WashingtonSpeakers Bureau
I DATE: May 26. 2016
Contract #:
J 1866
Rudy Giuliani
$35,500.00 USD
Client is responsible for expenses for three to include the cash equivalent of first class airfare for
three and all airport concierge services. CLIENT:
is [s
Mr. Michael Abernathy, Senior Director, UNT System Business Services
^ University of North Texas phone: 940-369-5510
2016 Kuehne Speaker Series
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 and Thursday, October 27, 2016
Dallas, TX
Client to choose one of the speech topics listed at; if a
moderated discussion is selcted. these will be the topics covered during the discussion Rudy Giuliani to participate in the following:
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 Rudy Giuliani will attend a private dinner with a select group of 10 to 15 series sponsors and friends of UNT (Optional)
Thursday, October 27. 2016 9:00AM - 10:30AM VIP Breakfast with 15-25 select guests; Informal conversation and questions. No prepared remarks 10:30AM - 1 1 :00AM
Moderator Briefing (TBD) & Break
1 1 :00AM - 1 2:00PM
Formal Photo Opportunity (75 attendees)
12:00PM - 12:15PM
Lunch begins (Mayor Giuliani seated at head table)
12:15PM - 12:20PM 12:20PM - 1 :20PM
Introduction of Mayor Giuliani Mayor Giuliani's Keynote Presentation; Either 30 minutes of prepared remarks
and 30 minutes of audience Q&A or a 60 minute moderated discussion with Brint Ryan (main sponsor) to include audience Q&A 1:30PM
Event Concludes
Speaker agrees not to accept an offer for a live, in person public ticketed event that will play within a 25 mile radius of venue in Dallas, TX between August 27, 2016 and October 27, 2016.
Speaker also agrees that should he accept an offer for a public event that will play within a 25 mile radius of venue in Dallas, TX after this event, no public promotion of that event will be allowed between August 27, 2016 and October 27, 2016.
Please note that all book and political events (including political fundraisers) and events that are broadcast via satellite are exempt from the exclusivity terms, however, advance notice to WSB of such events is appreciated.
All advertisements and publicity shall be submitted in English whether for print, broadcast, on-line or otherwise, shall be subject to the immediate review and written approval by the Washington Speakers Bureau. Client to send detailed background information about this event to tho
Washington Speakers Bureau. All event sponsors MUST be approved, IN ADVANCE, by the speaker and Washington Speakers
The attached addendum is a part of this contract. A final/actual copy, once approved, of all advertisements, publicity, and printed materials for the enaaoement fwhether for orint. broadcast or otherwise 1 must be forwarded to the Washinaton
It** X'tf*. SW*f / r» Villi. V*or • Page 1 of 3
c Her
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| DATE: May 26, 2016
Contract #:
J 1866
Speakers Bureau for Mr. Giuliani's personal files. MEDIA:
Local print media is permitted to cover the Speaker's remarks and Q&A. In addition local media may
record the first three (3) minutes of the Speaker's remarks for b-roll footage (video I no audio). No other recordings by the media are permitted. RECORDING
Other than the b-roll footage outlined in the MEDIA section of this contract, no other recordings of
the Speaker's participation in this event may be made.
Client to provide a lighted lectern with an attached microphone and a wireless lavaliere microphone.
Please have a clock placed on the podium so that he may time his remarks appropriately. Mayor Giuliani will move about the stage during his presentation. Please alert the lighting tech accordingly - there should be no dark areas on the stage.
Established in 1890, UNT is one of the nationals largest public universities and the largest, most comprehensive in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, UNT is dedicated to providing an excellent educational experience to its 36,000 students while powering the North Texas region, state and nation through innovative education and research. A student-focused public research university with an emphasis on sustainability, UNT graduated 8,200 students last year from its 12 colleges and
schools and offers 100 bachelor's, 83 master's and 37 doctoral degree programs, many nationally and internationally recognized.
Mp;//vvvyw kudhnesgcigs,
The UNT Kuehne Speaker Series was established in 2013 to provide a forum to engage in
conversation about topics of national and global relevance. Established in 1890, UNT is one of the nation's largest public research universities with 37,000 students.The series was established thanks to generous support from UNT alumnus Ernie Kuehne ('66), an attorney and president and board chairman of Kuehne Oil Co.
