Casual/sessional fee increase delayed due to coronavirus On 29 February, NTEU National Executive made the decision to postpone the scheduled biennial increase in casual/sessional membership fees inb order to alleviate financial strain on casual members due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. The changes, to be implemented later in the year, represent an increase of 4% above the last increase in 2018 – or 2% per year – and is in line with the average wage increase across the sector. These new fees are still significantly less than permanent employees who pay 1% of gross annual salary. A decision on the new date of the increase will be taken in coming months. ◆
Qld Division goes solar & funds APHEDA Last year, the question of utilising the roof space on the Queensland Division office to generate solar energy and offset our consumption was raised. As the building we occupy is wholly owned by the Union, the idea seemed feasible and was investigated further. A proposal was generated that referred to the 2018/19 NTEU policy on climate change. The solar energy industry is full of a wide range of offers on both quality and price, so after significant research and discussions, a reputable supplier was commissioned to install our 6.4 kilowatt system. Based on our current energy consumption, production and export to the grid, the cost of the system should be recovered within 4–5 years. To date the system has exported (after our consumption) 2410 kilowatts of energy. As the installation was managed with expertise and great service, we proposed to the supplier that we would advertise their service to our members if the supplier agreed to donate $20 to APHEDA from every solar panel installed on a member’s roof. They embraced the idea, and we have let Queensland members know of the option if they sought a quotation for solar energy. To date, six systems (over 50 panels) have been installed by members, with more to follow. On typical sweltering and humid Brisbane days our system quietly provides all the power to run our air conditioning, lights, computers, printers etc. The installers also operate in Victoria and have agreed to extend the offer to donate $20 per panel to APHEDA to any NTEU members in the state. For more information please contact David Szumer, dszumer@nteu.org.au. ◆ David Szumer, Queensland Division