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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
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Volume 98 | Issue 20
Sunny 94° / 68° The Student Newspaper of the University of North Texas
State SAT scores fall, UNT’s rise NICOLE BALDERAS Senior Staff Writer
Oskar Forsberg sits eating fish and chips at a portable table set up outside the Angry Friar food truck. Dave Wilson, owner of the eatery, serves made-to-order fish and chips on UNT’s campus Monday through Friday from 5-10 p.m.
City considers food truck permits A LEX M ACON
Senior Staff Writer Hot dog stands and mobile t aquer ia s c ou ld soon be springing up around Denton if the cit y approves a new ordinance currently in the works. Last week the Denton City Council held a work session to discuss possibly changing the city ordinance on mobile food tra ilers to follow t he lead of cities like Austin and Portland, where food carts are in abundance.
T he c u r rent c it y ord inance states that a mobile food trailer may only stay stationa r y for 15 minutes. Temporar y permits can be obtained to allow food carts at events and festivals. Ku r t Ha n sen, bu i ld i ng i n s p e c t or f or t he c it y ’s bu i ld i ng i n spe c t ion a nd consumer health department, said the city council has been very positive about changing the mobile food trailer ordinance. “ We’r e g oi n g t o s t a r t
meeting and make an ordinance,” Hansen said. “I think it’s a go.” Hansen said his department, which oversees the regulations and permits of Denton’s food service industry, would have a new ordinance ready for the City Council to vote on in about two months, and Denton residents could see food trailers around town as early as January if it passes. Hansen said he studied food trailer ordinances in cities like Portland and Austin – which
has about 1,400 permitted food trailers – and would model Denton’s ord i na nce of f of those. O w ners of mobi le food t ra i lers wou ld have to get permits f rom t he cit y a nd apply with local landowners before finding a place to set up shop. “W hat will be interesting is when we begin to see the creativity of entrepreneurs [in the area],” Hansen said.
See CARTS on page 2
In t he same year t hat UNT accepted its hig he s t-r a n k i n g i n c o m i n g freshman class, the U.S. average score in the critical reading section of the SAT fell to the lowest number in 40 years. On a scale of 2400, the reading, math and writing sect ions of t he SAT a re all weighted the same at 800 points each. Although Tex a s’ average read i ng score is 13 points less than the national average of 497, Texas has seen a greater increase in participation than most states as 147,960 students of the 2011 graduating class took the test. In an effort to become a Tier One research university, UNT admissions officers are becoming slightly more stringent about whom they admit to the university. “What’s happening is for every two students admitted one is not admitted,” said Warren Burggren, provost a nd v ice president for academic affairs. “We’re debunking the open admission myth. The quality of our students is continually getting better.” The universit y is c u r rent ly ad m it t i ng 65 percent of its applicants, including f reshmen a nd transfer students.
High school SAT scores UNT freshman scores U.S. average SAT critical reading score Math & Reading Scores UNT 2011 1105Freshman average 1011 U.S. Average 989 State average 65%
Freshmen & transfers currently admitted to UNT
UNT only takes into account read i ng a nd mat h scores during admission, and this year, the university accepted a freshman class with an average of 1105, four points more than last year. This number is more than 100 points higher than the state average of 989 and still greater than the national average of 1011. “The research universit y that we envision is one that has the best undergraduate[s] in the state,” Burggren said. “When we compile this list of the top 50 research programs, many of them had the best undergraduate programs.”
See SAT on page 2
Possible smoking ban catches Denton’s attention MELISSA R ATLEY Staff Writer
The Denton City Council is consider i ng a smok i ng ban for city workplaces, bars and restaurants, similar to comprehensive ordinances passed in surrounding areas including Dallas, Highland Village and Flower Mound. John Cabrales, public information officer for the city of Denton, said initial reactions have been mixed, but the city is still in the research stage regarding the ordinance. “We will probably see initial results as early as December, a nd we w ill move for wa rd from there,” Cabrales said. T he proposa l w a s f i r st introduced by Denton resident Rebecca Smith-Murdock at the Sept. 6 Cit y Council meeting during the citizen reports segment. During her presentation, Smith-Murdock backed up her proposal with economic statistics from El Paso and Houston
after their ordinances were put into effect, and said both cities had no negative effects from their respective smoking ordinances. Business owners are gearing up for any issues the potential ordinance may bring. Brandon Martin, a bartender at Hooligans, said he is aware of the proposal, but he doesn’t think the ordinance would have an effect on the bar’s business. “I think most people would deal with it,” Martin said. “People realize that it will eventually happen, but I don’t believe that it would hurt us.” The current UNT policy for smoking on campus prohibits smok ing in buildings and university-ow ned vehicles. Smokers must be 25 feet from PHOTO BY REBEKAH GOMEZ/ STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER any building on campus out of Tiffany Kennard, a rehabilitation counseling graduate student, smokes outside Big Mike’s Coffee Shop after getting a cup “respect for others,” according of coffee on Tuesday. to policy 9.8. and they need to hear from UNT Student Government nance, which would affect the across campus. “The students should express students before a decision is Association President Blake UNT Denton campus, would Windham said a city ordi- likely see a mixed opinion their opinions to the Council, reached,” Windham said.
Census revises same-sex couple results (MCT) WASHINGTON — The U.S. Census Bureau on Tuesday sharply revised downward its estimate of the number of same-sex households across the country, reflecting confusion over how to accurately count gay and lesbian couples that have gained varying degrees of legal recognition of their partnerships over the past decade. Unlike with factors such as race, gender and household income, the Census Bureau doesn’t attempt to count gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals. Only
in the 2000 census did it start to count same-sex households, and demographers say the wording of the forms may have led to an unusually high number of inaccurate responses. The bureau said there were approximately 646,000 same-sex households in the United States in 2010. It originally counted more than 900,000 same-sex households in 2010, but then estimated that as much as 28 percent of that count was actually opposite-sex. “I applaud the bureau for trying
to provide the most accurate information,” said Gary Gates, a demographer at the University of California-Los Angeles who specializes in the gay and lesbian population and reviewed the Census Bureau’s revisions. “The problem is, people can make mistakes.” In spite of the downward revision, Gates said the census might have actually undercounted same-sex couples. “I’ve been one of the voices saying to the bureau that ‘the way you’re measuring has serious
problems,’ “ he said. He suggested changing the wording from husband/wife or unmarried partner, combined with sex variables, that the form currently uses. He suggested using the simpler categories used in Canada and Great Britain for couples: Opposite-sex husband/ wife, Same-sex husband/wife. “It’s a way to get much more accuracy,” Gates said. “Unless they do that, they’re never going to fix this problem.”
