3-11-10 Edition

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Priddy Fellows

eyes snoop at the Sheraton NEWS: Private Page 2 Guard enjoys playing under pressure SPORTS: Page 5 UNT dietician gives healthy tips for March VIEWS: Page 6

Arts advocacy program comes to an end Page 4

Thursday, March 11, 2010

News 1,2 Arts & Life 3,4 Sports 5,8 Views 6 Classifieds 7 Games 7

Volume 95 | Issue 31

Sunny 66° / 44°


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Celebration Station

UNT to phase out construction classes BY LISA GARZA

“He didn’t really give us a reason behind why they are Students enrolled in t he getting rid of the program,” con st r uc t ion eng i neer i ng Bartlow said. “We’re trying t e c h nolo g y pr o g r a m a r e to see what we can do to get pleading w it h school of f i- it turned around.” Bartlow said he is not giving cials who are nearing a decision that would terminate the up, although the window of opportunity is closing. program. “The dean said there is still This semester 130 students a re enrolled in t he under- a chance, but it doesn’t seem graduate program that is set like there is a lot of hope,” to seek accreditation from he said. Joel Bolz, a senior and presthe Technology Accreditation Commission of A BET, Inc. ident of the student chapter in t he fa ll. A BET, Inc. is a of Nat iona l Associat ion of company that accredits engi- Homebuilders, also met with neering programs at colleges Tsatsoulis. “The way a nd u n iversit he dean ties. presented it “We are … was that trying to idenwe were all t if y prog ra ms going to be t h a t a r e not OK, but i n centra l to t he rea l it y, it’s mission of not going to t he College of be OK when Engineering and which —Costas Tsatsoulis w e s t a r t will have Dean of the College look ing for jobs,” Bol z l it t le c h a nc e of Engineering s a id . “T he of assist ing sacrifices UNT to reach that my wife n a t i o n a l research university status,” has made for me to go back said Costas Tsatsoulis, dean to school ma kes this more of the College of Engineering. upsetting.” Bol z has reached out to “It’s not unusual for universities to start and phase out constr uction professiona ls in the Dallas area who have programs.” Tsatsoulis cited UNT’s goal said the program is essential of attaining Tier One status as to the success of the industry the main reason the college is to contact school off icia ls, expected to make a contribu- he said. Bob Morris, executive vicetion by producing research expenditures and students president of the Home Builders who earn doctorates. He said Association of Greater Dallas, he will present the proposal wrote a letter to Chancellor for the program to be termi- L ee Jack son a nd P rovost nated to university officials Wendy Wilkins in support of the program. Thursday. “My knowledge, of course, A decision w ill be made is not of someone who is on within the next few weeks. “The current students will campus, but I know a number be able to cont i nue t hei r of the students and some of course of study and we will the faculty, and the program go out for accreditation next that is being taught there has [academic] year,” Tsatsoulis real value,” Morris said. “The sa id. “It w i l l be t he sa me quality and commitment of whether or not the program the students is ver y strong there.” is phased out.” Jacob Ba r t low, a sen ior in the program, and several See STUDENTS on Page 2 ot her st udent s sa id t he y To read the Daily’s spoke w it h Tsat sou l is on editorial on this Wednesday morning to get issue, see Page 6 some answers. Senior Staff Writer

“It’s not unusual for universities to start and phase out programs.”


Junior forward rebounds a missed shot against Troy in Tuesday’s Sun Belt Conference Championship game. The Mean Green won the Sun Belt Tournament for the second time, earning the program’s third trip to the NCAA Tournament. UNT last went to the tournament in 2007 when it lost in the first round to Memphis.

See photos more from the championship game on Page 8

UNT community celebrates 62nd annual UnionFest BY BRIANNE TOLJ

Contributing Writer Color f u l ba l loon s a nd streamers glittered throughout the University Union during the 62nd Annual UnionFest on Wednesday. Students weaved through the bright decorations and crowds, visiting numerous tables offering free food, drinks and games and prizes. The celebration filled the lower floors of the Union from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., inviting students to enjoy a variety of activities between classes. “This is just another way we want to say thank you for using the Union and coming to our programs and letting us put on these services,” Stefanie Ritz, Union marketing coordinator, said. “Part of our mission is that we’re here for the students.” The Union sta f f hosted the event, bringing all of the Union’s various resources and services together. The estimated 18,000 to 19,000 students passing through

the Union were presented with free food such as popcorn, chocolate and vegetables, and companies like Monster and Coke were invited to hand out drinks. Activities Students had their choice of activities, such as having their faces painted or posing for a cartoonist with friends. They could also have their favorite animal made into balloon art and participate in a novelty giveaway. “It’s a nice opportunity for college students,” said Cali Cooper, a fashion design sophomore, while browsing tables with friends. UnionFest was great entertainment for students, said Stefanie Turner, a history senior and event worker. “It’s a great way just to open the entire Union for a lot of students,” Turner said. “It’s an opportunity to meet other students and get some free food.”

