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Instrumental Percussion New York ensemble performs modern music Page 3 Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Volume 97 | Issue 23

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The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Bill denies Planned Parenthood funding

ARTS & LIFE: Invisible Children group to show war documentary Page 3

SPORTS: Sooners shut down Mean Green Page 4

VIEWS: Student provides practical gassaving advice Page 5

ONLINE: Students construct objects out of canned food

Follow the North Texas Daily

Bill would strip $317 million from nonprofit BY NICOLE BALDERAS Staff Writer

Activists on both sides of the abortion debate are raising their voices on a bill recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives that would deny funding to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. President Barack Obama has promised to veto the Pence Amendment, approved Feb. 18 as part of a new spending bill, if it passes the Democratically-controlled Senate. But the House’s approval of the amendment nicknamed the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” has thrust abortion back into the national spotlight. If passed, the amendment would cut all of the $317 million in federal funding received by the nonprofit organization annually. “It’s going to cut funding for preventive health care for millions of people,” said Holly Morgan, the communications and media relations director for Planned Parenthood in Dallas. “A lot of people label this as concerning abortion, but neither federal funds nor tax dollars ever go toward abortions.” Planned Parenthood has 28 clinics in North Texas, and provides care to more than 90,000 people a year, she said. The Planned Parenthood in Denton does not provide abortions. Morgan said the cuts will affect the organization’s ability to provide clients with services such as mammograms, pap smears, birth control, family planning services and STD testing for men and women.

Ted Hatch, a member of the UNT anti-abortion organization Eagles for Life, said he’s in favor of the amendment. “Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the U.S.,” said Hatch, an engineering senior. “The Pence Amendment is a good thing because it removes Title 10 from Planned Parenthood. There are plenty of other alternative clinics that could be used, like the White Rose in downtown Dallas. They give pregnancy screenings, and provide support for after the baby is born.”

“It’s going to cut funding for preventative healthcare for millions.”

—Holly Morgan, Planned Parenthood

Both sides show support The Walk for Choice 2011 was held Saturday in Dallas, and brought out more than 300 people who opposed to the amendment. Organizer of the Dallas walk and president of UNT’s I nter n at ion a l S oc ia l i st Organization, Brit Schulte walked to show support. “It’s absolutely the most outright fault on women’s rights, so we’re meeting that with full force. Our slogan is ‘We have a voice, we have a choice,’” said Schulte, an English senior. “For so long, women have had to deal with second rate medical care, especially poor working class women. We’re trying to reinvigorate the struggle.”

See SPENDING on Page 2


Mike Coleman, a member of the Students for a Democratic Society and applied arts and science senior, helps Baraka Waweru, an international relations senior, sign up on the group’s e-mail list.

Students protest for representation BY A SHLEY-CRYSTAL FIRSTLEY & DANA WALKER Staff Writer & Intern

About 100 students gathered on the campus green Wed nesday a f ter noon to voice their dissatisfaction with proposed budget cuts and what they said was a lack of student representation at UNT. T he St udents for a Democratic Society, a national student advocacy group that promotes increased representation for students on college ca mpuses, sponsored t he rally as part of National Day of Action. “The ultimate goal is to be able to have some sort of [student] organization that has binding power to have decision making or having the decision making power in the UNT administration,” said Will Wooten, a public administration graduate student and member of the organization. The protest came a day after UNT President V. Lane Rawlins held a public hearing to address concerns over a recently announced proposal to increase tuition. The proposal would add an additional $118 per 15 semester cred it hou rs to st udents’

tuition and generate more than $6 million to offset expected state budget cuts. Orga n i zers of t he ra l ly displayed large posters of what they depicted as a decision hierarchy, with drawings, charts and graphs of the tuition increases, and photos of other international budget

have to work together to be able to advocate for themselves,” Wooten said. “We hope in the future we will be able to set up this network of people to be able to do that.” He said he wants the SGA to listen to students’ opinions and fight for them. Christopher Walker is the

“We feel like the students, the workers and the faculty have to work together to be able to advocate for themselves.”

—Will Wooten, Public affairs graduate student

protests. Wooten said he doesn’t feel well represented by the current university system. “Right now what we have is the SGA, which has no binding power whatsoever. A vote in the SGA literally means nothing,” he said. Wooten said the SGA doesn’t actually make change, because the administration can easily over turn its decisions. “We feel like the students, the workers and the faculty

SGA senator for the College of Music. He said the group’s frustration was misguided. “The dismay shouldn’t be against the school administ rat ion,” sa id Wa l ker, a composition senior. “It should be aimed toward the state Legislature.”

See LOOMING on Page 2 To read more about this issue, see the Daily’s editorial on Page 5

UNT researchers study effects of gas drilling Study will examine air, soil and water

spe c i f ic a l l y w it h mat ter s c o n c e r n i n g Te x a s a i r quality. Hone yc ut t sa id nat u ra l gas drilling sites ca n have bot h positive and negative BY MEGAN R ADKE effects on the cities and areas Staff Writer surrounding them. On t he posit ive side, In response to mounting Honeycutt said, the natural c on c e r n s of c ont a m i n agas dr i l ling ca n boost t he t ion i n Nor t h Texas, UN T economy of an area. Negative researchers are gathering data effects of drilling most often for a study that would identify include noise and traffic, as and measure environmental well as certain smells associimpacts of Barnett Shale gas ated with the natural gas. drilling. Keith Brown, the The Barnett Shale bedrock program manager of UNT’s has been a potential energy Center for the Study of the source for the region since Interdisciplinarity, said the natural gas was discovered econom ic benef it s of t he in t he 1950s, but t he sha le d r i l l i ng don’t mea n much remained largely untapped for many Denton residents. u nt i l recent developments “The only people benefiting in drilling technology made PHOTO BY SARA JONES/SENIOR STAFFER from this are the people who t he resource more obta inown the property,” he said. able. Since 2007, thousands An oilrig stands in Denton off I-35 on the Payne Lease. It is owned by the HEP Oil Company, LTD. “They didn’t even hire people of drilling permits have been issued in 17 North Texas coun- of t he env ironmenta l a nd dri l ling dates, a ir qua lit y, regulates the Barnett Shale from Denton to work those ties, with Denton as one of the occupational health depart- w a s t e d i s p o s a l me t ho d s and ensures that all natural wells. They brought in out-ofmost productive. ment at t he U N T Hea lt h and community stress levels gas-drilling operators have town workers.” Brow n sa id he bel ieved The UNT researchers will Science Center, is heading because of the drilling. permits to show that reguinvestigate the environmental, the project. “It ’s a v er y l a r ge a nd lations set by the agency are the harmful environmental ef fects of t he d r i l l i ng a re social and economic impacts He said the study began c ompl ic ate d d at a s et to being met. the drilling has had on the la st yea r, a s re sea rcher s work w it h,” Sterl i ng sa id. Michael Honeycut t, t he already apparent. area’s population. T he Texas Com m ission c om m i s s ion’s t ox ic olo g y collected information about Dav id Sterling, t he chair well locations, permitting, on Env ironmenta l Qua lit y department manager, works See ANALYSIS on Page 2

