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Volume 96 | Issue 34
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The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
Family, friends, coworkers raise dollars for Dollarhide BY JESSICA DETIBERIIS
Staff Writer
Junior defensive specialist Sarah Willey dives for the ball against Arkansas State last on Oct. 9. The women host Troy and South Alabama this weekend.
East division squads visit UNT BY L AURA ZAMORA Sports Editor
After defeating four of the five teams from the Sun Belt West, the UNT volleyball team will dip its feet in the East division to match that success. The Mean Green (15-9, 7-2) will aim to stretch its four-game winning streak when it hosts Troy (10-14, 2-5) tonight and South Alabama (9-13, 4-3) Sunday after sweeping a three-game road trip last week. “There’s no doubt that from top to bottom the East division is more competitive than ours,” head coach Ken Murczek said. “Hopefully that’ll motivate us to play a better game.” Troy has lost three in a row to sit in fifth place in the Sun Belt East, trailing the South Alabama Jaguars. The two Alabama teams went the distance in five sets last weekend, where South Alabama prevailed 3-2. Troy ’s average h it t i ng percentage of .184 ranks sixth in conference, but the Trojans show talent on defense, ranking fourth at a 15.74 digs-per-set average. “Troy and South Alabama are both very good defensively and right behind us in digs,” junior defensive specialist Sarah Willey said. “Troy has a tall right side, but we’re going to focus on our side of the net.” Trojan freshman defensive specialist Courtney Cohen is just behind Willey, posting an average of 4.11 digs per set. The Trojans position their attackers in the middle instead of the right or left, which has Murczek thinking of a specific plan for his squad. South Alabama enters the Mean Green territory ranking third in digs and services aces, averaging 16.06 per-set and 1.26 per-set, respectively. “They beat Arkansas State,
which is right behind us in the standings,” Murczek said. “That obviously says something.” Before the Jaguars’ five-set win over Troy, they lost to Western Kentucky and Middle Tennessee, the East division’s top two teams. UNT picked up its two first five-set victories last week after going 0-5 in games that went all the way to five sets. Willey says she and her teammates have been focusing on putting together a full match of clean volleyball. “We’ve been playing good volleyball for the first set of our last few matches,” she said. “We need to make sure we have great communication, great defensive effort and run our middles.” The Mean Green remains in first place in the Sun Belt West division and third in average hitting percentage on the conference leaderboards at .225. UNT’s averages of 13.28 assists per set and 14.06 kills per set rank first and second, respectively. The defense also continues to be relentless, ranking second in average opponent hitting percentage with .171. The defense has held 10 opponents under .100 hitting this season. “Our defense has been playing fearless, and the whole team is contributing,” Willey said. “The more we keep the ball off the ground, the more chances we have to put pressure on the other team.” Willey collected her third Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week award on Monday after posting 65 total digs last weekend to become UNT’s first three-time award winner. Willey’s 398 digs are the second-most in the Sun Belt. UNT’s match against Troy will begin at 7 p.m. tonight. The Mean Green will then host South Alabama at 1 p.m. Sunday.
Her friends describe her as a beautiful, vibrant 20-year-old, whose happy smile and optimistic view are contagious. Her coworkers know her as the uniting bond that holds their staff together. Her family sees Lauren Dollarhide as their little angel, bright-faced, twinkling eyes and high school valedictorian. Their thoughts and prayers remain with her every day as she sits in the intensive care unit at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. “There are upwards of a hundred thousand people around the world that are aware of her situation,” said Dollarhide’s uncle, Darran Dol la rhide. “It’s rea l ly awesome to see the response and encouragement. Everyone loves Lauren.” About one month ago, Dollarhide, a hospitality management senior, was admitted to the emergency room for what was eventually diagnosed as Wegener’s granulomatosis, a rare and potentially life-threatening disease. Dollarhide woke up Monday from the coma her doctors induced weeks ago. The Disease Wegener’s disease is characterized by the inflammation of blood vessels, which can lead to the damage of many bodily organs, according to WebMD. com. The cause of the disease is unknown. Wegener’s disease can severely harm the respiratory system and kidneys, as well as weaken muscles throughout the body. Dollarhide started to experience symptoms during the summer, said Judy Hallam, her grandmother. She complained of an earache, for which she was prescribed antibiotics. But the ache would return. Eventually, Hallam said, tubes were inserted into her ears in an attempt to alleviate the pressure, but Dollarhide remained in critical pain. She was soon admitted to the ER at Denton Regional Medical Center, where doctors were unable to diagnose her illness. She was moved to the UTSW Medical Center in Dallas.
Rollin’ on the Track
Lauren Dollarhide, a hospitality management senior, is in the Intensive Care Unit of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center because of Wegener’s disease. Sean Stephan, her fiance, proposed to her Monday when she awoke from a coma. Dollarhide was then put on a respirator and induced into a paralytic state, as she could no longer breathe on her own because of bleeding in her lungs, Hallam said. “At first they thought she had tuberculosis,” Hallam said. “In order to visit her, we had to wear gowns and masks and gloves. Of course, she didn’t know we were there.” Dollarhide is being treated with some of the same medications used to treat cancer patients. Though she is awake, she is breathing through a respirator, Hallam said, as her diaphragm is too weak to breathe on her own, and she is unable to speak. The cost of the hospital stay and medical treatments is rising steadily, said Tracey Farley, Dollarhide’s aunt. Various students and faculty members at UNT have begun holding fundraisers to help pay for these bills. Emotional Toll
See WOMEN on Page 6
Offering Support Dollarhide is a resident assistant at Kerr Hall, and the dorm staff started the first fundraiser on campus. Kerr residents have been given the opportunity to donate money to Dollarhide in the name of their RA. The wing that raises the most money will win a pizza party and get to see their RA locked in “jail.” “It’s sort of a way to get the residents involved because not everyone knows Lauren,” said Ben Taylor, the residence hall director. “Stuff like this fundraiser always makes me really happy. I don’t think we’ve ever had one this successful.” The Kerr fundraiser has raised more than $700 so far, Taylor said. The School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management has also been accepting donations.
