Edition 4-20-11

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Beaten by Bobcats Mean Green softball defeated in San Marcos Page 4 Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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Volume 97 | Issue 46

Stormy 82° / 70°


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Hail flurries interrupt sun-filled skies BY SEAN GORMAN Sports Editor

NEWS: Dallas theater owner talks to students about art Page 2

SPORTS: Women’s golf team in fourth place Page 3

After experiencing sunny skies and temperatures above 90 degrees for most of the day, UNT students received a curveball from Mother Nature in the form of sporadic hail flurries Tuesday afternoon. Golf ball-sized hail as wide as 1.75 inches fell throughout Denton between 4:01 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. as part of a rainstorm that hit the area. “We initially issued a severe thunderstorm warning at 3:37 p.m., and the storm grew faster than we expected,” said Steve Fano of the National Weather Service. “Typically we use coins as reference points for hail sizes, but this hail was too big for that.” The storm moved southeast towards Lewisville and Flowermound after passing through Denton, according to the National Weather Service. A tornado watch was issued for Denton County during the storm, but no severe chance of it happening exists, Fano said. “The cooler temperatures that Denton will receive the rest of this week prevents any real chance of a tornado happening,” Fano said.


Sporadic hail flurries hit Denton Tuesday afternoon with golf ball-sized hail as wide as 1.75 inches.

Program ranks No. 1 in Texas Referendums halted in senate BY LINDA NGUYEN Intern


Political science freshman Rika Fenk said she missed the Tuesday hail, but came across it over the weekend. “My friends and I were driving back from Victory Hall when it happened. It was pretty scary,” she said. “We were outside in my friend’s Mustang, so he was really freaked out about it getting damaged.” Seeing pellets of ice fall from the sky was a first for business junior Greg Fullerton, who said he was at his apartment when it hailed for about 20 minutes. “I just moved to Denton from Houston, and that’s the first time I’ve ever seen anything like it,” he said. “It wasn’t too dangerous, but a lot of the cars were getting hit.” Denton can expect more rain and thunderstorms for the rest of the week, Fano said. A lack of precipitation has plagued the North Texas region, as it has been 3 to 6 inches below average in rainfall for the last six months, according to the National Weather Service. “The drought is a long-term phenomena, Fano said. “I expect us to have a normal amount of rain the next three months but still be behind overall.”

U N T ’s Community Rehabi l itat ion Prog ra m provider training has been designated as Texas’ official prov ider for CRP t ra ining by the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS). According to the US News a nd World Repor t, UN T’s Communit y Rehabilitation Program is ranked first in Texas and 13th in the nation. The CRP provider training is the only one of its kind available in Texas and approved by DARS.

Governor uses partisanship to base cuts on education Page 4

“DARS has a long-standing relationship with UNT,” said Jim Hanophy, the assistant commissioner of development rehabilitation services. “So when we wanted to standardize the provider training in Texas, we immediately thought about UNT.” DARS has given the university’s CRP training program $500,000 to cover costs for training for existing providers and for implementing this program, Hanophy said. DARS and UNT have been work ing for severa l yea rs t r y ing to develop cr iter ia for communit y rehabilita-

tion providers, said Martha G a r b er, t he d i r e c t or of applied research and development in the Department of Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addictions. “We [used to] have a ny number of provider training programs, but now it’s one entity which is cost effective. The online training is consistent and available for people all over Texas,” said Hanophy. “We are planning on keeping UNT as the only CRP provider training program.”

To read the full story visit ntdaily.com

Prey at the pump

ONLINE: Denton Weather: Cold front, chance of rain ring in semester

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Ever-rising gas prices have rocked North Texas. The national average for a gallon of gas is $3.86. “You can’t even drive around town without paying 20 bucks,” said Jeffrey Gouge, a Denton resident.