News Spending bill sparks abortion debate Arts Life SGA budget yet to be approved &

Page 2

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Josh Pherigo & Laura Zamora, News Editors


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Page 5

Katie Grivna Arts & Life Editor BY ISAAC WRIGHT

Continued from Page 1

because it is the same thing,” said Hughes, a psycholog y senior. “W hen you look at people who are pro-choice, they aren’t pro-abortion, and it shou ld n’t i nvolve ot her people.” Eag les for L ife prov ided s u p p or t i n f a v or of t h e a mend ment a nd t he a nt iabortion movement. “We got together a group of people to go to Routh Street


Women’s Cl i n ic i n Da l la s, and we took part in a quiet v ig i l outside,” Hatch sa id. “There were no signs. We just prayed outside for compassion and conversion of those women to decide to keep their child or put them up for adoption.” Pl a n ne d Pa rent hood i s headquartered in New York C it y a nd ha s 10 re g iona l offices in Texas.

Seniors to debut their dance works Friday Senior Staff Writer

The Student Government Association tabled approval of the organization’s Spring 2011 budget until next week’s Bmeeting Y TARYNafter WALKER some errors were Intern noted on the version presented toMonths the student senate. of hard work all come The student senate did not down to one night. approve the SGAstudents budget two Senior dance will weeks ago because senators display their original works on were concerned thattime executives Friday for the first at the wereChoreographers spending large amounts of New Concert. money without approval from The concert will start at 8 p.m. insenators. the University Theatre in of Film Internal the SGA Radio,Director Television, and Operat ions Jesus Romo Performing Arts Building. presented a revised budget to General admission is $5 and senators that explained where tickets can be purchased at the SGA executives allocated box office, over the phone, at the $16,000 from the general fund door and in advance. this semester. Students enrolled in dance “The main conflict came professor Shelley Cushman’s from the general funds,” Romo senior projects class are required “It was never allocated, so tosaid. choreograph or perform in the we never knew what was going concert. They also can complete a on withstudy thatin money. Those research fieldwork. $16,000 that we had originally, “Their work is a culmination to we’ve dispersed over different demonstrate the knowledge they departments.” have acquired through the course Thestudy,” new budget allocated of their Cushman said. $3,000 toward sponsoring Cushman, the artistic director of the concert, is known for her background in dance. She

and cosponsoring events with other organizations — $2000 of which has been allocated for a philanthropic event with UNT’s Invisible Children charity. They also added another $5,000 to a fund that SGA events. earned thepays 2010for University Dance About $1,000 were allocated Educator of the Year from the toward promotional Nationalbuying Dance Association. items for the organization. “They have to create a product, Onethe ofpublic the largest which is invitednew to see, expenses added to revised and in this processthe they have to budget $2,000 for they SGA’sare solve allwas of the problems Legacy Ball, an event for SGA given in order to create this work members and advisers taking of art,” she said. place the semester. In late the in class, students learn “Mostly, it’s a ‘thank you’ about dynamics, unity, variety, for all the hard work you’ve content, form and theme, been doing,” Romo said. “We’re Cushman said. trying to do really From the something 10 choreographed spectacular.” works at the concert, two dance Romo saidchosen that they are still pieces were to represent leaving about $10,000 the UNT at the Americanfor College next SGA administration. Dance Festival, including Amelia During the presentation Wert’s “The Television is Watching of the budget, Me Again” and some Cassie senaFarzan tors noticed that of some of the Panah’s “Gravity Deception.” percentages and this amounts “I set out with imageon of a the overview of the budget did motel. I was interested in doing not match and made it appear as something different,” Wert said. if“Ithe organization was running thought about the idea of why apeople deficit.would Romo said that want towas staynot at a the case and the numbers were motel and wondered what they felt.” Wert’s modern piece includes

incorrect. He said he would fix the problem and bring the budget back for approval at next week’s meeting. Senators who had voiced issues with the budget two weeks said that the revised by nineago dancers accompanied budget addressed many their it focused lighting toofmake concerns. seem as if they are each in their “It’s much own motel more room. clear Each and dancer transparent now,” said is isolated from the College others and of dances Arts and Sciences Senator with minimalistic moveJoel Arredondo. “There are indi-The ment for a strong impact. vidual lineinclude items now forloss, every themes love, isolapurchase, and that’s what we are tion and insomnia, which wanted to see.” overlaid by the glow of a teleSome vision. senator s were concerned the online budget “It’s a good program. We have would confuse most students. some amazing faculty that have Senators suggested the budget really pushed us far,” Wert said. include descriptions All 56 dancers clarifying were chosen some of SGA’s spending. from the dance department “Since the executive staff is by advanced choreography sostudents. supportive of being transSome choreographers parent, I think there are some also decided to dance. Cushman line items where normal allowed students to perform if students would notthe know what they were up for challenge. they Rachel are,” saidCaldwell Whitley Poyser, choreothe senator“Certain for the College of graphed Uncertainty” Business Administration. “I and is also performing in “Guess think there should be some Who’s Not Coming to Dinner,” footnotes in that kind ofn na choreog raphed by A outline.” Womack. In Caldwell’s choreography, dancers explore the experi-