See STRANGERS on Page 2
Legislators to oppose bullying BY A DAM BLAYLOCK Senior Staff Writer
Roller derby is a full-contact sport for women. Dallas has the Assassination City Roller Derby league.
Sean Stephan, Dollarhide’s fiancé, took Dollarhide to the hospital at about 4 a.m. The couple had been dating for about three and half years before Dollarhide got sick. “I was the manager at Pac Sun at the mall,” Stephan said. “I felt a tap on my shoulder after I closed asking if a hat looked good on her, and after that it was just magic.” Stephan had a ring and was ready to propose, but Dollarhide’s illness postponed his plan until Monday, when she woke up. He said the support and the fundraising that people have provided has “been a blessing.” “I think that the awareness so far and the people coming together for that is just truly amazing,” Stephan said. He typically stays with her throughout the day, and her parents accompany her during the night. “It’s been just a really hard time,” he said about the situation.
As national attention zeroes in on bullying in public schools, some Texas legislators are arming themselves once more to fight for amending school conduct policies to address bullying. A previous bill passed in 2005 provided courses of action schools could take against bullying. But those changes don’t address some aspects of bullying that current legislators hope to single out with new laws. Rep. Mark Strama, D-Travis, will propose an updated version of a failed 2009 bill in the upcoming 2011 legislative session that will address cyberbullying, said Mary Throop, Strama’s chief of staff. “Our [current] code doesn’t address cyberbullying at all,” Throop said. It’s hard to tell where cyber-
bullying is happening, which is a reason for the state to create strategies that would condemn it no matter where it happens, she said. The previous bill Strama proposed would have amended the term “bullying” to include “expression through electronic means … on or off school property.” “With portable devices today [students] can bully, or cyberbully, anywhere they choose … including schools,” Throop said. Under current law, districts are responsible for developing and implementing their own strategies of prevention, education and penalties for bullying and harassment, according to state bullying laws posted on, a nonprofit organization that evaluates and grades state
bullying laws. The website gave Texas a C-. Of the 45 states that have bullying laws, Texas tied for last with Minnesota. The other five states failed for having no bullying laws at all. Joe Byer, a design freshman, expressed his support for new legislation that would address bullying in schools in light of the recent rash of bullying-related suicides that has made headlines across the nation. “I think it’s absolutely necessary,” he said. Byer, who recently moved to Texas from New Jersey, said that he had several friends who knew Rutgers student Tyler Clementi, the man who jumped from the George Washington Bridge on Sept. 22.
See SUICIDES on Page 2
Page 2 Abigail Allen & Josh Pherigo News Editors
Friday, October 22, 2010
Strangers offer support Continued from Page 1 It collected money at a Homecoming tailgating event, said journalism junior Leslie Fortson, a Kerr RA and close friend of Dollarhide’s. The school is also handing out bracelets with the inscription “Pray for Lauren, Matthew 19:26” on them, which were prov ided by Dolla rhide’s parents, who declined to comment on the situation. Last weekend, a prayer for Dollarhide was held in the Square, conducted by Fortson and some of Dollarhide’s other friends. Fortson said 43 people attended it. On Nov. 9, the Applebee’s restaurant off of Interstate Highway 35E in Denton will have an event in which 15
percent of all proceeds will go to the Dollarhide family. People wishing to take part in the event should mention Dollarhide’s name when they receive their bill. The school will have a similar event Nov. 12 at Carino’s Italian restaurant in Denton. A n ac c ou nt ha s be en opened at the Austin Bank in Frankston, Dollarhide’s hometown, to collect all donations a nd f undra iser proceeds. The money is going toward hospital and medical bills, said Linda Hefelfinger, a bank employee and Dollarhide’s aunt-in-law. Anyone can send a donation. There is no way to know how long Dollarhide will have to stay in the hospital, Farley said. Dollarhide is not allowed
to have visitors at this time. Drawing Attention Dollarhide’s parents have been keeping her friends and family updated on her status through a blog found at laurendollarhide. There have been more than 18,000 hits to the site since its creation and more than 1,200 notes left for Dollarhide. Most of the words of support have come from people who have never met Dollarhide, including some from other countries. “She has touched many lives,” Fa rley sa id. “Even people she doesn’t know, she has touched them somehow. It’s incred ible how ma ny people care.”
Suicides create awareness Continued from Page 1 Clement i’s su icide wa s allegedly provoked after his roommate and roommate’s girlfriend, Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei, posted a sexually explicit v ideo of a homosexual encounter between Clementi and his partner on the Internet. “It’s always hard to lose a friend, but it’s especially hard when it’s for no reason,” Byer said. Nationa lly, at least four ot her m idd le- a nd h ig h school-aged students have also committed suicide as a resu lt of c yberbu l ly i ng since 2006, according to the Make a Difference for Kids website. T h r o op s a id s he w a s hopeful with the 2011 session approaching in January. “I t hink t hat we’re at a tipping point,” Throop said. “It’s unfortunate that people have lost their lives, but it has brought attention to the
“It’s unfortunate that people have lost their lives, but it has brought attention to the issue.”
—Mary Throop Chief of staff for Rep. Mark Strama, D-Texas
issue.” Melanie Lewis, the director of counseling for the Denton Independent School District, said the district has applied itself to the prevention of bullying of all types in and out of school. “Our prog ra m probably go e s w el l b e y ond w h at current laws require,” Lewis said. The dist rict has implemented education campaigns a nd resea rch-or iented prog ra ms desig ned to increase awareness among teachers, ad m i n ist rat ion, parents and students, she said.
