’re k now n prett y much for the eclectic value of different things,” she said. “The variety i s w h a t g e t s e v e r y b o d y.” Si x t y-f ive percent of Downtown Mini Mall II’s clientele are regular customers. Most

come in about once a week, she said. It just surprises me,” Will said. “People drive from all over to come here.” Grandma’s antiques At County Seat Antiques, the focus is on antique furniture, jewelry and stained glass. “Not as many people collect as they used to,” said Linda Blasé, one of the antique dea lers of County Seat Antiques. More t ha n 30 percent of Country Seat Antiques’ customers are avid collectors. College students come to the

Photo by ashLey CrystaL FIrstLy/ staFF WrIter

Pharmaceutical medicine from the turn of the century sits on shelves at the Downtown Mini Mall. store to buy things like books, hats and jewelry, Blasé said. “I love buying things like rings and bracelets at antique stores,” said Audrey Rigsby, a criminal justice senior. “Things at antique stores have a unique style that you can’t find at the mall.” As opposed to having many booths, County Seat Antiques’ inventory is comprised of four dealers, Blasé said. “We can make deals because it’s ours,” she said. “We know about the stuff and know what’s here.”

Many customers and collectors often look for specific items. The dealers will shop around for those items for their customers, Blasé said. “We keep a book of t hings people are looking for,” she said. “And we’ll call them when we find it.” Tick-tock Across the Square, W. Douglas Antiques specializes in European antiques, especially items 100 years old or older, said Shirley



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Friday 1.21.2011


Photo by Ashley CrystAl Firstly/ stAFF Writer Carrigan, who ow ns hte shop along with her husband Tom. “We have some 1800s a nd 1700s,” she sa id. “Then some from right around the turn of the century.” The couple make sure all items are authentic and aged appropriately. “We go to Europe twice a year,” Shirley Carrigan said. “Most of my dealers go to Europe.”

“Things at antique stores have a unique style that you can’t find at the mall.”

—Audrey Rigsby Criminal justice senior

Sh i rley Ca r r iga n ha s been a round t he a nt ique business since she was 19 years old, which helps her to have a keen eye for value, she said. The store specializes in rare clocks. A hand-made master clockma ker’s Skelaton clock f rom Europe, being sold for $12,000, is one of the most significant items to come through the store,

Tom Carrigan said. “You will never find another one in America like it,” he said. Many devoted collectors come through the doors of W. Douglas Antiques. Seventy-five percent of their business is repeat customers, said Shirley Carrigan. “I think antiques are just a love that certain people have,” she said. “I have it too.”

Friday 1.21.2011


MusicSCENE Local band’s music lives on

y a l ss P


By PaBlo a rauz Intern

Songs to get you going in the mornings

1 2 3 4 5 6

”Fader,” The Temper Trap The Gorillaz - Dare album cover

”The Power & The Glory,” White Lies ”Countdown,”Phoenix

”Last Train to Awesometown” Parry Gripp ”Dare ,” The Gorillaz ”Jessie’s Girl,” Cast of GLEE

7 8 9 10

”Solitude is Bliss,” Tame Impala ”My Legionnaire,” Brooke Waggoner ”The Party,” St. Vincent

”Good Morning, Good Morning,” The Beatles

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bla Se ha l. o Españ

On New Year’s Day, Frank Campagna Jr., also known as Frankie 45, the front man for the Dallasbased punk band Spector 45, died. He was 24 years old. The local music scene lost one of its most recognizable figures. Campagna was a part of the Dallas-Fort Worth music scene for more than a decade. Bob Yoxall, a local musician and friend of the band, described how the neighborhood reacted to his death. He said Campagna’s death was a loss to the Deep Ellum music community. “There were so many people at the memorial that Deep Ellum practically shut down,” Yoxall said. When it came to his music, Campagna was an excellent songwriter and a skilled guitarist, Yoxall said. Campagna’s lyrics were often full of grit and attitude. The songs he wrote for Spector 45 were a powerful mix of punk, rockabilly and garage, Yoxall said. “Frankie was Spector 45, and Spector 45 was always active in the local scene,” said Ruben Perez, a philosophy senior and musician.

