Horsing around
Circle D Ranch serves as a playground for North Texas community See insert
Friday, April 8, 2011
News 1, 2 Sports 4 Classifieds 3 Games 3 SCENE see insert
Volume 97 | Issue 40
Sunny 90° / 69°
The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
Facebook linked to depression BY LINDA NGUYEN Intern
NEWS: Smartphone app allows exercise tracking on the go Page 2
The 18th annual Redbud Festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Denton Civic Center. Keep Denton Beautiful will have more than 60 booths inside and outside the center for people to visit.
City’s redbud festival celebrates Arbor Day BY K AYLAH BACA
SPORTS: National Cutting Horse Association competes in Cowtown
Page 4
ONLINE: Women’s golf team faces strong competitors in Waco
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Denton is saying goodbye to t he cold weat her a nd kicking off spring with the 18th annual Redbud Festival Saturday at the Denton Civic Center. The free event is the city’s official Arbor Day celebration. The festival will feature over 60 indoor and outdoor booths with gardening, landscaping and home improvement products. It lasts from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and there will be free educational seminars throughout the day. “The fest iva l is not just for gardeners,” said Mendie S c h m idt , t he e v ent a nd out reach coord i nator for Keep Denton Beautiful, the nonprofit organization sponsoring the festival. “If people learn something new, that’s great, but we want everyone to have a good time.” Denton was established as the Redbud capital of Texas in 1993. Mayor Mark Burroughs is scheduled to proclaim April 9 as official Denton Redbud Day, Schmidt said. Redbud t rees a nd ot her native Texas plants will be available to purchase at the festival. “I’ve been goi ng to t he
Redbud Festival for several years,” said Alana Presley, the environmental educator and program coordinator for the Elm Fork Education Center. She said the Keep Denton Beautiful organization has done a good job keeping the com munit y awa re of ecof r iend l y ga rden i ng pr actices.
“We want everyone to have a good time.” —Mendie Schmidt, Keep Denton Beautiful “It’s a great way to celebrate spring and become more awa re of loca l busi nesses catering to native gardening and other outdoor hobbies,” said Tina Ek, an applied arts and sciences senior. She ha s a l s o at tende d the festival in the past, and said she’s look ing for ward to seeing what native plants are up for sale this year. Schmidt said a lot of college students volunteer for t he festival, and they are a big part of helping make the event successful.
Redbud usually has about 5,000 people attend and she expects that number to grow this year because of the newly added educational seminars, Schmidt said P re s enter s i nclude t he Denton O r g a n ic S oc iet y, Trinit y Forks Nat ive Pla nt Society of Texas and Denton Municipal Electric. The seminars will provide tips about organic approaches to law n ca re, infor mat ion about keeping homes sa fe a ga i n st c r i me a nd show attendees how energy is used throughout a house. One of t he sem i na rs at t he fe st iv a l w i l l d i s c u s s xeriscaping, the practice of la ndscaping in a way t hat reduces water use, said Kara Roberson of the Denton Public Communications Office and coordinator for the class. She s a id t h i s t y p e of ga rdening practice ca n be used for all types of lawns, i nclud i ng sma l l spaces, because xer iscapi ng w it h a d a pt i v e p l a nt s d o e s n’t require harsh chemical fertilizers or pesticides. “Water-conserving plants can also be planted in pots for patio use, which would work for col lege st udent apa r tments and townhomes,” she said.
Social interactions among school children have moved from the playgrounds of yesterday to the websites of today as younger generations put more of their lives into the public domain. A recent clinical report published in the journal Pediat rics suggests t hat Facebook contributes to depression in young people. However, researchers are s t i l l u nde c ide d a b out whether social networking sites cause depression in young people or merely augment t he depression they already feel. “People w it h ment a l health issues often retreat into t he cyber world of social networks, use them in a somewhat compulsive manner and get worse,” said James Quinn of the rehabilitations, social works and addictions faculty. Ada m Br ig g le of t he ph i losophy a nd rel igion studies faculty said t he socia l st r uct u re of networking sites is one that promotes exclusivity and belonging. “ T he pr oble m [ w it h Facebook] is it broadcasts relationships and makes it public,” Biggle said. “You realize when you’re on the outside.” He sa id it c reates a community for people, but it’s also exclusive. This can cause people to feel isolated if, for example, they see friends going to a party they weren’t invited to, he said. “ You h ave to f r iend someone and they have to choose whether to accept or not. You sometimes have to be invited to events and groups,” Briggle said. Applied behavior analysis freshman Jeanmarie Thompson gets on Facebook at least four times a day, and said it can be upsetting when someone de-friends her or rejects her friend request.
