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Friday, March 25, 2011
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Volume 97 | Issue 32
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The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
Bleachers installed, seats sold, stadium nears completion Mean Green Stadium opening set for June BY DREW GAINES Senior Staff Writer
NEWS: Local high schools encourage bilingual education Page 2
SPORTS: Softball team hosts Golden Panthers Page 3
There are 169 days separating the UNT football team from its first home game at the new Mean Green stadium, and the structure that months ago was just dirt and concrete now resembles the playing field that is promising the university and its athletes renewed exposure. “We are finally at a point where the stadium is starting to look like it will in the fall,” said Eric Capper, the senior associate athletic director of media relations. The lights that will soon flood the turf field — set to be one of the last pieces to be installed in June — now tower over the stadium’s bowl, and the bleachers that could house some 30,000 spectators are nearly all installed. Workers from Manhattan Construction are concentrating on the “finishing touches,” Capper said, as they prime the walls and trim, and mount shelves in the six-figure priced suites from which the university’s high donors will watch the games. Across the field from the towering glass windows of the suites and press box is the student section, where workers were busy Thursday installing handrails and
The west side of the new Mean Green stadium was the backdrop for a pair of runners Thursday afternoon. The outside of the structure is near completion as workers concentrate on the finishing touches in the press box and suites. the last bricks that will support the east side of the structure. Nearly half of the stadium’s $78-million price tag is coming from student service fees. The grounds around the stadium are starting to resemble the planned park that will host tailgaters and game day festivities. New trees have been planted and retaining walls have been
erected around the site, keeping in harmony with the green image that project organizers expect will set the stadium apart from others. The amenities and progressive design by from HKS Architects, the firm that designed the Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, are attracting ticket buyers, Capper said.
Walking the line
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Sales of club-level seats, which cost anywhere from $3,000 to $12,000, are being made nearly every day, Capper said, and very few are left. This is partly because of the publicity work of the athletics department and head football coach Dan McCarney, who have been hosting social and community events to rally prospective
License surcharge program under fire Suspended Texas drivers owe $1 Billion BY ISAAC WRIGHT Senior Staff Writer
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Mike Sanderson, a business computer and information systems junior, practices slacklining outside the Auditorium Building Thursday afternoon. Slacklining is similar to tightrope walking, but the line is less taut and has more of the feel of a long, narrow trampoline. Sanders and coworker James Baker, a history graduate student, have practiced slacklining on and off for about six months. “It’s a good focus and balancing thing,” Baker said. “It’s challenging and fun.”
SGA and Glad fundraise for youth BY JESSICA ST. A MA Contributing Writer
UNT’s Student Government Association and Glad: UNT’s Queer Alliance are co-hosting a fundraiser for Youth First Texas, a Dallas-based nonprofit organization that advocates for North Texas’ lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer youth. The fundraiser will help support Collin County’s Youth First Texas program, an organization that is lacking in funding. Donations and proceeds from T-shirt sales and a silent auction of UNT student artwork will aid the group in finding a permanent meeting location and help provide emergency funds for
youths in crisis. “Supporting programs like Youth First Texas Collin County is a small but effective way to help someone else,” said Julie Leary, a political science junior and the vice president of Glad. “It’s easy for anyone who isn’t LGBTQ-identified to forget that the world can be a pretty unwelcoming place to be yourself.” The Dallas-Ft. Worth area is home to more than 50,000 LGBTQ adolescents, according to the Youth First Texas website. While some of these children are fortunate to have an accepting home environment, most live in isolation and fear, according to the website.
‘Youth First’ When: Sunday 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. Where: Banter, 219 W. Oak St., Denton TX Cost: Free admission, donations accepted Activities include an art auction, T-shirt sales, and DJ Secret Squid
See PROGRAM on Page 2
ticket buyers, many of whom are UNT faculty and staff who have never before held club seats or season tickets, Capper said. Naming rights to the stadium are still up for grabs as the university waits to partner with a corporation or individual who wants that $30-million privilege. Until then, it will be known as Mean Green Stadium.
The Texas Legislature is deciding the fate of a program that stripped more than 1 million Texas drivers’ licenses in the past eight years. The Te x a s Driver Responsibility program was created in 2003 and imposes large annual surcharges to deter certain offenses, such as driving while intoxicated and driving without insurance or a valid license. The money raised by the surcharges was intended to pay for highway construction projects and hospita l trauma care, but more than 60 percent of the surcharges have gone unpaid, and violators owe the state about $1 billion. Each driver who does not pay the surcharges within 30 days of conviction will face suspension of his or her driver’s license. The Senate Criminal Justice Committee has ca lled the number of uninsured and unlicensed drivers this program has caused “unacceptable.” “These laws have not generated t he f unds t hey were designed to, serve no public sa fet y pur pose, a nd have in fact added thousands of uninsured drivers and thousands without a license to our st reets,” sa id Senator John Whitmire, D-Houston, the chairman of the Criminal Justice Committee, in a press release issued Tuesday. The surcharges are in addition to initial fines and court fees incurred by an offense.
