Rallying to Recycle UNT competes in recycling competition Page 2 Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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Volume 97 | Issue 17
Sunny 69° / 56°
The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
Parking director search closes in BY CANDICE LINDSEY Staff Writer
ARTS & LIFE: Jazz class brings in renowned musicians Page 3 PHOTO BY DREW GAINES/SENIOR STAFF WRITER
Barber Gene Hartman looks at a T-shirt commemorating the end of the Campus Barber Shop after 51 years. Friends, family and longtime customers of the shop gathered to say goodbye Saturday at the barber shop.
Barber says goodbye to Fry BY DREW GAINES
presented with a pair of vintage clippers from the shop. “It is a longtime Denton landIn a flurry of vintage keychains, barber shears and barbecue, mark, and [Hartman] is a Denton Fry Street’s longest surviving institution in and of himself,” business went out with a bang said John Marsh, 57. Senior Staff Writer
SPORTS: Defensive issues plague Mean Green Page 4
VIEWS: Do your research before visiting the doctor Page 5
ONLINE: Visit ntdaily.com to read about the Mean Green track team
“Well, one thing they can’t take is the memories. I’ve been blessed with good people.”
—Gene Hartman Owner of the Campus Barbershop
Saturday night as the Campus Barber Shop said goodbye to the street that’s been its home for half a century. More t ha n 100 people, including family, friends and longtime customers, poured into the time-honored establishment Saturday night to celebrate its history and pay tribute to owner Gene Hartman. “He is one of the best flattop cutters I have ever seen. And that is a dying art,” said Charley Higgins, 65, who has been a customer of Gene’s since 1966. A mong t hose to attend the block party were some of Hartman’s original customers, dating back 50 years, including his first haircut. Frenchy’s Lawn and Tree Service was on hand with one of their trademark orange trucks decked out in Campus Barber Shop regalia, and a representative from the Denton Historical Society was
One dead in wreck BY M ATTHEW CARDENAS Staff Writer
The Campus Barber Shop on Fry Street held a commemorative goodbye party Saturday night after 51 years of service.
To read the full story visit ntdaily.com
A 20-year-old Denton man was killed early Saturday morning in a traffic accident on Interstate 35W near State School Road, police said. Ca r son Bla keney wa s pronounced dead at t he scene after the Infiniti he was driving struck another vehicle and flipped. Three cars were involved in the accident, and no one else was injured, said Denton
Pol ice Spokesma n Rya n Grelle. News reports said Blakeney was driving southbound, weaving in and out of traffic. Blakeney suffered blunt force trauma to the head and died at 12:07 a.m., according to the Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s office. Police are still determining the cause of the accident. Man ag ing E ditor Josh Pherigo contributed to this report.
Texas colleges could soon allow guns BY M ATTHEW CARDENAS Staff Writer
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The now vacant lots that surround the shop played host to dancers, diners and a few who could recall the area’s heyday, while a live band echoed Johnny Cash and kids toasted marshmallows over the fire. “I have been here 16 years and I’ve seen a lot of change,” said
Jeremy Carroll, 36, a barber at the shop. “I can’t imagine what Gene has seen.” Carroll will be taking the reins of the Shop as its new owner when the barbers move across town to their new spot on East Hickory Street near the coming A-Train station. The location at 116 Fry St. will be demolished in early March, as developers make way for a new mixed-use retail and apartment complex. “Well, one thing they can’t take is the memories. I’ve been blessed with good people,” Hartman said. “It has been a good run. I’m not ready to hang it up.” The new shop will be located on the bottom floor of the Hickory Street Lofts. It is expected to open within a month, Carroll said. “There is a bit of apprehension. It’s a big change for Gene, but that area holds a lot of promise for a lot of growth,” Carroll said.