See CENSUS on page 2
An ongoing poll conducted on asked website visitors if the city should implement a citywide smoking ban. As of Tuesday evening, 49 percent of 95 people who voted said they would like to see the ban happen. About 35 percent said they thought businesses should decide for themselves. Six voters said they go to Denton bars because they can smoke, and eight people voted that they didn’t care either way. “When people go out to a bar, any idea of health usually goes out the door when you have a few beers, so when you light up, it shouldn’t be a big deal,” said Matt Lanier, an emergency administration and planning junior. Denton’s current hea lt h code prohibits smok ing in city-owned buildings as well as schools and stores, and also requires restaurants to designate a smoking area in their establishments.
What’s Inside NEWS:
Students protest Berkeley’s “anti-affirmative action” event Page 2
Program improves students’ relationship skills
Page 3
Tax breaks for oil companies hurt schools
Page 6
Getting to know UNT’s special teams weapon
Page 8
Page 2 Amber Arnold and Isaac Wright, News Editors
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
UC students protest political bake sale (MCT) BERKELEY, Calif. — W hat started as a satirical bake sale against racebased admissions turned into a massive rally on university d iversit y a nd a f f i r mat ive action programs Tuesday as hundreds crowded Sprou l Pla z a on t he Un iver sit y of Ca l i for n ia, Berkeley campus. The event was spurred by a bake sale run by the campus’ student Republican group, where ba ked goods were offered at varying prices based on the buyers’ gender, race and ethnicity. Ward Connerly, a former UC regent and the mastermind of the 1996 state law that banned race-based preferences, helped staff the bake sale table, holding discussions with students. “People have been mostly civil,” he said. “Back in 1996, believe me, this would have been a much more hostile situation. The issue is rapidly approaching the point of irrelevance.” The event was peaceful. At one point, hundreds of blackclad students lied silently on the quad in a message urging t he universit y to increase student diversity. One member of the Berkeley College Republicans said the event met its goal. “We’re hav i ng a lot of
Dave Wilson stands in his double-decker bus called the Angry Friar, a mobile cart from which he sells authentic fish and chips. Denton City Council members are considering an ordinance that would allow food carts on city streets.
Continued from page 1 City Council member Kevin Roden said changing the ordinance to allow mobile food trailers could face staunch opposition from some business owners on the downtown Denton Squa re. However, there is room for the trailers to f lourish in other areas, he said, mentioning McKinney Street in southeast Denton. “They could bring some more attention to a part of town that doesn’t get a lot of high-dollar investment,” Roden said. The city will collect a sales ta x f rom a ny mobi le food t ra i lers a nd cou ld at t ract new business to t he a rea, but Roden sa id one of t he biggest appeals of the trailers is cultural. “By and large, you’re seeing a recognition of the creative culture of Denton,” Roden said. Roden and other Council members, specifically Mayor P ro Tem Pete K a mp a nd Dalton Gregor y, have been pushing to change the ordi-
nance, he said. One of the few mobile f o o d t r uc k s c u r r ent l y operat i ng i n Denton is the Angry Friar, a doubledecker bus embla zoned with images of the Beatles and the Union Jack. The eater y has ser ved f ish a nd ch ips to UN T students for the past 18 months and can operate because it is on UNT property and not bound by city ordinance. Dave Wilson, owner of the Angry Friar, said the city came to him several times to get input on a new food trailer ordinance. He called food trailers the “way of the future,” a nd sa id ent repreneurs contact ing t he cit y had been a major cause of Denton ret h i n k i ng it s sta nce on mobi le food vehicles. A r t ju n ior a nd sel fdescr ibed “huge fa n of food” Ben Shaw ver said he is looking forward to the possibility of mobile food carts coming to Denton. “Denton need s more food diversit y and more local flavor,” Shawver said. “Less Chick-fil-A.”
SAT Continued from page 1 The College Board stated in a press release issued Sept. 14 that 2011 SAT takers are the largest and most diverse class i n h istor y; however, the board also gauged only 43 percent of those students to be col lege- a nd ca reerready. “High school students are
Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief ...............................................Josh Pherigo Managing Editor .............................................Amber Arnold Assigning Editor ............................................Isaac Wright Arts and Life Editor ........................................Jesse Sidlauskas Sports Editor ...................................................Sean Gorman Views Editor .................................................Valerie Gonzalez Visuals Editor ....................................................Drew Gaines Photo Assigning Editor .................................Cristy Angulo Multimedia Manager ....................................Berenice Quirino Copy Chief ....................................................Carolyn Brown Design Editors .............................................Sydnie Summers Stacy Powers
Census Continued from page 1 But, he said, there could be politica l problems w ith that wording because of the Defen se of Ma r r iage Ac t, wh ich proh ibit s federa l r e c o g n it ion of s a me -s e x marriages, though it doesn’t pre vent i nd iv idua l st ate s from recognizing them. The Oba ma administ ration stopped defending the D efen s e of Ma r r i a ge Ac t earlier this year and ca lled for it s repea l, prompt i ng Republ ica n leaders i n t he House of Representatives to mount their ow n defense of the law, passed by Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996. Gay and lesbian couples have seen t remendous cha nges si nce t he 2000
Senior Staff Writers Nicole Balderas, Brittni Barnett, Paul Bottoni, Ashley-Crytal Firstley, Bobby Lewis, Alex Macon Senior Staff Photographer James Coreas
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good dialogue with people, which is what we wanted,” said Andy Nevis, a fourthyear student who is executive director of the Berkeley College Republicans. Still, hundreds of students decried the sale, which they call racist and demeaning. “It triv ia lizes the struggles of people of color,” said Joey Freema n, v ice president for external affairs for the Associated Students of Un i v er sit y of C a l i for n i a
student government. “They’re taking it to the next level in an inappropriate way.” The ASUC passed an emergenc y resolut ion Su nday c ondem n i ng d i s c r i m i nation against student groups, a direct response to the bake sale. T he Republ ic a n g roup called the event last week to counterprotest ASUC’s support of a bill on Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk that would roll back some restrictions on race-based
university admissions. At t he sa le, c upc a kes, cook ies and muf f ins were selling well. Whites paid $2 per treat, while Asians paid $1.50 and African-Americans paid 75 cents and Native Americans 25 cents. Women got 25 cents off all purchases. The bake sale started at 10 a.m. with about 100 spectators, but the number had swelled to triple t hat size when morning classes ended around 11 a.m.
