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Student, rapper juggles career and academics Arts & Life | Page 3

Tennis coach making impact in Nepal Sports | Page 5

Thursday, April 12, 2012

News 1, 2 Arts&Life 3, 4 Sports 5, 6 Views 7 Classifieds 8 Games 8

Volume 99 | Issue 47


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

SGA hears details for University Day BEN PEYTON Staff Writer

C h r i s t a C of f e y, a s s i stant director of campus life, addressed the UNT Student G ov er n ment A s s o c i at ion during a meeting Wednesday night about UNT’s University Day 2012, the celebration of the school’s transition from a college to a university in 1961. This year’s University Day will be the 51st and will be commemorated April 20 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Willis Library. The event will feature free food and entertainment for students with their UNT I.D. The celebrat ion w i l l be preceded by the annual flag parade before a speech by UNT President V. Lane Rawlins and the reading of the annual University Day proclamation. Coffey also elaborated on the newest addition to the University Day festivities. “The wonderful thing that we’re doing this year that’s different from other years is a scavenger hunt,” Coffey said.

Students can compete in the scavenger hunt by downloading the “SCVNGR” app on their smartphones and log their progress by uploading photos of the designated campus locations in the hunt. “The idea is to try to teach students about some of the traditions at UNT while having fun,” Coffey said. The scavenger hunt w ill begin Monday and wrap up April 20. Any students who complete t he hunt by t he deadline will be entered into a random drawing for “UNT swag” as well as the grand prize of a $100 gift card to the Campus Bookstore. The SGA also unanimously elected psychology and political science junior Chelsea Burkett to an at-will senate seat for the College of Education. Burkett gathered 109 of the required 100 signatures from College of Education students to be elected to the vacant senate seat.

Who let the dogs out?


Business freshman Hannah Kearney holds Roy, a German Shepherd mix, for music freshmen Kimberly Newcomb and Caroline Hunt to pet during “The Pet Experience,” hosted by the Denton Animal Shelter at the Library Mall on Wednesday. The event was held to spread awareness about pet ownership. See DOGS on page 3

See SGA on Page 2

Health Science Center college ranks among best HOLLY H ARVEY

Senior Staff Writer


Photography senior Travis Kincaid uses a credit card at the Campus Bookstore on Tuesday afternoon.

Visa, MasterCard accounts experience security breach of security in which data was “exported,” meaning data is taken away by a program and saved to a A SHLEY ROSE different one for further use. Intern It is estimated that money taken from credit and debit Visa and MasterCard reported security breaches on credit and cards from hackers in the United debit cards involving a third- States totals $2.4 billion per year, according to an article by party payment processor. Global Payments, the third- Consumer Reports. Joe Stroop, communications party processor, announced March 30 more than 1.5 million office for Wells Fargo, does not cardholders experienced a breach know if any UNT students’


accounts were breached. “If we had the number of students from UNT that had breached cards, we could not give out that information. That could jeopardize the investigation,” Stroop said. “There were some cardholders from Wells Fargo that had their cards breached, but I do not believe that they were from UNT.”

See MASTERCARD on Page 2

The UNT Health Science Center’s Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine was ranked 35th in the nation, along with two other schools, for best primary care schools in an annual report released in March by U.S. News & World Report. The College of Osteopathic Medicine tied with Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and the University of Kansas Medical Center. On ly t he Col lege of Osteopathic Medicine at Michigan State University, ranked 17th on the list, ranked ahead of the UNT HSC college among primary care osteopathic medical schools, and the only primary care school in Texas to place higher was the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, which placed 21st. Founded in 1970, the college has ranked among the top 50 in primary care since 2003. “ We’r e c on s t a nt l y recruiting for new talent and researching aging programs such as Alzheimer’s,” said Dr. Tom Peska, dean of Texas College of Osteopathic


The UNT Health Science Center’s Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine was ranked the 35th best primary care school in the nation, along with two other universities, in a report by U.S. News & World Report. Medicine. Osteopathic medicine uses modern medical treatment while encouraging a healthy living style to maintain an individual’s health, according to the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine. The center also ranked 12th in rural medicine, 15th in geriatrics and 16th in family medicine, said Dana Benton Russell, director of public relations for the

Health Science Center. Part of what enhances the college is its focus in rural medicine, Peska said. “Groups of students go and help provide health care in rural communities,” Peska said. “In rural areas, you don’t get all of the technology you see in the cities, and you deal with infectious diseases.”

See UNTHSC on Page 2

Group forming to help transgender students CHELSEY COX

Contributing Writer The fledgling organization Trans*formers is working to impact and improve the lives of transgender students at UNT, as well as confront issues they may face. Bra nching of f f rom t he Gay and Lesbian A lliance of Denton, Tra ns*for mers is looking to create not only

support for its members, but to open up an opportunity for a greater understanding of the transgender lifestyle. “When the sex people were labeled at birth does not accurately represent their gender identity, it can be tough,” said Trans*formers adviser Clark Pomerleau, a history professor. “Trans*formers can become another space where such

people and their allies can support each other and find like-minded friends.” In the process of becoming its own organization separate from GLAD, Trans*formers has gained about a dozen members and is waiting to see if it gains consistent membership before trying to become an official organization. “We collaborated to create

a community organization that is specifically for trans people and our allies,” medical laboratory science senior Tyler Sanders said. Tra ns*formers hopes to or g a n i z e f u nd r a i s er s to sponsor members for help with medical or psychological therapy expenses that would be acquired in the transitioning process, such as a smaller scale

drag show modeled after the one GLAD holds annually. “We want to be open to everybody because we want everyone to be open to us,” said English literature senior Effy Freese, a starting officer with the organization. “But we also know that there is a lot more hesitancy out there than with the average queer community.”

Through Tra ns*formers, Freese hopes to educate the UNT community on an issue that many people aren’t familiar with. “It’s cool and disturbing to see how common it is on this campus because there hasn’t been a community thus far, and there are so many things to address with it,” Freese said.

Inside Charges filed in Trayvon Martin case News | Page 2

Softball team splits doubleheader Sports | Page 5

Rockwall school fires teacher for pregnancy Views | Page 7


Page 2 Paul Bottoni and Valerie Gonzalez, News Editors

MasterCard Continued from Page 1

Wells Fargo was not the only bank affected by the security breach. Any bank that has Visa and MasterCard cardholders could be at risk. If a person’s bank account is breached, the first step is to tell their bank, followed by cancelling their credit or debit card so no further damage can be done. “If a student believes that

UNTHSC Continued from Page 1 Rankings are determined by categories such as grade point average, faculty-student ratio, acceptance rate and the number of graduates entering primary care, research analyst Marc Foster said. Even when the program advances, the rankings can stay the same or change, he said. “We can see our scores in each area improve, but if you don’t move


there was a transaction on their bank statement that was not from them, they should contact their bank immediately,” Stroop said. “Students should get into the habit of checking their bank statements daily so that their money is safe. As students get older and graduate, money is going to be a big priority.” For students who think their Wells Fargo card has been breached, bank representatives can be reached at 1-800-869-3557.

as much as other schools, you can go down. It’s all a function of how other schools take strides,” Foster said. Data compilation takes about a month, and part of the rankings are composed by school deans and residency directors completing surveys ranking other medical schools and programs. “We’re pleased to be ranked consistently for the last 10 years,” Russell said. “We tend to excel, and it shows in our measurements.”


Pre-psychology and political science junior Chelsea Burkett (left), newly elected senator for the College of Education, watches senators, including fashion design junior Ava Sharbaf (right) of the College of Visual Arts and Design, snap in applause to an announcement during the Student Government Association meeting Wednesday in Terrill Hall.


Continued from Page 1

Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Sean Gorman Managing Editor .............................................Paul Bottoni Assigning Editor ............................................Valerie Gonzalez Arts and Life Editor ........................................Alex Macon Scene Editor.......................................Christina Mlynski Sports Editor ...................................................Bobby Lewis Views Editor .................................................Ian Jacoby Visuals Editor ....................................................Tyler Cleveland Visuals Assigning Editor ..............................Chelsea Stratso Multimedia Editor....................................................Daisy Silos Copy Chief ....................................................Jessica Davis Design Editor ............................................... Stacy Powers Senior Staff Writers Nicole Balderas, Holly Harvey, Brittni Barnett, Ashley Grant, Brett Medeiros, Alison Eldridge

Advertising Staff Advertising Designer ................................................Josue Garcia Ad Reps ....................................Taylon Chandler, Elisa Dibble

NTDaily.com GAB Room 117 Phone: (940) 565-2353

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fax: (940) 565-3573

( MC T ) JACK SON V I L L E , Fla. – Specia l Prosecutor A ngela Corey a n nou nced We d ne sday e ven i ng t hat Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman has been charged in the death of Tray von Martin. Corey announced a seconddeg ree mu rder cha rge at the State Attorney’s Office in Jacksonv ille, more than si x week s a f ter Ma r t in a nd Z i m m e r m a n’s f a t a l encounter. If convicted, Zimmerman wou ld face up to l i fe i n prison. “The team here with me has worked tirelessly looking for answers in Trayvon Martin’s deat h,” Corey sa id, int roducing her prosecutors and investigators. Corey added, “we do not prosecute by public pressure.” She said that her office handles all cases the same way, regardless of the scrutiny. “We will continue to seek the truth in this case,” Corey said. “There is a reason cases are tried in a court of law.”