U N T w i l l host t h ree meet-and-greets this week for candidates hoping to fill the director of Parking and Transportation position. R i c h a r d D e t e r, t h e ch ief of pol ice at UN T, formed a committee last November to beg i n t he national search for a new d irector of Pa rk ing a nd Tr a n spor t at ion. Deter appointed Ed Rey nolds, t he deput y ch ief of police, as chairman of the committee. “ We r e a c he d out t o faculty, staff and students, and got a representative f rom a l l wa l ks to sit on the committee,” Reynolds said. The committee, totaling six members, felt strongly a bout g i v i ng t he U N T communit y an opportun it y to meet t he ca nd idates, Rey nolds sa id. The meet-and-greets are open to all, and will allow members of the committee to gather direct feedback f rom t he U N T com munity. G e a r y Robi n s on of Clemson Universit y w ill ho s t a me et-a nd-g r e et t o d a y, D a v i d K a p a l k o of S a m Hou s ton St at e Un iver sit y w i l l host one Wednesday a nd Joe Richmond from UNT will have his on Thursday. A l l t h re e c a nd id ate s were chosen from a larger
pool of candidates through both video conferencing a nd a phone i nter v iew process, Rey nolds sa id. G ea r y Robi nson is a full-time graduate student and graduate assistant at Clemson Universit y and has over 20 years of experience in the area of univers it y l a w e n f or c e m e nt , parking and transit operations. “The University of North Tex a s ha s a n excel lent nationa l reputation as a student-focused research u n iversit y, ma k i ng it a ver y desirable place to be in t his ca reer position,” Robinson said. Dav id Kapa l ko is cu r rent ly t he assista nt director of Pa rk ing a nd Tr a n s p or t at ion at S a m Hou s ton St at e University. He created the Parking and Transportation department at Sa m Hou ston, Virginia Tech, and the MD Anderson Cancer Center in the University of Texas system. Joe R ichmond is currently UNT’s interim director for Parking and Tra nspor tat ion. He was t he a s s i s t a nt d i r e c t or for Tr a n spor t at ion f rom Febr ua r y 2003 t o S e p t e m b e r 2 010 . Each meet-a nd-g reet w i l l beg in at 10 a.m. in Un i v er s it y Un ion 413.
Texas might soon become the second state to allow college students and professors to carry concealed handguns with them to class. More than half of the representatives in the Texas House have signed on to co-author a bill that would allow anyone with a concealed carry license to bring guns into dorms, classrooms and other areas of the state’s 38 public university campuses. Texas Governor Rick Perry — who last year shot a coyote with a laser-sighted pistol while walking his dog — said he’s in favor of the bill, as he was in 2009, when the Texas Senate passed a similar bill that failed to make it to law. Utah is the only state that currently allows loaded weapons on campus. Colorado allows campuses to decide individually.
Universities across the state and nation have expressed opposition to the legislation. UNT officials addressed the issue in a December in-house memo. “UNT opposes the passage of any law that would allow the carrying of firearms on campus,” according to the statement. “Introducing guns onto college campuses may increase the safety risks to students, faculty and staff.” It went on to outline reasons for t he opposition, which included concerns about confusion for first responders should a crisis arise, a lack of professional training for students with guns, and “challenges” posed by mixing the alcohol, drug abuse, stress and “social obstacles” that sometimes arise in college life with guns. Some UNT students agree t hat concea led ha ndg uns
would do more harm than good. “I don’t think we should have firearms on campus,” said strategic communications junior Monica Dominguez. “There are other ways to keep safe.” Dominguez said students c ou ld be e duc ate d a nd instructed how to use nonlethal means of self-protection like tasers and pepper spray. Dominguez, who is also a residence hall advisor, said she doesn’t like the idea of students having handguns in their dorms. “There are some people who are more aggressive than ot hers,” Doming uez sa id. “Having guns in the dorms is probably not a good idea.” Other students believe that handguns on campus are a good idea.
See UNT on Page 2
A bill is gaining momentum in the Texas legislature that would allow students and faculty to carry concealed weapons on campus.
Page 2 Josh Pherigo & Laura Zamora, News Editors
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 ntdailynews@gmail.com
Study: High fiber diets prevent illness People who ate fiber 22 percent less likely to die
Editorial Office GAB Room 117 Phone: (940) 565-2353
A new government study found that adding more fiber to a healthy diet might better help the body fight sickness. The nine-year study, which was funded by the National Cancer Institute, tracked the diets of participants between the ages of 50 and 71, and found that those who ate the most fiber were 22 percent less likely to die from any cause during the study than those who consumed much less. More specifically, researchers found that participants with high fiber intake were also 24 percent less likely to die from heart disease, 31 percent less likely to die from respiratory diseases, 56 percent less likely to die from infectious diseases, and 17 percent less likely to die from cancer. Fiber comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble, Marisa Moore of the kinesiology faculty said. Soluble fiber is the good kind PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY ZAC SWITZER/INTERN that attaches itself to cholesterol and removes it, leading to lower Cereal is a great source of fiber. Fruits, vegetables and 100 percent whole wheat bread also contain healthy amounts of fiber for those looking to increase their daily intake. cholesterol, she said. “Students need to eat things like oatmeal, string cheese, important for fiber,” Moore Katie Franklin said. apples, baked potatoes. Just be Kole Franklin said he wants to said. weary of pre-packaged oatmeal, For lunch, Moore recommake the effort to be healthier skinned apples and fried potamends baked potatoes without like his sister. toes,” Moore said. “I don’t make an effort to get many additions and string On average, A mer ica ns extra fiber, but I need to. I need cheese. Moore also recomconsume about half the recommends granola for a snack, —Marisa Moore to get healthier,” he said. mended 30 grams of fiber a day, For students looking to add and in the morning to make a Kinesiology faculty she said. fiber, Moore recommends “breakfast banana split” that Sociolog y sen ior K at ie don’t go out of their way to get through eating healthy rather oatmeal and fruit for break- has granola, Greek yogurt and Franklin and her brother Kole, fiber. fruit, to get a student through than try to incorporate fiber fast. a theater sophomore, said they “Keep the skin — it’s the most the morning. “I would rather get fiber through pills or other things,”
“Students need to eat things like oatmeal, string cheese, apples and backed potatoes.”
