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Time for Tea
The Chesnut Tree isn’t an average tea room SCENE | Page 8
Friday, March 9, 2012
News 1, 2, 3 Sports 4,5 Classifieds 6 Games 6 SCENE Insert
Volume 99 | Issue 32
UNT student reported missing
The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
35 Denton Festival plugs in
Brief NICOLE BALDERAS Senior Staff Writer
UNT Police began an investigation on 18-year-old UNT student Rebekah Arenaz after she wa s repor ted m issi ng March 2. A rena z is about 5-foot-4 w it h da rk brow n ha ir a nd “bluish-green eyes,” according to Calaia Jackson, business senior and friend of Arenaz. “We received a report on her regarding she hadn’t been heard from in several days,” said Ed Reynolds, UNT deputy chief of police. Police received informat ion stat i ng A rena z m ig ht be in Laredo, Texas, which is believed to be her hometown. Police spoke with a high school friend of Arenaz as well as her boyfriend. “Her friend said she saw her in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and indicated to us that she was fine,” Reynolds said. “It is my understanding that none of her family members have commun i c a t e d w i t h h e r,” Reynolds said. A full investigat i v e r e p or t is still under REBEKAH review. ARENAZ
Members of the punk band Final Club Brenndon Abalos, Chris Pickering, David Broderick and Anthony Manganaro perform at The Labb as part of the first night of 35 Denton, a four-day walkable musical festival, Thursday. Final Club blends a sound of psychedelic rock with punk influence. Other artists featured at 35 Denton include Bun B, The Mountain Goats, Best Coast and The Jesus and Mary Chain.
Check out the SCENE pages 4 & 5
UNT Legal Services saves students fees H AYLEE HOWARD
Contributing Writer
Pre-psychology freshman Elizaveta Loran picks up her mail Thursday in the Eagle Express, Room 215C of the Union. UNT’s mail system is managed by private company Pitney Bowes, not the U.S. Postal Service, meaning the budget cuts and closures would not affect the UNT post office.
UNT post office avoids USPS cuts the changes have not become official. “Due to mainly faster ways NICHOLAS CAIN to communicate such as email, Intern many of our services are not UNT’s post office will not being used, and in the past few be affected by proposed U.S. years we have been noticing Postal Service budget cuts and a significant drop-off, especia lly in First-Class Mail,” branch closures. A pla n was proposed in USPS spokesman Sam Bolen Febr ua r y t hat wou ld see said. U N T’s m a i l s y s tem i s USPS lay off more than 35,000 employees as well as consoli- managed by private company date more than 200 branches Pitney Bowes, not the USPS, meaning the budget cuts and nationwide. The proposal is pending, and closures would not affect the
UNT post office. USPS has noticed a decline of about 25 percent in the use of First-Class mailing services throughout the country since 2006, according to Bolen. “We will be changing service standards, hoping to produce ma ny more ef f icient ways to better meet the needs of their customers,” Bolen said. “There will be no more overnight deliver y any where in the country, otherwise there should not be any delay in mail.”
Eagle Express Mail Center Located in: University Union Room 215C Open: Monday-Saturday (hours vary) Contact: (940) 369-8567
UNT’s Student Legal Services sees 20 to 25 students per week, but SLS hopes to increase that number. In an effort to reach out to students, the office has been taking some creative approaches, including each member of the office taking turns updating the center’s Facebook page and participating in videos posted online about what the center offers. “We want students to know who we are and send them on an ‘ask quest,’” attorney and SLS director Kathryn McCauley said. “We guide students through the legal process, and we also want to provide them with some education.” SLS has saved students an estimated $1.25 million in legal fees in the past nine years, with $130,000 saved in 2011 alone, according to McCauley. Assistants help students break leases, go through divorces and create wills. McCauley has 18 years of legal experience and has spent 11 of those years presiding over the Student Legal Services at UNT. “We like to think we are doing [the students] a service with the fees they pay, because it is basically free,” McCauley said. McCauley said students with landlord issues make up the majority of who comes into the office. “When I see a pattern, like landlords who are egregious, I get them to see the light,” McCauley said. “I feel legally
and professionally obligated to take action. Our rationale is to deter future bad behavior [of l a n d - KATHRYN lords].” McCAULEY Administrative coordinator Hannah Clark has been working at Student Legal Services since 2008 and decided to stay after her December 2011 graduation. “Working here has given me
“We want students to know who we are ...” —Kathryn McCauley Student Legal Services director a newfound appreciation for lawyers and the legal practice,” Clark said. Me r c h a n d i s i n g j u n i or Courtney Gordon said the office helped her get out of her lease. “I had an awful landlord, and he really wasn’t holding up his end of the contract,” Gordon said. “I went to [Student Legal Services] and the lawyer went through the lease with me, and I was out by the end of the month.” The UNT Student Legal Services is available for appointments or walk-ins Wednesdays 1:30-3:30 p.m. and Thursdays 10 a.m.- noon.
Inside Class works with at-risk children News | Page 2
Tennis team seeking revenge in weekend matches Sports | Page 5
35 Denton features food trucks for the first time Scene | Page 7
Page 2 Paul Bottoni and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors
Next Issue Look in Tuesday’s edition of the North Texas Daily for more on: • The Denton mayoral candidates • A theft at the Pohl Recreation Center • An inside look at academics in Mean Green Athletics
Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Sean Gorman Managing Editor .............................................Paul Bottoni Assigning Editor ............................................Valerie Gonzalez Arts and Life Editor ........................................Alex Macon Scene Editor.......................................Christina Mlynski Sports Editor ...................................................Bobby Lewis Views Editor .................................................Ian Jacoby Visuals Editor ....................................................Tyler Cleveland Multimedia Editor....................................................Daisy Silos Copy Chief ....................................................Jessica Davis Design Editor ............................................... Stacy Powers
Senior Staff Writers Nicole Balderas, Holly Harvey, Brittni Barnett, Ashley Grant, Brett Medeiros, Alison Eldridge Senior Staff Photographer Chelsea Stratso
Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Taylon Chandler, Elisa Dibble GAB Room 117 Phone: (940) 565-2353
Fax: (940) 565-3573
Friday, March 9, 2012
Class offers social work experience BEN PEYTON Intern
Students in UNT’s Social Work Practice III class are working hand in hand with nonprof it orga n i zat ion Communities In School (CIS) to help at-risk youth. The SOWK 4810 class offers students community experience for social workers. The class chose CIS to be t he spr ing semester’s sponsor organization. Organizations the class has worked with in the past include Austin Street Center for the Homeless and A lly’s House, according to Ken net h Sm it h, t he cla ss instructor. “The Practice III project is just experiential learning on steroids,� said Smith, rehabilitation, social works and addictions professor. “It gives them [students] not only a practice experience but also a structure and managerial experience as well.� CIS works w it hin public school systems to prov ide st udent s w it h suppor t to ensure they stay in school. The North Texas area CIS chapter includes the Denton Independent School District,
Social work seniors Jaz Counts, Joann Joseph, Brianne Gulley, Shatoria Mallett and Synthia Stewart (front) of Community in Schools pose for a photo Feb. 27 with posters to raise awareness for college. among others, and provides programs on dropout prevention, mentoring and afterschool activities. St udents i n SOW K 4810 each have the task of running an event to aid the CIS and their efforts. One way is by ga i n i ng rest au ra nt sponsors to help host fundraising events.