Facebook Facts -More than 500 million active users -50 percent of users log on to Facebook in any given day -Average user has 130 friends -People spend more than 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook -There are more than 250 million users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. -People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users. “I get a little sad when someone I know rejects my friend request,” Thompson said. The report suggests that Facebook opens the door to cyber bullying and harassment, but Briggle said it’s just what used to happen at school except on line. Facebook is on ly as bad as t he users ma ke it, he said. “Facebook is a neutral medium. You ca n use it to boost a person’s selfe s t e e m or t o b u l l y a person,” Briggle said. “It’s just another social situation. Facebook depression is no different than depression caused in real life.” Texas Academy of Math and Science junior Boice Ha r r i s do e s n’t h a v e a Fa c e b o o k b e c a u s e h e doesn’t see t he point of spend ing much t ime on the website. “It’s a waste of t ime,” Harris said. “I don’t have to be on Facebook. It causes a lot of drama and I’m better off without it. I like doing things the old-fashioned way — in person.”
UNT prepares for conference series with FAU BY BOBBY LEWIS
Senior Staff Writer With only three wins in 12 Sun Belt Conference games this season, the Mean Green softball team will play a conference series against the Florida Atlantic Owls this weekend in Boca Raton, Fla. UNT and FAU will begin the series with a doubleheader at 5 p.m. Saturday, then play at 11 a.m. Sunday to conclude the threegame set. “FAU is going to be a very, very important series,” said senior infielder Mallory Cantler. “We have to be ready to win that series so we can just continue on with the rest of season and try to make us get on a run so we can go as far as we can.” The Mean Green (17-20, 3-9) goes into the series with its first winning streak in a month, after beating the UT-Arlington Mavericks 1-0 Wednesday. “Hopefully that gives us a big boost,” said head coach T.J.
Hubbard. “FAU’s a solid group. They’ve got probably the two best pitchers in the conference. They play fundamental softball.” Those pitchers are senior Rose
“FAU is going to be a very, very important series.”
—Mallory Cantler Senior infielder
Gressley, who has a 1.86 ERA, and sophomore Taylor Fawbush, who has a 2.92 ERA. Both pitchers have 11 wins, that accounted for all of FAU’s (22-18, 6-3) victories. Gressley has the third-most strikeouts in the Sun Belt, with 119. As a team, UNT has struck out 202 times this season, the second-most in the conference. Those strikeouts played a role
during Wednesday’s matchup with UTA, as Mean Green batters struck out seven times. During the game, UNT was hitless for the first six innings before loading the bases and scoring the game’s only run in the seventh. Despite its offensive struggles, UNT got help from sophomore pitcher Brittany Simmons, who pitched her first completegame shutout of the season. She or redshirt freshman Ashley Kirk will likely start every game of the series. Each pitcher is coming off a victory, as Kirk notched her seventh win of the season with defeating Western Kentucky Sunday. “I feel pretty good after w atch i ng u s f ig ht [ on Wednesday],” Hubbard said. “After having no hits through six innings and fighting for the lead in the seventh, that’s huge. I think it’s big for the girls to know that they can fight like that, so I think it’ll be good momentum going into the weekend.”
Sophomore shortstop Lesley Hirsch prepares to hit the ball during a practice. The UNT softball team will face Florida Atlantic this weekend.