UNT sounds off on handgun proposal Continued from Page 1 “I don’t mind [handguns],” said chemistry freshman Dillon South. “Everyone and their dog owns a handgun in my hometown.” History sophomore Cody O’Bryant said there would need to be a way to regulate the handguns. “They should have something like a database to show who has guns,” O’Bryant said. “People should have to register with the school.” Chemistry freshman Dylan Harbour agreed with O’Bryant’s regulation ideas. “People who want to have handguns should be screened,”
Harbour said. “They would have to have a totally clean record.” TAMS junior Jordan Jentz believes UNT should allow firearms on campus. “UNT is a public school,” Jentz said. “It would be a bit oppressive not to let students have the means to protect themselves.” Jentz said having handguns on campus is a double-edged sword. “There is a risk with having handguns on campus, but I think students should have them if they want,” Jentz said.
To read students’ opinion see page 5
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Recycle pickup Kelly Yocum drops off recycle bins outside Chilton Hall. The blue bins containing paper products, are weighed and taken to the recycle center where they wait to be hauled off campus.
Recycling competition spurs nationwide ‘mania’ BY BRITTNI BARNETT Intern
Piles of alumnium, paper and plastic will stack high in blue recycling bins as UNT competes in RecycleMania. The competition, aimed at promoting recycling awareness on college campuses, will take place over a 10-week period ending April 6. The university will collect recycling bins and weigh the materials. Bins are located throughout campus and are picked up daily. “Ever ybody likes a good compet it ion,” sa id Doug Turnage, the recycling services supervisor. “We are hoping this competition will generate a lot of enthusiasm for our efforts.” Colleges competing in the RecycleMania competition are ranked according to who collects the largest amount of recyclables per capita, the largest amount of total recyclables, the least amount of trash per capita, or the highest recycling rate. Students have many options to get involved, including
encouraging others to recycle, putting up signs in their area to promote the event, and contact i ng t he Rec ycl i ng Department if they have any special pick-ups. UNT is one of 630 colleges participating this year, representing 6 million students and over 1.5 million staff and faculty members. Rankings have not been taken on UNT’s current standing in the competition. “Students are encouraged to get involved, because recycling brings in revenue for our university and reduces waste on campus,” said Erin Davis, the assistant director of outreach for the Office of Sustainability. “Our office constantly looks at ways of reducing our carbon footprint, and this is one way we can promote that.” UNT became involved with the event to see how it compared with other colleges’ recycling programs, Davis said. “The thing about RecyleMania that excites me is that it has the potential to
create excitement about something that can start to feel mundane after a while,” said Charles Vincent, a computer educ at ion a nd cog n it ive systems graduate student and Eco Rep advisor. “I think that if people who don’t recycle see people having fun recycling, we can build a group of environmentally conscious and socially engaged citizens.” UNT is a leader in sustainability, especially in the state of Texas, and received an A in the area of Food and Recycling for 2011, Davis said. “In t his competition in particular, we usually do well in the paper and cardboard categories specifically,” he said. UNT plans on doing better during this year’s competition, Turnage said. “The biggest problem we have is with contamination,” she said. “It is important to stress to students to separate their aluminum cans, cardboard and paper when they recycle them.”