not expected to read complete texts or works as much as they used to,” said Kathleen Mohr of the teacher educat ion a nd ad m i n i st r at ion faculty. “Many high school students may be doing the more expeditious routes and not reading the works and hoping to get the gist, especia l ly w it h vocabu la r y, so more students are coming to college and having to get up to speed.” T he u n iversit y ha s a history of offering remedial
courses in math, but now is of fering more for reading, Mohr said. “The solution is closing this text complexity gap by expecting more of high schools in their preparation for college,” Mohr said. “Maybe SAT reading going down will reinforce it. W hat they’ve done is tried to make [reading] easier and more enjoyable so students can be more successful, but they may have made it too easy.” B e c au s e s t udent s a r e allowed to take the test earlier
than senior year and more than once, they are presented with an opportunity to practice, said Rossana Boyd, director of the bilingual and ESL teacher certification program. “Students can take their ACT and the SAT exam as early as the 10th or 11th grade as a trial,” Boyd said. “I would suggest that they encourage those students to take those tests early on, so they will know what areas they need to focus on, improve on and prepare for.”
census, wh ich cou nted about 358,000 sa mesex hou sehold s. T he U.S. Supreme Court overturned t he rema i n i ng st ate law s t h at c r i m i n a l i z e d s a me s e x ac t iv it y ; gay c ouple s ga i ned ma r r iage r ig ht s or ma r r iage-l i ke r ig ht s i n severa l states; and just last week, the U.S. military ended it s longst a nd i ng proh ibition on openly gay ser v ice members. Evan Wolfson, the founder a nd president of Freedom to Ma r r y, a g r oup t h at ’s been work i ng towa rd f u l l marriage rights for gays and lesbians in all 50 states, said the “imperfect information” released by the census shows that there are gay couples in ever y corner of the countr y a nd p oi nt s t o t h e n e e d to repe a l t he Defen s e of Marriage Act. “We live in families. We a re sta r t i ng to have lega l
A U.S. map shows the percentage of same-sex couple households by state. respect for t hose families, and many of us are getting m a r r ie d ,” h e s a id . “ T h e sooner the law stops treating t hese fa m i l ies u nequa l ly, the better.”
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The coalition groups show their support for Senate Bill 185 on the University of California campus in Berkeley, California, on Tuesday. The protest coincided with a bake sale by the Berkeley College Republicans with items priced according to ethnicity to protest affirmative action.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Jesse Sidlauskas, Arts & Life Editor
Arts & Life
Page 3
Students learn about healthy relationships in group BRITTNI BARNETT Senior Staff Writer
For students looking for a little help with the language of love, Counseling and Testing Ser vices is offering a free Romantic Relationship Group for men and women. “The purpose of the group is to help students learn more about having healthy relationships,” said Pamela Flint, a psychology professor and psychologist for the Student Counseling Center. “Whether you’re in a relationship or not, it’s just helpful.” The group, which met for the first time this week, meets Mondays from 5:30-7 p.m. in Chestnut Hall and is open to those ages 18 to 28. However, any student who wants to join the group must be screened by Flint before he or she can join. Flint said the purpose of the screening is to make sure the group is right for the student and to find students in the same age range. “I’ve had people before who were interested initially, but then they weren’t really interested in learning about dating, they were more interested in meeting friends,” Flint said. “Also, someone that is 35 is dealing with some different things than someone who is 18.” Flint said she decided to start the group about 10 years ago after reviewing past cases from the Counseling Center. Flint said she noticed a common denominator among most of the students’ files. “We found that in over half of [the cases] people had problems with their romantic relationships,” she said. “So they
might be depressed or they might be anxious, but they also would come in presenting a concern about a romantic relationship, so I thought well, that’s a real need here.” Flint, a long w it h a long with Krista Garrett, a graduate student counselor for the center. “We help provide a safe env i ron ment for d i sc u ssion and educate students when needed,” Garrett said. “However, the group members d ic t ate t he conversat ion and what they want to talk about.” There is nothing off topic when it comes to relationships, Flint said. “Some of the general topics we discussed included the process of starting and ending relationships, how to balance relationships with work and school, dating and technology, and effective communication in relationships,” said Jay Deiters, a graduate student counselor for the center. The group also helps dispel some of the myths associated with relationships, Flint said. “A lot of times you hear people ta lk about play ing games in relationships and you’ll get that in the media,” she said. “We try to dispel things like that, that are not healthy; sometimes it’s being OK with being alone for a while and waiting until you find someone you really like rather than just jumping into a relationship to have a relationship.” As far as the gender breakdown of the group, Flint said it depends on the year. “This year we have about half and half. Typically we have more women and a few men,
Alexx Miller, an undecided freshman, and Darius Jones, a criminal justice freshman, chat together after eating dinner at the One O’Clock Lounge Tuesday night. The UNT Counseling Center is offering the Romantic Relationship Group to teach students how to foster healthy relationships. but one year I actually had all men until the very end when we got just one or two women. That was a very interesting group,” she said. The group is usually capped at around 10 students, but as of now it is still open for students to join, Flint said. “The group helps [students] realize they are not alone, and it helps them know that they aren’t the only ones who
Wilco records in its Chicago loft.