Publications Committee seeks Summer and Fall NT Daily Editor. Applications available online at www.ntdaily.com and in GAB117.

Want to be the Editor? Applicants must be able to meet with the committee at 12:30pm, Wednesday, April 18th in GAB114. *Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.

even know there was a senate, so there is a huge lack of involvement.” A Tax-Free Textbook Resolution for students was sent to the fiscal

committee. Senate Speaker Morgan Ray said the bill is planned to be presented next year to Texas legislators and go before a senate vote Wednesday.

Zimmerman receives murder charge

Want to be the editor? Applicants must submit a resume and two letters of recommendation (one recommendation letter shall be from a faculty member and one recommendation letter from a faculty, staff member, or professional journalist outside of the NT Daily) along with the completed application. Completed applications should be emailed no later than Monday, April 16th at 5pm to Dr. Jay Allison, jay.allison@unt.edu

“When I was talking to students [College of Education] I was asking, ‘What don’t you see happening in the university?’” Burkett said. “A lot of them didn’t


Dream Defenders block the entrance to Sanford Police Department, Monday in protest against the handling of the Trayvon Martin case by police. C or e y c on f i r m e d t h a t a wa r ra nt wa s issued for Zimmerman’s arrest, and that he is in custody. She declined to say what ev idence her office has that would counter his self-defense claim. She also declined to reveal Zimmerman’s location. At the Washington convention center where Martin’s parents are expected to speak Wednesday night, a crowd of about 40 had gathered around a hallway TV to hear the decision by t he specia l prosecutor. When she said they would pursue second-deg ree murder, many in the group erupted in applause. Soon a f ter C ore y ’s a n nou nc ement, the Rev. Al Sharpton addressed the crowd. “We don’t wa nt a nyone high-fiveing tonight. There w a s no w i n ner ton ig ht,” Sharpton said. “This is not

about gloating. This is about pursuing justice.” Said Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump: “This is only first base.” Meanwhile, Zimmerman has retained a new law yer. Ve t e r a n C e nt r a l F lor id a at tor ney Ma rk O’Ma ra w i l l represent h i m, CN N legal analyst Mark NeJame confirmed. NeJame, himself a promi nent lo c a l l aw yer, a l s o confirmed that Zimmerman i s i n t he c u stody of t he Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Zimmerman shot and killed Martin, a high school junior, on a rainy evening Feb. 26 in Sanford. The teen from Miami had been returning from a nearby 7-Eleven, where he bought a can of iced tea and a bag of Sk it t les, when he wa s spotted by Zimmerman in

Correction In Tuesday’s edition of the North Texas Daily, in the story titled “Pipeline to run to Denton,” a planned natural gas pipeline that, once built, was said to run from Ardamore, Okla., to Denton, as verified in information by the contracted construction company, Willbros Group Inc. The pipeline will not extend into Denton County. The Daily regrets this error.

the Retreat at Twin Lakes, a gated community where he was staying with his father’s fiancee. Zimmerman was in his SUV on his way to Target when he ca lled police, telling them Martin seemed suspicious. “This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something,” Zimmerman told a police dispatcher as he watched Martin minutes before the shooting. In a ser ies of 911 ca l ls s hor t l y a f t e r, ne i g h b or s de sc r ibe d a n a lterc at ion between the two men. On one call, screams can be heard, and then a gunshot. Martin’s law yers said the screams are from the teen; Zimmerman’s fat her sa id it was his son shouting for help. Martin’s death has reignited racia l tensions across t he country and sent protesters to the streets in numbers seldom seen since the anti-war movement of the 1970s. The outcry prompted the U.S. Department of Justice to launch a civil rights investigation, the governor to put the case in the hands of a special prosec utor a nd Sa n ford’s police chief to temporarily step aside.

Arts & Life

Thursday, April 12, 2012 Alex Macon, Arts & Life Editor

Page 3 alexdmacon@yahoo.com

North Texas rapper, student making waves Leigh DanieLs Intern

Jarren Mack is leading a double life. There’s UNT senior Jarren Mack, studying public administration and emergency management at the Denton campus. Then there’s JMack, the up-and-coming Texas-by-way-ofEngland rapper who rhymes over his own self-produced beats. When Mack’s not at school, he can be found laying down tracks in a dimly lit studio decked with a keyboard, a vocal booth, production equipment and a beat-up backpack he loves so much he’s written a song about it. “I’m a night owl,” he said. “I’ll know I have school the next day, and it’ll be one in the morning, and that’s when I’m ready to write for a beat I’ve had in my head all day.” Mack has been taking the rap game by storm with his distinct brand of electronica and hip-hop and has several big-time opening shows under his belt, sharing the stage with artists such as Bun B, Killer Mike, Yelawolf, Trae the

It’s not all about the rap industry for JMack, and he said that right now his biggest focus is on graduating from UNT. Juggling his time between school and music is one of the biggest challenges he’s faced living his double life, Mack said. “My grades started to slip because I have such a passion for music, but I turned it around and put school first,” he said. He chose to study public administration and emergency management because of his military background and his desire to help those in need. “I wanted to do something totally across the street from music,” Mack said. Friend and publicist Ashton Lynne, of Dulce Vida Public Relations, said Mack brings a unique style to the table. “He has sustenance and isn’t drawn into the industry for the wrong reasons. He likes what he does, and that’s why he does it,” Lynne said. After a string of big performances and ink from various North Texas media outlets,

Truth and Big Tuck. Mack, whose father was in the Air Force, grew up across the Atlantic in England, which is where he first heard the song “Wake Up Call,” a collaboration between dance group The Prodigy and rapper Kool Keith. The song’s blurring of genre lines served as an early inspiration. He grew familiar with electronic music while living in England, and his love for rap artists such as Wu-Tang Clan and UGK started when he moved to Allen, Texas in 1990. In high school, Mack began rapping with his friends as a way to goof around and make fun of each other, but it eventually turned into something more emotional. “When my grandmother passed away, it was a way to vent,” he said. Mack said it had always been a passion of his to listen to music, and he longed to emulate his favorite artists. “I just want to inspire people the way I was inspired,” Mack said. “That’s my motivation.”

Photo by AShley-CryStAl mArie firStley/StAff PhotogrAPher

Emergency administration and disaster planning senior Jarren Mack, also known as JMack, stands in the recording room in one of the studios he uses Tuesday afternoon in Carrolton. Mack has opened for artists such as Bun B and Yelawolf. Lynne said Mack is on his way to becoming a household name in Dallas. Pre-radio, television and film sophomore Max Fuerst is a recent fan of JMack who said the rapper presented a breath of fresh air.

“He’s got a unique style because of his refreshing rhyme structure,” Fuerst said. “It’s good to see someone breaking the mold.” JMack’s music is available on iTunes, and his first album, “First

Initial, Last Name,” is available on his website, www.jmack972. com, for free. He’s currently working on an album – set to drop this summer – and regularly performs in venues around Dallas-Fort Worth.

Photo by mArthA hill/intern

Photo by Amber Plumley/StAff PhotogrAPher

Christof Syré, executive chef of Las Colinas’ Four Seasons Resort and Club, helps to prepare his menu items with School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management students at The Club at Gateway on Wednesday.

Guest chef chips in at student restaurant naDia hiLL Staff Writer

Chef Christof Syré’s singsong voice trails behind him as he glides from one oven to another, gesturing grandiosely and keeping an eye on every student wearing an apron. Sy ré, execut ive chef at t he Fou r Seasons Resor t: Las Colinas, worked alongside students at The Club at Gateway Center on Wednesday to plan and produce a specially designed meal for The Club’s Guest Chef Day, which is held once a semester. About 200 patrons dined at the student-run restaurant – operated by the School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management to give students ha nds-on ex perience – to sample Syré’s menu. “Each year we hire from this campus, and I wanted to be part of building that relationship,” said Syré, a fourthgeneration restaurateur who w a s r a i sed i n G er ma ny. “My goal was to explore and build job opportunities for students.” Syré’s European cooking school background is informed by the years he later spent living in Asia, and his food fuses f lavor and creativity. His menu for Guest Chef Day included oven-dried tomato and bread soup, grilled salmon Nicoise style, white chocolate and praline mousse, and a strawberry mint salad. T he Fou r Sea sons : L a s Colinas reached out to UNT to continue fostering a budding

“...I wanted to be part of building that relationship. My goal was to explore and build job opportunities for students.”