Driving under the influence carries the highest surcharges at $1,000 a year for three years a f ter t he f irst conv iction, $1,500 a year for a second, and $2,000 a year for a conviction of driving with a blood-alcohol content of 0.16. Driving without insurance and driving with an invalid license both carry surcharges of $250 a year for three years.
“These funds have not generated the funds they were designed to.”
— John Whitmire, D-Houston
While the Senate Criminal Justice Committee primarily called for the elimination of the surcharges for DWI offenses, a bill in the House would eliminate the Driver Responsibility Program entirely. Supporters of the bill maintain the charges are too high and often force lower-income Texans to choose between renewing a suspended license and paying for other necessities. The House bill, authored by Representative Lon Burnam, D-Fort Worth, proposes an increase to the cigarette tax by 24 cents a pack to make up for the revenue that would be lost by eliminating the program. “This program is a severe and unjust blow to Texans already struggling to keep their heads above water,” Burnam said in the press release.
See DPS on Page 2
Page 2 Josh Pherigo & Laura Zamora, News Editors
Friday, March 25, 2011
DPS enacts amnesty period Continued from Page 1 The Department of Public Sa fet y has inst ituted a n amnesty period for drivers who owe the state surcharges. Until April 17, the DPS will allow qualified applicants — those with unpaid surcharges assessed between Sept. 30, 2004 and Dec. 31, 2008 — to pay defaulted surcharges at a 90 percent discounted rate. T he a m nest y prog ra m is expected to leave a large number of fines unpaid, said Terr y Clower of the UNT economics faculty. “They are not collecting on it [the Driver Responsibility Program], and it hasn’t proven to be successful in lowering t he i ncidence of people driv ing drunk or driv ing without insurance,” Clower said. He said the state hasn’t done a good job advertising
the program to the public. “You don’t see publ ic service announcements that say, ‘drive drunk and you will have to pay this extra surcharge,’” Clower said. Denton Police Spokesman Ryan Grelle said off icers normally don’t inform drivers about the surcharges at the time of ticketing or arrest because the surcharges are something the state imposes, not the city. Other critics of the program argue that surcharges don’t prevent violations. “You’re talking about people who have already chosen to break the law,” Clower said. “If somebody is willing to take the risk of substantial fines associated with driving drunk, or they don’t want to spend $2,000 a year on insurance, is the surcharge really going to make that much of a difference?”
Maria Dudash, the English as a Second Language high school coordinator for Denton Independent School District, speaks to selected bilingual high school students and their families about the program at a kick-off reception Wednesday night.
Initiative motivates high school students
Program puts youth first Continued from Page 1 “Suicide is the leading cause of death in LGBTQ youth,” said Sam Wilkes, the director of development and administration for Youth First Texas. “The average age of coming out has dropped to 14 years old, and these kids are just looking for somebody to tell them that there’s nothing wrong with them, that they’re normal.” Jeanne Rubin, the volunteer facilitator of Youth First Texas Collin County, also encourages UNT students to
future teachers that are bilingual to meet the needs of our UNT’s College of Education students,” Dudash said. The program also encourpa r t nered w it h Denton Independent School District aged students who already this spring to encourage high speak multiple languages to school students to consider consider education careers. “We want our bilingual high careers in bilingual educaschool students to have the tion. There is about a 46 percent opportunity to explore a bilinLatino student population in gual teaching field,” said Teresa Texas, and that is expected Taylor, the director of bilinto rise to about 60 percent in gual/ESL programs for Denton the coming years, said Maria ISD. “We want to give them that Dudash, the English as a Second opportunity to start setting Language high school coordi- those goals beyond the high school diploma.” nator for Denton ISD. “In order to meet that challenge, we need to prepare our New beginnings for a familiar program T h e F u t u r e Bi l i n g u a l Teachers in it iat ive bega n in 2005 when the College of Education partnered w it h For t Wor t h I ndependent School District and the Sid W. Richardson Foundation to fund the project for three years. The project started up again this year when it received $60,000 from the Sid W. Richardson Foundation and $15,000 from the College of Education for the next three years. “We have been able to receive the funding because we have a ver y good track record of the impact that this program gave to students,” said Rossana Boyd, the director of the Bilingual/ESL Certification program at UNT. “We followed Heavy Linen Card Stock Senior Staffer