Several UNT student organizations joined the march, i nclud i ng t he Fem i n ist Majority Leadership A lliance. Group president Jorda n Hughes said the cuts would take away health care options for women. “ Yo u c a n n o t s e p a r a t e abortion from hea lth care,

Correction Saturday, Oct. 1 at Tulsa Saturday, Oct. 8 Florida Atlantic* Saturday, Oct. 15 at Louisiana-Lafayette* The correct schedule is: Saturday, Oct. 22 PHOTO BY TARYN WALKER/INTERN Dance students perform “The Itch,” choreographed by dance senior AnnaULM* Olvera, at a rehearsal for the New Choreographers Concert. Thursday, Sept. 1 Saturday, Oct. 29 at FIU* at Arkansas State* 10 Saturday, Nov. 12of dance with touch and feeling harmonies. ence ofSaturday, being blind Sept. by wearing Houston at Troy* sound rather than with sight,” Caldwell said her piece is about blindfolds. In 28 rehearsals, the Saturday, Sept. 17 Saturday, 19 said. Caldwell blindness as an experience, not Nov. four dancers adapted to their atsenses Alabama WesternThe Kentucky* concert will also be held at hearing and touching to a handicap. Saturday, Sept. 24 Saturday, 8 p.m.3Saturday and at 2:30 p.m. “I was in my modern class last Dec. help them through the modern Indiana Middle Tennessee* in the University Theatre. on Sunday piece. Caldwell also worked with semester and we would lie In the March 1 “Mean Green releases 2011 football schedule” brief, the Daily misidentified the locations of the games the UNT football team will compete in.

music student Ryan Pivovar to compose a song of looped cello

the ground and shut our eyes. I wondered if I could capture a

For more information, visit www. danceandtheatre.unt.edu.

wife, Leslie Kregel, thought andbe knows itcuts, would greatthe to funding increase has to be covered. awareness of the communicantalent probably just sit ty’s“We artistic and culture, back and become just some Kregel said. no-name state school but I Drawe contacted sources think the university’s goal is and created the website firstto want to grow and expand fridaydenton.com to establish andevent. you’re going to have to the increase,” Liberio said. “First Friday has no boss, no Lawmakers are president. I’m just inexpected charge of to slash UNT’s funding it byinto as the website and building much as $9 million for the something because I started it,” next two years. Drawe said. Kregel’s business, Cimarrona, sells hats, scarves and warm clothing recycled from old clothes. “What we hope is [to gain] a

little more visibility and have the public more aware of art culture in Denton that isn’t always recognized,” Kregel said. Merchants join with artists to help promote art and businesses. For example, an artist looking for a place to display his or her work could contact a coffee shop owner willing to host the artist, Kregel said. Heath Robinson, a pharmacy junior, thinks the event will bring attention to the creativity the community has to offer. “I think it’s a good way to increase the exposure of the arts in Denton,” Robinson said. Robin Huttash ow ns A

Creative Art STUDIO, one of the businesses that has been a part of First Friday since it started. Huttash said her main goal is providing music for the event each month. On Friday, Alex Riegelman, a local guitarist and blues singer, will play in A Creative Art STUDIO. Keri Zimlich, a journalism junior, said she thinks the event is a great opportunity to have fun. “It’s not just one shop, but all the shops getting together to rekindle that love of art,” Zimlich said.

Analysis to detail Looming tuition Monthly event promotes art purchases in Denton effects of gas drilling hikes fuel protest BY M ARLENE GONZALEZ Intern Continued from Page 1

On Friday, the shops off the “There Square might be a few Denton will staytaxes open coming offusual. of it, but even later than thatDenton is miniscule will havecompared its monthly toFirst theFriday amount of problems on the Square and generated f romarea. t he wel l, Industrial Street [such as] poisoning the Live music, sculptures,ofstained groundwater [and] poisoning glass, appetizers and art will be ofavailable t he a until i r,” 9 Brow sa id.of p.m.ninstead Ed Ireland, the executive the regular 6 p.m. director of the Barnett Shale For First Friday, art galleries Energy Education Council, said and businesses stay open longer the commission inspectors to give shoppers an opportunity visit drill sites unannounced to admire and buy art. to perform tests and inspecSeveral communities and tions to ensure countries haveoperations their own are First safe. Friday or First Thursday each

So fa r, state inspectors Continued from Page 1 haven’t found serious environmental problems caused Members of the SGA execby the drilling, Honeycutt said, ut ive bra nch t raveled to especially when compared to Austin Wednesday to attend auto pollution in other areas Capitol Day and speak with of the state. le g i slator s a bout U N T’s “It hasn’t had much of an concerns, including budget adverse i mpac t. Not h i ng cuts. approaching negative health Graduate st udent Mat t effects, and it certainly can’t Liberio said he understands PHOTOthe BY TARYN WALKER/INTERN compare to air pollution in the pressure university is Robin Huttash, owner of Asaid. Creative Arts STUDIO, participate First Friday Houston,” Honeycutt underwill because of in the budget Researchers hope study Denton. The studio will their stay open until 9 p.m. on Friday. can provide a neutral analysis that outlines social month, which the is where theand idea pher and UNT alumnus, said he environmental impacts the helped start Denton’s First Friday came from. drilling has caused. Shannon Drawe, a photogra- in in February 2010. He and his



