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Second Serve Coach thrives after professional career Sports | Page 6

“Peanuts” characters get a makeover Arts & Life | Page 3

Thursday, March 29, 2012

News 1, 2 Arts & Life 3, 4 Sports 6 Views 9 Classifieds 10 Games 10

Volume 99 | Issue 39


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

UNT to add six electrical vehicle charging stations M ACKENZIE YELVINGTON Contributing Writer

Du r i ng it s meet i ng on Monday, the We Mean Green Fund subcommittee approved a proposal to bring six electric vehicle charging stations – equipped with a 60-inch charger as well as a handicap-accessible charger – to the Radio, Telev ision, and Film Building, the Murchison Performing Arts Center and Wooten Hall.

The WMGF subcommittee will pay ECOtality a total of $65,737 for electrical and data work, excavation, repaving, restriping and the required signage. ECOtality will provide the equipment and cables free of charge and also grant UNT $13,500 for installation. “I am hoping this will encourage people in the Denton area to have more either hybrid or electric vehicles,” said Helen Bailey, director of facility

management and construction and facilities representative for the WMGF subcommittee. International development sophomore Matt McCallum and Brad Holt, UNT alumnus a nd senior v ideog rapher for Un iversit y Relat ions, Communications and Marketing, proposed the EV charging station project. They originally submitted separate proposals, but the Office of Sustainability put them

in contact to tackle the project together. “Between us, the Office of Sustainability and facilities it really was a group effort; we just started it,” McCallum said. Currently, the University of Texas at Arlington, University of California Los Angeles, University of Colorado and Vanderbilt have EV chargers on campus. UTA outgrew their original infrastructure of one charging station that was donated to them and had to

install two more stations due to demand, said Jeff Johnson, UTA director of maintenance and special projects. “It has to start somewhere,” said Evan Carpenter, WMGF subcommittee vice chair and sociology pre-doctoral student. He said the subcommittee was most concerned about the cost associated with the installation of the chargers and how much of students’ money from the WMGF would be spent.

“Once people realize how much they are saving by not buying gas, it really is worth it,” said Holt, soon to be owner of an electric Tesla Roadster Model S. The Tesla Roadster is one of the top of the line EV’s on the market. The Chev y Volt and the Nissan Leaf are two standard-priced EVs currently offered, but many more are schedu led to be released soon.

SGA approves safety proposal BEN PEYTON Staff Writer


Senior Will Atterberry punts the ball during football practice Wednesday. Atterberry punted the ball 43 times for 1,799 yards (41.8 avg) in seven games of action before missing the last five due to injury in 2010.

UNT football team begins practice KYLE H ARTY

Contributing Writer The Mean Green football team opened its spring practice season Wednesday afternoon, looking to build off momentum from its fall campaign. During head coach Dan McCarney’s first year at the helm, the Mean Green set a home attendance record and finished with a 5-7 record, one victory shy of becoming bowl game eligible. Nine starters on offense and six on defense return from last year’s squad, including redshirt-junior quarterback Derek Thompson and junior linebacker Zach Orr. However, the team lost a number of key contributors, including all-everything running back Lance Dunbar

– who ran for more than 4,200 yards in his UNT career – and veteran defensive starter Brandon Akpunku to graduation. Despite the losses on both sides of the ball, McCarney isn’t concerned by the challenge. “The work ethic of this team is just outstanding,“ McCarney said. “The momentum is rolling in this program, you can see it.” The offense lost veteran lineman Matt Tomlinson to graduation, but four starters return to the offensive line, including sophomore Cyril Lemon, who became the first UNT offensive lineman to win all-conference honors as a freshman since 2000. “We’ve progressed a lot,” junior wide receiver Brelan

“The momentum is rolling in this program, you can see it.” —Dan McCarney Head football coach

Chancellor said. “Everybody’s coming together, and we’ve become a stronger team.” McCarney, who was eager to get back on the field after suffering a stroke in February, ran with his usual enthusiasm from drill to drill and appeared to be in shape. “I tried to be the best patient in the history of patients,” McCarney joked. “Five weeks with no physical activity for

me was horrible, but I’m back now and I feel great.” Senior tight end Daniel Prior said he likes McCarney’s coaching style and is happy to have him back with the team. “I really like him,” Prior said. “He’s high-energy and brought a great staff in and really built this place up.” The newest addition to McCarney’s staff is defensive

coordinator John Skladany, a 30-year coaching veteran who coached with McCarney for 11 seasons at Iowa State. Skladany joined the staff after coaching at Central Florida, where his defense finished ninth in the country in total defense and scoring defense last season. “Joh n is li ke fa m i ly,” McCarney said. “He can teach, he can motivate, and he can elevate the performance of his players. He’s one of the best in college football.” Spr i ng prac t ices w i l l continue through April leading up to the spring game on April 21 at Apogee Stadium. All practices are open to the public, and a list of practice times and dates are available at MeanGreenSports.com.

At Wednesday’s Student G ov e r n me nt A s s o c i a t ion meeting, the Senate unanimously passed a proposal to place either proper crosswalks, yield signs or both in high traffic areas around campus that are currently lacking proper safety precautions for students. College of Arts and Sciences S e n a t o r A d a m H a s l e y, co-sponsor of the resolution, said the safety issue was discovered during one of SGA external committee’s monthly safety walks through campus. “At the biggest crosswalk, Maple, students were literally having to sprint in front of cars to get across,” Hasley said. To fix the safety concerns, SGA supports and requests that a crosswalk, yield to pedestrian sign, or both be built on or near the intersection of Avenue D and Eagle Drive, Traditions Hall across North Texas Boulevard, and the path between Honors Hall and Mozart Square on Eagle Drive, as well as on or near Maple and Welch streets, according to the passed resolution. “Having to cross that [intersection of Maple and Welch] every day and knowing that I have a position to do something in the Senate really prompted me to get involved in this resolution,” said Honors College Senator Andrew Crosswhite. The proposals will be sent to UNT’s administrators as well as City of Denton’s Streets and Traffic Control for further action.

See SGA on Page 2

Donations increase for Emerald Eagle Ball HOLLY H ARVEY

Senior Staff Writer The Emerald Eagle Ball doubled the number of sponsors from last year and raised almost $400,000 to help financially challenged students receive an education through the Emerald Eagle Scholars program. The money raised goes toward scholarships for students in the program, which was started in 2007 to fund students in their studies at UNT.

This year’s ball was held Feb. 25 at Apogee Stadium, where students and sponsors could interact and see students’ progress, according to Lilyan PradoCarrillo, Emerald Eagle Scholars program coordinator. “The [Div ision of ] Advancement office has strong relationships with donors, and people donate because they like the mission of the program and the success rate,” PradoCarrillo said.

The Office of Development focused this year on increasing donations and getting a larger donor base, said George Wendt, assistant v ice president of advancement services. “We made a concer ted ef for t back in October to solicit potential sponsors, and we started very early soliciting for various companies,” Wendt said. “We made over 150 solicitations for the sponsorships.”

The number of sponsors for this year was 33, with 18 new sponsors donating to the program. Three hundred and ninetyt wo people at tended t he ba ll, where UNT President V. Lane Rawlins offered to use unrestricted budget money to match donat ions up to $25,000, Wendt said. “During the ball, we had a pledge of over $40,000,” Wendt said. “An anonymous

donor said they would match anything above $25,000, so we were able to match over $40,000.” St udent s mu s t h av e a household i ncome of less than $35,000 to be eligible for the program and typically come from low-performing h ig h s c ho ol s , a c c or d i n g to Emera ld Eag le Schola r A nt hony Gilbert, a performance freshman. “I think that students who

come from t he most dif f icult or tr ying backgrounds end up succeeding the most,” Gilbert said. Gilbert spoke at the ball about his journey to UNT and what the program has meant to him. “The ba l l is technica l ly a fundraiser, but it’s about putting a face to the program,” Gi lber t s a id . “It ’s a bout bridging the gap between us and sponsors.”