get involved with Youth First Texas. “College students can give these kids someone to relate to through volunteering or a mentorship,” Rubin said. “They need to know that it does get better, that your sexuality doesn’t define what you are. It’s just a part of who you are.” For more i n for mat ion on Youth First Texas Collin County meetings and volunteer opportunities, email col l i ncou nt y @ yout h f i
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up students that participated, and I would say 80 percent of them went to college.” The Sid W. R icha rdson Foundation only supports Fort Worth ISD, and another foun-
will visit the campus June 20 and 21.They w ill go to the Department of ESL and meet with master bilingual teachers. “It w i l l concent rate on
“We want our bilingual high school students to have the opportunity to explore a bilingual teaching field,”
—Teresa Taylor, Director of bilingual/ESL programs for Denton Independent School District
dation has not been found for other school districts, Boyd said. “[Denton ISD doesn’t] have foundation funding like we do for Fort Worth, but they are going above and beyond to ma ke a similar project happen,” Boyd said. There will be separate workshops in June for the Denton ISD students and Forth Worth ISD students to tour the UNT campus and get hands-on experience as bilingual teachers. T he 25 st udent s f rom Denton ISD and 30 students from Fort Worth ISD were selected based on academic standing, language proficiency, recommendations and level of interest in becoming a teacher, Boyd said. The Denton ISD students
i nst r uc t ion for bi l i ng ua l education and ESL methods, and the rewards and benefits of a teaching career,” Dudash said. The Fort Worth ISD students will attend a four-day academy June 7 through June 10. During the first half of the academy, the students will stay overnight in the dorms and learn about UNT and its bilingual education program. For the second half, the students will be in Fort Worth, said Maria Prada, an early childhood educat ion g raduate student. “We are hoping that the students will not only become motivated to pursue bilingual education as a career, but it’s an opportunity for them to learn about UNT,” she said.
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Friday, March 25, 2011 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor
Page 3
Mean Green hosts matches Team hopes to build on last week’s success
Senior Staff Writer With family and friends i n at tenda nce, t he U N T track and field team looks to continue its strong start to the outdoor season Friday in t he Nor t h Texas Open and Saturday’s North Texas Classic. Friday’s meet is open to any college teams wishing to compete, while Saturday’s is an invite-only event. UNT w i l l c ompete e ach d ay, said UNT head coach Rick Watkins. “It ’s st i l l ea rly i n t he outdoor season,” Wat k ins said. “We’ve got some big meets coming up later in the season. Figure out what relay combos work best. It’s mainly giving our kids a chance to compete outdoors.” This w ill be the first of two weekends that the Mean Green w i l l host a meet. UNT hosts the Mean Green Twilight April 30. “We always love to have me et s t h at a re here i n Denton,” said senior sprinter Montrell Pyron. “Our track is fast. Ever ybody comes down to run fast. That means ever ybody brings a lot of heat.” P y ron posted a time of 4 8. 38 i n t he 4 0 0 -meter dash in last weekend’s TCU Hor ned Frog I nv ite, t he f irst outdoor meet of t he season. H i s t i m e r a n k s 2 4t h in t he NC A A West region and second in the Sun Belt Conference. The senior was one leg of t he men’s 4x400 relay tea m t hat f i n ished t h i rd last weekend w it h a time of 3 : 09.62. P y ron, sen ior spr i nter Ju st i n F lower s, sophomore hurdler Steven White and freshman sprinter Clinton Collins are ranked fifth in the region and first
in the conference. White owns the best time i n t he con ference i n t he 200-meter dash. His time of 21.16 helped the sophomore earn the Sun Belt men’s outdoor track performer of the week. Sen ior h ig h ju mper Jermaine Jamison is second in the conference in the high jump event, jumping for 2.05 meters last weekend in Fort Worth. Jamison finished the 2010 outdoor season with a mark of 2.09 meters, second in the conference. The senior said the switch from indoor to outdoor is a big difference, equat i ng it to somebody lifting a rock off his back. Ja mison sa id he k nows t here is t ime lef t for t he Mea n Green to grow a nd
“Everything we do right now is preparing us for later...”