T he s e st r ate g ie s h av e contributed to a low number of incidents in the district, Lewis said. “I t h i n k you’re a lway s going to see some bullying in any school, but we work very hard to be proactive,” Lewis said. She said the district doesn’t minimize the issue. “We don’t consider a ny bullying acceptable,” Lewis said. Several other state representatives are expected to int roduce bi l ls to a mend bu l ly i ng pol ic ie s i n t he 2011 session as well, Throop said.
At least two people have complained to the Student Government Association about people leaving a cloud of smoke near doorways to campus buildings. The university’s policy states that smokers must stay 25 feet from any door.
SGA, UNT police discuss campus smoking rules BY TIM MONZINGO Senior Staff Writer
T he u n iversit y says “Smok ing is prohibited … within [25] feet of any public entrance to a building, and i n a ny ot her de sig n ate d areas excluded by the Fire Marshall,” according to the Smoking, Food and Beverage Policy. I n t he la st t wo week s, t he St udent G over n ment Association has received at least t wo st rong letters of complaint about people at UNT smoking near the doors of buildings, leaving a cloud for others to walk through. The complaints have spurred t he a ssociat ion to ta ke a look at the school’s smoking rules. “It’s a pol ic y t hat’s not rea l ly enforced r ig ht now, so we’re going to push to see if we can start getting that enforced more,” said Kevin Sanders, SGA president. Some 46 m i l lion people smoke cigarettes, according to t he Centers for Disease C ont r ol a nd P r e v ent ion . About 20 percent of adults over the age of 18 are smokers. Of those 46 million, 21 percent are in the 18- to 24-year-old age group. A lt houg h t wo e-ma i l compla i nt s i n a semester
“That number, two, is still a big number to me because that’s two students who are dissatisfied right now.”
—Kevin Sanders SGA president
might not seem like much, Sanders said, there may have been more, and two is enough to get them thinking. “That number, two, is still a big number to me because that’s two students who are dissatisf ied right now,” he said. Sanders said he plans to meet with UNT police officers to discuss the issue. Deputy chief of police Ed Reynolds acknowledged that a meeting with the SGA was pla nned to ta l k about t he rules. T he pol ic y st ate s t h at t he 25-foot radius a round building entrances is to be enforced at specific places b y “d e p a r t m e n t h e a d s , managers, super v isors and building representatives,” and that “the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities is responsible for enforcing the policy with students.” Some students feel
t here is a n not issue w it h people smoking close to the entrances of buildings. Kurt Zacharias, a general studies junior and occasional smoker, said as long as people are outside, he doesn’t see a problem. “I don’t think it’s really a big issue,” he said. Daniel Monroe, a biology s op h om or e w h o d o e s n’t smoke, sa id t he problem is about a lack of enforcement. “I see people smoking even when there are signs on the door,” he said. “It might not necessarily be t hat t here’s not enough restriction, just it’s not enforced.” If students are concerned by the issue, Sanders said, they can attend the SGA meetings at 5:15 p.m. every Wednesday in Wooten Hall 322, e-mail the organization at or stop by its office in University Union 320S.
Friday, October 22, 2010 Laura Zamora Sports Editor
Page 3
Tough competition awaits swimming, diving team Mean Green to face WAC standout teams BY R AEGAN POOL Staff Writer
T he Mea n Green s w i mming and diving team takes t he r ac e s to L a s C r uc e s, N.M. today for dua l meets against New Mexico State and Boise State, two other NCA A Division I programs. The two teams finished in first and second place at the Western Athletic Conference Championships last season. “We’re going to have a very tough meet against two very good opponents,” head coach Joe Dykstra said. “I expect us to step up to the challenge and race hard – win, lose or draw.” The meet w i l l consist of events such as a 200- a nd 400-yard individual medley relay, 1- and 3-meter diving, 5 0 0 -y a r d f r e e s t y l e a n d 2 0 0 -y a r d e v ent s i n e a c h stroke. New Mexico State The meet ma rks NMSU’s first of the season. The Mean Gre en h a s a 2-12 re c ord against the NSMU Aggies from 1999 to 2008.
UNT swim team members warm up during practice in preparation for this weekend’s meet in New Mexico. UNT beat Tulane 140-102 and lost to Arkansas 163-75 in a double-dual meet last Saturday. Boise State UNT has never competed against Boise State before, but BSU edged NMSU last season 198.5-95.5. Boise State finished first in its conference meet last season w it h t he
Aggies trailing in second. Mean Green At t h i s t i me la st yea r, the Mean Green traveled to Colorado to face Denver and Utah in a double-dual meet
and lost to both teams. Junior Rosa Gentile carried the team in the meet, taking home a first-place finish in the 100-yard backstroke. “In sw imming, you have key people, but you’re not
successful unless you have 12 or 13 doing really [well] at their jobs. Rosa Gentile is our MVP leader - we’ll continue to count on her for scoring a lot of points,” Dykstra said. “But I could name off nine
or 10 different people that all have jobs to do. Without any one of them, we’re not going to be successful as a team.” The Mean Green has seen promising results from Gentile in the 50- and 100-yard freest y les, 10 0 - a nd 20 0 -ya rd butterf lies and the 200-yard individual medley this season. Sen ior A ng ie D wor schack and junior Hiliary Reidmann have shined in the 200- and 500-yard freestyles, and senior Rosita Bado a nd incoming junior Joanna Wozniak show potent ia l i n t he 20 0 -ya rd breaststroke. UNT w ill look to seniors Delia Covo a nd Ma r y Bet h Geeze and freshman Rebecca Taylor to score major points on the diving side. “I t h i n k most of us w i l l su r pr ise ou rselves [t h is we ekend ] . We’l l be t i re d from our hard training this week, but I t hin k we’re in prime shape to sw im some pretty fast times,” Wozniak said. “I think we’ll get most of t he close races because that’s something we’ve been focusing on in our training. I know we’ll put up a good fight against them.” The meet beg ins at 4: 30 p.m. today and continues at 11 a.m. Saturday at New Mexico State.