Page 2 Josh Pherigo & Laura Zamora, News Editors
Friday, April 8, 2011 ntdailynews@gmail.com
Exercise app makes Groups combine banquets the world a treadmill BY ISAAC WRIGHT Senior Staff Writer
For t he f i r st t i me, U N T-I n t e r n a t i o n a l , t h e Office of Sustainability, and the Division of Institutional Equ it y a nd Diversit y a re hold i n g a joi nt a w a r d s ba nquet to recog n i ze impor ta nt indiv idua ls on campus. The International Educat ion, Susta inabi l it y a nd D i v er sit y Aw a rd s Banquet will be held Monday in t he Universit y Union’s Silver Eagle Suite at 7 p.m. The banquet is one of many events planned for UNT’s celebration of Earth Week. A portion of the banquet’s ticket sales will go toward the International Education Scholarship. “T hat schola rsh ip is awa rded to students who have a record of service to i nter nat iona l educat ion,” said Mary Beth Butler, the UNT-International’s director of communicat ions. “A nd it’s not just for international
Sometimes the hardest part of working out is getting the motivation to go to the gym. Now, a new smartphone application seeks to help runners solve that dilemma by putting treadmill technology in the palm of their hands. MapMyRun is available for the iPhone, Android and Blackberry, and was created by businessman Robin Thurston. It allows exercisers to track their runs, review their progress and even count calories burned during exercise — the same way a treadmill does. “Part of the benefit of the treadmill is counting the calories,” said Zac Cordner, a business marketing junior. “I think I would rather just walk outside if I could count my calories doing that.” Once downloaded, the app has the user enter basic personal information such as height and weight so it can adequately track his or her progress. It even allows users to connect it to Facebook so they can update friends on their latest progress. “I think people would be more motivated to exercise,” said Whit Baskin, a personal trainer at the UNT Recreation Center. “It serves as a built-in accountability program, and the instant feedback is good for a personal motivation.” The app can also be useful for keeping up with a regular routine when a gym is not available, and it allows users to record and save runs or walks to review later. “I would definitely use it,” said Baskin, a kinesiology graduate student. “Over the years,
students. We’ve had many domestic students who have won the scholarship.” The banquet was held for 20 yea rs a s t he UNT-International Banquet, but Susta i nabi l it y joi ned the event last year. This is t he f irst yea r Equ it y a nd Diversity will be involved. “Those departments are all very important partners for us,” Butler said. Erin Davis, the assistant director of outreach for the Office of Sustainability, said the office decided to partner w it h U N T-I nt er n at ion a l for t he ba nquet last yea r because Inter nat iona l Week and Earth Week overlapped. “W hen we were planning the event last year, we realized our celebration weeks joi ned w it h each ot her,” Davis said. “We decided to collaborate and join forces. We’re trying to be more efficient and f isca lly responsible on campus.” Uyen Tran, the director of
organizational development for the UNT Multicultural Center, said taking part in the banquet fits in with the u n iver sit y ’s ma ster pla n that stresses collaboration between departments. Tran also said taking part in the banquet will allow Equity and Diversity to reach out to more people on campus. “It allows us to have a new audience we may not always get to interact with,” Tran said. Each of the departments will award members of the UNT community who have prov ided ser v ice to t heir pa r t icu la r depa r t ment or area of interest. T he ba nquet w i l l a l so feature a lecture by keynote speaker Javier Mazón, the president a nd ma nag i ng director of Group Lamerica, a Dallas-based company that provides business consulting and operation ser v ices to growing businesses in Latin America, South America and the Caribbean.
Gillette indicted, bail raised PHOTO BY MEGAN SAINT-JOHN/INTERN
MapMyRun may take runners from the treadmill to their own route with technology that tracks route, speed and calories burned from a smartphone. I’ve given my clients exercising homework. I used to have a lot of my women buy a pedometer, but I’m always looking for the latest technology.” A GPS tracker locates the exerciser the same way it would a car and begins tracking the route once users hit record. “It was rea lly easy to maneuver,” Cordner said after trying the app out. “I will defi-
nitely be using it more.” Though the app has its benefits, it isn’t for everyone, said UNT Recreation Center employee Emilia Gaston. “I personally wouldn’t use it because I don’t keep up with running,” said Gaston, a journalism junior. “I think for those that do run, it is a good way to motivate because you can see your progress as you make it.”