—Christof Syré Executive chef, Four Seasons: Las Colinas

relat ionsh ip bet ween t he university’s hospitality school and the hotel’s restaurant. “It’s a cha nce for chefs to come in and work w ith students and expose them to a broader audience,” said lecturer Charlie Foster, general manager of The Club. “During the pre-meal with students, the recipes just come to life, working side by side with the chef. It is definitely a positive, collaborative relationship.” Before the day of the event, Sy ré created a menu t hat students then adapted for correct portion sizes, adjusting ingredients based on The Club at Gateway’s budget. Students said the greatest challenge was learning how to plan and prepare more than twice the usual number of meals. “I am his right-hand person that makes sure everything is right,” hospitality and tourism senior Rhonda McTyre said. “This is my first time working with a chef one-on-one, and he has a lot of advice and is very informative. He’s shown me that it takes patience and great leadership, and if I ever become a chef I want to work

with him.” Syré said he enjoyed the experience of working with students in a fully operational restaurant. “It would’ve been good for future planning to have students involved [earlier in the process] because I provided the recipes, but it makes me understand the way students are taught and need support to be successful,” Syré said. Twent y students each day prepa re, cook a nd ser ve meals to keep the on-campus restaurant up and running. The Club is maintained by students f r om t w o R e s t a u r a nt Operations. The classes div ide up ma nagement and cooking responsibilities every three weeks, but all hands were on deck for Guest Chef Day. The Club at Gateway Center is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. for the rest of April. Meals are $7. To make a reservation, e-mail Gatewayclub@unt.edu or call 940-565-4144.

Business freshman Hannah Kearney holds a dog, Roy, while music freshmen Kimberly Newcomb and Caroline Hunt pet Roy. The Denton Animal Shelter held an event at the Library Mall on Wednesday to bring awareness to students about the responsibilities of owning a pet.

Dogs’ day out in Denton K atie OLsOn Intern

Groups of students excitedly crowded around dogs of all breeds and sizes outside of the Willis Library on Wednesday. The University Program Council’s “Pet Experience” included wagging tails, furry ears and adoption tips courtesy of the Denton Animal Shelter. The Pet Experience, run by UPC Film’s Coordinator Joe Gonzalez, gave students a chance to talk to pet owners who have adopted dogs from the Denton Animal Shelter. The event was specifically aimed at students who are leaving on-campus housing and can consider taking in a pet. “We put on this event so students can be informed by current pet owners about how they can adopt and be pet owners themselves,” Gonzalez said. Dog owner Tracy Frier has volunteered at the Denton Animal Shelter for almost a year and knows how much commitment it takes to take care of pets. “We let the dogs out of their kennels and play with them, spend time with them and make sure they’re socializing and getting lots of love and attention,” Frier said. Because college students have schedules filled with class, work and other commitments, Frier encouraged any prospective pet owner to think carefully before adopting: pets, such as dogs, require time, care and devotion. “We encourage people to adopt dogs appropriate for their lifestyle,” she said. Frier also advocated for students to adopt from shelters or rescues because so many dogs are euthanized every year on a national scale.

“When you adopt from a shelter you really save a life,” she said. Math freshman and pet owner Melissa Parks agreed. “I’d rather give a second chance to a dog than get a new pedigree that’s expensive,” she said. However, she said she understands that adopting a dog is a big commitment and a decision that potential pet owners should take time to consider. “I think if you want to adopt from a shelter, you need to know ahead of time that dog had another life before the shelter,” Parks said. Frier also encouraged anyone interested in volunteering at the animal shelter to attend an orientation at Denton Animal Shelter

at 300 S. Woodrow Ln. on May 12 at 9:30 a.m. As for “The Pet Experience,” Frier said she hopes students will realize the responsibility of being a pet owner that comes with adopting from shelters or rescues. “Every breed is different, and it’s important to adopt a dog where their energy level is right for you,” she said. Gonzalez expects students to take the information they learned at “The Pet Experience” into consideration as well. “I think the students students gain an understanding of what it takes to be a pet owner and can also gain valuable experience from pet owners in the Denton Community,” he said.

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Private Tutoring, Small Group Instruction, Classroom and Online Courses. Test names are the trademarks of their respective owners, who are not afliated with The Princeton Review. The Princeton Review is not afliated with Princeton University.

$2 Imports - longneck Park, 556 Hobson Ln. art purchases in Denton Monthly event promotes Sundress/ Roy Robertson/ Soviet/

alwaysRodeo seemed to steal the Kenda.â€? Angel—Victoria Tree Fundraiser-8:00pm Armstrong @heRockin’ in Hydrant whateverCafĂŠ he was in,â€? “I always kind of lived in my The Contingency Clause-9:00pmshow @ The sophomore he said. “I always thought he imagination and liked playing A SpuneTheater Christmas 2010: Telegraph Canyon/Monahans/Birds hadFarris-7:30pm the drive and ability to & Batteries/Seryn/Dour Burr/Glen @ Hailey’s different characters,â€? he said. BY M ARLENE GONZALEZ wife, Leslie Kregel, thought Disc Golf Winter Open: Amateur Team Tournamentmake it.â€? “Movies were always my big Intern would be great to increase 10:00am @ North Lakes Disc Golfit Pett Course y has seen Young in an undergraduate and then Texas and working for ntTV as escape.â€?

awareness of the communiOn Friday, the shops off the Yo u n g , w h o i n i t i a l l y definitely gave me the expe- go to an acting conservatory action during their college ty’s artistic talent and culture, Denton SquareArts will stay open Alex Macon, & Life Sunday, or go intoDecember sketch and5th improv years together and has even rience that I needed.� attended the Universit y of Editor Kregel said. later than usual. Sundress/Final Club/Land Mammals/ seen some of the work he’s W hen he ca me to UNT, comedy.� Texas at Austin, said he transDrawe contacted sources Denton will have its monthly The River Mouth-9:00pm @ Hailey’s done at Groundlings. After graduating from UNT ferred to UNT because of the Young said his goal was to and created the website firstFirst Friday on the Square and !"#$%&$'()*+,-.$/+012+01$/%12+1$3$456789:45:;5<9&=8>$ V ic t or i a A r m s t r on g , a oppor tunit y to ga in more learn the ins and outs behind in 1998, Young said he worked fridaydenton.com to establish Industrial Street area. Monday, December 6th for KDAF in Dallas as a camera t he ater s ophomore, s a id Trivia Monday with Norm Amorose -7:30pm @ Public House the event. Live music, sculptures, stained operator and graphics artist. k now ing t hat people who “First Friday has no boss, no glass, appetizers and art will be I n 20 0 0, he move d to were in her shoes before are Tuesday, December 7th president. I’m just in charge of available until 9 p.m. instead of some success motiNADIA HILL L.A. enrolled into The having sa lesperson orbuilding cla ssroom students. film students to educate the Pearland Harbor Memorial Day the website and it into the regular 6 p.m. Staff Writer vates herit’s for tiring. the future. Groundlings theater school, teacher, Teachers “ We u s e ou r voic e s to public about voice care in PHOTO BY TARYN WALKER/INTERN something because I started it,� For First Friday, art galleries “Even ifhighest it’s a small part prestigious improv school the percent of andin it’s one have of World Voice Day. Artsacommunicate, This Friday stay at noon t wo honor Thursday, December 9th Robin Huttash, owner of A Creative STUDIO, will participate First Friday Drawe said. and businesses open longer like his, it’s a big movie that’s where stars such as Kristen voice disorders, and a lot of of those things we take for T he f ree work shop w i l l UT Sout hwester n Med ica l Abbott Clark p.m. on Friday. Band/Rob Baird/ William Kregel’s business, Cimarrona, to give shoppers an opportunity Denton. The studio will stay open until 9 Josh gotten gisreat revever iews,� she Wiig and Will Ferrell have Green-8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo money spent y year granted,� said coordinator i n c l u d e S h a k e s p e a r e a n Center otola r y ngologists – sells hats, scarves and warm to admire and buy art. said. “Thereteachers isn’t suchsimply thing replace Stephen UNT College o n o l owhich g u e s is , where a n othe p eidea r a gone. voice experts – w ill hostand a mmonth, clothing recycled from old Several communities pher andAustin, UNT alumnus, said he to as a sma ll pa rt as long as It was while he was there Friday, December 10th because t heir voices don’t of Music voice professor. “If s i n g e r a n d a b r o a d c a s t workshop at Voertman Hall THE WARRIOR’S WAY [R] their 11:40am 2:05pm 4:55pm 7:30pm 10:05pm clothes. countries have own First helped start Denton’s First Friday came from. you ga in some ex perience that Young met “Like Crazy� Burial/Wild Tribe/xunit 21’s first show/Wiccans/ work.� you make your living on telenews segment, all delivered wFriday it h U N T t heat re, mu sic BURLESQUEor [PG13] 1:05pm 4:05pm 7:00pm 9:50pm “What we hope is [to gain] a First Thursday each Shannon Drawe, a photogra- in in February 2010. He and his @it.� Rubber World VoiceGloves Day began in vRotundus/Youth ision, Drake rad io,Doremus, asAgression-8:00pm a lawwho yer, from a nd rad[R]io, telev ision nd and performed by about 15 director DUE DATE 11:45am 2:20pm 4:50pm 7:15pm a 9:40pm

Arts & Life

New York City Queens/ Ghost Town/ Retro Run -8:00pm @ Hailey!s Luna Solarium -10:00pm @ Banter Brave Combo -10:00pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf

Page 4

Tuesday/Thursday little more visibility and have the Creative Art STUDIO, one of $.99 Tacos the businesses been Thursday, Aprilthat 12,has2012 public more aware of art culture in Denton that isn’t always a part of First Friday since it started. recognized,� Kregel said. Friday alexdmacon@yahoo.com Huttash said her main goal Merchants join with artists is providing to help$5.99 promote art and busiFajita Platters music for the event nesses. For example, an artist each month.