Inside Group shows nuclear documentary at UNT News | Page 2

Track team faces nation’s best Sports | Page 6

“Lamsanity”: driving Mavs fans crazy Views | Page 9


Page 2 Paul Bottoni and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors

Thursday, March 29, 2012 ntdnewseditors@gmail.com

Tensions flare at screening of film on Iranian nuclear threat CAYDEE ENSEY Staff Writer


Speaker of the Senate Morgan Ray addresses the Student Government Association during its meeting Wednesday night. Ray is an English junior and an SGA presidential candidate.


finally get the issues out that people aren’t getting out and finally resolve the issues in t he College of Business,� Grimes said. Her goals are “to resolve as many issues as possible while here at UNT, a nd really leave a legacy and really leave a mark.� T he SG A’s ex ter na l committee will continue to focus on which areas need to be more i l luminated across campus during its next safety walk. “SG A is here to look out for the safety of the st udent s,� Ha sley sa id. “We’re t r y i ng to rea l ly make sure that the students are as safe as they can be on campus.�

Continued from Page 1 “We w ill ma ke sure that students are having an impact too, because we’re not just going to print it [the proposal] out and forget about it. We’ll have follow-up meetings on the list and make sure that we can get those taken care of for the students,� Hasley said. SG A a lso welcomed it s newest member of the Senate at Wed nesday ’s meet i ng. Sophomore Camille Grimes was unanimously appointed Senator for t he Col lege of Business, w ith 28 senators members voting “Yes.� “I feel really excited. I’m de f i n it el y e x c it e d I c a n

Mor e t h a n 5 0 p e op l e gat hered i n t he Busi ness L e a d e r s h i p B u i ld i n g on We d n e s d a y n i g ht f or a screening of the documentary “Iranium.� C h r i s t i a n s Un it e d f or Israel (CUFI), UNT’s Jewish St ud ie s Depa r t ment a nd North Texas Hallel hosted the event, which featured guest speaker Jeremiah Nasiatka, the CUFI national campus coordinator. The documentary depicts the message that Americans do not understand the guiding principles of Iran, and that the situation is much worse than most think. “Iran is not just a threat to Israel,� Nasiatka said. “Iran is a threat to America as well. When the leader of Iran says, ‘First the Saturday people, t hen t he Su nday people,’ he’s talking about first the Jews and then us. We are the Sunday people.� The film presented arguments aga inst t he Isla mic Republic of Iran, compiled with interviews of more than 25 national and international ex per t s on i nter nat iona l relations, including Ja mes Woolsey, former head of the CI A, and U.S. A mbassador John Bolton. Intense moments in t he f i l m depic t i ng bombi ngs a nd shoot i ng s prompte d emot iona l react ions f rom the audience, causing several people to leave the room.


International studies senior Ali Azodi (right) and Alex Shapira, of the Jewish Studies Advisory Board (left), discuss the anti-Iranian film “Iranium� after the screening in the Business Leadership Building on Wednesday evening. “I see cooler heads prevailing, politicians have been preaching apocalypse for years,� Azodi said. “The relationship between the Israeli and Iranian people is too strong for war.� International studies senior Ali Azodi, a native of Iran who moved to the U.S. 10 years ago, was in the audience and was the loudest critic of the film. A z o d i s a i d “I r a n i u m� contained some inaccuracies, pointing out a part of the film which accused the Iraniansponsored group Hezbollah of bombing the U.S.S. Cole in October 2000, despite the fact that al-Qaeda, another terrorist organization, took responsibility for the attack. “I’m not an expert, so I don’t know how much of the

Editor-in-chief ...............................................Sean Gorman Managing Editor .............................................Paul Bottoni Assigning Editor ............................................Valerie Gonzalez Arts and Life Editor ........................................Alex Macon Scene Editor.......................................Christina Mlynski Sports Editor ...................................................Bobby Lewis Views Editor .................................................Ian Jacoby Visuals Editor ....................................................Tyler Cleveland Visuals Assigning Editor ..............................Chelsea Stratso Multimedia Editor....................................................Daisy Silos Copy Chief ....................................................Jessica Davis Design Editor ............................................... Stacy Powers Senior Staff Writers Nicole Balderas, Holly Harvey, Brittni Barnett, Ashley Grant, Brett Medeiros, Alison Eldridge

Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Taylon Chandler, Elisa Dibble

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and do not accept the theocracy as their representative. The screening ended on a positive note, with some of the audience concluding that while the Iranian government was a wild card, the people of Israel and Iran have and will continue to maintain a good relationship. “I see cooler heads pr e v a i l i n g ,� A z o d i s a id . “Pol it icia n s have been preach i ng apoca ly pse for years, but the relationship bet we en t he Isr ael i a nd Iranian people is too strong for war.�

POLICE BLOTTER Alcohol and Drug Related Offensives

Editorial Staff

movie was correct and I don’t know how much this young man [Azodi] says is correct,� said Nancy Flowers, international recruiting coordinator at UNT International. “But I am happy we had this screening. It gave him a forum to present his opinion, and I was excited to see the other side raise its voice.� Azodi does not believe that Iran will make a move against Israel or the United States, because despite its power, the people of the Islamic Republic are becoming more discontent with their government

Friday, March 23 11:47 p.m. – The Denton Police Department dispatch reported a suspected intoxic ate d ma n at C rooke d C r u s t a t 101 Av e n u e A . U N T p o l i c e of f i c e r responded to the location and arrested the suspect. The 35-year-old man was ta ken to Cit y of Denton Jail.

Saturday, March 24 2:33 a.m. – A UNT police officer approached two men at the 1400 block of W. Oak Street. Both were found to be intox icated a nd were arrested at the scene. Both were taken to Denton County Jail.

Theft and Burglary Tuesday, March 20 1:14 a.m. – A complainant call reported a broken window

at the RTFP building. A UNT police officer responded to the call and reported that the scene appeared to be an attempted burglary.

responded to a complainant reporting the theft of electronics from his vehicle at the 900 block of Maple Street.

Miscellaneous Wednesday, March 21 7: 35 p.m . – A U N T police of f icer responded to a reported theft at the 900 block of North Texas Boulevard. Saturday, March 22 5:09 p.m. – UNT Police

Monday, March 19 12:25 p.m. – A UNT police of f icer a nd Denton EMS responded to a complainant’s call reporting a medical emergency at College Inn. The patient was taken in for medical treatment.

Facebook moves carefully toward IPO (MCT) SAN FRANCISCO – The countdown to Facebook Inc.’s initial public stock offering has begun. The social networking giant is aiming to begin selling its stock to the public in May and is taking carefully choreographed steps to prepare for what is expected to be the biggest-ever Internet IPO, said a person familiar with the situation who is not autho rized to speak publicly. Facebook has asked private exchanges to halt trading of the privately held company’s shares Friday. Within a few weeks, Facebook is expected to kick off its so-called road show to court institutional investors such as pension funds, mutual funds and hedge funds, the person said.