Approximately 400 to 600 attendees from the local community to include leaders from business, academia. media, veterans and the general public.
Hilton Anatole Hotel
2201 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 75207 phone: 214.748.1200 HOTEL:
Hilton Anatole Hotel
2201 Stemmons Freeway
Dallas. TX 75207 phone: 214.748.1200 SPEAKER'S ATTIRE:
Business (UNT tie. optional)
T. Boone Pickens, Richard Fisher, Andrea Tantaros, Gen. Alexander, Robert Kaplan, Gen. Hayden, Adm Stavridis.
Ryan, Inc. will be sponsoring this event.
Mary Howard
Office: 940-665-3480 ONSITE CONTACT:
Mary Howard Office: 940-565-3480
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Page 2 of 3
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| DATE: May 26, 2016
Contract #:
J 1866
Addendum attached hereto and
incorporated herein for all purposes.
Return signed contract due by June 15, 2016.
S 18.000,00 will be due 21 Davs from the date the contract is executed by WSB.
on October 13. 2016 Make Checks payable to: Washington Speakers Bureau (FID #54-1980995) Accepted by the Washington Speakers Bureau:
Krisy Kalo, Senior Vice President
Accejrfe^By University of North Texas^,
06.10.2016 Date
Email: Office Phone: 703.236.4189
Randall J. Saxon Executive Director BSC Operations
Cell Phone: 703.408.7058
By signing this document, you agree to the terms and conditions referenced on our website, located at Client Terms
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Page 3 of 3
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Contracts with the University of North Texas System, the University of North Texas and the University of North Texas at Dallas (collectively, "University") are subject to the following terms and conditions, which are incorporated for all purposes into the Agreement to which they are attached.
In the event of a conflict between the Agreement and this Addendum to Agreement, this
Addendum shall govern. Any term or condition of the Agreement that is not superseded by a term or condition of this Addendum shall remain in full force and effect.
Payment. In accordance with Chapter 2251 of the Texas Government Code: (a) payment shall be made no later than thirty
days following the later of (i) delivery of the goods or completion of the services and (ii) delivery of an invoice to University; and (b) interest, if any, on past due payments shall accrue and be paid at the maximum rate allowed by Jaw. Vendor must be in good standing, not indebted to the State of Texas, and current on all taxes owed to the State of Texas for payment to occur. Invoices and any required supporting documents must be presented to:
University of North Texas System - Business Service Center; 1112 Dallas Drive,
Denton. TX 76205. Eligibility to Receive Payment. By entering into and performing under this Agreement, Vendor certifies that under Section 231.006 of the Texas Family Code and under Section 2155.004 of the Texas Government Code, it is not ineligible to receive the specified payment and acknowledges that this Agreement may be terminated and payment may be withheld if this certification is inaccurate. Tax Exempt. University is exempt from the payment of taxes and will provide necessary documentation confirming its tax exempt status.
Breach of Contract Claims Against University. Chapter 2260 of the Texas Government Code establishes a dispute resolution process for contracts involving goods, services, and certain types of projects.
To the extent that Chapter 2260, Texas Government
Code, is applicable to this Agreement and is not preempted by other applicable law, the dispute resolution process provided for in Chapter 2260 and the related rules adopted by the Texas Attorney General pursuant to Chapter 2260, shall be used by the parties to
attempt to resolve any claim for breach of contract against UNTS that cannot be resolved in the ordinary course of business. Governing Law and Venue.
This Agreement shall be construed and enforced under and in accordance with the laws of the
State of Texas. Venue for any suit filed against University shall be subject to the mandatory venue statute set forth in ยง 1 05. 1 5 Jof the Texas Education Code.
No Excess Obligations. In the event this Agreement spans multiple fiscal years. University's continuing performance under this Agreement is contingent upon the appropriation of funds to fulfill the requirements of the contract by the Texas State Legislature. If the Legislature fails to appropriate or allot the necessary funds, or if such appropriation is reduced by the veto of the Governor or by any means provided in the appropriations act, University shall issue written notice to Vendor that University may terminate the Agreement without further duty or obligation.
