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The World Balloon Convention soars to Dallas with art SCENE | Insert

Friday, March 30, 2012

News 1, 2 Sports 3 Classifieds 4 Games 4 SCENE Insert

Volume 99 | Issue 40


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Artist Nick Cave hosts “Heard” performance JEANETTE SILVA

Contributing Writer More t ha n 200 v iewers crowded a rou nd to v iew “Heard,” a production by UNT artist-in-residence Nick Cave, which featured UNT dancers dressed in colorful horsethemed costumes. The free-admission performance, which was nearly a year in the making, took place on the lawn between the Art Building and Curry Hall. The crowd consisted of elementary school students, UNT students and staff, Denton residents and even a few local police officers. The dancers were dressed in Soundsuits made of raffia, a type of palm leaf, and collaborated with percussion players from the music department and designers from the art department. “It was fantastic,” Cave said. “It was just what I had imagined in my head.” Cave, who g rew up i n Missouri, attended graduate school at UNT in the ’80s to study art. Being this year’s artist in residence gave Cave the green light to go through with the performance he had been dreaming of. At first, Cave couldn’t decide whether to name the piece “Herd” or “Heard,” but he decided on the latter. He felt “heard” signified the performance more because of the Soundsuits as opposed to focusing the performance on just a herd of horses on a lawn on campus. Cave wanted viewers to go

Dance freshman Tyler Weems performs as a part of Nick Cave’s art piece “Heard” outside of the Art Building on Thursday. The show included UNT students such as dancers, percussion players and designers. to a dream-like state while watching the performance. “It’s really about a ver y simple idea that gets the mind to sort of remove itself from

its day-to-day regimen,” Cave said. “A moment where you’re here in this alternative experience.” Painting and drawing junior

Layne Farmer thought highly of the performance. “The music had a pulse to it and gave the performance a dream-like feel,” Farmer

PHOTO BY CHRIS LEWIS/CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER To see more about this story, see Page 6 of the SCENE

said. Da nce senior Kodi Giovannini was a team leader for the dancers who performed in t he Soundsuits, which

weighed about 150 pounds. Dancers were also attached to each other.

See HEARD on Page 2

Ecological species digitized Professors add character to class in UNT’s Digital Library NICOLE BALDERAS Senior Staff Writer

C AY DEE E NSEY Staff Writer

The Env ironmenta l E duc at ion, S c ienc e, a nd Technology Building currently hosts a la rge collection of freshwater mussel shells that are being photographed and digitized to become a part of the Joseph Britton Freshwater Mussel Collection in UNT’s Digital Library. Mussels, a marker species, act as a tell-tale to scientists who seek to gauge the health of a stream or river. “They are used by stream ecologists to eva luate how clean water is,” said James K e n n e d y, t h e b i o l o g y professor in cha rge of t he digitization project. “If we go out and find lots of different types of freshwater mussels, then we know the water is pretty clean. If we don’t find any, or only a few different species, t hen t hat tells a n aquatic ecologist that there is something wrong in that stream.” Mussels a re va luable in deter m i n i ng ecolog ica l conditions because they filter particles that are in the water out for food. “That could be microorganisms or decaying bits of plant material, and they feed on all that,” Kennedy said. “So when they are pumping the water through their gills they are very susceptible to any changes in their env i-


Biology master’s student Sarah Hammontree pulls a box of mussels from a shelf in the museum. Hammontree works with professor James Kennedy to document samples in 3-D for the UNT Digital Library. ronment.” The site for the collection w a s ded ic ated to Joseph Britton, a biology professor f rom TC U w ho gat here d and cata loged most of t he shells that are in the collection today before his death

i n 20 06. T he Inst it ute of Museum and Library Services gave a grant of about $150,000 for the project. New specimens are constantly being added.

See MUSSELS on Page 2

It’s not in many classes students study the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche using Batman comics as a supplementa l tex tbook, but in professor Shaun Treat’s “ Mythic Rhetoric of Superheroes” class, that is exactly what they do. While the use of popular literature in the classroom has received scorn from some academics, many teachers find simply engaging students in learning is a win. “You have to look at what your students are interested in,” said Treat, who works in the communication studies department. “We’re using themes people are interested in but still using classical theories to understand them.” Through his class blog, Treat underscores material learned in class in a medium more conducive to t he learning style of students. “Sometimes students can get bored with Nietzsche,” Treat said. “But when I dress those theories up in tights and capes they’re on it.” Although the trend of referencing pop culture to explain classic concepts isn’t a new one, a 2012 report titled “What Kids Are Reading” indicates students’ interest in pop culture may be driving more and more teachers to incorporate the material into classroom lectures. The report gathered infor-


Communication studies professor Shaun Treat skims over one of his textbooks. Treat is one of the professors at UNT who uses popular literature to teach his classes.