Facebook’s chief operating of f icer, Sher y l Sa ndberg , and Chief Financial Officer Dav id Ebersma n w i l l lead t he ma rket ing of t he IPO, w it h fou nder a nd C h ief Executive Mark Zuckerberg p l a y i n g a s m a l l e r r ol e , sa id Sa m Ha madeh, head of PrivCo, a research f irm specia li zing in t he f ina ncials of private companies. A v ideo made for the road show could be posted as early as Monday, he said. “Facebook is doing everything possible to make this a n orderly open ing,� sa id Scott Sweet, senior managing partner at IPO Boutique. Facebook has been methodically preparing for the IPO for two years. Ebersman, who as Genentech Inc.’s finance chief

helped close the $46 billion deal in 2009 that made Roche Holdings the full owner of the biotechnology company, has professionally audited T he t i m i ng of t he IPO, which depends in large part on regulatory scrutiny, could still change. But Facebook’s filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission has not encountered any significant problems that would hold up the IPO, Hamadeh said. Facebook has filed several amendments to the IPO plan, the latest one warning investors of the material risk of an “unfavorable outcome� in a patent infringement lawsuit that Yahoo recently filed. Facebook a sked for t he trading halt on the secondary

market so it could pin down how many shareholders it has and put a stop to wild swings in the stock. Shares of Facebook trade on private exchanges where investors and early employees can sell their holdings. Dema nd for t he company ’s sh a re s h ave s oa re d on t he seconda r y ma rket si nce Facebook f i led f or a n I P O on Fe b. 1. The IPO could raise as much as $10 billion and value the company at more than $100 billion. Re c e nt t r a d e s on t h e seconda r y ma rket g ive Facebook an implied valuat ion of more t ha n $10 0 billion. “I have never seen anything like it,� Hamadeh said.

Arts & Life

Thursday, March 29, 2012 Alex Macon, Arts & Life Editor

Page 3 alexdmacon@yahoo.com

Jazzed about fitness


Sweet Serenity sales associate Megan Martin wraps an all-natural lavender soap bar for a customer at the shop near Highway 288. Sweet Serenity sells all-natural and organic soaps, candles and other products.

Boutique offers organic skincare options for locals A SHLEY GRANT

Senior Staff Writer


General, choral and instrumental music senior Melissa Dickt lifts weights during a dance routine while instructing a Jazzercise class Tuesday morning. Members of the cardio-based workout class exercise for one hour by dancing, lifting weights and gaining strength through movement. For more information visit jazzercise.com

An earthy smell fills the air, and decals reading “Relax, Refresh, Renew” are plastered on an oatmeal-colored wall inside Sweet Serenity Boutique. Located at 913 Sunset Dr., the shop aims to inform the community about the benefits of using all-natural organic products. The shelves are stocked with lotions, body scrubs, oils, soy candles and similar products from three brands bearing names such as “Honey Drizzle.” “Many people out here have been searching for natural retailers,” boutique customer Cynthia Sallee said. “I think it will do well out here once people realize it’s here. It’s also great that she promotes going green.” Sweet Serenity celebrated its grand opening on March 16. “This is my first business, so of course I was nervous,” owner Kristen Gomez said.

“We want to let people know their options ...” —Kristen Gomez Owner of Sweet Serenity Sales associate Cindy Bauman said it was nice to see all the people interested in the products. “We had a lot of customers come in opening day to check us out and see what we had available,” she said. Gomez said she rarely paid attention to the type of products she used until her 2-year-old son began to experience skin irritation. “He had really sensitive skin, and nothing seemed to be working so I started doing my research,” she said. Gomez said the biggest challenge she faces is explaining to customers why it’s important to use natural skin care products.

Many lotions sold at popular bat h and body stores are made with propylene glycol, an ingredient used in brake fluid, she said. “I could go on and on about all the benefits of using natural products versus something you would buy at Victoria’s Secret or Bath & Body Works,” Gomez said. “We want to let people know their options and what they’re putting on their bodies.” The boutique has client loyalty incentives, including t he “Save by Rec ycl i ng” prog ra m wh ich a l lows customers to return t heir empty bottles to the boutique for recycling and receive 15 percent off one product in the store. “It works both ways, because people are doing their part for the environment and also getting something in return,” Gomez said. For more information on Sweet Serenit y Boutique’s products v isit w w w.sweetserenity.net.


CB’s sister, played by Melanie Welch, smokes marijuana with Van, played by Duc Nguyen, in “Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead” during a rehearsal Wednesday night at the Black Box Theatre.

“Peanuts” gang all grown up BRITTNI BARNETT Senior Staff Writer

L i nu s i s a p ot h e a d . Peppermint Patty is a party girl. Sally is goth, and Lucy is institutionalized for setting a girl’s hair on fire. The iconic characters from the classic “Peanuts” comic strip are grown-up and facing modern issues such as bullying, drugs and sex in the play “Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead.” The play is set to open this Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Denton’s Black Box Theatre. “I love the ‘Peanuts’ characters,” said Mandy Rausch, a publications specialist for UNT and the play’s assistant director. “They are little adults in this play, and it is interesting to see them struggle with adult issues.” The play is an unofficial parody of the comic strip, so while characters’ names have been changed, aspects of their personality still shine through. Charlie Brown’s character is referred to as “CB” and is dealing with the loss of his beloved dog. “I read the play three years ago and loved it,” said Drew Maggs, who plays CB. “I like the approach they took with the drama and the humor, and I think the message has strong social value.” One of the main themes of the

performance is to show audience members the toll bullying can take on others. “Hopefully the audience will walk away wanting to know more about each other instead of fearing each other’s differences,” Maggs said. The cast began rehearsals about a month ago and are rehearsing five days a week, director Kenny Fudge said. “I’ve added a lot of music to the play,” he said. “So through the use of music, once it starts it’s like a ball rolling down a hill, it doesn’t stop.”

Fudge said he also decided to perform the play in the round – on a stage surrounded on all sides by the audience. “It’s sometimes difficult to make sure you’re giving all sides the full show,” Rausch said. “Actors are feet and sometimes inches away from the audience. It allows the performance to be more real and intimate and makes the actors more vulnerable.” For more information about showtimes and tickets visit dentoncommunitytheatre.com/ blackbox.

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Monthly event promotes art purchases in Denton Tuesday/Thursday A-B$C1/%,?+1$A%C1

Murdocks/Jon Vogt-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves

Park, 556 Hobson Ln. Sundress/ Roy Robertson/ Soviet/ New York City Queens/ Ghost Town/ Retro Run -8:00pm @ Hailey!s Luna Solarium -10:00pm @ Banter Brave Combo -10:00pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf

“When Rodeo it came to drama, and “Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Angel Tree Fundraiser-8:00pm @ Rockin’ he always seemed to steal the Kenda.â€? The Contingency Clause-9:00pm @ The Hydrant CafĂŠ —Victoria Armstrong show in whatever he was in,â€? “I always kind of lived in my A Spune Christmas 2010: Telegraph Canyon/Monahans/Birds Theater sophomore he said. “I always thought imagination and liked playing & Batteries/Seryn/Dour Burr/Glen Farris-7:30pm @ Hailey’she had theTournamentdrive and ability to different characters,â€? he said. Disc Golf Winter Open: Amateur Team BY M ARLENE GONZALEZ wife, Leslie Kregel, thought 10:00am @ North Lakes Disc Golf Course make it.â€? “Movies were always my big Intern it would be great to increase