Students, experts give voice to health issue Saturday, December 3

FASTER [R] 11:15am 1:45pm 4:30pm 7:05pm 9:35pm HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 [PG13] 1:40pm 5:10pm 6:30pm 8:30pm 9:45pm HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 - DIGITAL [PG13] 11:55am 3:40pm 7:25pm 10:45pm LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS [R] 11:20am 2:10pm 5:00pm 7:55pm 10:40pm MEGAMIND [PG] 1:10pm 4:00pm

Pat Martino -6:00pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf Baloney Moon -8:00pm @ Banter Ryan Thomas Becker and Last Joke/ Bad Design/ Final Club/ Terrestrials/ Family Fiend -9:00pm @ Hailey!s Meme Gallery Presents : Inradius � Works City Band -9:00pm Elizabeth @ Public House ofDirty Andie Sterling, Hurtado, New Riders of the Purple Sage/ Violent Squid Day Hunter Wild/ Nick Groesch/Breathing vs. Night Achtone-8:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Lines/ Northern-9:00pm @Rubber Gloves Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ The Campus Theater

Saturday, December 11th Dead Week Print Show: Pan Ector/Gutterth Productions/ MORNING GLORY [PG13] 11:30am 2:25pm 5:05pm 7:45pm 10:30pm La Meme/ Pants-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Thursday, April 12,Robertson-8:30pm 2012 Thursday, December 2nd TANGLED [PG] 12:45pm 3:20pm 6:05pm 8:45pm Jessie Frye, with Sam @ The Hydrant CafĂŠ Hares on the Mountain -5:00pm Roger Creager/Zach Walther-8:00pm @Civic Rockin’ Rodeo Kim Nall and Brittany Willis – 10:00 pm @Banter TANGLED ?-%REAL , T ( 1 DK $3D / % 1 2[PG] + 1 11:25am 2:00pm 4:40pm 7:20pm 9:55pm Arts & Crafts Show-8:00am @ Danton Center A%?2$0%?2%,1$?'+@$(1 The Dark Side of Oz -9:00pm Till They’re Blue or Destroy-7:00pm @ The Hydrant CafĂŠ The Reverend Horton Heat Tour of DFW/ THE NEXT THREE DAYS [PG13] 12:50pm 3:55pm 7:10pm 10:20pm Silverleaf TheDan!s Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal ?(1)%$EF#U 1+,2'$2%SC? @ Denton Holiday Lighting Festival-5:45pm @ The Square Missle – 9:30 pm @Dan’s Silverleaf UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:35am 2:15pm 4:45pm 7:35pm 10:10pm Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ The Campus Theater @ Dan!s Silverleaf College Nite w/DJ TimeWarp @Denton Garage Friday, December Beaujolais & 3rd MoreWidow/ Wine and Food Two Bands/Two Comics/Sky North American Splitter Tour 2010: ?2,C0$G$H%I2$'C2? Tasting Prism – 10_00 pm Skull @Haileys -5:30pm @ Denton Civic Center Skeletonwitch/Withered/Landmine Aaron Watson w/CurtisLonesome Grimes – 8:00 Marathon/ pm @Rockin’ Rodeo Ambramblers/ Heroes 25 The Spectacle-8:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Discipline – 10:00 The pm @Rubber Gloves Birds Bart Crow/ Thieving -7:00pm@ Dan!s Silverleaf Crooked Finger-9:00pm @5:00 Public House National Theatre Live: The Immortals [R] 103 Mins UNT 2 O’clock Lab Band – pm @Sweetwater Grill & Tavern The Cabin in the Woods Wrath of the Titans L:M5=NO6$P<8QMR Collaborators LIVE 195 Mins RealD 3D 1:30pm | 4:10pm R95 Mins Digital Cinema PG-1399 Mins Denton Bach Society-7:00pm @ The Hydrant -8:00 pm @ Rockin! Rodeo Digital Cinema 7:00pm Midnight Showtimes (Late Thursday Night) RealD 3D Opening Reception for “Fired Up: Clay at UNTâ€? –CafĂŠ Denton is Burning -10:00pm J. Edgar [R] 137| Mins 2:20pm | 3:40pm 4:55pm | 6:20pm MillionYoung/Teen Daze/Old Snack/Goldilocks Arthur Christmas [PG] 97 Mins Digital Cinema 12:40pm | 3:50pm Lockout | 7:40pm | 9:00pm | 10:20pm 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm @UNT onStreet the Square RealD | 4:35pm | 7:10pm Pterodactyl/ PVC Gang/ PG-13953D Mins1:40pm Digital Cinema Digital Cinema| 10:20pm & The Rock-9:00pm @ Hailey’s @ Rubber Gloves |Midnight 7:25pm | 10:10pm Showtimes (Late Thursday Night) 1:00pm Digital Cinema 3:15pm | 8:50pm Jack and Jill [PG] 91 Mins The Quebe Sisters/Will Johnson-8:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf Digital Cinema The Three Stooges The Hunger Games 2:00pm | 4:25pm GeistHeistler/ Midnite Society Boxcar Bandits -10:30pm Friday, April 13, 2012 Hugo [PG]Digital 127 Cinema Mins | 7:00pm 9:25pm PG92 Mins PG-13142 Mins| Digital Cinema Fatty Lumpkin-7:00pm @ The Boiler Room Midnight3D Showtimes (Late 12:40pm | 1:45pm | 2:50pm | 3:55pm | 5:00pm | RealD 1:45pm | Thursday 4:45pmNight) 6:10pm 7:10pm & | 8:15pm 9:20pm | 10:25pm Little Women –@Rubber The Musical – 7:30 pm @Campus | 7:45pm | 10:40pm A Very| Harold Kumar| Christmas [R] 85 Mins Reindeer Romp-7:30pm @ South Lakes Park Theatre -9:00pm Gloves AmericanCinema Reunion 5:45pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf Digital RealD 3D 9:45pm R113 Mins Digital Cinema October Baby Frenchy’s Arts Roast – 6:00 pm @Center for Visual Arts 12:50pm | 2:15pm | 3:40pm | 5:05pm | PG-13105 Mins Digital Cinema The Muppets [PG] 120 Mins Tower Heist [PG-13] 115 Mins 6:30pm Cinema | 7:55pm |1:50pm 9:30pm || 10:40pm 2:00pm 4:40pm | 2:25pm 7:15pm | |9:50pm ASaturday, “Lunch and Learnâ€? recruitment & orientation session Digital 3:20pm | 4:40pm Digital |Cinema 5:05pm December 4th | 6:05pm | 7:30pm | 8:55pm | 10:20pm | 7:50pm | 10:30pm Titanic The Raid: Redemption (Serbuan maut) – 11:00 am @Courthouse on the Square Museum La Meme Gallery opening: Sally Glass/Oh Lewis!/ PG-13194 Mins R101 Mins Digital Cinema Happy Feet Two [PG] 105 Mins Puss inShowtimes Boots [PG] Mins Night) RealD 3D Midnight (Late90 Thursday A-B$C1/%,?+1$A%C1 Murdocks/Jon Vogt-9:00pm Our American Cousin: Comedy@&Rubber TragedyGloves in Three Acts RealD 1:20pm | 4:05pm | 7:05pm Digital Cinema 1:05pm | 3:25pm 4:00pm 3D | 6:05pm | 8:10pm | 10:15pm Digital Cinema 2:45pm | 5:25pm | Jump 5:40pm Digital Cinema 21 Street| 8:00pm | 10:25pm Angel Tree Fundraiser-8:00pm @ Rockin’ Rodeo |1:55pm 8:05pm | 10:45pm – 12:15 pm @Courthouse on the Square Museum R109 Mins Digital Cinema Big Round Spectacles/ Loose Milkdrive -7:00pm @ Dan!s Silverleaf 2:10pm | 4:50pm | 7:35pm | 10:10pm The Contingency Clause-9:00pm @ The Hydrant CafĂŠ The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn The Mike Stern Trio – 8:00 pm @Dan’s Silverleaf Mirror Mirror -PG106 Part 1Mins [PG-13] 117 Mins Digital Cinema Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax Fit -10:00pm @ Banter Chris Rivers Band -8:00pm A Spune Christmas 2010: Telegraph Canyon/Monahans/Birds 1:10pm Cinema | 2:35pm |12:40pm 4:00pm | |5:25pm | PG86 Mins Digital Cinema Digital 2:05pm Annual Plant Sale – 2:00 pm @Denton Christian Preschool | 8:00pm | 9:40pm 10:35pm 2:05pm | 4:35pm | 7:00pm | 9:25pm |6:50pm 3:30pm | 4:50pm | |6:20pm & Batteries/Seryn/Dour Burr/Glen Farris-7:30pm @ Hailey’s | 7:40pm | 9:10pm | 10:35pm Outside Walls @Denton Garage @ Rodeo Back toWinter the 90!s @ The Denton Garage DiscRockin! Golf Open: Amateur Team Rockin’ Roundup – 6:00 pm @Diamond T TournamentArena 10:00am @ North Lakes Disc Golf Course Dust Congress/ Welcome Sol Tax/Cary Copper/L.E. Taylor/Kerri Arista – 8:00 pm @Haileys