Cake Ceremony In the center of the Union Courtyard sat a 12-by-12 foot white ca ke t r immed w it h green. The school-spirited cake, created by vendor Ben E. Keith, was large enough to feed 2,000 people. The cake was served after a Cake Ceremony at 2 p.m., but students were waiting in line for a piece as early as 1:30 p.m. Before the ceremony, Tom Rufer, assistant vice president for auxiliar y services, thanked the UNT community that came to the Union every day. After Rufer’s brief speech, “happy anniversary” rang out from the crowd and the cake cutting began. Community The Union is the community center of the campus, Design Works manager Carol Wilkinson Ritz said.


Aleena Spotswood, a chemistry senior, looks at her face painting done by Susan McNeely at the 62nd Annual UnionFest See UNION on Page 3 Wednesday.


Page 2

Thursday, March 11, 2010

T.S. McBride, Rebecca Hoeffner & Melissa Boughton, News Editors


UNT sponsors seminars for private investigators BY A LEX CALAMS Staff Writer

UNT will participate in the second World Investigators C on f e r e nc e t o d a y u nt i l Saturday at the Sheraton Hotel at 400 N. Olive St. in Dallas. The conference features seminars in the private investigation and security industries. It runs until 9 p.m. today, 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday and an unspecified time Saturday night. “Over 1,500 private investigators from 12 countries attended the first WIC in Las

Vegas, and we are expecting large numbers once again,” said Jorge Salgado-Reyes of The World Associat ion of Professional Investigators in a prepared statement. Scott Belshaw of the criminal justice faculty said that UNT’s participation in the conference is especially significant this year because the university will begin a new program designed to teach students how to become private investigators on March 19. UNT will sponsor the conference to promote the program.

It is a highly anticipated topic of interest among conference guests, Belshaw said. “UNT is the conference’s second-largest sponsor,” he said. “I’ll also be giving three presentat ions du r i ng t he course of the weekend.” “The Role of Education a nd Tra i n i ng for Pr ivate Investigators” is Belshaw’s presentation on beha lf of t he prog ra m a nd U N T’s Professiona l Development Institute. UNT alumna and program co-creator Karen Hewitt said

she discovered how essential education is for those within the field when she opened her firm, Hewitt and Cowden Investigations, in 1992. “About 80 percent of the people who obtain a P.I. license do not renew.” she said. “They are failing because there is no training available to teach someone to be a private investigator. Had it not been for the generous mentoring from some very experienced P.I. friends t hat I made short ly after opening my business, I would have been a statistic, too.”

Attendees to the three-day seminar will have a multitude of seminars to choose from, Salgado-Reyes said. “Investigators will also have the opportunit y to attend any of 35 training classes on a myriad of topics and take advantage of the latest products and services featured in the 20,000-square-foot vendor room with more than 70-plus booths,” he said in a prepared statement. “Knowing Where the Line Is: Lega l & Ethica l Issues for Private Investigators” is

one of the topics that will be presented this weekend by Belshaw with Houston-based attorney Clyde Burleson. John Walsh, host of the television show “America’s Most Wa nted,” a nd Jules K roll, fou nder of t he detect ive agency, J. Kroll & Associates, are among the four keynote speakers. Sa lgado-Reyes a lso said Hank Asher, creator of several search databases that aid in solving crimes, will speak and is “going to reveal his latest creation at the WIC.”

POLICE BLOTTER Tuesday, March 9 At 8:19 a.m. a UNT officer stopped a 49-year-old man in the 800 block of Eagle Dr ive. T he suspect wa s wanted by Plano police. He was arrested and taken to the Denton County Jail. During a traffic stop at 1:35 p.m. in the 1900 block of High la nd Street, UNT police arrested a 28-yearold man who was wanted by Keller and North Richland Hills police. The man was taken to the Denton County Jail.

At 8 : 20 p.m., a ma n reported the theft of his backpack at 1500 W. Highland St. U N T pol ice pu l led a 28-year-old man over at 11:52 p.m. at 700 North Texas Blvd. and ticketed him on suspicion of possession of drug paraphernalia.