SINCE 1957



Thursday, March 3rd Thursday, December 2nd Bravo Max/Dove Tail/Brumley Gardner/ Roger Creager/Zach Walther-8:00pm & @ Rockin’ Rodeo Till They’re Blue or Destroy-7:00pm @ The Hydrant Café Brian Martin-10:00pm @ Andy’s Bar Denton Holiday Lighting Festival-5:45pm @ The Square Sara Hickman/Jungle Rockers8:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf Friday, December 3rd Kyle NorthBennett/Deadman/Grant American Skull Splitter Tour Jones2010: 8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo Skeletonwitch/Withered/Landmine Marathon/

The Spectacle-8:00pm @ Rubber Gloves BUY 1 GET 1 FOR 1¢ Friday, CrookedMarch Finger-9:00pm 4th @ Public House (special group)





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The Adjustment Bureau [PG-13] 11:45am 2:30pm 5:10pm 7:55pm 10:45pm Beastly [PG-13] 1:05pm 3:30pm 5:50pm 8:10pm 10:30pm Rango [PG] 11:30am 1:00pm 2:10pm 3:35pm 4:50pm 6:10pm 7:30pm 8:50pm 10:05pm Take Me Home Tonight [R] 12:00pm2:35pm5:15pm8:00pm10:35pm Drive Angry 3D [R] 11:25am 1:55pm 4:30pm 7:10pm 9:50pm Hall Pass [R] 11:50am 2:25pm 5:00pm 7:45pm 10:20pm WARRIOR’S WAY Like [R] 11:40am 2:05pm 4:55pm 10:05pm BigTHEMommaʼs: Father, Like7:30pm Son [PG13] 12:50pm I Am Number [PG13] 11:40am 2:15pm 4:55pm 7:40pm 10:25pm BURLESQUE [PG13]Four 1:05pm 4:05pm 7:00pm 9:50pm Unknown [PG13] 11:20am 2:00pm 4:45pm 7:25pm 10:10pm DUE DATE [R] 11:45am 2:20pm 4:50pm 7:15pm 9:40pm Gnomeo & Juliet 3D [G] 11:55am 2:05pm 4:35pm 6:55pm 9:15pm FASTER [R]&11:15am 1:45pm 4:30pm 9:35pm5:45pm 8:05pm 10:15pm Gnomeo Juliet [G] 7:05pm 3:25pm Just GoPOTTER WithANDItTHE [PG13] 11:35am 7:50pm HARRY DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 12:20pm [PG13] 5:05pm 1:40pm 5:10pm 6:30pm 10:40pm 8:30pm 9:45pm Justin Bieber Never Say Never 3D [G] 11:20am 4:40pm 10:00pm HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 - DIGITAL [PG13] 11:55am 3:40pm 7:25pm 10:45pm The Kingʼs Speech [R] 1:10pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 9:55pm LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS [R] 11:20am 5:00pmDirectorʼs 7:55pm 10:40pm Fan Cut [G] 1:50pm Justin Bieber: Never Say 2:10pm Never 7:15pm MEGAMIND [PG] 1:10pm 4:00pm MEGAMIND - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:50am 2:35pm 5:15pm 7:50pm 10:15pm MORNING GLORY [PG13] 11:30am 2:25pm 5:05pm 7:45pm 10:30pm TANGLED [PG] 12:45pm 3:20pm 6:05pm 8:45pm

Denton Bach Society-7:00pm @ The Hydrant Café Knights/Northern Paradox/Like Bridges We MillionYoung/Teen Daze/Old Snack/Goldilocks Burn/One Red Martian-10:00pm @ Andy’s Bar & The Rock-9:00pm @ Hailey’s Sundress/Manned Missles/Land Mammals/ The Quebe Sisters/Will Johnson-8:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf Skeleton Coast/Westboro Fatty Lumpkin-7:00pm @ TheButchersBoiler Room Reindeer @ Romp-7:30pm @ South Lakes Park 9:00pm Dan’s Silverleaf Snarky Puppy/Funky Knuckles-9:00pm @ Hailey’s Saturday, December 4th Warren La MemeHearne/Collin Gallery opening: HerringSally Glass/Oh Lewis!/ 8:30pm @ The Hydrant Café Murdocks/Jon Vogt-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves

e m o Bec ! N A F a

Sunday, December 12th The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Farce & Feaste-2:00pm @ The Campus Theater Monday, December 13th The Gay Blades-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Trivia Night with Norm Amorose -7:30pm @ Public House

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Angel Tree Fundraiser-8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo

The Contingency Clause-9:00pm @ The Hydrant Café Saturday, March 5th A Spune Christmas 2010: Telegraph Canyon/Monahans/Birds Ink Couch/Hold On To Your Ego/New & Batteries/Seryn/Dour Burr/Glen Farris-7:30pm @ Hailey’s Vestment/Joshua Sinai/The Deadpan Disc Golf Winter Open: Amateur Team TournamentPoets-10:00pm Andy’s BarCourse 10:00am @ North@ Lakes Disc Golf Trey Johnson/Mingo FishtrapSunday, @ December 5th 7:00pm Dan’s Silverleaf Sundress/Final Club/Land Mammals/ The Virgin Wolves/Luke Wade and No The River Mouth-9:00pm @ Hailey’s Civillians/Scot Mulvahill-9:00pm @ Hailey’s Human Growth Hormone-8:00pm Monday, December 6th @ TheMonday Hydrant Café Trivia with Norm Amorose -7:30pm @ Public House

GHOSTBUSTERS weekend of 3/04

Tuesday, March December 7th Sunday, 6th Pearl Harbor Memorial Day George Neal/Ryan Thomas Becker/Remy Le Boeuf-5:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf Thursday, December 9th Maurice Davis Band/Blunt Force/FUnK Josh Abbott Band/Rob Baird/ William Clark NUg/M.V.-9:00pm @ Hailey’s Green-8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo Sundown Collaborative TheaterFriday, December 10th Café 7:30pm @ The Hydrant