—Jermaine Jamison, Senior high jumper
improve. “Everything we do right now is preparing us for later on in the season,” Jamison said. “As long as we make sure that every thing we do is according to the workout pla n, outdoor conference should be a steal for us.” On t he women’s side, senior pole vaulter Christal Brewster was one of few UNT at hletes to compete last weekend. Brewster bested t he competition with a mark of 3.95 meters, which is first in the conference. UNT did not have many of its women compete at TCU, but a majority of them are expected to compete t his weekend. Updates on the compet it ion s a re av a i l a ble at
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Senior infielder Mallory Cantler hits the ball during a practice. The softball team will face No. 1 Florida International Saturday and Missouri Sunday at Lovelace Stadium.
FIU comes to Denton for series B Y B OBBY L EWIS
Keys to beating FIU
Senior Staff Writer An eventful schedule has not let up on the UNT softball team and it will continue as Sun Belt Conference leader Florida Internationa l v isits this weekend. T he t e a m s w i l l pl a y a doubleheader 2 p.m. Saturday at L ovelace Stad iu m, t hen play t he f ina l ga me of t he series Sunday at noon.
Slow down McClain: FIU junior outfielder Ashley McClain is hitting a team leading .405 with five HRs and four stolen bases
“We’ve got to pick up our performance in the conference ...”
Better defensive play: UNT had two errors against OSU that led to two unearned runs
—T.J. Hubbard, Head coach
U N T’s (13-15, 1-5) on ly victory in six games of conference play came against No. 19 Louisiana-Lafayette. UNT has lost nine of its last 11 games and four-straight conference games. “We’ve got to pick up our performance in the conference for us to do well,” said head coach T.J. Hubbard. FIU (15-12, 3-0) sits atop the conference right now, while UNT is in seventh place. FIU has won five of its last seven, entering a doubleheader with No. 17 Baylor Thursday. UNT won two of its three road ga mes at FIU last season. “We just haven’t played as well as we would like or as
categories. The Golden Panthers may r a i s e it s bat t i ng av er a ge aga i nst UN T, as t he Mea n Green’s pitching staff is one of the most hittable in the Sun PHOTO BY STACY POWERS/SENIOR STAFFER Belt. Going into Wednesday’s Senior outfielder Mariza Martinez runs to catch the ball during a practice. loss to No. 18 Oklahoma State, UNT had t he second-worst ERA in the conference at 3.48. Aga i n st OSU, U N T ra i sed into its doubleheader against well as we know we can play,” said senior pitcher Mallor y Baylor, FIU ranked second to its ER A to 3.63 by giving up Cantler. “The win over ULL last in the Sun Belt Conference seven ea r ned r u n s to t he was prett y big, but I think with a team batting average Cowgirls. “We k now t hat FIU is a now all we can do is concen- of .266. FIU ranks in the same trate on the games we have place with 105 runs scored. toug h te a m,” s a id s en ior The Mean Green has a team outfielder Mariza Martinez. in front of us.” U N T’s pitch i ng may be batting average of .283 with “We know what we’ve got to t he big gest factor aga i nst 132 runs, which is good for do to w in. Now we have to the Golden Panthers. Going fourth in the Sun Belt in both actually do it.”
Men’s golf team finishes hectic month Brief B Y PAUL B OT TONI Intern
A fter competing in three tournaments in three weeks, t he UNT men’s golf tea m will wrap up its busy March schedule this weekend in the Border Olympics at Laredo, Texas.
The No. 37-ranked Mean Green squad capped a spring break stay in Arizona with a fourth-place finish in the 2011 Desert Shootout at Phoenix. Three players — sophomores Rodolfo Ca zaubon, Ca rlos Ortiz and Curtis Donahoe — finished in the Top 20. “The guys are improving but have a long ways to go to reach their full potential,” said
head coach Brad Stracke in an email statement. No. 28 Oklahoma and No. 34 Indiana will likely be UNT’s top competition. The Hoosiers have won three of the nine tournaments it has competed in this season. Me a nw h i le, t he S ooner s topped the Mean Green in the Desert Shootout, claiming the tournament championship in
a 15-team field. UNT will face familiar fairways and greens. The team competed in the 2010 Border Oly mpics at the same golf course as the 2011 edition, finishing 10th in a 16-team field. The Mean Green traveled to Laredo Wednesday and tournament action tees off Friday.