Travnl Expenses. Reasonable travel. mcal3. and lodging iAUimu> shall hi Uiaj gcd in accordance with and shall not oxeced -State of Texas travel, meal, and lodging rcimburoomoni cuidolinoa opplioablo io employooG of the Giate of Texas. -
Delivery. Delivery shall be FOB Destination. Public Information. University shall release information to the extent required by the Texas Public Information Act and other
applicable law. If requested. Vendor shall make public information available to University in an electronic format. Insurance.
University, as an agency of the State of Texas, is insured for general liability insurance under a self-insurance
program covering its limits of liability.
The parties agree that such sclf-insurancc by University shall, without further requirement,
satisfy all insurance obligations of University under the Agreement. Limitations.
University is subject to constitutional and statutory limitations on its ability to enter into certain terms
and conditions of the Agreement, which may include those terms and conditions relating to: liens on University property;
disclaimers and limitations of warranties; disclaimers and limitations of liability for damages; waivers, disclaimers, and limitations on legal rights, remedies, requirements, and processes; limitations of time in which to bring legal action; granting control of litigation or settlement to another party; liability for acts or omission
dispute resolution; and indemnities.
thfrd parties; payment of attorney's fees;
Terms and conditions relating to not be binding on University,
except to the extent not prohibited by the Constitution and the laws of the State ofTexas. / ' VENDOR:
IflosViinaioM Spankers bureau.
By: Name:
Kcistv Kalo
Vice President
06.10.2016 Date:
Rev. 11.15.13
Randcyl J. Saxon
Executive Director BSC Operations Date:
I DATE: March 30. 2015 Addendum attached hereto and
incorporated herein for all purposes.
For security purposes, donated or sponsor airline tickets may not be used under any/all circumstances - no exceptions will be permitted. The Washington Speakers Bureau will book all travel arrangements
for Speaker and party.
US Events: Client shall be responsible for the cash equivalent of round-trip, first class commercial air
travel for three or the cash
equivalent between Speaker's home city and event city. At the Speaker's discretion, the departure/return city may vary.
International Events: Client shall be responsible for the cash equivalent of round-trip, first class between Speaker's home city and event city. At the Speaker's discretion,
commercial airfare for three
the departure/return city may vary.
Airport Concierge Services: Clients will be responsible for all airport concierge services in home city, connecting city if required by
flight schedules, and event city.
DONATED PRIVATE PLANE (WSB cannot accept a donated chartered plane) The private aircraft MUST BE a Hawker 800 or larger (as defined by interior cabin space) for West
Coast events and a Lear 60 or
larger (as defined by interior cabin space) for East Coast events. The Speaker and WSB must approve all donated planes. The Speaker reserves the right to change the flight plans at any time. If the Speaker opts to fly via commercial flights for US Events, the Client must be prepared to cover the cost of first class, roundtrip airfare for three or the cash equivalent. For travel outside the US, Client must be prepared to cover the cost of first class, roundtrip airfare for three or the cash equivalent. To ensure the safety of the passenger(s), the private aircraft - whether owned by the host organization, donated to the host organization (by a sponsoring organization who owns and operates
their own corporate jet) or chartered by WSB - must have two
jet engines, be flown with two fully qualified pilots and be fully insured. The aircraft MUST MEET or exceed U.S. FAA safety, operating and
maintenance standards
and regulations. The
all arrangements in
regard to
transportation will be subject to advance approval by the Speaker and WSB
For all donated corporate, organization or private planes, Client agrees to provide a certificate of aircraft liability insurance showing minimum limits of $200 million per occurrence, including passenger liability, and the following must be listed as additional insured's:
Washington Speakers Bureau and Omnicom Group, Inc. The certificate must also provide a waiver of
subrogation wording in favor of all the aforementioned additional insured's with respect to damage to the aircraft hull. The certificate
the charter company's
policy is primary
maintained by the additional insured's.
The Client agrees to provide the following security information at least fourteen (14) business days in advance of the event date: tail number, type of equipment, FBO information, names of the pilot and co-pilot, social security numbers, dates of birth and pilot's cell number. Client will also provide the For donated
name of the owner(s) of the donated plane as well as a 24- hour contact phone number.
planes, the Client is encouraged to talk with the donor as to what they will be paying out of pocket for operating the
plane, as WSB may be able to charter a private plane for less.