Pett y has seen Young in Texas and working for ntTV as an undergraduate and then escape.� Alex Arts & Life Editor awareness of the communiOnMacon, Friday, the shops off the Sunday, December 5th action during their college to an acting conservatory Yo u n g , w h o i n i t i a l l y definitely gave me the expe- go ty’s artistic talent and culture, Denton Square will stay open Sundress/Final Mammals/ years together and has even or go into sketchClub/Land and improv attended the Universit y of rience that I needed.� Kregel said. later than usual. The River Mouth-9:00pm @ Hailey’s seen some of the work he’s W hen he ca me to UNT, comedy.� Texas at Austin, said he transDrawe contacted sources Denton will have its monthly After graduating from UNT done at Groundlings. ferred to UNT because of the Young said his goal was to !"#$%&$'()*+,-.$/+012+01$/%12+1$3$456789:45:;5<9&=8>$ and created the website firstFirst Friday on the Square and Monday, December 6th V ic t or i a A r m s t r on g , a oppor tunit y to ga in more learn the ins and outs behind in 1998, Young said he worked fridaydenton.com to establish Industrial Street area. Trivia Monday with Amorose -7:30pm @ Public House t he ater s ophomore, s a id for KDAF in Dallas as aNorm camera BRITTNI BARNETT the event. Live music, sculptures, stained IADC helps patients cope who with with her deceased Holden’s account of communi- encounter ing t hat people operator and graphics artist. k now Tuesday, December 7th “First Friday has no boss, no glass,Staff appetizers Senior Writer and art will be cating with her deceased family cousin and uncle Induced were in herissues. shoes before are I n 20 0 0, heusing move d to grief-related Pearl Harbor Memorial Day president. I’m just available until 9 p.m. instead of members is one of the 101 stories After-Death The process usesina charge form ofof Communication. some success motiL.A. and enrolled into The having the website and building it into the regular 6 p.m. Desensitization “He [her cousin David] was Eye Movement One in three individuals report featured in “Chicken Soup for the Groundlings her for the future. theater school, HOTO BY TARYN WALKER Thursday,PDecember 9th/INTERN vates something because I started it,� For First Friday, artcommugalleries Soul: Messages From Heaven.� Reprocessing, also used to really dear to me, and he school died in and some sort of after-death “Even if it’s a small part aJosh prestigious improv Abbott Band/Rob Baird/ William Clark Robin Huttash, owner of A Creative Artsan STUDIO, will participate in First Friday Drawe said. and businesses stay open longer those Post-Traumatic accident after he got help “I am just glad to have had the where nication experience, according his, it’swith a big movie that’s starsshortly such as Kristen Green-8:00pm @ Rockin’ RodeolikeKregel’s Denton. The studio will stay until 9back p.m. on Friday. business, Cimarrona, shoppers an opportunity Disorder. to bring thisopen expetotoagive research analysis by UNT opportunity gotten g reat rev iews,� she Wiig from and the WillVietnam Ferrell War,� have Stress sells hats,are scarves and warm to admire and buy art. Patients ablesuch to see and said. “We just looked at each said. rience to a wider audience,� she she alumna Jenny Streit-Horn. “There isn’t thing gone. Friday, December 10th THESeveral WARRIOR’S WAY [R] 11:40am 2:05pm 4:55pm 7:30pm 10:05pm clothing recycled from old communities and pher and UNT alumnus, said he month, which is where the idea communicate with their deceased other, and there was that recogHigher education professor said. as a sma ll pa rt as long as It was while he was there Burial/Wild Tribe/x-First unitFriday 21’s firstclothes. show/Wiccans/ BURLESQUE [PG13] 1:05pm 4:05pm 7:00pm 9:50pm countries have their own First helped start Denton’s came from. loved ones in their mind’s eye and love, and that’s all that Holden’s a r t icle, t it led nition Jan Holden is one of these indiyou ga in some ex perience that Young met “Like Crazy� Rotundus/Youth Agression-8:00pm @ Rubber Gloves DUE DATE [R] 4:50pm 7:15pm 9:40pm “What we hope is [to gain] a Friday or 11:45am First2:20pm Thursday each “Hourglass in in February 2010. He and his using Shannon a photograthis really needed toDoremus, know.� ofDrawe, Love,� tells of her Idirector viduals. from it.� process, Holden said. Drake Dirty City Band -9:00pmwho @ Public House

Arts & Life

Page 4

$2 Imports - longneck

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little more visibility and have the Creative Art STUDIO, one of public more aware of art culture the businesses that has been a part of First Friday since it in Denton that isn’t always alexdmacon@yahoo.com started. recognized,� Kregel said. Huttash said her main goal Merchants join with artists to help promote art and busi- is providing music for the event each month. with purchase. nesses. For example, anthis artist *Bring ad for free chips/queso On Friday, Alex Riegelman, looking for a place to display a local guitarist and blues his or her work contact consoling and hope-engenPeople of all ages,could nationalities singer, will play in A Creative a coffee shop owner willing to and religious affiliations experi- dering.� Art STUDIO. host the artist, Kregel said. UNT alumna and licensed ence after-death communicaKeri Zimlich, a journalism Robinson, a pharmacy counselor Rozan Christian was tion,Heath according to Streit-Horn’s junior, said she thinks junior, thinks the event will trained with Holden andthe saidevent she analysis. is auses great opportunity to have bring to the THE POLARon EXPRESS technique some of “For attention people who arecreativity open to also weekend of fun. thepossibility communityofhas to offer. her patients as well. the after-death 12/2 “It’s notyou just one shop, but “I think it’s it a good “Whether actually connect communication can beway veryto all the shops getting together increase the exposure of the arts PHOTO COURTESY OF one STEPHEN OUNG loved orYnot, confirming,� Holden said. “And with a deceased to process rekindle that love ofinart,� in Denton,� Robinson said. the still provide for people who are 1998 radio, television and grieving, film graduate Stephen Young can has played parts TVa Zimlich said. she said. Robin ow ns of healing,� stories like Huttash this can be veryA sense

Professor connects with lost loved ones in book Saturday, December 3

FASTER [R] 11:15am 1:45pm 4:30pm 7:05pm 9:35pm

HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 [PG13] 1:40pm 5:10pm 6:30pm 8:30pm 9:45pm HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 - DIGITAL [PG13] 11:55am 3:40pm 7:25pm 10:45pm LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS [R] 11:20am 2:10pm 5:00pm 7:55pm 10:40pm MEGAMIND [PG] 1:10pm 4:00pm

Pat Martino -6:00pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf Baloney Moon -8:00pm @ Banter Ryan Thomas Becker and Last Joke/ Bad Design/ Final Club/ Terrestrials/ Family Fiend -9:00pm @ Hailey!s Meme Gallery Presents : Inradius – Works of Andie Sterling, Elizabeth Hurtado, New Riders of the Purple Sage/ Violent Squid Day Hunter Wild/ Nick Groesch/Breathing vs. Night Achtone-8:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Lines/ Northern-9:00pm @Rubber Gloves Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ The Campus Theater Saturday, December 11th Dead Week Print Show: Pan Ector/Gutterth Productions/ La Meme/ Pants-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Thursday, March 29, 2012 -5:00pm Jessie Frye, Sam Robertson-8:30pm @ The Hydrant CafÊ Hares onwith the Mountain Thursday, December 2nd @ Danton Arts & Crafts Show-8:00am Civic Nick Cave: Heard Performance, 12:30 pm andCenter Roger Creager/Zach Walther-8:00pm @ Pie...A Rockin’ Rodeo @ Dan!s Silverleaf The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Madrigal 5:30 pm, On Blue theSide lawn between the Art@ Building The Dark of Oz -9:00pm Till They’re or Destroy-7:00pm The Hydrant CafÊ Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ The Campus Theater Denton Holiday Lighting Festival-5:45pm @ The Square and Curry Hall on the UNT campus, free @ Dan!s Silverleaf