Senior Staff Writer The Army veteran whose comments during a classroom discussion caused a lockdown at Texas Woman’s University March 1 was indicted on two felony counts of making a terroristic threat March 24 and remains in Denton County Jail. If convicted of the third deg ree felony cha rges, Christopher Gillette, 30, could
face two to 10 years in prison, said David Sloane, Gillette’s attorney. The judge also doubled Gillette’s bail, raising it to $500,000. Sloa ne f i led a mot ion Wednesday to have the bond lowered, but said he’s unsure of what a lower bond could be if the court allows it to be reduced at all. “With everything I’ve seen out of Denton County so far, I wouldn’t even venture to guess,” Sloane said. “Nothing would surprise me.” Sloane previously filed a writ
of habeas corpus March 16, asking for Gillette’s bond to be lowered. Gillette was arrested March 1 after he became upset in a history class and said he was a veteran with the special skills needed to tear Washington D.C. apart brick-by-brick, according to the affidavit. The prosecutor in the case is Michael Graves. An arraignment is scheduled for April 21. “I’m confident that, when the law is properly applied to the facts of this case, Mr. Gillette will be acquitted,” Sloane said.
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Page 4 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor
Friday, April 8, 2011 sgorman@ntdaily.com
Cutting through the competition in Cowtown Brief
Fort Worth photos win staffers state props Two Daily staff members, Drew Ga i nes, a sen ior sta f f w r iter, a nd Beren ice Quirino, the visuals editor, placed third in the on-site,
t w o -p e r s on ph ot o e s s a y contest last Thursday at the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association convention. The challenge was to represent the name “Cowtown� via dow ntow n Fort Worth in a five-photo essay. All photographers were given four hours to produce and submit five photos along with captions. All photographs were taken at the Will Rogers Coliseum.
Day’s end at Will Roger’s Colliseum, host of the National Cutting Horse Association’s Super Stakes competition.
Photographers were told to represent the “Cowtown�aspect of downtown Fort Worth.
Cowboys compete during the National Cutting Horse Association competition at Will Roger’s Colliseum last Thursday afternoon.
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The owners of Circle D Ranch teach community members how to ride horses, barrel race and rope on more than 30 acres near Lake Lewisville. NORTH TEXA S DA
ILY, April 8 V OLUME 97, IS SUE
HORSE: Circle D ranch helps community members escape city life
Page 4
FOOD: DIY: Learn how to insert feather extensions into hair for less than the salon
Page 6
Carrollton’s CafÊ Brazil serves up a delicious atmosphere
Page 7
FOOD: Ambrosia fruit salad offers a twist to a traditional dish
Page 7
Eclectic toy shop owners work to sell interesting toys
Page 8
Mind Spiders play a unique shade of garage
Loca l ba nd Mind Spiders, the brainchild of The Marked Men’s guitarist Mark Ryan, has hit record shops nat ionw ide w ith a self-titled debut from Dirtnap Records. The a lbum is a mi xed bag of fun-loving and meaningful garage punk pop, while maintaining the genre’s distinctive shade t hat sticks out a mong other bands of equal style and caliber. W h i le t here a re plent y of bands out there that fall under the categor y of generic, lo-fi garage rock, it seems like Mind Spiders has the ability to keep it fresh and interesting. “Go ! ” is t he f i rst song on the album and starts out with cha nt i ng of t he t it le word. From t he ver y f i rst second, t he rhy t hm sect ion’s jumpy, upbeat d r u ms complements Ryan’s sharp and reverby guitar well. The influence Ryan’s previous musical projects comes through w it h t his t rack. Honest ly, it kind of reminds me a lot of the Misfits, which is a good thing. By the third song, you can see this band really has somet h ing specia l going on w it h “Mind Spiders Theme,” which is perhaps the catchiest song on
Back pain?