Wilco’s ‘The Whole Love’ lives up to band’s reputation A SHLEY-CRYSTAL FIRSTLEY Senior Staff Writer
When Wilco released its debut album in 1994 titled “A.M.,” the Chicago-based sextet persisted with the alternative country sound that remained from many of the members’ former band, Uncle Tupelo. But in the following album, “Being there,” Wilco’s lead singer Jeff Tweedy implanted the musical sounds of rock into the band’s sound but still managed to maintain the roots of Uncle Tupelo. Six albums later, Wilco now boasts five Grammy Awards and a sound that has evolved beyond experimentation with extreme sounds that blare, throb, serenade or snap. The band’s newest album, “The Whole Love,” solidifies this notion. The first track, “Art of Almost,” is unlike anything it has ever created. It reminds me of the first track on Radiohead’s latest album, “King of Limbs,” only more static and less discordant. The tapping cymbals
and echoing sy nthesizers come together and Tweedy’s voice emerges at what is probably the highest pitch his body will allow. The song reaches a point where it seems to end but immediately switches to a short beeping noise. Enter Nels Cline, who joins in with powerful guitar riffs. Glenn Kotche follows suit with punchy drums and John Stirratt begins the groovy bass line before everything aligns in a glorious disarray of sounds. The track winds up around seven minutes, which is a clip the remainder of the album does not follow. He later alters the mood of the album to that of the soothing ballad “Sunloathe.” The track invites the listener into a dreamlike state of mind through the keyboards and a wordless vocal symphony. “Capitol City” evokes an oldfashioned ‘30s park scene. In this track, Tweedy’s voice resembles John Lennon’s and invokes the lines “all you need is love” in the
back of my head. Organs play in the background and accompany the deep bass, flowing keyboard, ticking cymbals and jumpy acoustic. The album wraps up with “One Sunday Morning,” a song for Jane Smiley’s boyfriend. The 12-minute track was inspired by a conversation Tweedy had with Smiley’s boyfriend over religion, as one verse recalls, “I said it’s your God I don’t believe in/No, your Bible can’t be true/Knocked down by the long lie/He cried I fear what waits for you.” Tweedy’s low country voice comes into play here with a rhythmic acoustic melody, a bouncy bass, high-pitched piano and fading strings that all fall into a folksy tune. A lot is happening in “The Whole Love.” Some songs are tamer than others, but it makes it that much more lovable. It has catchy tunes and doesn’t steer too far away from Wilco’s alternative country/rock/folk sound, which most listeners have been used to for the past 17 years.
struggle with relationships,” Garrett said. “And I think that’s really powerful.” For more i n for m at ion about Counseling and Testing Services visit: http://www.unt. edu/cat/index.html. Students wanting to join the Romantic Relationship Group can contact Counseling and Testing Services at 940-5652741 or email Pamela Flint at
Page 4 Jesse Sidlauskas, Arts & Life Editor
Arts & Life
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
This jazz band is made up of Brian Casey, Bass; Nacho Azor, piano; Scott Neary, guitar; Kevin Dionne, trombone, Brian Handeland, saxophone/clarinet; and Sam Friedland, drums.
Series brings musicians and community closer HOLLY H ARVEY Staff Writer
Nearly 30 audience members squeezed into UNT on the S qu a re T hu r s d ay n ig ht , bringing the small space that typically houses art exhibits near capacity for the sound of live jazz. The intimate setting allowed the performers to mingle with audience members
and answer questions between sets. The Thursday Night Music series, created by the College of Music, allows an open and up-close excha nge about musical styles between UNT musicians and the audience that sits just feet away. The free series will run from 7-9 p.m. every Thursday through Oct.
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27 and features a wide array of musical styles and tastes. “We’re reaching out to new audiences and letting people in the community see what we do,” said John Murphy, chair of UNT’s jazz studies department. “We’re enabling people to sample new music who, chances are, we wouldn’t see at a campus recital,” he said. The idea for Thursday Night Music started because Murphy wanted to create a more accessible music venue for the Denton community. “People think about coming to campus, but they don’t know where to park and it can be [a] hassle, so we take what we do in the arts and make it more accessible,” he said. After deciding on UNT on the Square, Murphy invited
“It’s a beautiful, intimate space and everybody’s listening. The music is very personal and expressive.” -Brian Casey UNT teaching fellow students to showcase their musical talents for the series. The mont h of September has primarily featured jazz bands. Nacho Azor, a jazz studies g raduate st udent, played piano in part of a jazz band at Thursday Night Music. “It’s so much fun to play; it’s the most fun thing in the world to play
jazz,” he said. Brian Casey, a teaching fellow at UNT, played bass at Thursday Night Music and said the location on the Square ma kes t he per for ma nces unique. “It’s a beautiful, intimate space and everybody’s listening. The music is very personal and expressive,” he said.
The concert this Thursday will feature jazz and classical guitar. But the series is not limited to just jazz. October’s lineup bills mariachi bands, f lute ensembles, string quartets, clarinet, laptop and electronic music. Students from the College of Arts and Visual Design will also present compositions, and it’s important for the series to present numerous different styles of music, Murphy said. Musicians play pieces from classical composers as well as their original compositions. Per for ma nces feat u re breaks in the music where the musicians mingle with t he audience a nd ex pla in s on g s ele c t ion s or g i v e more information about the performers.