SOW K 4810 has held si x f u nd r a i s i n g e v ent s w it h $1,095 raised t hus far t his semester for CIS. The class has set a goal to raise $7,000 for the nonprofit organization by the end of the semester. Social work senior Becca McCall will host an ice cream socia l at Bet h Ma r ie’s on April 10 from 7-10 p.m., with
a por t ion of t he proceeds going to CIS. “We get to work hand-inhand with the organization and so were getting to learn from actual social workers in the field,� McCall said. The nex t project for t he class is working with CIS on a school supply drive on UNT’s campus March 12-16.
Senate OK’s states receiving spill fines WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate approved Thursday using the bulk of water pollution fines stemming from the 2010 Gulf oil spill to pay for restoration in five Gulf states, a move hailed by environmental groups and state officials. The money is tied to a transportation bill that the Senate still must pass.
BP PLC could be fined between $5.4 billion to $21.1 billion under the Clean Water Act, depending on whether the company is found grossly negligent. Clean Water Act fines typically go into a fund to pay for oil spill cleanup costs and damages, but under the Senate provision 80 percent of the fines would
be divided among Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and Texas. The measure cleared the Senate 76-22 as part of a larger transportation bill. Gulf Coast politicians lobbied hard to get the funds. “This bipartisan legislation directs support to the Gulf States where it is needed,� said U.S.
Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss. Environmental groups called the vote a major victory. “When was the last time we had 76 votes in the Senate, let alone 76 votes on a bill to invest billions in restoring one of America’s most treasured landscapes?� said Paul Harrison of the Environmental Defense Fund.
Friday, March 9, 2012 Paul Bottoni and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors
Hookah bar study hall
Photo by Patrick Howard/ Staff Photographer
Kush employees Blake Wade and Austin Lawson smoke hookah. “We turn the main lights on and the music down for the study hours,” Wade said Monday night. To watch multimedia visit
Page 3
National/Regional news briefs Staff and wire reports NATIONAL
Nurse aide posted Facebook photos of patients
Drought map shows Texas got drier in past week
PORTLAND, Ore. — An Oregon nursing assistant spent eight days in jail after a jury found her guilty of taking disturbing photos of elderly or disabled patients and posting them to her Facebook wall. A jury convicted Nai Mai Chao, 26, of invasion of personal privacy late last month. She was released from prison on Friday. She was accused of taking graphic photos of patients using bed pans and posting them on Facebook. The pictures date to April 2011. Chao surrendered her nursing certificate in January and was fired from the Regency Pacific Nursing and Rehab Center in the Portland suburb of Gresham. In addition to the jail time, she was ordered to write a 1,000-word apology to a patient. If the essay doesn’t meet that standard, the judge ruled, she could be charged with violating her two-year probation. She is also forbidden for two years from working in a job that would require her to care for children or the elderly.
LUBBOCK, Texas — Parts of Texas have grown drier as a lack of substantial rains and windy conditions have led to less moisture in the soil. The U.S. Drought Monitor map released Thursday indicates more of West Texas slipped back into the worst drought stage the past week. Statewide, 20.6 percent was in exceptional drought, up from 14.7 percent last week. But rain was forecast for much of the state in the coming days. The only area in exceptional drought east of Interstate 35 is in South Texas along the Gulf Coast. No drought exists in about 6 percent of Texas. Recent rains helped ease the Dallas-Fort Worth area and other parts of Texas out of the drought. L a st yea r wa s t he state’s d r iest on record.
One in five US high school students now smokes, report says
Michael Robinson Chavez/Los Angeles Times/MCT
Gordon Wardell tends the bee hives for Paramount Farming Co. in Lost Hills, California, on February 17, 2012. Because of their importance in pollinating plants, the company employes entomologist Wardell to care for the bees.
For rent: Hundreds of thousands of honeybees (MCT) LOST HILLS, Calif. – Almond trees are exploding with pink and white blossoms across the vast Central Valley, marking the start of the growing season for California’s most valuable farm export. Toiling among the blooms are the migrant workers that will make or break this year’s crop: honeybees. The insects carry the pollen and genetic material needed to turn flowers into nuts as they flit from tree to tree. It’s a natural process that no machine can replicate. But it can’t be left to chance. Bees are too integral to the fortunes of California’s nearly $3-billion-a-year almond industry. So each year beginning in early February, hundreds of beekeepers from around the country converge on California’s almond farms with their hives in tow. Lasting about four weeks, it’s the largest such pollination effort on Earth: 1.6 million hives buzzing with 48 billion bees across a cultivation area about the size of Rhode Island. “Without the honeybees ... the [almond] industry doesn’t exist,” said Neal Williams, an entomologist and pollination ecologist at the University of California-Davis. “We need those bees. We need them to be reliable, and we need them at the right time.” But a mysterious malady known as colony collapse disorder has wreaked havoc on the U.S. bee population in recent years, stoking fears among almond producers and other farmers that depend on the insects for their livelihoods. Between 2003 and 2009, the number of bee colonies in California plunged 26 percent to 355,000, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Eric Mussen, another UC-Davis bee expert, said no agency has a
precise count; he believes those federal hive statistics to be too low. Still, he too estimates that the state lost about a quarter of its hives over that time period. Although California bee populations have recovered a bit, almond farmers are still feeling the sting. Prices to rent bees have tripled since 2003-2004 to as much as $160 a hive because of tight supplies and rising expenses for beekeepers to keep their colonies healthy. Collectively, California growers will spend about $250 million on bees this year. Scientists believe that colony collapse disorder is a combination of ailments that includes mites, malnutrition, stress and fungi. Even in relatively normal years, those factors can claim a third of a hive’s population, said beekeeper Bryan Ashurst. A fifth-generation California beekeeper with 12,000 hives filled with about 360 million insects, Ashurst said the creatures are surprisingly delicate. “It takes time to build a hive,” Ashurst said. “But it can collapse really quickly.” Nowhere is the pollination process played out on a grander scale than at Paramount Farming Co., in Kern County about 145 miles northwest of Los Angeles. A unit of Los Angeles-based Roll Global – a privately held company owned by Stewart and Lynda Resnick, a billionaire businessphilanthropy power couple – Paramount is the world’s biggest almond grower with 47,000 acres under cultivation. “Almonds are our primary crop and the most critical because they bloom for a short period; it’s early in the season and we must have bees to pollinate,” said Paramount President Joe Macilvaine. “Lots of things can reduce almond yield – weather conditions, drought, insect infestations,” Macilvaine said. “But if
you don’t have the bees, you never get to begin.” This season, Paramount contracted with 26 beekeepers to bring in 92,000 hives from as far as Maine, Louisiana, Florida and the Carolinas. The rental expense represents 15 percent of the company’s total almond production cost. Maintaining a supply of healthy, top-quality bees is so challenging that Paramount employs its own staff entomologist, Gordon Wardell, who holds a doctorate in the field. He works with beekeepers and research scientists to develop reliable pollinators. Today, bees need more care and feeding because their oncenatural environment is more polluted and threatened by urbanization. As a result, some adult field bees die after just two or three weeks instead of their normal sixweek life span. They’re replaced by younger bees who are forced to leave the hive to gather nectar and pollen before reaching optimal strength. “It’s like sending (human) 6-year-olds to work at heavy construction,” Wardell said. To help their bees stay strong, beekeepers give their charges special foods laced with proteins and sugars. The diet helps them survive the winter and gives them the energy needed to fly long distances and work long hours spreading pollen. Beekeepers also have become adept at rejuvenating hives by splitting the populations and replacing ailing queens. The hard work is paying off. After hitting a low in 2007 of about 340,000 hives, according to the USDA, the number of managed bee colonies in California is rising. Other industry experts put the colonies at about 500,000, up from a low of around 400,000.