Sunday, December 4 Thursday, November 17

MEGAMIND - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:50am 2:35pm 5:15pm 7:50pm 10:15pm MORNING GLORY [PG13] 11:30am 2:25pm 5:05pm 7:45pm 10:30pm TANGLED [PG] 12:45pm 3:20pm 6:05pm 8:45pm TANGLED - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:25am 2:00pm 4:40pm 7:20pm 9:55pm THE NEXT?THREE 12:50pm 3:55pm 7:10pm 10:20pm % , T ( 1 KDAYS $ / % 1 2[PG13] +1




UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:35am 2:15pm 4:45pm 7:35pm 10:10pm

Two Tons of Steel – 8:00 pm @Dan’s Silverleaf Monday, December 5 Friday, December 3rd Beaujolais & More Wine Food College Nite w/DJ TimeWarp @Dentonand Garage

North American Skull Splitter Tour 2010: ?2,C0$G$H%I2$'C2? Ambramblers/ Lonesome Heroes Tasting Denton Civic Center Purple Rain -5:30pm Dance Party to@ benefit UNICEF/ Skeletonwitch/Withered/Landmine Marathon/ -7:00pm@ Dan!s Silverleaf The Spectacle-8:00pm Rubber Gloves Coming to get Barbara/DJ Sass Master Flex/ Bart Crow/ The@Thieving Birds Crooked Finger-9:00pm @ Public House Ghost Daddies – 9:00 pm @Haileys L:M5=NO6$P<8QMR Denton is Burning -10:00pm Denton Bach Society-7:00pm @Rodeo The Hydrant CafÊ -8:00 pm @pm Rockin! Discipline – 10:00 @Rubber Gloves MillionYoung/Teen Daze/Old Snack/Goldilocks @ Rubber Gloves Pterodactyl/ PVC Street Reefer Madness March 31 & April 2:00 & The Rock-9:00pm @ Hailey’s 1 – Gang/ Boxcar Bandits -10:30pm The@UNT QuebeRTFP Sisters/Will Johnson-8:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf pm University Theatre GeistHeistler/ Midnite Society Fatty Lumpkin-7:00pm @ The Boiler Room IIWIIDan!s Sufi Hand Drumming – 6:00 pm @Banter @ Silverleaf Reindeer Romp-7:30pm @ South Lakes Park



National Theatre Live: The Mirror Mirror Collaborators LIVE 195 Mins PG106 Mins Digital Cinema MidnightCinema Showtimes (Late Thursday Night) Digital 7:00pm Wrath of the Titans

Arthur Christmas [PG] 97 Mins PG-1399 Mins RealD 3DMidnight 1:40pm | 4:35pm RealD 3D Showtimes (Late Thursday Night) |Digital 7:25pm | Midnight 10:10pm Cinema Showtimes (Late Thursday Night) Digital Cinema 3:15pm | 8:50pm

Immortals [R] 103 Mins Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax RealD 3D 1:30pm | 4:10pm PG86 Mins RealD 3D 1:05pm | 3:25pm 5:50pm | 8:10pm | 10:35pm J. Edgar [R] 137| Mins Digital Cinema Digital |Cinema 3:50pm 2:20pm 4:35pm 12:40pm | 7:00pm | | 9:35pm | 7:10pm | 10:20pm

Project X R88 Cinema JackMins andDigital Jill [PG] 91 Mins 12:50pm | 3:15pm 2:00pm | 5:35pm| | 4:25pm 8:05pm | 10:30pm Digital Cinema

Neck pain?

National Theatre Live: She Stoops to Conquer No Rating180 Mins Digital Cinema Hugo 7:00pm[PG] 127 Mins

RealD 3D 1:45pm | 4:45pm Hunger Games |The 7:45pm | 10:40pm PG-13142 Mins Digital Cinema Digital Cinema 5:45pm

| 7:00pm Act of Valor | 9:25pm R101 Mins Digital Cinema 2:15pm 10:45pm A Very|Harold & Kumar RealD 3D 9:45pm

12:40pm | 1:45pm | 2:50pm | 3:55pm | 5:00pm | 6:05pm | 7:10pm | 8:15pm The Muppets [PG] 120 Mins | 9:20pm | 10:25pm | 11:30pm

Digital Cinema 1:50pm | 3:20pm | 4:40pm Baby| 7:30pm | 8:55pm | 10:20pm |October 6:05pm


PG-13105 Mins Digital Cinema 2:05pm Feet | 4:40pm 7:15pm 9:50pm Happy Two |[PG] 105| Mins

RealD 1:20pm | 4:05pm | 7:05pm 21 Jump3D Street Digital Cinema 2:45pm | 5:25pm R109 Mins Digital Cinema | 2:10pm | 3:30pm | 4:50pm | |12:55pm 8:05pm | 10:45pm


6:15pm | 7:50pm | 9:05pm | 10:40pm

Christmas [R] 85 Mins

This Means War PG-13120 Mins Digital Cinema Tower Heist [PG-13] 115 Mins 2:25pm | 4:55pm | 7:20pm | 9:45pm

Digital Cinema 2:25pm | 5:05pm

Discover Emeritus College/Where Learning is for Life –

Saturday, December 4th Thursday, 8 Lifelong La Meme Gallery December opening: Sally Glass/Oh Lewis!/Learning 10:00 pm @Center for Achievement and Friday, November 18 Murdocks/Jon Vogt-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Milkdrive -7:00pm @pmDan!s Silverleaf Materials: Hard & Soft – 1:00 @Center for Visual Arts

Journey 2: The | 7:50pm | Mysterious 10:30pmIsland PG94 Mins RealD 3D 1:55pm 4:25pm[PG] 90 Mins Puss in| Boots


Digital Cinema 1:05pm Safe House | 5:40pm | 8:00pm R115 Mins Digital Cinema | 6:55pm | 9:40pm


| 3:25pm 10:25pm

The Vow PG-13104 Mins Digital Cinema 2:35pm | 5:15pm | 7:45pm | 10:15pm

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn John Carter -PG-13135 Part 1 [PG-13] 117 Mins Mins Digital Cinema 12:40pm | 2:05pm RealD 3D | 7:05pm | 10:20pm |3:50pm 3:30pm | 4:50pm | 6:20pm Cinema |Digital 7:40pm | 9:10pm | 10:35pm 12:45pm

New China King Buffet


Best price in Denton Sunday Lunch $799 Dinner Buffet $899

THE WARRIOR’S WAY [R] 11:40am 2:05pm 4:55pm 7:30pm 10:05pm BURLESQUE [PG13] 1:05pm 4:05pm 7:00pm 9:50pm

• Special Hibachi FASTER [R] 11:15am 1:45pm 4:30pm 7:05pm 9:35pm • Fresh Sushi Everyday HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 [PG13] 1:40pm 5:10pm 6:30pm 8:30pm 9:45pm • Fresh Seasonal Fruit HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 - DIGITAL [PG13] 11:55am 3:40pm 7:25pm 10:45pm • OTHEROven Roasted King LOVE AND DRUGS [R] 11:20am 2:10pm 5:00pm 7:55pm 10:40pm Prawns MEGAMIND [PG]&1:10pm 4:00pm Octopus Everyday MEGAMIND - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:50am 2:35pm 5:15pm 7:50pm 10:15pm • No M.S.G. MORNING GLORY [PG13] 11:30am 2:25pm 5:05pm 7:45pm 10:30pm • Over 100 Items Daily TANGLED [PG] 12:45pm 3:20pm 6:05pm 8:45pm Legs Fri7:20pm &9:55pm Sat Dinner Only TANGLED•- REAL DCrab 3D [PG] 11:25am 2:00pm 4:40pm THE NEXT THREE DAYS [PG13] 12:50pm 3:55pm 7:10pm 10:20pm • All You Can Eat UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:35am 2:15pm 4:45pm 7:35pm 10:10pm • Wi-Fi Hotspot • Serving Alcoholic Beverages • Party Room Seats Up To 120 DUE DATE [R] 11:45am 2:20pm 4:50pm 7:15pm 9:40pm