Staff Writer
As summer slowly approaches, I begin my search for the perfect summer read. During the school year, I can hardly find the time to tie my shoes, much less read a book for the pure enjoyment of it. However, I made time for Erin McKean’s “The Secret Life of Dresses.” I was not disappointed. Based on her popular blog, “A Dress a Day,” McKean’s debut novel is the perfect book to accompany summer activities: a day at the beach, a picnic in the park or a long wait at the airport. The story begins when Dora, a college undergraduate, returns home to the grandmother who raised her and has suffered a stroke. As she waits for her grandmother, Mimi, to recover, Dora decides to run Mimi’s vintage
West College of Education
BY BRITTNI BARNETT t he a lbu m. Its g u ita r-f ueled chorus has a tendency to get stuck in your head. The fourth track “Read Your Mind” is a slower-paced song and rea lly shows the variet y in Ryan’s talent. You can tell he knows what he’s doing as he experiments w it h severa l guitar effects and multi-track recording techniques. It’s kind of like a Beach Boys song with a tinge of dark humor. “Your Soul” is awesome with a spacey rocker vibe. The vocals a re d renched w it h a n eer ie choral effect. T he second to la st t rack, “Neurotic Gold,” is more of an emotional tune infused w ith infectious pop and a very New Wave feel. T he sy nt hesi zers really make this song — they play n icely w it h t he ba nd’s tight rhythm and Ryan’s fervent vocals. O vera l l, M i nd Spider s’ debut has an intriguing blend of hea r t felt love songs a nd comical fast-paced tunes with a tinge of curious weirdness that permeates throughout the entire album. If you’re a fan of classic punk rock, surf or indie, you may want to check it out. Other notable songs such as “No Romance” and “One Step Ahead” are consistent with the album’s exploratory theme.
A perfect summer read
Friday 4.8.2011
clothing shop. While working in the store, she has flashbacks, which give the reader an idea of the kind of the childhood she lived, and the witty and endearing grandmother who made it all possible. To add a little spice to this sweet tale, McKean introduces the characters Maux and Gabby. Maux, an employee in the shop, is a vintagewearing, poet-dating student studying HVAC who loves well-placed profanity. Gabby is Mimi’s live-in best friend who tries her best to find love after three failed marriages. One of the most special parts of the novel is implied by the title. While Dora works in the shop, she realizes Mimi has given “secret lives” to some of the store’s dresses. When a customer purchases a dress, they are given an account of the life it lived, as told through the eyes of the dress. Whether it is a woman involved in
an affair, a woman who simply loves to dance, or a woman who splashes through puddles with her children, each vivid tale adds occasional and beautiful breaks to the story. Unsure of her path in life, Dora begins to learn more about herself, her family and her future. I love that, even though the novel is obviously marketed for young women, McKean does not feel the need to use dialogue found in other novels, where the words “totally” and “like” can be found in every sentence. Instead, she trusts her reader to find comfort in words containing more than two or three syllables. I like this book enough to keep it and read it again. I thought it would be a read-it-and-forget-about-it kind of novel. However, with its likeable characters, unexpectedly deep plot and exquisite writing, “The Secret Lives of Dresses” is worth reading again.
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Friday 4.8.2011
Learning how to ‘develop a relationship with a horse’ 30-acre ranch acts as classroom for community By A shley-CrystAl Firstley & M Arlene GonzAlez Staff Writer & Intern
Every day for the past 16 years, Bob Dorn has welcomed visitors to his 30-acre ranch, the Circle D, to ride horses and learn how to barrel race, rope and gallop. “If someone wants to learn and they’re fearful, then I’ll help them,” he said. Hy u n hw a Ha n n a h L e e, a music sophomore and Korean native, said it wasn’t fear that once kept her out of the saddle but money. Back home, she said, horse riding is much more expensive t han here in Denton. So Lee, uninterested in campus sports, searched online for riding lessons and found the Circle D. She’s visited the ranch once-aweek for the past three months. “The first time, he explained how to de velop a relat ionship with the horse,” Lee said. “Then we rode t he horse and went around the ranch. It was awesome.” Dorn, 55, said he thinks you have to lead a horse to build respect between people and the animal. “I always tell people you got to understand how a horse thinks if you’re going to ride them,” he
said. Unlike other ranches, Dorn said, the Circle D doesn’t restrict riders, but instead allows them the freedom to explore miles of trails around the ranch, including paths around Lake Lewisville. New riders learn how to ride
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Photo by Ashley-CrystAl Firstley/stAFF Writer
The horses on Bob Dorn’s ranch, Circle D, are kept in stables surrounded by barbed wire.