“Sometimes students can get bored with Nietzsche. But when I dress those theories up in tights and capes they’re on it.”

- Shaun Treat


mation from more than 7.6 million students from 24,265 schools nationwide who read more than 241 million books during the 2010–2011 school year. Out of the 388,963 ninth through 12th graders in the report, the top reading choice

among both men and women was “The Hunger Games.” The top choice of the previous year was “Twilight.” “I realized these kids are kind of checked out, and they don’t want to read “Macbeth” and “Canterbury Tales” so the only way to bring them in is through pop culture references,” said Aaron Case, an English senior teaching 12th grade English at Denton High School. “I was using TV, but then I found a lot of them have read “Hunger Games” and we’ve been able to talk about character development so it kind of draws the gap between really archaic literature.” One UNT professor taught a less traditional undergraduate secondary English class using the book “True Blood and Philosophy” in addition to the class’ required rhetoric text.

See COMIC on Page 2

Inside UNT’s on-campus periodic table News | Page 2

Versatile sophomore makes immediate impact Sports | Page 3

Day in the life of a music producer Scene | Insert


Page 2 Paul Bottoni and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors

Heard Continued from Page 1 “It was fun to do the piece, but t he costumes are ver y uncomfortable,” Giovannini said. “It’s very hard because you don’t know at first glance which horse is which. You have a lim ited a mount of viewing space, and you don’t have any peripheral vision.” UNT Art Galleries Director Tracee Robertson and Robert Milnes, dean of the College of Visual Arts and Design, worked together to organize the performance that brought Cave’s dream to life. Milnes gave the opening speech to kick the performance

off. He also helped make a pair of pants for one of the dancers. More than 800 people worked behind the scenes to help put the performance together, and Robertson was appreciative. “Hundreds of students have worked so hard for a year to make this happen,” Robertson said. “It’s been an amazing investment of their time and energy, and I appreciate it.” For those who missed the performance, Cave will host a third and final performance Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at the Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas. Tickets are $5 for students and can be purchased at the door.

Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Sean Gorman Managing Editor .............................................Paul Bottoni Assigning Editor ............................................Valerie Gonzalez Arts and Life Editor ........................................Alex Macon Scene Editor.......................................Christina Mlynski Sports Editor ...................................................Bobby Lewis Views Editor .................................................Ian Jacoby Visuals Editor ....................................................Tyler Cleveland Visuals Assigning Editor ..............................Chelsea Stratso Multimedia Editor....................................................Daisy Silos Copy Chief ....................................................Jessica Davis Design Editor ............................................... Stacy Powers Senior Staff Writers Nicole Balderas, Holly Harvey, Brittni Barnett, Ashley Grant, Brett Medeiros, Alison Eldridge

Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Taylon Chandler, Elisa Dibble

NTDaily.com GAB Room 117 Phone: (940) 565-2353

Fax: (940) 565-3573


Did You Know?

Chemistry has wide range of experiences HOLLY HARVEY Senior Staff

Since 2004, there has been a 106,530 square foot periodic table of elements on the north end of campus. The UNT chemistry building, shaped like the periodic table of elements, actually houses a set of all the elements on the periodic table too. Material science, forensics, computations, education and history are all major aspects of the chemistry program, said chemistry professor James Marshall, who has taught at UNT for more than 40 years. Coursework in the department can be analyzing data on a computer or creating intense reactions in a lab, chemistry professor Diana Mason said. “I blow up a lot of stuff,” Mason said. “Not a whole lot of people can say that they get to blow up stuff for their job.” UNT offers classes in organic chemistry, instrumental analysis, medical chemistry and genetic chemistry engineering. Careers in chemistry include jobs in pharmacy, agriculture, drugs and commodities materials, Marshall said. A career in chemistry doesn’t mean being bolted to a laboratory, though. Marshall and his

Mussels Continued from Page 1 “There are a little bit less than 2,000 shells that we have digitized with about 40 of the 50 species of mussels you can find in Texas,” Kennedy said. “It is a way for a small museum like ours to reach out to thousands of people who will never come


Pre-computer science junior Sarah Deel inserts a test tube into boiling water during a chemistry lab Thursday. Students worked on a lab dealing with determination of cooling curves for pure substances and mixtures, led by teacher assistant Michael Kaho. wife Jenny traveled to 30 countries over a span of 12 years to find the original sites where chemical elements were found. “You have to be excited about what you’re doing. You’ve got to have a hunger for it,” Marshall said. Chemistry labs at UNT encourage students to come up with answers for problems themselves instead of following a strict methodology, chemistry graduate

to the museum. “ The Texas Mussel Watch is a group of citizen scientists who take it upon themselves to learn about mussels and use that knowledge to monitor the environment in their local areas. Marsha May is the Texas Mussel Watch Coordinator with Texas Parks & Wildlife Department based in Austin, TX. “Documenting data collection is very important, not only for tracking ecological elements but also for keeping up with endangered species,” May said. “There are species we know so little about, and we need to gain a better understanding of what’s out there. Collections like the one at UNT are certainly helpful.” Colleen VonEhr is a second year biology master’s student