10 OFF %

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 [PG-13] 117 Mins Digital Cinema Midnight Showtimes (Late Thursday Night) 12:01am | 12:02am | 12:03am | 12:04am | 12:05am | 12:08am | 12:10am | 12:15am | 12:20am | 12:25am

A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas [R] 85 Mins 4:25pm | 5:35pm | 7:05pm | 8:00pm Tower Heist [PG-13] 115 Mins

| 6:20pm | 7:50pm | 10:35pm

In TimeI.D. [PG-13] 109 Mins • With Student

(Dinner Only) Immortals [R] 103 Mins Puss in Boots [PG] 90 Mins RealD 3D 1:00pm | 2:15pm •| 3:35pm 2:15pm | 4:35pm | 5:45pm | A Group OfRealD 8 3DOr More | 6:15pm | 7:30pm | 8:55pm 6:55pm | 8:05pm | 9:15pm | 10:25pm

Plus a Free

Cake Twilight Saga: Marathon [PG-13]

J. Edgar [R] 137 Mins

| 7:10pm | 10:20pm

Paranormal Activity 3 [R] 81 Mins

Special food requests available for graduation parties

Jack and Jill [PG] 91 Mins

3:10pm | 4:30pm | 5:40pm | 7:00pm | 8:10pm | 9:30pm | 10:40pm

Footloose [PG-13] 113 Mins

Real Steel [PG-13] 132 Mins


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Movie Tavern New China King Buffet Chase Bank

-9:00pm @Rubber Gloves Wildwood Food and Wine Tasting 6:00 pm @Wildwood Inn

Kroger University Dive

AngelRound Tree Fundraiser-8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo Big Spectacles/ Loose Trio @Abbey Chris RiversInn Band -8:00pm The+1 Contingency Clause-9:00pm @ The Hydrant CafÊ Free Show: Granger@ Smith w/Clay Wilson Band Fit -10:00pm Banter A Spune Christmas 2010: Telegraph Canyon/Monahans/Birds @ Rockin! Rodeo & Batteries/Seryn/Dour Burr/Glen Farris-7:30pm @ Hailey’s Back toWinter the Open: 90!sAmateur @ The Denton Garage Disc Golf Team TournamentFriday, March 30, 2012 10:00am @ North Lakes Disc Golf Course Fishboy/ Dust Congress/ Welcome Poetry Out Loud – 6:00 pm @Banter Signs/ Seth Sherman/ The Diamond Sunday, December 5th pm @Banter Bubba Hernandez – 10:00 Sundress/Final Club/Land Mammals/ Mingofishtrap – 10:00pm Silverleaf Age -9:00pm @ @Dan’s Hailey!s The River Mouth-9:00pm @ Hailey’s Alyssa @Denton Garage Indian Jewelry/ Prince Rama/ Secret Secure/We the6th Sea Lions/Buffalo Child/ Monday, December Darktown New-7:30pm Fumes Trivia Monday with Amorose @ Public House Bedouin Dust – Strutters/ 9:00 Norm pm @Haileys Cozy Hawks/Particular People/Code Talkers – 9:00 pm -9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Tuesday, December 7th

Paperplanes 9:00 pm @Andy’s Bar Pearl Harbor–Memorial Day Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead, March Saturday, 19 Arts Center Thursday, December 9thBox Performing 30 & 31– 7:00 pm November @Black Josh Abbott Band/Rob Baird/ William Music Revolution & Bull Bash, March 30Clark & Bone Doggie -8:00pm Green-8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo @ Banter 31 – 5:00 pm @Diamond T Arena DHAW!!! Pickin! and a Grinnin! AFriday, FormalDecember Affair @Fry10th Street Tavern

for UnitedTribe/xWayunit -5:00pm & Burial/Wild 21’s first show/Wiccans/ Rotundus/Youth Agression-8:00pm @ Rubber Gloves 9:00pm @ -9:00pm Dan!s Saturday, March 31, 2012 Dirty City Band @Silverleaf Public House Jazz – 6:00 pm @Banter New Riders of the Purple Sage/ SquidGarage Day Droo D!Anna @ The Violent Denton vs. Night @ Dan’s Silverleaf Wise RubyAchtone-8:00pm – 8:00 pm @Banter Rocketboys/ The Winter Israel The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Karyna Micaela Birthday Bash! – 10:00Sounds/ pm @Banter Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ The Campus Theater Nash @@Dan’s Hailey!s DJ Don’t Gripka Know/Foolish 2 – 10:00 pm Silverleaf Saturday, December-9:00pm 11th Droo @Denton Garage DeadD’Anna WeekBlack/ Print Show: Pan Ector/Gutterth Productions/ Pinkish Vulgar Fashion/ La Meme/ Pants-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Scary Cherry and The Bang Bangs/Love Stricken Demise/ Zavod/ Meme Gallery Presents: Jessie Rover/Daylight Frye,UR/ with Sam Robertson-8:30pm The Hydrant CafÊ Krash Industries – 9:00 pm@@Haileys Arts & Crafts Show-8:00am @ Danton Civic Center The Works of –Rob Buttrum The Night Grind 9:00 @Rubber Gloves TheLate Second Shepherds’ Play/pm Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Spring Show at a Creative Art Studio Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ TheGloves Campus Theater -9:00pm @Rubber – 6:00 pm @ Creative Arts Easter Pet Pictures – 10:00 am @Calloway’s Nursery

Sunday, November 20

Sunday, April 1, 2012and a Grinnin! for DHAW!!! Pickin! Tex Zimmerman and the Bobcats – United Way -5:00pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf 8:00 pm @Dan’s Silverleaf Barcraft Denton: MLGthrough Providence Merging Vision Exhibit (Ongoing May, 18) -1:00 pm @Emily Fowler Central Library Finals -8:00pm @ Rubber Gloves N!Awlins Gumbo Kings! Christmas CD Monday, April 2, 2012 Release -7:00pm @ Sweetwater Grill Jimi Tunnell and The Trilateral Commission/ Bobbelden’s Animation – Tuesday, November 22 8:00 pm @Dan’s Sivlerleaf Hajime Yoshida/ Denton is Burning – 10:00 Evan Weiss pm @Rubber@ Gloves -7:00pm Sweetwater Grill Wings of Desire Screening – 8:00 am @Cinemark 14

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

First Tuesday w/Mister Joe & Friends are not so Hot Klub du Denton 90’s Night/DJ Questionmark – 10:00 pm @Haileys Singles Going Steady – 10:00 pm @Rubber Gloves

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

50-Cent Wells @ Denton Garage Devil’s Bards/Nova Chaser/ Bird/Stormy Thomas – 9:00 pm @Haileys Annual Art School Art Show – 1:00 pm @ Center for Visual Arts


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shows such as “Murder by the Book� and “Homicide Hunter.�

The Nanny Agency SHOWTIMES VALID FOR 12-03-2010

TANGLED 3D [PG] 11:15AM | 1:50 | 4:25 | 7:00 | 9:55

HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: Sunday, 12th PART 1 [PG13]December 12:00 | 3:20 | 6:30 | 9:40

Enjoy your holidays!