PhoTo courTesy of sPecTor 45

Spector 45 was a local punk rock band. Frankie Campagna sang vocals and played guitar and died on New Years Day. Campagna started Spector 45 in 2003 from the ashes of another local band, Anth’m. They released their first album, “16 With a Bullet,” in 2003. Their 2004 EP, “Girl, Cars, and Rock’n Roll,” followed. After several member changes, the band released their 2006 full-length, “We Wana Go!,” which showed how much their music progressed, Perez said. “It was a long process as their songs matured, but musically they definitely knew what they were

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PhoTo courTesy of sPecTor 45

Frankie 45 sang vocals and played guitar for the local punk-rock band Spector 45. The band was a favorite among locals in the area.

doing,” said Jennifer Cason, a friend of the band and Denton native. In 2009, they released their album “Pist’n Broke,” which gained praise from the Dallas Observer, naming Spector 45 the “Best Punk Band in 2009 and 2010.” Their last album, “Break Me,” was released in 2010 and perhaps the band’s greatest work, Yoxall said. Throughout their career, Spector 45 played with bands like Reverend Horton Heat, Violent Femmes and the Misfits. “I really think Spector 45 carved a niche for themselves in the music scene,” Perez said. “They became synonymous with Dallas greaser punk, as did Frankie.” The most notable part of the band’s music was Campagna’s enigmatic guitar solos that would sometimes carry throughout a whole song, Yoxall said. Yoxall, who had seen the band on several occasions, believes their punk rock spirit went beyond the stage. Spector 45 had a reputation for putting on an incredible show and their performances were wild and energetic, he said. “They influenced other creative people and made friends want to succeed,” Yoxall said.


Do It Yourself

What You’ll Need: 1 pair of blank canvas shoes Fabric or permanent markers Rhinestones, fabric glue, glitter glue and feathers Water repellent spray Customizing and personalizing canvas shoes is a great way to express personality without saying a word. The best part about this project is it requires no advanced artistic skill and works with almost any budget. Start off with a pair of blank canvas shoes like Vans slip-ons, Keds, Converse or Toms. They are easy to find in any color. Wal-Mart sells comfortable, wallet-friendly slip-ons and laceups for $15 if money is tight. Markers, like Sharpies, are best for doing any type of drawing or designs. For intricate designs, invest in fine-tip markers because

Friday 1.21.2011



Personalized Canvas Shoes

By Jaime Cheng / Design Assistant the thicker tips tend to bleed. When I first started, I didn’t have much artistic talent so I st uck to si mple desig ns. When I got more comfortable with the process, I started giving them out as gifts for my younger cousins. The most important thing to remember is shoes wear and tear easily. Whatever is glued onto the shoes must be weather-friendly. For the avid puddle jumpers, I suggest investing in some water repellent spray. The spray can be costly but has proven to be a complete lifesaver, because it prevents dye from smudging and blending together. The best thing about customizing shoes is it’s easy and completely up to the decorator to turn something basic into a true original. Get as creative or as complex as you want. Just enjoy the shoes and wear them with pride.

Tips and Suggestions: -White canvas shoes are the easiest to find and colors show up well on the fabric -Do not use washable markers -If drawing something intri cate: lightly use a pencil first because erasers smudge the drawing -If using shoes with laces: take the laces out first. -If using rhinestones: brush a coat of clear nail polish over the whole rhinestone. -If using water repellant spray: spray lightly from at least eight inches away. If sprayed too heavily, colors will bleed together.

Shop has snow year round By M arlene Gonzalez Intern

Splat. “Snowball Fight!” It doesn’t necessarily have to be below freezing to get some snow in Texas. It doesn’t even have to be snowing, at least not while Bahama Bucks is around. Bahama Bucks is a snow cone and smoothie shop, located on W. University Dr., but many customers don’t know, is that snowballs are also be on the menu. Ruth Zavala, manager and UNT alumna, said sales are much higher during the summer. “It’s a good concept because it’s more for recreation,” she said. Special offers include 24 snowballs for $5.99 and 60 for $13.99, Zavala said.

Although ice is hard and can hurt when someone throws it at you, the ice Bahama Bucks uses is handled in a different manner. A special solution is added to the water and then put in the freezer overnight. The ice is then placed in the snow cone machine. “[The workers] came up with a solution,” Zavala said. “That’s what allows for the ice to get really soft. You put the water in a big tent thing with the solution for 24 hours.” Brandie Campbell, a fashion merchandising junior, said she was not aware of this creation, even though she is a frequent visitor of Bahama Bucks. “Snowballs? I think what comes to mind is what are they made out of, but I didn’t know they sold them,” she said. “That’s interesting.”

Photo by Kalani Gordon/Staff PhotoGraPher

Felt-tip permanent markers and other accessories can be used to customize a pair of white canvas shoes.