Comic Continued from Page 1

35 YEARS OF CHANGING LIVES Intensive English Language Institute @

Friday, March 30, 2012

“They changed the book select ion process for t he summer I taught it,” said Julie Saffel of the English department. “During summer it’s hard to hold attention, so I wanted something the students would relate to.” All interviewed professors

student Carrie Moore said. “I once had to extract a dye from tomato paste,” Moore said. “Instead of a lab manual saying, ‘Do this, this and this,’ I had to create my own way of doing it.” New ideas from students are what keep the professors on their toes and advances chemistry, Marshall said. “Albert Einstein was young when he came up with his theory of relativity and ideas of

quantum mechanics,” Marshall said. “Younger people can look at things in a different way than someone who’s been teaching for years.” Chemists need a strong background in math, Moore said. Adaptability to new discoveries and technologies is also important, Mason said. “Chemistry changes continually,” Mason said. “It’s a lot of fun.”


Biology master’s student Sarah Hammontree holds a pistol grip, a species of freshwater mussel with bumpy texture. Hammontree works with biology professor James Kennedy to catalog samples in the UNT Digital Library. who did much of the digitizing of the collection. “It is a historical collection,” VonEhr said. “Mussels are a good indicator species because they

are so sensitive to changes, and as we pour pollutants into our environment, this helps us see the bigger picture of the impact we are actually having.”

stressed the importance of solid ties between popular literature and the original text in order to not only engage students but ensure they are learning. “There’s always a fine line between what is scholarly and trash,” Saffel said. “Some people enjoy that type of learning that incorporates current media, and some enjoy a more traditional learning style.” T houg h t he c a se may be made against the use of

popu la r literature in t he academic realm, throughout time books once not considered as classroom material have been studied as references to different time periods, such as “Valley of the Dolls,” a 1960s bestseller depicting the lives of the rich and famous dressed up through fiction. “This is how Shakespeare started,” Treat said. “They used to call his work ‘trash pop literature.’”

Correction In Wednesday’s edition of the North Texas Daily, the article “UNT to add six electric vehicle charging stations” stated the We Mean Green Fund subcommittee will pay ECOtality a total of $65,737 for electrical and data work, excavation, repaving, restriping and

the required signage. ECOtality will provide the equipment and cables free of charge and also grant UNT $13,500 for installation. The WMGF will pay $65,737 to UNT Facilities for the work, not ECOtality. The Daily regrets this error.

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Friday, March 30, 2012 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor

Page 3 blew7@hotmail.com

McCarroll helps team on and off diamond Profile BRETT MEDEIROS Senior Staff Writer


Sophomore pitcher Lauren Poole winds up to pitch to a teammate at practice at Lovelace Stadium on Thursday morning.

Mean Green returns to Lovelace Softball A LISON ELDRIDGE Senior Staff Writer

After a five-game road stretch, the Mean Green softball team (13-17,4-5) will start its longest series of home games this season against the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers (21-12, 4-2) on Saturday. The Mean Green will play five games over the next two weeks at Lovelace Stadium – four against conference opponents. The opportunity to play at home can bring a significant advantage for UNT, who is 6-1 in home games this season, sophomore catcher Ashley McCarroll said. “The environment is a lot more enthusiastic.” she said. “It’s real intense, and I love everybody being here because it makes it a lot more exciting.” Offensively, the team has been consistent in its performance this season. The Mean Green has scored first in four of the last five games, and for the

second week in a row has been nationally ranked in number of home runs per game. Of the 300 schools ranked, UNT sits at No. 25, with .97 home runs per game. Though it has been strong

“The environment is a lot more enthusiastic.”

—Ashley McCarroll Sophomore catcher

behind the plate, UNT has struggled in extra innings, holding a 2-7 record in games played past the seventh inning, something the team has to be able to control, head coach T.J. Hubbard said. “I think the big focus for us is just closing out the games,” he said. “We’ve had the lead a lot and seem to find ourselves in a pressure situation of having

to win, instead of just playing with the lead and containing the other team.” Western Kentucky will bring a lot of speed both out of the box and on the bases, and its pitching staff won’t give the Mean Green many options at bat, Hubbard said. “We’ll have to make sure we maintain those speed kids to keep them off the bases, keep them from stealing bases, and we’ll have to be smart and patient at bat when we‘re finding our pitches,” he said. When the teams met last season, the Mean Green fell 2-1 to the Hilltoppers in the series. “We need to make sure we solidify a spot in conference,” sophomore pitcher Ashley Kirk said. “We need to take care of business and the little things as a team like taking care of the bunts, getting base plays, getting those routine plays, and the rest will fall in place.” The series will start with a doubleheader Saturday at 2 p.m. and will conclude with a 12 p.m. game Sunday.