LOS ANGELES – Although teen smoking has declined, more than 3 million high school students and 600,000 middle school students still smoke cigarettes and are at risk of early lung and heart problems, according to a report issued Thursday by the U.S. surgeon general. The smoking rates among teenage high school students have dropped from 27.5 percent in 1994 to 19.5 percent now, but the decline has slowed in recent years. Nearly 90 percent of new smokers start before they turn 18 and three-quarters of high school smokers continue into adulthood, the report said. They are also more likely to get addicted because of their young age. “The addictive power of nicotine makes tobacco use much more than a passing phase for most teens,” Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin said in a statement.
Border patrol seizes more than nine tons of marijuana CARRIZO SPRINGS, Texas — Two truckers have been arrested in South Texas after their rigs yielded more than nine tons of marijuana worth nearly $15 million. Border Patrol officials say the loads were discovered during unrelated searches at the Carrizo Springs Station. Officials say a truck that appeared to be hauling large metal tanks included a hidden load of nearly 6 tons of marijuana. The other rig appeared to have a load of industrial lime sacks, but was concealing more than 3½ tons of marijuana. Authorities say the drivers, who are from Quinlan and San Diego, Texas, were arrested Saturday. Details of the busts were released Monday. Further information on the suspects was not immediately available.
Page 4 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor
Friday, March 9, 2012
UNT faces undefeated ULL in conference starter Softball A LISON ELDRIDGE Senior Staff Writer
After a month-long series of tournaments, the Mean Green softball team (8-10) will start conference play 2 p.m. tomorrow against the No. 11 Louisiana-Lafayette Ragin’ Cajuns in Lafayette, La. With a series w in, UNT would match its total conference series wins from all of last season. The Mean Green’s only conference series win of the 2011 season came when it took two of three games from Louisiana Monroe on April 16 and 17. ULL (19-0) was chosen in the Sun Belt Conference Preseason Coaches Poll as the favorite to win the 2012 Sun Belt Conference championship. The Ragin’ Cajuns have won both the conference regular season and the tournament championship 10 of the past 11 years. “They’re definitely a very
good team. They’ve played well all year this year,” head coach T.J. Hubbard said. “I think the biggest thing for us is being able to hit their pitching, and I think it’ll be key to keep some of their big players down.” In the teams’ lone series last season, ULL took two of three games from the Mean Green in Denton. “T he y ’re ou r toug he st opponent in t he Sun Belt Conference, but there’s kind of an upside to it because we have nothing to lose going against them,” senior catcher Caitlin Grimes said. “The key to this weekend though is just staying on point, solid defense all the way around and getting timely hits.” Grimes was named SBC co-Player of t he Week on Monday, a title that, while sha red w it h U L L ju n iot infielder Nerissa Myers, boosts her confidence, Grimes said. “It’s always nice to get recognized for the good things that you do, but honestly it’s
nothing more than another week for me,” she said. The opportunity to start the season with the chain of tournaments allowed the team’s younger members to build confidence and get used to playing multiple games at a time, Hubbard said. “It’s going to be huge because when you play a team three times in a weekend, you’re going to see a lot of those same experiences and same situations over and over again,” he said. “They have to be able to learn from that early on in the tournament part of the schedule.” The team will play fewer games each weekend, but the rest of the schedule means more, as SBC games count against conference standings. “It’s a little bit more intense for me, because it feels like I was preparing for my job,” junior pitcher Brittany Simmons said. “And right now this is my job. This is what we’re here for.”
Senior catcher Caitlin Grimes catches during the Mean Green’s 4-1 loss to Oklahoma on Feb. 29 at Lovelace Stadium. The Mean Green (8-10) will start conference play at 2 p.m. tomorrow against Louisiana-Lafayette in Lafayette, La. “The key to this weekend though is just staying on point, solid defense all the way around and getting timely hits,” Grimes said.