Reduced sleep leads to poorer health PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS (MCT) We all know people who say they can get by with little or no sleep. Folks who can burn the midnight oil, then wake early raring to go. We hate those people. Most people, however, need between seven and nine hours daily to refresh their minds and bodies and most people
don’t get it. This lack of sleep muddles their thinking, raises their irritability levels, diminishes their joy and turns a happy face into a tired, lined one. (If you’re one of the people who can get by with less sleep – actress Betty White says she needs only four hours a night – you’re in just 5 percent of the population.) Remember, t he name of t he fa ir y ta le cha racter is Sleeping Beauty, not Tossing and Turning Beauty. Ronald Kotler of Pennsylvania Hospital is a sleep specialist. But he’s not just anyone’s sleep specialist, he’s Oprah Winfrey’s. Kotler’s road from his office at 7th and Spruce streets in Philadelphia to Winfrey’s Chicago studio in May started a few years ago in the green room of “Good Morning America,” where he met Winfrey’s fitness guru Bob Greene. Kotler gave Greene a copy of his book, “365 Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep,” and a few months later got a call from Greene to write the sleep section of Greene’s new book, “20 Years Younger,” which attempts to build a healthier, “younger” you through exercise, nutrition, skin care and good, reinvigorating sleep. Medically speaking, Kotler i s a pu l monolog i st w ho specializes in treating apnea, a potentially dangerous condition in which people stop breathing while they sleep. “Your muscles relax when you sleep,” Kotler said. “But if your airway muscles relax too
much, you get an apnea.” In a chicken-egg hea lt h problem related to sleep, obesity can lead to apnea and poor sleeping can in return lead to obesity. “(The protein hormone) leptin suppresses appetite,” Kotler said. “And sleep deprivat ion leads to decreased sy nt hesis of lept in. Some patients lose weight just by treating the apnea.” But Kotler’s sleep practice goes well beyond apnea. His decades of research and stateof-the-art sleep center, which monitors patients whose lack of sleep is adversely affecting t hei r hea lt h, have made him an expert on all sleep matters. “A lot of people have sleep problems and don’t realize there’s help,” Kotler said. The doctor said the key to getting a good night’s sleep is to “go to bed the same time and get up the same time.” He’s a fan of the 20-minute power nap, but said longer n aps c a n i nter fere w it h healthy snoozing. “T he nap ca n be energizing,” he said. “But it is not a substitute for night sleep. All of us have a dip in our circadian rhythms from 3-6 p.m.,” he said, referring to the post-lunch afternoon malaise many experience, and that a f ter noon sleep debt ca n be masked with activity or caffeine (activity is healthier and won’t make you restless at night). “Of ten on t he weekend, when you have less activity, you’re also masking that sleep
debt.” You can’t, by the way, pay off sleep debt by sleeping more. Many senior citizens have accumulated decades of sleep debt and although they say they need less sleep, Kotler disagrees. “They just get less sleep,” he said. “You sleep less as you get older because you’re more susceptible to internal (bathroom trips, aches and pains) and external disturbances.” Stress can also play a role in hindering a refreshing rest. “A lot of things that happen to us during the day carr y over into sleep,” he said. A bad day at work can easily turn into a bad night’s sleep, with the cycle repeating daily. If your sleep is constantly interrupted around 3 a.m., you may want to see a doctor or possibly a psychiatrist. “3 a .m. w a ken i ng i s a classic early sign of depression, although we don’t know why.” But sleeping pills, in moderation, can help. “The stigma attached to sleeping pills has changed,” the sleep doctor said. “T hey ’re ver y good for short-term use follow ing a traumatic event. You don’t want a short-term sleeping problem to become a longterm sleeping problem.” But long-term sleeping pill use is not an answer and can mask a deadly problem such as apnea because narcotics dull the brain’s ability to realize you’re not breathing. That can lead to the big sleep, which we’re all trying to avoid.
Wednesday, September 27, 2011 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor
Page 5
UNT will be challenged by East Division Analysis A LEX YOUNG Staff Writer
After the UNT volleyball team started its Sun Belt schedule with two wins last weekend, fans are wondering if the team can take the next step and advance past the semifinals of the conference tournament in 2011. UNT and Arkansas State are the only teams with winning records in the West Division, so the Mean Green’s chances to repeat as division champs are strong. The real challenge will involve the Sun Belt’s other division, as the conference’s last six champions have come out of the East. Before assessing what UNT must do to win the Sun Belt, let’s take a look at two East Division
teams that should contend for the conference title in 2011.
Western Kentucky is having one of the best years in program history With a 15-1 record, WKU got off to a dominant start this season. The team ranked No. 29 in the nation according to the American Volleyball Coaches Association, which is the highest ranking in school history. The Hilltoppers started conference play 2-0 this past weekend and sport a 12-game winning streak. During the streak WKU has defeated out of conference foes Xavier, LSU, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest and Missouri. In the process, WKU has won three tournaments and is dominating the SBC in attack percentage, ranking first with .251. Libero Ashley Potts is looking
like a potential SBC MVP and recently received Sun Belt Defensive Player of the Week. Earlier this season against Arkansas-Little Rock, she matched a career high with 25 digs in five sets. Potts’ efforts on defense have paid off, as the Hilltoppers rank first in the SBC, allowing opponents to hit only .148.
The FIU Golden Panthers will be a tough opponent come tournament time On Friday, UNT learned how FIU can throw any team into disarray with its fast-paced play and suffocating block. Ranking first in the Sun Belt with 2.55 blocks per set, the Golden Panthers provide all sorts of problems to opposing teams when trying to keep their offensive flow. UNT had more than 40 errors
in the four-set loss to FIU Friday, an uncommon sight for a Mean Green team that until four or five matches ago was playing clean volleyball. Another possible SBC-MVP lies in the Panthers den. FIU’s Jovana Bjelica was named Sun Belt Conference Co-Player of the Week this month, sharing the honor with Denver’s Faimie Kingsley. Bjelica hit .414 for the week and leads the Sun Belt in kills per set with 4.21. Bjelica has earned 11 doubledigit kill matches this season, including a 17-kill performance against the Mean Green. The Mean Green’s defense held its own against FIU with 62 digs and eight blocks, but its 12 service errors for the match kept UNT from ever getting in a consistent flow in any of the sets.
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Seniors outside hitter Shelley Morton and setter Kayla Saey congratulate senior middle blocker Melanie Boykins for a point gained from her successful spike to opponents of Florida International at the Mean Green Volleyball Complex Friday night. UNT fell to FIU in four sets.
Young named Sun Belt Player of the Week Brief BOBBY LEWIS
Senior Staff Writer
Junior Carlos Ortiz whacks the ball out of the bunker at Gleneagles Country Club in Plano. Ortiz ended the Golfweek Conference Challenge in Burlington, Iowa, with a final score of 225.
