2017-2018 Rate Card THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2017
VOL. 14 VOL.109 109 No. No.14
student NT Daily’sAnalysis: mission apartments with Arrests made in highest, lowest criminal activity organized crime Terms and conditions investigation
Texas’ attempt to reform foster care system: privatization
North Texas Daily’s mission is to create a professional business atmosphere where students can experience and learn the ethics, challenges, and professionalism of the business community along with the ideas, tools, and solutions needed to meet the challenges they will encounter in future careers. By Julia Contarelli
Three apartment complexes in the
By Hannah Lauritzen & James Norman After a federal judge ruled in a 2015 lawsuit that the Texas foster care system violated children’s rights, the state of Texas’ 85th legislative session made revamping the foster care system a top priority. They introduced a litany of bills for consideration, all of which had one aim: to privatize the foster care system and take the burden away from the state. The big issues lie with the system’s social workers – or lack thereof. Andy Homer, public affairs executive director at the Texas Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), said the turnover rate for caseworkers has been 25 to 30 percent. “We have such an awful turnover,” Homer said. “We’ve been plagued with the inability to keep the people we hire.” Homer added it costs about $54,000 to hire and train a new worker. “So we’re literally just pissing this money away whenis wewell hire known these people Denton, Texas andits then the majorityinstitutions, of them leave for educational within two years,” Homer said. its history, and its small-town This shortage of employees piled charm. North Texas Dailyhasplans more and more cases onto an already to bridge the gap between all of overworked staff. about The Child Welfare the best things Denton. League of America recommends that a caseworker have no more than By adding should additional 12 cases at a time. Yet according newspaper stands, as well to an investigation by the Austin-American as strategically relocating Statesman, investigators have been existing racks, the 101 year-old known to manage upwards of 20 cases media outlet has created one at a time. At one point in 2014, of the most reliable sourcesSouth Texas caseworkers had an average of of news for the campus’ 85 cases atand a time. students the community The amount Child Protective members of Denton. Services workers are paid has also
immediate vicinity of UNT have some Terms of Payment of the highest crime rates in Denton, North Texas Daily requires payment in advance for all advertising unless the police records show. advertiser has an established credit account Within with thea North Texas Daily. Prepaymile from UNT, student ment is defined as cash with copy by deadline. North Texas rejects any housing complexesDaily not affiliated with advertising without verification of prepayment. All advertising subject to the the university have hadis multiple cases of theft, assault and drug offense, terms and provisions of the current rate card. Prepayment is required for all among others,of credit spring requested. 2017 police bars/clubs and political/transient advertisers regardless Acrecords show. And while some are close counts will incur a fee of $35 for any returned check, and, if applicable, forfeit to Fry Street, the area with some of the their credit accounts. highest crime rates in town, others are
Brian Johnson
not so easily explained away.
A popular guide for apartment Position Denton, Denton College North Texas Daily will honor requests forhunters positioninwhen possible. Position in Apartment Source guide book for the newspaper is not sold, implied, or guaranteed except within special sections spring 2017, advertised 39 apartment and special editions are published. A 15%complexes up charge to for prospective placement inresidents. broadsheet applies when able to honor the placement request. These five have the highest crime rates: Top five apartments with the Late Charges criminal activity the adverIf the North Texas Daily chooses to accepthighest late copy or late payment, U Centre at Fry Street, located at tiser agrees to pay the following fees: 1221 W. Oak St., is the apartment with • $1/column inch/day for late payment • $1/column late copy For the highestinch/day criminalfor activity with 14 the purpose of assessing late fees, the firstcrimes day begins at the regular issue drugs/ deadreported: theft, assault, narcotics violations and harassment. line and ends at the close of business that day. Consecutive days begin and end The CST. majority were thefts. Price rates with the standard business day, 8 AM–5 PM,
Brice Jr. Increased circulation and added stopsRickey helps spread news across not only the University of North Texas campus but the surrounding Denton area as well.