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Advertising Department GAB Room 119 Phone: (940) 565-2851 Fax: (940) 565-4659 Advertising Manager Valeria Sosa Ad Reps Trevor Armel Colleen Jackson Carol Glass Jacquelyn Sutherland
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Christina Mlynski, Arts & Life Editor
Arts & Life
Page 3 cmlynski@ntdaily.com
Jazz class features famous, notable musicians BY K AYLAH BACA Intern
The jazz studies program offers a course inviting notable musicians to interact and teach during a once-a-week lecture. Jazz Lecture Series, or MUJS 3470, is offered every spring. Studio professors in the music department pick a variety of musicians to perform for students. The series provides advice on musical techniques, careers and tips from experts in the industry. “I think it’s invaluable,” said Jason Valdez, a jazz students graduate student. “We can ask the musicians anything about the industry.” The class is open to majors in other fields with consent of the College of Music, according to the official undergraduate catalog. Valdez said he took the course twice because it was a great opportunity to make face time
with famous performers. Steve Wiest of the music faculty and director of the UNT One O’Clock Lab Band said the class is primarily aimed at highly motivated jazz students. Many graduates from the jazz studies program have been invited back as guests for the class, Wiest said. “It’s tradition for the successful jazz musicians to come and give back to the younger students,” he said. Retired jazz studies professor Neil Slater started the lecture series in 1982. Over 200 musicians have been Jazz Lecture Series guests, including UNT alumni, according to the jazz studies website. Past featured guests include trombonist Eddie Bert, saxophonist Joe Lavano, guitarist Emily Remler and trumpet player Dizzy Gillespie. He said the course is bene-
ficial to continue nurturing students. The majority of the guests perform pieces with students, then open the classes up to questions. Invited artists answer technical information about playing, and some give private lessons to students, Wiest said. The musicians analyze tunes and explain how their music is composed, he said. “One lecture I attended had a great musician who gave a lot of useful tips for entering the business world of jazz,” said Juan Dominguez, a classical performance senior. The next guest for the Jazz Lecture Series is Kurt Rosenwinkel, who is scheduled to play a concert at 8 p.m. on Thursday in Winspear Hall. Admission is free for UNT students, $10 for faculty and staff, and $20 for the public.
show up for the tire changing and tube patching workshop. Afterwards, she stated that she felt now she could do it again with no problems,” said Abbie Theobald, the organization founder. “Not only is she now confident that if her tube pops, she can fix it, but now she can teach others in the community how to do it themselves.” The Vaginees advocate women’s issues and encourage positive female friendships through group rides and fundraising events. “The workshop is going to be focused on bike safety, adjusting our brakes and truing our wheels. Of course, we’re also willing to
help out with other questions that any attendees may have,” Theobald said. Throug h workshops at Querencia, group rides and other events, the Vaginees have become a family. “It’s a group of friends unlike any other I’ve experienced,” said Rachel Weiner, a history and women’s studies senior. “We come from so many different backgrounds, but have found a common ground in our love of riding bikes. I cannot tell you how many strong, confident and empowered women I have met in this group.” Kati Trice, a leadership and nonprofit studies junior and
Kurt Rosenwinkel, an American jazz guitarist, gives students an opportunity to ask questions and interact with him in a casual setting at Kenton Hall in the Music building Monday. Rosenwinkel will perform at 8 p.m. Thursday at the Murchison Performing Arts Center.
Ladies cycling group teaches maintenance B Y SETH COHN Staff Writer
A loca l fema le cycling group, along with volunteers at Querencia Community Bike Shop, are teaching ladies how to be self-sufficient cyclists. The Vaginees, formed last year to bring women together through a common interest in cycling, is hosting Month of Bike Love: Ladies Shop Night, a month-long series of workshops providing bicycle maintenance and repair classes. The event takes place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays at Querencia, located at 411 E. Hickory St. Admission is free. “We had one particular girl
Visiting the vaginees What: Month of Bike Love: Ladies Shop Night When: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays Where: Querenica Bike Shop, 411 E. Hickory St. Cost: Free external coordinator at Querencia, said membership in the Vaginees is available to any woman. “No matter how long they’ve known about the group or felt affiliated with the group — can take leadership,” Trice said.
Some members of the Vaginees group stop for a break while riding at North Lakes Park. The group will host their next maintenance and repair class at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Querencia Bike Shop.
This is Terrell. API Intensive Language studied in Grenoble, France
Artwork by members of the H2OHUE Watercolor Concentration group is on display in the Art Building. The organization serves as a place for artists with common interests and introduces others to another form of art and painting.