Fishboy/ Overrated Vol 2/Relaease Party: The Night Game Cult/Able Signs/ SethG.Sherman/ Diamond Sunday, December 5thDJ G – 9:00The Youth/Juve/Gavin and pm @Rubber Gloves Sundress/Final Mammals/ Pancake supper, Club/Land Silent@ Auction – 4:30 pm @ Age -9:00pm Hailey!s The River Mouth-9:00pm @ Hailey’s St. Andrew Presbyterian Church Jewelry/ Prince Rama/ !"#$%&$'()*+,-.$/+012+01$/%12+1$3$456789:45:;5<9&=8>$ Indian Opening Reception for 6th “Fired Up: Clay at Monday, December UNT� – 5:30 pm @UNT on the Square Darktown New-7:30pm Fumes Trivia Monday Strutters/ with Norm Amorose @ Public House

Sunday, December 4 Thursday, November 17

MEGAMIND - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:50am 2:35pm 5:15pm 7:50pm 10:15pm


Monday, December 5

Neck pain?




Friday, November 188 Thursday, December

New China King Buffet Best price in Denton Sunday Lunch $799 Dinner Buffet $899

THE WARRIOR’S WAY [R] 11:40am 2:05pm 4:55pm 7:30pm 10:05pm BURLESQUE [PG13] 1:05pm 4:05pm 7:00pm 9:50pm

DUE DATE [R] 11:45am 2:20pm 4:50pm 7:15pm 9:40pm

• Special Hibachi • Fresh Sushi Everyday HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 - DIGITAL [PG13] 11:55am 3:40pm 7:25pm 10:45pm • Fresh Seasonal Fruit LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS [R] 11:20am 2:10pm 5:00pm 7:55pm 10:40pm • [PG]Oven MEGAMIND 1:10pm 4:00pm Roasted King Prawns MEGAMIND - REAL& D 3DOctopus [PG] 11:50am 2:35pm Everyday 5:15pm 7:50pm 10:15pm MORNING GLORY [PG13] 11:30am 2:25pm 5:05pm 7:45pm 10:30pm • No M.S.G. TANGLED [PG] 12:45pm 3:20pm 6:05pm 8:45pm • Over 100 Items Daily TANGLED - REAL D 3D [PG] 11:25am 2:00pm 4:40pm 7:20pm 9:55pm Crab & Sat Dinner Only THE NEXT•THREE DAYS [PG13] Legs 12:50pm 3:55pmFri 7:10pm 10:20pm UNSTOPPABLE 2:15pm 4:45pm 7:35pm 10:10pm • [PG13] All 11:35am You Can Eat • Wi-Fi Hotspot • Serving Alcoholic Beverages 25 Up To 120 • Party Room Seats FASTER [R] 11:15am 1:45pm 4:30pm 7:05pm 9:35pm

HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1 [PG13] 1:40pm 5:10pm 6:30pm 8:30pm 9:45pm

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 [PG-13] 117 Mins Digital Cinema Midnight Showtimes (Late Thursday Night) 12:01am | 12:02am | 12:03am | 12:04am | 12:05am | 12:08am | 12:10am | 12:15am | 12:20am | 12:25am

A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas [R] 85 Mins 4:25pm | 5:35pm | 7:05pm | 8:00pm

Twilight Saga: Marathon [PG-13]

In Time [PG-13] 109 Mins

10 OFF %

Tower Heist [PG-13] 115 Mins

| 6:20pm | 7:50pm | 10:35pm

• With Student I.D. Puss in Boots [PG] 90 Mins (Dinner Only) RealD 3D 2:15pm | 4:35pm | 5:45pm | 6:55pm | 8:05pm | 9:15pm | 10:25pm • A Group Of 8 Or More

Plus a Free Cake Paranormal Activity 3 [R] 81 Mins

Immortals [R] 103 Mins RealD 3D 1:00pm | 2:15pm | 3:35pm | 6:15pm | 7:30pm | 8:55pm

J. Edgar [R] 137 Mins

| 7:10pm | 10:20pm

Join us for Mothers Day! Lobster & Roasted Beijing Duck

Jack and Jill [PG] 91 Mins

3:10pm | 4:30pm | 5:40pm | 7:00pm | 8:10pm | 9:30pm | 10:40pm

Footloose [PG-13] 113 Mins

Real Steel [PG-13] 132 Mins


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The Nanny Agency

SHOWTIMES VALID FOR 12-03-2010 Sunday, December 12th

TANGLED 3D [PG] 11:15AM | 1:50 | 4:25 | HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: The1 Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas 7:00 | 9:55 Pie...A Madrigal PART [PG13] 12:00 | 3:20 | 6:30 | 9:40

Enjoy your holidays!

Farce & Feaste-2:00pm @ The Campus Theater Nannies needed

UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:45AM | 2:20 | 4:55 | 7:30 | 10:15 full time part time summer babysitting Soothing Treatments Monday, December 13th

MEGAMIND 3D [PG] 11:00AM | 1:25 | 3:50 | 6:15 | 9:00

- Must have childGloves experience The Gay Blades-9:00pm @ Rubber Trivia Night with Norm Amorose -7:30pm @ Public House -Non smoker

Student Discount - 20% off on Haircuts DAILYTopDRINK paySPECIALS ( 15/hr. minimum) $

Friday 76201 415 S. Elm St. #102 972.949.4144 Denton, TX Well Drinks $2.50 Monday Monday Margaritas $2.50 Cuervo Shots $2.50 Mexican Beer $3.00

940.380.0955 nannyagencyinc@aol.com Saturday outbackhair.com House Wine $2.50 www.thenannyagencyinc.com Raw Oyster Bar!

Tuesday Texas Tuesday Shiners $3.00 Well Drinks $2.50

Firemans 4 Draft $3.00 Sunday Bloody Marys $2.50 Mimosas $2.50 Bellinis $2.50

Wednesday Domestic Bottled Beers $2.00

Everyday Drink Specials 25% off Jim Beam Shots $2.50

Thursday Double Well Drinks $5.00

1/2 Priced appetizers Monday - Thursday 4-7 p.m.

-Massage Tango Therapy Shots $3.00 -Personal Fitness Training

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Neck pain?

-9:00pm @ Rubber Saturday, April 14,7th 2012 Gloves Tuesday, December

11:40 pmMemorial @Banter Day Pearl-10:00 Harbor Little Women – The Musical – 7:30 pm @Campus Theatre Thursday, 9th North Texas December Book Festival – 9:00 am @Center for Visual Arts Josh Abbott Band/Rob Baird/Celebration William Clark Denton County 166th Birthday – 10:00 Bone Doggie -8:00pm @ Banter Green-8:00pm Rockin’ RodeoMuseum am @Courthouse@on the Square The Mike SternPickin! Trio – 8:00and pm @Dan’s Silverleaf DHAW!!! a Grinnin! Friday, 10th Jay MuseDecember @Denton Garage for United Way -5:00pm & Ingram Burial/Wild Tribe/xunit 21’s first show/Wiccans/ Sammy Fox and The Intervention/The Matt Rotundus/Youth Agression-8:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Band/ Bethany – 9:00 pm @Haileys 9:00pm @Laprade Dan!s Silverleaf Dirty City Band -9:00pm @ Public House Happy Birthday Brenda Ramirez! – 9:00 pm @Haileys New Riders of the Purple Sage/ Violent SquidGarage Droo @ La The Denton Parade ofD!Anna Flesh Presents: Dispute/Balance &Day Composure/ vs. Night Achtone-8:00pm @ Dan’s Silverleaf All Get Out/Sainthood Reps -7:00 pm @Rubber Gloves Rocketboys/ The Winter Sounds/ Israel The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal 5th Annual “Take the First Stepâ€? 5k /1m Fun Run/ Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ The Campus Theater Nash Gripka -9:00pm Walk – 9:00 am @South Lakes Park@ Hailey!s Saturday, December 11th Nascar Samsung Mobile 500 Cup Series) Dead WeekBlack/ Print Show: Pan(Sprint Ector/Gutterth Productions/ Pinkish Vulgar Fashion/ –La 9:00 am @Texas Motor Speedway Meme/ Pants-9:00pm @ Rubber Gloves Free for Young Athletes –@Presents: 8:00 Zavod/ UR/ Meme Gallery JessieHeart Frye,Screenings with Sam Robertson-8:30pm Theam Hydrant CafĂŠ @Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Denton Arts & Crafts Show-8:00am @ Danton Civic Center The Works of Rob Buttrum Annual Plant Sale 2:00 pm @Denton Christian Preschool The Second Shepherds’ Play/ Christmas Pie...A Madrigal Sunday, April 15, 2012 Farce & Feaste-7:30pm @ TheGloves Campus Theater -9:00pm @Rubber Little Women – The Musical – 2:00 pm @Campus Theatre Hares on The Mountain – 5:00 pm @Dan’s Silverleaf Basie Big Band – 5:00 pm @Sweetwater Grill & Tavern