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ILY, March 2 5V
MUSIC: The Strokes return from a hiatus with a different sound
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BLOOMS: Dallas Blooms floral festival brightens Arboretum
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Bold colors spring into spring fashions
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Spring weather encourages thrill seeking
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The food snobs review Mr. Frosty, a classic American restaurant
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Friday 3.25.2011
The Joy Formidable Strokes album tries new ‘Angles’ take U.S. by storm Opinion
Opinion BY PAUL BOTTONI Intern
In a genre dominated by cookiecutter bands, indie-rock group The Joy Formidable attempts to break the mold on its major-label debut, “The Big Roar.” The Welsh band grasps the listener with its grand-scale sound — a mixture of British pop and ‘90s-grunge rock with layered guitars. Ritzy Bryan, the lead singer and guitarist, and Rhydian Dafydd, the bassist and backing vocalist, formed the band while at school in Wales. Drummer Matt Thomas was added after Bryan and Dafydd relocated to London. The band started out small, releasing the eight-song mini-album “A Balloon Called Moaning” in 2009. Canvasback Music/Atlantic Records inked the band to a deal in August, and on March 15 the trio released their full-length debut in the U.S. Forty-five seconds of random noise, which could be anything from firecrackers exploding to balloons popping, opens the album before the trio launches into the opening track, “The Everchanging Spectrum of a Lie.” The seven-minute tune about the anxiety of love builds and builds until the melody bursts like water from a dam. The band hits its stride over the next few tracks, most notable in “Austere” and “A Heavy Abacus.” “Whirring,” the album’s first single and one of four from “A Balloon Called Moaning,” marks the midway point of the album. Backed by Thomas’ precision drumming and Dafydd’s steady bass lines, Bryan belts out lyrics on losing sleep over her conscience. While a highlight of the album, half of “Whirring” is an intense jam session
that gets lost in translation. Though there isn’t a drop in quality after “Whirring,” one or two tracks could have been left off without affecting the quality of the album. That said, The Joy Formidable finishes their debut on a high with “The Greatest Light Is the Greatest Shade.” The closing track shifts from moments of tranquility to turbulence, before the song plunges into a frenzy. The Joy Formidable’s full-length debut can be viewed as a success, though it has some small issues, such as Bryan’s Welsh accent occasionally making her lyrics hard to understand. The album offers a glimpse at the band’s potential and clearly marks its members as a group to keep an eye on.
Ba nd s record i ng a new a lbum tend to ex per iment with new instruments, sounds and tones, which can either make or break them. A f ter a f ive-yea r h iat us, the Strokes return with their fourth album, “Angles,” and take on an approach unlike its previous efforts. For “Angles,” each member had an input in how the music should sound, u n for t u n atel y g i v i ng t he 10-track album an unpredictable and inconsistent feel. The New York quintet maintained its garage-rock sound for the most part, but a few of the songs have synthesizers accompany ing t he st ylistic guitars of Nick Valensi and A lber t Ha m mond Jr. — it doesn’t seem to work ver y well. For the sake of a pun, the album has certainly taken different “angles.”
y a l P 5 s s Pre
”Sidewalk,” Built to Spill
1 2 3 4
Springtime Songs
”New Day Rising,” Hüsker Dü ” In Bloom,” Nirvana
”Cross the Breeze,” Sonic Youth ”Beautiful World,” Devo
6 7 8 9 10
”Good Day Sunshine,” the Beatles ”Wonderful, Wonderful!,” Sebadoh ”Hurry Sundown,” Bubble Puppy ”Silent Spring” Blackbird Raum ”Paradise Shines,” the Tar Babies
The Strokes performed at the Austin City Limits festival on Oct. 8. Released last Friday, “Angles” is the band’s fourth studio album. T he open i ng song “Machu Picchu” is a g reat beg inning to the album. With an underlying reggae tone coexisting to a retro-pop melody, the track is clearly the highlight of the album. It ref lects a fresh start for the band. The second track, “Under Cover of Darkness,” is a catchy, feel
good type of song that resembles “Last Nite” from the band’s 2001 album “Is This It.” The tracks that follow it tumble downward in quality.
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Friday 3.25.2011
Dallas Arboretum blooms, creates ‘Fairy Tale World’ By Brittni Barnett & K aylah Baca Interns
Over 500,000 tulips, daffodils and pansies in shades of pink, red and yellow are in full bloom at the Dallas Arboretum. Through April 10, the Dallas Arboretum is celebrating its 27th annual Dallas Blooms festival — a six-week event featuring 66 acres of flowers centered around the theme “It’s a Fairy Tale World.” The festival is the largest one of its kind in the Southwest, said Terry Lendecker, the Dallas Arboretum’s public relations manager.