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State leaks personal information BY MEGAN R ADKE Intern

L a st week, Tex a s st ate Comptroller Susa n Combs announced that the socia l security numbers, dates of birth and other personal information of 3.5 million people were inadvertently disclosed on a public computer server. The information was said to have been available publically

for over a year and is believed to be the largest information breach in the nation. Affected agencies include t h e Te x a s W o r k f o r c e Commission, t he Teachers Retirement System of Texas and the Employees Retirement System of Texas, according to TXSafeGuard.org, a website set up by the comptroller’s of f ice a f ter t he i ncident.

The comptroller’s office is sending letters to all individuals who could have been affected by the information that was exposed, but office officials said there has been no evidence that any of the leaked information had been used to commit identity theft.

To read the entire story visit ntdaily.com

Bills deleted from university computer BY ISAAC WRIGHT Senior Staff Writer

Clerical errors and scheduling conf licts will likely prevent a student vote on three referendums recently passed by the Student Government Association senate. Two referendums passed by the student senate were mistakenly erased from a university hard drive, and a third referendum will not be held this semester, SGA leaders said Tuesday. Both the homecoming reform legislation and a referendum that would create a House of Representatives voting body in the student senate were saved on a university computer in Terrill Hall 120 after the April 6 SGA meeting at which the bills were passed. The documents were not saved on an external computer and were erased during the university’s nightly hard drive clearings. “The fully amended bills were all on that computer and are now gone,” said Christopher Walker, a senator for the College of Music. The third referendum would bring students a vote on reforming the university’s marijuana policy in residence halls. The bill remains pending approval by SGA President Kevin Sanders but, even if passed, Sanders said it is unlikely students will be able to vote on the referendum because the semester is almost over. Sanders said two weeks are required to hold a special election, one week each for campaigning and the election. Sanders said only three weeks are left this semester and special events cannot

be schedu led for the week before finals or f i n a l s week. “It looks VALERIE u n l i k e l y GONZALEZ t h a t st udents will get to v ot e on the bills,” Sanders said. S ome s e n a t o r s KEVIN said they SANDERS will try to recreate the bills at tonight’s meeting, but even then, they said the fate of the referendums will remain up in the air. “The hope is that they could be passed in such a way that a special referendum vote could come to the student body within the first month of classes into the new fall semester,” Walker said. It is still unclear whether Sanders will approve rewritten legislation, said Valerie Gonzalez, a senator for the College of Arts and Sciences, who authored the House of Representatives referendum and co-authored the marijuana policy referendum. She said Sanders has made statements that he will not approve the recreated legislation because it would not be what the senate originally passed. Gonzalez said that could be grounds to bring the legislation to the SGA Supreme Court. “It’s almost like the referendums are at a stand-still,” Gonzalez said. Sanders said the incoming administration will decide how to pursue a student vote on the marijuana policy referendum and any other referendums that may be recreated.

Page 2 Josh Pherigo & Laura Zamora, News Editors


Wednesday, April 20, 2011 ntdailynews@gmail.com

Theater owner, ‘pioneer’ speaks to students, faculty BY M ARLENE GONZALEZ

is set to be released July 29. Lorenzo Garcia, the chair of t he da nce a nd t heat re department said he used to take his theatre students to watch Cardona’s plays annua lly because she is a great director so students received good exposure. “I fell in love with her style,” he said. “It’s majestic, her images a re ver y power f u l, and the theatre is small, but what she does in that space is great.” Garcia said severa l UNT


The absurdit y of theater a nd t he i mpor ta nce of preser v i ng c u lt u ra l root s were some of the topics Cora Ca rdona, t he founder a nd owner of the Teatro Dallas, the oldest theater in the area, spoke about Tuesday in the Language Building. In a small room crowded with about 60 people, some sta nding or sitt ing on t he f loor, attendees listened to Cardona discuss the adversities in theater. If people t r u ly love t he art, they will find their way around the adversities, she said. “Becom i ng a n a r t i st i s kind of like accepting you’re a fool, you want to be a fool,” Cardona said. Tere s a Ma r rero of t he foreign language and literature faculty said she asked Ca rdona to spea k at UNT because she wanted students to get an inside look at the theater world and embrace their heritage. “She is the pioneer person in Latino-all Hispanic theater in t his whole Nort h Texas a rea,” Ma r rero sa id. “It ’s importa nt to have va riet y, and to know where you come from and to enrich yourself with a cultural heritage that’s really wonderful.” Cardona said she has taught people how to develop their talent for the past 26 years, including actor Julio Cedillo, who appeared in the movie “Cowboys and Aliens,” which