Saturday, November 19

Sunday, November 20

Monday, April 16, 2012 DHAW!!! Pickin! and a Grinnin! for Spring Clean Out! – 11:30 am @Greater Denton/ United Way -5:00pm @Inc. Dan!s Silverleaf Wise County Association of Realtors, Denton is Burning – 10:00 pmMLG @Rubber Gloves Barcraft Denton: Providence Opening Reception for “Fired Up: Clay at Finals -8:00pm @theRubber Gloves UNT� – 5:30 pm @UNT on Square N!Awlins Gumbo Kings! Christmas CD Tuesday, April 17, 2012 Release -7:00pm @ Sweetwater Grill Free Yoga Classes for Breast Cancer Survivors/ Patients – 5:30 pm @ Denton Regional Medical Center, Education Building Hajime 90’s Night/DJYoshida/ QuestionmarkEvan Weiss –-7:00pm 10:00 pm @Haileys @ Sweetwater Grill Discover Your Positive Moods – 7:00 pm @ North Branch Library Singles Going Steady – 10:00 pm @Rubber Gloves Dementia Loving Care-Free Seminar – 6:00 pm @Select Rehabilitation Hospital Lynn Seaton Trio – 5:00 pm @Sweetwater Grill & Tavern Opening Reception for “Fired UP: Clay at UNT� – 5:30 pm @UNT on the Square

Tuesday, November 22

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Band of Heathens – 8:30 pm @Dan’s Silverleaf 50 Cent Wells w/ Luke Wade @Denton Garage Advanced Dog Obedience – 7:30 pm @North Lakes Recreation Center Me Gusta With Yeahdef – 10:00 pm @Rubber Gloves Opening Reception for “Fired UP: Clay at UNT� – 5:30 pm @UNT on the Square


THE POLAR EXPRESS weekend of 12/2



HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: PART 1 [PG13] 12:00 | 3:20 | 6:30 | 9:40

TANGLED 3D [PG] 11:15AM | 1:50 | 4:25 | 7:00 | 9:55

MEGAMIND 3D [PG] 11:00AM | 1:25 | 3:50 | 6:15 | 9:00 Monday Margaritas $2.50

UNSTOPPABLE [PG13] 11:45AM | 2:20 | Drinks $2.50 4:55 | 7:30Well | 10:15


Cuervo Shots $2.50 Mexican Beer $3.00

Tuesday Texas Tuesday Shiners $3.00 Well Drinks $2.50 Wednesday Domestic Bottled Beers $2.00 Thursday Double Well Drinks $5.00

1/2 Priced appetizers Monday - Thursday 4-7 p.m.


Saturday House Wine $2.50 Firemans 4 Draft $3.00 Sunday Bloody Marys $2.50 Mimosas $2.50 Bellinis $2.50 Everyday Drink Specials Jim Beam Shots $2.50 Tango Shots $3.00

Raw Oyster Bar!

Located in the Lively Historical Downtown Denton Square Area! 940.484.2888 | 115 S. Elm Street, Denton www.wimgo.com and search Sweetwater

Thursday, April 12, 2012 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor


Page 5 blew7@hotmail.com

Head tennis coach gives back to his homeland Profile TYLER OWENS Staff Writer


Sophomore infielder Brooke Foster looks toward home plate while Texas State junior Shelby Carnline waits during UNT’s 6-0 loss to the Bobcats on Wednesday. The Mean Green won 7-0 in the second game of the doubleheader.

UNT splits doubleheader Softball BRETT MEDEIROS Senior Staff Writer

On the strength of dominant pitching performances, the UNT (18-19-1) softball team and the Texas State Bobcats (25-15) split Wednesday’s doubleheader with both teams earning six-run wins at Lovelace Stadium. The Mean Green is 1-2 against the Bobcats this season.

Game One I n t he f i r st ga me of Wednesday’s doubleheader, Texas State senior pitcher Chandler Hall led the Bobcats to a 6-0 win, holding the Mean Green to five hits and zero runs on her way to her 15th complete game of the season. While the offense struggled, the defense did not help the cause. The Mean Green committed seven errors, putting junior pitcher Brittany Simmons and sophomore pitcher Lauren Poole in a tough position all

game. “We just weren’t feeling right out there on the field,” senior first baseman Maddelyn Fraley said. “It was really uncharacteristic of us.” Opportunities for the UNT offense didn’t come along often. The Mean Green had just three players reach second base. The bottom of the sixth inning was the best chance the Mean Green had to produce runs. With two outs and the bases loaded, UNT sophomore catchers Sarah McGann and Ashley McCarroll struck out back-to-back, ending the inning. “You know, sometimes you come out and if you don’t have complete and total focus, you have games like this,” head coach T.J. Hubbard said.

Game Two In the second game, the Mean Green flipped the script on the Bobcats for its own six-run win. With dominating pitching by

sophomore Ashley Kirk and the power hitting of Fraley, UNT won 7-1. After shutting down the Florida Atlantic Owls this past weekend, Kirk came out dealing once again, holding Texas State to one run on seven hits with eight strikeouts. “I honestly don’t think it is anything that I’ve done,” Kirk said. “The defense has been behind me 100 percent of the time. For them to come out and do that just gives me freedom in the circle, so I give them the credit.” Fraley led the way for UNT at the plate, going 3-for-4 with two doubles, a three-run home run and five of the seven runs batted in. She now leads the Mean Green in batting average, home runs, slugging percentage and runs batted in. The Mean Green will return to action this Saturday as it travels to Monroe, La., to take on the Louisiana-Monroe Warhawks for a three-game series.

Mean Green climbs rankings Brief

In an effort to give back to his homeland, as his late mother wished, UNT head tennis coach Sujay Lama directs Project Nepal, a charity organization that raises money to sponsor orphaned children so that they may attend school in Lama’s hometown of Kathmandu, Nepal. “Not everyone is as fortunate as I am to leave the country, get a great education and get the experiences I’ve had,” Lama said. “We are one of the poorest countries in the world, so the best way to give back is to help the young people because they are the future.” According to the organization’s website, in 2002, when Lama went back to Nepal, he found that his sister, Poonam, and his father, Hem, had started a small school in their home and had sponsored five orphans to attend. Poonam named it the Nabha Deepti School. On that same trip, while out jogging one morning, Lama saw the children holding hands and walking several miles to the school. Lama said the children, with huge smiles on their faces, looked up at him and said, “Good morning, sir.” Lama calls that encounter a defining moment in his life. Feeling the need to make an impact in the children’s lives, he founded Project Nepal and began reaching out to get sponsors. Two weeks


Project Nepal, directed by UNT head tennis coach Sujay Lama, is a charity organization that raises money for orphan children to attend school in Lama’s hometown of Kathmandu, Nepal.

“...Sujay is very passionate about tennis, and he puts that same passion into Project Nepal.”

—Lynn Lama Sujay Lama’s wife

later, he had gained more than 15 sponsors. After a while, they decided to convert the school to educate only the underprivileged kids, drawing from three area orphanages. “At our height in 2008, we had 72 students, kindergarten through fifth grade,” Project Nepal communications director Dr. Ed Kellerman said. “It was a very vibrant program.” Last year, the Nabha Deepti School was forced to close its doors because Lama’s sister, who was the principal, had become legally blind, and his father, who is in his early 80s, was aging. Lama did not let that stop him from achieving his goal and reaching the children. Project Nepal continued to sponsor the children of the Prayas Nepal

Orphanage to attend the school that is directly across the street. Lama’s wife, Lynn, is Project Nepal’s IT coordinator and one of the organization’s four board members. “I just provide whatever support I can to him. Sometimes it gets tough raising money,” she said. “You see Sujay is very passionate about tennis, and he puts that same passion into Project Nepal.” He plans to continue his project until he reaches his final goal. “My ultimate goal will be to build a really big school and a big hospital because the health care there [in Nepal] is terrible,” Lama said. Donations can be made to Project Nepal at www.supportprojectnepal.com.