Amputee sets sights on Olympics Jones deserves credit for success HAVANA (AP) — Damian Lopez was 13 when he tried to untangle his kite from electrical wires dangling over a street corner and accidentally touched a highvoltage cable. The 13,000 volts that coursed through his body cost him both his forearms, melted much of the skin from his face and left him in a coma from which doctors predicted he would never emerge. “I could hear people saying, ‘This one won’t make it.’ But I fought and I came out of it,” Lopez said. After four months in the hospital, Lopez came home with
injuries so severe he had trouble walking, eating, speaking and even closing his eyes. Twenty-two years later, Lopez is close to realizing an unlikely dream by representing Cuba at the 2012 London Paralympics in cycling, the sport that he says kept him from drowning in self-pity and despair. “After the accident I didn’t want to leave the house, but some friends came looking for me to play. That was key,” Lopez said of his return to a go-go life of soccer, pigeon-raising, chess, pool, motorcycles and, most importantly, bicycles. “It’s the same today. I don’t
stop moving. I think I still have electricity in my arms,” he joked. It’s been a long, tough road to pedal, and Lopez said he owes a debt to many people, including an American woman named Tracy Lea, who raised money for equipment and airfare and arranged to bring him to New York for free facial reconstruction surgery. “I don’t have the words to thank Tracy. I owe her so much,” Lopez said. The two met in 2003 when Lea visited Cuba for a race where both participated. Lea, a 57-year-old consultant
35 YEARS OF CHANGING LIVES Intensive English Language Institute @
to nonprofit groups living in Taneytown, Maryland, got in touch with the National Fou ndat ion for Facia l Reconstruction in New York. Despite decades of poor relations between Cuba and the United States, she was finally able to bring him to New York in 2011 for four excruciating surgeries that cost nearly $500,000, performed pro-bono by the Foundation. Doctors worked to reconstruct his nose, chin, mouth and eyelids. Today he can eat easier and close his left eye, which makes it much easier to handle the rush of air when cycling at speed. “It was very painful. I went without sleeping for about seven days, but the care was the best,” Lopez said. Lea said other donations have come in as well. “It’s taken a global cycling village to make all this happen,” she said. Practically as soon as the last operation was completed in June, Lopez was back on the bike. Lopez finished 15th out of 20 in his category in the 1-kilometer time trial at last month’s world championships of paracycling in Los Angeles, and 19th in the pursuit. Even with better results, he started training too late to qualify automatically for the Paralympic games, and thus must seek a wild-card entry from international cycling officials. T he Cuba n C ycl i ng Federation is supporting Lopez’s bid for an invitation, and Lea said an answer is expected around midApril.
Opinion BRETT MEDEIROS Senior Staff Writer
For two consecutive years, this team has been mere minutes away from becoming champions. Rangers fans, does this ring a bell? Do not fret: you are no longer the only team in the Dallas/Fort Worth area that has struggled to close out the biggest game in the season. Even w it h t he W K U Hilltoppers sending UNT home early in the Sun Belt Conference Championship game last weekend, I find the Mean Green loss meaningless when compared to the road the team took to get to the finals. If someone had told me before the season that the Mean Green would reach the SBC Finals with two of its best players unavailable to play and Tony Mitchell averaging just 11 points in the tournament, I would have them locked up in an insane asylum. In basketball, we’ve all been brainwashed to think star power wins championships, but didn’t the Dallas Mavericks win the NBA Finals last year with team basketball against a team of stars? I cover this team and I should have seen this coming, but it went 4-5 in the final nine games of the season, as I predicted, and still made it to the conference title game, which I certainly did not predict. For the third consecutive season, the UNT men’s basketball team reached the Sun Belt Conference Final, and for the second consecutive season, it blew a late-game lead and was eliminated. However, both collapses show the greatness of the rosters and the coaching staff, the one factor I neglected
Brett Medeiros when making my midseason predictions. For two consecutive seasons, head coach Johnny Jones has taken the Mean Green to the SBC finals with teams that narrowly had more wins than losses in the regular season. I found this season’s campaign particularly astounding. UNT started the season without its best player, freshman forward Tony Mitchell. When he was finally able to join the team in December, the team’s two best guards, freshmen Chris Jones and Jordan Williams, became academically ineligible. Either of those hurdles would have crippled most teams, but Jones and the rest of the team’s staff got every player on the roster to step up and play well. The Mean Green performed above expectations, and much of the credit should go to Johnny Jones. Next season, the possible core of Mitchell, sophomore guard Alzee Williams, junior forward Jacob Holmen, junior guard Roger Franklin and returning guards Chris Jones and Williams could finally get the Mean Green over that final hump and back into the NCAA Tournament. Johnny Jones could make the Mean Green a force to be reckoned with in both the Sun Belt and the NCAA.
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Friday, March 9, 2012 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor
Page 5
Mean Green looking for Scott leading the pack retribution this weekend after opening round Tennis
Tyler Owens
Paula Dinuta
Staff Writer
The No. 64 Mean Green tennis team is out for revenge this weekend. UNT (9-5, 3-0) will host conference foe Denver today before it faces Louisville on Sunday. Both teams defeated the Mean Green last season. “We know these are two very difficult opponents, two teams that beat us when we were going through some tough times last year,” head coach Sujay Lama said. “We have a little payback type of attitude.”
Duel with Denver The Pioneers (8-5, 1-0) are the fourth conference opponent the Mean Green will face this season. In each of its first three Sun Belt Conference matches, UNT has come out victorious. DU started the season on a roll, going 5-0 in its first matches with victories over Arkansas State and Texas-El Paso. Since that streak, the Pioneers have gone 3-5, including being swept by ranked opponents Utah and Texas Tech. Last season, Denver beat UNT 4-0. The Pioneers are the last conference opponents the Mean Green will face until it hits the road to play Troy and Middle Tennessee on April 14 and 15 in UNT’s last matches of the season. The Mean Green and the Pioneers will start their match at 2 p.m. today at the Waranch Tennis Complex in Denton.
Sun Belt Player of the Week senior Paula Dinuta went 2-0 last week, including getting UNT’s only point in its 6-1 loss to Tulsa on March 2. Dinuta has now won three consecutive matches. She is the third UNT tennis player to get the honor this season, joining junior Ilona Serchenko and senior Nadia Lee.
“If we compete, I don’t care who it is, we will have a chance to win.”
—Sujay Lama Head coach, tennis
Clash with the Cardinals The Cardinals’ (5-6) victory against UNT last season came in a 7-0 sweep in Louisville, Ky.. The Cardinals are coming off a 4-3 loss against Miami (Ohio). “This weekend I think we have some revenge to seek, particularly the returning players,” senior Nadia Lee said. UNT has gone 4-1 at home this season, with its lone loss coming in a 7-0 loss to Stephen F. Austin in the Mean Green’s first home match of the season on Jan. 28. Louisville has gone 1-4 on the road this season. “I think we’ll be good,” freshman Kseniya Bardabush said.
“I think we’ve been inspired [lately].” T h e Cardinals have lost more games than they’ve won, PAULA but the team DINUTA hasn’t lost two consecutive matches since losing 5-2 to Stephen F. Austin on Jan. 21. “We know these are very good teams. They are well-coached, and we expect real battles,” Lama said. The match will start at 11 a.m. Sunday. “We aren’t going to change anything match-to-match. We try to have consistency,” Lama said. “If we compete, I don’t care who it is, we will have a chance to win.” Both matches are scheduled outdoors, but they may move to a different location and time if the weather forecast holds true. According to the National Weather Service, there is a 60 percent chance for rain Saturday and a 40 percent chance Sunday.