the Beast’ — I would want to be her,” she said. “It’s the treatment of the horrible with a beautiful soul.” Ma r r er o s a id t he f ac t Ca rdona ha s kept Teat ro Dallas running since 1985 is impressive and shows how she’s led the way for other theaters. “Theaters are very precarious entities. Some have very a short life span. Funding is very difficult for independent, nonprofit theaters, so to stay alive for that long, you have to

“I fell in love with her style ... Her images are very powerful, and the theatre is small, but what she does in that space is great.”

—Lorenzo Garcia, Chair of the dance and theatre department

theatre alumni have worked w it h Cardona after graduat i ng. M ig uel Pa redes, a Spa n i s h a nd ps ycholog y junior, said absurd theater is his favorite genre and he is fascinated by it. “The shock, the horror — it’s interesting and different,” he said. Cardona said language and ridiculous situations are key elements in absurd theater. She said the fact that the genre is different and wasn’t widely accepted in the past appealed to her even more. “I was influenced by horror movies like ‘The Phantom of the Opera,’ and ‘Beauty and

have muster,” she said. Cardona said while technology is important, theater is more like a dream and happens in that given moment. “Theater w i l l a lways be unique in that of the experience of the moment, we are here and we’re gone,” Cardona said. “The impact is left in our heart and minds. It’s what really counts and what we can give you and offer you as the art of theater.” Friday, Cardona will direct Teat ro Da l las’ latest show “T he Ma iden of t he Used Books.” For more information, visit w w w.teatrodallas. org.

POLICE BLOTTER Monday, April 18 A UNT officer stopped a car at 900 W. Sycamore St. at 11:45 p.m. The 20-yearold driver was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and sent to the Denton City Jail.

officer found the suspect, a 25-year-old man, and determined he was intoxicated and had broken a front window of the bar. The officer arrested him on a suspicion of public intoxication and felony-level criminal mischief.

Someone called the police around 3:30 p.m. to report indecent exposure at the Life Sciences Complex Building. A UNT officer came, but the person had already left the scene.

Saturday, April 16 Around 11:30 p.m., a UNT officer stopped a car at the 2400 block of Interstate 35. The of f icer a r rested t he 22-year-old driver on suspicion of intox icat ion a nd possession of less than 2 oz. of marijuana.

Sunday, April 17 Someone notified a UNT officer about a disturbance at Fry Street Public House shortly before 2 a.m. The

A U N T pol ice of f icer at tempted to cont ac t a ma n at Br uce Ha l l who


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was believed to possess a controlled substance. The man ran from the officer and got away. Friday, April 15 At 3:35 p.m., the Denton Fire Department reported a grass fire at 1251 S. Bonnie Brae St. A UNT police officer assisted t he Denton Fire Depa r t ment w it h t ra f f ic cont rol a nd t he f ire was extinguished. Someone ca l led t he police at 1:18 p.m. about a fight at Wooten Hall. UNT police officers determined no assau lt or injur y had occurred, so t hey let t he people go.


Cora Cardona, the co-founder and artistic director of Teatro Dallas, came to UNT to discuss her work Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the Language Building. With over 25 years in the industry, Cardona is a distinguished actor on and off the stage.

Concert to showcase UNT percussionists Thursday Global Rhythms to feature guest artists BY K AYLAH BACA Intern

Songs inspired by percussion music from around the world w i l l f i l l Voer t ma n C on c e r t H a l l at 8 p.m . Thursday as part of the Global Rhythms concert sponsored by the UNT Percussion Club. Tickets are $5 and go on sale at 7:30 p.m. at the Percussion Club table in the Voertman Hall lobby. The admission fee pays the costs of bringing in the visiting guest artists, said Laura Ford of the music faculty.