details arrests of former [1]Affidavit A study conducted showed campus and in the members community. of men’s basketball for this apartment start at $704 per that 79% of the newspapers The secret to these publications bedroom. program connected to drugs and prostitution had been read within 30 days is that they are targeted Cancellations and Copy Changes of publication. If a prospective and specific to the theme of SEE HOUSING ONcharge PAGE 2 until two North Texas Daily allows cancellation of advertising space at no reader isn’t able to reach one the publication. For more weeks prior to the regular placement deadline. In the event of a cancellation, of the 91 stops and get their information, read up on special By Clay Massey & Reece Waddell team as Derail Green, Rickey Brice The third UNT student, has account for the amount of the advertisement. North Texas Daily will Green, credit your copy, they can simply login issue on page 2. Jr. and Brian Johnson. Brice was yet to be taken into custody. Cancellation may mean the forfeiture of certain time-sensitive discounts. Copy to issuu.com search Warrants and for four people, three taken into custody on Monday on the “We have high expectations of ‘North Texas to find were charge [1] Study done by UNT change is allowed until regular payment deadline. of whom areDaily’ UNT students, of possession of marijuana all of our student-athletes,” athletic theobtained weekly news publication FactBook, Nellie Mae, Tuesday for organized less than two ounces, according to director Wren Baker said in a online as well as any past O’Donnell and Associates, criminal activity – promotion of Requests“Even for cancellation or copy Denton court records. Johnson was statement. one incident of change after deadline will be refused and do special issue publications. Stateuniversity.com, Alloy prostitution and drug possession, booked into jail Wednesday on the misconduct is one many.” from full responsibility for payment of the ad space not release the too advertiser Media and Marketing, Neilsen. according to a statement sent by charges of engaging in organized According an arrest affidavit reserved. Iftoadvertisement is designed by North Texas Daily - no more than TheUNT. fore mentioned special com, and re:fuel agency. criminal activity and possession of obtained by the Daily, a sexual two (2) copy changes are allowed. Additional design fees will apply beyond two issuesAnhave showed sizeable the marijuana less than two ounces. arrest affidavita identifies assault was reported to the online increase in readership on former three UNT students and (2) copy changes. Both were released on bond. members of the men’s basketball
2017-2018 Publication Schedule SEE CPS ON PAGE 2
Equestrian club turns attention to fundraising as team grows
Edits and Rejections The Student Advertising Manager, Advertising Director, Publications Manager By Samantha Morrowany of the above and/or Director may review any advertising. When necessary, staff members may request a change or issue a rejection for an ad that fails to Even when they aren’t on horseback, meet North Texas Daily advertising guidelines. North Texas Daily not the UNT equestrian club does is clearing accept any advertisement that is libelous;hurdles. promotes academic dishonesty; vioThis semester especially, the team lates any federal, state or local laws; or encourages discrimination against any reached heights in national terms individual or group on the basis of race, has sex, age, color,new creed, religion, origin, sexual orientation, or disability. of competition, fundraising and
The Great Divide, where the Burbs meets the Outskirts
S M T W T F S S M T W T 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 27 28 29 30 31 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 By Kyle Martin & Austin Jackson 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 27 Along 28 29 30 1 on 2 the 24outskirts 25 26 27 of 28 a 31 road 3 4 5 and 6 7 Krum 8 9 exists1 a2 clash 3 4 of5 Denton
cultures. Rural and urban lifestyles meet face to face, staring each other dead in the eye. S MFlanagan T W T Ten years ago, Shannon could sit on her front porch 31 and 1 2watch 3 4 9 Special her English Issue riding horses7 prance and 8 9 10 11 graze, uninterrupted. In front of her 14 15 16 17 18 Publications sprawled hundreds of acres 21 22of23green 24 25 pastures. The owner of Silent Knight Multiple Run 28 29 30 31 1 Stables, she and her children lived 4 5 6 7the8 Discount life of many Texan’s dreams holed-up on about 10 acres of unincorporated land, Runs bothered + |one 5+ | 10+ |by 15no 20+they didn’t invite. Things are different now. land S MHer T W T has been annexed into 29the city of3 30 1 2 Discount Denton. She answers the door with a 6 7 8 9 10 5% | 10% | 15% | 20% pistol sometimes. 13 14 15 16 17 “It’s frustrating,” she said. “We had a
