NTDaily 9-14-11

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Denton Natives Neon Indian album gives glowing effort Arts & Life | Page 3

Good Company

Women’s golf team ranks well against top opponents Sports | Page 6

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

News 1, 2 Arts & Life 3 Sports 6 Views 4 Classifieds 5 Games 5

Volume 98 | Issue 12

Sunny 100° / 71°


The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas

Public reacts to Texas’ rising execution toll STAFF AND WIRE R EPORTS The state of Texas executed inmate Steven Michael Woods last night, the first of four executions to take place over the next two weeks. It was the 10th execution in Texas this year, and the 235th

to occur in 11 years under Gov. Rick Perry. O n T h u r s d a y, t h o s e numbers will rise when the state exec utes deat h row inmate Duane Buck, despite the protests from anti-death penalty activists and a former Ha r r is Cou nt y prosecutor

Since the death penalty was reinstated in the United States in 1976, there have been 1,266 executions; Texas accounts for 473 of those, according to Amnesty International’s website. In the televised Republican presidential candidate debate on Sept. 7, Perry was asked if

who helped convict Buck in 1995. O p p o n e n t s t o B u c k ’s execution are not contesting h is g u i lt, but say he wa s convicted unfairly because of a misleading expert testimony and are asking for a retrial.

he struggled to sleep at night with the idea that one of the 234 people the state of Texas executed under his watch was innocent. “No, sir. I’ve never struggled with that at all,” Perry replied. “The state of Texas has a very thoughtful, a very clear process in place of which – when someone

commits the most heinous of crimes against our citizens, they get a fair hearing, they go through an appellate process, they go up to the Supreme Court of the United States, if that’s required.”

See PENALTY on Page 2

Pressing on: An art form revived Record broken,

heat continues A LEX M ACON

Senior Staff Writer Tuesday marked North Texas’ 70th day of triple-digit heat this year, breaking a record previously set in 1980 and putting an exclamation point on what has been the hottest recorded summer in the state. E r i c M a r t e l l o, s e n i o r meteorolog ist for t he National Weather Service in Fort Worth, said this summer’s average temperat u re wa s Dallas-Fort Worth’s hottest on record. That average is taken by combining both the highs and lows recorded each day over the summer. “We’re hoping this is the end of the over-100 days for the year,” Martello said.



Britni Martinez, a drawing and painting senior, rolls ink onto limestone etched with her drawing for her graphic printmaking class. PABLO A RAUZ Staff Writer

A group of UNT students has taken the same centuries-old practice used to print your favorite T-shirts to create art prints, posters and original T-shirts of their own. The Printmaking Association of North Texas Students, or PANTS, will open its first exhibit of the semester on Sept.

29 in UNT’s Cora Stafford Gallery. The exhibit “PANTS on Fire” features the work of UNT students made through the art process known as printmaking, a method that allows artists to create multiple original prints of a single image by using a screen or key known as a matrix.

See PRINTS on Page 3

Today’s anticipated high


Heat related deaths occurred this summer

The high Tuesday in Dallas was 107 degrees, a temperature Martello said was unusual this late in the year. Before Tuesday, the latest date a temperature breaking 100 degrees had been recorded in Dallas was Aug. 13, 1964. Last Thursday, the National Weather Service announced that Texas had endured its hottest June-to-Aug ust on record, with an 86.8-degree average. The United States had its second-hottest recorded summer. Martello said the recordbreaking heat in Texas has cont ributed to t he severe w ildf ires current ly raging throughout the state.

See HEAT on Page 2


Days above 100 degrees in 2011


Days above 100 in 1988. The record was broken Tuesday.


Average inches of rainfall this summer

Bastrop wildfire dies out, some areas still unsafe NICOLE BALDERAS Senior Staff Writer

A f t er r a g i n g f or mor e than a week and destroying 34,068 acres, the wildfire in Bastrop is now 60 percent contained. “At this point it’s burning in the interior, but it’s not burning outside containment lines,” sa id Apr i l Sag inor, communications specia list for the Texas Forest Service. Bastrop Count y released a schedule for the reentry of Bastrop residents, allowing residents of certain neighborhoods to safely return after about a week of evacuation. Fou r neig hborhoods

were clea red for re-ent r y Monday and seven Tuesday. However, residents of Pine For e s t , Ta h it i a n V i l l a g e East, ColoVista Nor t h a nd Mcallister will not be allowed back until Thursday. These neighborhoods were initially cleared for Wednesday but were rescheduled as a precaution. “We want [the fire] to get as cold as possible before we let the people reenter,” said Gwen Shaffer, public information officer for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. “Our job is to make it safe so that people can go in there and see the damage and take photos for

the insurance company.” T he I n su ra nce Cou nci l of Texas estimated insured losses from the fire to be at $150 million, according to an Associated Press report. T hou g h f i r e s a r e now at a level of conta inment, Shaffer said it’s still uncertain whether they will remain that way. “It’s not just the wind were wor r y i ng a bout, but t he embers,” Shaffer said. “Gusts are predicted 16 to18 miles per hour today. [The wind] could take the embers which are preheated already.”


Fire burns along the guardrail of Highway 21 near Bastrop. The wildfire spread on both sides, demolishing tress and See WILDFIRES on Page 2 wildlife as well as local residents’ homes.

Militants attack US embassy in Kabul KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Teams of insurgents firing rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons struck at the U.S. Embassy, NATO headquarters and other buildings in the heart of the Afghan capital Tuesday, raising fresh doubts about the Afghans’ ability to secure their nation as U.S. and other foreign troops begin to withdraw. Seven Afghans were killed and 15 wounded in the coordinated daylight attack, which sent foreigners dashing for cover and terrified the city from midday well

into the night as U.S. helicopters buzzed overhead. No embassy or NATO staff members were hurt. Late Tuesday, at least two gunmen remained holed up on the top floors of an apartment building from which they and other militants had attacked the heavily fortified embassy. The militants’ seeming ability to strike at will in the most heavily defended part of Kabul suggested that they may have had help from rogue elements in the Afghan security forces. The attacks also coincided with suicide bombings

elsewhere in the capital — the first time insurgents have organized such a complex assault against multiple targets in separate parts of the city. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, though Kabul’s deputy police chief said he thought an affiliated organization, the Haqqani network, carried it out. The Taliban and related groups have staged more than a dozen assaults in Kabul this year, including three major attacks since June. That repre-

sents an increase from years past and is clearly intended to offset U.S. claims of weakening the insurgents on southern batt lef ields a nd t hroug h hundreds of night raids by special forces targeting their commanders. The Obama administration declared that it wouldn’t allow Tuesday’s attack to deter the American mission in Afghanistan, warning the attackers that they would be relentlessly pursued.

See EMBASSY on Page 2

What’s Inside ARTS :

KTX DJ learns from local bands

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A fight for food trucks to come to Denton

Page 4


Writer breaks down soccer team’s mindset following loss Page 6

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