NTDaily 10-7-11

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Putting on their Poké face Card game attracts competitors of all ages SCENE | insert Page 4

Friday, October 7, 2011

News 1, 2, 3 Sports 4, 6 SCENE Insert Classifieds 5 Games 5

Volume 98 | Issue 26

Cloudy 87° / 66°


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Denton school sees case of tuberculosis Brief STAFF R EPORTS Denton Hig h School reported a suspected case of tuberculosis to the Denton County Health Department Thursday. After skin tests were determined positive, the student be ga n t re at ment for T B, according to a press release. During the continuing clinical investigation, those in close contact with the individual will be asked to undergo tests as well, which will be repeated in eight weeks for verification. Denton ISD and the county’s health department will

work toget her to develop plans to determine those at risk in Denton High School. Only t hose w it h close and prolonged contact for at least six hours are considered to be at risk for TB, according to the press release. TB is airborne and caused by a bacter ia t hat usua l ly attacks t he lungs, but ca n affect any part of the body, including the kidney, spine and brain, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,. Symptoms of the disease can include a bad cough that lasts three weeks or longer, pain in the chest, weakness or fatigue, no appetite, chills and fever.

Occupy Wall Street movement spreads to Dallas A LEX M ACON

Senior Staff Writer


The death of Steve Jobs on Wednesday has reverberated through the computer world. Flowers and offerings were placed in front of the Apple Store on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday. One Apple fan brought an iPad with Jobs’ image on the screen. The co-founder of Apple died at age 56.

Students react to death of Apple co-founder R EBECCA RYAN Staff Writer

In the garage of his parents’ Silicon Va lley home, Steve Jobs, on ly 21 at t he t ime, assembled t he f i rst Apple computers with high-school f r iend Ste ve Woz n ia k i n 1976. Jobs, 56, died Wednesday, leaving the company without its “v isionar y and creative genius.” “Those of us who have been for tunate enough to k now and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and inspiring mentor,” Apple w rote in a statement relea sed on it s website. “Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will

forever be the foundation of Apple.” Jobs has reportedly been batt ling pa ncreatic cancer since 2004 and received a liver transplant in 2009. Last month, shortly after ret u r n i ng f rom h i s t h i rd medical leave since his illness bega n, Jobs stepped dow n from his position as Apple CEO and became the company’s chairman. Apple has developed technolog y u se d by m i l l ion s of col lege st udents across t he nation, including UNT students, as the universit y is home to a number of Mac labs.

See JOBS on Page 3

Sparked by the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in New York City, thousands of protestors across the country have taken to the streets to protest financial inequality and corporate greed. Thursday, the movement came to North Texas. In Dallas, about 500 protestors marched from Pike Park to the Federal Reserve Bank, chanting, “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out,” and holding up signs lamenting the nation’s economic woes. T he g roup i ncluded students, unemployed teachers, union workers and an off-duty police off icer, according to Occupy Da llas organizers. The diverse crowd – men in suits marched alongside teenagers in Guy Fawkes m a sk s , d r e a d lo cke d college students and one woman dressed as a clown

– stayed outside the Federal Reserve for several hours before marching to the JFK Memorial. Zach Cruz, an organizer for Occupy Dallas, said the movement didn’t have a specific agenda, but was trying to bring attention to what he said was the irresponsibility and corruption of corporations and policymakers. “When you’re out there and it’s a thousand people in the crowd, anything feels possible,” Cruz said. Several protestors said they were part of the “99 percent” of Americans kept out of power by the 1 percent they said control America’s wealth. Lyndi Cavett, an anthropology senior at UNT and member of the Denton Anti-War Network, went to both Occupy Dallas and Denton and said she includes herself in that 99 percent.


Top and above: Protesters organized in downtown Dallas Thursday morning, marching from Pike Park off Harry Hines Boulevard toward the region’s Federal Reserve headquarters. People came out to show their frustrations with what they say is out-of-control greed on Wall See OCCUPY on Page 3 Street.

Mean Green resumes Sun Belt action PAUL BOTTONI

Senior Staff Writer With its non-conference schedule in the rearview mirror, the UNT football team returns to the friendly confines of Apogee Stadium to continue Sun Belt Conference play this weekend. UNT (1-4) returns to conference play at 6 p.m. Saturday when it hosts Florida Atlantic (0-4). The Owls are 6-1 against the Mean Green. The Mean Green is 0-1 against Sun Belt opponents after opening the season

with a loss against Florida International. “We’re either going to get in the [Sun Belt] race or get out of it,” UNT head coach Dan McCarney said. “There’s been one game played in our conference, from our standpoint, and we’re 0-1. If we’re going to get into the race and be a factor, then let’s get going.” FAU’s four losses have come to No. 15 Auburn, No. 17 Florida, Michigan State and Louisiana-Lafayette.


Senior running back Lance Dunbar tries to make his way around the Tulsa See FOOTBALL on Page 4 defense during last Saturday’s game in Oklahoma.

Hackers infiltrate website authority, compromise security LORYN THOMPSON

Contributing Writer Every day millions of people enter personal information online, implicitly trusting a complicated infrastructure that is taken advantage of by credit card scammers, identity thieves and foreign governments. While the majority of these cyber attacks are easily repelled, those that manage to slip past

the safeguards and firewalls can endanger the security of information on the networks of corporations, government agencies and internet service providers. “Ever y t h ing is on t he internet,” said Mahadevan Gomat h isa n ka ra n of t he computer science faculty. “One security breach could hamper the entire system.” In late April, Sony was forced

to shut down its Playstation network for nearly a month after an unauthorized user breached the security. Hackers seized personal information including credit card numbers of the network’s nearly 80 million users. The network was shut down for nearly a month.

Security certificates: a network of trust

To establish a secure connection with its user, a website must file for a certificate of validity, which is issued by a certificate authority. When a user requests access to the site, the certificate authority acts as a moderator and ensures the website is legitimate. “The key is that the certificate authority is trusted,” Gomathisankaran said.

Digital certificate authority DigiNotar was forced to shut down this summer after a security breach in which a hacker issued 531 fake security certificates over three months, one of which compromised the security of more than 300,000 Internet users. More than 99 percent of the certificate requests came from Iran, according to an investiga-

tive report released by security company Fox-IT. Jon Callas, chief technical officer of Dallas-based Entrust, Inc. and former Apple executive, said the concentration of security requests and behavior of the DigiNotar hacker is reason to believe the attacker was the Iranian government.

See HACK on Page 3

Inside Councilman speaks out against bullying News | Page 2

Mean Green heads north to face ranked foes Sports | Page 6

UNT soccer team to host Alabama opponents Sports | Page 6

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