Monday, March 8 At 12:26 p.m. a UNT police officer reported damage to a vehicle at Discovery Park, 3940 N. Elm St. A student reported three

men soliciting where the practice is prohibited at 1:28 p.m. near the University Union at 1155 Union Circle. A UNT police officer took a 22-year-old man to the Denton County Jail for a warrant in Bexar County.

Sunday, March 7 A woman reported that her vehicle’s back window was broken at 3:33 p.m. at 1750 Chestnut St. A student reported that his vehicle had been damaged at 8:46 p.m. at 800 S. Ave. B.


Jacob Bartlow, a construction engineering technology senior, is looking for a way to avoid the termination of the program that is trying to seek accreditation in the fall.

Students try to save program Continued from Page 1 Morris said he believes the termination of the program wou ld be a los s for t he construction industry. The homebuilding, general contracting, commercial and

industrial side of construct ion wou ld be a f fected i f students in the North Texas area are not able to continue a course of educat ion, he said. “North Texas is a growing region,” he said. “An awful

lot of construction is going to have to happen to house and employ the citizens, so what better way to do that than for UNT to play a sig nif ica nt role in prepa ring t he [students] who will be doing that.”

Arts & Life

Thursday, March 11, 2010 Amber Arnold, Arts & Life Editor

Page 3 ntdailylife@gmail.com

Union gives students a chance to interact Continued from Page 1 “It’s one place where all the students can come together,� she said. “Not just students from one particular college or one particular interest. It’s a place that offers so much for a variety of people.� About 17,000 students visit the Union daily, and as a result, Ritz said he staff tries to offer their best service. Going to the Union between classes is a “refreshing break in the day and a chance to i nteract,� sa id Stepha n ie Warren, a communications sophomore. Plans for a new Union In the last six months, the Union staff created a master plan involving surveys and focus groups in an effort to expand their services, Ritz said.

C on su lt a nt s t a l ke d to students to find out what they wanted in a new Union. “Our Union is fairly small,� Ritz said. “We’re lacking quite a bit of space per student.� After gathering information, the staff encountered more questions that needed to be answered, such as how it would be funded, before any design could begin. Other issues and service projects need to be addressed first and upgrades to the Union will continue, Ritz said. Because of these obstacles, a new union may not happen for another five years, she said. Students suggested many additions to a new Union, including more spaces to study, quiet lounges, more programming space, places where they can practice music and expanded food service options.


Colorful balloons and streamers hang throughout the University Union for the 62nd annual UnionFest. Students had the opportunity to get their faces painted, take home a caricature of themselves and/or get a piece of the green and white cake.


Pam Stephens, a University Union scheduling services employee, helps cut and serve cake to students in the Union Courtyard.


UNT students spend time in the Union Courtyard waiting for a slice of the large 12-by-12-foot cake on Wednesday during the 62nd annual UnionFest.


Volunteers work quickly at the celebration to serve cake to students, faculty and staff. The cake measured 144-square-feet.






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The UnionFest featured activities like balloon animals and face painting by Lester and Susan McNeely, a husband and wife team from Harmony, Fla.

Arts & Life

Page 4 Amber Arnold, Arts & Life Editor

Thursday, March 11, 2010 ntdailylife@gmail.com

Art advocacy program to end in August BY K ATIE GRIVNA Senior Staff Writer

A f ive-yea r fel low sh ip program for graduate students will end in August when classes during the summer II session are complete. The Priddy Charitable Trust Fellowships in Arts Leadership is a program for graduate students in either the College of Visual Arts and Design or the College of Music that prepares them to become leaders in the arts and in arts advocacy. “Hopefully there is a strong enough foundation here that it can go forward in different ways,” said Jack Davis, professor and director of the North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, which houses the Priddy Fellowship. The program began in 2005 and was funded for five years through a more than $2.5 million gift from the Robert and