Tennis returns to Ferguson brings pitching success to UNT action in Waco BY BOBBY LEWIS Staff Writer
BY SEAN GORMAN Senior Staff Writer
After not competing for a month, the UNT tennis team will play in its first statewide tournament this season. T he Mea n Green w i l l travel to Waco to compete in the Intercollegiate Tennis Association Texas Regional Championships this weekend in an effort to have its players qualify for November’s ITA Nat ion a l I nterc ol le g iate Indoor Championships. All Division I schools from Texas will be in attendance, as their players try earning a spot in the tournament, located in New York City. “We have had a g reat offseason and we’re excited to build off the success we had last season,” head coach Sujay Lama said. “One thing that hurt us last year was conditioning, so we have worked on that a lot in our preparation.” Around 8,000 men’s and women’s players compete in a total of 88 regional events, where the finalists in singles matches and the top doubles team qualify for the national tournament. “There have been plenty of positives to take away from in the first two tournaments of the year and some things we know we still have to work on,” junior Nadia Lee said. “Coach has made us believe that we belong in the national rankings and can compete
with anyone.” While it may be hard to remember a mont h later, the Mean Green held its own against top competition at the Oklahoma Sooner Invitational in mid-September. Playing against six other ra n ked tea ms f rom la st season, UNT ended with a 17-16 overall record, going 6-3 in doubles play and finishing 11-8 in singles. “I was very proud of the way our team played when considering the quality of teams we were facing,” Lama said. “We didn’t do a great job finishing matches, but we have worked on the players’ endura nce leading up to regionals.” UNT will face some of the best competition it has seen all season in Waco. ITA Texas Region Rookie of the Year, sophomore Aeriel Ellis, will be one of the favorites for the UT-Austin, as she earned a berth to the ITA National Intercollegiate Indoor Championships last season. “We k now it’s going to be difficult playing against some of the best teams in the state of Texas, but it’s a great opportunity for us,” Lee said. “There are players on this team that are capable of surprising some people.” Play begins Friday morning a nd c ont i nue s t h r ou g h Tuesday at the Baylor Tennis Center in Waco.
Last yea r, Lisa Ferg uson brought numerous accolades and achievements w ith her when she joined t he Mea n Green sof tba l l tea m as a n assistant coach. This year, the Fort Worth nat ive broug ht t he ex per ience a nd con f idence t hat helped her coach the team’s pitchers to the lowest earned run average in school history at 2.35 during her first year with the team. “I think that I’ve learned a lot in the past year about [coaching] and remembered what it was like to pitch in college,” Ferguson said. “It’s been a blast.” Ferguson is only three years removed from her final year at Baylor. During her tenure with the Lady Bears, she racked up 174 appearances, 55 relief appearances, 82 wins, 30 shutouts and 19 saves. She ranks first in the school’s history in all five categories. During her senior year at Baylor in 2007, she led the team with 26 wins and a 1.96 ERA and helped the school clinch its first berth in the Women’s College World Series. “There’s not hing like it,” Ferguson said. “You know, you think about it and you dream about it, t hen you rea l i ze you’re there. It’s awesome.” The Lady Bea rs f inished f if t h at t he 2007 Women’s College World Series. W hen she g raduated, Ferguson was drafted to play w ith the Washington Glor y of the National Pro Fastpitch league, but her time with the team was cut short by medical issues with her back. “It was fun. I really enjoyed it. I just think my body gave out on me,” she said. Ferguson played during the 2008 season and amassed a 3-0 record w ith a 2.80 ER A and one save. T h is su m mer, Ferg uson onc e a g a i n pl a y e d on a professional team as she was selected to play with two traveling fastpitch teams, the U.S. Professiona l A l l-Sta rs a nd Dynasty 6, although she only played two games. UNT softball head coach T.J. Hubbard knew of Ferguson f rom her days of pitch i ng
Mean Green softball assistant coach Lisa Ferguson led the Baylor softball team to its first Women’s College World Series in 2007. Ferguson helped UNT lower its ERA to 2.35 last season, the lowest in school history. against the Mean Green when she was at Baylor. “We faced her several times and she beat us every time, so that had a little bit to do with it,” he said. “But she knows the area and she’s familiar with a lot of the area coaches so it’s one of those where it was just a good fit all the way around.” Ferguson’s coaching experience was a factor as well. She was head coach of Fort Worth Christian High School, where she led the Lady Cardinals to a 40-15-3 record.
She also partnered up with For t Wor t h-a rea pitch i ng coach Ken Graves, who had been her pitch i ng coach since age 12, to give pitching lessons. “[Ken Graves] definitely had a huge impact on me growing up,” Ferguson said. Graves said Ferguson could have been a great professional player, but that the growth she showed as a player cannot be understated. “She went from a k id to a World Series pitcher,” he said.
The help from Graves has pa id d iv idend s w it h t he pitchers on the Mean Green roster. “She helps w it h e ver y pitching lesson,” sophomore pitcher Br itta ny Si m mons said. “She’s helped a lot with my mental game.” Although her venture into coaching has been successful, Ferguson doesn’t think her playing career is over yet. “I’m not done playing,” she said. “I’m going to wait for the next thing to open up and see if it works out with work.”