The guest artists for the concert are steel drummer A ndy Na rel l a nd Ade Suparman, an instrumentalist and composer of Sundanese music. Josh Peters, a jazz studies senior, said Suparman will play a kacapi, which is a resonance box with strings. Peters said it’s similar to a zither, another string instrument. Suparman also created a new learning method for the suling — a bamboo f lute — and has also published several method books for Sundanese instruments. Peters plays w ith one of t he cross-cu ltura l percussion ensembles ca lled The Bridge. He said one of the other

ensembles includes a South Indian group that plays music inspired by the concepts and rhythms of Indian percussionists. There will also be African, Bra zi lia n a nd A f ro-Cuba n percussion ensembles, he said. Peters sa id t his concer t takes place every semester, and there are 10 to 12 students who play in each of the ensembles, including the UNT Gamelan “Bwana Kuma la,” the UNT Eight O’Clock Steel Band and the Two O’Clock Steel Band. The concert is part of a h a nd f u l of p er f or m a nc e percussion classes, but participation in the concert is not a part of the coursework, he said. Narell is famous for using ste el pa n d r u m s i n ja z z music. He h a s p e r f o r m e d i n concerts a nd ja zz festiva ls throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, Japan, the Caribbean, Sout h A mer ica a nd Sout h Africa, according to the biography on his website. “He’s a n a ma zing player on the pan drums,” said Will Huebner, a music senior. “We got to rehearse with him and he’s a fantastic composer. He knows so many minor details about calypso [music].” Huebner plays with the Two O’Clock Steel Ba nd, which ma i n ly plays ca ly pso a nd carribean style music. He said the Global Rhythms concert is just one of the big events of the semester for the band. Huebner said UNT’s percussion bands will also play at the Denton Arts and Jazz Festival on April 30 at Qua kertow n Park on the UNT Showcase Stage. The two-and-a-half day event is free and features over 2,200 per formers on seven stages, as well as f ine arts a nd cra f ts, food, a nd children’s games, according to the event’s official website.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor

Page 3 sgorman@ntdaily.com

Mean Green falls on last play at Texas State Softball team loses by one run on road B Y B OBBY L EWIS

Senior Staff Writer The Mean Green softball team was held to just one hit by Texas State sophomore pitcher A nne Ma rie Taylor and fell to t he Bobcats 2-1 Tuesday.

what we wanted it to be, but overall, pitching and defense were pretty solid.” UNT’s lone hit of the game came off the bat of junior catcher Caitlin Grimes, who hit a home run in the top of the third to give UNT a 1-0 lead. The home run was Grimes’ team-leading eighth of the season. In her 13th win of the season, Taylor held the UNT offense in check in her complete-game, seven-strikeout victory.

“We just never got anything going. [Grimes’] home run was our offense.”

—T.J. Hubbard, Head coach

Redshirt freshman Ashley K irk lasted si x innings for t he Me a n Gre en (19 -26 ), a l low i ng one ea r ned r u n before being relieved by sophomore Brittany Simmons in t he sevent h i n n i ng, when Texas State (25-18) scored the winning run. “I thought we played pretty well,” sa id head coach T.J. Hubba rd. “Of fense wa sn’t

“We just never got anything going,” Hubbard said. “[Grimes’] home run was our offense. We never seemed to get base runners on at any point in time, and we had a few more strikeouts than PHOTO BY STACY POWERS/SENIOR STAFFER what I wanted.” Texas State responded to Sophomore shortstop Lesley Hirsch tries to stop a groundball during UNT’s game against Louisiana-Monore this weekend. Grimes’ home run with a longball of its own in the bottom of tied at one in the bottom of the brought home the winning start that [seventh] inning off, so of the game,” Hubbard said. “But the third by junior outfielder seventh, sophomore infielder run. that really kind of set the table I thought it was a hard-fought Chandler Hall. With the game Shelby Carnline’s bunt single “They had a little squib hit to for them to score on the last play game from start to finish.”