11:07 AM 11:07 4:08 PM 4:08 PMAM

KC KC 3G 3G Messages Messages

Edit Edit


One day after the team’s best performance of the season, the Mean Green men’s golf team moved up to No. 26 in the Golfstat. com rankings, its highest ranking since the team was ranked No. 3 in the nation at the beginning of the 2010-2011 season. The Mean Green earned the ranking by shooting 22-under par at The Woodlands All-American Intercollegiate, finishing in second place, one stroke behind No. 8 Arkansas. The team finished ahead of No. 15 Texas A&M and No. 21 Clemson, which finished third and sixth, respectively. T he closest Su n Belt Conference team to UNT is Middle Tennessee, sitting at No. 46 overall. In the Golfweek.com poll, UNT sits at No. 31, its highest ranking since the poll started in 1999. I n t he I nterc ol le g i at e, ju n ior Cu r t is Dona hoe f i n i s he d s e c ond w it h a score of 9-u nder pa r 207, the lowest par-72 score for

Hey, Hey,what whatr ruugoing goingtotododo this thissummer? summer? II enrolled enrolledfor forsummer summer school school @ @KC. KC. How Howcan canI Ido dothat? that? IIhave haveaajob. job. PHOTO BY RYAN BIBB/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Junior Curtis Donahoe of the Mean Green golf team practices putting at a practice in March. a UNT golfer since 1998. He beat his previous record of 7-under par 209 at the UTA/ Wat er c h a s e I nv it at ion a l, winning the event.

The team will look to crack the nation’s top 25 when it returns to action April 23 for the Sun Belt Championship in Muscle Shoals, Ala.

White earns SBC honor Brief


For the second consecutive week, Mean Green track and field junior Steven White was named the Sun Belt Conference Men’s Track Athlete of the Week, follow ing another recordbreaking performance at the North Texas Spring Classic last Saturday. White broke his own school record in the 400-meter hurdles for the second straight week,

finishing the event in 50.07 seconds. Two weeks ago at the prestigious Texas Relays, White finished the event in 50.53 seconds and claimed UNT’s first Texas Relays Championship since 1981. His time in the 400-meter hurdles at the Spring Classic was also good enough to break the stadium record at Fouts Field. The junior hurdler is now ranked third in the NCAA, fifth in the entire nation and eighth in the world. White also ranks

27th in the NC A A a nd has recorded the Sun Belt Conference’s f a s t e s t 20 0-meter time at 20.97 STEVEN seconds. WHITE The UNT track and field will visit the University of Oklahoma for the third time during the indoor and outdoor seasons to compete in the John Jacobs Invitational on Saturday.

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Page 6 Bobby Lewis, Sports Editor

Thursday, April 12, 2012 blew7@hotmail.com

Bass club working its way to success, prominence Club Profile Zach claussen Staff Writer

As the boat motors die down and the water begins to lose its ripple, bait is forced onto the metallic hooks of fishing poles, and casts whip through the air as the sun beams down on another eight-hour day at the lake. This is the life of a member of the UNT Bass Fishing club. The club was started in 2005 as a general fishing club, until 2009 when the club was reorganized and became the UNT Bass Fishing club. The club, created primarily for tournament fishing, was forced to cease operations in 2010 due to organizational problems. Mechanical and energ y engineering senior William Cartwright didn’t want to see the club sink and decided to take over as president in 2011. “I took over as president and wanted to implement a bunch of new programs to increase the diversity and the awareness of the club,� Cartwright said. On March 23, undeclared sophomore Sea n Wat son and hospitality management senior Jesse Chambers each

placed in Cabela’s Big Bass Bash Tournament. Watson’s 3.94-pound fish was good for a fourth place finish, while Chambers’ 4.75-pound fish earned him second place. Cartwright, now vice president and three-year club veteran, created a YouTube channel tit led “Collegiate Match Fishing,� which delves into bass fishing competitions and what it’s like spending the majority of the day out on a boat. Cartwright also created a website for the UNT Bass Fishing Club and began a partnership with KIDFISH. The partnership allows club members to supervise and teach kids how to become better fishermen. The club competes yearround in nine to 12 tournaments but focuses primarily on the Forrest L. Wood regional tournaments. Most tournaments are comprised of schools around the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, as well as Stephen F. Austin University and Texas. Lakes Lewisville, Ray Roberts, Grapevine and Lavon have all been fished by the club this season. The club is currently ranked No. 16 by the Collegiate Bass Fishing Championship in the

Photo courtesy of the uNt Bass cluB

The UNT Bass Club competed at Cabala’s Big Bass Bash Tournament on March 23 through March 26. The team is ranked No. 16 and formed in 2005. School of the Year rankings. Each week is a different challenge, as the club members have to find the correct spot to fish, work w ith weather

conditions and make sure all of their equipment is functioning properly. The only money the club receives comes from indiv idua l donor s a nd sponsors BE A R Ma r i ne, Luca s Lures and the UNT Student G over n ment A ssoc iat ion. Costs for keeping up a boat are more than $4,000, Campbell said. For non-boaters – those who don’t own their own boat – costs can exceed $500 per year. Mat h ju n ior Cha nce Johnson hopes the club can

“It’d be nice to have more people participate, because you really do meet a lot of new people from different schools.�

—Chance Johnson Member of the bass fishing club

receive more funds from the university in order to make the club more attractive. “T he u n iversit y shou ld buy us a boat,� Johnson said

jok i ng ly. “It’d be n ice to have more people pa rticipate, because you really do meet a lot of new people from different schools.�

Mitchell’s return also helps UNT off the court Opinion B ret t M edeiros Senior Staff Writer

april 2012 DATE




Street Foods from the Hot Zone: MOROCCAN

Kerr Cafeteria

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.


International/Sustainability Art Show Reception

Union Gallery

3 p.m.


International Food Fair

Baptist Student Ministry

11 a.m. - 1 p.m.


Street Food from the Hot Zone: CUBAN

Kerr Cafeteria

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Coffee and Culture

Discovery Park


Street Foods from the Hot Zone: BRAZIL

Kerr Cafeteria


German Film: “Four Minutes� (2006)

Language Building 107A


Dinner Diversity

Golden Eagle Suite, Union


Afro-Cuban/Brazilian/Latin Jazz Ensemble

Voertman Hall


Street Food from the Hot Zone: ASIAN

Kerr Cafeteria


Spanish Film: “Romero� (1989)

Language Building 107A


Street Food from the Hot Zone: INDIA

Kerr Hall


WorldFest by TAMS

McConnell Hall Lawn


Easter Celebrations Around the World

McKenna Park



Language Building 107A


Coffee and Culture

Discovery Park


Japanese Film: “The Professor’s Beloved Equation�

Language Building 107A

3 - 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 8 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 11 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 3 p.m. 3 - 4 p.m. 3 p.m.


Traditional Indian Cuisine

Bruce Cafeteria


French Film: “OSS 117: Lost in Rio�

Language Building 107A

4 p.m.


CAMCSI Film “The Keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayyam� (2005)

Chilton Hall

4 p.m.


Japanese Drummers


7 p.m.


International Dance Party

Library Mall


College Business Distinguished Speaker Series: Jeff Gisea, CEO and Co-Founder of Best Vendor

Business Leadership Building 170


African Cultural Festival

Voertman Hall

8 p.m.


International/Diversity/Sustainability Banquet w/ Ambassador Harriet Elam-Thomas

Apogee Stadium tickets required

7 p.m.


Coffee and Culture

Discovery Park


German Film: “The Edge of Heaven� (2007)

Language Building 107A


Vegan Thai Cuisine

Mean Greens


Korean Festival

Library Mall


Italian Film: “TBD�

Language Building 107A


University Day and Native Dress and Flag Parade

Library Mall


Global Rhythms: Mixed Percussion Ensembles

Voertman Hall


Coffee and Culture

Discovery Park


French Film: “Let it Rain� (2008)

Language Building 109


Traditional Moroccan Cuisine

Champs Cafeteria


Arabic Film: “Caramel� (2007)

Language Building 107A


EarthFest and International Fair and Market

Library Mall


African Fashion Show “We are the Voice�



Basant Kite Festival

North Lakes Park

NT Daily Listing.indd 1

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

On Monday, all of Denton collectively took a deep breath and a well-deserved sigh of relief, because last year’s Sun Belt Conference Freshman of t he Yea r Tony Mitchell announced he is returning to the Super Pit for his sophomore season. Mitchell is without question the face of Mean Green at h let ics, but what some people don’t realize is that the effect he will have on next season’s team could be monumental. Look at the starting lineup. As much as current seniors Tyler Hall, Kedrick Hogans and Alonzo Edwards gave to this team, their playing time was limited last season. Mitchell’s return should be frightening enough as it is, but one can’t help but wonder how great Mitchell and freshmen guards Jordan Williams and Chris Jones can be together. Shor t l y a f t er M it c hel l

became eligible to join the team in December, Jones and Williams became academically ineligible, making it impossible for the team’s top three scorers to be on the court at the same time. Last year, just the presence of Mitchell got a fanbase that struggles to get behind its teams to come out every game night and average an attendance of more than 4,000 people. If all goes well next year, the Mean Green could find itself with 25 wins, a Sun Belt Conference title and a 2013 NCA A Tournament appearance. The success in the season w ill bring even more fans to the Super Pit and more nat iona l coverage, a nd it should help Mitchell improve his NBA Draft stock. Most people don’t want to see the day when the school’s most prominent athlete leaves for the pros. Personally, I can’t wait. Mitchell still needs this season to let his game mature. He needs to create a back to the basket post game and to

Brett Medeiros refine his face-up game. W hen he f ine-tunes his game, he will be a NBA Draft lottery pick, and I would help him pack his bags. W hen he’s drafted, UNT w ill become a destination for some of the best players in the nation, particularly in Texas. Men’s basketball head coach Johnny Jones has a lready created a huge success out of nothing when he joined UNT, and now, Denton could become a preferable destination for top tier recruits. Nex t season, t he Mea n Green can be the No. 1 team in the state of Texas.