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Bat World Sanctuary
brings students up close and personal to these furry creatures. page 4
ILY, OCtober 22
ART: Dallas art show recognizes Denton artists
Page 3
BATS: Bat sanctuary aims to show how “cute” vampire bats are
Page 4
The Deftones blow Dallas away with energetic show
Page 5
DERBY: Women’s roller derby takes over Dallas
Page 6
Must Haves: Top items women must own
Page 7
To contact the SCENE editor, Graciela Razo, e-mail
Friday 10.22.2010
Dallas art show spotlights Denton artists By Jessica DeTiBeriis Staff Writer
Lost, adrift, spellbound in swirls of jade and crimson, captivated by multicolored mosaics and struck speechless before creative sculptures. Attendees of the Denton Rising Artists exhibition will be able to view Denton’s finest art in Dallas Saturday evening. LuminArte Gallery will host the exhibition’s opening at 7 p.m. Saturday, featuring the collective works of 14 visual artists from Denton County. The artists were hand-selected by art director Christian Millet to have their pieces showcased in the exhibition. “What makes this different is not only the quality of the art or the difference between the artists, but they’re all emerging artists from a small community that doesn’t have
much exposure,” Millet said. “They have a lot to bring to the table.” There is a lot of talent around Denton County, and after attending many other showings, he and his colleagues were able to select a strong group of skilled young adults, Millet said. He made his selections based on talent and previous recognition. “Denton really doesn’t have an art venue open to all artists unless you are a part of UNT or TWU, which I personally think is criminal, knowing there’s so much talent in this city,” Millet said. This is the first show LuminArte created for Denton County. For many of the participating artists, it is their first time to show their work in Dallas. “It’s exciting to have a show in Dallas where people can see it,” said visual artist Jennifer Leigh Jones, a
Photo by James Coreas/staff PhotograPher
Carl Bajandas, a UNT alumnus, works on his piece “20 love sounds and love of desperation” for the Denton Rising Artists exhibition. UNT alumna and visual arts faculty member. “It’s great for my resume
and also hopefully another opportunity to get my name out there.” D Magazine named Jones one of the Dallas Nine last year, an award given to nine of out 150 participating artists. Her paintings, combined with pastel and charcoal drawings, are mostly memory-based, she said. One of them has been selected by NBC Studios to be seen on the TV show “Grey’s Anatomy.” The showing will feature a wide variety of art pieces, including sculptures, paintings, photographs, charcoal drawings and others. Millet said no two artists are alike, and each has a completely different style from the next. Each of the artists will showcase three to five pieces in the exhibition, some of which have never been displayed before. Sculptor Carl Bajandas, also a UNT alumnus, said he is excited for the show.
“It’s a good opportunity to show the work to people that might be interested in buying it,” Bajandas said. “It’s also a good opportunity to possibly get future shows and just get my work out there.” Bajandas described his pieces as kinetic sculptures that he has great pride in. One of the pieces he will show features a strong magnet melted over a motor, spinning slowly and attracting the razor blades suspended above, causing them to move. Another is a collaborative piece created with another artist, a combination of a piano and another handheld instrument. All of the artists have different backgrounds, and have been preparing for mont hs for t his show. The exhibition is free to the public and will be at 1727 East Levee St. in Dallas.
people’s claims of how expensive it is, because a student can pay $10 to visit the Dallas Museum of Art or the Nasher Sculpture Center, and the Crow Collection of Asian Art is always free.
opera performances at the AT&T Performing Arts Center to street performances and live music. Painting sophomore Ashley Johnson has v isited t he A rts District before for one of her for mer a r t teacher’s show s. She said art has a way to create beauty. “It’s different from the rest of Dallas,” Johnson said. “It has a good feel to it.” For more information, go to
Dallas Arts District celebrates Art in October By ashley-crysTal FirsTley Intern
W hite tents are lined a long Flora Street in the Dallas Arts District, filled with freshly baked Colombian desserts, hot Costa R ic a n food, L at i n A mer ic a n da nce lessons a nd ma r iach i music. Art in October celebrates the Dallas Arts District with performances, events, programs and live music, as students and families gather together to embrace the life of art. “T h is is act ua l ly t he f i rst year we’ve held Art in October,” marketing coordinator Catherine Nodur f t sa id. “We wa nted to create a once-a-year celebration of the Arts District.” Tonight, students are welcomed to come and bring their blankets to the lawn of the Strauss Square where the Dallas Opera is having its opening night at 7:30 p.m.
Art’s importance For the commemoration, the AT&T Performing Arts Center is collaborating with the Arts District and the Dallas Film Society. The AT&T Performing Arts Center’s vice president of external affairs Jill Magnuson said they have many performers and activities as part of the Art in October experience. “Art is the most available and accessible quality-of-life component that any person can have,”
Magnuson said. “A nd from a st udent’s perspect ive essentially, whether they know it or not, they’re surrounded with art every single moment of their day.” Nodurft said she believes it’s important to show people that they can visit the Dallas Arts District and realize there’s a lot of entertainment to enjoy all at once. She said she wants to stress accessible isis the Arts District’s accessibi l it y , despite ot her
Neck pain?
What’s going on On the Arts District website, a calendar is available to view all the activities happening throughout the rest of the month, along with the times. T he prog ra ms ra nge f rom
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Friday 10.22.2010
Specialist introduces the good in being ‘batty’ By Christina Mlynski
she walks through the aisles with the bats in her hands. People are able to look at them up close, but touching is not allowed. Pictures are acceptable because bats are not sensitive to the flash, Hyatt said. “They’re extremely calm in a trained hand, and people’s opinions about bats completely change once they realize what they’re truly like,” she said.
Senior Staff Writer
Every morning, 50,000 bats greet Dottie Hyatt, vice president of Bat World Lone Star. One in particular, Allfi, anxiously waits as Hyatt approaches his section of the sanctuary. Impatient to be fed, he climbs up the ceiling and swings himself back and forth to gain momentum. After picking up speed, he launches himself onto Hyatt’s shoulder and rolls his eyes at her as he waits for his meal. “They’re cute, clean, gentle, don’t smell, and you can see their intelligence by the facial expression they give off,” Hyatt said. “We literally cannot exist without them.” Six different species of bats will accompany Hyatt at 10 a.m. to noon and 2-4 p.m. on Saturday at Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center to give a presentation on Bat World. She will decipher myths, present facts and show attendees “the tiny little creatures” up close. This branch of the national sanctuary was created in 2008 and houses the most bats in the world. The event is free and all attendees must register in advance to reserve a spot at one of the showings. Only 150 seats are available, said Tracy Durmick, the center’s outdoor
Hours: Mon. - Sat. 10am - 8pm Sundays in Oct. 12pm - 6pm (940) 566-1917
Courtesy of meLissA riLey/BAt WorLd sAnCtuAry
Wild Mexican free-tailed bats hang from the rafters at the Wild Sanctuary in Mineral Wells. nature recreation coordinator. In honor of Halloween, Hyatt will discuss and present vampire bats. A common misconception is that they enjoy human blood. “All vampire bats reside in South America. Ironically, there are none in Transylvania,” she said. Life. Love. Bats. Durmick chose Hyatt to present as a part of the free lecture series hosted by Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center because she is in love with her job.