Paulitics : Men’s golf team has bright future Opinion BY PAUL BOTTONI Intern

The best is yet to come for UNT men’s golf. In a sport that stresses the individual player rather than the team, these golfers act as a band of brothers and are carrying the Mean Green to greater heights. Restocking the program Following the conclusion of the 2009-2010 season, the 10-player squad lost six of its members — three to graduation and three to other circumstances. All that remained were four to-be sophomores: Rodolfo Cazaubon — the Sun Belt Conference Freshman of the Year for 2009-2010 — Curtis Donahoe,

Carlos Ortiz a nd Ma rco Scarola. During the summer of 2010, head coach Brad Stracke added PAUL new pieces to BOTTONI the puzzle. St r ac ke re c r u ite d a nd brought Pennsylvania highschooler Peter Eiler to Denton. Eiler competed in two tourna ments in his f reshma n ca mpa ig n w it h t he Mea n Green. UNT also added two transfers from Southeast Conference schools — junior Josh Jones f rom Lousia na State a nd redshirt sophomore Ty Spinella from Arkansas. Jones and Spinella, who have

been friends since they were 10 years old, added their experience and talent to the team, meshing instantly with their new teammates and adding to the overall team chemistry. T he tea m added to its talent pool when Juan Munoz, Colombia’s No. 1-ra n ked a mateu r gol fer, sig ned a National Letter of Intent to UNT in the fall of 2010. The emergence of Carlos Ortiz A t ime comes when a n athlete’s potential has to turn into results. That moment arrived for Ortiz this season. The Mexico native has been on a tear all year, finishing in the individual Top 20 eight out of the team’s nine tournaments, including two individual tournament titles.

Ortiz shaved his average strokes per round from 73.57 as a freshman to a team-best 71.19 t his season. He a lso finished the regular season ranked third in the nation in par-4 scoring with a 3.98 average and 14th in subpar strokes per round at 4.08. A program on the rise

UNT finished in the Top 5 in all but one of its nine tou r na ment s t h is sea son, a nd opened t he yea r on a high note with a tournament title in the season-opening U T-A rl i ng ton/ Waterch a s e Invitational. Besides Eiler, the other six Mean Green golfers lowered

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UNT drops to fourth place on second day Sports Editor

Battling heav y winds and Top-50 competition at the Sun Belt Conference Tournament, the UNT women’s golf team fel l f rom second to four t h place Tuesday after a secondround score of 301. T he Mea n Green sits 11 st rokes beh i nd defend i ng con ference cha mpion, No. 43 Denver. Using one birdie, one bogey and 16 pars, junior Kelsey Kipp had t he Mean Green’s best second-round score with an even-par 72. Kipp is tied for 12th place entering the final round. A round of 76 kept senior Cha nd ra A lexa nder i n t he top 10, as she is tied for sixth place — two strokes behind the individual leader with an even-par 144. Freshman Chaslyn Chrismer also shot a second round 76 and sits in 16th place while PHOTO BY CONRAD MEYER/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER sophomore Jacey Chun and junior Addison Long are tied Senior Chandra Alexander tries to make a putt during practice last week. for 31st. The Mean Green has failed and has secured four first- Tour na ment beg ins today, to place outside the Top 5 at place finishes. and live stats can be found any tournament this season The final round of the SBC at w w w.golfstat.com.

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Mean Green led by junior Kelsey Kipp BY SEAN GORMAN

t hei r average st rokes per round f rom t he 2009-2010 season and averaged less than 75 per round. With Stracke at the helm and the continued improvement of its members, the UNT men’s golf team has a bright future and will contend for many Sun Belt titles.