Ruby Priddy Charitable Trust, according to a 2005 article from the UNT News Service. “It’s been a wonderful experience,” Davis said. “We’ve had wonderful students, and they’re doing wonderful things.” A certificate in arts leadership was created and approved through the graduate school, which will act as an alternative to the Priddy program after it ends. This year, the fellowship offered 10 students a stipend of $18,000, paid tuition and university fees, health insurance, and a $4,250 travel allowance to go to professional meetings and conferences in return for 30 hours of graduate work, including an internship. “I don’t know of any other art program in the country that has that level of support,” Davis said. Karen Colbert, an art educa-

tion graduate student and Priddy Fellow, said it was unfortunate the program was ending. “I know I’m blessed to be here in this position, and I just think other students who come behind me, they won’t have the opportunities that my fellow Priddys and myself have had,” she said. “It kind of cuts them off short of, who knows, becoming one the best music leaders and art leaders in the future.” Often students don’t have opportunities within their depa rtment to focus a nd harness specific skills, Colbert said. “I think having a program like the Priddy allows you to focus in on what it is that you actually want to do in your career,” she said. Being a Priddy Fellow has given her tools to improve her speaking skills, talk to leaders

in the art field and develop grant proposals, Colbert said. She plans to develop and implement an art-based mentor program for young girls to give them self-confidence as well as create a museum partnership with community-based organizations to implement museum visits for young kids who live in tax credit-based apartments or underserved neighborhoods. Christopher Lee, a performance doctoral student and Priddy Fellow, said it offered a broad variety of opportunities for students in the arts. “I think the Priddy program shows us that there are other aspects of being an artist or an arts advocate that all the artists should be aware of,” he said. The fellows are challenged to consider different sides of issues as well as views opposing their own, which is difficult, Lee said.


Jack Davis is the director of the Institute for the Visual Arts, which hosts the Priddy Fellowships. The program provides fellowships in arts leadership for graduate students in visual art and music.

Entertainment Listings THURSDAY

Do you have a story idea? Call us today! (940) 565-2851


Friday March 12th, 10 p.m.

w/ HEALTH, Record Hop, PVC Street Gang and Dear Human Saturday March 13th, 10 p.m.

w/ 420 Blues, Oso Closo and Trebuchet Monday - Karaoke Night! $3 double wells, $1 domestic drafts Tuesday - College Night! 75 cent wells Wednesday - $3 double wells, $3 you-call-it Thursday - $3 double wells, $3 jim beam Fridays - $3 shots, $2 PBR Saturdays - $3.50 Jager shots Sunday - $2 PBR

NX35: SNARKY PUPPY (CD RELEASE) / Zorch / Kaboom / Orange Peel Sunshine @ The Boiler Room NX35 @ Andy’s Bar Carrie Rodriguez, NX35 @ Dan’s Silverleaf This Will Destroy You (San Marcos), The Crash that Took Me (Dallas), Saboteur (Dallas), My Empty Phantom (Austin) @ Hailey’s Club Brandon Rhyder CD Release W/ Kyle Park @ Rockin Rodeo NX35, Evangelicals, Sunnybrook, Manned Missiles, Native Lights @ Rubber Gloves The Craziest Party In North Texas @ Rbar NX35 @ Hydrant Cafe Phat Thursdays @ Electric Cowboy


NX35: HEALTH / Record Hop / PVC Street Gang / Dear Human @ The Boiler Room NX35 @ Andy’s Bar NX35 @ Dan’s Silverleaf Woven Bones (Austin), Fergus & Geronimo, Pure Ecstasy, Final Club @ Hailey’s Club Girls Night Out! @ Rockin Rodeo Indian Jewelry, Babar, White Drugs, Hotel Hotel, Vexed UK @ Rubber Gloves Hexawolf Jury LIVE! W/ The Venetia Fair, The Background, & Everything Illuminated @ Rbar NX35 @ Hydrant Cafe Girls Night Out! @ Electric Cowboy


NX35: 420 BLUES (Reunion show) / Oso Closo / Trebuchet @ The Boiler Room NX35 @ Andy’s Bar NX35 @ Dan’s Silverleaf The Black Angels (Austin), Matthew and the Arrogant Sea, Jack With One Eye, The River Mouth @ Hailey’s Club The Stampede @ Rockin Rodeo Telegraph Canyon, Hogpig, Doug Gillard, Eaton Lake Tonics @ Rubber Gloves Sinful Saturday’s @ Rbar NX35 @ Hydrant Cafe Biggest Party in North Texas @ Electric Cowboy


NX35: Smile Smile / Giggle Party / The Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt! and more @ The Boiler Room NX35 @ Andy’s Bar NX35 @ Dan’s Silverleaf The Walkmen, Jookabox, Pomegranates, Follow That Bird! @ Hailey’s Club Neon Indian, Florene, French Horn Rebellion, Ishi, Fur @ Rubber Gloves NX35 @ Hydrant Cafe Sing and Swing Night @ Electric Cowboy