5800 I-35 N Loop 288 Suite #508 Denton, TX. (near Good Eats in the Stonehill Center)
“It’s a fascinating program, and for me it’s wonderful to have someone so passionate about what surrounds them all the time,” she said. Guided and self-guided hikes will be available for people after the lecture to enjoy the center’s scenery, she said. The Denton County Master Gardener Association will also help attendees create a seed card. The cards are Halloween-themed and will contain wildflower seeds that can be planted, Durmick said. Students like Nicole Coleman, an English junior, are looking forward to the event because of the information it will provide. “People simply are not familiar with these creatures, and often what is unfamiliar is misunderstood,” she said. Hyatt speaks every year because she wants to inform the public that bats are endangered and to help them understand that if bats are in trouble they will accept help. “They’re not scary at all,” she said. “Bats don’t attack people, and if one seems to be swooping down on you, let it because it’s going after an insect.” During Hyatt’s presentation,
Here’s the Skinny Eighty-five percent of the bats at the sanctuary are released back into the wild after being rehabilitated, Hyatt said. Most are in the sanctuary because of illegal pet trades and research facilities. Bats are not federally protected. They are a migratory species, the slowest reproducing mammal and
Courtesy of AmAndA LoLLAr/BAt WorLd sAnCtuAry
Bootsana the bat eats a mouthful of melon at the Bat World Sanctuary. Bats like her will come on Saturday to the Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center. have high mortality rates, Hyatt said. “They’re not rodents,” she said. “Bats are as similar to rodents as huma n beings. We’re a l l mammals.” The sanctuary was created to help conserve bats in a simulated natural habitat. The f loors are made of foam in case a bat falls from the ceiling. Ramps are built
Info What: Bat World Lone Star Where: Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center When:10 a.m. to noon and 2-4 p.m. on Saturday Cost: Free Requirements: Register in advance
for the older bats so they can climb into hammocks and not strain their limbs, Hyatt said. “We can make habitats better for bats by attracting them to their natural environment,” said Katherine Barnett, sustainability and projects coordinator. The most popular myth is that bats carry rabies. Less than one half of 1 percent will contract the disease in their lifetime, Hyatt said. Bats are extremely sensitive to loud, sudden noises. Hyatt recommends that attendees do not yell. Both Hyatt and Durmick expect people to walk away from the Bat World lecture with a positive outlook on bats and a desire to support their environment. “I could spend five or more hou rs on bats a nd not even scratch the surface,” Hyatt said. “Most people are truly stunned when they find out how awesome bats are.” For more information contact Tracy Durmick at 940-359-8285.
Bat Facts
Courtesy of Dottie Hyatt • 70 percent are insect eaters • Spend one-third of their life grooming • Primary pollinators of plants • Have a complex diet of 5,000 bugs a day • Bat World Sanctuary houses the most bats in the world • Not blind and can see as well as humans • Life span of 25 to 40 years
Friday 10.22.2010
Deftones’ adrenaline-filled show blow fans away Opinion By M arlene Gonzalez Intern
The Deftones blasted away and played as if they were truly out of this realm on Monday at the Palladium Ballroom in Dallas. The hype, energy and great performance that vocalist and guitarist Chino Moreno gave along with guitarist Stephen Carpenter, bassist Sergio Vega, keyboardist
Frank Delgado and drummer Abe Cunningham had eager fans even more excited, pushing themselves forward in hopes of getting a closer sight. Fans of different ages showed their loyalty to the group, from young teenagers to adults who were most likely followers from back in the day. The California band has been around since 1988, gathering new fans each year. Its sixth album, “Diamond Eyes,” came out last May. The diversity Deftones incorpo-
Photo by James Coreas/Intern
Light beams shined over the Palladium Ballroom Monday night when the Deftones performed songs from new and older albums.
rates in their songs manages to maintain a rock vibe, allowing admirers to branch out by not strictly sticking to the common metal genre. Body surfing was witnessed several times with people’s shoes and heavy bodies hitting those standing. For fans who regularly attend rock concerts, the well-known mosh pit was sure to be found. Security guards helped those who could not breathe or stand the intensity of the mosh pit by lifting them over the rail to get out of the craziness. The band played songs from its old albums as well as from its most recent one, mixing and matching throughout the concert. The crowd calmed down, but did not lose its enthusiasm when they began playing “Change (In the House of Flies),” a slower but popular ballad among its admirers. There were a couple of crazy people who ran up on stage and threw themselves into the crowd before security could get hold of them, and others were grabbed while on midstage. Chino maintained his zeal throughout the show, never losing the fierceness and strength in his voice. The ballroom was illuminated with lasers to set up the mood for each song. When they performed
Photo by James Coreas/Intern
Lead singer of the Deftones, Chino Moreno, screams into the microphone. The band performed Oct 18 at The Palladium Ballroom. “7 Words,” the crowd jumped and head banged while beams of light surrounded the ballroom. Deftones clearly reigned the
Palladium as this talented rock band closed its act with an encore of “Lotion” from its album “Around the Fur.”
Kings haven’t lost their touch and can do pretty much anything. The album’s cover does it justice by illustrating a palm tree surrounded by an ocean under a perfect sunset; it
just sets the mood for the chilled and soothing songs on the album.