DORAL, Fla. (AP) — Playing only his sixth round of the year, Adam Scott faced a strong test Thursday at Doral and never looked better. In fierce and relentless wind on the TPC Blue Monster at Doral, Scott kept the ball in play and then hung on for dear life for a 6-under 66 that gave him a share of the lead with Jason Dufner in the Cadillac Championship. “When you’re in the fairway on a day like today, you get a chance to hit it somewhere near the hole, give yourself an opportunity,” Scott said. “If you’re in the rough, it’s very hard to even just hit the green, let alone give yourself a chance. I took advantage of the good shots early on, and then battled by way in from there.” It was a battle all day for Rory McIlroy in his first event at No. 1 in the world. He twice flirted with the water, had a three-putt bogey and wound up with a 73. Tiger Woods wasn’t much better. He began his round with a tap-in eagle on the par-5 first hole, but narrowly missed the fairways and had a tough time figuring out the wind and whether the ball would jump out of the rough. Only a dozen players managed to break 70, and a dozen more broke par. “I hit 3-wood into 18, par 4, and 7-iron into the first, which is a par 5,” Luke Donald said
Photo courtesy of MCT
Adam Scott hits out of a bunker Thursday in the first round of the WGC-Cadillac Championship in Doral, Fla. Scott holds a share of the lead at 6-under par. after a 70. “Just a beast of a hole today.” Sergio Garcia had the ugliest finish of all. The Spaniard was one shot out of the lead through 12 holes. He didn’t hit a fairway the rest of the way, nor did he make so much as a par. Scott also had a short eagle putt on No. 1, and twice made solid par saves. His lone bogey came from a bunker on the sixth hole, where he missed a 4-foot par putt. It’s a slow start to the year for the Australian, who is trying to keep himself fresh and get more out of his practice time. Scott didn’t start the year until Riviera, where he tied for 17th. “I knew a good score was going to happen because every part of my game was feeling good,” Scott said. “You’ve got to take away the expectation and just let it happen. But I wasn’t too concerned.” McIlroy was coming off a
couple of big weeks — reaching the Match Play Championship final with a chance to go to No. 1, then winning the Honda Classic to get to the top of the ranking, all while Woods fired a 62 at him in the final round. “It’s tough,” he said. “When you’re working, you’ve got Arizona and you’ve got a chance to go to world No. 1, and then Honda, you’ve got a chance ... then all of a sudden you’re there, and you’re like, ‘What do you do?’ I just need to go out and set myself a target tomorrow and try and post a number.” Woods made consecutive eagles, though they were four days apart on different courses. He finished the Honda Classic with an eagle, and started that way at Doral. “It was just a difficult day,” Woods said. “The wind was blowing putts around, and it made for a very challenging round.”
Photo by Chelsea Stratso /Senior Staff Photographer
Senior Nadia Lee and junior Barbora Vykydalova high-five during a 4-3 win over Florida International University on Feb. 26 at Waranch Tennis Complex. “We are all friends, like a big family, basically,” Vykydalova said.
Players find home away from home Tennis Feature Tyler Owens Staff Writer
Since every player on the UNT tennis team is an international student who has family overseas, their teammates, coaches and staff serve as their confidants while at school. “We are all friends, like a big family, basically,” junior Barbora Vykydalova said. “It helps a lot because we all know how hard it is to be here without a family, so that’s what keeps us together with the good chemistry.” From the beginning of the season, the coaching staff has let all eight members of the roster know they are part of the team’s support system, especially the four members in their first season with the Mean Green. “It is very important to understand that you can be a part of this family, and still compete for a spot and compete to be the best that you can be,” head coach Sujay Lama said. For coach Lama and the rest of the coaching staff, one of the best parts of their job is seeing the team growing together. “When you go for a trip, and you’re together in the van, eating food in a restaurant and having meetings in the hotel room and you’re competing, you start gelling as a team,” Lama said.
“As a coach, when I’m driving and I see them laughing and giggling and having the time of their life, it’s just as big, if not bigger, than winning a match.” The players use what little downtime they have to get to know one another and enjoy each other’s company. “The season is pretty packed with matches, so we are together a lot,” senior Nadia Lee said. “We go out to dinner, go to the movies or go shopping. We like to do the regular stuff that girls do when they go out with friends.” Like any close group of people, there are times when the team struggles with communication, but it is essential that the team works through its hardships, Lama said. “During the season you go through the ups and downs,” he said. “The main thing is to keep the line of communication open and to voice your concerns. We try to make sure that those things do not take away from the family concept.” There haven’t been too many down moments for UNT this season, as the team has compiled a 9-5 record and won seven of its last nine matches, including picking up the first win over Texas Christian in program history. The Mean Green will play home matches against Denver at 2 p.m. today and Louisville at 11 a.m. Sunday.
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Page 16 o
Music Movement Musicians and artists tune in and rock out at 35 Denton and South by Southwest
Pg. 4
Bun B Built to Spill Counting Cro ws Magnetic Fie
ILY, March 9 , 20
9, ISSUE 8
Director of Operations for 35 Denton provides a behind the scenes look of the festival
Page 3
35 Denton and South by Southwest showcase music scene
Christina Mlynski, Scene Editor
Page 4
Savaging Spires gives detailed account of life on the road
Page 6
Food trucks premiere at this year’s 35 Denton
The Chestnut Tree brings serious attitude and food to Denton
Page 8
Page 7
Friday 3.9.2012
Day in the Life: 35 Denton Director of Operations Brittni Barnett Senior Staff Writer
Whether it’s lights, security or barriers, 35 Denton Director of Operations Wally Campbell and his crew will be on the scene to ensure that this year’s festival goes off without a hitch. Through their efforts, Campbell and his 50-member team help turn the dream of a four-day walkable music festival into an efficient and effective reality. “We deal with all of the non-glamorous stuff,� said Campbell, a UNT alumnus. “We coordinate all of the behind the scenes aspects and make sure that all of that happens.� Campbell, 35 Denton Director of Public Safety Ken Leathers and 35 Denton Technical Director Matt Mars work year-round to ensure that 35 Denton runs smoothly. “We are pretty much the backbone of the event,� Mars said. “Without what we do, the festival would not happen.� The operations efforts of the festival continue to improve every year, Campbell said. Last year, some of the temporary fences were blown over by strong
winds. This year the crew has a plan to properly stabilize the fences as well as any other issues that may arise, he said. “We try and be prepared for everything,� Campbell said. “The best part is when the green light goes on, and the band takes the stage and you see all of your hard work in action.� Since yesterday, the group has worked on setting up stages, blocking off streets for traffic flow and continuing to work with city officials such as the Denton police and fire departments. Crews of seven will also be on hand at each of the outdoor main stages throughout 35 Denton, Campbell said. “Events like these are great for Denton,� said Leathers, a UNT alumnus. “We are just a bunch of old guys who like doing this kind of stuff.� While other festival coordinators book bands and develop advertising, the operations team obtains permits from the city and works with outside organizations to provide services such as security and even the festival’s estimated 24 portable restrooms.