Burial/Wild Tribe/x- unit 21’s first show/Wiccans/ Rotundus/Youth Agression-8:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Tuesday, 8th @ Public House Dirty City March Band -9:00pm Elizabeth Cook-8:00pm @Violent Dan’sSquid Silverleaf New Riders of the Purple Sage/ Day YeaDef-10:00pm @ Hailey’s vs. Night Achtone-8:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Farce & Feaste-7:30pm The Campus Theater Wednesday, March@9th Saturday, December 11th Monte Montgomery-8:00pm @ Dan’sProductions/ Silverelaf Dead Week Print Show: Pan Ector/Gutterth La Meme/ Pants-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Jessie Frye, with Sam Robertson-8:30pm @ The Hydrant Café

THE POLAR EXPRESS weekend of 12/2


HALL PASS [R] 11:30AM | 2:10 | 4:50 | 7:30 | 10:25 I AM NUMBER FOUR [PG13] 1:40 | 4:25 JUST GO WITH IT [PG13] 12:15 | 3:15 | 6:15 | 9:15

RANGO [PG] 10:30AM | 11:00 | 1:10 | 3:50 | 6:30 | 9:30 UNKNOWN (2011) [PG13] 7:15 | 10:10



TANGLED 3D [PG] 11:15AM | 1:50 | 4:25 |

Thursday, March 3, 2011 Christina Mlynski, Arts & Life Editor

Arts & Life

Page 3 cmlynski@ntdaily.com

Modern music introduces ensemble, So Percussion By M arlene Gonzalez Intern

Bott les, milk crates, gaff tape and wooden boards are some items the So Percussion members use in their performance. The group performs at 8 p.m. tonight at the Voertman Concert Ha ll in t he Music Building as apart of the Fine Art Series. Tickets are on sale at the Murchison box office. The event is free for students, $12 for the public, and $10 for senior citizens and staff. “I’m really excited. You know, UNT is really well known. It has an amazing music program,� said Eric Beach, a member of t he ensemble. “I’m hoping that the students there are really engaged and have a good time.� Ma rk Ford of t he music faculty said he requested for the collection to play at the university two years ago. The ensemble is from New York. “They all have a new attraction to music and they started this quartet. This is contemporary art music,� he said. “It’s more advanced, a cutting-

tend to capitalize on that a litt le more, which is cool, because I think people really respond to that outside of the percussion world.� Beach said the group will play pieces t he members commissioned last year. Nicole Newla nd, a n a r t education graduate student and assistant for the Fine Arts Series, said UNT tries to have a well-balanced program for students. “ We a l w ay s hope t h at students w ill see dif ferent artists that make connections with other disciplines, [and] explore cultures they might not have been able to do otherwise,� Newland said. Beach said the group does not play ty pical music that most people a re u sed to hearing. He sa id he encou rages st udents to ask quest ions Courtesy Photo of Janette beCkman a bout t he per for ma nc e s. From left to right: Josh Quillen, Adam Sliwinski, Jason Treuting and Eric Beach are members of So Percussion, a modern instrumental music group. “One of our goals as a group is to always sort of bring something to people that they’ve edge, progressive approach mance senior, said he has shop where students receive to everyone. “It’s pretty normal for a never seen before, or play an to new possibilities with their known about the ensemble cr it iques f rom t he g roup. for a while and will participate The workshop is hosted by percussionist to use an array instrument they’ve never heard instruments.� Damon Kelley, a perfor- in the graduate class work- the College of Music and open of odd objects,� he said. “They before,� Beach said.

Group continues to Music Series brings make a difference ‘variety and talent’ By PaBlo a rauz

By a lexa Chan

Last year, Invisible Children UNT raised more than $5,000 toward its cause to bring awareness of the Uganda war. This year, the organization is hosting The Congo Tour, a documentary screening of “Tony: Lose all Gain Everything,� at 7 p.m. tonight in the Lyceum. Tony, who grew up in the war, will speak after the showing. An after party at The Garage will follow and proceeds will go toward to the organization. The cost is $5 for attendees who are under 21 and $1 for those who are over. “It’s so easy to get wrapped up in grades, jobs and our own plans, but it is important to realize and remember that there are children, and students fighting for a voice and for an education,� said Stephanie Guadagnoli, a history and political science senior and member of the group. The group is among a handful of other chapters in Texas chosen to have Tony as a guest speaker, said Janeth Ibarra, the president of the organization and a child development and family studies senior. “Texas is only getting Tony because we don’t necessarily have the most screenings booked, but we’ve had the most successful screenings,� Ibarra said. “Which basically means [schools in] Texas have raised the most money.�

A new series allows the Denton community to experience live music every Thursday. The Thursday Night Music Series is a nine-week program, showcasing various musical styles performed by the College of Music. The series begins at 7 p.m. tonight at UNT on the Square, and continues every T hu r sday t h roug h Apr i l. Admission is free.


Contributing Writer

Photo Courtesy of Janeth Ibarra

Charles and Francis, Uganda natives, and organization members Liz Gurney and Janeth Ibarra were participants in last year’s Invisible Children’s event. The screening is one of the biggest event for the club this semester and is trying to raise $3,000 toward the cause. Although the organization is hosting the event, other groups on campus such as Psi Chi and Phi Iota Alpha are participating, Ibarra said. Tony’s presence is a significant accomplishment by the collective passion of students involved in and outside the group, she said. “It’s a huge privilege for UNT that Tony is speaking,� Ibarra said. Guadagnoli said people’s dedication to raise awareness to stop the war in Uganda is what inspires her to be a part of Invisible Children. Elizabeth Solari, an advertising junior, said she believes it’s for students’ benefit to participate

Gather to Gain What: Tony: Lose all Gain Everything When: 7 p.m. tonight Where: Lyceum Cost: Free

in charitable work. “It’s easy to ma rket emotional issues, so in that aspect, it definitely has benefits,� she said. “When I see the dollar a day children on TV from third world countries, it kills me, and that’s what those organizations want.�

“This series is another really tasty item on a growing menu.�

—Herbert Holl,

Director of UNT on the Square “This gallery space is an art space, and what we were missing was music,� said Herbert Holl, the director of UNT on the Square. “This is a come-and-go series of concerts, where people can put it on their calendars and look forward to it.� UNT on the Square provides Denton with an accessible and convenient way to hear live music, said John Murphy, the chair of the jazz studies department. Murphy said he plays the tenor saxophone and will be apart of

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the series’ performances. He said he will perform compositions with his students. “This will give me a chance to collaborate with the students musically,� Murphy said. “Music is the main focus, and I’m excited to be able to add another musical event in Denton.� The program marks the first full-length musical performance presented at UNT on the Square, Holl said. The musical series allows the musicians to connect with the audience, he said. The first two nights of the program will showcase contemporary European jazz composers, Holl said. Each show w ill present different styles of music and original pieces by musicians, he said. “I don’t know of any other performances you can go to where you can get such incredible variety and talent,� Holl said. “This series is another really tasty item on a growing menu.� Sean Giddings, a jazz studies

Jazzing up the Square What: Thursday Night Music on the Square When: Every Thursday night March-April 7-9 p.m. (including Spring Break) Where: UNT on the Square 109 N. Elm St. Denton, TX Cost: Admission is free and open to the public

senior and an acoustic piano player will perform at the series. UNT on the Square offers a different setting than other venues, he said. “Denton is a smaller town, but there’s big music,� he said. “It’s neat how we are able to take the music from the school to the Square. I’m excited to show the public what we can do.�

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Page 4 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor

Thursday, March 3, 2011 sgorman@ntdaily.com

Men’s golf to compete in Sunshine State BY PAUL BOTTONI Intern


Senior outfielder Monica Hirsch bunts the ball during Wednesday’s home game. The Oklahoma Sooners defeated the Mean Green 3-0 at Lovelace Stadium.

Offense shut down by All-American pitcher Sooners keep “We’re right where we need to be. Mean Green offense scoreless It’s going to be tough to get hard hits off of a kid like that. She’s legit.”

—T.J. Hubbard, Head coach


Facing its first Top-10 ranked team this season, t he UNT sof tba l l tea m was held to t wo hits a nd fell to No. 10 Oklahoma 3-0 Wednesday. The Mean Green (6-6, 0-4) is now 0-18 all time against the Sooners (13-5). Freshman pitcher Ashley K irk held her ow n aga inst

the Big-12 Conference opponent, notching her first career complete game while tying a career-high with eight strikeouts. “Given the circumstances of who they were, I felt like I did very well,” Kirk said. “It

was my first ever complete game.” The Mean Green offense was shut down by Sooner sophomore Keilani Ricketts. A junior infielder Lisa Johnson double and freshman infielder Brooke Foster single were UNT’s only hits. “From the first inning, [Kirk] was in control and kept the tempo up,” said head coach T.J. Hubba rd. “She t h rew fantastic tonight.” St r ug g les for t he Mea n Green lineup rested in t he bottom half of the order, as one player in the sixth through ninth spots got on base.. Five of Ricketts’ seven strikeouts came from the bottom of the lineup. “We’re right where we need to be. It’s going to be tough to get hard hits off of a kid like that,” Hubbard said. “She’s legit. Best pitching we’ve seen by far.” The Mean Green defense put up a stout performance, not committing an error all night. “Defense, i f t hey ’re not there behind me, those outs doesn’t matter,” Kirk said. The Mean Green returns to action at 3 p.m. Friday when it hosts t he Texas-El Paso Miners.

The UNT men’s golf team sits on top of a rollercoaster, and it’s about to go for a frenzied ride. The Mean Green begins a hectic four-tournament March schedule with this weekend’s Universit y of South Florida Invitational in Tampa, Fla. UNT hopes to extend its streak of fourconsecutive top-3 tournament finishes. “It’s going to get borderline ridiculous,” said junior Josh Jones. “It’s going to get pretty difficult, but that’s golf, that’s life. You just have to manage it the best you can.” The flurry of tournaments marks the final stretch of the 2010-2011 season, which concludes at the Sun Belt Conference Championship in Muscle Shoals, Ala., April 25 through 27. Stracke said he does not want his players to become int imidated by t he golf course or their opponent. “I just want a bunch of toug h g uy s, ba sic a l ly,” Stracke said. “Guys who have t he menta lit y of a football player yet they’re golfers.” UNT shook off its rust from a three-month tournament absence at the Oak Hills Invitational, Feb.14 and 15, where it finished third behind Texas Tech and Oklahoma in a 17-team field. Redshirt sophomore Ty Spinella led the way for the Mean Green, finishing in a

Top teams tussle vs. Tournament begins Friday, March 4

No. 28 UNT vs. No. 29 Central Florida As the two top seeds in the University South Florida Invitational, the Mean Green and Knights are the favorites to win the tournament. If UNT can maintain its pace, it should record its fifth straight top-3 tournament finish at the least. UNT has not placed outside the top-3 since last April.

“It’s going to get pretty difficult but that’s golf, that’s life. You just have to manage it the best you can.”

—Josh Jones, Junior golfer

three-way tie for sixth place. Spinella’s three-round score of 211 was his best total of the season. Ranked No. 28 by Golfstat. com, the Mean Green w ill be the highest ranked team coming into the Invitational. T he t e a m w i l l c omp e t e against several Florida teams, i nclud i ng No. 29 Cent ra l Florida, No. 49 Florida State, and tournament host South Florida. “You get bumpier greens and higher winds in the afternoon, so the conditions will be more difficult for us than

the teams that tee off earlier, Stracke said. “But we’ll make do with that.” Sun Belt Conference rivals A r k a n s a s St a t e , F l or i d a Atlantic, Middle Tennessee State a nd Troy w i l l a lso compete. Stracke described the course as hilly, which is uncommon for Florida’s landscape, but said it is easier than others. “We have a late tee time,” Stracke said. “The first tee time is around 7:30 a.m., and we’re teeing off around 12:45 p.m., so we’re going to be playing a totally different golf course.”