Kings of Leon lives up to expectations on fifth album Opinion By Daisy silos Intern
The Grammy Award-winning Southern rockers from Tennessee have done it again with their fifth album “Come Around Sundown.” Who can forget the past year when Kings Of Leon skyrocketed to fame with their last album “Only by the Night,” selling 6.2 million copies worldwide? The band became a household name with popular songs like “Sex on Fire” and “Use Somebody.”
With all the success they’ve had with their fourth album, fans had high expectations for their latest album. The band is made up of brothers lead vocalist and guitarist Caleb Followill, bassist Jared Followill, drummer Nathan Followill and their cousin guitarist Matthew Followill. The album’s opener is called “The End,” a ballad that features calming sounds from the bass guitar. As always, Caleb Followill delivers his amazing vocals, especially when he starts off the chorus singing, “This could be the end.” That one line just ties the song all together.
Kings of Leon pulled off a bit of everything on this album from having some gospel on their latest single, “Radioactive,” but they manage to make it sound catchy and have an upbeat rhythm, not anything churchy or preachy. It’s no surprise they added in a bit of country on their song “Back Down South,” which gives listeners that Southern hospitality feel. They even incorporate a bit of ‘60s doo-wop feel with their love song “Mary” that shows off their best rock guitar solo that’s ever been heard in past albums. They are simply proving that the
Friday 10.22.2010
Dallas women’s roller derby league hits track BY SHANNON MOFFATT Staff Writer
Women on wheels are tearing up the derby track and taking no prisoners. Assassination City Roller Derby, Da l las’ women’s rol ler derby league, skates to thrill. In roller derby there are 10 skaters on the track at a time, five per team with four blockers and one jammer. One team at a time, the jammer scores points for her side. The skaters tr y to block the other team’s jammer while helping their jammer get through to score. The jammer, who wears a star on her helmet, has to pass cleanly through the pack without pushing or kicking. “I t h i n k rol ler derby g i rls are super tough,” said Kristin Murray, a special education and interdisciplinary studies senior. “They are fun to watch because
they’re tougher than girls in other sports.” “It’s offense and defense at the same time,” said Massey Graves, A ssa ssi nat ion Cit y ’s genera l manager. Assassination City was founded in January 2005 and is made up of six teams. The four home teams – Bombshell Brigade, Lone Star Assassins, Deadly Kennedys and Viva La Revolucion – bout against each other while the all-star traveling team, Special Ops, bouts against other Women’s Flat Track Derby Association teams for rankings. Dirty Little Secret Service is the B-team comprised of women from the home teams. DLSS is preparation for joining Special Ops, Graves said. Angela Grella, known as Slayer Delilah in the derby world, is a studio art photography senior and member of the Lone Star
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Assassins. After attending a bout last year, she and Ainsley Wallis, or Smash Wednesday, a radio, television and film senior, decided to join the league. “T he nex t day we sig ned up,” Grella said. “We were part of the league by the end of the month.” There are usually 20 to 40 “fresh meat skaters,” women who are training, learning skating and rules. Before skaters move from being “fresh meat” to a team skater, t hey have to pass t he WFTDA assessment. Some of the requirements include being able to skate 25 laps in five minutes and to perform different types of falls and get back up. “Inju r ies a re rea l,” Graves said. “You do take the chance of getting hurt. It is very physical and demanding.” The name Assassination City comes from the historical event of John F. Kennedy Jr. being shot in Dallas. “It’s a huge t radema rk of Da l l a s,” Gr ave s s a id . “O u r founders wanted something that would actually stand out [and] make sure everyone understood that it was Dallas.”
Assassination City Roller Derby in Dallas is an all-women’s roller derby league founded in 2005. Roller derby is a sport with plenty of action. Assassination City is part of the Central region in WFTDA, made up of teams in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and other Southern states. Each travel team from surrounding areas skates at least eight bouts per year for national rankings. Grella has skated in two mash-up offseason bouts. The last one was called Kitten vs. Cougars for skaters under 30 years old versus skaters older than 30. She has also skated
four team bouts. “I love all the people,” Grella said. “It’s almost like some kind of ridiculous sorority.” The next bout is at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Dad’s Broadway Skateland in Mesquite. The doors open at 7 p.m. For a spectator, it is $12 per ticket, Graves said. Mount Righteous and DJ Sista Whitenoise will provide the entertainment for the competition.
The Assassination City Roller Derby, Dallas’ roller derby league, practices for two hours on Tuesday nights. Roller derby is a women’s full-contact sport.
Friday 10.22.2010
Essential items women must own Opinion By A mBer Jones Intern
Part 1 of a 2 part series: Women are
always looking for the latest products to keep them up-to-date with today’s fashion and cosmetics trends. Here are a few essential items that every woman should own.
women’s bodies perfectly. They can range in cost from about $75 to $150 but are worth it because customers usually find themselves wearing these pants again and again.
Photo by taryn Walker/ Intern PhotograPher
Beverly Feldman black suede pumps are a great necessity for every woman.
Photo by taryn Walker/ Intern PhotograPher
Bare Minerals powder, Mentha lipgloss, Benefit’s Eye Bright highlighter and Bad Gal Lash mascara in black and blue are must have cosmetics for women.
Eyebright by Benefits This little pencil highlights women’s eyes. The pencil usually comes in a neutral pink color,
Menthol Lip Balm by C.O. Bigelow Bath and Body Works sells this lipgloss for about $7 apiece. It leaves lips moist all day, and comes in several tasty flavors, including mint, lemon and even black cherry.
or r o r yh d p p
s ay
Bad Gal Lash and Tarte Mascara Both mascaras enhance lashes. These are some of the best products to use if eyelashes need to be lengthened. The small bristles ensure that the mascara won’t clump, and the lashes look 10 times longer.
although there is a bronze color, too. The eyebright should be applied to the creases of the eyes. It will make eyes look larger and much fuller, as well as give a finished look for a night out on the town.