CINEMARK AT DENTON - SHOWING FRIDAY *Adult Evening $8.00 *Adult Fri/Sat $8.25 *Child/Senior $6.25 *Adult matinee before 6 p.m. $6.25 *Student w/ID $6.50 GREEN ZONE (R:I.D. Required) 11:15am 2:10pm 4:50pm 7:40pm 10:25pm

BROOKLYN’S FINEST (R:I.D. Required) 12:50pm 3:55pm 7:00pm 10:05pm

OUR FAMILY WEDDING (PG-13) 11:30am 2:05pm 4:45pm 7:20pm 9:55pm

COP OUT (R:I.D. Required) 11:05am 4:30pm 10:15pm

REMEMBER ME (PG-13) 11:20am 2:15pm 5:00pm 7:45pm 10:30pm

CRAZY HEART - CinéArts (R:I.D. Required) 11:25am 2:20pm 5:05pm 7:50pm 10:35pm

SHE’S OUT OF MY LEAGUE (R:I.D. Required) 11:40am 2:35pm 5:10pm 7:55pm 10:40pm


ALICE IN WONDERLAND - 2D (PG) 12:40pm 1:35pm 3:25pm 4:20pm 6:10pm 7:05pm 8:55pm 9:50pm

SHUTTER ISLAND (R:I.D. Required) 12:55pm 4:05pm 7:15pm 10:20pm

ALICE IN WONDERLAND - REAL D 3D (PG) 11:45am 2:30pm 5:15pm 8:00pm 10:45pm

THE CRAZIES (R:I.D. Required) 11:50am 2:25pm 4:55pm 7:35pm 10:10pm

AVATAR - 2D (PG-13) 12:00pm 3:30pm 7:00pm 10:35pm

VALENTINE’S DAY (PG-13) 1:40pm 7:10pm

Movie Night @ Andy’s Bar Jaguar Love The Silent League(members from Arcade Fire, Beirut, Stars Like Fleas, St Vincent) Orange Peel Sunshine, I Am The Dot @ Rubber Gloves Inglourious Basterds weekend of 3/11


EL TEN ELEVEN / DJ Bastard Mike @ The Boiler Room Anamanaguchi (USA), Sabrepulse (UK), Henry Homesweet (UK), Starscream (USA), Kashioboy (Denton) @ Hailey’s Club Pierced Arrows, Lullabye Arkestra, The Uptown Bums @ Rubber Gloves Kick A$$ Karaoke! @ Rbar


Gooding / The Noise FM @ The Boiler Room Sham Rock 2010! @ Andy’s Bar The Jakeys St. Patrick’s Day Party Free!!! @ Dan’s Silverleaf -XS- Too Much Is Never Enough @ Rockin Rodeo Spindrift, The Candeliers, Amo Joy @ Rubber Gloves Mid Week Madness @ Electric Cowboy

Showtimes valid for Fri 3-11

ALICE IN WONDERLAND 3D (2010) |PG GREEN ZONE |R 12:00 | 3:00 | 6:15 | 9:15 11:00AM | 12:30 | 1:45 | 3:30 | 4:30 | 6:30 | 7:15 | 9:30 | 10:00 SHE’S OUT OF MY LEAGUE |R 11:30AM | 2:15 | 5:00 | 7:45 | 10:30 | 12:00AM

Thursday, March 11, 2010 Justin Umberson, Sports Editor


Page 5 ntdaily.sports@gmail.com

Clutch plays define special season for guard BY SEAN GORMAN Senior Staff Writer

As the UNT men’s basketball team celebrated its second conference championship and bid in the NCAA Tournament with the Mean Green faithful, it became clear that the team’s shortest player had left the largest impression. The fans who gathered outside the Super Pit to welcome back the Mean Green from the Conference Tournament gave junior guard Josh White endless applause after he scored the winning basket over Troy in the Tournament final. “I want to have the ball in my hand during the moments with the most pressure,” White said. “I talked to coach at the beginning of the year and told him I wanted to become a leader on this team and a go-to player down the stretch.” Clutch play is nothing new for the Louisiana native this year, as White was instrumental in the final minutes of close wins over Denver and UT-Arlington earlier in the season. “Josh is the one guy we can