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Page 4 Abigail Allen, Views Editor


Editor provides a best friend checklist

Nods and Shakes Editorial Nod: Local firefighters help wildfire victims North Texas firefighters helped battle the blazes in West Texas for about a week. The Editorial Board applauds these rescue workers in their attempt to stem the dangerous fires. These and other firefighters have put their lives in harm’s way to help protect others. Some of the wildfires have affected single areas as large as 150,000 acres. The flames have threatened Strawn, Bunger, Graham, Palo Pinto and other cities. They have also progressed gradually closer to the Dallas-Fort Worth area and have burned up the areas around Possum Kingdom Lake. The Board hopes the firefighters and other rescue workers will get the fire under control quickly and return home safe. Shake: People need to be more careful with fire As wildfires rage across Texas and come nearer to the Dallas-Fort Worth area, some discussion has come up about whether arson is to blame for a few of the fires. People might be surprised to learn that unintentionally starting a fire might not cut it as an arson defense in the Lone Star State. If law enforcement believes someone didn’t handle a fire carefully enough, they could be found responsible for a resulting blaze, according to the Christian Science Monitor. A report from KXAN-TV in Austin said a homeless man has been charged with arson. Law enforcement officials believe a campfire he started and left going Sunday caused a 100-acre fire. Whether he caused it, the possibility that a small fire can turn into a major inferno is real. People need to be aware that their cigarette butt or leftover coals could result in disaster when added to dry grass. To find out information about the wildfire situation and county burn bans, visit txforestservice.tamu.edu/main/article. aspx?id=12888. Nod: State senator proposes smart change To teach a subject, a teacher needs to know it. That is the basis for a law proposed by Republican state Sen. Florence Shapiro from Plano. According to the legislation, a middle school teacher would have to have a background in the subject to be able to teach reading, math, science or social sciences. At a time when the prevailing attitude of the Legislature is to cut resources from education, it is refreshing and encouraging to see someone have young students’ needs in mind. We hope this bill will pass so future decision-makers will be better prepared for life. Shake: Website misses the point of sex education A reminder of what her mother would do shouldn’t be the only thing preventing a teenage girl from having sex. At wwymd.com, online shoppers can purchase shirts, underwear and a bag with pithy sayings, such as “Zip it,” “Dream on” and “Not tonight.” WWYMD? means “What Would Your Mother Do?”, which could vary wildly depending on the mother. The Editorial Board thinks that if parents have to resort to using underwear to keep their children from hooking up, they have failed.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


An anonymous person once said a friend is someone who will bail you out of jail, but a best friend is the person who’s in the cell with you saying “That was fun!” C.S. Lewis said “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’” W it h b e t w e en 18 a nd 22-plu s ye a r s u nder ou r belts, I would hope us college students ca n dif ferent iate bet ween t he phon ies, t he acquaintances and the best of the best. Sometimes it’s not always t hat si mple. No wor r ies, t hough. I’m about to help you out. Based on the lovely lady who has been my best friend since my sophomore year in high school (and the handsdown choice as maid of honor at my upcoming nuptia ls), I’ve come up with a threepoint checklist.

Best friends will drop everything (but glass) to help you If I could leave you with one word about what a best friend should mean, it’s support. There are days when we wake up and hate life. We all do it — it’s OK. On these days, your best friend will show up armed with your favorite flavor/kind of [insert guilty pleasure food], DVDs that always cheer you up and a slew of four-letter words for the people, places and/or things that put you in a bad mood. But! Best friends also know not to lose themselves in your problems. What good would they be if they empathized to the point of no return? They have to know how to throw you a life preserver and attach the other end to the boat’s railings — not their wrist. Best friends will call you out Sometimes, the best way to help a friend is slapping them in the face.