Men’s golf team stumbles to 13th place finish AUSTIN SCHUBERT Staff Writer
After opening the season with an impressive secondplace finish at the Gopher Invitational, the UNT men’s golf team staggered to a 13thplace finish at the Golfweek Con ference C ha l lenge i n Burlington, Iowa, this past weekend. Playing in a tournament where only the top ranked team from each conference was invited, five Mean Green golfers never found a rhythm and finished (+41), 46 strokes behind tournament champion Arkansas. “We had one of those tournaments that everyone on the team struggled,” head coach Brad Stracke said. “This is the first time in my 15 years of coaching to ever see one of my teams not have one player perform like he is capable.”
action saw UNT start off on the wrong foot, as it finished the day in 12th place with all five golfers finishing over par. Chattanooga (-9) stood at the top of the leaderboard at the end of t he day, one stroke ahead of Arkansas. Juniors Rodolfo Cazaubon a nd Cu r t is Dona hoe a nd sen ior Josh Jones led t he way for the Mean Green on Day 1. All three opened up with a 2-over-par 74, leaving them tied for 38th and seven strokes back of tournament leader Stepha n Jaeger of Chattanooga. Junior Carlos Ortiz’s struggles continued as he shot a 4-over-76 and bogeyed four of five holes in one stretch. Fre sh ma n Jua n Mu noz finished just behind UNT’s top three with a 3-over-par 75.
team, leaving it in 12th place at (+26). None of the 15 teams competing shot under pa r for the day, but a late surge helped Chattanooga stay atop the leaderboard at (-6) with Oklahoma State and Arkansas close behind. Ortiz recovered with the best round of the day for UNT, as two late birdies helped him shoot a 74 and move up from 55th to 41st at (+6) overall. Ca zaubon birdied t hree holes, but four bogeys on the front nine and a double bogey dropped him to a 3-over-par 75. The junior still held t he best overall score for UNT at (+5) and moved up to 33rd overa ll, 13 st rokes behind tournament leader Jaeger. Jones, Munoz and Donahoe all posted higher scores than Sunday as they shot 77, 79 and 85 respectively.
Monday Sunday The first day of tournament
On a rainy day in Burlington, UNT shot 17-over-par as a
Tuesday In the f ina l round, UNT
stumbled to a (+15) day, as a ll f ive golfers once again shot 74 or over. A rka nsas ju mped Chat ta nooga a nd OSU to take the tournament by 7 strokes. Or t i z a nd Ca zaubon combined for just one birdie and finished the tournament tied for 42nd at (+9), 16 strokes behind indiv idua l tournament champion Jaeger. Jones, Munoz and Donahoe all fell down the leaderboard and finished outside the top 50. Stracke expressed disappointment about t he tournament but remained optimistic. “It w a s a tou g h tou rn a m e n t ,” S t r a c k e s a i d . “Sometimes you need some adversity to win a championship in the end.” The men’s golf team returns to act ion at t he W i l l ia m Tucker Intercollegiate tournament in Albuquerque, N.M., on Friday.
Bobby’s World: Soccer team ready to win Opinion BOBBY LEWIS
Senior Staff Writer It always feels good to be right. You’ll have to excuse me because I say and write a lot of dumb things, so I always like to brag just a little bit when I’m right about something. Last week, I wrote that the UNT soccer team was going to be just fine coming off a threegame winning streak with conference starting. The team proved me right by beating Western Kentucky 2-1 on Friday, then shutting Middle Tennessee out 3-0. Now, a little over halfway through its season with a 7-3-1 record, UNT may be poised to go on another lengthy winning streak as it continues
its trek through the Sun Belt Conference. With Louisiana Monroe and Louisiana Lafayette coming up, it’s not hard to see why this will probably be the easiest weekend UNT has during conference play. First up is ULM on Friday, which hasn’t won a conference game since 2009, going 0-10 in conference play last season and 0-2 last weekend. Then there’s Louisiana Lafayette, who also went winless through the first weekend of conference play. It’s also worth mentioning that UNT beat both teams 4-0 last season in games that weren’t even very close. Bot h of last weekend’s games were within the friendly confines of the Mean Green Soccer Complex against two of the better teams in the Sun Belt over the past few years. It’s always nice to win at home,
Bobby Lewis which UNT has done a lot of lately, but great teams win on the road where everyone in the stadium is rooting for them to fail. That’s why this weekend may be pretty important, despite the drop-off in competition. As I said, ULM and Louisiana Lafayette aren’t exactly conference powerhouses, but it’s always nice to win on the road, which is where the Mean Green
will be for both games. I’m not saying that each game will be the annihilations they were last year. In fact, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if either or both games were only decided by a goal or two. It won’t matter. UNT is better than both teams and should win, whether the margin is one goal or 10 goals. A win is a win, especially on the road. This time next week, UNT will be on a four-game winning streak, undefeated in the conference, with two conference wins apiece at home and on the road. I’m a fair guy, so if the team loses one or both games, please feel free to let me know I was wrong because I’m definitely going to let you know I was right once again next week after the Mean Green gets it done in Louisiana.
Junior forward Michelle Young became the second UNT soccer player t his season to be named Sun Belt Conference Women’s Soccer Player of the Week Tuesday, after scoring three goals last weekend. It’s the second time Young has won the award. “She’s playing very well,” women’s soccer head coach John Hedlund said. “She’s utilizing her speed and the system that she’s playing in fits her perfectly.” Young scored both of UNT’s goals in Friday’s 2-1 win over Western Kentucky last Friday, including the tie-breaker in the 68th minute. On Sunday, her goal in the 65th minute
put UNT up on Middle Tennessee by two goals before UNT won a 3-0 shutout. Young’s MICHELLE final goal YOUNG of the weekend was her teamleading eighth of the season. Young also leads the entire Sun Belt Conference in goals and her eight goals ranks 25th in the nation. Her final goal against WKU was the ninth game-winning goal of her UNT career, which moved her up to seventh in game-winners in team history. At t he beg i n n i ng of September, Young’s teammate senior forward Nikki Crocco earned the award after a twogoal weekend.
“I wanna go to!”