Photo by Chelsea Stratso/Senior Staff Photographer
35 Denton Technical Director Matt Mars and Director of Operations Wally Campbell head to the Red Bull VIP tent behind Love Shack to deliver cases of beer Thursday. “There’s still a lot to do tomorrow, like put up fences and stages. We’ll be out here all day,� Campbell said. “Everything I do follows guidelines put out by the city,� Leathers said. “It’s a lot of math, but we work together to make it happen.� About 12 to 15 private security officers as well as officers from the
DI : Customized T-shirt tote Emily Peek Intern
35 Denton and South by Southwest are upon us, and if you have tickets, you know you’re going to need a bag big enough for your camera, sunscreen and other personal items. Support the bands you love— whether it’s Bun B or Dum Dum Girls– by making a tote out of one of their T-shirts. Creating this tote is easy, timely and the perfect way for you to show off your fandom. The T-shirt is probably already in your possession. If not, a new one will cost about $20 at 35 Denton or SXSW. A needle and thread or sewing
machine may already be lying around the house, as well as a pair of scissors. If not, you can get a small sewing kit and a pair of scissors for about $5. Things you’ll need Band T-shirt Scissors Sewing kit
Take your shirt and turn it inside out. Use pins from the sewing kit to connect the front and back of the bottom of the T-shirt. This will make sewing in a straight line much easier. Take your needle and thread, your sewing machine or a sewing kit and
stitch together the bottom of your T-shirt. Once you are done sewing the bottom, turn the shirt right side out again and remove the pins. Cut the sleeves off at the seam. You are going to want to cut just inside the seams. Once this is done, cut the collar of the T-shirt off. Make sure you make the cut deep enough so the bottom of the cut is even with the bottom of the sleeve cuts. This forms the handles of the tote and will make it easy to wear on your shoulder. Now you have your customized band tote bag and are ready to take on these musical days.
“There’s a lot of work that goes into all of this,� Campbell said. “But during the actual festival I will be checking into make sure things are running smoothly and putting out any fires.�
Denton police department will be on hand at all times during the festival, Leathers said. During 35 Denton, Campbell said he coordinates a group of 50 individuals.
LUKE A. WILLIAMS Attorney At Law
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Friday 3.9.2012
Music FestivalSCENE
35 Denton kicks off its fourth music festival ASHLEY GRANT
Staff Writer
Fab Deuce members rap Thrusday at Andy’s Bar and Grill on the opening night of 35 Denton. Fab Deuce members include Blaine and Simple, Pudge, Lone Danger, Ernre, McCrakin, Juicy the Emissary, Matt P and Yeahdef. “For businesses on the Square, this will generate a lot of revenue and is good overall for Denton’s economy,” Burke said. “We opened last year the day before the festival began, and we were totally swamped.” KXT 97.1’s program director Mark Abuzzahab said the festival is a great way to showcase local music, as well as music in general. The North Texas noncommercial radio station is a media partner and sponsor for 35 Denton, he said. “Some of the bands playing are featured on our station,” Abuzzahab said. “I was really glad to see them get The Jesus and Mary Chain.” Established as a music festival four years ago, Purdom said The Baptist Generals band member Chris Flemmons originally created the festival to showcase Denton bands during South by Southwest. Although unsure about where the festival is headed in the future,
Andy’s 122 N. Locust St.
Purdom said he loves how supportive the city is and hopes to see the support continue in coming years, along with the festival’s growth. “35 Denton brings out the best in everybody that works on it, and a large part of the city works on it with us,” he said. “I want to see it flourish and inspire a lot of growth in the city.”
118 W. Oak St.
Mellow Mushroom 217 E. Hickory St.
219 W. Oak St.
The Hideout
Dan’s Silverleaf
617 Congress Ave.
103 Industrial St.
Rubber Gloves
Denton Square Donuts 411 E. Sycamore St. 208 W. Oak St.
Hailey’s 122 W. Mulberry St.
115 S. Elm St. Four-day wristbands are $65, and one-day passes start at $35.
South by Southwest rocks Central Texas NADIA HILL
Senior Staff Writer Denton will be thrust into the spotlight this weekend, as 5,000 people per day are expected to fill the Square to attend 35 Denton, a four-day walkable music festival and one of the biggest events to hit the city. Currently seated somewhere in the middle of the local and national radar, 35 Denton is steadily moving toward gaining clout on a national level, with write-ups about Denton’s music scene by publications such as The New York Times, Paste Magazine and Pitchfork. The festival this year features panel discussions, vendors and most importantly showcases the city’s love and support of the music scene. “For four days, the music world looks at us and brings some national attention to the city,” said Bradford Purdom, director of promotions for 35 Denton. “We’re vastly becoming nationally recognized, and that’s pretty awesome.” Artists hailing from Texas, such as Bun B and Doug Burr, will make up 80 percent of the lineup, as well as local talent. New to this year’s festival are the food trucks featuring tasty treats not usually found in Denton, such as The Bacon Wagon, and a Twitter fall, which streams live tweets on the world’s largest LED flat screen, with dimensions of 19 by 30 feet, hoisted on an 18-wheeler located next to the Main Stage, Purdom said. Also new to this year’s festival are on-site hairstylists from the Ogle School who will give haircuts to help festival goers achieve a rock star look. Mark Burke, owner of Mad World Records, said he welcomes the increase of traffic on the Square and the increase in visibility 35 Denton is giving to local businesses. He said that while some businesses are less than thrilled about the scarce parking and the higher level of difficulty in getting to some of these places, the positives definitely outweigh the negatives.