count on when the game’s on the line,” senior forward Eric Tramiel said. “We have plenty of guys who can score, but having a guy like Josh who we know can make that key shot is important.” The Mean Green was able to add the two-time state champion at the Christian Life Academy when White committed to UNT after seeing the program’s growth since the turn of the century. “When I noticed that UNT had made the Big Dance and had plenty of players coming back, I knew that this was a team that was only going to get better,” White said. “Talking to Johnny and the other coaches made me even more confident about my decision to come here.” Despite two strong first seasons, White’s junior campaign has been his best, as he led the team in scoring with 14.9 points per game and assists with 3.6 per game while being the team’s top free-throw shooter. “When you talk about Josh, the first thing that comes to mind is the raw talent he has as a basketball player,” head coach Johnny

everything to me,” he said. “Some of the reasons I get along so well with my brothers Quannas and Clearance are our passion for the game and the time we spent playing together on the court.” Most of White’s time is spent focusing on basketball, but when he gets the chance, he prefers to relax and enjoy video games or TV. “Action games and sports games are how I spend my free time,” White said. “Of course Madden and Call of Duty are a couple of my favorites, but I am open to playing almost anything.” PHOTO BY RYAN BIBB/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER An avid fan of New Orleans Junior guard Josh White lays down some defense against Troy at the Sun Belt Conference Championships. White has Hornets’ point guard Chris Paul, played a key role in the Mean Green’s victories this year. White aspires to play basketball professionally when his esteemed Jones said. “It’s been a privilege it as something I can use to help faction at this point,” White said. career at UNT comes to an end. “I don’t know if I’ll play here or being able to coach him since this team win,” White said. “I’m “We’re proud of what we’ve done he joined this team three years fortunate to be able to work on as a team, but there’s so much overseas, but it doesn’t matter,” White said. “The key right now is free throws with the coaching more for us to accomplish.” ago.” With former Oklahoma guard to stay healthy so I have a chance Getting to the line and making staff here. They’ve been really and current NBA Development to pursue that kind of opportunity free throws is a point of pride for helpful.” Even after securing the Sun League player Quannas White when I’m out of college.” White, who finished second in the White and the Mean Green will nation last season in free-throw Belt title this week, White said, as an older brother, basketball he swears the Mean Green is not was a big part of family life for begin competition in the NCAA percentage. Tournament on either March 18 or the 5-foot-8-inch star. “It’s a big part of our offensive content just yet. “Growing up, basketball was 19, as they tries to advance for the “There really is no level of satisstrategy, so I’ve always looked at first time in school history.

Women’s basketball team struggles in rebuilding year BY BEN BABY Staff Writer

With just three players returning for the 2009-2010 season, the UNT women’s basketball team had its work cut out for it this season. The Mean Green had a particularly rough season, going 5-13 in conference and 9-22 overall. The task at hand for head coach Shanice Stephens was to turn a team around that had its strug-

gles for the last couple of years. In the 2009-2010 Sun Belt Conference Preseason Poll, the team was picked to finish tied for fourth in the West Division. UNT lived up to those expectations. “[UNT has] a great young team, and [Stephens] does a good job, and next year we will be as young as [her team] is and we will start all over,” said Rich Insell, the head coach of

the Sun Belt champion Middle Tennessee. With only 13 years of combined Division I college basketball experience, UNT was the seventhyoungest team in the nation. It had a slew of freshmen on the court at all times, providing the youngsters with a great amount of hands-on experience. Unfortunately, things did not always work out for the Mean Green. The team constantly

battled its opposition and its own mistakes, averaging 23.1 turnovers per game. Toward the end of the season, the Mean Green did a good job of limiting its mistakes. However, the team reverted to its prior ways against Middle Tennessee, committing 23 turnovers in its conference quarterfinals loss. In its first round victory against FIU, UNT coughed the ball up 17 times.

Along with turnovers, the team also had to battle injuries. Sophomore guard Brittney Hudson missed 12 games with a right knee injury. Sophomore guard Tamara Torru, who had been reaching her stride before her exit from the rotation, missed seven games at the end of the season with an illness. Senior guard Brittney James led the team throughout the season, starting every game.

James, who finished the season averaging 13.9 points per game, forever changed the record books in her time at UNT. James finished her career sixth in all-time career points at the school and field goals. She finished fifth in career free throws and steals, and third in three-point field goals.