35 Weekly Publications
Full Run Discount 25%
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volunteering, earning the recognition of Student Organization of the Year from Errors and Liability Student Activities. To earn the award, people because he was ginormous. The North Texas Daily shall not be liable for the typographical errors do not and club completes twothat fundraisers police kept picking him up and he was one social activity per month. lessen the value of the advertisement. The liability for content errors in any ad guarding his property. That was his.” Butcase over time, the submitted as print ready is zero except in the of omission. The fundraising maximum F SStartingS roughly M T W seven T F years S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S ago, became more about keeping the club 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 liability for an omitted ad shall be limited to publishing the advertisement in a they arrived: 29 30 31 1 dump 2 3 trucks, 5she 6 said, 28 afloat than winning awards. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 and 4 concrete, 5 6 7 semi-trucks 8 9 10 12bulldozers, 13 subsequent issue at the regular rate. North “We Texaswere Daily’s for any error is kindliability of in a sticky situation workers. The nine11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 11 12 13 14 15 16whole 17 19construction 20 limited to the cost of space occupied by the shall not exceed the only cost witherror duesand and allocated funds began build. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 18they 19 20 21 22to23 24 26yards. 27 And far,” junior club treasurer of the advertisement. North Texas Daily getting may, atus itsso option, issue an adjustment next from 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 25 26 27 several 28 1 2 years, 3 2 3Over the Breeland “We didn’t ad want to the account for the prorated cost of the error orLawson publishsaid. a replacement the same front porch, Flanagan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 to always struggle, [and we] didn’t want in a subsequent issue. To receive an adjustment, the advertiser must notify the watched her life change. Day by day, to ask members for more money. We neighbor by neighbor, house by house. Director before the next insertion or within five (5) days following a single wanted to make it as fun and easy as Her small town isn’t so small anymore. insertion. The advertiser or agency agrees to assume full liability for content of possible.” no Tcity services F S“We get S M W T F S besides S M T W T F S S M T W T F S all ads, as well as any claims arising there ofEach and of made against the competitions North Texas the club’s eight police, which I don’t want 4 5 27 28 29 30 31 1 [Denton] 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 costs $1,500, which means the fee Daily. 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 is $12,000 to simply compete. This 18 19 10KRUM 11 12ON 13 PAGE 14 155 16 15 16 The 17 small 18 19city20of 21 does not include apparel and other 13 14 15of16 17 is 18quickly becoming urbanized. Kelsey Shoemaker SEE Krum with12 a population 4,157 Mail Order equipment necessary for the team to 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Advertising will be accepted at the discretion of the Advertising Director and operate. Since the Recreational Sports 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 only if accompanied by payment in advance and a sample of the product being Office only allocates $1,900 to the club, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is through left with the a steep deficit to distributed. Advertising requiring moneythe to team be sent postal system make up for. to a P.O. Box address will not be accepted without payment of placement up With new officers coming in, the goal charge. was to keep member dues below $200 By Alec Spicer buildings on the beloved street to be while still competing in the events they North Texas Daily has also torn down. Other signed up for. When the last call lights come on, it’s expanded its ability to reach Yet when or you fast forward to advertising Liquidation going-out-of-business berequired prepaid fundraising. by credit And to must do that a signal of a fun night nearing its end on students on campus with a 2017, and the last year and a half “Equestrian isthe anwords expensive card. Political advertising must be paid in advance, and “Paidsport,” PolitiFry Street for many. For others, it’s the grounds team. Dane Fuentes, a specifically, Fry Street has experienced junior club