UNT focuses on rebuilding


Sophomore catcher Ashley McCarroll runs to catch the ball during softball practice on Tuesday morning at Lovelace Stadium. The softball team will play Western Kentucky University on Saturday in Denton. whole lot of outfielders out there to feel comfortable about, and her versatility was so helpful in that,” Hubbard said. “She definitely has the ability to fight for the open catcher spot next year, but she’s been doing so well for us in the field that maybe at this point it would be hard for me to take her out of that position.” McCarroll made her biggest impact at the plate, grabbing the attention of her teammates and coaches with her ability to hit the ball over the fence. This season, McCarroll is one of the top power hitters for the Mean Green with five long-balls in 82 plate appearances. Most of her damage is done from the plate when leading off the inning for UNT, where her batting average leaps to .400. “When she [McCarroll] gets a hold of the ball she can hit it pretty dang far, farther than me even,” senior catcher Caitlin Grimes said. “On top of that she’s even got a rocket of an arm. We call Mac ‘Bazooka’ because it’s just a cannon.”

Staff Writer

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The UNT volleyball team practices Wednesday to get ready to compete in the Houston Juniors College Invitational on Saturday in Houston. when something happens, we’re so excited. I think that turns into our advantage more than anything else.” For Godfrey, having the opportunity to play someone other than her teammates in practice is a motivating factor for the tournament. “We’re just itching to get out there and see how another team is going to play us for a competitive feel,” she said.

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Off the field was a tough transition for McCarroll, but the women of the softball team welcomed her with open arms. The change and comfort with her teammates is evident. After big hits, McCarroll can be seen dancing in the dugout, which has become a staple amongst her teammates. McCarroll has an extra year to become a part of the team than the average transfers who come to UNT prior to their junior season. That time will give McCarroll optimal time to influence the results of seasons to come.

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good for them to feel that winning experience early in their career so they can keep building from that and start and go up from there,” she said. Sophomore Eboni Godfrey said she doesn’t view being a young team in a negative manner. “The thing that I’ve noticed coming into college is that the older the girls get, the less you see that passion in the game,” she said. “Since we’re all young,

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When the UNT volleyball team travels to Houston on Saturday to compete in the Houston Juniors College Invitational, winning will not be the focus of the trip. The team’s main goal is to start building team chemistry and to try limiting its set and hitting errors. The Mean Green will face off against Houston, Rice, Sam Houston and Baylor at the Reliant Center in two-set games, as opposed to the normal threeset games like in the fall. Over the offseason the team lost six seniors, leaving May Allen the lone senior for the 2012-2013 season. “Each semester is like a new season to me,” head coach Ken Murczek said. “Yeah, we lost six seniors, but now we have a new crop, if you will, that will move up a year. It’s a different vibe in the gym because we have different players.” Allen said she wants her senior year to be one that helps change how others view the UNT volleyball program. “More than half the team is young kids, so I just think it’s

Coming from a family where baseball and softball is genetic, sophomore utility player Ashley McCarroll has been playing softball since she was five years old. Since then, with constant support from her family, McCarroll has been devoted to playing the sport for as long as possible. “I have been around the sport for a long time, and from the get-go you could tell all she wanted to do was to play the sport,” said Ashley’s father, Cary McCarroll. “We traveled all around when she was playing club ball, and she just truly loves the game.” A university close to her home in Forney, Texas, was ideal, but UNT was not her first stop. Recruited by both UNT and University of Texas at Arlington out of high school, McCarroll chose the Mavericks over the Mean Green. After one year in Arlington, she found that it was not the right fit. “Honestly I just wasn’t really happy there. It was just time for a change,” McCarroll said. McCarroll played her first game for the Mean Green at the beginning of the spring season, and her impact was felt early. McCarroll’s experience in playing every position except pitcher and first base was utilized immediately by UNT head coach T.J. Hubbard. Because of her versatility, McCarroll found an everyday spot in the lineup. “We really just didn’t have a