A multi-generational event In 2010, named the Arboretum “One of the Top 14 Places in the World to See Spring Flowers.” “Dallas Blooms originally started with just tulips,” Lendecker said. “But it just keeps growing every year. Southern Living magazine just said we had a world-class tulip display, and that we were the best place this side of Holland to see these flowers.” Last year, 128,552 visitors attended Dallas Blooms, she said. Don Smith of the UNT biology faculty said he has taken students on trips to the Arboretum in the past. He said that many flowers are in bloom at this time of year, so it is a perfect time to see floral displays. “This event is so successful because it is really a multi-generational event,” Lendecker said. “Two-year-olds and 92-year-olds will find something they enjoy.”
Fairy tale world In accordance with this year’s theme, the Arboretum will feature seven fairy tale castles, based on classic children’s fairy tales, created especially for Dallas Blooms by local
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Photo by brian Maschino/intern
The “Beauty and the Beast” castle is a part of the Dallas Arboretum’s “It’s a Fairy Tale World” exhibit.
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architects, Lendecker said. “We change our theme every year to keep it exciting,” she said. The castle themes include “Beauty and the Beast,” “The Princess and the Pea,” “Aladdin,” “Rapunzel,” “The Little Mermaid,” “Jack and the Beanstalk” and Mufaro’s “Beautiful Daughters.” The exhibit will run through Dec. 31. One of the biggest challenges the Arboretum staff faces is the weather, Lendecker said. “However, you can make your plans, and because we are an outdoor venue, we have installed a rain plan,” she said. “If you bring
“One of our employees was walking behind a family and heard a man say that he thinks this is what heaven must be like,”
—Terry Lendecker, Public relations manager at the Dallas Arboretum
your receipt back within three months, you can come see us for free. Rain or shine, it still looks great at the Arboretum.” In addition to maintaining a
public garden, the Arboretum staff’s goals include education and research, Lendecker said. Dur ing last yea r’s Da l las Blooms, 10,007 children visited the
Friday 3.25.2011
Dallas Blooms Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. General admission is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, $8 for children, and free for Arboretum members. Discounts include $1 off admission at Tom Thumb Stores and coupons for “Buy One Get One Free Tuesdays” at Capital One Banks. PHOTO BY BRIAN MASCHINO/INTERN
Many fields of flowers are scattered across the greens at the Dallas Arboretum. Arboretum on field trips. “Everyone enjoys it here,” she said. “We just try to provide a positive atmosphere for families. There is always a quiet place to exhale here.”
The Arboretum, UNT UNT’s upcoming community garden project is somewhat modeled after the Dallas Arboretum, said
Michael Bales, a studio art senior and student coordinator for the project. “For the scale they are working at, they have to have a water system and they have to have fertilizers,” he said. “But on a site like ours, we can mimic things they have, like the individual beds with dirt and flowers and the individual planting areas, and I think we can do it sustainably.”
The value of a community garden is that it provides a wonderful place for novice gardeners to learn from others, said Rebecca Dickstein of the biology faculty. Lendecker said her favorite part about the Arboretum and Dallas Blooms is the unsolicited compliments they receive. “One of our employees was walking behind a family and heard a man say that he thinks this is what heaven must be like,” she said.
A blue fountain sits outside “The Little Mermaid” fairy tale castle at the Dallas Arboretum. The castle was built by Gerdes, Henrichson & Associates Architects.
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The “Jack and the Beanstalk” fairy tale castle is part of the Dallas Arboretum’s newest exhibit “It’s a Fairy Tale World.” The castle was built and designed by The Beck Group and features a storyboard standing outside the doorway that tells the story of “Jack and the Beanstalk.”
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Friday 3.25.2011
Ditch layers, embrace color for spring fashion Opinion B y Corrisa JaCkson Staff Writer
Start packing up your coats, s weater s, t h ick sc a r ves a nd heav y hats — it’s time to say goodbye to winter.
W it h t he a r r iva l of spr i ng comes the chance to ditch the layers and rock a fun look. For women, this season will be full of fun ways to blend styles together. It’s not hot enough to ditch layering altogether, so a colorful blouse with a long sleeved shirt
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underneath can work. Boyfriend jeans are a roomier alternative to the skinny jeans that have dominated clothing s t or e s t he p a s t f e w y e a r s . Wearing a pair of boyfriend jeans is a good choice for people who are tired of skin-tight denim. Be bold w it h ac c e s sor ie s. Once the warm weather settles in and layering becomes unnecessary, try a funky headband, or large chunky bracelets and large earrings in place of several items of clothing. Accessories are also a good way to mix styles. Wearing pearls or glitter y jewelr y can spice up the otherwise plain outfit of a T-shirt and jeans.