To read the full story, visit ntdaily.com

Visit ntdaily.com for more sports content, including Wednesday’s softball game


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Page 6 Josh Pherigo, Views Editor

Tier One goals reveal negative means Editorial There has been a lot of talk recently about UNT’s drive to achieve Tier One Research status. Administrators have hyped the goal as a catalyst to improve the university’s national prestige. Regional politicians have used it as a talking point in their various education agendas. This Editorial Board has frequently cited the ambition as a sort of target with which to critique the validity of current and future UNT projects. Now, the College of Engineering is using the Tier One objective as an excuse to try to “phase out” the construction engineering technology program, which has 130 students enrolled. The undergraduate degree program, which just began in 2007, is seeking ABET accreditation next fall. According to College of Engineering Dean Costas Tsatsoulis, that process will continue, and already enrolled students will be allowed to continue their studies to receive degrees in the field. “We are trying to identify programs that are not central to the mission of the College of Engineering,” Tsatsoulis said. The Editorial Board thinks that reasoning is a little fuzzy. Apparently, three years ago, when the program began, at least a few higher-ups thought it was central to the mission of the College of Engineering. The hundreds of students who enrolled in the program thought it was central to the mission of their education. Area professionals who have written letters and vocalized their opposition to removing it think the program is central to the mission of their industry. Therefore, if a program designed to teach the science behind the technology involved with construction engineering doesn’t quite measure up, what exactly is central to the mission of the college of Engineering? Tsatsoulis added that the College’s leadership was also trying to identify the programs “which will have little chance of assisting UNT to reach national research university status.” Tsatsoulis said the College’s assistance toward that goal will come by putting more expenditures toward research and placing a greater focus on students who will earn their doctorate. In other words, the College’s mission is now built around the objective of reaching Tier One status to the detriment of the students. “It’s not unusual for universities to start and phase out programs,” Tsatsoulis said. True, but to do so by claiming vague reasons about reaching lofty university goals is irresponsible. UNT is years away from Tier One status. Cutting such a useful degree program so early after its inception should represent an alarming flag. UNT can and should meet the challenge of becoming a nationally recognized research university, but not if it means the institution must sacrifice the positive programs we already have available.

Campus Chat

How did the hail affect you Wednesday morning?

{ { {

“I saw it from the Language Building.”

Thursday, March 11, 2010 ntdailyviews@gmail.com

Weekly word from UNT dietician Welcome to March everyone! Spring is just around the corner, and I can’t wait to start planting. This month we are going to focus on the American Dietetic Association’s National Nutrition Month. The A merica n Dietet ic Association focuses on a particular nutritional theme every March on which to educate the public. This year’s theme is “Nutrition from the Ground Up.” The theme emphasizes the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. This week’s tip will focus on the first step to making informed choices: Get your information from a knowledgeable source. Registered dietitians are the food and nutrition experts. They are professionals who have completed at least a bachelor’s degree, an internship, passed a national exam and maintain continuing education units approved by the American Dietetic Association. Some states, including Texas, require licenses. Therefore, when seeking sound nutrition advice, look for the credentials RD or

RD, LD after the person’s name to ensure they have been properly trained. The term nutritionist doesn’t always mean you are getting a dietitian. The credentials are the difference. In some states that don’t regulate the term, anybody can call themselves a nutritionist, even if they have had little or no training in the field. Registered dietitians (especially those who are members of the A merican Dietetic Association), are the public’s best source of timely, accurate and reliable information on a healthy lifestyle. They provide expert guidance that is personalized, doable, and affordable.

Most dietitians assist in the prevention and treatment of disease by administering medical nutrition therapy as part of a medical team, either in the hospital, health clinic, private practice or home health. You can also find dietitians educating the community in public health departments. They can also be found in the food industry, in business,

Here are five things every person can do to help maintain a healthy lifestyle from the ground up. 1. Focus on veggies and fruits — Try to get a vegetable at every meal. If you add vegetable purees to your recipes, you can work towards an ideal two vegetables per meal. 2. Look Locally — Think farmer’s markets or communitysupported agriculture to find fresh foods in your area. This practice also helps support the economic infrastructure of your community. Check out www. localharvest.org to find your local market. 3. Read Labels — Learn