Client must confirm the airplane with WSB no later than forty-five (45) business days before the event
date. If the Client has not
secured a plane by this time, WSB will charter a plane and bill the Client accordingly. Client agrees that Speaker, their traveling party and the plane crew will be the only passengers onboard the private jet. GROUND TRANSPORTATION OUT OF TOWN ENGAGEMENTS:
Client agrees to allow the Washington Speakers Bureau to make ALL ground transportation
arrangements for the Speaker, staff and Mr. Giuliani's security team for all
events in the U.S. Mr. Giuliani requires one sedan
and one large SUV for all events in the U.S. Please note that due to security requirements, the sedan/SUV must arrive 1 hour
before Mr. Giuliani's arrival/departure and remain with him while he is on-site.
Please expect the ground transportation invoice to reflect this increase in time. For events in the U.S.
where Mr. Giuliani will be
arriving and departing that same day, the vehicles are required to remain with him at all times while he is on site in the evjeptyaty. Page 1 of 6
Client Ihilfial
1663 Prince Street. Alexandria. VA 22314 USA * Phone: 703.684.0555 * Fax: 703.684 9385 - WashingionSpeakers com Connecting You with the World's Greatest Minds
WashingtonSpeakersBureau NEW YORK
EVENTS: Client
| DATE: March 30, 2015 agrees to
Washington Speakers
Bureau to
ALL ground
arrangements for the Speaker, staff and the advance officer Mr. Giuliani requires one sedan and one large SUV for all events. Please note that due to security requirements, the car must remain with him while he is on-site. Please expect the ground transportation invoice to reflect this increase in time. INTERNATIONAL EVENTS:
The Client will be responsible for setting up all ground transportation arrangements (subject to
WSB approval). The Oient agrees to provide 1 large SUV and 1 van for luggage. The SUV and drivers should remain accessible to Mr. Giuliani and his staff for the duration of his visit. In addition, the Client agrees to provide all driver security information no less
than one week in advance to include the driver(s) name, DOB, driver's license number and/or passport number, and a cell number. Please note that the drivers must be fluent in English and must be able to pass a rigorous background check.
Client agrees to provide Mr. Giuliani with a pre-registered, large two bedroom, non-smoking suite
with a king-size bed that is
located away from the elevators, on an upper floor, with a balcony and view if applicable. The suite must be equipped with a separate shower stall and bathtub rather than
bathtub with a showerhead. The only exception to the separate shower
stall/bathtub requirement is if Mr. Giuliani is not spending the night. In winter, cotton blankets, rather than wool, should be placed on the bed.
If the event hotel does not have a separate shower stall and bathtub and Mr. Giuliani is not spending
the night, then you can
disregard this requirement.
Client also agrees to reserve two (2) single rooms on the same floor as the suite and for a total of 3 rooms. The rooms will be reserved for one or two nights (as determined necessary by Mr. Giuliani). Client agrees to pay for all meals and incidental expenses incurred by Mr. Giuliani and staff during their stay. Two of the staff rooms will be for security and therefore must be located on either side of the suite.
NOTE: Mr. Giuliani requests all room accommodations be registered under the name JOHN
In the instance that Mr. Giuliani is arriving and departing the day of your event, and an overnight stay is not required, please
reserve one holding suite and one single room (arriving the day before Mr. Giuliani's scheduled arrival). The exception to this is if your event is a local NYC event. You do not need to arrange for the single room.