Students share creative passion for watercolor BY PABLO A RAUZ Intern
Students with a passion for watercolor painting have the opportunity to reach others through their creativity. The H2OHUE Watercolor Concentration consists of student artists pursuing the distinctive medium of watercolor painting. The group hosts events for members to gain experience in creating and selling art. Meetings are on Mondays at 5 p.m. in Hickory Hall 173. “The goal of the group is to let watercolor students have a community of other painters to share ideas and experiences with,” said Bethany Eden, a studio art senior and member of the group. Members participate in activities on and off campus, said Jaclyn Seidler, a studio art senior and president of the group. T he club holds events throughout the school year, such as art shows and plein air painting days—on-the-spot improvised painting sessions,
said Millie Giles, the group’s faculty advisor. H 2OH U E Wat er c olor Concentration hosts demonstrations on campus for other students to learn watercolor
“Watercolor is unique because it has a mind of its own.”
—Bethany Eden Studio art senior
painting, she said. “Students can benefit by being in the group, because the student will learn more about watercolor as an art and different painting techniques that can be applied,” Seidler said. Daryn Finney, a new media senior, said he would consider joining t he club because it’s a good way to focus on painting.
Waterc olor pa int ing com ma nds a sof t touch, requiring a certain artistic skill, Eden said. “Watercolor is u n ique, because it has a mind of its own, creating shapes and values by its own will,” Eden said. “It has the ability to be very light and delicate.” Watercolor is more transparent on the canvas compared to oil and acrylic painting, Seidler said. The club allows members to network with professionals, because it’s important to make business connections in the art world, she said. Although the group is made up primarily of art students, anyone is eligible to join, Seidler said. The organization provides a sense of home for artists, said Jonathan Herreros, an art studio senior and member of the group. “In H2OHUE, I feel accepted and happy to follow a path where I can be creative as an artist,” he said.
when was the last time you did something for the ÄYZ[ [PTL? the \U[ LK\ Z[\K`HIYVHK
Page 4 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 sgorman@ntdaily.com
Warhawks upset favored Mean Green at Super Pit BY BEN BABY
Senior Staff Writer
The UNT softball team posted two wins on Sunday. The Mean Green defeated the Demons 5-1 and the Ladies 11-2.
Softball closes weekend with sweep of three opponents BY DONNIE PIPES Intern
The UNT softba ll team entered the Sleep Inn Classic riding a four-game losing streak, but got out of the slump by going 3-1 this weekend. The Mea n Green (5-5) extended its losing streak to five after a 4-2 loss to No. 21 Nebraska, but finished the tournament in fashion, sweeping the last three games. “You have to defend your home,” said junior catcher Caitlin Grimes. “And it helps when you get to sleep in your own bed.”
Friday The Mean Green started Friday with a disappointing loss to Nebraska 4-2 in its home opener. The game started slow, with no score through the first two and a half innings, but Nebraska busted the game open with a four-run third inning. UNT never recovered. The Mean Green started a rally in the fifth inning after a double from junior outfielder Megan Rupp knocked in senior outfielder Monica Hirsch, who reached base on a walk. The Cornhuskers shut the Mean Green down after that inning en route to the victory.
Saturday Day two of the Sleep Inn Classic went better for the
Mean Green, which secured its first win of the tournament by defeating the Tennessee Tech Golden Eag les 5-4. “We’ve gotten some practice in, and we’ve been working on textbook plays,” senior first baseman Mallory Cantler said. “We saw lots of pitches, and that’s always exciting to see.” The Golden Eagles controlled the game until late, when UNT made its rally from the 4-2 deficit. Tennessee Tech jumped out to a n ea rly 2-0 lead in t he f irst in n ing a f ter a couple of w ild pitches. Junior infielder Lisa Johnson, who led the team in home runs last year, knocked another out of the park Saturday to cut the Golden Eagle’s lead to 2-1. Tennessee Tech scored two runs in the fifth inning, but this time the Mean Green answered back. In the sixth inning, Cantler hit the game-winning two-run single up the middle to give the Mean Green the lead for good.
Sunday UNT built on Saturday’s success w it h a w in over Northwestern State in its first game of its doubleheader, 5-1. “We’ve definitely improved,” head coach T.J. Hubbard said. “We have new people on the team, and they’re figuring it out.” The Mean Green started
against the Demons with a run in the first inning after a sacrifice fly by Johnson brought Rupp home. Northwestern State tied the game up in the third, scoring its only run of the game on a ground-out run batted in by inf ielder Ta ra McKenney. The Mean Green closed the game with a strong seventh inning, scoring three runs — two off bases-loaded walks. The second game of the doubleheader ended w it h a blowout favoring UNT. Facing a pitching crew with a 12.2 ERA average, the Mean Green took advantage of wild pitches with solid hitting. UNT raced out to an 8-0 lead thanks to a five-hit, s i x-r u n s e c ond i n n i n g . The Mean Green continued its success in the third and fourth innings, posting three runs in that span to make it 11-1. Centenary scored its second run on a sacrifice fly in the top of the fifth inning. The game ended with an 11-2 score due to the run rule, which ends a game if a team is ahead by eight or more runs after the fifth inning. T he Mea n Green w i l l put its three-game winning streak on the line against the University of Texas at San Antonio Friday at 5 p.m. “We’re gonna keep it as simple as possible,” Grimes said. “UTSA will be a breeze.”