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4 6

8 3 7 7 6 55 Elegance 34 Make good on 56 Note next to a red4 2 35 However, briefly F, maybe 3 36 Blabbed 8 57 Miscue 40 Plug end? 4 6 2 5 43 Railroad crossing 59 Circular road 9 60 Frothy4traditional 44 "That hurt my 8 3 7 7 1 beverage6 5 feelings!" 7 6 2 3 1 46 Code of conduct 61 "__ of 2 5 Destruction": 5 47 Visibly furious 4 2 4 1 1965 protest song 49 Cook on the range 3 8 62 Pallid 6 V. EASY 4 64 Peeples of 52 Conspires 9 kitten-style 1 7 "Fame" 53 Poke, 6 5 7 1 8 5 3 6Homes Luxury2Apartment 4 1 7 9 V. EASY 1 # 779 7 23 6 4 6 2 5offering 5 9 4on 3 9 4 units. 4 6Now 2 5student housing 5 select 2 8 3 7 84 3 7 4 7 5 4 5 4 Call7for details! 7 3 61 Just 2 Denton 9 8 76 2 2 minutes 3 1 2 97UNT 8 1 7 91 4 1 from and 4 2 9 6 2 9available! 4 2 5 1, 2 and 5 3 Bedrooms 61 5 2 1 57 6 1 9 7 6 2 3 8 5 Specials! 36 84 6 4 Great 56 67 7 5 2 6 9 8 9 8 4 9 8 46 3 9 9 1 7 1 7 6 3 6 4891 Masch Branch Road | Krum, TX 76249 | 940.482.8287 6 5 7 61 5 2 7 18 Fax 940.482.8288 8 1 | www.estatevillaskrum.com 1 3 28 27 3 4 8 7 3 8 2 5 3 26 7 9 9 47 19 4 7 5 3 6 4 1 3 4 1 8 67 1 8 2 66 1 8 2V. EASY 2 4 1 7 9 7 9 5 3 8 7 6 1 FREE5 9 3 8 Daily (940)565-2851 GREEN 1 3 4 6 7 (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


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# 77

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Burst of Balloons The World Balloon Convention featured more than 600 creators showcasing one of art’s newest forms. Pg. 4


ILY, March 30 , 20

12 VOLUME 99

, ISSUE 10



DIY: Customize a Koozie for your next event

Page 3




World Balloon Convention highlights a new art form

Page 4

Christina Mlynski, Scene Editor

Day in the Life of a music producer

Page 6


Talking with the cast of the million-dollar franchise

Palio’s Pizza Cafe gets pied in the face by Food Snobs

Page 8

Page 7


LifeSCENE that’s a class


Popular Music in American Culture Class: MUET 3020 Subject Matter: Popular Music in American Culture Better Known As: The Music of America

Required Texts: “MUET 3020: Popular Music in American Culture” by Thomas Sovík (the professor)

L EIGH DA NIELS Staff Writer

Elv is Presley is t he K ing of Rock ‘n’ Roll, The Beatles established the pop-rock genre, and

Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin was the first one to write songs about sex, drugs and music. Musical misconceptions such as these are dismissed in MUET

3020, a lso k now n as Popu la r Music in American Culture. The class is offered during the fall and spring semesters and honors the impact music has made on American society – in both the past and present. “We study the music, histor y a nd c u lt u re so we have t he ac adem ic pa r t, but we a l so have the students put together talent shows and game shows,” professor Thomas Soví k said. One of Sovík’s teaching assistants, Jordan Tucker, said that the class is structured to chronologically explore music genres, starting with Tin Pan Alley and ending with pop music of the recent years. “I think you get a lot more than the music out of the class, because you get the culture and the histor y too,” he said.

DI :Duct tape Koozies


At functions and parties, it’s easy to mix up drinks and forget which one is yours. Diminish that problem with a personalized duct tape Koozie. There are numerous styles of duct tape to choose from, so everyone can find a design they like. It takes about 15 minutes to make a Koozie. The supplies should cost $10. The price of duct tape will vary, depending on how decorative the design is. Things you’ll need Duct tape Scissors Soda can Take the duct tape and cut three 10-inch pieces. Wrap one strip of duct tape around the can, with the sticky side facing out. Do this with the other two, overlapping about half an inch. Make sure that the last strip does not go over the top of the can. Now cut two 5-inch strips of the

Friday 3.30.2012

Tucker said the class is great for bot h mu sic m ajor s a nd non-music majors because the course’s content is entertaining and interesting. Sovík has taught the class for 25 years and also wrote his own textbook for the course. Publishing company McGrawHill Education purchased the course in 2010 to distribute it to other universities internationally, according to Sovík’s biography on UNT’s website. Sovík lectures from the front of the recital hall in the College of Music while his TAs film the lect u re so he ca n st rea m h is cla ss t h roug h podc a st s a nd videocasts. These podcasts and videocasts are used for the online version of the class. Both his students and his TAs


agree that Sovík is the best part of the class because of his entertaining mannerisms. “I like music so I figured this class would be a good fit, and the professor is very interesting and blunt,” pre-psycholog y sophomore Lauren Martinez said. W hile the lectures are about ex plor i ng t he va r ious gen res of popular music in A merica, students also get the opportunity to participate in and create various types of shows, including the Vaudeville show. Sovík said he enjoys working with his students to put on the $5 Vaudeville show – a performance that showcases a variety of a mateur ta lent – which he said sells out the Lyceum each year. The show is open to the public and will be in April.