A f ter la st sea son’s 8-21 regular s e a s o n , things had to get better — except t hey didn’t. BOBBY The regular LEWIS season mercifully ended on Tuesday with UNT’s meek 59-46 loss to A rk a n s a s-L it te Rock a nd five w ins on the board for the Mean Green. UNT will face Wester n Kent uck y in t he f irst round of t he Sun Belt Conference Tournament Saturday, but the Mean Green could not enter the tournament with less momentum. So what’s next? Assuming Stephens returns next season for the fourth year of her fiveyea r cont ract a nd a l l t he underclassmen return, the team w ill only lose senior guard Denetra Kellum. Kel lu m i s t he le ad i ng scorer, but there’s no reason to bel ieve t he tea m ca n’t collectively make up for her 16 points per game. The key will be who the Mean Green brings in and whet her t he returning players show any kind of heart next year. At the point guard, UNT is set. I really like how freshman g u a rd L au r a Mc C oy h a s progressed this season. Junior guard Kasondra Foreman will probably get the starts, which

is fine, because she’s played well since taking over the job this season, but McCoy seems like a natural leader. She’ll add stability to the team for the next three years. In t he post, sophomore for wa rd Jasm i ne Godbolt will continue to be a pillar down low for UNT, but who else ca n play a rou nd t he basket? Godbolt is a beast in the middle but can’t do it by herself. After that, UNT has a bunch of good role players, but no true difference maker. Junior guards Tamara Torru and Brittney Hudson will give you around 10 points every night, but neither will change the complexion of a game on a nightly basis. That’s why the success of this team falls on the shoulders of Stephens. One of the reasons Stephens was hired in 2008 was her recruiting prowess. During her stint as an associate head coach at Clemson, Stephens helped recruit the 22nd ranked class in the nation in 2006. Obv iously, recr uit ing at UNT and Clemson are two d i f ferent t h i ngs, but how this year’s freshmen perform du r i n g t hei r s ophomor e season w i l l be one of t he biggest factors in whether the Mean Green is successful. After all, it can’t get much worse, can it?

Lewis’ Last Call: State of UNT women’s basketball Future depends on Stephens BY BOBBY LEWIS

Senior Staff Writer W h e n t h e 2 010 -2 011 season started, there was a lot of optimism coming from the Mean Green women’s basketba ll tea m. I’m not su re t hat opt i m ism was ref lected by those outside t he tea m, but it’s wor t h mentioning because of the nosedive this team took this season. It’s hard to believe almost four months later, but there was plent y of reason for optimism before the season began. The team had eight new players, which is close to an overhaul of a college team as you can get. By br i ng i ng i n t hose players, head coach Shanice Stephens add ressed t he team’s most glaring weakness: its backcourt. Stephens brought in six guards to go with her existing six players classified as guards. I say “classified” because not all the players listed at guard play in the backcourt. Stephens also hired two ne w a nd ac c ompl i she d assistant coaches: Margaret R icha rds a nd Jim my Stellato.


Thursday, March 3, 2011 Abigail Allen, Views Editor

SGA needs to change its approach Editorial The issues the Student Government Association addresses aren’t relevant. “A vote in the SGA literally means nothing.” Those were comments at a protest led Wednesday by the Students for Democratic Society about the proposed tuition increase and representation of students’ ideas. In response to the protest and a growing sense of discontentment, three members of the Editorial Board asked about 25 students about the Student Government Association on Wednesday afternoon. The students responded with comments like “It’s great in theory,” “I don’t know what it does,” or “I didn’t know it existed.” What they were saying between the lines was SGA is irrelevant despite the fact that it is supposed to serve as a voice for the students. With the tough issues facing college students in the Texas Legislature and on the UNT campus right now, that is unacceptable. In the throes of about a $25 billion budget deficit, the state government is considering cutting considerably from higher education and allowing concealed handgun license holders to carry guns on campus. Because of the threat of a budget cut, the UNT administration has proposed a 2.8 percent increase on top of a previous 3.9 increase in tuition for the 2011-2012 school year. Members of the SGA went to the Texas capitol to present students’ concerns, but we have to wonder whose concerns were mentioned and what position those members took. Money issues The student government has arguably the most power of any student organization here. It has a budget of about $150,000 from student service fees. Its members also sit on committees throughout the university, including the one that decides how student fees are distributed. For their work, SGA President Kevin Sanders and Vice President Mercedes Fullbright make about $9,000 a year. The directors of Campus Involvement and Public Relations make about $5,100 a year each. The other directors receive about $1,530 a year each. On top of that, $41,960 were allocated for internal operations. Some interesting purchases have shown up on the 2010 budget. Those include $1,570 paid for SGA koozies, $15,000 allocated for programming and programming co-sponsorship, and $2,763 for Welcome Back Bash T-shirts. They added $1,000 for promotional items at the meeting Wednesday to the already allocated budget of $2,000. The best promotion for the SGA would be making a difference for students, not SGA Koozies and T-shirts. Students have a right to know how to make their voices heard and not have their money spent on things like name brand, monogrammed cardigans for the executive board. Executives at fault Although the student senators need to make sure their constituents know who they are, the bulk of the responsibility for letting students know about the organization falls on the executive board. When Sanders and Fullbright ran, they said they wanted to continue to make the SGA “a voice for the voiceless” and to keep it at “the forefront of people’s minds,” according to their platform published under the About page of untsga.com. Judging by the 25 students interviewed, they haven’t lived up to their promises. Another pledge the pair made in their platform was to “make sure that the students know exactly where their money is going.” To do that, however, students would need to actively seek out the SGA to get the current budget information, as the information on the website is old. The problem the Board sees with this administration is not a lack of good intentions, but of follow through.