Music FestivalSCENE
Friday 3.9.2012
Under blinding hot lights and armed with musical ability, each band member on the stages in downtown Austin transforms a city of strangers into a welcoming artistic community. Since its inception in 1987, the South by Southwest Music Conference and Festival has attracted big name bands and coming artists to the same spot to take part in 10 days— until March 18– of music, film and industry panels, creating camaraderie for musical lovers of all types. “Festivals are part of the music scene because they allow the audience to experience different music in the same place,” said UNT Jazz Studies chair John Murphy, ethnomusicologist and music festival expert. “People today don’t care about the stylistic label – they care if it’s interesting. Looking at the lineups, you wouldn’t begin to know how to categorize them, but it kind of doesn’t matter.” The first SXSW showcased 700 musical artists, gaining international recognition and participation by the next year. By 1989, the festival had more than 200 bands from around the country performing at 15 venues. The festival was designed to lure faraway artists to Austin, a city already known for its eclectic mix of musical talent. The film and interactive components were added to the festival in 1994. SXSW provides music lovers the opportunity to bond over new tunes and bands the opportunity to showcase their talent. “Music, since ancient times, has a way of making people feel part of something larger than themselves,” Murphy said. “Internet can provide the information on the way to the festival, but you can’t be part of a larger group of humans. There is no substitute for live shows. Technology will never be good enough for live shows.” The Austin Convention Center, the festival’s largest venue, has hosted
bands since 1993. “The Austin Convention Center was built to host conventions and trade shows which bring economic impact to the city of Austin,” said Terri McBride, public information and marketing program manager. “Last year, SXSW was directly and indirectly responsible for injecting approximately $168 million in the Austin economy.” While the convention center is the largest venue, intimate spaces like Auditorium Shore Stage and Antone’s are known for hosting prominent musicians such as Glen Hansard and Shiny Toy Guns with fans clamoring to get in the doors. Every March, SXSW attracts more than 48,000 musicians, filmmakers and companies to host panel discussions ranging from health and education to gaming. Participants come from around the world to entertain more than 175,000 festivalgoers. “A successful SXSW helps promote Austin by creating local, regional, national and international publicity for the cit y,” McBride said. “It helps attract other businesses and conventions to Austin and is a win-win for everyone.” Before getting the chance to perform at SXSW and 35 Denton, Denton resident Jessie Frye jokingly applied to Austin’s prestigious festival in December 2008. Frye’s prank paid off, as she received an invite to play in March 2009 and has performed there every year since. Frye has also emerged as one of 35 Denton’s veteran artists, playing at the festival since it kicked off four years ago. She’s been singing since she was eight years old and was homeschooled since thirteen to focus on music, she said. Before her first festival performance at SXSW, Frye mostly
Savaging spires, an English quartet whose members prefer pseudo names - James, Davina, Sarah and David - portray a method of spontaneity by playing in a free-form style to catch a distinctive off-the-fly vibe.
VENUES Waterloo Records 600 N. Lamar Blvd.
Antone’s performed solo or with a rotating cast of musicians. In 2009 she formed the Jessie Frye Band. “Music was not something I decided to do, I just felt a natural pull toward it,” she said. “I feel like even though it’s my name, each player has an individual role and creative aspect.” Every March is a new year for Frye, as it presents the opportunity to gain a broader fan base and try out new music. “Music really takes over, and life is as it should be for a while,” Frye said. “It gave us a sense of hope and gave us a chance, that maybe this does have potential. There are just so many memories. We keep going back because it’s sentimental. We really were just lucky – it could have been any other band.”
213 W Fifth St.
The Hideout 617 Congress Ave.
Esther’s Follies 525 E. Sixth St.
The Driskill Hotel 604 Brazos St. For more information, visit
Friday 3.9.2012
Bluegrass meets classical music at 35 Denton act
Traveling band flocks to 35 Denton
Nadia Hill
L auren Williamson
Bands frantically unload their amps, guitars and drum sets inside a venue on the Square in Denton. Near the commotion, four other musicians wait quietly with their string instruments in hand—Backwater Opera only needs a few microphones and 45 minutes to work its magic. A platform for emerging music, 35 Denton – a four-day walkable music festival – provides more than folk or dubstep for its audiences by inviting eclectic musical groups such as bluegrass group Backwater Opera to the stage for the first time. “We definitely try to push to keep the festival diverse, as not everyone is a fan of indie rock or hip-hop,” said Charlie Hunter, 35 Denton vice president and event sponsorship coordinator. “Backwater Opera definitely has a different sound that needs to be showcased.” Although the members said they don’t like to label the band, they call their genre chambergrass – combining their classical training
Dubbed as their own genre of “freak folk,” members of Savaging Spires have traveled more than 4,000 miles to bring their mix of contrasting melodies and sounds to this year’s 35 Denton. The English quartet will be among 185 artists playing the four-day walkable music festival to share their passion for music. The band will also take to the road and play South by Southwest in Austin on March 15. In the age of over-saturation of musical artists online, bands must take the music to the listener’s backyard to connect with them live. “Un less you’re Ba rba ra Streisand or Celine Dion playing daily in Las Vegas, people aren’t willing to travel to a band’s hometown to see them play,” said Matt Wilbur, expert on traveling bands and manager of Vanguard Studio in Lakeland Fla. “You have to take the show on the road.”
Contributing Writer
Staff Writer
Photo by Chelsea Stratso/Senior Staff Photographer
From left to right: Backwater Opera violinist Carlo Canlas, double bass player August Dennis, singer Marisa Sherwood and guitarist Robert Sherwood playing Thursday. and bluegrass roots. With more than 50 years of classical music training between the four members, Backwater Opera said they consider themselves a chamber group rather than a band. All four members are UNT music alumni. Guitarist and mandolin player Robert Sherwood, singer
Find out more online by visiting UNION.UNT.EDU/MASTERPLAN
Marisa Sherwood and double bassist August Dennis were double bass majors. Their fourth member, violinist Carlo Canlas, met the other three at a campus performance. “We’ve been playing in the Denton area for a while and thought we might have a shot if we applied,” Marisa Sherwood said. “While we acknowledge it’s a big show and we’re excited, it’s still home turf.” They began playing the open mic circuits in Denton about two years ago, after Robert Sherwood persuaded the other three to form a bluegrass group. “Backwater Opera has a lot of steam in Denton, so this is great exposure for them,” fan and friend Ray Bohuslav said. The chamber group played at Dan’s Silverleaf on March 8 but will make other appearances at other venues UNIONMASTERPLAN throughout the weekend. “Because of our age, it’s kind of a now or never thing. Since we’re in a DIY era of music, you have to put everything in to get something out of it,” Marisa Sherwood said. “We basically live and breathe Backwater.” To check other dates and venues Backwater Opera will perform at visit
Not the average band And that is what Londonbased folk band Savaging Spires plans to do. The band only goes by first names James, Davina, Sarah and David. The name Savaging Spires is made of two conf licting words that suit the conflicting music the band makes. The music rejects the conventional
sense of construction and instead blends dark string instruments with ominous overtones to create an acid-folk aura, James said. After playing together for “many years,” members developed a method of spontaneity by playing in a free-form style to catch a distinctive off-the-fly vibe. “You can’t recapture the spark if you overplay a song, and we tend to perform our tracks differently every time,” James said. “Which is what makes each Savaging Spires show a new experience.”
Playin’ in a travelin’ band Touring is an arduous but necessary process for bands trying to “make it.” Bands must budget the cost of transportation and manage the grueling effects of being on the road, Wilbur said. “Sleeping on a floor, close quarters in a car, poor hygiene and most likely poor nutrition will leave your immune system lacking,” he said. Playing a live show has the ends justifying the means. “Festivals are a great opportunity for a band to get a decent paying gig with a big audience,” said Joel Adair, who has worked 35 Denton as a musician, photographer and speaker. Savaging Spires hopes to bring excitement to its performance at 35 Denton and maybe gain a few new fans in the process, James said. “When touring you get to experience a place for what it really is,” he said. “What more could you want?”