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one of six 1,500-pound quarter horses, a breed that gains speed quickly in under a quarter-mile, he said. “[The horses] have a nice life here,” he said. “They can go in the lake whenever they want. They’ve got lots of woods, so they’ll go in the woods if it’s bad weather or if they want shade. And they swim in the lake.” Dorn teaches roping lessons five to six hours a week, showing students rope skills and allowing them to practice on a two-yearold heifer named Reba. Dorn’s son Christian, a jazz per for ma nce f resh ma n, sa id he’s been riding horses since he was 6 years old, and he sees the
ranch as a stress reliever from city life. “I think everybody finds something they enjoy out there,” he said. “It’s just somet hing you
can do outside. You don’t have to be hooked up to Facebook or the Internet.” Christian Dorn said the Circle D is close enough to visit, yet far
Photo by Ashley-CrystAl Firstley/stAFF Writer
All 12 horses on Bob Dorn’s ranch consume on average a 2,000-pound, round hay bail every four to five days.
“I think everybody finds something they enjoy out here.”
—Christian Dorn, Jazz performance freshman
boards six horses. His wife Becky is the business manager for the ranch. W it h a dow n fa l l i n t he economy, the ranch has faced several difficulties, but nothing t hey cou ld n’t overcome, she said. “The economy hasn’t affected business too much,” Becky Dorn said. “We have noticed students that would take lessons ever y week are taking lessons once a month, but there’s always new students that want to ride and come out.” She said spring is the busiest time at the ranch, along w ith afternoons and weekends, when
students are out of class. Increases in the price of gas, food and veterinar y bills have caused the couple to adjust the cost of boarding at the Circle D. Bob Dorn said it’s a great way of life. “It’s not just about dressing up with the gear. It’s also about ma inta ining va lues,” he sa id. “You r word’s you r bond a nd that’s what you live by.” Group riding lessons are $35 an hour, and private lessons are $45 an hour. For more information, visit http://circledranchboardinglessonstrainingtexas. com.
Attorney James Mallory to a hay wagon while it slides a round t he pasture. Bir t hday parties at the ranch cost $80 an hour with a two-hour minimum, a c c or d i n g t o t h e C i r c l e D website. W hile most money earned on the ranch comes from horseback riding lessons, Bob Dorn also
Photo by Ashley-CrystAl Firstley/stAFF Writer
A horse drinks from a nearby lake the Circle D Ranch. enough away to have a different k ind of atmosphere f rom t he chaos of college. The Circle D — “D” sta nds for Dorn — also hosts birthday parties, complete with hayrides a nd c ow boy su r f i ng , w here people stand on a board attached
Friday 4.8.2011
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Photo by Ashley-CrystAl Firstley/stAFF Writer
Bob Dorn, the owner of Circle D Ranch, trains a horse from Paradise, Texas. The horse will return home next week.
Want to be the editor? Publications Committee seeks Summer and FallNT Daily Editors.
Applications available online at www.ntdaily.com and in GAB117.