Page 6 Valerie Gonzalez, Views Editor
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tax refund adds insult to injury
Nods and shakes Editorial Shake: DART drives away its customers Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) is moving forward with a two-year experiment to charge for parking at two of its rail and bus stations in Dallas. Commuters who do not reside in one of DART’s 13 member cities could be charged as early as December for parking at North Carrollton/Frankford Road Station on the Green Line and the Parker Road Station on the Red Line. DART’s spokesman, Mark Ball, said 50 to 60 percent of people who park in the lots slated for pricing reside in its non-member cities. Platinum Parking, the firm picked to head the experiment, projected a $2 million gain from the experiment. Still, it’s hard to tell what DART expects to gain as a transit service. Unless it wants to encourage people to continue driving, DART needs to remember it provides transportation to people – not parking. Nod: UNT emerges as most affordable research university in the state According to 2009-2010 data released by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the National Center for Education Statistics, UNT is the most affordable research education in the state. The data, which include all public universities in Texas, examined four different costs at each university: tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, and living expenses. Of the six emerging research institutes in Texas, the University of Texas at Arlington came in as the most expensive at $19,181 per 30 credit-semester hours – $1,161 more than UNT. The Editorial Board applauds UNT’s efforts to remain affordable. With increasing costs in tuition across the state, rising textbook prices and the economy showing little signs of growth, every dollar matters for people who pursue higher education. Shake: Obama repackages No Child Left Behind Act On Friday, President Obama announced a waiver for states that wish to opt out of the No Child Left Behind Act. NCLB has been widely criticized by teachers, students and parents alike. Proponents of the act have said education is a matter of states’ rights. Others have claimed the exams require educators to spend too much time teaching to the tests. Unfortunately, Obama’s proposed waiver plan is flawed for all of the same reasons. Instead of aiming to meet “proficiency” standards set by the Bush administration, states will have to meet federally mandated benchmarks set by the Obama administration. Educators will still be teaching to the test, too. States granted a waiver will have to include students’ standardized test scores in teacher evaluations. The Editorial Board finds this change to be disappointing. For as flawed as NCLB may be, at least it concentrated on students’ results, not controlling how schools achieved the results.
Campus Chat
Rick Perry has gained much exposure since entering the race for the Republican nomination while emphasizing that Texas is a breeding ground for businesses during our current worldwide recession. What Perry has not emphasized, though, is Texas’s $27 billion budget shortfall that has been accumulating since 2005, when state property tax was cut by one-third, or how much these “pro-business” laws cost taxpayers. Refineries want tax breaks for buy ing equipment that would reduce on-site pollution . This clause in particular could cost taxpayers an extra $135 million this year. The $135 million tax refund is being considered now that t he pressu re for d ra f t i ng leg islat ion ha s pa ssed. The Texas Commission on Env i ron menta l Qua l it y h a d a l r e a d y den ie d t he pu rcha ses a s ta x-exempt, but the three-man commission appointed by Perry has expressed its intentions to
approve t he appea l, even though it denied it last year. Va l e r o w a s t h e f i r s t company to appeal against the ruling, and may save as much as $92 million if the ruling is overturned. Valero is one of t he la rgest energ y companies in t he world, rank ing 24th on Forbes Fortune 500. The company raked in $324 m i l lion in prof its in 2010 alone. Wit h energ y compa n ies requesting an additional $135 million in tax breaks, Texas citizens will inevitably pick up the bill. R e f u n d i n g t a x m on e y would mean counties, cities and school districts that are already strapped for cash will take another hit. During the last legislative session, the Texas Legislature cut spending by $15.2 billion, reduced funding for education and health care and cut more than 5,700 jobs from the state workforce, according to Dave Montgomery of the StarTelegram.
That includes $4 billion cut to public education and $969 million to higher education. We can only conclude from the actions of our Legislature that the students, the poor and the elderly are to be held responsible for its irresponsible spending. For t u nately for most Texans, if t he commission does decide to g ra nt t he ref u nd to Va lero a nd t he 15 other requests, only the taxpayers in those districts will cover the costs. In a story from the Associated Press, one parent from Pasadena expressed concern: “There are days when we can’t go out because our children’s asthma is that bad (because of the refineries) … and then t hey w a nt money back? ” Patricia Gonzales said. “We pay ta xes ever y day. Small businesses pay ta xes. W hy should big corporations get breaks?” she asked. Perry and our Legislature are adding insult to injur y by ta k ing even more from
public and higher education and giving a refund that was previously denied to energy companies like Valero – one of t he few compa n ies i n t he economy experiencing growth. It seems the story of Robin Hood ha s become u ndervalued in our society and a new modern-day story would read more like stealing from the poor and giving to the rich.
T he 3 0 -hou r c a r r ide, get t i ng a r re ste d a nd t he $100 fine were all worth it. We were arrested in front of the W hite House on Aug. 21 in a t wo-week long act ion against the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. It was the largest act of civil disobedience in the histor y of the environmental movement thus far. We see this action and the further actions that we intend to take as the most important work that we could possibly be doing right now. If const r ucted, t he Keystone X L pipel i ne w i l l t ravel f rom t he At habasca Tar Sands in Alberta, Canada, to Por t A r t hur, Texas. The leading U.S. climate scientist, James Hansen, has said if this pipeline is completed it is literally “game over for the climate,” because it will lead to the expansion of strip mining. This oil is not your everyday
bubbling crude. It’s extremely corrosive tar. The EPA has said the greenhouse gas emissions from the tar sands are 82 percent more than from conventional oil a nd t he pipeline is up for approva l i n December by President Obama. If built, the pipeline will cross ma ny i nd igenous nations’ lands. Its construct ion v iolates t reat ies a nd d ispropor t ionately a f fects indigenous people, putting them at higher risk for cancer and other health problems. The tar sands require the clear-cutting of t he borea l forest, wh ich is a n essent ia l ca rbon sin k. La kes so large they can be seen from space, containing more than 75 tox ic chemicals such as hydrocarbons, arsenic, lead, benzene and mercury are left behind. The company set to build the pipeline, TransCanada, also built the first Keystone
pipeline, which had 12 spills in the last year. That should serve as a warning since the pipeline will go over thousa nds of la kes, r ivers a nd streams. The Ogallala Aquifer alone provides 30 percent of the ground water used in the U.S., supply ing millions of people with drinking water. TransCanada claimed the project would create 20,000 jobs, but it will actually create 5,000 jobs, only 10 percent of which will be local; compared to the number of jobs that would be created in transitioning off fossil fuels, this is negligible. A 2009 University of Massachusetts and Center for American Progress study shows 1.7 million jobs could be created in a transition to clean energ y. Proponents claim the pipeline will increase our national securit y by decreasing our reliance on Middle Eastern oi l. Si nce t he oi l w i l l be ex por ted f rom t he Gu lf, it
will only increase the profits of oil companies, not lower gas prices. In a Rockefeller Foundation study, a group of retired four-star generals and admirals reached the conclusion that if climate changes remains unaddressed, it will become “the greatest threat to national security.” There will be a hearing on the pipeline in Austin hosted by the U.S. State Department. We will be making the trip t here to ma ke ou r voices heard. We w ill a lso return to D.C. on Oct. 7 and Nov. 6 for more actions against this disaster waiting to happen. We encourage you to do the same.