e m o c e B ! N A F a
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At t he c onclu sion of Sat u rday n ig ht’s contest bet ween t he UNT men’s basketba l l tea m a nd Louisiana-Monroe, it was the home team left pondering a close loss and the rest of its season. Trailing for most of the second half, UNT couldn’t complete the comeback. The Warhawks pulled a colossal upset, defeating the Mean Green 82-75 at the Super Pit. The loss drops UNT to fifth in the Sun Belt West standings. ULM had one conference win in 14 games coming into the contest, while UNT entered with one home loss in 14 games this season. ULM’s nine-game losing streak, which began with a 79-62 loss against UNT on Jan. 20, ended Saturday UNT could not capitalize on its win over South Alabama last Thursday, and has lost five of its last six games. “We took two steps backwards tonight,” said senior guard Tristan Thompson. “We had an emotional win the other day, and thought that was going to be the fire that was going to get [a win] streak going. But today, we were just terrible. We didn’t deserve to win.” UNT tied the game with 7:32 remaining in the contest, and pulled within two points of ULM with 1:54 to go in the game, but fell short. T hompson, a long w it h the entire UNT (17-9, 6-7) roster, had never lost to ULM (7-22, 2-13). UNT head coach Johnny Jones said the version of the Mean Green that took to the court Saturday night wa s not t he sa me tea m that handed the Warhawks a 17-point loss earlier this season. “We had the same group of guys, but the mentality wasn’t the same,” Jones said. “We don’t have the edge that we need right now.” Thompson paced the Mean Green with 24 points, six of which came in the last 23 seconds of the game, when it was virtually over. Senior for ward George Oduf uwa
Junior Kedrick Hogans dribbles past ULM forward Tommie Sykes Saturday at the Super Pit. UNT fell to ULM 82-75 in a back-and-forth match.
“We were just terrible. We didn’t deserve to win.”
—Tristan Thompson senior guard
notched h is 13t h doubledouble of t he season w it h 11 points and 12 rebounds. Odufuwa moved into sixth p l a c e o n U N T ’s c a r e e r rebou nd i ng l i st , pa s si ng John Savage with 816 career boards. Over the past six games, UNT has given up an average of 82.1 points per game, which exceeds the points per game average of each Su n Belt team. “We have to get stops, and we’re not doing t hat right now,” senior guard Josh White said. “We’re playing horrible on t he defensive end. It’s
killing us. It’s really, really killing us right now.” Along with defense, secondchance points and offensive rebou nd i ng wou nded t he Mean Green. UNT had more rebounds than ULM, but the Warhawks picked up offensive boards late in the ball game. ULM held a 22-16 edge in second-chance points. “It’s just tough to win when guys are continuously getting s e c o n d - c h a n c e p o i n t s ,” Thompson said. “It hurt us tonight. It hurt us bad.” With three games left in the season, UNT needs to win the rest of its games to secure its fifth consecutive 20-win season. Jone s s a id he i s more concerned about improving the form of the team heading into the conference tournament. Still, he remained optimistic about reaching the lofty win total. “A ny t h i ng i s possible,” Jones said. “We just need to be playing well.”