president Tiffany Mayfield cal Advertising” must be set inside the top border. Advertisements having the sign of a closure to just another routine North Texas Daily Marketing growing notoriety due to shootings, said. “All of the fundraising that we day on the strip. appearance ofand editorial material must be identified as “Paid Advertising” at the Consultant said, “coupled with disappearances arrests. do keeps us going because without it, Located right across the street from top of the ad,these and sponsorship must be clearly identified the event marketing, the grounds Aside from isolated instances, we would not be within able tothe doad allorofatour UNT’s northeast corner, Fry Street has team has made a big impact what might notad. be visible on the bottom of the competitions.” remained a staple in Denton’s culture on campus with spreading the immediate surface is the colorful The team has managed to raise since the 1920s. However, what Denton word for previous events.” space that the combination of bars $3,000 from various Free notices or editorial copy do not accompanythis anysemester paid advertisements. No locals now know as modern day Fry and restaurants have created for both Street (often referring to a part of the advertising will be locals. published in any manner not keeping with good newspaper Call a marketing consultant students and Denton perpendicularly located Hickory Street makeup. Advertising containing foreign language must be translated into Engtoday for more details as well) only came to be after new about events and more. lish to determine content before being published. SEE EQUESTRIAN ON PAGE 8 SEE FRY ON PAGE 5 developments in 2008 caused many
20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 3 4 5 6 7
S 2 9 16 23 30 6
The faces of Fry Street
NT Daily expands services beyond print In the ever-changing world of media and technology, new opportunities are created everyday. The marketing team at North Texas Daily has seen that great window to expand its core services and the value of advertising with the online and print publications.
North Texas Daily has expanded into event marketing, as it is the best way for outside entities to Julissa Medina spends time at Cool Beans in between classes. Alec Spicer have an event on campus. Not only is North Texas Daily the gateway to campus, but is the total package with options to promote your event, and more. NEWS
Advertising using a person’s name, photograph, or other likeness must be authorized by notarized consent of the person(s) named or involved.
All Terms of this agreement are subject to change and must be made available in writing.
Sexual assault education pg 12 Hiring freeze pg 3 North Texas softball pg 8 Denton Arts Walk of Fame pg 7 The Editorial Board discusses the A state-wide hiring freeze has affected The Mean Green softball team will The Denton Arts Walks of Fame, WEB 55 vacant jobs at UNT since the law SPECIAL ISSUES DEMOGRAPHICS SIZING SIZING need for more sexual assault educabe heading the Conference USA along a portion of East Hickory NT Daily’s new online pg 2 are 26 Targeted and specificStreet, publications pg 2 UNT diversity explained pg 3tournament after not Tabloid advertising sizing pg 3 Broadsheet advertising sizing pg 4 tion on campus to better inform the took affect onpresence Feb. 1. There qualifying for honors local artists from Your inside peak at North Texas affected by the Find out more about North Texas Your breakdown of UNT’s diverse A full-scale look into tabloid sized A full-scale look at North Texas Daily’s student body. departments currently conference play last season. Denton. Daily’s new and streamlined website, Daily’s special issue publications and population, and the impact that it has advertisements for North Texas Daily’s available advertising spaces for our freeze. optimized for mobile and desktop how they can increase your reach to created in the community. special-edition publications. weekly broadsheet publication. platforms.
the campus and community.
2017-2018 Rate Card
Page 2
New mobile-friendly website drives reach The world of news has evolved tremendously in the last decade. The 24-hour cycle hasn’t stopped ticking, and information is only becoming more accessible. The team at North Texas Daily has realized that now more than ever, that an optimized online experience is becoming exponentially more important.
“Getting the best value for our advertisers is one of our top priorities with redesigning our website,” said Adam Reese, Director of North Texas Daily.
visits 1.49 pages per visit while remaining on the website for 00:01:10. Not all traffic is returning visitors either, in fact 56.67% of visitors are completely new to the site.