The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Nannies needed

UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:45AM | 2:20 | MEGAMIND 3D [PG] 11:00AM | 1:25 | 3:50 | Farce & Feaste-2:00pm @ The Campus 4:55 | 7:30Theater | 10:15 6:15 | 9:00

full time - part time - summer - babysitting - Must have Soothing Treatments Monday, December 13th child experience

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Well Drinks $2.50 415 S. Elm St. #102 Denton, TX 76201 nannyagencyinc@aol.com

940.380.0955House Wine $2.50 www.thenannyagencyinc.com Raw Oyster Bar! Saturday

outbackhair.com Firemans 4 Draft $3.00

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Neck pain?

THE POLAR EXPRESS weekend of 12/2



HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: PART 1 [PG13] 12:00 | 3:20 | 6:30 | 9:40

TANGLED 3D [PG] 11:15AM | 1:50 | 4:25 | 7:00 | 9:55

MEGAMIND 3D [PG] 11:00AM | 1:25 | 3:50 | 6:15 | 9:00 Monday Margaritas $2.50

UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:45AM | 2:20 | Drinks $2.50 4:55 | 7:30Well | 10:15


Cuervo Shots $2.50 Mexican Beer $3.00

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1/2 Priced appetizers Monday - Thursday 4-7 p.m.


Saturday House Wine $2.50 Firemans 4 Draft $3.00 Sunday Bloody Marys $2.50 Mimosas $2.50 Bellinis $2.50 Everyday Drink Specials Jim Beam Shots $2.50 Tango Shots $3.00

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Page 6 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor

Thursday, March 29, 2012 blew7@hotmail.com

Tennis coach brings success, experience to UNT Tennis TYLER OWENS Staff Writer

Wherever head tennis coach Sujay Lama goes, success seems to follow. Whether he is coaching, teaching, writing or supporting his charity organization Project Nepal, Lama strives to make an impact in every phase of his life. “My life is such a fairy tale kind of story, and I can live the dream every single day,” he said. “The one thing I know is how to bring passion, energy and positiveness every single day.” Lama began his tennis career

as a child in his hometown of Kathmandu, Nepal, and quit school in the 10th grade to pursue the sport professionally. After becoming the No. 15 junior player in the world, Lama became the first Nepalese tennis player to qualify for Wimbledon. However, two days before the event he tore his meniscus and was unable to participate. “It was a blessing in disguise,” Lama said. “Because of what happened, I had to really think about my career, and I realized that my sporting career could only take me so far.” After graduating from Luther College in 1992, Lama received his first coaching opportunity at

Get to Know Lama Age: 44 Alma Mater: Luther College in Decorah, Iowa Degree: Bachelor’s degree in public communications and political science Family: Wife, Lynne, and children Priya, 10, and Siddhartha, 5 Fun Fact: Luther College Hall of Fame member

the University of Florida where he served as the assistant coach. In 1998, Lama took over as head women’s tennis coach at the University of Illinois and immediately turned the program around. During Lama’s time at Illinois, he coached nine All-Big Ten players, two Academic All-Americans and earned the school’s first NCAA tournament win. In 2006, Lama received an opportunity to move south and become the head coach at UNT. History repeated itself. After four years at the helm, Lama led the Mean Green to its first Sun Belt Conference Championship. This season the team is 11-6 (4-0) and is ranked No. 58 in the country. “He helps us not only on the court but outside. This team and his family are the two things that mean the most to him,” senior Paula Dinuta said. “He is like a mentor to help us in different situations.” UNT associate head tennis coach Jeff Maren said Lama’s personable, welcoming attitude is an attribute to his success. Lama teaches his players T.T.A., or “Total Team Attitude”,


Tennis head coach Sujay Lama critiques while freshman Valentina Starkova practices at the Warranch Tennis Complex. meaning he expects them to give up individuality for the good of the team, recounted Project Nepal Communications Director Dr. Ed Kellerman, longtime friend of the Lamas. “He is different from the stereotypical high-performance Division I coach. He never really

raises his voice. He doesn’t have to. He draws people because he really treats them well,” Kellerman said. When Lama is not coaching the Mean Green, he gives back to his home country. He is director of the charity organization Project Nepal, which raises funds

so children at the Prayas Nepal Orphanage can attend school, a privilege that would otherwise be impossible for them. “I love what I do. I wake up in the morning excited to go to work. This is the greatest job in the world, and I try to live that way,” Lama said.

Underclassmen boost hope for future seasons Opinion A LISON E LDRIDGE Senior Staff Writer

The end of the season for every sports team brings championships won, championships lost, unsung heroes, broken records noted for the history books and most painfully, the inevitable goodbyes said to the seniors fans have come to know. Watching the final moments for seniors like basketball players Tamara Torru and Tyler Hall, softball player Caitlin Grimes and distance runner Sara Dietz is immeasurably bittersweet. It’s hard to imagine someone who has played such an important role in the game

– someone sports writers have made a point of paying attention to – will be hanging up their Mean Green jersey and moving on. Fans hate to see them go, but watching them leave brings them bigger and better things. This year, UNT sports fans have been able to take the edge off that bittersweet realization. UNT has been extremely fortunate to have a strong group of underclassmen ready and willing to take on the challenge of filling the voids that will be left after graduation. Sophomore Laura McCoy played in every basketball game this season, and sophomore Desiree Nelson started in all but one game. Students became so enamored with freshman

Tony Mitchell during basketball season, they created a fan page and personalized a popular UNT meme for him on Facebook. Sophomore Brooke Foster has the most h its a nd t he second-best batting average on the softball team. Freshman Chastity Stewart finished higher than every other UNT teammate in last week’s UTA track invitational. These are only a few of the names that will begin to pop up again and again as the sports seasons progress, end and start again. When fans look at rosters like that of the softball team and see 11 of the 18 team members are freshmen and sophomores, it could be daunting and even unsettling.

But when those same individuals have already begun to prove themselves in their first and second seasons with their teams, those concerns should take a back seat to the confidence they’re bringing to the bench. It’s not easy saying farewell to those individuals who have made being a fan of UNT sports easy, but it is encouraging to know how many freshmen and sophomores are willing to step up to the plate, the free throw line or the starting blocks in an effort to keep it easy. Yes, the seasons are winding down or are over. Yes, we’re losing some incredible talent, but here come the underclassmen. Don’t sell them short just yet.

Mean Green Trivia The UNT softball team has turned to the long ball early and often this season, ranking No. 25 out of 300 NCAA Division I teams with .97 home runs per game. Senior infielder Maddelyn Fraley has led the way, ranking No. 55 in the nation with .27 home runs per game. How many home runs has the team hit so far this season? Answer: The UNT softball team ranks second in the Sun Belt Conference with 29 home runs this season. For the latest updates on Mean Green athletics and more Mean Green Trivia, follow the NTDaily Sports Twitter, @NTDailySports!

Mean Green heads to Austin for Texas Relays Track

“This meet makes us get up and bring it to the next level.”


More than 2,200 college st udent-at h letes a nd 200 universities are in Austin, Texas, for one of the biggest track and field meets of the season. The 85th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays, which feature more t ha n 10 men’s a nd women’s teams ranked in the top 25 of the country, is the mecca for track and field athletes.