Applicants must submit a resume and two letters of recommendation (one recommendation letter shall be from a faculty member and one recommendation letter from a faculty, staff member, or professional journalist outside of the NT Daily) along with the completed application. Completed applications should be emailed by 5p.m., April 18* to Dr. Jay Allison, jay.allison@unt.edu
Want to be the Editor? Applicants to be able to meet with Publications Committee Wednesday, April 20 at 2:30 p.m. in GAB 204 *Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
Friday 4.8.2011
DIY: Feather extentions Opinion B Y J AIME C HENG
Contributing Writer What you’ll need: Fishing wire Hair extension micro bead Rooster feathers Pliers
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The hippie-meets-boho chic look is coming back and leaving moccasins at the door. The newest Southwest trend rapidly making its way across the nation is feathered hair extensions. I’ve received several compliments on the grizzly-stained strands that I got in Austin about a month ago from men, women, kids and adults. The younger generation loves a pop of color that doesn’t require harmful chemicals, and memories of the ‘70s are brought back for older folks who had hair feathers in their college days. The feathers are fun, but not wallet-friendly. Getting feather extensions placed in a salon can cost anywhere from $30 to $60, and that’s just for one bundle (three to five feathers). Doing them at home is simple a nd a f ract ion of t he price. The fishing wire and micro beads can be found easily and inexpensively, but since the rooster feathers must be dyed and treated a certain way, they can average to about $2 to $6 per feather, depending on the color and length. I’ve also only been able to find them online. I recom mend w w w.Etsy.com because of the vast selection and low prices — if I’m lucky. To start, pick anywhere between 3 and 5 feathers, and vary the color and length of each one. Next, pick a small section of hair that will run through less than half the diameter of the micro bead. There are fancy tools to make this next step easier, but I use fishing wire. Just loop the wire, place the bead through both ends, and pull the small section of hair through the loop.
Feathered hair extenstions are the newest trent and adds a pop of color to hair. The ha ir shou ld be pu l led through the bead completely, about an inch away from the scalp. One by one, take the tip of each feather and pull it up into the bead. Just a tiny bit of the top of the feather should make it to the other side. After all of the feathers are in the bead, take pliers and squeeze the bead until it is completely closed. These extensions are washable and can be heat-styled in any way, so go with one bundle for subtle style or with several for an all-out Indian headdress look to f launt your feathers all through campus! Tips and tricks: -People w it h t h i n ner ha i r should opt for the silicone-lined micro beads. They will grip much tighter to hair and let the feathers stay in for much longer. You can find them online or at Sally Beauty Supply. -If the extension bead is placed too close to the scalp, the extension will stick up. Make sure to place it at least an inch away. -If the feathers are ruff led at the top, just trim the edges so that they will fit easily into the bead and won’t stick out of the head.
[ ] Food Snobs
Café Brazil 2510 N. Josey Lane #106 Carrollton, TX 75006 BY JENNIFER MCELROY & DAISY SILOS Intern & Staff Writer
As you walk into Café Brazil, the aroma of exotic coffee blends fill the air, while upbeat indie music fills the ear. This a r t ist ic a nd color f u llooking building stands out in the busy Trinity Plaza area of Carrollton. The mellow colors on the walls contribute to the chill atmosphere of the coffeehouse. The paintings and photographs displayed on the walls give customers something to look at while waiting for
their food. Upon sitting down at the table, it took a few minutes to be greeted by the server, but drinks were brought out within seconds. The menu of fers a different array of food, from crepes and omelets to quesadillas and sandwiches. There are a wide variety of drinks also, such as coffee and fruit smoothies in addition to the regular beverages. The quesadilla was st u f fed w it h melted cheese, ci la nt ro a nd steak. It was cut into four, easy-to-eat pieces PHOTO BY AMBER PLUMBLEY/INTERN and served alongside a small salad and rose- Café Brazil’s vegetarian omelet is full of spinach, onion, broccoli and tomatoes. mary potatoes. The cilantro added a bit of flavor to the quesadilla, and fast mood. The cooked spinach, the spicy steak made the $8 meal broccoli, tomatoes and onions offered a sweet-yet-salty f lavor even more complete. The vegetarian omelet is a that complemented the eggs and great choice for those in a break- cheese.