Saudi Arabia has a serious child-marriage problem. It’s emblematic of the nation’s struggle between modernity and traditional Islam. But the lives of thousands of girls are being destroyed as the Saudi government debates a solution. Child marriage has been acceptable, even encouraged, in many Islamic states since the religion was born. After all, among the Prophet Muhammad’s dozen wives was Aisha, who is believed to have been 6 or 7 years old when the two married. But in Saudi Arabia, at least, the practice slammed headlong into modern values last spring, when a Saudi court refused to nullify the marriage of an 8-year-old girl from Unaiza to a man in his late 50s. Over the last few years, longstanding social practices in Saudi Arabia have been thrown up into the glare of world opinion, embarrassing the state and forcing at least cosmetic changes. In 2006, for example, a judge sentenced a young woman to 200 lashes and several months in prison for being alone in a car with a man she was not related to, when they were attacked and

she was raped. Opprobrium from around the world rained down on Riyadh. President George W. Bush asked: “What happens if this happens to my daughter? I’d be angry at a state that does not support the victim.” King Abdullah commuted the sentence. Then came last spring’s court ruling on that 8-year-old wife. For centuries, women have been marginalized and punished to protect male malefactors. Parents have sold girls, too young to ride a bike, to elderly men. Hardly ever did anyone outside the region notice. But that was before the Internet, — before most anything that happens anywhere in the world is broadcast instantly to most anyone who cares. The hook that caught people’s attention in last year’s case was the judge’s refusal to grant the 8-year-old a divorce, indicating that the state endorsed child marriage. The judge was willing to order the man not to have sex with the girl until she reached puberty, four or five years later. (If he violated that, who would know?)

Once again, Saudi Arabia faced rebukes from around the world, prompting the justice minister, Mohamed al-Issa, to suggest it was time for child marriage to end. His ministry, he told a Saudi newspaper, intended to stipulate 18 as the minimum age for marriage, “to put an end to arbitrariness by parents and guardians in marrying off minor girls.” His intent, he added, was to “preserve the rights, to end the negative aspects of underage girls’ marriage.” Like unfavorable news coverage? Well, that was almost a year ago. Still no law has emanated from the government, almost cer ta in ly because senior clerics control large areas of domestic policy, and most of them, including the chief cleric, Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdelaziz Al al-Sheikh, oppose this change in tradition. Now a spate of new cases has been thrown up for public scrutiny. Last month, a 12-year-old girl, fighting to divorce an 80-year-old man who paid her father $22,000 for permission to marry her, suddenly dropped her divorce

What Services Do RD’s Provide?

in journalism, in sports nutrition, in corporate wellness and in research. UNT has a dietitian on staff at the Student Health and Wellness Center to help students, and dining services will soon have a dietitian on its staff as well. We are here to help you meet your nutritional goals, assist you with a medically related nutrition concern or provide education to groups on campus.

h o w a t w w w. f d a . g o v / Fo o d /L a b e l i n g Nut r it ion / ConsumerInformat ion/ UCM078889.htm. 4. Make Calories Count — When choosing what to eat, focus on the foods with more of the vitamins and nutrients you need. 5. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week — www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/ index.html.

Starting from the Ground Up

Lora Williams is a registered dietitian at the UNT Student Health and Wellness Center. She can be reached at Lora.Williams@ unt.edu. Students can make an appointment at the Student Health and Wellness Center by calling (940)565-2333.

Saudi Arabia debates child marriage

request. She failed to appear in court on the day the judge was supposed to issue his decision. One can only guess what happened. Saudi Arabia is not the only state facing this problem. Last year, Turkey made it legal for 12-year-olds to marry, if their parents agree. The Turkish Statistical Institute estimates that one-third of the state’s brides are under 18. In Yemen and Bangladesh, even among some sects in Burma, child marriage is commonplace. The victims, in those places and elsewhere: girls who are forced into wasted, often miserable, lives. Saudi Arabia has publicly committed to change its law and protect girls. If they achieve that goal and recognize that girls have the right to grow up normally that will be an act heard around the world. Joel Brinkley is a former Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign correspondent for The New York Times and now a professor of journalism at Stanford University. He may be reached at brinkley@foreignmatters.com.

Sara Afghanipour Biology senior

“I just missed it. I heard some thunder and lightning when I was walking between the Union and ESSC.”

Jamie Hoyt

Psychology sophomore

“I was out there, but I thought it was just rain.”

NT Daily Editorial Board

Maxx Martinez

Drawing and painting sophomore

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Page 8 Justin Umberson, Sports Editor


Thursday, March 11, 2010 ntdaily.sports@gmail.com

Mean Green relishes championship run

Head coach Johnny Jones and junior guard Josh White embrace after winning the Sun Belt Conference Championship.

From left to right: senior Antwone Matlock, junior George Odufuwa, senior Eric Tramiel and freshman Nick Goff. PHOTOS BY RYAN BIBB/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Senior forward Eric Tramiel goes up for a layup against Troy on Tuesday. Tramiel was named the tournament’s MVP.

Head coach Johnny Jones (center) holds the Sun Belt Conference Championship trophy during postgame celebrations.

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