One of the reasons I value my best friend is because I can count on her to tell me I’m being an idiot or that I need to put on my big-girl hat and suck it up. Now, part of that is because she’s got t he no-nonsense spirit of her German heritage, but I also think it’s just because she cares about me. Best friends know what to say, even if you don’t want to hear it. Best friends will be ridiculous for no reason It’s 2 p.m. and your day is neither here nor there. Then your best friend sends you a message/email/text message detailing the hobo that was brea k da ncing for n ickels downtown. Now your stomach hurts because you’ve been laughing for 15 minutes. Need I say more? Many people have wrapped up the theory of best friends

in cute phrasings or eloquent quotes. So what’s mine? A best friend is the person who answers a 4 a.m. call with the perfect mix of “Who do I need to beat up?” “What did you do now?” and “Remember when t hat g i rl fel l dow n t wo years ago and f lashed everyone in the cafeteria?”

Nicole Landry is an English junior and Copy Chief at the Daily. She can be reached at nlandry@ntdaily.com

Governor bases decisions on politics Before transferring to UNT, I didn’t know exactly what career path I wanted to take. By the end of my first semester here, it became increasingly more apparent that teaching composition and literature was my dream job. Unfortunately for me and thousands of other prospective teachers across the state, we are looking at a Texas Legislature that is intent on cutting $9.8 billion from public education over the next two years. These cuts created an outcry with educators across the state, 11,000 of whom showed up to protest the proposed budget cuts at the Texas capitol on March 12. G ov. R ic k Per r y, w ho supports the cuts to public education, doesn’t seem to care about the quality of education when he makes comments such as “I really don’t see why high schools should have to teach college-level courses like calculus, economics, physics, chemistry or biology.” Comments like these have been spouting from Perry ever since the proposed budget cuts were announced. This begs

“Educating our youth coincidentally turns them into raging liberals. And the madness must be stopped, or minorities will discover their identities through Heritage Month.” the question: Where has Perry been getting his information on public education? The Texas Public Policy Foundation has been privately funded to research education since 1993 and claims to be a non-partisan research institution. However, earlier this month the foundation bonded with six other Texas organizations to form “Texans for a Conservative Budget.” Any issue relating to a budget def icit w i l l automat ica l ly draw a response from both Republicans and Democrats on what to cut, and the “whys” rarely seem to matter. Perry, on the other hand, has a perfectly good reason to cut public education. He said, “I am concerned that some t he h ig h ly d iverse

magnet public schools in this city are becoming hotbeds for liberalism. Do we really need free school bus service, Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Asian-Pacific Heritage Month, ESL, special ne e d s, a nd en r ic h ment programs like music, art or math Olympiad?” Wait, now I’m confused. I thought we were cutting funding because of a budget deficit. Apparently, educating our youth coincidentally turns them into raging libera ls. And the madness must be stopped, or minorities will d i sc over t hei r ident it ie s t h roug h Her itage Mont h, and use their newfound self to excel in creating music and art.

A f ter resea rch i ng t he reasons behind the extreme cuts to public education I am more confused than ever before. I u nder st a nd t h at t he budget needs to be balanced, and I understand that education can afford to take some cuts, but Texas’s public education is already ranked among the lowest in our country. Here it seems, like in every ot her c i rc u m st a nc e, ou r government is sacrificing our prosperity for personal and political gains.

Andrew McGinnis is an English junior. He can be reached at wolfmand@ymail.com.

SAT essay option is rooted in reality TV BY PATRICIA A LEX (MCT)

Hackensack N.J. — Do you really need to know what you’re talking about when you answer the essay question on the SAT? Apparently not. Experts say, and the makers of the test pretty much acknowledge, that style — or maybe more aptly, formula — can trump substance on the essay question of the standardized college admissions test. “There’s a way to prepare in that the content is deeply secondary to the writing,” said Colin Gruenwald, an SAT manager at Kaplan Test Prep.

The question arose again after complaints about an essay prompt on the last SAT in midMarch that involved reality television. There was a cry that the question put some of the best students at a disadvantage because they were often too busy with other, worthier pursuits, to watch Snooki and The Situation. Some students complained they’d been blindsided. “We would have been much happier seeing references to literary works or global topics rather than an essay about popular culture,” said Michael Kuchar, the superintendent of schools and guidance director at Bergenfield High School.

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