Bare Minera ls Minera l Foundation Bare Minerals is the mecca of mineral powder. The powder is light and leaves skin flawless and smooth while making women look like they have no makeup on. Many women use the mineral powder to even out their skin’s undertones, while others use it to reduce redness around their face. A container costs about $27, but it’s well worth it because the powder lasts for several months. Another appealing aspect is the fact that it will not block pores or dry out skin because of the natural mineral makeup properties.
Suede Pumps Every woman should own a pair of pumps. Since winter will be here in a few months, suede pumps are definitely a must. They can give your look a sophisticated and expensive feel. Pumps are not only worn during the evening, but can be worn with a casual daytime look, too. They can turn a plain outfit into a more refined and polished look. The only caution is to be careful not to wear suede in the rain or snow because the moisture will ruin them. Joe Jeans True Religion, 7 jeans, Jay Brands, and Chip and Pepper don’t compare to how comfortable Joe Jeans are. These pants come in all different styles and help to define curves in all the right places. Joe Jeans are super comfortable and stretch out to fit Open Every Fri & Sat thru Oct 30 Plus Sundays Oct 24 & 31 And Wed-Thurs Oct 27-28 7 pm til 12 am Fri’s & Sat’s til 10 pm all other nights I-30 & Forest Park Blvd One mile west of downtown Fort Worth
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Cocktail Dress Every woman should know that it’s imperative to own a little black dress, but they should also include in their closet a fabulous cocktail dress. Cocktail dresses are great for any time of the day. They can be worn for a late-night dinner, a date, or even an early brunch. They are something fun and simple to throw on when wanting to look cute.
Photo by taryn Walker/ Intern PhotograPher
A simple cocktail dress is great for a night out. The best part about a great cocktail dress is that there is really no need to accessorize the dress. Most dresses have a lot of details, so a pair of studs or a simple belt is really all that’s needed.
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Friday 10.22.2010
[ ] Food Snobs
Smokehouse 1123 Fort Worth Drive Denton, TX 76205 BY A MBER JONES Intern
Located off Fort Worth Drive, Smokehouse is a great place to eat good barbecue. Customers seat themselves upon arrival. The restaurant is filled with timely portraits and banners. Wa iters immediately greet
consumers when they sit down and are quick Cleanliness to mention the daily Service specials. The menu is filled with Affordability a plethora of items: jalaAtmosphere peno poppers, macaFood Quality roni and cheese, fried okra, Texas toast, green The brisket sandw ich is a beans, brisket, burgers, onions rings, fries, barbecue ribs, mozza- Smokehouse favorite. Customers rella sticks, smoked sausage and so can choose if they want their brisket chopped or sliced into thin pieces. much more. The side items are a mini treat The brisket is covered with soft, that foreshadows how delicious the sweet hamburger buns, and there is a side of sauce for extra flavoring. main entree will be. The Texas toast is OK, but The smell of the brisket is refreshing nothing to gloat about. It tastes and the taste is even better. Smokehouse has daily specials. like plain white bread that has been toasted in the oven. The bread is Customers can purchase a Philly nothing extraordinary that could cheesesteak with two sides of vegebe found in the grocery store. But tables for less than $10. There is also the bread isn’t why customers flock a special on a half rack of ribs. For only $8, customers can enjoy hickoto Smokehouse. ry-smoked baby back ribs with two side items. The meat slides right off the bone so it’s easier to enjoy every moist, juicy, tender piece of meat. What makes the ribs even better is the barbecue sauce, which is sweet and tangy. The macaroni and cheese is
St. Louis half-stack of ribs are a specialty at Smokehouse. served in a small cup, and the noodles are drenched in a rich and creamy American cheese. The french fries are terrific, but can be slightly bland at times. But a little salt and pepper can add loads of flavor to the side dish. The thick fries are soft on the inside and slightly crispy on the outside. They are also very fresh, so customers should be cautious and wait a few minutes before eating them to avoid burning their
mouths. Customers can also try the loaded baked potato. It can be served plain, but sour cream, butter, chives, bacon bits and shredded cheese can be added to give the potato a little more flavor. Smokehouse is definitely recommended and is very affordable. The restaurant is never overcrowded so customers can even bring a large group of friends to enjoy their barbecue with them.
Required Reading: Richard Matheson style Opinion BY NICOLE L ANDRY Contributing Writer
The countdown until Oct. 31 is steadily winding down with only nine days between college students and a plethora of costume parties. I chose this week’s selections from “Collected Stories, Vol. 1,” by Richard Matheson, a frequent scriptwriter for “The Twilight Zone.” Matheson has a flair for bringing out fantastical elements of everyday situations, and “Born of Man and Woman” and “Clothes Make The Man” are perfect examples of this. “Born of Man and Woman” This is the first fantasy story that Matheson ever wrote, published in 1950. It is the story of a nameless child
whose parents keep him locked in a cellar because he’s a little different. He “drips” green and speaks in broken, uneducated English. He is beaten and berated for daring to peek out the cellar window or walk up the stairs in an attempt to interact with others. He has to hide from his parents’ other children, whom he calls “little mother” and “little fathers.” But this gets difficult when little mother brings a pet downstairs and it sniffs him out. He doesn’t mean to hurt it. But he can’t control himself after it bites him. The story may leave the reader feeling sorry for this poor child, but not for long. Once he discovers the fact that he’s got the ability to retaliate, the time for payback is upon him. “Clothes Make The Man”
This story opens with a reluctant partygoer escaping to the terrace for some peace and quiet. But his solace is short-lived because a rambling drunk proceeds to tell him the unfortunate, story of his brother Charlie. Charlie was a flashy dresser. His clothes were custom-made and he was never seen without them. Then one day, a joker from work stole his hat. Suddenly, depending on the missing articles of clothing, Charlie began to lose certain abilities that were associated with the unclothed body parts. Without his hat, he couldn’t think. Without his shoes, he couldn’t walk. So what happens when his suit, hat, shoes and socks go to work without him? Turns out, they steal his wife and take her to a party.