London Calling What: Savaging Spires Where: Banter, 219 W. Oak St. in Denton and Beale Street Tavern 214 East Sixth St. in Austin Time: 12:30 a.m. Sunday, March 11 in Denton and 9 p.m. Thursday, March 15 in Austin Band says: “We sound like some form of stringed instrument and a telephone.”
Food trucks are rolling into town for 35 Denton Leigh Daniels Intern
Food trucks are taking the eatery world by storm, with an estimated 2.5 billion people nationally eating street food every day, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization. This weekend the food truck craze will invade Denton, as attendees of 35 Denton–a four-day walkable music festival– will have access to an exclusive selection from the food trucks of North Texas. Lee’s Grilled Cheese, Nammi Truck, The Butcher’s Son, Burrito Baron and The Bacon Wagon will offer convenient, on-the-go eclectic food options to festivalgoers. “Our hungry attendees won’t have to walk far for seriously good eats,” said Ashley Bender, vendor coordinator for 35 Denton. The trucks will be found along Hickory Street inside the Denton Square. This location is ideal because it is close to the venues participating in the festival. All trucks offer good grub and drinks, with prices ranging from $3 to $10.
Finding the Food The coordinators of 35 Denton said they hope both Denton and the truck owners will reap the benefits of the festival. “Their participation is integral to our success, and we hope to add to their success in return,” Bender said. A new city ordinance is in the works that will allow mobile eateries to set up shop throughout the streets of Denton, which will boost the economy and individuality of the city, she said. “The inclusion of food trucks at the festival will only fuel the fire of those already inspired to grow a Denton mobile food culture,” Bender said. Lee’s Grilled Cheese founders Lee Perez and Keith Lee Weber said they
Friday 3.9.2012
y a l ss P
35 Denton & South by Southwest Playlist
1 2 3 4 5 6
”Old College Try” by The Mountain Goats “Little Talks” by Of Monsters and Men
“Generals” by The Mynabirds “Rainbow” by Thee Oh Sees
“Just like Honey” by The Jesus and Mary Chain “Who” by The Sheepdogs
The Mountain Goats - Tallahassee album cover
7 8 9 10
“Spanish & Jazz” by Wild Moccasins “Clementine” by Sarah Jaffe “Greatest Rapper Ever” by Danny Brown “Primitive Girl” by M. Ward
Intramural S P O R T S
Photo by Martha Hill/Intern
Lee’s Grilled Cheese owners Lee Perez and Keith Lee Weber started their business in 2010 and have been serving sandwiches on the UNT campus for about five months. began their business in 2010 when they left the video game industry for the dream of making gooey grilled cheese sandwiches. Perez and Weber said they roll onto Fry Street every weekday afternoon to serve hungry students a quick bite before they head to their next class. The Bacon Wagon owner Jason Harskjold said he is excited to bring its truck to Denton because he thinks they “serve the best BLTs around, and nothing goes better with beer than bacon.”
Tasty Treats Lee’s Grilled Cheese will offer grilled cheeses with five different types of cheese to choose from, as well as a special tomato and mozzarella grilled cheese. Na m m i Tr uck w i l l ser ve
Vietnamese food, including tacos and bánh mì, a type of sandwich. The Butcher’s Son will supply sandwiches using Johnsonville sausage products such as the Sergeant Pepper, an Italian sausage smothered in bell peppers. Burrito Baron will offer simple Mexican food choices such as quesadillas and chicken tacos. The Bacon Wagon will provide differently dressed BLTs, as well as a pulled pork sandwich with bacon barbecue sauce. Bender said that these specific trucks were picked because they will enhance the atmosphere of the festival. “We want to showcase them and introduce a new audience of eaters to their culinary craftsmanship,” Bender said.
$10/ team REGISTER:
February 27 - March 13
March 15
women s, men s, & co-rec leagues
$45/ team REGISTER: February 27- March 13 START DATE: March 26 CAPTAIN S MEETING: women s, men s, & co-rec leagues
March 14, 5pm
Friday 3.9.2012
FOOD SNOBS The Chestnut Tree 107 West Hickory St. 940-591-9475 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. -2:30 p.m.
Did You Know? The Chestnut Tree now serves dinner Thurs.-Sat. from 5 p.m. -9 p.m. I AN JACOBY
Views Editor The Chestnut Tree Garden Tea Room, located on the south side
of the Square in Denton, offers a refreshingly different environment and take on food without completely abandoning the liveliness of the town. An array of benches, tables, hardwood floors and blue Christmas lights strung about looks a bit erratic, but provide a comfortable, laid-back mood nonetheless. The menu defies traditional notions of what a tearoom is or should be – the food is moderately priced, it comes with serious side items instead of just potato chips, and it doesn’t leave you feeling prim, proper or snobbish, just full. If you’re craving breakfast food, the brunch menu is something you must take advantage of. The drink options were the menu’s first surprise. Along with a multitude of teas, coffee drinks and juices there
were several alcoholic options. The red-draw, a mix of tomato juice and beer, provided a delicious excuse to drink before noon. If beer and tomatoes isn’t your thing, then perhaps a wild hibsicus bellini or champagne cocktail would better suit your sensibilities. Their quiche lorraine is one of the freshest you’ll find. The piecrust was crispy, and the thick layer of eggs and ham managed a firm consistency despite the warm gooeyness. It came with a side of potatoes cut into cubes and roasted with a hint of pepper. The potatoes weren’t as extraordinary as the quiche but served as a solid compliment. The plate was generously sized and for $8 was more than worth it. If you’re leaning more sweet then savory, the equally priced low-fat
cheese blintzes are a good option. The blintzes were rich but not so much that Cleanliness it was a task to eat them. Service Each blintz was rolled up, Affordability filled with a cream cheese filling, and topped with Atmosphere fresh strawberries, blueFood Quality berries and a generous a mou nt of wh ipped cream. front of the store. So what if the PA Despite a side of ham that was system is softly playing Coldplay sliced too thinly and over-salted, this and The Fray– there’s beer on the plate was still the star of the show. menu, and meat. For a tearoom, Don’t be fooled by the friendly Chestnut Tree brings a serious attistaff or the cutesy gift shop at the tude.
The Chestnut Tree
UNT GRADUATION FAIR Visit the UNT Bookstore March 12th - 15th 10am - 4pm
Low-fat cheese blintzes are served with blueberries, strawberries and the choice of turkey sausage, ham or bacon, and a side of eggs or potatoes. The blintzes are served until noon during brunch at Chestnut Tree.
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Customers eat lunch at Chestnut Tree during a rainy Thursday afternoon. Brunch is served Mondays through Saturdays until noon.