For men, spring is a great time to keep it com for table wh i le adding f lair to their style. The accessories rule can apply here too. Try out a fedora with a polo or button-down shirt and jeans to dress up a casual look. Don’t fear prints, patterns or colors either. Contrasting dark jea ns or slack s w it h br ig ht ly colored shirts is a nice and easy way to add fun to your outfit. The most important thing to remember about being fashionable is to pick something that reflects your style. All these ideas are just a suggestion — having your own style is the most fashionable thing you can do.
Photo by James Coreas/senior staff PhotograPher
William Medlar, a physics freshman, shows he isn’t afraid of color by wearing a thin T-shirt with bold purple and gray stripes.
DIY: Decorative memories Opinion By Dana Walker
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When it comes to decorating, I love to add pops of color with accessories to fit my mood or the season. An easy, creative way to brighten up your room’s style this spring is to add a fabric picture frame. This is perfect for college students living in dorms or apartments because the walls can be easily decorated without putting holes in them. They are also a fun solution for the indecisive decorator. Supply list: Iron 8-inch by 10-inch piece of fabric (cotton works best), price varies Quick fabric stiffening spray like Stiffen Stuff, $7.50 Scissors A couple sheets of scratch paper Take your 8-inch by 10-inch piece of fabric and spray the backside with the fabric stiffing spray until it is wet. Let it dry.
Photo by James Coreas/senior staff PhotograPher
Wall decals are fun, personalized decorations that are easy to make. Next, measure the size of the photo you want to frame in the middle of a sheet of paper to determine the size of the hole you will need to cut out. You want to leave enough room to hold your picture in place so cut the hole about a half-inch smaller than the actual photo size on each side. For example, my photo was 4 inches by 6 inches, so I wanted the frame hole to be 3-and-a-half inches by 5-anda-half inches. Now, to customize the edges of the frame, take a sheet of scratch paper, fold it into quarters and draw a design on it. After cutting along the drawn lines, unfold the paper to see if you
like the design. If not, try again with a new design. After making sure your photo fits the frame, fold the dry, stiffened fabric into quarters and cut out the design. Iron the fabric to get rid of fold marks. Finally, iron the fabric to the wall. Don’t leave it pressed for too long to avoid paint chipping. Loosen the edges with your finger to put your photo into place and iron the edges to secure. Don’t be afraid to mix and match patterns or even use only one. In honor of spring, I decided to use a floral and bright green fabric.
Friday 3.25.2011
Lego Star Wars great addition to series Opinion BY DAISY SILOS Staff Writer
Bandon Campbell of Boston, Mass., rides a rented jet ski on an off-work day with his coworkers at the lake.
Thrilling activities BY MARLENE GONZALEZ Intern
For some students, with spring comes adventure. James Quinn of the rehabilitation, social work and addiction faculty said some people do adrenaline-kicking activities to face their fears and prove to themselves that they are capable of confronting their fears. “Some of them are stimulation seekers, some of them want to challenge their limits and are more confident,” he said. “When you do things like that, you are producing large amounts of excitatory brain chemicals. Some people get acclimated to those high levels and they feel a certain need to at least briefly get those chemicals flowing in a big way.” Coolin’ off Water sports are an option when the heat gets intense. Flying and Floating Toys opened last year with boat, jet ski, kayak and powered parachute rentals at Lake Lewisville, with prices starting at $65 an hour. “Waterskiing or wakeboarding are the most challenging water sports. People like to do jumps or flips and tricks like that,” said James Doolin, the manager of the rental store. He said jet skiing is the most requested.
“It’s a family activity. It’s hot outside, so they come outside and get wet and have fun,” he said. Free-falling With prices at $199, Skydive Dallas offers training workshops to give clients full protection when they try their hand at skydiving. The company runs yearlong, with about 16,000 people jumping off planes a year, but spring and summer are their busiest times, said Amber Anderson, a pro-shop and ticket sales employee. “It felt like you were floating. It’s just a rush of excitement and adrenaline,” Anderson said. “They enjoy the adrenaline rush. It’s extremely fun.” Jumping off Zero Gravity Thrill Park, located in Dallas, provides five activities with high heights. Prices range from $32.99 for a single ride to $72.95 for all five, including taxes. The Skyscraper is the most popular ride, said crew member Stephanie Tery. “You can see the highway from there. It’s great for people who are afraid of our more intense rides,” she said. The park sells videos capturing the riders’ reactions in every ride. “We have the adrenaline for people who are really big adrenaline junkies,” Tery said.