Andrew McGinnis is an English junior. He can be reached at wolfmand@ymail. com.
Protest the Keystone XL pipeline
Mike Coleman is an applied arts and sciences senior. He can be reached at Cindy Spoon is an international studies senior. She can be reached at cynthiaspoon@
Should the Denton City Council initiate a citywide smoking ban?
{ { {
“I don’t think that it is fair for smoking to be banned as a whole. It is the person’s right.”
Grethe Wirth
Art history sophomore
“I definitively hate people smoking in restaurants. Just having designated areas would be best because I don’t like secondhand smoke.”
Kelsey Henry
Biology freshman
“People are going to smoke whether it is banned or not. But regardless, it’s a personal right. It shouldn’t be taken away.”
NT Daily Editorial Board
Tyler Weems
Undecided freshman
The Editorial Board includes: Josh Pherigo, Amber Arnold, Isaac Wright, Sean Gorman, Jesse Sidlauskas, Sydnie Summers, Stacy Powers, Carolyn Brown, Valerie Gonzalez, Drew Gaines, Cristy Angulo and Berenice Quirino.
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Page 8 Sean Gorman, Sports Editor
Wednesday, September 27, 2011
Wide receiver finds niche returning kicks Paul Bottoni
Get to know Brelan Chancellor
Senior Staff Writer UNT football player Brelan Chancellor is, quite literally, turning heads. The speedy wide receiver and kick returner ranks No. 15 in all of college football for all-purpose yardage this season. Described by his coaches and teammates as a man of few words, Chancellor has impressed with his work ethic and talent. “He’s a great athlete and player,” redshirt sophomore quarterback Derek Thompson said. “He is quiet; he doesn’t do a whole lot of talking, but [rather] with his performance on the field. He comes to work every day, and it shows.”
Inspiration from ‘Prime Time’ Chancellor was born into a football family and started pursuing the sport at a young age. “My younger brother plays, I play and my dad played college ball at Trinity Valley,” Chancellor said. “The whole family plays.” Chancellor grew up a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, admiring running back Emmitt Smith and Deion Sanders – the catalyst of Chancellor’s interest in kick returning.
Anatomy of a kick return Before returning a kickoff, the son of William Chancellor and Tina Broadus takes extra time to prevent a Mean Green mistake. Though it isn’t his job, Chancellor counts his teammates on the field to make sure there aren’t too few or too many. “Once it’s kicked, I watch the ball go off the kicker’s foot and I have to determine if it’s going deep or short,” Chancellor said. “Once I catch the ball, I just follow
Position: Wide Receiver/Kick Returner Year: Sophomore High School: Copperas Cove High School Fun Fact: When not watching game film or practicing, Chancellor and teammates sophomore linebacker Zach Orr and sophomore running back Brandin Byrd square off in NCAA Football and Madden NFL on Playstation 3. “They like to talk a whole lot of mess, but I show them what’s up,” Chancellor quipped.
“Once I catch the ball, I just follow my blockers. Wherever they open the crease, that’s where I’m going to try to run.”
—Brelan Chancellor UNT wide receiver and kick returner
my blockers. Wherever they open the crease, that’s where I’m going to try to run.” As a freshman in 2010, Chancellor set a single-season school record with 923 kick return yards in nine games. Chancellor finished his debut campaign ranked sixth in the Sun Belt Conference in allpurpose yardage – a compilation of rushing, receiving and return yards – and second in kick return yardage. Through the first three games of this season, Chancellor led the nation in all-purpose yards. Chancellor has 556 return yards from 23 returns through four games this season. The sophomore was named the Sun Belt Special Teams Player
of the Week for his performance against Houston in Week 2, in which he broke two UNT records – the all-purpose and kick return yardage marks.
Mean Green days Though he played running back while at Copperas Cove High School, Chancellor was recruited by UNT as a wide receiver. Chancellor said he chose UNT because he wanted to be a part of the group that turned the Mean Green’s fortunes around. According to No. 80, the new coaching regime has helped him improve his return and receiving skills, particularly his route running. “He’s just a guy who comes to work every day, brings his
lunch pail and wants to be coached,” football head coach Dan McCarney said. Chancellor has not yet decided on a major, but feels his calling will be to teach from the sidelines once his football playing days are finished. “Once I graduate, I’d like to coach,” Chancellor said. “There’s more to football than going out there on Friday nights. It helps build your character and teaches responsibility.” Chancellor and the Mean Green travel to Oklahoma this weekend to face the Tulsa Golden Hurricane.
Photo by James Coreas/Senior Staff Photographer
Sophomore wide receiver Brelan Chancellor led the nation in all-purpose yards for the first three weeks of the season. He has 556 return yards on 23 returns through four games.
Mean Green Trivia UNT senior defensive specilaist Sarah Willey ranks second in Mean Green volleyball history with 1,512 career digs. Who ranks first? Hint: This former Mean Green player was a four-year starter from 2004-2007 and worked at UNT as an assistant coach for two years. Those who know the answer can tweet their guess to the NTDaily Sports Twitter @NTDaily Sports! Find out the correct answer in the paper later this week.