—Sara Dietz Senior distance runnner S chool s f rom t he Big 12, Pac 12, South Eastern Con ference a nd At la nt ic Coast Conference will all be in attendance. Athletes from 31 states will compete on the track this weekend, as well as

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athletes from Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Great Britain and Nigeria. UNT senior distance runner Sara Dietz, who ran the fourth best time in the 800-meter run this season in NCAA West – which includes all universities west of Arkansas – said the team is excited for the meet and the competition it will bring. “This meet makes us get up and bring it to the next level,” Dietz said. “It reminds us to take what we do more seriously when we compete against bigger schools.” What makes the Texas Relays different from other track meets is the social atmosphere of the event. Unlike most track meets, which end after a long day in the sun, the Relays’ festivities

don’t stop until sunrise the next morning. There are after-parties, club promotions and the infamous Si x t h St reet, wh ich cou ld distract an athlete from being successful at the event. Head coach Carl Sheffield plans on keeping his team f o c u s e d on t he go a l of improving week by week. “We have a job, and we are trying to get to the [NCA A] Nat iona l Cha mpionships,” Sheffield said. “This [meet] is a step in that direction, so putting marks on the board t hat ref lect where we a re compared to the people that will be there gives us an idea of where we are.” UNT will have a tough time placi ng or ea r n ing top-10 finishes at the meet largely in part because of the other universit ies pa r t icipat ing, but t he ex per ience cou ld prove v ital when the team participates in the Sun Belt Conference championships later this season. The Texas Relays bega n yesterday and will finish up Sunday with the men’s javelin throw.


Junior Haley Thompson practices March 13. UNT track and field will compete in the Texas Relays today in Austin at Mike A. Myers Stadium.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012 Ian Jacoby, Views Editor

Campus Chat

“What do you think about the new tuition increase that will be instituted next fall semester?”

“UNT is growing so I can see why they would raise it, but at the same time I wish they didn’t. I don’t like it, but I understand it.”

Katelyn Smith Art freshman

“I understand that tuition has to increase. When you look at it in retrospect, yes it’s going to hurt pocket books, but it [the university] has to fund itself.”

Matt Curtis

General studies senior

“I don’t agree. I’m an international student so I would have to pay more money. I wouldn’t have enough to pay the cost, so it’s very troublesome for international students.”

Kosuke Kotei

Political science junior

LET US KNOW! Visit NTDaily.com every Friday to vote in our weekly poll. We’ll post the updated results here daily.

The Editorial Board and submission policies: The Editorial Board includes: Sean Gorman, Paul Bottoni, Valerie Gonzalez, Alex Macon, Christina Mlynski, Bobby Lewis, Ian Jacoby, Tyler Cleveland, Daisy Silos, Jessica Davis, Stacy Powers. The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflect the beliefs of the NT Daily. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an email to ntviewseditor@gmail.com.

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Staff Editorial

Shadowy tuition rise subverts UNT pride This month has played out just as in many previous years when tuition rates have been pressed higher into the higher education stratosphere. UNT President V. Lane Rawlins announced an increase on what the White House calls a “Friday news dump” day. The White House traditionally “dumps” news and information on Friday afternoon they’d rather the public not see. Two weeks later, the Board of Regents approved the plan in a non-scheduled meeting. This year’s quiet passage was particularly subtle, as Rawlin’s public hearing was announced the day before and was held the Thursday before spring

break began. Since many students don’t attend class on Fridays, Thursday served as a convenient “news dump” day for our administration. This regular frequency has dulled students’ senses into submission to an increasingly expensive college career without any say in the matter. Undergraduate students will see a $10.11 increase per semester credit hour in 2013 on their bill with an additional increase of $11.55 the following year. Student service, union, and room and board fees will also rise. In 1940, tuition was less than $500 a semester. We now personally fund what the Regents and their parents

received for next to nothing. Simple supply and demand says that if prices go up during a stalled economy with decreasing median house incomes, the gap where students can’t afford college widens. Not all colleges have arbitrarily raised tuition. When University of Texas at Austin President James D. Spaniolo spoke to its student-led Tuition Review Committee, he said UTA would be locking in tuition rates last November due to decreasing enrollment and retention. UNT experienced the same drop, yet it ignored the logic of supply and demand.

UNT has prided itself in being an affordable yet world-class public university, and each raise in tuition rips that pride apart. Unless, however, the plan is to price UNT out of middle-income families’ budgets in favor of a few wealthy students. If that is the reality, they’ve succeded. UNT System Chancellor Lee Jackson may be happy the Regents made zero changes in university funding. However, none of the rhetoric involving “quality and cost effectiveness” and vague “bold” goals forgives the speed and lack of transparency with the passage of each subsequent raise in the cost of our future.


Fracking justice and the American way “The tables are turned. Americans aren’t used to being treated like they are the indigenous people being colonized. But that’s what’s happening.” So says Ben Price, project director for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, in a recent story about Pennsylvania’s controversial Act 13. The new law severely limits municipal authority to regulate shale gas development. I heard a similar sentiment from Calvin Tillman, former mayor of Dish, Texas, when he visited my hometown of Denton to help us think about revisions to our drilling and production ordinance. He gave a powerful speech about the health impacts and property rights violations he saw as Dish became the crossroads of America’s natural gas “superhighway.” But Price’s formulation oversimplifies the question of justice. Americans lead commodious, energy-intensive lives that are dependent on resources like natural gas. We all benefit indirectly from fracking because we need the gas. We prefer not to see or think about the conditions that make our everyday lives replete with gadgets and appliances possible. But for Denton and other communities atop shale formations, the wall between background production and foreground consumption has collapsed. The question of justice is muddied when people start protesting developments in their backyard that produce commodities they consume in their

homes. In one way, this is a principled stand against a ruthless utilitarian calculus that would sacrifice the few to satisfy the many. But in another way, it is hypocrisy if the upshot is that we are happy to consume the goodies as long as the nasty processes that make them available are located in someone else’s backyard. Many who protest fracking try to divorce the question of distributive justice from an examination of the way we live. This leads to powerful rhetoric about colonizing corporations and powerless locals. We “citizens of the shale” are fighting this colonization with one hand and – through our consumer choices – financing it with the other.

Adam Briggle is a philosophy and religion professor and chair of the Denton Stakeholder Drilling Advisory Group. He can be reached at Adam.Briggle@unt. edu

Lamar giving Mavericks fans headaches What do Brian Scalabrine, Charles Barkley before Weight Watchers, Charles Barkley after Weight Watchers and everyone on the seven-win Charlotte Bobcats have in common? I would take all of them over Lamar Odom-Kardashian in a heartbeat. People have been saying that the Dallas Mavericks are making Odom look like a scapegoat for the inconsistent season they’ve been having. In reality, Lamar is making Lamar look like a scapegoat for the season. His minutes are down by 12, his field goal percentage is down by almost 20 percent, he can’t make threes, he’s indirectly said, “I miss Los Angeles and I shouldn’t have asked for a trade” nearly 3,087 times, and it looks like he’s afraid to sweat out on the hardwood floor. If the guy pretended he was trying, I wouldn’t be as mad as I am. My theory: he misses LA’s glamour and beaches more than playing for the Lakers and Kobe “I don’t pass to no one” Bryant. The guy has fallen victim to the reality TV star rather than winning a championship with the team that swept him a year earlier. I’ve heard that he barely ekes out a better minuteper-episode average than he does on the court. (Think about it. That actually makes sense. He has 21 minutes per game in the NBA and about 23-25 minutes per TV episode. Google it! It’s true!) He’s been on the record saying the boos and hate from passionate Mavs fans are “hurtful” and “confusing.”

I also bet he thought his first career Did-Not-Play-Coaches-Decision was hurtful too. He’s got to start thinking here. If he is booed at home, what’s going to happen when he rejoins the Lakers next season and he comes to the American Airlines Center twice? The boos won’t be as loud as LeBron James’ were when he first returned to Cleveland, but they’ll be pretty darn close. Odom’s only shot at regaining the trust of the Dallas fans is if he miraculously realizes the Western Conference is wide open and the Mavs have a shot at repeating. ESPN has the Mavs at 0.8 percent chance of winning it all. That’s 0.8 percent greater than if he was on a beach or behind a camera.

Josh Friemel is a pre-journalism sophomore. He can be reached at joshua. friemel@gmail.com.

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