Developers for the software company Traveller’s Tales have done it again, returning with the new “Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars” game for Xbox. The game, released Tuesday, makes for a great installment to the “Lego Star Wars” game series. Ever since its release in 2005, the beloved trilogy has managed to keep fans happy with an entertaining game with odd-looking but adorable Legos. Over the years, Traveller’s Tales has taken films such as “Harry
Potter,” “Batman” and “Star Wars,” and turned them into Lego games. The games attract adults and children, making it a fit for the whole family. The game is pretty easy and timeconsuming — the perfect combination to keep people engaged. Game on The basic premise of the game is to break everything into small cubes, and collecting as many things as possible along the way. After each level is completed, a character is unlocked. One of unique things about the Lego games is how easy it is to have a second player join in or leave the game at any time. Talk
about great teamwork! New faces Fans of the original trilogy may stumble upon some not-so-familiar faces in this game. Although no “Star Wars” game can go on without Obi Wan Kenobi or Anakin Skywalker, new characters are added to each installment. Fans can now play as Lando Calrissian, everyone’s favorite backstabber, and many others. The more the merrier, right?
To read the full story visit
Friday 3.25.2011
[ ] Food Snobs
Mr. Frosty 1001 Fort Worth Dr. Denton, TX 76205
With its faded exterior and swarm of Cadillacs in the parking lot, Mr. Frosty, a 1950s flashback of a restaurant, serves up classic American food. Although the retro atmosphere is cha rming, t he food doesn’t quite measure up.
The restaurant is smaller than most fast-food establishments, f itt ing about 25 to 30 people inside, and has a few outside tables and benches for customers. De spite it s si z e, c u stomer s continually streamed in and out of the restaurant. When walking in, customers are welcomed with 1950s memorabilia such as arcade games, vintage posters and yellow vinyl chairs. Although not extremely dirty, the scuffed-up interior has many wears and tears, which make Mr. Frosty’s look dingy and old. The charismatic staff was helpful and knowledgeable about the menu, and had the food prepared quickly. They also checked in on us, making sure all needs were met. The menu includes traditional American food from burgers and chicken strips to shakes and malts.
They also offer shrimp baskets, onion rings and chicken fried steak. Prices are fitting for students, with a meal of a cheeseburger, fries and a drink costing about $7, and a popcorn chicken meal costing about $6. Mr. Frosty’s famous shakes are around $2 or $3, depending on their size. The cheeseburger was not love at first bite. It’s something you could get at any fast-food chain — a mouthful of ordinary. Mr. Frosty’s french fries were greasy and tasted like something nuked in the microwave. The chicken was very hot and had a good f lavor, but was too crunchy. Some pieces were more batter than actual chicken. But the homestyle grav y and tasty ranch dressing complemented the chicken nicely. Their signature shakes are probably the best item on the menu, with chocolate, vanilla and fruit flavors. The strawberry milkshake
Mr. Frosty offers classic American food like burgers and shakes. was creamy and had real pieces of strawberry in it. Most people in Mr. Frosty ordered a shake or a vanilla soda. Mr. Frosty filled us up on an aesthetic appeal but not on substance. The tiny restaurant has lots of style, but passable food.
[College kids cooking]
Mr. Frosty Cleanliness Service Affordability Atmosphere Food Quality
Picnic-perfect potato salad
B B B / I
Just in time for the official start of spring, this Red Skinned Potato Salad, courtesy of, is the perfect compliment to an afternoon picnic. Although it takes about two hours to complete, this dish makes enough for a small group of people — perfect for a day trip with friends to the park or the lake. The red potato skins add color and additional texture to this traditional dish, and the bacon can be tasted throughout. Use smaller potatoes for a faster cooking time, and less of the onion for a milder taste. Ingredients 2 pounds scrubbed, red potatoes 6 eggs 1 pound of bacon 1 onion, finely chopped 1 stalk celery, finely chopped 2 cups mayonnaise Salt and pepper to taste Directions 1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add potatoes and cook until tender but firm, which takes about 15
Red Skinned Potato Salad is a creamy and hearty dish with a tasty bacon flavor. It’s perfect for a picnic with friends. minutes. Drain and set in the refrigerator to cool. 2. Place the eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring water to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Cover and let eggs stand in the hot water for 10 to 12 minutes. Remove the eggs, let them cool, then peel and chop them. 3. Place the bacon in a large,
deep skillet. Cook over mediumhigh heat until evenly brown. Drain, crumble and set aside. 4. Chop the cooled potatoes, leav ing t he sk in on. Add to a large bowl, along with the eggs, bacon, onion and celer y. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. Chill for an hour before serving.