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Bahama Bucks manager and UNT alumna Ruth Zavala prepares snowballs. A special solution is added to the water, which is then put in the freezer overnight. To read the full story visit ntdaily.com


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Friday 1.21.2011


EntertainmentSCENE Irish trio plays it safe, sticks to the “script” Opinion By Daisy silos Staff Writer

Photo by MCt

Co-stars show steaming connection Opinion By Daisy silos Staff Writer

“Black Sw a n” m ig ht have earned Natalie Portman a Golden Globe, but “No Strings Attached” shows how talented of an actress she is at mastering an opposite role: a girl who is interested in a purely sexual relationship with pessimistic views on love. “No Strings Attached” raises t he quest ion of whet her it’s possible to be in a friends-withbenefits relationship. I n t h i s roma nt ic comedy, directed by Ivan Reitman, Adam (A shton Kutcher) a nd Em ma (Portman) are childhood friends that meet in camp. While trying to comfort a sobbing young Adam because his parents get a divorce, Portman’s character admits to being unhelpful when it comes to handling emotions. Throug hout t he yea rs t hey bump into each other. On the

fou r t h encou nter, t hey f i nd themselves right back to where they started — a sobbing Adam and an awkward Emma trying to comfort him. The t wo decide to ma ke an agreement to be f riends w it h benef it s a nd establ ish some ground rules like no: jealousy, cuddling or breakfast. A n a spe c t of gender role re ver sa l i s i nt roduc e d w it h Kutcher’s character being sensit ive a nd wa nt ing to be more than just friends with benefits. Por t ma n’s cha racter is more closed of f a nd content w it h having casual sex. O nc e Kutcher ’s c h a r ac ter opens up and says he wants a lasting commitment, things take a turn for the worst. The two share great chemistry in the movie not just with each other, but with the supporting cast as well. Kev in K line plays Kutcher’s famous pot-smoking father who tries too hard to fit in and dates

Kutcher’s ex-girlfriends. Mindy Kaling, Greta Gerwig, Chris “ Ludacris” Bridges and Jake Johnson play Portman and Kutcher’s circle of friends. When their characters go to their friends for advice, it gives t he audience a perspect ive into what guys and girls think about friends with benefits. T h e R-r a t e d m o v i e i s roma nt ic, f unny a nd whi le enough girls will drool over Kutcher, there is no doubt that Portman is eye candy for the guys. Although this film might be considered a chick f lick, it’s entertaining for everyone. It gives the audience an inside look at the opposite sex and shows how relationships are now-a-days. “No Strings Attached” shows love happens i n t he most unconventional way.

The Script, made up of Glen Power, Mark Sheehan and Danny O’ Donoghue, are known for their songs about break-ups, makeups and everything that relates to being in love. I n t hei r recent ly relea sed sophomore a lbum “Science & Faith,” the band becomes repetitive with even more songs about break-ups, make-ups and everyt hing t hat relates to being in love. The songs have a nice sound and relatable lyrics, but isn’t a follow-up a lbum supposed to show progress from the first? “You Won’t Feel a Thing” is the opening song off The Script’s new a lbum, and like t he tit le suggests, you won’t feel a thing that’s different from their first sel f-t it led a lbu m released i n 2008. The lyrics to this song demons t r ate O’D onog hue’s her oic side, decla r ing his love for a g irl, say ing he’d do a ny t hing to protect her from harm and ta ke adva ntage of t heir t ime together. Kind of sounds similar to their hit song, “Live Like We’re Dying,” doesn’t it? T hei r f i rst si ng le, “For t he First Time,” is about a str uggling couple that find themselves unemployed. Their unemployment is a blessing in disguise when the couple reignites their relationship. Although the song is relevant to the hard economic times, the chorus is what makes up most of the song, which doesn’t really leave a lasting effect. “Nothing” is a heart-breaking

Photo by MCt ba llad ever yone can relate to after losing a significant other. The lyrics tell the story of a drunken man trying to get back the love of his life, but the girl doesn’t feel the same way. Their song “If You Ever Come Back” is w it hout a doubt t he catchiest song of the album. All 10 tracks on the album have an appealing rhythm and singer/ songwriter O’Donoghue’s voice sounds as beautiful as ever. The band just doesn’t show much progress. Listeners mig ht f ind t hemselves si ng i ng a long to T he S c r ipt ’s song s a nd pos sibl y dancing to the rhythm, which will have die-hard fans content with their new album. Music lovers would be better off listening to the band’s first record. “Science & Faith” only proves The Script has gotten the formula down to make a good album. The band has the potential to make a great album, but they’re well on their way to becoming a onehit-wonder.

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