Client agrees to pay for all meals and incidental expenses incurred by Mr. Giuliani and staff during their stay. For events that do not require an overnight stay, please master bill the holding suite and
single room expense (including tax & incidentals) to the Client
Please arrange for the following amenities to be in Mr. Giuliani's suite and/or holding room. Suggestions include: fresh cut fruit (especially seedless grapes - any color), cheese and crackers, chilled bottled water, and assorted sodas to include diet caffeine free coke and Merlot. Should your function be a morning event, please include fruit juices and bagels to the above list. SECURITY
DOMESTIC EVENTS: It is necessary that on-site protection be provided however; for events in the U.S. you will not be required to provide extra security, in addition to Mr. Giuliani's personal team other than what you already have planned. Mr. Giuliani has
one or two security officer(s) that will travel with him to and from each event. Mr. Giuliani enjoys speaking with the public and does not like security personnel who physically muscle aside public admirers. Therefore, we would hope that adequate security is provided, that these security personnel are professional enough to understand how to provide unobtrusive protection and, finally, that Mr. Giuliani is not placed in a position where
he is thrust into large crowds without some type of control.
As a rule, Mr. Giuliani must be provided with a back entrance/exit and every effort should be made to avoid taking him through large crowds. Please note that it is important not to disclose where he is staying or divulge his arrival and departure times. INTERNATIONAL EVENTS: Depending on the security status given by the U.S. State Department, you may be required to provide additional security and/or cover additional security expenses. WSB will alert you if this is the case.
Page 2 of 6
Client Irfityll
1663 Prince Street, Alexandria. VA 22314 USA ° Phone: 703.664.0555° Fax: 703.684.9385 1 Connecting You With the World's Greatest Minds
[ DATE: March 30, 2015
Please adhere to the specific schedule that was established at the time of booking and make sure you provide, in advance, a list of any additional activities for approval. Mr. Giuliani will adhere strictly to the schedule we provide him. In the past when multiple
speakers have been on the same program with Mr. Giuliani, many of these speakers have taken more than their allotted time. As a result, on some occasions literally minutes before he was about to make his presentation, Mr. Giuliani has been asked to shorten his remarks in order to accommodate a pre determined end time. He works very hard at tailoring his remarks to the time
schedule. Also, if a question and answer session has been scheduled, Mr. Giuliani usually will not include certain important points because in 100% of the question and answer sessions, questions arise concerning these points and they are best addressed in
the question and answer session.
We are sure you can understand that if Mr. Giuliani is suddenly asked immediately before he speaks to shorten his remarks by even five or ten minutes, or if he is informed that the question and answer period will be cancelled, this not only places a difficult burden on the Speaker to mentally rearrange his presentation but, even more important, it detracts from the quality of the presentation to you. Therefore, we request that you strictly adhere to the speech time allotted to Mr. Giuliani. PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS:
All advertisements, publicity, and printed materials for the engagement (whether for print, broadcast
or otherwise) must be
presented to the Washington Speakers Bureau and are subject to the prior written approval of Mr. Giuliani.
NOTE: When submitting copy for approval, please include how it will be used and who will be viewing the document along with general audience demographics to include the number of attendees. The
Client should leave at least one week for turnaround
time on all subject matter for review and approval.
A final/actual copy, once approved, of all advertisements, publicity, and printed materials for the engagement (whether for print, broadcast or otherwise) must be forwarded to the Washington Speakers Bureau for Mr. Giuliani's personal files. PRESS & MEDIA COVERAGE:
CLOSED/PRIVATE EVENTS: Client shall not permit any general press or media coverage of the engagement or any additional appearances of Mr. Giuliani, other than print coverage by trade press, which regularly covers Client s industry, unless specifically authorized by Mr. Giuliani.
Specifically, television cameras, recording microphones, and tape recorders are not allowed. Mr.
Giuliani prepares his remarks
exclusively for your organization and not for the commercial market. For this reason, we must reiterate that general press coverage is not permitted. TRADE PRESS: Client shall provide a list of any/all trade media outlets expected to attend Mr. Giuliani's presentation no less than two weeks prior to the event for approval. No recording devices will be permitted in the room during the presentation and
no press conferences shall be scheduled. Although trade press attendance is permitted, reporters should not take part in any audience Q&A and will not be allowed to record the presentation in whole or part. NOTE: Mr. Giuliani will not participate in any pre or post media activities regarding this event.
Client shall not have the right to broadcast, televise, record or otherwise reproduce the engagement of Mr. Giuliani or any part thereof or to permit others to do the same. However, Client shall have the right to take still photographs (without flash bulbs) of Mr. Giuliani for the first three minutes of the presentation for Client's own records (and not for public dissemination) as long as Mr. Giuliani
determines that the taking of such photographs is not a distraction to him. Client shall not make any other uses of
such photographs, unless specifically authorized to do so by Mr. Giuliani.