Intramural S P O R T S





Wrap the decorative duct tape around the inside out duct tape, sticking them together. This will create the outside of the Koozie.

League $25/ team REGISTER:

March 12 - April 3

same style of duct tape. Take one and place it on the bottom side of the can to create the bottom of the Koozie. Leave the duct tape sticky side up. Since the tape will be hard to fold down, cut slits on each side where it meets the edge and fold the tape dowan so it’s smooth. Now do the same thing with the duct tape that you want to use to decorate your Koozie. Cut three 10-inch pieces and two 5-inch pieces.

Start with the two bottom pieces, so you can hide the sticky side of the tape coming up with the other strips. Put all five pieces on exactly how you did with the bottom layer, except have the design facing out. Once you are done, cut a small hole in the bottom so it’s easy to put your drinks in the Koozie. The personalized duct tape Koozies make great gifts or drink identifiers at a party.


CAPTAIN S MEETING: April 4, 5 pm

CAPTAIN S MEETING: women s, men s, & co-rec leagues

women s, men s, & co-rec leagues


March 14, 5pm



Friday 3.30.2012


Friday 3.30.2012


The World Balloon Convention floats into Dallas to showcase a rising art form A SHLEY GRANT

Senior Staff Writer Close to reaching the ceiling of the Sheraton Da llas Hotel, a sleeping angel lies on a bed of light pink clouds, with two white columns trimmed in gold standing on either side of the gentle giant. The sculpture is made entirely of latex and foil balloons and is one of many pieces constructed by 625 professional balloon artists from 47 different countries who came together for the third annual World Balloon Convention and Festival of Balloons from March 21-25. The World Balloon Convention is geared toward the education of artists, while the Festival of Balloons welcomed viewers on March 25 to share in the excitement and admire the balloon artwork, said Amanda Dolechek, e d it or a t P i on e e r B a l l o on Company. “ We put t h i s c onvent ion together to help educate balloon a r t i st s a nd ba l loon professionals on various techniques and marketing strategies so they can make more money,” she said. “The festival is designed to give the public a chance to see all of these incredible works and what’s possible with balloons.” Aside from the large sculptures, several tables were lined with themed arrangements ranging from baby showers to birthdays. There were nine categories in which artists could sign up to compete. One of the newest categories in this year’s convention was the “Balloon Fashion” competition, which showcased one main article of clothing – mostly dresses. Niko Fric, a 12-year-certified ba lloon a rtist from Slovenia, took second place for his long dress made of gray and black balloons. “I started out as a magician doing shows for kids and was

The second-place large sculpture was designed by certified balloon artist Masako Nomura of FuwaFuwa Co. Ltd. in Okayama, Japan. making simple figures, like dogs,” Fric said. “Then I started making bigger figures and using five to ten balloons. Then I went on to compete in contests. Fric said he became interested in the art of balloon fashion six years ago and has worked on fashion shows in Dubai, Shanghai, Las Vegas and New York City.

Convention publicist Sandy Bell said Fric has really elevated balloon art to high art. “His work is the couture of balloons,” she said. T he or ga n i z i ng compa ny, balloon manufacturer Qualatex, a lso had a couple of ba lloon artists come to the public viewing to create figures on the spot.

Each artist had their own tank and messenger bag filled with balloons. “There’s a high level of technical ability that goes into making these pieces of art, and they learn those things at the convention,” Bell said. T he a r t ist s, some com i ng from countries such as Bahrain,


Japan and Switzerland, met at The Sheraton Da llas Hotel to take classes and learn from other professionals. Japanese artist Azusa Ieizumi was commissioned to create a “Welcome” piece covering most of the wall at the main entrance to the Sheraton Hotel. A rtists were a lso given the


The first-place large sculpture was designed by certified balloon artist Akane Shibata, of Bunny’s Balloon Factory in Shizuoka, Japan. opportunity to take the Certified Balloon Artist exam. The CBA exam requires testtakers to watch several balloonmaking videos. Once that portion is completed, artists then demonstrate their k nowledge of the videos. Dallas resident Brenely Barroso came to the Festival of Balloons

with her sister, who’s a balloon enthusiast. “It’s breathtaking to see all of this can be done with only balloons,” she said. The artists enjoy what they do, and the medium in which they work with makes it better. “We’re all kids at heart,” Fric said.

The first convention and festival in 2010 drew a crowd of about 10,000, and the line w rapped around the building. “From what we’ve heard from the artists, everything ran pretty smoothly this year,” Dolechek said. “We learned from the first one to have more security so children don’t try to take the figures


Yuka Yamakita of Global E Network in Tokyo, Japan, took first place in the Balloon Fashion category at the Festival of Balloons on Sunday. or pop them.” In the future, Dolechek said this is something they hope to put together every two years. The next one will be held in Denver, Colo. “Hopefully, a new appreciation [is gained] for the industry and the artists in it,” she said. “We don’t want people to think

of a balloon tied on a string or a simple bouquet. We want them to know that there’s no end to what can be done with balloons.”