According to Reese there has been a push Since North Texas to increase traffic to Daily is a digital first the website, and that publication, the new traffic increase is website has become the largely thanks to social focus of breaking news media. Dane Fuentes stories. From there said, “All of our social the stories are pushed Beginning this summer, media pages directly out through social North Texas Daily link users to our frontmedia channels, until has implemented page of the website. So it reaches the weekly this optimized webfar the results have print publication. “It’s experience in order to been promising.” important for the better connect with consumer to have their readership. The For advertisers who options,” said Jared website has had loadcrave detailed analytics, Peers, a North Texas times decreased in order ntdaily.com has Daily design staff for the best experience provided us with the member. He also states, that a user could ask following statistics. “While the ease-offor. It doesn’t stop with The website boasts access is incredibly the audience though, an average of 46.562 powerful, you can’t advertisers will also views per month, of beat the experience of see a better experience those visits to the site, enjoying a newspaper.” with auto-scaling users have visited an However you get ads to increase the average of 64,558 pages your news, it’s clear quality of placed ads. per month. At that North Texas Daily rate the average user has you covered.
Screenshot of North Texas Daily’s updated website on a desktop platform circa July 2017.
A UNT student visits ntdaily.com on their smart-phone.
Special issue publications bring ample opportunity Wit h Nor t h Texas Dai ly’s specia l issue publications ma k ing waves around ca mpus and t he communit y, t here has never been a better way to spread your message to a niche audience.
Since adding publication, t he new oppor tunities to reach students has been great for loca l businesses as wel l as nationa l clients, and w it h new t hemes coming out in t he f uture, t here are “A l l of our specia l many more chances publications are to reach t he specif ic targeted and specif ic.” target-market you are says Dav id Tuck, a tr y ing to reach out to. Nor t h Texas Dai ly Marketing Consu ltant.
NIGHTLIFEGUIDE For more information on upcoming special issues, contact your marketing consultant or email northtexasdaily@unt.edu.
& SPECIFIC HOLIDAILY 2016 2016 Edition
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Century of Excellence:
The Pulitzer Prizes and Journalism’s Impact at UNT 1916
Texas Da rth i
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Celebrating 100 Years In Student Media
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2017-2018 Rate Card
Page 3
Studies find diverse UNT demographics T he Universit y of Nor t h Texas is a place of g reat ach ievement, yet what t r u ly u nderscores t hese ach ievement is t he d iverse popu lat ion t hat has created t he nu merous monu ments of prog ress. L et ’s d ive i nto t he stat ist ics a nd f ig u res to f i nd out more about how t he d iversit y i n U N T ’s st udent, facu lt y, a nd sta f f popu lat ion. As of Fa l l 2017, a n a l l-t i me record h ig h of 38,121 st udents a re enrol led . T h is i nclude a m i x t u re of u nderg raduate a nd g raduate st udents. T he Universit y of Nor t h Texas has a facu lt y rat io of 24:1. 1,075 of t hose facu lt y members a re f u l l-t i me, w it h t he rema i ni ng 98 4 members of t he facu lt y a re considered pa r t-t i me or specia l i z ed facu lt y or teach i ng fel lows. Sta f f at U N T rou nds out t he popu lat ion of t he ca mpus w it h 2 ,48 4 tota l sta f f members, per U N T Hu ma n Resou rces Of f ice. T he f u l l fac t book ca n be fou nd by v isit i ng w w w. i nst it ut iona l resea rch. unt.edu/unt-fact-book.
2,809 45.5% 2,484
MALE: 47%
For f u r t her deta i ls or quest ions rega rd i ng t he data i n t he Fac t Book please contac t Data, A na ly t ics, & Inst it ut iona l Resea rch at 94 0 -565 -2085.
$238,693,010 from Federal Funding, $29,249,496 from State, $67,847,111 from UNT, $11,095,782 from Private Loans
2016–2017 Fact Book [PDF]. (n.d.). Denton: Data, Analytics, & Institutional Research.
FULL PAGE 10.375” x 12” HALF PAGE 10.375” x 6” QUARTER PAGE 4.15” x 7.5”
FULL PAGE 11.34” x 21” HALF PAGE 11.34” x 10.5” QUARTER PAGE (V) 5.67” x 10.5” QUARTER PAGE (H) 11.34” x 5.25”
EIGHTH PAGE 5.67” x 5”