Page 5 views@ntdaily.com

Simple steps can save money on gas Anyone operating a motor vehicle in this country has undoubtedly seen the cost of their trips to the gas station rise somewhat dramatically because of the rising cost of petroleum. The regular unleaded gasoline averaged $3.38 per gallon nationw ide, while diesel’s average cost was considerably higher at $3.71, according to the United States Department of Energy’s online statistics for last week. The recent spike in the cost of fuel in the U.S. seems to correspond with the political and social turmoil unfolding in the Middle East, including the nations of Libya, Egypt and Tunisia, among others. Whether the two are actually related is not for me to decide. It is out of my realm of expertise, as I’m neither a foreign policy expert nor an international economist. Nevertheless, the reality is that gasoline prices are sharply affecting the pocketbooks of many Americans in an already

economically challenging and uncertain time. Personally, I have spent an extra $40 on gasoline in the past 30 days alone. If this trend continues, my disposable income could shrink by $400 or more this year. At a t i me when ma ny Americans are already living paycheck to paycheck with significantly less financial security, the volatile gasoline market is hindering any potential for a considerable economic rebound. For example, companies will continuously be reluctant to expand their workforce while the market remains uncertain and the probability that nonpersonnel or logistical expenditures could spike. Additionally, as one would expect, the rising cost of fuel can also be attributed to an increase in other services or products, such as f lying or produce at your local grocery store. The point of this column is

not to take a stand for or against energy companies. The point is to acknowledge the reality of the current energy situation and offer methods by which Americans can survive the fuel cost increases. I would like to offer a few simple suggestions that I believe will result in real savings. When you go to the grocery store or run other everyday errands, carpool with your neighbor so that you can both accomplish your daily tasks and use half the fuel in the process. When you drive to work, try to coordinate with someone else nearby who works in the same vicinity as you. If you live close enough, consider biking or walking to your destination. I also strongly suggest taking advantage of your city’s public transportation system. A dd it ion a l l y, c on s ide r spending quality family time at home by renting a pay-perview movie or getting to know

your neighbors at a neighborhood gathering. Although these life adjustments may seem somewhat inconvenient, following all or some of them will allow each of you greater peace of mind and decreased financial woes. I wish energy prices were significantly lower, but we must adapt when situations like these arise.

Blake Windham is a biology senior. He can be reached at BlakeWindham@my.unt.edu.

Students need gun rights on campus There is currently a great deal of debate surrounding a proposed bill in the Texas Legislature that would allow licensed individuals to carry concealed weapons on college campuses. A f ter considering ma ny of the opinions I have read, I have concluded that most arguments against the bill are born of ignorance and fear. During my time at UNT, I have taken a number of classes in which I have studied criminal behavior. When we are dealing with madmen, there are no laws we can enact that will stop them. If the potential victims of such a scenario are given means through which they might defend t hemselves, t hei r chances of survival improve greatly. T he a r g u me nt i s not about turning students into armed vigilantes — seeking a confrontation with an active shooter is dangerous and such duties are rightly left to highly trained professionals. T he bi l l before t he Legislature is about giving students a means to defend themselves and safely escape

from an unwanted confrontation with an armed criminal. Most law enforcement agencies acknowledge it would take them at least 20 minutes to fully respond to an active shooter. In the aftermath of the Tucson, Ariz., shooting in January, gun control advocates have argued against “high capacity” magazines on the basis that they supposedly allowed the shooter to fire 33 rounds in less than 16 seconds. Their a rg ument ignores that a trained shooter can accurately f ire 30 rounds out of three 10-round magazines (reloading t w ice) in far less than 16 seconds. It was not, however, the police who ultimately ended that massacre. It was an unarmed citizen who tackled the shooter when he stopped to reload. But what if that citizen had been armed? He may have at least been able to return fire so as to allow himself and others the ability to escape. A n ot h e r a r g u m e n t i s students will be more prone to “snap” and go on killing

sprees if concealed carry is allowed on campus. Contrary to popular myth, most ps ych iat r ic professionals agree that the notion of a previously well-adjusted person simply “snapping” is unsupported by ev idence. A Secret Service study into school shootings concluded t hat school shooter s do not simply snap a nd t hat numerous warning signs typically accompany a person’s dow nw a rd spi ra l tow a rd violence. T he a n s wer i s not to prohibit concealed carry on campus. It is to keep firearms out of the hands of individuals who are prohibited from having them and to allow lawabiding citizens to use them against those who get them anyway. I have been around firearms my entire life and am the founder and President of Texas Marksmen, a UNT student organization dedicate to teaching safe marksmanship to students and helping them improve their existing proficiency. I would urge those who are uncomfortable around firearms to attend one

of our events or take one of our classes. If students took the time to learn for themselves about firearms and how they can be safely used for self-defense, it would be easier to have an informed discussion about concealed carry on campus. I would encourage anyone interested in becoming truly educated on t his issue to visit our page on Facebook or our website at www.texasmarksmen.com.

Josh Conklin is a criminal justice junior. He can be reached at josh.conklin90 @ yahoo.com.

What can be done The SGA should limit the amount it uses on programming instead of putting on events that overlap with other organizations’ programs. Instead, the association should use that money to help students. The SGA also needs to keep its website updated, host monthly panels to discuss concerns students have and respond to students. If the SGA cannot find effective ways to show positive returns on the students’ $158,000 annual investment in it, maybe it doesn’t deserve to have so much at its disposal. The Board advises students to attend the meetings and make their concerns known because it is also their responsibility to find out how the university works. The SGA meetings, which are open to the public, are at 5 p.m. every Wednesday in Terrill Hall 120. The SGA needs to show students that it is not irrelevant, or it may as well be.

NT Daily Editorial Board The Editorial Board includes: Katie Grivna, Abigail Allen, Josh Pherigo, Laura Zamora, Christina Mlynski, Sean Gorman, Nicole Landry, Brianne Tolj, Berenice Quirino, David Williams and Will Sheets.

Want to be heard? The NT Daily is proud to present a variety of ideas and opinions from readers in its Views section. As such, we would like to hear from as many NT readers as possible. We invite readers of all creeds and backgrounds to write about whichever issue excites them, whether concerning politics, local issues, ethical

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The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflects the belief of the NT Daily.


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