Friday 3.30.2012

Horsin’ around

Photo by Jordan Foster/Intern

Panhandle House owner and producer Erik Herbst sits in his studio before running a program on the soundboard. Herbst graduated from UNT with a degree in music.

A day in the life.... Photo by Jordan Priest/Contributing Photographer

Dancers in colorful, 150-pound Soundsuits dance to the beat of the drum line. More than 800 people worked to bring everything together for the performance.

LUKE A. WILLIAMS Attorney At Law

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Nadia Hill Staff Writer

Encased in a glass studio, Erik Herbst’s nimble fingers move along the soundboard, piecing together harmonies and vocals to create music — the heart of his startup production company, Panhandle House. UNT alumnus Herbst is a selftaught music producer, who made mini-demos at a young age. His company has created music with big-name bands like The Eagles and Josh Abbott Band. “It’s like cooking with audio,� he said. “You know how it’s supposed to taste and the basic ingredients involved, but you’re massaging it until you get the taste you want.� Most of Herbst’s projects take about six weeks, including meetings with the artists to discuss logistics, as well as actual recording time in the studio. Pre-production is the collaboration between the artist and Herbst. This involves deciding how

[ of a music producer ]

the music will sound and to what extent he will be involved in the process. From there, musicians jam out in the studio, and Herbst works the soundboard, committing to twelve-hour work days. “I really like seeing all of it come together,� Herbst said. “The ‘a-ha moment’ for me is in the mixing phase, when I’m making the sum of the parts bigger than it was. It’s where you feel like you were put on earth to do certain things.� W h i le mu sicia n s rely on producers to make their music accessible, producers need musicians in order to build a name for their business. “Producers can actually help make the album and then also shape the band and take creative energies to streamline their sound,� said Kaleo Kaualoku, Recycled Books employee and local music manager. “Very few actually do promotion work.� This changes the game for some artists, like bassist and UNT music

professor Lynn Seaton. Seaton said he and his self-named trio recorded an album at Panhandle House in 2005. “Everyone has eccentricities,� Seaton said. “It’s different when you’re a side person working on someone else’s project because some people have a larger thumb they want to put down on the music. When you’re hired for jazz, though, usually they want you to be you.� Business comes in waves for Herbst. He’s said he’s seen costs for album production as low as $5,000 and as high as $90,000. While Herbst admits that basic production technology can be easily done at home, he said it makes a difference to go to a studio and work with someone. “There’s a command of skills you need to put audio together to elicit an emotional response,� he said. “Great music has feeling built into it, but audio can make or break that sound.�


Friday 3.30.2012


“The Hunger Games” cast talks stardom, crushes A SHLEY GRANT

You’ve had other concussions before, right? Josh Hutcherson: “Yes, from doing crazy stuff over the years and being a daredevil.” Isabelle Fuhrman: “And from being a boy.” Josh Hutcherson: “That, too. And trying to jump over things that you can’t make.”

Senior Staff Writer The anticipation for “The Hunger Games” was evident when the movie raked an estimated $150 million opening weekend. The book-to-movie series focuses on a televised battle forcing the world to see who can survive in a postapocalyptic realm. The NT Daily got a chance to sit down with three cast members f rom “T he Hu nger Ga mes :” Jacqueline Emerson (“Foxface”), Isabelle Fuhrman (“Clove”) and Josh Hutcherson (“Peeta”). OK, so you guys are considered the hottest people in town, do you feel the excitement? Jacqueline Emerson: “I felt the excitement, definitely. It’s exciting on set, for me, because of everyone else. You see it on the news and see videos of people going to malls. I never expected this to happen. It’s


Caesar Flickerman (Stanley Tucci, left) and Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) star in “The Hunger Games.” something I’ve always dreamed about, but [I] never actually thought that it would happen. When you were shooting, Josh, I heard that you ended up with a concussion. Josh Hutcherson: “Yes, Jennifer kicked me in the head. She told me she would kick over my head,

Hemsworth chat BRITTNI BARNETT Senior Staff Writer

“The Hunger Games” is a series of novels set in a futuristic world gone awry. After rebelling against their leaders in The Capitol, the 12 districts of the world are forced to send one woman and one man to the annual Hunger Games, where they must fight to the death. The movie based on the first novel earned an estimated $150 million during its opening weekend, making it the third-largest debut in terms of revenue ever. The NT Daily got a chance to sit down with Liam Hemsworth (“Gale Hawthorne”). “ The Hunger Games” is filled with some really heavy material, but it still appeals to younger audiences. How did you guys walk that line in the film, and how did you achieve actuality on set?