[College kids cooking]
Ambrosia fruit salad
B B B /S W
This Ambrosia fruit salad, so named for the food of the gods mentioned in Greek mythology, lives up to its reputation as a treat for the elite. This dessert, courtesy of allrecipes.com, is perfect for those looking for a simple twist on the typical fruit salad. The coconut, marshmallows and whipped cream add a creamy and decadent element to the dish that is sure to leave you wanting seconds. This dessert can be finished in less than 10 minutes. It’s just a matter of mixing the ingredients together. It’s also really cheap to make. Canned fruit is canned fruit, so just buy the off-brand and this dish can be made for less than $10. The best thing about this dish is that you can adjust it to your preferred tastes. This treat can be adjusted to anyone’s refined tastes.
1 8-ounce canned fruit cocktail, drained 1 8-ounce canned pineapple chunks, drained 1 11- ou nc e c a n ne d mandarin oranges, drained 3 cups, mini marshmallows 1 10-ounce jar maraschino cherries, drained PHOTO BY BRITTINI BARNETT/STAFF WRITER 1 teaspoon of g round Ambrosia fruit salad’s coconut, marshmellows and nutmeg whipped cream put a twist on typical fruit salad 1 teaspoon ground For a fun twist, use the juice from cinnamon the maraschino cherries to color Directions your salad red. In a large bowl, combine the whipped topping, coconut, chopped Ingredients 1 8-ounce container of frozen nuts, fruit cocktail, pineapple, mandarin oranges, marshmallows, whipped topping, thawed 2 1/2 c ups of sh redded cherries, nutmeg and cinnamon. Mix well and refrigerate for 30 to coconut 45 minutes. 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts
Friday 4.8.2011
7 The bowl of fresh fruit is a great coffeehouse staff could spare and health-conscious addition some more attention to sweeping to the meal. The fruit, which the tiled floors and wiping off the consisted of kiwi, strawberries blue wooden tables. However, t he lack of clean and grapefruit, went well with the wheat toast and grape jelly. floors and tables do not distract Café Brazil proudly displays t he customers from t he cool its 15 different flavors of coffee, neon lights and unique artwork displayed throughout this café. which sell for about $2 a cup. Although the distance between Some of t he most popula r choices are Brazil Estate, Hazelnut the coffeehouse from campus may Crème, Cinnamon Roll, Southern seem daunting, rest assured that Pecan, French Roast, Cinnamon you won’t leave with an empty stomach or wallet. Pecan Pie and the house decaf. The prices of the food ranged from $6 to $10, but were worth Cleanliness the amount of food Service that came w ith the choice. Affordability A lt houg h on t he Atmosphere surface Café Bra zil looks to be clean, this
Café Brazil
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Friday 4.8.2011
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Jared Nay, a new media senior, plays with squid fingers at Mr. Pickle’s toy shop, which is filled with toys and gadgets for children and adults.
Shop sells ‘quirky’ toys BY PABLO ARAUZ Intern
For Mistye Miner and Lindsey Banner of Carrollton, owning their own business meant achieving their dream. For eight years, Miner said she wanted to own and operate a shop in Deep Ellum. After two failed attempts, the pair turned to historic downtown Carrollton to open Mr. Pickles, a toy store for kids of all ages, complete with flying monkeys, Ugly dolls and whoopee cushions. “I got the idea from Toy Joy in Austin,” she said. “I wanted to open it around here because it’s close to home.” Miner said she felt determined to open the store to encourage her daughter Zoey to follow her dreams. Zoey chose the name of the store, which opened in February, she said. Banner, the store’s manager, said it only carries toys that she and Miner
are proud of. “We look for the fun and quirky things,” she said. “We have fun with our products. We don’t order it unless we like it.” Felicia Marie, a sculpture freshman, said she would like to see the store for herself. She frequents other local novelty shops in the area that sell knick-knacks, comic books and other curiosities. “I would go there. It sounds like it would be an entertaining place,” Marie said. Banner and Miner said the store differentiates itself from other toy stores by convincing customers, one at a time, not to grow up. For students interested in opening their own business, Banner said it takes a lot of hard work. “It takes a lot of time and dedication, but go with your gut. And you think it’s going to work and you’ve really thought it through, it’ll work out and just happen,” she said.