Please discourage photo taking during his address by the general audience. However, in the event you desire to have a few pictures taken by your organization's photographer for historical reasons, such photos are permitted at the beginning of his speech for the first three-minute. The photographer must not use a flash, as this is distracting. Please let your event coordinator know you are planning to take historical photos at the beginning of the presentation.
Page 3 of 6
Client Initial)
1663 Prince Slreet, Alexandria. VA 22314 USA * Phone: 703.684.0555 Âť Fax: 703 684 9385 " WashingionSpeakers com Connecting You with the World's Greatest Winds
I DATE: March 30, 2015
Mr. Giuliani will not participate in candid photo opportunities but he is happy to participate in a receiving-line style photo opportunity as compared to a snake line (if agreed to in the accompanying contract timeline and/or a photo op request has been
approved following the issue of the contract). The room or area for the photos must be set apart from the presentation room and should have sufficient light without direct, on-camera flash bulbs and should be conducted in an organized/structured fashion. Photo opportunities may not exceed 50 photos, unless pre-approved by Mr. Giuliani. Please make sure that you have a professional photographer who is familiar with such photo ops. This is simply to ensure that the photo opportunities are completed in the allotted time (thereby ensuring
the approved schedule of events is adhered to and that
the quality of the photos is satisfactory to the needs of your organization.
Between posed shot photos are not permitted. There must be rope and stanchions to assist with
attendee control as well as
staff appointed to assist with push and pull.
Client must forward no less than two weeks prior to the event date: a list of those participating in the photo op to include names, titles, and company/organizational affiliation. Note: that the Washington
Speakers Bureau and Mr. Giuliani must approve all photo
Pipe and drape or other background •g
Staff assist
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#2 to exit
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Purse Table
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Staff assist #3
Staff assist #4
Client shall provide a wireless lavaliere microphone, podium with a discreet timing device so that Mr. Giuliani may time his remarks accordingly, and a glass of water. Mr. Giuliani requests that spotlights
not be used (as he moves about the stage during his
presentation if the space permits so as to better engage the entire audience) and the house lights up so he can see the audience. Please alert your lighting tech, there should be no dark areas on the stage. At luncheon or dinner functions where Mr. Giuliani is speaking from a lectern at the head table, the wireless lavaliere mvfr^pjrforie Page 4 of 6
1663 Prince Street. Alexandria. VA 22314 USA ° Phone: 703 684 0555 11 fax: 703.684.9385 • WashingtonSpeake;s ccm
Client Inithalf Connecting You with the World's Greatest Minds
I DATE: March 30. 2015
may be impractical and may not be required. Please alert your event coordinator if this is the case to confirm AV needs. Mr. Giuliani really enjoys conducting Q&A sessions. It adds a personal one on one element with the audience. Please confirm
with your event coordinator what the best way to organize your Q&A session will be. (i.e. whether or not a moderator will
preside over the Q&A session, if mics will be place in the audience etc). RECEPTIONS
Especially those with a large number of attendees (100+), it is imperative to execute in a controlled, organized and structured fashion. There must be rope and stanchions to assist with attendee control as well as staff appointed to assist with push and pull. Client agrees to provide detailed information confirm compliance
regarding Mr. Giuliani's desired participation during the reception in order to
with security needs.
Client must forward no less than two weeks prior to the event date: a list of those participating in the reception to include names,
titles, and company/organizational affiliation. SEATING FOR MEAL FUNCTIONS:
Client agrees to provide a seating chart for Mr. Giuliani's table 2 weeks prior to the event. Please note that when arranging your seating, if Mrs. Judith Giuliani travels with Mr. Giuliani, she must be seated
directly next to him. If she is not traveling with him, a
senior staff member should be seated directly next to him and the other staff member(s) should be seated at a table in close proximity. The security team will stand at the sides of the room and will not be seated for meal functions.
As you can imagine, Mr. Giuliani is besieged with requests for autographs as well as signed photos. Experience has shown that once he signs one autograph, the floodgates are open and he must sign hundreds. Therefore, as a general rule, he must decline signing autographs while on-site.