L i a m Hemsworth: The thing about the books and the mov ies is t he mov ie is ver y, very similar to the books, and LIAM the violence in it HEMSWORTH is not glorified in any way. It’s about these children who are caught in this horrible situation. Most of these children in there, they are these young adults so they don’t want to kill, and the people in these districts don’t want to watch them. It’s not entertainment to them. It’s their family and friends, and they’re probably not going to come home, and so it’s not glorified in any way.

To read more, visit NTDaily.com

like that was how high her kicks were, and she decided to show me. She got me right on the side of my head, and it was a pretty full-force kick, actually. It took me down to the ground. I was fine, and even though I had a concussion, I wasn’t in that much pain. She was in tears, and I felt awful. I guess that’s the dangerous life of an actor.”

You’ve got all these celebrities that you’ve befriended now. Who was someone that you looked up to in the industry? Jacqueline Emerson: “Mer yl Streep, because she’s so talented. I’m not going to lie, I may have cried a little bit when she got her Oscar. I also love Viola Davis and her work in “The Help.” Isabelle Fuhrman: “I love old movies, they’re my favorite, and Audrey Hepburn just brings life to the screen when you see her. She’s just a classy person.”

Josh Hutcherson: “Ryan Gosling is someone I really look up to and respect in the industry, because he’s got a lot of versatility in the roles he takes on.” Celebrity crushes. Who are they and why? Isabelle Fuhrman: “I don’t have any. I really think you have to know someone in order to have a crush on them. Now, I think there are a lot of celebrities that are attractive. I think [Andrew] Garfield is very attractive.” Josh Hutcherson: “Based purely on physical appearance, I’m going to go with Kate Upton, the Sports Illustrated model. I think she’s gorgeous. Jacqueline Emerson: “Ryan Gosling, probably. Not only is he dreamy, but he’s also very talented, and I’m one of those people that falls in love with talent just as much as looks.”

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Friday 3.30.2012

FOOD SNOBS Palio’s Pizza Cafe 1716 S. Loop 288 Suite 110 Denton, Texas 76205 Monday - Sunday: 11am -10pm Did You Know? Palio’s Pizza Cafe encourages patrons to B.Y.O.B. I an Jacoby

Views Editor Palio’s Pizza Cafe, located off Loop 288, prov ides a friendly staff and a decent atmosphere. While the restaurant prides itself on ser v ing “gou r met pi z zas,” customers will find this to be an empty promise, with food that is underwhelming and leaves one

a bit hungr y. A f ter wa lk ing up to the counter, patrons are Cleanliness immediately greeted by Service welcom i ng sta f f, who Food t a k e t he c u s t omer ’s Price order and hands them Environment a nu mber. T here’s a n ice pat io a rea t hat, disappointingly, offers a terrible view of a busy road, spinach, mushrooms, roasted a W hataburger and a shopping c h i c k e n , a nd c h e d d a r a nd mozzarella cheeses­. center. T he g luten-f ree cr u st w a s The atmosphere of Palio’s isn’t awful, but being connected to thin and prett y tast y, but the a Popeye’s Ch icken g ives t he toppings brought one, ver y sad whole thing a very “franchised” word to mind: bland. T he A l f re do s auc e w a sn’t feel. T he food c a me out f a i rl y creamy and was in fact a tad quickly, along with a cold beer, reminiscent of glue. The spinach, which was the highlight of the woefully placed on the very top meal. Palio’s has an assortment layer, came out of the oven black of high quality brews to choose a nd cr ispy. T he ch icken wa s from. Keeping with the Italian dull as well, w ith no discerntheme, a Peroni was a nice match ible seasoning. It might as well have been roasted tof u. The with the pizza. There are many varieties of mush rooms were dehyd rated pi z za opt ions, i nclud i ng t he a nd of fered a n u nappet i zi ng Grace’s A lfredo – a thin-crust and unexpected crunch. At $11.99 for a medium pizza, pizza covered in Alfredo sauce,

Palio’s Pizza Cafe

Photo by Stephanie Mulcihy/Staff Photographer

Palio’s Pizza Cafe has offered the Denton community fresh and made-to-order pizzas for three years. The Mean Green specialty pizza is a top seller and includes ingredients such as pesto, Alfredo sauce, Canadian bacon and lemon juice. the pricing isn’t too terrible, but it a lso isn’t wort h customers’ time. However, Palio’s is on to something w ith their BYOB policy, which is a great way to dine out a nd save some money— especially on a college budget.

Palio’s doesn’t quite have the recipe down for what makes a successful pizzeria. W hat they could use is less piano music, a location that isn’t nestled into the suburban setting off Loop 288 and a much, much better product.




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