ULM rally stuns UNT Mean Green drops seventh straight
The Mean Green used a 15-4 run with 4:36 left in the first half to take a 10-point lead with 14 minutes left in the second half. During that stretch, ULM went more than 12 minutes without a BY BOBBY LEWIS field goal and missed 28 straight Senior Staff Writer shots. UNT also held ULM senior Before Saturday’s home game forward Sannisha Williams to against Louisiana-Monroe, UNT six points after Williams scored women’s basketball head coach 17 against UNT in a Jan. 20 Shanice Stephens said her team Warhawks victory. would need a strong defensive effort to break its six-game losing streak. UNT held Louisiana-Monroe to an opponent season-low 23 percent shooting, but it was not enough as the Mean Green dropped its seventh straight game, 50-47. Sophomore forward Jasmine Godbolt missed the game because of personal reasons. Junior —Kasondra Foreman starting guard Brittney Hudson senior guard also missed the game, her second straight, because of a foot injury. “It was one of the best defensive Freshmen forward Ash’Lynne efforts that we’ve had all year,” Evans and guard Laura McCoy Stephens said. “We held them to started in their places, respec- 50 points, so I’m really proud.” tively. Despite poor shooting, ULM ULM (14-14, 8-7) scored the used a 10-0 run to tie the game at game’s final 10 points, as UNT 36 with 11:47 left. UNT responded (5-21, 2-11) did not score in the with an 11-4 run that gave the game’s last five minutes. team a seven-point lead with five “We’ve just got to learn how minutes left, but the Mean Green to finish,” junior guard Kasondra would not score again. Foreman said. “Sometimes, we ULM senior guard Priscilla can’t put two halves together, and Mbiandja made a layup that tied that’s our biggest problem.” the game at 47 with 23 seconds
“We’ve just got to learn how to finish ... that’s our biggest problem.”
Mean Green Meltdown -ULM outrebounded UNT 66-41 -With 13:37 left in the game, ULM was shooting 16 percent from the field -ULM’s 50 points is a UNT opponent season-low left. Mbiandja was also fouled on the play, giving ULM the opportunity to take the lead on the free throw. “I think that if it’s a close game, the refs have to know how to call it,” Foreman said. “[ULM] got an and-one on our court when it should have just been a tie game.” Mbiandja missed the free throw, but junior guard Kassie Courtney grabbed the rebound and was intentionally fouled by senior guard Denetra Kellum. Courtney made one of two free throws, giving ULM a lead it did not relinquish. “It was just a mental error,” Stephens said of Kellum’s foul. “She said she thought we were down by one, but you’ve just got to know that in a tie ballgame, just sit down and play the best defense ever.”
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Abigail Allen, Views Editor
People should to look into medicine costs Editorial As allergy and flu season approaches, medicine costs are on the minds of some UNT community members. The Editorial Board advises people to do their research before visiting the doctor and put an effort into their medical care.
Cost of care The Kaiser Family Foundation reported in May 2010 that U.S. spending on prescription drugs grew from $40.3 billion in 1990 to $234.1 billion in 2008. Inflation doesn’t account for that difference. Generic medicines can, in most cases, provide as effective treatment as name-brand drugs. The difference lies in the cost. Other cost-cutting measures, like some discount programs, have suffered reductions or have been cut because of the economy. Another outcome of a terrible economy with about 9 percent unemployment is people have less money to spend on health care. College students feel that economic burden, too. Some have to fend for themselves financially. Many have little to no time to work. Others have little to no time when they can miss work or class. For most, college means gaining financial and personal independence. Sometimes in that struggle to balance their lives, people have to figure out what they can afford. No one should have to choose between food and medicine.
Know before you go According to adrugrecall.com, two recent studies have shown doctors prescribe drugs that pharmacy representatives pitch because the salespeople are pleasant and they establish a personal connection with the physician. As a result, people need to be well-informed about what medicines doctors usually prescribe, shop for the best price at different pharmacies and ask their doctors questions. If they speak up about their financial and medical concerns, patients have a better chance of getting the care they need. In addition to understanding the medicines that might be prescribed, people need to know the extent of their health insurance or other medical care coverage. Sometimes people may not be able to afford what is best for them, but if they talk to the health care professionals, they may be able to find a secondary option to correct the problem. The Board also suggests people visit the doctor to take advantage of preventive care so problems do not get out of hand before they are diagnosed. Students are on their own, so it is their responsibility to get the medicine they need. Knowledge beats an apple a day at keeping the doctor away.
Campus Chat
What do you think about prescription medicine prices?
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Students sound off on concealed handgun laws Guns should not come to college campuses Three bills on the floor of the Texas Legislature regarding concealed weapons have got students across the state talking. The bills in question — House Bill 86, Senate Bill 354 and Senate Bill 750 — would require universities to allow the concealed carry of handguns on college campuses. It’s scary to think that nestled in my purse next to my lip balm and car keys could be a loaded handgun. It’s scarier knowing that you could have one, too. Many suggest that this will solve the problem of school shootings. However, it seems oversimplified to think that the solution to school violence is more guns. Situations involving school shoot ings cou ld become dramatically complicated by more people with firearms. It is dangerous that complicated situations could become more so as police respond to a call involving a shooter and have to make a snap decision when entering a room, being faced with four people brandishing guns instead of just one. It’s a Hollywood-perpetuated stereotype, but in most situations, a guy holding a handgun in a classroom might as well be wearing a shirt that says “BAD GUY.” Muddying the water with extra persons attempting self defense or vigilante justice makes the jobs of campus police officers significantly more complicated. There is an openness to our university that I fear is threatened by these bills. Students are free to speak their minds on free speech areas, in classrooms and on the Views page you’ve got in your hand or on your computer screen. I worry that students will be less likely to speak their minds knowing that someone with whom they disagree may be holding a loaded gun.