Please remember that if you would like to have something autographed, this must be discussed at the contracting stage. You must
submit a written request for the autographs and it must be approved in advance. PRINCIPAL PARTICIPANT INFORMATION
Client must forward no less than two weeks prior to the event date: names, titles, and bio information on any/all principal participants at this event. Primarily, principal participants are those
the Client may single out for Mr. Giuliani to make special
note whether they are directly affiliated with the sponsoring event organization or an attendee. This information should include the name, title, and contact information for your organization's highest-ranking official(s).
Mr. Giuliani reserves the right to participate in political events and/or private business ventures during his stay in the event city. Every effort will be made to make the Client aware of these events as soon as they are scheduled. CONFIDENTIALITY
It is acknowledged compensation
that the specific terms and conditions of this Agreement,
paid to the
Speaker and
WSB, and
any special
including without limitation, the amount of
requirements of the
are and shall
proprietary and confidential. It is further acknowledged that certain other proprietary information provided by WSB and/or the Speaker to the Client may also be confidential. The Parties shall not publicly disclose any confidential information and they acknowledge that any breach, negligent or intentional, of this confidentiality provision shall
be deemed a material breach of this
Agreement for which the breaching Party may be held liable. The Parties further acknowledge that disclosure of any confidential information would cause
irreparable harm to WSB and to the Speaker; the Client shall therefore exercise its best efforts to
avoid any disclosure of any confidential information. In law or regulation, or by a valid
the event that the Client or any of its representatives is required by any from
a judicial or governmental body to disclose any confidential
information, the Client shall provide prompt written notice to WSB of any such law, regulation, order or demand and shall
reasonably cooperate with WSB so that, prior to any disclosure, WSB may seek appropriate
order(s) and/or make
redactions to the Agreement to protect its proprietary and confidential information. The conditions and compensation set forth in this agreement are to remain strictly confidential
and may not be disclosed to
third parties.
Page 5 of 6
Client Initial /
1663 Prince Street. Alexandria. VA 22314 USA * Phone: 703.684.0555 c Fax: 703 684 9385 - WashingionSpeake/s com Connecting You with the World's GreatesaMmds
WashingtonSpeakersBureai1 Addendum attached hereto and
| DATE: March 30, 2015
incorporated herein for all
Notwithstanding any other provisions herein, in the event of cancellation of this Agreement at any time by the Speaker due to illness or an unforeseen emergency or any change in Speaker's circumstances affecting his availability or overriding obligation or professional responsibility, WSB and Speaker will have no liability for expenses or losses incurred by the Client. WSB will
make a reasonable effort to provide a comparable Speaker that is acceptable to Client. In the event that the Speaker cancels the Engagement and if WSB cannot provide a substitute speaker that is acceptable to Client, then WSB shall promptly refund to the Client any payments received. This
language supersedes Item #8 in the ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE
Your signature below indicates that you acknowledge and accept the event requirements as set forth in this addendum.
By:. Randall J. Saxon
Executive Director BSC Operations
Print Name
Title (12/14)
Page 6 of 6
Client Initial
1663 Prince Sireet. Alexandria. VA 22314 USA - Phone: 703.684.0555 ÂŤ Fax: 703.684.9385 u Connecting You with the World's Greatest Mini
Washington Speakers Bureau 1663 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: (703)684-0555
University of North Texas Attn: Mary Howard UNT Division of Advancement 1155 Union Circle #310617 Chilton Hall 204Q Denton, TX 76203
Rudy Giuliani
Kristy Kalo
Event Expenses Airfare
Airport Concierge Services
$315.58 TOTAL DUE:
For Payment By Check:
For Payment By Wire:
Make check payable to: WASHINGTON SPEAKERS BUREAU INC. 1663 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314
Account Name: Washington Speakers Bureau Inc. Account Number: 4945261402 Bank: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. From USA: ABA Number: 121000248 or From outside of the USA: SWIFT Code/BIC: WFBIUS6S for USD Payments Bank Address: 420 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94163
FEDERAL TAX ID # 54-1980995 Thank you, WSB Accounting