8:30 - 10 p.m.

Mean Green Trivia

10 a.m.

3 - 4 p.m. 3 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 2 - 6 p.m. 4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. 8 p.m.

The No. 31 UNT men’s golf team put together its best performance of the season at the Woodlands All-American Intercollegiate Tuesday, finishing one stroke behind No. 10 Arkansas for second place. Junior Curtis Donahoe led the way, recording the lowest score for a Mean Green golfer in 14 years with a 9-under 207. Who were the last Mean Green golfers to shoot a 207?

3 - 4 p.m.

Answer: Les Phillips and Matt Pruitt each shot a 207 at the Pacific Invitational in 1998.

4 p.m. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

For more Mean Green Trivia and the latest updates on UNT athletics, follow the North Texas Daily Sports Twitter, @NTDailySports!

4 p.m. 5 - 8 p.m. 6 p.m. 11 a.m.

4/2/12 11:45 AM


Thursday, April 12, 2012 Ian Jacoby, Views Editor

Campus Chat

Do you think Tony Mitchell made the right choice by staying at UNT for another season?

“Not exactly. The world is bigger than UNT, and he could benefit his family more from money he’d earn doing something else.”

Yusef Sutton

Pre-English sophomore

“I think another year of school will be good for him in terms of advancing his education.”

Jon Huey

General studies sophomore

“Yeah. I think it’s a good thing choosing education over an NBA career just in case he gets hurt.”

Makayla Lewis

Pre-engineering freshman

LET US KNOW! Visit NTDaily.com every Friday to vote in our weekly poll. We’ll post the updated results here daily.

The Editorial Board and submission policies: Sean Gorman, Paul Bottoni, Valerie Gonzalez, Alex Macon, Christina Mlynski, Bobby Lewis, Ian Jacoby, Tyler Cleveland, Daisy Silos, Jessica Davis, Stacy Powers. The NT Daily does not necessarily endorse, promote or agree with the viewpoints of the columnists on this page. The content of the columns is strictly the opinion of the writers and in no way reflect the beliefs of the NT Daily. To inquire about column ideas, submit columns or letters to the editor, send an email to ntviewseditor@gmail.com.

Page 7 ntviewseditor@gmail.com

Staff Editorial

Christian school wrongly fired teacher With its recent decision to fire volleyball coach and science teacher Cathy Samford because of her out-of-wedlock pregnancy Tuesday, Heritage Christian Academy of Rockwall, Texas, has established itself as an enclave of narrowmindedness and inconsistency. Though HCA claims that teachers in a Christian school are ministers and thus must adhere to a strict code of conduct, Samford is challenging the firing. The legality of the issue falls into a gray area. It is against the law to fire a person for a pregnancy or pregnancyrelated medical condition. However, HCA believes its code of conduct means it bypasses that employment law. While legally what this school did is

questionable, the real issue lies within the hypocrisy that this policy represents from a moral standpoint. In what way is it “Christian” to fire a soon-to-be mother and force her to go through pregnancy with no income or insurance? Probably in the same way it was “Christian” for the Pharisees to call for the stoning of an adulterous woman to test Jesus’ interpretation of biblical law. Jesus told the Pharisees, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” That’s an important lesson that’s gone completely ignored in a Christian society where looking right is more important than acting right.

HCA Headmaster Dr. Ron Taylor told WFAA.com, “How’s it going to look to a little fourth grade girl that sees she’s pregnant and she’s not married?” If Taylor and HCA truly believe in their own Christian values, then understanding and forgiveness of sin – a large part of Christian doctrine – should be of higher priority than their own image. Furthermore, this statement from Taylor exemplifies the sexist nature of this firing. A rule that could only be enforced against one sex or the other is by nature sexist. So what if a male teacher had impregnated a woman out of wedlock? The only difference in the case would be his ability to hide his actions because they don’t physically

manifest in front of administrators. They would have no way of enforcing this particular standard of conduct for males, and that says a lot about the practicality of this particular rule. Since being fired, Samford has tried mediation with the school, which yielded no result. The school also told WFAA that it doesn’t plan on settling the case. And so the responsibility for affecting positive change falls on the shoulders of Samford, who can and should fight for her rights as an employee and a mother, and to the rest of us, who cannot let injustices like this go ignored for the risk that they’ll continue in the future.


Bumper stickers do nothing but rabble-rouse “Meat is murder.” “Change: how’s that working out for you?” “I support a baby’s right to choose.” Just a sampling of common topics and phrases designed to fit on a 12 by 3 inch piece of adhesive, these very complex and personal issues are often accompanied by severe photographs intended to suddenly alter the belief system of the person reading it. This superior mindset implies that the general masses are not as educated or do not possess as well-developed an opinion as the owner of said bumper sticker. Another, more idealistic view is that those who stamp their cars with advertising ploys believe they are advocating and truly influencing those who tail their cars trying to read the tiny font. Bumper stickers often do not make an impact on the actual cause represented. Unless the owner makes frequent donations to a cause not monitored by a non-corrupt government or donates valuable time and skills to directly help someone in need, these stickers are sensationalized views designed to stir up passion, ignoring logic. For the money it costs to hire a designer, an advertising or marketing firm, a printer and a distributer, the organization behind these stickers could have donated an effective amount of cash to its own cause. While some organizations will donate part of the proceeds of these sticker purchases to the cause, it’s still only part. Donating the entire amount to a direct cause is much more effective. Beyond money and bumper

stickers, take for example the social media campaign for KONY 2012. The YouTube video advocating against child soldiers is heartbreaking, and everyone wants to make sure children are safe and sound at home. The problem, though, was the lack of education surrounding Ugandan politics and Invisible Children, and the effectiveness that a YouTube video and a changed profile picture has on a young boy being snatched from his home. The issue is not supporting an organization or having opinions, it’s how those beliefs are lived out, along the lines of walking the walk instead of just talking. The issue lies in using a slogan and photograph chosen by a focus group in order to make the public feel as if they are doing some degree of good. Truth be told, no one likes to be told by the back windshield of a dusty Explorer that their lifestyle choices are wrong.

Nadia Hill is a pre-journalism sophomore. She can be reached at nadia. hill10@yahoo.com.

Denton students should focus on homelessness An estimated eight percent of Denton county residents live below the poverty line, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. However, today marks Denton’s first “Day of Concern for the Hungry,” as declared by Mayor Mark Burroughs. The idea behind the day is to make Denton more aware of the needs of these people who are impoverished or homeless. As the city begins to do more for those in poverty, so should the students of UNT. The percentage of young adults who volunteer decreased from 22 percent in 2009 to 21.9 percent in 2010, according to the Corporation for National and Community Service. While this is not an astronomical percentage, it does point to a trend that college students are becoming less civically engaged. As members of the Denton community, however temporary that may be, it is important for students to be aware of issues such as homelessness and poverty, and in turn help do something about it. Exploring and working with issues such as hunger, poverty and homelessness helps students gain a broader perspective on not only how such problems affect these individuals, but society as a whole. It is difficult to think of a better time to volunteer than in college. Most students do not live a typical eight-tofive lifestyle, leaving plenty of time for them to be involved in something that matters to them or to the community at large. While Denton does not have a longterm shelter for homeless individ-

uals, the local Salvation Army offers temporary shelter, and organizations like Our Daily Bread and the Denton Community Food Center help supply meals for these individuals. Each of these organizations provides opportunities for students to get involved and help with this increasing problem the city is facing. It is easy to drop a few coins in the red buckets outside of stores during Christmas time. It is easy to donate a few leftover cans of corn after Thanksgiving. However, hunger, homelessness and poverty are issues that never go away. They are not seasonal. Therefore students’ awareness and active engagement in solving them should not be. Confucius once said, “In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of.” It is important for UNT students to help make sure that poverty in Denton is no longer something it is ashamed of.

Brittni Barnett is a journalism senior. She can be reached at brittnibarnett@ yahoo.com.

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