I see the logical argument that the legislation simply allows license-carrying adults to carry concealed weapons they are already allowed to carry elsewhere. Nonetheless, there is a certain safety in knowing that as the policy stands the possession of a gun on campus is illegal, which may serve as a deterrent, however slight. There are a number of concerns tossed about, each valid and each terrifying. Suicide rates may rise on campus if usually rational students buckle under the stress of earning a degree and have a gun they obtained and carry legally. Accidental firing could occur. The bills leave the option of allowing guns in dormitories up to the individual universities, but as a former resident assistant, I can say that the idea of confronting a violation becomes infinitely more terrifying knowing that the resident on the other side of the door may legally have a gun. Though the process to obtain a concealed handgun license in Texas is tedious and requires a course and a clean record, the process in other states is not necessarily so strict, and Texas honors the licenses given in other states. It’s a scary proposition — one I fear that Texas universities are not yet ready to deal with.
Jessika Curry is a journalism senior. She can be reached at jc0407@unt.edu.
Sacrificing liberty for safety isn’t safer It is quite easy to assume that the most effective way to prevent gun violence on campus would be to outlaw guns on college campuses. Ideally, there is no need for concea led handg uns since law enforcement officers can handle violent situations. Unfortunately, t here are severa l f laws to this argument. Although I believe not allowing concealed weapons on ca mpus is wel l-i ntentioned, it is ineffective and it denies responsible citizens their rights. The first and most obvious argument favoring concealed handguns to be carried on campus would be the Second Amendment. The Founding Fathers made it quite clear that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” This does not state t hat there should be exceptions for college campuses. By not allowing concealed handguns on campus, we are essent ia l ly t rad i ng sa fet y for l iber t y. A s Benja m i n Franklin stated, “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” Although it would be nice to assume that the police are there to protect every citizen at every hour of the day, it is not the case. In the Virginia Tech shoot ing, t he police responded slow enough to allow 32 people to be massacred. If teachers were armed in this situation, the rampage could have been put to a stop much sooner. Not allowing well-intentioned, law-abiding citizens t he right to ca rr y a concea led ha ndg un at a public school does nothing but help criminals who pay no mind to handgun laws. It wou ld be wonder f u l to live in a societ y where
weapons designed to kill did not exist, but as history shows, prohibition will never accomplish t his. Just as a lcohol still existed during prohibition, and marijuana is still abundant despite the Drug Enforcement Administration’s attempts to make it disappear, guns will not go away when they are outlawed. A lt houg h most students abide by t he law a nd do not bring guns on campus, a murderer who intends to k i l l ot hers w i l l obv iously ignore these laws. This now means that the law-abiding, unarmed citizens are sitting ducks. It would be much wiser to accept the reality that guns are not going away, and that taking away a citizen’s right to ca r r y a g u n in cer ta in places punishes the peaceful masses. If we lived in a utopia n society where all people and gover n ment s c ou ld work together, there would be no need for guns. All it takes is five minutes of watching the news to rea lize this is not the case in our world. Gun violence is an inevitable part of living in our society. We mu s t a c c e p t t h a t attempting to not allow guns on college campuses will do nothing but take away rights a nd a llow for tragedies to take place.
Corey Stefanowicz is an accounting senior. He can be reached at CoreyStefanowicz@ my.unt.edu.
“They seem pretty outrageous. My stepdad has health problems, and his medical bill from last year was around $7,000, and that was with help from insurance.”
Amina Hardaway Accounting junior
“They are outrageously overpriced. My medicines are thousands of dollars a month and I certainly can’t pay for that on my own. They are out of control.”
Matthew Hendrix Geography junior
“They should lower it, especially for students. Broke college students don’t have the means for that.”
Oscar Angulo
Mechanical and energy engineering
NT Daily Editorial Board The Editorial Board includes: Katie Grivna, Abigail Allen, Josh Pherigo, Laura Zamora, Christina Mlynski, Sean Gorman, Nicole Landry, Brianne Tolj, Berenice Quirino, David Williams and Will Sheets.
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